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The Implications of Inter-language Analysis in the Development of
                 Materials for Teaching Speaking
 Abdulmalik Y. Ofemile & Choonmi Kim
           MA (TESOL& ICT)                       MA (TESOL)
                     School of Education,
                   University Of Leeds, UK

           Presented at the 8th Materials Development/MATSDA
                 Postgraduate Research Conference 2010
                  Building Bridges: Research, Materials,
                      Classroom Practice and Beyond

               Saturday 15th May, 2010 09:30am – 16:30pm
                     Leeds Metropolitan University
                    Leslie Silver International Faculty
                Caedmon Hall, Headingley Campus, Leeds
This paper is looking at a triangulation and application of three knowledge
  areas in the process of materials development for teaching and learning
  speaking skills in a second language acquisition context.
The knowledge areas include, Inter Language Analysis (ILA), Speaking skills,
  and Language materials design. The concepts of Needs Analysis (NA) and
  content development will be subsumed under these broad areas as the
  implications of triangulation become manifest.
We will focus on our contexts, summary of our research work, brief discussion
  of basic concepts from literature, the implications for materials development
  and our concluding thoughts on the work done.
Our Contexts

                                                     Expanding Circle

                                                        Outer circle

                                                        Inner circle
                                                           UK, USA

                                                           India, Nigeria

                                                    South Korea, China
TheThree Circles(Kachru, 1985) Fig. 1
Adapted fromCrystal, (2010 :107)
 05/18/10                               Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim    3
Our contexts
     Outer Circle (Nigeria)                      Expanding Circle (S. Korea)
     English is the language of government,      The 6th National curriculum (Mar.1995 to
     politics, business, education,                 Feb.2002) made English a compulsory
     communication and national unity.                 subject for students from the third grade
                                                    of primary school until graduating from high
     Nigerian varieties: Pidgin & Educated          school (Kim, 2010)
     Nigerian English, Popular Nigerian          English language is a requirement for
     English (Ofemile, 2010 citing Odumuh,          admission into the best Universities and for
     1987; Jowitt, 1991)                            getting the best jobs.
     Failure in the secondary school             Learners do not get to use the language
     certificate examination in English is          adequately outside the classroom.
     rising.(Wedell, 2010 citing Bomgbose,
                                                 $15.3 billion expended on private lessons in
     2001) The result for 2010 shows that           2005 (Guardian Weekly cited in Wedell,
     less than 2% of candidates                     2010)
     passed(Ofemile, 2010)

05/18/10                       Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                                    4
Literature Review Inter-language

Vernacular style                                             Careful style
(more pidgin-like)     Style 2     Style 3 Style 4 Style n   (more TL/NL like)

 Unattended          Attended    Various elicitation tasks: elicited Grammatical
 speech data         speech      imitation,sentence-combining,etc intuition data

 Inter Language continuum.(Tarone 1983:152) Fig.2
Literature Review.
                                                     'Sensitive Period Hypothesis'
Selinker (1972 cited in Davies,1989) Inter
    Language (Henceforth IL) is a learner’s          Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is
    language characterized by permeability,            possible at any age but, it is impossible
    dynamism, and systematicity. Thus, IL is
    continually evolving with more input to the
                                                       to achieve native-like competence.
    learner and revision by the learner                (Patwoski, 2006 citing Lennenberg,
    (Lightbown &Spada, 2006)                           1967) Thus, IL is a continuum that
                                                       represents the learner's development.
IL describes the structured system constructed         (Fig. 2) above.
   by the learner at every stage of his              As second language speaker sand
   development. (Ellis, 1985)                           teachers of English experience shows
                                                        that Patwoski is right but, we must add
                                                        that this however depends on several
                                                        factors like context, the relationship
                                                        between L1 and the target language,
                                                        and the learners attitude and

 05/18/10                          Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                            6
Literature Review.

                                                          Needs classified for ease of
     Needs Analysis                                         identification.
     Has been variously defined and described
     (Munby, 1977; Richterich & Chancerel,                McDonough, (1984)Hutchinson and Waters,
     1977/1980; Widdowson, 1984; Hutchinson &               (1987); Mushare, (1992) and Benesch,
     Waters, 1987; Queeney, 1995; Jordan, 1997;             (2001).
     Benech, 2001, Ofemile, 2009).
                                                           For our purpose,'Target needs (what a learner
     From the above we deduced that NA has the               will do in order to learn). Learning needs
     following properties.                                   (what the learner will do in a target situation)
 •   It is a learner-centered process                        Hutchinson and Waters, (1987) will suffice
                                                             because they help give focus to the paper.
 •   It involves data collection and processing

 •   It provides information on the design,
     implementation and evaluation of learning

 •   The learning experiences meet the needs of the
     learners, Institutions, and Society.

05/18/10                                Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                                    7
Literature Review.
     Speaking skill in context
 Speaking overlaps with many areas of              We believe that these are the qualities and
   language. It can be seen as an aspect             functions of spoken discourse. Just as
   of production or from the social aspects          in writing, learners learn to speak and
   ie attitudes towards productive skills.           speak to learn and we believe that
   (Hughes, 2002)                                    there is a parallel here with
                                                     'competence and performance'.
 our understanding of Hughes goes thus:
                                                   The first refers to skill acquisition while the
 As an aspect of production, spoken                  second refers to the ability to use the
    discourse is context dependent, usually          skill in the 'target situation'. A
    unplanned, transient, uses oral/aural            combination of the two provide what
    media and is dynamic.                            Harmer, (2007) calls 'rehearsal
                                                     opportunities' to use the language for a
     From the social aspect, spoken                  purpose and as a skill.
     discourse is perceived as an inter-
     personal locus of change, that is
     informal, rhetorical, stigmatized and a
     primary form of language.

05/18/10                         Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                                8
Literature Review.
     Materials Design                             Tomlinson(2005)citing Jolly and Bolitho
                                                    (1998:97-8) presents a framework that
 It is a process that begins with                   focuses on procedures for developing
      identification of competences or needs        materials thus:
      assessment, then determining goals
      and objectives, conceptualizing             Identification of need for materials
      content, and finally, selecting and
      developing materials and activities.        Exploration of need
      (Graves, 1996)                              Contextual realization of materials
 This view sees material development as           Pedagogical realization of materials
    an integral part of course development.
                                                  Production of materials
                                                  Student use of materials
                                                  Evaluation of materials against agreed

05/18/10                        Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                            9
Literature Review.

 We find this framework most useful because it is systematic, coherent purposeful and
   flexible. This review has given a mulch-dimensional insights to this paper.
  We will now go further to give a comparative analysis of our researches in IL.

05/18/10                       Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                         10
Research Analysis

     The Learners' Background                    The Research Tasks
      Korean(Lee) an Engineer and a              The subjects were expected to:
     Nigerian (Nkiru) a teacher. We are
     using Pseudonyms                            Talk about themselves
     Lee speaks Korean and English. He           Narrate or re-tell a story
     learned English in Korea and Canada,        Relate an experience that is of
     rarely uses English at work but his            significance to them.
     composition skills are good.
     Nkiru speaks Igbo,a smattering of
     Yoruba, pidgin English, Popular
     Nigerian English, and Standard British
     English. She is a post-graduate student
     in the UK.

05/18/10                       Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                    11
Research Analysis
     Aims                                   Data Collection
     Ascertain their linguistic             We used unstructured
     competences in the use of               interviews recorded
     English language in
                                             using Skype over three
                                             interview sessions.
     Ascertain their Listening and
     speaking skills.
     Identify areas of deficiencies

05/18/10                  Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim            12
Research Analysis (Research Methodology)

      Data Analysis                           Results were classified under:
      Recorded interviews
      were converted into
      transcripts using voice                 Vocabulary
      walker.                                 pragmatics
      We analyzed data obtained using
      Canale's (1983) framework of
      communicative competence.

05/18/10                    Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                   13
     Phonology                              In one instance, he correctly
                                               articulates and distinguishes
     Nkiru's pronunciation was                 between the sounds /r/ and
     good with an intermediate                 /l/ in words like 'generally'.
     level of fluency.                         However, when these
     However, she commits local                sounds occur in individual
     errors attributable to                    words, he switches them as
     transfers from L1 e.g.                    in 'actualy' articulated as /ri:/.
     Omission of sounds like /t/ in            Other sounds include /v/
     'least'.                                  as /b/ and /z/ as /dz/. These
                                               sounds do not exist in
     Lee also has good                         Korean.
     pronunciation but, he
     displays a mixed grill of
05/18/10                  Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                      14
     Grammar                                      Vocabulary
 Nkiru's mastery of sentence formation is         Nkiru code mixes registers (e.g. 'eba'
    very good. She was able to place                 'fufu') with English language. She uses
    morphemes in their proper positions to           interjections and discourse particles
    make sentences.                                  like 'aho' (what do I care or how do I
                                                     know) from Nigerian languages in her
     Lee on the other hand, displayed a              expressions. Her choice of words are
     good level of competence in the use of          varied and her repertoire of words very
     present tense but, his use of past tense        high.
     and articles (a, the) were inaccurate
     while copula and regular 'be' forms          Lee shows a limited choice of words which
     were ommited. Examples include 'Ah,             maybe an indication of the level of his
     he style very strong'; 'I think he              development in the language.
     increase economy better now'

05/18/10                        Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                          15
                                                    He is able to express his feelings about
     Pragmatics                                       issues albeit in a confusing manner.
 Nkiru displayed an appreciable level of           For example, he calls a 'puppy' 'baby dog'.
    proficiency in pragmatic skills. She was          This is a transfer from a Korean near
    able to employ formulaic expressions              equivalent expression 'kae saeki'. This
    without depending on them, interpret              is an attempt (Harmer,2007)that has
    requests, recognize and respond to                pragmatic implications. The expression
    conversation starters,employ co-                  is considered a solecism in Korean
    constructions to complete clauses as              culture and it is to an extent
    well as use a mixture and shift in tense          nonsensical in English.
    'complicating action'.(Ofemile, 2009,
     Lee used and relied on formulaic
     expressions like 'I studied...' but, his
     discourse skills are good which can be
     attributed to a positive transfer from

05/18/10                         Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                              16
 We believe that ILA has implications for
   material development in the following           Needs Analysis.
                                                   ILA employs approaches that are
 •   Needs analysis                                   systematic and empirically established
                                                      by a careful accumulation and analysis
 •   Types of materials ie classification             of data e.g. Canale's framework. These
                                                      approaches are universally acceptable,
 •   Usability                                        they account for variations across IL
 •   Contextual focus                                 sub-systems (phonology, grammar,
                                                      vocabulary & pragmatics), and they are
                                                      internally consistent, parsimonious and
                                                      elegant, (Tarone, 1989).
                                                   NA tries to get information about the
                                                     learners' perceptions of their needs
                                                     and how others perceive them

05/18/10                         Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                           17
 Needs Analysis
In view of the scientific and pragmatic nature of IL, we believe that it may be used to
    strengthen the process of identification and elaboration of needs in materials
    development. Errors or language variations identified will now become the learners'
    needs. For example, our studies observed that the subjects need more pragmatic
    knowledge of English language to function and communicate effectively, thus,
    content design will include politeness, turn taking in conversation, or even elements
    of interaction in English language discourse.
Apart from that IL can be used as a lead on to other aspects of NA in materials
  development using the steps recommended below, (Fig 3).

05/18/10                       Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                             18
IL strengthens data gathering processes in Needs Analysis

                     STEP 1.....         Set Speech Context

                     STEP 2.....           Set Interaction Objectives

                     STEP 3.......      Frame specific Questions

                     STEP 4.......       Administration (Interviews)
                     STEP 5......               Analysis

                     STEP 6......       Needs Identification & Evaluation

       Fig 3

05/18/10                             Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim       19
IL strengthens data gathering processes in Needs Analysis

     Step 1: Determined by the                         Step 4: spontaneous recordings of
     communicative function of the language                speech by researcher, unstructured
     bearing in various contexts (Tarone, 1988)            interviews, pre-planned sociolinguistic
                                                           interactions to check 'observer paradox'
     Step 2:the purpose of the study                       (Labov, 1972 cited in Tarone, 1988;
     should be set in a favourable linguistic
     environment.e.g. assessing the extent of
     linguistic competence in spoken English.          Step 5:Focused analysis of transcribed
     (Ofemile, 2010, Kim 2010; Schumann,                   spoken data using accepted theoretical
     1978b, Ellis, 1984a)                                  standards e.g. Canale's four aspects of
                                                           communicative competence.
     Step 3: Frame interview questions
     bearing in mind socio-situational factors like    Step 6: NA strategies are used in
     Tarone's (1988) social and pedagogical                assessing linguistic competences or
     norms that may or may not conflict with the           incompetence identified. Such strategies will
     learner's background. (See Ellis, 1992                include comparing the learner's linguistic
     citing Lardiere, 2007)                                performance with the accepted expected
                                                           standard. A variance analysis will yield
                                                           further the learner's needs at the evaluation
05/18/10                             Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                                 20
 Types of materials                                Usability
 Input from ILA will help in raising teachers'     We are of the opinion that ILA input can
    and learners' awareness about ESL                help in evaluating these materials in an
    settings, methods and materials                  empirical manner. This idea becomes
    development. This will help in the               relevant here since materials now
    inclusion of contextualized learning             include electronic resources like
    activities, strategies and exercises in          podcast, voice recorders, voice chats,
    classroom speaking materials and                 video chats, CD/DVD, mp3, mp4 and
    resources that can promote interaction           other web based resources. ILA is
    in the target language. (Ofemile,2010;           used to identify learner needs and
    citing Jianda, 2008; Ellis, !987; Kim,           these materials and resources will be
    2010).                                           employed to give tasks that will remedy
 This implies that ILA input can aid the
    decision about the the type and                Thus, materials will be assessed for
    function of speaking material to be              'learnability, Efficiency, Memorability,
    developed e.g paper based or                     Errors and satisfaction'
    electronic; classwork, examination, or           (Nielson,1993:26)
    which specific learner need to meet.
05/18/10                         Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                               21
 This evaluation will simply ascertain            Contextual focus
    whether or not the speaking material is
    easy to learn, efficient to use, easy to      Finally, we believe that the role of ILA in
    remember, allows the learner to                  the future development of English
    commit only a few errors, and is                 language as an international language
    pleasant to use.(Nielson, 1993).                 will become more pronounced. This
                                                     belief is based upon the striking
 From experience, we find that these                 similarities that occurred in the results
    factors to a large extent determine the          of our independent researches of
    level of interaction that can be                 learners that represent the outer circle
    generated in the classroom. Thus, a              and expanding circle.
    positive result implies high interaction
    between the learner and the material          Secondly, Graddol's (2010) futuristic
    and a negative indicates poor                   axioms about India, which we find in
    interaction with no learning taking             view of the results above to be
    place.                                          increasingly relevant to our research

05/18/10                        Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                             22
 These are summarized thus;                       8.Surveys of English proficiency levels are
                                                     needed. (Graddol 2010,14-15).
 •   There is a major shift towards English
                                                  Material developers will continually
 •   There are three main drivers for
     English                                      have to bear in mind this ever widening
                                                     contexts and ILA has the potential of
 •   English has escaped from the library            presenting critical data for those
 •   Sustained economic growth requires              designers who desire to promote
     more English speakers                           mutually intelligible materials for
                                                     teaching and learning speaking or oral
 •   National Improvement in English is too          communication in English language
     slow                                            internationally.
 •   English is a casualty of wider problems
     in Indian(Nigerian, Korean) education
 •   There is a huge shortage of English
     teachers, and

05/18/10                        Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                           23
This paper has looked at the influence of ILA on
 materials development based on studies carried
 out in two contexts. We must quickly add that, we
 interviewed only one subject each and in three
 events and to these extents can the results be
 generalized. However, we think that more of
 these studies are needed in other contexts with
 other specifications to build a body of knowledge
 in preparation for a future which is very near.

05/18/10          Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim   24

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05/18/10                                     Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim                                                  25

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The Implications of Inter-language Analysis in the Development of Materials for Teaching Speaking (Matsda, LeedsMet Uni.2010)

  • 1. The Implications of Inter-language Analysis in the Development of Materials for Teaching Speaking BY Abdulmalik Y. Ofemile & Choonmi Kim MA (TESOL& ICT) MA (TESOL) School of Education, University Of Leeds, UK Presented at the 8th Materials Development/MATSDA Postgraduate Research Conference 2010 Building Bridges: Research, Materials, Classroom Practice and Beyond Saturday 15th May, 2010 09:30am – 16:30pm Leeds Metropolitan University Leslie Silver International Faculty Caedmon Hall, Headingley Campus, Leeds
  • 2. Introduction This paper is looking at a triangulation and application of three knowledge areas in the process of materials development for teaching and learning speaking skills in a second language acquisition context. The knowledge areas include, Inter Language Analysis (ILA), Speaking skills, and Language materials design. The concepts of Needs Analysis (NA) and content development will be subsumed under these broad areas as the implications of triangulation become manifest. We will focus on our contexts, summary of our research work, brief discussion of basic concepts from literature, the implications for materials development and our concluding thoughts on the work done.
  • 3. Our Contexts Expanding Circle Outer circle Inner circle UK, USA Canada India, Nigeria Singapore South Korea, China Russia TheThree Circles(Kachru, 1985) Fig. 1 Adapted fromCrystal, (2010 :107) 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 3
  • 4. Our contexts  Outer Circle (Nigeria) Expanding Circle (S. Korea)  English is the language of government, The 6th National curriculum (Mar.1995 to politics, business, education, Feb.2002) made English a compulsory communication and national unity. subject for students from the third grade of primary school until graduating from high  Nigerian varieties: Pidgin & Educated school (Kim, 2010) Nigerian English, Popular Nigerian English language is a requirement for English (Ofemile, 2010 citing Odumuh, admission into the best Universities and for 1987; Jowitt, 1991) getting the best jobs.  Failure in the secondary school Learners do not get to use the language certificate examination in English is adequately outside the classroom. rising.(Wedell, 2010 citing Bomgbose, $15.3 billion expended on private lessons in 2001) The result for 2010 shows that 2005 (Guardian Weekly cited in Wedell, less than 2% of candidates 2010) passed(Ofemile, 2010) 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 4
  • 5. Literature Review Inter-language Vernacular style Careful style (more pidgin-like) Style 2 Style 3 Style 4 Style n (more TL/NL like) Unattended Attended Various elicitation tasks: elicited Grammatical speech data speech imitation,sentence-combining,etc intuition data data Inter Language continuum.(Tarone 1983:152) Fig.2
  • 6. Literature Review. 'Sensitive Period Hypothesis' Selinker (1972 cited in Davies,1989) Inter Language (Henceforth IL) is a learner’s Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is language characterized by permeability, possible at any age but, it is impossible dynamism, and systematicity. Thus, IL is continually evolving with more input to the to achieve native-like competence. learner and revision by the learner (Patwoski, 2006 citing Lennenberg, (Lightbown &Spada, 2006) 1967) Thus, IL is a continuum that represents the learner's development. IL describes the structured system constructed (Fig. 2) above. by the learner at every stage of his As second language speaker sand development. (Ellis, 1985) teachers of English experience shows that Patwoski is right but, we must add that this however depends on several factors like context, the relationship between L1 and the target language, and the learners attitude and background. 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 6
  • 7. Literature Review. Needs classified for ease of  Needs Analysis identification.  Has been variously defined and described (Munby, 1977; Richterich & Chancerel, McDonough, (1984)Hutchinson and Waters, 1977/1980; Widdowson, 1984; Hutchinson & (1987); Mushare, (1992) and Benesch, Waters, 1987; Queeney, 1995; Jordan, 1997; (2001). Benech, 2001, Ofemile, 2009). For our purpose,'Target needs (what a learner  From the above we deduced that NA has the will do in order to learn). Learning needs following properties. (what the learner will do in a target situation) • It is a learner-centered process Hutchinson and Waters, (1987) will suffice because they help give focus to the paper. • It involves data collection and processing • It provides information on the design, implementation and evaluation of learning experiences. • The learning experiences meet the needs of the learners, Institutions, and Society. 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 7
  • 8. Literature Review.  Speaking skill in context Speaking overlaps with many areas of We believe that these are the qualities and language. It can be seen as an aspect functions of spoken discourse. Just as of production or from the social aspects in writing, learners learn to speak and ie attitudes towards productive skills. speak to learn and we believe that (Hughes, 2002) there is a parallel here with 'competence and performance'. our understanding of Hughes goes thus: The first refers to skill acquisition while the As an aspect of production, spoken second refers to the ability to use the discourse is context dependent, usually skill in the 'target situation'. A unplanned, transient, uses oral/aural combination of the two provide what media and is dynamic. Harmer, (2007) calls 'rehearsal opportunities' to use the language for a  From the social aspect, spoken purpose and as a skill. discourse is perceived as an inter- personal locus of change, that is informal, rhetorical, stigmatized and a primary form of language. 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 8
  • 9. Literature Review.  Materials Design Tomlinson(2005)citing Jolly and Bolitho (1998:97-8) presents a framework that It is a process that begins with focuses on procedures for developing identification of competences or needs materials thus: assessment, then determining goals and objectives, conceptualizing Identification of need for materials content, and finally, selecting and developing materials and activities. Exploration of need (Graves, 1996) Contextual realization of materials This view sees material development as Pedagogical realization of materials an integral part of course development. Production of materials Student use of materials Evaluation of materials against agreed objectives 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 9
  • 10. Literature Review. We find this framework most useful because it is systematic, coherent purposeful and flexible. This review has given a mulch-dimensional insights to this paper.  We will now go further to give a comparative analysis of our researches in IL. 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 10
  • 11. Research Analysis  The Learners' Background The Research Tasks  Korean(Lee) an Engineer and a The subjects were expected to: Nigerian (Nkiru) a teacher. We are using Pseudonyms Talk about themselves  Lee speaks Korean and English. He Narrate or re-tell a story learned English in Korea and Canada, Relate an experience that is of rarely uses English at work but his significance to them. composition skills are good.  Nkiru speaks Igbo,a smattering of Yoruba, pidgin English, Popular Nigerian English, and Standard British English. She is a post-graduate student in the UK. 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 11
  • 12. Research Analysis  Aims Data Collection  Ascertain their linguistic We used unstructured competences in the use of interviews recorded English language in using Skype over three interaction. interview sessions.  Ascertain their Listening and speaking skills.  Identify areas of deficiencies 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 12
  • 13. Research Analysis (Research Methodology)  Data Analysis Results were classified under: Phonology  Recorded interviews Grammar were converted into transcripts using voice Vocabulary walker. pragmatics  We analyzed data obtained using Canale's (1983) framework of communicative competence. 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 13
  • 14. Findings  Phonology In one instance, he correctly articulates and distinguishes  Nkiru's pronunciation was between the sounds /r/ and good with an intermediate /l/ in words like 'generally'. level of fluency. However, when these  However, she commits local sounds occur in individual errors attributable to words, he switches them as transfers from L1 e.g. in 'actualy' articulated as /ri:/. Omission of sounds like /t/ in Other sounds include /v/ 'least'. as /b/ and /z/ as /dz/. These sounds do not exist in  Lee also has good Korean. pronunciation but, he displays a mixed grill of abilities. 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 14
  • 15. Findings  Grammar Vocabulary Nkiru's mastery of sentence formation is Nkiru code mixes registers (e.g. 'eba' very good. She was able to place 'fufu') with English language. She uses morphemes in their proper positions to interjections and discourse particles make sentences. like 'aho' (what do I care or how do I know) from Nigerian languages in her  Lee on the other hand, displayed a expressions. Her choice of words are good level of competence in the use of varied and her repertoire of words very present tense but, his use of past tense high. and articles (a, the) were inaccurate while copula and regular 'be' forms Lee shows a limited choice of words which were ommited. Examples include 'Ah, maybe an indication of the level of his he style very strong'; 'I think he development in the language. increase economy better now' 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 15
  • 16. Findings He is able to express his feelings about  Pragmatics issues albeit in a confusing manner. Nkiru displayed an appreciable level of For example, he calls a 'puppy' 'baby dog'. proficiency in pragmatic skills. She was This is a transfer from a Korean near able to employ formulaic expressions equivalent expression 'kae saeki'. This without depending on them, interpret is an attempt (Harmer,2007)that has requests, recognize and respond to pragmatic implications. The expression conversation starters,employ co- is considered a solecism in Korean constructions to complete clauses as culture and it is to an extent well as use a mixture and shift in tense nonsensical in English. 'complicating action'.(Ofemile, 2009, 2010)  Lee used and relied on formulaic expressions like 'I studied...' but, his discourse skills are good which can be attributed to a positive transfer from Korean. 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 16
  • 17. Implications We believe that ILA has implications for material development in the following Needs Analysis. areas: ILA employs approaches that are • Needs analysis systematic and empirically established by a careful accumulation and analysis • Types of materials ie classification of data e.g. Canale's framework. These approaches are universally acceptable, • Usability they account for variations across IL • Contextual focus sub-systems (phonology, grammar, vocabulary & pragmatics), and they are internally consistent, parsimonious and elegant, (Tarone, 1989). NA tries to get information about the learners' perceptions of their needs and how others perceive them 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 17
  • 18. Implications  Needs Analysis In view of the scientific and pragmatic nature of IL, we believe that it may be used to strengthen the process of identification and elaboration of needs in materials development. Errors or language variations identified will now become the learners' needs. For example, our studies observed that the subjects need more pragmatic knowledge of English language to function and communicate effectively, thus, content design will include politeness, turn taking in conversation, or even elements of interaction in English language discourse. Apart from that IL can be used as a lead on to other aspects of NA in materials development using the steps recommended below, (Fig 3). 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 18
  • 19. IL strengthens data gathering processes in Needs Analysis STEP 1..... Set Speech Context STEP 2..... Set Interaction Objectives STEP 3....... Frame specific Questions STEP 4....... Administration (Interviews) STEP 5...... Analysis STEP 6...... Needs Identification & Evaluation Fig 3 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 19
  • 20. IL strengthens data gathering processes in Needs Analysis  Step 1: Determined by the Step 4: spontaneous recordings of communicative function of the language speech by researcher, unstructured bearing in various contexts (Tarone, 1988) interviews, pre-planned sociolinguistic interactions to check 'observer paradox'  Step 2:the purpose of the study (Labov, 1972 cited in Tarone, 1988; Ellis,2009) should be set in a favourable linguistic environment.e.g. assessing the extent of linguistic competence in spoken English. Step 5:Focused analysis of transcribed (Ofemile, 2010, Kim 2010; Schumann, spoken data using accepted theoretical 1978b, Ellis, 1984a) standards e.g. Canale's four aspects of communicative competence.  Step 3: Frame interview questions bearing in mind socio-situational factors like Step 6: NA strategies are used in Tarone's (1988) social and pedagogical assessing linguistic competences or norms that may or may not conflict with the incompetence identified. Such strategies will learner's background. (See Ellis, 1992 include comparing the learner's linguistic citing Lardiere, 2007) performance with the accepted expected standard. A variance analysis will yield further the learner's needs at the evaluation stage. 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 20
  • 21. Implications Types of materials Usability Input from ILA will help in raising teachers' We are of the opinion that ILA input can and learners' awareness about ESL help in evaluating these materials in an settings, methods and materials empirical manner. This idea becomes development. This will help in the relevant here since materials now inclusion of contextualized learning include electronic resources like activities, strategies and exercises in podcast, voice recorders, voice chats, classroom speaking materials and video chats, CD/DVD, mp3, mp4 and resources that can promote interaction other web based resources. ILA is in the target language. (Ofemile,2010; used to identify learner needs and citing Jianda, 2008; Ellis, !987; Kim, these materials and resources will be 2010). employed to give tasks that will remedy deficiencies. This implies that ILA input can aid the decision about the the type and Thus, materials will be assessed for function of speaking material to be 'learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, developed e.g paper based or Errors and satisfaction' electronic; classwork, examination, or (Nielson,1993:26) which specific learner need to meet. 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 21
  • 22. Implications This evaluation will simply ascertain Contextual focus whether or not the speaking material is easy to learn, efficient to use, easy to Finally, we believe that the role of ILA in remember, allows the learner to the future development of English commit only a few errors, and is language as an international language pleasant to use.(Nielson, 1993). will become more pronounced. This belief is based upon the striking From experience, we find that these similarities that occurred in the results factors to a large extent determine the of our independent researches of level of interaction that can be learners that represent the outer circle generated in the classroom. Thus, a and expanding circle. positive result implies high interaction between the learner and the material Secondly, Graddol's (2010) futuristic and a negative indicates poor axioms about India, which we find in interaction with no learning taking view of the results above to be place. increasingly relevant to our research contexts 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 22
  • 23. Implications These are summarized thus; 8.Surveys of English proficiency levels are needed. (Graddol 2010,14-15). • There is a major shift towards English Material developers will continually • There are three main drivers for English have to bear in mind this ever widening contexts and ILA has the potential of • English has escaped from the library presenting critical data for those • Sustained economic growth requires designers who desire to promote more English speakers mutually intelligible materials for teaching and learning speaking or oral • National Improvement in English is too communication in English language slow internationally. • English is a casualty of wider problems in Indian(Nigerian, Korean) education • There is a huge shortage of English teachers, and 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 23
  • 24. Conclusion This paper has looked at the influence of ILA on materials development based on studies carried out in two contexts. We must quickly add that, we interviewed only one subject each and in three events and to these extents can the results be generalized. However, we think that more of these studies are needed in other contexts with other specifications to build a body of knowledge in preparation for a future which is very near. 05/18/10 Abdulmalik Ofemile & Choonmi Kim 24
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