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FOCUSModule 1
Day 1
Session summary
What parts of the
Programme are applied
Morning Focus – Programme Introduction
• Welcome delegates and outline the objectives and outcomes for the programme.
• Explicitly sharing the programme’s Balanced Scorecard to assess its success against the
participants’ accelerated performance (optional: Filling out the Self-Evaluation Form).
• Review the Questionnaire / Personal Leadership Stories : Why are you here today?
• Summarise how this programme is grounded in the EE Mantra for the next 5 years.
• Introductions by participants.
• Programme Director welcomes delegates with a short introduction of the learning journey, overall
agenda, objectives, outcomes, Balanced Scorecard for the programme. PD may also urge on the
participants the importance of enjoying the learning process as well as the results.
• PD challenges the participants to be a community of support for one another, coach for success,
and what that could look like. If we successfully achieve the objectives in the Scorecard, then not
only will the programme be a success, but the EE Ltd. would achieve key leadership capability,
business impact and milestones.
• To transit from the personal experience to the programme, let us answer, ‘Why to develop
oneself?”, “Do you have opportunities at work to learn & grow?” and “If you won $10 million
lottery, would you still work on improving your skills?” as part of each person’s introductions to
the group. First, the participants answer individually, then they share their thoughts & experience
(interaction). This brings each participant face-to-face with articulating their leadership impact and
critical patterns for success. This exercise should build empathy, trust, and sense of community.
• (Optional) Short films of senior leaders answering these questions.
• Where the connections are and how this journey will help us to achieve authentic virtuous
leadership and accelerate performance (interaction).
Grow talent & team:
Develop & Coach people
• Concepts of Leadership
Grow talent & team:
Develop & Coach people
• What is Leadership? The definition, theories, principles and factors of Leadership. Essentials of
effective Leadership. Leadership as a process.
• What makes a Leader? 360 assessment. Leader Vs. Boss. Leader Vs. Manager. Leadership as a
Calling. Virtuous Leadership.
Coaching begins in groups to provide feedback on the 360 assessments. Set up coaching and feedback
exercise in plenary
• Group coaching in breakout rooms.
• Coaching group introductions.
• Reflection and sharing exercise on what the gaps are, using the pre-work questionnaire. Review
leadership success stories, individual reflection and group feedback, facilitated by coach. Goal
setting / Personal Plan design.
• Put into ‘buddy pairs’, each duo discusses how they can support each other to enhance their ability
to make their new Personal Plan a success and convert living a leadership element(s) to genuine
accelerated performance.
• The ‘How Are You Seen as a Manager/Boss/Leader?’ activity - This is when each individual
gives everyone else on their team feedback (optional: using analogies and divergent thinking) on
what it would be like to work for him or her; coaches could use metaphor techniques to increase
the participants’ toolkit on giving and receiving feedback.
Build high performance
Ensure diverse talent
Mental & Change Agility
Digital Awareness
Give & receive feedback
Evening Welcome Drinks
Participants move to drinks and networking opportunity
Welcome comments by Programme Director
Guest Speaker: Themes could include:
• Future Trends – The World in 50 Years’ Time
• New Leadership Challenges
Day 2 Session summary
Morning Focus
• We're exploring different levels of leader intelligence: Big Five Personality Traits, self-awareness,
effective self-management, emotional & relational intelligence.
• The mindset of high performance leaders. Digital awareness & strategy. Time-management and
decision making (optional: stress-management & intuition in business).
• In groups of 4-5, participants analyze “Thieves of time” list, pick up 3 the most dangerous, present
them on a big paper sheet with the explanations “Why it happens?” and “What can we/leaders
do?”. This exercise helps to practice networking, decision making, presentation skills and may
indicate some leaders.
• Optional: Using time-management & project-tracking software.
• “Minute to Win It” team game (based on the TV show). It will help to practice trust,
collaboration, self- and digital awareness, networking, lateral and “lead to win” thinking.
Grow talent & team:
Build high performance
Ensure diverse talent
Digital Awareness
Lead to Win:
Create trust
Raise and deal with
Project collaboration
Afternoon Focus
• How well are you equipped for the Leadership in the 21st
century? Mental, people, change &
results agility skill set.
• Leading self and leading others. Why do we need teams?
• High performance influence and persuasion to drive change.
• Model of presenting a new idea (change). Overcoming objections and resistance of the team
• Personal & professional goals setting. First the participants work individually. Then coaches verify
the definitions, support the conversations and Personal Plans are refined. The instruction (steps):
 Brainstorm a list of potential goals individually and as a group.
 Choose from the brainstorm list those you want to work on.
 Verify the definitions with your coach.
 Prioritize.
 Set the list aside till the last module.
Grow talent & team:
Build high performance
Communicate & Listen
Divergent thinking
Leading change
Taking on heat to
Lead to Win:
Raise and deal with
Manage for results:
Align objectives and
• In groups, participants prepare the presentation of a new idea according to the model. They also
discuss possible objections and the ways of overcoming the resistance.
• Analyzing the techniques that successful business leaders, world class athletes, and outstanding
artists and musicians rely upon to achieve great results (video or case-study).
• Debrief in plenary.
• What can I do already today to be able to lead myself and others with more efficiency?
• What do these themes mean in practice at EE ltd.?
Module 2
Day 3 Session summary
Morning Focus
• Move from leader intelligence to social intelligence. Learning the techniques that high talent
negotiators use to change mindsets and behaviors.
• Presentation skills Vs. Communication. Effective listening.
• Communication and Allocation of Decision Rights (centralised and decentralised).
• Exercises in communication skills and effective listening in pairs, with 3rd person observing and
giving feedback.
• (optional) In groups, participants solve a mystery or make a critical decision (using a metaphorical
situation). The answer is not important as how they self-select and manage their groups. Do they
draw out diverse viewpoints? Do they create their teams to enhance diversity and what
characteristics or elements did they attempt to diversify?
• Mind-mapping of “What can I do already today to be able to lead with more efficiency?” (as an
option – using mind-mapping software).
Grow talent & team:
Give & receive feedback
Divergent thinking
Digital awareness
Lead to win:
Communicate & Listen
Afternoon Focus Lead to win:
Engage & Inspire others
• Layer psychology onto the theory in order to enhance performance.
• Psychological contracts.
• McClelland's theory of social motives.
• Coaching for high-performance leadership.
• Sharing the experience in these topics (interactive or in groups). Additional patterns:
• Received recognition or praise for doing good work.
• Someone at work who encourages your development.
• Do your opinions at work seem to count?
• (optional) Crash Landing. It is a strong team building game which requires strategic thinking and
good team dynamics. Unless teams work together, it could all end in disaster... This is a great
theoretical activity that highlights the benefits of working in teams. It works in three phases:
• Individuals are given a list of items of which they need to choose only a few to keep
with them in order to survive if their space ship crash landed on the moon.
• The individuals form teams and repeat the same exercise.
• The individual and team results are scored and then compared.
• Debrief in plenary.
• What elements of our discussion can go to the GM and functional leadership to consider? How do
we present (frame) that?
Communicate & Listen
Evening Team Building Dinner
Among many options to enhance networking and cohort bonding, we have experienced that having the
participants prepare their own dinner one night (teams responsible for each course) to be a wonderful
Option: in order to link the evening to the day 4 & 5 focus (cultural intelligence) - International Dinner
(each course represents a concrete culture).
Day 4 Session summary
Morning Focus
• Move from social intelligence to understanding organisational/cultural intelligence.
• The latest techniques and ideas for talent development.
• Creating and leading high performance teams.
• 3 types of commitment (continuance, normative, affective). What leaders can do?
• 3 types of “Fit” (Personal Values – Organisational Values Fit, Business Interests & Personal
Needs - Opportunities & Rewards Fit, Business Abilities – Job Requirements Fit).
• Discussion (participants nominated to co-facilitate the discussion), debates (3 teams = 3 type of
commitment) or role-play.
Grow talent & team:
People Agility
Build high-performance
Divergent thinking
Ensure diverse talent
Lead to win:
Communicate & Listen
Engage & Inspire Others
Afternoon Focus
• High performance negotiation and conflict management.
• Exercise in groups on building coalitions, growing social and political capital in the face of
different stakeholders and agendas. Groups in different rooms work to negotiate a mutually
acceptable outcome, role playing a metaphorical situation. We have numerous exercises that we
have utilized here, including building and licensing harbor rights to real estate deals. They are fun,
energetic and bring out wonderful reflection points from individuals as well as common
organizational/cultural trends and biases.
• Optional: Payment industry conflict case-study (working with complaints, misunderstanding,
different types of clients, etc.).
• What influence skills would I need in order to better implement the accelerated performance I
Grow talent & team:
Build high-performance
Ensure diverse talent
Lead to win:
Communicate & Listen
Negotiation Skills
Conflict Management
Module 3
Day 5 Session summary
Morning Focus
• Understanding organisational/cultural intelligence: values and beliefs, cultural lenses, identity,
• The CLOBE project and its Cultural Dimensions.
• 6 Dimensions of the CLT Leadership profiles.
• Leadership Attributes Universality.
• Video cases with illustration of Leader behaviours in different cultures. Group discussion.
• The Leader Behaviours survey. Instructions: You are aware of people in your organization or
industry who are exceptionally skilled at motivating, influencing, or enabling you, others, or
groups to contribute to the success of the organization or task. On the following pages are several
behaviors and characteristics that can be used to describe leaders. Each behavior or characteristic
is accompanied by a short definition to clarify its meaning. Using the above description of
outstanding leaders as a guide, rate the behaviors and characteristics. To do this, on the line next to
each behavior or characteristic write the number from the scale below that best describes how
important that behavior or characteristic is for a leader to be outstanding.
Grow talent & team:
Ensure diverse talent
Develop & coach people
Afternoon Focus
• Understanding organisational/cultural intelligence: values and beliefs, shifting perspectives and
managing macro-communications.
• Leader behaviours survey study. Summing up and comparison with the groups from different
countries (slides). Discussion on Leader attributes universally liked/disliked, least agreed upon
leader attributes.
• Building EE Ltd. Culture: Mapping on large charts around the room:
• Where are we now?
Grow talent & team:
Ensure diverse talent
Develop & coach people
Divergent thinking
Manage for results:
Align objectives and
Lead to win:
• Where the company is going?
• What is our role within that?
• Where do we want to be?
• How do we use what we've just learned to get there?
• Discussing the maps.
• Option: A sport guest (climber, figure skater or pair tennis player) joins the discussion to talk
about importance of trust, personal & common goals, collaboration and leadership.
Create trust
Evening Going out for dinner to the leisure center. Ideally with a climbing wall (for an activity to focus on creating
trust). Optional: pool, darts, bowling (teambuilding activities).
Day 6 Session summary
Morning Focus
• Enabling personal and organisational change. Personal and professional action plans.
• Engagement = Motivation x Alignment with interest of the organisation.
• Two Major Challenges in Leadership and 3C Model: Communication, Commitment,
• Developing common approach and language exercise (optional: following the 3C Model). How do
we deliver results to our shareholders, customers and people?
• “Common goals” exercise. In pairs, the participants follow each other in silence, first, having
own thoughts/goals/objects in mind and, second, trying to guess where the partner goes. This
exercise builds trust, collaboration, sense of partnership/support, aspiration for the common goal.
Manage for results:
Align objectives and
Lead to win:
Communicate & listen
Create trust
Afternoon Focus
• Synthesize learning discussing a real payments industry issue. Personal and professional action
Grow talent & team:
Ensure diverse talent
Develop & coach people
Divergent thinking
• Recommended before the inter-modular period: Work on defining team-based experiments for the
inter-modular work. An experiment is a structured way of making a small change in how work
gets done (at a personal, group, or unit level).
• Participants will be introduced to the experiment methodology, and they will work in teams
to structure a small experiment that takes forward one or more ideas introduced earlier in
the programme. This is a concrete way of applying/reflecting/executing on content.
• Real learning will happen when the participants actually try their ideas out in practice. You
only truly understand something when you try to change it.
• London Business School has more experience of running inter-modular experiments than
any other business school.
• Optional: Case-study (a real EE Ltd's case / a talk with a guest speaker).
• Refining Personal Plans. Instructions (steps):
• Take a list with your goals.
• Verify the definitions again by yourself or together with your coach.
• Determine objectives for each goal and plans of action for each objective. (Remember there
can be several objectives for each goal).
• This is your personal commitment. Move it into action, follow through. (Remember, that
many groups fail to evaluate and revise; thus their goals are never achieved).
• The Personal Plan is a take-away from the course. After the inter-modular period the delegates
will pair up and discuss the commitments and its first results.
• Question for the inter-modular period: “Why should anyone be led by you?”
Manage for results:
Align objectives and
Inter-modular period: 2-3 months
Participants will:
• Work on their team-based management experience (this will require a significant investment of
time; support can be provided by LBS faculty as appropriate)
• Refine their Personal Plans and discuss it with Coach
• Begin to implement their Personal plans, discuss with team and receive its support.
• Build networks and strenghten relationship for improved collaboration.
• Participate in development initiatives and apply the leadership capabilities in the process of
driving growth for the EE Ltd.
Module 4
Day 7 Session summary
Morning Focus
• Welcome delegates and outline the objectives and outcomes for the las module of the programme,
including checking in with the programme’s Balanced Scorecard to assess its success against the
participants’ accelerated performance.
• Programme Director welcomes delegates with a short introduction of the module, overall agenda,
objectives, outcomes, Scorecard. Keep outcomes in mind!
• Participants pair up and discuss the commitments and their first results of following the Plans
(review their progress during the inter-modular period).
• Debrief in plenary.
Manage for results:
Align objectives and
Encourage responsible
risk taking
• Innovations in business. Process of decision making in the face of risk and uncertainty. Thinking
outside the box.
• The nature of innovations. Intuitive discovering.
• The role of intuition in business. The languages of intuition. Leader (military leader) intuition.
• What questions can we ask to target our information search?
• Creative analytical thinking.
• The Process of Decision Making: How do we generate valid alternative courses of action, evaluate
them and decide amongst.
Manage for results:
Align objectives and
Encourage responsible
risk taking
• Creating decision trees to illustrate, make objectives, manage risk.
Afternoon Focus
• Both-brain thinking/teams/partnership. Intuition awakening and emotional competence.
• (optional) The principles of Psychological Aikido.
• “Searching for a pair”: practicing left-brain and right-brain thinking exercise.
• Practical physical exercises which help to get rid of stress / hold emotions (crumpling paper,
breathing, straining every muscle, etc.). Group discussion: “Stress at work as an obstacle” and
“What we/leaders can do?”
• Option: Each individual thinks of an emotionally ‘difficult conversation’ they know they must
conduct in the immediate future, and they role play that conversation with a team-mate using
different levels of tone of voice and position (from above, from below, equal). The rest of the
group gives feedback afterward, and if time, they have the opportunity to try the conversation
again and apply their feedback. This exercise also may help to practice emotionally difficult
decision one must take.
• What is the place for intuition in a finance/payments industry?
• What is the relationship between decisions and outcomes?
Grow talent & team:
Ensure diverse talent
Develop & coach people
Divergent thinking
Giving and receiving
Lead to win:
Negotiation Skills
Conflict Management
Raise and deal with
Evening Dinner
Welcome comments by Programme Director
Guest speaker: Leader as Teacher (a stakeholder or some of the top-leaders of the EE Ltd. joins the dinner
and, besides discussion, it would be very useful for the network expanding if the top-leader gives a
popular/free topic quiz for fun and creating trust).
Day 7 Session summary
Morning Focus
• How do we sustain success and engagement with winning strategies?
Manage for results:
Align objectives and
• Ho do we develop the agility to compete better?
• Serendipity & strategic recognition capacity
• Winning in turbulent times.
• (optional: in the very morning) Self-evaluation form “I am as a leader of EE: preparedness for the
future.”, based on 7 spheres of personality (cognitive, motivational, volitional, existential,
behavioral, emotional, self-regulative). The delegates filled out the same form in the very
beginning of the program, but it's highly important that they fill it out again independently on the
first results.
• Co-facilitated by selected participants (leaders as teachers).
• (before lunch) A visit to a business that practices agility in response to its environment.
Encourage responsible
risk taking
Compete & connect
Act in context
Afternoon Focus
• Creating 4 dimensions of the EE Leadership Model accordingly to the Mantra for the next 5 years.
Learnings and thoughts from the programme in order to impact the business.
• (optional: after lunch) Presentation of the first and final results of the Self-evaluation form (slide),
so the participants can see their progress as they think of it.
• The teams prepare their ideas, each group gives presentation, then the perfect EE Leadership
model is chosen and accepted. Option: a key partner (stakeholder) is invited to join the activity.
• The final words of PD, facilitators, top-leaders of EE ltd. Future possibilities and LBS support.
• The feedback from the delegates with an answer to the question: “Why should anyone be led by
Grow talent & team:
Develop & coach people
Divergent thinking
Giving and receiving
Compete & connect
Act in context
Engage stakeholders
Evening Thank you drinks.
Participants move to drinks and sharing the ideas/impressions opportunity.
Coaching session at 4 and 9 months after conclusion.
Agree Professional Plan with GM and implement.
Continue implementing Personal Plan and communicate that to team.
Any agreed follow-through on management experiments.
Follow-through 360 one year on.
1-day Alumni Convention in 6 months.
PD/Faculty run 2-3 webinars building on themes from programme.
Virtual content developed and put on course website. Mobile tips/advice/support/games/software/videos.
Programme Team collects and analyses information on BSC. Refining programme and populating
assessment of programme’s impact on the business.

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The curriculum ee

  • 1. FOCUSModule 1 Day 1 Session summary YOU AS A LEADER What parts of the Programme are applied Morning Focus – Programme Introduction • Welcome delegates and outline the objectives and outcomes for the programme. • Explicitly sharing the programme’s Balanced Scorecard to assess its success against the participants’ accelerated performance (optional: Filling out the Self-Evaluation Form). • Review the Questionnaire / Personal Leadership Stories : Why are you here today? • Summarise how this programme is grounded in the EE Mantra for the next 5 years. • Introductions by participants. Learn • Programme Director welcomes delegates with a short introduction of the learning journey, overall agenda, objectives, outcomes, Balanced Scorecard for the programme. PD may also urge on the participants the importance of enjoying the learning process as well as the results. • PD challenges the participants to be a community of support for one another, coach for success, and what that could look like. If we successfully achieve the objectives in the Scorecard, then not only will the programme be a success, but the EE Ltd. would achieve key leadership capability, business impact and milestones. Apply – PRACTICAL EXERCISE • To transit from the personal experience to the programme, let us answer, ‘Why to develop oneself?”, “Do you have opportunities at work to learn & grow?” and “If you won $10 million lottery, would you still work on improving your skills?” as part of each person’s introductions to the group. First, the participants answer individually, then they share their thoughts & experience (interaction). This brings each participant face-to-face with articulating their leadership impact and critical patterns for success. This exercise should build empathy, trust, and sense of community. • (Optional) Short films of senior leaders answering these questions. • Where the connections are and how this journey will help us to achieve authentic virtuous leadership and accelerate performance (interaction). Grow talent & team: Develop & Coach people Late morning Focus • Concepts of Leadership Grow talent & team: Develop & Coach people
  • 2. and afternoon Learn • What is Leadership? The definition, theories, principles and factors of Leadership. Essentials of effective Leadership. Leadership as a process. • What makes a Leader? 360 assessment. Leader Vs. Boss. Leader Vs. Manager. Leadership as a Calling. Virtuous Leadership. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE Coaching begins in groups to provide feedback on the 360 assessments. Set up coaching and feedback exercise in plenary • Group coaching in breakout rooms. • Coaching group introductions. • Reflection and sharing exercise on what the gaps are, using the pre-work questionnaire. Review leadership success stories, individual reflection and group feedback, facilitated by coach. Goal setting / Personal Plan design. • Put into ‘buddy pairs’, each duo discusses how they can support each other to enhance their ability to make their new Personal Plan a success and convert living a leadership element(s) to genuine accelerated performance. • The ‘How Are You Seen as a Manager/Boss/Leader?’ activity - This is when each individual gives everyone else on their team feedback (optional: using analogies and divergent thinking) on what it would be like to work for him or her; coaches could use metaphor techniques to increase the participants’ toolkit on giving and receiving feedback. Build high performance teams Ensure diverse talent pipeline Mental & Change Agility Digital Awareness Give & receive feedback Evening Welcome Drinks Participants move to drinks and networking opportunity Dinner Welcome comments by Programme Director Guest Speaker: Themes could include: • Future Trends – The World in 50 Years’ Time • New Leadership Challenges Day 2 Session summary from YOU AS A LEADER to YOU IN TEAMS
  • 3. Morning Focus • We're exploring different levels of leader intelligence: Big Five Personality Traits, self-awareness, effective self-management, emotional & relational intelligence. Learn • The mindset of high performance leaders. Digital awareness & strategy. Time-management and decision making (optional: stress-management & intuition in business). Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • In groups of 4-5, participants analyze “Thieves of time” list, pick up 3 the most dangerous, present them on a big paper sheet with the explanations “Why it happens?” and “What can we/leaders do?”. This exercise helps to practice networking, decision making, presentation skills and may indicate some leaders. • Optional: Using time-management & project-tracking software. • “Minute to Win It” team game (based on the TV show). It will help to practice trust, collaboration, self- and digital awareness, networking, lateral and “lead to win” thinking. Grow talent & team: Build high performance teams Ensure diverse talent pipeline Agility Digital Awareness Lead to Win: Create trust Raise and deal with tensions Project collaboration Afternoon Focus • How well are you equipped for the Leadership in the 21st century? Mental, people, change & results agility skill set. Learn • Leading self and leading others. Why do we need teams? • High performance influence and persuasion to drive change. • Model of presenting a new idea (change). Overcoming objections and resistance of the team members. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • Personal & professional goals setting. First the participants work individually. Then coaches verify the definitions, support the conversations and Personal Plans are refined. The instruction (steps):  Brainstorm a list of potential goals individually and as a group.  Choose from the brainstorm list those you want to work on.  Verify the definitions with your coach.  Prioritize.  Set the list aside till the last module. Grow talent & team: Self-management Build high performance teams Collaboration Communicate & Listen Divergent thinking Leading change Taking on heat to resistance Lead to Win: Raise and deal with tensions Manage for results: Align objectives and targets
  • 4. • In groups, participants prepare the presentation of a new idea according to the model. They also discuss possible objections and the ways of overcoming the resistance. • Analyzing the techniques that successful business leaders, world class athletes, and outstanding artists and musicians rely upon to achieve great results (video or case-study). • Debrief in plenary. Reflect • What can I do already today to be able to lead myself and others with more efficiency? • What do these themes mean in practice at EE ltd.? Module 2 Day 3 Session summary YOU IN TEAMS Morning Focus • Move from leader intelligence to social intelligence. Learning the techniques that high talent negotiators use to change mindsets and behaviors. Learn • Presentation skills Vs. Communication. Effective listening. • Communication and Allocation of Decision Rights (centralised and decentralised). Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • Exercises in communication skills and effective listening in pairs, with 3rd person observing and giving feedback. • (optional) In groups, participants solve a mystery or make a critical decision (using a metaphorical situation). The answer is not important as how they self-select and manage their groups. Do they draw out diverse viewpoints? Do they create their teams to enhance diversity and what characteristics or elements did they attempt to diversify? • Mind-mapping of “What can I do already today to be able to lead with more efficiency?” (as an option – using mind-mapping software). Grow talent & team: Agility Mind-mapping Give & receive feedback Divergent thinking Networking Digital awareness Lead to win: Communicate & Listen Afternoon Focus Lead to win: Engage & Inspire others
  • 5. • Layer psychology onto the theory in order to enhance performance. Learn • Psychological contracts. • McClelland's theory of social motives. • Coaching for high-performance leadership. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • Sharing the experience in these topics (interactive or in groups). Additional patterns: • Received recognition or praise for doing good work. • Someone at work who encourages your development. • Do your opinions at work seem to count? • (optional) Crash Landing. It is a strong team building game which requires strategic thinking and good team dynamics. Unless teams work together, it could all end in disaster... This is a great theoretical activity that highlights the benefits of working in teams. It works in three phases: • Individuals are given a list of items of which they need to choose only a few to keep with them in order to survive if their space ship crash landed on the moon. • The individuals form teams and repeat the same exercise. • The individual and team results are scored and then compared. • Debrief in plenary. Reflect • What elements of our discussion can go to the GM and functional leadership to consider? How do we present (frame) that? Communicate & Listen Evening Team Building Dinner Among many options to enhance networking and cohort bonding, we have experienced that having the participants prepare their own dinner one night (teams responsible for each course) to be a wonderful exercise. Option: in order to link the evening to the day 4 & 5 focus (cultural intelligence) - International Dinner (each course represents a concrete culture).
  • 6. Day 4 Session summary from YOU IN TEAMS to YOU IN ORGANISATION Morning Focus • Move from social intelligence to understanding organisational/cultural intelligence. Learn • The latest techniques and ideas for talent development. • Creating and leading high performance teams. • 3 types of commitment (continuance, normative, affective). What leaders can do? • 3 types of “Fit” (Personal Values – Organisational Values Fit, Business Interests & Personal Needs - Opportunities & Rewards Fit, Business Abilities – Job Requirements Fit). Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • Discussion (participants nominated to co-facilitate the discussion), debates (3 teams = 3 type of commitment) or role-play. Grow talent & team: People Agility Build high-performance teams Divergent thinking Ensure diverse talent pipeline Lead to win: Communicate & Listen Engage & Inspire Others Afternoon Focus • High performance negotiation and conflict management. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • Exercise in groups on building coalitions, growing social and political capital in the face of different stakeholders and agendas. Groups in different rooms work to negotiate a mutually acceptable outcome, role playing a metaphorical situation. We have numerous exercises that we have utilized here, including building and licensing harbor rights to real estate deals. They are fun, energetic and bring out wonderful reflection points from individuals as well as common organizational/cultural trends and biases. • Optional: Payment industry conflict case-study (working with complaints, misunderstanding, different types of clients, etc.). Reflect • What influence skills would I need in order to better implement the accelerated performance I need? Grow talent & team: Build high-performance teams Ensure diverse talent pipeline Lead to win: Communicate & Listen Networking Negotiation Skills Conflict Management
  • 7. Module 3 Day 5 Session summary YOU IN ORGANISATION Morning Focus • Understanding organisational/cultural intelligence: values and beliefs, cultural lenses, identity, consciousness. Learn • The CLOBE project and its Cultural Dimensions. • 6 Dimensions of the CLT Leadership profiles. • Leadership Attributes Universality. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • Video cases with illustration of Leader behaviours in different cultures. Group discussion. • The Leader Behaviours survey. Instructions: You are aware of people in your organization or industry who are exceptionally skilled at motivating, influencing, or enabling you, others, or groups to contribute to the success of the organization or task. On the following pages are several behaviors and characteristics that can be used to describe leaders. Each behavior or characteristic is accompanied by a short definition to clarify its meaning. Using the above description of outstanding leaders as a guide, rate the behaviors and characteristics. To do this, on the line next to each behavior or characteristic write the number from the scale below that best describes how important that behavior or characteristic is for a leader to be outstanding. Grow talent & team: Ensure diverse talent pipeline Develop & coach people Afternoon Focus • Understanding organisational/cultural intelligence: values and beliefs, shifting perspectives and managing macro-communications. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • Leader behaviours survey study. Summing up and comparison with the groups from different countries (slides). Discussion on Leader attributes universally liked/disliked, least agreed upon leader attributes. • Building EE Ltd. Culture: Mapping on large charts around the room: • Where are we now? Grow talent & team: Ensure diverse talent pipeline Develop & coach people Divergent thinking Manage for results: Align objectives and targets Lead to win:
  • 8. • Where the company is going? • What is our role within that? • Where do we want to be? • How do we use what we've just learned to get there? • Discussing the maps. • Option: A sport guest (climber, figure skater or pair tennis player) joins the discussion to talk about importance of trust, personal & common goals, collaboration and leadership. Create trust Networking Evening Going out for dinner to the leisure center. Ideally with a climbing wall (for an activity to focus on creating trust). Optional: pool, darts, bowling (teambuilding activities). Day 6 Session summary back to YOU AS A LEADER Morning Focus • Enabling personal and organisational change. Personal and professional action plans. Learn • Engagement = Motivation x Alignment with interest of the organisation. • Two Major Challenges in Leadership and 3C Model: Communication, Commitment, Collaboration. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • Developing common approach and language exercise (optional: following the 3C Model). How do we deliver results to our shareholders, customers and people? • “Common goals” exercise. In pairs, the participants follow each other in silence, first, having own thoughts/goals/objects in mind and, second, trying to guess where the partner goes. This exercise builds trust, collaboration, sense of partnership/support, aspiration for the common goal. Manage for results: Align objectives and targets Lead to win: Communicate & listen Create trust Networking Afternoon Focus • Synthesize learning discussing a real payments industry issue. Personal and professional action plans. Grow talent & team: Ensure diverse talent pipeline Develop & coach people Divergent thinking
  • 9. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • Recommended before the inter-modular period: Work on defining team-based experiments for the inter-modular work. An experiment is a structured way of making a small change in how work gets done (at a personal, group, or unit level). • Participants will be introduced to the experiment methodology, and they will work in teams to structure a small experiment that takes forward one or more ideas introduced earlier in the programme. This is a concrete way of applying/reflecting/executing on content. • Real learning will happen when the participants actually try their ideas out in practice. You only truly understand something when you try to change it. • London Business School has more experience of running inter-modular experiments than any other business school. • Optional: Case-study (a real EE Ltd's case / a talk with a guest speaker). • Refining Personal Plans. Instructions (steps): • Take a list with your goals. • Verify the definitions again by yourself or together with your coach. • Determine objectives for each goal and plans of action for each objective. (Remember there can be several objectives for each goal). • This is your personal commitment. Move it into action, follow through. (Remember, that many groups fail to evaluate and revise; thus their goals are never achieved). Reflect • The Personal Plan is a take-away from the course. After the inter-modular period the delegates will pair up and discuss the commitments and its first results. • Question for the inter-modular period: “Why should anyone be led by you?” Manage for results: Align objectives and targets Inter-modular period: 2-3 months Experience: Participants will: • Work on their team-based management experience (this will require a significant investment of time; support can be provided by LBS faculty as appropriate) • Refine their Personal Plans and discuss it with Coach
  • 10. • Begin to implement their Personal plans, discuss with team and receive its support. • Build networks and strenghten relationship for improved collaboration. • Participate in development initiatives and apply the leadership capabilities in the process of driving growth for the EE Ltd. Module 4 Day 7 Session summary back to YOU AS A LEADER Morning Focus • Welcome delegates and outline the objectives and outcomes for the las module of the programme, including checking in with the programme’s Balanced Scorecard to assess its success against the participants’ accelerated performance. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERICSE • Programme Director welcomes delegates with a short introduction of the module, overall agenda, objectives, outcomes, Scorecard. Keep outcomes in mind! • Participants pair up and discuss the commitments and their first results of following the Plans (review their progress during the inter-modular period). • Debrief in plenary. Manage for results: Align objectives and targets Encourage responsible risk taking Late morning and afternoon Focus • Innovations in business. Process of decision making in the face of risk and uncertainty. Thinking outside the box. Learn • The nature of innovations. Intuitive discovering. • The role of intuition in business. The languages of intuition. Leader (military leader) intuition. • What questions can we ask to target our information search? • Creative analytical thinking. • The Process of Decision Making: How do we generate valid alternative courses of action, evaluate them and decide amongst. Manage for results: Align objectives and targets Encourage responsible risk taking
  • 11. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • Creating decision trees to illustrate, make objectives, manage risk. Afternoon Focus • Both-brain thinking/teams/partnership. Intuition awakening and emotional competence. • (optional) The principles of Psychological Aikido. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • “Searching for a pair”: practicing left-brain and right-brain thinking exercise. • Practical physical exercises which help to get rid of stress / hold emotions (crumpling paper, breathing, straining every muscle, etc.). Group discussion: “Stress at work as an obstacle” and “What we/leaders can do?” • Option: Each individual thinks of an emotionally ‘difficult conversation’ they know they must conduct in the immediate future, and they role play that conversation with a team-mate using different levels of tone of voice and position (from above, from below, equal). The rest of the group gives feedback afterward, and if time, they have the opportunity to try the conversation again and apply their feedback. This exercise also may help to practice emotionally difficult decision one must take. Reflect: • What is the place for intuition in a finance/payments industry? • What is the relationship between decisions and outcomes? Grow talent & team: Ensure diverse talent pipeline Develop & coach people Divergent thinking Giving and receiving feedback Lead to win: Networking Negotiation Skills Conflict Management Raise and deal with tensions Evening Dinner Welcome comments by Programme Director Guest speaker: Leader as Teacher (a stakeholder or some of the top-leaders of the EE Ltd. joins the dinner and, besides discussion, it would be very useful for the network expanding if the top-leader gives a popular/free topic quiz for fun and creating trust). Day 7 Session summary YOU ARE A LEADER Morning Focus • How do we sustain success and engagement with winning strategies? Manage for results: Align objectives and
  • 12. • Ho do we develop the agility to compete better? Learn • Serendipity & strategic recognition capacity • Winning in turbulent times. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • (optional: in the very morning) Self-evaluation form “I am as a leader of EE: preparedness for the future.”, based on 7 spheres of personality (cognitive, motivational, volitional, existential, behavioral, emotional, self-regulative). The delegates filled out the same form in the very beginning of the program, but it's highly important that they fill it out again independently on the first results. • Co-facilitated by selected participants (leaders as teachers). • (before lunch) A visit to a business that practices agility in response to its environment. targets Encourage responsible risk taking Compete & connect Externally: Act in context Benchmark Afternoon Focus • Creating 4 dimensions of the EE Leadership Model accordingly to the Mantra for the next 5 years. Learnings and thoughts from the programme in order to impact the business. Apply - PRACTICAL EXERCISE • (optional: after lunch) Presentation of the first and final results of the Self-evaluation form (slide), so the participants can see their progress as they think of it. • The teams prepare their ideas, each group gives presentation, then the perfect EE Leadership model is chosen and accepted. Option: a key partner (stakeholder) is invited to join the activity. • The final words of PD, facilitators, top-leaders of EE ltd. Future possibilities and LBS support. • The feedback from the delegates with an answer to the question: “Why should anyone be led by you?” Grow talent & team: Develop & coach people Divergent thinking Giving and receiving feedback Compete & connect Externally: Act in context Engage stakeholders Evening Thank you drinks. Participants move to drinks and sharing the ideas/impressions opportunity. Post- Program Experience Coaching session at 4 and 9 months after conclusion.
  • 13. Agree Professional Plan with GM and implement. Continue implementing Personal Plan and communicate that to team. Any agreed follow-through on management experiments. Follow-through 360 one year on. 1-day Alumni Convention in 6 months. PD/Faculty run 2-3 webinars building on themes from programme. Virtual content developed and put on course website. Mobile tips/advice/support/games/software/videos. Programme Team collects and analyses information on BSC. Refining programme and populating assessment of programme’s impact on the business.