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Students’ Approaches to Learning 
in an Indonesian Online 
EFL Learning Context 
Made Hery Santosa 
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Presentation Outline 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Let’s Start 
What and 
Presentation Aims 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Let’s Start with Questions 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
What happens to our 
university as an 
institution now? 
• commodification 
• profit-oriented 
• source of knowledge? 
What does our 
curriculum say? 
• autonomous learning? 
• 21st century learning skills? 
How teaching and 
learning activities are 
carried out? 
• traditional/conventional – one-way? 
• interactive and engaging? 
• learning approach? 
How students’ 
learning is evaluated? 
• process-oriented? 
• product-oriented?
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
A Changing Direction… 
Graduates ready 
to meet the 
needs of the 
jobs market 
Directions in the 
global economy 
Digital Natives 
vs. Immigrants 
Bigger class size 
= varied learning 
Rich information 
(Google) vs. 
Question: How all these components assist learning achievement?
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Challenges to Face 
High achievement 
Centralized Mechanism, Teaching Practices, Learning Behaviors, 
and Socio-cultural Contexts (see Cronjé, 2011; Hofstede, 1980, 
1986, 1991, 2001, 2011; Signorini, Wiesemes, & Murphy, 2009; 
Thowfeek & Jaafar, 2012) (c.f. Asian, Javanese & Balinese) 
BUT… Rote-learning; Memorization; 
Didactic; High respect to Teachers; 
Passive; Compliant (Cheng, 2000; On, 
1996; Watkins & Biggs, 1996); (Emilia 
& Mulholland, 1991; Ismail, 2009; 
Santosa, 2013; Watkins, 1996; 
Ananda, 1997; Dardjowidjojo, 2001, 
2006; Elsegood, 2006; Hadisaputra & 
Santosa, 2008; Iftanti, 2012; 
Masduqi, 2011; Nilan, 2003; Pikkert 
& Foster, 1996; Putrayasa, 2001; 
Santosa, 2008, 2012; Suharmanto, 
21st Learning Skills 
(National Research Council, 
• Critical Thinking 
• Problem-solving 
• Decision Making 
• Team Work 
• Collaboration 
• Engagement 
• Effective communication 
• Own voice 
• Argument 
• Research skills
Importance of SAL as a Learning Attribute 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Source: Santosa (2013)
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
The Need to Aligned Learning: 
Deeper Learning Approach 
of concepts 
Deeper Learning (Beattie, Collins, & 
McInnes, 1997; Biggs, 1987, 1989a, 
1989b; Boyce, Williams, Kelly, & Yee, 
2001; Case & Marshall, 2004; Case & 
Marshall, 2009; Choo, 2005; 
Cuthbert, 2005; Emilia et al., 2012; 
Emilia & Mulholland, 1991; 
Entwistle, 1991, 2004, 2009; 
Entwistle, Hanley, & Hounsell, 1979; 
Entwistle & Ramsden, 1983; 
Entwistle & Tait, 1990; Lucas, 2001; 
Lucas & Mladenovic, 2004; Marton 
& Säljo, 1976, 1984; Richardson, 
2005; 2011; Taher & Jin, 2011) 
Application in 
Generic skills 
(soft skills; 
learning process
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Deeper Learning and Technology 
• How to combine these? 
(Bloom’s vs. 
Learning Emphasis: HOTS
• Mixed-methods research studies (Creswell, 2009; Creswell & 
Clark, 2011; Greene, Caracelli, & Graham, 1989; Teddlie & 
Tashakori, 2003) 
• Concurrent triangulation strategy (Cohen, Manion, & 
Morrison, 2011; Creswell, 2009; Creswell & Clark, 2011; 
Greene et al., 1989; Teddlie & Tashakori, 2003) 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
• Focus-group 
interviews (n = 2 
lecturers & 15 
voluntary students) 
EFL Learning 
•Written responses 
of one cohort of 
students (n = 162) 
• n = 162 
• Fortnightly written 
responses to 
previously learned 
topics (n = 74 ) 
EFL Learning 
•Written responses 
of one cohort of 
students (n = 162) 
• n = 162
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
The Design 
• Relational 
• Extended 
• LMS (Moodle) 
• Evaluation 
• Analysis 
• Synthesis 
• Inquiry-based 
Learning (Justice 
et al., 2007; 
Sincero, 2006) 
HOTS in 
What and Why? 
• Students’ Approaches to Learning (SAL) 
Table 1: Students’ approaches to learning score 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Tests Pre-test Post-test 
Learning Approaches Deep Surface Deep Surface 
N Valid 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 
Mean 35.42 35.00 22.51 22.56 36.18 35.86 23.46 23.27 
Std. Dev. 5.242 5.426 5.799 6.244 5.098 5.412 5.743 6.322 
SAL tended to be deep 12
What and Why? 
• Students’ Learning Outcomes 
Independent-samples t-test: to compare the mean 
score of learning outcomes in the experimental and 
control groups 
 Pre-test: There was no significant difference between the 
experimental group and the control group students, for having 
only 6% of the variance explained. 
 This shows that the groups were similar before the study was conducted. 
Post-test: a statistically significant difference benefited the 
experimental group in the present study was found with a 
large (.78) effect size 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
What and Why? 
Paired-samples t-test: to compare the mean score of 
learning outcomes within the experimental groups 
There were statistically significant differences in 
the students’ learning outcomes on the pre- and 
the post-tests with a large effect size (70%) in the 
mean difference benefiting the students in the 
experimental group. 
However, the t-tests indicated the existence of 
additional variables. 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
What and Why? 
Two-way ANCOVA: The pre-test was treated as a 
covariate to control for individual differences between 
the groups. In this way, error variance is reduced and 
the significant difference between groups is increased. 
 Pre-test: There was no significant interaction effect: F (4.90) = 
3.78, p > .05, with a small effect size (partial eta squared = 
Post-test: There was a statistically significant difference 
where F (181.78) = .000, p < .05, with a large effect size 
(partial eta squared = .56). 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
What and Why? 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Source: Santosa (2013) 
• Speculative 
• Raised questions: Was the students’ deep learning at the 
beginning really true?
What and Why? 
• Interview Results 
 Face-saving (Fang, 2003; Yorra, 2012) 
 Previously, I did not understand the questionnaire, Sir. So, I answered [to 
show] a good image [of myself]. (Student 1; Male) 
 I want to appear good in front of other people. (Student 2; Female) 
 ‘Cultural Assumptions’ (Bhabha, 1983; Said, 1977) 
 I know from the information from the Internet that English culture is 
normally direct, critical, and open. I see some survey items ask this kind 
of learning. (Student 6; Male) 
 Power Distance Index (Hofstede, 1980, 1986, 2011; Lewis & George, 
2008; Dardjowidjojo, 2001; Hofstede, Hofstede, and Minkov (2010) 
 [I am also] worried with how my friends might respond, scared to be told 
wrong, to be mocked. For me personally, I was shy. Also, I wasn’t used to 
speaking well so whatever came into my head I just said it so I couldn’t 
control the grammar. (Student 10; Female) 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Challenges and Solutions 
Learning Approach: Memorizing, Passive Learning, Power 
• I like grammar, to learn the pattern, so I tried to memorise some words first. 
…. and now I realise that it was wrong because in communication what’s 
important is the meaning. (Student 3; Male) 
• I tended to use search engine, like Google, also Wikipedia, but I found out 
that Wikipedia is not reliable, so I focussed more on Google. If there’s 
information in a video, I’d look it up in YouTube. In Google, I looked for 
information in documents, more like an article in pdf. (Student 4; Female) 
• The students tended to be umm…. teacher-oriented. It’s only when the 
teacher asked the students or provided them with something then they 
started to work. Otherwise, they would be relaxed. (Lecturer 1; Female) 
• What often happened, …, that sometimes we wanted to speak up, …, the 
lecturer tends to object and judge the students’ opinion. So the students 
later felt reluctant to speak up again. …, so what’s the point of sharing 
opinion if it was never accepted? (Student 13; Male) 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Challenges and Solutions 
Increased Awareness 
• The topics that being discussed were very interesting 
and made me realise that there are many things that I 
need to learn and know. (Student 3; Male) 
• By using the many kinds of topic of writing, the learning 
activities in the class were very interesting and 
challenging. The students can improve their critical 
thinking and their ability in writing. (Student 14; Male) 
• I now realise that understanding research components 
can help me to do research next semester. (Student 5; 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Challenges and Solutions 
ICT Influence 
•The strength of using E-Learning for me is I can practise my English by using E-learning. 
I can share some activities and comment on my friend’s post. By using E-Learning, 
I am able to understand information that the lecturer give to me and 
my friend. (Student 14; Male) 
•From my perspective, I found that this course has a good influence on my writing 
skill. I personally think that Moodle is a good medium for my writing skill. I can 
see the improvement in myself now; I have become more confident in arranging 
my ideas in writing. (Student 9; Female) 
•By using the Moodle website, the students can study everywhere at any time. 
(Student 12; Female) 
• … I like use E-learning as a medium to learn language but, there are many 
weaknesses in using E-learning especially in Indonesia. …. If I want to access this 
web, I have to wait for a long because the loading is very slow. The other 
weakness is spending a lot of money. (Student 15; Female) 
• … and maybe my obstacle was the connection and the place where I live and the 
internet café. (Student 10; Female) 
•Solutions: Computer centre, working at own pace 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Challenges and Solutions 
Academic Misconduct 
•No clear guidelines on academic writing and academic misconduct 
• I don’t think there’s ever been any emphasis or rules about academic dishonesty [from the 
institution]. Maybe [dependent on] the lecturers, are they strict or not. …. But so far I don’t 
think there’s a specific rule about what punishment for students who cheat. (Student 15; 
• …, I always did copy-paste and the lecturers didn’t seem to care about the references. …. So 
after your class, I realised that we have to be more aware of academic honesty, as a 
student. So now, there’s a bit of a change in me. (Student 5; Female) 
• Before this class, I thought academic dishonesty was something common, …. And 
something I copied from, especially if was really good, I would use it to get maximum 
grade. After this class, I realised that academic dishonesty is very unfair…. (Student 9; 
•Clear guidelines, proposed plagiarism detection tools and procedure 
•Note taking, creating tables, highlighting and mind/concept mapping, peer-support 
process in dealing with information 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Conclusion and Implication 
Shaping ‘how much’ and ‘how 
well’ learning is done by each 
Learning activities that support 
higher-order thinking processes 
can direct students’ learning 
approaches towards deeper 
learning and can thus minimise 
the gap between lower and 
higher cognitive ability. 
Effective face-to-face and online 
learning can provide improved 
interaction, collaboration and 
continuous feedback 
opportunities for students, 
helping them to reflect on their 
Potential cultural influences 
should also be considered 
Providing skills necessary for life 
after graduation. 
‘a golden generation’ 
characteristics (Year 2045) should 
be pursued. 
Urgency in shaping pedagogical 
practice into the global economy 
Combining with local wisdom to 
nurture potential students in the 
context of learning orientation 
and performance in Indonesia 
and the wider economic context. 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Questions, Comments, Suggestions? 
Contact Email: 
Twitter: @mhsantosa 
Thank you ^_^
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Benjamin Bloom)
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Source: Chan (2010)
TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 
Inquiry-based Learning 
Take responsibility for learning 
Source: Santosa (2013)

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Students' Approaches to Learning in an Indonesian EFL online Learning Context

  • 1. Students’ Approaches to Learning in an Indonesian Online EFL Learning Context Made Hery Santosa Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
  • 2. Presentation Outline TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 2 Aims Let’s Start with Questions How? What and Why?
  • 3. Presentation Aims Investigation: SAL Intervention: Learning Outcomes TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 3
  • 4. Let’s Start with Questions TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 4 What happens to our university as an institution now? • commodification • profit-oriented • source of knowledge? What does our curriculum say? • autonomous learning? • 21st century learning skills? How teaching and learning activities are carried out? • traditional/conventional – one-way? • interactive and engaging? • learning approach? How students’ learning is evaluated? • process-oriented? • product-oriented?
  • 5. TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 5 A Changing Direction… A Changing Direction Graduates ready to meet the needs of the jobs market Directions in the global economy Human resources quality Digital Natives vs. Immigrants Bigger class size = varied learning attributes Rich information (Google) vs. reliability Technology (Ubiquitous) Question: How all these components assist learning achievement?
  • 6. TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 6 Challenges to Face High achievement Centralized Mechanism, Teaching Practices, Learning Behaviors, and Socio-cultural Contexts (see Cronjé, 2011; Hofstede, 1980, 1986, 1991, 2001, 2011; Signorini, Wiesemes, & Murphy, 2009; Thowfeek & Jaafar, 2012) (c.f. Asian, Javanese & Balinese) BUT… Rote-learning; Memorization; Didactic; High respect to Teachers; Passive; Compliant (Cheng, 2000; On, 1996; Watkins & Biggs, 1996); (Emilia & Mulholland, 1991; Ismail, 2009; Santosa, 2013; Watkins, 1996; Ananda, 1997; Dardjowidjojo, 2001, 2006; Elsegood, 2006; Hadisaputra & Santosa, 2008; Iftanti, 2012; Masduqi, 2011; Nilan, 2003; Pikkert & Foster, 1996; Putrayasa, 2001; Santosa, 2008, 2012; Suharmanto, 2003) 21st Learning Skills (National Research Council, 2012): • Critical Thinking • Problem-solving • Decision Making • Team Work • Collaboration • Engagement • Effective communication • Own voice • Argument • Research skills
  • 7. Importance of SAL as a Learning Attribute TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 7 Source: Santosa (2013)
  • 8. TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 8 The Need to Aligned Learning: Deeper Learning Approach Understanding of concepts Deeper Learning (Beattie, Collins, & McInnes, 1997; Biggs, 1987, 1989a, 1989b; Boyce, Williams, Kelly, & Yee, 2001; Case & Marshall, 2004; Case & Marshall, 2009; Choo, 2005; Cuthbert, 2005; Emilia et al., 2012; Emilia & Mulholland, 1991; Entwistle, 1991, 2004, 2009; Entwistle, Hanley, & Hounsell, 1979; Entwistle & Ramsden, 1983; Entwistle & Tait, 1990; Lucas, 2001; Lucas & Mladenovic, 2004; Marton & Säljo, 1976, 1984; Richardson, 2005; 2011; Taher & Jin, 2011) Application in different contexts Generic skills (soft skills; graduate attributes) Dynamic engagement learning process
  • 9. TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 9 Deeper Learning and Technology • How to combine these? Deeper Learning Approach Technology HOTS (Bloom’s vs. SOLO Taxonomies) Learning Emphasis: HOTS
  • 10. How? • Mixed-methods research studies (Creswell, 2009; Creswell & Clark, 2011; Greene, Caracelli, & Graham, 1989; Teddlie & Tashakori, 2003) • Concurrent triangulation strategy (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011; Creswell, 2009; Creswell & Clark, 2011; Greene et al., 1989; Teddlie & Tashakori, 2003) TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 10 Semi-structured Interviews • Focus-group interviews (n = 2 lecturers & 15 voluntary students) EFL Learning Post-test •Written responses of one cohort of students (n = 162) R-SPQ-2F Survey Distribution • n = 162 Reflective Journals • Fortnightly written responses to previously learned topics (n = 74 ) EFL Learning Pre-test •Written responses of one cohort of students (n = 162) R-SPQ-2F Survey Distribution • n = 162
  • 11. TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 11 The Design • Relational • Extended Abstract • LMS (Moodle) • Evaluation • Analysis • Synthesis • Inquiry-based Learning (Justice et al., 2007; Sincero, 2006) Student-centered Learning HOTS in Bloom’s Taxonomy SOLO Taxonomy Technology
  • 12. What and Why? • Students’ Approaches to Learning (SAL) Table 1: Students’ approaches to learning score TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 Tests Pre-test Post-test Learning Approaches Deep Surface Deep Surface tdap (10–50) tdapr (10–50) tsap (10–50) tsapr (10–50) tdapp (10–50) tdappr (10–50) tsapp (10–50) tsappr (10–50) N Valid 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 Mean 35.42 35.00 22.51 22.56 36.18 35.86 23.46 23.27 Std. Dev. 5.242 5.426 5.799 6.244 5.098 5.412 5.743 6.322 SAL tended to be deep 12
  • 13. What and Why? • Students’ Learning Outcomes Independent-samples t-test: to compare the mean score of learning outcomes in the experimental and control groups  Pre-test: There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group students, for having only 6% of the variance explained.  This shows that the groups were similar before the study was conducted. Post-test: a statistically significant difference benefited the experimental group in the present study was found with a large (.78) effect size TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 13
  • 14. What and Why? Paired-samples t-test: to compare the mean score of learning outcomes within the experimental groups There were statistically significant differences in the students’ learning outcomes on the pre- and the post-tests with a large effect size (70%) in the mean difference benefiting the students in the experimental group. However, the t-tests indicated the existence of additional variables. TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 14
  • 15. What and Why? Two-way ANCOVA: The pre-test was treated as a covariate to control for individual differences between the groups. In this way, error variance is reduced and the significant difference between groups is increased.  Pre-test: There was no significant interaction effect: F (4.90) = 3.78, p > .05, with a small effect size (partial eta squared = .003). Post-test: There was a statistically significant difference where F (181.78) = .000, p < .05, with a large effect size (partial eta squared = .56). TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 15
  • 16. What and Why? TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 16 Source: Santosa (2013) • Speculative • Raised questions: Was the students’ deep learning at the beginning really true?
  • 17. What and Why? • Interview Results  Face-saving (Fang, 2003; Yorra, 2012)  Previously, I did not understand the questionnaire, Sir. So, I answered [to show] a good image [of myself]. (Student 1; Male)  I want to appear good in front of other people. (Student 2; Female)  ‘Cultural Assumptions’ (Bhabha, 1983; Said, 1977)  I know from the information from the Internet that English culture is normally direct, critical, and open. I see some survey items ask this kind of learning. (Student 6; Male)  Power Distance Index (Hofstede, 1980, 1986, 2011; Lewis & George, 2008; Dardjowidjojo, 2001; Hofstede, Hofstede, and Minkov (2010)  [I am also] worried with how my friends might respond, scared to be told wrong, to be mocked. For me personally, I was shy. Also, I wasn’t used to speaking well so whatever came into my head I just said it so I couldn’t control the grammar. (Student 10; Female) TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 17
  • 18. Challenges and Solutions Learning Approach: Memorizing, Passive Learning, Power Distance • I like grammar, to learn the pattern, so I tried to memorise some words first. …. and now I realise that it was wrong because in communication what’s important is the meaning. (Student 3; Male) • I tended to use search engine, like Google, also Wikipedia, but I found out that Wikipedia is not reliable, so I focussed more on Google. If there’s information in a video, I’d look it up in YouTube. In Google, I looked for information in documents, more like an article in pdf. (Student 4; Female) • The students tended to be umm…. teacher-oriented. It’s only when the teacher asked the students or provided them with something then they started to work. Otherwise, they would be relaxed. (Lecturer 1; Female) • What often happened, …, that sometimes we wanted to speak up, …, the lecturer tends to object and judge the students’ opinion. So the students later felt reluctant to speak up again. …, so what’s the point of sharing opinion if it was never accepted? (Student 13; Male) TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 18
  • 19. Challenges and Solutions Increased Awareness • The topics that being discussed were very interesting and made me realise that there are many things that I need to learn and know. (Student 3; Male) • By using the many kinds of topic of writing, the learning activities in the class were very interesting and challenging. The students can improve their critical thinking and their ability in writing. (Student 14; Male) • I now realise that understanding research components can help me to do research next semester. (Student 5; Female) TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 19
  • 20. Challenges and Solutions ICT Influence •The strength of using E-Learning for me is I can practise my English by using E-learning. I can share some activities and comment on my friend’s post. By using E-Learning, I am able to understand information that the lecturer give to me and my friend. (Student 14; Male) •From my perspective, I found that this course has a good influence on my writing skill. I personally think that Moodle is a good medium for my writing skill. I can see the improvement in myself now; I have become more confident in arranging my ideas in writing. (Student 9; Female) •By using the Moodle website, the students can study everywhere at any time. (Student 12; Female) • … I like use E-learning as a medium to learn language but, there are many weaknesses in using E-learning especially in Indonesia. …. If I want to access this web, I have to wait for a long because the loading is very slow. The other weakness is spending a lot of money. (Student 15; Female) • … and maybe my obstacle was the connection and the place where I live and the internet café. (Student 10; Female) •Solutions: Computer centre, working at own pace TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 20
  • 21. Challenges and Solutions Academic Misconduct •No clear guidelines on academic writing and academic misconduct • I don’t think there’s ever been any emphasis or rules about academic dishonesty [from the institution]. Maybe [dependent on] the lecturers, are they strict or not. …. But so far I don’t think there’s a specific rule about what punishment for students who cheat. (Student 15; Female) • …, I always did copy-paste and the lecturers didn’t seem to care about the references. …. So after your class, I realised that we have to be more aware of academic honesty, as a student. So now, there’s a bit of a change in me. (Student 5; Female) • Before this class, I thought academic dishonesty was something common, …. And something I copied from, especially if was really good, I would use it to get maximum grade. After this class, I realised that academic dishonesty is very unfair…. (Student 9; Female) •Solutions •Clear guidelines, proposed plagiarism detection tools and procedure •Note taking, creating tables, highlighting and mind/concept mapping, peer-support process in dealing with information TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 21
  • 22. Conclusion and Implication Shaping ‘how much’ and ‘how well’ learning is done by each individual. Learning activities that support higher-order thinking processes can direct students’ learning approaches towards deeper learning and can thus minimise the gap between lower and higher cognitive ability. Effective face-to-face and online learning can provide improved interaction, collaboration and continuous feedback opportunities for students, helping them to reflect on their learning. Potential cultural influences should also be considered carefully Providing skills necessary for life after graduation. ‘a golden generation’ characteristics (Year 2045) should be pursued. Urgency in shaping pedagogical practice into the global economy orientation Combining with local wisdom to nurture potential students in the context of learning orientation and performance in Indonesia and the wider economic context. TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 22
  • 23. TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 23 Questions, Comments, Suggestions? Contact Email: Website: Twitter: @mhsantosa Thank you ^_^
  • 24. TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 24 Bloom’s Taxonomy (Benjamin Bloom)
  • 25. TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 25 Source: Chan (2010)
  • 26. TEFLIN 2014 - UNS - Indonesia 10/7/2014 26 Inquiry-based Learning Take responsibility for learning Source: Santosa (2013)