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The Evoation of Homo Eruditus
The paradigm shift of Darwin's theory of Evolution
(In light of the Quran and Hadiths)
The Proposal
“I am arguing that the Ardh (earth) which Allah used to
create Adam (as), had the initial ingredients Cells/DNA
of the Evolved Humans (homo sapiens) throughout
Which led to the formation of the Human body.
Without Human Evolution there will be no Adam.”
My Goal to unite on one understanding
Evolution + Creation = EVOATION
Adam and Bani Adam = HOMO ERUDITUS
Homo Eruditus = EDUCATED MAN
1) The Proposal
2) Current views on Islam and Evolution
3) What is Science and Islam?
4) How do we reconcile scientific knowledge with the Quran?
5) Evolution and Charles Darwin
6) Creation of Adam in light of Quran and Sunnah
7) Cells, DNA and clay
8) Understanding of how sound vibration can manipulate matter
9) Cradle of farming and civilisation
10) Religion throughout history
11) Future of Islam and Science
12) Final Conclusion
Current Views on Islam and Evolution
Current Views on Islam and Evolution
● Dr Shoaib Ahmed Malik research on this subject matter
Current Views on Islam and Evolution
● 2nd most visited site after Google is Youtube
● Loads of content about Islam and Evolution Online
● Has immense influence on Muslims and non Muslims
● From Zakir Naik, Yusuf Estes to Yasir Qadhi, Subhoor Ahmed etc
● There main objective is to protect Islam
● My own view changed by gaining more knowledge and understanding
● Led me to a new balanced view while maintaining the science and
traditional Islam
Science and Islam
What is Science and Islam
● Meaning of Science, theory, fact, law etc
● Brief overview of the history of the Universe
● Brief overview of Islam
● Quranic language of science
● Verses where Allah wants us to use the Universe as Evidence
● Quran in 3D
● Some main issues regarding with the religion and science
● Scientific methodology, philosophy, Naturalism and Atheism
Meaning of Science, theory, fact, law, etc
Science - (know) the systematic study of the
structure and behaviour of the physical and
natural world through observation,
experimentation, and the testing of theories
against the evidence obtained.
Fact - an indisputable observation of a natural
or social phenomenon. We can see it directly
and show it to others.
Hypothesis - a supposition or proposed
explanation made on the basis of limited
evidence as a starting point for further
Theory - A theory is a carefully thought-out
explanation for observations of the natural world
that has been constructed using the scientific
method, and which brings together many facts
and hypotheses.
Law - scientific laws describe phenomena that
the scientific community has found to be
provably true. Generally, laws describe what will
happen in a given situation as demonstrable by
a mathematical equation
Brief overview of the history of the Universe
Brief overview of Islam
● Islam = Submission ,That you should bear witness that there is no
god but God and that Muhammad is God's messenger, that you
should perform the ritual prayer, pay the alms tax, fast during
Ramadan, and make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to
go there."
● Allah = ‘The God” All Powerful and All Wise
● Quran = words of God
● Hadiths = words of the prophet Mohammed (pbuh)
● 2 Billion Muslims
Quranic Language of Science
● Science = Ilm (knowledge)
● Fact = Ayat (proof, evidence),
● Certainty = Yaqeen
● Theory = Amanu (belief with proof and evidence)
● Scientific method =Yatadabbarūna (to ponder/observe/reflect), verb
Tadabbur (check something backwards and forward)
● The One true Monotheistic God = Allah
● PhD Thesis/Dissertation, scientific journal etc = Quran (literally
means to read and recite. The Quran includes the proofs, evidence and
purpose for “the theory of Allah”.
● The theory of Allah = S2:V136 “Say: We believe in Allah”
Verses where Allah wants us to use the Universe as
Surah Jathiyah 45:2-6
● The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
● Indeed, within the heavens and earth are signs for the believers.
● And in the creation of yourselves and what He disperses of moving
creatures are signs for people who are certain [in faith].
● And [in] the alternation of night and day and [in] what Allah sends down from
the sky of provision and gives life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness
and [in His] directing of the winds are signs for a people who reason.
● These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what
statement after Allah and His verses will they believe?
Quran in 3D
● Connecting scientific facts and theories within the Quran.
● The verses in the Quran are like foundation of a building.
● Floors and rooms of the building are like adding facts and
● Floors and rooms within the building can refurbished or
removed based on scientific understanding
● Example of verse regarding the word “nuṭ'fatin” which means
Some main issues regarding with the religion and
● Religion is theology.
● Science is based on scientific method, observation of tangible.
● Scientific understanding of intangible can be classed as
theories explaining using the tangible.
● Misunderstanding between Science and religions.
● Islam is based on facts and reason and not blind faith.
● The theory of “the God”
Scientific methodology, philosophy, Naturalism and Atheism
Philosophy of Science - is a branch of philosophy concerned with the foundations, methods, and
implications of science. The central questions of this study concern what qualifies as science, the reliability of
scientific theories, and the ultimate purpose of science.
Methodological Naturalism - seeks to provide a framework of acquiring knowledge that requires
scientists to seek explanations of how the world around us functions based on what we can observe, test,
replicate and verify.
Naturalist - is someone who is subject to the idea or belief that only natural laws and forces (as opposed to
supernatural ones) operate in the universe
Atheism - disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods
Agnostic - a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God
and Charles Darwin
Evolution and Charles Darwin
● Who is Charles Darwin and what did he theorise?
● What was the reaction to his theory
● What is Evolution?
● Modern changes to his theory
● Social Darwinism
● Human Evolution
● Theistic and Atheistic view on Evolution
● Intelligent design
What was the reaction to his theory
● “Almost all scientists came to accept Darwin's theory
of evolution through common descent within his
lifetime. However his theories of the multiplication of
species, gradualism, and his greatest theories of
natural and sexual selection were much less widely
● “While many scientists defended Darwin, religious
leaders and others immediately rejected his theory, not
only because it directly contradicted the creation story
in the biblical book of Genesis, but also because – on
a broader level – it implied that life had developed due
to natural processes rather than as the……”
What is Evolution?
● The process by which different kinds of living
organism are believed to have developed from
earlier forms during the history of the earth.
● The gradual development of something.
● In biology, evolution is the change in the
characteristics of a species over several
generations and relies on the process of
natural selection.
Modern Changes to his theory
The Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution (also
called Modern Synthesis) merges the concept of
Darwinian evolution with Mendelian genetics,
resulting in a unified theory of evolution. This theory
is also referred to as the Neo-Darwinian theory and
was introduced by a number of evolutionary
Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism is a loose set of ideologies that
emerged in the late 1800s in which Charles Darwin’s
theory of evolution by natural selection was used to
justify certain political, social, or economic views. Social
Darwinists believe in “survival of the fittest”—the idea
that certain people become powerful in society because
they are innately better. Social Darwinism has been used
to justify imperialism, racism, eugenics and social
inequality at various times over the past century and a
Human Evolution
Human evolution is the evolutionary process within the
history of primates that led to the emergence of Homo
sapiens as a distinct species of the hominid family,
which includes all the great apes. This process involved
the gradual development of traits such as human
bipedalism, dexterity and complex language, as well as
interbreeding with other hominins (a tribe of the African
hominid subfamily), indicating that human evolution was
not linear but weblike. The study of human evolution
involves several scientific disciplines, including physical
and evolutionary anthropology, paleontology, and
Theistic and atheistic view on Evolution
● Christianity and Judaism overall accept Evolution,
and taking the creation story as a metaphor.
● In general majority of religions accept somewhat
of Evolution
● Creationist disagree everything about Evolution
● Atheist take the naturalist approach and agree
everything about Evolution and strongly disagree
with creationsist
Intelligent Design
Intelligent design (ID) is a pseudoscientific argument for the
existence of God, presented by its proponents as "an
evidence-based scientific theory about life's origins".
Proponents claim that "certain features of the universe and
of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause,
not an undirected process such as natural selection." ID is a
form of creationism that lacks empirical support and offers
no testable or tenable hypotheses, and is therefore not
science. The leading proponents of ID are associated with
the Discovery Institute, a Christian, politically conservative
think tank based in the United States.
Creation of Adam
in Light of
The Quran and Sunnah
Creation of Adam in Light of Quran
and Sunnah
● What happened before the creation of Adam
● Why and how was Adam created
● What materials were used to create Adam
● What was the response of Adam's creation
● The goal of Adam's creation
● What is the difference between Bashar and Insaan
What happened before the creation of
● Angels and Jinns were created before Adam
● Few opinions regarding creation before
● The Hinn, Binn and Jinn
● 50,000 Adams?
● Allah created all the creatures on Earth
Why and how was Adam created
“And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed,
I will make upon the earth a successive authority.’ They said, ‘Will You
place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while
we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ Allah said, ‘Indeed, I know that
which you do not know.’” [2:30]
“[So mention] when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I am going to
create a human being from clay. “ [38:71]
“Indeed Allah Most High created Adam from a handful that He took from
all of the earth. So the children of Adam come in according with the earth,
some of them come red, and white and black, and between that, and the
thin, the thick, the filthy, and the clean.” [at-Tirmidhi, 2955]
What materials were used to create Adam
● 25:54 - And it is He who has created from WATER a human being and made him
[a relative by] lineage and marriage. And ever is your Lord competent
[concerning creation].
● 3:59 - Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him
from DUST; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.
● 71:17 - “And Allah has caused you to grow from the EARTH a [progressive]
● 6:2 - It is He who created you from CLAY and then decreed a term and a
specified time [known] to Him; then [still] you are in dispute.
● 15:26 - “And indeed, We created man from SOUNDING CLAY of altered black
smooth mud”
Adam was created from multiple sources or materials and stages
which include water (ma), Dry sand/dust (taarab), Earth/Topsoil
(ardh), Clay (theen) and sounding clay (salsalin). This can be seen
being stated in the Quran
What was the response of Adam's creation
● Angels obeyed, Iblis disobeyed
“[So mention] when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed, I am going to create a
human being from clay. So when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of
My [created] soul, then fall down to him in prostration.’ So the angels prostrated –
all of them entirely. Except Iblees; he was arrogant and became among the
(Allah) said: "0 Iblis! What prevents you from prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with Both My Hands. Are
you too proud (to fall prostrate to Adam) or are you one of the high exalted?" (Iblis) said "I am better than he, You
created me from fire, and You created him from clay." [38:71-74]
● Iblis’s mission to deceive mankind
“So he misled them with deception. Then when they tasted of the tree, that which was hidden from them of their
shame (private parts) became manifest to them and they began to stick together the leaves of Paradise over
themselves (in order to cover their shame). And their Lord called out to them (saying): "Did I not forbid you that tree
and tell you: Verily, Satan is an open enemy unto you?" [7:22]
The goal of Adam's creation
And I did not create the jinn and
mankind except to worship Me. [51:56]
Do people think once they say, “We believe,” that they will be left without being put to the test?.
We certainly tested those before them. And ˹in this way˺ Allah will clearly distinguish between
those who are truthful and those who are liars. [29:2-3]
Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely
cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter]
according to the best of what they used to do. [16:97]
What is the difference between Bashar and
● Bashar = The Human Body
● Insaan = The Human Body and The Ruh (soul)
● Adam is the first Insaan also can be classed as
Homo Eruditus (educated man)
● Prehistoric humans like Neanderthals can be classed
as Bashar
As an example a Messenger (rasul) is given new laws from God and conveys the message to the
people. A Prophet (nabi) follows the old message and conveys the message to people.
So every messenger is as prophet, not all messenger prophets are messengers.
Cells, DNA and Clay
Cells, DNA and Clay
● What are cells.
● What is DNA.
● How does Earth, clay matter react and preserve Cells and DNA.
● One cell can form a whole body.
● Tissue engineering.
● How does Adam now fit in with Evolution especially the use of Clay
What are cells
● Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things
● Prokaryotic cells - include bacteria and archaea, single-celled (unicellular). They don’t contain a nucleus.
Instead, their DNA can be found in the cytoplasm in a region called the nucleoid or in circular chromosomes called
● Eukaryotic cells - can be found in animals, plants, protists, and fungi. Eukaryotes—organisms composed of
eukaryotic cells—are multicellular or complex unicellular organisms. Eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound
nucleus where their DNA is stored.
● Cells replicate themselves - Mitosis occurs when a cell divides and creates two genetically identical copies
of itself.
What is DNA
● DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid
● A molecule that supplies the genetic instructions that tell living creatures how to
develop, live and reproduce.
● The DNA is located within the Nucleus of a cell
● DNA can be preserved
● One of the key components of Evoation theory
How does Earth, clay matter react and preserve
Cells and DNA.
● DNA can survive on soil and be tested:
● DNA needs water as its made up of water molecules:
● Clay plays a major role in retaining water thus preserving DNA:
● Clay nanoparticles can be used for damaged tissue
● Dead cells can come back alive
● Anastasis: recovery from the brink of cell death
● Regeneration of Limbs - Research into creating limbs in the lab:
● Genes can switch on and off according to different places:
Copy number variation and the secret of life - with Aoife McLysaght -(Youtube search) First 10 Minutes.
One cell can form a whole body
“One of biology's great mysteries is how a single fertilized egg gives
rise to the multitude of cell types, tissues, and organs that fit
together to make a body. Now, a combination of single-cell
sequencing technologies and computational tools is providing the
most detailed picture yet of this process.”
Tissue engineering
“Tissue engineering evolved from the field of biomaterials development
and refers to the practice of combining scaffolds, cells, and biologically
active molecules into functional tissues. The goal of tissue engineering
is to assemble functional constructs that restore, maintain, or improve
damaged tissues or whole organs.“
1) If Adams body is created using clay matter.
2) And clay matter can preserve and regenerate cells and DNA to form a
protein, tissue, limbs, bones and a body.
3) Therefore Prehistoric human (homo sapien sapien) genetic material was
incorporated within clay matter to create Adams body rather than a
continuous process of human evolution indicating a mixture of both
evolution and creation called Evoation.
How does Adam now fit in with Evolution
especially the use of Clay
Understanding of how
Sound vibration changes
Understanding of how Sound vibration changes
● What are waves, vibration and frequency.
● How does sound change matter.
● What is Sonoluminescence?
● Quran understanding of vibration
● Sound Vibration from Allah is both natural and supernatural causes
● Sneak peak into Big Bang theory and frequency of vibration.
● What is the correlation between sound vibration and Adam’s creation
What are Waves, Vibration and Frequency
How does sound change matter
“Sound is a form of energy that is caused by the
vibration of matter. Sound is transmitted through
waves, which travel through solids, liquids and
gases. We are most used to the sound travelling
through air, but sound is able to travel faster and
further in solids and liquids.”
“Researchers have revealed how high-frequency
sound waves can be used to build new materials,
make smart nanoparticles and even deliver drugs to
the lungs for painless, needle-free vaccinations.”
What is Sonoluminescence?
Sonoluminescence is a mysterious
phenomenon caused when ultrasound
waves excite a liquid, creating tiny bubbles
which emit light when they collapse. The
effect is magnified when the bubbles
contain a noble gas. The phrase
sonoluminescence means "sound light".
Quran understanding of vibration
And the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the
heavens and whoever is on the earth will fall dead
except whom Allah wills. Then it will be blown
again, and at once they will be standing, looking on.
It is Allah who made for you the earth a place of
settlement and the sky a ceiling and formed you
and perfected your forms and provided you with
good things. That is Allah , your Lord; then blessed
is Allah , Lord of the worlds. (40:64)
Sneak peak into how sound frequency may have
cause the Big bang
Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees
a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is. (2:117)
And the heaven We built with Our own powers and indeed
We go on expanding it. (51:48)
Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth
were a closed-up mass (ratqan), then We clove them
asunder (fataqna)? And We made from water every living
thing. Will they not then believe? (21:31)
He said, "First of all, there was nothing but Allah, and
(then He created His Throne). His throne was over the
water, and He wrote everything in the Book (in the
Heaven) and created the Heavens and the Earth."Volume
4, Book 54, Number 414
Primordial Waters - “A cosmic
ocean, primordial waters, or
celestial river is a mythological motif
that represents the world or cosmos
enveloped by a vast primordial
ocean. Found in many cultures and
civilizations, the cosmic ocean
exists before the creation of the
earth. From the primordial waters
the earth and the entire cosmos
arose. The cosmic ocean
represents or embodies chaos.”
Vibration from Allah is both natural and
supernatural causes
Then We inspired to Moses, "Strike with
your staff the sea," and it parted, and each
portion was like a great towering
mountain. (26:63)
[And mention] when the angels said, "O
Mary, indeed Allah gives you good
tidings of a word from Him, whose name
will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of
Mary - distinguished in this world and
the Hereafter and among those brought
near [to Allah]. (3:35)
The Hour has come near,
and the moon has split [in
two]. (54:1)
What is the correlation between Sound vibration and
Adam’s creation
1) If Adams body is created using clay matter.
2) And clay matter via “SOUND CREATION” can preserve and regenerate cells
and DNA to form a protein, tissue, limbs, bones and a body.
3) Therefore Prehistoric human (homo sapien sapien) genetic material was
incorporated within clay matter via “SOUND CREATION” to create Adams
body rather than a continuous process of human evolution indicating a
mixture of both evolution and creation called Evoation.
Cradle of Civilisation and Farming
Cradle of Civilisation and Farming
● Prehistory of human beings.
● History of how farming started.
● Transition from hunter gatherers to farming.
● First known places of civilisation.
● Where can the family of Adam fit within prehistory of humans.
Prehistory of human beings
Prehistory - Also known as pre-literary history,[1]
is the period of human history between the first
known use of stone tools by hominins c. 3.3
million years ago and the beginning of recorded
history with the invention of writing systems. The
use of symbols, marks, and images appears very
early among humans, but the earliest known
writing systems appeared c. 5000 years ago. It
took thousands of years for writing systems to be
widely adopted, with writing spreading to almost
all cultures by the 19th century. The end of
prehistory therefore came at very different times
in different places, and the term is less often used
in discussing societies where prehistory ended
relatively recently.
History of how farming started
Farming began around 12,000 years ago in the Middle East, in an area
known as the Fertile Crescent. This region is located in what is now Iraq,
Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Israel. The first farmers in the Fertile
Crescent grew crops such as wheat, barley, lentils, and peas. They also
raised animals such as goats, sheep, and cattle.
The development of agriculture had a profound impact on human society. It
allowed people to produce more food than they could gather from the wild,
which led to a rise in population. It also allowed people to settle in permanent
villages and towns, which led to the development of new technologies and
social institutions.
The spread of agriculture from the Fertile Crescent to other parts of the world
took place over thousands of years. By 5,000 years ago, agriculture was
being practiced in most parts of the world. The development of agriculture
had a major impact on the development of human civilization. It allowed
people to live in larger, more complex societies, and it laid the foundation for
the development of modern technology.
Transition from hunter gatherers to farming
“The moment when the
hunter-gatherers laid down their
spears and began farming around
11,000 years ago is often interpreted
as one of the most rapid and
significant transitions in human
history – the ‘Neolithic Revolution’.”
Taking root around 12,000 years ago,
agriculture triggered such a change in
society and the way in which people
lived that its development has been
dubbed the “Neolithic Revolution.”
First known places of civilisation
● Mesopotamia
● Ancient Egypt
● Indus valley
Göbekli Tepe,
Neolithic site near
Şanlıurfa in
southeastern Turkey.
The site, believed to have
been a sanctuary of
ritual significance, is marked by layers of carved
megaliths and is estimated to date to the
9th–10th millennium BCE.
Where can the family of Adam fit within
prehistory of humans
“Adam's Peak or Śrī Pāda is a 2,243 m (7,359 ft) tall
conical sacred mountain located in central Sri Lanka.[1][2]
is well known for the "Śrī Pāda" (Sinhala: ශ්‍රී පාද), i.e.,
"sacred footprint", a 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) rock formation near
the summit. In Buddhist tradition the print is held to be the
footprint of the Buddha, in Hindu tradition that of
Hanuman or Shiva, i.e., "Mountain of Shiva's Light", and in
some Islamic and Christian traditions that of Adam, or that
of St. Thomas.[2][3][4]
Habil, a shepherd, offered a healthy ram as his best
sacrifice. Whereas Qabil, a farmer, was not willing to give
his best and offered some crops from his land.”
“Jabal Qasiun is a cave steeped in legend. It is said to have
been inhabited at one point by the first human being, Adam;
and there are various stories told about Ibrāhīm (Abraham),
and 'Īsā (Jesus) also having prayed in it. It is mentioned
however in Medieval Arab history books as having been the
place where Qābīl (Cain) killed Hābīl (Abel).
It was
known for hundreds of years as a place where prayers were
immediately accepted, and especially in times of drought
rulers of Damascus would climb to the cave and pray for rain.
Because of the murder that took place there, claimed to be
the first committed, it is called Maghārat al-Dam (the Cave of
Religion Throughout History
Religion throughout history
● When did religion start?
● How was religion portrayed in ancient civilisations
● Creation myths
● Creation of man out of clay
● Flood stories
● How all this information is linked with Islam
When did religion start
“The exact time when humans first became
religious remains unknown, however
research in evolutionary archaeology
shows credible evidence of
religious-cum-ritualistic behavior from
around the Middle Paleolithic era (45–200
thousand years ago).”
How was religion portrayed in ancient civilisations
Sumerians believed in anthropomorphic polytheism,
or of many gods in human form that were specific to
each city-state.
Ancient Egypt throughout much of ancient history
Egyptian religion was polytheistic, meaning it
recognized many gods and goddesses, as well as a
variety of other divine beings.
Indus river civilisation religion is a debated topic and
remains a matter of speculation due to the fact the
Indus script is still not deciphered, however more
than likely the religion within this civilization may
have replicated a polytheistic religion like the others.
Creation myths
● The separation of heaven and earth. In many creation myths, the world begins as a
formless void or chaos. The first act of creation is the separation of heaven and earth, often by a god
or a pair of gods. This separation creates order out of chaos and allows for the creation of the rest of
the world.
● The creation of the world from a primordial being. In some creation myths, the world
is created from the body of a primordial being. This being may be a giant, a monster, or even a god. The
dismemberment or death of this being creates the elements of the world, such as the earth, the sky, the sea,
and the stars.
● The creation of humans. In many creation myths, humans are created by the gods. The gods may
create humans out of clay, mud, or even their own blood. Humans are often created to serve the gods or to
worship them.
● The role of animals. Animals often play a significant role in creation myths. They may help the gods
create the world, or they may be created by the gods themselves. Animals may also represent certain aspects
of the world, such as the sun, the moon, or the stars.
● The struggle between good and evil. Many creation myths involve a struggle between good
and evil. This struggle may be between gods, between humans, or between humans and gods. The struggle
between good and evil is often seen as a metaphor for the struggle between order and chaos.
Creation of man out of clay
The creation of man from clay is
a common theme in many
cultures around the world. In the
Bible, for example, God is said to
have created man from the dust
of the ground and breathed life
into him. In Greek mythology,
Prometheus is credited with
creating man from clay and then
giving him fire. And in Egyptian
mythology, the god Khnum is
said to have created man on a
potter's wheel.
● Greek mythology, Prometheus
is credited with creating man
from clay and then giving him
fire. (Hesiod, Works and Days)
● Egyptian mythology, the god
Khnum is said to have created
man on a potter's wheel. (The
Book of the Dead)
● Chinese mythology, the
goddess Nüwa is said to have
created man from clay and mud.
(The Book of Mountains and
● Native American mythology,
the creator god is said to have
created man from clay and then
breathed life into him. (The
Popol Vuh)
Flood Stories
Creation flood stories are
a type of myth that tells the
story of a great flood that
destroys the world and is
followed by a new
beginning. These stories
are found in many different
cultures around the world,
and they often share
common elements.
● The Epic of Gilgamesh (Mesopotamian): In this story, the god Enlil
decides to destroy the world with a flood because humans have become too noisy. The
god Ea, who had created humans out of clay and divine blood, secretly warns the hero
Utnapishtim of the impending flood and gives him detailed instructions for building a boat
so that life may survive.
● The Ramayana (Hindu): In this story, the god Indra decides to destroy the
world with a flood because of the wickedness of humanity. Manu, a righteous man who is
warned of the flood by a fish, builds a boat that saves him and his family from the deluge.
After the floodwaters recede, Manu and his family emerge to repopulate the earth.
How all this information is linked with Islam
● "The heavens, We have built them
with power. And verily, We are
expanding it" (51:47)
● Who perfected everything which He
created and began the creation of
man from clay. (32:7)
● Surely We sent Nuh to his people,
saying: "Warn your people before
there come upon them a painful
chastisement." (71:1)
“There are many more similarities that can be pointed
out, however, the main objective is to see how close
religions and traditions from the creation of Adam and
his progeny are, which leads to the argument that
there was only one Religion given by Allah to his
Future of Islam and science
Future of Islam and science
● Natural and supernatural can Co-exist together
● How the understanding of vibration and frequency gives new light in science
● Kursiverse - Big Bang theory revisited
● Quran wants humans to interact with the Universe making evident of God's
● The future of science may belong to the Islamic world.
Natural and supernatural can co-exist together
1. If Allah (the God) is the supernatural and the creator of the
2. The Universe and everything within it is created through natural
3. Therefore the supernatural and the natural can co-exist.
How the understanding of vibration and frequency gives
new light in science and religion
His command is only when He intends a thing
that He says to it, "Be," and it is. (36:82)
“The use of nanoclay as a reinforcement for polymeric
composites has attracted a great deal of interest, since
only a small addition is sufficient to enhance the
properties, with montmorillonite being the most used
type of nano clay because of its relatively high aspect
ratio and commercial availability. Nanoclays is part of a
large collection of clays that consist of hydro silicates
with sheet-shaped structure arranged one over the
other, giving it the shape of flakes.”
Kursiverse - Big Bang theory revisited
If vibration caused the Big Bang, at what speed did
sound travel through the air and the impact it made on
the water sea?
The temperature of the Big Bang = 180 million trillion trillion degrees
Speed of sound through air = 124,530,882,737,410(1) miles per second
= 200,413,028,948,155,718 metres per
Speed = Frequency X Wavelength = 100 Hz X
2,004,130,289,481,557.2m = 200,413,028,948,155,718 metres per
1,245,308,827,374.1083984 miles
1) 45,000,000,000,000,000 mph
"Seven heavens are as small as seven
Dirhams moulded in a warrior's shield in
comparison to the Kursi (literally: a
footstool) of Allah."
Quran wants humans to interact with the Universe
making evident of God's existence
Indeed, within the heavens and earth are signs for the
believers. (45:3)
And do not pursue that of which you have no
knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart
- about all those [one] will be questioned. (17:36)
And they have thereof no knowledge. They follow not
except assumption, and indeed, assumption avails not
against the truth at all. (53:28)
The future of science may belong to the Islamic
“Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet
Allah will surely send a man from my family who will
fill this world with such justice and fairness, just as
it initially was filled with oppression.” Prophet
Muhammad (Abu Dawood)
Final conclusion
Final conclusion
● Proof and evidence provided for the new theory of Evoation
● Evolutionist and theist can better understand each other
● Muslims and theists can use this new theory alongside others
● This is an active theory so more research is needed by qualified scientists
and theologians.
● Solution to current world problems and a peaceful future.
Proof and evidence provided for the new theory of Evoation
● Evolution + Creation = EVOATION
● Adam and Bani Adam = HOMO ERUDITUS
● Homo Eruditus = EDUCATED MAN
1) If Adams body is created using
clay matter.
2) And clay matter via “SOUND
CREATION” can preserve and
regenerate cells and DNA to form a
protein, tissue, limbs, bones and a
3) Therefore Prehistoric human
(homo sapien sapien) genetic
material was incorporated within
clay matter via “SOUND
CREATION” to create Adams body
rather than a continuous process
of human evolution indicating a
mixture of both evolution and
creation called Evoation.
Evolutionist and theist can better understand each other
Muslims and theists can use this new theory
alongside others
Evolution + Creation
Adam and Bani Adam
Homo Eruditus =
This is an active theory so more research is needed by qualified
scientists and theologians
“Falsifiability is the capacity for some proposition, statement,
theory or hypothesis to be proven wrong. The concept of
falsifiability was introduced in 1935 by Austrian philosopher
and scientist Karl Popper (1902-1994). Since then, the
scientific community has come to consider falsifiability to be
one of the fundamental tenets of the scientific method, along
with attributes such as replicability and testability.”
Solution to current world problems and a peaceful future
It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it
OVER ALL RELIGIONS, although those who associate others with Allah dislike it. (9:33)
Thank You and Jazakallah for watching
Please research, study, learn and be curious
“The believer is never satisfied
from learning good until he arrives
in Paradise.” Prophet Mohammed (pbuh)

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Evoation of Homo Eruditus (The paradigm shift of Darwin's theory of evolution).pdf

  • 1. The Evoation of Homo Eruditus The paradigm shift of Darwin's theory of Evolution (In light of the Quran and Hadiths)
  • 2. The Proposal “I am arguing that the Ardh (earth) which Allah used to create Adam (as), had the initial ingredients Cells/DNA of the Evolved Humans (homo sapiens) throughout history. Which led to the formation of the Human body. Without Human Evolution there will be no Adam.”
  • 3. My Goal to unite on one understanding Evolution + Creation = EVOATION Adam and Bani Adam = HOMO ERUDITUS Homo Eruditus = EDUCATED MAN
  • 4. Introduction 1) The Proposal 2) Current views on Islam and Evolution 3) What is Science and Islam? 4) How do we reconcile scientific knowledge with the Quran? 5) Evolution and Charles Darwin 6) Creation of Adam in light of Quran and Sunnah 7) Cells, DNA and clay 8) Understanding of how sound vibration can manipulate matter 9) Cradle of farming and civilisation 10) Religion throughout history 11) Future of Islam and Science 12) Final Conclusion
  • 5. Current Views on Islam and Evolution
  • 6. Current Views on Islam and Evolution ● Dr Shoaib Ahmed Malik research on this subject matter
  • 7. Current Views on Islam and Evolution ● 2nd most visited site after Google is Youtube ( ● Loads of content about Islam and Evolution Online ● Has immense influence on Muslims and non Muslims ● From Zakir Naik, Yusuf Estes to Yasir Qadhi, Subhoor Ahmed etc ● There main objective is to protect Islam ● My own view changed by gaining more knowledge and understanding ● Led me to a new balanced view while maintaining the science and traditional Islam
  • 9. What is Science and Islam ● Meaning of Science, theory, fact, law etc ● Brief overview of the history of the Universe ● Brief overview of Islam ● Quranic language of science ● Verses where Allah wants us to use the Universe as Evidence ● Quran in 3D ● Some main issues regarding with the religion and science ● Scientific methodology, philosophy, Naturalism and Atheism
  • 10. Meaning of Science, theory, fact, law, etc Science - (know) the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. Fact - an indisputable observation of a natural or social phenomenon. We can see it directly and show it to others. Hypothesis - a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. Theory - A theory is a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been constructed using the scientific method, and which brings together many facts and hypotheses. Law - scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true. Generally, laws describe what will happen in a given situation as demonstrable by a mathematical equation
  • 11. Brief overview of the history of the Universe
  • 12. Brief overview of Islam ● Islam = Submission ,That you should bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is God's messenger, that you should perform the ritual prayer, pay the alms tax, fast during Ramadan, and make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to go there." ● Allah = ‘The God” All Powerful and All Wise ● Quran = words of God ● Hadiths = words of the prophet Mohammed (pbuh) ● 2 Billion Muslims
  • 13. Quranic Language of Science ● Science = Ilm (knowledge) ● Fact = Ayat (proof, evidence), ● Certainty = Yaqeen ● Theory = Amanu (belief with proof and evidence) ● Scientific method =Yatadabbarūna (to ponder/observe/reflect), verb Tadabbur (check something backwards and forward) ● The One true Monotheistic God = Allah ● PhD Thesis/Dissertation, scientific journal etc = Quran (literally means to read and recite. The Quran includes the proofs, evidence and purpose for “the theory of Allah”. ● The theory of Allah = S2:V136 “Say: We believe in Allah”
  • 14. Verses where Allah wants us to use the Universe as Evidence Surah Jathiyah 45:2-6 ● The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. ● Indeed, within the heavens and earth are signs for the believers. ● And in the creation of yourselves and what He disperses of moving creatures are signs for people who are certain [in faith]. ● And [in] the alternation of night and day and [in] what Allah sends down from the sky of provision and gives life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and [in His] directing of the winds are signs for a people who reason. ● These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement after Allah and His verses will they believe?
  • 15. Quran in 3D ● Connecting scientific facts and theories within the Quran. ● The verses in the Quran are like foundation of a building. ● Floors and rooms of the building are like adding facts and theories ● Floors and rooms within the building can refurbished or removed based on scientific understanding ● Example of verse regarding the word “nuṭ'fatin” which means “semen”
  • 16. Some main issues regarding with the religion and science ● Religion is theology. ● Science is based on scientific method, observation of tangible. ● Scientific understanding of intangible can be classed as theories explaining using the tangible. ● Misunderstanding between Science and religions. ● Islam is based on facts and reason and not blind faith. ● The theory of “the God”
  • 17. Scientific methodology, philosophy, Naturalism and Atheism Philosophy of Science - is a branch of philosophy concerned with the foundations, methods, and implications of science. The central questions of this study concern what qualifies as science, the reliability of scientific theories, and the ultimate purpose of science. Methodological Naturalism - seeks to provide a framework of acquiring knowledge that requires scientists to seek explanations of how the world around us functions based on what we can observe, test, replicate and verify. Naturalist - is someone who is subject to the idea or belief that only natural laws and forces (as opposed to supernatural ones) operate in the universe Atheism - disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods Agnostic - a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God
  • 19. Evolution and Charles Darwin ● Who is Charles Darwin and what did he theorise? ● What was the reaction to his theory ● What is Evolution? ● Modern changes to his theory ● Social Darwinism ● Human Evolution ● Theistic and Atheistic view on Evolution ● Intelligent design
  • 20. What was the reaction to his theory ● “Almost all scientists came to accept Darwin's theory of evolution through common descent within his lifetime. However his theories of the multiplication of species, gradualism, and his greatest theories of natural and sexual selection were much less widely accepted.” ( 20came%20to,were%20much%20less%20widely%20accepted.) ● “While many scientists defended Darwin, religious leaders and others immediately rejected his theory, not only because it directly contradicted the creation story in the biblical book of Genesis, but also because – on a broader level – it implied that life had developed due to natural processes rather than as the……” ( ny%20scientists%20defended%20Darwin,processes%20rather%20than%20as%20the)
  • 21. What is Evolution? ● The process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth. ● The gradual development of something. ● In biology, evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection.
  • 22.
  • 23. Modern Changes to his theory The Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution (also called Modern Synthesis) merges the concept of Darwinian evolution with Mendelian genetics, resulting in a unified theory of evolution. This theory is also referred to as the Neo-Darwinian theory and was introduced by a number of evolutionary biologists. ( thetic%20Theory%20of,evolutionary%20biologists%20such%20as%20T.) (
  • 24. Social Darwinism Social Darwinism is a loose set of ideologies that emerged in the late 1800s in which Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection was used to justify certain political, social, or economic views. Social Darwinists believe in “survival of the fittest”—the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better. Social Darwinism has been used to justify imperialism, racism, eugenics and social inequality at various times over the past century and a half. ( nists%20believe%20in%20“survival,past%20century%20and%20a%20half.)
  • 25. Human Evolution Human evolution is the evolutionary process within the history of primates that led to the emergence of Homo sapiens as a distinct species of the hominid family, which includes all the great apes. This process involved the gradual development of traits such as human bipedalism, dexterity and complex language, as well as interbreeding with other hominins (a tribe of the African hominid subfamily), indicating that human evolution was not linear but weblike. The study of human evolution involves several scientific disciplines, including physical and evolutionary anthropology, paleontology, and genetics. (
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. Theistic and atheistic view on Evolution ● Christianity and Judaism overall accept Evolution, and taking the creation story as a metaphor. ● In general majority of religions accept somewhat of Evolution ● Creationist disagree everything about Evolution ● Atheist take the naturalist approach and agree everything about Evolution and strongly disagree with creationsist
  • 29. Intelligent Design Intelligent design (ID) is a pseudoscientific argument for the existence of God, presented by its proponents as "an evidence-based scientific theory about life's origins". Proponents claim that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection." ID is a form of creationism that lacks empirical support and offers no testable or tenable hypotheses, and is therefore not science. The leading proponents of ID are associated with the Discovery Institute, a Christian, politically conservative think tank based in the United States.
  • 30. Creation of Adam in Light of The Quran and Sunnah
  • 31. Creation of Adam in Light of Quran and Sunnah ● What happened before the creation of Adam ● Why and how was Adam created ● What materials were used to create Adam ● What was the response of Adam's creation ● The goal of Adam's creation ● What is the difference between Bashar and Insaan
  • 32. What happened before the creation of Adam ● Angels and Jinns were created before Adam ● Few opinions regarding creation before Adam ● The Hinn, Binn and Jinn ● 50,000 Adams? ● Allah created all the creatures on Earth
  • 33. Why and how was Adam created “And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.’ They said, ‘Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ Allah said, ‘Indeed, I know that which you do not know.’” [2:30] “[So mention] when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I am going to create a human being from clay. “ [38:71] “Indeed Allah Most High created Adam from a handful that He took from all of the earth. So the children of Adam come in according with the earth, some of them come red, and white and black, and between that, and the thin, the thick, the filthy, and the clean.” [at-Tirmidhi, 2955]
  • 34. What materials were used to create Adam ● 25:54 - And it is He who has created from WATER a human being and made him [a relative by] lineage and marriage. And ever is your Lord competent [concerning creation]. ● 3:59 - Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from DUST; then He said to him, "Be," and he was. ● 71:17 - “And Allah has caused you to grow from the EARTH a [progressive] growth” ● 6:2 - It is He who created you from CLAY and then decreed a term and a specified time [known] to Him; then [still] you are in dispute. ● 15:26 - “And indeed, We created man from SOUNDING CLAY of altered black smooth mud” Adam was created from multiple sources or materials and stages which include water (ma), Dry sand/dust (taarab), Earth/Topsoil (ardh), Clay (theen) and sounding clay (salsalin). This can be seen being stated in the Quran
  • 35. What was the response of Adam's creation ● Angels obeyed, Iblis disobeyed “[So mention] when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed, I am going to create a human being from clay. So when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My [created] soul, then fall down to him in prostration.’ So the angels prostrated – all of them entirely. Except Iblees; he was arrogant and became among the disbelievers.” (Allah) said: "0 Iblis! What prevents you from prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with Both My Hands. Are you too proud (to fall prostrate to Adam) or are you one of the high exalted?" (Iblis) said "I am better than he, You created me from fire, and You created him from clay." [38:71-74] ● Iblis’s mission to deceive mankind “So he misled them with deception. Then when they tasted of the tree, that which was hidden from them of their shame (private parts) became manifest to them and they began to stick together the leaves of Paradise over themselves (in order to cover their shame). And their Lord called out to them (saying): "Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you: Verily, Satan is an open enemy unto you?" [7:22]
  • 36. The goal of Adam's creation And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. [51:56] Do people think once they say, “We believe,” that they will be left without being put to the test?. We certainly tested those before them. And ˹in this way˺ Allah will clearly distinguish between those who are truthful and those who are liars. [29:2-3] Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do. [16:97]
  • 37. What is the difference between Bashar and Insaan ● Bashar = The Human Body ● Insaan = The Human Body and The Ruh (soul) ● Adam is the first Insaan also can be classed as Homo Eruditus (educated man) ● Prehistoric humans like Neanderthals can be classed as Bashar As an example a Messenger (rasul) is given new laws from God and conveys the message to the people. A Prophet (nabi) follows the old message and conveys the message to people. So every messenger is as prophet, not all messenger prophets are messengers.
  • 39. Cells, DNA and Clay ● What are cells. ● What is DNA. ● How does Earth, clay matter react and preserve Cells and DNA. ● One cell can form a whole body. ● Tissue engineering. ● How does Adam now fit in with Evolution especially the use of Clay
  • 40. What are cells ● Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things ● Prokaryotic cells - include bacteria and archaea, single-celled (unicellular). They don’t contain a nucleus. Instead, their DNA can be found in the cytoplasm in a region called the nucleoid or in circular chromosomes called plasmids. ● Eukaryotic cells - can be found in animals, plants, protists, and fungi. Eukaryotes—organisms composed of eukaryotic cells—are multicellular or complex unicellular organisms. Eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus where their DNA is stored. ● Cells replicate themselves - Mitosis occurs when a cell divides and creates two genetically identical copies of itself. (,prokaryotic%20cells%20and%20 eukaryotic%20cells.)
  • 41. What is DNA ● DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid ● A molecule that supplies the genetic instructions that tell living creatures how to develop, live and reproduce. ● The DNA is located within the Nucleus of a cell ● DNA can be preserved ● One of the key components of Evoation theory ( (,at%20abo ut%20%2D80%20degrees%20Celsius.)
  • 42. How does Earth, clay matter react and preserve Cells and DNA. ● DNA can survive on soil and be tested: ● DNA needs water as its made up of water molecules: ● Clay plays a major role in retaining water thus preserving DNA: ● Clay nanoparticles can be used for damaged tissue ● Dead cells can come back alive ● Anastasis: recovery from the brink of cell death ● Regeneration of Limbs - Research into creating limbs in the lab: ● Genes can switch on and off according to different places: Copy number variation and the secret of life - with Aoife McLysaght -(Youtube search) First 10 Minutes.
  • 43. One cell can form a whole body “One of biology's great mysteries is how a single fertilized egg gives rise to the multitude of cell types, tissues, and organs that fit together to make a body. Now, a combination of single-cell sequencing technologies and computational tools is providing the most detailed picture yet of this process.” (
  • 44. Tissue engineering “Tissue engineering evolved from the field of biomaterials development and refers to the practice of combining scaffolds, cells, and biologically active molecules into functional tissues. The goal of tissue engineering is to assemble functional constructs that restore, maintain, or improve damaged tissues or whole organs.“ (
  • 45. 1) If Adams body is created using clay matter. 2) And clay matter can preserve and regenerate cells and DNA to form a protein, tissue, limbs, bones and a body. 3) Therefore Prehistoric human (homo sapien sapien) genetic material was incorporated within clay matter to create Adams body rather than a continuous process of human evolution indicating a mixture of both evolution and creation called Evoation. How does Adam now fit in with Evolution especially the use of Clay
  • 46. Understanding of how Sound vibration changes matter
  • 47. Understanding of how Sound vibration changes matter ● What are waves, vibration and frequency. ● How does sound change matter. ● What is Sonoluminescence? ● Quran understanding of vibration ● Sound Vibration from Allah is both natural and supernatural causes ● Sneak peak into Big Bang theory and frequency of vibration. ● What is the correlation between sound vibration and Adam’s creation
  • 48. What are Waves, Vibration and Frequency
  • 49. How does sound change matter “Sound is a form of energy that is caused by the vibration of matter. Sound is transmitted through waves, which travel through solids, liquids and gases. We are most used to the sound travelling through air, but sound is able to travel faster and further in solids and liquids.” ( ound-waves) “Researchers have revealed how high-frequency sound waves can be used to build new materials, make smart nanoparticles and even deliver drugs to the lungs for painless, needle-free vaccinations.” (
  • 50. What is Sonoluminescence? Sonoluminescence is a mysterious phenomenon caused when ultrasound waves excite a liquid, creating tiny bubbles which emit light when they collapse. The effect is magnified when the bubbles contain a noble gas. The phrase sonoluminescence means "sound light". (
  • 51. Quran understanding of vibration And the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills. Then it will be blown again, and at once they will be standing, looking on. (39:68) It is Allah who made for you the earth a place of settlement and the sky a ceiling and formed you and perfected your forms and provided you with good things. That is Allah , your Lord; then blessed is Allah , Lord of the worlds. (40:64)
  • 52. Sneak peak into how sound frequency may have cause the Big bang Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is. (2:117) And the heaven We built with Our own powers and indeed We go on expanding it. (51:48) Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass (ratqan), then We clove them asunder (fataqna)? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? (21:31) He said, "First of all, there was nothing but Allah, and (then He created His Throne). His throne was over the water, and He wrote everything in the Book (in the Heaven) and created the Heavens and the Earth."Volume 4, Book 54, Number 414 Primordial Waters - “A cosmic ocean, primordial waters, or celestial river is a mythological motif that represents the world or cosmos enveloped by a vast primordial ocean. Found in many cultures and civilizations, the cosmic ocean exists before the creation of the earth. From the primordial waters the earth and the entire cosmos arose. The cosmic ocean represents or embodies chaos.”
  • 53. Vibration from Allah is both natural and supernatural causes Then We inspired to Moses, "Strike with your staff the sea," and it parted, and each portion was like a great towering mountain. (26:63) [And mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah]. (3:35) The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two]. (54:1)
  • 54. What is the correlation between Sound vibration and Adam’s creation 1) If Adams body is created using clay matter. 2) And clay matter via “SOUND CREATION” can preserve and regenerate cells and DNA to form a protein, tissue, limbs, bones and a body. 3) Therefore Prehistoric human (homo sapien sapien) genetic material was incorporated within clay matter via “SOUND CREATION” to create Adams body rather than a continuous process of human evolution indicating a mixture of both evolution and creation called Evoation.
  • 55. Cradle of Civilisation and Farming
  • 56. Cradle of Civilisation and Farming ● Prehistory of human beings. ● History of how farming started. ● Transition from hunter gatherers to farming. ● First known places of civilisation. ● Where can the family of Adam fit within prehistory of humans.
  • 57. Prehistory of human beings Prehistory - Also known as pre-literary history,[1] is the period of human history between the first known use of stone tools by hominins c. 3.3 million years ago and the beginning of recorded history with the invention of writing systems. The use of symbols, marks, and images appears very early among humans, but the earliest known writing systems appeared c. 5000 years ago. It took thousands of years for writing systems to be widely adopted, with writing spreading to almost all cultures by the 19th century. The end of prehistory therefore came at very different times in different places, and the term is less often used in discussing societies where prehistory ended relatively recently. (
  • 58. History of how farming started Farming began around 12,000 years ago in the Middle East, in an area known as the Fertile Crescent. This region is located in what is now Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Israel. The first farmers in the Fertile Crescent grew crops such as wheat, barley, lentils, and peas. They also raised animals such as goats, sheep, and cattle. The development of agriculture had a profound impact on human society. It allowed people to produce more food than they could gather from the wild, which led to a rise in population. It also allowed people to settle in permanent villages and towns, which led to the development of new technologies and social institutions. The spread of agriculture from the Fertile Crescent to other parts of the world took place over thousands of years. By 5,000 years ago, agriculture was being practiced in most parts of the world. The development of agriculture had a major impact on the development of human civilization. It allowed people to live in larger, more complex societies, and it laid the foundation for the development of modern technology.
  • 59. Transition from hunter gatherers to farming “The moment when the hunter-gatherers laid down their spears and began farming around 11,000 years ago is often interpreted as one of the most rapid and significant transitions in human history – the ‘Neolithic Revolution’.” Taking root around 12,000 years ago, agriculture triggered such a change in society and the way in which people lived that its development has been dubbed the “Neolithic Revolution.” ( griculture/) ( -revolution#:~:text=The%20moment%20when%20the%20hunter,–%20the%20 %27Neolithic%20Revolution%27.)
  • 60. First known places of civilisation ● Mesopotamia ● Ancient Egypt ● Indus valley Göbekli Tepe, Neolithic site near Şanlıurfa in southeastern Turkey. The site, believed to have been a sanctuary of ritual significance, is marked by layers of carved megaliths and is estimated to date to the 9th–10th millennium BCE. ( gobeklitepe-the-birthplace-of-human-civilizations)
  • 61. Where can the family of Adam fit within prehistory of humans “Adam's Peak or Śrī Pāda is a 2,243 m (7,359 ft) tall conical sacred mountain located in central Sri Lanka.[1][2] It is well known for the "Śrī Pāda" (Sinhala: ශ්‍රී පාද), i.e., "sacred footprint", a 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) rock formation near the summit. In Buddhist tradition the print is held to be the footprint of the Buddha, in Hindu tradition that of Hanuman or Shiva, i.e., "Mountain of Shiva's Light", and in some Islamic and Christian traditions that of Adam, or that of St. Thomas.[2][3][4] ” ( Habil, a shepherd, offered a healthy ram as his best sacrifice. Whereas Qabil, a farmer, was not willing to give his best and offered some crops from his land.” ( “Jabal Qasiun is a cave steeped in legend. It is said to have been inhabited at one point by the first human being, Adam; and there are various stories told about Ibrāhīm (Abraham), and 'Īsā (Jesus) also having prayed in it. It is mentioned however in Medieval Arab history books as having been the place where Qābīl (Cain) killed Hābīl (Abel). [9][10] It was known for hundreds of years as a place where prayers were immediately accepted, and especially in times of drought rulers of Damascus would climb to the cave and pray for rain. Because of the murder that took place there, claimed to be the first committed, it is called Maghārat al-Dam (the Cave of Blood). [11] ” (
  • 63. Religion throughout history ● When did religion start? ● How was religion portrayed in ancient civilisations ● Creation myths ● Creation of man out of clay ● Flood stories ● How all this information is linked with Islam
  • 64. When did religion start “The exact time when humans first became religious remains unknown, however research in evolutionary archaeology shows credible evidence of religious-cum-ritualistic behavior from around the Middle Paleolithic era (45–200 thousand years ago).” ( time%20when%20humans,–200%20thousand%20years%20ago).)
  • 65. How was religion portrayed in ancient civilisations Sumerians believed in anthropomorphic polytheism, or of many gods in human form that were specific to each city-state. Ancient Egypt throughout much of ancient history Egyptian religion was polytheistic, meaning it recognized many gods and goddesses, as well as a variety of other divine beings. Indus river civilisation religion is a debated topic and remains a matter of speculation due to the fact the Indus script is still not deciphered, however more than likely the religion within this civilization may have replicated a polytheistic religion like the others.
  • 66. Creation myths ● The separation of heaven and earth. In many creation myths, the world begins as a formless void or chaos. The first act of creation is the separation of heaven and earth, often by a god or a pair of gods. This separation creates order out of chaos and allows for the creation of the rest of the world. ● The creation of the world from a primordial being. In some creation myths, the world is created from the body of a primordial being. This being may be a giant, a monster, or even a god. The dismemberment or death of this being creates the elements of the world, such as the earth, the sky, the sea, and the stars. ● The creation of humans. In many creation myths, humans are created by the gods. The gods may create humans out of clay, mud, or even their own blood. Humans are often created to serve the gods or to worship them. ● The role of animals. Animals often play a significant role in creation myths. They may help the gods create the world, or they may be created by the gods themselves. Animals may also represent certain aspects of the world, such as the sun, the moon, or the stars. ● The struggle between good and evil. Many creation myths involve a struggle between good and evil. This struggle may be between gods, between humans, or between humans and gods. The struggle between good and evil is often seen as a metaphor for the struggle between order and chaos.
  • 67. Creation of man out of clay The creation of man from clay is a common theme in many cultures around the world. In the Bible, for example, God is said to have created man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him. In Greek mythology, Prometheus is credited with creating man from clay and then giving him fire. And in Egyptian mythology, the god Khnum is said to have created man on a potter's wheel. ● Greek mythology, Prometheus is credited with creating man from clay and then giving him fire. (Hesiod, Works and Days) ● Egyptian mythology, the god Khnum is said to have created man on a potter's wheel. (The Book of the Dead) ● Chinese mythology, the goddess Nüwa is said to have created man from clay and mud. (The Book of Mountains and Seas) ● Native American mythology, the creator god is said to have created man from clay and then breathed life into him. (The Popol Vuh)
  • 68. Flood Stories Creation flood stories are a type of myth that tells the story of a great flood that destroys the world and is followed by a new beginning. These stories are found in many different cultures around the world, and they often share common elements. ● The Epic of Gilgamesh (Mesopotamian): In this story, the god Enlil decides to destroy the world with a flood because humans have become too noisy. The god Ea, who had created humans out of clay and divine blood, secretly warns the hero Utnapishtim of the impending flood and gives him detailed instructions for building a boat so that life may survive. ● The Ramayana (Hindu): In this story, the god Indra decides to destroy the world with a flood because of the wickedness of humanity. Manu, a righteous man who is warned of the flood by a fish, builds a boat that saves him and his family from the deluge. After the floodwaters recede, Manu and his family emerge to repopulate the earth.
  • 69. How all this information is linked with Islam ● "The heavens, We have built them with power. And verily, We are expanding it" (51:47) ● Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay. (32:7) ● Surely We sent Nuh to his people, saying: "Warn your people before there come upon them a painful chastisement." (71:1) “There are many more similarities that can be pointed out, however, the main objective is to see how close religions and traditions from the creation of Adam and his progeny are, which leads to the argument that there was only one Religion given by Allah to his creation.”
  • 70. Future of Islam and science
  • 71. Future of Islam and science ● Natural and supernatural can Co-exist together ● How the understanding of vibration and frequency gives new light in science ● Kursiverse - Big Bang theory revisited ● Quran wants humans to interact with the Universe making evident of God's existence. ● The future of science may belong to the Islamic world.
  • 72. Natural and supernatural can co-exist together 1. If Allah (the God) is the supernatural and the creator of the Universe. 2. The Universe and everything within it is created through natural means. 3. Therefore the supernatural and the natural can co-exist.
  • 73. How the understanding of vibration and frequency gives new light in science and religion His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, "Be," and it is. (36:82) “The use of nanoclay as a reinforcement for polymeric composites has attracted a great deal of interest, since only a small addition is sufficient to enhance the properties, with montmorillonite being the most used type of nano clay because of its relatively high aspect ratio and commercial availability. Nanoclays is part of a large collection of clays that consist of hydro silicates with sheet-shaped structure arranged one over the other, giving it the shape of flakes.” (
  • 74. Kursiverse - Big Bang theory revisited If vibration caused the Big Bang, at what speed did sound travel through the air and the impact it made on the water sea? The temperature of the Big Bang = 180 million trillion trillion degrees Fahrenheit (180,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) Speed of sound through air = 124,530,882,737,410(1) miles per second = 200,413,028,948,155,718 metres per second Speed = Frequency X Wavelength = 100 Hz X 2,004,130,289,481,557.2m = 200,413,028,948,155,718 metres per second 1,245,308,827,374.1083984 miles 1) 45,000,000,000,000,000 mph "Seven heavens are as small as seven Dirhams moulded in a warrior's shield in comparison to the Kursi (literally: a footstool) of Allah."
  • 75. Quran wants humans to interact with the Universe making evident of God's existence Indeed, within the heavens and earth are signs for the believers. (45:3) And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart - about all those [one] will be questioned. (17:36) And they have thereof no knowledge. They follow not except assumption, and indeed, assumption avails not against the truth at all. (53:28)
  • 76. The future of science may belong to the Islamic world “Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet Allah will surely send a man from my family who will fill this world with such justice and fairness, just as it initially was filled with oppression.” Prophet Muhammad (Abu Dawood)
  • 78. Final conclusion ● Proof and evidence provided for the new theory of Evoation ● Evolutionist and theist can better understand each other ● Muslims and theists can use this new theory alongside others ● This is an active theory so more research is needed by qualified scientists and theologians. ● Solution to current world problems and a peaceful future.
  • 79. Proof and evidence provided for the new theory of Evoation ● Evolution + Creation = EVOATION ● Adam and Bani Adam = HOMO ERUDITUS ● Homo Eruditus = EDUCATED MAN 1) If Adams body is created using clay matter. 2) And clay matter via “SOUND CREATION” can preserve and regenerate cells and DNA to form a protein, tissue, limbs, bones and a body. 3) Therefore Prehistoric human (homo sapien sapien) genetic material was incorporated within clay matter via “SOUND CREATION” to create Adams body rather than a continuous process of human evolution indicating a mixture of both evolution and creation called Evoation.
  • 80. Evolutionist and theist can better understand each other
  • 81. Muslims and theists can use this new theory alongside others THE EVOATION THEORY Evolution + Creation = EVOATION Adam and Bani Adam = HOMO ERUDITUS Homo Eruditus = EDUCATED MAN
  • 82. This is an active theory so more research is needed by qualified scientists and theologians “Falsifiability is the capacity for some proposition, statement, theory or hypothesis to be proven wrong. The concept of falsifiability was introduced in 1935 by Austrian philosopher and scientist Karl Popper (1902-1994). Since then, the scientific community has come to consider falsifiability to be one of the fundamental tenets of the scientific method, along with attributes such as replicability and testability.” ( 20capacity%20for,Popper%20(1902%2D1994).)
  • 83. Solution to current world problems and a peaceful future It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it OVER ALL RELIGIONS, although those who associate others with Allah dislike it. (9:33)
  • 84.
  • 85. Thank You and Jazakallah for watching Please research, study, learn and be curious “The believer is never satisfied from learning good until he arrives in Paradise.” Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) (