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EV Batteries
Exploring the Advances
in Technology and Range
A Comparative Analysis
Electric Vehicles vs. Internal
Combustion Engines
Haggai Dror
Senior Vice President, Chief
Commercial Officer, Managing
Director of eMobility
Shikun & Binui USA
VOL 10 I ISSUE 03 I 2023
is the Capacity
to Translate Vision
into Reality
Note For a Cleaner,
and Sustainable
In a world that's rapidly shifting towards sustainability and
environmental consciousness, the electric vehicle industry
stands at the forefront of technological innovation and
ecological responsibility. As we venture into this exciting
journey of discovery, Insights Success is thrilled to
introduce you to "10 Successful Leaders Leading the Way
in the EV Industry, 2023.”
The transformative power of electric mobility extends far
beyond mere transportation. It signifies a monumental shift
in how we perceive and interact with our environment,
promising cleaner air, reduced greenhouse gas emissions,
and a more sustainable future. The individuals and
companies featured in this issue have taken up the mantle of
this green revolution, pushing the boundaries of innovation
and engineering excellence. They are the pioneers who are
not just shaping the EV industry but also the broader clean
energy ecosystem.
As you turn the pages of this issue, you'll meet visionaries
who have redefined the concept of electric vehicles, making
them more efficient, accessible, and integrated into our
daily lives. From cutting-edge battery technologies that
promise longer ranges and faster charging times to
groundbreaking designs that merge aesthetics with eco-
friendliness, these creators are turning the EV landscape
into a canvas of possibilities.
Our editorial team embarked on an exhaustive journey of
research and interviews to curate this list of extraordinary
individuals and organizations. We've delved into their
stories, their inspirations, and the challenges they've
overcome. What emerges is a tapestry of dedication,
resilience, and the unwavering belief that a sustainable
future is not just a dream but an attainable reality.
Each profile offers a glimpse into the passion and ingenuity
that drive these innovators to redefine the boundaries of
what's possible in the EV industry.
Moreover, we delve into the trends and advancements that
are reshaping the EV landscape as a whole. From the
growing integration of AI and machine learning in EV
development to the expanding range of options in the
market, this issue offers a comprehensive snapshot of the
current state of electric vehicles.
As we celebrate the accolade of the 10 Successful Leaders
Leading the Way in the EV Industry, 2023, we invite you
to join us in recognizing their outstanding contributions.
Their work inspires not just the EV industry but also
underscores the importance of sustainable practices in our
ever-changing world. Together, we look forward to a future
where electric vehicles drive us toward a cleaner, greener
and sustainable tomorrow.
Angela Hultberg
A r t i c l e s
Sustaining Growth through
Responsible Business
P r o l e
EV Batteries
Exploring the Advances in
Technology and Range Improvements
A Comparative Analysis
Electric Vehicles vs. Internal
Combustion Engines
October, 2023
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Abhishek Joshi
Revati Badkas
Jenny Fernandes Anish Miller
Company Name
Alex serves as a prominent personality having a decade long
experience in the EV industry.
Featured Person
Vital EV
Alex Rae
Director & General
Angela Hultberg is a Global Sustainability Director at Kearney
and is supporting clients to transition to truly sustainable
business practices.
Angela Hultberg
Global Sustainability
Cara is a seasoned environmental professional with 25 years of
experience in the environmental/sustainability fields in both the
public and private sectors.
Plug'n Drive
Cara Clairman
President and CEO
Christian is a product Line Leader of CLEAN Technology
Transformation for the Commercial Vehicle industry in North
ZF Group
Christian Feldhaus
Head of Product Line
Driveline Systems ZF
North America - ZF
Commercial Vehicle
With over 35 years of experience as a corporate executive,
entrepreneur and strategic advisor, Don infuses energy and
momentum in teams, empowering them to identify, assess and
acquire optimal business outcomes.
Hillcrest Energy
Don Currie
Haggai Dror’s name is synonymous with foresight and
transformation in this domain. His journey embodies a
commitment to tying sustainability and innovation together.
Shikun & Binui USA
Haggai Dror
Senior Vice President,
Officer, Managing
Director of eMobility
John is a self-motivated professional with a long-standing
record of initiative and determination.
John Incorvaia
Market Segment Leader,
Renewable Energy &
EV Charging
Mackenzie is an ambitious professional with a passion for
enabling advancements in the EV industry.
Schneider Electric
Mackenzie Eldridge
V2X Enthusiast
and eMobility
Solution Engineering
Sahan is a strategic thinker who sees opportunities and displays
a strong enquiring leadership style while maintaining the
team’s focus on objectives.
Sahan Abeln
Head of EV
Sanna specialises in transactions within the utilities sector
providing strategic advice and legal solutions to UK's leading
network providers.
Birketts LLP
Sanna Chinenyanga
Associate Solicitor
Haggai Dror
Senior Vice President, Chief
Commercial Officer, Managing
Director of eMobility
Shikun & Binui USA
Haggai Dror's
Haggai Dror's
Haggai Dror's
Mobility is the use of electric vehicles (EVs) as a
esubstitute for traditional gasoline-powered
vehicles. EVs are powered by electricity, which
can be generated from a variety of sources, including
renewable energy. This makes EVs a more sustainable
and environmentally friendly transportation option
than gasoline-powered vehicles.
Innovation in eMobility is happening at a rapid pace.
Innovation and impact intertwine seamlessly, where
the future is built one visionary step at a time. Haggai
Dror's name is synonymous with foresight and
transformation in this domain. His journey embodies a
commitment to tying sustainability and innovation
As the Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial
Officer and Managing Director of eMobility at Shikun
& Binui USA, Haggai is transforming business models to
make EVs affordable and accessible. With a canvas as
vast as Shikun & Binui's endeavors, Haggai steers the
ship towards cutting-edge solutions that bridge the gap
between infrastructure and a greener tomorrow.
Let's explore the tale of a leader who showcases a passion
for progress and a dedication to shaping the world's future
one project at a time!
Empowering Tomorrow
Through his role, he found himself facing a remarkable
opportunity, an opportunity that held the power to
shape the future. His enthusiasm was palpable, for he
was an integral part of an industry that could leave an
indelible mark for generations to come.
The projects he embarked upon weren't just
tasks—they were the seeds of a legacy that might span
centuries. This thought was both exhilarating and
humbling, as it carried a weight of pride and
Today, with the world's eyes on climate change, the
importance of sustainability shines brighter than ever.
And there, in his unique role, he found himself at the
crossroads of innovation and responsibility.
Early engagement in development, combined with his
dedication to meticulous execution, promised the
chance to forge a path that could withstand the test of
As he looks ahead, he sees a journey filled with
challenges and triumphs, an opportunity to create
something truly significant.
Wheels of Change
EVs are pivotal to forging a more sustainable
environment, seamlessly aligning with the broader
efforts to curtail carbon emissions and transition
towards renewable energy sources.
In the context of urban environments, the impact is
both immediate and transformative. The elimination of
nuisances inherent to traditional gasoline vehicles, such
as noise, odors and exhaust fumes, improves the quality
of life in urban areas. An illustrative example is the
electric school bus, offering a tranquil journey for
youngsters (excluding the exuberant laughter they
share with friends) while safeguarding their delicate
lungs from polluted air.
As the majority of vehicles on roads evolve into electric
models, we anticipate a substantial shift in urban
planning and personal choice. Today, many homebuyers
avoid living near major roadways due to noise
disruptions from gasoline-powered vehicles. If vehicle
noise decreases or ceases completely, we can expect a
major paradigm shift.
An additional urban boon lies in the gradual
obsolescence of refueling infrastructure. Not only does
such infrastructure pose hazards within populated
areas, but it's also a significant source of pollution from
leaks and enduring environmental effects.
However, it's imperative to acknowledge that while EVs
present a compelling solution for urban contexts, there
remains groundwork to be laid on the power
generation front to meet the collective carbon emission
reduction targets as a society.
Greening the Road Ahead
In the grander context, it's crucial to acknowledge that
while transitioning automobiles from gasoline to
electric propulsion constitutes a significant stride in the
reduction of carbon emissions, there is an ongoing
imperative to fortify power generation efforts.
This stems from the reality that despite commendable
strides towards renewable energy generation, a
substantial proportion of the world's energy still
emanates from environmentally detrimental sources.
Our strategy
centers on avoiding
undue pressure,
recognizing that
undue haste can
mismatch a client
with an ill-suited
10 Successful Leaders Leading The Way in the EV Industry, 2023
Charting Green Routes
Haggai embraces a gradual and incremental approach
when facing the challenge of electric mobility. He
understands that this transition isn't a swift shift, but a
journey spanning time.
Even with the most optimistic projections, a critical
mass of electric vehicles on the roads might take a
decade to achieve. However, within that period, an
exponential rise in their numbers is expected.
He stands by the principle of acknowledging the
extended nature of this change. Electric vehicles will
coexist with gasoline-powered ones for a while, calling
for a measured strategy rather than a sudden overhaul.
Haggai advocates for meticulous planning while
maintaining the agility to adapt. By ensuring
infrastructure development slightly outpaces vehicle
adoption, a seamless integration of EVs within existing
urban landscapes and transportation networks
becomes feasible. In this patient and strategic path, the
future of electric mobility finds its strong foundation.
From Highways to Greenways
As Haggai's words encourage, Shikun & Binui embark
on innovative journeys, leaving a mark on electric
mobility. A prime example is their fleet electrification
initiative. Collaborating with car, bus and truck fleet
operators, they offer holistic solutions that extend
beyond electrification, revolutionizing fleet
At the core of their approach lies energy management.
Fleet depots morph into dynamic energy hubs, where
vehicle recharging becomes streamlined artistry.
Driven by cutting-edge software, this system optimizes
charging, slashing costs in the process.
Their focus extends to tailoring electric vehicle
solutions to each client's unique needs. Energy
management software harmonizes with vehicle
telematics, birthing a powerful fusion. This synergy
births electric vehicles that shine in energy efficiency,
driving experience and cost-effective maintenance.
Understanding the initial capital hurdles, they pioneer
creative financing. S&B USA's financial prowess further
emphasizes its dedication to innovation, sustainability
Achieving our sustainability objectives requires
continued work towards sustainable power generation.
As Haggai wisely said, "The glory of the future will be
greater than the glory of the past." In the past decade,
certain renewable energies have indeed crossed pivotal
thresholds and within Shikun & Binui, they embraced
the privilege of being active participants in this
transformation, especially in solar energy. Their
contributions played a vital role in establishing some of
the world's largest solar fields.
The winds of change also swept through the domains of
solar energy and energy storage. Shikun & Binui took
the lead in overseeing three distinct energy storage
paradigms, each with a purpose—a battery facility in
California, salt storage in an Israeli solar thermal
project and a pumped storage facility in Israel.
With a steadfast presence in renewable energy for over
fifteen years, they embraced the path to electric
mobility solutions. This holistic approach ensures the
optimal harnessing of renewable power, driving the
shift from polluting vehicles to clean, emission-free
alternatives. Just as Haggai's words inspire, the glory of
his forward-looking endeavors shines brighter than
The yardstick of our
success is measured in
the contentment of
multiple stakeholders-
the end users, the
governmental bodies
overseeing regulations,
and all those in
Personally, Haggai places a significant emphasis on
ensuring that every stakeholder is equipped with the
right incentives. This involves aligning objectives and
goals, which can be achieved through well-crafted
incentives that resonate with each participant's
By uniting these principles—open communication,
meaningful interactions and tailored incentives—they
fortify collaboration, cultivating synergies that expedite
the adoption of electric vehicles and the establishment
of sustainable infrastructure.
Full Speed Ahead
Navigating the realm of fleet electrification, Shikun &
Binui's approach revolves around prudence and
tailored solutions. They, meticulously evaluate the
precise requisites of each fleet owner. By factoring in
contingencies such as weather conditions and
maintenance, gauging the viability of electric vehicles
within the context of the specific market application.
Haggai asserts, "Our strategy centers on avoiding undue
pressure, recognizing that undue haste can potentially
mismatch a client with an ill-suited solution." He also adds,
"Our primary aim is to preemptively address concerns
rather than exacerbate them—after all, a single instance of
a vehicle running out of power could significantly amplify
range anxiety.”
Transitioning to privately owned electric vehicles, he is
optimistic that the issue of charging infrastructure and
range anxiety will progressively diminish. This is
attributed, in part, to the increasing prevalence of fast
chargers along major travel routes in the United States,
largely facilitated by initiatives such as the federal NEVI
Shikun & Binui USA actively participates in this
program, contributing to the construction and
maintenance of these vital charging stations at various
strategic locations across the country. This concerted
effort aligns with the commitment to foster wider
adoption of electric vehicles by providing accessible
charging infrastructure that significantly alleviates
range anxiety concerns among consumers.
Sustainability Catalyst
Promoting sustainable change goes beyond tech
and efficient transport solutions. In this manner, they
heed Haggai's call, working with strength to sculpt a
pioneering electric mobility landscape.
Business with a Purpose
The visionary stands firm, merging environmental
consciousness with economic sustainability; To him,
every renewable solution, no matter how noble, must
hold a clear path to economic feasibility within 3-5
He knows immediate profits might not be the norm, but
he insists on a transparent roadmap to profitability.
Whether through scale benefits, technological strides,
or optimized strategies, the way forward must be clear.
Leading with foresight, Haggai's advice from the heart
is peering three steps ahead. It's a quest to identify the
most promising paths that gracefully balance
environmental care and financial strength.
For him, striking this equilibrium forms the heart of
initiatives that are not only environmentally aware but
also economically resilient. In this dance of vision and
strategy, he steers the ship toward a brighter, greener
horizon. Supporting the same, Haggai says, "Striking this
equilibrium is at the core of driving initiatives that are not
only environmentally conscious but also sustainable on an
economic front.”
Triple Bottom Line: Strategy, Collaborations and
This is indeed an area where Shikun & Binui has truly
excelled, leveraging a century of experience to navigate
complex coordination efforts. Haggai emphasizes, "Our
company's legacy is built precisely on such intricate
collaborations. The yardstick of our success is measured in
the contentment of multiple stakeholders—the end users,
the governmental bodies overseeing regulations, and all
those in between."
While acknowledging that perpetual unanimity is
unattainable, ensuring a substantial level of satisfaction
among the majority is pivotal for operational success.
Effective and transparent communication stands as the
cornerstone of this endeavor. Candid discussions,
coupled with substantial face-to-face interactions, play
a pivotal role in garnering commitment from all parties
We understand that
not everything can be
predicted right away,
so we approach new
trends and
technologies with an
open mind.
Education and demystification are crucial, especially
with transformative concepts like electric mobility.
Haggai mentions, "Tangible experiences are key."
Witnessing and engaging directly with electric vehicles
can resonate deeply with many people. The simplicity,
quietness and impressive performance of electric
vehicles can make a profound impact. Offering
opportunities for interaction and showcasing
capabilities effectively conveys the benefits of greener
"This creates a ripple effect," Haggai emphasizes. As
people experience and grasp electric mobility's
advantages, they become advocates, spreading the
message. This grassroots movement catalyzes a cultural
shift towards eco-friendly transport. Haggai affirms,
"Combining education, experiences and advocacy, we
inspire communities to embrace electric mobility for a
sustainable future.”
Eco-Forward Leadership
Staying at the cutting edge in a swiftly changing
industry demands flexibility and adaptability. Haggai
mentions, "We understand that not everything can be
predicted right away, so we approach new trends and
technologies with an open mind." Navigating the electric
vehicle sector, they assess risks astutely, akin to a
batter choosing their pitch.
This proactive approach positions S&B USA as an
industry pioneer, allowing them to leverage emerging
trends, embrace technological advancements and meet
evolving market demands head-on. Their commitment
to staying ahead ensures that they continue to set the
standard in the electric mobility landscape.
Sustaining the Drive
In the journey of being an electric mobility leader,
Haggai's story is filled with remarkable moments.
Recently, a significant milestone was reached as his
team secured a substantial $2.5 million grant.
The purpose? Establishing three swift charging stations
spanning Pennsylvania. One of these stations,
conveniently positioned near Pittsburgh, stands on a
vital commuter and traveler route encircling the city.
With an enthusiastic tone, Haggai remarks, "This
achievement echoes the Pennsylvania Department of
Transportation's faith in us." This endorsement not only
affirms their devotion to sustainable solutions but also
their commitment to electric mobility.
The notion of giving back to their local community
further amplifies the jubilation. By bringing the electric
mobility wave to their doorstep, they actively
contribute to a larger mission while fostering positive
changes in their vicinity. This noteworthy
accomplishment serves as the driving force, propelling
their unwavering commitment and zeal to mold an
electric mobility-driven future.
Roadmaps to Renewal
The tides have shifted permanently. Haggai notes,
"Major vehicle makers are putting billions into electric
vehicles." This marks a crucial turning point where we, as
a collective, are reshaping global transportation.
Fueled by commitment and zeal, our involvement
injects vitality and meaning into this movement.
Haggai's words capture the essence, "We're on the brink
of vast possibilities."
"This is a defining moment," Haggai reflects, highlighting
our role in this turning point. The fusion of dreams,
understanding and enthusiasm propels us to tangible
deeds. With each obstacle conquered, the vision of
sustainable transport comes closer to life. As a united
force, let's grasp this momentous occasion, crafting a
future that's not only promising but sustainable too.
EV Batteries
October 2023 | 16 |
Exploring the Advances
Exploring the Advances
Exploring the Advances
in Technology and
in Technology and
in Technology and
Range Improvements
Range Improvements
Range Improvements
lectric vehicles (EVs) have been steadily gaining
Etraction in recent years as a promising solution to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat
climate change. One of the key components driving the
adoption of EVs is the advancement in electric vehicle
batteries. These batteries have witnessed remarkable
progress in terms of technology and range improvements,
making EVs more practical and appealing to consumers. In
this article, we will delve into the recent advances in EV
battery technology and how these improvements are
contributing to extended driving ranges and greater
The Evolution of EV Batteries
Electric vehicle batteries have come a long way since their
inception. Initially, lead-acid batteries were used in early
EVs, but they were heavy, had limited energy storage, and
suffered from short lifespans. However, with advancements
in materials science and battery chemistry, several types of
batteries have emerged as frontrunners in the EV industry.
Lithium-ion Batteries
Lithium-ion batteries are the most common type of batteries
used in modern EVs. They offer a higher energy density
compared to older battery technologies, meaning they can
store more energy for a given weight. Over the years,
researchers have focused on improving the energy density,
cycle life, and safety of lithium-ion batteries. This has led to
a significant increase in the driving range of electric
Solid-State Batteries
Solid-state batteries are considered the future of EV power
sources. Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries, which use
liquid electrolytes, solid-state batteries employ solid
electrolytes. This design eliminates the risk of thermal
runaway, enhances safety, and allows for greater energy
density. Solid-state batteries have the potential to provide
significantly longer ranges and faster charging times,
making them a game-changer in the EV industry.
Range Improvements
The driving range of an electric vehicle has been a primary
concern for potential buyers. Early EVs had limited ranges,
which often deterred consumers from making the switch
from conventional gasoline-powered cars. Recent advances
in battery technology have significantly addressed this
Increased Energy Density
One of the most significant achievements in EV battery
technology is the increase in energy density. Modern
lithium-ion batteries can store more energy in the same
physical space, resulting in extended driving ranges. This
means that drivers can travel longer distances on a single
charge, reducing range anxiety and making EVs more
practical for everyday use.
Fast Charging
Advancements in battery management systems and
charging infrastructure have made fast charging a reality for
many EV owners. High-power chargers can replenish a
significant portion of an EV's battery capacity in a short
amount of time. This not only adds convenience for drivers
but also expands the practicality of electric vehicles for
long-distance travel.
Battery Thermal Management
Efficient thermal management systems have become
integral to EV batteries. Maintaining optimal operating
temperatures not only extends battery life but also ensures
consistent performance.
October 2023 | 17 |
Advanced thermal management systems enable EVs to
maintain their range even in extreme weather conditions.
Regenerative Braking
Regenerative braking systems, which convert kinetic energy
into electrical energy during braking, have become more
sophisticated. This technology helps increase overall
efficiency and contributes to extending the driving range of
Sustainability and Environmental Impact
Apart from range improvements, advances in EV battery
technology also have positive environmental implications.
As battery production methods become more sustainable
and recycling processes more efficient, the overall carbon
footprint of electric vehicles continues to decrease.
Additionally, the transition from fossil fuels to cleaner
energy sources for charging further enhances the
environmental benefits of Evs.
Solid-State Batteries: As mentioned earlier, solid-state
batteries are a highly anticipated advancement in EV
technology. These batteries offer several advantages,
including higher energy density, faster charging times, and
enhanced safety due to the absence of flammable liquid
electrolytes. Companies like Toyota and QuantumScape
have been at the forefront of solid-state battery
development. When these batteries become commercially
viable, they could revolutionize the EV industry.
Energy Density: Increasing the energy density of batteries
is an ongoing goal. Silicon anodes, for example, have
shown promise in significantly increasing energy storage
capacity. Furthermore, research into advanced electrode
materials, such as lithium-sulphur batteries, has the
potential to offer even higher energy densities than
conventional lithium-ion batteries.
Range Extenders: In addition to improvements in battery
technology, range extenders like hydrogen fuel cells and
onboard generators are being explored. These technologies
can complement batteries, providing longer ranges and
faster refuelling options. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, in
particular, have garnered interest for their potential to offer
zero-emission driving with longer ranges.
Fast Charging Networks: Rapidly expanding fast-charging
networks are making long-distance travel in EVs more
feasible. Ultra-fast chargers (350 kW and above) are
becoming more prevalent, reducing charging times
significantly. Companies like Tesla and Electrify America
are investing heavily in such charging infrastructure.
Battery Management Systems (BMS): Advanced BMS
technology allows for better monitoring and management of
individual cells within a battery pack. This not only
improves safety but also enhances overall performance and
extends the life of the battery.
Second-Life Batteries: EV batteries typically have a long
service life, but they eventually degrade to the point where
they are no longer suitable for vehicle use. However, these
"second-life" batteries can still have significant capacity left
for stationary energy storage applications, such as grid
support and home energy systems. This approach extends
the useful life of batteries and reduces waste.
Manufacturing Innovation: Innovations in battery
manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing and solid-
state manufacturing processes, are reducing production
costs and improving efficiency.
Environmental Considerations: Companies are
increasingly focusing on making EV batteries more
environmentally sustainable. This includes reducing the
carbon footprint of battery production, improving recycling
processes, and exploring alternative chemistries that use
less environmentally harmful materials.
October 2023 | 18 |
Sustaining Growth through Responsible Business
We live in a world where sustainable business
practices flourish. It is a world where
businesses are committed to reducing their
environmental impact and creating a more sustainable
future. In this realm, businesses use renewable energy
sources, such as solar and wind power to help the
environment, their employees and the community to grow
This vision is becoming a reality under the guidance of
Angela Hultberg, a distinguished figure in the realm of
global sustainability. Angela is currently a Global
Sustainability Director at Kearney and has been
instrumental in assisting clients in their transformation
towards genuine sustainability.
With expertise spanning sustainable transformation,
transport, ESG, circularity, and supply chain management,
Angela remains a trailblazer. In the niche of Business
Consulting and Services—embodied by Kearney's
ethos—Angela's story stands as a testament to turning
ambitious ideals into tangible realities.
Let's explore Angela's journey to sustainable
transformation and her impact on global sustainability!
Could you share a bit about your background and how
you became involved in the EV industry?
It happened accidentally, truthfully. Originally training as a
tax lawyer, I began my career in international corporate tax
consulting. Swiftly, I realized that path wasn't my fit.
Fortunately, Scania, the Swedish truck manufacturer,
extended an offer to join their trainee program—an
opportunity I eagerly seized, craving anything but tax law.
Shifting gears, I ventured into IKEA Transport. Here, I
recognized the imminent disruption sustainability concerns
was causing in the transport and automotive industries,
urging action against emissions and air pollution.
Deciding this was what I wanted to do with my career I
changed tracks, and eventually assumed leadership roles at
IKEA, focusing on sustainable transport.
My journey led me to the Climate Champions and COP26,
launching the ZEV declaration among other things. Now at
Kearney, I guide clients on sustainable transformations,
logistics decarbonization and value generation in this realm.
What personally drives your passion for electric vehicles
and sustainable transportation solutions?
It just needs to be done. We need to decarbonize. We need
to stay below 1.5 degrees. We need to make sure that people
can breathe air that is not toxic. I want to know that I did
my part to make that happen. Electric vehicles are the best
solution we have and I will do my very best to make sure
we accelerate the pace of the transition.
Can you highlight a defining moment or experience that
reaffirmed your commitment to the EV sector?
Personally, a standout moment was collaborating within
IKEA retail on achieving 100% zero-emission last-mile
deliveries. We targeted 5 global cities, transitioning from
zero to 100% EVs in a mere few years—a monumental
Despite the uncertainty, we communicated our intent
externally. Notably, Shanghai, a vast metropolis, achieved
this in under a year. Through teamwork, partnerships and
determination, it was accomplished within 9 months in
October 2023 | 20 |
My vision is to
have a world
where transport
and mobility are
affordable and
safe for
Angela Hultberg
Global Sustainability
October 2023 | 21 |
2019—pioneering such an initiative. This success affirmed
the feasibility of the right investment. Since then, my
conviction remains unwavering: it's attainable, essential and
Every journey has its obstacles. How have you overcome
challenges while paving the way in the EV industry?
Perseverance is key in the transport/automotive industry.
Many are skeptical initially; our task is to enlighten them.
Demonstrating functionality and value is crucial.
Throughout my journey, I've encountered constant
skepticism—range, costs, energy sources, weather
concerns, charging infrastructure—endlessly. Yet, every
success convinces skeptics, influencing change in mindset.
Patience is essential (although I have precious little of it).
Admittedly, some doubts persist, akin to unpopped popcorn
kernels. Eventually, a decision is needed to leave them and
progress forward.
How would you describe your leadership style and
philosophy when navigating the dynamic landscape of
I work in business, so my focus is always to show the value
of transitioning to EVs. Very few will do it only for
altruistic reasons, they want to see the business case.
I try to figure out what is keeping people and companies
from implementing changes and then I do my very best to
provide solutions and ways to overcome those barriers. We
already know what we need to do, now we need to support
others to find out how to do it as fast and good as possible.
Have there been mentors or influencers who have
significantly impacted your journey in the EV sector?
In the beginning, there was a touch of solitude, yet
companionship was never far. I connected with remarkable
individuals like John Boesel and Bill van Amburg at
Calstart, who imparted invaluable wisdom and still serve as
my inspiration. At IKEA, numerous incredible colleagues
enriched my journey, including the ever-effective Raphael
Working alongside Sandra Roling of EV100, Erik Björke of
EV100+ and the Climate Group team has been a privilege.
Time with Climate Champions introduced me to global
trailblazers like Jamie Plotnek, Monica Arya, Mohammed
Hegazy and Nigel Topping. Industry experts such as
Andreas Follér (Scania), Fredrika Klarén (Polestar),
Kristen Siemen (GM) and countless others continue to fuel
my inspiration.
Could you share a personal example of how your
innovative mindset has contributed to advancements in
the EV industry?
I am a people person, so I work a lot through relationships.
I do think the work we did at COP26 was a game changer,
having companies like GM, Ford, Volvo cars, JLR and
others signing the ZEV declaration and telling the world we
should have an end of ICE by 2035, along with
governments, regions, fleet owners and many more. It took
months of negotiations, many discussions and a lot of trust-
building, but we got there in the end.
How do you actively contribute to inspiring and
nurturing young talent interested in pursuing a career
in electric mobility?
How could you not get inspired by this, it is so exciting!
Since I have the privilege of working with this every day, I
also get to talk about it a lot. I'm sure my younger
colleagues are getting tired of hearing me go on and on
about it honestly!
I try and make sure to talk about this every chance I get
honestly, at conferences, in schools and at recruiting events.
It is a very exciting field, with lots of technology changes,
disruption and the opportunity to have a real impact, who
wouldn't want to work with that?!
Looking forward, what legacy would you like to leave
behind in the EV industry and what vision do you hold
for its future?
My vision is to have a world where transport and mobility
are sustainable, available, affordable and safe for everyone.
We desperately need to electrify, but we also need to make
sure we don't just buy new EVs in the north and send our
ICE to the south.
We need a just transition, we need to think of mobility as a
whole and that includes safety for women on public
transport, it involves many modes of transportation, cities
built to encourage bikes, shared mobility systems, and
much more. I hope my legacy is that I did all I could to
make that future happen.
October 2023 | 22 |
Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles vs.
Electric Vehicles vs.
Internal Combustion
Internal Combustion
Internal Combustion
A Comparative Analysis
October 2023 | 24 |
n recent years, the automotive industry has witnessed a
Isignificant shift towards more sustainable and
environmentally friendly transportation options. Electric
vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a viable alternative to
traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. This
comparative analysis aims to examine the key differences
between electric vehicles and internal combustion engines,
taking into account various aspects such as environmental
impact, cost, performance, and infrastructure.
Overall Effect
One of the most significant factors driving the adoption of
electric vehicles is their reduced environmental impact. EVs
produce zero tailpipe emissions, which means they do not
release harmful pollutants like carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen
oxides (NOx), and particulate matter. This reduction in
emissions contributes to improving air quality and mitigating
climate change. In contrast, ICE vehicles burn fossil fuels and
release these pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to air
pollution and global warming.
Additionally, the environmental benefits of EVs can be further
enhanced when the electricity they use is generated from
renewable sources like wind or solar power. This transition to
cleaner energy sources can significantly reduce the carbon
footprint associated with electric vehicles.
Cost of Ownership
The cost of ownership is a crucial consideration for consumers
when choosing between EVs and ICE vehicles. While the
upfront cost of electric vehicles is generally higher than that of
traditional vehicles, there are several cost-related factors to
Fuel and Maintenance: Electric vehicles are more energy-
efficient and have lower operating costs than ICE vehicles. EV
owners save money on fuel as electricity is typically cheaper
than gasoline or diesel. Moreover, EVs have fewer moving
parts and require less maintenance, leading to lower
maintenance and repair costs over the vehicle's lifetime.
Government Incentives: Many governments offer incentives
such as tax credits and rebates to promote the adoption of
electric vehicles. These incentives can offset the higher initial
purchase price and make EVs more affordable for consumers.
Resale Value: EVs tend to have better resale value compared
to ICE vehicles due to their lower maintenance costs and the
perception of being more environmentally friendly.
October 2023 | 25 |
Charging Infrastructure
Charging infrastructure is a critical factor in the widespread
adoption of electric vehicles. While ICE vehicles can be
refueled at gas stations almost anywhere, the availability of
charging stations for EVs varies by region. In urban areas,
charging infrastructure is generally more accessible and
convenient. However, rural areas and regions with limited
charging infrastructure may pose challenges for EV owners,
especially during long trips.
To address this issue, governments and private companies
are actively investing in expanding the EV charging
network to make it more accessible and convenient for
users. Fast-charging stations are also being developed to
reduce charging times, making EVs a more viable option
for long-distance travel.
Performance is another area where EVs and ICE vehicles
differ. Electric vehicles are known for their instant torque
and smooth acceleration. They offer a quiet and smooth
driving experience, with no engine noise. ICE vehicles, on
the other hand, may have a broader range of options in
terms of power and performance, including high-
performance sports cars and heavy-duty trucks. However,
EV technology is advancing rapidly, and high-performance
electric vehicles are becoming more common.
Environmental Impact
Emissions: Beyond just tailpipe emissions, the entire
lifecycle of a vehicle should be considered. While EVs
produce no tailpipe emissions, the manufacturing process of
their batteries does have an environmental impact.
However, as battery technology improves and becomes
more sustainable, this impact is expected to decrease.
Resource Utilization: The production of lithium-ion
batteries, which are commonly used in EVs, relies on the
extraction of minerals like lithium and cobalt. Sustainable
mining practices and recycling initiatives are being
developed to mitigate the environmental impact of resource
Fuel Costs: The cost of electricity is generally lower than
that of gasoline or diesel, resulting in significant fuel
savings over the lifetime of an EV.
Maintenance: EVs have fewer moving parts, reducing the
need for maintenance. ICE vehicles require regular oil
changes, transmission repairs, and more, which can add up
over time.
Depreciation: EVs tend to depreciate at a slower rate
compared to ICE vehicles, partly due to their lower
operating costs and the growing demand for electric
Charging Infrastructure
Charging Speed: Fast-charging technology is improving,
allowing EVs to charge more quickly. Some EVs can gain a
significant amount of range in just 30 minutes of charging,
but the availability of fast chargers varies by location.
Home Charging: EV owners can charge their vehicles at
home using a standard electrical outlet, making it
convenient for daily use. This contrasts with ICE vehicles,
which require visits to gas stations.
October 2023 | 26 |
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10 Successful Leaders Leading The Way in the EV Industry.pdf

  • 1. EV Batteries Exploring the Advances in Technology and Range Improvements A Comparative Analysis Electric Vehicles vs. Internal Combustion Engines Haggai Dror Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer, Managing Director of eMobility Shikun & Binui USA VOL 10 I ISSUE 03 I 2023
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  • 3. Leadership is the Capacity to Translate Vision into Reality
  • 4. Editors Note For a Cleaner, Greener and Sustainable Tomorrow
  • 5. In a world that's rapidly shifting towards sustainability and environmental consciousness, the electric vehicle industry stands at the forefront of technological innovation and ecological responsibility. As we venture into this exciting journey of discovery, Insights Success is thrilled to introduce you to "10 Successful Leaders Leading the Way in the EV Industry, 2023.” The transformative power of electric mobility extends far beyond mere transportation. It signifies a monumental shift in how we perceive and interact with our environment, promising cleaner air, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and a more sustainable future. The individuals and companies featured in this issue have taken up the mantle of this green revolution, pushing the boundaries of innovation and engineering excellence. They are the pioneers who are not just shaping the EV industry but also the broader clean energy ecosystem. As you turn the pages of this issue, you'll meet visionaries who have redefined the concept of electric vehicles, making them more efficient, accessible, and integrated into our daily lives. From cutting-edge battery technologies that promise longer ranges and faster charging times to groundbreaking designs that merge aesthetics with eco- friendliness, these creators are turning the EV landscape into a canvas of possibilities. Our editorial team embarked on an exhaustive journey of research and interviews to curate this list of extraordinary individuals and organizations. We've delved into their stories, their inspirations, and the challenges they've overcome. What emerges is a tapestry of dedication, resilience, and the unwavering belief that a sustainable future is not just a dream but an attainable reality. Each profile offers a glimpse into the passion and ingenuity that drive these innovators to redefine the boundaries of what's possible in the EV industry. Moreover, we delve into the trends and advancements that are reshaping the EV landscape as a whole. From the growing integration of AI and machine learning in EV development to the expanding range of options in the market, this issue offers a comprehensive snapshot of the current state of electric vehicles. As we celebrate the accolade of the 10 Successful Leaders Leading the Way in the EV Industry, 2023, we invite you to join us in recognizing their outstanding contributions. Their work inspires not just the EV industry but also underscores the importance of sustainable practices in our ever-changing world. Together, we look forward to a future where electric vehicles drive us toward a cleaner, greener and sustainable tomorrow.
  • 7. 22 Angela Hultberg A r t i c l e s C O N T E N T S 16 24 Sustaining Growth through Responsible Business P r o l e EV Batteries Exploring the Advances in Technology and Range Improvements A Comparative Analysis Electric Vehicles vs. Internal Combustion Engines 20
  • 8. October, 2023 Editor-in-Chief Senior Sales Manager Business Development Manager Marketing Manager Technical Head Technical Specialist Digital Marketing Manager Research Analyst Database Management Technology Consultant Merry D'Souza Deputy Editor Executive Editor Assistant Editors Visualizer David King Art & Design Director Associate Designer Sihanee M., Rouniyar A. Saurabh Mane Matthew S Sales Executives Sam, Shreyas Business Development Executives Steve, Joe Jacob Smile Prachi Mokashi Dominique T. SME-SMO Executive Sagar Lahigade Frank Adams Circulation Manager Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes Ankita Pandharpure Copyright © 2023 Insights Success, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Follow us on : We are also available on : Abhishek Joshi Revati Badkas Jenny Fernandes Anish Miller
  • 9. Brief Company Name Alex serves as a prominent personality having a decade long experience in the EV industry. Featured Person Vital EV Alex Rae Director & General Manager Angela Hultberg is a Global Sustainability Director at Kearney and is supporting clients to transition to truly sustainable business practices. Kearney Angela Hultberg Global Sustainability Director Cara is a seasoned environmental professional with 25 years of experience in the environmental/sustainability fields in both the public and private sectors. Plug'n Drive Cara Clairman President and CEO Christian is a product Line Leader of CLEAN Technology Transformation for the Commercial Vehicle industry in North America. ZF Group Christian Feldhaus Head of Product Line Driveline Systems ZF North America - ZF Commercial Vehicle Solutions With over 35 years of experience as a corporate executive, entrepreneur and strategic advisor, Don infuses energy and momentum in teams, empowering them to identify, assess and acquire optimal business outcomes. Hillcrest Energy Technologies Don Currie CEO Haggai Dror’s name is synonymous with foresight and transformation in this domain. His journey embodies a commitment to tying sustainability and innovation together. Shikun & Binui USA Haggai Dror Senior Vice President, ChiefCommercial Officer, Managing Director of eMobility John is a self-motivated professional with a long-standing record of initiative and determination. GPRS John Incorvaia Market Segment Leader, Renewable Energy & EV Charging Mackenzie is an ambitious professional with a passion for enabling advancements in the EV industry. Schneider Electric Mackenzie Eldridge V2X Enthusiast and eMobility Solution Engineering Manager Sahan is a strategic thinker who sees opportunities and displays a strong enquiring leadership style while maintaining the team’s focus on objectives. JLL Sahan Abeln Head of EV Solutions Sanna specialises in transactions within the utilities sector providing strategic advice and legal solutions to UK's leading network providers. Birketts LLP Sanna Chinenyanga Associate Solicitor
  • 10. Haggai Dror Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer, Managing Director of eMobility Shikun & Binui USA
  • 12. Mobility is the use of electric vehicles (EVs) as a esubstitute for traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. EVs are powered by electricity, which can be generated from a variety of sources, including renewable energy. This makes EVs a more sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation option than gasoline-powered vehicles. Innovation in eMobility is happening at a rapid pace. Innovation and impact intertwine seamlessly, where the future is built one visionary step at a time. Haggai Dror's name is synonymous with foresight and transformation in this domain. His journey embodies a commitment to tying sustainability and innovation together. As the Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer and Managing Director of eMobility at Shikun & Binui USA, Haggai is transforming business models to make EVs affordable and accessible. With a canvas as vast as Shikun & Binui's endeavors, Haggai steers the ship towards cutting-edge solutions that bridge the gap between infrastructure and a greener tomorrow. Let's explore the tale of a leader who showcases a passion for progress and a dedication to shaping the world's future one project at a time! Empowering Tomorrow Through his role, he found himself facing a remarkable opportunity, an opportunity that held the power to shape the future. His enthusiasm was palpable, for he was an integral part of an industry that could leave an indelible mark for generations to come. The projects he embarked upon weren't just tasks—they were the seeds of a legacy that might span centuries. This thought was both exhilarating and humbling, as it carried a weight of pride and responsibility. Today, with the world's eyes on climate change, the importance of sustainability shines brighter than ever. And there, in his unique role, he found himself at the crossroads of innovation and responsibility. Early engagement in development, combined with his dedication to meticulous execution, promised the chance to forge a path that could withstand the test of time. As he looks ahead, he sees a journey filled with challenges and triumphs, an opportunity to create something truly significant. Wheels of Change EVs are pivotal to forging a more sustainable environment, seamlessly aligning with the broader efforts to curtail carbon emissions and transition towards renewable energy sources. In the context of urban environments, the impact is both immediate and transformative. The elimination of nuisances inherent to traditional gasoline vehicles, such as noise, odors and exhaust fumes, improves the quality of life in urban areas. An illustrative example is the electric school bus, offering a tranquil journey for youngsters (excluding the exuberant laughter they share with friends) while safeguarding their delicate lungs from polluted air. As the majority of vehicles on roads evolve into electric models, we anticipate a substantial shift in urban planning and personal choice. Today, many homebuyers avoid living near major roadways due to noise disruptions from gasoline-powered vehicles. If vehicle noise decreases or ceases completely, we can expect a major paradigm shift. An additional urban boon lies in the gradual obsolescence of refueling infrastructure. Not only does such infrastructure pose hazards within populated areas, but it's also a significant source of pollution from leaks and enduring environmental effects. However, it's imperative to acknowledge that while EVs present a compelling solution for urban contexts, there remains groundwork to be laid on the power generation front to meet the collective carbon emission reduction targets as a society. Greening the Road Ahead In the grander context, it's crucial to acknowledge that while transitioning automobiles from gasoline to electric propulsion constitutes a significant stride in the reduction of carbon emissions, there is an ongoing imperative to fortify power generation efforts. This stems from the reality that despite commendable strides towards renewable energy generation, a substantial proportion of the world's energy still emanates from environmentally detrimental sources.
  • 13. Our strategy centers on avoiding undue pressure, recognizing that undue haste can potentially mismatch a client with an ill-suited solution. “ “ 10 Successful Leaders Leading The Way in the EV Industry, 2023
  • 14. Charting Green Routes Haggai embraces a gradual and incremental approach when facing the challenge of electric mobility. He understands that this transition isn't a swift shift, but a journey spanning time. Even with the most optimistic projections, a critical mass of electric vehicles on the roads might take a decade to achieve. However, within that period, an exponential rise in their numbers is expected. He stands by the principle of acknowledging the extended nature of this change. Electric vehicles will coexist with gasoline-powered ones for a while, calling for a measured strategy rather than a sudden overhaul. Haggai advocates for meticulous planning while maintaining the agility to adapt. By ensuring infrastructure development slightly outpaces vehicle adoption, a seamless integration of EVs within existing urban landscapes and transportation networks becomes feasible. In this patient and strategic path, the future of electric mobility finds its strong foundation. From Highways to Greenways As Haggai's words encourage, Shikun & Binui embark on innovative journeys, leaving a mark on electric mobility. A prime example is their fleet electrification initiative. Collaborating with car, bus and truck fleet operators, they offer holistic solutions that extend beyond electrification, revolutionizing fleet management. At the core of their approach lies energy management. Fleet depots morph into dynamic energy hubs, where vehicle recharging becomes streamlined artistry. Driven by cutting-edge software, this system optimizes charging, slashing costs in the process. Their focus extends to tailoring electric vehicle solutions to each client's unique needs. Energy management software harmonizes with vehicle telematics, birthing a powerful fusion. This synergy births electric vehicles that shine in energy efficiency, driving experience and cost-effective maintenance. Understanding the initial capital hurdles, they pioneer creative financing. S&B USA's financial prowess further emphasizes its dedication to innovation, sustainability Achieving our sustainability objectives requires continued work towards sustainable power generation. As Haggai wisely said, "The glory of the future will be greater than the glory of the past." In the past decade, certain renewable energies have indeed crossed pivotal thresholds and within Shikun & Binui, they embraced the privilege of being active participants in this transformation, especially in solar energy. Their contributions played a vital role in establishing some of the world's largest solar fields. The winds of change also swept through the domains of solar energy and energy storage. Shikun & Binui took the lead in overseeing three distinct energy storage paradigms, each with a purpose—a battery facility in California, salt storage in an Israeli solar thermal project and a pumped storage facility in Israel. With a steadfast presence in renewable energy for over fifteen years, they embraced the path to electric mobility solutions. This holistic approach ensures the optimal harnessing of renewable power, driving the shift from polluting vehicles to clean, emission-free alternatives. Just as Haggai's words inspire, the glory of his forward-looking endeavors shines brighter than ever. The yardstick of our success is measured in the contentment of multiple stakeholders- the end users, the governmental bodies overseeing regulations, and all those in between. “ “
  • 15. Personally, Haggai places a significant emphasis on ensuring that every stakeholder is equipped with the right incentives. This involves aligning objectives and goals, which can be achieved through well-crafted incentives that resonate with each participant's interests. By uniting these principles—open communication, meaningful interactions and tailored incentives—they fortify collaboration, cultivating synergies that expedite the adoption of electric vehicles and the establishment of sustainable infrastructure. Full Speed Ahead Navigating the realm of fleet electrification, Shikun & Binui's approach revolves around prudence and tailored solutions. They, meticulously evaluate the precise requisites of each fleet owner. By factoring in contingencies such as weather conditions and maintenance, gauging the viability of electric vehicles within the context of the specific market application. Haggai asserts, "Our strategy centers on avoiding undue pressure, recognizing that undue haste can potentially mismatch a client with an ill-suited solution." He also adds, "Our primary aim is to preemptively address concerns rather than exacerbate them—after all, a single instance of a vehicle running out of power could significantly amplify range anxiety.” Transitioning to privately owned electric vehicles, he is optimistic that the issue of charging infrastructure and range anxiety will progressively diminish. This is attributed, in part, to the increasing prevalence of fast chargers along major travel routes in the United States, largely facilitated by initiatives such as the federal NEVI program. Shikun & Binui USA actively participates in this program, contributing to the construction and maintenance of these vital charging stations at various strategic locations across the country. This concerted effort aligns with the commitment to foster wider adoption of electric vehicles by providing accessible charging infrastructure that significantly alleviates range anxiety concerns among consumers. Sustainability Catalyst Promoting sustainable change goes beyond tech solutions. and efficient transport solutions. In this manner, they heed Haggai's call, working with strength to sculpt a pioneering electric mobility landscape. Business with a Purpose The visionary stands firm, merging environmental consciousness with economic sustainability; To him, every renewable solution, no matter how noble, must hold a clear path to economic feasibility within 3-5 years. He knows immediate profits might not be the norm, but he insists on a transparent roadmap to profitability. Whether through scale benefits, technological strides, or optimized strategies, the way forward must be clear. Leading with foresight, Haggai's advice from the heart is peering three steps ahead. It's a quest to identify the most promising paths that gracefully balance environmental care and financial strength. For him, striking this equilibrium forms the heart of initiatives that are not only environmentally aware but also economically resilient. In this dance of vision and strategy, he steers the ship toward a brighter, greener horizon. Supporting the same, Haggai says, "Striking this equilibrium is at the core of driving initiatives that are not only environmentally conscious but also sustainable on an economic front.” Triple Bottom Line: Strategy, Collaborations and Planet This is indeed an area where Shikun & Binui has truly excelled, leveraging a century of experience to navigate complex coordination efforts. Haggai emphasizes, "Our company's legacy is built precisely on such intricate collaborations. The yardstick of our success is measured in the contentment of multiple stakeholders—the end users, the governmental bodies overseeing regulations, and all those in between." While acknowledging that perpetual unanimity is unattainable, ensuring a substantial level of satisfaction among the majority is pivotal for operational success. Effective and transparent communication stands as the cornerstone of this endeavor. Candid discussions, coupled with substantial face-to-face interactions, play a pivotal role in garnering commitment from all parties involved.
  • 16. We understand that not everything can be predicted right away, so we approach new trends and technologies with an open mind. “ “
  • 17. Education and demystification are crucial, especially with transformative concepts like electric mobility. Haggai mentions, "Tangible experiences are key." Witnessing and engaging directly with electric vehicles can resonate deeply with many people. The simplicity, quietness and impressive performance of electric vehicles can make a profound impact. Offering opportunities for interaction and showcasing capabilities effectively conveys the benefits of greener transportation. "This creates a ripple effect," Haggai emphasizes. As people experience and grasp electric mobility's advantages, they become advocates, spreading the message. This grassroots movement catalyzes a cultural shift towards eco-friendly transport. Haggai affirms, "Combining education, experiences and advocacy, we inspire communities to embrace electric mobility for a sustainable future.” Eco-Forward Leadership Staying at the cutting edge in a swiftly changing industry demands flexibility and adaptability. Haggai mentions, "We understand that not everything can be predicted right away, so we approach new trends and technologies with an open mind." Navigating the electric vehicle sector, they assess risks astutely, akin to a batter choosing their pitch. This proactive approach positions S&B USA as an industry pioneer, allowing them to leverage emerging trends, embrace technological advancements and meet evolving market demands head-on. Their commitment to staying ahead ensures that they continue to set the standard in the electric mobility landscape. Sustaining the Drive In the journey of being an electric mobility leader, Haggai's story is filled with remarkable moments. Recently, a significant milestone was reached as his team secured a substantial $2.5 million grant. The purpose? Establishing three swift charging stations spanning Pennsylvania. One of these stations, conveniently positioned near Pittsburgh, stands on a vital commuter and traveler route encircling the city. With an enthusiastic tone, Haggai remarks, "This achievement echoes the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's faith in us." This endorsement not only affirms their devotion to sustainable solutions but also their commitment to electric mobility. The notion of giving back to their local community further amplifies the jubilation. By bringing the electric mobility wave to their doorstep, they actively contribute to a larger mission while fostering positive changes in their vicinity. This noteworthy accomplishment serves as the driving force, propelling their unwavering commitment and zeal to mold an electric mobility-driven future. Roadmaps to Renewal The tides have shifted permanently. Haggai notes, "Major vehicle makers are putting billions into electric vehicles." This marks a crucial turning point where we, as a collective, are reshaping global transportation. Fueled by commitment and zeal, our involvement injects vitality and meaning into this movement. Haggai's words capture the essence, "We're on the brink of vast possibilities." "This is a defining moment," Haggai reflects, highlighting our role in this turning point. The fusion of dreams, understanding and enthusiasm propels us to tangible deeds. With each obstacle conquered, the vision of sustainable transport comes closer to life. As a united force, let's grasp this momentous occasion, crafting a future that's not only promising but sustainable too.
  • 18. EV Batteries October 2023 | 16 |
  • 19. Exploring the Advances Exploring the Advances Exploring the Advances in Technology and in Technology and in Technology and Range Improvements Range Improvements Range Improvements lectric vehicles (EVs) have been steadily gaining Etraction in recent years as a promising solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. One of the key components driving the adoption of EVs is the advancement in electric vehicle batteries. These batteries have witnessed remarkable progress in terms of technology and range improvements, making EVs more practical and appealing to consumers. In this article, we will delve into the recent advances in EV battery technology and how these improvements are contributing to extended driving ranges and greater sustainability. The Evolution of EV Batteries Electric vehicle batteries have come a long way since their inception. Initially, lead-acid batteries were used in early EVs, but they were heavy, had limited energy storage, and suffered from short lifespans. However, with advancements in materials science and battery chemistry, several types of batteries have emerged as frontrunners in the EV industry. Lithium-ion Batteries Lithium-ion batteries are the most common type of batteries used in modern EVs. They offer a higher energy density compared to older battery technologies, meaning they can store more energy for a given weight. Over the years, researchers have focused on improving the energy density, cycle life, and safety of lithium-ion batteries. This has led to a significant increase in the driving range of electric vehicles. Solid-State Batteries Solid-state batteries are considered the future of EV power sources. Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries, which use liquid electrolytes, solid-state batteries employ solid electrolytes. This design eliminates the risk of thermal runaway, enhances safety, and allows for greater energy density. Solid-state batteries have the potential to provide significantly longer ranges and faster charging times, making them a game-changer in the EV industry. Range Improvements The driving range of an electric vehicle has been a primary concern for potential buyers. Early EVs had limited ranges, which often deterred consumers from making the switch from conventional gasoline-powered cars. Recent advances in battery technology have significantly addressed this issue: Increased Energy Density One of the most significant achievements in EV battery technology is the increase in energy density. Modern lithium-ion batteries can store more energy in the same physical space, resulting in extended driving ranges. This means that drivers can travel longer distances on a single charge, reducing range anxiety and making EVs more practical for everyday use. Fast Charging Advancements in battery management systems and charging infrastructure have made fast charging a reality for many EV owners. High-power chargers can replenish a significant portion of an EV's battery capacity in a short amount of time. This not only adds convenience for drivers but also expands the practicality of electric vehicles for long-distance travel. Battery Thermal Management Efficient thermal management systems have become integral to EV batteries. Maintaining optimal operating temperatures not only extends battery life but also ensures consistent performance. October 2023 | 17 |
  • 20. Advanced thermal management systems enable EVs to maintain their range even in extreme weather conditions. Regenerative Braking Regenerative braking systems, which convert kinetic energy into electrical energy during braking, have become more sophisticated. This technology helps increase overall efficiency and contributes to extending the driving range of Evs. Sustainability and Environmental Impact Apart from range improvements, advances in EV battery technology also have positive environmental implications. As battery production methods become more sustainable and recycling processes more efficient, the overall carbon footprint of electric vehicles continues to decrease. Additionally, the transition from fossil fuels to cleaner energy sources for charging further enhances the environmental benefits of Evs. Solid-State Batteries: As mentioned earlier, solid-state batteries are a highly anticipated advancement in EV technology. These batteries offer several advantages, including higher energy density, faster charging times, and enhanced safety due to the absence of flammable liquid electrolytes. Companies like Toyota and QuantumScape have been at the forefront of solid-state battery development. When these batteries become commercially viable, they could revolutionize the EV industry. Energy Density: Increasing the energy density of batteries is an ongoing goal. Silicon anodes, for example, have shown promise in significantly increasing energy storage capacity. Furthermore, research into advanced electrode materials, such as lithium-sulphur batteries, has the potential to offer even higher energy densities than conventional lithium-ion batteries. Range Extenders: In addition to improvements in battery technology, range extenders like hydrogen fuel cells and onboard generators are being explored. These technologies can complement batteries, providing longer ranges and faster refuelling options. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, in particular, have garnered interest for their potential to offer zero-emission driving with longer ranges. Fast Charging Networks: Rapidly expanding fast-charging networks are making long-distance travel in EVs more feasible. Ultra-fast chargers (350 kW and above) are becoming more prevalent, reducing charging times significantly. Companies like Tesla and Electrify America are investing heavily in such charging infrastructure. Battery Management Systems (BMS): Advanced BMS technology allows for better monitoring and management of individual cells within a battery pack. This not only improves safety but also enhances overall performance and extends the life of the battery. Second-Life Batteries: EV batteries typically have a long service life, but they eventually degrade to the point where they are no longer suitable for vehicle use. However, these "second-life" batteries can still have significant capacity left for stationary energy storage applications, such as grid support and home energy systems. This approach extends the useful life of batteries and reduces waste. Manufacturing Innovation: Innovations in battery manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing and solid- state manufacturing processes, are reducing production costs and improving efficiency. Environmental Considerations: Companies are increasingly focusing on making EV batteries more environmentally sustainable. This includes reducing the carbon footprint of battery production, improving recycling processes, and exploring alternative chemistries that use less environmentally harmful materials. October 2023 | 18 |
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  • 22. Sustaining Growth through Responsible Business We live in a world where sustainable business practices flourish. It is a world where businesses are committed to reducing their environmental impact and creating a more sustainable future. In this realm, businesses use renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power to help the environment, their employees and the community to grow perpetually. This vision is becoming a reality under the guidance of Angela Hultberg, a distinguished figure in the realm of global sustainability. Angela is currently a Global Sustainability Director at Kearney and has been instrumental in assisting clients in their transformation towards genuine sustainability. With expertise spanning sustainable transformation, transport, ESG, circularity, and supply chain management, Angela remains a trailblazer. In the niche of Business Consulting and Services—embodied by Kearney's ethos—Angela's story stands as a testament to turning ambitious ideals into tangible realities. Let's explore Angela's journey to sustainable transformation and her impact on global sustainability! Could you share a bit about your background and how you became involved in the EV industry? It happened accidentally, truthfully. Originally training as a tax lawyer, I began my career in international corporate tax consulting. Swiftly, I realized that path wasn't my fit. Fortunately, Scania, the Swedish truck manufacturer, extended an offer to join their trainee program—an opportunity I eagerly seized, craving anything but tax law. Shifting gears, I ventured into IKEA Transport. Here, I recognized the imminent disruption sustainability concerns was causing in the transport and automotive industries, urging action against emissions and air pollution. Deciding this was what I wanted to do with my career I changed tracks, and eventually assumed leadership roles at IKEA, focusing on sustainable transport. My journey led me to the Climate Champions and COP26, launching the ZEV declaration among other things. Now at Kearney, I guide clients on sustainable transformations, logistics decarbonization and value generation in this realm. What personally drives your passion for electric vehicles and sustainable transportation solutions? It just needs to be done. We need to decarbonize. We need to stay below 1.5 degrees. We need to make sure that people can breathe air that is not toxic. I want to know that I did my part to make that happen. Electric vehicles are the best solution we have and I will do my very best to make sure we accelerate the pace of the transition. Can you highlight a defining moment or experience that reaffirmed your commitment to the EV sector? Personally, a standout moment was collaborating within IKEA retail on achieving 100% zero-emission last-mile deliveries. We targeted 5 global cities, transitioning from zero to 100% EVs in a mere few years—a monumental challenge. Despite the uncertainty, we communicated our intent externally. Notably, Shanghai, a vast metropolis, achieved this in under a year. Through teamwork, partnerships and determination, it was accomplished within 9 months in October 2023 | 20 |
  • 23. My vision is to have a world where transport and mobility are sustainable, available, affordable and safe for everyone.” Angela Hultberg Global Sustainability Director Kearney October 2023 | 21 |
  • 24. 2019—pioneering such an initiative. This success affirmed the feasibility of the right investment. Since then, my conviction remains unwavering: it's attainable, essential and inevitable! Every journey has its obstacles. How have you overcome challenges while paving the way in the EV industry? Perseverance is key in the transport/automotive industry. Many are skeptical initially; our task is to enlighten them. Demonstrating functionality and value is crucial. Throughout my journey, I've encountered constant skepticism—range, costs, energy sources, weather concerns, charging infrastructure—endlessly. Yet, every success convinces skeptics, influencing change in mindset. Patience is essential (although I have precious little of it). Admittedly, some doubts persist, akin to unpopped popcorn kernels. Eventually, a decision is needed to leave them and progress forward. How would you describe your leadership style and philosophy when navigating the dynamic landscape of EVs? I work in business, so my focus is always to show the value of transitioning to EVs. Very few will do it only for altruistic reasons, they want to see the business case. I try to figure out what is keeping people and companies from implementing changes and then I do my very best to provide solutions and ways to overcome those barriers. We already know what we need to do, now we need to support others to find out how to do it as fast and good as possible. Have there been mentors or influencers who have significantly impacted your journey in the EV sector? In the beginning, there was a touch of solitude, yet companionship was never far. I connected with remarkable individuals like John Boesel and Bill van Amburg at Calstart, who imparted invaluable wisdom and still serve as my inspiration. At IKEA, numerous incredible colleagues enriched my journey, including the ever-effective Raphael Guillard. Working alongside Sandra Roling of EV100, Erik Björke of EV100+ and the Climate Group team has been a privilege. Time with Climate Champions introduced me to global trailblazers like Jamie Plotnek, Monica Arya, Mohammed Hegazy and Nigel Topping. Industry experts such as Andreas Follér (Scania), Fredrika Klarén (Polestar), Kristen Siemen (GM) and countless others continue to fuel my inspiration. Could you share a personal example of how your innovative mindset has contributed to advancements in the EV industry? I am a people person, so I work a lot through relationships. I do think the work we did at COP26 was a game changer, having companies like GM, Ford, Volvo cars, JLR and others signing the ZEV declaration and telling the world we should have an end of ICE by 2035, along with governments, regions, fleet owners and many more. It took months of negotiations, many discussions and a lot of trust- building, but we got there in the end. How do you actively contribute to inspiring and nurturing young talent interested in pursuing a career in electric mobility? How could you not get inspired by this, it is so exciting! Since I have the privilege of working with this every day, I also get to talk about it a lot. I'm sure my younger colleagues are getting tired of hearing me go on and on about it honestly! I try and make sure to talk about this every chance I get honestly, at conferences, in schools and at recruiting events. It is a very exciting field, with lots of technology changes, disruption and the opportunity to have a real impact, who wouldn't want to work with that?! Looking forward, what legacy would you like to leave behind in the EV industry and what vision do you hold for its future? My vision is to have a world where transport and mobility are sustainable, available, affordable and safe for everyone. We desperately need to electrify, but we also need to make sure we don't just buy new EVs in the north and send our ICE to the south. We need a just transition, we need to think of mobility as a whole and that includes safety for women on public transport, it involves many modes of transportation, cities built to encourage bikes, shared mobility systems, and much more. I hope my legacy is that I did all I could to make that future happen. October 2023 | 22 |
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  • 26. Electric Vehicles Electric Vehicles vs. vs. Electric Vehicles vs. Internal Combustion Internal Combustion Engines Engines Internal Combustion Engines A Comparative Analysis October 2023 | 24 |
  • 27. n recent years, the automotive industry has witnessed a Isignificant shift towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation options. Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a viable alternative to traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. This comparative analysis aims to examine the key differences between electric vehicles and internal combustion engines, taking into account various aspects such as environmental impact, cost, performance, and infrastructure. Overall Effect One of the most significant factors driving the adoption of electric vehicles is their reduced environmental impact. EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, which means they do not release harmful pollutants like carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter. This reduction in emissions contributes to improving air quality and mitigating climate change. In contrast, ICE vehicles burn fossil fuels and release these pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to air pollution and global warming. Additionally, the environmental benefits of EVs can be further enhanced when the electricity they use is generated from renewable sources like wind or solar power. This transition to cleaner energy sources can significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with electric vehicles. Cost of Ownership The cost of ownership is a crucial consideration for consumers when choosing between EVs and ICE vehicles. While the upfront cost of electric vehicles is generally higher than that of traditional vehicles, there are several cost-related factors to consider. Fuel and Maintenance: Electric vehicles are more energy- efficient and have lower operating costs than ICE vehicles. EV owners save money on fuel as electricity is typically cheaper than gasoline or diesel. Moreover, EVs have fewer moving parts and require less maintenance, leading to lower maintenance and repair costs over the vehicle's lifetime. Government Incentives: Many governments offer incentives such as tax credits and rebates to promote the adoption of electric vehicles. These incentives can offset the higher initial purchase price and make EVs more affordable for consumers. Resale Value: EVs tend to have better resale value compared to ICE vehicles due to their lower maintenance costs and the perception of being more environmentally friendly. October 2023 | 25 |
  • 28. Charging Infrastructure Charging infrastructure is a critical factor in the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. While ICE vehicles can be refueled at gas stations almost anywhere, the availability of charging stations for EVs varies by region. In urban areas, charging infrastructure is generally more accessible and convenient. However, rural areas and regions with limited charging infrastructure may pose challenges for EV owners, especially during long trips. To address this issue, governments and private companies are actively investing in expanding the EV charging network to make it more accessible and convenient for users. Fast-charging stations are also being developed to reduce charging times, making EVs a more viable option for long-distance travel. Performance Performance is another area where EVs and ICE vehicles differ. Electric vehicles are known for their instant torque and smooth acceleration. They offer a quiet and smooth driving experience, with no engine noise. ICE vehicles, on the other hand, may have a broader range of options in terms of power and performance, including high- performance sports cars and heavy-duty trucks. However, EV technology is advancing rapidly, and high-performance electric vehicles are becoming more common. Environmental Impact Emissions: Beyond just tailpipe emissions, the entire lifecycle of a vehicle should be considered. While EVs produce no tailpipe emissions, the manufacturing process of their batteries does have an environmental impact. However, as battery technology improves and becomes more sustainable, this impact is expected to decrease. Resource Utilization: The production of lithium-ion batteries, which are commonly used in EVs, relies on the extraction of minerals like lithium and cobalt. Sustainable mining practices and recycling initiatives are being developed to mitigate the environmental impact of resource extraction. Evaluation Fuel Costs: The cost of electricity is generally lower than that of gasoline or diesel, resulting in significant fuel savings over the lifetime of an EV. Maintenance: EVs have fewer moving parts, reducing the need for maintenance. ICE vehicles require regular oil changes, transmission repairs, and more, which can add up over time. Depreciation: EVs tend to depreciate at a slower rate compared to ICE vehicles, partly due to their lower operating costs and the growing demand for electric vehicles. Charging Infrastructure Charging Speed: Fast-charging technology is improving, allowing EVs to charge more quickly. Some EVs can gain a significant amount of range in just 30 minutes of charging, but the availability of fast chargers varies by location. Home Charging: EV owners can charge their vehicles at home using a standard electrical outlet, making it convenient for daily use. This contrasts with ICE vehicles, which require visits to gas stations. October 2023 | 26 |