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The American Revolutionary War
The American Revolutionary War was a long hard fought war that lasted about 8 years. Many Countries were involved in the war, such as The United
States, France, Great Britain, Spain, and The Dutch Republic. Not all countries actually fought but they provided either side with weapons and
supplies to help them have a greater chance of winning the war. More than 70,000 people were killed during the great American Revolutionary War.
The Americans were tired of the loyalist British taking advantage of them. They were tired of the new taxes that kept being created by the British.
The Americans were tired of being pushed around, so they decided to do something about it. High Tensions eventually got between the two
countries and they began to start a war, which was known as The American Revolutionary War. Before the war began, a great man implied, "One of
the most essential branches of English liberty is the freedoms of one's house, a man's house is his castle", informing everyone that the colonies
should be freed from British control (Otis). The American Revolutionary war was a war started, so the 13 colonies of America could gain there
independence from Great Britain. Thousands of soldiers were killed while many others were severely wounded. The American Revolutionary war was
one of the greatest wars in American history, because it had many great battles, was led by some of the greatest leaders, and got the 13 colonies
independence from Great Britain. To begin, the American
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Themes Of The Revolutionary War
The American Revolutionary War was also called the American War of Independence and the Revolutionary War. The Revolutionary War was an
armed conflict between Great Britain and the thirteen Northern American colonies, who declared themselves the Independent United States of
America. France who was very eager for revenge after the defeat in the Seven Years' War. The French signed an alliance with the new nation in
1778 that proved decisive in the great victory. The conflict gradually expanded into a world war with Britain to combat in battle with France, Spain,
and the Netherlands. Freedom and liberty were the major themes of the Revolution. So the idea of liberty was just a central reality to the lives of
most African Americans. To win freedom thousands of slaves opposed the patriot cause and risked their lives to escape to the British army. Black
soldiers were treated better by the British, but in both armies they were often assigned to do the most dangerous duties and they received lower
payment than white soldiers. Other than doing military service slaves found other ways to escape to freedom. Some escaped from plantations,
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They slipped through enemy lines and they turned their homes as a haven for the soldiers, and they stored weapons and food for the women I their
cellars for the men. Women would burn their crops and destroy their homes to prevent the enemies from using them. They were acting as "daughters
of liberty." Also in the zones of battle, women crossed gender boundaries to disguise themselves as men to enlist themselves as soldiers. Later on in
the postwar years' members of America's political and social elite engaged in a discussion about women's role in the new republican society. Opinion
makers a new role for women within their family. The republic said they must rely on mothers and wives to teach patriotism and republican principles
in both their sons and
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The War Of 1812: The American Revolutionary War
The war of 1812, was a military conflict that lasted two and a half years. This was a war fought between the United Stated of America against the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The war resolved many issues which remained from the American Revolutionary War but complicated no
boundary changes. The reason on why this war was declared by the United Stated was over the impressment of American sailors by the British Navy.
After the war of 1812, three historical processes were unleashed by the Revolution. There was a spread of market relations, the westward movement of
the population, and the rise of vigorous political democracy. The market revolution represented an acceleration of developments and acceleration of
developments already
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Revolutionary War: The American Revolution
The revolution war was evolutionary because it helped to push the new nation to new heights. In this assay I will tell you about how the USA got
started. Noy are you ready to take a ride. Let's go. The French and Indian war as a war against the Indian and the 13 colonies. The war was not
against the French and the Indian in this war the American's won the war. join or Die meant we had to band together or we would not win the war.
Loyalists where people who help Britain in the war they try to tell them where the continental army was at. The battle at bunker hill was one of the
battles that the American's lost. George Washington was the leader of the army. The battler of Saratoga was the truing point of the war. Taxation
without representation
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The American Revolution was a war for independence. It was a war which was fought for equal rights and the freedom of a would be nation. It
showed the pure courage and heart of the American colonists by pitting them against a much more powerful opponent. The British had the best army in
the world, and the colonists were often just poor farmers armed with their hunting muskets. It was truly a case of David versus Goliath. The reasons,
course, and outcome of the American Revolution provided the perfect scenario for achieving independence.
The ideas behind the revolution came much earlier than 1776. They came from deep within the Enlightenment. Although there was not much support
behind these ideas, it is important to more content...
These acts had been around for a long time and caused little problems. They often benefited from these acts because although they had to buy from
England, it was the most advanced industrial country and could often offer the best prices. The first tax to cause trouble in the colonies was the
Sugar Act followed closely by the Stamp Act. The Sugar Act was truly just a restatement of old customs laws in an effort to raise money. The Stamp
Act was a tax in which anything formally written or printed would have to be on specially stamped paper which was shipped from London. The
colonists would soon pay taxes "at every stage of a lawsuit, that diplomas and deeds, almanacs and advertisements, bills and bonds, customs papers and
newspapers, even dice and cards, would all be charged," (Morgan 19). The colonists reacted very violently to these taxes. They protested and boycotted
throughout the nation and the British Parliament soon repealed the tax. Radicals began to proclaim the fact that there should be no taxation without
representation. This meant that colonists should be represented in Parliament if they were going to be taxed by them. The British stated that every
member of the Parliament was there to represent the whole Empire, not just the electors he represented. Therefore, the Americans would have no
representation in Parliament. In 1773 the British decided to tax tea. They granted the British East India Company to ship their goods
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American Revolutionary War: The Treaty Of Paris
The Treaty of Paris was the official peace treaty between the United States and Britain that ended the American Revolutionary War. It was signed on
September 3, 1783. The Congress of the Confederation ratified the treaty on January 14, 1784. King George III ratified the treaty on April 9, 1784.
This was five weeks after the deadline, but nobody complained.
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Essay about The Revolutionary War
The Revolutionary War
The Revolutionary War started on April 19, 1775 at Lexington and Concord. America was very much unprepared with no central government or army.
The congress stepped up as the government and began to organize an army. The Revolutionary War did not end until September 3, 1783 with the
signing of the final peace treaty between America and Great Britain. The victory in the Revolution War led to the birth of a new independent nation.
After the Revolution it was a time of cooperation. People in the nation were focusing on building a government, migrating west and their new found
freedom. Military actions were more in surrounding areas mainly France, Mexico and Britain. In 1798 was the XYZ affair, an event more
After the first battle of the Civil War the Upper states in the South also seceded. Abraham Lincoln was able to persuade Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky,
and Missouri to stay in the Union. By doing this Lincoln gained access to the river systems in Kentucky and Missouri that led into the heart of the
South. This control effected the 1862 invasions of the south, which provided the North with most of its early military successes. The Civil War was
total trench warfare. Technology was the main event that influenced total trench warfare. Technology led to ideas such as strategy, weapons, and
transportation. It wasn't until 1865 the Civil War ended with the surrender of the South's army. The Civil War was an event that impacted theUnited
States greatly economically, politically and socially. This impact called for great reconstruction after the Civil War.
*Political Constitutional Developments After the American Revolution ended there was a debate on if all ties should be broken with Britain. Support
for American Independence rode strong up into 1776. Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet, Common Sense. This pamphlet rebelled against King George
III and argues for complete Independence of the American colonies. On July 4, 1776, a Declaration of Independence was adopted stating the colonies
freedom from Britain. The time after the Revolution was a period of political reconstruction. A time were State franchises were developed and
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The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), was a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and thirteen colonies on the North American
continent. There was not a specific event that led to the Revolutionary War. American colonies wanted full democratic rights, but the British only saw
them as colonies to be used and exploited. The British saw the colonies as economic entities that could pay for their own defense. Many of the colonists
would have been willing to pay for their own defense. With the condition that they would have a voice when it came to making decisions. The British
ignored the colonies demands. As a result, the British developed the separate and unique American identity. Over a ten year time period many colonists
began to identify themselves as Americans. Once the American identity was defined, The American Revolutionary War became inevitable. After
America won its independence from Great Britain, there was a need for unity among the new states. The needs for unity lead to the creation of The
Articles of Confederation. These Articles represent the first constitutional agreement made between 13 American states. The Articles of confederation
served as a written document establishing the functions of the government and the United States. The purpose of the Articles was to provide a general
government of the 13 colonies that had won their freedom from British rule and to bring unity of the new states. The Articles of Confederation
basically implied that every
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Causes Of The American Revolutionary War
The American Revolution also known as the American Revolutionary war and war of independence. This war arose from conflict in 1776 between
the residents of Great Britain and the colonial Government, which represented British Crown. The Intolerable Acts where one of the events that led
to war. The Intolerable Acts, also called Coercive Acts started in 1774 when these harsh laws were passed by the British Parlements. These Acts
were just meant to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea party and other protests. The Intolerable acts were all bad but they did bring everyone
together. They brought everyone together so the colonists joined in a group and fought the british because enough is enough and as one we had a
great victory. (Appleby 119) Another incident that occurred leading up to the war was the boston massacre. The boston massacre happened on March
5, 1770 with a small argument between british private Hugh White and a few colonists outside the custom house in Boston on King Street. The
argument began to escalate as more colonists gathered and began to harass and throw sticks and snowballs at private white. Soon there was over 50
colonists at the scene. Local British officer, Captain Thomas Preston, sent a number of soldiers to the custom house to maintain order. After a few
seconds the sight of british soldiers armed with bayonets just aggravated the crowd further. They began to shout at the soldiers, daring them to fire.
Captain Preston later arrived and tried to
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Revolutionary War Thesis
The American Revolution was also known as the war of independence for the American colonies. Unpredictably, this war changed our world in more
ways than we could imagine. Not only did this conflict over independence free the colonies from Britain, but also afforded freedom to many African
Americans from the shackles of slavery. Pledged promises of freedom in exchange for military involvement by two military forces, encouraged blacks'
eagerness to participate, some, not only never mentioned, but were, in addition, sent back into slavery. In brief, Britain's most formidable military
force should not be reckoned with. Also, one could assume the colonies would be the sole beneficiaries of these loyalties from the African Americans,
free and bound, but the fact is, many African Americans found themselves picking sides. Coupled with promises of freedom and the desire to
contribute to a worthy endeavor, countless Negroes volunteered to enlist in the military based on presumable personal benefits, while some were forced
or sold by their owners. More than one hundred thousand blacks, including Colonel Tye, more content...
Above all, the bravery of these men would go down in history. In addition, the Continental Army used slaves as wagoners, artisans, pilots, and
seaman. Albeit some slaves were freed, most were returned to or sold back into slavery at the end of wartime. Mainly, the majority of blacks were
laborers; an exception was James Armisteead Lafayette, who turned to spying on the enemy, and bringing a plethora of useful information back to the
leaders. Black seamen were of the utmost importance to the armies due to the fact many of the already had the knowledge and experience to man the
ships; namely, James Forten, initially ordered to be a powder boy on a Navy ship, who then later became successful in
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Revolutionary War Revolutionary Essay
By defining a revolution as "a radical change of conditions", the Revolutionary War was unquestionably a revolution. In determining whether the
Revolutionary War was revolutionary or not, one must assess the extent to which society transformed before, throughout, and after the war. Although
some colonists sought to preserve the rights they enjoyed from tradition and custom, the Revolutionary War can be described as "revolutionary"
because men put their life as well as their honor on the line to fight in a war when triumph seemed an unreachable goal. This was done to make radical
changes such as formulating an entirely new system of government instead of creating a monarchy, as they had known.
In the First Continental Congress, which more content...
When people are over three thousand miles away from each other, representation can be difficult. When America first separated itself from Britain, the
founding fathers attempted to create the least amount of similarities as possible. The need to be different from Britain was shown primarily through the
creation of the Articles of Confederation as they represented a strong reaction against the strong central government of Britain. The Continental
Congress adopted the Articles on November 15, 1777 and they served as the United States first Constitution. There were many problems that came
with the Articles. The government they created was so weak that tasks could not be completed efficiently. Because of the weak government, America
could not grow economically which led to political uncertainty. The government had no power to enforce any legislation it passed and congress was
denied the power to tax. Money was one of the greatest issues with the Articles of Confederation. Since the government was denied the right to tax, they
could only request money from the states and these requests were often denied. The legislature never had enough money to run the government or to
fulfill financial obligations to bondholders, soldiers, and
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The American Revolutionary War was a war that brought unity among American Colonies. The Colonies fought Great Britain for many years to gain
their independence from the mother country. The American Revolutionary War was between the years of 1775 and 1783. There were many major
battles fought, but one major battle that ended the long war was the Battle of Yorktown. The Battle of Yorktown was "fought September 28 to
October 19, 1781" ("American Revolution: Battle of Yorktown"). The battle was a successful victory for the Colonies from the beginning of the battle
to the end. The days before the battle helped the Americans capture a victory at Yorktown. At first, the war was between the Colonies and the British;
however, the French came into the war to help aid the Colonists and win the war over Great Britain. Before the battle of Yorktown, GeneralGeorge
Washington was stationed in New York with his army. "In the spring of 1781, Washington traveled to Rhode Island to meet withComte de Rochambeau
and plan to attack on Clinton" ("History of the Siege"). Lieutenant General Henry Clinton is a British general who marches through the northern and
middle colonies in an attempt to gain control in those areas. The French were a big advantage to the Colonists because of their naval fleet. George
Washington was expecting the French fleet to arrive in New York and help aid in the attack on Clinton, however, he "learned that the French fleet was
sailing to the lower Chesapeake Bay"
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Analysis Of ' The American Revolutionary War '
Writing Assignment #2
The American revolutionary war is one of the most riveting tales to learn about, especially to a patriotic citizen, sadly it is full of myths and
exaggerations and at times outright lies. The very motive for the war has been twisted through the years to make the fight for independence a more
beautiful story. In the late 1770's several important people "found that by creating a nation, a symbol, a legal unity called the United States, they could
take over land, profits, and political power from favorites of the British Empire. In the process, they could hold back a number of potential rebellions
and create a consensus of popular support for the rule of a new, privileged leadership" (Zinn). This is the true motive behind the fight for
independence. Year after year, the fight the "founding fathers" of this country put up against Britain is celebrated and yet the essence of the war is
never discussed nor analyzed. The United States is a nation filled with blind patriotism. The inequality in wealth distribution in the United States
started in the colonies and continues on today. During Colonial times "the top 5 percent of Boston 's taxpayers controlled 49% of the city 's taxable
assets" (Zinn). The poor got poorer and the rich got richer. The poor would speak their grievances to no avail. In the traditional story, every single
able–bodied man took up arms to fight the British who were encroaching on colonial homes and rights, but in reality, the majority
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The American Revolution And The Civil War Essay
Imagine the feelings one may have when living in circumstances where many rights are carelessly being taken away. In our modern day, it is hard to
conceptualize not being able to live the way one chooses, yet there was a point in time when we faced imminent threats from both other countries and
our own country. The rejection of human rights is a crucial action which can result in a gruesome long term conflict. War is said to be inevitable by
many but the study of why some of the most notable battles in history began is even more fascinating; moreover, The American Revolution and The
Civil War are two of the most notorious events in American history thus it is necessary to realize just how influential and connected they are to one
another. What is more, the powerful figures involved whose dedication prevailed successfully in these ruthless battles. The opposing sides, the British
and the Confederate South, thought what they were doing was just due to tradition and already accommodated power, however strong driving forces
rightfully fought against the British invasion and fought to end slavery in the South. Ultimately the efforts proved worthwhile. The cataclysm that was
The American Revolution can simply be described as a revolt against the British government assumed rule over the United States. It was not just a feud
over the demands the British, controlled by King George III, made to the original thirteen colonies regarding tax and trade but an insurgency to gain
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The American Revolutionary War: A True Revolution
The American Revolution War is also known as the American Revolutionary War which was a conflict between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain.
The war took place from 1775 to 1783. It all began when the thirteen colonies had started to protest opposing the taxes and other laws the colonists
contemplate intolerable acts. The American Revolution, conceivably the most powerful event in the history of the United States, was profound to be
treated as a true revolution. The historian Linda Kerber stated, "The founding generation articulated enduring political questions and provided the
structures by which we still conduct our political lives" she stated this to emphasize the tremendous impact the revolutionary had on the modern day
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The American Revolutionary War Essay
The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the American War of Independence, or simply the Revolutionary War in the United States, was the
prosperous military revolt against Great Britain of Thirteen American Colonies which joined together as the United States of America in July 1776.
Originally constrained to fighting in those colonies, after 1778 it additionally became a world war between Britain and France, Netherlands, Spain, and
The war had its inchoations in the resistance of many Americans to taxes imposed by the British parliament, which they held to be unlawful. Formal
acts of revolt against British ascendancy commenced in 1774 when the Patriot Suffolk Resolves efficaciously abolished the licit regime of the Province more content...
After 1778 the British shifted their attention to the southern colonies, which brought them initial prosperity when they recaptured Georgia and South
Carolina for the Crown in 1779 and 1780. In 1781 British forces endeavored to subjugate Virginia, but a French naval victory just outside Chesapeake
Bay led to a Franco–American siege at Yorktown and the capture of over 7,000 British soldiers. The defeat broke Britain's will to perpetuate the war.
Constrained fighting perpetuated throughout 1782, while tranquility negotiations commenced. In 1783, the Treaty of Paris pacified the war and
apperceived the sovereignty of the United States over the territory bounded roughly by what is now Canada to the north, Florida to the south, and the
Mississippi River to the west A wider international tranquility was acceded, in which several territories were exchanged. The expensive war drove
France into massive debt, which would contribute to the outbreak of a Revolution there as well.
The principle beneficiaries of the Revolution were financial fascinates.[citation needed] The Patriots had relucted to raise taxes on either a local or
national level during the war, instead issuing worthless paper mazuma and bonds. Many of the bonds went to politically connected insiders who would
later be instrumental in the formation of a national regime in 1789. Alexander Hamilton's financial program would permanently fund these bonds by
imposing taxes on the public. A
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Revolutionary War Essay
1 The Revolutionary war is one of the most important events in american history.
This war in our history was the beginning of our country. In this war the Declaration of independance was signed by the founding fathers of our
country to state that we are now a free independent country free from England. The revolutionary was a fight between the colonies of the new world
and the British empire for freedom and peace.
2 The civil war is the second most important event in American history. The civil war was a war fought to get rid of slavery. It was between the
northern and southern states of america. The war was an act of ending slavery in the south and making the north and south one united states. In the end
the union army won the more content...
4 Vietnam war was a war between America and the North Viet cong. The vietnam war led to a lot of consequences that was brand new to america. It
led our congress to replace the military draft like they had in world war two, to an all volunteer force and because of that the country reduced the
voting age to eighteen. The war split americans because other americans were calling our troops baby killers and murderers. Now in history the
Vietnam war is known as the mistaken war.
5 Operation Desert storm was a war between the U.S and Iraq. To those of us who are too young to remember this conflict is one that my
grandfather tells me constantly that the price of freedom is never free. Armed forces of the united states and 100 other countries joined in a massive
coalition of power to defeat a country called iraq led by a tyrant and dictator Saddam hussein into invading and occupying Kuwait. Naval and air
forces and army and marine ground forces of America joined with countries such as Saudi Arabia , france ,Germany ,England ,Italy and other Arab
countries joined into one effort to invade Kuwait and liberate that country from tyrannical rule. Where is and always will be the last option because of
the deaths of thousands of people both friendly and enemy of soldier and civilian. By this conflict that started in January 1991 and is famously called
the hundred hour
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American Revolutionary War: Gaining Allies
American Revolutionary War: Gaining Allies
The American Revolutionary War, also known as the American War of Independence, started from 1775 and ended in 1783. This turning event in
history was caused by Great Britain governing the 13 colonies and taxing goods without consent. After the French and Indian War, King George the
3rd needed to pay off war debt. His solution was to tax the colonies, which made them agitated and revolt against Great Britain and their soldiers
called the redcoats. There were some people who wanted to stay loyal to Britain and were called Loyalists. On the other hand, colonists who fought for
their freedom and supported independence from the British were called Patriots. The colonists and British both believed that the war would be over
quickly.Unfortunantly, the colonists didn't have an experienced and well–trained army unlike the British. Thanks to the France, Spain, and
Netherlands, who affiliated with the American patriots the colonists were able to win the war against Britain. Gaining allies was a prominent event
because the American colonies needed support from other countries in more content...
Comte de Vergennes, the French Foreign Minister, rejected the endeavor. Vergennes was formidable that the catastrophe would be settled down and
Britain would attack the French, which they wouldn't be ready for. America would have to declare their independence from Britain and demonstrate
that they, the patriots, can defend themselves from the redcoats. The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point of the American Revolutionary war because
patriots have won against the british army and convinced the French to aid and support the patriots. Although France have been secretly sending
military supplies and financial aid to the Americans back in early 1776, they were still hesitant about being a factor of the war.
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American Revolutionary War
The American Revolutionary War was a war fought between the British Empire and Continental Army over America's Independence After the French
and Indian War. Due to the money lost in the war, England taxed the colonists heavy through acts such as the Stamp Act and Intolerable Acts. This
lead to events such as the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre which only angered both sides more. The first battle of the war was Lexington and
Concord. A major battle of the war was The Battle of Bunker Hill. Although the Americans lost New York, George Washington was successful at
defeating the Hessians at Trenton on Christmas Day. The battles of Brandywine and Germantown were fought over the American capital, Philadelphia.
After the battle of Saratoga, France and Spain joined the American side. The war was won after the British surrendered at The Battle of Yorktown
American Civil War
The American Civil War was a war between the Confederate States and the Union. After Lincoln was elected most of the slave states seceded and
created the confederacy. The war started when the Confederacy attacked Fort Sumter. The Union won the war. Lincoln wanted to welcome the SOuth
back into the Union with open arms, but after he was assassinated, reconstruction treated the South poorly, causing economic struggl.e
World War I
World War I started when Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in support of Serbian power. The Austria
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The American Revolutionary War

  • 1. The American Revolutionary War The American Revolutionary War was a long hard fought war that lasted about 8 years. Many Countries were involved in the war, such as The United States, France, Great Britain, Spain, and The Dutch Republic. Not all countries actually fought but they provided either side with weapons and supplies to help them have a greater chance of winning the war. More than 70,000 people were killed during the great American Revolutionary War. The Americans were tired of the loyalist British taking advantage of them. They were tired of the new taxes that kept being created by the British. The Americans were tired of being pushed around, so they decided to do something about it. High Tensions eventually got between the two countries and they began to start a war, which was known as The American Revolutionary War. Before the war began, a great man implied, "One of the most essential branches of English liberty is the freedoms of one's house, a man's house is his castle", informing everyone that the colonies should be freed from British control (Otis). The American Revolutionary war was a war started, so the 13 colonies of America could gain there independence from Great Britain. Thousands of soldiers were killed while many others were severely wounded. The American Revolutionary war was one of the greatest wars in American history, because it had many great battles, was led by some of the greatest leaders, and got the 13 colonies independence from Great Britain. To begin, the American Get more content on
  • 2. Themes Of The Revolutionary War The American Revolutionary War was also called the American War of Independence and the Revolutionary War. The Revolutionary War was an armed conflict between Great Britain and the thirteen Northern American colonies, who declared themselves the Independent United States of America. France who was very eager for revenge after the defeat in the Seven Years' War. The French signed an alliance with the new nation in 1778 that proved decisive in the great victory. The conflict gradually expanded into a world war with Britain to combat in battle with France, Spain, and the Netherlands. Freedom and liberty were the major themes of the Revolution. So the idea of liberty was just a central reality to the lives of most African Americans. To win freedom thousands of slaves opposed the patriot cause and risked their lives to escape to the British army. Black soldiers were treated better by the British, but in both armies they were often assigned to do the most dangerous duties and they received lower payment than white soldiers. Other than doing military service slaves found other ways to escape to freedom. Some escaped from plantations, more content... They slipped through enemy lines and they turned their homes as a haven for the soldiers, and they stored weapons and food for the women I their cellars for the men. Women would burn their crops and destroy their homes to prevent the enemies from using them. They were acting as "daughters of liberty." Also in the zones of battle, women crossed gender boundaries to disguise themselves as men to enlist themselves as soldiers. Later on in the postwar years' members of America's political and social elite engaged in a discussion about women's role in the new republican society. Opinion makers a new role for women within their family. The republic said they must rely on mothers and wives to teach patriotism and republican principles in both their sons and Get more content on
  • 3. The War Of 1812: The American Revolutionary War The war of 1812, was a military conflict that lasted two and a half years. This was a war fought between the United Stated of America against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The war resolved many issues which remained from the American Revolutionary War but complicated no boundary changes. The reason on why this war was declared by the United Stated was over the impressment of American sailors by the British Navy. After the war of 1812, three historical processes were unleashed by the Revolution. There was a spread of market relations, the westward movement of the population, and the rise of vigorous political democracy. The market revolution represented an acceleration of developments and acceleration of developments already Get more content on
  • 4. Revolutionary War: The American Revolution The revolution war was evolutionary because it helped to push the new nation to new heights. In this assay I will tell you about how the USA got started. Noy are you ready to take a ride. Let's go. The French and Indian war as a war against the Indian and the 13 colonies. The war was not against the French and the Indian in this war the American's won the war. join or Die meant we had to band together or we would not win the war. Loyalists where people who help Britain in the war they try to tell them where the continental army was at. The battle at bunker hill was one of the battles that the American's lost. George Washington was the leader of the army. The battler of Saratoga was the truing point of the war. Taxation without representation Get more content on
  • 5. The American Revolution was a war for independence. It was a war which was fought for equal rights and the freedom of a would be nation. It showed the pure courage and heart of the American colonists by pitting them against a much more powerful opponent. The British had the best army in the world, and the colonists were often just poor farmers armed with their hunting muskets. It was truly a case of David versus Goliath. The reasons, course, and outcome of the American Revolution provided the perfect scenario for achieving independence. The ideas behind the revolution came much earlier than 1776. They came from deep within the Enlightenment. Although there was not much support behind these ideas, it is important to more content... These acts had been around for a long time and caused little problems. They often benefited from these acts because although they had to buy from England, it was the most advanced industrial country and could often offer the best prices. The first tax to cause trouble in the colonies was the Sugar Act followed closely by the Stamp Act. The Sugar Act was truly just a restatement of old customs laws in an effort to raise money. The Stamp Act was a tax in which anything formally written or printed would have to be on specially stamped paper which was shipped from London. The colonists would soon pay taxes "at every stage of a lawsuit, that diplomas and deeds, almanacs and advertisements, bills and bonds, customs papers and newspapers, even dice and cards, would all be charged," (Morgan 19). The colonists reacted very violently to these taxes. They protested and boycotted throughout the nation and the British Parliament soon repealed the tax. Radicals began to proclaim the fact that there should be no taxation without representation. This meant that colonists should be represented in Parliament if they were going to be taxed by them. The British stated that every member of the Parliament was there to represent the whole Empire, not just the electors he represented. Therefore, the Americans would have no representation in Parliament. In 1773 the British decided to tax tea. They granted the British East India Company to ship their goods Get more content on
  • 6. American Revolutionary War: The Treaty Of Paris The Treaty of Paris was the official peace treaty between the United States and Britain that ended the American Revolutionary War. It was signed on September 3, 1783. The Congress of the Confederation ratified the treaty on January 14, 1784. King George III ratified the treaty on April 9, 1784. This was five weeks after the deadline, but nobody complained. Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about The Revolutionary War The Revolutionary War The Revolutionary War started on April 19, 1775 at Lexington and Concord. America was very much unprepared with no central government or army. The congress stepped up as the government and began to organize an army. The Revolutionary War did not end until September 3, 1783 with the signing of the final peace treaty between America and Great Britain. The victory in the Revolution War led to the birth of a new independent nation. After the Revolution it was a time of cooperation. People in the nation were focusing on building a government, migrating west and their new found freedom. Military actions were more in surrounding areas mainly France, Mexico and Britain. In 1798 was the XYZ affair, an event more content... After the first battle of the Civil War the Upper states in the South also seceded. Abraham Lincoln was able to persuade Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri to stay in the Union. By doing this Lincoln gained access to the river systems in Kentucky and Missouri that led into the heart of the South. This control effected the 1862 invasions of the south, which provided the North with most of its early military successes. The Civil War was total trench warfare. Technology was the main event that influenced total trench warfare. Technology led to ideas such as strategy, weapons, and transportation. It wasn't until 1865 the Civil War ended with the surrender of the South's army. The Civil War was an event that impacted theUnited States greatly economically, politically and socially. This impact called for great reconstruction after the Civil War. *Political Constitutional Developments After the American Revolution ended there was a debate on if all ties should be broken with Britain. Support for American Independence rode strong up into 1776. Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet, Common Sense. This pamphlet rebelled against King George III and argues for complete Independence of the American colonies. On July 4, 1776, a Declaration of Independence was adopted stating the colonies freedom from Britain. The time after the Revolution was a period of political reconstruction. A time were State franchises were developed and Get more content on
  • 8. The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), was a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and thirteen colonies on the North American continent. There was not a specific event that led to the Revolutionary War. American colonies wanted full democratic rights, but the British only saw them as colonies to be used and exploited. The British saw the colonies as economic entities that could pay for their own defense. Many of the colonists would have been willing to pay for their own defense. With the condition that they would have a voice when it came to making decisions. The British ignored the colonies demands. As a result, the British developed the separate and unique American identity. Over a ten year time period many colonists began to identify themselves as Americans. Once the American identity was defined, The American Revolutionary War became inevitable. After America won its independence from Great Britain, there was a need for unity among the new states. The needs for unity lead to the creation of The Articles of Confederation. These Articles represent the first constitutional agreement made between 13 American states. The Articles of confederation served as a written document establishing the functions of the government and the United States. The purpose of the Articles was to provide a general government of the 13 colonies that had won their freedom from British rule and to bring unity of the new states. The Articles of Confederation basically implied that every Get more content on
  • 9. Causes Of The American Revolutionary War The American Revolution also known as the American Revolutionary war and war of independence. This war arose from conflict in 1776 between the residents of Great Britain and the colonial Government, which represented British Crown. The Intolerable Acts where one of the events that led to war. The Intolerable Acts, also called Coercive Acts started in 1774 when these harsh laws were passed by the British Parlements. These Acts were just meant to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea party and other protests. The Intolerable acts were all bad but they did bring everyone together. They brought everyone together so the colonists joined in a group and fought the british because enough is enough and as one we had a great victory. (Appleby 119) Another incident that occurred leading up to the war was the boston massacre. The boston massacre happened on March 5, 1770 with a small argument between british private Hugh White and a few colonists outside the custom house in Boston on King Street. The argument began to escalate as more colonists gathered and began to harass and throw sticks and snowballs at private white. Soon there was over 50 colonists at the scene. Local British officer, Captain Thomas Preston, sent a number of soldiers to the custom house to maintain order. After a few seconds the sight of british soldiers armed with bayonets just aggravated the crowd further. They began to shout at the soldiers, daring them to fire. Captain Preston later arrived and tried to Get more content on
  • 10. Revolutionary War Thesis The American Revolution was also known as the war of independence for the American colonies. Unpredictably, this war changed our world in more ways than we could imagine. Not only did this conflict over independence free the colonies from Britain, but also afforded freedom to many African Americans from the shackles of slavery. Pledged promises of freedom in exchange for military involvement by two military forces, encouraged blacks' eagerness to participate, some, not only never mentioned, but were, in addition, sent back into slavery. In brief, Britain's most formidable military force should not be reckoned with. Also, one could assume the colonies would be the sole beneficiaries of these loyalties from the African Americans, free and bound, but the fact is, many African Americans found themselves picking sides. Coupled with promises of freedom and the desire to contribute to a worthy endeavor, countless Negroes volunteered to enlist in the military based on presumable personal benefits, while some were forced or sold by their owners. More than one hundred thousand blacks, including Colonel Tye, more content... Above all, the bravery of these men would go down in history. In addition, the Continental Army used slaves as wagoners, artisans, pilots, and seaman. Albeit some slaves were freed, most were returned to or sold back into slavery at the end of wartime. Mainly, the majority of blacks were laborers; an exception was James Armisteead Lafayette, who turned to spying on the enemy, and bringing a plethora of useful information back to the leaders. Black seamen were of the utmost importance to the armies due to the fact many of the already had the knowledge and experience to man the ships; namely, James Forten, initially ordered to be a powder boy on a Navy ship, who then later became successful in Get more content on
  • 11. Revolutionary War Revolutionary Essay By defining a revolution as "a radical change of conditions", the Revolutionary War was unquestionably a revolution. In determining whether the Revolutionary War was revolutionary or not, one must assess the extent to which society transformed before, throughout, and after the war. Although some colonists sought to preserve the rights they enjoyed from tradition and custom, the Revolutionary War can be described as "revolutionary" because men put their life as well as their honor on the line to fight in a war when triumph seemed an unreachable goal. This was done to make radical changes such as formulating an entirely new system of government instead of creating a monarchy, as they had known. In the First Continental Congress, which more content... When people are over three thousand miles away from each other, representation can be difficult. When America first separated itself from Britain, the founding fathers attempted to create the least amount of similarities as possible. The need to be different from Britain was shown primarily through the creation of the Articles of Confederation as they represented a strong reaction against the strong central government of Britain. The Continental Congress adopted the Articles on November 15, 1777 and they served as the United States first Constitution. There were many problems that came with the Articles. The government they created was so weak that tasks could not be completed efficiently. Because of the weak government, America could not grow economically which led to political uncertainty. The government had no power to enforce any legislation it passed and congress was denied the power to tax. Money was one of the greatest issues with the Articles of Confederation. Since the government was denied the right to tax, they could only request money from the states and these requests were often denied. The legislature never had enough money to run the government or to fulfill financial obligations to bondholders, soldiers, and Get more content on
  • 12. The American Revolutionary War was a war that brought unity among American Colonies. The Colonies fought Great Britain for many years to gain their independence from the mother country. The American Revolutionary War was between the years of 1775 and 1783. There were many major battles fought, but one major battle that ended the long war was the Battle of Yorktown. The Battle of Yorktown was "fought September 28 to October 19, 1781" ("American Revolution: Battle of Yorktown"). The battle was a successful victory for the Colonies from the beginning of the battle to the end. The days before the battle helped the Americans capture a victory at Yorktown. At first, the war was between the Colonies and the British; however, the French came into the war to help aid the Colonists and win the war over Great Britain. Before the battle of Yorktown, GeneralGeorge Washington was stationed in New York with his army. "In the spring of 1781, Washington traveled to Rhode Island to meet withComte de Rochambeau and plan to attack on Clinton" ("History of the Siege"). Lieutenant General Henry Clinton is a British general who marches through the northern and middle colonies in an attempt to gain control in those areas. The French were a big advantage to the Colonists because of their naval fleet. George Washington was expecting the French fleet to arrive in New York and help aid in the attack on Clinton, however, he "learned that the French fleet was sailing to the lower Chesapeake Bay" Get more content on
  • 13. Analysis Of ' The American Revolutionary War ' Writing Assignment #2 The American revolutionary war is one of the most riveting tales to learn about, especially to a patriotic citizen, sadly it is full of myths and exaggerations and at times outright lies. The very motive for the war has been twisted through the years to make the fight for independence a more beautiful story. In the late 1770's several important people "found that by creating a nation, a symbol, a legal unity called the United States, they could take over land, profits, and political power from favorites of the British Empire. In the process, they could hold back a number of potential rebellions and create a consensus of popular support for the rule of a new, privileged leadership" (Zinn). This is the true motive behind the fight for independence. Year after year, the fight the "founding fathers" of this country put up against Britain is celebrated and yet the essence of the war is never discussed nor analyzed. The United States is a nation filled with blind patriotism. The inequality in wealth distribution in the United States started in the colonies and continues on today. During Colonial times "the top 5 percent of Boston 's taxpayers controlled 49% of the city 's taxable assets" (Zinn). The poor got poorer and the rich got richer. The poor would speak their grievances to no avail. In the traditional story, every single able–bodied man took up arms to fight the British who were encroaching on colonial homes and rights, but in reality, the majority Get more content on
  • 14. The American Revolution And The Civil War Essay Imagine the feelings one may have when living in circumstances where many rights are carelessly being taken away. In our modern day, it is hard to conceptualize not being able to live the way one chooses, yet there was a point in time when we faced imminent threats from both other countries and our own country. The rejection of human rights is a crucial action which can result in a gruesome long term conflict. War is said to be inevitable by many but the study of why some of the most notable battles in history began is even more fascinating; moreover, The American Revolution and The Civil War are two of the most notorious events in American history thus it is necessary to realize just how influential and connected they are to one another. What is more, the powerful figures involved whose dedication prevailed successfully in these ruthless battles. The opposing sides, the British and the Confederate South, thought what they were doing was just due to tradition and already accommodated power, however strong driving forces rightfully fought against the British invasion and fought to end slavery in the South. Ultimately the efforts proved worthwhile. The cataclysm that was The American Revolution can simply be described as a revolt against the British government assumed rule over the United States. It was not just a feud over the demands the British, controlled by King George III, made to the original thirteen colonies regarding tax and trade but an insurgency to gain Get more content on
  • 15. The American Revolutionary War: A True Revolution The American Revolution War is also known as the American Revolutionary War which was a conflict between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain. The war took place from 1775 to 1783. It all began when the thirteen colonies had started to protest opposing the taxes and other laws the colonists contemplate intolerable acts. The American Revolution, conceivably the most powerful event in the history of the United States, was profound to be treated as a true revolution. The historian Linda Kerber stated, "The founding generation articulated enduring political questions and provided the structures by which we still conduct our political lives" she stated this to emphasize the tremendous impact the revolutionary had on the modern day American Get more content on
  • 16. The American Revolutionary War Essay The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the American War of Independence, or simply the Revolutionary War in the United States, was the prosperous military revolt against Great Britain of Thirteen American Colonies which joined together as the United States of America in July 1776. Originally constrained to fighting in those colonies, after 1778 it additionally became a world war between Britain and France, Netherlands, Spain, and Mysore. The war had its inchoations in the resistance of many Americans to taxes imposed by the British parliament, which they held to be unlawful. Formal acts of revolt against British ascendancy commenced in 1774 when the Patriot Suffolk Resolves efficaciously abolished the licit regime of the Province more content... After 1778 the British shifted their attention to the southern colonies, which brought them initial prosperity when they recaptured Georgia and South Carolina for the Crown in 1779 and 1780. In 1781 British forces endeavored to subjugate Virginia, but a French naval victory just outside Chesapeake Bay led to a Franco–American siege at Yorktown and the capture of over 7,000 British soldiers. The defeat broke Britain's will to perpetuate the war. Constrained fighting perpetuated throughout 1782, while tranquility negotiations commenced. In 1783, the Treaty of Paris pacified the war and apperceived the sovereignty of the United States over the territory bounded roughly by what is now Canada to the north, Florida to the south, and the Mississippi River to the west A wider international tranquility was acceded, in which several territories were exchanged. The expensive war drove France into massive debt, which would contribute to the outbreak of a Revolution there as well. The principle beneficiaries of the Revolution were financial fascinates.[citation needed] The Patriots had relucted to raise taxes on either a local or national level during the war, instead issuing worthless paper mazuma and bonds. Many of the bonds went to politically connected insiders who would later be instrumental in the formation of a national regime in 1789. Alexander Hamilton's financial program would permanently fund these bonds by imposing taxes on the public. A Get more content on
  • 17. Revolutionary War Essay 1 The Revolutionary war is one of the most important events in american history. This war in our history was the beginning of our country. In this war the Declaration of independance was signed by the founding fathers of our country to state that we are now a free independent country free from England. The revolutionary was a fight between the colonies of the new world and the British empire for freedom and peace. 2 The civil war is the second most important event in American history. The civil war was a war fought to get rid of slavery. It was between the northern and southern states of america. The war was an act of ending slavery in the south and making the north and south one united states. In the end the union army won the more content... 4 Vietnam war was a war between America and the North Viet cong. The vietnam war led to a lot of consequences that was brand new to america. It led our congress to replace the military draft like they had in world war two, to an all volunteer force and because of that the country reduced the voting age to eighteen. The war split americans because other americans were calling our troops baby killers and murderers. Now in history the Vietnam war is known as the mistaken war. 5 Operation Desert storm was a war between the U.S and Iraq. To those of us who are too young to remember this conflict is one that my grandfather tells me constantly that the price of freedom is never free. Armed forces of the united states and 100 other countries joined in a massive coalition of power to defeat a country called iraq led by a tyrant and dictator Saddam hussein into invading and occupying Kuwait. Naval and air forces and army and marine ground forces of America joined with countries such as Saudi Arabia , france ,Germany ,England ,Italy and other Arab countries joined into one effort to invade Kuwait and liberate that country from tyrannical rule. Where is and always will be the last option because of the deaths of thousands of people both friendly and enemy of soldier and civilian. By this conflict that started in January 1991 and is famously called the hundred hour Get more content on
  • 18. American Revolutionary War: Gaining Allies American Revolutionary War: Gaining Allies The American Revolutionary War, also known as the American War of Independence, started from 1775 and ended in 1783. This turning event in history was caused by Great Britain governing the 13 colonies and taxing goods without consent. After the French and Indian War, King George the 3rd needed to pay off war debt. His solution was to tax the colonies, which made them agitated and revolt against Great Britain and their soldiers called the redcoats. There were some people who wanted to stay loyal to Britain and were called Loyalists. On the other hand, colonists who fought for their freedom and supported independence from the British were called Patriots. The colonists and British both believed that the war would be over quickly.Unfortunantly, the colonists didn't have an experienced and well–trained army unlike the British. Thanks to the France, Spain, and Netherlands, who affiliated with the American patriots the colonists were able to win the war against Britain. Gaining allies was a prominent event because the American colonies needed support from other countries in more content... Comte de Vergennes, the French Foreign Minister, rejected the endeavor. Vergennes was formidable that the catastrophe would be settled down and Britain would attack the French, which they wouldn't be ready for. America would have to declare their independence from Britain and demonstrate that they, the patriots, can defend themselves from the redcoats. The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point of the American Revolutionary war because patriots have won against the british army and convinced the French to aid and support the patriots. Although France have been secretly sending military supplies and financial aid to the Americans back in early 1776, they were still hesitant about being a factor of the war. Get more content on
  • 19. Conflict American Revolutionary War The American Revolutionary War was a war fought between the British Empire and Continental Army over America's Independence After the French and Indian War. Due to the money lost in the war, England taxed the colonists heavy through acts such as the Stamp Act and Intolerable Acts. This lead to events such as the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre which only angered both sides more. The first battle of the war was Lexington and Concord. A major battle of the war was The Battle of Bunker Hill. Although the Americans lost New York, George Washington was successful at defeating the Hessians at Trenton on Christmas Day. The battles of Brandywine and Germantown were fought over the American capital, Philadelphia. After the battle of Saratoga, France and Spain joined the American side. The war was won after the British surrendered at The Battle of Yorktown American Civil War The American Civil War was a war between the Confederate States and the Union. After Lincoln was elected most of the slave states seceded and created the confederacy. The war started when the Confederacy attacked Fort Sumter. The Union won the war. Lincoln wanted to welcome the SOuth back into the Union with open arms, but after he was assassinated, reconstruction treated the South poorly, causing economic struggl.e World War I World War I started when Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in support of Serbian power. The Austria –Hungarians Get more content on