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Dying Declaration
A dying declaration is a statement made by a dying person as to the cause of his death or as to any circumstances of the transaction that resulted in his
death. It is evidence under Section 32 (1) of Indian Evidence Act,1872. This section is an exception to the general rule that hearsay evidence is no
In this paper, the researcher will explore these facets namely – the scope and application of section 32 (1), the method of giving and recording a dying
declaration and its evidenciary value by examining its interpretation by courts.
Material examined:
The researcher has used the bare act of the Indian Evidence Act of 1872, and thereby used the various commentaries by eminent jurists and
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1.1 Section 32 (1) of Indian Evidence Act.
Sub–section (1) of Section 32 of the Evidence Act, any statement, written or verbal, of relevant facts made by a person who is dead, or who cannot be
found, or who has become incapable of giving evidence, or whose attendance cannot be procured without an amount of delay or expense which, under
the circumstances of the case, appears to the Court unreasonable, would constitute relevant facts. If as a result thereof, the Court is satisfied that the
statement made by a person who is now dead is relevant, the same becomes admissible in terms of sub–section (1) of 32 section of the Evidence Act.
The second Para of the sub section makes it abundantly clear that the statement is admissible in civil as well as criminal proceedings and it is not
necessary that the Person making the statement should be apprehending death at the time of making the statement. Thus, it is apt to say that
admissibility of Dying declaration is explained in the section 32 (1) of Indian Evidence Act.
The Hon'ble Apex Court in P.Mani vs. State of T.N. reported in has held as follows:
"Indisputably conviction can be recorded on the basis of the dying declaration alone but therefore the same must be wholly reliable. In a case where
suspicion can be raised as regards the correctness of the dying declaration, the
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Essay On Declaration Of Independence
Declaration of independence from teachers. Preamble : When in the course of human events it's only fair teachers listen to the students point of
view and as students to be equal to teachers and have the same rights in order to be independent this requires us as students to write our own
declaration of independence for everyone else to see and understand why students will be independant and equal in the situation of our students and
teachers. Declaration of student rights : The facts are real and obvious that teachers and students are equal and are the same person no higher the
creator of our beings gave us rights and made us equal there's no right for us as humans to take something away they didn't create. To obtain these
rights teachers must allow students to be respected but also be treated as teachers are treated no different. When teachers act like they have more
power than u as a person even tho god made us equal it makes the students feel like kids so we act like kids. It's now time for the more
Teachers give us too much disrespect Teachers think there smarter than students maybe book wise but not street wise. Teachers not yet know that
looks can be deceiving <3 Statements of prior attempts to redress grievances : Although many of us students have put up with the teachers reading
this u will know how us students feel and of course many teachers haven't listened they will now have to us students have even told the president
and the U.S military so in that case refusal to agree to our new rules you'll be forced to watch the direct tv set up channel for up to 8 hours a day if
nothing else works we are going to leave our homes our teachers and everyone and become
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The Declaration of Independence was written for the purpose of separating the American colonies from the British Empire. In context of history, The
Declaration was the first step into a modern representative democracy. In addition, the makers of the declaration, primarily Thomas Jefferson,
constructed an argument to state the problems they had with Britain and tell how the new American government was going to deal with the problems.
The argument Jefferson constructed was one made with all the wrong evidence; however, he built the argument in such a way to rally a people for
war. The Declaration of Independence is a well–written example of argument and persuasion with its use of structure as a whole, use of specific
fallacies, and use of appeals.
Foremost, when looking at the Declaration there needs to be an understanding of who the audience is. The most prominent person who would be
reading this document would be the king himself, King George III. When looking at the Declaration, King George would primarily be looking at the
argument Jefferson put forth. He also would be looking at the attacks and accusations being set against him. The purpose of the Declaration, with the
King for an audience, is to separate all legal and moral ties. In the newly formed American government, Congress would be looking at what they were
setting themselves up for and placing forth the foundation of their government. Congress's purpose for writing the Declaration was to start a
government and
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Essay On The Declaration Of Independence
On July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed by the founding fathers, thus implementing the foundation of the American government.
The Declaration of Independence represents great significance in the history of the United States due to its influence throughout time. The Declaration
signifies the rebellion against the British Parliament and the unification of the colonies in the fight for equality, liberty, and justice. Furthermore, the
Declaration established a new form of government wherein the ultimate authority lies within the consent of the governed. The Declaration of
Independence established the basis of the United States government and the ideals expressed must be protected as they offer security for more
The Declaration of Sentiments was more inclusive and stated "that all men and women are created equal" (Doc A). In more recent years, the struggle
minority groups face for equality has decreased significantly. According to Diana Pham, an immigrant from Vietnam, "America has given our family
the chance to become whatever we choose to become" (Doc B).
The founders of the United States envisioned a government which was controlled by the consent of the governed. The United States of America was
the first modern nation to be established under the notion that the citizens have preeminent jurisdiction. Through elections, the people of the United
States have the ability to chose a desired politician to be in power in all governmental positions. This political principle strongly represents a
democracy as it " is the idea that government exists to secure the rights of the people and must be based on the consent of the governed" (Doc F).
After declaring independence from the tyranny of Great Britain, the forefathers wanted to ensure that, in the event of a corrupt or abusive government,
the people had the right to alter or abolish it. Throughout history, this concept has been sought after in many different countries by individuals of all
political ranking. In 1989, thousands of university students gathered in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China protesting for
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Our Declaration, By Danielle Allen
In Danielle Allen's essay, Our Declaration, she argues that all people should understand and recognize that the Declaration gives all people in the
United States the undeniable freedom to self–govern. One person has the power to change the government; although this is not specifically stated, the
freedom to self–govern implies every voice matters. She guides the reader to this idea by using simple and easy to follow examples to show the
reader that they have the power to invoke a change the government. Allen also uses credible sources in order to give her reasoning credibility as well as
using arguments that elicit an emotional connection.
Allen first starts off with talking about the catholic church evoking an emotional response more content...
All of the support needed to be convinced by an argument is understood in the proposition without having to be explained. Nevertheless, if several of
these true propositions are strung together, it can lead to a more refined but true conclusion. This method is called syllogism.
Allen uses two different techniques in order to support her argument that self–evidence is the same as a syllogism. Aristotle was the one to originally
come up with the idea of "stringing together valid premises to yield a self–evident conclusion" or a syllogism. She introduces that he came up with this
method of a syllogism because he gives Allen's argument credibility due to the fact that Aristotle is a well–known Greek philosopher. Allen then goes
on to show how coming to a conclusion can be similar to following a procedure using the Bill Gates is moral example.
Unlike with the catholic church evoking feelings of undeniable truths, a syllogism uses common sense and rationale. Religion is a tricky thing,
especially in today's society, but not many people can deny basic logic and reasoning. She uses a very simple example to demonstrate the denotation
of a syllogism. "First Premise: Bill Gates is a human being. Second Premise: All human beings are moral. Conclusion: Bill Gates is moral." This type
of reasoning is commonly used because it is easy to follow and understand. The conclusion that Bill Gates is moral is come to
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The Declaration of Independence Essay
THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE (1776) Thomas Jefferson Context The Declaration of Independence, completed and signed in July of
1776, marked the official separation between the 13 colonies and Great Britain. An armed struggle between the colonies and Britain had begun just
over a year before, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. The formal declaration of independence established the new American revolutionary
government and officially declared war against Great Britain. The primary purpose of the declaration was to assist the Second Continental Congress in
obtaining aid from foreign countries. The document also clearly outlines the history of abuses the colonists had suffered under British rule since the
end of the more content...
Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed a resolution for independence in June of 1776. The Congress appointed a committee to draft a declaration of
independence that consisted of John Adams (MA), Benjamin Franklin (PA), Thomas Jefferson (VA), Robert Livingston (NY) and Roger Sherman
(CT). The job of drafting the Declaration of Independence fell to the youngest member of the committee, Thomas Jefferson. In composing the
declaration, Jefferson drew on ideas from the Enlightenment, especially those of John Locke. Not only did the declaration represent a milestone in the
history of the United States, it also turned the political philosophies of 18th century Europe into real political practice. Key Historical Figures Colonies
– The 13 colonies of British North America included New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. A representative from each colony was sent to the Second Continental
Congress in May of 1775 to debate the topic of independence. Although initial disagreement seemed to stall the drive towards independence, by July
2nd, 1776 all 13 colonies committed to fighting in the war for independence. Thomas Jefferson – A plantation owner and a lawyer,
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Essay On Declaration Of Independence
The Relevance of the Declaration of Independence in the Present Day
The importance of The Declaration of Independence remains to be as worthy in the present day as the formal statement was in 1776, when composed
by Thomas Jefferson. The principle behind Jefferson's pronouncements was to express, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," (Declaration of Independence; par. 2). To
this day, these principles are the guidelines America follows to support our government, the people's rights and the economy. Through the present day,
the Declaration remains to set the parameters of our government's laws and the importance of the people's roles within the government. The preamble
of the Declaration supports the principles of the government, stating, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving
their just powers from the consent of the governed," (Declaration of Independence; Preamble) declaring the American government would not function
without the involvement of the people and their voices. The more content...
Jefferson stated in his first Inaugural Address, "a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them
otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned,"
describing how the economy depends on the Declaration to support the right of industries and companies to voice their opinions and ideas for a
successful business. Today, the formal statement represents the rights of the economy by allowing a point of reference, the Declaration of
Independence, to stand alongside all businesses, supporting them with restrictions against government imposes taxes, wages and other
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Declaration Of Independence Research Paper
Declaration of Independence On this day, we have been overcome by our grievances against all those who have claimed superiority over us. For
years, the youth of this country have been dominated by others feeding their ideas of work and desires onto those who they perceive as below them.
It is unfair that we, as a human race, must obtain these unwanted obligations. We should be using the time we have to enjoy our life, rather than being
weighed down by work and misery, cast onto us by our fellow human beings. On this day, we are declaring our independence from the modern
education system, in favor of a reform.For these obligations are taking away the precious time that we could be spending with those we love, doing
what we love. These more content...
We need to start thinking of our students as sentient beings capable of an incredibly diverse spectrum of individuality, rather than yet another cog
in a never ending machine. For years, we have been oppressed by desires of others, as well as their established social norms. We have become
slaves to the way we perceive our society to work, That we must complete work by deadlines, that we must become another's idea of a human
being. This world has been established that most all people must complete tasks they never wanted to do. However, it has become that the younger
generation of the population has taken much of this obligation. For each day for a student is begun before even the sun chooses to rise, Then, leads
to eight hours in an establishment created of dark brick, promising years of pain and suffering through massive workloads of things that may have
been intriguing, had they not been presented in such a dull and uninteresting manner. Once this task has been completed, we return to their home
where hours of chores and homework await them. Then, each night, they climb into bed, each day bearing more difficultly than the last. This cycle
continues for years, the only escape from this cycle being graduating from another brick establishment that has taken all money that one could ever
hope to have, and attempting to find a job that might be what you want to do. It is time that we break out of this miserable cycle. This life was
meant to be enjoyed by all and to be enjoyed to the fullest. This idea has been broken and shattered beyond recognition, but it still remains. The idea
that we can be exactly who we want to be, without having to sell our souls to do so still lingers on, shining, yet unattainable just as a star. We simply
must be the glue that binds the broken pieces of this
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Conclusion Of The Declaration Of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was created in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson and the Continental Congress. This document is a founding document of the
United States because it created the foundation for the United States' government, established independence for the nation, granted equal rights for all
citizens, and gave the nation the ability to sell and trade independently. As a founding father of the United States,Thomas jefferson was highly qualified
to write the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was elected by the thirteen colonies to draft the document because of his intelligence,
experience fighting in the Revolutionary War, status as the founder of the University of Virginia, and role as the third President of the United States.
Jefferson also studied at the College of William and Mary in the practice of law. Although most believe Jefferson was the only person involved in
writing the Declaration, he actually had a team to help him, called the Continental Congress. This team consisted of Benjamin Franklin from
Pennsylvania, John Adams from Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, and Robert Livingston of New York. Jefferson stated "unanimously
pressed on myself alone to undertake the draught [sic]. I consented; I drew it; but before I reported it to the committee I communicated it separately to
Dr. Franklin and Mr. Adams requesting their corrections. . . I then wrote a fair copy, reported it to the committee, and from them, unaltered to the
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Declaration Of Sentiments Argument
The Declaration of Sentiments was an extremely influential document because it demanded civil liberties for women in the first women's rights
convention. This is important as it shows women were no longer afraid from challenging current social barriers. In the first paragraph, Stanton
makes it very clear how fiercely she's advocating for these rights. She argues that rights should be given because all people were created equal. God,
as she puts it, did not give one individual the power to rule over others, regardless of different characteristics (e.g. gender and race). By using "God" in
this context, it shows Stanton as a religious person; therefore, someone who believes in a higher power than government and men. However, it was
noted in the
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Thesis Of The Declaration Of Independence
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence for the American colonists to proclaim freedom from Great Britain's dictator, King George
III. American colonists had been suffering for many years when this important document was drafted. King George III had pushed the colonists into a
state of tyranny and most decided it was time to start an independent nation under a different type of government. Jefferson focused his piece toward
many audiences. He wanted not only King George III and the British Parliament to know the American's feelings, but also the entire world. The time
had come for an huge change amongst the American colonists and Jefferson made sure everyone was aware of it by using his superior strategies of
persuasion. more content...
Instead of quoting the entire paragraph I am going to break it down into the parts that express the point most visibly. Jefferson states, "When in the
course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another". Here he is
explaining that there is a need for separation between Great Britain and the American territory. He then says, "A decent respect to the opinions of
mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to separation". Here he gives the reason for the division; in the opinions of
mankind, life has become unbearable. The point of this historical piece is simply to announce independence for the Americans from the British for
reasons of past
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Declaration Vs Constitution Essay
Declaration vs. Constitution Have you ever thought about the relation between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution? The
Declaration of Independence is a document that was written on July 4, 1776, to the king of Great Britain from the United States declaring
independence. The Constitution was written to establish the government and and laws. The Constitution was heavily influenced by the Declaration.
The Declaration specifically influences the Bill of Rights which states all the rights of being an American, that of which the colonies did not receive
from the British. The British government abused the colonies by forcing them to provide their mercenaries with any needed accommodations, housing
and food. This happened more content...
California. In this case, former police officer John Cunningham was convicted of sexual assault of his young son. The judge gave him a maximum of a
sixteen year sentence. Cunningham appealed his sentence claiming that the judge violated the sixth amendment. The sixth amendment states, "the
accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district." Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said that "...under
the Sixth Amendment, any fact that exposes a defendant to a greater potential sentence must be found by a jury, not a judge, and established beyond a
reasonable doubt, not merely by a preponderance of the evidence." Cunningham was right and was able to get another trail, this time a fair
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Personal Declaration Of Independence Essay
Personal Declaration of Independence from Judgement When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary that someone must judge another to
reassure their own position as a superior being. It is at this time, those that threaten individuality and culture be reminded that they are made of the same
matter that nature intended for us as humans, and these oppressors of unique must now swallow it. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men
and women are created equal; that they are endowed certain unalienable rights; that among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
These rights are ensured by the humanity of the people around us, and judgement threatens these purest of rights. We must, as people, humans,
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Declaration of Sentiments
Declaration of Sentiments
The Declarations of sentiments was arguably the most significant document in
history for the advancement of women in the nineteenth century America. It was made
famous at the first Woman's Rights Convention, held in Seneca Falls, New York, in July
of 1848. Drafted by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the declaration outlined a series of
grievances resulting from the unfair treatment of women and proposed eleven resolutions
arguing that women had the right to equality in all aspects of their lives, including the
right to vote. Despite the declarations significance, however, it would be seventy–two
years later that women finally won the right to vote.
In early societies, women more content...
It also
protested unequal employment opportunities. Stanton read the declaration paragraph by
paragraph, and over the two–days of discussion, the Declaration of Sentiments and 12
resolutions received agreement endorsement, one by one, with a few amendments.
The only resolution that did not pass unanimously was the call for women's
The Seneca Falls convention generated widespread ridicule and even hostility,
primarily from religious leaders and the press. An article in the Philadelphia Public
Ledger and Daily Transcript (September 1848) opined that, unlike the Seneca Falls
women, the women of Philadelphia were "celebrated for discretion, modesty, and
unfeigned diffidence" rather than "standing out for woman's rights." After all, the writer
reasoned, "A woman is nobody. A wife is everything. A pretty girl is equal to ten
thousand men, and a mother is, next to God, all powerful......The ladies of Philadelphia,
3 Metz
therefore.....are resolved to maintain their rights as wives, belles, virgins, and mothers,
and not as women" (Stanton, Anthony, and Gage, p. 804).
Women's rights conventions were held on a regular basis until the start of the
Civil War. Elizabeth Cady Stanton traveled the country lecturing and organizing for
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"All Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among there are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit
of Happiness". It is in this sentence from the Declaration of Independence, that the idea of the American dream has its roots. The phrase, "the
American dream" can mean many different things, but among the most basic interpretation is that America is a land of opportunity and freedom for
all who come to it. The idea of the American dream has influenced people to come to America in search of economic opportunities, political choice,
and religious freedom. When the Declaration of Independence was written, Europe still had a basic caste system in place. If you were born a poor
peasant, more content...
This principle alone has inspired millions to come to America in hope of a better future for themselves and their descendents. From the Irish peasants
fleeing starvation in the 17th century, to modern–day Hispanics seeking employment, people have always looked to America as a land in which to
prosper. Next, people have been drawn to America for the unique political and governmental system. Tyranny, oppression, and dictatorships in
countries all across the globe made America seem like a glowing beacon of safety. The idea of a representative government, in which the individual
saw that their voice could be both heard and protected, was astounding to some. Our founding fathers created a government that would serve the
people and guard both their rights and freedoms. For example, the freedoms of speech and assembly lured Russians from the communist Soviet
Union in the past. In modern times, Cubans have fled the oppression of their dictator, Fidel Castro. Lastly, the American dream could not be complete
without the principle of religious freedom. This was the sole reason the Pilgrims first came to the Americas; they were escaping persecution in their
native country. "For men came across the sea not merely to find new soil for their plows but to win freedom for their souls, to think and speak and
worship as they
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Balfour Declaration Essay
Over the next couple of years there was an anti–Zionist movement halted any advancement of the declaration. This anti–Zionist was a result of fear that
by British condoning Zionism it would start a threat to the Jews who had settled in Europe and America. The other fear is the thought that it would also
encourage anti–Semitic violence in the countries that were fighting Britain. This anti–Zionist movement was stopped and after sometime gained the
approval of France, the United States and Italy the British government continued on with its plan.
Finally, the Balfour Declaration was immediately mandated and established. This mandate, which was established by the Versailles Treaty of 1919
(cite), gave Britain the power with temporary government over Palestine. This was established the agreement that they would work with both the
Jewish and Arab citizens. This caused uproar by most of the Arabs in Palestine. They were angered by the lack of community and self–governing
system they had been told they would receive if the fought in the war more content...
The same exact day that this happened U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized also acknowledged it as a state. In the past the United States had
been an advocate for the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Although, President Franklin D. Roosevelt promised the Arabs in the 1940's that the United
States would not interfere with that area without talking to both the Jewish people and the Arabic people in that area. The British, as stated earlier,
held the temporary governing power for Palestine. They were against both the establishment of a Jewish state and an Arab state in the land of Palestine.
They were also against the idea of unrestricted immigration of Jewish refugees to the area. Great Britain, from a political and economic interest,
wanted to keep their positive relationship with the Arabs in order to protect these
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Thomas Jefferson and The Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson was the author of The Declaration of Independence, and according to Bellis, Jefferson was also a jurist, a diplomat, a writer, an
inventor, a philosopher, an architect, a gardener, a negotiator of Louisiana Purchase, but he only requested three of his many accomplishments to be
noted on his tomb. (2005). Thomas Jefferson was a very smart politician and he knew what to say to whom in order to enhance their support. This
essay will be an analytical paper discussing Thomas Jefferson and The Declaration of Independence. It will also clarify the basic ideas contained in The
Declaration of Independence; the influence of the Declaration upon American War of Independence, more content...
His friend James Madison succeeded Jefferson as president in 1809, and during the last seventeen years of his life, he stayed at his mansion,
Monticello. Just hours before his close friend Adam was to signing the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson died
on July 4, 1826. As he also wished that his tombstone reflects the things that he had given the people, not the people that had given to him.
BORN APRIL 2. 1743. O.S.
DIED JULY 4. 1826
Declaration of Independence:
In 1776, since Jefferson was a member of Continental Congress, he was chosen to draft the Declaration of Independence, since he was a member of
Continental Congress. (Brief...Jefferson, 2005). Looking back in High School, the class discussion about The Declaration of Independence was that
Jefferson predicted the coming of great changes in America within the times that he lived in. He wrote this document for the American Citizens at the
time, and it still exists today. The Declaration personified many of the ideas that separated the colonies from England and therefore the process of
creating a new country begun.
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Declaration of Independence Essay example
Thomas Jefferson is probably the most important person of the American Revolution. Many other prosperous and expressive young people were
radical and serious; however the Congress's most significant task was given to Thomas Jefferson – to compose the Declaration of Independence. People
from the committee of the congress such as, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston selected Jefferson to compose
the Declaration's first draft. They were all aware that he was able to produce powerful and striking sentences. Thomas Jefferson did not get to the
basis of the Declaration of independence by meditation or prediction, nor by his own experience. He was clever and capable enough to use what he
had learned from more content...
However it should be mentioned that in that time concepts of sovereignty, of individual were related to classical and mediaeval thought, the rights of
the individual were not a topic and the citizen did not rule but was ruled. Furthermore, there is no minimizing on Jefferson's views on Negro limits
such as his proclamation that blacks lack beauty, intelligence, and most skills except music. So his concept of these human topics was completely
different from the concept that we generally share today especially in civilized societies. Nevertheless he should not be blamed because that was
probably the best that could have been driven from philosophical points of view in that time. The Declaration of independence contains the exact
proof of the attitude of its creators i.e. Thomas Jefferson speaking in the name of the members of the congress who had chosen him to be their voice.
They probably had the same conceptual viewing of the previously mentioned issues. His exact words "...We hold these truths to be self–evident..."
discuss the unalienable Rights: Life–the general or universal condition of human existence. This dictionary definition does not make the distinction
between other animals and man in different aspects of the moral sense and if we consider the moral sense it is not only man's highest faculty
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Declaration of Independence Living in the 1700's difficult times were most probable of happening. During that time period, America was all over
the place both good and bad. Late 1700's we had "bad beef" with Great Britain. We had the Revolutionary War, Boston Tea Party, and many other
conflicts having to do with them. Which caused them to think coming into our place thinking it is theirs by raising taxes on tea and stamps? After
years, the U.S. became really tired of all the wars and their mistreating actions toward our people. The U.S. made a treaty with our founding fathers to
Great Britain and is still named till this day the Declaration of Independence. It says in the Declaration; "We hold these truths to be self–evident that all
men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain enailienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness." America, would have never had liberty or happiness if Britain kept running us as they were. If it were not for the Declaration of
Independence, we would not have been able to keep all our more content...
The U.S. would never workout if it was a monarchy mostly because we are the country that we come for freedom that citizens want more than what
people want for them. Our mother country, Great Britain, is doing fine right now, but being in a monarchy such as them it would not change at all
considering your making the same decisions as your ancestors. Which the country would like a change and other people might have better ideas on
how to run the country better. More ideas and more money ideas because in reality the world runs around with money. The Declaration of
Independence saved us from becoming a monarchy and having the same traditional things and fights for the same thing. Not all bad come from
monarchies though. There come good in
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Dying Declaration

  • 1. Dying Declaration CHAPTER 1 RESEARCH SCHEME Introduction: A dying declaration is a statement made by a dying person as to the cause of his death or as to any circumstances of the transaction that resulted in his death. It is evidence under Section 32 (1) of Indian Evidence Act,1872. This section is an exception to the general rule that hearsay evidence is no evidence In this paper, the researcher will explore these facets namely – the scope and application of section 32 (1), the method of giving and recording a dying declaration and its evidenciary value by examining its interpretation by courts. Material examined: The researcher has used the bare act of the Indian Evidence Act of 1872, and thereby used the various commentaries by eminent jurists and more content... 1.1 Section 32 (1) of Indian Evidence Act. Sub–section (1) of Section 32 of the Evidence Act, any statement, written or verbal, of relevant facts made by a person who is dead, or who cannot be found, or who has become incapable of giving evidence, or whose attendance cannot be procured without an amount of delay or expense which, under the circumstances of the case, appears to the Court unreasonable, would constitute relevant facts. If as a result thereof, the Court is satisfied that the statement made by a person who is now dead is relevant, the same becomes admissible in terms of sub–section (1) of 32 section of the Evidence Act. The second Para of the sub section makes it abundantly clear that the statement is admissible in civil as well as criminal proceedings and it is not necessary that the Person making the statement should be apprehending death at the time of making the statement. Thus, it is apt to say that admissibility of Dying declaration is explained in the section 32 (1) of Indian Evidence Act. The Hon'ble Apex Court in P.Mani vs. State of T.N. reported in has held as follows: "Indisputably conviction can be recorded on the basis of the dying declaration alone but therefore the same must be wholly reliable. In a case where suspicion can be raised as regards the correctness of the dying declaration, the
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  • 3. Essay On Declaration Of Independence Declaration of independence from teachers. Preamble : When in the course of human events it's only fair teachers listen to the students point of view and as students to be equal to teachers and have the same rights in order to be independent this requires us as students to write our own declaration of independence for everyone else to see and understand why students will be independant and equal in the situation of our students and teachers. Declaration of student rights : The facts are real and obvious that teachers and students are equal and are the same person no higher the creator of our beings gave us rights and made us equal there's no right for us as humans to take something away they didn't create. To obtain these rights teachers must allow students to be respected but also be treated as teachers are treated no different. When teachers act like they have more power than u as a person even tho god made us equal it makes the students feel like kids so we act like kids. It's now time for the more content... Teachers give us too much disrespect Teachers think there smarter than students maybe book wise but not street wise. Teachers not yet know that looks can be deceiving <3 Statements of prior attempts to redress grievances : Although many of us students have put up with the teachers reading this u will know how us students feel and of course many teachers haven't listened they will now have to us students have even told the president and the U.S military so in that case refusal to agree to our new rules you'll be forced to watch the direct tv set up channel for up to 8 hours a day if nothing else works we are going to leave our homes our teachers and everyone and become Get more content on
  • 4. The Declaration of Independence was written for the purpose of separating the American colonies from the British Empire. In context of history, The Declaration was the first step into a modern representative democracy. In addition, the makers of the declaration, primarily Thomas Jefferson, constructed an argument to state the problems they had with Britain and tell how the new American government was going to deal with the problems. The argument Jefferson constructed was one made with all the wrong evidence; however, he built the argument in such a way to rally a people for war. The Declaration of Independence is a well–written example of argument and persuasion with its use of structure as a whole, use of specific fallacies, and use of appeals. Foremost, when looking at the Declaration there needs to be an understanding of who the audience is. The most prominent person who would be reading this document would be the king himself, King George III. When looking at the Declaration, King George would primarily be looking at the argument Jefferson put forth. He also would be looking at the attacks and accusations being set against him. The purpose of the Declaration, with the King for an audience, is to separate all legal and moral ties. In the newly formed American government, Congress would be looking at what they were setting themselves up for and placing forth the foundation of their government. Congress's purpose for writing the Declaration was to start a government and Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On The Declaration Of Independence On July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed by the founding fathers, thus implementing the foundation of the American government. The Declaration of Independence represents great significance in the history of the United States due to its influence throughout time. The Declaration signifies the rebellion against the British Parliament and the unification of the colonies in the fight for equality, liberty, and justice. Furthermore, the Declaration established a new form of government wherein the ultimate authority lies within the consent of the governed. The Declaration of Independence established the basis of the United States government and the ideals expressed must be protected as they offer security for more content... The Declaration of Sentiments was more inclusive and stated "that all men and women are created equal" (Doc A). In more recent years, the struggle minority groups face for equality has decreased significantly. According to Diana Pham, an immigrant from Vietnam, "America has given our family the chance to become whatever we choose to become" (Doc B). The founders of the United States envisioned a government which was controlled by the consent of the governed. The United States of America was the first modern nation to be established under the notion that the citizens have preeminent jurisdiction. Through elections, the people of the United States have the ability to chose a desired politician to be in power in all governmental positions. This political principle strongly represents a democracy as it " is the idea that government exists to secure the rights of the people and must be based on the consent of the governed" (Doc F). After declaring independence from the tyranny of Great Britain, the forefathers wanted to ensure that, in the event of a corrupt or abusive government, the people had the right to alter or abolish it. Throughout history, this concept has been sought after in many different countries by individuals of all political ranking. In 1989, thousands of university students gathered in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China protesting for Get more content on
  • 6. Our Declaration, By Danielle Allen In Danielle Allen's essay, Our Declaration, she argues that all people should understand and recognize that the Declaration gives all people in the United States the undeniable freedom to self–govern. One person has the power to change the government; although this is not specifically stated, the freedom to self–govern implies every voice matters. She guides the reader to this idea by using simple and easy to follow examples to show the reader that they have the power to invoke a change the government. Allen also uses credible sources in order to give her reasoning credibility as well as using arguments that elicit an emotional connection. Allen first starts off with talking about the catholic church evoking an emotional response more content... All of the support needed to be convinced by an argument is understood in the proposition without having to be explained. Nevertheless, if several of these true propositions are strung together, it can lead to a more refined but true conclusion. This method is called syllogism. Allen uses two different techniques in order to support her argument that self–evidence is the same as a syllogism. Aristotle was the one to originally come up with the idea of "stringing together valid premises to yield a self–evident conclusion" or a syllogism. She introduces that he came up with this method of a syllogism because he gives Allen's argument credibility due to the fact that Aristotle is a well–known Greek philosopher. Allen then goes on to show how coming to a conclusion can be similar to following a procedure using the Bill Gates is moral example. Unlike with the catholic church evoking feelings of undeniable truths, a syllogism uses common sense and rationale. Religion is a tricky thing, especially in today's society, but not many people can deny basic logic and reasoning. She uses a very simple example to demonstrate the denotation of a syllogism. "First Premise: Bill Gates is a human being. Second Premise: All human beings are moral. Conclusion: Bill Gates is moral." This type of reasoning is commonly used because it is easy to follow and understand. The conclusion that Bill Gates is moral is come to Get more content on
  • 7. The Declaration of Independence Essay THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE (1776) Thomas Jefferson Context The Declaration of Independence, completed and signed in July of 1776, marked the official separation between the 13 colonies and Great Britain. An armed struggle between the colonies and Britain had begun just over a year before, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. The formal declaration of independence established the new American revolutionary government and officially declared war against Great Britain. The primary purpose of the declaration was to assist the Second Continental Congress in obtaining aid from foreign countries. The document also clearly outlines the history of abuses the colonists had suffered under British rule since the end of the more content... Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed a resolution for independence in June of 1776. The Congress appointed a committee to draft a declaration of independence that consisted of John Adams (MA), Benjamin Franklin (PA), Thomas Jefferson (VA), Robert Livingston (NY) and Roger Sherman (CT). The job of drafting the Declaration of Independence fell to the youngest member of the committee, Thomas Jefferson. In composing the declaration, Jefferson drew on ideas from the Enlightenment, especially those of John Locke. Not only did the declaration represent a milestone in the history of the United States, it also turned the political philosophies of 18th century Europe into real political practice. Key Historical Figures Colonies – The 13 colonies of British North America included New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. A representative from each colony was sent to the Second Continental Congress in May of 1775 to debate the topic of independence. Although initial disagreement seemed to stall the drive towards independence, by July 2nd, 1776 all 13 colonies committed to fighting in the war for independence. Thomas Jefferson – A plantation owner and a lawyer, Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Declaration Of Independence The Relevance of the Declaration of Independence in the Present Day The importance of The Declaration of Independence remains to be as worthy in the present day as the formal statement was in 1776, when composed by Thomas Jefferson. The principle behind Jefferson's pronouncements was to express, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," (Declaration of Independence; par. 2). To this day, these principles are the guidelines America follows to support our government, the people's rights and the economy. Through the present day, the Declaration remains to set the parameters of our government's laws and the importance of the people's roles within the government. The preamble of the Declaration supports the principles of the government, stating, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," (Declaration of Independence; Preamble) declaring the American government would not function without the involvement of the people and their voices. The more content... Jefferson stated in his first Inaugural Address, "a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned," describing how the economy depends on the Declaration to support the right of industries and companies to voice their opinions and ideas for a successful business. Today, the formal statement represents the rights of the economy by allowing a point of reference, the Declaration of Independence, to stand alongside all businesses, supporting them with restrictions against government imposes taxes, wages and other Get more content on
  • 9. Declaration Of Independence Research Paper Declaration of Independence On this day, we have been overcome by our grievances against all those who have claimed superiority over us. For years, the youth of this country have been dominated by others feeding their ideas of work and desires onto those who they perceive as below them. It is unfair that we, as a human race, must obtain these unwanted obligations. We should be using the time we have to enjoy our life, rather than being weighed down by work and misery, cast onto us by our fellow human beings. On this day, we are declaring our independence from the modern education system, in favor of a reform.For these obligations are taking away the precious time that we could be spending with those we love, doing what we love. These more content... We need to start thinking of our students as sentient beings capable of an incredibly diverse spectrum of individuality, rather than yet another cog in a never ending machine. For years, we have been oppressed by desires of others, as well as their established social norms. We have become slaves to the way we perceive our society to work, That we must complete work by deadlines, that we must become another's idea of a human being. This world has been established that most all people must complete tasks they never wanted to do. However, it has become that the younger generation of the population has taken much of this obligation. For each day for a student is begun before even the sun chooses to rise, Then, leads to eight hours in an establishment created of dark brick, promising years of pain and suffering through massive workloads of things that may have been intriguing, had they not been presented in such a dull and uninteresting manner. Once this task has been completed, we return to their home where hours of chores and homework await them. Then, each night, they climb into bed, each day bearing more difficultly than the last. This cycle continues for years, the only escape from this cycle being graduating from another brick establishment that has taken all money that one could ever hope to have, and attempting to find a job that might be what you want to do. It is time that we break out of this miserable cycle. This life was meant to be enjoyed by all and to be enjoyed to the fullest. This idea has been broken and shattered beyond recognition, but it still remains. The idea that we can be exactly who we want to be, without having to sell our souls to do so still lingers on, shining, yet unattainable just as a star. We simply must be the glue that binds the broken pieces of this Get more content on
  • 10. Conclusion Of The Declaration Of Independence The Declaration of Independence was created in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson and the Continental Congress. This document is a founding document of the United States because it created the foundation for the United States' government, established independence for the nation, granted equal rights for all citizens, and gave the nation the ability to sell and trade independently. As a founding father of the United States,Thomas jefferson was highly qualified to write the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was elected by the thirteen colonies to draft the document because of his intelligence, experience fighting in the Revolutionary War, status as the founder of the University of Virginia, and role as the third President of the United States. Jefferson also studied at the College of William and Mary in the practice of law. Although most believe Jefferson was the only person involved in writing the Declaration, he actually had a team to help him, called the Continental Congress. This team consisted of Benjamin Franklin from Pennsylvania, John Adams from Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, and Robert Livingston of New York. Jefferson stated "unanimously pressed on myself alone to undertake the draught [sic]. I consented; I drew it; but before I reported it to the committee I communicated it separately to Dr. Franklin and Mr. Adams requesting their corrections. . . I then wrote a fair copy, reported it to the committee, and from them, unaltered to the Congress." Get more content on
  • 11. Declaration Of Sentiments Argument The Declaration of Sentiments was an extremely influential document because it demanded civil liberties for women in the first women's rights convention. This is important as it shows women were no longer afraid from challenging current social barriers. In the first paragraph, Stanton makes it very clear how fiercely she's advocating for these rights. She argues that rights should be given because all people were created equal. God, as she puts it, did not give one individual the power to rule over others, regardless of different characteristics (e.g. gender and race). By using "God" in this context, it shows Stanton as a religious person; therefore, someone who believes in a higher power than government and men. However, it was noted in the Get more content on
  • 12. Thesis Of The Declaration Of Independence Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence for the American colonists to proclaim freedom from Great Britain's dictator, King George III. American colonists had been suffering for many years when this important document was drafted. King George III had pushed the colonists into a state of tyranny and most decided it was time to start an independent nation under a different type of government. Jefferson focused his piece toward many audiences. He wanted not only King George III and the British Parliament to know the American's feelings, but also the entire world. The time had come for an huge change amongst the American colonists and Jefferson made sure everyone was aware of it by using his superior strategies of persuasion. more content... Instead of quoting the entire paragraph I am going to break it down into the parts that express the point most visibly. Jefferson states, "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another". Here he is explaining that there is a need for separation between Great Britain and the American territory. He then says, "A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to separation". Here he gives the reason for the division; in the opinions of mankind, life has become unbearable. The point of this historical piece is simply to announce independence for the Americans from the British for reasons of past Get more content on
  • 13. Declaration Vs Constitution Essay Declaration vs. Constitution Have you ever thought about the relation between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution? The Declaration of Independence is a document that was written on July 4, 1776, to the king of Great Britain from the United States declaring independence. The Constitution was written to establish the government and and laws. The Constitution was heavily influenced by the Declaration. The Declaration specifically influences the Bill of Rights which states all the rights of being an American, that of which the colonies did not receive from the British. The British government abused the colonies by forcing them to provide their mercenaries with any needed accommodations, housing and food. This happened more content... California. In this case, former police officer John Cunningham was convicted of sexual assault of his young son. The judge gave him a maximum of a sixteen year sentence. Cunningham appealed his sentence claiming that the judge violated the sixth amendment. The sixth amendment states, "the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district." Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said that "...under the Sixth Amendment, any fact that exposes a defendant to a greater potential sentence must be found by a jury, not a judge, and established beyond a reasonable doubt, not merely by a preponderance of the evidence." Cunningham was right and was able to get another trail, this time a fair Get more content on
  • 14. Personal Declaration Of Independence Essay Personal Declaration of Independence from Judgement When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary that someone must judge another to reassure their own position as a superior being. It is at this time, those that threaten individuality and culture be reminded that they are made of the same matter that nature intended for us as humans, and these oppressors of unique must now swallow it. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed certain unalienable rights; that among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights are ensured by the humanity of the people around us, and judgement threatens these purest of rights. We must, as people, humans, Get more content on
  • 15. Declaration of Sentiments Declaration of Sentiments The Declarations of sentiments was arguably the most significant document in history for the advancement of women in the nineteenth century America. It was made famous at the first Woman's Rights Convention, held in Seneca Falls, New York, in July of 1848. Drafted by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the declaration outlined a series of grievances resulting from the unfair treatment of women and proposed eleven resolutions arguing that women had the right to equality in all aspects of their lives, including the right to vote. Despite the declarations significance, however, it would be seventy–two years later that women finally won the right to vote. In early societies, women more content... It also protested unequal employment opportunities. Stanton read the declaration paragraph by paragraph, and over the two–days of discussion, the Declaration of Sentiments and 12 resolutions received agreement endorsement, one by one, with a few amendments.
  • 16. The only resolution that did not pass unanimously was the call for women's authorization. The Seneca Falls convention generated widespread ridicule and even hostility, primarily from religious leaders and the press. An article in the Philadelphia Public Ledger and Daily Transcript (September 1848) opined that, unlike the Seneca Falls women, the women of Philadelphia were "celebrated for discretion, modesty, and unfeigned diffidence" rather than "standing out for woman's rights." After all, the writer reasoned, "A woman is nobody. A wife is everything. A pretty girl is equal to ten thousand men, and a mother is, next to God, all powerful......The ladies of Philadelphia, 3 Metz therefore.....are resolved to maintain their rights as wives, belles, virgins, and mothers, and not as women" (Stanton, Anthony, and Gage, p. 804). Women's rights conventions were held on a regular basis until the start of the Civil War. Elizabeth Cady Stanton traveled the country lecturing and organizing for Get more content on
  • 17. "All Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among there are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". It is in this sentence from the Declaration of Independence, that the idea of the American dream has its roots. The phrase, "the American dream" can mean many different things, but among the most basic interpretation is that America is a land of opportunity and freedom for all who come to it. The idea of the American dream has influenced people to come to America in search of economic opportunities, political choice, and religious freedom. When the Declaration of Independence was written, Europe still had a basic caste system in place. If you were born a poor peasant, more content... This principle alone has inspired millions to come to America in hope of a better future for themselves and their descendents. From the Irish peasants fleeing starvation in the 17th century, to modern–day Hispanics seeking employment, people have always looked to America as a land in which to prosper. Next, people have been drawn to America for the unique political and governmental system. Tyranny, oppression, and dictatorships in countries all across the globe made America seem like a glowing beacon of safety. The idea of a representative government, in which the individual saw that their voice could be both heard and protected, was astounding to some. Our founding fathers created a government that would serve the people and guard both their rights and freedoms. For example, the freedoms of speech and assembly lured Russians from the communist Soviet Union in the past. In modern times, Cubans have fled the oppression of their dictator, Fidel Castro. Lastly, the American dream could not be complete without the principle of religious freedom. This was the sole reason the Pilgrims first came to the Americas; they were escaping persecution in their native country. "For men came across the sea not merely to find new soil for their plows but to win freedom for their souls, to think and speak and worship as they Get more content on
  • 18. Balfour Declaration Essay Over the next couple of years there was an anti–Zionist movement halted any advancement of the declaration. This anti–Zionist was a result of fear that by British condoning Zionism it would start a threat to the Jews who had settled in Europe and America. The other fear is the thought that it would also encourage anti–Semitic violence in the countries that were fighting Britain. This anti–Zionist movement was stopped and after sometime gained the approval of France, the United States and Italy the British government continued on with its plan. Finally, the Balfour Declaration was immediately mandated and established. This mandate, which was established by the Versailles Treaty of 1919 (cite), gave Britain the power with temporary government over Palestine. This was established the agreement that they would work with both the Jewish and Arab citizens. This caused uproar by most of the Arabs in Palestine. They were angered by the lack of community and self–governing system they had been told they would receive if the fought in the war more content... The same exact day that this happened U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized also acknowledged it as a state. In the past the United States had been an advocate for the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Although, President Franklin D. Roosevelt promised the Arabs in the 1940's that the United States would not interfere with that area without talking to both the Jewish people and the Arabic people in that area. The British, as stated earlier, held the temporary governing power for Palestine. They were against both the establishment of a Jewish state and an Arab state in the land of Palestine. They were also against the idea of unrestricted immigration of Jewish refugees to the area. Great Britain, from a political and economic interest, wanted to keep their positive relationship with the Arabs in order to protect these Get more content on
  • 19. Thomas Jefferson and The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson was the author of The Declaration of Independence, and according to Bellis, Jefferson was also a jurist, a diplomat, a writer, an inventor, a philosopher, an architect, a gardener, a negotiator of Louisiana Purchase, but he only requested three of his many accomplishments to be noted on his tomb. (2005). Thomas Jefferson was a very smart politician and he knew what to say to whom in order to enhance their support. This essay will be an analytical paper discussing Thomas Jefferson and The Declaration of Independence. It will also clarify the basic ideas contained in The Declaration of Independence; the influence of the Declaration upon American War of Independence, more content... His friend James Madison succeeded Jefferson as president in 1809, and during the last seventeen years of his life, he stayed at his mansion, Monticello. Just hours before his close friend Adam was to signing the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, 1826. As he also wished that his tombstone reflects the things that he had given the people, not the people that had given to him. HERE WAS BURIED THOMAS JEFFERSON AUTHOR OF THE DECLARATION OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE OF THE STATUTE OF VIRGINIA FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND FATHER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA BORN APRIL 2. 1743. O.S. DIED JULY 4. 1826 Declaration of Independence:
  • 20. In 1776, since Jefferson was a member of Continental Congress, he was chosen to draft the Declaration of Independence, since he was a member of Continental Congress. (Brief...Jefferson, 2005). Looking back in High School, the class discussion about The Declaration of Independence was that Jefferson predicted the coming of great changes in America within the times that he lived in. He wrote this document for the American Citizens at the time, and it still exists today. The Declaration personified many of the ideas that separated the colonies from England and therefore the process of creating a new country begun. The Get more content on
  • 21. Declaration of Independence Essay example Thomas Jefferson is probably the most important person of the American Revolution. Many other prosperous and expressive young people were radical and serious; however the Congress's most significant task was given to Thomas Jefferson – to compose the Declaration of Independence. People from the committee of the congress such as, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston selected Jefferson to compose the Declaration's first draft. They were all aware that he was able to produce powerful and striking sentences. Thomas Jefferson did not get to the basis of the Declaration of independence by meditation or prediction, nor by his own experience. He was clever and capable enough to use what he had learned from more content... However it should be mentioned that in that time concepts of sovereignty, of individual were related to classical and mediaeval thought, the rights of the individual were not a topic and the citizen did not rule but was ruled. Furthermore, there is no minimizing on Jefferson's views on Negro limits such as his proclamation that blacks lack beauty, intelligence, and most skills except music. So his concept of these human topics was completely different from the concept that we generally share today especially in civilized societies. Nevertheless he should not be blamed because that was probably the best that could have been driven from philosophical points of view in that time. The Declaration of independence contains the exact proof of the attitude of its creators i.e. Thomas Jefferson speaking in the name of the members of the congress who had chosen him to be their voice. They probably had the same conceptual viewing of the previously mentioned issues. His exact words "...We hold these truths to be self–evident..." discuss the unalienable Rights: Life–the general or universal condition of human existence. This dictionary definition does not make the distinction between other animals and man in different aspects of the moral sense and if we consider the moral sense it is not only man's highest faculty Get more content on
  • 22. Declaration of Independence Living in the 1700's difficult times were most probable of happening. During that time period, America was all over the place both good and bad. Late 1700's we had "bad beef" with Great Britain. We had the Revolutionary War, Boston Tea Party, and many other conflicts having to do with them. Which caused them to think coming into our place thinking it is theirs by raising taxes on tea and stamps? After years, the U.S. became really tired of all the wars and their mistreating actions toward our people. The U.S. made a treaty with our founding fathers to Great Britain and is still named till this day the Declaration of Independence. It says in the Declaration; "We hold these truths to be self–evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain enailienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." America, would have never had liberty or happiness if Britain kept running us as they were. If it were not for the Declaration of Independence, we would not have been able to keep all our more content... The U.S. would never workout if it was a monarchy mostly because we are the country that we come for freedom that citizens want more than what people want for them. Our mother country, Great Britain, is doing fine right now, but being in a monarchy such as them it would not change at all considering your making the same decisions as your ancestors. Which the country would like a change and other people might have better ideas on how to run the country better. More ideas and more money ideas because in reality the world runs around with money. The Declaration of Independence saved us from becoming a monarchy and having the same traditional things and fights for the same thing. Not all bad come from monarchies though. There come good in Get more content on