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Speeches In The Revolutionary War
Revolutionary Speeches The revolutionary war was a time well known in our history. We grew up learning that all the colonists were tired of the way
Britain treated us, what they don't show at a young age is that not everyone wanted to fight. Not everyone believed that fighting the British was a good
idea; some thought it was smart to stay loyal to the British for they had the biggest militia at this time. The only way to face something like that is
through encouragement, inspiration, and the wise words from men who want to stand for what they believe in. Many men had the same ideas, this
shows that the repetitive ideas were for emphasis and persuasions. Men like Thomas Paine, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Patrick Henry
all gave speeches to encourage the people of America to stand up and fight for what's right. Not only did they sacrifice their careers, some also fought
in the war. If someone was to lay their life on the line for something that had little to no survival rate, little to no people would do it. Very few men had
the courage. Washington is a well–known historical figure for leading the way through the revolutionary war. As Washington states before the Battle of
Long Island, "The fate of the unborn millions will now depend, under God, on more content...
As acknowledged previously in this comparison about slavery from both Washington and Paine, Henry as well speaks of it in his speech. "For my
own part I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery" (Henry). All the speakers keep returning to the fact that they feel like
they are being treated like slaves. He also states that he would rather die than stay under the king's tyranny, "Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what
course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death"
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America's Road to Independence Essay
America's Road to Independence
America's Road to Independence:
In the year 1783 the Treaty of Paris was signed, granting America their freedom from Great Britain. There were many reasons why the colonists wanted
their freedom and separation from their mother country of England. Great Britain laid down many laws and Acts which were the main reasons leading
up to the revolutionary war, otherwise known as America's War for Independence. For eleven years even before the actual revolution started, Great
Britain bullied the thirteen original colonies with several harsh acts and proclamations. The Proclamation of 1763 came first. It prohibited settlements
west of the Appalachian Mountains and trading in that area without a more content...
A year later the Stamp Act was repealed because of the violent acts that the Sons of Liberty committed, a violent liberal group. In 1767 the
Townshend Acts were passed. There were duties placed on colonial imports of lead, glass, paint, paper, and tea. It resulted in a Boycott of British
goods. It also legalized the Writs of Assistance, which were search warrants (Encarta 99). In 1770 Crispus Attuckus and followers gathered at a
Boston customs house. Several colonists threw snowballs at soldiers, which ended in the deaths of five patriots. This was called the Boston
Massacre. Innocent people were being killed which turned over a new leaf in the rise to revolution. In 1770 all of the Townshend acts were
repealed except for the tax on tea. This lead to the Tea Act of 1773, which stated that only the East India Company could import and sell tea. When
the very first shiploads of tea arrived in the thirteen colonies, the Sons of Liberty were ready to act. In South Carolina they locked the tea in
warehouses, in New York and Philadelphia they forced ships to turn around without unloading their tea, and in Maryland they lit ships on fire that
carried tea. The worst was in Boston where the Sons of Liberty boarded all of the ships and dumped the tea into the harbor. This event was named the
Boston Tea Party (King, McRae, Zola 95) In March of 1774 theIntolerable acts were passed as a punishment to the colony of
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Revolutions: The Road to Independence Essay
Revolution is a significant change of control or authority within a governmental setting. Most Revolutions are caused by political, social, and economic
disputes. Consequently, the common matter for the American, French, and Latin America revolutions emerged to gain their own independence. In
North America, the colonists put emphasis on their independence from Great Britain and established a new republic. In France, protesters abolished the
authority of France and reorganized the French society, and Latin America sought liberty from Spain's control. One thing all three revolutions had in
common was that they were inspired by Enlightenment ideas. Since the development of these revolutions were encouraged by specific motives, they
began more content...
Bentley et al (2008) state that " the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which declared American colonies
independence from Britain" (p. 477, 478), however, the American independence did not take place until Britain was defeated by the American
powerful defense force. Hence, "by 1783, a peace treaty was signed ending the American Revolution and America (modern United States of America),
was recognized as an independent state" (GlobalSecurity, 2010, para 28). Furthermore, the Declaration of Independence included philosophic beliefs,
which resembled the Enlightenment political thought.
The French Revolution
The intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment political thought, and the American innovative thought on liberty inspired he French
Revolution. After the American colonists' successful independence win from British rule, the French Revolution (1789–1799) occurred when the
leaders in France sought to replace their old monarchy with new cultural formation. Since "the French government was facing a substantial amount of
dept after supporting American in their revolution" (Bentley et al, 2008, p. 479), France was facing economic and social problems and this revolt
was a period of radical social and political turmoil. Besides the financial and social problem in France, under King Louis XVI's rule, the upper class
citizens insisted they have a greater share of authority. The Estates General, a gathering of three groups
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Road to Revolution
Prior to the American Revolution, Britain controlled the colonies through a system of mercantilism. Many Americans found the system debasing, and
they felt kept in a state of adolescence that was never allowed to come of age. It wasn't until Britain began taxing the colonists after the Seven Years'
War that Americans began to realize what they had to do in order to resolve their problems being forced upon from overseas. The colonists developed a
strong sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution through coming together to fight for independence from Britain.
The colonial identity led to the final split between the colonies and England. Advocating the American Revolution, Edmund Burke, a British political
philosopher, believed that there were no characteristics shared by America and England. Separated by a mighty ocean, Burke stated that England
could not hope to rule America because of the natural barrier between them (Doc B). This barrier benefited the colonies as their identity grew because
England was not able to easily control them. Between 1750 and 1776, Scots–Irish, African, and German immigrants came to America to escape their
former lives in hopes of finding a better home. America was a great melting pot – a place where new race of men was blended from all of the different
nations according to Hector St. John Crevecoeur (Doc H). Another step in creating the identity of the colonies was in 1775 when the First Continental
Congress sent
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What Is My Revolutionary Place
Everyone has their own idea of what a safe place looks like, however very few people would feel safe singing, dancing, and speaking in front of
hundreds of people, all while wearing a ridiculous costume. My safe place is the theater, I have been acting in some capacity since I was learning
to walk, but began to take it seriously in kindergarten, (as serious as a kindergartener can be). For the past twelve years of my life I have sung,
danced, been carried, stuffed in closets, tackled, yelled at, hit in the face, thrown out windows, and loved every minute of it. I have learned so many
lessons and grown strong, powerful relationships that I know will last a lifetime. To be honest though, it's the backstage behind the scenes things that
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The Road Of The Revolutionary War
It is far better to be alone than to be in bad company. The road of the revolution is about the navigation act of 1660, French and Indian war 1754–1663,
Pontiac's Rebellion and proclamation of 1763 {May 1736},The Sugar act 1764, The Stamp act 1765, Declaratory act 1764, The Boston Massacre
1770, Boston Tea party 1773, The Intolerable act 1774, are all components of the road of the revolutionary war. Each playing a vital role in the
outcome of America its independent. While each conflict was important, The Navigation Act started it all. In 1650–1696 the British parliament passed.
Navigation act the system was mercantilism. The items are sugar, cotton. The act used English ships to get and give goods. They taxed people
unfairly they had to follow under the navigation Act rules. They smuggled things through the colonies overall by the British. The colonies defeated the
Native Americans they attacked us. The colonies had to pay taxes for more safety and be protected. The French and Indian war began with a boom in
1754 an ended in 1763. This war was finally the end of France trying to get North American land. During this war the British defeated French, Native
American and Spanish forces. The British left a perment army to protect the colonists. The British wanted to tax the colonists. To pay for protection but
colonists didn't like the taxation. They felt like they were independent. Finally they also believed that they didn't have any representation.
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For those watching from the outside, those who are hoping for a better life, the American Dream will always represent something to long for; a
glamorous and effortless life. For them, it might be difficult to imagine that a life in which one does not have financial concerns, can be a life of
despair. A number of directors have taken on the task of creating films which examine the dream in a number of ways. They present the American
Dream from a different perspective, showing its dark side and uncovering the problems hidden by the facade of a picture–perfect home. Films like
Revolutionary Road and American Beauty illustrate the dream as a form of punishment for the characters. Stuck in a doleful state and a state of
isolation, they are unable to break through. Revolutionary more content...
Despite despising his workspace, and the man he has become, he would rather accept his life as it as and continue living a miserable life, than take
a chance and risk losing the secure life he has. Such characters are quite frequent in films which deal with the American Dream. As we will see
with American Beauty, we are usually presented with contrasting characters. One, or more of them, embody the dream. They are shallow and
materialistic with a neverending desire for money and further success. At the same time, we are introduced to their opposing characters, those who
are trying to break free from the lonesome and introverted lifestyle. In Revolutionary Road Frank is more so a voice of rationality and, along with
their friends and colleagues, finds April's idea of moving to Paris irrational and absurd. After receiving a promotion, he is even more set on staying
and accepting life as it is. April, on the other hand, is determined to break free, even if it means dying. In the end, it is this feeling that all hope is gone
and that nothing can save her anymore, that ends her
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Revolutionary Road Gender Roles
The film Revolutionary Road focuses on the life of a couple in 1950s American society. The husband and wife in the film, played by Leonardo
DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, depict the "ideal" American middle class family. This idealism is mocked, however, because of how blatantly unhappy the
couple is despite everything that they have.
Frank Wheeler epitomized the typical middle aged father who went to work in an office building and provided the monetary contributions for the
household. Meanwhile April Wheelers role as the female and mother of the family was to perform her "wifely duties" which encompassed cooking,
cleaning, and caring for the children. These gender roles upheld by societal traditions once again satirize the expectations for happiness
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Revolutionary War Revolutionary Essay
By defining a revolution as "a radical change of conditions", the Revolutionary War was unquestionably a revolution. In determining whether the
Revolutionary War was revolutionary or not, one must assess the extent to which society transformed before, throughout, and after the war. Although
some colonists sought to preserve the rights they enjoyed from tradition and custom, the Revolutionary War can be described as "revolutionary"
because men put their life as well as their honor on the line to fight in a war when triumph seemed an unreachable goal. This was done to make radical
changes such as formulating an entirely new system of government instead of creating a monarchy, as they had known.
In the First Continental Congress, which more content...
When people are over three thousand miles away from each other, representation can be difficult. When America first separated itself from Britain, the
founding fathers attempted to create the least amount of similarities as possible. The need to be different from Britain was shown primarily through the
creation of the Articles of Confederation as they represented a strong reaction against the strong central government of Britain. The Continental
Congress adopted the Articles on November 15, 1777 and they served as the United States first Constitution. There were many problems that came
with the Articles. The government they created was so weak that tasks could not be completed efficiently. Because of the weak government, America
could not grow economically which led to political uncertainty. The government had no power to enforce any legislation it passed and congress was
denied the power to tax. Money was one of the greatest issues with the Articles of Confederation. Since the government was denied the right to tax, they
could only request money from the states and these requests were often denied. The legislature never had enough money to run the government or to
fulfill financial obligations to bondholders, soldiers, and
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Revolutionary Road Analysis
Suburban life in the 1950s was ideal, but not ideal for the women. Women were continuously looked at as the typical suburban housewife. In Richard
Yates' novel, Revolutionary Road, we are given the chance to see the dynamics of the Wheeler family and of those around them. Through the use of
theme, tone and major symbolism in the novel, we are shown the perspective of gender roles in the 1950s. The author shows the reader the struggles of
strict gender roles and how the protagonist of the story will do just about anything to escape from it.
The novel begins with the protagonist, April Wheeler, portraying Gabrielle in an amateur–theatre production of the play, The Petrified Forest. The play
ends up being a total disaster and leaves more content...
Because Frank is stuck in this meaningless job he needs to constantly be reminded of how much of a man and how great he is. As soon as he walks
through the door, April is there to greet him saying, "I missed you all day" (Yates, 141). April conforms into her feminine and housewifegender role to
cater to the man as soon as he gets home. Frank's masculinity is constantly being affirmed as even he creates thoughts in his head of perfect scenarios
that could occur to make himself feel as if he has a perfect family. Frank creates stories in his head to make himself look important in his family such
as when he imagined "himself rushing home to swing his children laughing in the air...chatter through dinner with his wife...sitting spellbound in pride
and then rising to join a thunderous ovation" (Yates, 16). Frank creates these scenarios in his head and also recreates incidents to justify his actions.
When Frank is outside laying the stone path he thought he saw "Michael's white sneaker slip into its path" (Yates, 54) and then smacked him
proceeding to say, "the kid put his foot right the hell in my way" (Yates, 55). Frank knew that Michael's foot was not actually in the way and clearly
stated it in the beginning but after hitting him, changed his story to justify his actions and show his masculinity in the family.
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The rules of society are set by society itself, however, they are not set in stone, and therefore people can reject or accept these guidelines. During the
1950s in America, there was a definite line between what was considered acceptable and unacceptable. The man was the breadwinner and head of the
household, while the woman was the homemaker who provided a warm meal, a clean home, and well–mannered children. These where the guidelines
set by society, and just about everyone felt obligated to follow them. The film Revolutionary Road, derived from the novel written by Richard Yates,
depicts the struggle that one couple faces in following the rules set by society. April and Frank Wheeler set their sights on deviating from 1950s
American societal norms by moving to Paris, but escaping the web of social conservativeness proves to be more difficult than they anticipated. Yates
communicates that conforming to society, and its rules, is equivalent to committing suicide on a person's identity.
The standards that society has set are so deeply ingrained in mankind that people do not realize their incessant need to fulfill their role. Near the
beginning of the film April attempts to convince her husband, Frank, to move to Paris, "It's what you are that's been stifled . . . You're the most
beautiful and wonderful thing in the world. You're a man." April convinces Frank to move to Paris, to give up his job and let her support him, by
calling him a man. April's definition of a man is for
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The Menin Road Analysis
The Great War brought on the end of romanticism and the dawn of modernism. We begin to see the shift between the two styles as the industrial age
provides more technology, knowledge, and ways of communication. Due to the accessibility of ideas from across the globe, we started to become
aware: aware of our surroundings, the conflicts, the wars, the death. And with this new knowledge, people gave up on these picture–perfect, romantic
dreams and just settled for harsh reality. Artists also made fun of their situations through irony in their paintings, like in The Menin Road. So why is
any of this important? The art styles that resulted from The War To End All Wars still heavily influence popular culture today. As romanticism died out,
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The Role Of Slaves During The Revolutionary War
During the revolutionary war, slaves were still treated as slaves, but were promised freedom in case of victory of the side they fought on either British
or Colonial. Colonists also promised a salary and British promised them land and self–government. If I had been a slave in that time I would probably
choose the Colonial side because they promised freedom to slaves, just as British did, but it also would be my motherland. British promised slaves
that if they will fight on their side they will be given freedom, land and self–government. The first promise of freedom came just when war has started,
but it only applied to those slaves owned by rebels, not by loyalists. It was easier to promise freedom than to provide it. Slaves suffered
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Within Richard Yates "Revolutionary Road", the American dream is seen coming into effect post World War II, where we can see the emergence
of a new middle class. The novel follows the life of Frank and April Wheeler who could achieve the white middle class of achieving the post war
idea of the American Dream. The novel touches on three main ideas which are what is the American dream within the 1950's and how it is
achieved, how do Frank and April Wheeler embody the American Dream, and lastly why does the emotion of boredom importantly associated
with the notion of an American Dream. The American Dream had started after World War II, which is seen as being one of the biggest economic
movements within American history. This is largely due to the fact that Americans had just won World War II against the Axis forces, as well as
the amount of income that was produced during the war many people were able to a subsequent amount of money within their pockets. The war
also helped to introduce the GI bill which promised World War II veterans with benefits which included the payments of their tuition and living
expenses for high school and college. This allowed for more educated people to be reintroduced into society, it also gave soldiers a better chance at
life after the war. Furthermore, due to being able to get access to a decent education while at the same time having money within their pockets.
Many people started to buy houses in the suburbs, and started to have higher quality jobs which would not have been possible for many without
the GI bill. Due to the impact of WW2 many people had started to embody the notion of the American Dream as having a perfect family, a secure
job, and a perfect house in the suburbs. Many viewed that the only way to do this was through hard work. In fact, the notion of hard work play a
major role in the survival of the American dream within Revolutionary road. This is seen when Mrs. Giving says "You want to play house, you got
to have a job. You want to play very nice house, very sweet house, then you got to have a job you don't like. Great. This is the way
ninety–eight–point–nine per cent of the people work things out, so believe me, buddy, you've got nothing to apologize for"
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Steppe Roads
Steppe Roads: a Dud Concept or a Revolutionary Idea? The Silk Roads were a network of land based trading links that connected the multitude of
Eurasian civilizations. Through the trade of goods, the spread of religion, disease, genes, and cultures connected Eurasian civilizations. Widely believed
to have flourished in the second and third centuries, and again in the seventh and eighth centuries, the Silk Roads clearly have an extensive history
(Strayer, 18–19). But David Christian's thesis argues that the Silk Roads history needs to be extended beyond the accepted realms. Further, Christian
proclaims that the widely accepted name for these trading links, the Silk Roads, doesn't appropriately encompass the addition of the newly included more content...
Strayer mentions them when describing the beginnings of the Silk Roads, stating the following "The movement of pastoral peoples for thousands of
years also served to diffuse Indo–European languages, bronze metallurgy, horse–based technologies, and more all across Eurasia (318)". But where
Strayer believes the pastoralists trading habits were extended into the Silk Roads upon being invaded by foreign nations, Christian proclaims otherwise
(Strayer, 218). Christian believes the invading parties only entered an already established system of trans–Eurasian exchanges (Christian, 12). Christian
supported this assertion with archeological findings of Scythian stylistic motifs, Iranian influenced carpets, and a Chinese chariot found near modern
Tuva (Christian, 13). These findings illustrate that communities within the Inner Eurasian steppes had contact with both extremities of the Silk Road in
the first millennia (Christian, 13). Under Xiongnu, the steppe empire, evidence of the trade of silks amongst various civilizations is clearly evident
(Christian, 14). This shows that it wasn't the Han dynasty that caused the revolution of the Silk Roads, but the pastoralists of the steppelands. What this
means is the history of the Silk Roads predates what most historians typically
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Revolutionary Road Gender
Another important idea is the question of gender as a social construction. In the case of Revolutionary Road, this is represented by the fact that April
is presented as an actress. With this aspect, Yates wanted to show that both sexes have to portray different roles. On one hand, men were the suppliers
of the family. They were expected to be the strong ones in the relationship and took care of all disciplinary actions. Moreover, they overlooked all
financial purchases made by the female. On the other hand, women were the underprivilages gender as they suffered great discrimination. Like it was
said before, women were supposed to perfom certain roles such as caring mother, an obedient wife and a hard–working housemaker. In addition, they
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The Ring Road Proposal
Accept it or dead slowly
You know in your heart that you want to add this proposal of ring road to this community. Ring road is absent to make so many things easier in urban
areas. It's not gone take 30 minutes of crossing the road. You probably had the moments where you wait 30 minutes to just go one side of the road to
another. Don't you want this all to be terminated? And yearned you want be safe around the community not be scared by over speeding car? Wouldn't
you hunger, pollution to be reduced from this area? In your heart you know you want this new road my purposed of writing this portion to show you
why we should accept the ring road and what are their benefits? By accepting the ring road we can upsurge the job for people, decrease health problem
and save money.
By opening up to this new program, we can upsurge job rate. Always new program means more job opportunities that can advance people quantity of
life. For example, if everybody has a job and they started to earn money. They can provide their family with basic needs such as food, shelter and this
contributed to a better standard of life for people. In addition, by accepting this program we give us community opportunities to grow in wealth
methods. Such as new business nasty more jobs for people and supplementary people pay taxes to the government and then the government give the
money to the community to build more program and brand the community better As well as by accepting then ring road proposal, we get
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Revolutionary Way: A Short Story
Wednesday, I'm being bored in the class because of a subject called Revolutionary Way. I have just come here since Sunday but I feel like it's a
week. Many tests are waiting for me next November, so I have to study from now, I think. But there is a problem, that's I don't want to do anything.
I had coughed for 2 weeks. I'm tired. I miss my mommy. I miss Yen Bai's air. I miss breathing in that air. I miss looking at the sky when I lie in front of
side word with my mom. It's so
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Dysfunction within an individual can be the result of various occurrences, whether it is a traumatic experience that has stemmed into a life of
self–doubt and vulnerability, or it is a series of unfortunate events that has led the individual to believe that life is simply an ongoing controversy.
However, dysfunction within a family is much more than self–afflicted stress, it is rooted within the familial bonds that gradually break as a result of
conflict, co–dependent adults, perhaps substance abuse, and oftentimes a struggle of conformity brought on by an external source. In the novels
Revolutionary Road and Anna Karenina, Richard Yates and Leo Tolstoy depict familial dysfunction that can occur as a result of society's overwhelming more content...
Nevertheless, to fundamentally comprehend this gist of this essay, one must primarily understand the definition of a dysfunctional family to be able to
dissect the topic and see how the novels Anna Karenina and Revolutionary Road personify the description.
Louise Mark, John Olesen, Joanne Fallon explain in A manual for chemical dependency and psychiatric treatment that, "Most of our rules are learned
from our parents, who learned the rules from their parents etc. This means that dysfunctional families are generational, and if left untreated, will
become more severe in ensuing generations" (Mark, Olesen, Fallon, 67). These scholars explain that dysfunctional families result from several
generations of corrupted laws, thus, one's ancestors set the standards and following generations have simply carried on the customs. The scholars go
on to compare and contrast several traits that categorize a family as dysfunctional as opposed to nurturing, and one of the prominent qualities seem to
be "everyone must conform to strongest person's ideas and values" (97). This quality is clearly identifiable in both Yates and Tolstoy's novels, as the
root of the familial
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Speeches In The Revolutionary War

  • 1. Speeches In The Revolutionary War Revolutionary Speeches The revolutionary war was a time well known in our history. We grew up learning that all the colonists were tired of the way Britain treated us, what they don't show at a young age is that not everyone wanted to fight. Not everyone believed that fighting the British was a good idea; some thought it was smart to stay loyal to the British for they had the biggest militia at this time. The only way to face something like that is through encouragement, inspiration, and the wise words from men who want to stand for what they believe in. Many men had the same ideas, this shows that the repetitive ideas were for emphasis and persuasions. Men like Thomas Paine, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Patrick Henry all gave speeches to encourage the people of America to stand up and fight for what's right. Not only did they sacrifice their careers, some also fought in the war. If someone was to lay their life on the line for something that had little to no survival rate, little to no people would do it. Very few men had the courage. Washington is a well–known historical figure for leading the way through the revolutionary war. As Washington states before the Battle of Long Island, "The fate of the unborn millions will now depend, under God, on more content... As acknowledged previously in this comparison about slavery from both Washington and Paine, Henry as well speaks of it in his speech. "For my own part I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery" (Henry). All the speakers keep returning to the fact that they feel like they are being treated like slaves. He also states that he would rather die than stay under the king's tyranny, "Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death" Get more content on
  • 2. America's Road to Independence Essay America's Road to Independence America's Road to Independence: In the year 1783 the Treaty of Paris was signed, granting America their freedom from Great Britain. There were many reasons why the colonists wanted their freedom and separation from their mother country of England. Great Britain laid down many laws and Acts which were the main reasons leading up to the revolutionary war, otherwise known as America's War for Independence. For eleven years even before the actual revolution started, Great Britain bullied the thirteen original colonies with several harsh acts and proclamations. The Proclamation of 1763 came first. It prohibited settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains and trading in that area without a more content... A year later the Stamp Act was repealed because of the violent acts that the Sons of Liberty committed, a violent liberal group. In 1767 the Townshend Acts were passed. There were duties placed on colonial imports of lead, glass, paint, paper, and tea. It resulted in a Boycott of British goods. It also legalized the Writs of Assistance, which were search warrants (Encarta 99). In 1770 Crispus Attuckus and followers gathered at a Boston customs house. Several colonists threw snowballs at soldiers, which ended in the deaths of five patriots. This was called the Boston Massacre. Innocent people were being killed which turned over a new leaf in the rise to revolution. In 1770 all of the Townshend acts were repealed except for the tax on tea. This lead to the Tea Act of 1773, which stated that only the East India Company could import and sell tea. When the very first shiploads of tea arrived in the thirteen colonies, the Sons of Liberty were ready to act. In South Carolina they locked the tea in warehouses, in New York and Philadelphia they forced ships to turn around without unloading their tea, and in Maryland they lit ships on fire that carried tea. The worst was in Boston where the Sons of Liberty boarded all of the ships and dumped the tea into the harbor. This event was named the Boston Tea Party (King, McRae, Zola 95) In March of 1774 theIntolerable acts were passed as a punishment to the colony of Get more content on
  • 3. Revolutions: The Road to Independence Essay Revolution is a significant change of control or authority within a governmental setting. Most Revolutions are caused by political, social, and economic disputes. Consequently, the common matter for the American, French, and Latin America revolutions emerged to gain their own independence. In North America, the colonists put emphasis on their independence from Great Britain and established a new republic. In France, protesters abolished the authority of France and reorganized the French society, and Latin America sought liberty from Spain's control. One thing all three revolutions had in common was that they were inspired by Enlightenment ideas. Since the development of these revolutions were encouraged by specific motives, they began more content... Bentley et al (2008) state that " the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which declared American colonies independence from Britain" (p. 477, 478), however, the American independence did not take place until Britain was defeated by the American powerful defense force. Hence, "by 1783, a peace treaty was signed ending the American Revolution and America (modern United States of America), was recognized as an independent state" (GlobalSecurity, 2010, para 28). Furthermore, the Declaration of Independence included philosophic beliefs, which resembled the Enlightenment political thought. The French Revolution The intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment political thought, and the American innovative thought on liberty inspired he French Revolution. After the American colonists' successful independence win from British rule, the French Revolution (1789–1799) occurred when the leaders in France sought to replace their old monarchy with new cultural formation. Since "the French government was facing a substantial amount of dept after supporting American in their revolution" (Bentley et al, 2008, p. 479), France was facing economic and social problems and this revolt was a period of radical social and political turmoil. Besides the financial and social problem in France, under King Louis XVI's rule, the upper class citizens insisted they have a greater share of authority. The Estates General, a gathering of three groups Get more content on
  • 4. Road to Revolution Prior to the American Revolution, Britain controlled the colonies through a system of mercantilism. Many Americans found the system debasing, and they felt kept in a state of adolescence that was never allowed to come of age. It wasn't until Britain began taxing the colonists after the Seven Years' War that Americans began to realize what they had to do in order to resolve their problems being forced upon from overseas. The colonists developed a strong sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution through coming together to fight for independence from Britain. The colonial identity led to the final split between the colonies and England. Advocating the American Revolution, Edmund Burke, a British political philosopher, believed that there were no characteristics shared by America and England. Separated by a mighty ocean, Burke stated that England could not hope to rule America because of the natural barrier between them (Doc B). This barrier benefited the colonies as their identity grew because England was not able to easily control them. Between 1750 and 1776, Scots–Irish, African, and German immigrants came to America to escape their former lives in hopes of finding a better home. America was a great melting pot – a place where new race of men was blended from all of the different nations according to Hector St. John Crevecoeur (Doc H). Another step in creating the identity of the colonies was in 1775 when the First Continental Congress sent Get more content on
  • 5. What Is My Revolutionary Place Everyone has their own idea of what a safe place looks like, however very few people would feel safe singing, dancing, and speaking in front of hundreds of people, all while wearing a ridiculous costume. My safe place is the theater, I have been acting in some capacity since I was learning to walk, but began to take it seriously in kindergarten, (as serious as a kindergartener can be). For the past twelve years of my life I have sung, danced, been carried, stuffed in closets, tackled, yelled at, hit in the face, thrown out windows, and loved every minute of it. I have learned so many lessons and grown strong, powerful relationships that I know will last a lifetime. To be honest though, it's the backstage behind the scenes things that really Get more content on
  • 6. The Road Of The Revolutionary War It is far better to be alone than to be in bad company. The road of the revolution is about the navigation act of 1660, French and Indian war 1754–1663, Pontiac's Rebellion and proclamation of 1763 {May 1736},The Sugar act 1764, The Stamp act 1765, Declaratory act 1764, The Boston Massacre 1770, Boston Tea party 1773, The Intolerable act 1774, are all components of the road of the revolutionary war. Each playing a vital role in the outcome of America its independent. While each conflict was important, The Navigation Act started it all. In 1650–1696 the British parliament passed. Navigation act the system was mercantilism. The items are sugar, cotton. The act used English ships to get and give goods. They taxed people unfairly they had to follow under the navigation Act rules. They smuggled things through the colonies overall by the British. The colonies defeated the Native Americans they attacked us. The colonies had to pay taxes for more safety and be protected. The French and Indian war began with a boom in 1754 an ended in 1763. This war was finally the end of France trying to get North American land. During this war the British defeated French, Native American and Spanish forces. The British left a perment army to protect the colonists. The British wanted to tax the colonists. To pay for protection but colonists didn't like the taxation. They felt like they were independent. Finally they also believed that they didn't have any representation. Get more content on
  • 7. For those watching from the outside, those who are hoping for a better life, the American Dream will always represent something to long for; a glamorous and effortless life. For them, it might be difficult to imagine that a life in which one does not have financial concerns, can be a life of despair. A number of directors have taken on the task of creating films which examine the dream in a number of ways. They present the American Dream from a different perspective, showing its dark side and uncovering the problems hidden by the facade of a picture–perfect home. Films like Revolutionary Road and American Beauty illustrate the dream as a form of punishment for the characters. Stuck in a doleful state and a state of isolation, they are unable to break through. Revolutionary more content... Despite despising his workspace, and the man he has become, he would rather accept his life as it as and continue living a miserable life, than take a chance and risk losing the secure life he has. Such characters are quite frequent in films which deal with the American Dream. As we will see with American Beauty, we are usually presented with contrasting characters. One, or more of them, embody the dream. They are shallow and materialistic with a neverending desire for money and further success. At the same time, we are introduced to their opposing characters, those who are trying to break free from the lonesome and introverted lifestyle. In Revolutionary Road Frank is more so a voice of rationality and, along with their friends and colleagues, finds April's idea of moving to Paris irrational and absurd. After receiving a promotion, he is even more set on staying and accepting life as it is. April, on the other hand, is determined to break free, even if it means dying. In the end, it is this feeling that all hope is gone and that nothing can save her anymore, that ends her Get more content on
  • 8. Revolutionary Road Gender Roles The film Revolutionary Road focuses on the life of a couple in 1950s American society. The husband and wife in the film, played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, depict the "ideal" American middle class family. This idealism is mocked, however, because of how blatantly unhappy the couple is despite everything that they have. Frank Wheeler epitomized the typical middle aged father who went to work in an office building and provided the monetary contributions for the household. Meanwhile April Wheelers role as the female and mother of the family was to perform her "wifely duties" which encompassed cooking, cleaning, and caring for the children. These gender roles upheld by societal traditions once again satirize the expectations for happiness Get more content on
  • 9. Revolutionary War Revolutionary Essay By defining a revolution as "a radical change of conditions", the Revolutionary War was unquestionably a revolution. In determining whether the Revolutionary War was revolutionary or not, one must assess the extent to which society transformed before, throughout, and after the war. Although some colonists sought to preserve the rights they enjoyed from tradition and custom, the Revolutionary War can be described as "revolutionary" because men put their life as well as their honor on the line to fight in a war when triumph seemed an unreachable goal. This was done to make radical changes such as formulating an entirely new system of government instead of creating a monarchy, as they had known. In the First Continental Congress, which more content... When people are over three thousand miles away from each other, representation can be difficult. When America first separated itself from Britain, the founding fathers attempted to create the least amount of similarities as possible. The need to be different from Britain was shown primarily through the creation of the Articles of Confederation as they represented a strong reaction against the strong central government of Britain. The Continental Congress adopted the Articles on November 15, 1777 and they served as the United States first Constitution. There were many problems that came with the Articles. The government they created was so weak that tasks could not be completed efficiently. Because of the weak government, America could not grow economically which led to political uncertainty. The government had no power to enforce any legislation it passed and congress was denied the power to tax. Money was one of the greatest issues with the Articles of Confederation. Since the government was denied the right to tax, they could only request money from the states and these requests were often denied. The legislature never had enough money to run the government or to fulfill financial obligations to bondholders, soldiers, and Get more content on
  • 10. Revolutionary Road Analysis Suburban life in the 1950s was ideal, but not ideal for the women. Women were continuously looked at as the typical suburban housewife. In Richard Yates' novel, Revolutionary Road, we are given the chance to see the dynamics of the Wheeler family and of those around them. Through the use of theme, tone and major symbolism in the novel, we are shown the perspective of gender roles in the 1950s. The author shows the reader the struggles of strict gender roles and how the protagonist of the story will do just about anything to escape from it. The novel begins with the protagonist, April Wheeler, portraying Gabrielle in an amateur–theatre production of the play, The Petrified Forest. The play ends up being a total disaster and leaves more content... Because Frank is stuck in this meaningless job he needs to constantly be reminded of how much of a man and how great he is. As soon as he walks through the door, April is there to greet him saying, "I missed you all day" (Yates, 141). April conforms into her feminine and housewifegender role to cater to the man as soon as he gets home. Frank's masculinity is constantly being affirmed as even he creates thoughts in his head of perfect scenarios that could occur to make himself feel as if he has a perfect family. Frank creates stories in his head to make himself look important in his family such as when he imagined "himself rushing home to swing his children laughing in the air...chatter through dinner with his wife...sitting spellbound in pride and then rising to join a thunderous ovation" (Yates, 16). Frank creates these scenarios in his head and also recreates incidents to justify his actions. When Frank is outside laying the stone path he thought he saw "Michael's white sneaker slip into its path" (Yates, 54) and then smacked him proceeding to say, "the kid put his foot right the hell in my way" (Yates, 55). Frank knew that Michael's foot was not actually in the way and clearly stated it in the beginning but after hitting him, changed his story to justify his actions and show his masculinity in the family. Get more content on
  • 11. The rules of society are set by society itself, however, they are not set in stone, and therefore people can reject or accept these guidelines. During the 1950s in America, there was a definite line between what was considered acceptable and unacceptable. The man was the breadwinner and head of the household, while the woman was the homemaker who provided a warm meal, a clean home, and well–mannered children. These where the guidelines set by society, and just about everyone felt obligated to follow them. The film Revolutionary Road, derived from the novel written by Richard Yates, depicts the struggle that one couple faces in following the rules set by society. April and Frank Wheeler set their sights on deviating from 1950s American societal norms by moving to Paris, but escaping the web of social conservativeness proves to be more difficult than they anticipated. Yates communicates that conforming to society, and its rules, is equivalent to committing suicide on a person's identity. The standards that society has set are so deeply ingrained in mankind that people do not realize their incessant need to fulfill their role. Near the beginning of the film April attempts to convince her husband, Frank, to move to Paris, "It's what you are that's been stifled . . . You're the most beautiful and wonderful thing in the world. You're a man." April convinces Frank to move to Paris, to give up his job and let her support him, by calling him a man. April's definition of a man is for Get more content on
  • 12. The Menin Road Analysis The Great War brought on the end of romanticism and the dawn of modernism. We begin to see the shift between the two styles as the industrial age provides more technology, knowledge, and ways of communication. Due to the accessibility of ideas from across the globe, we started to become aware: aware of our surroundings, the conflicts, the wars, the death. And with this new knowledge, people gave up on these picture–perfect, romantic dreams and just settled for harsh reality. Artists also made fun of their situations through irony in their paintings, like in The Menin Road. So why is any of this important? The art styles that resulted from The War To End All Wars still heavily influence popular culture today. As romanticism died out, modern Get more content on
  • 13. The Role Of Slaves During The Revolutionary War During the revolutionary war, slaves were still treated as slaves, but were promised freedom in case of victory of the side they fought on either British or Colonial. Colonists also promised a salary and British promised them land and self–government. If I had been a slave in that time I would probably choose the Colonial side because they promised freedom to slaves, just as British did, but it also would be my motherland. British promised slaves that if they will fight on their side they will be given freedom, land and self–government. The first promise of freedom came just when war has started, but it only applied to those slaves owned by rebels, not by loyalists. It was easier to promise freedom than to provide it. Slaves suffered Get more content on
  • 14. Within Richard Yates "Revolutionary Road", the American dream is seen coming into effect post World War II, where we can see the emergence of a new middle class. The novel follows the life of Frank and April Wheeler who could achieve the white middle class of achieving the post war idea of the American Dream. The novel touches on three main ideas which are what is the American dream within the 1950's and how it is achieved, how do Frank and April Wheeler embody the American Dream, and lastly why does the emotion of boredom importantly associated with the notion of an American Dream. The American Dream had started after World War II, which is seen as being one of the biggest economic movements within American history. This is largely due to the fact that Americans had just won World War II against the Axis forces, as well as the amount of income that was produced during the war many people were able to a subsequent amount of money within their pockets. The war also helped to introduce the GI bill which promised World War II veterans with benefits which included the payments of their tuition and living expenses for high school and college. This allowed for more educated people to be reintroduced into society, it also gave soldiers a better chance at life after the war. Furthermore, due to being able to get access to a decent education while at the same time having money within their pockets. Many people started to buy houses in the suburbs, and started to have higher quality jobs which would not have been possible for many without the GI bill. Due to the impact of WW2 many people had started to embody the notion of the American Dream as having a perfect family, a secure job, and a perfect house in the suburbs. Many viewed that the only way to do this was through hard work. In fact, the notion of hard work play a major role in the survival of the American dream within Revolutionary road. This is seen when Mrs. Giving says "You want to play house, you got to have a job. You want to play very nice house, very sweet house, then you got to have a job you don't like. Great. This is the way ninety–eight–point–nine per cent of the people work things out, so believe me, buddy, you've got nothing to apologize for" Get more content on
  • 15. Steppe Roads Steppe Roads: a Dud Concept or a Revolutionary Idea? The Silk Roads were a network of land based trading links that connected the multitude of Eurasian civilizations. Through the trade of goods, the spread of religion, disease, genes, and cultures connected Eurasian civilizations. Widely believed to have flourished in the second and third centuries, and again in the seventh and eighth centuries, the Silk Roads clearly have an extensive history (Strayer, 18–19). But David Christian's thesis argues that the Silk Roads history needs to be extended beyond the accepted realms. Further, Christian proclaims that the widely accepted name for these trading links, the Silk Roads, doesn't appropriately encompass the addition of the newly included more content... Strayer mentions them when describing the beginnings of the Silk Roads, stating the following "The movement of pastoral peoples for thousands of years also served to diffuse Indo–European languages, bronze metallurgy, horse–based technologies, and more all across Eurasia (318)". But where Strayer believes the pastoralists trading habits were extended into the Silk Roads upon being invaded by foreign nations, Christian proclaims otherwise (Strayer, 218). Christian believes the invading parties only entered an already established system of trans–Eurasian exchanges (Christian, 12). Christian supported this assertion with archeological findings of Scythian stylistic motifs, Iranian influenced carpets, and a Chinese chariot found near modern Tuva (Christian, 13). These findings illustrate that communities within the Inner Eurasian steppes had contact with both extremities of the Silk Road in the first millennia (Christian, 13). Under Xiongnu, the steppe empire, evidence of the trade of silks amongst various civilizations is clearly evident (Christian, 14). This shows that it wasn't the Han dynasty that caused the revolution of the Silk Roads, but the pastoralists of the steppelands. What this means is the history of the Silk Roads predates what most historians typically Get more content on
  • 16. Revolutionary Road Gender Another important idea is the question of gender as a social construction. In the case of Revolutionary Road, this is represented by the fact that April is presented as an actress. With this aspect, Yates wanted to show that both sexes have to portray different roles. On one hand, men were the suppliers of the family. They were expected to be the strong ones in the relationship and took care of all disciplinary actions. Moreover, they overlooked all financial purchases made by the female. On the other hand, women were the underprivilages gender as they suffered great discrimination. Like it was said before, women were supposed to perfom certain roles such as caring mother, an obedient wife and a hard–working housemaker. In addition, they were Get more content on
  • 17. The Ring Road Proposal Accept it or dead slowly You know in your heart that you want to add this proposal of ring road to this community. Ring road is absent to make so many things easier in urban areas. It's not gone take 30 minutes of crossing the road. You probably had the moments where you wait 30 minutes to just go one side of the road to another. Don't you want this all to be terminated? And yearned you want be safe around the community not be scared by over speeding car? Wouldn't you hunger, pollution to be reduced from this area? In your heart you know you want this new road my purposed of writing this portion to show you why we should accept the ring road and what are their benefits? By accepting the ring road we can upsurge the job for people, decrease health problem and save money. By opening up to this new program, we can upsurge job rate. Always new program means more job opportunities that can advance people quantity of life. For example, if everybody has a job and they started to earn money. They can provide their family with basic needs such as food, shelter and this contributed to a better standard of life for people. In addition, by accepting this program we give us community opportunities to grow in wealth methods. Such as new business nasty more jobs for people and supplementary people pay taxes to the government and then the government give the money to the community to build more program and brand the community better As well as by accepting then ring road proposal, we get Get more content on
  • 18. Revolutionary Way: A Short Story Wednesday, I'm being bored in the class because of a subject called Revolutionary Way. I have just come here since Sunday but I feel like it's a week. Many tests are waiting for me next November, so I have to study from now, I think. But there is a problem, that's I don't want to do anything. I had coughed for 2 weeks. I'm tired. I miss my mommy. I miss Yen Bai's air. I miss breathing in that air. I miss looking at the sky when I lie in front of side word with my mom. It's so Get more content on
  • 19. Dysfunction within an individual can be the result of various occurrences, whether it is a traumatic experience that has stemmed into a life of self–doubt and vulnerability, or it is a series of unfortunate events that has led the individual to believe that life is simply an ongoing controversy. However, dysfunction within a family is much more than self–afflicted stress, it is rooted within the familial bonds that gradually break as a result of conflict, co–dependent adults, perhaps substance abuse, and oftentimes a struggle of conformity brought on by an external source. In the novels Revolutionary Road and Anna Karenina, Richard Yates and Leo Tolstoy depict familial dysfunction that can occur as a result of society's overwhelming more content... Nevertheless, to fundamentally comprehend this gist of this essay, one must primarily understand the definition of a dysfunctional family to be able to dissect the topic and see how the novels Anna Karenina and Revolutionary Road personify the description. Louise Mark, John Olesen, Joanne Fallon explain in A manual for chemical dependency and psychiatric treatment that, "Most of our rules are learned from our parents, who learned the rules from their parents etc. This means that dysfunctional families are generational, and if left untreated, will become more severe in ensuing generations" (Mark, Olesen, Fallon, 67). These scholars explain that dysfunctional families result from several generations of corrupted laws, thus, one's ancestors set the standards and following generations have simply carried on the customs. The scholars go on to compare and contrast several traits that categorize a family as dysfunctional as opposed to nurturing, and one of the prominent qualities seem to be "everyone must conform to strongest person's ideas and values" (97). This quality is clearly identifiable in both Yates and Tolstoy's novels, as the root of the familial Get more content on