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The 40 best ways
to personalize
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
The 40 best ways to personalize
Website personalization has been rapidly evolving over
the past 10 years. In the ecommerce space, product
recommendation engines were the first real move away
from a one size fits all website. These engines provided a
somewhat “personal” recommendation of products based
on previous buying and browsing behaviors of visitors.
However, it wasn’t until A/B testing came along that
ecommerce professionals started to look at personalization
as more than just algorithmic product curation. We are now
graduating into a new phase where customer segmentation
capabilities and the ability to serve targeted content in real-
time are a viable reality for most ecommerce businesses.
This fundamentally changes marketing’s capabilities online.
No longer is the brick and mortar store the only place that
the customer can see the personal face of the business.
Personalization bridges the gap between the clicks and
the bricks.
The science of personalization is often about taking
content you already have and making sure it meets the
right visitors at the right stage of the purchase lifecycle.
Use this ebook as a handy resource to gauge which tactics
suit your business and identify the best areas for you to drive
conversions, fast.
For more detailed case studies, visit our website:
#1 Content engagement	 4
Special selections	
Promote buying guides
Size guides
About us
Read our blog
#2 Abandonment prevention	
Free shipping offer
Email Collection
Reinforce unique selling points
#3 Geotargeting	 20
Store locator
Click and collect
Location branding
Site redirects
Currency conversion
Delivery info
#4 Targeted upsell	 30
Gift wrapping
Delivery threshold
Discounted items
Free items
Recommended accessories
#5 Persuasive designs	 38
Limited time offer
Low stock pointer
Add to wishlist
Number of current observers
Number of recent purchasers
#6 Intelligent merchandizing
Weather targeting
New in
Latest offers
What’s hot
#7 Offers and discounts	 56
Money off
Percentage off
Loyalty offers
Referral schemes
#8 Messaging and campaigns	
Campaign mirroring
As seen on TV
Welcome message
Smart landing pages
#9 Data capture and reviews	
Feedback collection
Review optimization
14 48
82More useful resources...
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Online shopping is no longer simply about
the utility of the website and the moment that
the customer makes a transaction. Ecommerce
websites are also places to curate a brand and
interact with the customer. The role of editorial
content, blogs, size guides and photography are
paramount to engage and educate your customer.
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Special selections
What is it?
Promote a variety of your highest performing content.
Your site might have had a guest blogger, or your editor
might have made a particularly special choice. Or perhaps
you have an array of content that doesn’t fall into any
specific category you want to promote. Don’t feel bashful:
direct your visitors towards things you think they’ll enjoy!
Example company: Whistles
Whistles keep their homepage fresh by interweaving
their products into editorial content that appeals to the
customer’s sense of style in a wider sense. This could be
personalized further by segmenting this content for different
users based on their visitor history or geolocation.
Local store details and seasonal picks keep Whistles’ homepage fresh
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Promote buying guides
What is it?
Whether it’s complicated holiday planning, or simply
showing international size guides, help your customers
purchase by giving them the information they need.
Sometimes it’s difficult to know exactly how to purchase
from a given website. Insurance companies don’t have
baskets, for example. So if your company has a non
standard model, you need to make sure your customers
aren’t confused.
Qubit case study: Farfetch
Farfetch, a non-traditional retailer, analysed the value
of different content pages by comparing the conversion
rates of groups of visitors who had or had not viewed that
content. They found that visitors who had engaged with
the site’s FAQ page had a greater propensity to convert.
By serving a layer directing people to this section of the
website, they increased the conversion rate by 17%.
A signpost to the FAQs for lost visitors, useful when you ship to over 280 countries!
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Size guides
What is it?
Serve your users with size guides to explain exactly how
well your products will fit.
Returns are already enough of an issue for online retailers,
so ensuring customers have as much information as
possible about your products is vital.
Example company: Bravissimo
Bravissimo understands when a user is uncertain about
sizing and puts two of the same items, but of different sizes,
into their basket. When this happens, the user is directed
towards the size guide to help them find the perfect fit.
About us
What is it?
Promote the best things about your brand by ensuring that
you educate your customer when they land.
Getting people to the checkout is not simply about showing
them your best products. It’s also about getting people
excited about your brand by giving them an experience that
they enjoy. One way of doing this is by pointing them to
your “About page” in order to educate your customer about
who you are, how the site works, and what you stand for.
Qubit case study: Attraction Tickets Direct
Using Qubit, Attraction Tickets Direct found that people
who saw the About Us page were 14% more likely to book
attraction tickets. They wanted to drive more traffic to this
page to reinforce the brand message, so they served a layer
prompting the customer toward the About Us page.
Handy signpost in
the top right directs
visitors to a tailored
size guide
Not sure if this is the right holiday
for you? A signpost to ‘About us’ is
a good reassurance measure
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Read our blog
What is it?
Include enticing content on your website that not only
informs customers, but engages them with your brand.
The longer people spend on your website, the more they’ll
be disposed towards purchasing something. If you have
helpful content, point them in this direction and watch
your engagement levels go up. Even Amazon, the king
of catalogue websites, has a thriving hub of social activity
focused around list making and reviews.
Example company: Playstation
Playstation’s blog is filled with enticing content. While
many console gamers have already chosen their side in
this war, Sony uses a wealth of creative, engaging content
to persuade newcomers that their side is the one to back.
Playstation does a good job of sorting their blog content
by console type and highlighting the most popular content
by showing the number of comments. When you have
a blog this good, you need to make sure you signpost it
throughout the user journey to boost engagement.
Dynamic masonry and comments bring the Playstation blog alive
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Reduce the rate of abandonment by serving
people with relevant messaging just before they
leave your site. You can serve your customers
with a variety of different messages that will
incentivize them to either purchase a product,
stay on your website, or return at a later date.
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Free shipping offer
What is it?
Target customers with free shipping when they are leaving
the site.
The cost of shipping is often tacked on at the end of the
buying process and can put people off if they haven’t been
alerted to it. Offering free shipping at the right time may just
tempt an uncertain shopper to buy.
Example company: L.K Bennett
L.K.Bennett used Qubit’s visitor history data in order to target
users who had added items to their basket, who had not
purchased before, and who were abandoning their basket.
This personalization drove conversions by 11%.
Email collection
What is it?
Ask abandoning visitors for their email address in a pop-up
box. You don’t ask, you don’t get.
You can remind them of their basket a week later, when
they might have had more time to consider the purchase.
People often don’t want to purchase on their first visit to
a site, and can be forgetful when they leave.
Example company: Urban Outfitters
Asking visitors who are unsure about buying right away for
their email address is a great way to initiate a relationship.
Urban Outfitters target all new customers with a lightbox
that asks customers to sign up for their newsletter. The
newsletter itself is even personalized for guys and girls!
Free shipping,
but only for
visitors who are
on the fence Quick newsletter sign up, targeted at new visitors
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Reinforce unique selling points
What is it?
Do you offer full value returns or have a service that none of
your competitors have? Make your customers aware of your
unique selling points.
For new customers especially, it’s important to make sure
they understand all the things that make your brand special
so they’ll invest over the long term.
Example company: Winkelstraat
For first time visitors, Winkelstraat deploys an in-page
message with three core USPs. For any non-Dutch speakers
out there, these are: Free shipping, next day delivery
and free 14 day return policy. These are shown on the
homepage when people first arrive at the site.
USPs worth shouting about, Winklestaad states them loud and clear
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
By being able to gauge the location of a user,
you can target them with specific offers, direct
them to nearby shops, see what their weather
looks like and so on. Hyper-local targeting
allows you to personalize the customer
experience fully. It’s a very powerful tool!
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Store locator
What is it?
Advertise any stores opening near the location of each
visitor, or simply tell them where the nearest store
can be found.
There’s no need for your website to cannibalize your brick-
and-mortar locations. Drive offline conversions and appeal
to the customer who wants to see the item in-store by
highlighting its existence on your website.
Example company: Belstaff
Belstaff targeted users that had viewed the store locator
after browsing several product pages. These users seemed
to be interested in purchasing, but also in going to see the
physical product before making a final commitment. Belstaff
used a layer offering the option to click-and-collect an item
from the store. This kind of helpful prompt is a great way to
engage a visitor who is clearly interested in your proposition.
Belstaff drove casual browsers to the store locator page
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Click and collect
What is it?
People like to shop how they want, when they want.
So offer the option to buy online but pick up in person.
Consumers increasingly expect to be able to pick up their
goods where and when they choose. Sometimes you
don’t want to have to wait at home for it to be delivered.
You might, instead, want to get the product faster than the
estimated delivery time, or have a look at the item in the
flesh before taking it back with you.
Example company: Tesco
Supermarkets can be a real hassle to walk around, what
with strollers, huge trolleys and a wealth of people to
contend with. Allowing your customers to shop online and
then come to pick it up is a real time saver for customers.
Offer this service to visitors who live near an offline store!
Location branding
What is it?
Alter the look and service of your website so that it’s
appropriate for your customers, wherever they may hail from.
Mother’s day is celebrated on 33 different days around
the world. If you’ve localized your content to take it into
account, you don’t want to show it to everyone. If you’ve
got location specific content, ensure it only appears to
customers from that location.
Qubit case study: Childrensalon
Childrensalon thought that more overseas visitors would
convert if they realized they could chat to a customer
service representative in their native tongue. A message
layer was created for each of the target markets, asking
whether they would like to live chat with a customer service
representative in their language. This personalization drove
a 13% increase in conversions.
Click and collect, great for local shoppers
“Speak to customer
services in your
native language”
in Arabic
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Site redirects
What is it?
You might have a variety of different websites optimized for
different markets. Detect where people are coming from,
and serve them the right content.
It’s never a great experience to go to a Japanese website
and have to translate it into English using Google Translate.
Remove this barrier to conversion and a great customer
experience by optimizing for your largest geographical
Example company: Carrefour
Carrefour made a new version of their website specifically
for their growing Chinese market. They could personalize
this service further by using geolocation to detect whether
their user is in China and reverting to this site automatically. Translating your site for international markets is a sure way to drive conversions
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Currency conversion
What is it?
Detect where a visitor is coming from and show all your
product prices in the relevant currency.
You want to remove as many of the barriers to conversion
as you can. In this case, failing to convert for your customers
will harm the amount they’ll be willing to convert for you!
Example company: Alibaba
Alibaba shows why it’s the leader in the East: it detects
where Western visitors are from and shows them the prices
in dollars.
Delivery info
What is it?
Your delivery costs might change depending on where
a person is in the world. Detect where your customer is
visiting from, and then serve them the relevant information.
Nothing puts people off delivery more than a hidden cost
because of their location. If I’m going to be charged more
because of where I live, I want to know before I begin with
the transaction!
Example company: DFS
DFS hypothesized that clearer European shipping
information would improve conversions. They served a layer
to visitors according to where they were, and pushed them
to use DFS’s free call back service for further information.
This personalization drove a 23% increase in conversion
rates for international users.
Local currency conversions make it easier to shop internationally
A delivery message, served to European visitors
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Targeted upsell
Customers are often open to the idea of
purchasing other items along with their initial
purchase. You just have to target them with the
right message. Sometimes driving conversions
isn’t the best way to make more money. Revenue
is the multiplication of the number of conversions
with the average order value. You can increase
either for a win!
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Delivery threshold
What is it?
Offer your customers free shipping when they spend
over a certain threshold.
It can be a real disincentive to purchase when you feel
like you are being scalped for shipping. But while most
customers understand it costs a significant amount to do
it, they just don’t like the hidden cost of $5 on a $50 item.
Make it known that they can get money off by spending
more and they will!
Example company: New Look
New Look offer free delivery for items over a certain
threshold for all delivery methods.
Gift wrapping
What is it?
Offer gift wrapping as an additional item in the basket,
for added convenience that will delight your customers.
This is especially important at Christmas.
Gift wrapping removes stress from the customer if the
purchase is intended as a gift. This is particularly useful
in industries that customarily sell products that are given
as gifts, such as jewelry or flowers.
Example company: Things Remembered
Things Remembered offer personalized gifts and wrapping
services, complete with a variety of professional or personal
message ideas.
Personalize your
package as well as
using wrapping to
increase average
order value
Make sure people who are near a shipping threshold
receive the appropriate messaging
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
What is it?
If your company sells high-order goods, you might possibly
offer insurance alongside it. Adding insurance to the product
page communicates both a sense of value for the product
and raises average order values.
Some products are just too expensive to leave their safety
up to chance. Sometimes the risk is high: for example, you
don’t want to get stranded without health insurance if you
go skiing.
Example company: Thomas Cook
Every time you go on holiday, Thomas Cook offers you
travel insurance for both single and multiple trips, depending
on whether you are a frequent flier.
Discounted items
What is it?
Bundle products together to create a discount for price
sensitive users.
Some users are always on the lookout for a bargain. Target
them with your best offers once they’ve put something in
their basket to drive up average order values.
Example company: Moss Bros
Moss Bros target users with an offer of two shirts with a suit
at a significant discount.
Discounts are great for visitors who need a little push to convert.
Tailor your insurance options based on holiday history
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Free items
What is it?
Offer your customers an additional free item once they
spend over a certain threshold.
Everyone loves a free gift. Doubly so if it’s relevant to
you. Offer your customer free, relevant useful items to
incentivize them to spend more. If you bundle products
together for the purposes of cross-selling, sometimes it
can make sense to offer, ‘buy two get one free’.
Example company: Toys R Us
When a customer spends over $100 online, they will
automatically email you with a voucher for $15. This not
only encourages you to spend more the first time around,
it also gives you an incentive to come back later!
Recommended accessories
What is it?
Some products go together, some don’t. You might expect
someone to buy a belt with a pair of pants, for example.
Recommend accessories that match their chosen product!
Grouping together products in this way allows customers
to benefit from the natural synergies between products
without having to travel all over the website.
Example company: ASOS
ASOS offers you an unobtrusive yet helpful set of items
to go along with your chosen product.
Free coupons for
big spenders
the look
with ASOS
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
There are six principles of persuasion: reciprocity,
commitment, social proof, authority, liking and
scarcity. Persuasive designs tend to pull the scarcity
lever, creating urgency and driving people towards
taking action.
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Limited time offer
What is it?
All offers last for a limited time, but you can go one
step further and add a sense of urgency by including
a countdown to the end of the offer.
Scarcity is one of the most potent of the six principles of
persuasion and the easiest one to implement on your site.
People hate to miss out on a deal, so show them exactly
how long they’ve got to make their purchase!
Qubit case study: Best of the Best
Best of the Best run competitions every two weeks where
visitors can win their dream car. They previously had a
countdown timer for the duration of the competition,
however this wasn’t pushing enough visitors to convert.
They hypothesised if they started the timer closer to the
end, urgency would cause more customers to enter. After
implementing the shorter time period, Best of the Best saw
a 5% uplift in conversions.
Deploying the timer nearer the end of the competition created more urgency
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Add to wishlist
What is it?
Promote your wishlist function so customers can store
goods they want without having to purchase them then
and there.
Wishlists are great because they enable customers to set
aside some products for later, without having to commit
to paying now. This gives you the opportunity to send
reminders and upsell emails.
Example company Amazon
Amazon’s wishlist allows you to add any product you want,
as well as offering an extension, which enables you to add
products from their affiliates too.
Low stock pointer
What is it?
A stock counter showing products that are about to run out.
Urgency is one of the most basic ways of persuading
someone to purchase. If your product is running low, serving
someone with information about how many items are left
can be really persuasive. It’s the ultimate scarcity tactic.
Qubit case study: Accessorize / Monsoon
Monsoon and Accessorize weren’t showing the number of
items in stock for each of their stocked items. Using Qubit,
they we able to add a pointer showing the stock level if
there were less than three items available. This change
resulted in a 10% increase in conversions and was rolled
out across all their international sites.
Showing your wishlist at the right time can keep visitors engaged
Low stock
pointer, does
what some
CMS’s can’t do
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Number of current observers
What is it?
As part of the product page, include the number of people
looking at the product.
Popularity breeds popularity. If many people are looking
at one item, it will make other people interested. If the
product is perishable, it also gives a sense of urgency to the
purchase: if I don’t buy it now, maybe someone else will!
Example company: is a busy website. If you’re looking at a popular
product, you won’t just know that because of the amount
of reviews, they’ll also tell exactly how many people are
looking at it right now. When customers are worried about a
hotel booking selling out, there’s nothing more incentivizing
than seeing that your competition is looking at it right now!
Think of it as the online equivalent of viewing a house at the
same time as your competition.
Real-time viewer numbers persuade visitors to buy asap
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Number of recent purchasers
What is it?
Record the number of people who purchase a product
over a specific length of time and serve it to your current
This has a similar function to a list of best sellers. People
flock to popular items. If you can see that 12 other people in
your area are considering the same purchase, it validates the
purchase decision.
Example company: Naked Wines
Naked Wines have a feed where they show the wines that
people have bought in the past few minutes. You can see,
in real-time, just how popular a given product or website is.
Socially driven, stock recommendations show what’s really trending
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Merchandizing allows you to promote individual
products or product ranges for almost any
reason. Using your authority as a website,
recommend the appropriate product for the
time of year, weather or emotional state
of your customer!
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Weather targeting
What is it?
Use geo-targeting to pin-point your customer’s location,
then provide offers tailored to the local conditions.
Sunglasses for the sun, and raincoats for the rain.
Customers may respond to the weather in a variety of
different ways. If you have a great understanding of your
customers and how they respond, you can target them
more effectively. For example, rainy days might make travel
companies a killing in beach holidays, and retail companies
might sell a lot of umbrellas.
Qubit case study: Burton
Burton personalized their homepage by dynamically
adjusting the products on display based on the visitor’s
local weather conditions. A tile on the homepage was taken
over and directed users to weather appropriate products.
This would rotate between three different creatives: one
with the visitor’s local weather and temperature, another
with the ‘B prepared’ icon, and lastly, a styled photograph.
As a result of this weather test, Burton had an 11.6% uplift
in conversions across all users.
Whatever you local weather,
Burton has the clothing for you
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Latest offers
What is it?
Collect together your latest offers to ensure price-sensitive
consumers know where to go.
Product fatigue can hit fast if people have browsed your
website a few times and haven’t found anything they want.
Why would they come back? Publicizing the latest additions
to your range will ensure your customers will keep on
Example company: Freshpair
This company ask you to sign up for their email list on entry,
allowing them to contact the customer with ideas, offers
and new products even when they have abandoned the site.
The persuasive tone of the message is particularly key here:
it entices the customer with a direct message to “be the first
to know”.
New in
What is it?
Try and leverage the new items in your product range
by highlighting them as new to your customers.
New products often have a high conversion rate, partly
for the novelty factor. However, if you hide them away,
you are only promoting them to your most frequently
visiting customers. Ensure everyone gets a shot at being
as up to date as they can by promoting your new lines.
Example company: Baublebar
This company have their priorities straight and keep their
new lines at the top of the page, right where customers
can see them!
New arrivals, great for returning visitors
Creating a personal dialogue
means customers can always
get the freshest undies
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
What’s hot
What is it?
Due to the viral nature of the internet, sometimes individual
products take off for no discernible reason. Keep track of
the hottest items and promote them further when you see
them fly off the shelves.
Customers will often come to your site in search of
inspiration! If they are impatient and can’t find something
interesting, they may leave your site. A ‘What’s hot?’ section
deals with this neatly.
Example company:
Abe’s Market has a useful section entitled, ‘This month
on Abes’. They fill you in on what’s selling well, what they
recommend, and how they would use the products.
Directing visitors to your ‘What’s hot’ section often drives conversions and increases order values
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Offers and
As examined in our recent report, The Value of
Customer Feedback, customers complain about
price more than anything else. One of the best
ways to incentivize purchasing is offering people
a deal.
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Money off
What is it?
Target specific users with discounts by serving a layer
or banner on your website.
Price is the biggest source of complaint for visitors to
websites, so offering discounts on price will often lead
to more purchases. Of course, you have to be careful
of cannibalizing your top line, so proceed with caution.
Example company:
Each day uses “flash deals” which place
an item on offer and then counts down the time left for the
customer to buy it. This combines a discount tactic with an
urgency message which proves very effective. This could be
personalized further by targeting specific users with specific
products that matches their visitor history.
Percentage off
What is it?
Serve a discount message offering a percentage off
a purchase.
Discounts will nudge people towards specific products, but
sometimes a percentage discount will look more impressive
than an absolute value.
Example company: Topman
Topman offers percentage discounts off selected ranges,
incentivizing those who are sensitive to a deal to purchase.
Flash deals are a great way to shift excessive stock.
Recognise when you need to shift stock quickly and introduce sales
to speed things up
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Loyalty offers
What is it?
Reward your customers for returning frequently or spending
lavishly. You can do this through a loyalty scheme or with
free gifts.
Your returning customers will form the majority of your
income. Using loyalty offers will engage with existing
customers and encourage them to come back for more!
Example company: Gilt
Gilt have a membership group called Noir. If you become
a member you receive special offers, invitation to events,
and secret previews of their new products. Noir members
represent the top 1% of Gilt shoppers (in terms of money
spent) and this privilege is removed if you fall out of the top
1%. Exclusivity works well to incentivize customer loyalty.
Recognize your highest value customers and invite them to your VIP spaces
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Referral schemes
What is it?
Offer your customers rewards if they recommend your
website to their friends. You can incentivize them with free
credit, or money off a range of products.
People who are given recommendations by their friends are
not only more likely to make a first purchase, but they are
more likely to become repeat customers. Gaining
a customer’s trust is a difficult thing for companies, and
nobody is better suited to help than their friends.
Example company: Uber
When you join Uber, you have the option to generate a
code that, when clicked on by a friend, will reward both
the linker and the linkee with a £10 discount on their next
taxi journey.
Turn your customers in ambassadors with targeted loyalty schemes
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
and campaigns
Different people have different needs at each
stage of the purchase lifecycle. First timers need
a warm welcome, whereas people who are visiting
from a campaign will feel reassured if there is
continuity between what they see on your website
and what drew them there in the first place. Here
are some great examples of seeing this in action.
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Campaign mirroring
What is it?
Match content onsite with other campaigns, reminding
customers of products and deals they have seen elsewhere.
For example, serve specific messages to those on your
mailing list who came through a promotion in their email.
Making your campaigns specific to the path your customers
took ensures that their path to purchase is streamlined.
It reminds them of why they came and encourages them
to purchase.
Example company: Dorothy Perkins
Dorothy Perkins did an email blast to their UK database
promoting a 25% off sale with free next day delivery.
To accompany the email blast, an on-page layer was
shown to shoppers visiting the UK site on product, bag
and checkout pages. This message served as a prompt
to remind shoppers to enter their discount code.
Mirror locally relevant campaigns on your website to create consistent experiences
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
As seen on TV
What is it?
Align your online messaging with your television ads.
There’s no point sending your customers to your website
with a great campaign if they aren’t then shown the same
branding. A disconnected experience can put consumers off.
Example company: Windows
The Windows television adverts align closely with their
onsite messaging, including a tour of their new operating
system, along with images of couples exploring and
experiencing it.
Whatever campaign you have running above the line, create consistency on your website
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The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
What is it?
Promote different products at different points of the year.
It sounds obvious but customers are more likely to buy
winter appropriate clothing during the winter. Nobody wants
to be targeted with a pair of sunglasses when it’s still dark
before they leave work.
Example company: H&M
H&M publicize their springtime range loud and clear on the
front page. This is not just about new arrivals, this is about
a new season. H&M do this every few weeks to reflect the
frequency of their new stock. This is an interesting example
of real-time retailing in action!
Welcome message
What is it?
Make your customers feel welcome by targeting them
with a message that highlights your unique selling points.
Websites can be confusing places. A welcome message can
be used to point your customers in the right direction.
Qubit case study: Crew Clothing
Crew hypothesized that new visitors needed to understand
their brand more clearly before they would purchase.
They designed three new messages to show on the first,
second and third visits. The first encouraged email sign
up, the second free delivery, and the third highlighted their
customer service. On average, the effect of seeing any one
of these messages increased conversions by 7.4%.
Crew welcomed
new visitors with
free shipping or
a USP message
Ensure you
have the agility
to respond
to the latest
72 73
The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Smart landing pages
What is it?
Smart landing pages combine analytics with an ability to
dynamically change site content in real-time. For example,
if you knew a customer had purchased from your site
before, you would want to display your new range.
Whereas if they are new to the site, you could display
your most popular products.
Targeted merchandizing allows you to personalize the
experience of shopping online, ensuring that customers
will find your most useful content in the shortest amount
of time. Truly understanding your customer will drive sales,
increase average order value, and improve your conversion
Example company: Jet2
Jet2 remembers the journeys that you have previously
searched for and will automatically fill in the information
on the homepage. On returning, customers do not have
the hassle of re-filling in options but can resume the
process quickly.
Remembered search saves Jet2 customers valuable time
74 75
The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Data capture
and reviews
Collecting valuable feedback or extra information
from your visitors will mould your digital strategy
to ensure that you are creating a desirable user
76 77
The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Feedback collection
What is it?
Serving customers with an opportunity to leave feedback
in the form of an open text box. We, at Qubit, tend to do
this when a visitor looks like they’re leaving; but you can
do it at any point in their journey.
With the rise of analytics, it has become much easier to
measure the activities of users quantitatively. However, even
if you have the best data in the world, diagnosing exactly
what the problem is can be tricky. Qualitative information
can, therefore, give your data direction by helping to shape
your response to quantitative insights.
Example company: Jimmy Choo
Jimmy Choo serve users who seem like they’re leaving the
site with a feedback box, offering them the opportunity
to communicate their concerns. They ask an open ended
question when it looks like people are about to leave
the site. People who breeze through the site may never
encounter this box.
Stylish feedback box from Jimmy Choo only fires if visitors are about leave
78 79
The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
Review optimization
What is it?
Integrate customer reviews into your product page to create
extra trust.
Reviews create transparency in your brand, showcasing
what people really think. This ‘voice of the customer’ greatly
amplifies whatever you can say about the product.
Example company: Travelzoo
Travelzoo have taken this one step further by integrating
Feefo, a 3rd party application onto their site. Feefo rates the
experience that others have received and gives the visitor
an external reference on your services. Applications such as
Feefo can be deployed intelligently to maximise ROI based
on factors including user behaviour and product value.
Feefo can be deployed to specific visitor segments using A/B testing platforms
80 81
The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
More useful resources...
Website personalization and A/B testing practises are
still in their relative infancy. We are observing more
and more, companies making the graduation from A/B
testing to personalization. They use technologies such
as Qubit to enable their sites to adapt in real-time to the
changing needs of different consumers. Typically these
personalization tools have been developed to extend the
core functionalities of ecommerce CMS platforms, giving
marketers more control over their sites and greater ability
to target specific visitors with specific content.
Where marketers are sometimes let down is not knowing
exactly what to change, and for which audience. This is
where hypothesis generation comes into play. If you work
from a valid hypothesis, borne out of your visitor data, you
are more likely to deliver a personalization that will drive
a significant uplift. And herein lies the second issue...
Many A/B testing technologies on the market are quick
to claim to winning result. The truth is that ‘significant’
winners are often difficult to prove when taking into
account statistical noise, false positives and insufficient
sample size. Below are three useful reads that shed
more light on this issue as well as showing several of
the innovative segmentations that Qubit test against.
How to become an AB testing professional!
More inspirational case studies
Research: The value of customer feedback
82 83
The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
About Qubit
Qubit is a Digital Experience Management hub built around
the needs of modern ecommerce professionals. We give
you the agility, and the confidence, to optimize your website
and deliver personalizations that will actually impact the
bottom line.
Our platform brings together several key technologies that
help you understand the needs of your visitors, personalize
the online experience and spread useful data throughout
your business:
Personalisation and A/B testing
Audience segmentation
Web intelligence
Tag management
To date, we’ve helped Staples, Topshop, All Saints,
Farfetch and John Lewis improve their conversion
rates and become more nimble in their marketing
and ecommerce operations.
If you want to join great company, or for more information
about our products and research, please contact
Real insights. Real uplifts.
The 40 best ways to personalize
UK +44 (0) 203 551 3990 US +1 (646)

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The 40 best ways to personalize

  • 1. 1 2014 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014
  • 2. 2 3 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 The 40 best ways to personalize Website personalization has been rapidly evolving over the past 10 years. In the ecommerce space, product recommendation engines were the first real move away from a one size fits all website. These engines provided a somewhat “personal” recommendation of products based on previous buying and browsing behaviors of visitors. However, it wasn’t until A/B testing came along that ecommerce professionals started to look at personalization as more than just algorithmic product curation. We are now graduating into a new phase where customer segmentation capabilities and the ability to serve targeted content in real- time are a viable reality for most ecommerce businesses. This fundamentally changes marketing’s capabilities online. No longer is the brick and mortar store the only place that the customer can see the personal face of the business. Personalization bridges the gap between the clicks and the bricks. The science of personalization is often about taking content you already have and making sure it meets the right visitors at the right stage of the purchase lifecycle. Use this ebook as a handy resource to gauge which tactics suit your business and identify the best areas for you to drive conversions, fast. For more detailed case studies, visit our website: #1 Content engagement 4 Special selections Promote buying guides Size guides About us Read our blog #2 Abandonment prevention Free shipping offer Email Collection Reinforce unique selling points #3 Geotargeting 20 Store locator Click and collect Location branding Site redirects Currency conversion Delivery info #4 Targeted upsell 30 Gift wrapping Delivery threshold Discounted items Insurance Free items Recommended accessories #5 Persuasive designs 38 Limited time offer Low stock pointer Add to wishlist Number of current observers Number of recent purchasers #6 Intelligent merchandizing Weather targeting New in Latest offers What’s hot #7 Offers and discounts 56 Money off Percentage off Loyalty offers Referral schemes #8 Messaging and campaigns Campaign mirroring As seen on TV Welcome message Seasonals Smart landing pages #9 Data capture and reviews Feedback collection Review optimization 14 48 64 74 82More useful resources...
  • 3. 4 5 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 #1 Content engagement Online shopping is no longer simply about the utility of the website and the moment that the customer makes a transaction. Ecommerce websites are also places to curate a brand and interact with the customer. The role of editorial content, blogs, size guides and photography are paramount to engage and educate your customer.
  • 4. 6 7 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Special selections What is it? Promote a variety of your highest performing content. Why? Your site might have had a guest blogger, or your editor might have made a particularly special choice. Or perhaps you have an array of content that doesn’t fall into any specific category you want to promote. Don’t feel bashful: direct your visitors towards things you think they’ll enjoy! Example company: Whistles Whistles keep their homepage fresh by interweaving their products into editorial content that appeals to the customer’s sense of style in a wider sense. This could be personalized further by segmenting this content for different users based on their visitor history or geolocation. Local store details and seasonal picks keep Whistles’ homepage fresh
  • 5. 8 9 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Promote buying guides What is it? Whether it’s complicated holiday planning, or simply showing international size guides, help your customers purchase by giving them the information they need. Why? Sometimes it’s difficult to know exactly how to purchase from a given website. Insurance companies don’t have baskets, for example. So if your company has a non standard model, you need to make sure your customers aren’t confused. Qubit case study: Farfetch Farfetch, a non-traditional retailer, analysed the value of different content pages by comparing the conversion rates of groups of visitors who had or had not viewed that content. They found that visitors who had engaged with the site’s FAQ page had a greater propensity to convert. By serving a layer directing people to this section of the website, they increased the conversion rate by 17%. A signpost to the FAQs for lost visitors, useful when you ship to over 280 countries!
  • 6. 10 11 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Size guides What is it? Serve your users with size guides to explain exactly how well your products will fit. Why? Returns are already enough of an issue for online retailers, so ensuring customers have as much information as possible about your products is vital. Example company: Bravissimo Bravissimo understands when a user is uncertain about sizing and puts two of the same items, but of different sizes, into their basket. When this happens, the user is directed towards the size guide to help them find the perfect fit. About us What is it? Promote the best things about your brand by ensuring that you educate your customer when they land. Why? Getting people to the checkout is not simply about showing them your best products. It’s also about getting people excited about your brand by giving them an experience that they enjoy. One way of doing this is by pointing them to your “About page” in order to educate your customer about who you are, how the site works, and what you stand for. Qubit case study: Attraction Tickets Direct Using Qubit, Attraction Tickets Direct found that people who saw the About Us page were 14% more likely to book attraction tickets. They wanted to drive more traffic to this page to reinforce the brand message, so they served a layer prompting the customer toward the About Us page. Handy signpost in the top right directs visitors to a tailored size guide Not sure if this is the right holiday for you? A signpost to ‘About us’ is a good reassurance measure
  • 7. 12 13 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Read our blog What is it? Include enticing content on your website that not only informs customers, but engages them with your brand. Why? The longer people spend on your website, the more they’ll be disposed towards purchasing something. If you have helpful content, point them in this direction and watch your engagement levels go up. Even Amazon, the king of catalogue websites, has a thriving hub of social activity focused around list making and reviews. Example company: Playstation Playstation’s blog is filled with enticing content. While many console gamers have already chosen their side in this war, Sony uses a wealth of creative, engaging content to persuade newcomers that their side is the one to back. Playstation does a good job of sorting their blog content by console type and highlighting the most popular content by showing the number of comments. When you have a blog this good, you need to make sure you signpost it throughout the user journey to boost engagement. Dynamic masonry and comments bring the Playstation blog alive
  • 8. 14 15 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 #2 Abandonment prevention Reduce the rate of abandonment by serving people with relevant messaging just before they leave your site. You can serve your customers with a variety of different messages that will incentivize them to either purchase a product, stay on your website, or return at a later date.
  • 9. 16 17 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Free shipping offer What is it? Target customers with free shipping when they are leaving the site. Why? The cost of shipping is often tacked on at the end of the buying process and can put people off if they haven’t been alerted to it. Offering free shipping at the right time may just tempt an uncertain shopper to buy. Example company: L.K Bennett L.K.Bennett used Qubit’s visitor history data in order to target users who had added items to their basket, who had not purchased before, and who were abandoning their basket. This personalization drove conversions by 11%. Email collection What is it? Ask abandoning visitors for their email address in a pop-up box. You don’t ask, you don’t get. Why? You can remind them of their basket a week later, when they might have had more time to consider the purchase. People often don’t want to purchase on their first visit to a site, and can be forgetful when they leave. Example company: Urban Outfitters Asking visitors who are unsure about buying right away for their email address is a great way to initiate a relationship. Urban Outfitters target all new customers with a lightbox that asks customers to sign up for their newsletter. The newsletter itself is even personalized for guys and girls! Free shipping, but only for visitors who are on the fence Quick newsletter sign up, targeted at new visitors
  • 10. 18 19 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Reinforce unique selling points What is it? Do you offer full value returns or have a service that none of your competitors have? Make your customers aware of your unique selling points. Why? For new customers especially, it’s important to make sure they understand all the things that make your brand special so they’ll invest over the long term. Example company: Winkelstraat For first time visitors, Winkelstraat deploys an in-page message with three core USPs. For any non-Dutch speakers out there, these are: Free shipping, next day delivery and free 14 day return policy. These are shown on the homepage when people first arrive at the site. USPs worth shouting about, Winklestaad states them loud and clear
  • 11. 20 21 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 #3 Geotargeting By being able to gauge the location of a user, you can target them with specific offers, direct them to nearby shops, see what their weather looks like and so on. Hyper-local targeting allows you to personalize the customer experience fully. It’s a very powerful tool!
  • 12. 22 23 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Store locator What is it? Advertise any stores opening near the location of each visitor, or simply tell them where the nearest store can be found. Why? There’s no need for your website to cannibalize your brick- and-mortar locations. Drive offline conversions and appeal to the customer who wants to see the item in-store by highlighting its existence on your website. Example company: Belstaff Belstaff targeted users that had viewed the store locator after browsing several product pages. These users seemed to be interested in purchasing, but also in going to see the physical product before making a final commitment. Belstaff used a layer offering the option to click-and-collect an item from the store. This kind of helpful prompt is a great way to engage a visitor who is clearly interested in your proposition. Belstaff drove casual browsers to the store locator page
  • 13. 24 25 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Click and collect What is it? People like to shop how they want, when they want. So offer the option to buy online but pick up in person. Why? Consumers increasingly expect to be able to pick up their goods where and when they choose. Sometimes you don’t want to have to wait at home for it to be delivered. You might, instead, want to get the product faster than the estimated delivery time, or have a look at the item in the flesh before taking it back with you. Example company: Tesco Supermarkets can be a real hassle to walk around, what with strollers, huge trolleys and a wealth of people to contend with. Allowing your customers to shop online and then come to pick it up is a real time saver for customers. Offer this service to visitors who live near an offline store! Location branding What is it? Alter the look and service of your website so that it’s appropriate for your customers, wherever they may hail from. Why? Mother’s day is celebrated on 33 different days around the world. If you’ve localized your content to take it into account, you don’t want to show it to everyone. If you’ve got location specific content, ensure it only appears to customers from that location. Qubit case study: Childrensalon Childrensalon thought that more overseas visitors would convert if they realized they could chat to a customer service representative in their native tongue. A message layer was created for each of the target markets, asking whether they would like to live chat with a customer service representative in their language. This personalization drove a 13% increase in conversions. Click and collect, great for local shoppers “Speak to customer services in your native language” in Arabic
  • 14. 26 27 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Site redirects What is it? You might have a variety of different websites optimized for different markets. Detect where people are coming from, and serve them the right content. Why? It’s never a great experience to go to a Japanese website and have to translate it into English using Google Translate. Remove this barrier to conversion and a great customer experience by optimizing for your largest geographical segments. Example company: Carrefour Carrefour made a new version of their website specifically for their growing Chinese market. They could personalize this service further by using geolocation to detect whether their user is in China and reverting to this site automatically. Translating your site for international markets is a sure way to drive conversions
  • 15. 28 29 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Currency conversion What is it? Detect where a visitor is coming from and show all your product prices in the relevant currency. Why? You want to remove as many of the barriers to conversion as you can. In this case, failing to convert for your customers will harm the amount they’ll be willing to convert for you! Example company: Alibaba Alibaba shows why it’s the leader in the East: it detects where Western visitors are from and shows them the prices in dollars. Delivery info What is it? Your delivery costs might change depending on where a person is in the world. Detect where your customer is visiting from, and then serve them the relevant information. Why? Nothing puts people off delivery more than a hidden cost because of their location. If I’m going to be charged more because of where I live, I want to know before I begin with the transaction! Example company: DFS DFS hypothesized that clearer European shipping information would improve conversions. They served a layer to visitors according to where they were, and pushed them to use DFS’s free call back service for further information. This personalization drove a 23% increase in conversion rates for international users. Local currency conversions make it easier to shop internationally A delivery message, served to European visitors
  • 16. 30 31 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 #4 Targeted upsell Customers are often open to the idea of purchasing other items along with their initial purchase. You just have to target them with the right message. Sometimes driving conversions isn’t the best way to make more money. Revenue is the multiplication of the number of conversions with the average order value. You can increase either for a win!
  • 17. 32 33 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Delivery threshold What is it? Offer your customers free shipping when they spend over a certain threshold. Why? It can be a real disincentive to purchase when you feel like you are being scalped for shipping. But while most customers understand it costs a significant amount to do it, they just don’t like the hidden cost of $5 on a $50 item. Make it known that they can get money off by spending more and they will! Example company: New Look New Look offer free delivery for items over a certain threshold for all delivery methods. Gift wrapping What is it? Offer gift wrapping as an additional item in the basket, for added convenience that will delight your customers. This is especially important at Christmas. Why? Gift wrapping removes stress from the customer if the purchase is intended as a gift. This is particularly useful in industries that customarily sell products that are given as gifts, such as jewelry or flowers. Example company: Things Remembered Things Remembered offer personalized gifts and wrapping services, complete with a variety of professional or personal message ideas. Personalize your package as well as using wrapping to increase average order value Make sure people who are near a shipping threshold receive the appropriate messaging
  • 18. 34 35 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Insurance What is it? If your company sells high-order goods, you might possibly offer insurance alongside it. Adding insurance to the product page communicates both a sense of value for the product and raises average order values. Why? Some products are just too expensive to leave their safety up to chance. Sometimes the risk is high: for example, you don’t want to get stranded without health insurance if you go skiing. Example company: Thomas Cook Every time you go on holiday, Thomas Cook offers you travel insurance for both single and multiple trips, depending on whether you are a frequent flier. Discounted items What is it? Bundle products together to create a discount for price sensitive users. Why? Some users are always on the lookout for a bargain. Target them with your best offers once they’ve put something in their basket to drive up average order values. Example company: Moss Bros Moss Bros target users with an offer of two shirts with a suit at a significant discount. Discounts are great for visitors who need a little push to convert. Tailor your insurance options based on holiday history
  • 19. 36 37 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Free items What is it? Offer your customers an additional free item once they spend over a certain threshold. Why? Everyone loves a free gift. Doubly so if it’s relevant to you. Offer your customer free, relevant useful items to incentivize them to spend more. If you bundle products together for the purposes of cross-selling, sometimes it can make sense to offer, ‘buy two get one free’. Example company: Toys R Us When a customer spends over $100 online, they will automatically email you with a voucher for $15. This not only encourages you to spend more the first time around, it also gives you an incentive to come back later! Recommended accessories What is it? Some products go together, some don’t. You might expect someone to buy a belt with a pair of pants, for example. Recommend accessories that match their chosen product! Why? Grouping together products in this way allows customers to benefit from the natural synergies between products without having to travel all over the website. Example company: ASOS ASOS offers you an unobtrusive yet helpful set of items to go along with your chosen product. Free coupons for big spenders Complete the look with ASOS
  • 20. 38 39 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Persuasive designs There are six principles of persuasion: reciprocity, commitment, social proof, authority, liking and scarcity. Persuasive designs tend to pull the scarcity lever, creating urgency and driving people towards taking action. #5
  • 21. 40 41 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Limited time offer What is it? All offers last for a limited time, but you can go one step further and add a sense of urgency by including a countdown to the end of the offer. Why? Scarcity is one of the most potent of the six principles of persuasion and the easiest one to implement on your site. People hate to miss out on a deal, so show them exactly how long they’ve got to make their purchase! Qubit case study: Best of the Best Best of the Best run competitions every two weeks where visitors can win their dream car. They previously had a countdown timer for the duration of the competition, however this wasn’t pushing enough visitors to convert. They hypothesised if they started the timer closer to the end, urgency would cause more customers to enter. After implementing the shorter time period, Best of the Best saw a 5% uplift in conversions. Deploying the timer nearer the end of the competition created more urgency
  • 22. 42 43 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Add to wishlist What is it? Promote your wishlist function so customers can store goods they want without having to purchase them then and there. Why? Wishlists are great because they enable customers to set aside some products for later, without having to commit to paying now. This gives you the opportunity to send reminders and upsell emails. Example company Amazon Amazon’s wishlist allows you to add any product you want, as well as offering an extension, which enables you to add products from their affiliates too. Low stock pointer What is it? A stock counter showing products that are about to run out. Why? Urgency is one of the most basic ways of persuading someone to purchase. If your product is running low, serving someone with information about how many items are left can be really persuasive. It’s the ultimate scarcity tactic. Qubit case study: Accessorize / Monsoon Monsoon and Accessorize weren’t showing the number of items in stock for each of their stocked items. Using Qubit, they we able to add a pointer showing the stock level if there were less than three items available. This change resulted in a 10% increase in conversions and was rolled out across all their international sites. Showing your wishlist at the right time can keep visitors engaged Low stock pointer, does what some CMS’s can’t do
  • 23. 44 45 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Number of current observers What is it? As part of the product page, include the number of people looking at the product. Why? Popularity breeds popularity. If many people are looking at one item, it will make other people interested. If the product is perishable, it also gives a sense of urgency to the purchase: if I don’t buy it now, maybe someone else will! Example company: is a busy website. If you’re looking at a popular product, you won’t just know that because of the amount of reviews, they’ll also tell exactly how many people are looking at it right now. When customers are worried about a hotel booking selling out, there’s nothing more incentivizing than seeing that your competition is looking at it right now! Think of it as the online equivalent of viewing a house at the same time as your competition. Real-time viewer numbers persuade visitors to buy asap
  • 24. 46 47 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Number of recent purchasers What is it? Record the number of people who purchase a product over a specific length of time and serve it to your current customers. Why? This has a similar function to a list of best sellers. People flock to popular items. If you can see that 12 other people in your area are considering the same purchase, it validates the purchase decision. Example company: Naked Wines Naked Wines have a feed where they show the wines that people have bought in the past few minutes. You can see, in real-time, just how popular a given product or website is. Socially driven, stock recommendations show what’s really trending
  • 25. 48 49 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 #6 Intelligent merchandizing Merchandizing allows you to promote individual products or product ranges for almost any reason. Using your authority as a website, recommend the appropriate product for the time of year, weather or emotional state of your customer!
  • 26. 50 51 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Weather targeting What is it? Use geo-targeting to pin-point your customer’s location, then provide offers tailored to the local conditions. Sunglasses for the sun, and raincoats for the rain. Why? Customers may respond to the weather in a variety of different ways. If you have a great understanding of your customers and how they respond, you can target them more effectively. For example, rainy days might make travel companies a killing in beach holidays, and retail companies might sell a lot of umbrellas. Qubit case study: Burton Burton personalized their homepage by dynamically adjusting the products on display based on the visitor’s local weather conditions. A tile on the homepage was taken over and directed users to weather appropriate products. This would rotate between three different creatives: one with the visitor’s local weather and temperature, another with the ‘B prepared’ icon, and lastly, a styled photograph. As a result of this weather test, Burton had an 11.6% uplift in conversions across all users. Whatever you local weather, Burton has the clothing for you
  • 27. 52 53 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Latest offers What is it? Collect together your latest offers to ensure price-sensitive consumers know where to go. Why? Product fatigue can hit fast if people have browsed your website a few times and haven’t found anything they want. Why would they come back? Publicizing the latest additions to your range will ensure your customers will keep on returning. Example company: Freshpair This company ask you to sign up for their email list on entry, allowing them to contact the customer with ideas, offers and new products even when they have abandoned the site. The persuasive tone of the message is particularly key here: it entices the customer with a direct message to “be the first to know”. New in What is it? Try and leverage the new items in your product range by highlighting them as new to your customers. Why? New products often have a high conversion rate, partly for the novelty factor. However, if you hide them away, you are only promoting them to your most frequently visiting customers. Ensure everyone gets a shot at being as up to date as they can by promoting your new lines. Example company: Baublebar This company have their priorities straight and keep their new lines at the top of the page, right where customers can see them! New arrivals, great for returning visitors Creating a personal dialogue means customers can always get the freshest undies
  • 28. 54 55 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 What’s hot What is it? Due to the viral nature of the internet, sometimes individual products take off for no discernible reason. Keep track of the hottest items and promote them further when you see them fly off the shelves. Why? Customers will often come to your site in search of inspiration! If they are impatient and can’t find something interesting, they may leave your site. A ‘What’s hot?’ section deals with this neatly. Example company: Abe’s Market has a useful section entitled, ‘This month on Abes’. They fill you in on what’s selling well, what they recommend, and how they would use the products. Directing visitors to your ‘What’s hot’ section often drives conversions and increases order values
  • 29. 56 57 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 #7 Offers and discounts As examined in our recent report, The Value of Customer Feedback, customers complain about price more than anything else. One of the best ways to incentivize purchasing is offering people a deal.
  • 30. 58 59 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Money off What is it? Target specific users with discounts by serving a layer or banner on your website. Why? Price is the biggest source of complaint for visitors to websites, so offering discounts on price will often lead to more purchases. Of course, you have to be careful of cannibalizing your top line, so proceed with caution. Example company: Each day uses “flash deals” which place an item on offer and then counts down the time left for the customer to buy it. This combines a discount tactic with an urgency message which proves very effective. This could be personalized further by targeting specific users with specific products that matches their visitor history. Percentage off What is it? Serve a discount message offering a percentage off a purchase. Why? Discounts will nudge people towards specific products, but sometimes a percentage discount will look more impressive than an absolute value. Example company: Topman Topman offers percentage discounts off selected ranges, incentivizing those who are sensitive to a deal to purchase. Flash deals are a great way to shift excessive stock. Recognise when you need to shift stock quickly and introduce sales to speed things up
  • 31. 60 61 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Loyalty offers What is it? Reward your customers for returning frequently or spending lavishly. You can do this through a loyalty scheme or with free gifts. Why? Your returning customers will form the majority of your income. Using loyalty offers will engage with existing customers and encourage them to come back for more! Example company: Gilt Gilt have a membership group called Noir. If you become a member you receive special offers, invitation to events, and secret previews of their new products. Noir members represent the top 1% of Gilt shoppers (in terms of money spent) and this privilege is removed if you fall out of the top 1%. Exclusivity works well to incentivize customer loyalty. Recognize your highest value customers and invite them to your VIP spaces
  • 32. 62 63 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Referral schemes What is it? Offer your customers rewards if they recommend your website to their friends. You can incentivize them with free credit, or money off a range of products. Why? People who are given recommendations by their friends are not only more likely to make a first purchase, but they are more likely to become repeat customers. Gaining a customer’s trust is a difficult thing for companies, and nobody is better suited to help than their friends. Example company: Uber When you join Uber, you have the option to generate a code that, when clicked on by a friend, will reward both the linker and the linkee with a £10 discount on their next taxi journey. Turn your customers in ambassadors with targeted loyalty schemes
  • 33. 64 65 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 #8 Messaging and campaigns Different people have different needs at each stage of the purchase lifecycle. First timers need a warm welcome, whereas people who are visiting from a campaign will feel reassured if there is continuity between what they see on your website and what drew them there in the first place. Here are some great examples of seeing this in action.
  • 34. 66 67 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Campaign mirroring What is it? Match content onsite with other campaigns, reminding customers of products and deals they have seen elsewhere. For example, serve specific messages to those on your mailing list who came through a promotion in their email. Why? Making your campaigns specific to the path your customers took ensures that their path to purchase is streamlined. It reminds them of why they came and encourages them to purchase. Example company: Dorothy Perkins Dorothy Perkins did an email blast to their UK database promoting a 25% off sale with free next day delivery. To accompany the email blast, an on-page layer was shown to shoppers visiting the UK site on product, bag and checkout pages. This message served as a prompt to remind shoppers to enter their discount code. Mirror locally relevant campaigns on your website to create consistent experiences
  • 35. 68 69 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 As seen on TV What is it? Align your online messaging with your television ads. Why? There’s no point sending your customers to your website with a great campaign if they aren’t then shown the same branding. A disconnected experience can put consumers off. Example company: Windows The Windows television adverts align closely with their onsite messaging, including a tour of their new operating system, along with images of couples exploring and experiencing it. Whatever campaign you have running above the line, create consistency on your website
  • 36. 70 71 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Seasonals What is it? Promote different products at different points of the year. Why? It sounds obvious but customers are more likely to buy winter appropriate clothing during the winter. Nobody wants to be targeted with a pair of sunglasses when it’s still dark before they leave work. Example company: H&M H&M publicize their springtime range loud and clear on the front page. This is not just about new arrivals, this is about a new season. H&M do this every few weeks to reflect the frequency of their new stock. This is an interesting example of real-time retailing in action! Welcome message What is it? Make your customers feel welcome by targeting them with a message that highlights your unique selling points. Why? Websites can be confusing places. A welcome message can be used to point your customers in the right direction. Qubit case study: Crew Clothing Crew hypothesized that new visitors needed to understand their brand more clearly before they would purchase. They designed three new messages to show on the first, second and third visits. The first encouraged email sign up, the second free delivery, and the third highlighted their customer service. On average, the effect of seeing any one of these messages increased conversions by 7.4%. Crew welcomed new visitors with free shipping or a USP message Ensure you have the agility to respond to the latest seasons
  • 37. 72 73 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Smart landing pages What is it? Smart landing pages combine analytics with an ability to dynamically change site content in real-time. For example, if you knew a customer had purchased from your site before, you would want to display your new range. Whereas if they are new to the site, you could display your most popular products. Why? Targeted merchandizing allows you to personalize the experience of shopping online, ensuring that customers will find your most useful content in the shortest amount of time. Truly understanding your customer will drive sales, increase average order value, and improve your conversion rates. Example company: Jet2 Jet2 remembers the journeys that you have previously searched for and will automatically fill in the information on the homepage. On returning, customers do not have the hassle of re-filling in options but can resume the process quickly. Remembered search saves Jet2 customers valuable time
  • 38. 74 75 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 #9 Data capture and reviews Collecting valuable feedback or extra information from your visitors will mould your digital strategy to ensure that you are creating a desirable user experience.
  • 39. 76 77 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Feedback collection What is it? Serving customers with an opportunity to leave feedback in the form of an open text box. We, at Qubit, tend to do this when a visitor looks like they’re leaving; but you can do it at any point in their journey. Why? With the rise of analytics, it has become much easier to measure the activities of users quantitatively. However, even if you have the best data in the world, diagnosing exactly what the problem is can be tricky. Qualitative information can, therefore, give your data direction by helping to shape your response to quantitative insights. Example company: Jimmy Choo Jimmy Choo serve users who seem like they’re leaving the site with a feedback box, offering them the opportunity to communicate their concerns. They ask an open ended question when it looks like people are about to leave the site. People who breeze through the site may never encounter this box. Stylish feedback box from Jimmy Choo only fires if visitors are about leave
  • 40. 78 79 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 Review optimization What is it? Integrate customer reviews into your product page to create extra trust. Why? Reviews create transparency in your brand, showcasing what people really think. This ‘voice of the customer’ greatly amplifies whatever you can say about the product. Example company: Travelzoo Travelzoo have taken this one step further by integrating Feefo, a 3rd party application onto their site. Feefo rates the experience that others have received and gives the visitor an external reference on your services. Applications such as Feefo can be deployed intelligently to maximise ROI based on factors including user behaviour and product value. Feefo can be deployed to specific visitor segments using A/B testing platforms
  • 41. 80 81 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 More useful resources... Website personalization and A/B testing practises are still in their relative infancy. We are observing more and more, companies making the graduation from A/B testing to personalization. They use technologies such as Qubit to enable their sites to adapt in real-time to the changing needs of different consumers. Typically these personalization tools have been developed to extend the core functionalities of ecommerce CMS platforms, giving marketers more control over their sites and greater ability to target specific visitors with specific content. Where marketers are sometimes let down is not knowing exactly what to change, and for which audience. This is where hypothesis generation comes into play. If you work from a valid hypothesis, borne out of your visitor data, you are more likely to deliver a personalization that will drive a significant uplift. And herein lies the second issue... Many A/B testing technologies on the market are quick to claim to winning result. The truth is that ‘significant’ winners are often difficult to prove when taking into account statistical noise, false positives and insufficient sample size. Below are three useful reads that shed more light on this issue as well as showing several of the innovative segmentations that Qubit test against. How to become an AB testing professional! More inspirational case studies Research: The value of customer feedback
  • 42. 82 83 The 40 best ways to personalize 2014 About Qubit Qubit is a Digital Experience Management hub built around the needs of modern ecommerce professionals. We give you the agility, and the confidence, to optimize your website and deliver personalizations that will actually impact the bottom line. Our platform brings together several key technologies that help you understand the needs of your visitors, personalize the online experience and spread useful data throughout your business: Personalisation and A/B testing Audience segmentation Web intelligence Tag management To date, we’ve helped Staples, Topshop, All Saints, Farfetch and John Lewis improve their conversion rates and become more nimble in their marketing and ecommerce operations. If you want to join great company, or for more information about our products and research, please contact Qubit Real insights. Real uplifts.
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