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Hardcore football fandom translates into an
excellent member experience for Pure Gym
The Vision
is Clear
CIO Arvid Johansson leverages his
experience in retail to merge SATS Elixia
It’s All In
Your Story
Group CIO Andy Caddy reveals his approach
to Virgin Active’s digital transformation
And much more inside
Art Direction: MMM design
Stories: Snowball Copy
Photography: Magnus Omme, Getty Images, iStock
05	Checking in with RÉMI NODET,
Exerp CEO
06	President of the Fitness Industry
Technology Council BRYAN K.
O’ROUKE discusses today’s biggest
CIO challenges and opportunities
12	Virgin Active’s Group CIO ANDY
CADDY uses technology to create
an artful human experience
Taking a no-nonsense approach to
change management
20	Exerp Projects Director PETER
HONORÉ injects speed and
predictability into large-scale projects
26	Fitness entrepreneur RASMUS
INGERSLEV reveals his winning
strategies for marrying fitness with
CZINCZENHEIM keeps his eye
on his customer’s long game
at Pure Gym, translates his hardcore
football fandom into excellent club
member experiences
Shared trust and an entrepreneurial
spirit fuels the Pure Gym-Exerp
40	Exerp Business Consultant
moves his customers smoothly to-
wards their brighter, optimised future
leverages his experience in
retail to merge SATS Elixia with its
total-fitness future
46	On the quest for simplicity with
Exerp Systems Architect
50	Exerp Supporter ANNE
KRONBORG understands
what’s important to her customers
– she used to be one
Partnering with technology experts
is key to creating a uniquely personal,
holistic training experience
75	Exerp Commercial Director JACOB
company’s plan to better serve North
American customers
Rémi Nodet
The fitness industry has changed in dramatic and exciting ways since I
joined Exerp as a developer in 2003. Never before has technology played such
a major role in how fitness clubs serve the ever-changing needs of their
As providers of the leading club management system for large enterprises,
we work with an array of exciting, boundary-pushing international health
clubs, and we have a plethora of inspiring stories to share. That’s why
we created Club Exerp, and we’re so grateful to our contributing clients for
allowing us to tell their stories.
Packed with intriguing professional profiles and inspiring technical and
commercial stories, this publication is designed to motivate you to change.
Change is hard. It requires a huge commitment. Nobody understands that
better than your own club members. But the benefits and results can be truly
amazing. Read on to find out more.
Thanks for checking in with Exerp.
Yours truly,
CIOs everywhere are being thrust into new and increasingly strategic roles
that enable reinvention of their business models via digital technologies.
More often than not, they are required to advocate innovations that rely on
emerging technologies and their associated investments. The complexity
of this can be massive, as digital initiatives often include a cacophony of
disconnected and unintegrated activities. It is a challenging new era, and in
the highly competitive health club marketplace, the interplay between risk
and reward has never been higher.
What does this mean for technology leaders in health clubs? There has never
been a greater opportunity for CIOs to make an impact on both their
organisations and on the industry as a whole. Major brands in particular
have reached a precipice dividing those willing to seize tremendous digital
opportunities, knowing there are uncertainties; and others who will take
their chances and do little to nothing new or different. For those looking to
make a significant impact, we share views on what CIOs can do to meet their
potential as the drivers of change in their companies and in the industry.
A CIO can have great command of maintaining technology infrastructures,
be cognizant of trends the future holds and even make contributions to
some digital innovations. These efforts, however, are still inadequate to fulfil
the promise of a CIO as a leader of change.
Transformations require inspirational leadership. Gartner’s 2015 CIO Agenda
surveyed over 2,800 global CIOs, representing $12.1 trillion in revenue and
public sector budgets across industries, and directly interviewed 11 leading
CIOs as well. One key finding of the report was the benefit of flipping CIOs’
people-leadership orientation, from a traditional control-led perspective to a
vision-led one.
Leadership is almost always about creating vision and inspiring people to
believe in it, not about commanding and controlling. CIOs determined to
be digital leaders must put their energies into teaching and inspiring those
around them. In the survey, 75% of CIOs planned to change their leadership
Preparing for impact
As the health club industry enters a new era,
CIOs face challenges and opportunities
By Bryan K. O’Rourke, President of the Fitness Industry Technology Council
style over the next three years, most commonly by amplifying their vision
(47%) while reducing their command and control efforts (65%). Without an
inspiring culture, the adoption of new thinking - which is required of digital
initiatives - becomes very difficult to achieve.
CIOs should build an understanding of both current processes around the
customer and what could be possible via digital. This way the organisation
can see the potential and make choices about what is most relevant from the
viewpoint of the customer.
Creating cross-functional teams involving key areas like operations, mar-
keting, member service and sales is a good place to begin. It can also be ex-
tremely helpful to involve external partners in customer journey mapping.
By defining existing business processes around the customer, along with a
road map for the future based on a digital business model, innovation teams
can begin to clarify the user experience they are seeking to create. They can
also begin to process the implications, costs and priorities related to the new
digital tools.
This is by no means a short-term effort. Project teams should become an in-
tegral and ongoing means of establishing the specific technology initiatives,
developing implementation strategies and measuring their outcomes.
When faced with the significant organisational changes that digital initia-
tives can create, there is a need for insights and experience. Unbiased guid-
ance, to help contextualise alternatives and decisions around digital ini-
tiatives, is critical. There is great benefit in having insight into what other
industry adoption challenges and opportunities exist.
There can be no doubt that the seeds of change resulting from technology
have already been planted in the health club industry. Digital experiences
will make or break organisations, and thus exceptional digital experiences
are now a necessity to compete.
For CIOs to impact their organisations, they must evolve beyond technical
experts and become strategic leaders that bring forward-thinking vision, in-
stil new disciplines, inspire others to see the potential and engage relevant
perspectives and resources. The future of organisations lies largely in the
hands of these special CIO leaders.
Recommended reading
Vision Led Leadership – How to lay the foundation for major
organisational change
• Change the Culture, Change the Game
(Roger Connors and Tom Smith)
• Rapid Transformation (Behnam N. Tabrizi)
• The Ten Faces Of Innovation: IDEO’s Strategies for Defeating
the Devil’s Advocate and Driving Creativity Throughout Your
Organization (Tom Kelly and Jonathan Littman)
Customer Journey Mapping – How to design new or improve
existing customer experiences
• Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries,
Game Changers, and Challengers
(Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur)
• The Experience Design BLUEPRINT: Recipes for Creating Happier
Customers and Healthier Organizations (Gregory James Olson)
• What Great Brands Do: The Seven Brand-Building Principles that
Separate the Best from the Rest (Denise Lee Yohn)
Bryan K. O’Rourke :
Bryan O’Rourke serves as President of the Fitness Industry
Technology Council, a consortium of leading companies
working on technology standards for the fitness industry.
Bryan is also cofounder and CEO of Integerus Advisors, CSO
of Fitmarc and the Flywheel Group.
• Widely published and quoted in periodicals such as the Wall
Street Journal and the New York Times
• Named one of 13 to watch in 2013 by IHRSA
• Has worked in fitness industry for 18 years as an entrepreneur,
investor and club owner
• Serves on the American Council of Exercise’s Industry
Advisory Panel
• Recently contributed to the book Essentials Of Motivation
and Behavior Change
• Is a cancer survivor and underwrites a variety of causes
pertaining to cancer prevention
• Has presented as a keynote speaker at industry and corporate
conferences on four continents
is defined as a sudden or momentous
change in a situation. From Latin
revoltus, past participle of revolvere,
to turn over. In life, relationships,
organizations, or ecosystems; any
total and complete change.
of the biggest
Fitness brands
in Europe
run Exerp
Source: European Health  Fitness Market Report As Of 31.12.2014 By Deloitte
N D Y C A D D Y, G R O U P C I O V I R G I N A C T I V E 11
In the late 1980s, soul and acid jazz were surging through the UK club scene.
Andy Caddy was there with his turntables and mixer, immersing himself in
the scene and experimenting with fresh new sounds. “I remember the first
time I heard two records played together,” Andy recalls. “I immediately went
out and bought myself a mixer.”
Today, he is fascinated by what technology has brought to the DJing arena.
“Music has become so democratic. Now anyone can have a mixer on their PC,
and social media has changed everything from the artist/fan relationship to
the royalty system. It’s fascinating to see how quickly art changes through
When the 90s came around, house music and hip hop were beginning to
dominate, and Andy became a grandmaster scratcher. At the same time he
was studying electrical engineering at the University of Hertfordshire, and
serious adulthood was looming. “I was never quite talented enough as a DJ,”
he admits self-deprecatingly, “and I needed money, so I decided to give it up
for a proper job.”
His first “proper” job was as an IT trainee, writing code for Argos, the UK cat-
alogue retailer. “I got the opportunity from a woman named Isabel in HR. I
wasn’t sure what I was going to do with my degree, but she said to me ‘What
you need is a job in IT’. She was right. I think I still owe her one.”
The soundtrack
to his career
DJ Superstar turned CIO, Andy Caddy, uses technology to create an
artful human experience
Andy’s musical recommendations:
	 • Laura Doggett, UK
	 • Gavin James, Ireland
	 • Chvrches, UK
	 • Foxes, UK
Andy says the best part of working for Argos was that he got to try 6 or 7
different roles, spanning everything, from coding, to working with big main-
frame systems, to client services. “I developed a very rounded view of the
business and I was trained to think through the business impact of every-
thing I did.”
Andy’s career trajectory, from Argos through to easyJet and Virgin Active,
has always centered around a unique customer experience. “I’ve always been
an empathist – trying to use technology to match great products and services
with the right customers. With IT automating everything for businesses
today, I think you have to be good at this to succeed.”
Today Andy is applying this same philosophy to the fitness industry. But it’s
no accident – on top of being a music fan, he is also an avid footballer and
runner. “Just as technology has changed music, it is also creeping into the
health and fitness arena. I have been eager to become a part of this evolution
since 2008.”
In 2008, Andy had a heart murmur. After a tense period of countless hospital
visits and cumbersome tests involving limited technology, doctors concluded
it was simply due to too much caffeine. “Luckily, I could easily take care of
the problem. But during this whole process, I kept thinking ‘There must be a
better way to use technology.’”
As luck would have it, in 2013 Virgin Active had decided to pursue a new dig-
ital strategy and needed a new CIO to lead the transformation. They called
Andy. “I count myself very lucky. I wanted to work on merging fitness with
technology, and I wanted to work for a great brand. This job offers both and
I love it.” Now Andy is leading the creation of a digital experience that gives
Virgin Active’s members better insight, more control, and more choices when
it comes to their fitness.
Despite his high-level, high-profile position in the world’s biggest interna-
tional health club, Andy stays in touch with his musical roots. “I try to keep
current on music and follow the industry. I like to go to Kickstarter and back
young new groups. There are loads of talented people out there who can
make a living in music with the right backing. Helping them out keeps me
young – and I don’t accept ageing.” Andy also plays football weekly and runs
an annual half marathon to stay fit.
Catch Andy at one of his upcoming speaking engagements or follow him on
twitter @Cadmeister.
What’s your most critical lesson from your first IT job?
Be aware and critical of yourself. Work to align your job with
the goals of the business.
What’s the best thing about the fitness industry?
The opportunity to use technology to improve people’s health.
What is your favourite football team?
Milton Keynes Dons
JAVA	Industry-standard platform based
on Jave EE
JBOSS 	Deployed on JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform
ORACLE	Oracle back-end database server
JIRA	Development  Testing
GIT	Version control integrated with de-
velopment planning tool (JIRA) and
continuous integration platform
(Jenkins) provides full immediate
audit trail of changes and context
JENKINS	Open-sourced Jenkins used for
continuous integration and auto-
mated testing of new releases
TESTRAIL	TestRail by Gurock is used for
weekly release testing
ZENDESK	Zendesk helpdesk system, making
it possible to provide support on
multiple channels (email, web inter-
face, tablets) while keeping track of
every communication
	Integrated with internal develop-
ment and defect tracking solution
Our technologies
The Exerp Platform is built on proven industry-standard technologies.
Andy Caddy has been working in the UK IT
world for over 20 years, for a number of leading
companies, including Argos, Royal Bank of Scot-
land, Cable  Wireless and easyJet. Currently he
is Group CIO of Virgin Active, where he’s in the
midst of a massive, transformational business
project, from three legacy membership systems
to one standardized system, that will reduce cost,
promote simplicity and fundamentally change
the way Virgin Active interacts with their mem-
“Having three different membership systems for
over 100 clubs made it impossible to service our
customers seamlessly,” Andy reveals. “We knew
we needed to merge them into one system. But
as the largest international health club in the
world, we have a tendency to want to do things
in a big, unique way. But that was failing us. We
realized we needed a membership system that
worked in a standard way – and that meant fun-
damentally changing our business processes.”
Because the level of business change is so sig-
nificant, Andy works closely with Virgin Active’s
COO. “When you’re dealing with this level of
change, it’s important to have the right leader-
ship involved from the beginning. We’re not just
talking about IT, we’re talking about changing
our offerings, our workstreams and the way we
communicate, which affects our staff, our mem-
bers, our clubs, finance processes and opera-
tional delivery. We needed to get organisational
buy-in, but we also needed to prepare our entire
company for the changes we wanted to make.”
It’s all in your story
Virgin Active CIO Andy Caddy takes a no-nonsense,
narrative approach to change management
• The world’s largest
international health club
• 1.4 million members
• 270+ clubs in 9 countries
“You start by getting your story together,” Andy
continues. “Mine was simply that we were not
differentiating when using three different busi-
ness systems. In order to keep growing, our strat-
egy is to differentiate by offering a digital fitness
experience. But for that to the happen, the core
underlying system just needs to work.”
While Andy was focusing on spreading this story
like gospel and preparing the business internally,
Exerp was preparing the new membership sys-
tem for rollout in all 118 clubs. “After looking in
the market and narrowing it down to three pro-
viders, we chose Exerp because of their proven
track record – they have never had a project fail-
ure. They were knowledgeable, experienced and
The project started in March 2014 and was com-
plete by May 2015. “I think that’s testament to
our factory approach to the project. We want-
ed to roll out about 10 clubs per week and we
didn’t have the resources for one team per club.”
So Andy’s team developed a six-week pre-launch
program that included e-learning videos, web­
inars and a central knowledge desk for club
employees to contact when they had questions.
They did the actual integration overnight, and
placed one person in the club the day after to
help troubleshoot; but only for 24 hours.
“We needed to achieve all of this change while
minimising the impact on the club and the
members. Exerp were key to making this hap-
pen. They were willing to talk openly about
issues, and brought a wealth of business
process experience that helped us simplify
our own processes. Exerp are great believers in
sim­plicity – and removing complexity. When em-
barking on a business change of this scale, that is
exactly the kind of partner you need.”
Andy says the most important part of his role
is inciting and enabling Virgin Active’s digital
transformation. “I see it as my responsibility
to change the way we think about Technology
and Digital – from a disconnected afterthought
to a complete digital member journey. I’m on a
mission to use very clever technology, combined
with very smart people to help our health club
on its journey to be loved by its staff and by its
With the streamlining of business processes and
integration of the single membership system
complete in the UK, next on the agenda is rolling­
the new system out in the other seven Virgin
Active territories.
Andy’s change management advice
Understand and visualize what success of the
transformation really means.
Ask yourself:
1. What’s the impact on the business?
2. How will you measure that impact?
3. How does the change become a part of the
business flow?
Peter Honoré
When a customer engages with Exerp, they are
introduced very early on to Exerp’s Project and
Account Management (PAM) team. The team,
seven people strong, represents a wide range of
IT disciplines, from coding to consultancy.
Peter Honoré is Projects Director and head of the
team. “Our broad experience with large multina-
tional clients in the Fitness Industry is our main
strength,” he explains. “On top of our technical
abilities, our people understand the importance
of planning, the unique capabilities of the Exerp
platform, and the needs of the fitness industry.
By combining all of this with extensive experi-
ence developing and migrating systems, we can
act as a strong single point of contact for our
customers throughout the entire implementa-
tion process.”
For some customers, the system implementation
process can seem daunting. But the PAM team
has a very structured process and expert tools for
guiding customers through it. “Our involvement
usually starts in the sales process. We help po-
tential customers review the different modules
of the system, and we demonstrate how they
can be used. We then get involved with the gap
analysis and scoping to make sure we are tight-
ly aligned with the customer on any business
process and development requirements.”
Peter says early involvement of the PAM team
is critical to an efficient implementation.
“The closer we work with the customer in the
“discovery” phase, the fewer surprises we
will have in the development and configura-
tion phases. And this makes for a faster, more
predictable rollout.”
Exerp’s Project and Account Management team calls on heavy industry
experience to inject speed and predictability into large-scale projects
“Our team needs to be very flexible. No matter how
big or how agile our customers’ organisations,
we need to be able to support them in a way that
makes sense for them.”
Exerp’s customers are very different, both
in terms of their needs and their access to
resources. “Our team needs to be very flexible.
No matter how big or how agile our customers’
organisations, we need to be able to support
them in a way that makes sense for them.”
Senior Project Manager Jonathan Clein of Virgin
Active can concur. “At Virgin Active, we have a
unique internal methodology when it comes to
IT projects. The PAM team were very flexible
and adapted quickly to our approach.
Everyone on the team brought invaluable
industry experience. Their style is collaborative,
structured and pragmatic.”
Once the Exerp system has been fully imple-
mented, the project transitions from project
phase to business as usual. At this stage, all
Exerp customers have a dedicated account
manager who will liaise with them on a regular
basis. At the same time, day-to-day support
issues are handled by the Exerp Support team.
For more information about project imple-
mentation or the PAM team, contact Peter at
“At Virgin Active, we
have a unique
internal methodology
when it comes to IT
projects. The PAM team
were very flexible and
adapted quickly to our
Jonathan Clein,
Senior Project Manager,
Virgin Active.
tips for
successful project
Peter’s top
1.	Make sure the scope is clear and committed to by all parties.
2.	Both sides should dedicate sufficient and empowered project teams with clear objectives.
3.	The key resources should have a strong under­­standing of the business and its needs,
as well as the Exerp system’s capabilities.
4.	Make the progress visible and tangible for both parties. If possible, provide product demos
of development.
5.	Ensure daily or frequent dialogue between the key project resources, so that progress is
guaranteed and deviations from the plan are made visible.
6.	Ensure sufficient management attention on both sides so that escalation is easy if necessary.
Predictable planning
To bring speed and predictability to the implementation process, Exerp employs
some of the industry’s most accomplished Project Managers and Business
Consultants. Despite the scope and complexity of the projects, Exerp maintains
a 100% successful project track record. 
Exerp rollout framework
– 50 clubs
A S M U S I N G E R S L E V, F I T N E S S E N T R E P R E N E U R26
your business
Overcoming the tech challenges of the fitness industry
“Welcome to the club, Rasmus. Your program for today has been transferred to
your selected device. We have added 5% on all leg exercises since you did so
well last time. Your friend Dave came in five minutes ago and he is also doing
cardio today. Enjoy your workout”, says the robot as I enter the club.
If I imagine myself as a health club member 10 years from now, I believe
the three most remarkable changes from today will be: 1) The services
offered are more flexible and independent of the four walls of the club;
2) The services offered are more individualised; and 3) Training has become
social again.
All of these changes will be technology-driven, and my club will know
me better thanks to their extensive data mining. My club will know my
interests and goals, and can track my past performance and activity through
my wearable device (or clothing), which acts as the foundation of their
communication with me. In addition, they know my DNA, and accordingly,
how I should work out and eat to get the best results. They also know how
I should work out to prevent life-threatening diseases.
Based on this data, I am getting individually-tailored suggestions for what
I can do, when I can do it, and who I can do it with, which can be personal
trainers, my friends, or other members with similar goals – even a virtual
trainer on my mobile device. I can do the classes I want, whenever I want,
with the best instructors in the world. Either with a “live” instructor in
By Rasmus Ingerslev, Fitness Entrepreneur
the club, by following a class streamed over the Internet with a thousand
other people following a celebrity trainer, or by doing a pre-recorded class.
If I want to do an outdoor activity, I can easily team up with the
“gym-buddies” I have been introduced to through the club’s member
management system. In short, the offering will be more personalised,
more flexible and more social – and more importantly for operators, the four
walls of the club will no longer be what defines them. They will be defined
by how they engage with their members.
The rapid advance of smart technology is giving consumers more choice
and convenience than ever before, and members want freedom and control.
Wearable devices, health and fitness apps and streaming exercise classes
are brilliant examples of the new consumer-centric and tech-driven way
of delivery, which is also impacting the health and fitness industry. The
four walls of the club are being broken down from the outside by all of
these emerging technologies and services.
Studies have shown that robots can already diagnose and treat patients
better than doctors in many cases. By comparison, there will obviously
come a day where personal training, group exercise and a lot of other
functions in a club can be done better by robots than by real people.
Technology is not developing linearly but exponentially, so there is good
reason to believe this will happen sooner rather than later.
But what about the human touch? Well, do not be too sure you can tell the
difference. In 1950, the British mathematician Alan Turing (portrayed in the
movie “The Imitation Game”) created a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit
intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a
human. A machine passed that test for the first time in June 2014.
Assuming the question is not “if” technology will change our industry
dramatically, that leaves us with “when”. A lot of pieces to this puzzle
are already out there. There are over 200 million wearables in the market.
Several club groups offer DNA analysis and Under Armor alone has more
than 120 million users on their health and fitness tracking apps. The latter is
more or less equal to the total number of people holding a gym membership
globally today.
The challenge for any club operator is that these pieces do not co-exist in
the same ecosystem. My prediction is that the big “when” will be when
these pieces are connected. That does not mean that there is no value in the
various technology options in the market today. On the contrary, I believe
there is a lot of value in being among the early adoptors if you choose wisely.
A few years back when I was starting up an online gym, I was sure that I had
seen the light in terms of technology. I pushed forward hard and invested
significantly, only to learn that the idea was right but the timing was wrong.
I was ahead of the market, and even ahead of what was technically possible.
The good thing was that I learned a lot, and enough to keep the company
afloat and reinvent it to a successful global supplier of virtual classes.
My key take-aways from those years of hardship, which I believe apply
to the current challenge of the industry, are: 1) Do not reinvent the wheel;
and 2) Time to market is essential. With regard to reinventing the wheel,
again using my own start-up as an example, I was so focused on creating
something that was unique that I decided to do all the developing rather
than using an existing platform and tweaking my idea to match that.
Assuming the question is not “if” technology
will change our industry dramatically, that
leaves us with “when”.
Rasmus E. E. Ingerslev:
Experienced fitness entrepreneur with an international foot-
print. Has built and run two of Denmark’s largest health club
groups from start up to exit. Executive Vice Chairman of
Wexer Virtual, who supplies virtual classes to the majority of
the global top 25 health club groups.
• Fitness World, Vice Chairman (2014-2015)
• Scilife Clinic, Board Member (2014-)
• IHRSA, Board Member (2013-). Currently serving as Vice
• Fresh Fitness, Founder and CEO (2010-2014)
• Wexer Virtual, Founder and CEO (2008-2014). Currently
Executive Vice Chairman
• Fitness dk, Founder and CEO (2001-2008)
• Exerp, Chairman of the Board (2009-2010)
• Anti Doping Denmark, Board Member (2006-2008)
• The Danish Fitness  Health Organization, founder and
Board Member (2006-2014)
The thing with developing is that you never know exactly what you end up
with, nor does it end up costing what you expected. It will always cost more
– and it will always take longer than anticipated.
Basically, you have to ask yourself what you are. Are you a developer or a club
operator? You could build your own treadmills, but you do not. You could cre-
ate your own spreadsheet software, but you use Excel or something similar.
Why? You know what it costs, you know when it is available, and you know
that it will continuously be improved and that the products are supported.
But what about the competition? I don’t believe it’s the uniqueness of the tools
you use that makes the difference. I would suggest choosing proven, robust
and scalable services, and putting all of your effort into how you apply them.
Time to market is so much more important than anything else. In today’s mar-
ket it is not the big who eat the small. It is the small and agile that eat the slow.
Having said that, it’s important to remain critical with regard to time to
market. Being ahead of the market can be as costly as being behind. Luckily,
you have people to ask when it comes to this critical question: your members
and the market. Today it is so easy and inexpensive to conduct surveys. Do it.
It will help you understand whether you are premature, spot on, or too late in
terms of the services you are considering adding.
The fitness industry has seen significant changes over the past few years.
It will continue to change, like so many industries do – and technology will
be a key driver. If you are not convinced, look at accommodation. The biggest
provider today is AirBnB, who own no real estate. The largest taxi company
in the world is Uber. They do not own a single taxi. The most popular media
owner is Facebook, who own no content – and to stay in our industry, one
of the largest suppliers of classes is ClassPass who has surpassed the value
of several major gym chains, without owning a single studio. Adjusting to
this new market and competitive landscape is obviously challenging, but also
exciting - and in every challenge lies opportunity.
Laurent Czinczenheim is the COO of Exerp
and a data migration expert. He oversees all of
Exerp’s daily operations including Support, Host-
ing and Technical Consultancy. He gives each of
his team members the objective of helping their
customers optimise their businesses on a daily
This starts during the process of migrating new
clients from their legacy systems. Laurent has a
unique understanding of the complexities asso-
ciated with migrating large volumes of data, and
a unique ability to identify dependencies and
anticipate consequences of certain system
changes. “With data migration, every second
counts and costs, so we focus on being extremely
efficient and agile,” Laurent explains.
Over nine years at Exerp, Laurent has overseen
the migration of almost two million club mem-
bers. His extraordinary migration skills are
partly the result of his engineering degree from
Ecole des Mines Paris, one of the most prestigious
engineering schools in France.
“Several years back, we realised we had to devel-
op a more advanced data migration framework,
to put some speed into the migration and make
processes less fragile (to decrease the number of
manual errors to correct afterwards),” Laurent
adds. Today, the Exerp Migration Framework,
which is the result of several past conversion
experiences from heterogeneous systems, allows
Exerp to safely roll out chains of over 270,000
members in just five hours.
“The framework works incrementally,” Laurent
explains. “If it is stopped during execution, it will
immediately restart where it stopped, making it
extremely robust against both data-related and
unexpected problems, such as network failures.”
To minimise in-house IT dependencies and
Exerp platform is offered as a SaaS solution.
“We basically control the whole technical stack.
That means that on the client side there is no
need for a department with specific technical
knowledge,” Laurent says.
Comprising nine Supporters, four Technical
Consultants, six System Administrators
including two Oracle-certified professionals,
Laurent’s team manages close to 1000 clubs,
which he admits sometimes gets his adrenalin
pumping. “When issues arise we need to be
extremely precise and quick in solving them.
And we don’t just slap a bandage on the issue
and go home. We work to get to the root of it,
and afterwards, find a permanent solution that
improves the system as a whole. That’s just
one way we keep evolving the system around
customer needs, with their business operations
and strategies in mind. ”
Get in touch with Laurent at
With a unique mind for migration dependencies,
Exerp’s COO keeps his on eye the customer’s long game
“When issues arise we need to be extremely precise and quick
in solving them. And we don’t just slap a bandage on the issue
and go home.”
Laurent Czinczenheim
Exerp in numbers
1171M EUR
In annual collection
(Direct Debit,
Credit Card etc.)
Active Members Hosted
Check-ins in January 2015
Group Exercise Classes
in one month
Check-ins in just one day
(January 12th, 2015)
N D R E W F O R S Y T H ,
Sports and fitness fandom runs thick in Andrew Forsyth’s blood
Everton has competed in the top division
for a record 110 seasons and has won the
League Championship nine times.
Born and raised in Liverpool, Pure Gym Head of IT Andy Forsyth began his
career working for Everton Football Club – just like his father and his father
before him. “I had been an Everton fan since I was a small kid,” Andy reveals.
“My dad and granddad both worked at the stadium (Goodison Park) so going
to football games and supporting the team was just a way of life.”
When it was time for young Andrew to join the workforce, it seemed like a
job at the stadium was a natural next step. “A lot of people there already knew
me through my father, so I guess they thought they could give me a shot at
operating the scoreboard.”
Andy soon went on to manage Everton fan club membership worldwide.
“Everton has millions of fans all over the world. I became the administra-
tor of the fan club, enrolling people, sending newsletters and answering
mails. It was great having so much interaction with fans like myself.” Andy
then went on to manage the sales staff of 50 people – selling tickets and fan
paraphernalia at the games.
Andy says working for Everton was fantastic training for his current role at
Pure Gym. “The common thing between the two jobs is looking after mem-
bers. The goal is to provide the best services – the safest environment and
greatest atmosphere possible – for the football fans and gym members alike.
And to make it easier for them to acquire these services.”
From Everton, Andy went on to work in national membership services for
the UK sporting goods and apparel sector. He started at Pure Gym in 2012.
“At the time, Pure Gym was beginning to make a big play in the affordable
fitness market, and wanted to do something fairly radical in terms of mem-
bership and IT. It seemed like it could be an interesting challenge – and it
is.” Andy says he aims to make Pure Gym’s IT system the best in the market.
Just because he no longer works for the club doesn’t mean Andy’s support
for Everton has wavered. “I’ll always be a die-hard Everton supporter – the
only football team in Liverpool,” he laughs cheekily, referring to the fierce and
dramatic rivalry between Everton and neighbours Liverpool. The Forsyth
family football tradition has also been passed to Andy’s eight-year-old son,
who plays for South Liverpool.
What’s you’re favourite thing about working in the fitness
Providing a service that helps people stay healthy.
What’s the best IT decision you ever made?
Bringing our direct debit and online member services in house.
Any advice for other fitness brands?
Stay true to your offering and your company values.
Words to live by?
Trust and earn trust – and everyone can be more effective with
what they bring to the table.
Everton Football Club, Liverpool
League: Premier League
Nickname: The Toffees
Founded: 1878 as St. Domingos F.C
Stadium: Goodison Park
Chief rival: Liverpool
Pure Gym is the UK’s leading affordable gym
chain, serving 450,000 members. With no swim-
ming pools, saunas, racquet courts and no fixed
contracts, the company’s gyms typically employ
just two people, supported by up to 12 self-em-
ployed trainers.
Pure Gym was formed in 2009, when the founder
saw a gap in the fitness market. Until then, the
UK market had been dominated by mid-market
and top-end chains. The vision was to make
fitness more affordable, by stripping away the
expensive optional facilities and offering many
of its member services online.
“What Pure Gym set out to do at the time was
quite revolutionary in terms of IT,” explains
Andy Forsyth, Pure Gym’s Head of IT. “Fitness
centres were mostly analogue operations. Pure
Gym was the first to take memberships and class
registrations online, making it possible to keep
the monthly fees low.”
Pure Gym’s original bespoke-developed IT
system was designed to support just six or
seven sites. But as the company grew, so did
the need for a more holistic IT system that
could better support both their members’
needs and Pure Gym’s plans for expansion.
“When I started with Pure Gym in 2012, I wanted
to look at how we could simplify things,” Andy
says. “With multiple systems and multiple out-
sourced suppliers, it was difficult to track mem-
bers and get to know them – and it was holding
us back from our potential to be agile and to
Andy and his team set out to analyse the market
for software suppliers. After meeting with sev-
eral companies, he flew to Copenhagen to meet
A Match Made in Data
Shared trust and an entrepreneurial spirit fuels
the Pure Gym-Exerp partnership
Jacob and Lars from Exerp. “My gut feeling was
that these guys were trustworthy, competent
and skilled. They never over-promised and were
really transparent as we reviewed the system.”
Andy went with his gut feeling and he says it re-
ally paid off. “Pure Gym is a group of fast-paced
decision makers. Exerp developed a unique roll-
out plan to suit that – they rolled out 55 clubs
across the UK and Ireland in just four months.”
He also says it was easy to work with Exerp. “They
are great data debaters and good brainstormers,
and that built a lot of trust between us. Once you
have that trust, you can be very entrepreneurial
and agile together.”
Now that the system is fully implemented across
the chain, Andy’s plan is to continue to rely on
data to improve member services. “It’s all about
listening to members and helping them achieve
their fitness goals. With Exerp’s help, we will
continue to work on a micro-level with individ-
ual member data to discover purchasing and
exercise patterns. Not only will this help us im-
prove the member experience, it will also help us
make better business decisions in terms of when,
where, and how we expand.”
Today, Pure Gym has 92 clubs, with another 30
scheduled to open by the end of 2015. Pure Gym’s
target is to have 250-300 clubs by 2020.
PURE GYM facts
• 450,000 members
• 92 clubs
• 2014 Financial Results:
Membership up 66%
Jonathan Midttun is a Business Consultant at
Exerp. He started as a trainee, fresh out of techni-
cal school in 2008, providing tech support to 400
individual clubs around Denmark. This gave him
a very broad and deep introduction to the fitness
“Tech support back then meant being onsite and
working on individual PCs in the clubs,” says Jon-
athan. “It gave me a unique opportunity to meet
a lot of people working in the clubs and get an
understanding of what was important to them.”
Jonathan’s role later evolved into project man-
agement, where he focused on the start phase.
Today he helps develop unique solutions for Ex-
erp customers, including leading systems migra-
tion and user training on the customer side.
“The Exerp system gives customers the opportu-
nity to understand their members so much bet-
ter,” explains Jonathan. “I see it as my job to help
customers visualise how far their data can take
them in terms of meeting member expectations
and improving their business processes.”
Since September 2013, Pure Gym UK has been
one of Jonathan’s main customers. An ambitious
and fast-moving company, Pure Gym achieved
the fastest rollout in Exerp’s history: from 1 to 60
clubs in 4 months. Jonathan says it would not
have been possible without a really high level of
“It is no small endeavour to change IT systems.
A certain level of disruption is necessary and
expected. But if we work closely together, listen
to and trust each other, we can move through
the development and migration processes really
quickly and with minimal disruption.”
In the case of Pure Gym, that meant being onsite
at the head office in Leeds for several weeks of
scoping and preparation, working with their web
development team based in Manchester, and
traveling around the region educating new staff
and top management on the benefits and use of
the new system.
The actual migration happened on a cold Febru-
ary night in 2014. “I remember feeling a bit like
an orchestra conductor, waving my virtual wand
from my little flat in Copenhagen. We had the
Exerp Business Consultant reveals his approach to moving customers smoothly
towards their optimised future
conversion team, website agency, the gate control
system, and payment processing teams working
through the night. By 7 am, 340,000 members
were converted to the new system.”
Now that Pure Gym is running at full speed with
plans to add 50 more clubs this year, Jonathan’s
role becomes less about minimising disruption
and more about helping them optimise their
data to enhance member engagement.
“It’s been a very satisfying journey working with
Pure Gym.” Jonathan concludes. “I found that by
really listening to and understanding their goals
I was in a better position to provide the unique
solutions they needed. And they were really
open to our ideas as a result. I think we brought
out the best in each other – and the business
results speak for themselves.”
Contact Jonathan at
Jonathan Midttun
R V I D J O H A N S S O N , C I O S AT S E L I X I A
Before taking on his current role, SATS Elixia CIO Arvid Johannson worked
for seven years helping a German supermarket chain expand across Sweden.
“During my time there, the company went from 0 to 150 stores,” Arvid says. “It
was a fun journey at a very big, but agile and exciting international company.”
It was also a journey that shaped Arvid’s perspective on how IT can be mis-
sion-critical when it comes to expansion. “When you’re a chain business, you
need standard IT systems and protocols across the organisation. When you
make changes in the system, you need to think ahead to the implications on
each individual store and each individual customer in order for the changes
to be successful.”
This experience came in handy when Arvid, a fitness fan in his own right,
took the opportunity to join SATS, one of Sweden’s leading fitness brands, in
2009. “The fitness industry was not very IT-mature. There seemed endless
opportunities to improve the business by leveraging IT.”
In 2013, SATS’ parent company, Health and Fitness Nordic, began merging
SATS with Elixia, Norway’s leading fitness brand. “The biggest challenge
from an IT point of view was time,” Arvid reveals. “The merger was approved
in June and we needed to launch as one brand by August – that meant all
systems needed to be migrated within a few months.”
The Vision is Clear
CIO Arvid Johansson leverages his experience in retail to
merge SATS Elixia with its total-fitness future
“Going forward, SATS Elixia will focus on
communicating with individuals and crafting
total wellness solutions for them, instead of
pushing mass solutions up market.”
Luckily, Arvid says, there was plenty of time for preparation. “My team did
a fantastic job keeping an overview of all systems, integrating them into
one portfolio, and working closely with our suppliers to keep some solid
As SATS Elixia continues to expand across Norway, Sweden and Finland,
their strategy is to stay focused on making Nordic people healthier and hap-
pier. Arvid says that means offering a total fitness experience. “The Nordic
people are very in tune with their fitness needs – they want to combine nu-
trition and fitness for a total-health experience. Going forward, SATS Elixia
will focus on communicating with individuals and crafting total wellness
solutions for them, instead of pushing mass solutions up market.” This will
require SATS Elixia to take an ambitious approach to its digital and online
services, currently in development.
Together with its sister brands in Health  Fitness Nordic, SATS Elixia
currently has 500,000 members and about 200 clubs across Norway, Sweden
and Finland.
What’s the best IT decision you made during the
SATS Elixia merger?
To do a proper pilot before rolling out the wider systems migra-
Advice for other CIOs embarking on mergers or acquisitions?
Make time to involve your suppliers closely – so they under-
stand every implication of the project and can staff up properly
to support you.
Greatest passion
Gym training, skiing, golf and my three kids (ages 3, 9 and 11).
Words to live by
Bring your gym bag with you every day – so you never have an
excuse not to train.
– Audit in 2014 by
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Throughout 2014 Exerp has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to comply with the International Standard for Assurance Engagements
(ISAE 3402), formerly SAS 70, to produce a formal report on the design, implementation and operating effectiveness of the hosting environment.
The Exerp platform is based on a standard
set of building blocks – that’s what makes it
easy for companies to adopt. But it is also very
flexible, making it easy for clients in all segments
(low-budget, mid-market, or premium) to custo­
mise with the exact functionalities they need
to run their businesses. Whatever the customer
needs, the Exerp Development team works to
deliver the simplest and safest solution.
Martin Lindboe is Systems Architect at Exerp.
“When customers come to us, they always have a
business case that is painfully complex. Our job
is to simplify it. Just like with your car, you want
a smooth, safe ride, but you don’t want to think
about what’s happening under the hood. The
everyday user of Exerp should not have to worry
about these complexities.”
“The user interface is simple and intuitive, and
it’s easy to get a good overview of your business
activities – no matter what your role in the
company,” says Martin. “We hide the technical
details of the transaction or activity to make
usability as simple as possible. And you can
choose the level of simplicity you want for each
role in your company. “
Safety and security measures are built right in
to the standard system. “We’ve made it so that
different employee roles are assigned certain
functionalities in the system. This reduces the
risk of wrong entries or a slip of the finger causing
chaos in the business – and brings our customers
peace of mind.”
“We put a lot of effort into improving reliability
and network security,” Martin continues. “Our
latest application detects network problems
and can switch to an offline system for certain
functions. This is particularly useful in regions
where IT infrastructure is not very robust. We
accept responsibility for all areas of the system
– including infrastructure resilience and network­
Exerp works with a wide network of global health
clubs. Martin says the experience and knowledge
they gain from working across this network gets
channelled directly towards moving the system
forward for all their customers.
With a focus on each customer’s individual needs, the development team works
to keep the Exerp system simple and secure for every user.
“No two customers can get the exact same bene­
fits out of any feature we develop – it depends
on how they run their business. Basically,
we take relevant elements of the new product
developments and apply them to the system in a
way that benefits everybody – and our customers
really like this.”
Every week, Exerp releases a new version of
the system. Customers are made aware of the
exact changes each week so they can make an
informed decision on whether to upgrade to the
new version. Martin says they are careful not to
add huge features, and to ensure the features
they do add fit seamlessly with their customers’
current business processes.
“When customers come to us, they always
have a business case that is painfully complex.
Our job is to simplify it.”
Martin Lindboe
A mecca of Scandinavian design, fashion and architecture, Copenhagen is one of Europe’s trendiest destinations.
It’s also the breeding ground for some of the world’s most successful IT innovations. Companies such as
Zendesk, Endomondo and Navision originated in this city. Come to Copenhagen to meet Exerp and learn about
the company – and the world’s leading club management system for large enterprises.
Contact Jacob at Exerp to hear more.
For nine years, Anne Kronborg worked as Sup-
port Manager at Fitness dk’s Copenhagen head-
quarters. She was responsible for membership
support in all 41 clubs, managing their central
call center. She was also responsible for the
Exerp system and was an Exerp superuser.
“I was in close contact with Exerp on a weekly
basis, asking questions about what the system
could do and what functionalities were possible
to add,” Anne explains.
After working with Exerp for so long on the
customer side, Anne decided to join the Exerp
support team in January 2015. “There are so
many great opportunities within the system – I
thought it would be a fun challenge to work with
it on a daily basis. Plus I already knew and liked
the people on the team, so I felt pretty confident
I would fit in.”
Anne has a Bachelor of Commerce degree and
a mini MBA. To her support role, she brings a
strong understanding of business and an in-
depth knowledge of the financial functions in
the Exerp system. She says she likes the team
approach to customer support. “Each of us has
our own unique competencies, but we approach
every ticket as a team and decide who is best
equipped to handle each request. We definitely
go for quality over quantity and ensure there is
enough time to handle each request thoroughly.”
Anders Olsen, Head of Support adds, “At the
same time, the Supporters need to be methodical
and motivated to self-diagnose and find the best
solutions – even under pressure.”
There are eight people on the support team.
Anders continuously strives to deepen the
knowledge and keep it on the quickly-growing
team. He thinks it’s important that the Support
team is introduced to new customers early, so
before they start providing day-to-day support.
“Ideally, we like to get involved during the project
implementation and training stages,” he explains.
“It gives us an opportunity to build a bond with
the people we will later be working with on a
daily basis.”
Anne will soon head to South Africa to embark
on her first customer training session. “I’m
excited to introduce the system to people
with absolutely no experience with it. I know
what’s important to new users because I’ve been
in their shoes, and I can easily help them trouble­
Exerp Supporter Anne Kronborg understands what’s important to customers
– she used to be one
With the industry continuing to rely more heavi-
ly on IT, Anne foresees continuous opportunities
to learn and develop in her role. “IT is spreading
further and further into the clubs and every-
thing is connected. That means Exerp will never
stop developing the system, and on the support
team, we will never be stagnant or bored.”
Anders adds, “It’s an exciting time for our
customers. There are so many opportunities
to use IT to differentiate. No matter how our
customers decide to do this, we will be there to
help them use the Exerp system to drive their
business forward.”
Contact Anne at or Anders at ao@
Rory Sweetlove and Eddie Swinnen have known
each other for decades. Both lifers in the fitness
industry, they’ve worked together in South Afri-
ca and abroad – on various projects in different
capacities, but always sharing the same philoso-
phy: that fitness should be affordable, personal,
and a part of everyday life.
One day, back in Johannesburg, the two sat down
for coffee and Rory pitched to Eddie his idea for
GO Health. “I already had a major investor by
then, so I knew the venture was realistic.” Rory
explains. “I said, ‘Eddie, I have a project for us.’”
That day, the two joined forces and have never
looked back. Today Rory is Managing Director of
GO Health, and Eddie is CIO. Their value propo-
sition and fitness mantra: “It’s not a health club,
it’s life.”
“We are passionate about personalised training,”
says Rory. “Fitness should not be an isolated ac-
tivity that stays in the club. We want the club’s
holistic health philosophy to follow members
into their lives. At the same time, we want it to be
convenient, affordable, and to feature a unique,
world-class member journey.”
Rory explains that South Africans don’t have
time to get to the gym as much as they would
like to – and they sometimes prefer to hike, run
or walk the dog on the weekends. “We want our
members to consider all of these activities as part
of their regimens. When they get to the club, the
calories they burnt on those outdoor activities
should also count on their personal programs
Slick and Personal
From the Ground Up
GO Health Club partners with technology experts to help create a
uniquely personal, holistic training experience
“The beauty is that we’re starting with a clean
slate. We have the freedom to create solutions
from the ground up.”
Rory Sweetlove (MD) and Eddie Swinnen (CIO)
towards rewards in the club. Everything should
sync so they can think holistically about their
overall health and fitness.”
To help create this unique experience, Rory and
Eddie have assembled a team of leading-edge
technology partners. “Our vision was to create a
very slick single-member ecosystem,” says Eddie.
“For that we needed to find partners that best fit
this vision.”
They chose Technogym, leaders in fitness equip-
ment, Gantner for top-class access technology,
and the Exerp enterprise club management
system. “The beauty is that we’re starting with
a clean slate,” Eddie continues. “We don’t need
to force new solutions into an existing rigid sys-
tem. We have the freedom to create solutions
from the ground up.” With that, they gathered
their partners around the table and offered the
unique challenge of creating a personalised
member experience together.
“In our experience, the best, most uniform mem-
ber journey comes from collaborating with oth-
er technology providers,” says Jonathan Midttun,
Business Consultant at Exerp. “Technogym al-
ready has a great tracking system called mywell-
ness® cloud. With this system, they hold all the
data on member activity, while the Exerp system
holds all the other member data. We worked
with Technogym to aggregate all the data in one
place. We also worked with Gantner to sync ac-
cessibility of the club and its offerings into this
system, creating the slick member ecosystem GO
Health was looking for.”
That means that as soon as you join GO Health,
you get a single access device that gives you
access to the club. This tool also allows you to
load your personal exercise program into any
machine you may use, as well as record your out-
door activities. This way you can track your over-
all performance and burnt calories, whilst getting
rewards for your efforts in and out of the club.
“We believe this is the future of fitness, and we
are proud to be creating this niche in the South
African market,” Rory says. “It has been such a
privilege to watch our visions become a reality,”
adds Eddie. “This has been one of the top bene-
fits of working with technology leaders like Tech-
nogym, Gantner and Exerp.”
The first of GO Health’s chain of clubs is set to
open in Johannesburg 15 May, with four more
opening by the end of 2015. By 2019, 38 high-qual-
ity affordable clubs will be open across South
Exerp in collaboration with:
Exerp is offered as
a SaaS Solution.
Exerp manages and
takes responsibility
for the entire hosting
That means there
are no “man-in-the-
middle” issues.
Helping Fitness World grow
The Exerp platform seamlessly scales, making it easy for health clubs to expand.
Since 2007, Exerp has supported Fitness World (Denmark’s biggest fitness chain) as they acquired
several clubs in Denmark and Poland.
Contract signed
with Exerp
Acquires Equinox
and becomes the biggest gym
chain in Denmark
Acquires Enjoy Fitness
and Fitness One and reaches
300,000 members
Acquires SATS’
clubs in
Acquires Fresh Fitness
and reaches
400,000 members
Acquires Condizione
in Poland and reaches
450,000 members
(38 clubs)
(7 clubs)
(55 clubs)
(70 clubs)
(89 clubs)
(100 clubs)
(116 clubs)
(128 clubs)
(155 clubs)
Contract signed
with Exerp
Acquires Equinox
and becomes the biggest gym
chain in Denmark
Acquires Enjoy Fitness
and Fitness One and reaches
300,000 members
Acquires SATS’
clubs in
Acquires Fresh Fitness
and reaches
400,000 members
Acquires Condizione
in Poland and reaches
450,000 members
(38 clubs)
(7 clubs)
(55 clubs)
(70 clubs)
(89 clubs)
(100 clubs)
(116 clubs)
(128 clubs)
(155 clubs)
Niclas Pedersen, IT Manager, Fitness World
Exerp has delivered an extremely reliable IT solution with superior
reporting capabilities. Even as we add new branches, Exerp Platform
seamlessly scales with us making it cost effective to expand.”
In greater Copenhagen there are more bikes than citizens. 36% of its 1,263,698 citizens commute
to work and school by bicycle. That means 1.2 million kilometres (0.75 million miles) are cycled in
the city every day. Come to Copenhagen and explore its distinct neighbourhoods and intriguing
architecture from the cool, breezy comfort of the bike lane.
Our global reach
Based in Copenhagen, we currently serve fitness clubs on
two continents and are establishing offices in
North America in 2016. Get in touch to find out more.
United Kingdom – BACS
France – SEPA Core Direct Debit
Germany – SEPA Core Direct Debit
Austria – SEPA Core Direct Debit
Switzerland – LSV Plus and PostFinance
Netherlands – SEPA Core Direct Debit
Czech Republic – ABO
Poland – ELIXIR
Denmark – Betalingsservice
Sweden – Autogiro
Norway – Avtalegiro
Finland – E-invoice
South Africa – Debit Order
USA, Canada, Italy, Spain, Portugal
The Exerp Platform is a standard club
management system for large enterprises.
With highly configurable features, the system
allows each of our clients to use the product
in their own unique way.
Exerp acts as the centralised information
source and member database for the
purposes of payment collection, reporting,
business analysis and customer relations
management. Dive in to see which features
could work for you.
Add-on services
Bundled products
Gift cards
Clip cards
Micro payments
Start-up campaigns
Group memberships
Campaign codes
Corporate agreements
Corporate sponsorships
Book a seat
Child care (Creche)
Class booking
No-show sanctions
Resource booking
Staff booking
Book friend
Automated messages
Data cleaning
SMS services
Task management (CRM)
Mobile App
Debt collection
Expense voucher
Recurring credit card
General ledger
Inventory management
Payment Plans
BI (2015)
Gate control
Integrated chip and pin
Vending integration
Online services
Online sales
Self-service terminal
Automated export
Mobile API
Push API
KPI tracker
Escrow service
Product catalogue
Role system
Target groups
Access control
Point of Sale (POS)
Direct Debit (EFT)
get groups can be drawn from any data available
in the Exerp platform to segment the target
groups for your special offerings, such as person
types, training frequency, relations or historic
Allow additional users to be signed up on specific
membership types. Members with group mem-
berships can add family or friends as secondary
users on their membership, either included in
the monthly fee or as a charged monthly add-on
Differentiate your offerings and optimise sec-
ondary revenue with complementary services in
addition to the base membership. For example,
members can choose to subscribe to privileges
to use PT, Child Care, towel/shoe service, golf,
squash etc.
Increase secondary spend with product bundling
(package deals) of all types of products, includ-
ing retail and memberships. Allow for advanced
bundles, such as combinations of ‘two items
from this product group’ and ‘three items from
that product group’. Your staff will be prompted
to ensure additional suggestive sales.
Sell and issue gift cards (vouchers) using your
barcodes, magnetic or RFID cards. Sale and re-
demption of gift cards are managed completely
Through subscription products, your members
(students, seniors, corporate etc.) will obtain var-
ious privileges, i.e. rebates and access rights. Our
unique Privilege System allows management to
centrally define strict offering policies regarding
rebates and access rights. The privileges can be
temporally and geographically scoped and ap-
plied to products or subscriptions in any combi-
nation conceivable.
Streamline your product offerings across your
organisation while still allowing for controlled
local deviations. Manage all product types; retail,
subscriptions, add-ons, services, clip cards, gift
cards etc. from one single product catalogue to
eliminate product duplicates and ensure correct
price changes and phase-outs.
Ensure safe and effective control of what staff
can do, when and where, through a fine-grained
role system. The role system allows for configu-
ration of multiple composite roles, each compris-
ing a set of allowed actions. The scoping in the
Exerp platform allows employees to hold mul-
tiple composite roles, i.e. ‘Club Manager’ in one
club and ‘Receptionist’ in another.
Use target groups to provide offerings and cam-
paigns to a selected group of members, giving
discounts or special access to facilities. The tar-
by the Exerp platform, which keeps track of the
amounts used on each gift card and ensures that
gift cards cannot be used once the full amount
has been spent.
Manage session packs with clip cards for PT, sun
beds, group training etc. Clip cards are managed
electronically using the member cards and can be
used for both access rights and retail purchases.
All clip usage is logged in the member’s profile
for easy access of usage history.
Differentiate your revenue by charging members
for the use of various services or resources such
as showers, group exercises, VIP facilities etc.
The Micro payment is automatically processed
when the member hovers his/her wristband at
a touchless sensor. The Micro Payment is settled
via Direct Debit or instantly subtracted from a
pre-paid amount in the member’s account.
Use start-up campaigns for your selected mem-
bership types. The start-up campaign gives dis-
counts on the start-up period for new members
signing up, for example, half off the firstmonth.
The price is automatically increased once the
discounted start-up period expires with no addi-
tional administration overhead.
Create campaigns that are limited to customers
with a predefined campaign code. The campaign
codes can either be reusable codes, such as QR
codes, or individual codes that can be used only
once. The campaign code option can be applied
to both start-up campaigns, bundle campaigns
and general campaigns, giving discounts on re-
tail products and services.
Let your members choose their preferred bike in
the cycling studio (or other equipment used for
various classes), and have Exerp confirm their
booking. Payment for the booking is in the road-
map for this feature, so members can be charged
for this individual service. Note: this feature is
only available through the API and in the Exerp
Client application. It is not available in the Exerp
Standard Web Solution and Kiosk.
Structure and manage your child care service
with the Exerp Child Care feature. It handles
staff scheduling, child and parent relations, bill-
ing, booking and child check-in and pickup pro-
cesses. A special child care view gives you instant
overview of all children present.
Manage your group activities with flexible con-
figuration of rules for participants, cancellations,
bookings, activity recurrence, automated waiting
lists, reminder messaging triggers, cost budget-
ing, instructor requirements etc.
Use no-show sanctions to automatically add a fee
on the next Direct Debit of members who do not
show up for their bookings. Alternatively, you can
sanction no-shows by automatically limiting the
rights to make new bookings for a period.
Allow you or your members to book resources
like rooms or equipment in the resource calen-
dar. Rooms can be defined with pre-defined time
slots to enable booking of sun-beds or courts like
squash and badminton. Rules ensure that the
bookings of your resources are optimised at any
Let staff define the work hours and booking
availability, so they can be booked for personal
sessions. The central configuration ensures that
only the right staff is booked for specialised
activities like personal training or intro tours by
restricting activities to specific staff groups.
Let your members book each other for classes
and add their training buddies in Exerp. When
adding a training buddy, the member can allow
their buddy to book classes on their behalf and
vice versa. Upon a booking, both the member and
the buddy will receive a booking confirmation
message. This feature also allows members to
sponsor their buddy using clips from a personal
clip card, if the booked buddy does not have priv-
ileges, or to use personal clips to bring a friend.
Note: this feature is only available through the
API and in the Exerp Client application. It is not
available in the Exerp Standard Web Solution
and Kiosk.
Ensure safe and effective managing of your cor-
porate agreements throughout the chain. All
corporate prices are enforced in the clubs when
corporate members sign up for a membership.
The corporate discount can apply to all products
including subscriptions, joining fee and retail
products and can be defined as fixed price, price
discount or a percentage discount on the normal
Bill your companies for the sponsoring of their
employees. The sponsored part can be a percent-
age, a fixed amount or a fixed price. Sponsorship
can be both on signup and on the recurring
monthly membership price. Corporate members
will pay the non-sponsored part on sign up or by
monthly Direct Debit.
To strictly control who may enter the facilities,
members obtain access privileges to activities
and resources through various service prod-
ucts; subscriptions, campaigns, corporate agree-
ment etc. In case of any outstanding issues with
Direct Debit, frozen or terminated subscriptions,
undelivered messages, debt etc., front desk staff
will be alerted when members swipe their card
at the turnstile.
Allows front desk staff to quickly execute sale of
subscriptions and goods. To ensure that mem-
bers always receive the right price of any prod-
uct, the price is given by the system, taking into
account rebates stemming from campaigns, stu-
dent offerings, company agreements etc. In other
words, the front desk staff never inputs a price,
which reduces the risk of mistakes and fraud.
Define task types and workflows to manage your
prospects and member retention activities. This
feature includes a highly configurable workflow
engine and support for messages, notes and
appointments. For all tasks and workflows you
can report on the steps and actions you have
defined in your workflow.
Let the Exerp platform automatically send debt
reminders, booking reminders, membership ex-
piration reminders etc. automatically through
the members’ preferred channel. The feature
supports more than 40 automated message types
that can be sent either by email, SMS or deliv-
ered through the member self-service interfaces.
Keep your member data updated using external
data cleaning services and let the Exerp plat-
form automatically handle the processes related
to personal data retention and protection law
compliance by removing personal data that no
longer needs to be kept.
Know the trends in your member base by is-
suing bulk electronic questionnaires. Let your
members answer online or by the aid of front
desk staff and use the answers for statistics or
targeted campaigns etc. Besides bulk question-
naires you can also include entry and exit ques-
tionnaires to capture information at the right
time to learn why people may be signing up or
Send SMS directly from the member profile or
use SMS as channel for the automated messages
sent by the Exerp platform. The service includes
integration to a professional, international SMS
Gateway Provider. Setup, maintenance and ad-
ministration are all taken care of by Exerp and
our partner.
Exerp Mobile App is a white-labelled app for
mobile devices that can be customised to your
brand. It includes class booking, push notifica-
tions to members and QR codes for campaigns
and access control. The App is made in Apple
swift and Android native code, and integrates
directly into the back end of Exerp for easy man-
agement of, for example, class schedules, book-
ings and member profiles.
Instant overview for your CFO and back office.
Perform chain-wide reporting across clubs, re-
gions and countries and take out standard, time-
safe reports on sales, deferred revenue, subscrip-
tion evolution, aged debt, attrition, Direct Debit,
campaigns, bookings etc. Or use the Easy Extract
Wizard to take out your own extract and apply
these to campaigns, newsletters, staff to-dos etc.
Automatic billing of recurring subscription fees
guarantees correct and timely deductions on
a chain-wide level. Direct Debit (EFT) is fully
supported in UK, FR, DE, SE, NO, DK, and FI. A
robust framework for implementation ensures
that any additional EU countries are seamlessly
integrated using SEPA Core Direct Debit.
Ensure automated and consistent handling of
members in debt. Based on your setup, the
Exerp platform will automatically block access,
send out emails, SMS, physical letters and add
reminder fees etc. Members with overdue
debt can also be electronically transferred to a
third-party debt recovery agency.
Let staff register minor expenses and manage
petty cash in clubs using the Exerp expense
vouchers. An easy step-by-step wizard ensures
correct registration and mapping to your finance
accounts, giving you a day-to-day view of expens-
es paid out in clubs and reduces your back office
Let your members create Direct Debit mandates
for credit cards and deduct monthly, weekly, or
daily membership fees and retail sales using the
credit card instead of bank deduction. The solu-
tion provided together with Payex is easy and se-
cure, and allows members to manage their own
credit card details in the online member portal
(transaction based pricing apply).
Manage your organisation’s own chart of ac-
counts and setup schedules for automated ex-
port to your external finance system. The export-
ed finance data is automatically aggregated and
ensures a complete audit trail between the Exerp
platform and the finance system.
Keep complete track of the financial and phys-
ical flow of your retail products. This includes
management of your suppliers, deliveries, inter-
nal usage, faulty products, and write-offs. The
Exerp platform will provide an instant overview
of stock values and keep your finance system up-
dated daily.
Allow your members to split payments of large
sales amounts, e.g. personal training sessions,
into an upfront payment followed by monthly
installments of the remaining amount by Di-
rect Debit. The feature gives you full control of
the business rules for allowed installments and
amounts to ensure that the payment plans fol-
low your corporate business policies.
BI (2015)
Use the Exerp integration with Qlik Sense to
get your reporting figures on all the required di-
mensions, and make the figures accessible on all
platforms throughout your organisation based
on roles and security levels. Qlik Sense is a data
visualization and analysis application that em-
powers you to easily create personalised reports
and dashboards with drag-and-drop simplicity.
The integration allows you to explore and break
down the numbers as well as tracking the evolu-
tion of the slowly changing report dimensions.
Let your members sign contracts and receipts
electronically and have the signed documents
stored in the member profile as PDFs. This way
you always have easy access to the contract and
other signed documents in both clubs and in
head office. You can also allow your members
access to the signed documents including their
contract in their online profile.
Integrate your doors and gates with the Exerp
platform using Gantner relays or the Barionett
relay provided by Exerp. This allows you to set
up access rules in Exerp, ensuring that only the
members with the right privileges can access the
resources and facilities in the club.
Avoid problems of reconciling your cash registers
by integrating Exerp with your credit card termi-
nals. Exerp automatically sends the requested
amount to the terminal and reconciles with the
terminal at the end of the day.
Integrate your vending machines and allow
your members to make cashless purchases over
their membership account using either a pre-
paid amount or deduction by Direct Debit with
a monthly micro credit. Prices are controlled in
the Exerp platform and allow you to give target-
ed discounts through the vending machines. No
coding of vending machines needed.
Give your members access to online services
through the customisable Exerp member portal.
Various options and services can be made avail-
able like online booking of classes and courts,
freeze and termination of membership, and view
and edit personal data.
Add the online sales channel to your website
by offering subscriptions and online credit card
payment enrolment processing. New members
can sign up and refer to existing members for
discount (optional). Existing members can renew
their membership, cash up their account or pay
Use self-service terminals with touch interface
for fast and convenient fitness class check-ins
and staff bookings. In addition members can
view messages, print their booked classes and
make new bookings of coming classes.
Schedule exports of custom extracts of data
from Exerp to other systems like gate systems or
BI systems. Schedules can be set up daily, weekly
or monthly, reducing manual processes for back
office staff, and can include any selected data
from the Exerp platform.
Exerp offers an Open API allowing you to easily
integrate third-party systems to the Exerp plat-
form. The Open API allows external systems to
read and update almost all member related data,
and includes functions for booking of classes
and staff. The integration is based on the stan-
dard Web Service called SOAP.
Build your custom mobile apps using the Exerp
Mobile API. The API is designed according to
REST principles on top of an HTTPS protocol
and using JSON data interchange format, which
is supported in all mobile development frame-
works: it allows direct calls from the mobile app
to the Exerp back-end with a secure token-based
authentication. Push notifications are also built
into Exerp’s automated communication feature.
Push member data changes instantly to third
party systems based on events and triggers in
Exerp. Messages can be pushed when member
profile changes, bookings are made or when a
member buys or makes changes to memberships.
Messages are pushed to external service using
http requests with information on the changed
Set up your own custom Key Performance Indi-
cators (KPI) and use the Exerp platform for set-
ting and monitoring specific operational goals
within sales, retention, attrition, classes and
much more. The KPI’s are made available based
on user roles, so you can provide different user
groups with their own set of KPI’s.
Exerp offers Data and Source Code Escrow Ser-
vice in partnership with the National Comput-
ing Centre (NCC) in Manchester (UK). The ser-
vice is exclusive to enterprise clients. The Escrow
Service includes monthly transfer of the clients
data in Exerp (Oracle), the Exerp Source Code
and Exerp Executables.
Virgin Active
Pure Gym
Sats Elixia
Holmes Place
Fitness World
Fresh Fitness
GO Health
Pulse Fitness
The Exerp Platform has been developed over more than 10 years with input from our
entire customer base. It integrates a wealth of industry best practices and is built with
enterprise clients in mind. Here you can discover the parts that make up the whole.
The Exerp platform is a tiered application
built on the industry-standard Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition (Java EE) deployed on
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss
EAP). The production environment consists
of Oracle back-end database servers, clustered
application servers and front-end servers for
web and gateways. On the client side, users
access the system using the Java Web Start appli-
cation that can be launched from any browser.
Members can access through a web portal that
also supports mobile phones.		
The Exerp platform is delivered as a hosted
service managed by Exerp with two physical data
centres located at (Denmark)
and (Germany). All hardware
setups are redundant including standby data-
base servers, clustered application servers and
standby front-end servers. Our two data centres
offer redundant network/internet connectivity
and all servers have dual power supply with A/B
feed, UPS and diesel backup generator. The back-
end servers are running JBoss EAP and Oracle
Database on Linux CentOS.
All server operating systems, programs and files
are backed up on a daily basis. The Oracle back
end is continuously backed up with Oracle’s
Backup and Recovery Manager (RMAN), with
daily local backups. Besides this, all user data
is exported on a weekly basis and stored off
site. Exports of production data are regularly
restored on the test system on request of the
customer. The backup procedures are managed
by Exerp as a part of the hosted service and are
not configurable.
ISAE 3402
Exerp’s hosting services have been thoroughly
audited by PwC to comply with the International
Standard for Assurance Engagements (ISAE
3402), formerly SAS 70. The aim of the report is
to provide an independent entity’s opinion and
management assertion on the design, implemen-
tation and effectiveness of controls within the
Exerp organisation. The ISAE 3402 compliance
report is available on customer request.
Exerp’s disaster recovery plan has been reviewed
by PwC as part of the ISAE 3402 audit. Among
other things, it addresses the following major
possible incidents: hardware failure, intrusion,
network connectivity loss, data loss and data
centre loss.
Access to different application areas and to
reading and writing data on the Exerp platform
is controlled with more than 200 fine-grained
actions. The actions can be used to configure
and customise the organisation roles that are
assigned to users. Each role is composed of a set
of actions and can contain other roles as well.
Roles are granted to users for a specific scope
(a club or group of clubs) and for each specific
report. For example, this allows a user to be
receptionist in one club and club manager in
All platform configurations and platform-wide
changes are logged within the application to
ensure the audit trail of changes to the sys-
tem setup. Tools are available for auditing user
actions and roles assigned to different user
groups. Log files of calls to the application
servers contain a unique session ID that
identifies a specific client instance. All calls to
the application server with the originating work­
station and user name are stored for a minimum
of 20 days.
The Exerp platform database entails a produc-
tion Oracle database server with an additional
standby server. The application servers are using
JDBC to connect to the database. Monitoring and
managing the content and structure of the data-
base is a part of the service provided by Exerp.
Users do not have direct access to the database.
Custom extracts of data not already available
in the system are provided through the client
application using the built-in SQL-based and
parameterised query engine.
The Exerp platform is a solution built to handle
the largest multinational chains and is proven
to scale up to more than 500k members and
150+ clubs. As of March 2015, Exerp’s plat-
form is helping manage more than 2.2 million
active members. The Exerp Operations Team
continuously monitors and reviews the
operational performance and scalability of the
environment to anticipate growth issues by
either scaling up the hardware setup or improv-
ing the software itself.
Exerp is delivered as Saas (Software as a service)
so the only software to install is on client
computers: client computers require Windows
7 (or above) with Java SE 7 (or above) installed
and a well-functioning Internet connection.
New computers can be prepared with images
for quick installation. When the application is
launched the first time, a simple step-by-step
wizard takes the end-user through a confirma-
tion of the settings. Once the client application
is installed the peripherals not already installed
can be configured and installed remotely if
The Exerp platform supports several device
types including barcode scanners, card read-
ers, credit card terminals and relays. Some are
integrated directly while others use OS drivers.
Two types of printers are supported: ordinary
printers for contracts and normal documents;
and receipt printers for Point of Sale. The under-
lying technology (laser, inkjet, thermo printer) is
not relevant as long as the printers are supported
by Windows.
Users can log in by swiping their employee card
or by entering their employee ID, followed by
the user password for authentication. Inactive
users are logged out of the Exerp platform auto-
matically, and can quickly log in again by swiping
the employee card. A second longer time-out can
be configured, which will force the user to enter
the password to log in again. The last login date
is stored for each user and can be used to
deactivate unused logins.
The Exerp platform supports integration with
several Payment Service Providers and the
different terminal types they provide. To ensure
a high level of service and maintenance of the
integration, generally only one payment service
provider is supported per country. All integra­
tions are PCI and PA-DSS compliant. Card
processing and communication of card data
are done by the integrated chip and pin termi-
nals towards the payment service provider or by
using the external integration of the online card
capture pages supplied by the provider. Exerp
does not handle, process or save any payment
card data.	
The Exerp client application is optimised for
desktop and laptop computers, with key front-
desk processes, e.g. Point of Sale optimised for
touch input. The application can be launched
natively on any Windows 7 (or higher) computer
or Windows 8 Pro tablet over the Internet,
using HTTPS to communicate with the back
end. The initial installation requires a one-time
code to establish a trusted certificate for the
client. The client can also be run though thin
client solutions like Microsoft remote desktop
or VMWare view, to make it available on a wide
range of thin clients.
The Exerp platform is delivered as a service
with connections made directly from sites and
the head office to the Exerp hosting centre
through the Internet. For a site we recommend
a dedicated bandwidth of 2Mbit/s downstream
and 512kbit/s upstream for up to 10 clients.
Because today’s networks are used for many
purposes (IP telephony, web browsing and other
corporate applications), we also recommend a
network with QoS capability (Quality of Service).
The communication between the Exerp client
and back end is using the HTTP protocol with
SSL encryption and authentication, also known
as HTTPS. The client-server communication is
using the standard HTTPS port 443.
VPNs are all too often a single point of failure
or a performance bottleneck. In order to
provide the highest level of security without the
need of a VPN, client computers communicate
with the server exclusively through an HTTPS
protocol with client authentication using
certificates. Only authorised clients with
certificates generated and signed by the back end
can establish a connection. Client certificates
are tied to a hardware identification of the
computer to avoid misuse by copying them on
to another computer. Client certificates can
also be managed/revoked very easily using the
built-in client administration tool. Besides this,
normal password-based user authentication is
performed within the application. The Exerp
platform is using the standard authentication
mechanism Jaas for access permissions and
passwords are stored encrypted in the database.
Password change policy can be enforced auto-
matically to enable minimum complexity and to
force users to change their password on a regular
Exerp provides comprehensive system documen­
IT and super users. The documentation help
pages, when relevant, are available through deep
links from the user interface. Client-specific
processes and end-user documentation can
be written and maintained by our clients
within the same documentation system called
The Exerp Development Department uses
GIT for development and code maintenance.
The system includes full revision history and
audit trail of changes to the system source code.
Different releases are maintained in branches
to ensure remedy builds can be created for all
existing production versions, independently of
code changes made in later versions.	
A new version of Exerp is released every week.
Through weekly releases, Exerp continuous-
ly adapts to the needs of its clients with an
unmatched time-to-market in the industry.
New releases include new features, support for
new business processes, bug fixes and general
enhancements. Each client gets access to a
test environment similar to the production
environment, which can be used to review and
test new releases.
Exerp is using the Jenkins tool as a continu-
ous integration and build system. Every change
to the code base triggers a build on the devel-
opment servers, which comprises a test suite
of more than 3000 automated tests. Every
release undergoes a regression based on the
areas that have been changed in the system.
The regression test is managed with a system­
called ‘Test Rail’, where the functional test
cases to be executed are selected among a list
of more than 800, and then executed by Exerp
staff with in-depth knowledge of the Exerp
platform processes.
Installation and upgrades of the servers are
part of the service provided by Exerp. The
file produced by our build system. The same
automated installation procedure is used for
transferring the build from the test environment
are automatically and seamlessly upgraded
when a new version is deployed on the server.
The client upgrade happens when the client
application is launched and usually takes
between 5-10 seconds of download time. No
user actions are required to perform client side
The Exerp Platform comes with a standard
web portal for members and provides extensive
member self-service functions including sign-
up, booking, messages, account and contract
access. The standard web portal can be seamless-
ly integrated in the client’s existing website and
can be fully customised using cascading style
Programming Interface (API) is available for
clients who wish to extend the online services
beyond the standard functionalities delivered
by Exerp.
The Exerp platform includes a core general
ledger system and all finance transactions
are booked according to the chart of accounts
configured on the platform. Accounts can be
mapped to external finance systems and exports
can be set up daily, weekly or monthly. Files can
be configured by scopes to separate different
legal entities. For export to an external finance
system, the Exerp platform comes with a set of
standard export file formats. It is also possible to
imple­ment new file formats to support specific
finance systems not already supported.
The Exerp platform includes several options for
integrating to external systems. You can set up
automated file exports of data to third-party
systems such as BI systems or gate-control
systems. System integration, which uses export
files (CSV format), is scheduled and uploaded
automatically to an SFTP server. Other types
of system integrations can be done using the
Exerp platform API, which is based on standard
SOAP web services with WSDL service descrip-
tion files. This interoperable standard techno­
logy is supported by all leading development
platforms like Java, .NET and PHP. For real-time
updates of external systems you can use the
Exerp platform Push Messages system for posts
of XML data to a URL to instantly keep data
synchronized in third-party systems.
Exerp has many years of experience in data mi-
gration from legacy systems. The Exerp data
migration framework ensures that only valid
member data are migrated. Filters allow cleaning
invalid data as a part of the migration if neces-
sary to accommodate the validation rules on the
Exerp platform. The Data Migration framework
will convert according to rules defined with the
client if data is inconsistent or incomplete. For
large data migrations, dry runs are executed for
quick iterations and verification of the migration
rules agreed with the client. Just before migra-
tion, Exerp recommends performing a complete
migration on the test environment and running
a full billing cycle in order to compare results
between the legacy system and Exerp.
reasons to
check out Exerp
1.	PROVEN TRACK RECORD – 100% successful. 20 Years of uninterrupted business. Over 2.5
Million active members hosted
2.	PROGRESSIVE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – Driven by the needs of the world’s most
recognised fitness operators
3.	CONTINUOUS WEEKLY RELEASE MODEL – With high development pace, which means
Exerp quickly adapts to the needs of its clients
4.	FOCUS ON LARGE OPERATORS – Where streamlining, control and scalability are essential
5.	UNIQUE GEOGRAPHICAL REACH – Exerp is available on two continents (Europe and Africa)
and will be available in North America in 2016
It’s an incredible time in the health and fitness industry, and it’s been an
incredible year for Exerp. Having completed several transformational
projects with new and existing clients, we have expanded the capabilities
of the Exerp platform and watched it help our clients’ businesses grow.
We’ve seen that one of the keys to our clients’ growth has been a strict focus
on system functionality, which has an impact on margins, either through
savings, enhanced service or secondary income generation.
Thanks to our broad client portfolio, we have a vast knowledge of the
business requirements that underlie the operations of some of the world’s
largest chains. We work to solve our clients’ challenges around streamlining
processes in the clubs and HQ, and we develop the system to ensure that
business policies are enforced throughout the organisation.
Now we are planning to bring the Exerp platform and our unique client
experience to North America. We have dedicated internal teams to serve this
market and we plan to open offices across the pond by 2016. No matter where
your company is based, we are here to help you innovate and transform the
On behalf of all of us at Exerp, thank you for browsing our magazine. We look
forward to welcoming you soon to our European or North American offices.
Get in touch with me at jn@exerp to discuss the possibilities.
Jacob Herborg Nathan

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The Changing Role Of The CIO In The Health Club Industry

  • 1. Third-Generation Evertonian Hardcore football fandom translates into an excellent member experience for Pure Gym The Vision is Clear CIO Arvid Johansson leverages his experience in retail to merge SATS Elixia It’s All In Your Story Group CIO Andy Caddy reveals his approach to Virgin Active’s digital transformation And much more inside
  • 2. Art Direction: MMM design Stories: Snowball Copy Photography: Magnus Omme, Getty Images, iStock
  • 3. 05 Checking in with RÉMI NODET, Exerp CEO 06 President of the Fitness Industry Technology Council BRYAN K. O’ROUKE discusses today’s biggest CIO challenges and opportunities 12 Virgin Active’s Group CIO ANDY CADDY uses technology to create an artful human experience 16 VIRGIN ACTIVE CASE: Taking a no-nonsense approach to change management 20 Exerp Projects Director PETER HONORÉ injects speed and predictability into large-scale projects 26 Fitness entrepreneur RASMUS INGERSLEV reveals his winning strategies for marrying fitness with technology 30 Exerp COO LAURENT CZINCZENHEIM keeps his eye on his customer’s long game 34 ANDY FORSYTH, Head of IT at Pure Gym, translates his hardcore football fandom into excellent club member experiences 38 PURE GYM CASE: Shared trust and an entrepreneurial spirit fuels the Pure Gym-Exerp relationship 40 Exerp Business Consultant JONATHAN MIDTTUN moves his customers smoothly to- wards their brighter, optimised future 42 CIO ARVID JOHANSSON leverages his experience in retail to merge SATS Elixia with its total-fitness future 46 On the quest for simplicity with Exerp Systems Architect MARTIN LINDBOE 50 Exerp Supporter ANNE KRONBORG understands what’s important to her customers – she used to be one 52 GO HEALTH CASE: Partnering with technology experts is key to creating a uniquely personal, holistic training experience 75 Exerp Commercial Director JACOB HERBORG NATHAN on the company’s plan to better serve North American customers 3
  • 5. MEET RÉMI NODET, CEO AND PARTNER CHECK IN WITH EXERP The fitness industry has changed in dramatic and exciting ways since I joined Exerp as a developer in 2003. Never before has technology played such a major role in how fitness clubs serve the ever-changing needs of their members. As providers of the leading club management system for large enterprises, we work with an array of exciting, boundary-pushing international health clubs, and we have a plethora of inspiring stories to share. That’s why we created Club Exerp, and we’re so grateful to our contributing clients for allowing us to tell their stories. Packed with intriguing professional profiles and inspiring technical and commercial stories, this publication is designed to motivate you to change. Change is hard. It requires a huge commitment. Nobody understands that better than your own club members. But the benefits and results can be truly amazing. Read on to find out more. Thanks for checking in with Exerp. Yours truly, Rémi 5
  • 7. CIOs everywhere are being thrust into new and increasingly strategic roles that enable reinvention of their business models via digital technologies. More often than not, they are required to advocate innovations that rely on emerging technologies and their associated investments. The complexity of this can be massive, as digital initiatives often include a cacophony of disconnected and unintegrated activities. It is a challenging new era, and in the highly competitive health club marketplace, the interplay between risk and reward has never been higher. What does this mean for technology leaders in health clubs? There has never been a greater opportunity for CIOs to make an impact on both their organisations and on the industry as a whole. Major brands in particular have reached a precipice dividing those willing to seize tremendous digital opportunities, knowing there are uncertainties; and others who will take their chances and do little to nothing new or different. For those looking to make a significant impact, we share views on what CIOs can do to meet their potential as the drivers of change in their companies and in the industry. CREATE A VISION-LED CULTURE A CIO can have great command of maintaining technology infrastructures, be cognizant of trends the future holds and even make contributions to some digital innovations. These efforts, however, are still inadequate to fulfil the promise of a CIO as a leader of change. Transformations require inspirational leadership. Gartner’s 2015 CIO Agenda surveyed over 2,800 global CIOs, representing $12.1 trillion in revenue and public sector budgets across industries, and directly interviewed 11 leading CIOs as well. One key finding of the report was the benefit of flipping CIOs’ people-leadership orientation, from a traditional control-led perspective to a vision-led one. Leadership is almost always about creating vision and inspiring people to believe in it, not about commanding and controlling. CIOs determined to be digital leaders must put their energies into teaching and inspiring those around them. In the survey, 75% of CIOs planned to change their leadership Preparing for impact As the health club industry enters a new era, CIOs face challenges and opportunities By Bryan K. O’Rourke, President of the Fitness Industry Technology Council 7
  • 8. style over the next three years, most commonly by amplifying their vision (47%) while reducing their command and control efforts (65%). Without an inspiring culture, the adoption of new thinking - which is required of digital initiatives - becomes very difficult to achieve. DEFINE TECHNOLOGY’S POTENTIAL IMPACT IN TERMS OF THE MEMBER EXPERIENCE CIOs should build an understanding of both current processes around the customer and what could be possible via digital. This way the organisation can see the potential and make choices about what is most relevant from the viewpoint of the customer. Creating cross-functional teams involving key areas like operations, mar- keting, member service and sales is a good place to begin. It can also be ex- tremely helpful to involve external partners in customer journey mapping. By defining existing business processes around the customer, along with a road map for the future based on a digital business model, innovation teams can begin to clarify the user experience they are seeking to create. They can also begin to process the implications, costs and priorities related to the new digital tools. This is by no means a short-term effort. Project teams should become an in- tegral and ongoing means of establishing the specific technology initiatives, developing implementation strategies and measuring their outcomes. ALIGN WITH THE RIGHT RESOURCES When faced with the significant organisational changes that digital initia- tives can create, there is a need for insights and experience. Unbiased guid- ance, to help contextualise alternatives and decisions around digital ini- tiatives, is critical. There is great benefit in having insight into what other industry adoption challenges and opportunities exist. CONCLUSIONS There can be no doubt that the seeds of change resulting from technology have already been planted in the health club industry. Digital experiences will make or break organisations, and thus exceptional digital experiences are now a necessity to compete. For CIOs to impact their organisations, they must evolve beyond technical experts and become strategic leaders that bring forward-thinking vision, in- stil new disciplines, inspire others to see the potential and engage relevant perspectives and resources. The future of organisations lies largely in the hands of these special CIO leaders. Recommended reading Vision Led Leadership – How to lay the foundation for major organisational change • Change the Culture, Change the Game (Roger Connors and Tom Smith) • Rapid Transformation (Behnam N. Tabrizi) • The Ten Faces Of Innovation: IDEO’s Strategies for Defeating the Devil’s Advocate and Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization (Tom Kelly and Jonathan Littman) Customer Journey Mapping – How to design new or improve existing customer experiences • Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers (Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur) • The Experience Design BLUEPRINT: Recipes for Creating Happier Customers and Healthier Organizations (Gregory James Olson) • What Great Brands Do: The Seven Brand-Building Principles that Separate the Best from the Rest (Denise Lee Yohn) 8
  • 9. Bryan K. O’Rourke : Bryan O’Rourke serves as President of the Fitness Industry Technology Council, a consortium of leading companies working on technology standards for the fitness industry. Bryan is also cofounder and CEO of Integerus Advisors, CSO of Fitmarc and the Flywheel Group. • Widely published and quoted in periodicals such as the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times • Named one of 13 to watch in 2013 by IHRSA • Has worked in fitness industry for 18 years as an entrepreneur, investor and club owner • Serves on the American Council of Exercise’s Industry Advisory Panel • Recently contributed to the book Essentials Of Motivation and Behavior Change • Is a cancer survivor and underwrites a variety of causes pertaining to cancer prevention • Has presented as a keynote speaker at industry and corporate conferences on four continents is defined as a sudden or momentous change in a situation. From Latin revoltus, past participle of revolvere, to turn over. In life, relationships, organizations, or ecosystems; any total and complete change. 9
  • 10. of the biggest Fitness brands in Europe run Exerp Source: European Health Fitness Market Report As Of 31.12.2014 By Deloitte 40% 10
  • 11. N D Y C A D D Y, G R O U P C I O V I R G I N A C T I V E 11
  • 12. In the late 1980s, soul and acid jazz were surging through the UK club scene. Andy Caddy was there with his turntables and mixer, immersing himself in the scene and experimenting with fresh new sounds. “I remember the first time I heard two records played together,” Andy recalls. “I immediately went out and bought myself a mixer.” Today, he is fascinated by what technology has brought to the DJing arena. “Music has become so democratic. Now anyone can have a mixer on their PC, and social media has changed everything from the artist/fan relationship to the royalty system. It’s fascinating to see how quickly art changes through technology.” HUMBLE BEGINNINGS When the 90s came around, house music and hip hop were beginning to dominate, and Andy became a grandmaster scratcher. At the same time he was studying electrical engineering at the University of Hertfordshire, and serious adulthood was looming. “I was never quite talented enough as a DJ,” he admits self-deprecatingly, “and I needed money, so I decided to give it up for a proper job.” His first “proper” job was as an IT trainee, writing code for Argos, the UK cat- alogue retailer. “I got the opportunity from a woman named Isabel in HR. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with my degree, but she said to me ‘What you need is a job in IT’. She was right. I think I still owe her one.” The soundtrack to his career DJ Superstar turned CIO, Andy Caddy, uses technology to create an artful human experience Andy’s musical recommendations: • Laura Doggett, UK • Gavin James, Ireland • Chvrches, UK • Foxes, UK 12
  • 13. CIO TRAINING GROUND Andy says the best part of working for Argos was that he got to try 6 or 7 different roles, spanning everything, from coding, to working with big main- frame systems, to client services. “I developed a very rounded view of the business and I was trained to think through the business impact of every- thing I did.” Andy’s career trajectory, from Argos through to easyJet and Virgin Active, has always centered around a unique customer experience. “I’ve always been an empathist – trying to use technology to match great products and services with the right customers. With IT automating everything for businesses today, I think you have to be good at this to succeed.” INSPIRED BY REAL LIFE Today Andy is applying this same philosophy to the fitness industry. But it’s no accident – on top of being a music fan, he is also an avid footballer and runner. “Just as technology has changed music, it is also creeping into the health and fitness arena. I have been eager to become a part of this evolution since 2008.” 13
  • 14. In 2008, Andy had a heart murmur. After a tense period of countless hospital visits and cumbersome tests involving limited technology, doctors concluded it was simply due to too much caffeine. “Luckily, I could easily take care of the problem. But during this whole process, I kept thinking ‘There must be a better way to use technology.’” A MORE INFORMED FITNESS EXPERIENCE As luck would have it, in 2013 Virgin Active had decided to pursue a new dig- ital strategy and needed a new CIO to lead the transformation. They called Andy. “I count myself very lucky. I wanted to work on merging fitness with technology, and I wanted to work for a great brand. This job offers both and I love it.” Now Andy is leading the creation of a digital experience that gives Virgin Active’s members better insight, more control, and more choices when it comes to their fitness. KEEPING IT REAL Despite his high-level, high-profile position in the world’s biggest interna- tional health club, Andy stays in touch with his musical roots. “I try to keep current on music and follow the industry. I like to go to Kickstarter and back young new groups. There are loads of talented people out there who can make a living in music with the right backing. Helping them out keeps me young – and I don’t accept ageing.” Andy also plays football weekly and runs an annual half marathon to stay fit. Catch Andy at one of his upcoming speaking engagements or follow him on twitter @Cadmeister. What’s your most critical lesson from your first IT job? Be aware and critical of yourself. Work to align your job with the goals of the business. What’s the best thing about the fitness industry? The opportunity to use technology to improve people’s health. What is your favourite football team? Milton Keynes Dons 14
  • 15. ARCHITECTURE JAVA Industry-standard platform based on Jave EE JBOSS Deployed on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform ORACLE Oracle back-end database server DEVELOPMENT TESTING JIRA Development Testing GIT Version control integrated with de- velopment planning tool (JIRA) and continuous integration platform (Jenkins) provides full immediate audit trail of changes and context JENKINS Open-sourced Jenkins used for continuous integration and auto- mated testing of new releases TESTRAIL TestRail by Gurock is used for weekly release testing CUSTOMER SERVICE ZENDESK Zendesk helpdesk system, making it possible to provide support on multiple channels (email, web inter- face, tablets) while keeping track of every communication Integrated with internal develop- ment and defect tracking solution Our technologies The Exerp Platform is built on proven industry-standard technologies. 15
  • 16. C A S E : VIRGIN ACTIVE Andy Caddy has been working in the UK IT world for over 20 years, for a number of leading companies, including Argos, Royal Bank of Scot- land, Cable Wireless and easyJet. Currently he is Group CIO of Virgin Active, where he’s in the midst of a massive, transformational business project, from three legacy membership systems to one standardized system, that will reduce cost, promote simplicity and fundamentally change the way Virgin Active interacts with their mem- bers. “Having three different membership systems for over 100 clubs made it impossible to service our customers seamlessly,” Andy reveals. “We knew we needed to merge them into one system. But as the largest international health club in the world, we have a tendency to want to do things in a big, unique way. But that was failing us. We realized we needed a membership system that worked in a standard way – and that meant fun- damentally changing our business processes.” Because the level of business change is so sig- nificant, Andy works closely with Virgin Active’s COO. “When you’re dealing with this level of change, it’s important to have the right leader- ship involved from the beginning. We’re not just talking about IT, we’re talking about changing our offerings, our workstreams and the way we communicate, which affects our staff, our mem- bers, our clubs, finance processes and opera- tional delivery. We needed to get organisational buy-in, but we also needed to prepare our entire company for the changes we wanted to make.” It’s all in your story Virgin Active CIO Andy Caddy takes a no-nonsense, narrative approach to change management 16
  • 17. 17
  • 18. VIRGIN ACTIVE facts • The world’s largest international health club • 1.4 million members • 270+ clubs in 9 countries 18
  • 19. WHAT’S YOUR STORY? “You start by getting your story together,” Andy continues. “Mine was simply that we were not differentiating when using three different busi- ness systems. In order to keep growing, our strat- egy is to differentiate by offering a digital fitness experience. But for that to the happen, the core underlying system just needs to work.” While Andy was focusing on spreading this story like gospel and preparing the business internally, Exerp was preparing the new membership sys- tem for rollout in all 118 clubs. “After looking in the market and narrowing it down to three pro- viders, we chose Exerp because of their proven track record – they have never had a project fail- ure. They were knowledgeable, experienced and believable.” THE CHANGE FACTORY The project started in March 2014 and was com- plete by May 2015. “I think that’s testament to our factory approach to the project. We want- ed to roll out about 10 clubs per week and we didn’t have the resources for one team per club.” So Andy’s team developed a six-week pre-launch program that included e-learning videos, web­ inars and a central knowledge desk for club employees to contact when they had questions. They did the actual integration overnight, and placed one person in the club the day after to help troubleshoot; but only for 24 hours. “We needed to achieve all of this change while minimising the impact on the club and the members. Exerp were key to making this hap- pen. They were willing to talk openly about issues, and brought a wealth of business process experience that helped us simplify our own processes. Exerp are great believers in sim­plicity – and removing complexity. When em- barking on a business change of this scale, that is exactly the kind of partner you need.” INCITING TRANSFORMATION Andy says the most important part of his role is inciting and enabling Virgin Active’s digital transformation. “I see it as my responsibility to change the way we think about Technology and Digital – from a disconnected afterthought to a complete digital member journey. I’m on a mission to use very clever technology, combined with very smart people to help our health club on its journey to be loved by its staff and by its members.” With the streamlining of business processes and integration of the single membership system complete in the UK, next on the agenda is rolling­ the new system out in the other seven Virgin Active territories. Andy’s change management advice Understand and visualize what success of the transformation really means. Ask yourself: 1. What’s the impact on the business? 2. How will you measure that impact? 3. How does the change become a part of the business flow? 19
  • 21. MEET PETER HONORÉ, PROJECTS DIRECTOR When a customer engages with Exerp, they are introduced very early on to Exerp’s Project and Account Management (PAM) team. The team, seven people strong, represents a wide range of IT disciplines, from coding to consultancy. Peter Honoré is Projects Director and head of the team. “Our broad experience with large multina- tional clients in the Fitness Industry is our main strength,” he explains. “On top of our technical abilities, our people understand the importance of planning, the unique capabilities of the Exerp platform, and the needs of the fitness industry. By combining all of this with extensive experi- ence developing and migrating systems, we can act as a strong single point of contact for our customers throughout the entire implementa- tion process.” GETTING INVOLVED EARLY For some customers, the system implementation process can seem daunting. But the PAM team has a very structured process and expert tools for guiding customers through it. “Our involvement usually starts in the sales process. We help po- tential customers review the different modules of the system, and we demonstrate how they can be used. We then get involved with the gap analysis and scoping to make sure we are tight- ly aligned with the customer on any business process and development requirements.” Peter says early involvement of the PAM team is critical to an efficient implementation. “The closer we work with the customer in the “discovery” phase, the fewer surprises we will have in the development and configura- tion phases. And this makes for a faster, more predictable rollout.” THE MIRRORING APPROACH Exerp’s Project and Account Management team calls on heavy industry experience to inject speed and predictability into large-scale projects “Our team needs to be very flexible. No matter how big or how agile our customers’ organisations, we need to be able to support them in a way that makes sense for them.” 21
  • 22. WIDELY VARIED NEEDS Exerp’s customers are very different, both in terms of their needs and their access to resources. “Our team needs to be very flexible. No matter how big or how agile our customers’ organisations, we need to be able to support them in a way that makes sense for them.” Senior Project Manager Jonathan Clein of Virgin Active can concur. “At Virgin Active, we have a unique internal methodology when it comes to IT projects. The PAM team were very flexible and adapted quickly to our approach. Everyone on the team brought invaluable industry experience. Their style is collaborative, structured and pragmatic.” Once the Exerp system has been fully imple- mented, the project transitions from project phase to business as usual. At this stage, all Exerp customers have a dedicated account manager who will liaise with them on a regular basis. At the same time, day-to-day support issues are handled by the Exerp Support team. For more information about project imple- mentation or the PAM team, contact Peter at “At Virgin Active, we have a unique internal methodology when it comes to IT projects. The PAM team were very flexible and adapted quickly to our approach.” Jonathan Clein, Senior Project Manager, Virgin Active. 22
  • 23. tips for successful project implementation Peter’s top 1. Make sure the scope is clear and committed to by all parties. 2. Both sides should dedicate sufficient and empowered project teams with clear objectives. 3. The key resources should have a strong under­­standing of the business and its needs, as well as the Exerp system’s capabilities. 4. Make the progress visible and tangible for both parties. If possible, provide product demos of development. 5. Ensure daily or frequent dialogue between the key project resources, so that progress is guaranteed and deviations from the plan are made visible. 6. Ensure sufficient management attention on both sides so that escalation is easy if necessary. 6 23
  • 24. Predictable planning To bring speed and predictability to the implementation process, Exerp employs some of the industry’s most accomplished Project Managers and Business Consultants. Despite the scope and complexity of the projects, Exerp maintains a 100% successful project track record.  24
  • 26. A S M U S I N G E R S L E V, F I T N E S S E N T R E P R E N E U R26
  • 27. Future-proofing your business Overcoming the tech challenges of the fitness industry “Welcome to the club, Rasmus. Your program for today has been transferred to your selected device. We have added 5% on all leg exercises since you did so well last time. Your friend Dave came in five minutes ago and he is also doing cardio today. Enjoy your workout”, says the robot as I enter the club. BEING A HEALTH CLUB MEMBER IN 2025 If I imagine myself as a health club member 10 years from now, I believe the three most remarkable changes from today will be: 1) The services offered are more flexible and independent of the four walls of the club; 2) The services offered are more individualised; and 3) Training has become social again. All of these changes will be technology-driven, and my club will know me better thanks to their extensive data mining. My club will know my interests and goals, and can track my past performance and activity through my wearable device (or clothing), which acts as the foundation of their communication with me. In addition, they know my DNA, and accordingly, how I should work out and eat to get the best results. They also know how I should work out to prevent life-threatening diseases. Based on this data, I am getting individually-tailored suggestions for what I can do, when I can do it, and who I can do it with, which can be personal trainers, my friends, or other members with similar goals – even a virtual trainer on my mobile device. I can do the classes I want, whenever I want, with the best instructors in the world. Either with a “live” instructor in By Rasmus Ingerslev, Fitness Entrepreneur 27
  • 28. 28 the club, by following a class streamed over the Internet with a thousand other people following a celebrity trainer, or by doing a pre-recorded class. If I want to do an outdoor activity, I can easily team up with the “gym-buddies” I have been introduced to through the club’s member management system. In short, the offering will be more personalised, more flexible and more social – and more importantly for operators, the four walls of the club will no longer be what defines them. They will be defined by how they engage with their members. THE FUTURE IS ALREADY HERE The rapid advance of smart technology is giving consumers more choice and convenience than ever before, and members want freedom and control. Wearable devices, health and fitness apps and streaming exercise classes are brilliant examples of the new consumer-centric and tech-driven way of delivery, which is also impacting the health and fitness industry. The four walls of the club are being broken down from the outside by all of these emerging technologies and services. Studies have shown that robots can already diagnose and treat patients better than doctors in many cases. By comparison, there will obviously come a day where personal training, group exercise and a lot of other functions in a club can be done better by robots than by real people. Technology is not developing linearly but exponentially, so there is good reason to believe this will happen sooner rather than later. But what about the human touch? Well, do not be too sure you can tell the difference. In 1950, the British mathematician Alan Turing (portrayed in the movie “The Imitation Game”) created a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. A machine passed that test for the first time in June 2014. NOT IF, BUT WHEN... Assuming the question is not “if” technology will change our industry dramatically, that leaves us with “when”. A lot of pieces to this puzzle are already out there. There are over 200 million wearables in the market. Several club groups offer DNA analysis and Under Armor alone has more than 120 million users on their health and fitness tracking apps. The latter is more or less equal to the total number of people holding a gym membership globally today. The challenge for any club operator is that these pieces do not co-exist in the same ecosystem. My prediction is that the big “when” will be when these pieces are connected. That does not mean that there is no value in the various technology options in the market today. On the contrary, I believe there is a lot of value in being among the early adoptors if you choose wisely. LESSONS LEARNED BY DOING AND PAYING A few years back when I was starting up an online gym, I was sure that I had seen the light in terms of technology. I pushed forward hard and invested significantly, only to learn that the idea was right but the timing was wrong. I was ahead of the market, and even ahead of what was technically possible. The good thing was that I learned a lot, and enough to keep the company afloat and reinvent it to a successful global supplier of virtual classes. My key take-aways from those years of hardship, which I believe apply to the current challenge of the industry, are: 1) Do not reinvent the wheel; and 2) Time to market is essential. With regard to reinventing the wheel, again using my own start-up as an example, I was so focused on creating something that was unique that I decided to do all the developing rather than using an existing platform and tweaking my idea to match that. Assuming the question is not “if” technology will change our industry dramatically, that leaves us with “when”.
  • 29. Rasmus E. E. Ingerslev: Experienced fitness entrepreneur with an international foot- print. Has built and run two of Denmark’s largest health club groups from start up to exit. Executive Vice Chairman of Wexer Virtual, who supplies virtual classes to the majority of the global top 25 health club groups. • Fitness World, Vice Chairman (2014-2015) • Scilife Clinic, Board Member (2014-) • IHRSA, Board Member (2013-). Currently serving as Vice Chairman • Fresh Fitness, Founder and CEO (2010-2014) • Wexer Virtual, Founder and CEO (2008-2014). Currently Executive Vice Chairman • Fitness dk, Founder and CEO (2001-2008) • Exerp, Chairman of the Board (2009-2010) • Anti Doping Denmark, Board Member (2006-2008) • The Danish Fitness Health Organization, founder and Board Member (2006-2014) The thing with developing is that you never know exactly what you end up with, nor does it end up costing what you expected. It will always cost more – and it will always take longer than anticipated. LEAVE THE DEVELOPING TO THE EXPERTS Basically, you have to ask yourself what you are. Are you a developer or a club operator? You could build your own treadmills, but you do not. You could cre- ate your own spreadsheet software, but you use Excel or something similar. Why? You know what it costs, you know when it is available, and you know that it will continuously be improved and that the products are supported. But what about the competition? I don’t believe it’s the uniqueness of the tools you use that makes the difference. I would suggest choosing proven, robust and scalable services, and putting all of your effort into how you apply them. Time to market is so much more important than anything else. In today’s mar- ket it is not the big who eat the small. It is the small and agile that eat the slow. Having said that, it’s important to remain critical with regard to time to market. Being ahead of the market can be as costly as being behind. Luckily, you have people to ask when it comes to this critical question: your members and the market. Today it is so easy and inexpensive to conduct surveys. Do it. It will help you understand whether you are premature, spot on, or too late in terms of the services you are considering adding. CHALLENGE IS ALSO OPPORTUNITY The fitness industry has seen significant changes over the past few years. It will continue to change, like so many industries do – and technology will be a key driver. If you are not convinced, look at accommodation. The biggest provider today is AirBnB, who own no real estate. The largest taxi company in the world is Uber. They do not own a single taxi. The most popular media owner is Facebook, who own no content – and to stay in our industry, one of the largest suppliers of classes is ClassPass who has surpassed the value of several major gym chains, without owning a single studio. Adjusting to this new market and competitive landscape is obviously challenging, but also exciting - and in every challenge lies opportunity. 2929
  • 30. MEET LAURENT CZINCZENHEIM, COO AND PARTNER Laurent Czinczenheim is the COO of Exerp and a data migration expert. He oversees all of Exerp’s daily operations including Support, Host- ing and Technical Consultancy. He gives each of his team members the objective of helping their customers optimise their businesses on a daily basis. This starts during the process of migrating new clients from their legacy systems. Laurent has a unique understanding of the complexities asso- ciated with migrating large volumes of data, and a unique ability to identify dependencies and anticipate consequences of certain system changes. “With data migration, every second counts and costs, so we focus on being extremely efficient and agile,” Laurent explains. AN ADVANCED MIGRATION FRAMEWORK Over nine years at Exerp, Laurent has overseen the migration of almost two million club mem- bers. His extraordinary migration skills are partly the result of his engineering degree from Ecole des Mines Paris, one of the most prestigious engineering schools in France. “Several years back, we realised we had to devel- op a more advanced data migration framework, to put some speed into the migration and make processes less fragile (to decrease the number of manual errors to correct afterwards),” Laurent adds. Today, the Exerp Migration Framework, which is the result of several past conversion experiences from heterogeneous systems, allows Exerp to safely roll out chains of over 270,000 members in just five hours. “The framework works incrementally,” Laurent explains. “If it is stopped during execution, it will immediately restart where it stopped, making it extremely robust against both data-related and unexpected problems, such as network failures.” PERMANENT SOLUTIONS TO ISSUES To minimise in-house IT dependencies and relinquishclientsfromhostingandoperating,the Exerp platform is offered as a SaaS solution. “We basically control the whole technical stack. That means that on the client side there is no need for a department with specific technical knowledge,” Laurent says. Comprising nine Supporters, four Technical Consultants, six System Administrators including two Oracle-certified professionals, Laurent’s team manages close to 1000 clubs, which he admits sometimes gets his adrenalin pumping. “When issues arise we need to be extremely precise and quick in solving them. And we don’t just slap a bandage on the issue and go home. We work to get to the root of it, and afterwards, find a permanent solution that improves the system as a whole. That’s just one way we keep evolving the system around customer needs, with their business operations and strategies in mind. ” Get in touch with Laurent at EVOLVING AROUND CUSTOMER NEEDS With a unique mind for migration dependencies, Exerp’s COO keeps his on eye the customer’s long game 30
  • 31. “When issues arise we need to be extremely precise and quick in solving them. And we don’t just slap a bandage on the issue and go home.” Laurent Czinczenheim 31
  • 32. 32 Exerp in numbers 1171M EUR M+2.5 In annual collection (Direct Debit, Credit Card etc.) Active Members Hosted
  • 33. 215 M K K Check-ins in January 2015 Group Exercise Classes in one month Check-ins in just one day (January 12th, 2015) 10.7 500 33
  • 34. N D R E W F O R S Y T H , H E A D O F I T AT P U R E G Y M
  • 35. Third-Generation Evertonian Sports and fitness fandom runs thick in Andrew Forsyth’s blood Everton has competed in the top division for a record 110 seasons and has won the League Championship nine times. Born and raised in Liverpool, Pure Gym Head of IT Andy Forsyth began his career working for Everton Football Club – just like his father and his father before him. “I had been an Everton fan since I was a small kid,” Andy reveals. “My dad and granddad both worked at the stadium (Goodison Park) so going to football games and supporting the team was just a way of life.” When it was time for young Andrew to join the workforce, it seemed like a job at the stadium was a natural next step. “A lot of people there already knew me through my father, so I guess they thought they could give me a shot at operating the scoreboard.” Andy soon went on to manage Everton fan club membership worldwide. “Everton has millions of fans all over the world. I became the administra- tor of the fan club, enrolling people, sending newsletters and answering mails. It was great having so much interaction with fans like myself.” Andy then went on to manage the sales staff of 50 people – selling tickets and fan paraphernalia at the games. LOOKING AFTER FANS Andy says working for Everton was fantastic training for his current role at Pure Gym. “The common thing between the two jobs is looking after mem- bers. The goal is to provide the best services – the safest environment and greatest atmosphere possible – for the football fans and gym members alike. And to make it easier for them to acquire these services.” 35
  • 36. 36 From Everton, Andy went on to work in national membership services for the UK sporting goods and apparel sector. He started at Pure Gym in 2012. “At the time, Pure Gym was beginning to make a big play in the affordable fitness market, and wanted to do something fairly radical in terms of mem- bership and IT. It seemed like it could be an interesting challenge – and it is.” Andy says he aims to make Pure Gym’s IT system the best in the market. EVERTONIAN FOREVER Just because he no longer works for the club doesn’t mean Andy’s support for Everton has wavered. “I’ll always be a die-hard Everton supporter – the only football team in Liverpool,” he laughs cheekily, referring to the fierce and dramatic rivalry between Everton and neighbours Liverpool. The Forsyth family football tradition has also been passed to Andy’s eight-year-old son, who plays for South Liverpool. What’s you’re favourite thing about working in the fitness industry? Providing a service that helps people stay healthy. What’s the best IT decision you ever made? Bringing our direct debit and online member services in house. Any advice for other fitness brands? Stay true to your offering and your company values. Words to live by? Trust and earn trust – and everyone can be more effective with what they bring to the table. Everton Football Club, Liverpool League: Premier League Nickname: The Toffees Founded: 1878 as St. Domingos F.C Stadium: Goodison Park Chief rival: Liverpool
  • 37. 37
  • 38. Pure Gym is the UK’s leading affordable gym chain, serving 450,000 members. With no swim- ming pools, saunas, racquet courts and no fixed contracts, the company’s gyms typically employ just two people, supported by up to 12 self-em- ployed trainers. Pure Gym was formed in 2009, when the founder saw a gap in the fitness market. Until then, the UK market had been dominated by mid-market and top-end chains. The vision was to make fitness more affordable, by stripping away the expensive optional facilities and offering many of its member services online. “What Pure Gym set out to do at the time was quite revolutionary in terms of IT,” explains Andy Forsyth, Pure Gym’s Head of IT. “Fitness centres were mostly analogue operations. Pure Gym was the first to take memberships and class registrations online, making it possible to keep the monthly fees low.” GOING FOR HOLISTIC Pure Gym’s original bespoke-developed IT system was designed to support just six or seven sites. But as the company grew, so did the need for a more holistic IT system that could better support both their members’ needs and Pure Gym’s plans for expansion. “When I started with Pure Gym in 2012, I wanted to look at how we could simplify things,” Andy says. “With multiple systems and multiple out- sourced suppliers, it was difficult to track mem- bers and get to know them – and it was holding us back from our potential to be agile and to grow.” TRUST IN A FAST-PACED ENVIRONMENT Andy and his team set out to analyse the market for software suppliers. After meeting with sev- eral companies, he flew to Copenhagen to meet A Match Made in Data Shared trust and an entrepreneurial spirit fuels the Pure Gym-Exerp partnership C A S E : PURE GYM 38
  • 39. 39 Jacob and Lars from Exerp. “My gut feeling was that these guys were trustworthy, competent and skilled. They never over-promised and were really transparent as we reviewed the system.” Andy went with his gut feeling and he says it re- ally paid off. “Pure Gym is a group of fast-paced decision makers. Exerp developed a unique roll- out plan to suit that – they rolled out 55 clubs across the UK and Ireland in just four months.” He also says it was easy to work with Exerp. “They are great data debaters and good brainstormers, and that built a lot of trust between us. Once you have that trust, you can be very entrepreneurial and agile together.” DATA-DRIVEN FUTURE Now that the system is fully implemented across the chain, Andy’s plan is to continue to rely on data to improve member services. “It’s all about listening to members and helping them achieve their fitness goals. With Exerp’s help, we will continue to work on a micro-level with individ- ual member data to discover purchasing and exercise patterns. Not only will this help us im- prove the member experience, it will also help us make better business decisions in terms of when, where, and how we expand.” Today, Pure Gym has 92 clubs, with another 30 scheduled to open by the end of 2015. Pure Gym’s target is to have 250-300 clubs by 2020. PURE GYM facts • 450,000 members • 92 clubs • 2014 Financial Results: Membership up 66%
  • 40. MEET JONATHAN MIDTTUN, BUSINESS CONSULTANT Jonathan Midttun is a Business Consultant at Exerp. He started as a trainee, fresh out of techni- cal school in 2008, providing tech support to 400 individual clubs around Denmark. This gave him a very broad and deep introduction to the fitness industry. “Tech support back then meant being onsite and working on individual PCs in the clubs,” says Jon- athan. “It gave me a unique opportunity to meet a lot of people working in the clubs and get an understanding of what was important to them.” Jonathan’s role later evolved into project man- agement, where he focused on the start phase. Today he helps develop unique solutions for Ex- erp customers, including leading systems migra- tion and user training on the customer side. “The Exerp system gives customers the opportu- nity to understand their members so much bet- ter,” explains Jonathan. “I see it as my job to help customers visualise how far their data can take them in terms of meeting member expectations and improving their business processes.” ESSENTIAL TRUST Since September 2013, Pure Gym UK has been one of Jonathan’s main customers. An ambitious and fast-moving company, Pure Gym achieved the fastest rollout in Exerp’s history: from 1 to 60 clubs in 4 months. Jonathan says it would not have been possible without a really high level of trust. “It is no small endeavour to change IT systems. A certain level of disruption is necessary and expected. But if we work closely together, listen to and trust each other, we can move through the development and migration processes really quickly and with minimal disruption.” MIGRATORY ANIMALS In the case of Pure Gym, that meant being onsite at the head office in Leeds for several weeks of scoping and preparation, working with their web development team based in Manchester, and traveling around the region educating new staff and top management on the benefits and use of the new system. The actual migration happened on a cold Febru- ary night in 2014. “I remember feeling a bit like an orchestra conductor, waving my virtual wand from my little flat in Copenhagen. We had the THE ART OF DISRUPTION Exerp Business Consultant reveals his approach to moving customers smoothly towards their optimised future 40
  • 41. conversion team, website agency, the gate control system, and payment processing teams working through the night. By 7 am, 340,000 members were converted to the new system.” Now that Pure Gym is running at full speed with plans to add 50 more clubs this year, Jonathan’s role becomes less about minimising disruption and more about helping them optimise their data to enhance member engagement. “It’s been a very satisfying journey working with Pure Gym.” Jonathan concludes. “I found that by really listening to and understanding their goals I was in a better position to provide the unique solutions they needed. And they were really open to our ideas as a result. I think we brought out the best in each other – and the business results speak for themselves.” Contact Jonathan at Jonathan Midttun 41
  • 42. R V I D J O H A N S S O N , C I O S AT S E L I X I A
  • 43. Before taking on his current role, SATS Elixia CIO Arvid Johannson worked for seven years helping a German supermarket chain expand across Sweden. “During my time there, the company went from 0 to 150 stores,” Arvid says. “It was a fun journey at a very big, but agile and exciting international company.” It was also a journey that shaped Arvid’s perspective on how IT can be mis- sion-critical when it comes to expansion. “When you’re a chain business, you need standard IT systems and protocols across the organisation. When you make changes in the system, you need to think ahead to the implications on each individual store and each individual customer in order for the changes to be successful.” This experience came in handy when Arvid, a fitness fan in his own right, took the opportunity to join SATS, one of Sweden’s leading fitness brands, in 2009. “The fitness industry was not very IT-mature. There seemed endless opportunities to improve the business by leveraging IT.” ENTER ELIXIA In 2013, SATS’ parent company, Health and Fitness Nordic, began merging SATS with Elixia, Norway’s leading fitness brand. “The biggest challenge from an IT point of view was time,” Arvid reveals. “The merger was approved in June and we needed to launch as one brand by August – that meant all systems needed to be migrated within a few months.” The Vision is Clear CIO Arvid Johansson leverages his experience in retail to merge SATS Elixia with its total-fitness future “Going forward, SATS Elixia will focus on communicating with individuals and crafting total wellness solutions for them, instead of pushing mass solutions up market.” 43
  • 44. Luckily, Arvid says, there was plenty of time for preparation. “My team did a fantastic job keeping an overview of all systems, integrating them into one portfolio, and working closely with our suppliers to keep some solid momentum.” As SATS Elixia continues to expand across Norway, Sweden and Finland, their strategy is to stay focused on making Nordic people healthier and hap- pier. Arvid says that means offering a total fitness experience. “The Nordic people are very in tune with their fitness needs – they want to combine nu- trition and fitness for a total-health experience. Going forward, SATS Elixia will focus on communicating with individuals and crafting total wellness solutions for them, instead of pushing mass solutions up market.” This will require SATS Elixia to take an ambitious approach to its digital and online services, currently in development. Together with its sister brands in Health Fitness Nordic, SATS Elixia currently has 500,000 members and about 200 clubs across Norway, Sweden and Finland. What’s the best IT decision you made during the SATS Elixia merger? To do a proper pilot before rolling out the wider systems migra- tion. Advice for other CIOs embarking on mergers or acquisitions? Make time to involve your suppliers closely – so they under- stand every implication of the project and can staff up properly to support you. Greatest passion Gym training, skiing, golf and my three kids (ages 3, 9 and 11). Words to live by Bring your gym bag with you every day – so you never have an excuse not to train. 44
  • 45. – Audit in 2014 by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Throughout 2014 Exerp has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to comply with the International Standard for Assurance Engagements (ISAE 3402), formerly SAS 70, to produce a formal report on the design, implementation and operating effectiveness of the hosting environment. 45
  • 46. MEET MARTIN LINDBOE, SYSTEMS ARCHITECT The Exerp platform is based on a standard set of building blocks – that’s what makes it easy for companies to adopt. But it is also very flexible, making it easy for clients in all segments (low-budget, mid-market, or premium) to custo­ mise with the exact functionalities they need to run their businesses. Whatever the customer needs, the Exerp Development team works to deliver the simplest and safest solution. Martin Lindboe is Systems Architect at Exerp. “When customers come to us, they always have a business case that is painfully complex. Our job is to simplify it. Just like with your car, you want a smooth, safe ride, but you don’t want to think about what’s happening under the hood. The everyday user of Exerp should not have to worry about these complexities.” “The user interface is simple and intuitive, and it’s easy to get a good overview of your business activities – no matter what your role in the company,” says Martin. “We hide the technical details of the transaction or activity to make usability as simple as possible. And you can choose the level of simplicity you want for each role in your company. “ BUILT-IN SAFETY AND SECURITY Safety and security measures are built right in to the standard system. “We’ve made it so that different employee roles are assigned certain functionalities in the system. This reduces the risk of wrong entries or a slip of the finger causing chaos in the business – and brings our customers peace of mind.” “We put a lot of effort into improving reliability and network security,” Martin continues. “Our latest application detects network problems and can switch to an offline system for certain functions. This is particularly useful in regions where IT infrastructure is not very robust. We accept responsibility for all areas of the system – including infrastructure resilience and network­ challenges.” MOVING THE PRODUCT AHEAD FOR EVERYBODY Exerp works with a wide network of global health clubs. Martin says the experience and knowledge they gain from working across this network gets channelled directly towards moving the system forward for all their customers. SIMPLICITY – TO THE LEVEL YOU WANT IT With a focus on each customer’s individual needs, the development team works to keep the Exerp system simple and secure for every user. 46
  • 47. “No two customers can get the exact same bene­ fits out of any feature we develop – it depends on how they run their business. Basically, we take relevant elements of the new product developments and apply them to the system in a way that benefits everybody – and our customers really like this.” Every week, Exerp releases a new version of the system. Customers are made aware of the exact changes each week so they can make an informed decision on whether to upgrade to the new version. Martin says they are careful not to add huge features, and to ensure the features they do add fit seamlessly with their customers’ current business processes. “When customers come to us, they always have a business case that is painfully complex. Our job is to simplify it.” Martin Lindboe 47
  • 48. 48
  • 49. COPENHAGEN CALLING A mecca of Scandinavian design, fashion and architecture, Copenhagen is one of Europe’s trendiest destinations. It’s also the breeding ground for some of the world’s most successful IT innovations. Companies such as Zendesk, Endomondo and Navision originated in this city. Come to Copenhagen to meet Exerp and learn about the company – and the world’s leading club management system for large enterprises. Contact Jacob at Exerp to hear more. 49
  • 50. MEET ANNE KRONBORG, SUPPORTER For nine years, Anne Kronborg worked as Sup- port Manager at Fitness dk’s Copenhagen head- quarters. She was responsible for membership support in all 41 clubs, managing their central call center. She was also responsible for the Exerp system and was an Exerp superuser. “I was in close contact with Exerp on a weekly basis, asking questions about what the system could do and what functionalities were possible to add,” Anne explains. After working with Exerp for so long on the customer side, Anne decided to join the Exerp support team in January 2015. “There are so many great opportunities within the system – I thought it would be a fun challenge to work with it on a daily basis. Plus I already knew and liked the people on the team, so I felt pretty confident I would fit in.” QUALITY OVER QUANTITY Anne has a Bachelor of Commerce degree and a mini MBA. To her support role, she brings a strong understanding of business and an in- depth knowledge of the financial functions in the Exerp system. She says she likes the team approach to customer support. “Each of us has our own unique competencies, but we approach every ticket as a team and decide who is best equipped to handle each request. We definitely go for quality over quantity and ensure there is enough time to handle each request thoroughly.” Anders Olsen, Head of Support adds, “At the same time, the Supporters need to be methodical and motivated to self-diagnose and find the best solutions – even under pressure.” BUILDING CUSTOMER BONDS There are eight people on the support team. Anders continuously strives to deepen the knowledge and keep it on the quickly-growing team. He thinks it’s important that the Support team is introduced to new customers early, so theycangetanunderstandingoftheirbusinesses before they start providing day-to-day support. “Ideally, we like to get involved during the project implementation and training stages,” he explains. “It gives us an opportunity to build a bond with the people we will later be working with on a daily basis.” Anne will soon head to South Africa to embark on her first customer training session. “I’m excited to introduce the system to people with absolutely no experience with it. I know what’s important to new users because I’ve been in their shoes, and I can easily help them trouble­ shoot.” IN HER CUSTOMERS’ SHOES Exerp Supporter Anne Kronborg understands what’s important to customers – she used to be one 50
  • 51. Anne Kronborg USING THE SYSTEM TO DIFFERENTIATE With the industry continuing to rely more heavi- ly on IT, Anne foresees continuous opportunities to learn and develop in her role. “IT is spreading further and further into the clubs and every- thing is connected. That means Exerp will never stop developing the system, and on the support team, we will never be stagnant or bored.” Anders adds, “It’s an exciting time for our customers. There are so many opportunities to use IT to differentiate. No matter how our customers decide to do this, we will be there to help them use the Exerp system to drive their business forward.” Contact Anne at or Anders at ao@ 51
  • 52. Rory Sweetlove and Eddie Swinnen have known each other for decades. Both lifers in the fitness industry, they’ve worked together in South Afri- ca and abroad – on various projects in different capacities, but always sharing the same philoso- phy: that fitness should be affordable, personal, and a part of everyday life. One day, back in Johannesburg, the two sat down for coffee and Rory pitched to Eddie his idea for GO Health. “I already had a major investor by then, so I knew the venture was realistic.” Rory explains. “I said, ‘Eddie, I have a project for us.’” That day, the two joined forces and have never looked back. Today Rory is Managing Director of GO Health, and Eddie is CIO. Their value propo- sition and fitness mantra: “It’s not a health club, it’s life.” MAKING IT ABOUT THE MEMBER “We are passionate about personalised training,” says Rory. “Fitness should not be an isolated ac- tivity that stays in the club. We want the club’s holistic health philosophy to follow members into their lives. At the same time, we want it to be convenient, affordable, and to feature a unique, world-class member journey.” Rory explains that South Africans don’t have time to get to the gym as much as they would like to – and they sometimes prefer to hike, run or walk the dog on the weekends. “We want our members to consider all of these activities as part of their regimens. When they get to the club, the calories they burnt on those outdoor activities should also count on their personal programs C A S E : GO HEALTH Slick and Personal From the Ground Up GO Health Club partners with technology experts to help create a uniquely personal, holistic training experience 52
  • 53. “The beauty is that we’re starting with a clean slate. We have the freedom to create solutions from the ground up.” Rory Sweetlove (MD) and Eddie Swinnen (CIO) 53
  • 54. towards rewards in the club. Everything should sync so they can think holistically about their overall health and fitness.” TECHNOLOGY IS KEY TO MEMBER CENTRICITY To help create this unique experience, Rory and Eddie have assembled a team of leading-edge technology partners. “Our vision was to create a very slick single-member ecosystem,” says Eddie. “For that we needed to find partners that best fit this vision.” They chose Technogym, leaders in fitness equip- ment, Gantner for top-class access technology, and the Exerp enterprise club management system. “The beauty is that we’re starting with a clean slate,” Eddie continues. “We don’t need to force new solutions into an existing rigid sys- tem. We have the freedom to create solutions from the ground up.” With that, they gathered their partners around the table and offered the unique challenge of creating a personalised member experience together. “In our experience, the best, most uniform mem- ber journey comes from collaborating with oth- er technology providers,” says Jonathan Midttun, Business Consultant at Exerp. “Technogym al- ready has a great tracking system called mywell- ness® cloud. With this system, they hold all the data on member activity, while the Exerp system holds all the other member data. We worked with Technogym to aggregate all the data in one place. We also worked with Gantner to sync ac- cessibility of the club and its offerings into this system, creating the slick member ecosystem GO Health was looking for.” PERSONALISATION IS THE FUTURE That means that as soon as you join GO Health, you get a single access device that gives you access to the club. This tool also allows you to load your personal exercise program into any machine you may use, as well as record your out- door activities. This way you can track your over- all performance and burnt calories, whilst getting rewards for your efforts in and out of the club. “We believe this is the future of fitness, and we are proud to be creating this niche in the South African market,” Rory says. “It has been such a privilege to watch our visions become a reality,” adds Eddie. “This has been one of the top bene- fits of working with technology leaders like Tech- nogym, Gantner and Exerp.” The first of GO Health’s chain of clubs is set to open in Johannesburg 15 May, with four more opening by the end of 2015. By 2019, 38 high-qual- ity affordable clubs will be open across South Africa. Exerp in collaboration with: 54
  • 55. Exerp is offered as a SaaS Solution. Exerp manages and takes responsibility for the entire hosting infrastructure. That means there are no “man-in-the- middle” issues. 55
  • 56. Helping Fitness World grow The Exerp platform seamlessly scales, making it easy for health clubs to expand. Since 2007, Exerp has supported Fitness World (Denmark’s biggest fitness chain) as they acquired several clubs in Denmark and Poland. Contract signed with Exerp Acquires Equinox and becomes the biggest gym chain in Denmark Acquires Enjoy Fitness and Fitness One and reaches 300,000 members Acquires SATS’ clubs in Denmark Acquires Fresh Fitness and reaches 400,000 members Acquires Condizione in Poland and reaches 450,000 members 2008 (38 clubs) 2007 (7 clubs) 2009 (55 clubs) 2010 (70 clubs) 2011 (89 clubs) 2012 (100 clubs) 2013 (116 clubs) 2014 (128 clubs) 2015 (155 clubs) Contract signed with Exerp Acquires Equinox and becomes the biggest gym chain in Denmark Acquires Enjoy Fitness and Fitness One and reaches 300,000 members Acquires SATS’ clubs in Denmark Acquires Fresh Fitness and reaches 400,000 members Acquires Condizione in Poland and reaches 450,000 members 2008 (38 clubs) 2007 (7 clubs) 2009 (55 clubs) 2010 (70 clubs) 2011 (89 clubs) 2012 (100 clubs) 2013 (116 clubs) 2014 (128 clubs) 2015 (155 clubs) Niclas Pedersen, IT Manager, Fitness World Exerp has delivered an extremely reliable IT solution with superior reporting capabilities. Even as we add new branches, Exerp Platform seamlessly scales with us making it cost effective to expand.” “ 56
  • 57. BE PART OF THE BIKING CULTURE In greater Copenhagen there are more bikes than citizens. 36% of its 1,263,698 citizens commute to work and school by bicycle. That means 1.2 million kilometres (0.75 million miles) are cycled in the city every day. Come to Copenhagen and explore its distinct neighbourhoods and intriguing architecture from the cool, breezy comfort of the bike lane. 57
  • 58. Our global reach Based in Copenhagen, we currently serve fitness clubs on two continents and are establishing offices in North America in 2016. Get in touch to find out more. EXERP SUPPORTS LOCAL DIRECT DEBIT SCHEMES IN THESE COUNTRIES: United Kingdom – BACS France – SEPA Core Direct Debit Germany – SEPA Core Direct Debit Austria – SEPA Core Direct Debit Switzerland – LSV Plus and PostFinance Netherlands – SEPA Core Direct Debit Czech Republic – ABO Poland – ELIXIR Denmark – Betalingsservice Sweden – Autogiro Norway – Avtalegiro Finland – E-invoice South Africa – Debit Order IN PIPELINE FOR 2016: USA, Canada, Italy, Spain, Portugal 58
  • 59. 59
  • 60. 60 I V E I N T O T H E D E TA I L S The Exerp Platform is a standard club management system for large enterprises. With highly configurable features, the system allows each of our clients to use the product in their own unique way. Exerp acts as the centralised information source and member database for the purposes of payment collection, reporting, business analysis and customer relations management. Dive in to see which features could work for you.
  • 61. 61 OPTIONAL FEATURES BASE PACKAGE SERVICES Add-on services Bundled products Gift cards Clip cards Micro payments Start-up campaigns Group memberships Campaign codes CORPORATE Corporate agreements Corporate sponsorships BOOKING Book a seat Child care (Creche) Class booking No-show sanctions Resource booking Staff booking Book friend CUSTOMER RELATIONS Automated messages Data cleaning Questionnaires SMS services Task management (CRM) Mobile App FINANCE Debt collection Expense voucher Recurring credit card General ledger Inventory management Payment Plans BI (2015) HARDWARE E-signature Gate control Integrated chip and pin Vending integration SELF SERVICE Online services Online sales Self-service terminal INTEGRATIONS Automated export API Mobile API Push API MISCELLANEOUS KPI tracker Escrow service Subscriptions Product catalogue Role system Target groups Access control Point of Sale (POS) Reporting Direct Debit (EFT)
  • 62. 62 get groups can be drawn from any data available in the Exerp platform to segment the target groups for your special offerings, such as person types, training frequency, relations or historic purchases. GROUP MEMBERSHIPS Allow additional users to be signed up on specific membership types. Members with group mem- berships can add family or friends as secondary users on their membership, either included in the monthly fee or as a charged monthly add-on service. ADD-ON SERVICES Differentiate your offerings and optimise sec- ondary revenue with complementary services in addition to the base membership. For example, members can choose to subscribe to privileges to use PT, Child Care, towel/shoe service, golf, squash etc. BUNDLED PRODUCTS Increase secondary spend with product bundling (package deals) of all types of products, includ- ing retail and memberships. Allow for advanced bundles, such as combinations of ‘two items from this product group’ and ‘three items from that product group’. Your staff will be prompted to ensure additional suggestive sales. GIFT CARDS Sell and issue gift cards (vouchers) using your barcodes, magnetic or RFID cards. Sale and re- demption of gift cards are managed completely CLUB SERVICES SUBSCRIPTIONS Through subscription products, your members (students, seniors, corporate etc.) will obtain var- ious privileges, i.e. rebates and access rights. Our unique Privilege System allows management to centrally define strict offering policies regarding rebates and access rights. The privileges can be temporally and geographically scoped and ap- plied to products or subscriptions in any combi- nation conceivable. PRODUCT CATALOGUE Streamline your product offerings across your organisation while still allowing for controlled local deviations. Manage all product types; retail, subscriptions, add-ons, services, clip cards, gift cards etc. from one single product catalogue to eliminate product duplicates and ensure correct price changes and phase-outs. ROLE SYSTEM Ensure safe and effective control of what staff can do, when and where, through a fine-grained role system. The role system allows for configu- ration of multiple composite roles, each compris- ing a set of allowed actions. The scoping in the Exerp platform allows employees to hold mul- tiple composite roles, i.e. ‘Club Manager’ in one club and ‘Receptionist’ in another. TARGET GROUPS Use target groups to provide offerings and cam- paigns to a selected group of members, giving discounts or special access to facilities. The tar- by the Exerp platform, which keeps track of the amounts used on each gift card and ensures that gift cards cannot be used once the full amount has been spent. CLIP CARDS Manage session packs with clip cards for PT, sun beds, group training etc. Clip cards are managed electronically using the member cards and can be used for both access rights and retail purchases. All clip usage is logged in the member’s profile for easy access of usage history. MICRO PAYMENTS Differentiate your revenue by charging members for the use of various services or resources such as showers, group exercises, VIP facilities etc. The Micro payment is automatically processed when the member hovers his/her wristband at a touchless sensor. The Micro Payment is settled via Direct Debit or instantly subtracted from a pre-paid amount in the member’s account. START-UP CAMPAIGNS Use start-up campaigns for your selected mem- bership types. The start-up campaign gives dis- counts on the start-up period for new members signing up, for example, half off the firstmonth. The price is automatically increased once the discounted start-up period expires with no addi- tional administration overhead. CAMPAIGN CODES Create campaigns that are limited to customers with a predefined campaign code. The campaign
  • 63. 63 codes can either be reusable codes, such as QR codes, or individual codes that can be used only once. The campaign code option can be applied to both start-up campaigns, bundle campaigns and general campaigns, giving discounts on re- tail products and services. BOOKING BOOK A SEAT Let your members choose their preferred bike in the cycling studio (or other equipment used for various classes), and have Exerp confirm their booking. Payment for the booking is in the road- map for this feature, so members can be charged for this individual service. Note: this feature is only available through the API and in the Exerp Client application. It is not available in the Exerp Standard Web Solution and Kiosk. CHILD CARE Structure and manage your child care service with the Exerp Child Care feature. It handles staff scheduling, child and parent relations, bill- ing, booking and child check-in and pickup pro- cesses. A special child care view gives you instant overview of all children present. CLASS BOOKING Manage your group activities with flexible con- figuration of rules for participants, cancellations, bookings, activity recurrence, automated waiting lists, reminder messaging triggers, cost budget- ing, instructor requirements etc. NO-SHOW SANCTIONS Use no-show sanctions to automatically add a fee on the next Direct Debit of members who do not show up for their bookings. Alternatively, you can sanction no-shows by automatically limiting the rights to make new bookings for a period. RESOURCE BOOKING Allow you or your members to book resources like rooms or equipment in the resource calen- dar. Rooms can be defined with pre-defined time slots to enable booking of sun-beds or courts like squash and badminton. Rules ensure that the bookings of your resources are optimised at any time. STAFF BOOKING Let staff define the work hours and booking availability, so they can be booked for personal sessions. The central configuration ensures that only the right staff is booked for specialised activities like personal training or intro tours by restricting activities to specific staff groups. BOOK A FRIEND Let your members book each other for classes and add their training buddies in Exerp. When adding a training buddy, the member can allow their buddy to book classes on their behalf and vice versa. Upon a booking, both the member and the buddy will receive a booking confirmation message. This feature also allows members to sponsor their buddy using clips from a personal clip card, if the booked buddy does not have priv- ileges, or to use personal clips to bring a friend. Note: this feature is only available through the API and in the Exerp Client application. It is not available in the Exerp Standard Web Solution and Kiosk. CORPORATE CORPORATE AGREEMENTS Ensure safe and effective managing of your cor- porate agreements throughout the chain. All corporate prices are enforced in the clubs when corporate members sign up for a membership. The corporate discount can apply to all products including subscriptions, joining fee and retail products and can be defined as fixed price, price discount or a percentage discount on the normal price. CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP Bill your companies for the sponsoring of their employees. The sponsored part can be a percent- age, a fixed amount or a fixed price. Sponsorship can be both on signup and on the recurring monthly membership price. Corporate members will pay the non-sponsored part on sign up or by monthly Direct Debit. CUSTOMER RELATIONS ACCESS CONTROL To strictly control who may enter the facilities, members obtain access privileges to activities and resources through various service prod- ucts; subscriptions, campaigns, corporate agree-
  • 64. 64 ment etc. In case of any outstanding issues with Direct Debit, frozen or terminated subscriptions, undelivered messages, debt etc., front desk staff will be alerted when members swipe their card at the turnstile. POINT OF SALE (POS) Allows front desk staff to quickly execute sale of subscriptions and goods. To ensure that mem- bers always receive the right price of any prod- uct, the price is given by the system, taking into account rebates stemming from campaigns, stu- dent offerings, company agreements etc. In other words, the front desk staff never inputs a price, which reduces the risk of mistakes and fraud. TASK MANAGEMENT (CRM) Define task types and workflows to manage your prospects and member retention activities. This feature includes a highly configurable workflow engine and support for messages, notes and appointments. For all tasks and workflows you can report on the steps and actions you have defined in your workflow. AUTOMATED MESSAGES Let the Exerp platform automatically send debt reminders, booking reminders, membership ex- piration reminders etc. automatically through the members’ preferred channel. The feature supports more than 40 automated message types that can be sent either by email, SMS or deliv- ered through the member self-service interfaces. DATA CLEANING Keep your member data updated using external data cleaning services and let the Exerp plat- form automatically handle the processes related to personal data retention and protection law compliance by removing personal data that no longer needs to be kept. QUESTIONNAIRES Know the trends in your member base by is- suing bulk electronic questionnaires. Let your members answer online or by the aid of front desk staff and use the answers for statistics or targeted campaigns etc. Besides bulk question- naires you can also include entry and exit ques- tionnaires to capture information at the right time to learn why people may be signing up or cancelling. SMS SERVICES Send SMS directly from the member profile or use SMS as channel for the automated messages sent by the Exerp platform. The service includes integration to a professional, international SMS Gateway Provider. Setup, maintenance and ad- ministration are all taken care of by Exerp and our partner. MOBILE APP Exerp Mobile App is a white-labelled app for mobile devices that can be customised to your brand. It includes class booking, push notifica- tions to members and QR codes for campaigns and access control. The App is made in Apple swift and Android native code, and integrates directly into the back end of Exerp for easy man- agement of, for example, class schedules, book- ings and member profiles. FINANCE REPORTING REPORTING Instant overview for your CFO and back office. Perform chain-wide reporting across clubs, re- gions and countries and take out standard, time- safe reports on sales, deferred revenue, subscrip- tion evolution, aged debt, attrition, Direct Debit, campaigns, bookings etc. Or use the Easy Extract Wizard to take out your own extract and apply these to campaigns, newsletters, staff to-dos etc. DIRECT DEBIT Automatic billing of recurring subscription fees guarantees correct and timely deductions on a chain-wide level. Direct Debit (EFT) is fully supported in UK, FR, DE, SE, NO, DK, and FI. A robust framework for implementation ensures that any additional EU countries are seamlessly integrated using SEPA Core Direct Debit. DEBT COLLECTION Ensure automated and consistent handling of members in debt. Based on your setup, the Exerp platform will automatically block access, send out emails, SMS, physical letters and add reminder fees etc. Members with overdue debt can also be electronically transferred to a third-party debt recovery agency.
  • 65. 65 EXPENSE VOUCHER Let staff register minor expenses and manage petty cash in clubs using the Exerp expense vouchers. An easy step-by-step wizard ensures correct registration and mapping to your finance accounts, giving you a day-to-day view of expens- es paid out in clubs and reduces your back office administration. RECURRING CREDIT CARD Let your members create Direct Debit mandates for credit cards and deduct monthly, weekly, or daily membership fees and retail sales using the credit card instead of bank deduction. The solu- tion provided together with Payex is easy and se- cure, and allows members to manage their own credit card details in the online member portal (transaction based pricing apply). GENERAL LEDGER Manage your organisation’s own chart of ac- counts and setup schedules for automated ex- port to your external finance system. The export- ed finance data is automatically aggregated and ensures a complete audit trail between the Exerp platform and the finance system. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Keep complete track of the financial and phys- ical flow of your retail products. This includes management of your suppliers, deliveries, inter- nal usage, faulty products, and write-offs. The Exerp platform will provide an instant overview of stock values and keep your finance system up- dated daily. PAYMENT PLANS Allow your members to split payments of large sales amounts, e.g. personal training sessions, into an upfront payment followed by monthly installments of the remaining amount by Di- rect Debit. The feature gives you full control of the business rules for allowed installments and amounts to ensure that the payment plans fol- low your corporate business policies. BI (2015) Use the Exerp integration with Qlik Sense to get your reporting figures on all the required di- mensions, and make the figures accessible on all platforms throughout your organisation based on roles and security levels. Qlik Sense is a data visualization and analysis application that em- powers you to easily create personalised reports and dashboards with drag-and-drop simplicity. The integration allows you to explore and break down the numbers as well as tracking the evolu- tion of the slowly changing report dimensions. HARDWARE E-SIGNATURE Let your members sign contracts and receipts electronically and have the signed documents stored in the member profile as PDFs. This way you always have easy access to the contract and other signed documents in both clubs and in head office. You can also allow your members access to the signed documents including their contract in their online profile. GATE CONTROL Integrate your doors and gates with the Exerp platform using Gantner relays or the Barionett relay provided by Exerp. This allows you to set up access rules in Exerp, ensuring that only the members with the right privileges can access the resources and facilities in the club. INTEGRATED CHIP PIN Avoid problems of reconciling your cash registers by integrating Exerp with your credit card termi- nals. Exerp automatically sends the requested amount to the terminal and reconciles with the terminal at the end of the day. VENDING INTEGRATION Integrate your vending machines and allow your members to make cashless purchases over their membership account using either a pre- paid amount or deduction by Direct Debit with a monthly micro credit. Prices are controlled in the Exerp platform and allow you to give target- ed discounts through the vending machines. No coding of vending machines needed. SELF SERVICE ONLINE SERVICES Give your members access to online services through the customisable Exerp member portal. Various options and services can be made avail- able like online booking of classes and courts, freeze and termination of membership, and view and edit personal data.
  • 66. ONLINE SALES Add the online sales channel to your website by offering subscriptions and online credit card payment enrolment processing. New members can sign up and refer to existing members for discount (optional). Existing members can renew their membership, cash up their account or pay debt. SELF-SERVICE TERMINAL Use self-service terminals with touch interface for fast and convenient fitness class check-ins and staff bookings. In addition members can view messages, print their booked classes and make new bookings of coming classes. INTEGRATIONS AUTOMATED EXPORT Schedule exports of custom extracts of data from Exerp to other systems like gate systems or BI systems. Schedules can be set up daily, weekly or monthly, reducing manual processes for back office staff, and can include any selected data from the Exerp platform. API Exerp offers an Open API allowing you to easily integrate third-party systems to the Exerp plat- form. The Open API allows external systems to read and update almost all member related data, and includes functions for booking of classes and staff. The integration is based on the stan- dard Web Service called SOAP. MOBILE API Build your custom mobile apps using the Exerp Mobile API. The API is designed according to REST principles on top of an HTTPS protocol and using JSON data interchange format, which is supported in all mobile development frame- works: it allows direct calls from the mobile app to the Exerp back-end with a secure token-based authentication. Push notifications are also built into Exerp’s automated communication feature. PUSH API Push member data changes instantly to third party systems based on events and triggers in Exerp. Messages can be pushed when member profile changes, bookings are made or when a member buys or makes changes to memberships. Messages are pushed to external service using http requests with information on the changed data. MISCELLANEOUS KPI TRACKER Set up your own custom Key Performance Indi- cators (KPI) and use the Exerp platform for set- ting and monitoring specific operational goals within sales, retention, attrition, classes and much more. The KPI’s are made available based on user roles, so you can provide different user groups with their own set of KPI’s. ESCROW SERVICE Exerp offers Data and Source Code Escrow Ser- vice in partnership with the National Comput- ing Centre (NCC) in Manchester (UK). The ser- vice is exclusive to enterprise clients. The Escrow Service includes monthly transfer of the clients data in Exerp (Oracle), the Exerp Source Code and Exerp Executables. 66
  • 67. Clients Virgin Active Pure Gym Sats Elixia Holmes Place Fitness World Actic Fresh Fitness Fitnessdk GO Health Pulse Fitness 67
  • 68. The Exerp Platform has been developed over more than 10 years with input from our entire customer base. It integrates a wealth of industry best practices and is built with enterprise clients in mind. Here you can discover the parts that make up the whole. TECHNICALFACTS 68
  • 69. 69 ARCHITECTURE The Exerp platform is a tiered application built on the industry-standard Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) deployed on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP). The production environment consists of Oracle back-end database servers, clustered application servers and front-end servers for web and gateways. On the client side, users access the system using the Java Web Start appli- cation that can be launched from any browser. Members can access through a web portal that also supports mobile phones. HOSTING The Exerp platform is delivered as a hosted service managed by Exerp with two physical data centres located at (Denmark) and (Germany). All hardware setups are redundant including standby data- base servers, clustered application servers and standby front-end servers. Our two data centres offer redundant network/internet connectivity and all servers have dual power supply with A/B feed, UPS and diesel backup generator. The back- end servers are running JBoss EAP and Oracle Database on Linux CentOS. BACKUP All server operating systems, programs and files are backed up on a daily basis. The Oracle back end is continuously backed up with Oracle’s Backup and Recovery Manager (RMAN), with daily local backups. Besides this, all user data is exported on a weekly basis and stored off site. Exports of production data are regularly restored on the test system on request of the customer. The backup procedures are managed by Exerp as a part of the hosted service and are not configurable. ISAE 3402 Exerp’s hosting services have been thoroughly audited by PwC to comply with the International Standard for Assurance Engagements (ISAE 3402), formerly SAS 70. The aim of the report is to provide an independent entity’s opinion and management assertion on the design, implemen- tation and effectiveness of controls within the Exerp organisation. The ISAE 3402 compliance report is available on customer request. DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN Exerp’s disaster recovery plan has been reviewed by PwC as part of the ISAE 3402 audit. Among other things, it addresses the following major possible incidents: hardware failure, intrusion, network connectivity loss, data loss and data centre loss. INFORMATION SECURITY Access to different application areas and to reading and writing data on the Exerp platform is controlled with more than 200 fine-grained actions. The actions can be used to configure and customise the organisation roles that are assigned to users. Each role is composed of a set of actions and can contain other roles as well. Roles are granted to users for a specific scope (a club or group of clubs) and for each specific report. For example, this allows a user to be receptionist in one club and club manager in another. AUDITING All platform configurations and platform-wide changes are logged within the application to ensure the audit trail of changes to the sys- tem setup. Tools are available for auditing user actions and roles assigned to different user groups. Log files of calls to the application servers contain a unique session ID that identifies a specific client instance. All calls to the application server with the originating work­ station and user name are stored for a minimum of 20 days.
  • 70. 70 DATABASE - ORACLE The Exerp platform database entails a produc- tion Oracle database server with an additional standby server. The application servers are using JDBC to connect to the database. Monitoring and managing the content and structure of the data- base is a part of the service provided by Exerp. Users do not have direct access to the database. Custom extracts of data not already available in the system are provided through the client application using the built-in SQL-based and parameterised query engine. PERFORMANCE The Exerp platform is a solution built to handle the largest multinational chains and is proven to scale up to more than 500k members and 150+ clubs. As of March 2015, Exerp’s plat- form is helping manage more than 2.2 million active members. The Exerp Operations Team continuously monitors and reviews the operational performance and scalability of the environment to anticipate growth issues by either scaling up the hardware setup or improv- ing the software itself. INSTALLATION Exerp is delivered as Saas (Software as a service) so the only software to install is on client computers: client computers require Windows 7 (or above) with Java SE 7 (or above) installed and a well-functioning Internet connection. New computers can be prepared with images for quick installation. When the application is launched the first time, a simple step-by-step wizard takes the end-user through a confirma- tion of the settings. Once the client application is installed the peripherals not already installed can be configured and installed remotely if needed. PERIPHERALS The Exerp platform supports several device types including barcode scanners, card read- ers, credit card terminals and relays. Some are integrated directly while others use OS drivers. Two types of printers are supported: ordinary printers for contracts and normal documents; and receipt printers for Point of Sale. The under- lying technology (laser, inkjet, thermo printer) is not relevant as long as the printers are supported by Windows. LOGIN Users can log in by swiping their employee card or by entering their employee ID, followed by the user password for authentication. Inactive users are logged out of the Exerp platform auto- matically, and can quickly log in again by swiping the employee card. A second longer time-out can be configured, which will force the user to enter the password to log in again. The last login date is stored for each user and can be used to deactivate unused logins.
  • 71. 71 PAYMENT CARDS The Exerp platform supports integration with several Payment Service Providers and the different terminal types they provide. To ensure a high level of service and maintenance of the integration, generally only one payment service provider is supported per country. All integra­ tions are PCI and PA-DSS compliant. Card processing and communication of card data are done by the integrated chip and pin termi- nals towards the payment service provider or by using the external integration of the online card capture pages supplied by the provider. Exerp does not handle, process or save any payment card data. THIN CLIENTS The Exerp client application is optimised for desktop and laptop computers, with key front- desk processes, e.g. Point of Sale optimised for touch input. The application can be launched natively on any Windows 7 (or higher) computer or Windows 8 Pro tablet over the Internet, using HTTPS to communicate with the back end. The initial installation requires a one-time code to establish a trusted certificate for the client. The client can also be run though thin client solutions like Microsoft remote desktop or VMWare view, to make it available on a wide range of thin clients. NETWORK The Exerp platform is delivered as a service with connections made directly from sites and the head office to the Exerp hosting centre through the Internet. For a site we recommend a dedicated bandwidth of 2Mbit/s downstream and 512kbit/s upstream for up to 10 clients. Because today’s networks are used for many purposes (IP telephony, web browsing and other corporate applications), we also recommend a network with QoS capability (Quality of Service). The communication between the Exerp client and back end is using the HTTP protocol with SSL encryption and authentication, also known as HTTPS. The client-server communication is using the standard HTTPS port 443. SECURITY WITHOUT VPN VPNs are all too often a single point of failure or a performance bottleneck. In order to provide the highest level of security without the need of a VPN, client computers communicate with the server exclusively through an HTTPS protocol with client authentication using certificates. Only authorised clients with certificates generated and signed by the back end can establish a connection. Client certificates are tied to a hardware identification of the computer to avoid misuse by copying them on to another computer. Client certificates can also be managed/revoked very easily using the built-in client administration tool. Besides this, normal password-based user authentication is performed within the application. The Exerp platform is using the standard authentication mechanism Jaas for access permissions and passwords are stored encrypted in the database. Password change policy can be enforced auto- matically to enable minimum complexity and to force users to change their password on a regular basis.
  • 72. 72 DOCUMENTATION Exerp provides comprehensive system documen­ tationinEnglish,targetedtosecond-levelsupport: IT and super users. The documentation help pages, when relevant, are available through deep links from the user interface. Client-specific processes and end-user documentation can be written and maintained by our clients within the same documentation system called “Confluence”. CODE MANAGEMENT The Exerp Development Department uses GIT for development and code maintenance. The system includes full revision history and audit trail of changes to the system source code. Different releases are maintained in branches to ensure remedy builds can be created for all existing production versions, independently of code changes made in later versions. RELEASES A new version of Exerp is released every week. Through weekly releases, Exerp continuous- ly adapts to the needs of its clients with an unmatched time-to-market in the industry. New releases include new features, support for new business processes, bug fixes and general enhancements. Each client gets access to a test environment similar to the production environment, which can be used to review and test new releases. TESTING Exerp is using the Jenkins tool as a continu- ous integration and build system. Every change to the code base triggers a build on the devel- opment servers, which comprises a test suite of more than 3000 automated tests. Every release undergoes a regression based on the areas that have been changed in the system. The regression test is managed with a system­ called ‘Test Rail’, where the functional test cases to be executed are selected among a list of more than 800, and then executed by Exerp staff with in-depth knowledge of the Exerp platform processes. UPGRADES Installation and upgrades of the servers are part of the service provided by Exerp. The installationisfullyautomatedfromadistribution file produced by our build system. The same automated installation procedure is used for transferring the build from the test environment totheproductionenvironment.Clientcomputers are automatically and seamlessly upgraded when a new version is deployed on the server. The client upgrade happens when the client application is launched and usually takes between 5-10 seconds of download time. No user actions are required to perform client side upgrades.
  • 73. 73 WEB INTEGRATION The Exerp Platform comes with a standard web portal for members and provides extensive member self-service functions including sign- up, booking, messages, account and contract access. The standard web portal can be seamless- ly integrated in the client’s existing website and can be fully customised using cascading style sheets(CSS)andtemplates(XSLT).AnApplication Programming Interface (API) is available for clients who wish to extend the online services beyond the standard functionalities delivered by Exerp. FINANCE INTEGRATION The Exerp platform includes a core general ledger system and all finance transactions are booked according to the chart of accounts configured on the platform. Accounts can be mapped to external finance systems and exports can be set up daily, weekly or monthly. Files can be configured by scopes to separate different legal entities. For export to an external finance system, the Exerp platform comes with a set of standard export file formats. It is also possible to imple­ment new file formats to support specific finance systems not already supported. SYSTEM INTEGRATIONS The Exerp platform includes several options for integrating to external systems. You can set up automated file exports of data to third-party systems such as BI systems or gate-control systems. System integration, which uses export files (CSV format), is scheduled and uploaded automatically to an SFTP server. Other types of system integrations can be done using the Exerp platform API, which is based on standard SOAP web services with WSDL service descrip- tion files. This interoperable standard techno­ logy is supported by all leading development platforms like Java, .NET and PHP. For real-time updates of external systems you can use the Exerp platform Push Messages system for posts of XML data to a URL to instantly keep data synchronized in third-party systems. DATA MIGRATION Exerp has many years of experience in data mi- gration from legacy systems. The Exerp data migration framework ensures that only valid member data are migrated. Filters allow cleaning invalid data as a part of the migration if neces- sary to accommodate the validation rules on the Exerp platform. The Data Migration framework will convert according to rules defined with the client if data is inconsistent or incomplete. For large data migrations, dry runs are executed for quick iterations and verification of the migration rules agreed with the client. Just before migra- tion, Exerp recommends performing a complete migration on the test environment and running a full billing cycle in order to compare results between the legacy system and Exerp.
  • 74. reasons to check out Exerp Top 1. PROVEN TRACK RECORD – 100% successful. 20 Years of uninterrupted business. Over 2.5 Million active members hosted 2. PROGRESSIVE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – Driven by the needs of the world’s most recognised fitness operators 3. CONTINUOUS WEEKLY RELEASE MODEL – With high development pace, which means Exerp quickly adapts to the needs of its clients 4. FOCUS ON LARGE OPERATORS – Where streamlining, control and scalability are essential 5. UNIQUE GEOGRAPHICAL REACH – Exerp is available on two continents (Europe and Africa) and will be available in North America in 2016 5 74
  • 75. It’s an incredible time in the health and fitness industry, and it’s been an incredible year for Exerp. Having completed several transformational projects with new and existing clients, we have expanded the capabilities of the Exerp platform and watched it help our clients’ businesses grow. We’ve seen that one of the keys to our clients’ growth has been a strict focus on system functionality, which has an impact on margins, either through savings, enhanced service or secondary income generation. Thanks to our broad client portfolio, we have a vast knowledge of the business requirements that underlie the operations of some of the world’s largest chains. We work to solve our clients’ challenges around streamlining processes in the clubs and HQ, and we develop the system to ensure that business policies are enforced throughout the organisation. Now we are planning to bring the Exerp platform and our unique client experience to North America. We have dedicated internal teams to serve this market and we plan to open offices across the pond by 2016. No matter where your company is based, we are here to help you innovate and transform the industry. On behalf of all of us at Exerp, thank you for browsing our magazine. We look forward to welcoming you soon to our European or North American offices. Get in touch with me at jn@exerp to discuss the possibilities. Sincerely, Jacob MEET JACOB HERBORG NATHAN, COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR Jacob Herborg Nathan CROSSING THE POND 75