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Volume 08 | Issue 03 | 2019
Innovative Companies in the
Space Industry
Changing the Status Quo
Disruptive Technology and Changing
Trends Inuencing Business
Infrastructure Transformation
o dwell in the current markets and be prepared for upcoming future dilemmas, various industries are on a race
Tto attain advanced innovations for the good of their sectors. As the world is still striving to attain such stature,
some companies have paved their own way turning out to be flag-bearers in their respective fields. In this
edition, “The Companies with Most Disruptive Innovation” Insights Success takes immense pride in featuring some
companies that are offering most innovative products to their clients.
As witnessed by you, me and every other market observer, it has become essential for business owners to implicate new
advancements to step apart from their competition and these companies, with their impeccable offerings, are helping
these businesses and are giving back to their society for better good.
Charles Darwin, a naturalist, biologist and geologist, once quoted and I recite, “It is not the strongest of the species that
survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” This above statement can be taken into
consideration, as the change is not subjected to adapting eco-system but also the ideologies. Change, in here, referred as
disruption, helps an individual and company to push the limits of humans’ capabilities. And those who cope with this
ever-lasting change are expected to taste the fruit of success in less time.
Yes, Disruption do drives Businesses!
In this special edition of August, “The Companies with Most Disruptive Innovation”, Insights Success admires
organizations that embrace the change and attempt on giving back to the society. Contributions made by such
organizations are worth appreciation and Insights Success takes immense pride in featuring them in this issue.
Filled with overarching enthusiasm towards technology and inventive ideologies, these organizations are one step
ahead of their respective competition.
Let’s unveil such alike, inspiring interviews and stories of many such significant companies in this special edition and
spread a word about their contribution in making this world a better place. Also, flip through the CXO standpoints
presented by some of the leading industry experts to taste the glimpse of industrial revolutions.
A world without any volatile disruption is forced to dwell on
the past offerings put forth on table.“ “
Bhushan Ghate
ATTOM Data Solutions
Helping to Make Better
Business Decisions
Reimagining Meetings
and the Channel
Expert’s Outlook
The Revolution of our Roads
Driving the UK to Zero Carbon
Leader’s Take
Fintech: The Next Big Thing
Transforming the
Way We Live
OnePoint Patient Care
Unwavering Commitment
and Compassionate Care
to Patients
Pivotal Systems
A Key Player
in the Semiconductor
Promoting Creativity
and Innovation Since 1921
Women In
Trucking, Inc
Addressing Women
in the Trucking
Industry Workforce
Taking the Electronic
Signature to the
Next Level
22 38Changing the Status Quo
Disruptive Technology and Changing
Trends Influencing Business
Infrastructure Transformation
Innovative Companies in the
Space Industry
August, 2019
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Green number plates for electric
vehicles. Zero Emissions Zone
trials. Grants for any employer
installing EV charge points. Ideas and
initiatives for boosting the adoption of
electric vehicles (EVs) have
accelerated recently, in an effort to
make electric vehicles the norm rather
than the exception on UK roads.
In September, Theresa May announced
further support for the industry at the
very first Zero Emission Vehicle
Summit, outlining a plan to ensure
Britain “leads from the front” in the
widespread adoption of electric
vehicles, committing £106m in funding
for research and development into EV
technology. She also elaborated on the
2040 target to make all manufactured
cars emission-free, saying that this
should be reflected in all cars on the
road just ten years later.
Government backing
This government’s commitment to
electric vehicles is being matched by
an increase in interest from drivers, as
the perceived hurdles - including the
initial cost of switching to an electric
car, and the mile range compared to
traditional petrol and diesel cars - are
being cleared. Last month EVs
accounted for one in every 12 new cars
purchased in the UK.
That’s been attributed to a number of
factors, including the availability of a
range of cars that do at least 150miles
on a single charge, EV drivers are
Fiona Howarth, CEO of Octopus Electric Vehicles,
Fiona leads the Octopus Electric Vehicle business - a
start-up from Octopus Energy. With a passion for
renewable energy, fantastic cars and using tech to create
great customer experiences, this is absolutely Fiona’s
dream job!
Having studied Engineering at Oxford University, she
spent her early career at Dyson and BMW - developing
efficient motors and hydrogen powered cars. She then
went on to work with major energy companies and
government while at Bain & Company, before joining
British Connected Homes start up AlertMe. A move to
British Gas, saw her take Hive, by British Gas, from a tech
pilot to a household name that today has more than one
million customers.
“Octopus EV is offering the electric vehicle equivalent of
Sweden’s famous baby box,” says Octopus Electric
Vehicles CEO Fiona Howarth
About the Author
The Revolution of our Roads
Driving the UK to Zero Carbon Transportation
www.insightssuccess.com10 |August 2019
reducing their fuel spend by 90%, and
with an increase in the number and
visibility of charge points and a
decrease in the cost of the electric
vehicles themselves.
There’s also been better proof of the
environmental impact of EVs, such as
a recent European Climate Foundation-
commissioned report which found that
EVs emit half the CO2 emissions of a
petrol or diesel car through the course
of their lifetime, and the overall effect
has now been shown to be positive.
A new breed of EV
One company is on a mission to help
drive the adoption of electric vehicles.
Octopus Electric Vehicles is pioneering
an ‘EV bundle’ which will give drivers
everything they need to make the
switch, for one monthly price. The
innovation has come from energy
supplier Octopus Energy, which is
driven by a mission ‘to make buying
energy as easy as buying cornflakes’.
Similarly, the team at Octopus EV
wants to help to make the switch to EV
as easy as possible, for as many people
as possible.
CEO of Octopus Electric Vehicles,
Fiona Howarth says: “For us, the EV
journey begins long before we start
talking about leasing options and
charge point installation. There’s a big
education job to do - many people still
believe that they’ll need to stop every
few miles to recharge and that the
range of models is limited. Our Drive
Day roadshow has proved enormously
popular, touring the country and
letting people come and see the cars
for themselves, as well as question EV
experts about exactly how it all works”
These events have not only
demonstrated the massive leap forward
that the industry has taken in the past
few years, but also provided people
with a chance to test drive the latest
models. From the sporty BMW i3 to
the family friendly Nissan LEAF, the
cars have been carefully selected as the
best EVs on the market, with each
offering at least 150 miles of driving
per charge.
Continues Howarth: “We’ve found that
people are often surprised at what an
electric car can do. I think there’s a
general misconception that the
technology and the pricing has stayed
largely the same since EVs came to
market a few years ago, whereas in
fact today’s electric car is almost
unrecognisable from its older
incarnation, and a hell of a lot
cheaper. Battery costs came down 80%
in six years – unlocking a better range
of electric vehicles at a fraction of the
All-in-one EV solution
After education, the challenge has been
how to best help customers with the
changes needed to go electric. Here,
Octopus Electric Vehicles is pioneering
adoption with their ‘EV bundle’.
“We’re offering the electric vehicle
equivalent of Sweden’s famous baby
box, giving the driver everything they
need to make the switch” says Howarth
“and unlike babies, our vehicles come
with instructions!”
Fiona Howarth
Octopus Electric Vehicles
Expert’s Outlook 2019| 11August
As well as the monthly lease of an electric vehicle, Octopus EV organises the
installation of a home charge point and smart meter. The monthly lease cost can
also include insurance, service and maintenance, as well as help and support for
the duration of the contract.
There’s even a bespoke electricity tariff, designed specifically with EV drivers
in mind. Dubbed Octopus Go, it offers renewable electricity at just 5p/kWh
between the hours of 12.30am and 4.30am, allowing people to charge their cars
for just a fraction of the daytime cost for 70% less than a standard variable tariff
from a Big 6 supplier.
Octopus EV has also partnered with myenergi, to offer the innovative Zappi
charge point, which automates charging to take advantage of these prices.
Octopus can arrange the installation of
the Zappi via trusted installers that can
help unlock the £500 home charge
point grant from the government.
This world-first tariff is possible thanks
to Octopus EV’s relationship with
Octopus Energy. The supplier is
already taking advantage of the
potential of smart meters with the
Agile Octopus tariff, which lets
customers see the fluctuations in
wholesale energy prices and adjust
their usage accordingly. It’s just the
beginning of how the company intends
to use smart meter technology, which
allows them to measure and record
electricity usage in real-time and offer
cheaper electricity when demand on
the grid is low.
Fiona Howarth believes this will be a
landmark year for electric vehicle
adoption in the UK. “Tesla has
revolutionised the market and now all
other vehicle manufacturers are
rapidly bringing their EVs to the
market. Think of the switch from
analogue phones to smart phones -
we’re in a similar transitory phase. If
the Government can deliver on their
EV plans, and we think they can, the
carpark of tomorrow is going to look
very different to the gas-guzzling lot
of today.”
About Powerloop
How Vehicle-to-Grid is changing the game ?
Electric vehicles have been criticised for placing more demand
on an already overloaded grid. But a consortium of industry
experts is hoping that electric vehicles could be the solution to
the grid’s capacity issues, rather than a problem. Led by Octopus
EV and Octopus Energy, the consortium has won over £3m of
funding from Innovate UK (backed by government departments
DfT and BEIS) to test the viability of vehicle-to-grid charging on
UK roads.
The Powerloop project offers EV drivers the chance to help
balance demand by supplying the grid with power from their car
batteries during the peak hours of 4-7pm, before recharging in
the early hours of the morning while demand is lowest. In return
for plugging in their cars 12 times a month to supply charge
during the evening, Powerloop drivers will get money off their
monthly leasing cost.
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With the aim to arm
businesses and consumers
with the most current and
accurate property data needed to make
better business decisions ATTOM
Data Solutions came into foray. The
organization provides premium
property data to power products that
improve transparency, innovation,
efficiency and disruption in a data-
driven economy. ATTOM multi-
sources property tax, deed, mortgage,
foreclosure, environmental risk, natural
hazard, and neighborhood data for
more than 155 million U.S. residential
and commercial properties covering 99
percent of the nation’s population. A
rigorous data management process
involving more than 20 steps validates,
standardizes and enhances the data
collected by ATTOM, assigning each
property record with a persistent,
unique ID — the ATTOM ID. The 9TB
ATTOM Data Warehouse fuels
innovation in many industries
including mortgage, real estate,
insurance, marketing, government and
more through flexible data delivery
Solutions that Make Life Easier
ATTOM Data just became the first
property data provider to offer Data-as-
a-Service (DaaS), a cloud-based
property data platform that streamlines
data management. The organization
also offers;
Ÿ Bulk data licensing
Ÿ Property Data API’s
Ÿ Match and Append
Ÿ Market Trends
Ÿ Marketing Lists
The company is slowly transforming
the future of property data by offering
a robust and comprehensive list of
premium property data that fuel
various industries.
Who Leads the Pack
Rob Barber is the CEO of ATTOM
Data Solutions. Under his leadership
over the past year, the organization has
completed multiple strategic initiatives
including the addition of best-in-class
neighborhood data through the
acquisition of Onboard Informatics and
launching multiple new products and
solutions to bring more comprehensive
real estate data to the marketplace.
ATTOM List; a new marketing list
creation tool, the introduction of a new
lender-grade but cost-effective
automated valuation model (AVM), as
well as a new streamlined API that
allowed it to consolidate its premium
property neighborhood and boundary
data into one self-service platform.
Most recently however, under Barber’s
leadership was the acquisition of
ATTOM Data Solutions by Lovell
Minnick Partners, a private equity firm
specializing in financial and related
business service companies. Since this
acquisition ATTOM has unlocked the
power of DaaS and continues to disrupt
the marketplace with various datasets
and solutions.
Barber has also been named a 2018
HousingWire Vanguard for his
outstanding executive leadership
contributions in the housing finance
industry. He was also a recipient of the
2019 RISMedia Real Estate
Newsmaker and named a Futurist, for
his ongoing curation of the nation’s
premier real estate database and
product innovation that leverages
ATTOM’s data, data licensing and
customer service. As well as being
named a winner of a Gold Stevie
Helping to Make Better Business Decisions
ATTOM Table of Elements
www.insightssuccess.com16 |August 2019
Rob Barber
award in the Tech Innovator of the Year category for the 17
Annual American Business Awards.
Bringing Innovation to the Table
Employees of ATTOM Data Solutions are encouraged to
broaden their minds with company paid courses and/or
seminars to strengthen their skillset or learn new ones.
ATTOM believes that you still must invest in your
employees, because in order to grow as a company, you
must start from within. ATTOM Data strives to make sure
its employees take time away from work to recharge and
A strong work-life balance has also been established
through unlimited PTO, flexible schedules, various
company sponsored events, team building activities, a
casual work environment and comprehensive health
benefits. Innovation is fueled through the collaborative
environment that has been created with open work spaces,
cross-departmental work flow and open conversations
among the executive teams.
Tackling 21 Century Problems
According to ATTOM Data Solutions, the volume of data
companies need to deal with is huge, so working with a
company like ATTOM to provide clean, consolidated, and
integrated data eliminates the need to go to multiple
sources. ATTOM believes, matching disparate data is
complex and needs constant attention. Therefore, the
organization has built algorithms to automate much of this
and they are continually applying new thinking to this area.
The company also believes that adoption of new
technology, such as APIs and Data-as-a-Service is always
challenging, and ATTOM is leading the market in these
areas in many ways, continuing to push the
industry forward.
We strive to arm businesses and
consumers with the most current
and accurate property data
needed to make wise decisions.
Client Feedback
“The entire sales process was a pleasure
since we were treated like partners versus
prospects.”-Arup Banarjee, CEO, Windfall Data
“With the ATTOM implementation, DIMONT has
gone from 1.75 ood reviews per hour per employee
to 5-plus per hour per employee…allowing us to
save our customers time and money.” -Denis
Brosnan, CEO, DIMONT
“The data is updated every day, and always arrives
on time. Predictably good. ATTOM has done a good
job of standardizing the data.” -Bryan Copley,
CEO, CityBldr
“ 2019| 17August
Reimagining Meetings and the Channel
Greg Popham
Vice President of Global
Channel Sales
“The Highve Partner
Program is like the
technology it offers:
rewarding, easy-to-
use, & fast and
simple. Sign-up
today to grow
with us.
Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Redwood City,
California, Highfive is a privately held enterprise
specializing in intelligent, in-room video
conferencing. The company is on a mission to make video
communications ubiquitous. The first stop on the journey is
their reimagining of the meeting room experience through
video conferencing solutions that are easy to buy and set
up, simple to use and support, and exceptional at boosting
productivity and collaboration.
Highfive delivers the only integrated hardware and software
platform born in the cloud for in-room video conferencing.
Setting up a new meeting room takes less than 15 minutes,
and the resulting immersive conferencing solution gives
teams instant collaboration so they can just get to work
without fussing with complex hardware and cumbersome
People work differently today, collaborating with more
customers, partners, and colleagues across town and across
the world. Workers themselves are also untethered to an
office, as likely to work from home or a cafe as they are
from a hotel or a remote location. While typical solutions
are hard to use, expensive to support, yet still offer offer
low-quality experiences, Highfive gives IT and workers the
great quality, reliability, and user experience they’ve come
to expect from today’s technologies.
www.insightssuccess.com18 |August 2019
An All-in-One Solution
Highfive brings together an all-in-one,
bundled hardware and software
solution available for one low, per-
room price. It features Dolby Voice to
deliver high-fidelity, crystal-clear audio
and offers 4K HDR video cameras for
stunning video quality. It was born in
the cloud using modern technologies
like Web Real-Time Communications
(WebRTC), AWS hyperscale cloud
computing and storage, and a cloud-
native operating system combined to
deliver a better experience at a lower
cost. Highfive also integrates with
existing Slack, G Suite, Office365, and
other external apps.
This combination of approaches and
modern technologies eliminates nearly
all of the IT burden, enables non-
technical workers to perform the
installations in minutes, and leaves the
updates, maintenance, and security to
Highfive, which does it all
automatically. And because it runs on
AWS hyperscale cloud, Highfive
supports nearly limitless scale,
allowing organizations to equip
hundreds of meeting rooms and giving
video collaboration to thousands of
workers in an instant. Because it’s built
on WebRTC, Highfive leverages the
ubiquity of web browsers to eliminate
end-user downloads, the friction of
expensive and time-consuming manual
software installations, and the
accompanying troubleshooting and
support requirements on IT.
Highfive lets anyone start meetings on
time, everytime, without compatibility,
complexity, or quality issues that can
derail otherwise productive teams.
Video for Everyone, from IT to
Workers, Enterprises to SMBs
According to Highfive, what IT
demands is a video conferencing
solution that’s easy to deploy and
maintain, easy to support, and easy to
buy with transparent pricing. New
meeting rooms must be outfitted easily
and quickly. It must require less
software on workers’ laptops, more
compatibility with existing tools and
workflows, and minimal training to
drive adoption. It must offer
centralized monitoring and
maintenance, scalability to support
growing (or contracting) teams, and a
service-attached model to eliminate
expensive capital expenditures. In
other words, it should work just like
people expect it to work.
Highfive fulfills these requirements by
ignoring the legacy model of tangled,
complex, hard-to-use, incompatible
conferencing systems. Using WebRTC
and AWS hyperscale cloud, along with
crisp, clear Dolby Voice audio and
crystal clear 4K HDR video, Highfive
has created meeting room collaboration
solutions that provide the joyful
experience workers want with the
simple and cost-effective delivery
model IT craves.
Highfive has redefined Hardware-as-a-
Service (HaaS), which takes the
hardware, software, and services that
were previously purchased separately,
or cobbled together, in an ad hoc
package, and bundles them into an all-
in-one solution. Highfive provides
everything—the software, hardware,
service, support, maintenance, and
more—for one price, in a fully-
maintained and always-on solution.
The benefits are many, since buyers
have more transparency on what the
get and how much it costs, IT spends
less effort on deployment,
maintenance, and support, and users
get a simple solution that works
seamlessly and effortlessly.
Delivering Future-proof Productivity
Highfive is also reimagining how
companies buy, deploy, and use video
conferencing solutions, and will
continue to do so. Highfive was first to
market bundling hardware and
software into one sleek package that’s
delivered as a service. It pioneered the
combination of hyperscale cloud,
WebRTC, and the simplicity of the
bundle to put video collaboration in
every intelligent meeting room, all
with care-free maintenance. It makes
intelligent meeting rooms easier to
procure, setup, use, and maintain,
whether it’s in one small huddle room
or across an entire company. And
through the company’s unique HaaS
delivery model, anytime there’s a new
feature or technology improvement,
every customer gets it.
With Highfive, any business can
quickly give workers a modern, digital
workplace where every meeting room
is equipped for flawless, immersive
collaboration that provides a “like
you’re there” experience.
Channel-first, Channel-friendly
Highfive has installed a new two-tiered
distribution go-to-market model to
partner with the industry’s leading
distributors and resellers. Highfive’s
channel program is led by Vice
President Greg Popham, former U.S.
director of small and medium business
sales at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
“Highfive is channel-first, channel
friendly,” commented Popham, who
took over in January. “We set out to
make our program simple and intuitive
for partners. That includes making
processes, pricing, and deal
registration fast & simple. Plus, there
are new medallion levels and other
opportunities for partners to earn
incremental, front-end margin as well
as back-end benefits. Our program is
more rewarding for partners, providing
them with greater opportunities to
drive revenue and grow with us.”
Popham adds that partners earn full
margin/compensation for contract
renewals (on the whole solution) so
partners get ongoing revenue streams
instead of a one-time payment. It’s
clear that Highfive has not just re
imagined the meeting room
experience, but also a new channel
friendly motion to make reselling and
provisioning Highfive as simple as
using the product itself. 2019| 19August
hat do we call an area that is not limited to a
Wsingle planet and has no physical boundaries?
We call it the era of the emerging space resource
industry. As humans, we became a spacefaring species 60
years ago when Russia launched Sputnik, the world’s first
artificial satellite. We are the only species to achieve this
milestone in the 4.5 billion year history of the earth. Later,
the space industry began to develop after World War II, as
rockets and satellites later found civilian purpose.
Today, companies around the world are in transportation,
energy sector, construction, hospitality, real estate, etc. and
they are looking for their next growth opportunity. Space is
quickly becoming a place where the industries that power
our global economy have started conducting business.
Future developments in the space industries include space
tourism, satellite manufacturing, and the launch industry. In
recent years, however, private spaceflight is becoming
reality in the space industry.
Of course, these private companies also compete against
each other and it could be argued that a new space race has
begun. But while with an element of competition, the
success of the past decades shows that is possible to
collaborate in space. For example, NASA a major
government agency has relied on privately operated launch
services like SpaxeX for its satellite launches. The original
space race began from the ideas and skills of visionary
theoretical engineers like Robert. H. Goddard, Wernher von
Braun, and Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky, etc. Today, space
endeavors are propelled by a new generation of
entrepreneurs including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Robert
Branson. There are some more major players and
innovative companies with the vision of space exploration
and are as follows:
SpaceX- SpaceX was founded in 2002 and has reached
worldwide popularity with their historic milestones in space
exploration. It is already the world’s most high-profile
commercial spacecraft company. The aim of SpaceX is to
revolutionize the space technology, with the goal of
enabling people to live on other planets. Its success has
been worth appreciating. Falcon 9 launch vehicle and
Dragon Spacecraft are some of its milestones. Dragon
Spacecraft has helped with regular resupply missions for
NASA space stations.
Blue Origin- It was founded in 2000 by Jeff Bezos, the
technological retail entrepreneur and CEO of Amazon, aims
to launch people in space. It is fully reusable, vertical
takeoff vertical landing (VVTL) space vehicle. Though its
goal is different from that of SpaceX, it targets the Space
tourism industry. It is focusing on commercially available,
suborbital human spaceflight and has developed a vertical
launch vehicle (new shepherd) for it. New shepherd is
named after the Mercury astronaut Alan Shepherd, the first
in the Space Industry
www.insightssuccess.com22 |August 2019
American Astronaut to go in Space. It is designed to take
astronauts and research payloads past the Karman line, the
internationally recognized boundary of space.
Boeing- Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company
and leading manufacturer in space and security systems.
Throughout the last 50 years, Boeing has been integral in
every major endeavor to escape earth’s gravity. The satellite
industry has made the headlines since the launch of its first
Mercury capsule to the current ISS (International Space
NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) is the most powerful
rocket ever built. Boeing is the prime contractor for the SLS
design development, test, and production of the launch
vehicle. SLS is the world’s only super heavy rocket capable
of transporting astronauts to deep space. NASA is setting its
eyes on the exploration of Mars with the help of Boeing
technology. Boeing has successfully launched all of
NASA’s Mars probes and rovers aboard Delta 11 launch
vehicles. Recently Boeing engineer designed a spacesuit to
protect astronauts from dust, radiation and other hazards
when exploring the surface of moon and mars.
Sierra Nevada Corporation- Selected by NASA, SNC’s
Dream Chaser spacecraft is a multi-mission space utility
vehicle. It used for transporting crew and cargo to LEO
(Low Earth Orbit) destinations such as ISS (International
Space Station). The system is designed to deliver up to
5,500 kg of pressurized and unpressurized cargo to the
space station under the CRS (Commercial Resupply
Service)-2 contract. It will carry supplies like food, water,
& science experiments and returns to earth with a gentle
runway landing. The spacecraft is selected by NASA to
provide a minimum of 6 cargo missions to and from the
space station by 2021. Sierra Nevada Corporation is making
solid progress and likely to stay a key player in the private
space company.
Northrop Grumman Corporation- NGC is a leader in
science and exploration in space for more than 60 years.
Thiokol Chemical Company, now part of NGC developed
the world’s first reusable space shuttle program in the late
Contribution to NASA: July 20, 1969, was a historic day
when the world watched, astronaut Neil Armstrong took
mankind’s first steps on the moon. The success of NASA’s
Apollo 11 mission is still remembered and celebrated.
Several heritage companies of NGC are recognized for the
vital role they played in the achievement of the Apollo 11
mission. NGC designed, assembled, integrated and tested
the Lunar Module (LM) of the Apollo program.
NASA’s Northrop Grumman built Chandra X-ray
Observatory and it continues to produce data that enables
astronomers to make extraordinary discoveries. Launched
in 1999, Chandra has found evidence for a significant new
class of supernova. It has also uncovered evidence of a
powerful outburst from the giant black hole at the Milky
Way’s center.
NASA has a long tradition of utilizing Northrop
Grumman’s spacecraft, including the Spirit and Opportunity
rovers that landed on Mars in 2004. The rovers will help
guide the Mars as it investigates the viability of microbial
life on the planet now or in the past.
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will play an
important role in studying planetary systems. NGC is the
prime contractor for building the dreams of Webb
technology. The telescope will be sensitive to infrared light
which will enable it to understand an era of the universe
just a few million years after the Big Bang.
Made in Space- MIS is the space-based manufacturing
company, dedicated to making of reliable Additive
manufacturing equipment and fiber optics (MIS Fiber) for
Space. Additive manufacturing is also known as 3D
Printing and is transforming the industry. It can
manufacture larger and more complex objects faster, with
finer precision and with multiple aerospace grade materials.
MIS Fiber Optics, on the other hand, is produced without
crystals that affect signal loss. Later, these crystals provide
superior data transmission capabilities, high-speed internet
as well as enhancing technologies in space.
Virgin Galactic- Virgin Galactic is a spaceflight company
founded in 2004 by British entrepreneur Sir Richard
Branson. It is developing commercial space crafts and aims
to provide suborbital spaceflights to space tourists. VG uses
a larger, four-engine jet plane that carries passengers into
space. It is similar in design to a private plane. These
private space firms seem to have different interests in the
space race, but actually, these companies share the same
Looking at the future, there will be a need for laws,
regulation, and controlling authority to govern space
exploration. It will be necessary to have firm and well-
understood protocols in the event space crashing, while
there are serious issues around the safety of astronauts as
well. At the moment, the UN’s Outer Space Affairs is
responsible for promoting international cooperation in the
peaceful uses of outer space. Perhaps, the entry of the
private sector into space exploration will contribute to the
growth of the economy as valuable targets for investment.
However, it will be interesting to see how healthy
competition opens up in the development of the Space Era
for Citizens.
Infrastructure Transforma on 2019| 23August
leveraging best-in-class processes, and empowering our
team to achieve and grow.
Connecting Businesses
For nearly 50 years, MultiTech has consistently connected
businesses in ways previously unimaginable, ranging from
the earliest analogue systems to the IoT, and the latest
low-power wireless technology. The company has no
intention of slowing down and it is continuing its legacy of
firsts with the world’s first commercially deployable LPWA
suite of communications devices and related network
management tools.
nternet of Things (IoT)! For some it’s just a fad, for
Isome it’s a great piece of technology. However, despite
many contradictory statements and theories, we must
thank the technology for making our lives much easier.
Enters MultiTech, an organization that develops and
manufactures data communications equipment for the
industrial Internet of Things—connecting physical assets to
business processes to deliver enhanced value. The
organization’s mission is to make connected technology
easy to adopt and use by focusing on customer needs,
developing innovative solutions, outpacing market change,
Transforming the Way We Live
Stefan Lindvall
www.insightssuccess.com24 |August 2019
MultiTech consists of about 200 people nowadays, with a
global footprint. It has operations which include
manufacturing and supply chain, program management,
finance and legal, and IT. Of course, its engineering and
innovation organization is absolutely critical to its success,
as it has always been an engineering-driven organization.
Today, MultiTech’s sales and marketing teams are gaining
prominence. The organization continues to fine tune itself,
which is a must do for the kind of sustainability it has
Also, the company believes, understanding the balance
between people, tools and process is very critical. Not one
part of that triangle can accomplish MultiTech’s goals on its
When the Future Lies in Rolling out New Technologies
When it comes to the future of the organization, one can
expect to see MultiTech much more aggressive in terms of
rolling out new technologies, product enhancements and
tailored support services. The focus is to help the customers
navigate the technology landscape, identify the most
appropriate solution for their specific applications and
ultimately, solve their biggest IoT pain points. Most
importantly, MultiTech intends to continue contributing to a
better future.
Client Feedback
“MultiTech has allowed me to do things for my customers
that I previously thought were impossible.” – Steve Schuh,
Owner, Schuh Electronics.
“MultiTech has made our integration into the IoT
community seamless.” – Kyle Prichard, Operations
Director, Smartfield.
“There is no doubt MultiTech is the smart choice for our
business.” – David Walker, President, RTC.
“With our development, MultiTech is a key factor. No need
to say more.” – Eugene Smit, Engineering Director, Leap
According to the company, the IoT is creating new
customer experiences and unparalleled economic value,
while improving quality of life for countless people around
the globe. By providing products and services to connect
“things” to the Internet, MultiTech delivers deeper
understanding to businesses, governments, organizations
and individuals, which will in turn transform the way we
live and work.
A Massively Experienced Leader
Stefan Lindvall, the CEO of MultiTech brings more than
20 years of experience in the wireless industry to the
organization. Before joining MultiTech, he founded
Connected Development. He also served as President of the
Americas at Wavecom and before that held various
leadership positions at Sony-Ericsson, including Vice
President of M2M sales, Americas.
Stefan’s leadership has brought the MultiTech team closer
to its customers – with the right people in the right places; a
few tweaks to its go-to-market strategy, and the right mix of
exciting new products.
At MultiTech, Stefan fosters a culture of entrepreneurship,
creativity and accountability amongst the team, resulting in
an organization intensely focused on execution across every
part of its business from sales to engineering to
manufacturing and operations.
Acknowledging the Differentiators
According to MultiTech, competitive differentiation
requires constant vigilance. It helps a lot to be first, which
the organization has been able to do more frequently in the
past few years. It also requires an intimate knowledge of the
customer set and considers the voice of the customer in
everything it does. Finally, it is important to acknowledge
what the differentiators are, as well as those of the
competition. Even sometimes, when the organization is not
the best fit, pointing those customers to a more suitable
vendor promotes trust and pays off in the end as both those
prospects and competitors acknowledge and return the
Understanding the Balance between People, Tools and
As per the organization, getting something started is not the
easy part; it’s a lot of work. And to make it stay so that one
is viable year after year, one has to be willing enough to
invest. That means one has to take time and talent of his/her
own and others and make it so that one can sustain the
“genes” that already exist. Companies need somebody
watching out for all that stuff in order to make sure the
same energy is applied to sustaining what went into starting
a business. If one is putting a process together, then he/she
has to make sure it is used on a daily basis.
Our vision is to be the
preferred provider for
innovative connected
technology destined to
transform our world.
“ 2019| 25August
OnePoint Patient CareUnwavering Commitment and
Compassionate Care to Patients
Jeffrey Hohl
Jim Otterbeck
The world of hospice pharmacy revolves around life,
death and responsibilities. Pharmacy providers are
hospices’ front line when it comes to successfully
managing patients’ symptoms and quality of life. One Point
Patient Care understands that providing quality and dignity
of life is as important as the length of life and is a demanding
OnePoint began in 1965 with a single dispensing pharmacy in
Phoenix, AZ. In the 1980s, when the Medicare benefit for
hospice took effect, OnePoint became a pioneer in providing
local hospice pharmacy services to the growing hospice
industry. Since that time, its innovative approach has
combined the typically separate businesses of pharmacy and
pharmacy benefits management, serving as a single
comprehensive and accountable partner.
Currently, it owns and operates 10 hospice-centric pharmacies
strategically located throughout the United States and in the
process of opening five additional pharmacies by 2020 in
direct response to growing demand by hospices for its local
dedicated hospice pharmacy model.
OnePoint prides itself on being the most adaptable and
flexible hospice pharmacy partner in the pharmacy industry.
Through its local, mail order and PBM services, it fills
prescriptions, creates custom compounds and formularies,
OnePoint’s approach since our
founding has not changed. We
believe that owning and
operating our own pharmacies
translates to a level of customer
service unmatched in the
industry. Our continued growth
demonstrates that there simply
is no substitute for decades of
local hospice experience.
www.insightssuccess.com26 |August 2019
provides home deliveries, and manages
pharmacy benefits for more than 250
hospice programs and 32,000 patients
daily in all 50 states.
E-Prescribing Made Easy
Use of accurately designed
e-prescribing systems prevents medical
errors. OnePoint’s medication app,
OneConnectPoint , is specifically®
designed for hospices, empowering
clinicians to spend less time dealing
with pharmacy and more time caring
for patients. Clinicians can quickly and
easily e-prescribe, admit patients,
update medication profiles and much
more, right from their smartphone,
tablet or laptop. The app integrates
seamlessly with the hospice’s EMR so
that it’s easy to electronically order and
refill medications, verify orders in real
time, send messages to authorized
approvers, and access important
clinical tools including Therapeutic
Interchange Evaluation Report (TIER),
Plan of Treatment (PoT) and
Formulary Dispense Detail reports.
Innovative PBM Platform
OPPC’s PBM (Pharmacy Benefits
Manager) platform is the most
adaptable in the hospice industry and is
designed to support superior, cost-
effective patient care. It optimizes cost
management by providing
transparency in pricing models,
leveraging deep clinical expertise and
providing real-time evidence-based
therapeutic and deprescribing
recommendations using online tools.
Real-time reporting gives users the
ability to track patient’s medication
management and quality of care goals
with 24-hour access to comprehensive
administrative, clinical and compliance
OnePoint understands that no two
hospice programs are the same:
accordingly, OPPC offers hospices
multiple payment methods such as
transparent cost plus pricing,
traditional fee for service and a new
“essential” per diem designed to
control costs. Some partners even
employ different models across
separate sites.
In addition to its adaptable pricing
methods, OnePoint offers customized
formularies to meet hospices’ unique
cost goals, prescribing philosophies
and best practices for cost effective
symptom management.
Unique Insight into Hospice Patient
As a hospice pharmacy leader for more
than 30 years, OPPC takes pride in
providing a world-class customer
service experience along with the most
efficient mail order delivery model in
the industry. The company’s
strategically located, owned and
operated hospice pharmacies enable
OnePoint to provide local dispensing
and delivery. OnePoint provides same
day ordering and delivery wherever the
medication is needed, whether it’s the
patient’s home or an IPU.
Hospice pharmacy requires unique
expertise. OnePoint recruits and retains
leading pharmacy professionals who
specialize in hospice care. The
pharmacy leader has a clinical team
with deep knowledge of hospice
medications, dosage conversions,
interactions and alternative therapies.
The company’s OneConnectPoint
portal gives on-demand access to
patient history, drug profile, diagnoses,
Rx order history, real-time order status
and more. All staff members have
electronic access to full patient profiles
and drug history at their fingertips.
With a single phone call and virtually
no-wait time, hospice care team
members can speak directly to a
knowledgeable hospice pharmacy
professional. Dedicated Service
Delivery Managers are responsible for
ensuring a positive service experience
and resolving any issues in a
timely manner.
Expanding to Meet Future Demand
OnePoint plans to continue nationally
expanding its local pharmacy model.
As a privately held company, OnePoint
has the necessary agility to meet
emerging hospice needs. By keeping
its ear to the market and regularly
engaging partners and prospects to
identify areas of need for hospices,
OnePoint aims to enable nurses and
other caregivers to focus on
exceptional patient care rather than
time-consuming administrative tasks
ranging from patient documentation to
facilitating medication and home care
product procurement.
Solid Leadership
Under Chairman Jim Otterbeck’s
leadership, in addition to acquiring its
original hospice pharmacy in 2005,
OnePoint has grown both its census
and revenue by over 400% and
captured approximately a 10% share of
the national hospice pharmacy services
market and growing.
Jim earned an MBA in economics and
marketing from Northwestern
University’s J.L. Kellogg Graduate
School of Management and a BBA in
decision sciences from the University
of Iowa.
As the CEO of the organization,
Jeffrey Hohl, oversees OnePoint’s
sales, services and technology. He
previously served as OnePoint’s
president and COO, driving its market
and operational expansion. Jeff has 30
years of new business growth
experience, including business and
new product development, operations,
marketing, distribution channel
management, and product/technology
licensing. He has held leadership roles
at several organizations including The
VenCom Group and The MAC
Group/Gemini technology and
telecommunications practice. He
received his BS in engineering from
Harvey Mudd College and a BA in
management/economics from
Claremont McKenna College. 2019| 27August
Pivotal Systems
A Key Player in the Semiconductor Industry
Semiconductor devices influence our lives on a daily
basis and are all around us. They can be found in just
about every commercial product we touch, from the
family car to the pocket calculator. They are contained in
television sets, portable radios, stereo equipment, and much
more. Science and Industrial space also rely heavily on
semiconductor devices. Research laboratories use these
devices in all sorts of electronic instruments to perform
tests, measurements, and numerous other experimental
tasks. Industrial control systems (such as those used to
manufacture automobiles) and automatic telephone
exchanges also use semiconductors. Even today, heavy-duty
versions of the solid-state rectifier diode are used to convert
large amounts of power for electric railroads. This creates a
need for handling, controlling, and manufacturing
semiconductor applications. Pivotal Systems provides the
best-in-class gas flow monitoring and control technology
platform for the global semiconductor industry. The
company’s proprietary hardware and software utilizes
advanced machine learning to enable preventative
diagnostic capability resulting in an order of magnitude
increase in productivity and capital efficiency for existing
and future technology nodes. The platform includes
Pivotal’s Gas Flow Controller (GFC) product lines that
offer high-accuracy, real-time monitoring and control of the
most critical parameters difficult to control in wafer
processing today: Gas Flow and Chamber Condition.
Inception Story
The Executive Team at Pivotal Systems has decades of
experience in the semiconductor industry working at the
leading process equipment companies. John Hoffman, the
CEO of the company, has over 30 years of global high
technology management experience building growth
organizations in both semiconductor and information
technology markets. Dr. Joe Monkowski was the President
of Lam Research and Officer at Advanced Energy. Nori
Kobayakawa was an executive at KLA-Tencor, the leading
metrology and Inspection Company in the world. All of
them came together understanding that the singular goal of
the largest global semiconductor manufacturers and largest
global equipment companies was to enable the manufacture
of better semiconductor devices per hour of production.
They all understood that speed and repeatability of existing
gas flow control systems was a significant limiter and it was
a technology segment that was ripe for innovation.
An All Encompassing CEO
Prior to joining Pivotal Systems, John was a Senior VP with
Spencer Trask Ventures, a New York based venture capital
firm. While at Spencer Trask, John was primarily involved
in the solar and integrated circuit efforts of the firm. Prior to
Spencer Trask, John was the Chief Executive Officer of
RagingWire Enterprise Solutions, an Inc. 500 fastest
growing private company. John reorganized the company
and enabled record growth in revenue and profitability
during his tenure. John has also been an officer at Applied
Materials for 18 years and ran several of their largest
business groups while there.
John was the President of the billion dollar “Etch Product
Business Group”, VP and GM of the Process Control and
Diagnostic Business Group and the General Manager of the
Customer Service Division which grew by over 300%
during his tenure. John has a B.S. from the United States
Military Academy at West Point and an Executive MBA
(AEA) from Stanford University. He currently serves on
several Boards of Directors and Advisory Boards.
Overview on Innovative Products
Pivotal Systems is driven by Innovation coupled with
continuous improvement. When the company was
established, it approached the gas flow control problem
from an entirely different direction. It used nanotechnology
and machine learning to effectively change the competition.
The key point to remember is that if a company uses
www.insightssuccess.com30 |August 2019
something for the first time in an Industry, every
improvement it makes is effectively continuous innovation.
Pivotal’s Gas Flow Controllers and Flow Ratio Controllers
solve key semiconductor manufacturing issues through a
proprietary hardware design, which is underpinned and
driven by an internally developed and proprietary software
operating system. This provides accurate and repeatable
flow control and real-time measurement no matter the
dynamics of semiconductor wafer processing. Ultimately,
Pivotal’s products enable there billion dollar customers the
ability to make more money while preserving resources.
Wide-reaching Pivotal Systems Applications
Much of the electronics and technology that is used by
corporates and consumers today contains either IC and/or
OSD devices. Pivotal’s current product portfolio controls
the flow of gas into process tools used in the production of
ICs. Pivotal’s devices are either sold to:
• Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs): to be used in
both deposition and etching process tools supplied to
Integrated Device Manufacturers for application in the
semiconductor manufacturing process.
• Integrated Device Manufacturers (IDMs): to retrofit
existing process tools installed in semiconductor fabrication
Pivotal Systems’ technology and innovation paves the way
for the future of gas flow control. The flow control
technology combines Pivotal’s patented, high accuracy
GFM system with patented control valve technology. As
such, it leapfrogs the current MFC technology by offering
an order of magnitude improvement on key flow
parameters, thereby enabling high efficiency advanced
wafer-manufacturing processes.
Future Trends and Sustaining Competency
Pivotal Systems’ future is just like every other company in
the world, it is what the employees and management make
it to be. The organization collectively needs to show up
every day and continuously support its customers by
bringing them continued value. If the company is able to
work in this manner, its future is bright.
Pivotal Systems future is driven by a shared vision of
excellence and innovation coupled with relentless pressure
to execute. New integrated circuit designs and new
materials are continually bring introduced to make the next
generation of devices. Pivotal’s engineering team is focused
on continuously optimizing and improving both the
hardware and the software platform in conjunction with
strategic customer requirements.
Pivotal Systems will be the
leader in gas flow control in
the Semiconductor Industry.
John F. Hoffman
CEO 2019| 31August
Promoting Creativity and Innovation Since 1921
Augusto Mitidieri
Everything we do is to
achieve scientific
leadership. We are
continuously improving
the way we work, taking
the best we can of the
capabilities we already
have and building those
we are need of.
“ “
www.insightssuccess.com32 |August 2019
Innovation is the definition of progress and become the
mainstay of organizations. The arena of global
business industry has been changed by the speed of
innovation. Sintetica is a Pharmaceutical company
delivering injectable anaesthetics and analgesics to patients
worldwide, through innovative science and excellence in
development, production and marketing.
Sintetica Founded in 1921, since then it became hospital
market leader for analgesics and local anesthetics, with
offices located in Germany, Italy, England and two national
production and development sites in Mendrisio and Couvet,
with 300 employees.
Innovative Management Model
Sintetica’s dynamic, innovative and growth-oriented
corporate environment, combined with the corporate
strategy which is based on the global diffusion of
innovation. It requires deep focus in order to build a
management model that able to be “dynamic and
innovative” and to help the company in the difficult task of
balancing the strategy with operations. If, on the one hand,
the human-centered organization will ensure the
effectiveness/efficiency of the processes, thanks to its strong
managerial cultural connotation oriented towards
responsibility and merit, on the other hand, the new
management model will have to ensure continuous
consistency between operations and strategy.
Inter-functional Management Routines (IMR) will therefore
be created, which consists of groups of people whose level
of responsibility is not necessarily homogeneous, coming
from heterogeneous functions, able to harmonize operations
with the strategy in the hinge sectors for the development
and growth of Sintetica. Basically, an IMR pool which
thanks to the exchange of critical information, decides and
acts "easily" by continuously combining strategy, and
operations, and maintaining a live coordination throughout
the entire organization. They will be able to reach a
horizontal dimension thanks to inter functionality and the
exchange of decisive information; but also a vertical
dimension, thanks to the multilevel composition and the
mechanism of the peripheral decisional autonomy present
in the organization. Rebuilding strategy in operations means
acting, changing one or the other, and correcting routes,
abandoning old paths all in the shortest time possible, and
with the highest involvement of responsibility in the
organization. The expected result is maximum agility.
Proficient Leadership
Augusto Mitidieri, CEO of Sintetica, is an Italian and
Swiss citizen, graduated in Management Engineering from
Politecnico di Milano. He also obtained a CAS (Certificate
of Advanced Studies) in Economics and Health Policy at
the University of Lausanne. His work in the pharmaceutical
industry began in 1996.
In 2000 Augusto joined Sintetica SA, Mendrisio (TI), as
Production & Engineering Manager. In Sintetica, he also
worked as Quality Assurance Manager, before becoming
General Manager of the Company in 2004. Since 2011
Augusto has held the position of Corporate CEO of the
Sintetica Group.
Under his guidance, Sintetica SA, the oldest pharmaceutical
company in Ticino, has undergone a period of extraordinary
growth and entered international markets with its high-
quality products in the sector of local anaesthesia and pain
therapy. Able to implement a real strategic vision which
places the individual at the very centre of corporate
decisions, Augusto Mitidieri, together with the whole of
Sintetica SA, has earned important international awards and
Human-Centered Organization
Sintetica’s “human-centered” organization model is based
on a deep cultural change. It requires an innovative
managerial philosophy, which places responsibility and
merit on center, changing organizational models and
behaviors at all levels.
Merit is Always Valued
It is clear that in today’s dynamic scenario, people will
grow by merit. The merit must be recognized at all levels
with feedbacks (on work) and rewarding (recognition of
merit). In Sintetica it is believe that “The merit of each
manager is the “enriched” sum of the success of every
single member of his team. The received delegation must be
used by every person of the organization with responsibility
and autonomy and must be oriented towards achieving the
objective. Those who deserve to decide will decide, thanks
to their responsible and valid contribution to the
achievement of the established goal.
As already mentioned, the conscious use of the feedback
tool is fundamental in order to improve you in a clear and
honest way. If you make a mistake, apologizing to the
people concerned and assuming your own responsibilities,
will be the fairest and most appreciated way. 2019| 33August
The Next Big Thing
FintechThe Next Big Thing
e are at a time in which technology advances at an incredible pace, unlike other generations, today’s society is
Waccompanying technology, allowing it to develop without fear of looking back. Unfortunately, regulation and
laws cannot advance at the same speed, and that is creating dangerous gaps that can destabilize the economy as
we know it today.
The crisis we have experienced during the last decade has shown the shame of the economic system, and its fragility in some
aspects, such as its banking dependence. The latter has allowed alternative investment to hatch, and with it many fintech
tools, blockchain systems, tools based on peer to peer, etc.
Francisco Mariscal
Co-founder & CEO
www.insightssuccess.com34 |August 2019
The problem we are experiencing is
that, with the mentality of breaking the
rules so as to write them again
(something that in principle should be
positive for society), we are forgetting
the basic rules on which our society is
based; data protection, right to privacy,
capital controls, or protection of
retailers, are basic rules that should not
be forgotten, because if we do so, we
are going back in time despite being in
the most advanced technological cycle
in history. And this can lead to a spiral
as much or more dangerous than the
crises we have experienced in recent
Do not mistake the passion necessary
to advance in a disruptive business,
with moving forward at any price, the
next decade will be marked by major
changes in many sectors: Fintech,
Insurtech, Foodtech, Legaltech, etc. As
we can see in their names, they all rely
on technology, in which in most of the
cases there is no regulation or
jurisprudence, so we must be cautious
with the rules on which we write,
because if we do it in the wrong way
we will be wasting the opportunity that
is being given to us.
A clear example of the above is that the
majority of cryptocurrencies, which as
we all know are written under
Blockchain technology. The
blockchain technology is very reliable,
but it is not infallible, and
unfortunately the states are not
prepared for its supervision and
control, so even though its survival and
development is clear, here the market
is not ready to hatch, and unfortunately
we are seeing how it advances at a
speed of madness, and possibly we will
see scary situations, because the vested
interests are very high, and possibly
some are not entirely licit.
Another example, are the famous
ICOs, in 2017 we have seen how the
volume under management with this
type of product has multiplied by 5 in
direct investment on the same type of
asset, I do not say that that is bad in
itself. But when we see that companies
that have not been able to finance
themselves by normal alternative
investments, manage not only to do it
by this method, but also obtain three
times the capital they needed, it looks
like we are facing a bubble, and that if
it is not controlled can only bring
problems to the system, and possibly
the ones that will pay for this will be
the usual ones, the retail investors. All
this will bring fear into the tools that
are being born now, and could end up
becoming a mere frustrated attempt,
instead of a complement of the future.
Both examples described above are
allowing us to generate inflation in
value and price, something which we
all know what it will bring us. It is
clear that crises, like wars, generate
poverty, although in the long term
these allow the pillars upon which the
economies are built to be more solid,
and with that comes certain economic
evolution and improvement, at least to
date. Therefore, my insistence on
control, at least in what affects citizens,
the companies can take risks, but
without transferring them to people.
In general, the fintech sector has a huge
market for its development potential,
disintermediation and the creation of
value for the user will mark the next
decade. The new generations want
products that provide value and that do
not generate captivity of anything or
anyone. And this is my reflection, to
generate value to the user, it is
something more than just to provide a
friendly and easy to use tool, we must
protect the users and explain the risks
to be assumed. We are seeing how
many investment platforms sell high-
risk products to their users through
marketing tools. It is clear that we
could not live on a banking product
eternally. But what can not be allowed
is that the rules of protection for retail
investors are violated, because in doing
so we will be destroying a complement
of value to the traditional banking
As a conclusion of all the above,
almost all the Fintech tools have a long
life ahead, the regulation is tracking
behind, but if we want it to last over
time, we must not forget the basic rules
of user protection in all its aspects.
Although there are no rules in most
cases we must use common sense,
which in many cases we are
demonstrating that it is the least
common of all the senses. Users are
our loudspeaker to change things, and
if we mistreat them, all they will say is
that we are another failed attempt at
Francisco Mariscal is
a Founding Partner of
Fellow Funders.
and industrial
organization engineer
from Universidad
Europa, he has a
master’s degree in
Quantitative Finance
from AFI and an
Executive MBA from
EAE Business
About the Author
Leader’s Take 2019| 35August
www.insightssuccess.com38 |August 2019
75% 2019| 39August
Addressing Women in the Trucking Industry Workforce
Women In Trucking, Inc.
Women’s empowerment is
not limited to technical
careers; instead, women
have explored and contributed in many
industries and are providing much-
untapped potential. One example is in
the area of trucking. Ellen Voie, a
passionate and prolific leader, has
worked very hard to further the
advancement of women in the trucking
industry. Through a vision of creating
an organization which focuses on
increasing the number of women
employed in the trucking industry, she
founded Women In Trucking
Association, Inc.
Since its inception in March 2007, the
mission of the organization has been
consistent. The goal is to increase the
employment of women in the trucking
industry; to address obstacles that
might keep women from entering or
succeeding in the trucking industry,
and to celebrate the success of its
Ellen Voie
members. The organization is the only
group that focuses on encouraging and
supporting women in the trucking
industry and includes over 4,000
members in seven countries.
Disruptive Solutions with Expected
To support its mission, the Women In
Trucking (WIT) Association is a
resource for the trucking industry and
offers numerous publications, data and
educational opportunities for its
members. First, to encourage
employment, Women In Trucking
Association has a career center on its
website where employers can post
jobs, and members can find great
companies who value women as
employees. In an effort to promote the
industry to the next generation, Women
In Trucking Association has been
proactive to reach out to children
through a truck driver doll (available
on or,
a supply chain activity book and a
patch and curriculum for girls to earn
through the Girl Scout/Girl Guide
program. Women In Trucking
Association has also done a great deal
of research on how to attract and retain
female drivers and offers a recruiting
guide to its members.
In addressing obstacles, Women In
Trucking Association has also created
an anti-harassment employment guide
for trucking companies to use when
pairing unrelated individuals in the cab
of a truck, for team or training
situations. The association has also
worked with truck manufacturers to
create a more ergonomic cab that
provides a more comfortable fit for
female drivers through more
adaptability inside the cab. From
pedals to seats to the dash, mirrors,
hood and even an alarm system and an
enclosed area for a porta-potty, these
design changes create a more
ergonomically correct cab for both
women and men.
The organization has initiated an
annual WIT Index, which measures the
percentage of women in management
positions, as well as the percentage of
female professional drivers. The WIT
Index also includes tracking women
serving on the boards and in
management roles of the publicly
traded carriers in the US.
Celebrating the successes of its
members is a significant focus for the
association. From a “Member of the
Month” to an annual “Distinguished
Woman in Logistics” and “Influential
Woman in Trucking,” WIT helps these
women become recognized and
honored. The US and Canadian
“Salute to Women Behind the Wheel”
celebrates professional female drivers
who are honored for their role as
pioneers in the trucking industry.
The WIT Image Team offers positive
exposure through the media featuring
various members in USA Today, Oprah
Magazine, the “Today Show,”
“Dr. Oz” and 20/20 with Diane
Sawyer, along with numerous radio
and print publications.
www.insightssuccess.com40 |August 2019
‘Life begins at the edge of
your comfort zone.’ Push
yourself and your staff to
test limits and create
change in the process.
From the chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety
Board to the Federal Motor Carrier Administration leaders,
Senators, Congressmen and State Secretary of
Transportation have been given a glimpse inside the life of
a professional female driver.
Recognition worth Addressing
Women In Trucking Association and its President/CEO,
Ellen Voie, have received numerous awards. In 2012, the
organization was honored by the White House for being a
“Transportation Innovator Champion of Change” while
Voie received the 2015’s “Distinguished Alumna of the
Year” award from her alma mater—the University of
Wisconsin-Stevens Point Division of Communication. In
May 2016, she was honored as one of Fleet Owner’s Dozen
Outstanding Women In Trucking.
Voie has also been featured in and recognized by various
business magazines and trade presses, below are some of
Ÿ 2017, Insight Success Magazine’s “The Most
Inspirational Leaders in Business” and “The 30 Most
Innovative CEOs to Watch”
Ÿ 2018, Beyond Exclamation Magazine’s “Top 10
Shepreneurs through the Glass Ceiling and Beyond”
Ÿ 2019, Aspioneer Magazine’s “2018 Flying High Women
Many organizations have recognized Ms. Voie for her
accomplishments. In 2014, she was awarded the Frank
W. Babbitt award from the Wisconsin Motor Carriers
Association. This annual recognition is given to an
individual who has demonstrated outstanding service to the
trucking industry and association as a whole. Moreover, she
is also the recipient of the Skinner Humanitarian Award
presented annually to a trucking advocate in her state.
In 2018, Voie was named the “Transportation Person of the
Year” by National Association of Small Trucking
Companies (NASTC).
The Gems of WIT
As Voie and her mission encourage empowerment, each
team member has a specific area of responsibility and is
given the latitude to act decisively with a high level of
authority and accountability. Ellen states that each staff
member has specific duties related to various activities yet
they collaborate and brainstorm to generate new ideas.
Currently, WIT is the global leader in providing the
information, data, and resources required to increase the
numbers of women employed in the trucking industry.
Challenges Occur To Enlighten
Ellen states the most significant challenge faced by the
organization is in addressing the image of professional
drivers. Voie said, “First, women don’t often consider
careers in transportation or supply chain, so the
association needs to show them they are wanted, valued
and capable. Secondly, women are concerned about safety
on the road, so this has been a major focus of the
By providing the resources, such as self-defense courses
and products to protect professional drivers, the
organization is offering safety tools for drivers. Also, the
security system available in some newer trucks provides a
higher level of safety. Additionally, by working with truck
stops on lighting, security, and parking, the company
focuses on keeping all female as well as male drivers safe
in their work environment.
An Outlook of WIT’s Future
Ellen’s goal for the future at Women In Trucking
Association is for expanding into more countries and to be
the premier resource for information. By sharing best
practices, successes, and challenges around the globe, the
organization is providing valuable information for carriers,
schools and government entities that are interested in
creating opportunities for women in the trucking industry.
She cites the data for the trucking industry in the US,
women comprise less than the eight percent of the driver
population, yet it’s the highest than anywhere else in the
world; from zero in Saudi Arabia and the Philippines to just
under three percent in Canada. The US takes the lead in the
ranks of women in trucking and is witnessed as a leader
also a resource globally.
“This Lady has been the biggest influence, cheerleader,
mentor, and friend for 17 years! Thank you Ellen Voie you
have not only been my friend and a business colleague, but
you’ve been the instrument to elevate my career as a
Woman in the Trucking Industry!! I deeply humbly Thank
you!! Love ya Girlie”—Ingrid Brown, Professional
Driver and Image Team member
“ 2019| 41August
Taking Electronic Signature to the Next Level
In 2015, ZorroSign was founded
in order to use one of its co-
founder’s patented electronic
signature technology to create a unified
platform of complete advanced Digital
Transaction Management (DTM)
Solution. The idea was to provide a
highly secure, flexible, seamless, and
robust solution to support end-to-end
flows of document signature
ceremonies for any situation, any
industry, any department – for
signatories located anywhere using
any device.
ZorroSign helps automate electronic
signature related business processes,
workflows, and approvals for any
department, for any type of
organization in any industry. Users can
use ZorroSign anywhere, anytime, and
on any device including using mobile
browser and its native mobile app on
iOS and Android operating systems.
ZorroSign can also be deployed in
Private POD, and Hybrid Cloud and
On-Premise instances.
The Passionate Leader
Mr. Shamsh Hadi is the Co-founder
and CEO of ZorroSign, Inc. Hadi is a
serial entrepreneur and comes from a
Real Estate, Education, Information
Technology, and Hospitality
background, lending his unique
perspective to ZorroSign. He has over
12 years of experience in strategic
investments around the world. Mr.
Hadi holds degrees from Cornell
University and University of Waterloo.
Apart from being an avid scuba diver,
he is also very passionate about the
environment and supports and
participates in various initiatives
around the world that are making real
impact to save the environment and
make the world a better place.
When Privacy is the Utmost Priority
According to the organization, users
are struggling to keep tabs on their
information privacy. For most people
safety and security of their personal
information and documents carries
utmost priority given today’s
environment. However, even if it’s on
top of their list, sometimes they are
unable to ensure security of their
Secondly, the market lacks intimate
knowledge of advanced Digital
Transaction Management and its
potential to deliver a serious value to
any organization. Finally, electronic
signatures are very popular, however,
there are four serious gaps in the
solutions available in the market today.
According to ZorroSign, these gaps are
barriers to adoption of electronic
signature for day-to-day business and
enterprise applications and of high
value financial and legal transactions.
These gaps are:
Ÿ Using an image of a signature
super-imposed on a document
instead of using ZorroSign real
electronic signature (read digital
Ÿ 3rd party digital security certificates
that expire every two years instead
ZorroSign certificates and
documents don’t expire.
Ÿ Simple process of requesting
eSignatures instead of having a true
Digital Transaction Management
system with support for complex
workflows, templates, and business
process automation.
Ÿ PDF documents that can be
tampered with and electronic
signatures that can be forged
instead of ensuring the sanctity of
electronically signed documents
(both digital and paper copies) with
high level of security.
Catering to Clients’ Needs since
The ZorroSign journey has been
fantastic. The company has yet to come
across one unhappy user of its solution
as ZorroSign prides itself in enhancing
the solution as quickly as possible to
meet clients’ changing needs. In Q4,
2018 alone the company introduced
more than 34 major enhancements
where a majority of them were
customer requests.
ZorroSign’s initial struggles have been
related to educating users that privacy
and security of their data and
documents should be number one
priority and not speed and ease of use.
2018 had major headline hitting news
where there had been major data
breaches, implementation of GDPR
and evidence of popular software
www.insightssuccess.com42 |August 2019
We help our
customers digitize
their paper-based
business transactions
and help them
go paperless.
systems being abused for financial gains. This has given
ZorroSign a good headwind, because now people are
looking for solutions like ZorroSign instead of going with
the household names that can’t guarantee the safety and
security of their information and important financial and
legal documents.
Early on, ZorroSign witnessed that people often confused
Blockchain with BitCoin, but now they comprehend the
difference. CEO, Shamsh Hadi notes, “I believe over the
last couple of years the world has educated itself more and
understand that Blockchain is much more than just BitCoin
and that cryptocurrency which were the early adopters of
Blockchain is not the only industry where Blockchain can
have incredible security and authenticity advantages.”
Future Roadmap
Armed with the proprietary electronic signature technology
and a forward-thinking mindset about security and privacy,
the ZorroSign founders quickly realized that in the “race to
digital” the electronic signature solutions in the market have
left some major breaches in the solution. ZorroSign always
believed that there are fundamental ways people run their
business, what they call “document signing ceremonies”,
and the company envisions creating a solution that does not
force people to compromise in their core values of how they
run their business.
When it comes to the future, ZorroSign’s customers can
expect more capabilities and functionality in the areas of
Advanced Digital Transaction Management, Workflows
Automation, Business Process Optimization, and advanced
security and privacy. ZorroSign will continue to innovate
and incorporate state of the art technology in the areas of
mobile biometrics, use of Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence
and Machine Learning into its solution.
Shamsh Hadi
Co-founder & CEO
Zorrosign 2019| 43August
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The companies with most disruptive innovation

  • 1. THE COMPANIES WITH MOST DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION Volume 08 | Issue 03 | 2019 Innovative Companies in the Space Industry Changing the Status Quo Disruptive Technology and Changing Trends Inuencing Business Infrastructure Transformation
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  • 4. E o dwell in the current markets and be prepared for upcoming future dilemmas, various industries are on a race Tto attain advanced innovations for the good of their sectors. As the world is still striving to attain such stature, some companies have paved their own way turning out to be flag-bearers in their respective fields. In this edition, “The Companies with Most Disruptive Innovation” Insights Success takes immense pride in featuring some companies that are offering most innovative products to their clients. As witnessed by you, me and every other market observer, it has become essential for business owners to implicate new advancements to step apart from their competition and these companies, with their impeccable offerings, are helping these businesses and are giving back to their society for better good. Charles Darwin, a naturalist, biologist and geologist, once quoted and I recite, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” This above statement can be taken into consideration, as the change is not subjected to adapting eco-system but also the ideologies. Change, in here, referred as disruption, helps an individual and company to push the limits of humans’ capabilities. And those who cope with this ever-lasting change are expected to taste the fruit of success in less time. Yes, Disruption do drives Businesses!
  • 5. In this special edition of August, “The Companies with Most Disruptive Innovation”, Insights Success admires organizations that embrace the change and attempt on giving back to the society. Contributions made by such organizations are worth appreciation and Insights Success takes immense pride in featuring them in this issue. Filled with overarching enthusiasm towards technology and inventive ideologies, these organizations are one step ahead of their respective competition. Let’s unveil such alike, inspiring interviews and stories of many such significant companies in this special edition and spread a word about their contribution in making this world a better place. Also, flip through the CXO standpoints presented by some of the leading industry experts to taste the glimpse of industrial revolutions. A world without any volatile disruption is forced to dwell on the past offerings put forth on table.“ “ Bhushan Ghate
  • 6. ATTOM Data Solutions Helping to Make Better Business Decisions 16 Highfive Reimagining Meetings and the Channel 18 A R T I C L E S Expert’s Outlook 10 34 The Revolution of our Roads Driving the UK to Zero Carbon Transportation Leader’s Take Fintech: The Next Big Thing
  • 7. MultiTech Transforming the Way We Live 24 OnePoint Patient Care Unwavering Commitment and Compassionate Care to Patients 26 Pivotal Systems A Key Player in the Semiconductor Industry 30 Sintetica Promoting Creativity and Innovation Since 1921 32 Women In Trucking, Inc Addressing Women in the Trucking Industry Workforce 40 ZorroSign Taking the Electronic Signature to the Next Level 42 22 38Changing the Status Quo Disruptive Technology and Changing Trends Influencing Business Infrastructure Transformation Innovative Companies in the Space Industry
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  • 11. August, 2019 Editor-in-Chief Senior Sales Manager Business Development Manager Marketing Manager Technical Head Technical Specialist Digital Marketing Manager Research Analyst Database Management Technology Consultant Pooja M. Bansal Managing Editor Anish Miller Executive Editor Bhushan Ghate Assistant Editors Jenny Fernandes Hitesh Dhamani Visualizer David King Art & Design Director Amol Kamble Associate Designer Iresh Mathapati Kshitij S Peter Collins John Matthew Sales Executives David, Kevin, Mark, Jai Business Development Executives Steve, Joe, Alan, BinayJacob Smile Aditya Marry D’Souza SME-SMO Executive Prashant Chevale Calvin Jones Circulation Manager Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes Poonam Mahajan Co-designer Copyright © 2019 Insights Success, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Follow us on : We are also available on : Email: For Subscription:
  • 12. Green number plates for electric vehicles. Zero Emissions Zone trials. Grants for any employer installing EV charge points. Ideas and initiatives for boosting the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) have accelerated recently, in an effort to make electric vehicles the norm rather than the exception on UK roads. In September, Theresa May announced further support for the industry at the very first Zero Emission Vehicle Summit, outlining a plan to ensure Britain “leads from the front” in the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, committing £106m in funding for research and development into EV technology. She also elaborated on the 2040 target to make all manufactured cars emission-free, saying that this should be reflected in all cars on the road just ten years later. Government backing This government’s commitment to electric vehicles is being matched by an increase in interest from drivers, as the perceived hurdles - including the initial cost of switching to an electric car, and the mile range compared to traditional petrol and diesel cars - are being cleared. Last month EVs accounted for one in every 12 new cars purchased in the UK. That’s been attributed to a number of factors, including the availability of a range of cars that do at least 150miles on a single charge, EV drivers are Fiona Howarth, CEO of Octopus Electric Vehicles, Biography Fiona leads the Octopus Electric Vehicle business - a start-up from Octopus Energy. With a passion for renewable energy, fantastic cars and using tech to create great customer experiences, this is absolutely Fiona’s dream job! Having studied Engineering at Oxford University, she spent her early career at Dyson and BMW - developing efficient motors and hydrogen powered cars. She then went on to work with major energy companies and government while at Bain & Company, before joining British Connected Homes start up AlertMe. A move to British Gas, saw her take Hive, by British Gas, from a tech pilot to a household name that today has more than one million customers. “Octopus EV is offering the electric vehicle equivalent of Sweden’s famous baby box,” says Octopus Electric Vehicles CEO Fiona Howarth About the Author The Revolution of our Roads Driving the UK to Zero Carbon Transportation www.insightssuccess.com10 |August 2019
  • 13. reducing their fuel spend by 90%, and with an increase in the number and visibility of charge points and a decrease in the cost of the electric vehicles themselves. There’s also been better proof of the environmental impact of EVs, such as a recent European Climate Foundation- commissioned report which found that EVs emit half the CO2 emissions of a petrol or diesel car through the course of their lifetime, and the overall effect has now been shown to be positive. A new breed of EV One company is on a mission to help drive the adoption of electric vehicles. Octopus Electric Vehicles is pioneering an ‘EV bundle’ which will give drivers everything they need to make the switch, for one monthly price. The innovation has come from energy supplier Octopus Energy, which is driven by a mission ‘to make buying energy as easy as buying cornflakes’. Similarly, the team at Octopus EV wants to help to make the switch to EV as easy as possible, for as many people as possible. CEO of Octopus Electric Vehicles, Fiona Howarth says: “For us, the EV journey begins long before we start talking about leasing options and charge point installation. There’s a big education job to do - many people still believe that they’ll need to stop every few miles to recharge and that the range of models is limited. Our Drive Day roadshow has proved enormously popular, touring the country and letting people come and see the cars for themselves, as well as question EV experts about exactly how it all works” These events have not only demonstrated the massive leap forward that the industry has taken in the past few years, but also provided people with a chance to test drive the latest models. From the sporty BMW i3 to the family friendly Nissan LEAF, the cars have been carefully selected as the best EVs on the market, with each offering at least 150 miles of driving per charge. Continues Howarth: “We’ve found that people are often surprised at what an electric car can do. I think there’s a general misconception that the technology and the pricing has stayed largely the same since EVs came to market a few years ago, whereas in fact today’s electric car is almost unrecognisable from its older incarnation, and a hell of a lot cheaper. Battery costs came down 80% in six years – unlocking a better range of electric vehicles at a fraction of the cost.” All-in-one EV solution After education, the challenge has been how to best help customers with the changes needed to go electric. Here, Octopus Electric Vehicles is pioneering adoption with their ‘EV bundle’. “We’re offering the electric vehicle equivalent of Sweden’s famous baby box, giving the driver everything they need to make the switch” says Howarth “and unlike babies, our vehicles come with instructions!” Fiona Howarth CEO Octopus Electric Vehicles Expert’s Outlook 2019| 11August
  • 14. As well as the monthly lease of an electric vehicle, Octopus EV organises the installation of a home charge point and smart meter. The monthly lease cost can also include insurance, service and maintenance, as well as help and support for the duration of the contract. There’s even a bespoke electricity tariff, designed specifically with EV drivers in mind. Dubbed Octopus Go, it offers renewable electricity at just 5p/kWh between the hours of 12.30am and 4.30am, allowing people to charge their cars for just a fraction of the daytime cost for 70% less than a standard variable tariff from a Big 6 supplier. Octopus EV has also partnered with myenergi, to offer the innovative Zappi charge point, which automates charging to take advantage of these prices. Octopus can arrange the installation of the Zappi via trusted installers that can help unlock the £500 home charge point grant from the government. This world-first tariff is possible thanks to Octopus EV’s relationship with Octopus Energy. The supplier is already taking advantage of the potential of smart meters with the Agile Octopus tariff, which lets customers see the fluctuations in wholesale energy prices and adjust their usage accordingly. It’s just the beginning of how the company intends to use smart meter technology, which allows them to measure and record electricity usage in real-time and offer cheaper electricity when demand on the grid is low. Fiona Howarth believes this will be a landmark year for electric vehicle adoption in the UK. “Tesla has revolutionised the market and now all other vehicle manufacturers are rapidly bringing their EVs to the market. Think of the switch from analogue phones to smart phones - we’re in a similar transitory phase. If the Government can deliver on their EV plans, and we think they can, the carpark of tomorrow is going to look very different to the gas-guzzling lot of today.” About Powerloop How Vehicle-to-Grid is changing the game ? Electric vehicles have been criticised for placing more demand on an already overloaded grid. But a consortium of industry experts is hoping that electric vehicles could be the solution to the grid’s capacity issues, rather than a problem. Led by Octopus EV and Octopus Energy, the consortium has won over £3m of funding from Innovate UK (backed by government departments DfT and BEIS) to test the viability of vehicle-to-grid charging on UK roads. The Powerloop project offers EV drivers the chance to help balance demand by supplying the grid with power from their car batteries during the peak hours of 4-7pm, before recharging in the early hours of the morning while demand is lowest. In return for plugging in their cars 12 times a month to supply charge during the evening, Powerloop drivers will get money off their monthly leasing cost. www.insightssuccess.com12 |August 2019
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  • 18. With the aim to arm businesses and consumers with the most current and accurate property data needed to make better business decisions ATTOM Data Solutions came into foray. The organization provides premium property data to power products that improve transparency, innovation, efficiency and disruption in a data- driven economy. ATTOM multi- sources property tax, deed, mortgage, foreclosure, environmental risk, natural hazard, and neighborhood data for more than 155 million U.S. residential and commercial properties covering 99 percent of the nation’s population. A rigorous data management process involving more than 20 steps validates, standardizes and enhances the data collected by ATTOM, assigning each property record with a persistent, unique ID — the ATTOM ID. The 9TB ATTOM Data Warehouse fuels innovation in many industries including mortgage, real estate, insurance, marketing, government and more through flexible data delivery solutions. Solutions that Make Life Easier ATTOM Data just became the first property data provider to offer Data-as- a-Service (DaaS), a cloud-based property data platform that streamlines data management. The organization also offers; Ÿ Bulk data licensing Ÿ Property Data API’s Ÿ Match and Append Ÿ Market Trends Ÿ Marketing Lists The company is slowly transforming the future of property data by offering a robust and comprehensive list of premium property data that fuel various industries. Who Leads the Pack Rob Barber is the CEO of ATTOM Data Solutions. Under his leadership over the past year, the organization has completed multiple strategic initiatives including the addition of best-in-class neighborhood data through the acquisition of Onboard Informatics and launching multiple new products and solutions to bring more comprehensive real estate data to the marketplace. ATTOM List; a new marketing list creation tool, the introduction of a new lender-grade but cost-effective automated valuation model (AVM), as well as a new streamlined API that allowed it to consolidate its premium property neighborhood and boundary data into one self-service platform. Most recently however, under Barber’s leadership was the acquisition of ATTOM Data Solutions by Lovell Minnick Partners, a private equity firm specializing in financial and related business service companies. Since this acquisition ATTOM has unlocked the power of DaaS and continues to disrupt the marketplace with various datasets and solutions. Barber has also been named a 2018 HousingWire Vanguard for his outstanding executive leadership contributions in the housing finance industry. He was also a recipient of the 2019 RISMedia Real Estate Newsmaker and named a Futurist, for his ongoing curation of the nation’s premier real estate database and product innovation that leverages ATTOM’s data, data licensing and customer service. As well as being named a winner of a Gold Stevie Helping to Make Better Business Decisions ATTOM Table of Elements www.insightssuccess.com16 |August 2019
  • 19. Rob Barber CEO th award in the Tech Innovator of the Year category for the 17 Annual American Business Awards. Bringing Innovation to the Table Employees of ATTOM Data Solutions are encouraged to broaden their minds with company paid courses and/or seminars to strengthen their skillset or learn new ones. ATTOM believes that you still must invest in your employees, because in order to grow as a company, you must start from within. ATTOM Data strives to make sure its employees take time away from work to recharge and relax. A strong work-life balance has also been established through unlimited PTO, flexible schedules, various company sponsored events, team building activities, a casual work environment and comprehensive health benefits. Innovation is fueled through the collaborative environment that has been created with open work spaces, cross-departmental work flow and open conversations among the executive teams. st Tackling 21 Century Problems According to ATTOM Data Solutions, the volume of data companies need to deal with is huge, so working with a company like ATTOM to provide clean, consolidated, and integrated data eliminates the need to go to multiple sources. ATTOM believes, matching disparate data is complex and needs constant attention. Therefore, the organization has built algorithms to automate much of this and they are continually applying new thinking to this area. The company also believes that adoption of new technology, such as APIs and Data-as-a-Service is always challenging, and ATTOM is leading the market in these areas in many ways, continuing to push the industry forward. with Most We strive to arm businesses and consumers with the most current and accurate property data needed to make wise decisions. “ Client Feedback “The entire sales process was a pleasure since we were treated like partners versus prospects.”-Arup Banarjee, CEO, Windfall Data “With the ATTOM implementation, DIMONT has gone from 1.75 ood reviews per hour per employee to 5-plus per hour per employee…allowing us to save our customers time and money.” -Denis Brosnan, CEO, DIMONT “The data is updated every day, and always arrives on time. Predictably good. ATTOM has done a good job of standardizing the data.” -Bryan Copley, CEO, CityBldr “ 2019| 17August
  • 20. with Most Reimagining Meetings and the Channel Greg Popham Vice President of Global Channel Sales Highve “The Highve Partner Program is like the technology it offers: rewarding, easy-to- use, & fast and simple. Sign-up today to grow with us. “ Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Redwood City, California, Highfive is a privately held enterprise specializing in intelligent, in-room video conferencing. The company is on a mission to make video communications ubiquitous. The first stop on the journey is their reimagining of the meeting room experience through video conferencing solutions that are easy to buy and set up, simple to use and support, and exceptional at boosting productivity and collaboration. Highfive delivers the only integrated hardware and software platform born in the cloud for in-room video conferencing. Setting up a new meeting room takes less than 15 minutes, and the resulting immersive conferencing solution gives teams instant collaboration so they can just get to work without fussing with complex hardware and cumbersome software. People work differently today, collaborating with more customers, partners, and colleagues across town and across the world. Workers themselves are also untethered to an office, as likely to work from home or a cafe as they are from a hotel or a remote location. While typical solutions are hard to use, expensive to support, yet still offer offer low-quality experiences, Highfive gives IT and workers the great quality, reliability, and user experience they’ve come to expect from today’s technologies. Highve www.insightssuccess.com18 |August 2019
  • 21. An All-in-One Solution Highfive brings together an all-in-one, bundled hardware and software solution available for one low, per- ® room price. It features Dolby Voice to deliver high-fidelity, crystal-clear audio and offers 4K HDR video cameras for stunning video quality. It was born in the cloud using modern technologies like Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC), AWS hyperscale cloud computing and storage, and a cloud- native operating system combined to deliver a better experience at a lower cost. Highfive also integrates with existing Slack, G Suite, Office365, and other external apps. This combination of approaches and modern technologies eliminates nearly all of the IT burden, enables non- technical workers to perform the installations in minutes, and leaves the updates, maintenance, and security to Highfive, which does it all automatically. And because it runs on AWS hyperscale cloud, Highfive supports nearly limitless scale, allowing organizations to equip hundreds of meeting rooms and giving video collaboration to thousands of workers in an instant. Because it’s built on WebRTC, Highfive leverages the ubiquity of web browsers to eliminate end-user downloads, the friction of expensive and time-consuming manual software installations, and the accompanying troubleshooting and support requirements on IT. Highfive lets anyone start meetings on time, everytime, without compatibility, complexity, or quality issues that can derail otherwise productive teams. Video for Everyone, from IT to Workers, Enterprises to SMBs According to Highfive, what IT demands is a video conferencing solution that’s easy to deploy and maintain, easy to support, and easy to buy with transparent pricing. New meeting rooms must be outfitted easily and quickly. It must require less software on workers’ laptops, more compatibility with existing tools and workflows, and minimal training to drive adoption. It must offer centralized monitoring and maintenance, scalability to support growing (or contracting) teams, and a service-attached model to eliminate expensive capital expenditures. In other words, it should work just like people expect it to work. Highfive fulfills these requirements by ignoring the legacy model of tangled, complex, hard-to-use, incompatible conferencing systems. Using WebRTC and AWS hyperscale cloud, along with ® crisp, clear Dolby Voice audio and crystal clear 4K HDR video, Highfive has created meeting room collaboration solutions that provide the joyful experience workers want with the simple and cost-effective delivery model IT craves. Highfive has redefined Hardware-as-a- Service (HaaS), which takes the hardware, software, and services that were previously purchased separately, or cobbled together, in an ad hoc package, and bundles them into an all- in-one solution. Highfive provides everything—the software, hardware, service, support, maintenance, and more—for one price, in a fully- maintained and always-on solution. The benefits are many, since buyers have more transparency on what the get and how much it costs, IT spends less effort on deployment, maintenance, and support, and users get a simple solution that works seamlessly and effortlessly. Delivering Future-proof Productivity Highfive is also reimagining how companies buy, deploy, and use video conferencing solutions, and will continue to do so. Highfive was first to market bundling hardware and software into one sleek package that’s delivered as a service. It pioneered the combination of hyperscale cloud, WebRTC, and the simplicity of the bundle to put video collaboration in every intelligent meeting room, all with care-free maintenance. It makes intelligent meeting rooms easier to procure, setup, use, and maintain, whether it’s in one small huddle room or across an entire company. And through the company’s unique HaaS delivery model, anytime there’s a new feature or technology improvement, every customer gets it. With Highfive, any business can quickly give workers a modern, digital workplace where every meeting room is equipped for flawless, immersive collaboration that provides a “like you’re there” experience. Channel-first, Channel-friendly Highfive has installed a new two-tiered distribution go-to-market model to partner with the industry’s leading distributors and resellers. Highfive’s channel program is led by Vice President Greg Popham, former U.S. director of small and medium business sales at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. “Highfive is channel-first, channel friendly,” commented Popham, who took over in January. “We set out to make our program simple and intuitive for partners. That includes making processes, pricing, and deal registration fast & simple. Plus, there are new medallion levels and other opportunities for partners to earn incremental, front-end margin as well as back-end benefits. Our program is more rewarding for partners, providing them with greater opportunities to drive revenue and grow with us.” Popham adds that partners earn full margin/compensation for contract renewals (on the whole solution) so partners get ongoing revenue streams instead of a one-time payment. It’s clear that Highfive has not just re imagined the meeting room experience, but also a new channel friendly motion to make reselling and provisioning Highfive as simple as using the product itself. 2019| 19August
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  • 24. hat do we call an area that is not limited to a Wsingle planet and has no physical boundaries? We call it the era of the emerging space resource industry. As humans, we became a spacefaring species 60 years ago when Russia launched Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite. We are the only species to achieve this milestone in the 4.5 billion year history of the earth. Later, the space industry began to develop after World War II, as rockets and satellites later found civilian purpose. Today, companies around the world are in transportation, energy sector, construction, hospitality, real estate, etc. and they are looking for their next growth opportunity. Space is quickly becoming a place where the industries that power our global economy have started conducting business. Future developments in the space industries include space tourism, satellite manufacturing, and the launch industry. In recent years, however, private spaceflight is becoming reality in the space industry. Of course, these private companies also compete against each other and it could be argued that a new space race has begun. But while with an element of competition, the success of the past decades shows that is possible to collaborate in space. For example, NASA a major government agency has relied on privately operated launch services like SpaxeX for its satellite launches. The original space race began from the ideas and skills of visionary theoretical engineers like Robert. H. Goddard, Wernher von Braun, and Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky, etc. Today, space endeavors are propelled by a new generation of entrepreneurs including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Robert Branson. There are some more major players and innovative companies with the vision of space exploration and are as follows: SpaceX- SpaceX was founded in 2002 and has reached worldwide popularity with their historic milestones in space exploration. It is already the world’s most high-profile commercial spacecraft company. The aim of SpaceX is to revolutionize the space technology, with the goal of enabling people to live on other planets. Its success has been worth appreciating. Falcon 9 launch vehicle and Dragon Spacecraft are some of its milestones. Dragon Spacecraft has helped with regular resupply missions for NASA space stations. Blue Origin- It was founded in 2000 by Jeff Bezos, the technological retail entrepreneur and CEO of Amazon, aims to launch people in space. It is fully reusable, vertical takeoff vertical landing (VVTL) space vehicle. Though its goal is different from that of SpaceX, it targets the Space tourism industry. It is focusing on commercially available, suborbital human spaceflight and has developed a vertical launch vehicle (new shepherd) for it. New shepherd is named after the Mercury astronaut Alan Shepherd, the first Innovative Companies in the Space Industry www.insightssuccess.com22 |August 2019
  • 25. American Astronaut to go in Space. It is designed to take astronauts and research payloads past the Karman line, the internationally recognized boundary of space. Boeing- Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer in space and security systems. Throughout the last 50 years, Boeing has been integral in every major endeavor to escape earth’s gravity. The satellite industry has made the headlines since the launch of its first Mercury capsule to the current ISS (International Space Station). NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) is the most powerful rocket ever built. Boeing is the prime contractor for the SLS design development, test, and production of the launch vehicle. SLS is the world’s only super heavy rocket capable of transporting astronauts to deep space. NASA is setting its eyes on the exploration of Mars with the help of Boeing technology. Boeing has successfully launched all of NASA’s Mars probes and rovers aboard Delta 11 launch vehicles. Recently Boeing engineer designed a spacesuit to protect astronauts from dust, radiation and other hazards when exploring the surface of moon and mars. Sierra Nevada Corporation- Selected by NASA, SNC’s Dream Chaser spacecraft is a multi-mission space utility vehicle. It used for transporting crew and cargo to LEO (Low Earth Orbit) destinations such as ISS (International Space Station). The system is designed to deliver up to 5,500 kg of pressurized and unpressurized cargo to the space station under the CRS (Commercial Resupply Service)-2 contract. It will carry supplies like food, water, & science experiments and returns to earth with a gentle runway landing. The spacecraft is selected by NASA to provide a minimum of 6 cargo missions to and from the space station by 2021. Sierra Nevada Corporation is making solid progress and likely to stay a key player in the private space company. Northrop Grumman Corporation- NGC is a leader in science and exploration in space for more than 60 years. Thiokol Chemical Company, now part of NGC developed the world’s first reusable space shuttle program in the late 1970s. Contribution to NASA: July 20, 1969, was a historic day when the world watched, astronaut Neil Armstrong took mankind’s first steps on the moon. The success of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission is still remembered and celebrated. Several heritage companies of NGC are recognized for the vital role they played in the achievement of the Apollo 11 mission. NGC designed, assembled, integrated and tested the Lunar Module (LM) of the Apollo program. NASA’s Northrop Grumman built Chandra X-ray Observatory and it continues to produce data that enables astronomers to make extraordinary discoveries. Launched in 1999, Chandra has found evidence for a significant new class of supernova. It has also uncovered evidence of a powerful outburst from the giant black hole at the Milky Way’s center. NASA has a long tradition of utilizing Northrop Grumman’s spacecraft, including the Spirit and Opportunity rovers that landed on Mars in 2004. The rovers will help guide the Mars as it investigates the viability of microbial life on the planet now or in the past. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will play an important role in studying planetary systems. NGC is the prime contractor for building the dreams of Webb technology. The telescope will be sensitive to infrared light which will enable it to understand an era of the universe just a few million years after the Big Bang. Made in Space- MIS is the space-based manufacturing company, dedicated to making of reliable Additive manufacturing equipment and fiber optics (MIS Fiber) for Space. Additive manufacturing is also known as 3D Printing and is transforming the industry. It can manufacture larger and more complex objects faster, with finer precision and with multiple aerospace grade materials. MIS Fiber Optics, on the other hand, is produced without crystals that affect signal loss. Later, these crystals provide superior data transmission capabilities, high-speed internet as well as enhancing technologies in space. Virgin Galactic- Virgin Galactic is a spaceflight company founded in 2004 by British entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson. It is developing commercial space crafts and aims to provide suborbital spaceflights to space tourists. VG uses a larger, four-engine jet plane that carries passengers into space. It is similar in design to a private plane. These private space firms seem to have different interests in the space race, but actually, these companies share the same goals. Looking at the future, there will be a need for laws, regulation, and controlling authority to govern space exploration. It will be necessary to have firm and well- understood protocols in the event space crashing, while there are serious issues around the safety of astronauts as well. At the moment, the UN’s Outer Space Affairs is responsible for promoting international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space. Perhaps, the entry of the private sector into space exploration will contribute to the growth of the economy as valuable targets for investment. However, it will be interesting to see how healthy competition opens up in the development of the Space Era for Citizens. Infrastructure Transforma on 2019| 23August
  • 26. with Most leveraging best-in-class processes, and empowering our team to achieve and grow. Connecting Businesses For nearly 50 years, MultiTech has consistently connected businesses in ways previously unimaginable, ranging from the earliest analogue systems to the IoT, and the latest low-power wireless technology. The company has no intention of slowing down and it is continuing its legacy of firsts with the world’s first commercially deployable LPWA suite of communications devices and related network management tools. nternet of Things (IoT)! For some it’s just a fad, for Isome it’s a great piece of technology. However, despite many contradictory statements and theories, we must thank the technology for making our lives much easier. Enters MultiTech, an organization that develops and manufactures data communications equipment for the industrial Internet of Things—connecting physical assets to business processes to deliver enhanced value. The organization’s mission is to make connected technology easy to adopt and use by focusing on customer needs, developing innovative solutions, outpacing market change, Transforming the Way We Live Stefan Lindvall CEO MultiTech www.insightssuccess.com24 |August 2019
  • 27. MultiTech consists of about 200 people nowadays, with a global footprint. It has operations which include manufacturing and supply chain, program management, finance and legal, and IT. Of course, its engineering and innovation organization is absolutely critical to its success, as it has always been an engineering-driven organization. Today, MultiTech’s sales and marketing teams are gaining prominence. The organization continues to fine tune itself, which is a must do for the kind of sustainability it has enjoyed. Also, the company believes, understanding the balance between people, tools and process is very critical. Not one part of that triangle can accomplish MultiTech’s goals on its own. When the Future Lies in Rolling out New Technologies When it comes to the future of the organization, one can expect to see MultiTech much more aggressive in terms of rolling out new technologies, product enhancements and tailored support services. The focus is to help the customers navigate the technology landscape, identify the most appropriate solution for their specific applications and ultimately, solve their biggest IoT pain points. Most importantly, MultiTech intends to continue contributing to a better future. Client Feedback “MultiTech has allowed me to do things for my customers that I previously thought were impossible.” – Steve Schuh, Owner, Schuh Electronics. “MultiTech has made our integration into the IoT community seamless.” – Kyle Prichard, Operations Director, Smartfield. “There is no doubt MultiTech is the smart choice for our business.” – David Walker, President, RTC. “With our development, MultiTech is a key factor. No need to say more.” – Eugene Smit, Engineering Director, Leap Electronics. According to the company, the IoT is creating new customer experiences and unparalleled economic value, while improving quality of life for countless people around the globe. By providing products and services to connect “things” to the Internet, MultiTech delivers deeper understanding to businesses, governments, organizations and individuals, which will in turn transform the way we live and work. A Massively Experienced Leader Stefan Lindvall, the CEO of MultiTech brings more than 20 years of experience in the wireless industry to the organization. Before joining MultiTech, he founded Connected Development. He also served as President of the Americas at Wavecom and before that held various leadership positions at Sony-Ericsson, including Vice President of M2M sales, Americas. Stefan’s leadership has brought the MultiTech team closer to its customers – with the right people in the right places; a few tweaks to its go-to-market strategy, and the right mix of exciting new products. At MultiTech, Stefan fosters a culture of entrepreneurship, creativity and accountability amongst the team, resulting in an organization intensely focused on execution across every part of its business from sales to engineering to manufacturing and operations. Acknowledging the Differentiators According to MultiTech, competitive differentiation requires constant vigilance. It helps a lot to be first, which the organization has been able to do more frequently in the past few years. It also requires an intimate knowledge of the customer set and considers the voice of the customer in everything it does. Finally, it is important to acknowledge what the differentiators are, as well as those of the competition. Even sometimes, when the organization is not the best fit, pointing those customers to a more suitable vendor promotes trust and pays off in the end as both those prospects and competitors acknowledge and return the favor. Understanding the Balance between People, Tools and Processes As per the organization, getting something started is not the easy part; it’s a lot of work. And to make it stay so that one is viable year after year, one has to be willing enough to invest. That means one has to take time and talent of his/her own and others and make it so that one can sustain the “genes” that already exist. Companies need somebody watching out for all that stuff in order to make sure the same energy is applied to sustaining what went into starting a business. If one is putting a process together, then he/she has to make sure it is used on a daily basis. Our vision is to be the preferred provider for innovative connected technology destined to transform our world. “ “ 2019| 25August
  • 28. OnePoint Patient CareUnwavering Commitment and Compassionate Care to Patients Jeffrey Hohl CEO Jim Otterbeck Chairman The world of hospice pharmacy revolves around life, death and responsibilities. Pharmacy providers are hospices’ front line when it comes to successfully managing patients’ symptoms and quality of life. One Point Patient Care understands that providing quality and dignity of life is as important as the length of life and is a demanding responsibility. OnePoint began in 1965 with a single dispensing pharmacy in Phoenix, AZ. In the 1980s, when the Medicare benefit for hospice took effect, OnePoint became a pioneer in providing local hospice pharmacy services to the growing hospice industry. Since that time, its innovative approach has combined the typically separate businesses of pharmacy and pharmacy benefits management, serving as a single comprehensive and accountable partner. Currently, it owns and operates 10 hospice-centric pharmacies strategically located throughout the United States and in the process of opening five additional pharmacies by 2020 in direct response to growing demand by hospices for its local dedicated hospice pharmacy model. OnePoint prides itself on being the most adaptable and flexible hospice pharmacy partner in the pharmacy industry. Through its local, mail order and PBM services, it fills prescriptions, creates custom compounds and formularies, OnePoint’s approach since our founding has not changed. We believe that owning and operating our own pharmacies translates to a level of customer service unmatched in the industry. Our continued growth demonstrates that there simply is no substitute for decades of local hospice experience. www.insightssuccess.com26 |August 2019
  • 29. with Most provides home deliveries, and manages pharmacy benefits for more than 250 hospice programs and 32,000 patients daily in all 50 states. E-Prescribing Made Easy Use of accurately designed e-prescribing systems prevents medical errors. OnePoint’s medication app, OneConnectPoint , is specifically® designed for hospices, empowering clinicians to spend less time dealing with pharmacy and more time caring for patients. Clinicians can quickly and easily e-prescribe, admit patients, update medication profiles and much more, right from their smartphone, tablet or laptop. The app integrates seamlessly with the hospice’s EMR so that it’s easy to electronically order and refill medications, verify orders in real time, send messages to authorized approvers, and access important clinical tools including Therapeutic Interchange Evaluation Report (TIER), Plan of Treatment (PoT) and Formulary Dispense Detail reports. Innovative PBM Platform OPPC’s PBM (Pharmacy Benefits Manager) platform is the most adaptable in the hospice industry and is designed to support superior, cost- effective patient care. It optimizes cost management by providing transparency in pricing models, leveraging deep clinical expertise and providing real-time evidence-based therapeutic and deprescribing recommendations using online tools. Real-time reporting gives users the ability to track patient’s medication management and quality of care goals with 24-hour access to comprehensive administrative, clinical and compliance reporting. OnePoint understands that no two hospice programs are the same: accordingly, OPPC offers hospices multiple payment methods such as transparent cost plus pricing, traditional fee for service and a new “essential” per diem designed to control costs. Some partners even employ different models across separate sites. In addition to its adaptable pricing methods, OnePoint offers customized formularies to meet hospices’ unique cost goals, prescribing philosophies and best practices for cost effective symptom management. Unique Insight into Hospice Patient Needs As a hospice pharmacy leader for more than 30 years, OPPC takes pride in providing a world-class customer service experience along with the most efficient mail order delivery model in the industry. The company’s strategically located, owned and operated hospice pharmacies enable OnePoint to provide local dispensing and delivery. OnePoint provides same day ordering and delivery wherever the medication is needed, whether it’s the patient’s home or an IPU. Hospice pharmacy requires unique expertise. OnePoint recruits and retains leading pharmacy professionals who specialize in hospice care. The pharmacy leader has a clinical team with deep knowledge of hospice medications, dosage conversions, interactions and alternative therapies. The company’s OneConnectPoint portal gives on-demand access to patient history, drug profile, diagnoses, Rx order history, real-time order status and more. All staff members have electronic access to full patient profiles and drug history at their fingertips. With a single phone call and virtually no-wait time, hospice care team members can speak directly to a knowledgeable hospice pharmacy professional. Dedicated Service Delivery Managers are responsible for ensuring a positive service experience and resolving any issues in a timely manner. Expanding to Meet Future Demand OnePoint plans to continue nationally expanding its local pharmacy model. As a privately held company, OnePoint has the necessary agility to meet emerging hospice needs. By keeping its ear to the market and regularly engaging partners and prospects to identify areas of need for hospices, OnePoint aims to enable nurses and other caregivers to focus on exceptional patient care rather than time-consuming administrative tasks ranging from patient documentation to facilitating medication and home care product procurement. Solid Leadership Under Chairman Jim Otterbeck’s leadership, in addition to acquiring its original hospice pharmacy in 2005, OnePoint has grown both its census and revenue by over 400% and captured approximately a 10% share of the national hospice pharmacy services market and growing. Jim earned an MBA in economics and marketing from Northwestern University’s J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management and a BBA in decision sciences from the University of Iowa. As the CEO of the organization, Jeffrey Hohl, oversees OnePoint’s sales, services and technology. He previously served as OnePoint’s president and COO, driving its market and operational expansion. Jeff has 30 years of new business growth experience, including business and new product development, operations, marketing, distribution channel management, and product/technology licensing. He has held leadership roles at several organizations including The VenCom Group and The MAC Group/Gemini technology and telecommunications practice. He received his BS in engineering from Harvey Mudd College and a BA in management/economics from Claremont McKenna College. 2019| 27August
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  • 32. Pivotal Systems A Key Player in the Semiconductor Industry Semiconductor devices influence our lives on a daily basis and are all around us. They can be found in just about every commercial product we touch, from the family car to the pocket calculator. They are contained in television sets, portable radios, stereo equipment, and much more. Science and Industrial space also rely heavily on semiconductor devices. Research laboratories use these devices in all sorts of electronic instruments to perform tests, measurements, and numerous other experimental tasks. Industrial control systems (such as those used to manufacture automobiles) and automatic telephone exchanges also use semiconductors. Even today, heavy-duty versions of the solid-state rectifier diode are used to convert large amounts of power for electric railroads. This creates a need for handling, controlling, and manufacturing semiconductor applications. Pivotal Systems provides the best-in-class gas flow monitoring and control technology platform for the global semiconductor industry. The company’s proprietary hardware and software utilizes advanced machine learning to enable preventative diagnostic capability resulting in an order of magnitude increase in productivity and capital efficiency for existing and future technology nodes. The platform includes Pivotal’s Gas Flow Controller (GFC) product lines that offer high-accuracy, real-time monitoring and control of the most critical parameters difficult to control in wafer processing today: Gas Flow and Chamber Condition. Inception Story The Executive Team at Pivotal Systems has decades of experience in the semiconductor industry working at the leading process equipment companies. John Hoffman, the CEO of the company, has over 30 years of global high technology management experience building growth organizations in both semiconductor and information technology markets. Dr. Joe Monkowski was the President of Lam Research and Officer at Advanced Energy. Nori Kobayakawa was an executive at KLA-Tencor, the leading metrology and Inspection Company in the world. All of them came together understanding that the singular goal of the largest global semiconductor manufacturers and largest global equipment companies was to enable the manufacture of better semiconductor devices per hour of production. They all understood that speed and repeatability of existing gas flow control systems was a significant limiter and it was a technology segment that was ripe for innovation. An All Encompassing CEO Prior to joining Pivotal Systems, John was a Senior VP with Spencer Trask Ventures, a New York based venture capital firm. While at Spencer Trask, John was primarily involved in the solar and integrated circuit efforts of the firm. Prior to Spencer Trask, John was the Chief Executive Officer of RagingWire Enterprise Solutions, an Inc. 500 fastest growing private company. John reorganized the company and enabled record growth in revenue and profitability during his tenure. John has also been an officer at Applied Materials for 18 years and ran several of their largest business groups while there. John was the President of the billion dollar “Etch Product Business Group”, VP and GM of the Process Control and Diagnostic Business Group and the General Manager of the Customer Service Division which grew by over 300% during his tenure. John has a B.S. from the United States Military Academy at West Point and an Executive MBA (AEA) from Stanford University. He currently serves on several Boards of Directors and Advisory Boards. Overview on Innovative Products Pivotal Systems is driven by Innovation coupled with continuous improvement. When the company was established, it approached the gas flow control problem from an entirely different direction. It used nanotechnology and machine learning to effectively change the competition. The key point to remember is that if a company uses www.insightssuccess.com30 |August 2019
  • 33. something for the first time in an Industry, every improvement it makes is effectively continuous innovation. Pivotal’s Gas Flow Controllers and Flow Ratio Controllers solve key semiconductor manufacturing issues through a proprietary hardware design, which is underpinned and driven by an internally developed and proprietary software operating system. This provides accurate and repeatable flow control and real-time measurement no matter the dynamics of semiconductor wafer processing. Ultimately, Pivotal’s products enable there billion dollar customers the ability to make more money while preserving resources. Wide-reaching Pivotal Systems Applications Much of the electronics and technology that is used by corporates and consumers today contains either IC and/or OSD devices. Pivotal’s current product portfolio controls the flow of gas into process tools used in the production of ICs. Pivotal’s devices are either sold to: • Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs): to be used in both deposition and etching process tools supplied to Integrated Device Manufacturers for application in the semiconductor manufacturing process. • Integrated Device Manufacturers (IDMs): to retrofit existing process tools installed in semiconductor fabrication plants. Pivotal Systems’ technology and innovation paves the way for the future of gas flow control. The flow control technology combines Pivotal’s patented, high accuracy ™ GFM system with patented control valve technology. As such, it leapfrogs the current MFC technology by offering an order of magnitude improvement on key flow parameters, thereby enabling high efficiency advanced wafer-manufacturing processes. Future Trends and Sustaining Competency Pivotal Systems’ future is just like every other company in the world, it is what the employees and management make it to be. The organization collectively needs to show up every day and continuously support its customers by bringing them continued value. If the company is able to work in this manner, its future is bright. Pivotal Systems future is driven by a shared vision of excellence and innovation coupled with relentless pressure to execute. New integrated circuit designs and new materials are continually bring introduced to make the next generation of devices. Pivotal’s engineering team is focused on continuously optimizing and improving both the hardware and the software platform in conjunction with strategic customer requirements. Pivotal Systems will be the leader in gas flow control in the Semiconductor Industry. with Most John F. Hoffman CEO 2019| 31August
  • 34. Promoting Creativity and Innovation Since 1921 Augusto Mitidieri CEO Everything we do is to achieve scientific leadership. We are continuously improving the way we work, taking the best we can of the capabilities we already have and building those we are need of. “ “ www.insightssuccess.com32 |August 2019
  • 35. with Most Innovation is the definition of progress and become the mainstay of organizations. The arena of global business industry has been changed by the speed of innovation. Sintetica is a Pharmaceutical company delivering injectable anaesthetics and analgesics to patients worldwide, through innovative science and excellence in development, production and marketing. Sintetica Founded in 1921, since then it became hospital market leader for analgesics and local anesthetics, with offices located in Germany, Italy, England and two national production and development sites in Mendrisio and Couvet, with 300 employees. Innovative Management Model Sintetica’s dynamic, innovative and growth-oriented corporate environment, combined with the corporate strategy which is based on the global diffusion of innovation. It requires deep focus in order to build a management model that able to be “dynamic and innovative” and to help the company in the difficult task of balancing the strategy with operations. If, on the one hand, the human-centered organization will ensure the effectiveness/efficiency of the processes, thanks to its strong managerial cultural connotation oriented towards responsibility and merit, on the other hand, the new management model will have to ensure continuous consistency between operations and strategy. Inter-functional Management Routines (IMR) will therefore be created, which consists of groups of people whose level of responsibility is not necessarily homogeneous, coming from heterogeneous functions, able to harmonize operations with the strategy in the hinge sectors for the development and growth of Sintetica. Basically, an IMR pool which thanks to the exchange of critical information, decides and acts "easily" by continuously combining strategy, and operations, and maintaining a live coordination throughout the entire organization. They will be able to reach a horizontal dimension thanks to inter functionality and the exchange of decisive information; but also a vertical dimension, thanks to the multilevel composition and the mechanism of the peripheral decisional autonomy present in the organization. Rebuilding strategy in operations means acting, changing one or the other, and correcting routes, abandoning old paths all in the shortest time possible, and with the highest involvement of responsibility in the organization. The expected result is maximum agility. Proficient Leadership Augusto Mitidieri, CEO of Sintetica, is an Italian and Swiss citizen, graduated in Management Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. He also obtained a CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) in Economics and Health Policy at the University of Lausanne. His work in the pharmaceutical industry began in 1996. In 2000 Augusto joined Sintetica SA, Mendrisio (TI), as Production & Engineering Manager. In Sintetica, he also worked as Quality Assurance Manager, before becoming General Manager of the Company in 2004. Since 2011 Augusto has held the position of Corporate CEO of the Sintetica Group. Under his guidance, Sintetica SA, the oldest pharmaceutical company in Ticino, has undergone a period of extraordinary growth and entered international markets with its high- quality products in the sector of local anaesthesia and pain therapy. Able to implement a real strategic vision which places the individual at the very centre of corporate decisions, Augusto Mitidieri, together with the whole of Sintetica SA, has earned important international awards and recognition. Human-Centered Organization Sintetica’s “human-centered” organization model is based on a deep cultural change. It requires an innovative managerial philosophy, which places responsibility and merit on center, changing organizational models and behaviors at all levels. Merit is Always Valued It is clear that in today’s dynamic scenario, people will grow by merit. The merit must be recognized at all levels with feedbacks (on work) and rewarding (recognition of merit). In Sintetica it is believe that “The merit of each manager is the “enriched” sum of the success of every single member of his team. The received delegation must be used by every person of the organization with responsibility and autonomy and must be oriented towards achieving the objective. Those who deserve to decide will decide, thanks to their responsible and valid contribution to the achievement of the established goal. As already mentioned, the conscious use of the feedback tool is fundamental in order to improve you in a clear and honest way. If you make a mistake, apologizing to the people concerned and assuming your own responsibilities, will be the fairest and most appreciated way. 2019| 33August
  • 36. The Next Big Thing FintechThe Next Big Thing Fintech e are at a time in which technology advances at an incredible pace, unlike other generations, today’s society is Waccompanying technology, allowing it to develop without fear of looking back. Unfortunately, regulation and laws cannot advance at the same speed, and that is creating dangerous gaps that can destabilize the economy as we know it today. The crisis we have experienced during the last decade has shown the shame of the economic system, and its fragility in some aspects, such as its banking dependence. The latter has allowed alternative investment to hatch, and with it many fintech tools, blockchain systems, tools based on peer to peer, etc. Francisco Mariscal Co-founder & CEO www.insightssuccess.com34 |August 2019
  • 37. The problem we are experiencing is that, with the mentality of breaking the rules so as to write them again (something that in principle should be positive for society), we are forgetting the basic rules on which our society is based; data protection, right to privacy, capital controls, or protection of retailers, are basic rules that should not be forgotten, because if we do so, we are going back in time despite being in the most advanced technological cycle in history. And this can lead to a spiral as much or more dangerous than the crises we have experienced in recent decades. Do not mistake the passion necessary to advance in a disruptive business, with moving forward at any price, the next decade will be marked by major changes in many sectors: Fintech, Insurtech, Foodtech, Legaltech, etc. As we can see in their names, they all rely on technology, in which in most of the cases there is no regulation or jurisprudence, so we must be cautious with the rules on which we write, because if we do it in the wrong way we will be wasting the opportunity that is being given to us. A clear example of the above is that the majority of cryptocurrencies, which as we all know are written under Blockchain technology. The blockchain technology is very reliable, but it is not infallible, and unfortunately the states are not prepared for its supervision and control, so even though its survival and development is clear, here the market is not ready to hatch, and unfortunately we are seeing how it advances at a speed of madness, and possibly we will see scary situations, because the vested interests are very high, and possibly some are not entirely licit. Another example, are the famous ICOs, in 2017 we have seen how the volume under management with this type of product has multiplied by 5 in direct investment on the same type of asset, I do not say that that is bad in itself. But when we see that companies that have not been able to finance themselves by normal alternative investments, manage not only to do it by this method, but also obtain three times the capital they needed, it looks like we are facing a bubble, and that if it is not controlled can only bring problems to the system, and possibly the ones that will pay for this will be the usual ones, the retail investors. All this will bring fear into the tools that are being born now, and could end up becoming a mere frustrated attempt, instead of a complement of the future. Both examples described above are allowing us to generate inflation in value and price, something which we all know what it will bring us. It is clear that crises, like wars, generate poverty, although in the long term these allow the pillars upon which the economies are built to be more solid, and with that comes certain economic evolution and improvement, at least to date. Therefore, my insistence on control, at least in what affects citizens, the companies can take risks, but without transferring them to people. In general, the fintech sector has a huge market for its development potential, disintermediation and the creation of value for the user will mark the next decade. The new generations want products that provide value and that do not generate captivity of anything or anyone. And this is my reflection, to generate value to the user, it is something more than just to provide a friendly and easy to use tool, we must protect the users and explain the risks to be assumed. We are seeing how many investment platforms sell high- risk products to their users through marketing tools. It is clear that we could not live on a banking product eternally. But what can not be allowed is that the rules of protection for retail investors are violated, because in doing so we will be destroying a complement of value to the traditional banking product. As a conclusion of all the above, almost all the Fintech tools have a long life ahead, the regulation is tracking behind, but if we want it to last over time, we must not forget the basic rules of user protection in all its aspects. Although there are no rules in most cases we must use common sense, which in many cases we are demonstrating that it is the least common of all the senses. Users are our loudspeaker to change things, and if we mistreat them, all they will say is that we are another failed attempt at evolution. Francisco Mariscal is a Founding Partner of Fellow Funders. Telecommunications and industrial organization engineer from Universidad Europa, he has a master’s degree in Quantitative Finance from AFI and an Executive MBA from EAE Business School. About the Author Leader’s Take 2019| 35August
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  • 42. Addressing Women in the Trucking Industry Workforce Women In Trucking, Inc. Women’s empowerment is not limited to technical careers; instead, women have explored and contributed in many industries and are providing much- untapped potential. One example is in the area of trucking. Ellen Voie, a passionate and prolific leader, has worked very hard to further the advancement of women in the trucking industry. Through a vision of creating an organization which focuses on increasing the number of women employed in the trucking industry, she founded Women In Trucking Association, Inc. Since its inception in March 2007, the mission of the organization has been consistent. The goal is to increase the employment of women in the trucking industry; to address obstacles that might keep women from entering or succeeding in the trucking industry, and to celebrate the success of its Ellen Voie CAE members. The organization is the only group that focuses on encouraging and supporting women in the trucking industry and includes over 4,000 members in seven countries. Disruptive Solutions with Expected Challenges To support its mission, the Women In Trucking (WIT) Association is a resource for the trucking industry and offers numerous publications, data and educational opportunities for its members. First, to encourage employment, Women In Trucking Association has a career center on its website where employers can post jobs, and members can find great companies who value women as employees. In an effort to promote the industry to the next generation, Women In Trucking Association has been proactive to reach out to children through a truck driver doll (available on or, a supply chain activity book and a patch and curriculum for girls to earn through the Girl Scout/Girl Guide program. Women In Trucking Association has also done a great deal of research on how to attract and retain female drivers and offers a recruiting guide to its members. In addressing obstacles, Women In Trucking Association has also created an anti-harassment employment guide for trucking companies to use when pairing unrelated individuals in the cab of a truck, for team or training situations. The association has also worked with truck manufacturers to create a more ergonomic cab that provides a more comfortable fit for female drivers through more adaptability inside the cab. From pedals to seats to the dash, mirrors, hood and even an alarm system and an enclosed area for a porta-potty, these design changes create a more ergonomically correct cab for both women and men. The organization has initiated an annual WIT Index, which measures the percentage of women in management positions, as well as the percentage of female professional drivers. The WIT Index also includes tracking women serving on the boards and in management roles of the publicly traded carriers in the US. Celebrating the successes of its members is a significant focus for the association. From a “Member of the Month” to an annual “Distinguished Woman in Logistics” and “Influential Woman in Trucking,” WIT helps these women become recognized and honored. The US and Canadian “Salute to Women Behind the Wheel” celebrates professional female drivers who are honored for their role as pioneers in the trucking industry. The WIT Image Team offers positive exposure through the media featuring various members in USA Today, Oprah Magazine, the “Today Show,” “Dr. Oz” and 20/20 with Diane Sawyer, along with numerous radio and print publications. with Most www.insightssuccess.com40 |August 2019
  • 43. ‘Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.’ Push yourself and your staff to test limits and create change in the process. From the chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board to the Federal Motor Carrier Administration leaders, Senators, Congressmen and State Secretary of Transportation have been given a glimpse inside the life of a professional female driver. Recognition worth Addressing Women In Trucking Association and its President/CEO, Ellen Voie, have received numerous awards. In 2012, the organization was honored by the White House for being a “Transportation Innovator Champion of Change” while Voie received the 2015’s “Distinguished Alumna of the Year” award from her alma mater—the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Division of Communication. In May 2016, she was honored as one of Fleet Owner’s Dozen Outstanding Women In Trucking. Voie has also been featured in and recognized by various business magazines and trade presses, below are some of them: Ÿ 2017, Insight Success Magazine’s “The Most Inspirational Leaders in Business” and “The 30 Most Innovative CEOs to Watch” Ÿ 2018, Beyond Exclamation Magazine’s “Top 10 Shepreneurs through the Glass Ceiling and Beyond” Ÿ 2019, Aspioneer Magazine’s “2018 Flying High Women Leaders”. Many organizations have recognized Ms. Voie for her accomplishments. In 2014, she was awarded the Frank W. Babbitt award from the Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association. This annual recognition is given to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding service to the trucking industry and association as a whole. Moreover, she is also the recipient of the Skinner Humanitarian Award presented annually to a trucking advocate in her state. In 2018, Voie was named the “Transportation Person of the Year” by National Association of Small Trucking Companies (NASTC). The Gems of WIT As Voie and her mission encourage empowerment, each team member has a specific area of responsibility and is given the latitude to act decisively with a high level of authority and accountability. Ellen states that each staff member has specific duties related to various activities yet they collaborate and brainstorm to generate new ideas. Currently, WIT is the global leader in providing the information, data, and resources required to increase the numbers of women employed in the trucking industry. Challenges Occur To Enlighten Ellen states the most significant challenge faced by the organization is in addressing the image of professional drivers. Voie said, “First, women don’t often consider careers in transportation or supply chain, so the association needs to show them they are wanted, valued and capable. Secondly, women are concerned about safety on the road, so this has been a major focus of the association.” By providing the resources, such as self-defense courses and products to protect professional drivers, the organization is offering safety tools for drivers. Also, the security system available in some newer trucks provides a higher level of safety. Additionally, by working with truck stops on lighting, security, and parking, the company focuses on keeping all female as well as male drivers safe in their work environment. An Outlook of WIT’s Future Ellen’s goal for the future at Women In Trucking Association is for expanding into more countries and to be the premier resource for information. By sharing best practices, successes, and challenges around the globe, the organization is providing valuable information for carriers, schools and government entities that are interested in creating opportunities for women in the trucking industry. She cites the data for the trucking industry in the US, women comprise less than the eight percent of the driver population, yet it’s the highest than anywhere else in the world; from zero in Saudi Arabia and the Philippines to just under three percent in Canada. The US takes the lead in the ranks of women in trucking and is witnessed as a leader also a resource globally. Testimonial: “This Lady has been the biggest influence, cheerleader, mentor, and friend for 17 years! Thank you Ellen Voie you have not only been my friend and a business colleague, but you’ve been the instrument to elevate my career as a Woman in the Trucking Industry!! I deeply humbly Thank you!! Love ya Girlie”—Ingrid Brown, Professional Driver and Image Team member “ “ 2019| 41August
  • 44. ZorroSign Taking Electronic Signature to the Next Level In 2015, ZorroSign was founded in order to use one of its co- founder’s patented electronic signature technology to create a unified platform of complete advanced Digital Transaction Management (DTM) Solution. The idea was to provide a highly secure, flexible, seamless, and robust solution to support end-to-end flows of document signature ceremonies for any situation, any industry, any department – for signatories located anywhere using any device. ZorroSign helps automate electronic signature related business processes, workflows, and approvals for any department, for any type of organization in any industry. Users can use ZorroSign anywhere, anytime, and on any device including using mobile browser and its native mobile app on iOS and Android operating systems. ZorroSign can also be deployed in Private POD, and Hybrid Cloud and On-Premise instances. The Passionate Leader Mr. Shamsh Hadi is the Co-founder and CEO of ZorroSign, Inc. Hadi is a serial entrepreneur and comes from a Real Estate, Education, Information Technology, and Hospitality background, lending his unique perspective to ZorroSign. He has over 12 years of experience in strategic investments around the world. Mr. Hadi holds degrees from Cornell University and University of Waterloo. Apart from being an avid scuba diver, he is also very passionate about the environment and supports and participates in various initiatives around the world that are making real impact to save the environment and make the world a better place. When Privacy is the Utmost Priority According to the organization, users are struggling to keep tabs on their information privacy. For most people safety and security of their personal information and documents carries utmost priority given today’s environment. However, even if it’s on top of their list, sometimes they are unable to ensure security of their information. Secondly, the market lacks intimate knowledge of advanced Digital Transaction Management and its potential to deliver a serious value to any organization. Finally, electronic signatures are very popular, however, there are four serious gaps in the solutions available in the market today. According to ZorroSign, these gaps are barriers to adoption of electronic signature for day-to-day business and enterprise applications and of high value financial and legal transactions. These gaps are: Ÿ Using an image of a signature super-imposed on a document instead of using ZorroSign real electronic signature (read digital bits). Ÿ 3rd party digital security certificates that expire every two years instead ZorroSign certificates and documents don’t expire. Ÿ Simple process of requesting eSignatures instead of having a true Digital Transaction Management system with support for complex workflows, templates, and business process automation. Ÿ PDF documents that can be tampered with and electronic signatures that can be forged instead of ensuring the sanctity of electronically signed documents (both digital and paper copies) with high level of security. Catering to Clients’ Needs since Inception The ZorroSign journey has been fantastic. The company has yet to come across one unhappy user of its solution as ZorroSign prides itself in enhancing the solution as quickly as possible to meet clients’ changing needs. In Q4, 2018 alone the company introduced more than 34 major enhancements where a majority of them were customer requests. ZorroSign’s initial struggles have been related to educating users that privacy and security of their data and documents should be number one priority and not speed and ease of use. 2018 had major headline hitting news where there had been major data breaches, implementation of GDPR and evidence of popular software with Most www.insightssuccess.com42 |August 2019
  • 45. We help our customers digitize their paper-based business transactions and help them go paperless. “ “ systems being abused for financial gains. This has given ZorroSign a good headwind, because now people are looking for solutions like ZorroSign instead of going with the household names that can’t guarantee the safety and security of their information and important financial and legal documents. Early on, ZorroSign witnessed that people often confused Blockchain with BitCoin, but now they comprehend the difference. CEO, Shamsh Hadi notes, “I believe over the last couple of years the world has educated itself more and understand that Blockchain is much more than just BitCoin and that cryptocurrency which were the early adopters of Blockchain is not the only industry where Blockchain can have incredible security and authenticity advantages.” Future Roadmap Armed with the proprietary electronic signature technology and a forward-thinking mindset about security and privacy, the ZorroSign founders quickly realized that in the “race to digital” the electronic signature solutions in the market have left some major breaches in the solution. ZorroSign always believed that there are fundamental ways people run their business, what they call “document signing ceremonies”, and the company envisions creating a solution that does not force people to compromise in their core values of how they run their business. When it comes to the future, ZorroSign’s customers can expect more capabilities and functionality in the areas of Advanced Digital Transaction Management, Workflows Automation, Business Process Optimization, and advanced security and privacy. ZorroSign will continue to innovate and incorporate state of the art technology in the areas of mobile biometrics, use of Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning into its solution. Shamsh Hadi Co-founder & CEO Zorrosign 2019| 43August