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The whole is other than the sum of its parts
     A Tutorial for Presenters and Slide Designers
                      Glenna Shaw
This tutorial is organized into
                                                              Each section contains an
                                                              introductory page and multiple
                                                              instructional pages.
                                                              Instructional pages are
                                                              organized into text and
                                                              interactive images.
                                                              Most images can be clicked
                                                              multiple times to go back and
                                                              forth to illustrate the concepts.
   Click on the menu items to jump to different sections
                                                              Use the navigation buttons
                                                              shown below to move through
                                                              the pages.
Click this button to                               Click this button             Click these buttons to go to
return to this page                               to go to the menu                  the next/previous pages
Gestalt psychology was developed during the 1920s by
three German psychologists: Wertheimer, Kafka and
Kohler. Gestalt is a German word meaning the essence
or shape of an entity’s complete form. These
psychologists found that we subconsciously segregate
and group visual information in order to perceive it as a      gestalt
Gestalt Principles demonstrate a set of consistent
behaviors or rules pertaining to these visual
perceptions. And these principles universally apply to
all human beings.
As presenters and/or slide designers, knowledge of these principles can be a
powerful tool. We can successfully organize and group elements on our slides
to be easily understood (or perceived) by our audience. By using Gestalt
Principles we can enhance the communicative power of our slides.
Today there are more than 114 principles. I’ve chosen to demonstrate the
ones I consider most relevant to presentations and slide design.
I recently had the pleasure of drawing
                                               with my 4 year old grandson. He asked
                                               me to show him how to draw a house.
                                               Instead of simply drawing a house, I
                                               decided to show him how he could put
                                               together shapes (a triangle, several
                                               rectangles and a circle) to draw a
                                               recognizable house.
The look on his face was pure wonderment and I had the joy of experiencing that
magical moment when he made a significant cognitive leap. As human beings, we
perceive what we see as a whole intuitively. We must cognitively choose to
deconstruct images. The Principles of Gestalt document the laws governing this
behavior of visual perception.
I already planned to write an entry on my blog,, about the Principles of
Gestalt. Originally I intended to simply explain the 6 main principles of Gestalt applied
to slide design. However, I so enjoyed the experience with my grandson, that I decided
to create this more extensive tutorial.
As you complete this tutorial it is my fondest hope that you experience your own
sense of wonderment, that ah-ha moment when you understand why certain
elements on your slides work so effectively and others do not.
Have you ever wondered why
optical illusions work?
Consider the image at top
right. I can assure you the
circles are perfectly
symmetrical and the lines of
the square are straight, yet
when one is placed on top the
other, both appear bent.
Now consider the image at
bottom right. What stands out
when you look at this image?
Does this image clearly present
a message? Would you use this
image in a presentation? Do
you know why or why not?
In1915, Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin introduced a
series of cognitive illusions that laid the ground work for
Gestalt theories of visual perception.
Figure/Ground Organization articulates our visual field
into two components, the figure and background.
Consider Rubin’s famous image on this page. Do you see
a vase or two faces? Notice that you cannot see both at
once. You must change your perspective of the
foreground and background to perceive one or the
While this may seem a simple concept of contrast, figure/ground
organization is actually much more complicated. It gives the perception
of depth and is impacted by changes to the boundary of the objects.
Slides are the perfect medium for Figure/Ground Organization since they
will always have a 2D background upon which objects are placed.
Boundary is the edge area of the objects (where they touch
one another.) Attributes of the boundary create the illusion of
depth. Depending on the grouping (or edge-assignment) of
the boundary, the figure will be seen in the foreground or the
Click several times on the images below to alternate between
edge assignments.

                                                  Edge is assigned
                                                  an internal
        Is this a rectangle                       shadow sending
             or a hole?                           bringing the
                                                  the figure to
                                                  the to the
The smaller of two objects
                               will be seen as a figure
                               against a larger background.
                               Click on the red rectangle at
                               left to see this principle

In the images at right the
vase is favored on the left
and faces are favored on the
right because of the
principle of smallness.
Surrounded areas tend to be seen as figures.
Surroundedness is one of the strongest principles of
visual perception and will frequently supersede
other principles when applied to the same object.
Click several times on the shapes below to see this
principle in action.
Sufficient contrast is needed
to differentiate objects from
background.                      This is Text
Without enough contrast
the objects blend into the
                                 This is Text
Click once on the text at
                                 This is Text
right to see this principle.     This is Text
Just as animals depend upon
this principle for purposes of   This is Text
camouflage, it can be used
to hide or highlight objects
on slides.
Figures are more easily seen
when oriented horizontally
or vertically.
The blue propeller stands
out in this orientation.
Click several times on the
propeller to see the change.
The white areas are more
easily seen as figures when
oriented horizontally and
Symmetrical objects stand
out as figures. Asymmetrical
objects are perceived as
Do you see two diamonds at
left or three asymmetrical
Click once on the diamonds
to see the change.
Two diamonds stand out as
figures when they are
When all things are equal, convex
(protruding) rather than concave
(indented) patterns tend to be
perceived as figures.
Click several times on the buttons
at right to create your own
Click several times on the blue
background to see how the
principle of surroundedness
affects your preference for
If an object is presented as 3D, it
is using the principle of convexity
even if the object is concave.
Convexity is a weak principle.
Gestalt psychologists found that we perceive our
world holistically. From a visual standpoint, we
organize what we see into patterns and groups in
order to make sense of it.
This is especially true when looking at forms and
shapes on a two dimensional surface.
Gestalt psychologists identified a number of
consistent behaviors in how the mind groups
objects depending on factors such as
spacing, alignment, similarity, etc.
In the image at right you can see not one, but two
triangles. The little pacman type objects give your brain the visual clues that
allow you to intuit the existence of the second triangle.
These abilities were and are very important skills. We wouldn’t have survived
very long if we couldn’t spot a camouflaged predator.
As slide designers, knowledge of these principles of grouping enables us to
clearly communicate our message without ambiguity.
We tend to recognize shapes
and groupings when they are
seen frequently. This allows us
to recognize them even when
a part is missing or they’re out
of context. Traffic signs rely
heavily on this principle.
However, familiarity (or past
experience) is the weakest
principle and easily overcome
with very little change.
Click the images at left several
times to see if your
perceptions of the objects
When presented with
incomplete visual
information, we instinctively
fill in the blanks. Although the
structures at right are
open, we perceive them as a
circle and a square.

                                   The iconic image at left is
                                   easily recognizable even
                                   though it is incomplete.
                                   Closure relies, in part, on past
                                   Click the image several times
                                   to experience this principle.
Shapes tend to be perceived as a
whole when they are aligned to
each other or appear to form a
continuous pattern.
This is what enables us to
perceive the continuation of a
road even though we cannot see
the end of the road.
This principle can be easily
interrupted by changing the
pattern of the objects so that
they no longer appear
Click several times on the three
segments at right to experiment
with the principle of continuity.
We intuitively group
objects that are similar in
size, shape, color and
Click several times on the
objects at left to form
your own groupings based
on different aspects of
Proximity is one of the strongest
The closer objects are to one
another the more likely they are
to be perceived as a whole.
Click once on the objects at right
to see this principle applied to
the ten objects.
                                     The ten objects are now
                                     perceived as 3 groups despite
                                     their similarities or differences.
                                     Since letters are also perceived as
                                     objects, we depend on proximity
                                     to separate letters into words.
                                     Click on the word at left to see
                                     how critical the principle of
                                     proximity can be.
Also known as common fate, this principle states that objects
that move in the same direction or appear to move in the
same direction will be perceived as a group.
Click on the purple objects to see this principle applied.
Notice, once the motion stops, the objects on the left are no
longer perceived as a group. The objects on the right maintain
their grouping since the common fate is illustrated by the
arrows rather than an actual movement.
When objects are
connected, they are perceived
as a single figure. This principle
is stronger than nearly any
other principle.
The objects at left appear as
two groups based on the
principles of similarity and
Click on the objects at left
several times to add/ remove
The objects will appear to be
three figures when connected.
The principle of enclosure, also
known as common area, is similar
to surroundedness. When objects
are enclosed by lines or placed
within a common container they
will appear as a single figure.
Enclosure is thought to be the
strongest principle.
Click on the objects once to see
the impact of enclosure by a line.

The enclosing line is ambiguous
because of the connection
between the green and purple
objects.                             When the enclosed area is filled
Click again to see the impact of     with color the ambiguity is
enclosure within a common            removed since the principle of
area.                                common area is stronger.
Pragnanz, German for clarity or conciseness, is
known as the principle of good form. By now you
know that we have organizational tendencies in our
visual perceptions, the way in which the human
brain decides that things we see go together.
For figures to have pragnanz, also known as good
gestalt, they should be as
simple, orderly, balanced, unified, coherent, regular,
 etc. as possible.
The image at right is a simple example of pragnanz.
The principles you’ve learned in this tutorial govern
how we resolve what we see. Each principle stands
on its own when there is no conflict or competing factors. However, when
presented with ambiguous stimuli, there is an hierarchical component to the
Although the exact order of this hierarchy is still being debated today, I’ve
presented my own guidance on this hierarchical structure in this section.
As slide designers, we should strive to practice good gestalt, ensuring our
visual communications will be perceived with clarity.
My findings for the
hierarchical relationships    This is Text
for the principles of
Organization are shown at
right. I’ve included visual
reminders from the lessons
with each principle.
Contrast is a requirement
for all figure/ground
organization because
without it the figure
cannot be seen.
Boundary is also present in
all images even when that
boundary is ambiguous.
Convexity is the weakest
My findings for the
       hierarchical relationships
       for the principles of
       Perceptual Grouping are
       shown at left. I’ve included
       visual reminders from the
       lessons with each
       All images will have at least
       one of the principles of
       Perceptual Grouping.
       The primary message
       conveyed by an image will
       depend on the strongest
       principle applicable to the
As many people know, Psychology is an imperfect
science. And the Gestalt Principles of
Perception, like most things in psychology, are
open to interpretation.
The lessons you’ve just completed are my own
interpretations of Gestalt Principles as they
relate to slide design.
They are presented as guidance to help clarify
your visual communications.
The following pages offer you ten opportunities to practice your own
analysis of images using the principles you’ve just learned.
Examine each image and determine which principles you think are most
applicable to the image.
You then have the opportunity to see my analysis of the image.
Click to select the principles that apply to the image
     Boundary                      Familiarity
     Smallness                     Closure
     Surroundedness                Continuity
     Contrast                      Similarity
     Orientation                   Proximity
     Symmetry                      Motion
     Convexity                     Connectivity
Click here to see my analysis
     Connectivity is strongest principle conveyed in this image. This image is good
     for a message about a series of steps or a sequence of events. Because
     connectivity is stronger than the principle of motion, this image needs an
     arrow added to convey a message of moving up or down with visual clarity.
     An image of an escalator is a better image to convey a message of motion.
Click to select the principles that apply to the image
                                                                      Boundary                 Familiarity
      6              Series 1   Series 2   Series 3

                                                                      Smallness                   Closure
                                                                Surroundedness                 Continuity
                                                                        Contrast                Similarity
                                                                     Orientation                Proximity
                                                                      Symmetry                    Motion
      0                                                               Convexity              Connectivity
           1st Qtr        2nd Qtr      3rd Qtr        4th Qtr                                   Enclosure
Click here to see my analysis
     The principle of closure allows us to present this graph without needing to display the
     plot area or gridlines. We automatically fill in the plot area. Proximity is the strongest
     principle in this graph. The bars appear as four groups. Although the principle of
     similarity is used in the form of color to differentiate the series, it’s eclipsed by the
     proximity of the groupings and requires more effort to understand the data. There is
     no continuity of the series. A line graph is a better choice to display this information.
Click to select the principles that apply to the image
     Boundary                      Familiarity
     Smallness                     Closure
     Surroundedness                Continuity
     Contrast                      Similarity
     Orientation                   Proximity
     Symmetry                      Motion
     Convexity                     Connectivity
Click here to see my analysis
     The principles of surroundedness, contrast and convexity ensure that the button is the
     focal point of this image. Although the orientation is not vertical, it doesn’t detract
     significantly from this image because the other figure/ground organization is so
     strongly depicted. The predominant grouping principle is motion. This is an excellent
     image to convey a message about upward motion.
Click to select the principles that apply to the image
                                                  Boundary                 Familiarity
      Topic Topic Topic                           Smallness                   Closure
                                            Surroundedness                 Continuity
      Subtopic        Subtopic   Subtopic
                                                    Contrast                Similarity
                                                 Orientation                Proximity
      Subtopic        Subtopic   Subtopic
                                                  Symmetry                    Motion
                                                  Convexity              Connectivity
Click here to see my analysis
     This Smart Art graphic conveys a message of relationships using the
     principles of similarity, proximity and enclosure. It is clear to the
     audience the categorized relationship between the topics and
     subtopics. This is a splendid method to display ordered relationships of
     objects as shown.
Click to select the principles that apply to the image
     Boundary                      Familiarity
     Smallness                     Closure
     Surroundedness                Continuity
     Contrast                      Similarity
     Orientation                   Proximity
     Symmetry                      Motion
     Convexity                     Connectivity
Click here to see my analysis
     The principles of contrast, smallness and familiarity ensure that the message
     of stop on this pedestrian crosswalk sign is clearly conveyed. However, the
     non-vertical orientation allows the yellow triangles to compete and detract
     from the message. This image would more clearly convey the message if it
     were vertically aligned and the yellow triangles were cropped out of the
Click to select the principles that apply to the image
                                                         Boundary                  Familiarity
                                                         Smallness                    Closure
                                                   Surroundedness                  Continuity
                                                           Contrast                 Similarity
                                                        Orientation                 Proximity
                                                         Symmetry                     Motion
                                                         Convexity               Connectivity
Click here to see my analysis
     This image uses the principles of boundary, surroundedness and contrast to place all
     the focus on the cup of dark liquid. It significantly stands out as the focal point of the
     image. The brie cheese in the upper right corner is nearly invisible with the lack of
     contrast against the white paper. The principles of familiarity and proximity (of the
     bread to the cup) allows for significant ambiguity in this image. Does the cup contain
     coffee or au jus? You might use this image to convey it’s time for a break since it
     doesn’t really matter what’s in the cup.
Click to select the principles that apply to the image
     Boundary                      Familiarity
     Smallness                     Closure
     Surroundedness                Continuity
     Contrast                      Similarity
     Orientation                   Proximity
     Symmetry                      Motion
     Convexity                     Connectivity
Click here to see my analysis
     This image obviously relies on the principles of familiarity and closure to mentally
     complete the image of a woman. Familiarity further reinforces the concept of a
     business woman because of the proximity of the briefcase. The principle of motion
     also applies because the woman is taking a step forward in the perspective of the
     image. This is a good image to convey a message of career advancement for women.
Click to select the principles that apply to the image
                                                       Boundary                  Familiarity
                 Big Boss                              Smallness                    Closure
                                                 Surroundedness                  Continuity
             Little Boss           Assistant             Contrast                 Similarity
                                                      Orientation                 Proximity
                      Worker Bee                       Symmetry                     Motion
       Senior                        Helper
      Worker Bee
                      Worker Bee
                                     Helper            Convexity               Connectivity
                      Worker Bee
Click here to see my analysis
     This organizational chart uses the principles of surroundedness, symmetry, similarity
     and proximity to clearly convey the message of hierarchy. The principles of
     enclosure, similarity and proximity are used rather than connectivity (as you might see
     in a more traditional org chart.) This is an outstanding graphic to use to convey a
     message about a hierarchical structure that doesn’t have too many levels.
Click to select the principles that apply to the image
     Boundary                      Familiarity
     Smallness                     Closure
     Surroundedness                Continuity
     Contrast                      Similarity
     Orientation                   Proximity
     Symmetry                      Motion
     Convexity                     Connectivity
Click here to see my analysis
     This timeline Smart Art graphic relies primarily on the principles of continuity
     and similarity. An image with the principles of motion or connectivity might
     more clearly convey the message of moving through time. This graphic is
     perfect for conveying a timeline that has incremental instances of
     importance, such as the milestones shown above.
Click to select the principles that apply to the image
                                                         Boundary                 Familiarity
                                                         Smallness                   Closure
                                                   Surroundedness                 Continuity
                                                           Contrast                Similarity
                                                        Orientation                Proximity
                                                         Symmetry                    Motion
                                                         Convexity              Connectivity
Click here to see my analysis
     This image is most strongly influenced by the principles of contrast and convexity. The
     contrasting colors and the attributes of the boundary ensure the indentation in the
     building stands out as well as ensuring the building itself stands out against the lighter
     sky. The lack of vertical orientation does not significantly impact the clarity of the
     image because the other principles are so strong. This is a terrific image to convey a
     message about heights or goals.
Rudolf Arnheim (2004) Art and Visual       Russell A. Dewey, PhD (2008) Psychology:
Perception: A Psychology of the Creative   An Introduction. Chapter 4, Senses and
Eye, Fiftieth Anniversary Printing.        Perception
Vicki Bruce, Mark A. Georgeson, and        Dempsey Chang, Laurence Dooley and
Patrick R. Green (2003) Visual             Juhani E. Tuovinen (2002) Gestalt Theory
Perception: Physiology, Psychology and     in Visual Screen Design – A New Look at
Ecology. Chapter 6, Perceptual             an Old Subject.
                                           Lisa Graham (2008) Gestalt Theory in
Robert Snowden, Peter Thompson, and        Interactive Media Design. Journal of
Tom Troscianko (2006) Basic Vision: An     Humanities and Social Science, Volume
Introduction to Visual Perception.         2, Issue 1, 2008
Rudolf Arnheim (2004) Visual Thinking:     David S. Touretzky & Ethan Tira-
Thirty-Fifth Anniversary Printing.         Thompson (2009), Gestalt Perception.
                                           15-494 Cognitive Robotics
Stephen Few (2006) Information
Dashboard Design: The Effective Visual     Michael Britt, PhD (2007) The Psych Files.
Communication of Data. Chapter             Episode 31: Lemon Slices and a New Face
4, Tapping into the Power of Visual        on Mars! Gestalt Principles at Work
                                           Dejan Todorovic (2008) Gestalt
                                           Principles. Scholarpedia, 3(12):5345
Geetesh                      No product is ever created
Bajaj,          in a vacuum and this tutorial
                             is no exception. It would
Steve                        not be as polished as you
Rindsberg,       are seeing it without the
                             review, feedback, editing
Echo                         and creative ideas from the
Swinford,     folks you see at left.
                             They are an extremely
Julie                        talented group and I
Terberg,   encourage you to visit their
                             sites to learn more about
                             and from them.
As I’ve previously stated, the
                                            purpose of this tutorial is to provide
                                            presenters and slide designers with
                                            the informational tools to increase
                                            the visual clarity of their products.
                                            This tutorial does not provide
                                            specific information on design,
although visual clarity is a contributing factor to good visual aesthetics.
All findings and conclusions expressed within this tutorial are my own
opinions. You’ll also find that there are anomalies to any theory. I find that
my eyes are drawn to concave objects before convex objects, which is why I
underlined the word tend on that particular principle.
For more authoritative findings, please refer to my sources and draw your
own conclusions.
                                                                       Glenna Shaw
                                                                    December 2010

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The Gestalt of Slides

  • 1. The whole is other than the sum of its parts A Tutorial for Presenters and Slide Designers By Glenna Shaw
  • 2. This tutorial is organized into sections. Each section contains an introductory page and multiple instructional pages. Instructional pages are organized into text and interactive images. Most images can be clicked multiple times to go back and forth to illustrate the concepts. Click on the menu items to jump to different sections Use the navigation buttons shown below to move through the pages. Click this button to Click this button Click these buttons to go to return to this page to go to the menu the next/previous pages
  • 3.
  • 4. Gestalt psychology was developed during the 1920s by three German psychologists: Wertheimer, Kafka and Kohler. Gestalt is a German word meaning the essence or shape of an entity’s complete form. These psychologists found that we subconsciously segregate and group visual information in order to perceive it as a gestalt whole. Gestalt Principles demonstrate a set of consistent behaviors or rules pertaining to these visual perceptions. And these principles universally apply to all human beings. As presenters and/or slide designers, knowledge of these principles can be a powerful tool. We can successfully organize and group elements on our slides to be easily understood (or perceived) by our audience. By using Gestalt Principles we can enhance the communicative power of our slides. Today there are more than 114 principles. I’ve chosen to demonstrate the ones I consider most relevant to presentations and slide design.
  • 5. I recently had the pleasure of drawing with my 4 year old grandson. He asked me to show him how to draw a house. Instead of simply drawing a house, I decided to show him how he could put together shapes (a triangle, several rectangles and a circle) to draw a recognizable house. The look on his face was pure wonderment and I had the joy of experiencing that magical moment when he made a significant cognitive leap. As human beings, we perceive what we see as a whole intuitively. We must cognitively choose to deconstruct images. The Principles of Gestalt document the laws governing this behavior of visual perception. I already planned to write an entry on my blog,, about the Principles of Gestalt. Originally I intended to simply explain the 6 main principles of Gestalt applied to slide design. However, I so enjoyed the experience with my grandson, that I decided to create this more extensive tutorial. As you complete this tutorial it is my fondest hope that you experience your own sense of wonderment, that ah-ha moment when you understand why certain elements on your slides work so effectively and others do not.
  • 6. Have you ever wondered why optical illusions work? Consider the image at top right. I can assure you the circles are perfectly symmetrical and the lines of the square are straight, yet when one is placed on top the other, both appear bent. Now consider the image at bottom right. What stands out when you look at this image? Does this image clearly present a message? Would you use this image in a presentation? Do you know why or why not?
  • 7. In1915, Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin introduced a series of cognitive illusions that laid the ground work for Gestalt theories of visual perception. Figure/Ground Organization articulates our visual field into two components, the figure and background. Consider Rubin’s famous image on this page. Do you see a vase or two faces? Notice that you cannot see both at once. You must change your perspective of the foreground and background to perceive one or the other. While this may seem a simple concept of contrast, figure/ground organization is actually much more complicated. It gives the perception of depth and is impacted by changes to the boundary of the objects. Slides are the perfect medium for Figure/Ground Organization since they will always have a 2D background upon which objects are placed.
  • 8. Boundary is the edge area of the objects (where they touch one another.) Attributes of the boundary create the illusion of depth. Depending on the grouping (or edge-assignment) of the boundary, the figure will be seen in the foreground or the background. Click several times on the images below to alternate between edge assignments. Edge is assigned an internal external Is this a rectangle shadow sending or a hole? bringing the the figure to figure the to the foreground. background.
  • 9. The smaller of two objects will be seen as a figure against a larger background. Click on the red rectangle at left to see this principle applied. In the images at right the vase is favored on the left and faces are favored on the right because of the principle of smallness.
  • 10. Surrounded areas tend to be seen as figures. Surroundedness is one of the strongest principles of visual perception and will frequently supersede other principles when applied to the same object. Click several times on the shapes below to see this principle in action.
  • 11. Sufficient contrast is needed to differentiate objects from background. This is Text Without enough contrast the objects blend into the This is Text background. Click once on the text at This is Text right to see this principle. This is Text Just as animals depend upon this principle for purposes of This is Text camouflage, it can be used to hide or highlight objects on slides.
  • 12. Figures are more easily seen when oriented horizontally or vertically. The blue propeller stands out in this orientation. Click several times on the propeller to see the change. The white areas are more easily seen as figures when oriented horizontally and vertically.
  • 13. Symmetrical objects stand out as figures. Asymmetrical objects are perceived as incomplete. Do you see two diamonds at left or three asymmetrical objects? Click once on the diamonds to see the change. Two diamonds stand out as figures when they are symmetrical.
  • 14. When all things are equal, convex (protruding) rather than concave (indented) patterns tend to be perceived as figures. Click several times on the buttons at right to create your own patterns. Click several times on the blue background to see how the principle of surroundedness affects your preference for convexity. If an object is presented as 3D, it is using the principle of convexity even if the object is concave. Convexity is a weak principle.
  • 15. Gestalt psychologists found that we perceive our world holistically. From a visual standpoint, we organize what we see into patterns and groups in order to make sense of it. This is especially true when looking at forms and shapes on a two dimensional surface. Gestalt psychologists identified a number of consistent behaviors in how the mind groups objects depending on factors such as spacing, alignment, similarity, etc. In the image at right you can see not one, but two triangles. The little pacman type objects give your brain the visual clues that allow you to intuit the existence of the second triangle. These abilities were and are very important skills. We wouldn’t have survived very long if we couldn’t spot a camouflaged predator. As slide designers, knowledge of these principles of grouping enables us to clearly communicate our message without ambiguity.
  • 16. We tend to recognize shapes and groupings when they are seen frequently. This allows us to recognize them even when a part is missing or they’re out of context. Traffic signs rely heavily on this principle. However, familiarity (or past experience) is the weakest principle and easily overcome with very little change. Click the images at left several times to see if your perceptions of the objects change.
  • 17. When presented with incomplete visual information, we instinctively fill in the blanks. Although the structures at right are open, we perceive them as a circle and a square. The iconic image at left is easily recognizable even though it is incomplete. Closure relies, in part, on past experience. Click the image several times to experience this principle.
  • 18. Shapes tend to be perceived as a whole when they are aligned to each other or appear to form a continuous pattern. This is what enables us to perceive the continuation of a road even though we cannot see the end of the road. This principle can be easily interrupted by changing the pattern of the objects so that they no longer appear continuous. Click several times on the three segments at right to experiment with the principle of continuity.
  • 19. We intuitively group objects that are similar in size, shape, color and orientation. Click several times on the objects at left to form your own groupings based on different aspects of similarity.
  • 20. Proximity is one of the strongest principles. The closer objects are to one another the more likely they are to be perceived as a whole. Click once on the objects at right to see this principle applied to the ten objects. The ten objects are now perceived as 3 groups despite their similarities or differences. Since letters are also perceived as objects, we depend on proximity to separate letters into words. Click on the word at left to see how critical the principle of proximity can be.
  • 21. Also known as common fate, this principle states that objects that move in the same direction or appear to move in the same direction will be perceived as a group. Click on the purple objects to see this principle applied. Notice, once the motion stops, the objects on the left are no longer perceived as a group. The objects on the right maintain their grouping since the common fate is illustrated by the arrows rather than an actual movement.
  • 22. When objects are connected, they are perceived as a single figure. This principle is stronger than nearly any other principle. The objects at left appear as two groups based on the principles of similarity and proximity. Click on the objects at left several times to add/ remove connections. The objects will appear to be three figures when connected.
  • 23. The principle of enclosure, also known as common area, is similar to surroundedness. When objects are enclosed by lines or placed within a common container they will appear as a single figure. Enclosure is thought to be the strongest principle. Click on the objects once to see the impact of enclosure by a line. The enclosing line is ambiguous because of the connection between the green and purple objects. When the enclosed area is filled Click again to see the impact of with color the ambiguity is enclosure within a common removed since the principle of area. common area is stronger.
  • 24. Pragnanz, German for clarity or conciseness, is .. known as the principle of good form. By now you know that we have organizational tendencies in our visual perceptions, the way in which the human brain decides that things we see go together. For figures to have pragnanz, also known as good .. gestalt, they should be as simple, orderly, balanced, unified, coherent, regular, etc. as possible. .. The image at right is a simple example of pragnanz. The principles you’ve learned in this tutorial govern how we resolve what we see. Each principle stands on its own when there is no conflict or competing factors. However, when presented with ambiguous stimuli, there is an hierarchical component to the principles. Although the exact order of this hierarchy is still being debated today, I’ve presented my own guidance on this hierarchical structure in this section. As slide designers, we should strive to practice good gestalt, ensuring our visual communications will be perceived with clarity.
  • 25. My findings for the hierarchical relationships This is Text for the principles of Figure/Ground Organization are shown at right. I’ve included visual reminders from the lessons with each principle. Contrast is a requirement for all figure/ground organization because without it the figure cannot be seen. Boundary is also present in all images even when that boundary is ambiguous. Convexity is the weakest principle.
  • 26. My findings for the hierarchical relationships for the principles of Perceptual Grouping are shown at left. I’ve included visual reminders from the lessons with each principle. All images will have at least one of the principles of Perceptual Grouping. The primary message conveyed by an image will depend on the strongest principle applicable to the STOP image.
  • 27. As many people know, Psychology is an imperfect science. And the Gestalt Principles of Perception, like most things in psychology, are open to interpretation. The lessons you’ve just completed are my own interpretations of Gestalt Principles as they relate to slide design. They are presented as guidance to help clarify your visual communications. The following pages offer you ten opportunities to practice your own analysis of images using the principles you’ve just learned. Examine each image and determine which principles you think are most applicable to the image. You then have the opportunity to see my analysis of the image.
  • 28. Click to select the principles that apply to the image Boundary Familiarity Smallness Closure Surroundedness Continuity Contrast Similarity Orientation Proximity Symmetry Motion Convexity Connectivity Enclosure Click here to see my analysis Connectivity is strongest principle conveyed in this image. This image is good for a message about a series of steps or a sequence of events. Because connectivity is stronger than the principle of motion, this image needs an arrow added to convey a message of moving up or down with visual clarity. An image of an escalator is a better image to convey a message of motion.
  • 29. Click to select the principles that apply to the image Boundary Familiarity 6 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 5 Smallness Closure 4 Surroundedness Continuity 3 Contrast Similarity 2 Orientation Proximity 1 Symmetry Motion 0 Convexity Connectivity 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Enclosure Click here to see my analysis The principle of closure allows us to present this graph without needing to display the plot area or gridlines. We automatically fill in the plot area. Proximity is the strongest principle in this graph. The bars appear as four groups. Although the principle of similarity is used in the form of color to differentiate the series, it’s eclipsed by the proximity of the groupings and requires more effort to understand the data. There is no continuity of the series. A line graph is a better choice to display this information.
  • 30. Click to select the principles that apply to the image Boundary Familiarity Smallness Closure Surroundedness Continuity Contrast Similarity Orientation Proximity Symmetry Motion Convexity Connectivity Enclosure Click here to see my analysis The principles of surroundedness, contrast and convexity ensure that the button is the focal point of this image. Although the orientation is not vertical, it doesn’t detract significantly from this image because the other figure/ground organization is so strongly depicted. The predominant grouping principle is motion. This is an excellent image to convey a message about upward motion.
  • 31. Click to select the principles that apply to the image Boundary Familiarity Topic Topic Topic Smallness Closure Surroundedness Continuity Subtopic Subtopic Subtopic Contrast Similarity Orientation Proximity Subtopic Subtopic Subtopic Symmetry Motion Convexity Connectivity Enclosure Click here to see my analysis This Smart Art graphic conveys a message of relationships using the principles of similarity, proximity and enclosure. It is clear to the audience the categorized relationship between the topics and subtopics. This is a splendid method to display ordered relationships of objects as shown.
  • 32. Click to select the principles that apply to the image Boundary Familiarity Smallness Closure Surroundedness Continuity Contrast Similarity Orientation Proximity Symmetry Motion Convexity Connectivity Enclosure Click here to see my analysis The principles of contrast, smallness and familiarity ensure that the message of stop on this pedestrian crosswalk sign is clearly conveyed. However, the non-vertical orientation allows the yellow triangles to compete and detract from the message. This image would more clearly convey the message if it were vertically aligned and the yellow triangles were cropped out of the image.
  • 33. Click to select the principles that apply to the image Boundary Familiarity Smallness Closure Surroundedness Continuity Contrast Similarity Orientation Proximity Symmetry Motion Convexity Connectivity Enclosure Click here to see my analysis This image uses the principles of boundary, surroundedness and contrast to place all the focus on the cup of dark liquid. It significantly stands out as the focal point of the image. The brie cheese in the upper right corner is nearly invisible with the lack of contrast against the white paper. The principles of familiarity and proximity (of the bread to the cup) allows for significant ambiguity in this image. Does the cup contain coffee or au jus? You might use this image to convey it’s time for a break since it doesn’t really matter what’s in the cup.
  • 34. Click to select the principles that apply to the image Boundary Familiarity Smallness Closure Surroundedness Continuity Contrast Similarity Orientation Proximity Symmetry Motion Convexity Connectivity Enclosure Click here to see my analysis This image obviously relies on the principles of familiarity and closure to mentally complete the image of a woman. Familiarity further reinforces the concept of a business woman because of the proximity of the briefcase. The principle of motion also applies because the woman is taking a step forward in the perspective of the image. This is a good image to convey a message of career advancement for women.
  • 35. Click to select the principles that apply to the image Boundary Familiarity Big Boss Smallness Closure Surroundedness Continuity Little Boss Assistant Contrast Similarity Orientation Proximity Worker Bee Symmetry Motion Senior Helper Worker Bee Worker Bee Helper Convexity Connectivity Worker Bee Enclosure Click here to see my analysis This organizational chart uses the principles of surroundedness, symmetry, similarity and proximity to clearly convey the message of hierarchy. The principles of enclosure, similarity and proximity are used rather than connectivity (as you might see in a more traditional org chart.) This is an outstanding graphic to use to convey a message about a hierarchical structure that doesn’t have too many levels.
  • 36. Click to select the principles that apply to the image Boundary Familiarity Smallness Closure Surroundedness Continuity Contrast Similarity Orientation Proximity Symmetry Motion Convexity Connectivity Enclosure Click here to see my analysis This timeline Smart Art graphic relies primarily on the principles of continuity and similarity. An image with the principles of motion or connectivity might more clearly convey the message of moving through time. This graphic is perfect for conveying a timeline that has incremental instances of importance, such as the milestones shown above.
  • 37. Click to select the principles that apply to the image Boundary Familiarity Smallness Closure Surroundedness Continuity Contrast Similarity Orientation Proximity Symmetry Motion Convexity Connectivity Enclosure Click here to see my analysis This image is most strongly influenced by the principles of contrast and convexity. The contrasting colors and the attributes of the boundary ensure the indentation in the building stands out as well as ensuring the building itself stands out against the lighter sky. The lack of vertical orientation does not significantly impact the clarity of the image because the other principles are so strong. This is a terrific image to convey a message about heights or goals.
  • 38.
  • 39. Rudolf Arnheim (2004) Art and Visual Russell A. Dewey, PhD (2008) Psychology: Perception: A Psychology of the Creative An Introduction. Chapter 4, Senses and Eye, Fiftieth Anniversary Printing. Perception Vicki Bruce, Mark A. Georgeson, and Dempsey Chang, Laurence Dooley and Patrick R. Green (2003) Visual Juhani E. Tuovinen (2002) Gestalt Theory Perception: Physiology, Psychology and in Visual Screen Design – A New Look at Ecology. Chapter 6, Perceptual an Old Subject. Organisation Lisa Graham (2008) Gestalt Theory in Robert Snowden, Peter Thompson, and Interactive Media Design. Journal of Tom Troscianko (2006) Basic Vision: An Humanities and Social Science, Volume Introduction to Visual Perception. 2, Issue 1, 2008 Rudolf Arnheim (2004) Visual Thinking: David S. Touretzky & Ethan Tira- Thirty-Fifth Anniversary Printing. Thompson (2009), Gestalt Perception. 15-494 Cognitive Robotics Stephen Few (2006) Information Dashboard Design: The Effective Visual Michael Britt, PhD (2007) The Psych Files. Communication of Data. Chapter Episode 31: Lemon Slices and a New Face 4, Tapping into the Power of Visual on Mars! Gestalt Principles at Work Perception Dejan Todorovic (2008) Gestalt Principles. Scholarpedia, 3(12):5345
  • 40. Geetesh No product is ever created Bajaj, in a vacuum and this tutorial is no exception. It would Steve not be as polished as you Rindsberg, are seeing it without the generous review, feedback, editing Echo and creative ideas from the Swinford, folks you see at left. They are an extremely Julie talented group and I Terberg, encourage you to visit their sites to learn more about and from them.
  • 41. As I’ve previously stated, the purpose of this tutorial is to provide presenters and slide designers with the informational tools to increase the visual clarity of their products. This tutorial does not provide specific information on design, although visual clarity is a contributing factor to good visual aesthetics. All findings and conclusions expressed within this tutorial are my own opinions. You’ll also find that there are anomalies to any theory. I find that my eyes are drawn to concave objects before convex objects, which is why I underlined the word tend on that particular principle. For more authoritative findings, please refer to my sources and draw your own conclusions. Glenna Shaw December 2010

Editor's Notes

  1. Copyright 2010 Glenna Shaw