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The coming of
Jesus in Glory
1st Quarter 2016
lesson 9
February 28, 2016
"Then will appear in heaven the
sign of the Son of Man, and all
kindreds of the earth mourn, and
they shall see the Son of Man
coming on the clouds [...]."
(Matt. 24:30)
The coming of Jesus to
implement the Millennium will
put an end to all the forces of
evil and will initiate a glorious
future on Earth.
Show that Jesus
comes on the
clouds and every
eye shall see.
I - know that Jesus will return and
that all the summer;
II - Explain that Jesus will return to
give the reward due to the wicked;
III - Understanding how will the
1. Jesus will return in power and glory.
2. The procession will accompany the King.
1. The reward of the wicked
2. The Battle of Armageddon.
3. 0 Antichrist will turn against Jesus
(Revelation 19:19).
4 0 end of the battle of Armageddon.
5 .0 divine judgment.
6. The separation of the "goats" of "sheep"
(Mt 25.31-33).
1. Satan is bound for a thousand
2. Who will be in the millennium with
Lesson outline
Matthew 24.29.30; Revelation 19:19, 20; 20.1,2,3.
• 29 Immediately after the tribulation of
those days shall the sun be darkened, and
the moon shall not give her light, and the
stars shall fall from heaven, and the
powers of heaven shall be shaken.
• 30 Then will appear in heaven the Son of
Man of the signal; and all kindreds of the
earth shall wail and see the Son of Man
coming on the clouds of heaven with
power and great glory.
• 19 And I saw the beast and the kings of
the earth, and their armies, gathered
together to make war against him that sat
upon the horse, and against his army.
• 20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false
prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he
deceived those who received the mark of the beast and
worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a
lake of fire burning with brimstone.
• 1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the
key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
• 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the
Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.
• 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up,
and set a seal upon him, that he no longer deceive the
nations until the thousand years were ended. And after
that it must be loosed a little time.
Matthew 24.29.30; Revelation 19:19, 20; 20.1,2,3.
•After the period of
the Great Tribulation
Jesus will return to
establish his
Millennial Kingdom.
After the dark period of the Great Tribulation,
Jesus will return and deploy your Millennial
Kingdom on Earth. He will come with his
church, surrounded by angels and will be seen
by all who dwell on the earth (Col. 3.4).
At his coming in glory, Jesus will be seen by all,
even by those who pierced him:
"Behold, he cometh with the clouds, and every
eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him;
and all the tribes of the earth will mourn
because of Him Yes Amen.!" (Rev 1.7).
• 1. Jesus will return in power and glory.
• 2. The procession will accompany the King.
1. Jesus will return in power and glory.
After the Wedding of the Lamb, Jesus
will return with the saints, as he
promised to his disciples (John
14.2,3). And his coming will be visible
in the eyes of the whole world (Rev.
1.7; 1 Thessalonians 3:13; Mt 24.42-
44). He will return to put an end to
global disasters, end the Great
Tribulation, rid Israel of the Antichrist
and his allies and deploy his
Millennial Kingdom.
1. Jesus will return in power and glory.
With his coming in glory, He prepared the
world for the Millennium. Prior to this, several
events will be seen on Earth, starring the Lord
Jesus Christ.
the Kingdom of God arrived!
2. The procession accompanying the King.
"And I saw heaven opened,
and behold a white horse.
Him that sat upon him was
called Faithful and True,
and he judges and makes
war in righteousness" (Rev.
2. The procession accompanying the King.
John recorded in Revelation a vision of
royal procession which will accompany Christ
at his coming in glory to take the total of the
universe government. He will come as King of
kings and Lord of lords and rule the nations
"with a rod of iron", the symbol of absolute
authority (Revelation 19.12-16).
After the Lamb, Jesus will return
with the saints and all the see.
1. The reward of the wicked
2. The Battle of Armageddon.
3. 0 Antichrist will turn against Jesus (Ap19.19).
4 0 end of the battle of Armageddon.
5 .0 divine judgment.
6. The separation of the "goats" of "sheep" (Mt
1. The reward of the wicked
Never, depravity, wickedness and blasphemy against
God were as pronounced as in the twenty-first century.
Corruption, injustice, greed, has been practiced in legal
and institutional support, ignoring the laws of God.
Marriage is despised and family (Gen. 2:24) is being
replaced by settings that do not obey the biblical
pattern. In addition, "the corruption that destroys
greatly" (Micah 2:10) has no limits as well as violence.
Jesus will punish severely
that "do not obey the
gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ" (2 Thes 1.8; Jd
1. The reward of the wicked
2. The Battle of Armageddon
The armies of the Antichrist
came together to destroy Israel
in the valley of Armageddon:
"And together into a place
called in the Hebrew tongue
Armageddon" (Rev. 16:16). The
goal is to exterminate Israel.
The battle lasted only one day.
It will be a battle in whichIsrael
will not be able to beat the
human weapons.
2. The Battle of Armageddon
One-third of Jews killed (Zech 13.8), women will be
raped (Zech 14.2) and Israel's situation is very critical
(Rev. 14:20). Jesus then descend to help Israel (Read
Zechariah 14.3-5); He will destroy the nations "that
come against Jerusalem" (12.8,9). Only then Israel will
recognize that Jesus is the Messiah (Ezekiel 37).
LEARN MORE - Battle of
"Military-spiritual coping that exists between the nations of
Christ and the evil in the final stage of the Seventy Weeks
of Daniel (Revelation 16.14-16). The battle will take stage
as the hills of Megiddo, located 24 kilometers from
Nazareth. In .. the valley of Megiddo, were fought
memorable battles of Israel Here, Barak got great victory
over the Canaanites, and Gideon over the Midianites
(Judges 4,5 and 7) also at Megiddo died two Hebrew kings
Saul and Josiah (1 sm 31.8;. 2 Cr 35.22) " Read more at
Dicionário de Profecia Bíblica, CPAD, p. 31.
3.0 Antichrist will turn against Jesus (Revelation 19:19).
It will be the end. 0 Lord, in front of the
heavenly host, upon white horses,
overcome the Antichrist and the false
prophet and cast them into the lake of fire
(2 Thessalonians 2.8, Rev. 19:20) and the
enemy armies will be destroyed (Zech
14:12). Jesus will win the Antichrist as a
fire, and the cars of heaven will be like a
storm (Isa 66.15,16) and "the breath of His
mouth" (2 Thessalonians 2.8) destroy all
world systems and satanic "New World
Order" (Dn 2.44,45; Mt 21.44b).
Jesus cast the Antichrist and
False Prophet "in the fiery lake
of fire and brimstone" (Rev 19-
20; Mt 25-41). A mighty angel
hold the devil and cast into the
abyss, where it will remain for
a thousand years (Rev. 20.3).
3.0 Antichrist will turn against Jesus (Revelation 19:19).
4. 0 end of the battle of Armageddon.
With the binding of Satan, the
Antichrist and False Prophet,
the satanic trinity will be
destroyed. Sinners against the
judgments of Jesus on the
Beast and the enemies of
Israel, have both dread cry for
death (Rev 6.15-17).
4. 0 end of the battle of Armageddon.
Is not Israel's war strategy that defeated their enemies,
but the power of God and Christ, from heaven. With the
resounding victory of Jesus over the Antichrist, the Devil
and the false prophet, Israel will be saved from
destruction and take their
functions in the Millennium. 0
text Ezekiel 36.26-38 reveals how
will be the restoration of Israel,
after the defeat of enemy armies
by Jesus.
5 .0 divine judgment.
All nations, especially those that
rose up against Israel, will be
judged (Zech 12.3b). This
judgment will take place after the
Antichrist is defeated. Jesus will
sit on his glorious throne in the
place called "Valley of
Jehoshaphat" (Joel 3.12,14),
where collectively the nations will
be judged (Matthew 24.32).
5 .0 divine judgment.
According to Eurico
Bergsten "possibly come
to the presence of Jesus
the constituted
authorities of each
nation." The nations will
be judged by the way
they treated Israel (Mt
6. The separation of the "goats" of "sheep" (Mt 25.31-33)
Jesus used the example of sheep and goats to
demonstrate the difference between unbelievers and
believers. It was common for sheep and goats graze
together, however, at the time of shearing, they were
separated. The "sheep" are those who by faith accept
Jesus as the only and sufficient Savior, becoming
children (as) God. The "goats" are those who reject
Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary (Mt
0 Lord Jesus will come and
give appropriate reward those
who do not repent of their sins.
As for Israel, he will deliver
them from extermination.
GRANT eschatological
In the second sub-topic, the subject to be studied is the Battle
of Armageddon. Start by asking the following question:..
"What is Armageddon" Listen students carefully Explain the
significance of using the text below "0 term 'Armageddon'
comes from the Hebrew language. H aft the word 'mountain'
or 'hill'. Mageddon probably relates to the ruins of the ancient
city of Megiddo, which is above the Esdraelon Valley in
northern Israel, where the armies of the world will gather.
GRANT eschatological
According to the Bible, great armies of the East and West
will meet this plain. The Antichrist will defeat the armies of
the south, because these threaten their power and destroy
one Babylon rebuilt east - before finally return their forces
to Jerusalem in order to dominate it and destroy it. When
he and his armies marched against Jerusalem, God will
come into action and Jesus Christ will return to rescue His
people, Israel. The Lord, with his angelic army, destroy the
armies, capture the Antichrist and the False Prophet and
will launch it in the lake of fire (Revelation 19.11-21).
GRANT eschatological
When the Lord returns, power and Antichrist area will end.
Charles Dyer says: "Daniel, Joel and Zechariah identifies
Jerusalem as the place where there will be the final battle
between Christ and Antichrist. The three predict that God
will interfere in the history of his people and destroy the
army of the Antichrist in Jerusalem. Zechariah prophesied
that the battle will end when the Messiah returns to earth
and his feet touch the Mount of Olives. This battle will end
with the second coming of Jesus. '
GRANT eschatological
The campaign of Armageddon - in fact, in Jerusalem - will
be one of the most disappointing events of history. With
such gigantic armies gathered on both sides, one would
expect an epic confrontation between good and evil. No
matter, however, how powerful someone is on earth. No
one is a match for the power of God "(LAHAYE, Tim Popular
Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy, l.ed. Rio de Janeiro:. CPAD,
2008 pp.74,75).
1. Satan is bound for a thousand years.
2. Who will be in the millennium with Christ?
1. Satan is bound for a thousand years.
Where will those who were defeated in the Battle
of Armageddon? According to the Word of God,
they will have three different destinations: 0
Antichrist and the False Prophet will be cast into
the lake of fire; his followers will go to Hades,
where you wait for the Last Judgment and Satan
will be bound in the Abyss for a thousand years
(Revelation 20.1-3).
2. Who will be in the millennium with Christ?
All the flocks of Jesus Christ will enter the Millennium and rule
with Him (Matthew 25:34). The "goats" will be cast into hell (Mt
25 to 41.46). The sheep will reign with Christ for a thousand
years, literally as well as the men who had not worshiped the
beast (Rev. 20.4). Also
will the rest of the
nations who escaped the
Great Tribulation. Only
the wicked will rise to be
judged at the Last
Judgment, after the
thousand years
(Revelation 20.5,6).
0 world is being prepared for the
Millennium, where the saved will reign
with Jesus Christ.
SUBSIDY scatological
"The binding of Satan shows that the millennial reign
of Christ is still a future event (Rev. 20.2), Revelation
20.1-3 shows that God will prevent Satan to deceive
the nations. This passage teaches that Satan will not
only be limited, but will be fully .. idle during the
Millennium This is completely different from what we
see today regarding his activity, the apostle Peter
says: "Be sober, be vigilant because the devil, your
adversary prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking
whom he may devour "(1 Peter 5.8).
SUBSIDY scatological
Although Satan is not trapped in this age, he is under
the sovereign control of God, which can be seen
clearly in the conversation between Satan and God in
Job (Job 1.6-22). The binding of Satan during the
Millennium effectively has a divine purpose: God will
manifest his perfect righteousness and give the man
ideal circumstances to live and love Messiah "
(LAHAYE, Tim. Enciclopédia Popular de Profecia
Bíblica, l.ed. Rio de Janeiro: CPAD, 2008, p.317).
The Battle of Armageddon and
the coming of the Lord should be
seen as literal and not as future
assumptions. These
eschatological events have the
support of the sacred Scriptures.
They will be the fulfillment of
God's plan on earth. It is worth
reflecting on what God has
prepared for the end times, both
for the Church and for the world.
Who Jesus will return after the Lamb?
After the Wedding of the Lamb, Jesus will
return with the saints, as he promised to
his disciples (John 14.2,3).
What will be the reward of the wicked?
The eternal punishment.
Concerningthe Biblicaleschatology,answer:
How long will the battle of Armageddon?
The battle lasted only one day.
Where will those who were defeated in
the Battle of Armageddon?
Jesus cast the Antichrist and False Prophet
"in the burning lake of fire and brimstone"
(Rev. 19:20; Mt 25:41).
Who will be in the millennium with Christ?
All saved in Jesus Christ.
Concerningthe Biblicaleschatology,answer:

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The coming of Jesus in Glory

  • 1. The coming of Jesus in Glory 1st Quarter 2016 lesson 9 February 28, 2016
  • 2. "Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and all kindreds of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming on the clouds [...]." (Matt. 24:30) GOLDEN TEXT Prof.CelsoNapoleon 2
  • 3. PRACTICE TRUTH Prof.CelsoNapoleon 3 The coming of Jesus to implement the Millennium will put an end to all the forces of evil and will initiate a glorious future on Earth.
  • 4. GENERAL OBJECTIVE Prof.CelsoNapoleon 4 Show that Jesus comes on the clouds and every eye shall see.
  • 5. I - know that Jesus will return and that all the summer; II - Explain that Jesus will return to give the reward due to the wicked; III - Understanding how will the Millennium. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Prof.CelsoNapoleon 5
  • 6. I - JESUS WILL RETURN AND EVERYONE SEE 1. Jesus will return in power and glory. 2. The procession will accompany the King. II - JESUS WILL RETURN TO GIVE DUE REWARD OF THE WICKED AND FREE EXTERMINATION OF ISRAEL 1. The reward of the wicked 2. The Battle of Armageddon. 3. 0 Antichrist will turn against Jesus (Revelation 19:19). 4 0 end of the battle of Armageddon. 5 .0 divine judgment. 6. The separation of the "goats" of "sheep" (Mt 25.31-33). III - PREPARATION FOR MILLENNIUM 1. Satan is bound for a thousand years. 2. Who will be in the millennium with Christ? Lesson outline Prof.CelsoNapoleon 6
  • 7. BIBLE READING IN CLASS Prof.CelsoNapoleon 7 Matthew 24.29.30; Revelation 19:19, 20; 20.1,2,3. • 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken. • 30 Then will appear in heaven the Son of Man of the signal; and all kindreds of the earth shall wail and see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. • 19 And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat upon the horse, and against his army.
  • 8. BIBLE READING IN CLASS Prof.CelsoNapoleon 8 • 20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. • 1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. • 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. • 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he no longer deceive the nations until the thousand years were ended. And after that it must be loosed a little time. Matthew 24.29.30; Revelation 19:19, 20; 20.1,2,3.
  • 9. CENTRAL POINT 9 Prof.CelsoNapoleon •After the period of the Great Tribulation Jesus will return to establish his Millennial Kingdom.
  • 10. INTRODUCTION After the dark period of the Great Tribulation, Jesus will return and deploy your Millennial Kingdom on Earth. He will come with his church, surrounded by angels and will be seen by all who dwell on the earth (Col. 3.4). At his coming in glory, Jesus will be seen by all, even by those who pierced him: "Behold, he cometh with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him Yes Amen.!" (Rev 1.7). Prof.CelsoNapoleon 10
  • 11. • 1. Jesus will return in power and glory. • 2. The procession will accompany the King. I - JESUS WILL RETURN AND EVERYONE SEE 11 Prof.CelsoNapoleon
  • 12. I - JESUS WILL RETURN AND EVERYONE SEE 12 1. Jesus will return in power and glory. After the Wedding of the Lamb, Jesus will return with the saints, as he promised to his disciples (John 14.2,3). And his coming will be visible in the eyes of the whole world (Rev. 1.7; 1 Thessalonians 3:13; Mt 24.42- 44). He will return to put an end to global disasters, end the Great Tribulation, rid Israel of the Antichrist and his allies and deploy his Millennial Kingdom. Prof.CelsoNapoleon
  • 13. I - JESUS WILL RETURN AND EVERYONE SEE 13 1. Jesus will return in power and glory. With his coming in glory, He prepared the world for the Millennium. Prior to this, several events will be seen on Earth, starring the Lord Jesus Christ. Prof.CelsoNapoleon the Kingdom of God arrived!
  • 14. I - JESUS WILL RETURN AND EVERYONE SEE 14 2. The procession accompanying the King. "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse. Him that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and he judges and makes war in righteousness" (Rev. 19:11). Prof.CelsoNapoleon
  • 15. I - JESUS WILL RETURN AND EVERYONE SEE 15 2. The procession accompanying the King. John recorded in Revelation a vision of royal procession which will accompany Christ at his coming in glory to take the total of the universe government. He will come as King of kings and Lord of lords and rule the nations "with a rod of iron", the symbol of absolute authority (Revelation 19.12-16). Prof.CelsoNapoleon
  • 16. SYNOPSIS OF THE TOPIC (1) Prof.CelsoNapoleon 16 After the Lamb, Jesus will return with the saints and all the see.
  • 17. 1. The reward of the wicked 2. The Battle of Armageddon. 3. 0 Antichrist will turn against Jesus (Ap19.19). 4 0 end of the battle of Armageddon. 5 .0 divine judgment. 6. The separation of the "goats" of "sheep" (Mt 25.31-33). II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL Prof.CelsoNapoleon 17
  • 18. Prof.CelsoNapoleon 18 1. The reward of the wicked Never, depravity, wickedness and blasphemy against God were as pronounced as in the twenty-first century. Corruption, injustice, greed, has been practiced in legal and institutional support, ignoring the laws of God. II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL
  • 19. II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL Prof.CelsoNapoleon 19 Marriage is despised and family (Gen. 2:24) is being replaced by settings that do not obey the biblical pattern. In addition, "the corruption that destroys greatly" (Micah 2:10) has no limits as well as violence. Jesus will punish severely that "do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Thes 1.8; Jd 1.15,16). 1. The reward of the wicked
  • 20. Prof.CelsoNapoleon 20 2. The Battle of Armageddon The armies of the Antichrist came together to destroy Israel in the valley of Armageddon: "And together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon" (Rev. 16:16). The goal is to exterminate Israel. The battle lasted only one day. It will be a battle in whichIsrael will not be able to beat the human weapons. II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL
  • 21. II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL Prof.CelsoNapoleon 21 2. The Battle of Armageddon One-third of Jews killed (Zech 13.8), women will be raped (Zech 14.2) and Israel's situation is very critical (Rev. 14:20). Jesus then descend to help Israel (Read Zechariah 14.3-5); He will destroy the nations "that come against Jerusalem" (12.8,9). Only then Israel will recognize that Jesus is the Messiah (Ezekiel 37).
  • 22. LEARN MORE - Battle of Armageddon Prof.CelsoNapoleon 22 "Military-spiritual coping that exists between the nations of Christ and the evil in the final stage of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel (Revelation 16.14-16). The battle will take stage as the hills of Megiddo, located 24 kilometers from Nazareth. In .. the valley of Megiddo, were fought memorable battles of Israel Here, Barak got great victory over the Canaanites, and Gideon over the Midianites (Judges 4,5 and 7) also at Megiddo died two Hebrew kings Saul and Josiah (1 sm 31.8;. 2 Cr 35.22) " Read more at Dicionário de Profecia Bíblica, CPAD, p. 31.
  • 23. Prof.CelsoNapoleon 23 3.0 Antichrist will turn against Jesus (Revelation 19:19). It will be the end. 0 Lord, in front of the heavenly host, upon white horses, overcome the Antichrist and the false prophet and cast them into the lake of fire (2 Thessalonians 2.8, Rev. 19:20) and the enemy armies will be destroyed (Zech 14:12). Jesus will win the Antichrist as a fire, and the cars of heaven will be like a storm (Isa 66.15,16) and "the breath of His mouth" (2 Thessalonians 2.8) destroy all world systems and satanic "New World Order" (Dn 2.44,45; Mt 21.44b). II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL
  • 24. Prof.CelsoNapoleon 24 Jesus cast the Antichrist and False Prophet "in the fiery lake of fire and brimstone" (Rev 19- 20; Mt 25-41). A mighty angel hold the devil and cast into the abyss, where it will remain for a thousand years (Rev. 20.3). II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL 3.0 Antichrist will turn against Jesus (Revelation 19:19).
  • 25. Prof.CelsoNapoleon 25 4. 0 end of the battle of Armageddon. With the binding of Satan, the Antichrist and False Prophet, the satanic trinity will be destroyed. Sinners against the judgments of Jesus on the Beast and the enemies of Israel, have both dread cry for death (Rev 6.15-17). II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL
  • 26. Prof.CelsoNapoleon 26 4. 0 end of the battle of Armageddon. Is not Israel's war strategy that defeated their enemies, but the power of God and Christ, from heaven. With the resounding victory of Jesus over the Antichrist, the Devil and the false prophet, Israel will be saved from destruction and take their functions in the Millennium. 0 text Ezekiel 36.26-38 reveals how will be the restoration of Israel, after the defeat of enemy armies by Jesus. II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL
  • 27. Prof.CelsoNapoleon 27 5 .0 divine judgment. All nations, especially those that rose up against Israel, will be judged (Zech 12.3b). This judgment will take place after the Antichrist is defeated. Jesus will sit on his glorious throne in the place called "Valley of Jehoshaphat" (Joel 3.12,14), where collectively the nations will be judged (Matthew 24.32). II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL
  • 28. Prof.CelsoNapoleon 28 5 .0 divine judgment. According to Eurico Bergsten "possibly come to the presence of Jesus the constituted authorities of each nation." The nations will be judged by the way they treated Israel (Mt 25.40,45). II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL
  • 29. Prof.CelsoNapoleon 29 6. The separation of the "goats" of "sheep" (Mt 25.31-33) Jesus used the example of sheep and goats to demonstrate the difference between unbelievers and believers. It was common for sheep and goats graze together, however, at the time of shearing, they were separated. The "sheep" are those who by faith accept Jesus as the only and sufficient Savior, becoming children (as) God. The "goats" are those who reject Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary (Mt 25.41-46). II - JESUSWILL RETURNTO GIVE DUE REWARDOFTHE WICKEDAND FREE EXTERMINATIONOF ISRAEL
  • 30. SYNOPSIS OF THE TOPIC (2) Prof.CelsoNapoleon 30 0 Lord Jesus will come and give appropriate reward those who do not repent of their sins. As for Israel, he will deliver them from extermination.
  • 31. GRANT eschatological In the second sub-topic, the subject to be studied is the Battle of Armageddon. Start by asking the following question:.. "What is Armageddon" Listen students carefully Explain the significance of using the text below "0 term 'Armageddon' comes from the Hebrew language. H aft the word 'mountain' or 'hill'. Mageddon probably relates to the ruins of the ancient city of Megiddo, which is above the Esdraelon Valley in northern Israel, where the armies of the world will gather. Prof.CelsoNapoleon 31
  • 32. GRANT eschatological According to the Bible, great armies of the East and West will meet this plain. The Antichrist will defeat the armies of the south, because these threaten their power and destroy one Babylon rebuilt east - before finally return their forces to Jerusalem in order to dominate it and destroy it. When he and his armies marched against Jerusalem, God will come into action and Jesus Christ will return to rescue His people, Israel. The Lord, with his angelic army, destroy the armies, capture the Antichrist and the False Prophet and will launch it in the lake of fire (Revelation 19.11-21). Prof.CelsoNapoleon 32
  • 33. GRANT eschatological When the Lord returns, power and Antichrist area will end. Charles Dyer says: "Daniel, Joel and Zechariah identifies Jerusalem as the place where there will be the final battle between Christ and Antichrist. The three predict that God will interfere in the history of his people and destroy the army of the Antichrist in Jerusalem. Zechariah prophesied that the battle will end when the Messiah returns to earth and his feet touch the Mount of Olives. This battle will end with the second coming of Jesus. ' Prof.CelsoNapoleon 33
  • 34. GRANT eschatological The campaign of Armageddon - in fact, in Jerusalem - will be one of the most disappointing events of history. With such gigantic armies gathered on both sides, one would expect an epic confrontation between good and evil. No matter, however, how powerful someone is on earth. No one is a match for the power of God "(LAHAYE, Tim Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy, l.ed. Rio de Janeiro:. CPAD, 2008 pp.74,75). Prof.CelsoNapoleon 34
  • 35. 1. Satan is bound for a thousand years. 2. Who will be in the millennium with Christ? III - PREPARATION FOR MILLENNIUM Prof.CelsoNapoleon 35
  • 36. III - PREPARATIONFORMILLENNIUM Prof.CelsoNapoleon 36 1. Satan is bound for a thousand years. Where will those who were defeated in the Battle of Armageddon? According to the Word of God, they will have three different destinations: 0 Antichrist and the False Prophet will be cast into the lake of fire; his followers will go to Hades, where you wait for the Last Judgment and Satan will be bound in the Abyss for a thousand years (Revelation 20.1-3).
  • 37. III - PREPARATIONFORMILLENNIUM Prof.CelsoNapoleon 37 2. Who will be in the millennium with Christ? All the flocks of Jesus Christ will enter the Millennium and rule with Him (Matthew 25:34). The "goats" will be cast into hell (Mt 25 to 41.46). The sheep will reign with Christ for a thousand years, literally as well as the men who had not worshiped the beast (Rev. 20.4). Also will the rest of the nations who escaped the Great Tribulation. Only the wicked will rise to be judged at the Last Judgment, after the thousand years (Revelation 20.5,6).
  • 38. SYNOPSIS OF THE TOPIC (3) Prof.CelsoNapoleon 38 0 world is being prepared for the Millennium, where the saved will reign with Jesus Christ.
  • 39. SUBSIDY scatological Prof.CelsoNapoleon 39 "The binding of Satan shows that the millennial reign of Christ is still a future event (Rev. 20.2), Revelation 20.1-3 shows that God will prevent Satan to deceive the nations. This passage teaches that Satan will not only be limited, but will be fully .. idle during the Millennium This is completely different from what we see today regarding his activity, the apostle Peter says: "Be sober, be vigilant because the devil, your adversary prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour "(1 Peter 5.8).
  • 40. SUBSIDY scatological Prof.CelsoNapoleon 40 Although Satan is not trapped in this age, he is under the sovereign control of God, which can be seen clearly in the conversation between Satan and God in Job (Job 1.6-22). The binding of Satan during the Millennium effectively has a divine purpose: God will manifest his perfect righteousness and give the man ideal circumstances to live and love Messiah " (LAHAYE, Tim. Enciclopédia Popular de Profecia Bíblica, l.ed. Rio de Janeiro: CPAD, 2008, p.317).
  • 41. CONCLUSION Prof.CelsoNapoleon 41 The Battle of Armageddon and the coming of the Lord should be seen as literal and not as future assumptions. These eschatological events have the support of the sacred Scriptures. They will be the fulfillment of God's plan on earth. It is worth reflecting on what God has prepared for the end times, both for the Church and for the world.
  • 42. TO THINK ABOUT Prof.CelsoNapoleon 42 Who Jesus will return after the Lamb? After the Wedding of the Lamb, Jesus will return with the saints, as he promised to his disciples (John 14.2,3). What will be the reward of the wicked? The eternal punishment. Concerningthe Biblicaleschatology,answer:
  • 43. TO THINK ABOUT Prof.CelsoNapoleon 43 How long will the battle of Armageddon? The battle lasted only one day. Where will those who were defeated in the Battle of Armageddon? Jesus cast the Antichrist and False Prophet "in the burning lake of fire and brimstone" (Rev. 19:20; Mt 25:41). Who will be in the millennium with Christ? All saved in Jesus Christ. Concerningthe Biblicaleschatology,answer: