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The Filibuster
The Filibuster
The Filibuster: Definition This means use of obstructive or irregular strategies by a member of a
legislative assembly to stop or prevent the adoption of a motion generally liked or forcing a decision
not accepted by the majority (Hornby, 1974).
The word originates from a Dutch word vrijbuiter "pirate", including the Spanish term filibuster,
"freebooting". The originate use of this word filibuster dates back to ancient Rome and the use of
this word has been common in states like Australia and England. The use of this term come to light
when it was used to label a senator who kept hostage his colleague through overtaking legislation. In
the seventeenth century, flee–booster assaulted the ... Show more content on ...
Shields of the filibuster alert against changing the framework, saying that the delay is a critical
security of minority–gathering rights. They say the filibuster backtracks to the authors' desire to
make a national government with deliberately built balanced governance and that increasing the
procedure debilitates the very condition of American majority rules system. A few Republicans call
the thought of demolishing the delay a Democratic power grab.
The plot of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington spins, obviously, around the delay. In that time period,
the Senate couldn't move onto different business if the delay was not determined – that is to say, the
filibusters needed to really be talking keeping in mind the end goal to keep up the delay. This
changed when Robert Byrd was Senate Majority Leader. Byrd (and his gathering) founded a "two–
track" framework, changing the standards so that the Senate could desert the delayed movement and
proceed onward to different business. This change was made in light of the fact that delays were
seen as valuable, however excessively obstructionist, and Byrd felt the Senate required the
adaptability to have the capacity to proceed onward to different things. In an unintended outcome,
minorities of late have found that Byrd basically made it allowed to delay. In the event that
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Filibuster Debate
Introduction In the United States (U.S.) Congress, filibusters have the ability to break new laws. By
strict definition, a filibuster is a legislative tactic involving the use of unlimited debate ("Filibuster",
2018). The U.S. House of Representatives opted to limit debate time and prohibit the use of
filibustering by a simple majority vote (Binder, 2010). The continued use of the filibuster in the U.S.
Senate is controversial, however since only the House of Representatives has a Rules Committee,
the filibuster can serve as an extra check in the Senate by allowing the minority party to block a bill
from becoming law (Evans & Michaud, 2015). While the historical applications of the filibuster are
widely debated, the filibuster plays a unique role in the legislative processes of the U.S. Senate.
Creation and Historical Use ... Show more content on ...
The rulebooks of the Senate and the House of Representatives were nearly identical in 1789. In
1805, Vice President Aaron Burr claimed the Senate's rulebook was messy and suggested the
elimination of the "previous question" motion. Later in 1806 when the Senate convened, they
dropped the motion from the rulebook. In contrast, the previous question motion was kept by the
House of Representatives which permits a simple majority vote to limit debate time. The Senate's
lack of this rule permitted filibuster use though it was not formally utilized until 1837 (Binder,
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How A Bill Becomes A Law Essay
Before I get into how a bill becomes a law, I want to spend a little time discussing the powers and
boundaries set forth by our Constitution. The Constitution was designed with a system of checks and
balances to assure that all the branches of Government are kept in check. They decided to form three
branches, the executive branch, legislative branch and the judicial branch. The delegates wanted to
divide power equally in the Government to keep one branch from having too much power. The
executive branch includes the President and is responsible for executing public and foreign policy.
The legislative branch includes the House and the Senate. They are responsible for making and
implementing laws and funding the government. The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme court
and they interpret the Constitution and laws. The United States Constitution is ... Show more content
on ...
A law generally begins its life as a simple idea. Anyone can come up with an idea for a law and
submit the idea to their congressman or representative. Sometimes a special interest group may
submit an idea in hopes that their idea may become a law. When the idea is supported and sponsored
by a member of Congress that idea becomes a bill. A bill may begin in either the House or the
Senate. However, the bills that deal with money must be introduced through the House. The bill is
introduced when it is placed in a box called the hopper on the bill clerks desk. The House speaker
will then send the bill to committee where it may be amended, passed or "killed". The House will
debate the bill, then send it to the Senate. The bill will be debated and possibly amended then sent
back to the House. If everything is approved it will eventually make it's way to the President where
he may sign or veto it. If it is signed, it becomes a law. Even if the bill is rejected by the president, it
may still become a law if two thirds of the houses override the
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The Pros And Cons Of Filibusters
In 2013, the thought of using filibusters to an advantage of a political party's side in a legislative
assembly was removed; therefore, it now takes a majority vote to decide on all Supreme Court
nominees and executive appointments. The majority vote is being identified as the "nuclear option".
The ruling of filibuster was voted to be removed by the U.S. Senate, due to the fact that Democrats
believed that Republicans unfairly abused filibuster in attempt to veto a nominee by the president
(Richardson). Now that a president of the Republican party is in position, the tables have turned.
Nevertheless, as the Republican party holds 52 senate seats, Democrats only holding 46,
Republicans have the ability to virtually shut down the minority and ... Show more content on ...
Over the course of the last eight years, the senate became hyper partisan due to unprecedented
obstruction and filibuster. Republicans overused filibuster, resulting in the difficulty of Obama
appointing any new persons. This is when Democrats brought the nuclear option before the senate.
As this occurred, Senator Mitch McConnell stated, "I say to my friends on the other side of the aisle,
you'll regret this. And you may regret this a lot sooner than you think" (Berman). Inadvertently,
Mitch McConnell foreshadowed the future political events. McConnell is a Republican,
transparently showing his feelings about the decisions made by the–at the time–majority.
Contradicting McConnell's statement, Senator John McCain expresses that, "This is a body blow to
the institution, and I think we're on a slippery slope." Recalling past confirmation wars, McCain
cannot simply agree with the idea relying completely on majority votes because of the controversy;
however, he did follow suit with voting likewise other Republican senates (Kane). Even with
disagreements, the Republican party as a whole still manages to shut down the Democratic
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Mr Smith Goes To Washington Summary
"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" is about Jefferson Smith who is a boy ranger and new senate
member due to the old senator dieing, when Mr.Smith gets to dc he meets his assistant Clerissa
Sanders and his father's friend senior Macpherson, a respected senator among the senate. When
Smith first gets in into office he is interviewed by a bunch of news reporters, and when they
interview him they make him look stupid and like a joke for everybody to see, when Smith sees
what they did he punches everybody who's reading a newspaper and goes to the press headquarters
where he tells the press that they should tell everybody the truth and, they tell him that his fit to be a
senator because he's too unexpected in government and should not be fit tp senator, Mr.Smith
actually takes their word for and starts to put a bill together. ... Show more content on ...
Jim and Macpherson find out about this and they ask smith to join them in their plans but hes
refusense and they end up framing Smith for selling property back to the state. Everybody beliefs
Jim and Macpherson so Smith and Clarissa come up with a plan to keep him in seattle for long as
possible in order to clear his name, and they end up using a filibuster to stall the senate, this filter
buster goes for a hole day and Macpherson sees how wrong he is for framing Smith and when Smith
passes out Macpherson tells everybody that he was framed and its was him, Jim Taylor and other
senate members did
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The ' Obamacare ' A Kind Of Social Insurance Policy
United States' (US) political deadlock seems to be an unbreakable problem. The problem mainly
comes from the relationship between two parties, the relations of president and congress, and the
voting system of the congress. Since US' congress and president controlled by two major political
parties separately, gridlock seems to be a certain problem in their terms of political responsibility.
For instance, president Obama announced his ambitious plan on health care issues. The 'Obamacare'
a kind of social insurance policy by president Obama, also it is the trigger of the gridlock at 2012.
Political deadlock mainly comes from the differences of ideology between two parties in terms of
taxation, immigration, and others. This paper analyzes the problem of the political deadlock in terms
of controllability, coalition.
Lack of controllability Mostly the political deadlock triggered by a debatable issue or policy, such as
Andrew Johnson's impeachment (1865), Civil Right Act (1957), Bill Clinton's impeachment (1998),
and 'Obamacare' (2012). Debatable issue was not the only trigger of political gridlock, political
parties lacking controllability more important than issues. Mostly, when the deadlock comes out,
that was very few deficits between both parties in the congress. In table 1, the democrat only
controls 12 out of 51 seats in the senate, the controllability in the House of representative was much
better. They controls 80 out of 183, but the republican controlled other seats at
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Pros And Cons Of Filibusters
On the other hand, there are a lot of cons to filibusters too. It is true that having the power to
filibuster helps ensure the voices of the minority but it can also mean that having the power to
filibuster ensures the tyranny of the minority. Because the size of the senate is not based on the size
of the population of each state, every state gets two senators. It is now possible according to Jean
Edward Smith, "for the senators representing the 34 million people who live in the 21 least populous
states – a little more than 11 percent of the nation's population – to nullify the wishes of the
representatives of the remaining 88 percent of Americans. (Smith, 2009). This is completely the
opposite of what the framers wanted, they wanted the government to represent the people not a
small portion of the people. This is very dangerous because now if ever the more populous states
wants to pass a bill on an issue regarding their states population, the more sparse states ... Show
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He can talk about the war on intergalactic space or the future of the mermaid race, this defeats the
purpose of having the debate. The debate was intended to talk about controversial topics and
negotiate deals with both parties in the senate, it now has become a ground for minorities to jabber
about off topic subjects in order to stop a bill from passing. The framers also never had the intention
of unlimited debate, it was really after Vice president Aaron Burr when "talking a bill to death" was
possible. It also becomes unfair to the majority because in the debate, everyone for the bill will have
to stay and vote for the bill while only a couple of, does not have to be all of the opponents need to
stay and filibuster a bill. This makes filibuster on the other hand an unintended tyrannical strategy
for the minority to go on a tangent forever in order to stop a bill from
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Personal Narrative: The Black Hole
The Black Hole
Life knocked me down more than once. It showed me that I wasn't as tough as I thought I was.
Anytime I got in a low place I always looked for someone to come along. I needed them to aide me
in climbing out of the black hole I found myself in. No one came to help me out until I met my best
friend, Taylor. She has been the one person who was here that helped me slowly climb out of that
black hole called depression. She stood by my side through everything. Taylor is one of those people
that made you feel like what you had to say was the most important thing in the world. She has been
someone I could always talk too. It all started freshman year when I started hanging with the wrong
crowd. I didn't give in to their peer pressure, ... Show more content on ...
During the day I would go to school and act like nothing happened, but at night I would lay in my
bed and cry myself to sleep. It was hard to deal with, always feeling like I'm not good enough for
anything. Taylor asked me to tell her everything and once I did she said, "I am going to help you.
I'm not going to leave your side. You will get through this." Taylor stuck by my side for days. Those
days turned in to weeks, then months. Now it has been 4 years. My depression is gone. She talked
with me over everything and anything. Taylor did everything in her power to help me get out of my
shell and claw my way out of the black hole called depression. The depression may be gone, but the
anxiety that came with it is still in place. I don't know if I will ever get over my anxiety, but Taylor
is by my side helping me when she can. I am forever grateful for everything she has done for me.
She approached me to get me to eat with her freshman year, and that was the turning point in my
life. Anytime I went through a rough patch or fell down, she was there to pick me back up. With late
night talks during movie marathons in the living room, cleaning up the blood oozing from my cuts,
and wiping away the tears I cried. Taylor slowly stitched me back together where I was torn
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Taking a Look at Filibusters
Filibusters are quite the conundrum, a pariah of sorts in the realm of U.S. politics, yet an integral
part of our body of government. It is imperative that it remains to be kept alive in a warm embrace
with the Senate, lest it is reduced to nothing more than a mere accessory to the House of
Representatives. By nature, the filibuster is actually a resourceful tactic that utilizes the ideology of
free speech to prolong and create an active dialog over legislation or to prevent a measure from
being brought to a vote. However, in recent years the most unsettling adversity contemporary
legislation faces is Rule XXII of the U.S. Senate. Forty–one senators can veto the lion's share of
legislation by refusal of invoking cloture (sixty being the magic number). Due to the
malapportionment of the Senate, less than forty–one percent of the population could be over
represented, resulting in a conflicting vote against cloture sustaining debate indefinitely. The idea of
a three–fifths vote is being required for most Senate action can be seen as a modern day
thunderstorm that overcasts democratic self–government. The tradition of limitless "debate" in the
Senate needs a bit of a review (perhaps a judicial one), as a refusal to vote for cloture should result
in a suspension rather than an absolute veto. Simply put, forty–one senators should have the ability
to place an extended debate on bills or nominations for a period not to exceed a year beginning from
the time they reach the floor.
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Essay On Filibuster
"They say women talk too much. If you have worked in Congress you know that the filibuster was
invented by men" – Clare Boothe Luce. A filibuster is a long speech used to delay a bill or a piece of
legislation. It is a loophole within the Senate rules that has proven useful in a Congressional debate.
Filibusters grants a significant power created by taking a stand against a flawed rule which gave the
minority group power over a more dominant group. Consequently, the majority mitigated any abuse
of the filibuster by limiting it. Filibusters came from Congressional struggle revising or eliminating
older rules. "The House kept that rule, but the Senate dropped [the previous question motion] from
its rulebook in 1806". The previous question motion drew a motion which said that anyone could
close the meeting. So, when Aaron Burr took his stand to clean up some rules in the Senate,
particularly eliminating repetitive rules or so called "useless rules", it ... Show more content on ...
"The filibuster has been used 1,300 times since 1917" and in the last "12 years [from 2010 to
1998]... the filibuster was used nearly 600 times!" This causes a massive slowdown in Congress
making bills inefficient to pass. Each of these stands takes hours and hours so for using it that much
is a waste of time. "There is no certain number of days that a bill has to become law, but it must be
voted on in the same congressional session, or same year, that it is introduced. If it is not voted on
during the session, it can be reintroduced the following year, when it must start its journey over
again" and the "most popular stage for a bill to die [is] Committee of the chamber bill is introduced
in". These all point to the fact that people are abusing the right of using a filibuster to make rules
they don't like by delaying them. This realization is the start of the nuclear option, a bill that could
make filibusters eliminated or almost completely limited from
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Government Shutdown Pros And Cons
On January 20, 2018, the United States government shutdown when the Extension of Continuing
Appropriations Act of 2018, a bill to fund the federal government, failed to pass Congress. The
reason for this was due to disagreements between Democrats and Republicans on a proposed
extension to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy incorporated into the bill.
In response, Democrats, those who supported the DACA extension, led a filibuster in the Senate that
effectively halted any legislative progress on the bill. Despite Republicans enacting a a cloture vote,
a vote to forcibly end a filibuster, it failed to garner the sixty votes necessary to end the filibuster. As
a result, the government shutdown will furlough thousands of federal
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Filibuster In The Senate Essay
Christian Sandoval PA 200 4/2/2016 Filibuster In the Senate The US Constitution created the simple
format of Majority Rule and Minority right. The minority has the right to express their beliefs, it is
the majority that creates the legislation. However, the minority's has the power of filibustering and
the ability to block legislation. In the video by Moyers & Company the video talks about the subject
of how the rules of filibuster in the senate have changed throughout the years and the different
senate majorities have made those different changes. Filibusters create partisanship and are
frustrating, especially to the majority party, but they are necessary and acceptable tool for the
lawmakers to use against the majority. Filibusters can ... Show more content on ...
The majority party is not able to be as powerful with their choices and ideology as they want. This
allows for all parties and hopefully all of the population a rather equal representation in the
government. It works as a check and balance to the House of Representatives who has overruled the
use of the filibuster. The reason being that a bill passed by the House must also go through the
Senate. The filibuster is a tool not to just be thrown around lightly by the minority party ,however,
because at some point on down the line they will be the majority party and it could come back to
hurt them. A lot of the time an actual filibuster does not have to be used by the minority however.
The threat of the filibuster is sometimes enough to get the job done. Although there have being
propositions to change the filibuster rules in order to make them a burden on the filibustering
speaker in the long run when the ruling party changes to minority it can be troublesome for them.
Few years back Senator Reid from Nevada wanted to make changes to the filibustering tactics this
tactic as it applies to executive nominees but, because next time Republicans are in charge there are
no guarantees that they would restrict themselves in this
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Tyranny Research Paper
"We've got to win this battle, and we will. We have to win the peace." – Al D'Amato
The Framers of the Constitution strongly opposed "tyranny" of the majority, urging for the
protection of minority factions. James Madison wrote, "The accumulation of all powers, legislative,
executive, and judiciary, in the same hands... may justly be pronounced the very definition of
'Tyranny'!" James Madison and the Framers fought against the neglect of minoritarian interest,
following the principles outlined in James Madison's Federalist 10. Madison urged for the
disassembling of modern parties into factions –– allowing for "free" expression. Federalist 10 stated,
"The diversity in the faculties of not less an insuperable obstacle to a uniformity ... Show
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New York is situated in the Northeast and is the financial hub of the entire nation. The Empire State
Houses the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the backbone of Western commerce. If Smith
Corona were to move to Mexico, it would thrive. The New York–based company would assist the
Mexican economy since they (Smith Corona) would be paying their taxes to the Mexican
government. This would then support the country, sparking a potential "reconstruction." This allows
the United States to gain another fiscally sustainable allied nation. However, the loss of 875 jobs
would soon force the New York economy into a recession (very similar to 2008), eventually facing
an increasing downward trend of statewide financial debt. New York would facial internal financial
turmoil, a potential watershed event. Thus causing a chain reaction, then generating an entire
national fall. This idea of a fallen state causing a national fall is clearly depicted and shown through
history, most notably, the fall of Constantinople. The Eastern Roman Empire was captured by the
encroaching Ottoman Empire lead by Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos. The 53–day
siege eventually caused the fall of the entire Roman Empire. Constantinople is very similar to New
York, in that it's the financial hub of both inter and intra–state commerce –– New York is the
Constantinople of New York. Speaking on behalf of the minority
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Congress 's Powers Of The Constitution
In order for something to be broken it must have been whole to begin with, let us first discuss what
Congress used to represent and how it used to function. Most everyone knows that Congress is
bicameral and consists of two parts: The House of Representatives and The Senate. Congress's
powers are outlined in Article I of the Constitution. The framers formed two parts of Congress so
that they would balance each other out: no one branch would become too powerful and the laws
would be more complex and well–thought.The Constitution had initially intended for the legislative
branch (Congress) to be the most powerful branch of government and at the beginning of post–
constitution United States history it was. Congress was given the powers to enact laws (Gateways to
Democracy, pp. 388).The Framers were purposeful in making sure that Congress represented each
individual state by allowing each state to have two senators and for the number of representatives to
be dependent on the size of each state, thereby balancing out the powers each state had in Congress
(Gateways to Democracy, pp. 389). The framers made it an even level playing field: whoever was
most qualified to be elected into Congress was usually elected. In the present day, money speaks
louder than quality when it comes to elections. Fundraising and lobbying are a problem in politics in
general, but it has corrupted Congress. As Lawrence Lessig discusses in "How to get our Democracy
Back: There will be no Change until we
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Senate Filibustering System
Members of Congress are charged with three primary duties–writing laws, overseeing the
implementation of laws, and serving the needs of their constituents. Senate Filibuster, House Rules
Committee and the Conference Committee all have had a profound effect in the lawmaking process.
Additionally, general accounting office and hearings are both methods that Congress employs in
order to maintain oversight over the federal bureaucracy. Lastly, Casework drastically affects
members' attention to legislation because it diverts their time, and resources away from focusing on
legislation. The Senate Filibuster was initially created as a way to ensure that minority opinions
were heard and understood before the Senate voted on an issue. Senate first allowed ... Show more
content on ...
Filibusters on motions to proceed prevent the Senate from even being able to consider ideas for how
to solve our country's big problems. For years now, small numbers of senators representing as little
as 11% of the country have kept the Senate from even discussing important legislation that has
passed Committee review. Virtual Filibusters allow small numbers of senators to effortlessly place
personal political agendas above the work of government with no consequence. As a result, even
routine Senate functions like approving executive appointees get stuck in partisan politics, resulting
in 85 vacancies on federal judiciary benches. Major pieces of legislation, including a bill that would
have provided medical care for 9/11 responders, have enjoyed majority support in the Senate yet
died in the face of filibusters for lack of cloture. Legislation that should pass into law has been
canceled and courts have been thrown into disarray, but the senators who have helped make that
happen have never needed to actually make a case to
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Essay about Barbara Boxer
Barbara Boxer, born Barbara Levy Boxer, is currently a Democratic U.S. Senator from California.
She was first elected to office in 1992. During her terms in office, Boxer has advocated
environmental issues, health care, women's rights, public safety, and the economy. She has proven to
be dedicated to the causes that she said she would fight for. She has voted against bills such as the
Firearms Manufacturer Bill (which failed) and voted for the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003
(which passes). She had decided to retire in 2004, but changed her mind because she is so passionate
about what she believes in. In September ‘04, Republican Bill Jones was Senator Boxer's
"competition". In an article from The Sacramento Bee, Boxer ... Show more content on ...
But you can attribute Schwarzenegger's "popularity" to Gray Davis' unpopularity. And
Schwarzenegger was already famous. Nobody knew who Jones was, but everyone knew who
Barbara Boxer was. His loss was practically inevitable. After Senator Boxer's unsurprising re–
election to Senate, one of her most noteworthy decisions was to urge Senate to keep the filibuster. A
filibuster is something that the Senators use to postpone or delay actions from being made. Recently,
the Republican Party wanted to do away with the filibuster so that the Democrats could not use it
against their judges. In 1995, Senator Boxer voted to get rid of the filibuster and admitted she did so
out of "frustration". The Senate came to an agreement that if the Democrats use filibuster free votes
for Judges Priscilla Owen, Janice Brown, and Wilson Pryor, they can block the nominations on
Judges Henry Saad and William Myers without the Republicans trying to do away with the filibuster
again. Senator Barbara Boxer has followed through with her promises. She has voted for
environmental issues, better health care, women's rights, public safety, and the economy. There are
so many other politicians that make campaign promises and never follow through with them once
they get into office. Senator Barbara Boxer isn't one of those politicians. With her in office,
Californian can sleep happily knowing that we put someone in office that
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Essay about The Filibuster: Tyranny of the Minority?
The Filibuster: Tyranny of the Minority The filibuster continues to be an area of controversy in the
United States Senate. Critics of the rule claim that it has corrupted and even broken the institution,
while proponents claim that the rule is a savior for the minority against unpopular laws instituted by
the majority. Throughout history, the filibuster has shown its potentially dangerous side as well as its
positive benefits. After any major party shift in the Senate, it seems that there is always talk of
filibuster reform by the new majority. Although reform debates persist, rules and procedures
regarding the filibuster have yet to be significantly changed since 1975, when the cloture rule was
last amended. The debate has been revived ... Show more content on ...
Opposition arose from John C. Calhoun (D–SC) and William Rufus King (D–AL) who were able to
end Clay's formal opposition. After Clay's defeat, others have tried to impose a previous questions
motion on the Senate but to no avail. A change in the rules to create an avenue to end debate would
not come until the early twentieth century on the brink of WWI (Gold, 2008, pp. 49–50). On March
1, 1917, the Senate began debate on President Wilson's proposal to provide arms to American
merchant ships in response to the unrestricted submarine warfare commenced by Germany. The bill
was passed with overwhelming support in the House and it was believed to be heavily supported in
the Senate. Despite this fact, a group of eleven isolationist senators filibustered the proposal until the
64th Congress officially expired. Public opinion was swift and negative, leading Wilson to call for a
special session of Congress. Reform was now a major focus due to public outrage. While in session,
a special committee of five Democrats and five Republicans was established to oversee the creation
of a new cloture rule for the Senate. On March 8, 1917, the committee presented its compromise.
The compromise called for a rule that would permit cloture on any measure. To obtain it, however,
one needed the support of two–thirds of all senators "present and voting." Despite the new rule,
cloture was rarely used
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Deliberation Vs Filibusters
Similarly, activity in legislation is usually characterized by the ability to compromise between
Democrats and Republicans. Sometimes, the agenda of both parties are within agreeable parameters
to jumpstart and finish legislation. However, one crucial factor which can inhibit or advance
legislation is the participation of the representatives in the House or the Senate during legislative
deliberation. Logically, when both parties decide to work with some intent at compromise,
legislation is possible. Despite this, there are times when members try to hinder the passage of
legislation because of their stance on the topic. It is critical to focus on legislation after the
committee proposal or when it is close to being approved one or both chambers. Because when a bill
is effectively stopped, all the ... Show more content on ...
A filibuster does have "strategic use [in delaying] . . . legislation," on the other hand it is true that a
filibuster is used because legislation made by one party is unwanted by the other (Fisk &
Chemerinsky 183). Time is a principal factor in legislative deliberation and a filibuster wastes the
time of Senators who need information on the bill to vote up or down. The time allotted for other
bills become much smaller and frustrated Senators may allow the bill to die. As such, even the threat
of a filibuster poses great concern for a new bill created by either party. Despite a filibuster allowing
the minority to voice their concern over the subject matter, it is a power which can be abused by
either party to stop a bill because of differences based on ideal, not logic. The party which has been
subjected to these methods is forced to cooperate with the other party. In all, legislative participation
is objectively good, however if a bill is hindered because of ideology, then that form of participation
lowers legislative
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Majority Party Advantages
The majority party has many advantages when it comes to lawmaking, not including the numerical
advantage the majority party has in–floor voting. One advantage the majority party has, is they
control the House Rules Committee. The House Rules Committee has significant power throughout
the legislation process. They determine which bills will be brought to the floor of the House for
consideration and whether amendments will be allowed on a bill when it is debated by the entire
House. For example, the House Rules Committee could make a decision to immediately put a bill on
the House schedule and decide that the bill will not have any debate time. Another advantage the
majority party has is they choose the speaker of the house.For instance, the Speaker of the House
appoints select committees and refers bills to committees, and as the presiding officer they decide
the order in which business is conducted throughout the day. In addition, to these advantages is the
fact that the majority party holds majority on each committee.This means the majority party holds a
majority of seats on standing committees, which in turn makes passing the majority parties
legislation that much easier. ... Show more content on ...
However, simply because a bill passed one chamber does not mean it will pass the other. For
instance, the House has a Rules committee which can stop the passage of a bill in the House as it
may not abide by the rules of the committee. Another example is the filibuster. The Senate is
allowed filibusters–talking a bill a death, whereas the House is not. Equally as important, is the
unanimous consent agreement. The Senate can ease passage of a bill with unanimous consent
agreements, while the House has no such mechanism. Accordingly, these are just a few differences
between the House and the Senate that make it likely legislation will pass in one chamber, but not
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Difficult Conversations In Social Work
Final Paper
Difficult Conversations
Wayne State University School of Social Work
Social Work 6991
Professor Pauline Everette
Fall 2012
Conflict is everywhere we go, at home, school, church in the community and especially at work.
How we decide to handle the conflict at hand will determine whether we strengthen the relationship
or break it up. Each situation can be dealt with in a way that can bring healing instead of animosity
and further pain. Most of the time conflict is looked at as a negative experience that most people
refuse to be a part of because of their own lack of conflict management skills; but if both parties are
willing to sit down and discuss the issue, there is a possibility of a positive ... Show more content on ...
B) John's intentions were to convince me that all they were going to do is study and if I allowed it
with some ground rules like leave the door open, only when parents are home and a time limit, he
would have followed those rules only until I got comfortable with the idea and slacked up on
looking in on them, then he would have tried to get intimate with the young lady, which eventually
could lead to having sexual intercourse in my home. (Not going to happen)
C) My contribution to the problem was as John grew up, I allowed my best friend's daughter, (who
was the same age and they grew up together), to visit/play with John in his room and even to date
when she comes over she freely would walk to his bedroom and they would sit up and watch TV on
his bed, sometimes with the door closed. I felt no harm in the situation because they would say they
were cousins and treated each other as such.
II. What happen? What is the other's story?
What happen was John threw that situation in my face, he said, "Mom what difference does it make,
Kim, (name change for confidentiality), comes over lays in the bed with me to watch TV and
sometimes when you and her mom go out, she spends the night and me and her are only friends."
John' story was "Kim isn't my only female friend, you don't trust me."
A) The impact for me was tough for me to swallow; I was lost for words because he was correct. I
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Exemplification Essay: The Senate Should Consider Every...
The Senate should consider every Federal Judge that is nominated by the president. After the
president takes the time to consider and nominate a possible judge, the Senate should show respect
by considering the president and his decisions. This keeps a good working relationship between the
Senate and the president. The Constitution says the president needs the advice and consent of the
Senate to appoint a Federal Judge. The Senate did not respond to President Obama's nomination of a
federal judge, so the nomination expired. When President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch and
Senate did give advice and consent.
To begin with, the Constitution of the United States says the president. The Constitution does not
require the Senate to respond to the nomination. When the president picks someone, the Senate does
not have to hold hearings and vote. The Senate can refuse to answer to the president's pick. Even
though the ... Show more content on ...
The total amount of time that Garland's nomination lasted for was 293 days. This is the longest
nomination for Supreme Court in history without getting a hearing from Senate Republicans. Critics
say Republicans denied Garland a hearing for to keep a Democrat appointed justice of the Supreme
Court. The last appointee to have never gotten a hearing from the Sentate was in 1853. Some people
of the United States see this as a negative working relationship between the Senate and the
President. The Senate should have at least considered this nomination, and then they could have
voted no. Even though the Senate wanted to preserve the court's conservative majority the Senate
should have just considered the nominee then they could have said their opinion on the nominee. If
they had considered the nominee they could have saved a lot of time and effort for everyone by
voting no for the president's
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The Teachers Of The Teacher
All of the teachers I observed had many different ways to manage their classroom. Many of their
ways were similar, but there were some differences too. I noticed that the female teachers used
songs to get the children from one activity to another while the male teacher went right into the next
lesson. All of the teachers welcomed their students as they came into the classroom. Mrs. Pollard
sang the hello song to them and Mrs. Kraus did as well. After they welcomed the children, all of the
teachers had their students go directly to their carpet spots. Mr. Leonhardt had three different seating
types for the students, which I thought was different yet effective. There were team spots, dance
lines and free seating. When the students were ... Show more content on ...
Some of the teachers were stricter about handling this than others, but they were all still effective.
Both Mrs. Kraus and Mrs. Pollard had songs for a lot of their transitions and Mrs. Pollard had a
"Sparkle Master" to reward good behavior and give the students a chance to stand out in class. It
was a special way to get them involved with singing to their classmates individually.
Mrs. Kraus had a process with the younger kids for continuity. She started with a hello song of some
sort and then had them sing their school song and patriotic songs. Those were the kids' warm ups.
After those, she went right into the lessons. She did not always introduce the concept, but she
explained what the kids were going to do that day. Mrs. Pollard was the only one who used the Orff
instruments at my observations, so whenever she had the kids go to the Orff instruments, she called
each row to line up at the Orff instruments and told them to be careful and not hit them. The children
already knew how they were supposed to go to the Orff instruments because she had already made
rules on how they act around them. When they left the Orff instruments she called each row to stand
up and walk single file out of the rows of instruments.
Mrs. Kraus, Mr. Leonhardt and Mrs. Pollard were all Kodaly oriented in their lessons and whenever
they were doing the "practicing" part of the method, they were walking around to make sure the
students were doing the correct thing The
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Pros And Cons Of Filibusters
In 1789, the Senate and House of Representatives ordered a rule where only a majority vote was
needed to conclude a debate. Although the House of Representatives kept that rule, the Senate got
rid of it in 1806 without replacing it with another. This soon led to the opening idea of a filibuster.
The initial purpose for a filibuster was to ensure that the minority opinions were apprehended and
understood. Currently, some people still regard the filibuster as a strategy to protect the right of free
speech and minorities. Others use the tactic to waste time for other matters which leave bills grid–
locked. Nevertheless, the policy is used in order to block a bill, amendment, or any other resolution
to prevent it from becoming a final vote. During a filibuster, the senator has several rules and
regulations to follow. There is a ... Show more content on ...
He went on to state that the legislature will not be brought down by the opposing side or the pro–
choice. Governor Perry declared that the citizens of Texas have chosen the legislation to carry out
laws and the supporters of pro–choice are becoming an obstacle. He continued by stating that too
much work has been left undone. For the Republicans as well as Governor Perry, the work has just
begun. They will stop at nothing to give up on the bill. They truly believe it is their duty to enforce
such a harsh law. Their ideology is that because Texas is a conservative state, they have to get rid of
abortions in the state. Even though the public is constantly protesting the bill, Governor Perry
continues to believe it is in the citizen's best interest Governor Rick Perry plays the major role in
assuring that the bill does in fact get passed. He has shown that he will stop at nothing to thwart the
bill. His actions in making sure the bill is approved are extremely unnecessary and uncalled
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How Does Mccarthy Present The Use Of Violence In Blood...
The novel, Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy relies heavily on violence and death. The Blood
Meridian is a Western novel that shows the harsh circumstances and the challenges people in the
West had to face due to their environment. The environment seems to tie together with the theme of
violence and death and it appears to be personified at times. The landscape in Blood Meridian is at
war with the forms of life that traverses it. The passage takes place after chapter III in which the kid
joined Captain White's army. He was provided with clothes and a mule that he later sold. He used
the coin to go to the tavern with two others, one whom was found dead the next day, murdered. This
violent action sets the scene for chapter IV. In the given passage ... Show more content on ...
The storm and lightening the filibusters experienced while traveling, made the environment appear
as if it was a demon kingdom and the narrator states that the "true geology of the pumice plain was
not stone but fear". This can also imply hell. What is hell if not a kingdom filled with demons and
fears? The environment appears as a land of nightmares, and the references to Christianity in the
novel, implies that the men believe that those who sin go to hell. According to the Christian religion,
murder is a sin and is one that the majority of these men committed. One of the men also refer to the
pumice plain as the "high road to hell". It is ironic because if they did not cross the pumice plain and
had not continued with their journey they may not have died. It can literally be seen as the path to
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Filibuster Reform Case Study
The United States Congress is often described with two words: unproductive and unpopular. As
Congress's approval ratings continue to plummet it has become evident that gridlock plays a major
role in voter's feelings towards congressional productivity. Many voters are beginning to worry that
Congress is more broken than ever due to the fact that it seems as if it is no longer able to make even
the smallest bipartisan decisions (Binder, 2013). Congress is appearing to seem dysfunctional to the
public eye in regard to Congressional responses to many issues including health care and
immigration (Todd et al., 2013). Growing partisanship and inability to compromise is seemingly the
cause of the ineffectiveness of Congress. Liberals and Conservatives ... Show more content on ...
The filibuster has a major impact on the efficiency of Congress and is something that could be
changed in order to improve Congressional efficiency. Currently, a supermajority of sixty votes is
required to end a filibuster, but if a lower number such as forty–one votes was required, forty–one
votes would also be required to maintain a filibuster. This would mean that Congressional members
would have less of a chance to hinder the ability of the legislative body to move forward on
important legislation. This would improve public perception of the legislative process and likely
increase Congressional approval ratings. In addition to lessening the number of votes required to
end a filibuster, Congress could increase productivity by ending the filibuster on the motion to
proceed. This would limit debate on a motion to two hours, which would be divided equally
between the two parties (Staff, 2014). This would eliminate the practice of an overabundance of
prior floor debate altogether and cap the amount of time spent debating the motion to proceed. The
filibuster recent years has become a routine parliamentary maneuver rather than the rare occurrence
that it once
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The Battle Of The Alamo
Abstract The Battle of the Alamo was more than the name simply implies. It was more than a battle
between two opposing forces during the Texas Revolution. It was a battle of competing political
issues between the Mexican government and the interests of the United States of America. It is
difficult to truly understand the significance of the Battle of the Alamo without describing the events
that occurred before. Before the actual Battle of the Alamo, the Mexican Army conducted a 13 day
siege. The prelude of the Battle of the Alamo will help those unfamiliar with this pivotal event
understand how everything culminated in the 13 day siege and eventual victory for the Mexican
forces. The Alamo The building in San Antonio we call the Alamo, originally was built as the chapel
of the Mission San Antonio de Valero. It was built in 1724 outside of San Antonio de Bexar, which
is modern day San Antonio, Texas. The purpose of this mission was to help convert Mexican–
Indians to Catholicism. During this time, Mexico was still a colony of Spain. In 1794, construction
was halted, rendering the compound incomplete. The compound later adopted a new name when a
group of Spanish Soldiers began using the compound. The Soldiers hailed from a Mexican town
called Alamo de Parras. The mission was then called The Alamo (Ramos, 1992) . The Onset of
Filibusters Before Texas was officially a part of the United States of America, men known as
Filibusters traversed throughout America.
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Filibuster Case
Filibuster A filibuster was first intended to let a minority opinion be heard during a senate meeting.
It allowed any senator the right to speak. It later became a way for a senator to halt the progress of a
bill. The rule was first allowed back in 1806. When it began to become a problem senate urged
President Woodrow Wilson to pass a rule called cloture. Cloture was a way for the senate to vote to
end a filibuster. It was put in place in 1917. The problem was, it didn't vote out many attempts at a
filibuster because cloture required a 2/3 vote to end a filibuster. Filibusters were commonly used
during the 1960's to help southerners to halt the progress of civil right legislation. The most known
being the Civil Rights act of 1964. The proposed
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Filibuster Process
In this paper I will be defining and explaining the process of Filibuster and Judicial Review. A
Filibuster being mainly focused on how it is conducted in the US senate, and the rules that go with
it. A Judicial Review and how it may be called for and the process that goes with it. As well as how
both actions relate to the process of making and implementing laws. A Filibuster by definition " an
action such as a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not
technically contravening the required procedures." (Google Search) A Filibuster can also be used as
a tactic to stop a piece of legislation from passing, and has been a common tool in the minority party
arsenal for a very long time. Once a senator has started a Filibuster he or she may continue to speak
on any topic or subject, and can only be stopped by a three–fifths closure vote by the other members
of the senate. It was also applicable in the House of Representatives until 1842 when rules were
adopted to limit the time of debate. ... Show more content on ...
In other words the senate can change the rules of the functions and procedures that go on in the
senate. A good example of such rule changes occurred in 2013 when the democrat controlled senate
voted to change the rule required to end a Filibuster; Instead of there being a 3/5 closure vote a the
rule that now exists is only a majority vote, aka 51 or grater votes. This dramatically benefited in the
passing of laws during the Obama Presidency, but as of the writing of this paper has since backfired
on them as the senate is now controlled by a majority republican party, thus rendering the Filibuster
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What Is Congressional Gridlocks?
Congressional gridlock has become a major problem over the past several years, the lack of power
that any–one party has held for more than just a couple years means that very little has been
accomplished by Congress. A Congressional gridlock is a situation when a law can not be passed
due to disagreements either between political parties, branches of government or between the houses
of Congress. These disagreements that do not end in compromise slow the legislative process and
leave both parties unhappy. Gridlock can also occur within the Congressional Senate when a
minority party member begins a filibuster. Before we can understand full what causes a gridlock, we
must first look at individual ways that a party member can cause a gridlock
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Filibuster Conclusion
A filibuster is a unique tool used in legislation that obstructs the progress of a bill. This obstruction
of progress can be conducted in a variety of ways, such as "talking a bill to death", or delaying long
enough to completely prevent a vote on a bill. Filibustering can be accomplished by one, or several
members of the Senate. In recent years, the act of filibustering has become increasingly unpopular
amongst the public due to the delay it causes on bill progress in the US Supreme Court, but its initial
purpose came from a more helpful standpoint. The embryonic concept of the filibuster was created
to guarantee that all opinions were heard completely regardless of their popularity before a bill was
voted on. This The filibuster
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School Worksheets
It was a warm September day, when I just had jumped off the bus outside of McDole Elementary.
All the little kids got off the bus first so the older kids didn't trample us. Everyone on the bus was
excited for school. All the teachers were outside the school holding up signs by the doors waiting for
their class. I was trying to find the blue sign because that was the color of my bus–tag. When I
finally found my teacher she took us inside to class. We started the day by sitting in a circle in the
middle of the room and introducing our selfs. Then we found our seats and put our backpacks, and
lunches away. She then announced we should start following a map around the classroom with a
partner or alone. Following the map activity ... Show more content on ...
But it turns out she was asking me she walked over to me. "Your name is Taylor right?" Jordan
asked. "Yeah and you are Jordan right??" I responded. "Do you want to work together? I liked
working with you yesterday," Jordan asked. "Yeah! I would love to work together with you," I
eagerly responded. We kept working together for a while. This time however we talked out the
assignment step by step so we could understand it. This time I realized the math is the easy part but
figuring out what the word problem is the hard part. Then in class we changed seats because it was
the end of the month and every month she wanted us to switch seats. I ended up sitting right next to
Jordan, we had a lot of fun siting by each other. Finally we started hanging out at recess. It was
funny because I knew the people she hung out with from girl scouts. Jordan and I became great
friends. "I'm glad we are friends," Jordan acknowledged. "Yeah. We are going to be BFF's forever," I
exclaimed. It feels so great to know I have many friends to depend on. We even made a secret
handshake. Jordan is one of the best friends I have ever
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Essay On Filibuster
| Filibusters | Keep them or get rid of them | | | | Political Science 102 This paper is about if
filibusters should be kept or not kept. I show all sides of the issues and show what I think is the best
possible answer. |  Introduction Every day in the United States laws are put onto the table to see if
they will either be approved or disapproved. They go through quite a battle and if they are approved
it shows they have reached the biggest goal there is for a law, being enforced. It takes a lot for
everyone to pass and say ok to a new law. The Research question I am going to discuss and give
farther details on is if U.S. Senate should change its rules so that senators will no longer be allowed
to filibuster. ... Show more content on ...
They have figured out how to keep a filibuster going even though someone does all this. It seems
that everything has a loop hole; it just has to be found. Another item that is mentioned is that there
has to be 60 votes to end a filibuster but there may not be 60 senators present at the time of voting to
end it. For instance there doesn't have to be 60 senators present to vote on a bill or law so there may
not be enough to end the filibuster. This throws in another complicated deal and makes ending a
filibuster even harder. One of the final arguments that I found while doing my research was that
many argue saying monitories are the only ones that benefit from filibusters. Minorities have a hard
time voicing their opinions is what I found to be said. They are seldom considered when it comes to
making decisions because they are the minority and not the majority. Filibuster help minorities buy
letting them speak and get what they have to say out and heard. They believe that by filibustering
and having majorities hearing what they have to say they could possibly maybe throw the vote off
and change people's minds. Preferred Answer The best argument I believe should be the answer is
what they are allowed to talk about. If you choose what they can talk about it will change the whole
concept of filibusters. They will still be allowed but with limitations so they do have some sort of
organization to them. If senators are told what they can or
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Why Is 12 Angry Men Juror 8
In the movie 12 Angry Men, there are 12 jurors trying to see if a nineteen year old boy killed his
father with a switchblade knife. Juror 3, Juror 12, and Juror 8 are all different in how they handle
their opinions. These three characters have different ways of doing things. Juror 8 wants to always
find the truth, Juror 3 is always "right", and Juror 12 never really knows what to do. Everyone has
different opinions, it's just a matter of how everyone shows them. Some people think they are
always right, some are too scared to share it, and some want to share but don't force it on others
Juror 12 is described as a bright advertising man who is said to think of people as charts and graphs.
He is seen to be a snob, but on the inside, he is trying to be a good person. His shape is a an arrow
pointing up and down because he can never make up his ... Show more content on
He keeps digging deeper until things are talked out and he decides whether or not to go the other
way. As shown in Figure 1, Juror 8 is a circle with a blue inside and outside to represent confidence
and truth. Juror 8 is also the only man who votes not guilty when they vote the first time. When he is
asked why he says: "There were eleven votes for guilty. It's not so easy for me to raise my hand and
send a boy off to die without talking about it first." (12 Angry Men) Throughout the play Juror 8
explains his reasonings and gets other Jurors to vote not guilty also. Juror 9 is the first to switch
over: "Thank you.(Pointing at NO. 8) This gentleman chose to stand alone against us, That's his
right. It takes a great deal of courage to stand alone, even if you believe in something very strongly.
He left the verdict up to us. He gambled for support, and I gave it to him. I want to hear more. The
vote is ten to two." (12 Angry Men) Juror 8 is the only static character throughout the movie because
he is the only one who doesn't change his
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Example Of A Filibuster Essay
Brianna Whorley Current Event #3 2A This article starts by stating that many filibusters are close to
silent; the upper chamber will most likely shut down a filibuster before it even starts. However, on
June 16, 2016, Christopher S. Murphy led a 15 hour filibuster. This filibuster was held on account of
gun violence. There was a lot of talking, but not so much to the point in which the vote is blocked.
This filibuster was much like the one held in 1958, it was 24 hours long, and it was in favor of
stopping the Civil Rights Act of 1957. One of the main goals of this filibuster was to persuade the
majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell, into allowing voting on already published/formal
amendments. As a result of the shooting in Orlando, Florida, this would have tightened gun control
laws. Murphy was successful in his attempt and got Mr. McConnell and the Democratic head, Harry
Reid, to have votes on previous gun control amendments. Now, people who appear on American
terrorism pages cannot purchase ... Show more content on ...
A filibuster is when a senator holes long speeches in order to health congresses progress in passing a
new bill or revising an amendment. I said previously, the upper chamber of Congress can stop a
filibuster. The upper chamber of Congress consist of the one hundred senators. Stopping a filibuster
takes a lot of work, you have to get sixteen signatures in order to evoke closure and then the Senate
has to vote on permanent closure. This particular filibuster was led by a minority in the concern of
gun control. Minorities or people who don't agree on a certain law or bill are often the ones who will
conduct filibusters. When a bill is about to be considered and has to go through special review in
Congress. The majority will ask consent to except it's amendment or request a conference in order to
discuss or debate over the amendment. However, if a senator does not want the amendment to go
through they can hold a
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The Democracy in United States Elections
Are United States elections democratic?
Democracy a universally recognized phenomenon refers to a government deriving its power from
the people and being answerable to them (Fox 2008). President Abraham Lincoln (Gettysburg
Address, 1863) said about democracy " a government of the people, by the people, and for the
people, shall not vanish from this earth ' (Fox 2008). The foundations of democracy in America are
found within, "The Declaration of Independence of 1776" and "The Constitution of 1789", both
products of the American Revolution where equality and the rights of man were the focus of their
creation (Rodgers 2001). The first half of this paper discusses the notion that despite having the best
institutional powers that uphold democratic functions within the American government, this doesn't
always translate into the perfect democratic election.
The US Constitution separated power between three institutions of the state – the Executive, the
Legislature and the Judiciary where no singular institution has all the power (Rodgers 2001). They
act to prevent the president arbitrarily appointing someone to a particular post, protecting
democratic process (Rodgers 2001). A large number of American officials are elected and are not
simply appointed anyway (Rodgers 2001). A democratic U.S nation with decentralized power and
responsibility like the United States is unique in its federal system of government, as these are
shared by national, state, and local governments
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Pros And Cons Of Filibuster
Today, Supreme Court Nominee's, Neil Gorsuch, Confirmation hearing came near conclusion on a
very confrontational note with the Senate's Principal Democrat threatening to filibuster. This would
complicate the way the senate "conducts its business". The Republicans eager to confirm Gorsuch
only have a 52–majority instead of the 60–majority that is necessary. However, they say he will be
confirmed anyway, even if it means removing the filibuster option and allowing nominees to be
confirmed with a simple majority vote. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer's decision to
filibuster was not unexpected but it will increase tension in the senate. "If this nominee cannot earn
60 votes – a bar met by each of President Obama's nominees, and George Bush's last two nominees
– the answer isn't to change the rules. It's to change the nominee," he said. Although the democrats
do not have the votes to block this motion, his filibuster will publicize the resistance in the
Congress. Last February, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died unexpectedly leaving his seat
open. Before President Trump was sworn into office, former president, ... Show more content on ...
He broke a lot of the rules involved in a filibuster. However, the intention is still there. One thing
that I was confused about is how this filibuster could prevent Judge Gorsuch from being confirmed.
In fact, I was confused how any filibuster gets anything done. I thought the entire point of a
filibuster was to tire out your opponents until the bend to your will. I now understand that
filibustering increases the number of votes need to pace a law. I also know that the Republicans are
considering exercising the "Nuclear Option" which would bypass the filibuster letting Gorsuch be
elected with less than 60 votes. So really Gorsuch is going to be confirmed no matter what and
hopefully the consequences won't be
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Filibuster Vs Majoritarian Government Essay
Question 2: Filibusters and Majoritarian Government The filibuster is often treated as a scapegoat in
American media and politics. Deadlock in Congress is better attributed to political division between
uncompromising groups rather than specific procedure. As it stands, the filibuster has grown
steadily more lenient since its original implementation. With this in mind, Congress has performed
effectively before, doing so while encumbered by harsher constraints. Therefore, the fault of
unproductivity can hardly be ascribed to procedural policy alone. With these considerations, the
filibuster must be revised to ensure congressional productivity while also preserving debate and due
deliberation. In 1805, the Senate terminated the motion to "move the previous question" – a
provision which formerly allowed a simple majority of senators to end debate and proceed to a
collective vote. Another provision – Rule XXII, implemented in 1919 – later recognized the power
of a supermajority to end debate. Requiring two–thirds ... Show more content on ...
The founding fathers maintained an inherent distrust of large government. Despite conflicting with
the majoritarian model, the filibuster demonstrates the original values and principles taken into
account when establishing the United States of America. The Senate, a lawmaking body formerly
elected by state legislatures, remains representative of individual states rather than majority will.
Because each state sends two representatives, half of congressional senators are elected by less than
twenty percent of the total population. Through intended structure alone, the government of the
United States demonstrates clear preference for the pluralistic model. In practice, the interests of
states carry more influence than the interests of citizens. Concerning democratic principles, the
filibuster is no more undemocratic than the government
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Senate Filibuster
The Senate filibuster and the power to declare war hit the media all at once last week with the
Senate restricting the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees and the President's attack on Syria.. In
fact, these two issues were conjoined 100 years ago in World War I.
After a German U–Boat sank the British ocean liner Lusitania laden with American arms, killing
128 Americans, President Woodrow Wilson reacted by seeking the Armed Ship Bill. Senator
"Fighting Bob" La Follette declared "The Armed Ship Bill Meant War." Joined by Minnesota
Senator Moses Clapp, La Follette led a filibuster that blocked the Armed Ship Bill in the last days of
the lame–duck session of Congress infuriating the President who ordered ships armed bypassing
Congress. Then he got Congress to pass the "Cloture Rule" ending filibusters by 2/3rds vote.
Wilson ended America's neutrality needlessly during World War I, supplied arms to Germany's
enemies, at the behest of banking and commercial interests, and got our ships sunk. Wilson got his
declaration of war after German Minister Zimmerman's intercepted telegram urging Mexico to
attack the U.S. if we declared war on Germany. La Follette's futile filibuster couldn't stop the war.
Unintentionally, Wilson probably caused WWII, the Cold War and war in the Middle East.
The St. Paul Pioneer Press misquoted La Follette's ... Show more content on ...
The dilatory obstructionist filibuster has traditionally been employed by the wealthy few against the
majority ever since it was adopted. The filibuster only causes gridlock in Washington. Now that Sen.
Mitch McConnell has invoked the "Nuclear Option," let majority rule and END THE FILIBUSTER
FOREVER. Furthermore, the Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war and they
should pass a LAW TO IMPRISON THE PRESIDENT, and more, for deliberately provoking and
illegally declaring war unless we're under attack. Please pass these
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Filibuster Rule Analysis
The filibuster rule is indisputably constitutional in the U.S. Citing from Article I, Section five of the
Constitution: "Individual houses may ascertain the rule of its house proceedings." In addition, from
the formation of the nation, the Senate was planned to be a more premeditated body. Through James
Madison Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention, he stated that, "for one to assess the form to
be handed to the Senate, it is appropriate to take an analysis of the both ends going to be served.
First the rule safeguards the public against their leaders: secondly it safeguards the public against the
transitory imprints into which they might be led into." This is the reason why the four hundred and
thirty five Members of the House excluding one–third of the Senate are facing election in every 2
years. Converse to what the Left–wingers have confidence in, the dawdling advancement of
legislation in the Senate is an element, not a bug of the Framers' blueprint. Through his 1833
exposition on Constitution, the Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story stated that, "an upright law had
better sporadically collapse, instead of bad laws being increased with a neglectful and wicked
frequency. For even reforms, to be prudent, they should generally be slow." The primary effort to
haste legislation via the Senate came, obviously, from Liberal President ... Show more content on ...
In this instance, the measure or any other subject that is under the filibustering will not obtain
chamber endorsement except if its opponents concede and permit the Senate to cast their vote on it.
Even if the cloture is passed, conversely, a filibuster can considerably influence how, when, and
whether the Senate accomplishes its legislative and executive operations. Due to this logic,
filibusters and the panorama of filibusters controls more of the way in which the Senate performs its
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The Filibuster

  • 1. The Filibuster The Filibuster Name: Course: Date: The Filibuster: Definition This means use of obstructive or irregular strategies by a member of a legislative assembly to stop or prevent the adoption of a motion generally liked or forcing a decision not accepted by the majority (Hornby, 1974). Origin: The word originates from a Dutch word vrijbuiter "pirate", including the Spanish term filibuster, "freebooting". The originate use of this word filibuster dates back to ancient Rome and the use of this word has been common in states like Australia and England. The use of this term come to light when it was used to label a senator who kept hostage his colleague through overtaking legislation. In the seventeenth century, flee–booster assaulted the ... Show more content on ... Shields of the filibuster alert against changing the framework, saying that the delay is a critical security of minority–gathering rights. They say the filibuster backtracks to the authors' desire to make a national government with deliberately built balanced governance and that increasing the procedure debilitates the very condition of American majority rules system. A few Republicans call the thought of demolishing the delay a Democratic power grab. The plot of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington spins, obviously, around the delay. In that time period, the Senate couldn't move onto different business if the delay was not determined – that is to say, the filibusters needed to really be talking keeping in mind the end goal to keep up the delay. This changed when Robert Byrd was Senate Majority Leader. Byrd (and his gathering) founded a "two– track" framework, changing the standards so that the Senate could desert the delayed movement and proceed onward to different business. This change was made in light of the fact that delays were seen as valuable, however excessively obstructionist, and Byrd felt the Senate required the adaptability to have the capacity to proceed onward to different things. In an unintended outcome, minorities of late have found that Byrd basically made it allowed to delay. In the event that ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Filibuster Debate Introduction In the United States (U.S.) Congress, filibusters have the ability to break new laws. By strict definition, a filibuster is a legislative tactic involving the use of unlimited debate ("Filibuster", 2018). The U.S. House of Representatives opted to limit debate time and prohibit the use of filibustering by a simple majority vote (Binder, 2010). The continued use of the filibuster in the U.S. Senate is controversial, however since only the House of Representatives has a Rules Committee, the filibuster can serve as an extra check in the Senate by allowing the minority party to block a bill from becoming law (Evans & Michaud, 2015). While the historical applications of the filibuster are widely debated, the filibuster plays a unique role in the legislative processes of the U.S. Senate. Creation and Historical Use ... Show more content on ... The rulebooks of the Senate and the House of Representatives were nearly identical in 1789. In 1805, Vice President Aaron Burr claimed the Senate's rulebook was messy and suggested the elimination of the "previous question" motion. Later in 1806 when the Senate convened, they dropped the motion from the rulebook. In contrast, the previous question motion was kept by the House of Representatives which permits a simple majority vote to limit debate time. The Senate's lack of this rule permitted filibuster use though it was not formally utilized until 1837 (Binder, ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. How A Bill Becomes A Law Essay Before I get into how a bill becomes a law, I want to spend a little time discussing the powers and boundaries set forth by our Constitution. The Constitution was designed with a system of checks and balances to assure that all the branches of Government are kept in check. They decided to form three branches, the executive branch, legislative branch and the judicial branch. The delegates wanted to divide power equally in the Government to keep one branch from having too much power. The executive branch includes the President and is responsible for executing public and foreign policy. The legislative branch includes the House and the Senate. They are responsible for making and implementing laws and funding the government. The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme court and they interpret the Constitution and laws. The United States Constitution is ... Show more content on ... A law generally begins its life as a simple idea. Anyone can come up with an idea for a law and submit the idea to their congressman or representative. Sometimes a special interest group may submit an idea in hopes that their idea may become a law. When the idea is supported and sponsored by a member of Congress that idea becomes a bill. A bill may begin in either the House or the Senate. However, the bills that deal with money must be introduced through the House. The bill is introduced when it is placed in a box called the hopper on the bill clerks desk. The House speaker will then send the bill to committee where it may be amended, passed or "killed". The House will debate the bill, then send it to the Senate. The bill will be debated and possibly amended then sent back to the House. If everything is approved it will eventually make it's way to the President where he may sign or veto it. If it is signed, it becomes a law. Even if the bill is rejected by the president, it may still become a law if two thirds of the houses override the ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Pros And Cons Of Filibusters In 2013, the thought of using filibusters to an advantage of a political party's side in a legislative assembly was removed; therefore, it now takes a majority vote to decide on all Supreme Court nominees and executive appointments. The majority vote is being identified as the "nuclear option". The ruling of filibuster was voted to be removed by the U.S. Senate, due to the fact that Democrats believed that Republicans unfairly abused filibuster in attempt to veto a nominee by the president (Richardson). Now that a president of the Republican party is in position, the tables have turned. Nevertheless, as the Republican party holds 52 senate seats, Democrats only holding 46, Republicans have the ability to virtually shut down the minority and ... Show more content on ... Over the course of the last eight years, the senate became hyper partisan due to unprecedented obstruction and filibuster. Republicans overused filibuster, resulting in the difficulty of Obama appointing any new persons. This is when Democrats brought the nuclear option before the senate. As this occurred, Senator Mitch McConnell stated, "I say to my friends on the other side of the aisle, you'll regret this. And you may regret this a lot sooner than you think" (Berman). Inadvertently, Mitch McConnell foreshadowed the future political events. McConnell is a Republican, transparently showing his feelings about the decisions made by the–at the time–majority. Contradicting McConnell's statement, Senator John McCain expresses that, "This is a body blow to the institution, and I think we're on a slippery slope." Recalling past confirmation wars, McCain cannot simply agree with the idea relying completely on majority votes because of the controversy; however, he did follow suit with voting likewise other Republican senates (Kane). Even with disagreements, the Republican party as a whole still manages to shut down the Democratic ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Mr Smith Goes To Washington Summary "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" is about Jefferson Smith who is a boy ranger and new senate member due to the old senator dieing, when Mr.Smith gets to dc he meets his assistant Clerissa Sanders and his father's friend senior Macpherson, a respected senator among the senate. When Smith first gets in into office he is interviewed by a bunch of news reporters, and when they interview him they make him look stupid and like a joke for everybody to see, when Smith sees what they did he punches everybody who's reading a newspaper and goes to the press headquarters where he tells the press that they should tell everybody the truth and, they tell him that his fit to be a senator because he's too unexpected in government and should not be fit tp senator, Mr.Smith actually takes their word for and starts to put a bill together. ... Show more content on ... Jim and Macpherson find out about this and they ask smith to join them in their plans but hes refusense and they end up framing Smith for selling property back to the state. Everybody beliefs Jim and Macpherson so Smith and Clarissa come up with a plan to keep him in seattle for long as possible in order to clear his name, and they end up using a filibuster to stall the senate, this filter buster goes for a hole day and Macpherson sees how wrong he is for framing Smith and when Smith passes out Macpherson tells everybody that he was framed and its was him, Jim Taylor and other senate members did ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The ' Obamacare ' A Kind Of Social Insurance Policy United States' (US) political deadlock seems to be an unbreakable problem. The problem mainly comes from the relationship between two parties, the relations of president and congress, and the voting system of the congress. Since US' congress and president controlled by two major political parties separately, gridlock seems to be a certain problem in their terms of political responsibility. For instance, president Obama announced his ambitious plan on health care issues. The 'Obamacare' a kind of social insurance policy by president Obama, also it is the trigger of the gridlock at 2012. Political deadlock mainly comes from the differences of ideology between two parties in terms of taxation, immigration, and others. This paper analyzes the problem of the political deadlock in terms of controllability, coalition. Lack of controllability Mostly the political deadlock triggered by a debatable issue or policy, such as Andrew Johnson's impeachment (1865), Civil Right Act (1957), Bill Clinton's impeachment (1998), and 'Obamacare' (2012). Debatable issue was not the only trigger of political gridlock, political parties lacking controllability more important than issues. Mostly, when the deadlock comes out, that was very few deficits between both parties in the congress. In table 1, the democrat only controls 12 out of 51 seats in the senate, the controllability in the House of representative was much better. They controls 80 out of 183, but the republican controlled other seats at ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Pros And Cons Of Filibusters On the other hand, there are a lot of cons to filibusters too. It is true that having the power to filibuster helps ensure the voices of the minority but it can also mean that having the power to filibuster ensures the tyranny of the minority. Because the size of the senate is not based on the size of the population of each state, every state gets two senators. It is now possible according to Jean Edward Smith, "for the senators representing the 34 million people who live in the 21 least populous states – a little more than 11 percent of the nation's population – to nullify the wishes of the representatives of the remaining 88 percent of Americans. (Smith, 2009). This is completely the opposite of what the framers wanted, they wanted the government to represent the people not a small portion of the people. This is very dangerous because now if ever the more populous states wants to pass a bill on an issue regarding their states population, the more sparse states ... Show more content on ... He can talk about the war on intergalactic space or the future of the mermaid race, this defeats the purpose of having the debate. The debate was intended to talk about controversial topics and negotiate deals with both parties in the senate, it now has become a ground for minorities to jabber about off topic subjects in order to stop a bill from passing. The framers also never had the intention of unlimited debate, it was really after Vice president Aaron Burr when "talking a bill to death" was possible. It also becomes unfair to the majority because in the debate, everyone for the bill will have to stay and vote for the bill while only a couple of, does not have to be all of the opponents need to stay and filibuster a bill. This makes filibuster on the other hand an unintended tyrannical strategy for the minority to go on a tangent forever in order to stop a bill from ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Personal Narrative: The Black Hole The Black Hole Life knocked me down more than once. It showed me that I wasn't as tough as I thought I was. Anytime I got in a low place I always looked for someone to come along. I needed them to aide me in climbing out of the black hole I found myself in. No one came to help me out until I met my best friend, Taylor. She has been the one person who was here that helped me slowly climb out of that black hole called depression. She stood by my side through everything. Taylor is one of those people that made you feel like what you had to say was the most important thing in the world. She has been someone I could always talk too. It all started freshman year when I started hanging with the wrong crowd. I didn't give in to their peer pressure, ... Show more content on ... During the day I would go to school and act like nothing happened, but at night I would lay in my bed and cry myself to sleep. It was hard to deal with, always feeling like I'm not good enough for anything. Taylor asked me to tell her everything and once I did she said, "I am going to help you. I'm not going to leave your side. You will get through this." Taylor stuck by my side for days. Those days turned in to weeks, then months. Now it has been 4 years. My depression is gone. She talked with me over everything and anything. Taylor did everything in her power to help me get out of my shell and claw my way out of the black hole called depression. The depression may be gone, but the anxiety that came with it is still in place. I don't know if I will ever get over my anxiety, but Taylor is by my side helping me when she can. I am forever grateful for everything she has done for me. She approached me to get me to eat with her freshman year, and that was the turning point in my life. Anytime I went through a rough patch or fell down, she was there to pick me back up. With late night talks during movie marathons in the living room, cleaning up the blood oozing from my cuts, and wiping away the tears I cried. Taylor slowly stitched me back together where I was torn ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Taking a Look at Filibusters Filibusters are quite the conundrum, a pariah of sorts in the realm of U.S. politics, yet an integral part of our body of government. It is imperative that it remains to be kept alive in a warm embrace with the Senate, lest it is reduced to nothing more than a mere accessory to the House of Representatives. By nature, the filibuster is actually a resourceful tactic that utilizes the ideology of free speech to prolong and create an active dialog over legislation or to prevent a measure from being brought to a vote. However, in recent years the most unsettling adversity contemporary legislation faces is Rule XXII of the U.S. Senate. Forty–one senators can veto the lion's share of legislation by refusal of invoking cloture (sixty being the magic number). Due to the malapportionment of the Senate, less than forty–one percent of the population could be over represented, resulting in a conflicting vote against cloture sustaining debate indefinitely. The idea of a three–fifths vote is being required for most Senate action can be seen as a modern day thunderstorm that overcasts democratic self–government. The tradition of limitless "debate" in the Senate needs a bit of a review (perhaps a judicial one), as a refusal to vote for cloture should result in a suspension rather than an absolute veto. Simply put, forty–one senators should have the ability to place an extended debate on bills or nominations for a period not to exceed a year beginning from the time they reach the floor. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay On Filibuster "They say women talk too much. If you have worked in Congress you know that the filibuster was invented by men" – Clare Boothe Luce. A filibuster is a long speech used to delay a bill or a piece of legislation. It is a loophole within the Senate rules that has proven useful in a Congressional debate. Filibusters grants a significant power created by taking a stand against a flawed rule which gave the minority group power over a more dominant group. Consequently, the majority mitigated any abuse of the filibuster by limiting it. Filibusters came from Congressional struggle revising or eliminating older rules. "The House kept that rule, but the Senate dropped [the previous question motion] from its rulebook in 1806". The previous question motion drew a motion which said that anyone could close the meeting. So, when Aaron Burr took his stand to clean up some rules in the Senate, particularly eliminating repetitive rules or so called "useless rules", it ... Show more content on ... "The filibuster has been used 1,300 times since 1917" and in the last "12 years [from 2010 to 1998]... the filibuster was used nearly 600 times!" This causes a massive slowdown in Congress making bills inefficient to pass. Each of these stands takes hours and hours so for using it that much is a waste of time. "There is no certain number of days that a bill has to become law, but it must be voted on in the same congressional session, or same year, that it is introduced. If it is not voted on during the session, it can be reintroduced the following year, when it must start its journey over again" and the "most popular stage for a bill to die [is] Committee of the chamber bill is introduced in". These all point to the fact that people are abusing the right of using a filibuster to make rules they don't like by delaying them. This realization is the start of the nuclear option, a bill that could make filibusters eliminated or almost completely limited from ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Government Shutdown Pros And Cons On January 20, 2018, the United States government shutdown when the Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act of 2018, a bill to fund the federal government, failed to pass Congress. The reason for this was due to disagreements between Democrats and Republicans on a proposed extension to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy incorporated into the bill. In response, Democrats, those who supported the DACA extension, led a filibuster in the Senate that effectively halted any legislative progress on the bill. Despite Republicans enacting a a cloture vote, a vote to forcibly end a filibuster, it failed to garner the sixty votes necessary to end the filibuster. As a result, the government shutdown will furlough thousands of federal ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Filibuster In The Senate Essay Christian Sandoval PA 200 4/2/2016 Filibuster In the Senate The US Constitution created the simple format of Majority Rule and Minority right. The minority has the right to express their beliefs, it is the majority that creates the legislation. However, the minority's has the power of filibustering and the ability to block legislation. In the video by Moyers & Company the video talks about the subject of how the rules of filibuster in the senate have changed throughout the years and the different senate majorities have made those different changes. Filibusters create partisanship and are frustrating, especially to the majority party, but they are necessary and acceptable tool for the lawmakers to use against the majority. Filibusters can ... Show more content on ... The majority party is not able to be as powerful with their choices and ideology as they want. This allows for all parties and hopefully all of the population a rather equal representation in the government. It works as a check and balance to the House of Representatives who has overruled the use of the filibuster. The reason being that a bill passed by the House must also go through the Senate. The filibuster is a tool not to just be thrown around lightly by the minority party ,however, because at some point on down the line they will be the majority party and it could come back to hurt them. A lot of the time an actual filibuster does not have to be used by the minority however. The threat of the filibuster is sometimes enough to get the job done. Although there have being propositions to change the filibuster rules in order to make them a burden on the filibustering speaker in the long run when the ruling party changes to minority it can be troublesome for them. Few years back Senator Reid from Nevada wanted to make changes to the filibustering tactics this tactic as it applies to executive nominees but, because next time Republicans are in charge there are no guarantees that they would restrict themselves in this ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Tyranny Research Paper "We've got to win this battle, and we will. We have to win the peace." – Al D'Amato *** The Framers of the Constitution strongly opposed "tyranny" of the majority, urging for the protection of minority factions. James Madison wrote, "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands... may justly be pronounced the very definition of 'Tyranny'!" James Madison and the Framers fought against the neglect of minoritarian interest, following the principles outlined in James Madison's Federalist 10. Madison urged for the disassembling of modern parties into factions –– allowing for "free" expression. Federalist 10 stated, "The diversity in the faculties of not less an insuperable obstacle to a uniformity ... Show more content on ... New York is situated in the Northeast and is the financial hub of the entire nation. The Empire State Houses the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the backbone of Western commerce. If Smith Corona were to move to Mexico, it would thrive. The New York–based company would assist the Mexican economy since they (Smith Corona) would be paying their taxes to the Mexican government. This would then support the country, sparking a potential "reconstruction." This allows the United States to gain another fiscally sustainable allied nation. However, the loss of 875 jobs would soon force the New York economy into a recession (very similar to 2008), eventually facing an increasing downward trend of statewide financial debt. New York would facial internal financial turmoil, a potential watershed event. Thus causing a chain reaction, then generating an entire national fall. This idea of a fallen state causing a national fall is clearly depicted and shown through history, most notably, the fall of Constantinople. The Eastern Roman Empire was captured by the encroaching Ottoman Empire lead by Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos. The 53–day siege eventually caused the fall of the entire Roman Empire. Constantinople is very similar to New York, in that it's the financial hub of both inter and intra–state commerce –– New York is the Constantinople of New York. Speaking on behalf of the minority ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Congress 's Powers Of The Constitution In order for something to be broken it must have been whole to begin with, let us first discuss what Congress used to represent and how it used to function. Most everyone knows that Congress is bicameral and consists of two parts: The House of Representatives and The Senate. Congress's powers are outlined in Article I of the Constitution. The framers formed two parts of Congress so that they would balance each other out: no one branch would become too powerful and the laws would be more complex and well–thought.The Constitution had initially intended for the legislative branch (Congress) to be the most powerful branch of government and at the beginning of post– constitution United States history it was. Congress was given the powers to enact laws (Gateways to Democracy, pp. 388).The Framers were purposeful in making sure that Congress represented each individual state by allowing each state to have two senators and for the number of representatives to be dependent on the size of each state, thereby balancing out the powers each state had in Congress (Gateways to Democracy, pp. 389). The framers made it an even level playing field: whoever was most qualified to be elected into Congress was usually elected. In the present day, money speaks louder than quality when it comes to elections. Fundraising and lobbying are a problem in politics in general, but it has corrupted Congress. As Lawrence Lessig discusses in "How to get our Democracy Back: There will be no Change until we ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Senate Filibustering System Members of Congress are charged with three primary duties–writing laws, overseeing the implementation of laws, and serving the needs of their constituents. Senate Filibuster, House Rules Committee and the Conference Committee all have had a profound effect in the lawmaking process. Additionally, general accounting office and hearings are both methods that Congress employs in order to maintain oversight over the federal bureaucracy. Lastly, Casework drastically affects members' attention to legislation because it diverts their time, and resources away from focusing on legislation. The Senate Filibuster was initially created as a way to ensure that minority opinions were heard and understood before the Senate voted on an issue. Senate first allowed ... Show more content on ... Filibusters on motions to proceed prevent the Senate from even being able to consider ideas for how to solve our country's big problems. For years now, small numbers of senators representing as little as 11% of the country have kept the Senate from even discussing important legislation that has passed Committee review. Virtual Filibusters allow small numbers of senators to effortlessly place personal political agendas above the work of government with no consequence. As a result, even routine Senate functions like approving executive appointees get stuck in partisan politics, resulting in 85 vacancies on federal judiciary benches. Major pieces of legislation, including a bill that would have provided medical care for 9/11 responders, have enjoyed majority support in the Senate yet died in the face of filibusters for lack of cloture. Legislation that should pass into law has been canceled and courts have been thrown into disarray, but the senators who have helped make that happen have never needed to actually make a case to ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Essay about Barbara Boxer Barbara Boxer, born Barbara Levy Boxer, is currently a Democratic U.S. Senator from California. She was first elected to office in 1992. During her terms in office, Boxer has advocated environmental issues, health care, women's rights, public safety, and the economy. She has proven to be dedicated to the causes that she said she would fight for. She has voted against bills such as the Firearms Manufacturer Bill (which failed) and voted for the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 (which passes). She had decided to retire in 2004, but changed her mind because she is so passionate about what she believes in. In September ‘04, Republican Bill Jones was Senator Boxer's "competition". In an article from The Sacramento Bee, Boxer ... Show more content on ... But you can attribute Schwarzenegger's "popularity" to Gray Davis' unpopularity. And Schwarzenegger was already famous. Nobody knew who Jones was, but everyone knew who Barbara Boxer was. His loss was practically inevitable. After Senator Boxer's unsurprising re– election to Senate, one of her most noteworthy decisions was to urge Senate to keep the filibuster. A filibuster is something that the Senators use to postpone or delay actions from being made. Recently, the Republican Party wanted to do away with the filibuster so that the Democrats could not use it against their judges. In 1995, Senator Boxer voted to get rid of the filibuster and admitted she did so out of "frustration". The Senate came to an agreement that if the Democrats use filibuster free votes for Judges Priscilla Owen, Janice Brown, and Wilson Pryor, they can block the nominations on Judges Henry Saad and William Myers without the Republicans trying to do away with the filibuster again. Senator Barbara Boxer has followed through with her promises. She has voted for environmental issues, better health care, women's rights, public safety, and the economy. There are so many other politicians that make campaign promises and never follow through with them once they get into office. Senator Barbara Boxer isn't one of those politicians. With her in office, Californian can sleep happily knowing that we put someone in office that ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Essay about The Filibuster: Tyranny of the Minority? The Filibuster: Tyranny of the Minority The filibuster continues to be an area of controversy in the United States Senate. Critics of the rule claim that it has corrupted and even broken the institution, while proponents claim that the rule is a savior for the minority against unpopular laws instituted by the majority. Throughout history, the filibuster has shown its potentially dangerous side as well as its positive benefits. After any major party shift in the Senate, it seems that there is always talk of filibuster reform by the new majority. Although reform debates persist, rules and procedures regarding the filibuster have yet to be significantly changed since 1975, when the cloture rule was last amended. The debate has been revived ... Show more content on ... Opposition arose from John C. Calhoun (D–SC) and William Rufus King (D–AL) who were able to end Clay's formal opposition. After Clay's defeat, others have tried to impose a previous questions motion on the Senate but to no avail. A change in the rules to create an avenue to end debate would not come until the early twentieth century on the brink of WWI (Gold, 2008, pp. 49–50). On March 1, 1917, the Senate began debate on President Wilson's proposal to provide arms to American merchant ships in response to the unrestricted submarine warfare commenced by Germany. The bill was passed with overwhelming support in the House and it was believed to be heavily supported in the Senate. Despite this fact, a group of eleven isolationist senators filibustered the proposal until the 64th Congress officially expired. Public opinion was swift and negative, leading Wilson to call for a special session of Congress. Reform was now a major focus due to public outrage. While in session, a special committee of five Democrats and five Republicans was established to oversee the creation of a new cloture rule for the Senate. On March 8, 1917, the committee presented its compromise. The compromise called for a rule that would permit cloture on any measure. To obtain it, however, one needed the support of two–thirds of all senators "present and voting." Despite the new rule, cloture was rarely used ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Deliberation Vs Filibusters Similarly, activity in legislation is usually characterized by the ability to compromise between Democrats and Republicans. Sometimes, the agenda of both parties are within agreeable parameters to jumpstart and finish legislation. However, one crucial factor which can inhibit or advance legislation is the participation of the representatives in the House or the Senate during legislative deliberation. Logically, when both parties decide to work with some intent at compromise, legislation is possible. Despite this, there are times when members try to hinder the passage of legislation because of their stance on the topic. It is critical to focus on legislation after the committee proposal or when it is close to being approved one or both chambers. Because when a bill is effectively stopped, all the ... Show more content on ... A filibuster does have "strategic use [in delaying] . . . legislation," on the other hand it is true that a filibuster is used because legislation made by one party is unwanted by the other (Fisk & Chemerinsky 183). Time is a principal factor in legislative deliberation and a filibuster wastes the time of Senators who need information on the bill to vote up or down. The time allotted for other bills become much smaller and frustrated Senators may allow the bill to die. As such, even the threat of a filibuster poses great concern for a new bill created by either party. Despite a filibuster allowing the minority to voice their concern over the subject matter, it is a power which can be abused by either party to stop a bill because of differences based on ideal, not logic. The party which has been subjected to these methods is forced to cooperate with the other party. In all, legislative participation is objectively good, however if a bill is hindered because of ideology, then that form of participation lowers legislative ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Majority Party Advantages The majority party has many advantages when it comes to lawmaking, not including the numerical advantage the majority party has in–floor voting. One advantage the majority party has, is they control the House Rules Committee. The House Rules Committee has significant power throughout the legislation process. They determine which bills will be brought to the floor of the House for consideration and whether amendments will be allowed on a bill when it is debated by the entire House. For example, the House Rules Committee could make a decision to immediately put a bill on the House schedule and decide that the bill will not have any debate time. Another advantage the majority party has is they choose the speaker of the house.For instance, the Speaker of the House appoints select committees and refers bills to committees, and as the presiding officer they decide the order in which business is conducted throughout the day. In addition, to these advantages is the fact that the majority party holds majority on each committee.This means the majority party holds a majority of seats on standing committees, which in turn makes passing the majority parties legislation that much easier. ... Show more content on ... However, simply because a bill passed one chamber does not mean it will pass the other. For instance, the House has a Rules committee which can stop the passage of a bill in the House as it may not abide by the rules of the committee. Another example is the filibuster. The Senate is allowed filibusters–talking a bill a death, whereas the House is not. Equally as important, is the unanimous consent agreement. The Senate can ease passage of a bill with unanimous consent agreements, while the House has no such mechanism. Accordingly, these are just a few differences between the House and the Senate that make it likely legislation will pass in one chamber, but not the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Difficult Conversations In Social Work Final Paper Difficult Conversations By Wayne State University School of Social Work Social Work 6991 Professor Pauline Everette Fall 2012 Conflict is everywhere we go, at home, school, church in the community and especially at work. How we decide to handle the conflict at hand will determine whether we strengthen the relationship or break it up. Each situation can be dealt with in a way that can bring healing instead of animosity and further pain. Most of the time conflict is looked at as a negative experience that most people refuse to be a part of because of their own lack of conflict management skills; but if both parties are willing to sit down and discuss the issue, there is a possibility of a positive ... Show more content on ... B) John's intentions were to convince me that all they were going to do is study and if I allowed it with some ground rules like leave the door open, only when parents are home and a time limit, he would have followed those rules only until I got comfortable with the idea and slacked up on looking in on them, then he would have tried to get intimate with the young lady, which eventually could lead to having sexual intercourse in my home. (Not going to happen) C) My contribution to the problem was as John grew up, I allowed my best friend's daughter, (who was the same age and they grew up together), to visit/play with John in his room and even to date when she comes over she freely would walk to his bedroom and they would sit up and watch TV on his bed, sometimes with the door closed. I felt no harm in the situation because they would say they were cousins and treated each other as such. II. What happen? What is the other's story? What happen was John threw that situation in my face, he said, "Mom what difference does it make, Kim, (name change for confidentiality), comes over lays in the bed with me to watch TV and sometimes when you and her mom go out, she spends the night and me and her are only friends." John' story was "Kim isn't my only female friend, you don't trust me." A) The impact for me was tough for me to swallow; I was lost for words because he was correct. I ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Exemplification Essay: The Senate Should Consider Every... The Senate should consider every Federal Judge that is nominated by the president. After the president takes the time to consider and nominate a possible judge, the Senate should show respect by considering the president and his decisions. This keeps a good working relationship between the Senate and the president. The Constitution says the president needs the advice and consent of the Senate to appoint a Federal Judge. The Senate did not respond to President Obama's nomination of a federal judge, so the nomination expired. When President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch and Senate did give advice and consent. To begin with, the Constitution of the United States says the president. The Constitution does not require the Senate to respond to the nomination. When the president picks someone, the Senate does not have to hold hearings and vote. The Senate can refuse to answer to the president's pick. Even though the ... Show more content on ... The total amount of time that Garland's nomination lasted for was 293 days. This is the longest nomination for Supreme Court in history without getting a hearing from Senate Republicans. Critics say Republicans denied Garland a hearing for to keep a Democrat appointed justice of the Supreme Court. The last appointee to have never gotten a hearing from the Sentate was in 1853. Some people of the United States see this as a negative working relationship between the Senate and the President. The Senate should have at least considered this nomination, and then they could have voted no. Even though the Senate wanted to preserve the court's conservative majority the Senate should have just considered the nominee then they could have said their opinion on the nominee. If they had considered the nominee they could have saved a lot of time and effort for everyone by voting no for the president's ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Teachers Of The Teacher All of the teachers I observed had many different ways to manage their classroom. Many of their ways were similar, but there were some differences too. I noticed that the female teachers used songs to get the children from one activity to another while the male teacher went right into the next lesson. All of the teachers welcomed their students as they came into the classroom. Mrs. Pollard sang the hello song to them and Mrs. Kraus did as well. After they welcomed the children, all of the teachers had their students go directly to their carpet spots. Mr. Leonhardt had three different seating types for the students, which I thought was different yet effective. There were team spots, dance lines and free seating. When the students were ... Show more content on ... Some of the teachers were stricter about handling this than others, but they were all still effective. Both Mrs. Kraus and Mrs. Pollard had songs for a lot of their transitions and Mrs. Pollard had a "Sparkle Master" to reward good behavior and give the students a chance to stand out in class. It was a special way to get them involved with singing to their classmates individually. Mrs. Kraus had a process with the younger kids for continuity. She started with a hello song of some sort and then had them sing their school song and patriotic songs. Those were the kids' warm ups. After those, she went right into the lessons. She did not always introduce the concept, but she explained what the kids were going to do that day. Mrs. Pollard was the only one who used the Orff instruments at my observations, so whenever she had the kids go to the Orff instruments, she called each row to line up at the Orff instruments and told them to be careful and not hit them. The children already knew how they were supposed to go to the Orff instruments because she had already made rules on how they act around them. When they left the Orff instruments she called each row to stand up and walk single file out of the rows of instruments. Mrs. Kraus, Mr. Leonhardt and Mrs. Pollard were all Kodaly oriented in their lessons and whenever they were doing the "practicing" part of the method, they were walking around to make sure the students were doing the correct thing The ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Pros And Cons Of Filibusters In 1789, the Senate and House of Representatives ordered a rule where only a majority vote was needed to conclude a debate. Although the House of Representatives kept that rule, the Senate got rid of it in 1806 without replacing it with another. This soon led to the opening idea of a filibuster. The initial purpose for a filibuster was to ensure that the minority opinions were apprehended and understood. Currently, some people still regard the filibuster as a strategy to protect the right of free speech and minorities. Others use the tactic to waste time for other matters which leave bills grid– locked. Nevertheless, the policy is used in order to block a bill, amendment, or any other resolution to prevent it from becoming a final vote. During a filibuster, the senator has several rules and regulations to follow. There is a ... Show more content on ... He went on to state that the legislature will not be brought down by the opposing side or the pro– choice. Governor Perry declared that the citizens of Texas have chosen the legislation to carry out laws and the supporters of pro–choice are becoming an obstacle. He continued by stating that too much work has been left undone. For the Republicans as well as Governor Perry, the work has just begun. They will stop at nothing to give up on the bill. They truly believe it is their duty to enforce such a harsh law. Their ideology is that because Texas is a conservative state, they have to get rid of abortions in the state. Even though the public is constantly protesting the bill, Governor Perry continues to believe it is in the citizen's best interest Governor Rick Perry plays the major role in assuring that the bill does in fact get passed. He has shown that he will stop at nothing to thwart the bill. His actions in making sure the bill is approved are extremely unnecessary and uncalled ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. How Does Mccarthy Present The Use Of Violence In Blood... The novel, Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy relies heavily on violence and death. The Blood Meridian is a Western novel that shows the harsh circumstances and the challenges people in the West had to face due to their environment. The environment seems to tie together with the theme of violence and death and it appears to be personified at times. The landscape in Blood Meridian is at war with the forms of life that traverses it. The passage takes place after chapter III in which the kid joined Captain White's army. He was provided with clothes and a mule that he later sold. He used the coin to go to the tavern with two others, one whom was found dead the next day, murdered. This violent action sets the scene for chapter IV. In the given passage ... Show more content on ... The storm and lightening the filibusters experienced while traveling, made the environment appear as if it was a demon kingdom and the narrator states that the "true geology of the pumice plain was not stone but fear". This can also imply hell. What is hell if not a kingdom filled with demons and fears? The environment appears as a land of nightmares, and the references to Christianity in the novel, implies that the men believe that those who sin go to hell. According to the Christian religion, murder is a sin and is one that the majority of these men committed. One of the men also refer to the pumice plain as the "high road to hell". It is ironic because if they did not cross the pumice plain and had not continued with their journey they may not have died. It can literally be seen as the path to ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Filibuster Reform Case Study The United States Congress is often described with two words: unproductive and unpopular. As Congress's approval ratings continue to plummet it has become evident that gridlock plays a major role in voter's feelings towards congressional productivity. Many voters are beginning to worry that Congress is more broken than ever due to the fact that it seems as if it is no longer able to make even the smallest bipartisan decisions (Binder, 2013). Congress is appearing to seem dysfunctional to the public eye in regard to Congressional responses to many issues including health care and immigration (Todd et al., 2013). Growing partisanship and inability to compromise is seemingly the cause of the ineffectiveness of Congress. Liberals and Conservatives ... Show more content on ... The filibuster has a major impact on the efficiency of Congress and is something that could be changed in order to improve Congressional efficiency. Currently, a supermajority of sixty votes is required to end a filibuster, but if a lower number such as forty–one votes was required, forty–one votes would also be required to maintain a filibuster. This would mean that Congressional members would have less of a chance to hinder the ability of the legislative body to move forward on important legislation. This would improve public perception of the legislative process and likely increase Congressional approval ratings. In addition to lessening the number of votes required to end a filibuster, Congress could increase productivity by ending the filibuster on the motion to proceed. This would limit debate on a motion to two hours, which would be divided equally between the two parties (Staff, 2014). This would eliminate the practice of an overabundance of prior floor debate altogether and cap the amount of time spent debating the motion to proceed. The filibuster recent years has become a routine parliamentary maneuver rather than the rare occurrence that it once ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Battle Of The Alamo Abstract The Battle of the Alamo was more than the name simply implies. It was more than a battle between two opposing forces during the Texas Revolution. It was a battle of competing political issues between the Mexican government and the interests of the United States of America. It is difficult to truly understand the significance of the Battle of the Alamo without describing the events that occurred before. Before the actual Battle of the Alamo, the Mexican Army conducted a 13 day siege. The prelude of the Battle of the Alamo will help those unfamiliar with this pivotal event understand how everything culminated in the 13 day siege and eventual victory for the Mexican forces. The Alamo The building in San Antonio we call the Alamo, originally was built as the chapel of the Mission San Antonio de Valero. It was built in 1724 outside of San Antonio de Bexar, which is modern day San Antonio, Texas. The purpose of this mission was to help convert Mexican– Indians to Catholicism. During this time, Mexico was still a colony of Spain. In 1794, construction was halted, rendering the compound incomplete. The compound later adopted a new name when a group of Spanish Soldiers began using the compound. The Soldiers hailed from a Mexican town called Alamo de Parras. The mission was then called The Alamo (Ramos, 1992) . The Onset of Filibusters Before Texas was officially a part of the United States of America, men known as Filibusters traversed throughout America. ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Filibuster Case Filibuster A filibuster was first intended to let a minority opinion be heard during a senate meeting. It allowed any senator the right to speak. It later became a way for a senator to halt the progress of a bill. The rule was first allowed back in 1806. When it began to become a problem senate urged President Woodrow Wilson to pass a rule called cloture. Cloture was a way for the senate to vote to end a filibuster. It was put in place in 1917. The problem was, it didn't vote out many attempts at a filibuster because cloture required a 2/3 vote to end a filibuster. Filibusters were commonly used during the 1960's to help southerners to halt the progress of civil right legislation. The most known being the Civil Rights act of 1964. The proposed ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Filibuster Process In this paper I will be defining and explaining the process of Filibuster and Judicial Review. A Filibuster being mainly focused on how it is conducted in the US senate, and the rules that go with it. A Judicial Review and how it may be called for and the process that goes with it. As well as how both actions relate to the process of making and implementing laws. A Filibuster by definition " an action such as a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not technically contravening the required procedures." (Google Search) A Filibuster can also be used as a tactic to stop a piece of legislation from passing, and has been a common tool in the minority party arsenal for a very long time. Once a senator has started a Filibuster he or she may continue to speak on any topic or subject, and can only be stopped by a three–fifths closure vote by the other members of the senate. It was also applicable in the House of Representatives until 1842 when rules were adopted to limit the time of debate. ... Show more content on ... In other words the senate can change the rules of the functions and procedures that go on in the senate. A good example of such rule changes occurred in 2013 when the democrat controlled senate voted to change the rule required to end a Filibuster; Instead of there being a 3/5 closure vote a the rule that now exists is only a majority vote, aka 51 or grater votes. This dramatically benefited in the passing of laws during the Obama Presidency, but as of the writing of this paper has since backfired on them as the senate is now controlled by a majority republican party, thus rendering the Filibuster completely ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. What Is Congressional Gridlocks? Congressional gridlock has become a major problem over the past several years, the lack of power that any–one party has held for more than just a couple years means that very little has been accomplished by Congress. A Congressional gridlock is a situation when a law can not be passed due to disagreements either between political parties, branches of government or between the houses of Congress. These disagreements that do not end in compromise slow the legislative process and leave both parties unhappy. Gridlock can also occur within the Congressional Senate when a minority party member begins a filibuster. Before we can understand full what causes a gridlock, we must first look at individual ways that a party member can cause a gridlock ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Filibuster Conclusion A filibuster is a unique tool used in legislation that obstructs the progress of a bill. This obstruction of progress can be conducted in a variety of ways, such as "talking a bill to death", or delaying long enough to completely prevent a vote on a bill. Filibustering can be accomplished by one, or several members of the Senate. In recent years, the act of filibustering has become increasingly unpopular amongst the public due to the delay it causes on bill progress in the US Supreme Court, but its initial purpose came from a more helpful standpoint. The embryonic concept of the filibuster was created to guarantee that all opinions were heard completely regardless of their popularity before a bill was voted on. This The filibuster ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. School Worksheets It was a warm September day, when I just had jumped off the bus outside of McDole Elementary. All the little kids got off the bus first so the older kids didn't trample us. Everyone on the bus was excited for school. All the teachers were outside the school holding up signs by the doors waiting for their class. I was trying to find the blue sign because that was the color of my bus–tag. When I finally found my teacher she took us inside to class. We started the day by sitting in a circle in the middle of the room and introducing our selfs. Then we found our seats and put our backpacks, and lunches away. She then announced we should start following a map around the classroom with a partner or alone. Following the map activity ... Show more content on ... But it turns out she was asking me she walked over to me. "Your name is Taylor right?" Jordan asked. "Yeah and you are Jordan right??" I responded. "Do you want to work together? I liked working with you yesterday," Jordan asked. "Yeah! I would love to work together with you," I eagerly responded. We kept working together for a while. This time however we talked out the assignment step by step so we could understand it. This time I realized the math is the easy part but figuring out what the word problem is the hard part. Then in class we changed seats because it was the end of the month and every month she wanted us to switch seats. I ended up sitting right next to Jordan, we had a lot of fun siting by each other. Finally we started hanging out at recess. It was funny because I knew the people she hung out with from girl scouts. Jordan and I became great friends. "I'm glad we are friends," Jordan acknowledged. "Yeah. We are going to be BFF's forever," I exclaimed. It feels so great to know I have many friends to depend on. We even made a secret handshake. Jordan is one of the best friends I have ever ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Essay On Filibuster | Filibusters | Keep them or get rid of them | | | | Political Science 102 This paper is about if filibusters should be kept or not kept. I show all sides of the issues and show what I think is the best possible answer. | Introduction Every day in the United States laws are put onto the table to see if they will either be approved or disapproved. They go through quite a battle and if they are approved it shows they have reached the biggest goal there is for a law, being enforced. It takes a lot for everyone to pass and say ok to a new law. The Research question I am going to discuss and give farther details on is if U.S. Senate should change its rules so that senators will no longer be allowed to filibuster. ... Show more content on ... They have figured out how to keep a filibuster going even though someone does all this. It seems that everything has a loop hole; it just has to be found. Another item that is mentioned is that there has to be 60 votes to end a filibuster but there may not be 60 senators present at the time of voting to end it. For instance there doesn't have to be 60 senators present to vote on a bill or law so there may not be enough to end the filibuster. This throws in another complicated deal and makes ending a filibuster even harder. One of the final arguments that I found while doing my research was that many argue saying monitories are the only ones that benefit from filibusters. Minorities have a hard time voicing their opinions is what I found to be said. They are seldom considered when it comes to making decisions because they are the minority and not the majority. Filibuster help minorities buy letting them speak and get what they have to say out and heard. They believe that by filibustering and having majorities hearing what they have to say they could possibly maybe throw the vote off and change people's minds. Preferred Answer The best argument I believe should be the answer is what they are allowed to talk about. If you choose what they can talk about it will change the whole concept of filibusters. They will still be allowed but with limitations so they do have some sort of organization to them. If senators are told what they can or ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Why Is 12 Angry Men Juror 8 In the movie 12 Angry Men, there are 12 jurors trying to see if a nineteen year old boy killed his father with a switchblade knife. Juror 3, Juror 12, and Juror 8 are all different in how they handle their opinions. These three characters have different ways of doing things. Juror 8 wants to always find the truth, Juror 3 is always "right", and Juror 12 never really knows what to do. Everyone has different opinions, it's just a matter of how everyone shows them. Some people think they are always right, some are too scared to share it, and some want to share but don't force it on others Juror 12 is described as a bright advertising man who is said to think of people as charts and graphs. He is seen to be a snob, but on the inside, he is trying to be a good person. His shape is a an arrow pointing up and down because he can never make up his ... Show more content on ... He keeps digging deeper until things are talked out and he decides whether or not to go the other way. As shown in Figure 1, Juror 8 is a circle with a blue inside and outside to represent confidence and truth. Juror 8 is also the only man who votes not guilty when they vote the first time. When he is asked why he says: "There were eleven votes for guilty. It's not so easy for me to raise my hand and send a boy off to die without talking about it first." (12 Angry Men) Throughout the play Juror 8 explains his reasonings and gets other Jurors to vote not guilty also. Juror 9 is the first to switch over: "Thank you.(Pointing at NO. 8) This gentleman chose to stand alone against us, That's his right. It takes a great deal of courage to stand alone, even if you believe in something very strongly. He left the verdict up to us. He gambled for support, and I gave it to him. I want to hear more. The vote is ten to two." (12 Angry Men) Juror 8 is the only static character throughout the movie because he is the only one who doesn't change his ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Example Of A Filibuster Essay Brianna Whorley Current Event #3 2A This article starts by stating that many filibusters are close to silent; the upper chamber will most likely shut down a filibuster before it even starts. However, on June 16, 2016, Christopher S. Murphy led a 15 hour filibuster. This filibuster was held on account of gun violence. There was a lot of talking, but not so much to the point in which the vote is blocked. This filibuster was much like the one held in 1958, it was 24 hours long, and it was in favor of stopping the Civil Rights Act of 1957. One of the main goals of this filibuster was to persuade the majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell, into allowing voting on already published/formal amendments. As a result of the shooting in Orlando, Florida, this would have tightened gun control laws. Murphy was successful in his attempt and got Mr. McConnell and the Democratic head, Harry Reid, to have votes on previous gun control amendments. Now, people who appear on American terrorism pages cannot purchase ... Show more content on ... A filibuster is when a senator holes long speeches in order to health congresses progress in passing a new bill or revising an amendment. I said previously, the upper chamber of Congress can stop a filibuster. The upper chamber of Congress consist of the one hundred senators. Stopping a filibuster takes a lot of work, you have to get sixteen signatures in order to evoke closure and then the Senate has to vote on permanent closure. This particular filibuster was led by a minority in the concern of gun control. Minorities or people who don't agree on a certain law or bill are often the ones who will conduct filibusters. When a bill is about to be considered and has to go through special review in Congress. The majority will ask consent to except it's amendment or request a conference in order to discuss or debate over the amendment. However, if a senator does not want the amendment to go through they can hold a ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. The Democracy in United States Elections Are United States elections democratic? Democracy a universally recognized phenomenon refers to a government deriving its power from the people and being answerable to them (Fox 2008). President Abraham Lincoln (Gettysburg Address, 1863) said about democracy " a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not vanish from this earth ' (Fox 2008). The foundations of democracy in America are found within, "The Declaration of Independence of 1776" and "The Constitution of 1789", both products of the American Revolution where equality and the rights of man were the focus of their creation (Rodgers 2001). The first half of this paper discusses the notion that despite having the best institutional powers that uphold democratic functions within the American government, this doesn't always translate into the perfect democratic election. The US Constitution separated power between three institutions of the state – the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary where no singular institution has all the power (Rodgers 2001). They act to prevent the president arbitrarily appointing someone to a particular post, protecting democratic process (Rodgers 2001). A large number of American officials are elected and are not simply appointed anyway (Rodgers 2001). A democratic U.S nation with decentralized power and responsibility like the United States is unique in its federal system of government, as these are shared by national, state, and local governments ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Pros And Cons Of Filibuster Today, Supreme Court Nominee's, Neil Gorsuch, Confirmation hearing came near conclusion on a very confrontational note with the Senate's Principal Democrat threatening to filibuster. This would complicate the way the senate "conducts its business". The Republicans eager to confirm Gorsuch only have a 52–majority instead of the 60–majority that is necessary. However, they say he will be confirmed anyway, even if it means removing the filibuster option and allowing nominees to be confirmed with a simple majority vote. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer's decision to filibuster was not unexpected but it will increase tension in the senate. "If this nominee cannot earn 60 votes – a bar met by each of President Obama's nominees, and George Bush's last two nominees – the answer isn't to change the rules. It's to change the nominee," he said. Although the democrats do not have the votes to block this motion, his filibuster will publicize the resistance in the Congress. Last February, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died unexpectedly leaving his seat open. Before President Trump was sworn into office, former president, ... Show more content on ... He broke a lot of the rules involved in a filibuster. However, the intention is still there. One thing that I was confused about is how this filibuster could prevent Judge Gorsuch from being confirmed. In fact, I was confused how any filibuster gets anything done. I thought the entire point of a filibuster was to tire out your opponents until the bend to your will. I now understand that filibustering increases the number of votes need to pace a law. I also know that the Republicans are considering exercising the "Nuclear Option" which would bypass the filibuster letting Gorsuch be elected with less than 60 votes. So really Gorsuch is going to be confirmed no matter what and hopefully the consequences won't be ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Filibuster Vs Majoritarian Government Essay Question 2: Filibusters and Majoritarian Government The filibuster is often treated as a scapegoat in American media and politics. Deadlock in Congress is better attributed to political division between uncompromising groups rather than specific procedure. As it stands, the filibuster has grown steadily more lenient since its original implementation. With this in mind, Congress has performed effectively before, doing so while encumbered by harsher constraints. Therefore, the fault of unproductivity can hardly be ascribed to procedural policy alone. With these considerations, the filibuster must be revised to ensure congressional productivity while also preserving debate and due deliberation. In 1805, the Senate terminated the motion to "move the previous question" – a provision which formerly allowed a simple majority of senators to end debate and proceed to a collective vote. Another provision – Rule XXII, implemented in 1919 – later recognized the power of a supermajority to end debate. Requiring two–thirds ... Show more content on ... The founding fathers maintained an inherent distrust of large government. Despite conflicting with the majoritarian model, the filibuster demonstrates the original values and principles taken into account when establishing the United States of America. The Senate, a lawmaking body formerly elected by state legislatures, remains representative of individual states rather than majority will. Because each state sends two representatives, half of congressional senators are elected by less than twenty percent of the total population. Through intended structure alone, the government of the United States demonstrates clear preference for the pluralistic model. In practice, the interests of states carry more influence than the interests of citizens. Concerning democratic principles, the filibuster is no more undemocratic than the government ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Senate Filibuster The Senate filibuster and the power to declare war hit the media all at once last week with the Senate restricting the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees and the President's attack on Syria.. In fact, these two issues were conjoined 100 years ago in World War I. After a German U–Boat sank the British ocean liner Lusitania laden with American arms, killing 128 Americans, President Woodrow Wilson reacted by seeking the Armed Ship Bill. Senator "Fighting Bob" La Follette declared "The Armed Ship Bill Meant War." Joined by Minnesota Senator Moses Clapp, La Follette led a filibuster that blocked the Armed Ship Bill in the last days of the lame–duck session of Congress infuriating the President who ordered ships armed bypassing Congress. Then he got Congress to pass the "Cloture Rule" ending filibusters by 2/3rds vote. Wilson ended America's neutrality needlessly during World War I, supplied arms to Germany's enemies, at the behest of banking and commercial interests, and got our ships sunk. Wilson got his declaration of war after German Minister Zimmerman's intercepted telegram urging Mexico to attack the U.S. if we declared war on Germany. La Follette's futile filibuster couldn't stop the war. Unintentionally, Wilson probably caused WWII, the Cold War and war in the Middle East. The St. Paul Pioneer Press misquoted La Follette's ... Show more content on ... The dilatory obstructionist filibuster has traditionally been employed by the wealthy few against the majority ever since it was adopted. The filibuster only causes gridlock in Washington. Now that Sen. Mitch McConnell has invoked the "Nuclear Option," let majority rule and END THE FILIBUSTER FOREVER. Furthermore, the Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war and they should pass a LAW TO IMPRISON THE PRESIDENT, and more, for deliberately provoking and illegally declaring war unless we're under attack. Please pass these ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Filibuster Rule Analysis The filibuster rule is indisputably constitutional in the U.S. Citing from Article I, Section five of the Constitution: "Individual houses may ascertain the rule of its house proceedings." In addition, from the formation of the nation, the Senate was planned to be a more premeditated body. Through James Madison Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention, he stated that, "for one to assess the form to be handed to the Senate, it is appropriate to take an analysis of the both ends going to be served. First the rule safeguards the public against their leaders: secondly it safeguards the public against the transitory imprints into which they might be led into." This is the reason why the four hundred and thirty five Members of the House excluding one–third of the Senate are facing election in every 2 years. Converse to what the Left–wingers have confidence in, the dawdling advancement of legislation in the Senate is an element, not a bug of the Framers' blueprint. Through his 1833 exposition on Constitution, the Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story stated that, "an upright law had better sporadically collapse, instead of bad laws being increased with a neglectful and wicked frequency. For even reforms, to be prudent, they should generally be slow." The primary effort to haste legislation via the Senate came, obviously, from Liberal President ... Show more content on ... In this instance, the measure or any other subject that is under the filibustering will not obtain chamber endorsement except if its opponents concede and permit the Senate to cast their vote on it. Even if the cloture is passed, conversely, a filibuster can considerably influence how, when, and whether the Senate accomplishes its legislative and executive operations. Due to this logic, filibusters and the panorama of filibusters controls more of the way in which the Senate performs its ... Get more on ...