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The Importance of the Tumult of Amboise in Bringing About...
The Importance of the Tumult of Amboise in Bringing About Conflict Between Catholics and
Protestants by 1562 The Tumult of Amboise in 1560 was caused by factionalism, religious rivalry
and a threat to the Crown's authority. The atmosphere the Tumult of Amboise caused may have gave
way to the conflict between Catholics and Protestants in 1562. Although the conspiracy did not
achieve its aims it was still important as it was a threat to the crown, and they where prepared to
challenge the kings authority, although the conspirators did claim that the threat was never against
the king but against the Guise, as an anti–Guise campaign. However the Tumult of Amboise was
still an important factor in causing the ... Show more content on ...
Many people at this time did not like the stronghold the Guise had on the young Francis II and
wished Francis to be freed of their influence. Prince Code decided to free the King from the
stronghold of the Guise as he was in rivalry with the Guise at court, so in August 1559 there where
discussions about a possible palace revolt. However this does not mean that Prince Code is doing
this for the kings good, but because he wants the Bourbon family to have influence at court. There is
a great amount of factionalism at court due to the Guise stronghold over the king. However the
Bourbons where very cautious of the Guise after the treason of Constable Bourbon in 1523, and they
resented the Guise as they believed they where the rightful people to be the kings advisers. The
principal conspirators along with Prince Code where Jean du Barry and Lord Renaudie, a Calvinist
nobleman. Renaudie loathed the Guise as he believed they where responsible for the execution of a
relative, he gained 500 plotters for the conspiracy, all members of the old word–nobility, who
wanted 'to return the government of the kingdom to its ancient and legitimate form.' However he
used forged letters of support supposedly coming form John Calvin. The supporters of the
conspiracy were encouraged to help capture the king. This shows a great amount of prejudice
towards the Guise and a great amount of
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Betrayal In The French Revolution
The French Revolution
At the time of the French Revolution, people wanted a more of a democracy and control over
government along with the change in social class. When Napoleon came to power during the end of
the French Revolution, he strayed further from the ideals of the people by creating a powerful
government and military taking over multiple countries for himself. Along with this Napoleon
eventually gained complete rule over the French people.
Napoleon betrayed the French people during the time of his rule by enforcing almost the exact
opposite of what the french people wanted from their leader. Napoleon overall was a demanding
leader who only took a say in government farther away from the french, including upper class
nobles and government officials themselves. He eventually was able to create a total monarchy
making himself the sole ruler over France. Although Bonaparte had already taken control over one
of the most powerfull countries in the world at the time, he was still hungry for more power.
Because of this he started wars with many civilizations even if they were just as powerful as France.
In total he had fought in over 65 battles losing only 10 in his 20 years. This proves how strong he
made France. On top of this he had created a revolutionary military using experience and tactics he
had obtained during his time serving. "In April 1791, Napoleon was promoted to 1st Lieutenant,
only a year later promoted again to Captain, and following that in October 1793
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Inbreeding In The Habsburg Dynasty
Inbreeding is an extremely controversial topic of debate that has been around since biblical times.
The most extreme form of inbreeding is incest, which is primarily between first cousins and second–
first cousins. Inbreeding is practiced for many different reasons including royalty, religion, culture,
socioeconomic class, geographic isolation, and small populations. Possibly the most dramatic
instance of incest for reasons of royalty was within Habsburg Dynasty. The Habsburg Dynasty was
one of the most powerful dynasties in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, beginning in the early
12th century. The group controlled huge portions of Europe including Switzerland, Austria,
Hungary, Italy, France, and Spain, maintaining control by marrying only within their dynasty. Most
marriages within the dynasty were consanguineous, meaning marriage between close blood
relatives, taking place between first cousins, double–first cousins, and uncles/nieces. Although their
inbreeding originally led to their rise in power, it consequently led to their eventual demise. By the
end of the 17th century, the negative effects of their marital practices became obvious through that
the dynasty had distinctive physical mutations including a protruding lip, high infant mortality rate,
and many health problems. By 1700, the Habsburgs were sterile, therefore unable to produce a heir.
Another effect of these marriages was that infant and child mortality rose to about 50% within the
Spanish Habsburgs. There
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Comparing the Leadership of Queen Nzinga and Louis XIII Essay
Naming yourself a great leader isn't the same as establishing the respect of a great leader from the
people you rule, for example, Queen Nzinga was able to rule sufficiently and protect her kingdom
from, slavery, constant wars, famine, and bankruptcy, whereas Louis XIV, although creating a new
society failed at providing such fortifications. In 1663, when Louis XIII had passed away, five year
old Louis XIV had to take up the throne, and although he made immature and unreasonable
decisions, he later made his mind up to make a more centralized state. For this reason there were
constant wars with foreign countries and domestic civil strife. Louis XIV's most acknowledged
decision was the employing of John Baptiste Colbert as Minister of ... Show more content on ...
In 1685, Louis XIV signed the "Code Noire" in which it provided the formal guidelines for slavery.
In the code noire, slaves are defined as "portable property", and it gave a rather rigid and harsh
structure of discipline and restrictions for the slaves. Not only did Louis XIV contribute to the slave
trade and used the slaves in a resentful manner, but he also was involved in countless wars with
other empires, putting his own empire and people in danger. Due to Louis XIV's unbalanced ruling,
his own people prearranged a revolution against him known as the French Revolution. This was so
because during the regime of Louis XVI, the government was theoretically bankrupt, due to lacking
the system of checks and balances (legislative body) and ended up spending excessive amount of
money on buildings such as the Versailles, and since France wasn't much of a big trade center at the
time being, Louis XVI, raised the taxes, but did so unfairly and made the lower working classes pay
more than what they should. However, that wasn't just it, after facing a consecutive harsh winter,
there was crop deficiency, grain prices went up and so did the price of the breads, they were at such
high rates that the peasants couldn't afford it and began to starve. Therefore, causing the lower class
to rebel, and the French Revolution to occur, later creating a rather more modernized society than
was before. Unlike Queen
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History Of Jack Daniel's Distillery
Founded by Jack Daniel in his home town of Lynchburg, Tennessee, in 1875, the Jack Daniel's
Distillery is home to probably the most well known brand of whisky in the world. The distillery is
located in a hollow known as Stillhouse Hollow, where a natural spring filters through a limestone
cliff which removes the iron and makes it perfect for distilling whisky. Jack, born Jasper Newton,
was orphaned at a young age and was taken in by a local preacher and moonshiner and it was he
who first introduced him to distilling. By 1875, after receiving his inheritance from his father's
death, he purchased the hollow where the distillery is still located today. The famous Jack Daniel's
square shaped bottle was introduced in 1897, with the thought that
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A Brief Look at France
II. Essay One The state which we today call France has undergone significant change since its
origins as the territory of Gaul. Between the years 480 and 1780, this territory was reshaped in terms
of both its physical boundaries and its inhabitants and rulers, creating a rich history of the nation of
modern France. First, in order to analyze the evolution of the state of France, it is necessary to
define the concept of the state. A 'state' is a territory, defined by physical or imagined boundaries,
containing a population of people that is governed by a select few of those people. Within the state,
the government has authority and the power to impose their power on the rest of the population,
enacting laws such as taxation, fighting wars, and implementing a criminal justice system. It is now
appropriate to consider the territorial expansion–and, at times, contraction–of France from 480 and
1780. Before France was united in any kind of Frankish state, the territory we now call France was
mostly comprised of an area called Gaul. This area, existing in parts of Spain and Rome, parts of
present–day Belgium, Germany, Austria and other European nations, and south of England and the
English channel, was inhabited by the Gauls up until the end of Roman rule in the 1st–3rd centuries
CE. The region was populated by tribes and loosely connected governing bodies up until the 5th
century CE, when it first began to take shape under Clovis. Clovis I had established himself as the
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Bourbon Reform In Spanish America And Pombaline Reforms In...
The Bourbon Reforms in Spanish America and the Pombaline Reforms in Brazil were both
motivated by the European state's interest in increasing defense, centralizing authority, and
expanding economic benefits of the their Latin American colonies. The Bourbon Reforms began
under Philip V, the first Bourbon King of Spain, and were initially concerned with proper and
efficient governing of the Spanish Colonies in America. These early reforming projects primarily
focused on issues of administration and jurisdiction. The viceroyalty of Peru was divided. In 1739
the viceroyalty of New Granada was created with its capital in Bogotá. Later in 1776 the viceroyalty
of the Rio de la Plata was established with its capital in Buenos Aires, which gained control of the
silver mines and mint in Potosí. One of the most significant of the Bourbon administrative reforms
was the implementation of the French–style intendancy system, in which a government official, an
intendant, was appointed essentially to supervise an established territory, responsible for overseeing
the military and financial affairs of the region. Most all of the officials appointed during the
administrative restructuring of the Spanish colonies were Spanish–born, this, combined with other
Bourbon Reforms, which were meant to limit the authority and autonomy of creoles, resulted in
tension between different social classes in the colonies. Defense was also of paramount importance
to Bourbon Reformers. Many Spanish American
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The Roles Of The Human System Of Emotions
While there were theories surrounding the human system of emotions as was aforementioned, these
concepts were still known to be speculative, and the inner workings of the human body as a whole
remained enigmatic for centuries. Therefore the notion that any one person could harbor the ability
to sway the passions that were supposedly dictated by humours, which were believed to be stagnant
and involuntary, was mysterious and menacing. Roach encapsulates the fantastical and suspicious
perception of actors as held by those of the pneumatic ideal,
His expressions could transform his physical identity, inwardly and outwardly...His motions could
transform the air through which he moved, animating it in waves of force rippling outward from a ...
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A figurehead of the abject criticism of restoration era theatre was Jeremy Collier, a non–juror bishop
who famously wrote A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, in which
he discusses the deleterious effects of depicting unscrupulous acts,
Young people particularly, should not entertain themselves with a Lewd Picture; especially when 'tis
drawn by a Masterly Hand. For such a Liberty may probably raise those Passions which can neither
be discharged without Trouble, nor satisfyed without a Crime,"
In this distressed excerpt, Collier explains that if a young audience member were to see the
lascivious acts such as those portrayed on stage that it would stir up the 'passions' inside him that
would compel him to act similarly or mirror such behavior, and that these desires could not be
satisfied without committing a malfeasance. Collier's fears bear similarity to the pneumonic idea
presented earlier, that the actor was able to manipulate their own thoughts and feelings and transfer
them to the spectator, and ultimately "[alter] their moral natures." talk about this more Throughout
his pamphlet Collier cites various religious doctrine and constitutions to express that entertainment
was not a pastime or place for people of piety, and that actors have never been seen or treated as
worthy beings, but rather
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Lowering The Bourbon Supply Chain Is A Shortage Of Barrels
Anyone familiar with the alcohol industry knows that bourbon is urging at the moment. Production
has steadily increased over the past 15 years and there seems to be no sign of it slowing in the near
future. However, this does not mean that the bourbon industry has maximized the potential of its
supply chain (Lariviere, 2015).
One significant risk impacting the bourbon supply chain is a shortage of barrels. There is a federal
law requiring that for a whiskey to be called bourbon it must age for two full years in a "new" oak
barrel. One would think that this law would cause an issue in that the supply of lumber to create the
barrels was not sufficient. That, however, is not the case. The actual issue at hand is that there is a
shortage of loggers. While the bourbon industry is urging at the moment and it does create
significant revenue for the lumber industry, that alone is not sufficient to keep logging companies in
business. Thus, a lack of loggers has resulted in a reduction in the amount of "new" oak barrels
available for aging bourbon (Lariviere, 2015)..
Another potential risk that could significantly impact the bourbon industry is climate change.
Climate change has the potential to severely alter weather patterns that are vital for the process of
aging bourbon. Barrel expansion and contraction is dependent on the changing of the seasons.
Barrels are rotated throughout warehouses as the seasons change. This process helps to successfully
mature the bourbon. If significant
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The Smile Makeover Process Is Really Very Simple
Complete Smile Makeover Services Are you living with an ugly or simply unsightly smile that you
are embarrassed of? Now is the time to get the smile you have always wanted. Everyone deserves to
feel beautiful – we can help you erase those cosmetic flaws in your smile and help you look and feel
your best. At Aesthetic Dental Center, we offer complete smile makeover services to help you
achieve the smile you deserve – don't suffer through life with a smile you hate any longer. The
Complete Smile Makeover Process The smile makeover process is really very simple. We first need
to examine your situation and get a good idea of how we can help you. Then, we can discuss your
goals and help you choose the cosmetic treatments that will best benefit your smile. Once we have
created a treatment plan, we can walk you through your procedures safely and comfortably. Before
we begin any of your treatments, we will first use mock wax–ups to show you what your smile will
look like once it is complete. This will help you be certain of the options you are selecting and helps
us guarantee that you will be happy with your new smile. Choosing Your Cosmetic Treatments
Choosing the services you would like to use for your smile makeover can be a daunting task. We
like to make sure you are completely educated on your options so that the task is easier to handle.
We will also offer our expert advice on your choices – we want you to have the most beautiful smile
possible. Below are just some of the
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Donald Trump Pop Culture
In modern life, news outlets distribute satire and caricatures of government institutions and its
leaders to the public via numerous social media platforms, television, and magazines with little to no
repercussion. Currently, the most famous political figure satirized in the media is the forty–fifth
President of the United States, Donald Trump. Harshly criticized for his politics, pseudo–
professionalism, and demeanor, the President brandishes the reports and depictions of his misdoing
as "fake news". Protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution, the citizens and press are at
liberty to represent the United States President as a little handed, orange colored man with an
overexaggerated combover (Figure 1). Indeed, Donald Trump is neither ... Show more content on ...
Louis–Phillipe, born under the Old Regime in 1773, is the only French monarch to come to power
as a result of a political uprising against his predecessor Although the cousin of the Bourbon
monarch, King Louis XVI, Louis Phillipe–the son of Duc d'Orléans, was raised with liberal and
Enlightenment ideologies. With his family heavily involved in the early stages of the French
Revolution of 1789, Louis–Phillipe served as an officer in the military. Although unsettled by the
Revolutionary leadership voting for regicide, he remained faithful to the army, until the outbreak of
the Reign of Terror in 1793. Upon fleeing France, Louis–Phillipe's father denounced his son's
actions. However, the Duc was later arrested and guillotined for he was still tainted by association
with his son and nephew, King Louis XVI. During his twenty–two–year exile, Louis–Phillipe
travelled throughout Europe, the United States, and the Caribbean only returning to France after the
Bourbon Restoration and the establishment of the constitutional monarchy of Louis XVIII in 1814.
During his exile, he reconciled with the royal family and returned with a new wife. After the death
of Louis XVII, Charles X succeeded the throne. During his five–year reign, Charles X returned the
country to a traditional absolutist monarchy. Although Charles X and Louis–Phillipe viewed the
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The Benefits Of Crown Restorations And The Type Of Crowns...
General Purpose: To inform.
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the benefits of crown restorations and the type of
crowns available today.
Thesis Statement: Dentist use specific diagnostic methods for determining if a tooth needs a crown;
they know what situations were a crown would be beneficial for your dental health and will only
diagnose if this treatment is needed.
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: OH MY GOSH!! That woman just fell and broke her front teeth! She visits her
dentist and is sobbing wondering "What am I going to do? My smile will never be the same." Little
does she know, but she has many different options to fix those fractured front teeth and get back her
pearly whites once again. All she needs ... Show more content on ...
1. Main Point: First I will explain some of the clinical items used to diagnose a crown.
2. Main Point: Second, I will inform you of the procedure that one will go through when a crown is
3. Main Point: Third, I will unveil what types of crowns are available to you and the benefits of each
Transition to Body: Let begin with some of the clinical items used to diagnose a crown.
II. Body
A. (Main Point #1)There are a variety of situations that require a tooth to be restored with a dental
crown, and there are a few ways Dentist's determine if a crown is needed.
1.One of the most important tools a Dentists uses to diagnose any treatment is X–rays.
" The use of radiography enables the dentist to practice better dentistry. This obviously benefits the
patient but also protects the dentist in the event of a dispute with the patient." ( Wolf R. de Lyre/
Orlen N. Johnson, 1990, p.6)
"Radiographs are visible evidence of prior conditions or the nature of work performed and furnish
legal evidence of the patient's dental condition or need for treatment."( Wolf R. de Lyre/ Orlen N.
Johnson, 1990, P.6)
2. ( Perfessional testimony) Mel L. Kantor DDS, MPH, PhD. has been practicing in the dental field
for over 25 years " I use digital x–rays everyday to diagnose treatment, it is a key factor in aiding for
treatment planning and is instant form validation to patients when explaining needed
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Essay On The July Revolution
The Second French Revolution or often known as the July Revolution began when disagreements
between the King of France, who at that time was Charles X, and the Chamber of Deputies. The
start of the revolution is described in this way, "The movement started in France, prompted by
Charles X's publication on July 26 of four ordinances dissolving the Chamber of Deputies,
suspending freedom of the press, modifying the electoral laws so that three–fourths of the electorate
lost their votes, and calling for new elections to the Chamber in September." The French Révolution
de Juillet, also called July Days, or the July Revolution began in 1830 and was ended with the Duke
of D'Orléans or Louis Philippe's ascent to power. The French Revolution is described in this way,
"The French Revolution of 1830, also known as the July Revolution, was a rebellion by liberals and
revolutionaries against the French monarchy. The country had grown displeased with Charles X,
who limited freedom of the press and concentrated power in the crown." The July Revolution ...
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During the entire period of the French Revolutions, including the revolutions during Charles X's
reign and Louis Philippe's reign, France was in utter chaos and the people of the country
transformed many of their nation's systems and foundations. Mark Almond states, "The French
Revolution was really the coming together of several revolutions at one explosive moment." The
French Revolution was influenced by the ideals of the Enlightenment, especially theories such as
widespread authority and absolute and inalienable liberties and rights. William H. McNeill states,
"During the eighteenth century, French government became hidebound. The king remained absolute
in theory; but in fact almost all efforts at administrative reform were stopped in their tracks by the
opposition of one or another special interest, operating usually from within
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The French Revolution And The Example Of The American...
The revolution resulted, among other things, in the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy in France
and in the establishment of the First Republic. It was generated by a vast complex of causes, the
most important of which were the inability of the ruling classes of nobility, clergy, and bourgeoisie
to come to grips with the problems of state, the indecisive nature of the monarch, impoverishment of
the workers, the intellectual ferment of the Age of Enlightenment, and the example of the American
Revolution. Recent scholarship tends to downplay the social class struggle and emphasize political,
cultural, ideological, and personality factors in the advent and unfolding of the conflict. The
Revolution itself produced an equally vast complex of ... Show more content on ...
Unable to stem the rising tide of revolt, Louis XVI withdrew his loyal troops. He recalled Necker,
and then he formally legalized the measures that had been taken by the provisional authorities.
Unrest and disorder, known as the Great Fear, stimulated the National Constituent Assembly to
action. During the night session of August 4, 1789, the clergy, nobles, and bourgeoisie renounced
their privileges; a few days later the assembly passed a law abolishing feudal and manorial
The assembly proceeded to grapple with its primary task, the drafting of a constitution. In the
constitutional preamble, known in history as the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the
Citizen, the delegates formulated the revolutionary ideals later summarized as Liberty, Equality, and
Fraternity. While the Constituent Assembly deliberated, the hungry population of Paris, a hotbed of
discontent and of rumors of Royalist conspiracy clamored for food and agitated for action. On
October 5–6 a large body of Parisians, mostly women, marched on Versailles and laid siege to the
royal palace. Lafayette, on demand of the crowd, escorted Louis and his family to Paris. After this
episode some conservative members of the Constituent Assembly, which followed the king to Paris,
handed in their resignations. In Paris, both the court and the assembly became increasingly subject
to pressures from its citizens. Radical sentiment became predominant in the
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Causes of the Wars of Religion.
The political causes of the wars of religion.
Throughout history in contemporary Spain before the civil war, violence against persons associated
with the Catholic Church, the symbols of their religion or their interests, has been known for its
recurrent and prolonged in time as one of the salient dimensioned Spanish anticlericalism, which
emerged in the liberal political ideology, then it would be taken up by more radical republican
currents and the movement of the workers. were five killings in the 1822–1823 biennium, the killing
of priests in Madrid in 1834 and then for the other episodes Wars or the Tragic Week in Barcelona in
1909 are the most significant examples of violence before the establishment period of the Second
Republic, ... Show more content on ...
The Chancellor addressed the judiciary and also was the custodian of the great seal to authenticate
government decrees. The sixteenth century had seen a decline in the power of the councilor
commissions that had led to the execution of real politics. This is now done by departments such as
the Department of Justice, Department of Finance, etc. The Chancellor addressed the judiciary and
also was the custodian of the great seal to authenticate government decrees. The seventeenth century
was a time of war and growth in Europe. The century saw everything from the burning of witches to
the expansion into the new world. The war between Britain and Spain came and went and the
Catholic Church began radically changing in an attempt to keep power. The protestant movement
was in full swing with enough momentum to be an unstoppable force in Europe and beyond. The
17th century was full of religious, political, social, and cultural conflicts that led to wars across
Europe and the new world. With the rise of protestant beliefs the catholic started to lose power and,
with the rise of humanism kings were losing power to people run parliaments. The social structure
began to change with the humanism as well, with the rise of personal power the peasants began to
feel equal to the nobles in self–worth if not yet in a monitory sense. This led to further conflict in the
Catholic Church as they became more radical in the search for heretics
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Chapter 4 : Roanoke 's Christian Church
Chapter 4: Roanoke's Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): "Not the Only Christians, But
Christians Only"
In downtown Roanoke, on Church Avenue, an old church building still stands, having been erected
over one hundred years earlier. For the same period of time, it has been occupied by a congregation,
whose denominational origins lead back to a rural part of Kentucky in what was called the
Restoration Movement, initiated by reformers who yearned for a primitive, apostolic form of
Christianity, with "no creed but Christ." Although "backcountry" in the denomination's heritage, this
particular congregation began in a boomtown. While striving to become a "first century" church,
reminiscent of the apostles' ministries and the church life from ... Show more content on ...
David Edwin Harrell, Jr.'s "The Agrarian Myth and the Disciples of Christ in the Nineteenth
Century" as well as "The Sectional Origins of the Churches of Christ" magnificently provide readers
with a thoroughly researched historical context relevant to Southern religious history in particular. In
the former article, Harrell discusses, "At the heart of the myth of the garden," or the agrarian myth,
"was the conviction that rural life was superior to urban life." For many in the Christian Church,
Harrell demonstrates that they sought to initiate the "millennial hope" via the garden myth ideology,
but in time, "The most fervent millennialists in the movement by the end of the century were the
supporters of the new industrial order. Many still believed that the American farmer was a specially
prepared instrument of God, but it was perfectly obvious that he was neither gaining in influence nor
improving his status in society." Harrell, elsewhere, delved further into this urban versus rural idea,
and how it, along with class and geographical contentions, affected the schism that divided the
Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) into two major factions, one conservative, leading to the
"Church of Christ," and the other liberal, retaining the Disciples of Christ name. As helpful as
Harrell's article on sectionalism is, he also explained how Virginia was a bit of an anomaly in the
South, where liberals "won virtually all of the churches," when
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Farmer's Mixes
Our Roots
Farmer's Mixes was created to bring organic, non–GMO cocktail blends to the market. It is the heart
of our farmer to consumer commitment. Straight from the garden, farmer's mixes becomes farmer's
The Farmer's Mixes family has been in the hospitality industry for over 30 years. Their love of
wholesome and delicious recipes comes naturally having span from Vienna, Cuba and Miami.
Moments around the table with family and friends while enjoying libations led to the creation of
Farmer's Mixes. For a taste that's as good as it makes you feel, Farmer's Mixes small–batch mixery
is Miami–produced and bottled locally.
Try Farmer's Mixes today – and experience a completely rich and natural taste with our line of
Our Mixes ... Show more content on ...
This martini is a precious blend of sweet, spicy and hearty flavors. Ingredients include agave nectar,
brewed black mint ice tea, organic ginger juice (citric acid), organic tomato juice, freshly squeezed
lemon and lime juice, scotch bonnet peppers, vanilla and salt. This mix may be enjoyed with either
tequila or mescal. Be sure to add equal parts Farmer's Martini mix.
Shake before use. Keep refrigerated.
Straight from the Garden, and Into Your Cocktail.
We perfected our Farmer's Mixes so you can enjoy them as a healthy bottled beverage.
Want to kick it up a notch? All of our mixes are intended to compliment your preferred spirits or
cocktail. Our mixes are packed with all the ingredients you need to recreate your favorite drink of
choice; all you need to do is add a spirit of your choice.
Our line of blends makes a great addition to your holiday and celebratory events. It makes a great
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Get your drink on, and join the fresh revolution.
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With Farmer's Mixes' power–packed combinations stocked at your bar or establishment you'll be
able to brighten up your beverage program and make a positive impact on your bottom line. Our
cocktail mixes provide our partners with efficiency, nutrition and great taste. It's the turnkey solution
to your trendy drink
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The Corruption And Greed That Infested French High Society...
The Pere Goriot, illustrates the corruption and greed that infested French high society during the
Bourbon Restoration. Honore de Balzac who was a right winged conservative, depicts post
revolutionary Paris as a place of corruption, greed, and dysfunctional families. The class system was
more fragile than ever before and if one was willing to do what it takes, they could have the
opportunity to make it into the Parisian Elite. With Feudalism abolished in France, you no longer
had to be born in the first estate to live the lavish life of the social elite. As a steadfast conservative
and opponent of the Revolution, Balzac depicts this new social mobility as something that corrupted
French Society. The Bourbon Restoration allowed for your wealth to be the main factor in what part
of the social strata you belonged, not what family you were born into. The abolition of feudalism
coupled with the emergence of capitalism in France furthermore allowed for people to more easily
move up the social ladder. The social structure was a volatile one, people were making and losing
money all the time and Balzac illuminates on how much people struggle to live lavishly. The fragile
social structure was not liked by conservatives who were used to never having to worry about
dropping out of the elite or people joining it. He illustrates the Parisian people as pitiless, selfish,
and egocentric. Not only does he show that the Parisian elite were cold blooded people who only
cared about money and
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Napoleon Bonaparte Leadership
Napoleon Bonaparte is often characterized as one of the most brilliant and influential military leader
in all of history. Known mostly for his diminutive stature and extraordinary military skill, Napoleon
Bonaparte is commonly recognized today for his great accomplishments and works regarding the
country of France. Though he achieved many great things, the successfulness of this leader is often
still debated all across the world. Many believe he was unsuccessful and arrogant while others argue
that Napoleon's great skill shaped the world as it is known today. Though there are numerous
conflicting viewpoints throughout the world, Napoleon's successfulness is more prominent, for his
reforms to the country of France and military dominance set him apart from all other preceding
leaders. Napoleon Bonaparte, also known as the Little Corporal, was born on August 15, 1769, on
the small island of Corsica in France. He was the fourth of eleven children of Carlo Bonaparte and
Letizia Romolino. Though oftentimes families with this many children struggled in France's
floundering economy, Napoleon's father was of the noble status, so his children were able to receive
a fair education during their childhood. Napoleon Bonaparte was then able to attend a military
academy in France where he trained and accomplished the status of commander. Napoleon, a
defender of the revolution, ended up using this military power to stage a coup d'etat against the
French government, and he declared
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Advantages Of Political Dynasty In The Philippines
An Argumentative Essay About a Phillipine or Local Issue
Topic: Political Dynasty
Despite not being an economically rich state, Philippines is known for having people who deeply
value their family members. Family–oriented Filipinos give importance to even to their most distant
relatives as long as they have the same blood running through their veins. In this practice also,
Filipinos tend to seek advices from the elders of the family before making a huge decision. Thus,
decisions are made not by one for himself but by a group for the entirety of the family. (Agoncillo,
2012, p.6)
There is the saying that goes "blood is thicker than water." This old saying can be implied to
anything, moreover when it is already concerning politics and elections. ... Show more content on ...
This statement did not just come from us but from the research and survey we have conducted.
Political dynasty has already been long present in the political structure of the Philippines. It can be
manifested when a family member runs, and most often than not, wins the election and his position
is soon succeeded by one of his family members as well. This cycle goes on and on and the scope of
the family's territory becomes wider and wider every election for the members can run on different
places. This is often practiced by rich and influential families; families who have been political since
their forefathers and have followed the tradition as well.
Political dynasties started to emerge just after the Philippine Revolution happened. It was also when
the First Republic of the Philippines was established.The Philippine Revolution was the fight
between the people of the Philippines and the Spanish colonizers. According to the book The
Making of a Filipino which is written by Renato Constantino, political dynasty was believed to be
first recorded way back in the pre–Magellanic period where the rulers where the datu, raja, and
maharlika. They passed on their title to their male
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Conservatism In Spain
"The history of Spain is one of the most fascinating in the world and Spanish history has helped to
shape the modern world into what it is today" (Spanish History 1). The Spanish history tells many
stories of land acquisition, political disputes, and revolutions, but two of the most important pivotal
points were the establishment of the Second Spanish Republic and La Movida Madrilena.
The Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed on April 1931 because of an economic crisis called
the wall street crash. This ended general Miguel Primo de Rivera's dictatorial government, and left
the working class to choose a republican government rather than be oppressed by the King Alfonso
XIII. Furthermore, when King Alfonso XIII saw that the working class ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, since the country was forced to obey a dictator for forty years, the country of Spain
was suffering from a great cultural delay, and, thus when Francisco Franco died the country of Spain
saw it difficult to catch up to the times. However, don Quijote states as follows "If you lived in the
80's and remember it, then you didn't live them"(La Movida 1), thus revealing that the 80's were,
like the U.S's, a time where drug abuse was legal and common for men, but, at the same time,
stating that it was a wonderful time, where people truly lived their lives to the fullest . Furthermore,
this particular time was known as La Movida Madrilena which was known for the creativity in
fashion, movies, theatre, nightlife, and sexuality that enveloped Spain. This took place after Mayor
Enrique Tierno Galvan and King Juan Carlos I established a democracy; consequentially, since
many had never experienced true freedom, the movement exploded. Pedro Almodovar, a celebrity in
the Movida stated, "It's difficult to speak of La Movida and explain it to those who didn't live those
years. We weren't a generation; we weren't an artistic movement; we weren't a group with a concrete
ideology. We were simply a bunch of people that coincided in one of the most explosive moments in
the country"(La Movida 1), consequently interpreting the movement as not being planned at all, for
it was
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Symbolism in Jeanne Marie LePrince de Beaumont’s Beauty...
Symbolism in Jeanne Marie LePrince de Beaumont's Beauty and the Beast
If great writers are able to escape the influences of their era and write in a timeless fashion, then
Jeanne Marie LePrince de Beaumont is certainly not a great writer. Beaumont wrote Beauty and the
Beast in eighteenth–century France during the reign of Louis XV. It was a time when the enormous
bourgeoisie population was slowly growing in independent wealth, yet remained grossly overtaxed
and starved. These peasants were systematically excluded from the aristocracy and the workings of
government. France was a stronghold of the dying feudal–influenced monarchy system, in which the
king declared himself an absolute monarch with the divine right to rule as ... Show more content on ...
Indeed, in eighteenth–century France, being part of the elite nobility was the only way one could be
guaranteed to have wealth. Because of this, these greedy sisters would not settle for merely a
wealthy merchant...they wanted blue–blood.
A glint of good news came to the now–impoverished family when the merchant heard that a ship
containing his merchandise had just arrived in port. The merchant was overjoyed and went to claim
his wealth, only to find that there had been a legal ordeal and he had, indeed, lost it all. Here, the
author tries to illustrate the French government's inadequacy in meeting the needs of the people. In
the 1850s, great minds, including the Swiss/French political philosopher Jean–Jacques Rousseau,
were writing that the authority to rule came from the people themselves. Furthermore, philosophers
argued that the government's duty was not to serve their own decadence but rather to serve the
people. The French government, being an absolute monarchy, was ruled by only the word of Louis
XV, and the royal Bourbon family had a history of ruling to meet their own selfish desires. The
French monarchy did not uphold the intrinsic promise and duty of any government to protect, feed,
and serve its people. De Beaumont symbolizes this by failing to deliver the goods to the
impoverished former merchant. In other words, just like the merchant's undelivered goods, the
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Timeline List : Karl 's Day Massacre
Timeline List: Karl – France John Calvin Louis XV Louis XIV Louis XIII Henry IV Henry III
Henry VIII Charles IX Edict of Nantes St. Bartholomew 's Day Massacre Research: John Calvin:–calvin–9235788 Was a Theologian, and Journalist Born July
10, 1509 and died May 27, 1564 Born in Noyon, Picardy, France and died in Geneva, Switzerland
studied at University of Paris, University of Orléans, University of Bourges He lived in Geneva until
anti–protestant authorities forced him to leave in 1508 He was invited back into Geneva as a
spiritual and political leader in 1541 He established a religious government by using protestant
principles He became absolute supremacy as leader of Geneva He executed and exiled many people
for following the faith of christianity and not protestantism He is knows as an important protestant
reformation ("John Calvin Biography." Biography) PEE: Editors. "John Calvin
Biography." The Website. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016. .
Louis XV:–xv–9386921#synopsis King through 1715–1774
His failures slowly brought up the creation of the French Revolution became king at age 5 In the 7
years war, the French fought with Austria against Britain and Prussia. The French lost Louis decided
to rule but not with a first minister The war of Austrian Succession was a loss for France with loss of
materials and people He signed the Treaty of
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Jean Kilbourne Can T Buy My Love Analysis
In Jean Kilbourne's Can't Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel, she
states that ads construct "artificial longings and needs... that exploit[s] our very real and human
desires" (77). Advertisers use the importance of obtaining deeper relationships and healthy
connections to capitalize on consumers. Furthermore, Kilbourne states that ads promote a "greater
knowledge of self and others, an increased sense of self–worth, and a desire for more connection"
(90), trivializing the concerns and drawbacks that occur from the actual product. The attached ad for
"Jim Beam Black" uses deceiving components throughout the ad that take advantage of consumer's
desires for deeper relationships with one's self as well as society. The ... Show more content on ...
"SUCCESS IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT" proposes that be to successful is up to the individual
themselves and how much effort is put in. Success is not restricted to career, but also has to do with
having down time to enjoy activities, and having healthy, growing relationships with one's self and
others. The pictures above this slogan shows the model successful in his career and in a healthy
relationship as well as having leisure time which is an usually an anomaly."BLACK IS HOW YOU
DRINK IT" suggests that the product is a means to success; drink to celebrate. In contrast, the
bottom photos are more about socializing while drinking Black–which is acceptable and normal to
drink in a social setting. The slogan states that it is okay to drink after a long day at work or to
celebrate a milestone, but the ad seems to leave out the harmful affects of alcohol or how much
alcohol should be consumed. Moreover, the bottom of the ad states, "MAKE HISTORY" which
correlates with how the bourbon is "extra–aged." In other words, the ad is suggesting that consumers
should make memories with Jim Beam; life is not all about work but also to create memories, have
fun, and live life because life is short. The ad attempts to convey a good message when in hindsight
it is capitalizing on the consumer's needs and
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The Ceo Small Start Up Distillery
The CEO small start up distillery named La Mancha Distilling co. in the southwest city of
Albuquerque, New Mexico, the city known for its home to televisions Series "Breaking Bad". Craig
Cervantes the CEO of La Mancha Distilling, has filed for, and now has a patent pending for a new
type of revolutionary Spirts Aging process.
Craig Cervantes has come up with a new revolutionary Patented process that stands to change the
whole game of manufacturing Aged Spirts such as Bourbon, Scotch, Whiskey, Rums, Tequilas and
Brandys as well as many others that are currently aged in Oak and wooden barrels. Traditionally,
Whiskey and Scotches are aged in charred oak barrels in the long aging process that normally takes
between 3 to 7 years to passively ... Show more content on ...
In a normal oak aging process the amount of surface area of the barrel is stationary and only has a
finite amount of the actual oak coming into contact with the Spirts within. In re thinking the process
the eureka moment came when instead of putting the spirits inside the barrel basically the barrel is
turned inside out and the sprits now surround the Oak. In the process a negative pressure is applied
which draws the alcohol into the wood at much higher rate and getting full penetration of the wood
to maximize the drawing the flavors from the Oak. Another unique result of this method is that you
can do much more of a customization of the actual ending flavor profile.
In a traditional method the Charring of the barrel is ordered from the cooper when they have made
the barrel. The charring on the inside of the barrel can be altered to end up with a different end result
depending on how deep the charring is done. With this new method the wood is made into actual
chips which are then "toasted" for a period of time at a high temperature and it changes the
Carmelization profile depending on the extent of the toasting. You can now eliminate certain flavor
notes or bring certain flavor notes into a finished product in a much more consistent level than was
ever possible in the past.
Another thing that can be done during the aging process is to introduce other types of woods in the
finished flavor profiles. It can be done using woods
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Weaknesses Of The French Crown
Importance of the Weaknesses of the French Crown in Explaining the Outbreak of the French Wars
of Religion in 1562
Previously France had been ruled by Henry II, a strong experienced ruler. It was, however, an
unfortunate jousting accident lead to the swift decline of the French monarchy. Henry's successor,
Francis II, was only fifteen years old on his accession to the throne in 1559. He was inexperienced
and easily manipulated. Charles IX, a ten year old who relied upon the help of Catherine de Medici,
his regent, then succeeded him. It was this new weak monarchy that acted as a catalyst for the many
underlying problems that had been previously controlled. The weaknesses of the monarchy allowed
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Francis Duke of Guise quickly assumed control of the army, church and foreign affairs. The
Montmorency family had been stripped of office. The sudden shift of power towards the Guise
family heightened tensions between the aristocratic factions.
The monarchy in France operated through a clientage system. The King was at the apex and he
would give money and protection to the clientage beneath him, who, in return would offer the king
loyalty. Those beneath him included large aristocratic families and below these families were the
nobility, and further down still, the lesser nobility. The three aristocratic families were therefore
reliant on the nobility below them in the system for support. In return they would give offices and
jobs to their clients. Due to a weak monarchy this clientage system broke down. The clientage
system was a good way of exercising control over the major aristocratic families. However, in order
for such a system to function there needed to be a strong monarch and a large sum of money, neither
of which were available in 1559. After the vast amount of money spent in the Hapsburg – Valios
wars the royal treasury was drained of resources. The monarchy not only lacked a strong ruler but
was also economically weak. It meant that the King could no longer keep the aristocratic families
under control by the means of the clientage system. The Guise's, who had
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The Most Convincing Approach Of Japan And China
Tyler Olsen
Dr. Kishida
HIST 110–02
21 October 2015
The Most Convincing Approach For many years Western nations in Europe and North America had
wanted to expand their trade with Japan and China; however, the people of the two Asian countries
believed that the Westerners were barbarians with useless goods and religious beliefs that would
challenge their traditions. Up until the 1800s, Japan and China had successfully restricted the
influence of Western nations within their countries. Their ability to remain isolated from Westerners,
however, quickly faded throughout the 1800s when the modernized Western nations grew more
powerful and demanding. Due to trying to stay isolated from Western ideas and religious beliefs,
Japan and China fell ... Show more content on ...
Feng Guifen's first good idea in his plan was to learn how to build better ships and guns from the
Westerners, or barbarians as he liked to call them. He realized that China was turning into a weak
country from being isolated from Western ideas. In the beginning of his article, Feng said that the
Chinese were "inferior to the barbarians" (Feng 357). By this time, China had already been
humiliatingly defeated by the British in the Opium War, which showed that China lacked a strong
military and advanced technology ("Plotting East Asia's Future" 352). To remedy this, he proposed
hiring Westerners to teach intelligent Chinese how to build strong ships and effective guns (Feng
357). Without having the military force or advanced weaponry and ships, China would be crushed
again and again like it was in the Opium War and the later Sino–Japanese War, which is known as
another humiliating Chinese defeat (Tignor 659). To have a powerful nation at that time, a strong
military with weapons was needed. Feng knew that in order to gain the needed military strength, the
Chinese were going to have to learn from Westerners on how to build better ships and guns.
Two other authors also proposed reforming the military. For example, Ii Naosuke, one of the
Japanese writers, had the similar idea of learning from foreigners. In his case, he wanted to employ
Dutchmen as masters and mariners and put Japanese on board to study their guns, ships, and how
they navigate
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DOWNFALL IN 1830? In July 1830 a second French Revolution caused the then monarch, Charles
X, to abdicate. He was replaced by the Duke of Orleans, marking the end of the Bourbon
restoration, which had seen the Pre–Napoleonic regime return to power after the emperor's exile.
Although it lasted 15 years, and must therefore be judged as having its successes, cracks began to
form in the regime and general dissatisfaction led to outspread revolt and revolution. It can therefore
be established that some fault does indeed lie with the Bourbons. However how much blame can be
apportioned to them? In 1814, Louis XVIII signed The Charter, taking a big step towards a
Constitutional ... Show more content on ...
He revoked many advances made by Louis XVIII such as the extension of the franchise. In addition
to this, he packed his government full of Ultras who passed laws that went directly against those of
the people. Although he did not restore the land f the émigrés, he resolved to reimburse them, a
scheme that put the crown in debt of almost 1 billion francs. He also greatly increased the power of
the Catholic Church, a body mistrusted and held in contempt by most of the powerful middle class,
and in April 1825 he introduced the Anti–Sacrilege Act, that meant crimes against the Church could
be punishable by death. Even more unpopular were his attempts to reintroduce primogeniture in the
male line and the disbanding of the National Guard (the bourgeoisie filled army) in doing this he
upset most of the influential people in the country. Charles' one saving grace came too late, his
conquest of Algeria was a great success in foreign policy and gave France a good footing in North
Africa however this did not change his public image significantly. In 1830 the election results were
very unfavourable to Charles. The new parliament was demanding greater power over the monarch
and his ability to appoint deputies. In reaction he passed the four ordinances, which effectively made
him a dictator and suspended freedom of speech in the press, the right to vote for most of the
populace and dissolved the current government. In response to this
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The Fabrication Of Louis Xiv
In the introduction to The Fabrication of Louis XIV, Peter Burke expresses his ambition to write a
study of Louis XIV 's public image as a whole and the changes it underwent throughout Louis 's
reign. This book examines the relation between art and power and the official structures responsible
for making – fabricating – the image, or more appropriately, the images of Louis XIV, as well as
their contemporary reception. As the title suggests and as Burke himself reminds the reader, the
book as a whole focuses on the ideas of royal myth and royal narrative, and the manipulation of
information. Chapters two to eight follow each other chronologically, and examine how the image of
Louis XIV changed during his reign. Chapter two pays particular attention to the different media
used by the king and his 'image–makers '. This chapter is a good introduction to the different styles
and genres used to create royal images, for example by comparing classicism and baroque and
explaining recurrent allegories, metaphors and commonplaces used in the representations of Louis
XIV. Chapters two to four give us the necessary background to understand the study of the relation
between art and power in the time of Louis XIV. Whilst in chapter three, Peter Burke concentrates
on how royal representations respond to contemporary events, he then is primarily concerned in
chapter four with the construction of the structures of glorification of the king. The reader is
introduced to two key figures in
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The Revolution Of The French Revolution
The French Revolution was a huge turning point in the history of the world and also influenced a
handful of future revolutions. This event also inspired a large assortment of paintings and literature.
One of the most famous and recognizable paintings in the world that was created during the French
Revolution was The 28th July: Liberty Leading the People. Eugène Delacroix, whom was a French
romantic artist, created this iconic painting in 1830 to commemorate the July Revolution (July 26th–
29th, 1830). It is known for using the famous goddess Liberty as the centerpiece of the painting.
There has been controversy over the portrayal of Liberty, including her physical characteristics as
well as the role she's playing in the painting. However, ... Show more content on ...
King Louis XVIII agreed to the creation of a constitution and "promised a constitutional monarchy,
with a bicameral parliament, religious toleration, and constitutional rights for all citizens." However,
the parliament was composed of extremely right wing royalists and was dismissed in 1816 due to
disagreements. Louis XVIII later died in 1824, but he spent the rest of his time at the throne trying
to heal the wounds of the Revolution. Following the death of Louis XVIII, his brother Charles X
took the throne in 1824. Though the people were optimistic at the beginning of his reign, the opinion
of the new king eventually turned sour. Charles X returned the land to the "enemies of the
Revolution" that had been during the time under Napoleon, "largely at the expense of bourgeois
holders of government bonds." Charles X was also not religiously tolerant. He was a devoted
Catholic, thus giving a large amount of power to the clergy and imposed the death penalty for
refusing the Eucharist or any other religious sacraments. As Charles X lost support in parliament and
from the general population, he felt the need to suspend the elections for officials because of radical
motives. On July 26th, by Article 14 of the Charter, Charles X was able to put into action the July
Ordinances, which included four rules: "censored the press, dissolved the newly elected chamber,
altered the electoral system, and called for elections in September." The violation of the
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Analysis Of The Farewell Of Telemachus And Eucharis
"The Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharis" by Jacques–Louis David
This painting is an oil on canvas. It was painted by Jacques–Louis David in 1818. It is depicting a
couple from Fénelon's novel, "Les Aventures de Télémaque," which was inspired by Homer's
"Odyssey." This painting was about a young mythological couple who were madly in love with each
other. Telemachus, the son of Penelope and Odysseus, and Eucharis a daughter to the goddess
Calypso were so strongly in love with each other, that they were absolutely devastated when the
lover's learned that they were going to be torn apart. The viewer sees Eucharis draping over
Telemachus before he leaves to find his father. Telemachus and Eucharis both look very saddened
that Telemachus had to leave.
"Portrait of the Sisters Zénaïde and Charlotte Bonaparte" by Jacques–Louis David
This painting was also an oil on canvas and was also painted by the same artist listed above. It was
painted in 1821 in France, depicting two sisters, Zénaïde and Charlotte Bonaparte, who are the
nieces to Napoleon. The sisters are reading a letter from their father, Joseph Bonaparte, who was
exiled in the United States when they had previously lived in Belgium. Jacques–Louis David
painted the two sisters in a way that displayed both their different ages and personalities. The oldest
sister, wearing a black v–shaped dress, is staring at the viewer and has a protective looking
demeanor towards her younger sister. The younger sister, wearing a more
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Jack Daniels Company Reflection Paper
Week One There are many successful businesses in the world today. There are some that have made
millions quickly then fade away, and then there are businesses that have tradition. The ones that
have a history generally know what their customers want. Not only do they know what they want,
but also strive to keep the needs of their customers the main focus at all times. The company I am
going to dissect during this class is the Jack Daniels Company. The history of their company, and the
fact they are a Tennessee based company are just a few reasons I wanted to pick them. I hope during
this class to be able to display this company and let others know what and how they service their
customers. Mission Statement Many companies have great ideals, and want to do great things for
their customers. The problem that most companies have is not being able to create a mission
statement that is effective. The company wants to let the people know who they are and what they
are capable of by using words only. The key to this is being able to back up what they say. I must
admit that Jack Daniels has a good mission statement. "Every day we make it, we will make it the
best we can" (Jack Daniels, 2017). I have to say this is a very straight to the point mission statement.
I feel that this is a very simple and effective mission statement. They have such a rich history and
they are doing everything they can to make the best whiskey they can daily. They want to satisfy
their customers and it
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Types Of Courtly Performance During The Modern Court
In the early modern court, the illusion of power could be just as important as power itself. If
courtiers participated in the various performances of the court, they had the potential to gain
significant amounts of influence and prestige. These types of courtly performances were shared by
monarchs, courtiers and lesser figures albeit in sometimes very distinct manners. This performance
of the court consisted of various different aspects, including: associating with influential individuals,
royal ceremonies, courtliness, and bodily performance. One type of courtly performance, which was
primarily a concern of the courtiers and lesser court figures, was the association and ingratiation of
one's self with influential court figures in order to gain status and respect. This was a performance in
that courtiers were, in a way, required to form relationships on the basis of status and in the court
friends were primarily a tool to advance one's standing in the court. A prime example of this is
William Chiffinch the Page of the Backstairs of Charles II's court. A man of humble origins,
Chiffinch was able to rise to a position of significant power and influence through his connection to
a powerful individual, the king. "Like many of Charles II's household servants... Chiffinch had
begun this intimacy with the king before the Restoration. He and his elder brother, Thomas, had
been introduced to the Prince of Wales and Charles I's Oxford camp by Bishop Duppa of Salisbury"
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Spain 's Plights With Authority
Spain's Plights with Authority After the change from the Hapsburg to the Bourbon regime, an effort
was made to re–invent the way Spain controlled its colonies. The Bourbons sought to strengthen
authority and increase revenue from its South American Colonies, yet this would only create
colonial unrest and eventual revolution. Spain's economic, political, and social decisions are factors
that eventually lead the colonists to seek other means of governance. Spain's economic decisions
were a key factor in the eventual colonial reasoning to separate from the crown. Spain, upon
discovery of the new world, began vast mining operations extracting and exporting rare earth metals
such as gold and silver. Spain needed these exports to finance the multiple wars it waged with
England and later revolutionary France. By focusing on mining operations, Spain overlooked the
possibility of the agricultural markets that could also bring in much needed revenue. But agriculture
in the colonies were only to be used to feed the people and miners. Many creoles disagreed with
Spain's main focus on mining exports and began to sell some of their crops such as cocao, Oaxaca,
and indigo as contraband. As this trend became more prominent, instead of stopping the sale all
together, the farmers were instead taxed on the contraband they sold. By focusing on gold and silver,
Spain also alienated itself from the rest of the world, and didn't really have anything to offer or trade
with the
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Key Facts And Issues Of Glenn Rozycki
Key Facts and Issues Glenn Rozycki is a 25 year old resident of Scarborough, Ontario who left
school at York University after one year because he felt that he would be happier running his own
car detailing business. Glenn wants to start up a new company, Custom Car Care, cleaning and
detailing cars. Glenn began this venture as a part time job but he wants to turn it into his full time
job. To ensure that his business will be successful, especially in comparison to other similar
businesses in his area, Glenn must make sure his business idea is realistic, sustainable, and
profitable. To ensure that Glenn can build a respectable reputation as a car detailing business, Glenn
must be able to grab a segment of the market in his area where a few competitors already exist.
Glenn can penetrate the market by employing different marketing and promotional strategies to
ensure that he'll see success and profits with his limited resources. Glenn's main objective for his
business strategy is to provide cleaning and maintenance to both the interior and exterior of vehicles
to preserve their condition by using quality name brand products and precise, hand–done work.
Glenn has already identified the different segments of car owners: owners of older cars that are in
poor condition, but served the purpose of transportation; owners of newer, mid–priced cars; and
owners of expensive cars costing more than $35,000. Glenn faced some competition in his area.
There are
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The Tokyo Railway Station Building
The Tokyo railway station building is located in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan in the Marunouchi business
district. The station which acts as Tokyo's main intercity terminal is served by the Tokyo Metro
network, Japan Railways' regional commuter lines as well as the Shinkansen high speed railway
lines. The Tokyo Station also has a reputation of being the busiest station in the country, judging by
the number of trains it serves per day; approximately three thousand trains in one day. Furthermore,
the train station has a hotel and gallery within its premises. In terms of architecture and historical
culture, the station actually has a long history that dates back more than a hundred years, thereby
making it one of the one of the few major examples of buildings designed in classical style
remaining in Tokyo, and Japan as a whole.
Chronicle information of the building Even though the Tokyo Station was constructed in 1914, its
actual plan is connected to the history of Japan's rail in the 1880s (Ito n.p). It is therefore viewed by
the Japanese as being significant in the advancement of rail technology and as a symbolic structure
within Japan. By 1885, several railway tracks were already passing through Tokyo, thereby
necessitating the need for a central terminal to be built in the region between Ueno and Shinbashi.
The station which was to accommodate Tokyo's entire network was simply referred to as the
"central terminal" (Ito n.p). The project for the Tokyo Station was first offered
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The French Revolution
Brandon Chen
Ms. Crawbuck
Sophomore English
March 23, 2016
Final Draft Many dictators in history have created bad legacies and committed horrific crimes
during their time in power. One dictator, however, created a legacy that any person would know and
created an ideology that is used in almost all first world countries, and many other second war
countries now as well. This dictator is Napoleon Bonaparte. He is a catalyst for change because he
created a dominant army from the scraps of the French Revolution, which led to his dominance
throughout Europe, creating a lasting principle that most people now think of it as a norm. The
French Government was rapidly losing power during the Bourbon Dynasty because of the vast
spendings of King ... Show more content on ...
Radical nationalists quickly took control of the government and country and made very radical acts,
that dug France into a bigger hole (French). One of the first things the radicals did when they gained
power was "declared war on Austria and Prussia, where it believed that French ẻmigrés were
building counter revolutionary alliances; it also hoped to spread its revolutionary ideals across
Europe through warfare," which caused not only a war inside of France, but also a war against
countries outside of France (French). Soon a group of extremist Jacobins attacked and captured the
king in Paris (French). The next month, citizens of Paris started massacring many accused counter
revolutionists and got what they wanted; the establishment of the French Republic (French). Soon
after the establishment of the republic, "Jacobins seized control of the National Convention from the
more moderate Girondins and instituted a series of radical measures, ... They also unleashed the
bloody Reign of Terror, a 10–month period in which suspected enemies of the revolution were
guillotined by the thousands," which were put out by the order of Robespierre, the leader of the
Committee of Public Safety (French). Soon after this radical phase a moderate phase came in and
the French people revolted against the radicals because of their actions (French). The French
revolution finally ended when a group of Girondins approved a new constitution that
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The Causes Of The French Revolution
The French Revolution began in 1789, this was a time of pure chaos. There was not only poor
leadership, but unfair rights between classes, and famine. The third estate was full of commoners
and peasants. This class of people had to pay taxes with money that they didn't have and then also
had to pay for other amenities. This caused a major problem when there were food shortages,
causing the prices to rise. Many of the third class, peasants and urban workers, could not afford their
own food, and the first estate filled with royals and the clergy, wouldn't give up a thing. The highest
estates abuse of power caused them to have a negative reputation among their people. King Louis
the 14th spent all of his people's tax dollars to make an extravagant palace, King Louis the 16th did
the same and didn't care about what effect it could have on the third estate and their struggles, and
Robespierre had power during the Reign of Terror and he executed thousands of people. Robespierre
came into power during economic and social suffering, he tried to support the idea of equality, but
he was very corrupt and executed any supporters of the end of the revolution. The French
Revolution was caused by a compilation of negative leadership and riots among the people.
King Louis XIV was a corrupt leader and this lack of uniformity was a leading point to the French
Revolution. He came into power at 4 years old. This made it obviously impossible for him to hold
the lives of all of France's people in his hands. With this obstacle, a regency council took over in his
position until he was of age to make decisions. Some poor decisions were made by the council
which then caused civil war and especially angered the nobles and aristocrats. This formed a sort of
fear within the people that when Louis could come to power he would have a rebellious way of
controlling the people and continue to take all of the power away from the people. Originally, the
King was seen as a hero because he was a reformer and helped organize the government and taxes.
Louis was also very cocky and didn't see it fit for him to have a chief minister, "He viewed himself
as the direct representative of God, endowed with a divine right to wield the absolute power of the
... Get more on ...
Causes Of The French Revolution Of 1848
The French Revolution of 1848 was a great disappointment to both Karl Marx and Alexis de
Tocqueville. To Marx, the revolution should have been a step along the way to socialism, with the
bourgeoisie capitalists overthrowing the previous landed feudal society. In turn, the proletariat
would arise and bring both the end of class antagonism and the beginning of the socialist state. To
Tocqueville, the revolution was about the reduction in the power of the aristocracy as the lower
classes were in ascendance. The resulting broadening of equality would give rise to democracy, with
all its hopes and shortfalls. Yet the revolution ended not in socialism or democracy, but with a
President who became an Emperor. Marx and Tocqueville may have had different ideas about how
and why a society should conduct itself, but both found the outcome of the Revolution of 1848 a
misstep on the path of social evolution. Marx took a very materialistic view of the revolution. The
July Monarchy of Louis–Phillipe was a largely bourgeois government. The Orleans King allied with
the banking bourgeoisie and the laws that came out of his government were largely to their benefit.
He was in competition with the supporters of the Bourbon dynasty, who favored the landed
aristocracy. These two groups, those who had the capital and those who had the land, worked against
each other, and this struggle formed the beginning of the revolution. Marx said this struggle was not
about the Orleans monarchy battling
... Get more on ...

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The Importance Of The Tumult Of Amboise In Bringing About...

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  • 2.
  • 3. Betrayal In The French Revolution The French Revolution At the time of the French Revolution, people wanted a more of a democracy and control over government along with the change in social class. When Napoleon came to power during the end of the French Revolution, he strayed further from the ideals of the people by creating a powerful government and military taking over multiple countries for himself. Along with this Napoleon eventually gained complete rule over the French people. Napoleon betrayed the French people during the time of his rule by enforcing almost the exact opposite of what the french people wanted from their leader. Napoleon overall was a demanding leader who only took a say in government farther away from the french, including upper class nobles and government officials themselves. He eventually was able to create a total monarchy making himself the sole ruler over France. Although Bonaparte had already taken control over one of the most powerfull countries in the world at the time, he was still hungry for more power. Because of this he started wars with many civilizations even if they were just as powerful as France. In total he had fought in over 65 battles losing only 10 in his 20 years. This proves how strong he made France. On top of this he had created a revolutionary military using experience and tactics he had obtained during his time serving. "In April 1791, Napoleon was promoted to 1st Lieutenant, only a year later promoted again to Captain, and following that in October 1793 ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Inbreeding In The Habsburg Dynasty Inbreeding is an extremely controversial topic of debate that has been around since biblical times. The most extreme form of inbreeding is incest, which is primarily between first cousins and second– first cousins. Inbreeding is practiced for many different reasons including royalty, religion, culture, socioeconomic class, geographic isolation, and small populations. Possibly the most dramatic instance of incest for reasons of royalty was within Habsburg Dynasty. The Habsburg Dynasty was one of the most powerful dynasties in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, beginning in the early 12th century. The group controlled huge portions of Europe including Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Italy, France, and Spain, maintaining control by marrying only within their dynasty. Most marriages within the dynasty were consanguineous, meaning marriage between close blood relatives, taking place between first cousins, double–first cousins, and uncles/nieces. Although their inbreeding originally led to their rise in power, it consequently led to their eventual demise. By the end of the 17th century, the negative effects of their marital practices became obvious through that the dynasty had distinctive physical mutations including a protruding lip, high infant mortality rate, and many health problems. By 1700, the Habsburgs were sterile, therefore unable to produce a heir. Another effect of these marriages was that infant and child mortality rose to about 50% within the Spanish Habsburgs. There ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Comparing the Leadership of Queen Nzinga and Louis XIII Essay Naming yourself a great leader isn't the same as establishing the respect of a great leader from the people you rule, for example, Queen Nzinga was able to rule sufficiently and protect her kingdom from, slavery, constant wars, famine, and bankruptcy, whereas Louis XIV, although creating a new society failed at providing such fortifications. In 1663, when Louis XIII had passed away, five year old Louis XIV had to take up the throne, and although he made immature and unreasonable decisions, he later made his mind up to make a more centralized state. For this reason there were constant wars with foreign countries and domestic civil strife. Louis XIV's most acknowledged decision was the employing of John Baptiste Colbert as Minister of ... Show more content on ... In 1685, Louis XIV signed the "Code Noire" in which it provided the formal guidelines for slavery. In the code noire, slaves are defined as "portable property", and it gave a rather rigid and harsh structure of discipline and restrictions for the slaves. Not only did Louis XIV contribute to the slave trade and used the slaves in a resentful manner, but he also was involved in countless wars with other empires, putting his own empire and people in danger. Due to Louis XIV's unbalanced ruling, his own people prearranged a revolution against him known as the French Revolution. This was so because during the regime of Louis XVI, the government was theoretically bankrupt, due to lacking the system of checks and balances (legislative body) and ended up spending excessive amount of money on buildings such as the Versailles, and since France wasn't much of a big trade center at the time being, Louis XVI, raised the taxes, but did so unfairly and made the lower working classes pay more than what they should. However, that wasn't just it, after facing a consecutive harsh winter, there was crop deficiency, grain prices went up and so did the price of the breads, they were at such high rates that the peasants couldn't afford it and began to starve. Therefore, causing the lower class to rebel, and the French Revolution to occur, later creating a rather more modernized society than was before. Unlike Queen ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. History Of Jack Daniel's Distillery Founded by Jack Daniel in his home town of Lynchburg, Tennessee, in 1875, the Jack Daniel's Distillery is home to probably the most well known brand of whisky in the world. The distillery is located in a hollow known as Stillhouse Hollow, where a natural spring filters through a limestone cliff which removes the iron and makes it perfect for distilling whisky. Jack, born Jasper Newton, was orphaned at a young age and was taken in by a local preacher and moonshiner and it was he who first introduced him to distilling. By 1875, after receiving his inheritance from his father's death, he purchased the hollow where the distillery is still located today. The famous Jack Daniel's square shaped bottle was introduced in 1897, with the thought that ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. A Brief Look at France II. Essay One The state which we today call France has undergone significant change since its origins as the territory of Gaul. Between the years 480 and 1780, this territory was reshaped in terms of both its physical boundaries and its inhabitants and rulers, creating a rich history of the nation of modern France. First, in order to analyze the evolution of the state of France, it is necessary to define the concept of the state. A 'state' is a territory, defined by physical or imagined boundaries, containing a population of people that is governed by a select few of those people. Within the state, the government has authority and the power to impose their power on the rest of the population, enacting laws such as taxation, fighting wars, and implementing a criminal justice system. It is now appropriate to consider the territorial expansion–and, at times, contraction–of France from 480 and 1780. Before France was united in any kind of Frankish state, the territory we now call France was mostly comprised of an area called Gaul. This area, existing in parts of Spain and Rome, parts of present–day Belgium, Germany, Austria and other European nations, and south of England and the English channel, was inhabited by the Gauls up until the end of Roman rule in the 1st–3rd centuries CE. The region was populated by tribes and loosely connected governing bodies up until the 5th century CE, when it first began to take shape under Clovis. Clovis I had established himself as the first ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Bourbon Reform In Spanish America And Pombaline Reforms In... The Bourbon Reforms in Spanish America and the Pombaline Reforms in Brazil were both motivated by the European state's interest in increasing defense, centralizing authority, and expanding economic benefits of the their Latin American colonies. The Bourbon Reforms began under Philip V, the first Bourbon King of Spain, and were initially concerned with proper and efficient governing of the Spanish Colonies in America. These early reforming projects primarily focused on issues of administration and jurisdiction. The viceroyalty of Peru was divided. In 1739 the viceroyalty of New Granada was created with its capital in Bogotá. Later in 1776 the viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata was established with its capital in Buenos Aires, which gained control of the silver mines and mint in Potosí. One of the most significant of the Bourbon administrative reforms was the implementation of the French–style intendancy system, in which a government official, an intendant, was appointed essentially to supervise an established territory, responsible for overseeing the military and financial affairs of the region. Most all of the officials appointed during the administrative restructuring of the Spanish colonies were Spanish–born, this, combined with other Bourbon Reforms, which were meant to limit the authority and autonomy of creoles, resulted in tension between different social classes in the colonies. Defense was also of paramount importance to Bourbon Reformers. Many Spanish American ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Roles Of The Human System Of Emotions While there were theories surrounding the human system of emotions as was aforementioned, these concepts were still known to be speculative, and the inner workings of the human body as a whole remained enigmatic for centuries. Therefore the notion that any one person could harbor the ability to sway the passions that were supposedly dictated by humours, which were believed to be stagnant and involuntary, was mysterious and menacing. Roach encapsulates the fantastical and suspicious perception of actors as held by those of the pneumatic ideal, His expressions could transform his physical identity, inwardly and outwardly...His motions could transform the air through which he moved, animating it in waves of force rippling outward from a ... Show more content on ... A figurehead of the abject criticism of restoration era theatre was Jeremy Collier, a non–juror bishop who famously wrote A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, in which he discusses the deleterious effects of depicting unscrupulous acts, Young people particularly, should not entertain themselves with a Lewd Picture; especially when 'tis drawn by a Masterly Hand. For such a Liberty may probably raise those Passions which can neither be discharged without Trouble, nor satisfyed without a Crime," In this distressed excerpt, Collier explains that if a young audience member were to see the lascivious acts such as those portrayed on stage that it would stir up the 'passions' inside him that would compel him to act similarly or mirror such behavior, and that these desires could not be satisfied without committing a malfeasance. Collier's fears bear similarity to the pneumonic idea presented earlier, that the actor was able to manipulate their own thoughts and feelings and transfer them to the spectator, and ultimately "[alter] their moral natures." talk about this more Throughout his pamphlet Collier cites various religious doctrine and constitutions to express that entertainment was not a pastime or place for people of piety, and that actors have never been seen or treated as worthy beings, but rather ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Lowering The Bourbon Supply Chain Is A Shortage Of Barrels Anyone familiar with the alcohol industry knows that bourbon is urging at the moment. Production has steadily increased over the past 15 years and there seems to be no sign of it slowing in the near future. However, this does not mean that the bourbon industry has maximized the potential of its supply chain (Lariviere, 2015). One significant risk impacting the bourbon supply chain is a shortage of barrels. There is a federal law requiring that for a whiskey to be called bourbon it must age for two full years in a "new" oak barrel. One would think that this law would cause an issue in that the supply of lumber to create the barrels was not sufficient. That, however, is not the case. The actual issue at hand is that there is a shortage of loggers. While the bourbon industry is urging at the moment and it does create significant revenue for the lumber industry, that alone is not sufficient to keep logging companies in business. Thus, a lack of loggers has resulted in a reduction in the amount of "new" oak barrels available for aging bourbon (Lariviere, 2015).. Another potential risk that could significantly impact the bourbon industry is climate change. Climate change has the potential to severely alter weather patterns that are vital for the process of aging bourbon. Barrel expansion and contraction is dependent on the changing of the seasons. Barrels are rotated throughout warehouses as the seasons change. This process helps to successfully mature the bourbon. If significant ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Smile Makeover Process Is Really Very Simple Complete Smile Makeover Services Are you living with an ugly or simply unsightly smile that you are embarrassed of? Now is the time to get the smile you have always wanted. Everyone deserves to feel beautiful – we can help you erase those cosmetic flaws in your smile and help you look and feel your best. At Aesthetic Dental Center, we offer complete smile makeover services to help you achieve the smile you deserve – don't suffer through life with a smile you hate any longer. The Complete Smile Makeover Process The smile makeover process is really very simple. We first need to examine your situation and get a good idea of how we can help you. Then, we can discuss your goals and help you choose the cosmetic treatments that will best benefit your smile. Once we have created a treatment plan, we can walk you through your procedures safely and comfortably. Before we begin any of your treatments, we will first use mock wax–ups to show you what your smile will look like once it is complete. This will help you be certain of the options you are selecting and helps us guarantee that you will be happy with your new smile. Choosing Your Cosmetic Treatments Choosing the services you would like to use for your smile makeover can be a daunting task. We like to make sure you are completely educated on your options so that the task is easier to handle. We will also offer our expert advice on your choices – we want you to have the most beautiful smile possible. Below are just some of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Donald Trump Pop Culture In modern life, news outlets distribute satire and caricatures of government institutions and its leaders to the public via numerous social media platforms, television, and magazines with little to no repercussion. Currently, the most famous political figure satirized in the media is the forty–fifth President of the United States, Donald Trump. Harshly criticized for his politics, pseudo– professionalism, and demeanor, the President brandishes the reports and depictions of his misdoing as "fake news". Protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution, the citizens and press are at liberty to represent the United States President as a little handed, orange colored man with an overexaggerated combover (Figure 1). Indeed, Donald Trump is neither ... Show more content on ... Louis–Phillipe, born under the Old Regime in 1773, is the only French monarch to come to power as a result of a political uprising against his predecessor Although the cousin of the Bourbon monarch, King Louis XVI, Louis Phillipe–the son of Duc d'Orléans, was raised with liberal and Enlightenment ideologies. With his family heavily involved in the early stages of the French Revolution of 1789, Louis–Phillipe served as an officer in the military. Although unsettled by the Revolutionary leadership voting for regicide, he remained faithful to the army, until the outbreak of the Reign of Terror in 1793. Upon fleeing France, Louis–Phillipe's father denounced his son's actions. However, the Duc was later arrested and guillotined for he was still tainted by association with his son and nephew, King Louis XVI. During his twenty–two–year exile, Louis–Phillipe travelled throughout Europe, the United States, and the Caribbean only returning to France after the Bourbon Restoration and the establishment of the constitutional monarchy of Louis XVIII in 1814. During his exile, he reconciled with the royal family and returned with a new wife. After the death of Louis XVII, Charles X succeeded the throne. During his five–year reign, Charles X returned the country to a traditional absolutist monarchy. Although Charles X and Louis–Phillipe viewed the ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Benefits Of Crown Restorations And The Type Of Crowns... Title: General Purpose: To inform. Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the benefits of crown restorations and the type of crowns available today. Thesis Statement: Dentist use specific diagnostic methods for determining if a tooth needs a crown; they know what situations were a crown would be beneficial for your dental health and will only diagnose if this treatment is needed. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: OH MY GOSH!! That woman just fell and broke her front teeth! She visits her dentist and is sobbing wondering "What am I going to do? My smile will never be the same." Little does she know, but she has many different options to fix those fractured front teeth and get back her pearly whites once again. All she needs ... Show more content on ... 1. Main Point: First I will explain some of the clinical items used to diagnose a crown. 2. Main Point: Second, I will inform you of the procedure that one will go through when a crown is needed. 3. Main Point: Third, I will unveil what types of crowns are available to you and the benefits of each one. Transition to Body: Let begin with some of the clinical items used to diagnose a crown. II. Body A. (Main Point #1)There are a variety of situations that require a tooth to be restored with a dental crown, and there are a few ways Dentist's determine if a crown is needed. 1.One of the most important tools a Dentists uses to diagnose any treatment is X–rays. " The use of radiography enables the dentist to practice better dentistry. This obviously benefits the
  • 24. patient but also protects the dentist in the event of a dispute with the patient." ( Wolf R. de Lyre/ Orlen N. Johnson, 1990, p.6) "Radiographs are visible evidence of prior conditions or the nature of work performed and furnish legal evidence of the patient's dental condition or need for treatment."( Wolf R. de Lyre/ Orlen N. Johnson, 1990, P.6) 2. ( Perfessional testimony) Mel L. Kantor DDS, MPH, PhD. has been practicing in the dental field for over 25 years " I use digital x–rays everyday to diagnose treatment, it is a key factor in aiding for treatment planning and is instant form validation to patients when explaining needed ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Essay On The July Revolution The Second French Revolution or often known as the July Revolution began when disagreements between the King of France, who at that time was Charles X, and the Chamber of Deputies. The start of the revolution is described in this way, "The movement started in France, prompted by Charles X's publication on July 26 of four ordinances dissolving the Chamber of Deputies, suspending freedom of the press, modifying the electoral laws so that three–fourths of the electorate lost their votes, and calling for new elections to the Chamber in September." The French Révolution de Juillet, also called July Days, or the July Revolution began in 1830 and was ended with the Duke of D'Orléans or Louis Philippe's ascent to power. The French Revolution is described in this way, "The French Revolution of 1830, also known as the July Revolution, was a rebellion by liberals and revolutionaries against the French monarchy. The country had grown displeased with Charles X, who limited freedom of the press and concentrated power in the crown." The July Revolution ... Show more content on ... During the entire period of the French Revolutions, including the revolutions during Charles X's reign and Louis Philippe's reign, France was in utter chaos and the people of the country transformed many of their nation's systems and foundations. Mark Almond states, "The French Revolution was really the coming together of several revolutions at one explosive moment." The French Revolution was influenced by the ideals of the Enlightenment, especially theories such as widespread authority and absolute and inalienable liberties and rights. William H. McNeill states, "During the eighteenth century, French government became hidebound. The king remained absolute in theory; but in fact almost all efforts at administrative reform were stopped in their tracks by the opposition of one or another special interest, operating usually from within ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. The French Revolution And The Example Of The American... The revolution resulted, among other things, in the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy in France and in the establishment of the First Republic. It was generated by a vast complex of causes, the most important of which were the inability of the ruling classes of nobility, clergy, and bourgeoisie to come to grips with the problems of state, the indecisive nature of the monarch, impoverishment of the workers, the intellectual ferment of the Age of Enlightenment, and the example of the American Revolution. Recent scholarship tends to downplay the social class struggle and emphasize political, cultural, ideological, and personality factors in the advent and unfolding of the conflict. The Revolution itself produced an equally vast complex of ... Show more content on ... Unable to stem the rising tide of revolt, Louis XVI withdrew his loyal troops. He recalled Necker, and then he formally legalized the measures that had been taken by the provisional authorities. Unrest and disorder, known as the Great Fear, stimulated the National Constituent Assembly to action. During the night session of August 4, 1789, the clergy, nobles, and bourgeoisie renounced their privileges; a few days later the assembly passed a law abolishing feudal and manorial prerogatives. The assembly proceeded to grapple with its primary task, the drafting of a constitution. In the constitutional preamble, known in history as the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, the delegates formulated the revolutionary ideals later summarized as Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. While the Constituent Assembly deliberated, the hungry population of Paris, a hotbed of discontent and of rumors of Royalist conspiracy clamored for food and agitated for action. On October 5–6 a large body of Parisians, mostly women, marched on Versailles and laid siege to the royal palace. Lafayette, on demand of the crowd, escorted Louis and his family to Paris. After this episode some conservative members of the Constituent Assembly, which followed the king to Paris, handed in their resignations. In Paris, both the court and the assembly became increasingly subject to pressures from its citizens. Radical sentiment became predominant in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Causes of the Wars of Religion. The political causes of the wars of religion. Throughout history in contemporary Spain before the civil war, violence against persons associated with the Catholic Church, the symbols of their religion or their interests, has been known for its recurrent and prolonged in time as one of the salient dimensioned Spanish anticlericalism, which emerged in the liberal political ideology, then it would be taken up by more radical republican currents and the movement of the workers. were five killings in the 1822–1823 biennium, the killing of priests in Madrid in 1834 and then for the other episodes Wars or the Tragic Week in Barcelona in 1909 are the most significant examples of violence before the establishment period of the Second Republic, ... Show more content on ... The Chancellor addressed the judiciary and also was the custodian of the great seal to authenticate government decrees. The sixteenth century had seen a decline in the power of the councilor commissions that had led to the execution of real politics. This is now done by departments such as the Department of Justice, Department of Finance, etc. The Chancellor addressed the judiciary and also was the custodian of the great seal to authenticate government decrees. The seventeenth century was a time of war and growth in Europe. The century saw everything from the burning of witches to the expansion into the new world. The war between Britain and Spain came and went and the Catholic Church began radically changing in an attempt to keep power. The protestant movement was in full swing with enough momentum to be an unstoppable force in Europe and beyond. The 17th century was full of religious, political, social, and cultural conflicts that led to wars across Europe and the new world. With the rise of protestant beliefs the catholic started to lose power and, with the rise of humanism kings were losing power to people run parliaments. The social structure began to change with the humanism as well, with the rise of personal power the peasants began to feel equal to the nobles in self–worth if not yet in a monitory sense. This led to further conflict in the Catholic Church as they became more radical in the search for heretics ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Chapter 4 : Roanoke 's Christian Church Chapter 4: Roanoke's Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): "Not the Only Christians, But Christians Only" In downtown Roanoke, on Church Avenue, an old church building still stands, having been erected over one hundred years earlier. For the same period of time, it has been occupied by a congregation, whose denominational origins lead back to a rural part of Kentucky in what was called the Restoration Movement, initiated by reformers who yearned for a primitive, apostolic form of Christianity, with "no creed but Christ." Although "backcountry" in the denomination's heritage, this particular congregation began in a boomtown. While striving to become a "first century" church, reminiscent of the apostles' ministries and the church life from ... Show more content on ... David Edwin Harrell, Jr.'s "The Agrarian Myth and the Disciples of Christ in the Nineteenth Century" as well as "The Sectional Origins of the Churches of Christ" magnificently provide readers with a thoroughly researched historical context relevant to Southern religious history in particular. In the former article, Harrell discusses, "At the heart of the myth of the garden," or the agrarian myth, "was the conviction that rural life was superior to urban life." For many in the Christian Church, Harrell demonstrates that they sought to initiate the "millennial hope" via the garden myth ideology, but in time, "The most fervent millennialists in the movement by the end of the century were the supporters of the new industrial order. Many still believed that the American farmer was a specially prepared instrument of God, but it was perfectly obvious that he was neither gaining in influence nor improving his status in society." Harrell, elsewhere, delved further into this urban versus rural idea, and how it, along with class and geographical contentions, affected the schism that divided the Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) into two major factions, one conservative, leading to the "Church of Christ," and the other liberal, retaining the Disciples of Christ name. As helpful as Harrell's article on sectionalism is, he also explained how Virginia was a bit of an anomaly in the South, where liberals "won virtually all of the churches," when ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Farmer's Mixes Our Roots Farmer's Mixes was created to bring organic, non–GMO cocktail blends to the market. It is the heart of our farmer to consumer commitment. Straight from the garden, farmer's mixes becomes farmer's cocktails. The Farmer's Mixes family has been in the hospitality industry for over 30 years. Their love of wholesome and delicious recipes comes naturally having span from Vienna, Cuba and Miami. Moments around the table with family and friends while enjoying libations led to the creation of Farmer's Mixes. For a taste that's as good as it makes you feel, Farmer's Mixes small–batch mixery is Miami–produced and bottled locally. Try Farmer's Mixes today – and experience a completely rich and natural taste with our line of mixes. Our Mixes ... Show more content on ... This martini is a precious blend of sweet, spicy and hearty flavors. Ingredients include agave nectar, brewed black mint ice tea, organic ginger juice (citric acid), organic tomato juice, freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice, scotch bonnet peppers, vanilla and salt. This mix may be enjoyed with either tequila or mescal. Be sure to add equal parts Farmer's Martini mix. Shake before use. Keep refrigerated. Straight from the Garden, and Into Your Cocktail. We perfected our Farmer's Mixes so you can enjoy them as a healthy bottled beverage. Want to kick it up a notch? All of our mixes are intended to compliment your preferred spirits or cocktail. Our mixes are packed with all the ingredients you need to recreate your favorite drink of choice; all you need to do is add a spirit of your choice. Our line of blends makes a great addition to your holiday and celebratory events. It makes a great gift for cocktail enthusiasts. Get your drink on, and join the fresh revolution. Let's Partner! With Farmer's Mixes' power–packed combinations stocked at your bar or establishment you'll be
  • 35. able to brighten up your beverage program and make a positive impact on your bottom line. Our cocktail mixes provide our partners with efficiency, nutrition and great taste. It's the turnkey solution to your trendy drink ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Corruption And Greed That Infested French High Society... The Pere Goriot, illustrates the corruption and greed that infested French high society during the Bourbon Restoration. Honore de Balzac who was a right winged conservative, depicts post revolutionary Paris as a place of corruption, greed, and dysfunctional families. The class system was more fragile than ever before and if one was willing to do what it takes, they could have the opportunity to make it into the Parisian Elite. With Feudalism abolished in France, you no longer had to be born in the first estate to live the lavish life of the social elite. As a steadfast conservative and opponent of the Revolution, Balzac depicts this new social mobility as something that corrupted French Society. The Bourbon Restoration allowed for your wealth to be the main factor in what part of the social strata you belonged, not what family you were born into. The abolition of feudalism coupled with the emergence of capitalism in France furthermore allowed for people to more easily move up the social ladder. The social structure was a volatile one, people were making and losing money all the time and Balzac illuminates on how much people struggle to live lavishly. The fragile social structure was not liked by conservatives who were used to never having to worry about dropping out of the elite or people joining it. He illustrates the Parisian people as pitiless, selfish, and egocentric. Not only does he show that the Parisian elite were cold blooded people who only cared about money and ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Napoleon Bonaparte Leadership Napoleon Bonaparte is often characterized as one of the most brilliant and influential military leader in all of history. Known mostly for his diminutive stature and extraordinary military skill, Napoleon Bonaparte is commonly recognized today for his great accomplishments and works regarding the country of France. Though he achieved many great things, the successfulness of this leader is often still debated all across the world. Many believe he was unsuccessful and arrogant while others argue that Napoleon's great skill shaped the world as it is known today. Though there are numerous conflicting viewpoints throughout the world, Napoleon's successfulness is more prominent, for his reforms to the country of France and military dominance set him apart from all other preceding leaders. Napoleon Bonaparte, also known as the Little Corporal, was born on August 15, 1769, on the small island of Corsica in France. He was the fourth of eleven children of Carlo Bonaparte and Letizia Romolino. Though oftentimes families with this many children struggled in France's floundering economy, Napoleon's father was of the noble status, so his children were able to receive a fair education during their childhood. Napoleon Bonaparte was then able to attend a military academy in France where he trained and accomplished the status of commander. Napoleon, a defender of the revolution, ended up using this military power to stage a coup d'etat against the French government, and he declared ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Advantages Of Political Dynasty In The Philippines An Argumentative Essay About a Phillipine or Local Issue Topic: Political Dynasty Despite not being an economically rich state, Philippines is known for having people who deeply value their family members. Family–oriented Filipinos give importance to even to their most distant relatives as long as they have the same blood running through their veins. In this practice also, Filipinos tend to seek advices from the elders of the family before making a huge decision. Thus, decisions are made not by one for himself but by a group for the entirety of the family. (Agoncillo, 2012, p.6) There is the saying that goes "blood is thicker than water." This old saying can be implied to anything, moreover when it is already concerning politics and elections. ... Show more content on ... This statement did not just come from us but from the research and survey we have conducted. Political dynasty has already been long present in the political structure of the Philippines. It can be manifested when a family member runs, and most often than not, wins the election and his position is soon succeeded by one of his family members as well. This cycle goes on and on and the scope of the family's territory becomes wider and wider every election for the members can run on different places. This is often practiced by rich and influential families; families who have been political since their forefathers and have followed the tradition as well. Political dynasties started to emerge just after the Philippine Revolution happened. It was also when the First Republic of the Philippines was established.The Philippine Revolution was the fight between the people of the Philippines and the Spanish colonizers. According to the book The Making of a Filipino which is written by Renato Constantino, political dynasty was believed to be first recorded way back in the pre–Magellanic period where the rulers where the datu, raja, and maharlika. They passed on their title to their male ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Conservatism In Spain Spain "The history of Spain is one of the most fascinating in the world and Spanish history has helped to shape the modern world into what it is today" (Spanish History 1). The Spanish history tells many stories of land acquisition, political disputes, and revolutions, but two of the most important pivotal points were the establishment of the Second Spanish Republic and La Movida Madrilena. The Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed on April 1931 because of an economic crisis called the wall street crash. This ended general Miguel Primo de Rivera's dictatorial government, and left the working class to choose a republican government rather than be oppressed by the King Alfonso XIII. Furthermore, when King Alfonso XIII saw that the working class ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, since the country was forced to obey a dictator for forty years, the country of Spain was suffering from a great cultural delay, and, thus when Francisco Franco died the country of Spain saw it difficult to catch up to the times. However, don Quijote states as follows "If you lived in the 80's and remember it, then you didn't live them"(La Movida 1), thus revealing that the 80's were, like the U.S's, a time where drug abuse was legal and common for men, but, at the same time, stating that it was a wonderful time, where people truly lived their lives to the fullest . Furthermore, this particular time was known as La Movida Madrilena which was known for the creativity in fashion, movies, theatre, nightlife, and sexuality that enveloped Spain. This took place after Mayor Enrique Tierno Galvan and King Juan Carlos I established a democracy; consequentially, since many had never experienced true freedom, the movement exploded. Pedro Almodovar, a celebrity in the Movida stated, "It's difficult to speak of La Movida and explain it to those who didn't live those years. We weren't a generation; we weren't an artistic movement; we weren't a group with a concrete ideology. We were simply a bunch of people that coincided in one of the most explosive moments in the country"(La Movida 1), consequently interpreting the movement as not being planned at all, for it was ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Symbolism in Jeanne Marie LePrince de Beaumont’s Beauty... Symbolism in Jeanne Marie LePrince de Beaumont's Beauty and the Beast If great writers are able to escape the influences of their era and write in a timeless fashion, then Jeanne Marie LePrince de Beaumont is certainly not a great writer. Beaumont wrote Beauty and the Beast in eighteenth–century France during the reign of Louis XV. It was a time when the enormous bourgeoisie population was slowly growing in independent wealth, yet remained grossly overtaxed and starved. These peasants were systematically excluded from the aristocracy and the workings of government. France was a stronghold of the dying feudal–influenced monarchy system, in which the king declared himself an absolute monarch with the divine right to rule as ... Show more content on ... Indeed, in eighteenth–century France, being part of the elite nobility was the only way one could be guaranteed to have wealth. Because of this, these greedy sisters would not settle for merely a wealthy merchant...they wanted blue–blood. A glint of good news came to the now–impoverished family when the merchant heard that a ship containing his merchandise had just arrived in port. The merchant was overjoyed and went to claim his wealth, only to find that there had been a legal ordeal and he had, indeed, lost it all. Here, the author tries to illustrate the French government's inadequacy in meeting the needs of the people. In the 1850s, great minds, including the Swiss/French political philosopher Jean–Jacques Rousseau, were writing that the authority to rule came from the people themselves. Furthermore, philosophers argued that the government's duty was not to serve their own decadence but rather to serve the people. The French government, being an absolute monarchy, was ruled by only the word of Louis XV, and the royal Bourbon family had a history of ruling to meet their own selfish desires. The French monarchy did not uphold the intrinsic promise and duty of any government to protect, feed, and serve its people. De Beaumont symbolizes this by failing to deliver the goods to the impoverished former merchant. In other words, just like the merchant's undelivered goods, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Timeline List : Karl 's Day Massacre Timeline List: Karl – France John Calvin Louis XV Louis XIV Louis XIII Henry IV Henry III Henry VIII Charles IX Edict of Nantes St. Bartholomew 's Day Massacre Research: John Calvin:–calvin–9235788 Was a Theologian, and Journalist Born July 10, 1509 and died May 27, 1564 Born in Noyon, Picardy, France and died in Geneva, Switzerland studied at University of Paris, University of Orléans, University of Bourges He lived in Geneva until anti–protestant authorities forced him to leave in 1508 He was invited back into Geneva as a spiritual and political leader in 1541 He established a religious government by using protestant principles He became absolute supremacy as leader of Geneva He executed and exiled many people for following the faith of christianity and not protestantism He is knows as an important protestant reformation ("John Calvin Biography." Biography) PEE: Editors. "John Calvin Biography." The Website. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016. . Louis XV:–xv–9386921#synopsis King through 1715–1774 His failures slowly brought up the creation of the French Revolution became king at age 5 In the 7 years war, the French fought with Austria against Britain and Prussia. The French lost Louis decided to rule but not with a first minister The war of Austrian Succession was a loss for France with loss of materials and people He signed the Treaty of ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Jean Kilbourne Can T Buy My Love Analysis In Jean Kilbourne's Can't Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel, she states that ads construct "artificial longings and needs... that exploit[s] our very real and human desires" (77). Advertisers use the importance of obtaining deeper relationships and healthy connections to capitalize on consumers. Furthermore, Kilbourne states that ads promote a "greater knowledge of self and others, an increased sense of self–worth, and a desire for more connection" (90), trivializing the concerns and drawbacks that occur from the actual product. The attached ad for "Jim Beam Black" uses deceiving components throughout the ad that take advantage of consumer's desires for deeper relationships with one's self as well as society. The ... Show more content on ... "SUCCESS IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT" proposes that be to successful is up to the individual themselves and how much effort is put in. Success is not restricted to career, but also has to do with having down time to enjoy activities, and having healthy, growing relationships with one's self and others. The pictures above this slogan shows the model successful in his career and in a healthy relationship as well as having leisure time which is an usually an anomaly."BLACK IS HOW YOU DRINK IT" suggests that the product is a means to success; drink to celebrate. In contrast, the bottom photos are more about socializing while drinking Black–which is acceptable and normal to drink in a social setting. The slogan states that it is okay to drink after a long day at work or to celebrate a milestone, but the ad seems to leave out the harmful affects of alcohol or how much alcohol should be consumed. Moreover, the bottom of the ad states, "MAKE HISTORY" which correlates with how the bourbon is "extra–aged." In other words, the ad is suggesting that consumers should make memories with Jim Beam; life is not all about work but also to create memories, have fun, and live life because life is short. The ad attempts to convey a good message when in hindsight it is capitalizing on the consumer's needs and ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Ceo Small Start Up Distillery The CEO small start up distillery named La Mancha Distilling co. in the southwest city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, the city known for its home to televisions Series "Breaking Bad". Craig Cervantes the CEO of La Mancha Distilling, has filed for, and now has a patent pending for a new type of revolutionary Spirts Aging process. Craig Cervantes has come up with a new revolutionary Patented process that stands to change the whole game of manufacturing Aged Spirts such as Bourbon, Scotch, Whiskey, Rums, Tequilas and Brandys as well as many others that are currently aged in Oak and wooden barrels. Traditionally, Whiskey and Scotches are aged in charred oak barrels in the long aging process that normally takes between 3 to 7 years to passively ... Show more content on ... In a normal oak aging process the amount of surface area of the barrel is stationary and only has a finite amount of the actual oak coming into contact with the Spirts within. In re thinking the process the eureka moment came when instead of putting the spirits inside the barrel basically the barrel is turned inside out and the sprits now surround the Oak. In the process a negative pressure is applied which draws the alcohol into the wood at much higher rate and getting full penetration of the wood to maximize the drawing the flavors from the Oak. Another unique result of this method is that you can do much more of a customization of the actual ending flavor profile. In a traditional method the Charring of the barrel is ordered from the cooper when they have made the barrel. The charring on the inside of the barrel can be altered to end up with a different end result depending on how deep the charring is done. With this new method the wood is made into actual chips which are then "toasted" for a period of time at a high temperature and it changes the Carmelization profile depending on the extent of the toasting. You can now eliminate certain flavor notes or bring certain flavor notes into a finished product in a much more consistent level than was ever possible in the past. Another thing that can be done during the aging process is to introduce other types of woods in the finished flavor profiles. It can be done using woods ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Weaknesses Of The French Crown Importance of the Weaknesses of the French Crown in Explaining the Outbreak of the French Wars of Religion in 1562 Previously France had been ruled by Henry II, a strong experienced ruler. It was, however, an unfortunate jousting accident lead to the swift decline of the French monarchy. Henry's successor, Francis II, was only fifteen years old on his accession to the throne in 1559. He was inexperienced and easily manipulated. Charles IX, a ten year old who relied upon the help of Catherine de Medici, his regent, then succeeded him. It was this new weak monarchy that acted as a catalyst for the many underlying problems that had been previously controlled. The weaknesses of the monarchy allowed ... Show more content on ... Francis Duke of Guise quickly assumed control of the army, church and foreign affairs. The Montmorency family had been stripped of office. The sudden shift of power towards the Guise family heightened tensions between the aristocratic factions. The monarchy in France operated through a clientage system. The King was at the apex and he would give money and protection to the clientage beneath him, who, in return would offer the king loyalty. Those beneath him included large aristocratic families and below these families were the nobility, and further down still, the lesser nobility. The three aristocratic families were therefore reliant on the nobility below them in the system for support. In return they would give offices and jobs to their clients. Due to a weak monarchy this clientage system broke down. The clientage system was a good way of exercising control over the major aristocratic families. However, in order for such a system to function there needed to be a strong monarch and a large sum of money, neither of which were available in 1559. After the vast amount of money spent in the Hapsburg – Valios wars the royal treasury was drained of resources. The monarchy not only lacked a strong ruler but was also economically weak. It meant that the King could no longer keep the aristocratic families under control by the means of the clientage system. The Guise's, who had ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Most Convincing Approach Of Japan And China Tyler Olsen Dr. Kishida HIST 110–02 21 October 2015 The Most Convincing Approach For many years Western nations in Europe and North America had wanted to expand their trade with Japan and China; however, the people of the two Asian countries believed that the Westerners were barbarians with useless goods and religious beliefs that would challenge their traditions. Up until the 1800s, Japan and China had successfully restricted the influence of Western nations within their countries. Their ability to remain isolated from Westerners, however, quickly faded throughout the 1800s when the modernized Western nations grew more powerful and demanding. Due to trying to stay isolated from Western ideas and religious beliefs, Japan and China fell ... Show more content on ... Feng Guifen's first good idea in his plan was to learn how to build better ships and guns from the Westerners, or barbarians as he liked to call them. He realized that China was turning into a weak country from being isolated from Western ideas. In the beginning of his article, Feng said that the Chinese were "inferior to the barbarians" (Feng 357). By this time, China had already been humiliatingly defeated by the British in the Opium War, which showed that China lacked a strong military and advanced technology ("Plotting East Asia's Future" 352). To remedy this, he proposed hiring Westerners to teach intelligent Chinese how to build strong ships and effective guns (Feng 357). Without having the military force or advanced weaponry and ships, China would be crushed again and again like it was in the Opium War and the later Sino–Japanese War, which is known as another humiliating Chinese defeat (Tignor 659). To have a powerful nation at that time, a strong military with weapons was needed. Feng knew that in order to gain the needed military strength, the Chinese were going to have to learn from Westerners on how to build better ships and guns. Two other authors also proposed reforming the military. For example, Ii Naosuke, one of the Japanese writers, had the similar idea of learning from foreigners. In his case, he wanted to employ Dutchmen as masters and mariners and put Japanese on board to study their guns, ships, and how they navigate ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN DOWNFALL IN 1830? Essay example DO YOU AGREE THAT THE BOURBONS WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN DOWNFALL IN 1830? In July 1830 a second French Revolution caused the then monarch, Charles X, to abdicate. He was replaced by the Duke of Orleans, marking the end of the Bourbon restoration, which had seen the Pre–Napoleonic regime return to power after the emperor's exile. Although it lasted 15 years, and must therefore be judged as having its successes, cracks began to form in the regime and general dissatisfaction led to outspread revolt and revolution. It can therefore be established that some fault does indeed lie with the Bourbons. However how much blame can be apportioned to them? In 1814, Louis XVIII signed The Charter, taking a big step towards a Constitutional ... Show more content on ... He revoked many advances made by Louis XVIII such as the extension of the franchise. In addition to this, he packed his government full of Ultras who passed laws that went directly against those of the people. Although he did not restore the land f the émigrés, he resolved to reimburse them, a scheme that put the crown in debt of almost 1 billion francs. He also greatly increased the power of the Catholic Church, a body mistrusted and held in contempt by most of the powerful middle class, and in April 1825 he introduced the Anti–Sacrilege Act, that meant crimes against the Church could be punishable by death. Even more unpopular were his attempts to reintroduce primogeniture in the male line and the disbanding of the National Guard (the bourgeoisie filled army) in doing this he upset most of the influential people in the country. Charles' one saving grace came too late, his conquest of Algeria was a great success in foreign policy and gave France a good footing in North Africa however this did not change his public image significantly. In 1830 the election results were very unfavourable to Charles. The new parliament was demanding greater power over the monarch and his ability to appoint deputies. In reaction he passed the four ordinances, which effectively made him a dictator and suspended freedom of speech in the press, the right to vote for most of the populace and dissolved the current government. In response to this ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Fabrication Of Louis Xiv In the introduction to The Fabrication of Louis XIV, Peter Burke expresses his ambition to write a study of Louis XIV 's public image as a whole and the changes it underwent throughout Louis 's reign. This book examines the relation between art and power and the official structures responsible for making – fabricating – the image, or more appropriately, the images of Louis XIV, as well as their contemporary reception. As the title suggests and as Burke himself reminds the reader, the book as a whole focuses on the ideas of royal myth and royal narrative, and the manipulation of information. Chapters two to eight follow each other chronologically, and examine how the image of Louis XIV changed during his reign. Chapter two pays particular attention to the different media used by the king and his 'image–makers '. This chapter is a good introduction to the different styles and genres used to create royal images, for example by comparing classicism and baroque and explaining recurrent allegories, metaphors and commonplaces used in the representations of Louis XIV. Chapters two to four give us the necessary background to understand the study of the relation between art and power in the time of Louis XIV. Whilst in chapter three, Peter Burke concentrates on how royal representations respond to contemporary events, he then is primarily concerned in chapter four with the construction of the structures of glorification of the king. The reader is introduced to two key figures in ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Revolution Of The French Revolution The French Revolution was a huge turning point in the history of the world and also influenced a handful of future revolutions. This event also inspired a large assortment of paintings and literature. One of the most famous and recognizable paintings in the world that was created during the French Revolution was The 28th July: Liberty Leading the People. Eugène Delacroix, whom was a French romantic artist, created this iconic painting in 1830 to commemorate the July Revolution (July 26th– 29th, 1830). It is known for using the famous goddess Liberty as the centerpiece of the painting. There has been controversy over the portrayal of Liberty, including her physical characteristics as well as the role she's playing in the painting. However, ... Show more content on ... King Louis XVIII agreed to the creation of a constitution and "promised a constitutional monarchy, with a bicameral parliament, religious toleration, and constitutional rights for all citizens." However, the parliament was composed of extremely right wing royalists and was dismissed in 1816 due to disagreements. Louis XVIII later died in 1824, but he spent the rest of his time at the throne trying to heal the wounds of the Revolution. Following the death of Louis XVIII, his brother Charles X took the throne in 1824. Though the people were optimistic at the beginning of his reign, the opinion of the new king eventually turned sour. Charles X returned the land to the "enemies of the Revolution" that had been during the time under Napoleon, "largely at the expense of bourgeois holders of government bonds." Charles X was also not religiously tolerant. He was a devoted Catholic, thus giving a large amount of power to the clergy and imposed the death penalty for refusing the Eucharist or any other religious sacraments. As Charles X lost support in parliament and from the general population, he felt the need to suspend the elections for officials because of radical motives. On July 26th, by Article 14 of the Charter, Charles X was able to put into action the July Ordinances, which included four rules: "censored the press, dissolved the newly elected chamber, altered the electoral system, and called for elections in September." The violation of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Analysis Of The Farewell Of Telemachus And Eucharis "The Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharis" by Jacques–Louis David This painting is an oil on canvas. It was painted by Jacques–Louis David in 1818. It is depicting a couple from Fénelon's novel, "Les Aventures de Télémaque," which was inspired by Homer's "Odyssey." This painting was about a young mythological couple who were madly in love with each other. Telemachus, the son of Penelope and Odysseus, and Eucharis a daughter to the goddess Calypso were so strongly in love with each other, that they were absolutely devastated when the lover's learned that they were going to be torn apart. The viewer sees Eucharis draping over Telemachus before he leaves to find his father. Telemachus and Eucharis both look very saddened that Telemachus had to leave. "Portrait of the Sisters Zénaïde and Charlotte Bonaparte" by Jacques–Louis David This painting was also an oil on canvas and was also painted by the same artist listed above. It was painted in 1821 in France, depicting two sisters, Zénaïde and Charlotte Bonaparte, who are the nieces to Napoleon. The sisters are reading a letter from their father, Joseph Bonaparte, who was exiled in the United States when they had previously lived in Belgium. Jacques–Louis David painted the two sisters in a way that displayed both their different ages and personalities. The oldest sister, wearing a black v–shaped dress, is staring at the viewer and has a protective looking demeanor towards her younger sister. The younger sister, wearing a more ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Jack Daniels Company Reflection Paper Week One There are many successful businesses in the world today. There are some that have made millions quickly then fade away, and then there are businesses that have tradition. The ones that have a history generally know what their customers want. Not only do they know what they want, but also strive to keep the needs of their customers the main focus at all times. The company I am going to dissect during this class is the Jack Daniels Company. The history of their company, and the fact they are a Tennessee based company are just a few reasons I wanted to pick them. I hope during this class to be able to display this company and let others know what and how they service their customers. Mission Statement Many companies have great ideals, and want to do great things for their customers. The problem that most companies have is not being able to create a mission statement that is effective. The company wants to let the people know who they are and what they are capable of by using words only. The key to this is being able to back up what they say. I must admit that Jack Daniels has a good mission statement. "Every day we make it, we will make it the best we can" (Jack Daniels, 2017). I have to say this is a very straight to the point mission statement. I feel that this is a very simple and effective mission statement. They have such a rich history and they are doing everything they can to make the best whiskey they can daily. They want to satisfy their customers and it ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Types Of Courtly Performance During The Modern Court In the early modern court, the illusion of power could be just as important as power itself. If courtiers participated in the various performances of the court, they had the potential to gain significant amounts of influence and prestige. These types of courtly performances were shared by monarchs, courtiers and lesser figures albeit in sometimes very distinct manners. This performance of the court consisted of various different aspects, including: associating with influential individuals, royal ceremonies, courtliness, and bodily performance. One type of courtly performance, which was primarily a concern of the courtiers and lesser court figures, was the association and ingratiation of one's self with influential court figures in order to gain status and respect. This was a performance in that courtiers were, in a way, required to form relationships on the basis of status and in the court friends were primarily a tool to advance one's standing in the court. A prime example of this is William Chiffinch the Page of the Backstairs of Charles II's court. A man of humble origins, Chiffinch was able to rise to a position of significant power and influence through his connection to a powerful individual, the king. "Like many of Charles II's household servants... Chiffinch had begun this intimacy with the king before the Restoration. He and his elder brother, Thomas, had been introduced to the Prince of Wales and Charles I's Oxford camp by Bishop Duppa of Salisbury" (Allen ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Spain 's Plights With Authority Spain's Plights with Authority After the change from the Hapsburg to the Bourbon regime, an effort was made to re–invent the way Spain controlled its colonies. The Bourbons sought to strengthen authority and increase revenue from its South American Colonies, yet this would only create colonial unrest and eventual revolution. Spain's economic, political, and social decisions are factors that eventually lead the colonists to seek other means of governance. Spain's economic decisions were a key factor in the eventual colonial reasoning to separate from the crown. Spain, upon discovery of the new world, began vast mining operations extracting and exporting rare earth metals such as gold and silver. Spain needed these exports to finance the multiple wars it waged with England and later revolutionary France. By focusing on mining operations, Spain overlooked the possibility of the agricultural markets that could also bring in much needed revenue. But agriculture in the colonies were only to be used to feed the people and miners. Many creoles disagreed with Spain's main focus on mining exports and began to sell some of their crops such as cocao, Oaxaca, and indigo as contraband. As this trend became more prominent, instead of stopping the sale all together, the farmers were instead taxed on the contraband they sold. By focusing on gold and silver, Spain also alienated itself from the rest of the world, and didn't really have anything to offer or trade with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Key Facts And Issues Of Glenn Rozycki Key Facts and Issues Glenn Rozycki is a 25 year old resident of Scarborough, Ontario who left school at York University after one year because he felt that he would be happier running his own car detailing business. Glenn wants to start up a new company, Custom Car Care, cleaning and detailing cars. Glenn began this venture as a part time job but he wants to turn it into his full time job. To ensure that his business will be successful, especially in comparison to other similar businesses in his area, Glenn must make sure his business idea is realistic, sustainable, and profitable. To ensure that Glenn can build a respectable reputation as a car detailing business, Glenn must be able to grab a segment of the market in his area where a few competitors already exist. Glenn can penetrate the market by employing different marketing and promotional strategies to ensure that he'll see success and profits with his limited resources. Glenn's main objective for his business strategy is to provide cleaning and maintenance to both the interior and exterior of vehicles to preserve their condition by using quality name brand products and precise, hand–done work. Glenn has already identified the different segments of car owners: owners of older cars that are in poor condition, but served the purpose of transportation; owners of newer, mid–priced cars; and owners of expensive cars costing more than $35,000. Glenn faced some competition in his area. There are ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Tokyo Railway Station Building The Tokyo railway station building is located in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan in the Marunouchi business district. The station which acts as Tokyo's main intercity terminal is served by the Tokyo Metro network, Japan Railways' regional commuter lines as well as the Shinkansen high speed railway lines. The Tokyo Station also has a reputation of being the busiest station in the country, judging by the number of trains it serves per day; approximately three thousand trains in one day. Furthermore, the train station has a hotel and gallery within its premises. In terms of architecture and historical culture, the station actually has a long history that dates back more than a hundred years, thereby making it one of the one of the few major examples of buildings designed in classical style remaining in Tokyo, and Japan as a whole. Chronicle information of the building Even though the Tokyo Station was constructed in 1914, its actual plan is connected to the history of Japan's rail in the 1880s (Ito n.p). It is therefore viewed by the Japanese as being significant in the advancement of rail technology and as a symbolic structure within Japan. By 1885, several railway tracks were already passing through Tokyo, thereby necessitating the need for a central terminal to be built in the region between Ueno and Shinbashi. The station which was to accommodate Tokyo's entire network was simply referred to as the "central terminal" (Ito n.p). The project for the Tokyo Station was first offered ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The French Revolution Brandon Chen Ms. Crawbuck Sophomore English March 23, 2016 Final Draft Many dictators in history have created bad legacies and committed horrific crimes during their time in power. One dictator, however, created a legacy that any person would know and created an ideology that is used in almost all first world countries, and many other second war countries now as well. This dictator is Napoleon Bonaparte. He is a catalyst for change because he created a dominant army from the scraps of the French Revolution, which led to his dominance throughout Europe, creating a lasting principle that most people now think of it as a norm. The French Government was rapidly losing power during the Bourbon Dynasty because of the vast spendings of King ... Show more content on ... Radical nationalists quickly took control of the government and country and made very radical acts, that dug France into a bigger hole (French). One of the first things the radicals did when they gained power was "declared war on Austria and Prussia, where it believed that French ẻmigrés were building counter revolutionary alliances; it also hoped to spread its revolutionary ideals across Europe through warfare," which caused not only a war inside of France, but also a war against countries outside of France (French). Soon a group of extremist Jacobins attacked and captured the king in Paris (French). The next month, citizens of Paris started massacring many accused counter revolutionists and got what they wanted; the establishment of the French Republic (French). Soon after the establishment of the republic, "Jacobins seized control of the National Convention from the more moderate Girondins and instituted a series of radical measures, ... They also unleashed the bloody Reign of Terror, a 10–month period in which suspected enemies of the revolution were guillotined by the thousands," which were put out by the order of Robespierre, the leader of the Committee of Public Safety (French). Soon after this radical phase a moderate phase came in and the French people revolted against the radicals because of their actions (French). The French revolution finally ended when a group of Girondins approved a new constitution that ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Causes Of The French Revolution The French Revolution began in 1789, this was a time of pure chaos. There was not only poor leadership, but unfair rights between classes, and famine. The third estate was full of commoners and peasants. This class of people had to pay taxes with money that they didn't have and then also had to pay for other amenities. This caused a major problem when there were food shortages, causing the prices to rise. Many of the third class, peasants and urban workers, could not afford their own food, and the first estate filled with royals and the clergy, wouldn't give up a thing. The highest estates abuse of power caused them to have a negative reputation among their people. King Louis the 14th spent all of his people's tax dollars to make an extravagant palace, King Louis the 16th did the same and didn't care about what effect it could have on the third estate and their struggles, and Robespierre had power during the Reign of Terror and he executed thousands of people. Robespierre came into power during economic and social suffering, he tried to support the idea of equality, but he was very corrupt and executed any supporters of the end of the revolution. The French Revolution was caused by a compilation of negative leadership and riots among the people. King Louis XIV was a corrupt leader and this lack of uniformity was a leading point to the French Revolution. He came into power at 4 years old. This made it obviously impossible for him to hold the lives of all of France's people in his hands. With this obstacle, a regency council took over in his position until he was of age to make decisions. Some poor decisions were made by the council which then caused civil war and especially angered the nobles and aristocrats. This formed a sort of fear within the people that when Louis could come to power he would have a rebellious way of controlling the people and continue to take all of the power away from the people. Originally, the King was seen as a hero because he was a reformer and helped organize the government and taxes. Louis was also very cocky and didn't see it fit for him to have a chief minister, "He viewed himself as the direct representative of God, endowed with a divine right to wield the absolute power of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Causes Of The French Revolution Of 1848 The French Revolution of 1848 was a great disappointment to both Karl Marx and Alexis de Tocqueville. To Marx, the revolution should have been a step along the way to socialism, with the bourgeoisie capitalists overthrowing the previous landed feudal society. In turn, the proletariat would arise and bring both the end of class antagonism and the beginning of the socialist state. To Tocqueville, the revolution was about the reduction in the power of the aristocracy as the lower classes were in ascendance. The resulting broadening of equality would give rise to democracy, with all its hopes and shortfalls. Yet the revolution ended not in socialism or democracy, but with a President who became an Emperor. Marx and Tocqueville may have had different ideas about how and why a society should conduct itself, but both found the outcome of the Revolution of 1848 a misstep on the path of social evolution. Marx took a very materialistic view of the revolution. The July Monarchy of Louis–Phillipe was a largely bourgeois government. The Orleans King allied with the banking bourgeoisie and the laws that came out of his government were largely to their benefit. He was in competition with the supporters of the Bourbon dynasty, who favored the landed aristocracy. These two groups, those who had the capital and those who had the land, worked against each other, and this struggle formed the beginning of the revolution. Marx said this struggle was not about the Orleans monarchy battling ... Get more on ...