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Child Observation Essay examples
For this assignment, I observed my six year old niece, Faustine Bui who was born on August 16, 2007, at the park where I was babysitting her with
her mom for approximately thirty minutes. The park I observed her at is packed with children and dogs are allowed. There is a large play area with
jungle–jims and slide and it includes a sandy area which has a variety of playing equipment as well.
I first observed Faustine's biosocial development such as physical growth, gross motor and fine motor skills. Faustine is 3 feet tall and she weighs 41
pounds according to my Aunt. She is a little shorter than a lot of the six year old that she hangs out with and the ones in the park but I think that her
height is in the normal range for kids her more content...
She had a hard time conquering the jugle–jim though. She kept waddling back and forth every time she tried to get her feet up on the next bar and
she eventually gave up and refused to return to the jungle jim again. She threw a few balls here and there but she was unable to throw it very far
or accurate. By the age of three, children can already kick, throw, jump and climb things such as ladder. By the age of six, children can skip, climb
trees and over things, and catch a ball ( I was unable to observe a lot of fine motor skills from Faustine but she did pick
up a stick from the ground, hold it like a normal adult would hold a pencil, and started drawing in the sand. By the age of 2, children can scribble,
fold paper, draw vertical lines and manage semi–large object with their hands. By the age of six, children can copy letters, grasp pencils like a grown
adult, and copy complex shapes (
I then observed her cognitive skills which included her language, memory, and perception. When observing Faustine, I realized that she is one
extremely talkative child. She would talk about everything and anything sometimes she'd just sit in front of us and talk to us and to herself while
playing in the sand. According to Lev Vygotskyand his social learning theory, children use private speech ("The internal dialogue that occurs when
people talk to themselves, either silently or out
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My Observation At A Elementary Classroom
During my observation time in a kindergarten classroom, I have noticed that the students have a wide variety of abilities, attention spans, interests, and
love for learning. When it comes to the teacher's instructional strategies, she intentionally takes into consideration all of the above characteristics to
make sure each student gets what they need to be most successful. During lessons students are engaged because of the teacher's ability to implement
interests of the student's into things and giving them options. If an error occurs during a lesson, the teacher normally, allows for the student who got
something wrong to try again, or to call on a friend to help them out. This way the students are still giving the answers and not the teacher just telling
them the information. The teacher chooses a lot of small group instruction and centers where she can work with a small group, but then, easily
monitor all the other groups to make sure they are on task and doing their work. The classroom is organized so that the student's stuff and the teacher's
stuff should not cross paths. The students keep their materials in their cubbies at one end of the room, their pencil boxes at their seats, and their book
boxes on the floor. The teacher's stuff is located on her desk, and the back table where small group stuff gets done. The classroom setting is definitely
positive and interesting because it has a minion theme. Children in that age range love minions most of the time and
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Example Of Observation Essay
On Wednesday December 21st at approximately 2030 hours, P/O Portor (9344) and I (P/O Wilson 9346) where on routine patrol driving north on the
8200 block of Martin Luther king Jr. highway, Glenarnden Maryland 20706, I observed a silver Cadillac driving south changing lanes unsafely by not
using proper signals. I made a u–turn on Martin Luther king Jr.highway and Reed street with the intent to to pull the vehicle over. Do to the speed of
the vehicle and the flow of traffic,I was not able to get behind the Cadillac to initiate a traffic stop. The Cadillac continued to weave from lane to lane
and then made a sudden turn onto Barlow road. I turned into Barlow road then turned my "emergency vehicle lights" on, the Cadillac accelerated, made more content...
While Officer Portor and myself checked the vehicle, a female, who was later identified by a U.S passport as Heather Jacinth Langdon, and a
male, who was later identified by Maryland Drivers License as Andre Maurice Lockerman walked to us claiming that the vehicle belonged to
Langdon.I asked her who was driving the vehicle and was advised that she lended her vehicle to her "friends boyfriend" and that the driver called
Langdon friend and told her to let Langdon know that he parked the car behind her house. Officer Portor explained to them what had occurred and
requested information on the person that was driving the car. Both Langdon and Lockerman originally said that they didn't have any information on
the person driving the vehicle and we convinced them to call and get us the drivers name, date of birth and address to where he live. Langdon then
called and her friend, we refused to give her name said that the drivers name is Johnathan Anthony White, but did not know where he lived. A warrant
check on that name was done through communications and the results came back negative results. Because we could not determine the true identity of
the driver, we allowed Langdon to take possession of her vehicle. I advised Langdon that there was no key left in the vehicle then she stated that she
had a
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Examples Of Participant Observation
Participant Observation The place that I chose to observe, was my daughter's karate practice. Normally I am not the one that brings her, but for the sake
of this assignment I attended the two–hour practice. The primary focus of study was; the physical setting, people and the patterns. Over the course of
two–hours, the topic of participant observation started to come out and detaching myself to a neutral point of view helped in providing a clearer
picture. Here are the observations that I made during karate practice. Sitting in a row of chairs the first observation I made portended to the physical
settings. The building was a large room with lots of open areas with mirrors surrounding mats. These mirrors allowed the kids and instructors to
observe each other anywhere in the room. The adult seating area was separated by a low wall to still allow viewing, but adds a physical barrier to
keep the kid from running to their parents whenever they wanted. There was a water fountain next more content...
As the kids entered and line up on the mat the instructors made it a point to greet every child and ask them some questions to calm them down. After
everyone lined up they all said the Dojo creeds and then pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States. Now as I observed the adults. Most them
were women that used the time as their kids trained to socialize in small groups. This was interesting because they only conversed with the people of
the group. They hardly even acknowledged the other small groups of women. The few men that did attend sat by themselves and only focused on the
children training. As the training began it follows a set guidelines of stretching, warm ups, then the training of the day. During the two–block of
training the thing that stood out about patterns is the small groups of women made up by social class. Out of all the groups the wealthy women stayed
to together and the lower income women stayed in their
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Examples Of Observation On Observation
Behavioral Observations Student Information Daisy was observed by the examiner on her PPCD classroom. The students were about to transition to
their physical education period. Daisy followed the teacher directions to line–up with no hesitation. Before entering to the P.E. room, she started crying
for no reason apparently. After calming down she tried to follow the movements conversely didn't look engaged. Daisy kept participating however
when students were sitting down as part of the routine, she was doing the opposite. During the next observation date, Daisy was jumping and hoping
in reaction to the video presentation in class. A student called her and she sat down next to him to have a peer chit chat. The teacher asked her for a
paper towel, consequently Daisy gave it to her. As part of the lesson the teacher was asking the students to identify pictures. Daisy made a moo sound
to point at the cow. Ms. Fleming kept making questions regarding the story. Daisy seemed not engaged but maintained eye contact when called. Daisy
went to the restroom then came back with a strange look, however started laughing. She gladly tried to participate on the discussion but didn't used any more content...
Fleming presented issues of concern regarding Daisy's behavior. The matter that worries her the most is the slow learning ability of Daisy, for
example she hasn't been able to name the letters of the alphabet, and this is her second year on PPCD with no academic progress. However, when
instructing one on one her progress became better instead that working with the group. Ms. Fleming indicated that Daisy does not get enough sleep
and is taking melatonin for more than a year. Daisy social interactions are described as positive; she likes to share, initiate contact, is cooperative and
respond to others efficiently. Conversely, she cries easily, turns off for no reason, and express frustration when is not able to communicate. Although
she seems to pay attention, she can lose focus
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Example Of Observation Child Observation
My first thought about this subject was that it would be really fun and exciting because of the subject's description, "Observational Child Study",
where we can already experience actual child observation. Fortunately, I was right. Our professor tackled amazing topics that really served as an
eyeopener. We encountered topics about the characteristics of some of the disabilities like autism, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, learning
disabilities, and also, developmental delays. We even had the chance to test ourselves using the checklists or the assessment tools used for assessing
children with special needs. Observation is the main point of our subject. Our professor discussed some of the tips on how to observe children in a
proper way. Narrative report was also included in the process. We made written reports about the 10–minutes observations we made from employees
we' more content...
I already learned the basics of observing and making a narrative report of the observations made. This subject disciplined me in making the task
properly and passing it on time. I thought, observing children would be a hard job to do but I was wrong. It was really interesting and fun because I
witnessed unusual behaviors and happy faces from children I've encountered that really motivated me to do my very best to pursue my goals and
achieve what I really wanted to do and that is to really become a Special Education teacher. Honestly, I never thought of using checklists in assessing
and observing individuals because I thought it would only be written observation with no basis. That is why I got shocked and interested when our
professor introduced the assessment checklist for some of the disabilities. Leadership was also developed during our SPED 4 experience. There were
times where I remind my classmates about the alloted time, the tasks given and the do's and dont's of the requirements and that is really a good
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A Observation Paper On The Library
For my Participant Observation Paper, I decided to go and observe the library. It seemed like a nice, quiet place to go for an assignment like this. I
also thought that not many other people would choose this place, so it would be unique. The observations I made at the library astounded me; I had
never noticed these things before. Here is a quick summary of my observations: the mood of the atmosphere was changed by the color, temperature,
lighting, and etc. in the library. Another thing was that people were unexpectedly critical towards one another, but teenagers didn't seem to care
about the distinctive origins of some of the individuals in the library. Finally, the body language of the adults varied significantly to the body
language of the adolescents. Everyone was divided by their dissimilarities and I could not believe the vast cavity. I went to observe the library on the
17th of September, which was a Saturday. The time I was there was from 11:20– 12:00. This was a startlingly eventful time, particularly because it
was a Saturday. The location of the library is Washington, Iowa. It is located on the square. This was where I made my observations. The
environment in the library was welcoming and very quiet. The lighting was soft and gave the structure a warm yellow tone. There were windows
wherever you could fit them, letting in a decent share of natural light. Most of the colors in the library were distinctive shades of green and brown,
which worked well together. They
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Examples Of Clinical Observation
I observed two different math classrooms for my clinical observation. The first classroom was in an urban school setting, grade two. The second
classroom was in a more suburban school setting, fifth grade math. The second grade class period was ninety minutes long, the students rotated in
groups to the teacher table and did a mini lesson there for about 15 minutes, while the rest of the 90 minutes was spent on a math website. The fifth
grade class period was only 45 minutes long and the majority of what I saw was the teacher working with the students on correcting homework.
Some concepts that we discussed in class, that I saw in the classrooms, included letting students share how they found an answer. In the fifth grade
classroom, which more content...
Of course you could always work hard to learn the content, but it would be very useful to know more about high level mathematics. It could be very
good for students to have a teacher that has a math major or minor along with their teaching degree. In the fifth grade classroom, the teacher is not the
greatest mathematician, but is very honest with the students and shows her curiosity to find the answer.
I did not see literacy or language incorporated into either classroom, which is interesting because the fifth grade teacher is also the middle school
language arts teacher. I also did not see a lot of background knowledge used in either classroom. I did notice that the problems in the textbook tried to
relate to the students. However, the way they the text tried to relate was probably unsuccessful. It was very similar to the way that the connections
discussed in the "Beyond Relevance and Real World" video.
There was some differentiation in the fifth grade classroom, some students were given less to work on. Some ways that the work was modified was
by providing paper to cover up problems that weren't being worked on and graph paper to help some students stay more organized. The more
advanced students were given more challenging worksheets when they were done. I did not see objectives clearly posted or stated in either classroom,
which is
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Examples Of Observation Paper
I spoke to L.C last night when she got home as discussed. I informed her that there are repercussions for her actions. At this point there is not
guarantee that she will remain at the residence. She said that this is new for her and she really wants to stay here. She said her girlfriend is one of
the supportive people in her life and she don't want to jeopardize this relationship. She is aware of her actions and would like to make it up to you. I
asked her if she is having trouble with quitting from smoking and she told me yes. I asked her if she smoked, and she said yes. Based on my
observation LC seems to be having issues with reasoning. It seems as if she is under a lot of pressure and tends to resort to smoking to help her cope.
I made
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Student Observation Report Essay
The names in this Observation Report have been changed to protect the privacy of the parents and the child.
Student's Name : Calvin
Sex : Male
Place of Observation : Inside the classroom of County Preschool.
Time of Observation : In the morning, 10.30 a.m. and it was a sunny day.
General View :
The classroom was pretty well organized ( clean, tidy and many facilities inside such as books, games, a computer and so on )
It was a pretty large group in the class, 13 children were there and the teacher was present as well.
It was an engaged class, where the students were actively engaged in learning. Activities Observed :
Class discussion
Individual seat work more content...
Erikson tells us that for the children this age, it is a time for play not for formal education.
Aspect: Social / Emotional
The boy did not want to share controlling the
'mouse' with his peer.
Erikson tells us children in the intuitive phase (4 to
7 years) like him has a tendency to focus attention on one aspect of object while ignoring others. Aspect: Cognitive
I tried to influence the boy so that he wants to share controlling the
'mouse' with his peer.
Piaget tells us that the children in the preoperational stage (2 to 7 years) are unaware of another person's perspective. They exhibit egocentric thought.
Aspect: Social / Emotional
The boy interacted with his peer about the letters.
The Kennedy Krieger
Institute tells us that the children this age enjoy friendships, but these are generally one way friendships. Aspect: Motor / Sensory Skill
The boy left the computer and moved to play puzzle. Comment
The Kennedy Krieger
Institute again tells us in its Developmental
Milestones that the children this age can put together multi piece
Aspect: Health / Physical
Observation I saw the boy losing some of his teeth.
According to The
Kennedy Krieger
Institute, the children 4 to
6 years old begin to loose their primary teeth and
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Observation Assignment Essay example
The purpose of this observation assignment was to investigate and interpret the different types of interactions between the individuals and groups
present, as well as the environment in which these interactions take place. The various power relationships and sense of hierarchy in addition to the
status and authority among the different individuals are also extremely pertinent to this assignment, as the dissection of such interactions and
relationships may implicate certain socially constructed gender roles placed on these individuals and society as a whole. The field observation was
conducted at the restaurant Pancakes on the Rocks in Sydney. The role adopted, was that of observer as participant. Group structures more
The seemingly intimate couples observed were quite interesting. Instead of being seated opposite each other, most couples chose to sit next to each
other so as to be within closer proximity of one another. The couples that did sit opposite each other spent much of their time bent over or leaning
across the table so as to whisper or talk in a more secretive and intimate manner with their partner. The observed body language of these couples was
that of an inclusive "please do not bother us" attitude. Their behavior compared to the rest of the occupants in the restaurant was very subdued and
much more private. The amount of bodily contact was also much greater than in other groups of participants. Other than their initial glances around the
restaurant when they were first seated, almost none of the couples made a habit of surveying the restaurant, as were observed quite frequently with the
other members of the study. Also noted was the tendency for the females within the younger–adult relationships to take leave to the toilet almost as
soon as the couple was seated. In some cases, the male ordered the female's drink while she was still in the toilet. Almost always, no matter the age
of the couple, alcoholic beverages were preferred to order. During the meal the couples were much more inclined to share food as well, picking at each
other's food. The cases in which
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Example Of Observational Learning
The topic that I chose for this week is observational learning. Observational learning is learning by others and imitating their behavior (Griggs, 2009,
p. xx). Observational learning can help us when we want to learn how to play sports, drive a car, or even learn to write letters. There are numerous
things we can acquire through observational learning. Many of us watched our mother and grandmother bake, or even just cook when we were younger.
We picked up many of the things that they did, this is another example of observational learning.
We also learn attitudes and behaviors through observational learning. There are good models of behavior. Models such as how to act appropriately in
certain situations. On the other hand, there are bad models. Those little negative traits, and habits we pick up from watching others. Often times we
hear people say: He/she did not have proper home training. This comes more content...
If you have ever made a face at an infant and watched them try to imitate it, this is the observational process at work. The same with a toddler who
sees his parents folding laundry. Later the child will grab some clothes and pretend to be folding them. A young boy watches another boy on the
playground get in trouble for hitting another child. He learns from observing this interaction that he should not hit others (Cherry, 2016).
There are several factors that influence observational learning. They are attention: The person must have their focus directed at the model. Retention:
The observer must be able to code, and store patterns so the data can be retrieved. Motor reproduction: Kinesthetic and neuromuscular patterns are
practiced with successive iterations until the model's behavior is approximated by the observer ("Albert Bandura & Observational Learning," 2016).
Lastly reinforcement and incentives: These send the learner in the direction of wanting to pay attention, retain, and recall the action in
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Family Observation Essay
Context of Observation
With her mother's permission, I observed my cousin's 33–month–old female daughter named Clara. This observation occurred at my grandparents'
house, who are Clara's great–grandparents. My grandma frequently babysits Clara and her older and younger sisters, so she is familiar with the
house. It was Thanksgiving when I did the observation with Clara, so she was surrounded by a combination of familiar faces as well as people that
she infrequently sees. For example, I only see her during major holidays due to the fact I now live out of state, and while she has interacted with me, I
am more or less a stranger to her due to the infrequent nature of our interactions. All of the Oswald family members came to Thanksgiving this year, so
my grandparents small house was packed with many people. Additionally, it was constantly noisy in the small house, with lots of different activities
occurring throughout the day.
To begin with, one of the most interesting things I observed with Clara is how clearly her behavior demonstrated a secure attachment with her parents.
While my grandmother's home was a familiar place to Clara, adding so many family members, and family members she did not know, made the
situation somewhat unfamiliar with her. It was interesting to see how she interacted with myself, my mother, and my fiancГ©, all of us whom do not
have much interaction with Clara, at the beginning of Thanksgiving. When we tried to interact with her, she would stare suspiciously at us, and then
run to her parents or grandmother. When we tried to interact with her in her "secure base", she would bury her head into the shoulder of whoever was
holding her.
Eventually, the cycle of going back to the secure base and exploring got bigger and bigger. As she, I assume, continued to get confirmation that the
unfamiliar situation was safe, and her secure base was there to protect her, she would feel more comfortable venturing out, exploring the house more,
and interacting with unfamiliar faces. She would check in with her parents, grandparents, or aunts by sitting on their lap for a little while, but as the
night went on, the duration between these check–ins became longer, and they also became
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Example Of Observation Paper
This officer was responding to 734 N Colfax in reference to battery that just took place. Central dispatch advised a female suspect just left the
residence northbound on Colfax and was en route to Crete IL in a silver Nissan. This officer was traveling eastbound on Glen Park AV (45th) with
my emergency lights activated approaching Broad St. This officer observed a Silver Nissan traveling westbound on Glen Park Ave approaching Broad
St. This officer observed the driver activate the left turn signal, enter the left turn lane and stop for the red light. This officer slowed for the
intersection and observed the driver of the Nissan was a white female. The vehicle disregarded the red light and traveled straight across Broad St and
into more content...
This officer approached the driver's side of the vehicle and contacted the driver and lone occupant who identified herself as Amanda Kent via an
Indiana Driver's License. This officer observed Kent to be distraught and she stated, "I just wanted to have a threesome but it went wrong" "I cheated
on my boyfriend". This officer asked Kent if she had been involved in a dispute and she replied, "I was just trying to defend her and he started yelling
at me.
I never back down from a man "I asked Kent if she was hurt and she stated "No".
While speaking with Kent, this officer observed her eyes to be bloodshot and watery, speech was slurred and mumbled and smelled a strong odor of
an intoxicating beverage about her breath. This officer asked Kent if she had consumed any intoxicating beverages and she replied, "Yes two that were
made by
Jason" This officer asked Kent what was in the beverages and she replied "I don't know he was trying to get me drunk for a threesome." This officer
Kent if she thought she was intoxicated and she replied "Yes". This officer asked Kent to submit to Standard Field Sobriety Tests and she stated "Yes"
This officer asked Kent to step from the vehicle and walk to the rear.
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Examples Of Observation
Oberservation /Participation: MHS met with the client and the client's mother at the home. The client appeared to be in a good mood when the MHS
arrived. The client was playing with a toy and MHS joined the client on the floor at his level to build rapport with the client. The client had trouble
sitting still during session, so the MHS and the client walked around the yard, the client enjoy being outside with the MHS. The client mother was
present during the session, the client mother provide information about the client's medical condition. The client mother reports that the client often
displays violent behavior. The client's mother also shared she has some concern about the client's medication sad affect. The mother informed the MHS
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Examples Of Objective Observation
Objective Observation
Teacher sets up stations with materials such as popsicle sticks, glue paper , paint, markers, crayons and strings.
Teachers tells students that she needs three to a table
Child quickly rush and find their friends
Child one says "cool come to my table" to child two.
Child to says "okay, yay" and tells me that they are best friends all with a big smile
Child three walks over and sits down quietly
Teacher announces to class that they can make whatever they want using materials while speaking slowly loud and with hand gestures .
Child one smiles and then picks up sticks .
Child two Reaches for sticks as well towards the middle of the table.
Child three speaks softly saying " Can I have paper , Paper! Please!".
Child two Reaches for paint brushes and chooses the color pink in paint smiles and says " I more content...
Child Three screams " NOOOOOOO! I WANT PAPER" and he starts tearing up and points at the paper.
Teacher says " No, we don't not scream "
Child three says " I'm sorry I not scream"
Teacher says " I accept your apology here's the paper, what do you want to draw with?" takes paper from middle of the table then waits for child threes
Child three " Markers, paint messy so i want markers" child three says that line while smiling showing all his teeth " I want purple".
Teacher hands purple marker to child
Child three says " I don't want that purple"
Child one says " There's only one purple marker"
Teachers shows child all the colors " take the color that you want"
Child three takes burgundy and points markers towards teachers face saying " see purple, I like purple" smiling .
Teacher then says that is the color purple holding out the marker and touches child's shoulders while smiling , "this is purple".
Child three says " oh I like that purple too".
Comparison and
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Interview : Interview And Observation
In my interview/observation I chose 4 people. The interview included two women and two men. To pick the people for my interview I put a survey out
and picked random people who chose to do the survey. The survey was presented by telephone and email . To select people I asked if any of my
friends would like to take place in a survey possibly leading to an interview. I picked from close friends and family. The survey questions were: Do you
smoke cigarettes? How long have you smoked? How often do you smoke? Do you consider yourself addicted or a social smoker? Would you like to
quit? Have you ever tried? If yes, what happened? My first interviewee was a male 40 years of age who admitted to being a smoker of cigarettes since
age 16 but didn't become addicted until age 18. He stated he smokes 15 times a day. He stated he smokes less when at work due to lack of breaks, but
once in the comfort of his home he smokes over half a pack. When asked if he would like to stop, he stated yes and has tried, but only lasted two
days before he relapsed. He stated he suffered withdrawals; On the1st day he wasoverly irritable, on 2nd day his head spun and he had a rapid
heartbeat, on the 3rd day he stated he was calm, and felt a bit weird and so he finally bought cigarette.
Subjective effects: uses it to feel a sense of euphoria
Objective: tired and winded
My second interviewee was male, age 57, who stated to be an addicted smoker since age 12. Now he claims to smoke 5 cigarettes a
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Example Of Group Observation
As with any group exercise, we all position all our chairs into a circle and prepare ourselves with pen, paper, and thoughts of what will happen
next. Some in the group started writing down the observations on paper while others look around for the remaining three minutes. I myself am the
type that would observe my environment before I start writing down the observations. When done, all of us in the group began to exchange our
responses and our reactions to them. While there are some differences between us, most of us are pretty similar in how we approach the
conversation during the group exercises. Maybe we were expecting to find a trait that sticks out uniquely from our list that define our roles. It was
both surprising and disappointing on how similar we are as a group. Within this group, we all agreed that almost everyone share an equal part of
power during the exercise. Because of our similarities, we accepted the roles we played in the group. The most common responses we get is observe
and listen to the group before volunteering to speak. We more content...
Our group members are composed in the fields of four psychology majors, one human services/social work major, and one child development major.
The child development major member somewhat feels discouraged since our majors (psychology/human services/social work) is broader and can
freely transfer skills from one area of the field to another while child development is limited to within that field. Our only suggestion to her at the
moment, if she chooses, is to look at her current classes and see if she can transfer her credits to either psychology or human services fields. I am not
sure if it is acceptable in the counseling setting, but instead of telling her just take this field, we have her make possible choices after listening to her
questions and discouragement. I believe this is a first of all of our group
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Examples Of Classroom Observation
I conducted my observation on November 3, 2017. I observed a fourth–grade language arts class taught by Robin Smith. Mrs. Smith exudes a love of
reading and knowledge from the very moment you meet her. Mrs. Smith's classroom is a warm, accessible, print rich environment complete with
anchor charts, a word wall, and alphabet chart. Mrs. Smith and her classroom environment inspire each one of her students to find a passion for reading
and learning. Mrs. Smith demonstrates an understanding of the social–emotional environment, and its importance to the success of a child's learning
experience. Although the social–emotional environment is much harder to grasp and see it is just as important as the physical environment. Mrs.
Smith's approach for classroom management demonstrates how a positive social–emotional environment can lead to an effectively well managed
At the start of each day, Mrs. Smith enthusiastically greets her students, and the class begins their morning routine. Each student starts with reading
their library book for a few minutes. After all the students and Mrs. Smith has settled in the classroom they go over news of the day, and they read the
word wall. This process is a daily routine for the students, and it gets each student focused, and ready to learn. The students in Mrs. Smith class rotate
between three other teachers, so the morning routine is fast but effective. Mrs. Smith is always ready to take advantage of teachable moments, and be
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Child Observation Essay Examples

  • 1. Child Observation Essay examples For this assignment, I observed my six year old niece, Faustine Bui who was born on August 16, 2007, at the park where I was babysitting her with her mom for approximately thirty minutes. The park I observed her at is packed with children and dogs are allowed. There is a large play area with jungle–jims and slide and it includes a sandy area which has a variety of playing equipment as well. I first observed Faustine's biosocial development such as physical growth, gross motor and fine motor skills. Faustine is 3 feet tall and she weighs 41 pounds according to my Aunt. She is a little shorter than a lot of the six year old that she hangs out with and the ones in the park but I think that her height is in the normal range for kids her more content... She had a hard time conquering the jugle–jim though. She kept waddling back and forth every time she tried to get her feet up on the next bar and she eventually gave up and refused to return to the jungle jim again. She threw a few balls here and there but she was unable to throw it very far or accurate. By the age of three, children can already kick, throw, jump and climb things such as ladder. By the age of six, children can skip, climb trees and over things, and catch a ball ( I was unable to observe a lot of fine motor skills from Faustine but she did pick up a stick from the ground, hold it like a normal adult would hold a pencil, and started drawing in the sand. By the age of 2, children can scribble, fold paper, draw vertical lines and manage semi–large object with their hands. By the age of six, children can copy letters, grasp pencils like a grown adult, and copy complex shapes ( I then observed her cognitive skills which included her language, memory, and perception. When observing Faustine, I realized that she is one extremely talkative child. She would talk about everything and anything sometimes she'd just sit in front of us and talk to us and to herself while playing in the sand. According to Lev Vygotskyand his social learning theory, children use private speech ("The internal dialogue that occurs when people talk to themselves, either silently or out Get more content on
  • 2. My Observation At A Elementary Classroom During my observation time in a kindergarten classroom, I have noticed that the students have a wide variety of abilities, attention spans, interests, and love for learning. When it comes to the teacher's instructional strategies, she intentionally takes into consideration all of the above characteristics to make sure each student gets what they need to be most successful. During lessons students are engaged because of the teacher's ability to implement interests of the student's into things and giving them options. If an error occurs during a lesson, the teacher normally, allows for the student who got something wrong to try again, or to call on a friend to help them out. This way the students are still giving the answers and not the teacher just telling them the information. The teacher chooses a lot of small group instruction and centers where she can work with a small group, but then, easily monitor all the other groups to make sure they are on task and doing their work. The classroom is organized so that the student's stuff and the teacher's stuff should not cross paths. The students keep their materials in their cubbies at one end of the room, their pencil boxes at their seats, and their book boxes on the floor. The teacher's stuff is located on her desk, and the back table where small group stuff gets done. The classroom setting is definitely positive and interesting because it has a minion theme. Children in that age range love minions most of the time and Get more content on
  • 3. Example Of Observation Essay On Wednesday December 21st at approximately 2030 hours, P/O Portor (9344) and I (P/O Wilson 9346) where on routine patrol driving north on the 8200 block of Martin Luther king Jr. highway, Glenarnden Maryland 20706, I observed a silver Cadillac driving south changing lanes unsafely by not using proper signals. I made a u–turn on Martin Luther king Jr.highway and Reed street with the intent to to pull the vehicle over. Do to the speed of the vehicle and the flow of traffic,I was not able to get behind the Cadillac to initiate a traffic stop. The Cadillac continued to weave from lane to lane and then made a sudden turn onto Barlow road. I turned into Barlow road then turned my "emergency vehicle lights" on, the Cadillac accelerated, made more content... While Officer Portor and myself checked the vehicle, a female, who was later identified by a U.S passport as Heather Jacinth Langdon, and a male, who was later identified by Maryland Drivers License as Andre Maurice Lockerman walked to us claiming that the vehicle belonged to Langdon.I asked her who was driving the vehicle and was advised that she lended her vehicle to her "friends boyfriend" and that the driver called Langdon friend and told her to let Langdon know that he parked the car behind her house. Officer Portor explained to them what had occurred and requested information on the person that was driving the car. Both Langdon and Lockerman originally said that they didn't have any information on the person driving the vehicle and we convinced them to call and get us the drivers name, date of birth and address to where he live. Langdon then called and her friend, we refused to give her name said that the drivers name is Johnathan Anthony White, but did not know where he lived. A warrant check on that name was done through communications and the results came back negative results. Because we could not determine the true identity of the driver, we allowed Langdon to take possession of her vehicle. I advised Langdon that there was no key left in the vehicle then she stated that she had a Get more content on
  • 4. Examples Of Participant Observation Participant Observation The place that I chose to observe, was my daughter's karate practice. Normally I am not the one that brings her, but for the sake of this assignment I attended the two–hour practice. The primary focus of study was; the physical setting, people and the patterns. Over the course of two–hours, the topic of participant observation started to come out and detaching myself to a neutral point of view helped in providing a clearer picture. Here are the observations that I made during karate practice. Sitting in a row of chairs the first observation I made portended to the physical settings. The building was a large room with lots of open areas with mirrors surrounding mats. These mirrors allowed the kids and instructors to observe each other anywhere in the room. The adult seating area was separated by a low wall to still allow viewing, but adds a physical barrier to keep the kid from running to their parents whenever they wanted. There was a water fountain next more content... As the kids entered and line up on the mat the instructors made it a point to greet every child and ask them some questions to calm them down. After everyone lined up they all said the Dojo creeds and then pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States. Now as I observed the adults. Most them were women that used the time as their kids trained to socialize in small groups. This was interesting because they only conversed with the people of the group. They hardly even acknowledged the other small groups of women. The few men that did attend sat by themselves and only focused on the children training. As the training began it follows a set guidelines of stretching, warm ups, then the training of the day. During the two–block of training the thing that stood out about patterns is the small groups of women made up by social class. Out of all the groups the wealthy women stayed to together and the lower income women stayed in their Get more content on
  • 5. Examples Of Observation On Observation Behavioral Observations Student Information Daisy was observed by the examiner on her PPCD classroom. The students were about to transition to their physical education period. Daisy followed the teacher directions to line–up with no hesitation. Before entering to the P.E. room, she started crying for no reason apparently. After calming down she tried to follow the movements conversely didn't look engaged. Daisy kept participating however when students were sitting down as part of the routine, she was doing the opposite. During the next observation date, Daisy was jumping and hoping in reaction to the video presentation in class. A student called her and she sat down next to him to have a peer chit chat. The teacher asked her for a paper towel, consequently Daisy gave it to her. As part of the lesson the teacher was asking the students to identify pictures. Daisy made a moo sound to point at the cow. Ms. Fleming kept making questions regarding the story. Daisy seemed not engaged but maintained eye contact when called. Daisy went to the restroom then came back with a strange look, however started laughing. She gladly tried to participate on the discussion but didn't used any more content... Fleming presented issues of concern regarding Daisy's behavior. The matter that worries her the most is the slow learning ability of Daisy, for example she hasn't been able to name the letters of the alphabet, and this is her second year on PPCD with no academic progress. However, when instructing one on one her progress became better instead that working with the group. Ms. Fleming indicated that Daisy does not get enough sleep and is taking melatonin for more than a year. Daisy social interactions are described as positive; she likes to share, initiate contact, is cooperative and respond to others efficiently. Conversely, she cries easily, turns off for no reason, and express frustration when is not able to communicate. Although she seems to pay attention, she can lose focus Get more content on
  • 6. Example Of Observation Child Observation I. CONTENT My first thought about this subject was that it would be really fun and exciting because of the subject's description, "Observational Child Study", where we can already experience actual child observation. Fortunately, I was right. Our professor tackled amazing topics that really served as an eyeopener. We encountered topics about the characteristics of some of the disabilities like autism, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, learning disabilities, and also, developmental delays. We even had the chance to test ourselves using the checklists or the assessment tools used for assessing children with special needs. Observation is the main point of our subject. Our professor discussed some of the tips on how to observe children in a proper way. Narrative report was also included in the process. We made written reports about the 10–minutes observations we made from employees we' more content... I already learned the basics of observing and making a narrative report of the observations made. This subject disciplined me in making the task properly and passing it on time. I thought, observing children would be a hard job to do but I was wrong. It was really interesting and fun because I witnessed unusual behaviors and happy faces from children I've encountered that really motivated me to do my very best to pursue my goals and achieve what I really wanted to do and that is to really become a Special Education teacher. Honestly, I never thought of using checklists in assessing and observing individuals because I thought it would only be written observation with no basis. That is why I got shocked and interested when our professor introduced the assessment checklist for some of the disabilities. Leadership was also developed during our SPED 4 experience. There were times where I remind my classmates about the alloted time, the tasks given and the do's and dont's of the requirements and that is really a good Get more content on
  • 7. A Observation Paper On The Library For my Participant Observation Paper, I decided to go and observe the library. It seemed like a nice, quiet place to go for an assignment like this. I also thought that not many other people would choose this place, so it would be unique. The observations I made at the library astounded me; I had never noticed these things before. Here is a quick summary of my observations: the mood of the atmosphere was changed by the color, temperature, lighting, and etc. in the library. Another thing was that people were unexpectedly critical towards one another, but teenagers didn't seem to care about the distinctive origins of some of the individuals in the library. Finally, the body language of the adults varied significantly to the body language of the adolescents. Everyone was divided by their dissimilarities and I could not believe the vast cavity. I went to observe the library on the 17th of September, which was a Saturday. The time I was there was from 11:20– 12:00. This was a startlingly eventful time, particularly because it was a Saturday. The location of the library is Washington, Iowa. It is located on the square. This was where I made my observations. The environment in the library was welcoming and very quiet. The lighting was soft and gave the structure a warm yellow tone. There were windows wherever you could fit them, letting in a decent share of natural light. Most of the colors in the library were distinctive shades of green and brown, which worked well together. They Get more content on
  • 8. Examples Of Clinical Observation I observed two different math classrooms for my clinical observation. The first classroom was in an urban school setting, grade two. The second classroom was in a more suburban school setting, fifth grade math. The second grade class period was ninety minutes long, the students rotated in groups to the teacher table and did a mini lesson there for about 15 minutes, while the rest of the 90 minutes was spent on a math website. The fifth grade class period was only 45 minutes long and the majority of what I saw was the teacher working with the students on correcting homework. Some concepts that we discussed in class, that I saw in the classrooms, included letting students share how they found an answer. In the fifth grade classroom, which more content... Of course you could always work hard to learn the content, but it would be very useful to know more about high level mathematics. It could be very good for students to have a teacher that has a math major or minor along with their teaching degree. In the fifth grade classroom, the teacher is not the greatest mathematician, but is very honest with the students and shows her curiosity to find the answer. I did not see literacy or language incorporated into either classroom, which is interesting because the fifth grade teacher is also the middle school language arts teacher. I also did not see a lot of background knowledge used in either classroom. I did notice that the problems in the textbook tried to relate to the students. However, the way they the text tried to relate was probably unsuccessful. It was very similar to the way that the connections discussed in the "Beyond Relevance and Real World" video. There was some differentiation in the fifth grade classroom, some students were given less to work on. Some ways that the work was modified was by providing paper to cover up problems that weren't being worked on and graph paper to help some students stay more organized. The more advanced students were given more challenging worksheets when they were done. I did not see objectives clearly posted or stated in either classroom, which is Get more content on
  • 9. Examples Of Observation Paper I spoke to L.C last night when she got home as discussed. I informed her that there are repercussions for her actions. At this point there is not guarantee that she will remain at the residence. She said that this is new for her and she really wants to stay here. She said her girlfriend is one of the supportive people in her life and she don't want to jeopardize this relationship. She is aware of her actions and would like to make it up to you. I asked her if she is having trouble with quitting from smoking and she told me yes. I asked her if she smoked, and she said yes. Based on my observation LC seems to be having issues with reasoning. It seems as if she is under a lot of pressure and tends to resort to smoking to help her cope. I made Get more content on
  • 10. Student Observation Report Essay Confidential The names in this Observation Report have been changed to protect the privacy of the parents and the child. Student's Name : Calvin Sex : Male Place of Observation : Inside the classroom of County Preschool. Time of Observation : In the morning, 10.30 a.m. and it was a sunny day. General View : The classroom was pretty well organized ( clean, tidy and many facilities inside such as books, games, a computer and so on ) It was a pretty large group in the class, 13 children were there and the teacher was present as well. It was an engaged class, where the students were actively engaged in learning. Activities Observed : Class discussion Individual seat work more content... Comment Erikson tells us that for the children this age, it is a time for play not for formal education. Aspect: Social / Emotional Observation The boy did not want to share controlling the
  • 11. 'mouse' with his peer. Comment Erikson tells us children in the intuitive phase (4 to 7 years) like him has a tendency to focus attention on one aspect of object while ignoring others. Aspect: Cognitive Observation I tried to influence the boy so that he wants to share controlling the 'mouse' with his peer. Comment Piaget tells us that the children in the preoperational stage (2 to 7 years) are unaware of another person's perspective. They exhibit egocentric thought. Aspect: Social / Emotional Observation The boy interacted with his peer about the letters. Comment The Kennedy Krieger Institute tells us that the children this age enjoy friendships, but these are generally one way friendships. Aspect: Motor / Sensory Skill The boy left the computer and moved to play puzzle. Comment The Kennedy Krieger Institute again tells us in its Developmental Milestones that the children this age can put together multi piece puzzles. Aspect: Health / Physical Observation I saw the boy losing some of his teeth. Comment According to The
  • 12. Kennedy Krieger Institute, the children 4 to 6 years old begin to loose their primary teeth and Get more content on
  • 13. Observation Assignment Essay example Objectives The purpose of this observation assignment was to investigate and interpret the different types of interactions between the individuals and groups present, as well as the environment in which these interactions take place. The various power relationships and sense of hierarchy in addition to the status and authority among the different individuals are also extremely pertinent to this assignment, as the dissection of such interactions and relationships may implicate certain socially constructed gender roles placed on these individuals and society as a whole. The field observation was conducted at the restaurant Pancakes on the Rocks in Sydney. The role adopted, was that of observer as participant. Group structures more content... Results The seemingly intimate couples observed were quite interesting. Instead of being seated opposite each other, most couples chose to sit next to each other so as to be within closer proximity of one another. The couples that did sit opposite each other spent much of their time bent over or leaning across the table so as to whisper or talk in a more secretive and intimate manner with their partner. The observed body language of these couples was that of an inclusive "please do not bother us" attitude. Their behavior compared to the rest of the occupants in the restaurant was very subdued and much more private. The amount of bodily contact was also much greater than in other groups of participants. Other than their initial glances around the restaurant when they were first seated, almost none of the couples made a habit of surveying the restaurant, as were observed quite frequently with the other members of the study. Also noted was the tendency for the females within the younger–adult relationships to take leave to the toilet almost as soon as the couple was seated. In some cases, the male ordered the female's drink while she was still in the toilet. Almost always, no matter the age of the couple, alcoholic beverages were preferred to order. During the meal the couples were much more inclined to share food as well, picking at each other's food. The cases in which Get more content on
  • 14. Example Of Observational Learning The topic that I chose for this week is observational learning. Observational learning is learning by others and imitating their behavior (Griggs, 2009, p. xx). Observational learning can help us when we want to learn how to play sports, drive a car, or even learn to write letters. There are numerous things we can acquire through observational learning. Many of us watched our mother and grandmother bake, or even just cook when we were younger. We picked up many of the things that they did, this is another example of observational learning. We also learn attitudes and behaviors through observational learning. There are good models of behavior. Models such as how to act appropriately in certain situations. On the other hand, there are bad models. Those little negative traits, and habits we pick up from watching others. Often times we hear people say: He/she did not have proper home training. This comes more content... If you have ever made a face at an infant and watched them try to imitate it, this is the observational process at work. The same with a toddler who sees his parents folding laundry. Later the child will grab some clothes and pretend to be folding them. A young boy watches another boy on the playground get in trouble for hitting another child. He learns from observing this interaction that he should not hit others (Cherry, 2016). There are several factors that influence observational learning. They are attention: The person must have their focus directed at the model. Retention: The observer must be able to code, and store patterns so the data can be retrieved. Motor reproduction: Kinesthetic and neuromuscular patterns are practiced with successive iterations until the model's behavior is approximated by the observer ("Albert Bandura & Observational Learning," 2016). Lastly reinforcement and incentives: These send the learner in the direction of wanting to pay attention, retain, and recall the action in Get more content on
  • 15. Family Observation Essay Context of Observation With her mother's permission, I observed my cousin's 33–month–old female daughter named Clara. This observation occurred at my grandparents' house, who are Clara's great–grandparents. My grandma frequently babysits Clara and her older and younger sisters, so she is familiar with the house. It was Thanksgiving when I did the observation with Clara, so she was surrounded by a combination of familiar faces as well as people that she infrequently sees. For example, I only see her during major holidays due to the fact I now live out of state, and while she has interacted with me, I am more or less a stranger to her due to the infrequent nature of our interactions. All of the Oswald family members came to Thanksgiving this year, so my grandparents small house was packed with many people. Additionally, it was constantly noisy in the small house, with lots of different activities occurring throughout the day. Observations Attachment To begin with, one of the most interesting things I observed with Clara is how clearly her behavior demonstrated a secure attachment with her parents. While my grandmother's home was a familiar place to Clara, adding so many family members, and family members she did not know, made the situation somewhat unfamiliar with her. It was interesting to see how she interacted with myself, my mother, and my fiancГ©, all of us whom do not have much interaction with Clara, at the beginning of Thanksgiving. When we tried to interact with her, she would stare suspiciously at us, and then run to her parents or grandmother. When we tried to interact with her in her "secure base", she would bury her head into the shoulder of whoever was holding her. Eventually, the cycle of going back to the secure base and exploring got bigger and bigger. As she, I assume, continued to get confirmation that the unfamiliar situation was safe, and her secure base was there to protect her, she would feel more comfortable venturing out, exploring the house more, and interacting with unfamiliar faces. She would check in with her parents, grandparents, or aunts by sitting on their lap for a little while, but as the night went on, the duration between these check–ins became longer, and they also became Get more content on
  • 16. Example Of Observation Paper This officer was responding to 734 N Colfax in reference to battery that just took place. Central dispatch advised a female suspect just left the residence northbound on Colfax and was en route to Crete IL in a silver Nissan. This officer was traveling eastbound on Glen Park AV (45th) with my emergency lights activated approaching Broad St. This officer observed a Silver Nissan traveling westbound on Glen Park Ave approaching Broad St. This officer observed the driver activate the left turn signal, enter the left turn lane and stop for the red light. This officer slowed for the intersection and observed the driver of the Nissan was a white female. The vehicle disregarded the red light and traveled straight across Broad St and into more content... This officer approached the driver's side of the vehicle and contacted the driver and lone occupant who identified herself as Amanda Kent via an Indiana Driver's License. This officer observed Kent to be distraught and she stated, "I just wanted to have a threesome but it went wrong" "I cheated on my boyfriend". This officer asked Kent if she had been involved in a dispute and she replied, "I was just trying to defend her and he started yelling at me. I never back down from a man "I asked Kent if she was hurt and she stated "No". While speaking with Kent, this officer observed her eyes to be bloodshot and watery, speech was slurred and mumbled and smelled a strong odor of an intoxicating beverage about her breath. This officer asked Kent if she had consumed any intoxicating beverages and she replied, "Yes two that were made by Jason" This officer asked Kent what was in the beverages and she replied "I don't know he was trying to get me drunk for a threesome." This officer asked Kent if she thought she was intoxicated and she replied "Yes". This officer asked Kent to submit to Standard Field Sobriety Tests and she stated "Yes" This officer asked Kent to step from the vehicle and walk to the rear. Get more content on
  • 17. Examples Of Observation Oberservation /Participation: MHS met with the client and the client's mother at the home. The client appeared to be in a good mood when the MHS arrived. The client was playing with a toy and MHS joined the client on the floor at his level to build rapport with the client. The client had trouble sitting still during session, so the MHS and the client walked around the yard, the client enjoy being outside with the MHS. The client mother was present during the session, the client mother provide information about the client's medical condition. The client mother reports that the client often displays violent behavior. The client's mother also shared she has some concern about the client's medication sad affect. The mother informed the MHS that Get more content on
  • 18. Examples Of Objective Observation Objective Observation Teacher sets up stations with materials such as popsicle sticks, glue paper , paint, markers, crayons and strings. Teachers tells students that she needs three to a table Child quickly rush and find their friends Child one says "cool come to my table" to child two. Child to says "okay, yay" and tells me that they are best friends all with a big smile Child three walks over and sits down quietly Teacher announces to class that they can make whatever they want using materials while speaking slowly loud and with hand gestures . Child one smiles and then picks up sticks . Child two Reaches for sticks as well towards the middle of the table. Child three speaks softly saying " Can I have paper , Paper! Please!". Child two Reaches for paint brushes and chooses the color pink in paint smiles and says " I more content... Child Three screams " NOOOOOOO! I WANT PAPER" and he starts tearing up and points at the paper. Teacher says " No, we don't not scream "
  • 19. Child three says " I'm sorry I not scream" Teacher says " I accept your apology here's the paper, what do you want to draw with?" takes paper from middle of the table then waits for child threes response. Child three " Markers, paint messy so i want markers" child three says that line while smiling showing all his teeth " I want purple". Teacher hands purple marker to child Child three says " I don't want that purple" Child one says " There's only one purple marker" Teachers shows child all the colors " take the color that you want" Child three takes burgundy and points markers towards teachers face saying " see purple, I like purple" smiling . Teacher then says that is the color purple holding out the marker and touches child's shoulders while smiling , "this is purple". Child three says " oh I like that purple too". Comparison and Get more content on
  • 20. Interview : Interview And Observation In my interview/observation I chose 4 people. The interview included two women and two men. To pick the people for my interview I put a survey out and picked random people who chose to do the survey. The survey was presented by telephone and email . To select people I asked if any of my friends would like to take place in a survey possibly leading to an interview. I picked from close friends and family. The survey questions were: Do you smoke cigarettes? How long have you smoked? How often do you smoke? Do you consider yourself addicted or a social smoker? Would you like to quit? Have you ever tried? If yes, what happened? My first interviewee was a male 40 years of age who admitted to being a smoker of cigarettes since age 16 but didn't become addicted until age 18. He stated he smokes 15 times a day. He stated he smokes less when at work due to lack of breaks, but once in the comfort of his home he smokes over half a pack. When asked if he would like to stop, he stated yes and has tried, but only lasted two days before he relapsed. He stated he suffered withdrawals; On the1st day he wasoverly irritable, on 2nd day his head spun and he had a rapid heartbeat, on the 3rd day he stated he was calm, and felt a bit weird and so he finally bought cigarette. Subjective effects: uses it to feel a sense of euphoria Objective: tired and winded My second interviewee was male, age 57, who stated to be an addicted smoker since age 12. Now he claims to smoke 5 cigarettes a Get more content on
  • 21. Example Of Group Observation As with any group exercise, we all position all our chairs into a circle and prepare ourselves with pen, paper, and thoughts of what will happen next. Some in the group started writing down the observations on paper while others look around for the remaining three minutes. I myself am the type that would observe my environment before I start writing down the observations. When done, all of us in the group began to exchange our responses and our reactions to them. While there are some differences between us, most of us are pretty similar in how we approach the conversation during the group exercises. Maybe we were expecting to find a trait that sticks out uniquely from our list that define our roles. It was both surprising and disappointing on how similar we are as a group. Within this group, we all agreed that almost everyone share an equal part of power during the exercise. Because of our similarities, we accepted the roles we played in the group. The most common responses we get is observe and listen to the group before volunteering to speak. We more content... Our group members are composed in the fields of four psychology majors, one human services/social work major, and one child development major. The child development major member somewhat feels discouraged since our majors (psychology/human services/social work) is broader and can freely transfer skills from one area of the field to another while child development is limited to within that field. Our only suggestion to her at the moment, if she chooses, is to look at her current classes and see if she can transfer her credits to either psychology or human services fields. I am not sure if it is acceptable in the counseling setting, but instead of telling her just take this field, we have her make possible choices after listening to her questions and discouragement. I believe this is a first of all of our group Get more content on
  • 22. Examples Of Classroom Observation I conducted my observation on November 3, 2017. I observed a fourth–grade language arts class taught by Robin Smith. Mrs. Smith exudes a love of reading and knowledge from the very moment you meet her. Mrs. Smith's classroom is a warm, accessible, print rich environment complete with anchor charts, a word wall, and alphabet chart. Mrs. Smith and her classroom environment inspire each one of her students to find a passion for reading and learning. Mrs. Smith demonstrates an understanding of the social–emotional environment, and its importance to the success of a child's learning experience. Although the social–emotional environment is much harder to grasp and see it is just as important as the physical environment. Mrs. Smith's approach for classroom management demonstrates how a positive social–emotional environment can lead to an effectively well managed classroom. At the start of each day, Mrs. Smith enthusiastically greets her students, and the class begins their morning routine. Each student starts with reading their library book for a few minutes. After all the students and Mrs. Smith has settled in the classroom they go over news of the day, and they read the word wall. This process is a daily routine for the students, and it gets each student focused, and ready to learn. The students in Mrs. Smith class rotate between three other teachers, so the morning routine is fast but effective. Mrs. Smith is always ready to take advantage of teachable moments, and be Get more content on