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 Teeth made of many colours, with natural
  gradation from the darker cervical to the
  lighter incisal third
 Variation affected by thickness of enamel and
  dentine, and reflectance of different colours
 Blue, green and pink tints in enamel, yellow
  through to brown shades of dentine beneath
 Canine teeth darker than lateral incisors
 Teeth become darker with age
  (secondary/tertiary dentine, tooth
  wear/dentine exposure)

Tooth colour affected by:

 individual interpretation
 time of day
 patient positioning/ angle tooth is viewed at
 hydration of tooth (always take shade at start
  of appointment)
 skin tone (make-up)
 surrounding conditions (e.g. lighting in clinic)

 Extrinsic discolouration

 Intrinsic discolouration

Extrinsic Discolouration:
 Stains (chromogens) that lies on/attach to the
  tooth surface or in the acquired pellicle, or
 The incorporation of extrinsic stain within the
  tooth substance following dental development. It
  occurs in enamel defects and in the porous
  surface of exposed dentine (‘stain

Extrinsic Discolouration:
•Plaque, chromogenenic      •Smoking / chewing
bacteria                    tobacco
•Mouthwashes                •Beverages (tea, coffee,
(chlorhexidine)             red wine, cola)
                            •Foods (curry, cooking oils
                            and fried foods, foods with
                            colorings, berries,
                            • Antibiotics (erythromycin,
                            amoxicillin-clavulanic acid)
                            • Iron supplements

Intrinsic Discolouration:
 Intrinsic discolouration occurs following a change
to the structural composition or thickness of the
dental hard tissues.
Intrinsic Discolouration:
Pre-eruptive:                        Post-eruptive:
Disease:                            Trauma (e.g. pulpal
  •Haematological diseases           haemorrhagic products)
  •Liver diseases                    Primary and secondary
  •Diseases of enamel and            caries
  dentine (e.g. Amelogenesis/        Tooth wear
  Dentinogenesis imperfecta)
                                     Dental restorative materials
  •Tetracycline, other antibiotics   Ageing
Fluorosis stains (excess F)         Chemicals
Enamel hypoplasia (trauma           Antibiotics
or infection)                           Minocycline (used to treat
Types of Discoloration                            Colour Produced
Extrinsic (Direct stains)
Tea, coffee and other foods                       Brown to black
Cigarettes/cigars                                 Yellow/brown to black
Plaque/poor oral hygiene                          Yellow/brown

Extrinsic (Indirect stains)
Polyvalent metal salts and cationic antiseptics   Black and brown
e.g. Chlorhexidine

(Metabolic causes)
e.g. Congenital erythropoietic porphyria          Purple/brown
(Inherited causes)
e.g. Amelogenesis Imperfecta                      Brown or black
e.g. Dentinogenesis Imperfecta                    Blue-brown (opalescent)
(Iatrogenic causes)
Tetracycline                                      Banding appearance:
                                                  classically yellow, brown, blue, black or grey
Minocycline                                       Grey
Fluorosis                                         White, yellow, grey or black
(Traumatic causes)                                Brown
Enamel hypoplasia                                 Grey black
Pulpal haemorrhage products                       Pink spot
Root resorption
(Ageing causes)                                   Yellow

Caries                                            Orange to brown
Restorations                                      Brown, grey, black

Treatment options:
   1.No treatment
   2.Removal of surface stain
   3.Bleaching techniques
   4.Operative techniques to mask underlying
       Veneers
       Crowns
Treatment option        Indications                Advantages               Disadvantages

No treatment            Patient with poor oral     Non invasive, no cost    Will not address
                        hygiene/ caries/ PA                                 patients aesthetic
                        pathology, large ant                                concerns

Removal of surface                                 Non/minimally invasive   May not improve
stain                                                                       aesthetics significantly,
-Scale and polish                                                           may require further Rx
                        -Extrinsic staining
-Microabrasion                                                              Microabrasion- soft
                        -Fluorosis, white spot
                                                                            tissue irritation/
                                                                            excessive tooth prep
                        enamel hypoplasia
                                                                            (technique sensitive)

Bleaching                                          Non/minimally invasive   Cost, limitation on
-Home bleaching,        -See later slides                                   shade improvement (a
Walking bleach                                                              few shade lighter only),
                                                                            may fail/ need
                                                                            repeating, compliance
                                                                            (home bleaching)

Restorative treatment   Severely discoloured       May achieve a more       Destructive, irreversible
-Veneers, crowns        teeth, e.g. tetracycline   aesthetic result         (tooth tissue removal),
                        staining (may bleach                                changes natural shape
                        1st)                                                of teeth, cost,
                        Unaesthetic tooth                                   maintenance, oral
                        morphology (e.g. AI/DI)                             hygiene compliance
                                                                            (interdental cleaning)
                        Heavily restored teeth
To bleach or not to bleach?

 Generalised staining
 Ageing
 Extrinsic stain - Smoking and dietary stains
  (tea/coffee etc)
 Fluorosis
 Tetracycline staining (? in combination with
  restorative techniques)
 Traumatic pulpal changes
 White spots
 Brown spots (not as good response)

Patients with high/unrealistic expectations
Decay and active peri-apical pathology (must be
resolved first)
Sensitivity/cracks/exposed dentine
Existing crowns / large restorations (anteriorly)
Elderly patients with visible recession and yellow
roots (roots don’t bleach as readily as crowns)
If patients cannot afford changing existing
restorations post-bleaching
Effects on
Soft tissues
Cervical resorption
Hardness of teeth
Tooth coloured restorations
Adhesive bond strength
  -changes composition of enamel and dentine,
  therefore defer definitive adhesive
  restorations until 2 weeks (at least 10 days)
  after bleaching completed

 “any treatment procedure
or method a dental
professional might prescribe
to whiten the color and
brighten your teeth”

10-15% carbamide peroxide
used as a oral disinfectant
since late 1960s – LONG

 Vital bleaching :
  • Home use of 10 % (15%, 20% ALSO)
    carbamide peroxide in a dental tray
  • “In office bleaching” (~30% carbamide
    peroxide) carried out in single visit (photo
    initiation) plus additional home use of
    carbamide peroxide 10% to “top up”

 Non-vital bleaching :
  • (A.k.a Walking bleaching)
  • The ‘Inside/Outside’ method using 10 %
1. Hydrogen peroxide (HP): H2O2

2. Carbamide peroxide: CH6N2O3 much more
    stable than hydrogen peroxide, hence it’s
    preferred use
   • Urea stabilises and buffers HP – shelf life!
   • A 10% Carbamide peroxide solution contains
     3% HP, 7% Urea

1. Tetrahydrate sodium perborate: NaBO3
   (Borax) mixed with water- decomposes to HP.

   Why 10% CP most widely used?

    • 10% is the only bleaching concentration
      approved by the FDI

    • Majority of clinical data on 10%, if a lawsuit
      ensued – could be criticized for using
      something less well “tested”

    • Higher concentrations= increased sensitivity
      and harmful effects

 Thought to be due to the ingress of oxidisers
  and oxygenating molecules through enamel

 Break/cleave pigment bonds and allow
  molecules to diffuse through the tooth

 &/or become smaller and absorb less light
  and hence appear lighter

 When bleach is applied to the
  tooth it passes from the incisal
  edge to the apex of the tooth
  through the enamel, dentin &
  pulp chamber within 5- 15

 Hydrogen Peroxide breaks
  down very rapidly to water, an
  oxygen ion and oxygen free                       O-
  radicals. The 3 or 4 most                 H2O
  active free radical species are    H2o2
  OH- 95%, OOH- 2.3% & O-
 The oxygen molecules then
  attach to the double carbon
  bonds (colour stain molecules)
  and break them down into             OH-         DCB
  single carbon bonds, thus                   O-
  disfiguring their internal colors.
 The Single carbon bonds
  reflect light and therefore                            BREAK DOWN THE
                                                         STAIN MOLECULES
  make teeth appear brighter
  and whiter. The changed
  molecules are now translucent.

                                       SCB          SCB
 The molecules may also now
  diffuse through the pores more
  readily because of their
  reduced size
Before and after

 The situation at present is that it is illegal in
  the UK to supply a product for the purpose of
  tooth whitening, if that product contains or
  releases more than 0.1% Hydrogen Peroxide.

 Companies are able to supply as a “chemical”
  only i.e. without instructions for use in

Chief Dental Officer Statement 2000:
“The Department of Health would not
seek to interfere with a dentist’s
therapeutic decision to utilize a
bleaching technique where a dentist
considers this to be in the best interests
of the patient’s overall oral health care”
Tooth whitening update (September 2011)- Dental
• New European Directive allowing dentists to legally
  supply products for tooth whitening, which release or
  contain up to 6% hydrogen peroxide , provided that
  the patient has been examined by a dentist and the
  first treatment has been performed by the dentist or
  under his or her direct supervision.
• Once in place (due for publication in October 2011),
  the UK Government is obliged to amend the
  Regulations to reflect this within 12 months.

• 6% HP limit will allow dentists to use 18% CP
 The GDC believes that it is illegal for non-dental
  professionals to be offering tooth whitening
 We advise any member of the public wanting tooth whitening to
  speak to their dentist.
 In our view tooth whitening amounts to the practice of dentistry.
  The carrying out of dentistry by non-registrants is a criminal
  offence. We are committed to protecting the public by
  investigating and prosecuting people who are not registered
  with us and who perform, or provide clinical advice about, tooth


 The end point is fixed for all teeth and this
  must be explained fully to the patient.
 The Professional should explain the various
  treatment options, incuding bleaching
  alternatives such as toothpastes, OTC, at
  home tray and in-office so that an informed
  decision can be made.
 You must not lead a patient to believe that in-
  office bleaching will yield better results than
  home bleaching.
At the LUDH, our bleaching protocol states:

  “tooth bleaching should only be done
  if there is a real, clearly-defined
  clinical need to provide this form of
  treatment and not merely for the
  cosmetic aspirations of a patient”.
Bleaching: Part II
Walking Bleach/ Non-
Vital Bleaching

 Spasser (1961) - sodium perborate sealed
  within canal (walking bleach)
 Nutting and Poe (1963, 1967) – combination
  walking bleach (perborate and HP)
 Now carbamide peroxide 10% used widely
 Known as walking bleaching

 Indications:
  To whiten endodontically treated,
  discolored teeth.

• External (cervical) resorption, especially when
  used with thermocatalytic activation (heated
  instrument within pulp chamber)

• Heithersay found incidence increased when
  associated with trauma (3.9-9.7%) and
  orthodontic treatment (24%)

 Pre-operative radiograph
  • ensure no pathology (external resorption)
    prior to commencing procedure
  • medico-legal

 Warn patient if previous orthodontic treatment
  or trauma- higher risk

 Sealing GP with a 2mm RMGIC (minimum
  2mm to prevent ingress of bleach into pulp

 Warn patient:
  • May not improve shade
  • May reverse, and patient may need to repeat
    procedure in future at own cost
  • May require other treatment: veneer/crown
  • Tooth is hollow whilst carrying out bleaching and
    patient must be careful, do not bit into hard foods,
    tooth may fracture!
  • Cervical resorption? Previous trauma/ortho
  • If temp filling lost must see dentist urgently
    (walking bleach)

1. History taking & examination
2. Examine the radiograph to establish adequate RCF
3. Take shade and photograph
4. Rubber dam isolation- single tooth
5. Remove all filling material and gutta percha 2-3mm
   apical to CEJ (Williams/PCP 2 probe used).
6. All restorative material must be removed to allow
   bleaching agent to contact the internal tooth structure.
7. Mix RMGIC and place 2mm thickness to assure a seal.
   Light cure for 20s.
8. Express Carbamide Peroxide into the cavity (use a small
   tip, e.g. the tips used for acid etch).

9. Place tiny cotton pellet into gel. Leave 1.0 to 1.5mm of
    space to accommodate the provisional restoration.
10. Place a GIC provisional restorative material to seal the
    access opening, check occlusion.
11. Repeat the procedure every 3 to 7 days until the desired
    color change is achieved.
12. Remove provisional restorative material and bleaching
    material to level of GI sealing material. Rinse and clean
    access opening. Place a temp restoration.
13. A definitive resin composite restoration of a light colour
    should not be placed before 14 days after the bleaching

Essentially same technique as Non vital bleaching
1. Pre-op radiograph (assess endo)
2. Re-open access cavity
3. Ensure chamber free of GP
4. Seal off the root filling with resin-modified GIC
5. Place the 10% gel (may be higher) into a single
   tooth tray with labial and lingual reservoirs.
6. Insert tray into the mouth. Remove excess as
   necessary. This should be kept in position for at
   least 2 to 3 hours and preferably overnight.
7. Clean the access cavities out with a toothbrush
   or interproximal brush.

8. No limit to how many times the material can be
    changed and changing the material every 2 to 3
    hours will probably speed up the process.
9. The access cavity should ideally left open for no
    longer than necessary (suggested 3 days?)
10. The chamber should be cleaned out thoroughly
    and temporised.
11. A definitive resin composite restoration of a light
    colour should not be placed until 14 days after
    the bleaching process.
Part III
Home Bleaching
LUDH- PROTOCOL 1- Home Bleaching
(aka Night Guard Vital Bleaching)

 Make a diagnosis of the cause(s) of
  discolouration and record this in the notes.
 Treatment plan: Discuss the various
  alternative treatment options to bleaching
  teeth, e.g. no treatment, veneers, crowns.
 Check that the patient is not allergic to
  peroxide or plastic.
 Identify the teeth for bleaching
  **check their periapical status on radiograph.
•   Record the shade of the
    discoloured teeth and write that
    in the notes.
•   Photograph if possible (with
    shade tab)
•   Obtain patient consent
    • Warn restorations will not
        change colour*
•   Take alginate impressions for
    tray- lab prescription*
•   Fit bleaching trays, ensure
    good fit and comfortable
•   Advise patient on procedure-
    demo use, give leaflets

Using the 10% CP
(Home Bleaching )
1. Brush teeth and floss as normal before each use.
2. Advise the patient to remove the tip from the syringe
   containing the 10% carbamide gel and to extrude a
   little (~1mm) of the gel into the deeper and front parts
   of the tray. (No more than ½ a syringe). Place gel in
   the tray on the cheek and the tongue side of the
   back teeth.
3. Seat the tray over the teeth and press down firmly.
4. A finger, a tissue, or a soft toothbrush should be used
   to remove excess gel that will flow beyond the edge
   of the tray.

5. Rinse gently and do not swallow. The tray is usually
   worn whilst sleeping or a minimum of 2 hours.
6. In the morning, remove the tray and brush the
   residual gel from the teeth. Rinse out the tray and
   brush it. Store it in a safe container.

   The patient should not eat, drink or smoke while
    bleaching trays in mouth.
   10% CP should not be exposed to heat
    (decomposes), sunlight or extreme cold. Store in a
    fridge and keep away from reach of children.

• Advise the patient that it will probably
  take about 2-6 weeks to achieve
  satisfactory result
   • Nicotine stain 1-3 months
   • Tetracycline stain 2-6 months, sometimes 12

• Further restorations
  may be required

 The Next 24 – 48 hours are important in enhancing &
  maximizing whitening results.

 Avoid substances which may stain teeth
    Such as: Red wine, coca cola, coffee, tea

 Sensitivity: Teeth can be sensitive for 24-48 hours
  (esp after in office bleaching). It can range from a dull
  ache in the teeth to sharp pains various teeth. Take
  Panadol or Nurofen as required.

                               •Passage of
                               hydrogen peroxide
                               through enamel
                               and dentine to the
                               •Manipulation of

55% to 75% of patients experience sensitivity

At risk patients:

 Large pulp chambers
 Exposed root surfaces
 Abfraction, attrition,
  erosion, abrasion lesions
 Over wearing of trays
 Improper fit of trays
 High concentrations of
  bleaching agent
 No long-term effects in
  the literature

•Decrease wearing time/concentration

•Desensitizing toothpaste
   –Potassium nitrate
      • works on the nerve of the tooth
      •10 - 30 mins in a tray
   –Neutral Sodium Fluoride
      •occludes the dentinal tubules ( 4-6 weeks)

•Relief gel, Tooth mousse
   –Amorphous Calcium Phosphate
• Take alginate impressions of arch(es) to be bleached

• Technician to cast up and block-out the labial
  aspects of the teeth to be bleached if using
  reservoirs- recommended (lab technicians add
  flowable composite onto labial aspects of teeth)

• Make a thin vacuum-formed soft tray from a
  thermoplastic material

• Check this carefully on the model to ensure there are
  no sharp areas of the tray that might irritate the
  gingival margins.

1. Pour study models in dental stone
2. Place composite resin on labial surfaces on
   e.g. UR5-UL5, LR5-LL5 (+/- palatal
   surfaces), kept short of gingival margins
3. Make upper and lower full arch, 1mm
   thickness, soft pull down bleaching trays
   which are well adapted and trim to the level
   of the gingival margins


Dr Van Haywood and Dr Harald Heymann published the original
   technique, called Nightguard Vital Bleaching, in an article in

School of Dental Sciences - Liverpool University Dental Hospital
Protocols for Tooth Bleaching/Whitening (AJP)

Suliman 2004 - Dental Update papers (links on vital)

1.   Greenwall, Linda. Bleaching techniques in restorative dentistry :
     an illustrated guide
2.   Haywood, Van B. TitleTooth whitening : indications and
     outcomes of nightguard vital bleaching / Van B. Haywood;
     Quintessence Publishing, 2007.
3.   Van Haywood’s article: Frequently Asked Questions About
     Bleaching; Compendium / April 2003
4.   GOLDSTEIN, Ronald E Complete dental bleaching; 1995;
5.   Sulieman M. An Overview of Bleaching Techniques: 1. History,
     Chemsitry, Safety and Legal Aspects. Dent Update 2004; 31:608-
6.   Sulieman M. An Overview of Bleaching Techniques: 2. Night
     Guard Vital Bleaching and Non-Vital Bleaching. Dent Update
     2005; 32: 39-46

 Make a diagnosis of the cause(s) of
  discolouration and record this in the notes.
 Discuss the various alternative options to
  bleaching teeth, for instance, veneers,
  crowns and post crowns.
 Check that the patient is not allergic to
  peroxide or plastic.
 Identify the teeth for bleaching
  **check their periapical status on radiograph.
•   Record the shade of the
    discoloured teeth and write that
    in the notes.
•   Photograph if possible (with
    shade tab)
•   Record that in the notes and
    obtain patient consent
    • Warn restorations will not
        change colour*
•   Take alginate impressions for
    tray- lab prescription*
•   Fit bleaching trays, ensure
    good fit and comfortable
•   Advise patient on procedure-
    give leaflets

•   Check for the presence of composites, veneers, crowns at adjacent and
    opposite teeth and warn patients that these will not change colour with
    bleaching and may need to be redone if bleaching is undertaken as the
    colour mismatch may become much more apparent following bleaching.

•   If possible draw a diagram to remind the patient of the presence of such
    restorations and keep a copy in the notes.
•   The teeth will change colour with bleaching but the existing composites,
    veneers, or bridges will not change colour.
•   If it is subsequently necessary to make these the same colour as the
    bleached teeth, significant numbers of restorations may need to be
•   White spots will become whiter in initial stages, but almost always
•   Record in the notes that this has been discussed

 Advise the patient that the necks of the teeth may
  take longer to lighten.
 If there is a lot of recession – must inform pt root
  surfaces may not bleach
 Temporise carious teeth and leaking restorations.
  Very old amalgam fillings may leave a dark purple
  colour on the bleaching tray. It is prudent to polish
  these restorations with conventional multibladed
  tungsten carbide burs before commencing.
 Bleaching should not be undertaken whilst patients
  are known to be pregnant or breast-feeding.
HISTORY (adapted from data in
Year        Authors                                   Innovation
1799       Macintosh         Chloride of lime is invented - Called bleaching powder
1884        Harlan           1st Hydrogen peroxide use
                             Used 35% HP inside tooth and suggested 25%HP with heated
1958         Pearson         lamp
1961         Spasser         Perborate sealed within tooth - "walking bleach"

                             Thermocatalytic Technique - pellet saturated with suoperoxyl
1965         Stewart         and heated with an instrument inside pulp chamber.
                             In office bleaching using 30% H2O2 and heat from bleaching
1987        Feinmann         light
1989           Croll         Microabrasion technique
1989   Haywood and Heyman    10% CP used in trays overnight "Nightguard Vital Bleaching"
1990                         Bleaching products available OTC - contraversial !
                             Bleaching materials were investigated and the FDA called for
1991                         safety studies. Ban was lifted after 6months
1991    Numerous authors     Power bleaching using 30% HP and light activiation
1996          Rayto          Laser tooth whitening
1997     Settembrini et al   Inside-Outside bleaching technique
1998       Carrilo et al     Open pulp chamber with CP inside

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Teeth whitening lecture(1)

  • 1.
  • 3. COLOUR  Teeth made of many colours, with natural gradation from the darker cervical to the lighter incisal third  Variation affected by thickness of enamel and dentine, and reflectance of different colours  Blue, green and pink tints in enamel, yellow through to brown shades of dentine beneath  Canine teeth darker than lateral incisors  Teeth become darker with age (secondary/tertiary dentine, tooth wear/dentine exposure)
  • 4. COLOUR Tooth colour affected by:  individual interpretation  time of day  patient positioning/ angle tooth is viewed at  hydration of tooth (always take shade at start of appointment)  skin tone (make-up)  surrounding conditions (e.g. lighting in clinic)
  • 5. CLASSIFICATION OF TOOTH DISCOLOURATION  Extrinsic discolouration  Intrinsic discolouration
  • 6. AETIOLOGY OF DISCOLOURATION Extrinsic Discolouration:  Stains (chromogens) that lies on/attach to the tooth surface or in the acquired pellicle, or  The incorporation of extrinsic stain within the tooth substance following dental development. It occurs in enamel defects and in the porous surface of exposed dentine (‘stain internalisation’).
  • 7. AETIOLOGY OF DISCOLOURATION Extrinsic Discolouration: E.g. •Plaque, chromogenenic •Smoking / chewing bacteria tobacco •Mouthwashes •Beverages (tea, coffee, (chlorhexidine) red wine, cola) •Foods (curry, cooking oils and fried foods, foods with colorings, berries, beetroot) • Antibiotics (erythromycin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid) • Iron supplements
  • 8. AETIOLOGY OF DISCOLOURATION Intrinsic Discolouration:  Intrinsic discolouration occurs following a change to the structural composition or thickness of the dental hard tissues.
  • 9. AETIOLOGY OF DISCOLOURATION Intrinsic Discolouration: Pre-eruptive: Post-eruptive: Disease: Trauma (e.g. pulpal •Haematological diseases haemorrhagic products) •Liver diseases Primary and secondary •Diseases of enamel and caries dentine (e.g. Amelogenesis/ Tooth wear Dentinogenesis imperfecta) Dental restorative materials Medication: •Tetracycline, other antibiotics Ageing Fluorosis stains (excess F) Chemicals Enamel hypoplasia (trauma Antibiotics or infection) Minocycline (used to treat acne)
  • 10. Types of Discoloration Colour Produced Extrinsic (Direct stains) Tea, coffee and other foods Brown to black Cigarettes/cigars Yellow/brown to black Plaque/poor oral hygiene Yellow/brown Extrinsic (Indirect stains) Polyvalent metal salts and cationic antiseptics Black and brown e.g. Chlorhexidine Intrinsic (Metabolic causes) e.g. Congenital erythropoietic porphyria Purple/brown (Inherited causes) e.g. Amelogenesis Imperfecta Brown or black e.g. Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Blue-brown (opalescent) (Iatrogenic causes) Tetracycline Banding appearance: classically yellow, brown, blue, black or grey Minocycline Grey Fluorosis White, yellow, grey or black (Traumatic causes) Brown Enamel hypoplasia Grey black Pulpal haemorrhage products Pink spot Root resorption (Ageing causes) Yellow Internalized Caries Orange to brown Restorations Brown, grey, black
  • 11. MANAGEMENT OF DISCOLOURED TEETH Treatment options: 1.No treatment 2.Removal of surface stain 3.Bleaching techniques 4.Operative techniques to mask underlying discolouration  Veneers  Crowns
  • 12. Treatment option Indications Advantages Disadvantages No treatment Patient with poor oral Non invasive, no cost Will not address hygiene/ caries/ PA patients aesthetic pathology, large ant concerns restorations/crowns Removal of surface Non/minimally invasive May not improve stain aesthetics significantly, -Scale and polish may require further Rx -Extrinsic staining -Microabrasion Microabrasion- soft -Fluorosis, white spot tissue irritation/ demineralisation, excessive tooth prep enamel hypoplasia (technique sensitive) Bleaching Non/minimally invasive Cost, limitation on -Home bleaching, -See later slides shade improvement (a Walking bleach few shade lighter only), may fail/ need repeating, compliance (home bleaching) Restorative treatment Severely discoloured May achieve a more Destructive, irreversible -Veneers, crowns teeth, e.g. tetracycline aesthetic result (tooth tissue removal), staining (may bleach changes natural shape 1st) of teeth, cost, Unaesthetic tooth maintenance, oral morphology (e.g. AI/DI) hygiene compliance (interdental cleaning) Heavily restored teeth
  • 13. To bleach or not to bleach?
  • 14. GENERAL INDICATIONS  Generalised staining  Ageing  Extrinsic stain - Smoking and dietary stains (tea/coffee etc)  Fluorosis  Tetracycline staining (? in combination with restorative techniques)  Traumatic pulpal changes  White spots  Brown spots (not as good response)
  • 15. CONTRAINDICATIONS Patients with high/unrealistic expectations Decay and active peri-apical pathology (must be resolved first) Pregnancy/Breastfeeding Sensitivity/cracks/exposed dentine Existing crowns / large restorations (anteriorly) Elderly patients with visible recession and yellow roots (roots don’t bleach as readily as crowns) If patients cannot afford changing existing restorations post-bleaching
  • 16. Effects on Soft tissues Cervical resorption Pulp Hardness of teeth Tooth coloured restorations Adhesive bond strength -changes composition of enamel and dentine, therefore defer definitive adhesive restorations until 2 weeks (at least 10 days) after bleaching completed
  • 17. BLEACHING Definition “any treatment procedure or method a dental professional might prescribe to whiten the color and brighten your teeth” 10-15% carbamide peroxide used as a oral disinfectant since late 1960s – LONG CLINICAL HISTORY
  • 18. BLEACHING TECHNIQUES  Vital bleaching : • Home use of 10 % (15%, 20% ALSO) carbamide peroxide in a dental tray • “In office bleaching” (~30% carbamide peroxide) carried out in single visit (photo initiation) plus additional home use of carbamide peroxide 10% to “top up”  Non-vital bleaching : • (A.k.a Walking bleaching) • The ‘Inside/Outside’ method using 10 % carbamide peroxide
  • 19. MATERIALS 1. Hydrogen peroxide (HP): H2O2 2. Carbamide peroxide: CH6N2O3 much more stable than hydrogen peroxide, hence it’s preferred use • Urea stabilises and buffers HP – shelf life! • A 10% Carbamide peroxide solution contains 3% HP, 7% Urea 1. Tetrahydrate sodium perborate: NaBO3 (Borax) mixed with water- decomposes to HP.
  • 20. MATERIALS  Why 10% CP most widely used? • 10% is the only bleaching concentration approved by the FDI • Majority of clinical data on 10%, if a lawsuit ensued – could be criticized for using something less well “tested” • Higher concentrations= increased sensitivity and harmful effects
  • 21. MODE OF ACTION  Thought to be due to the ingress of oxidisers and oxygenating molecules through enamel micropores.  Break/cleave pigment bonds and allow molecules to diffuse through the tooth  &/or become smaller and absorb less light and hence appear lighter
  • 22. MODE OF ACTION 2  When bleach is applied to the tooth it passes from the incisal edge to the apex of the tooth through the enamel, dentin & pulp chamber within 5- 15 minutes.  Hydrogen Peroxide breaks down very rapidly to water, an oxygen ion and oxygen free O- radicals. The 3 or 4 most H2O active free radical species are H2o2 OH- OH- 95%, OOH- 2.3% & O- O2 2.3%. OOH-
  • 23. MODE OF ACTION 3  The oxygen molecules then attach to the double carbon bonds (colour stain molecules) and break them down into OH- DCB single carbon bonds, thus O- disfiguring their internal colors. DCB OOH-  The Single carbon bonds reflect light and therefore BREAK DOWN THE STAIN MOLECULES make teeth appear brighter and whiter. The changed molecules are now translucent. SCB SCB  The molecules may also now diffuse through the pores more readily because of their reduced size
  • 25. LEGAL SITUATION  The situation at present is that it is illegal in the UK to supply a product for the purpose of tooth whitening, if that product contains or releases more than 0.1% Hydrogen Peroxide.  Companies are able to supply as a “chemical” only i.e. without instructions for use in bleaching  10% CARBAMIDE PEROXIDE RELEASES ~3% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE SO ESSENTIALLY IT’S ILLEGAL PRACTICE...
  • 26. LEGAL SITUATION However Chief Dental Officer Statement 2000: “The Department of Health would not seek to interfere with a dentist’s therapeutic decision to utilize a bleaching technique where a dentist considers this to be in the best interests of the patient’s overall oral health care”
  • 27. LEGAL SITUATION Tooth whitening update (September 2011)- Dental Protection: • New European Directive allowing dentists to legally supply products for tooth whitening, which release or contain up to 6% hydrogen peroxide , provided that the patient has been examined by a dentist and the first treatment has been performed by the dentist or under his or her direct supervision. • Once in place (due for publication in October 2011), the UK Government is obliged to amend the Regulations to reflect this within 12 months. • 6% HP limit will allow dentists to use 18% CP
  • 28. GENERAL DENTAL COUNCIL GDC  The GDC believes that it is illegal for non-dental professionals to be offering tooth whitening treatment.  We advise any member of the public wanting tooth whitening to speak to their dentist.  In our view tooth whitening amounts to the practice of dentistry. The carrying out of dentistry by non-registrants is a criminal offence. We are committed to protecting the public by investigating and prosecuting people who are not registered with us and who perform, or provide clinical advice about, tooth whitening BEWARE
  • 29. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS  The end point is fixed for all teeth and this must be explained fully to the patient.  The Professional should explain the various treatment options, incuding bleaching alternatives such as toothpastes, OTC, at home tray and in-office so that an informed decision can be made.  You must not lead a patient to believe that in- office bleaching will yield better results than home bleaching.
  • 30. LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY DENTAL HOSPITAL At the LUDH, our bleaching protocol states: “tooth bleaching should only be done if there is a real, clearly-defined clinical need to provide this form of treatment and not merely for the cosmetic aspirations of a patient”.
  • 31. Bleaching: Part II Walking Bleach/ Non- Vital Bleaching
  • 32. NON-VITAL BLEACHING  Spasser (1961) - sodium perborate sealed within canal (walking bleach)  Nutting and Poe (1963, 1967) – combination walking bleach (perborate and HP)  Now carbamide peroxide 10% used widely  Known as walking bleaching  Indications: To whiten endodontically treated, discolored teeth.
  • 33. NON-VITAL BLEACHING- RISK: • External (cervical) resorption, especially when used with thermocatalytic activation (heated instrument within pulp chamber) • Heithersay found incidence increased when associated with trauma (3.9-9.7%) and orthodontic treatment (24%)
  • 34. CLINICAL RELEVANCE:  Pre-operative radiograph • ensure no pathology (external resorption) prior to commencing procedure • medico-legal  Warn patient if previous orthodontic treatment or trauma- higher risk  Sealing GP with a 2mm RMGIC (minimum 2mm to prevent ingress of bleach into pulp chamber
  • 41. WARNINGS  Warn patient: • May not improve shade • May reverse, and patient may need to repeat procedure in future at own cost • May require other treatment: veneer/crown • Tooth is hollow whilst carrying out bleaching and patient must be careful, do not bit into hard foods, tooth may fracture! • Cervical resorption? Previous trauma/ortho • If temp filling lost must see dentist urgently (walking bleach)
  • 42. NON-VITAL BLEACHING 1. History taking & examination 2. Examine the radiograph to establish adequate RCF 3. Take shade and photograph 4. Rubber dam isolation- single tooth 5. Remove all filling material and gutta percha 2-3mm apical to CEJ (Williams/PCP 2 probe used). 6. All restorative material must be removed to allow bleaching agent to contact the internal tooth structure. 7. Mix RMGIC and place 2mm thickness to assure a seal. Light cure for 20s. 8. Express Carbamide Peroxide into the cavity (use a small tip, e.g. the tips used for acid etch).
  • 43. NON-VITAL BLEACHING 9. Place tiny cotton pellet into gel. Leave 1.0 to 1.5mm of space to accommodate the provisional restoration. 10. Place a GIC provisional restorative material to seal the access opening, check occlusion. 11. Repeat the procedure every 3 to 7 days until the desired color change is achieved. 12. Remove provisional restorative material and bleaching material to level of GI sealing material. Rinse and clean access opening. Place a temp restoration. 13. A definitive resin composite restoration of a light colour should not be placed before 14 days after the bleaching process.
  • 44. “INSIDE-OUTSIDE” BLEACHING Essentially same technique as Non vital bleaching 1. Pre-op radiograph (assess endo) 2. Re-open access cavity 3. Ensure chamber free of GP 4. Seal off the root filling with resin-modified GIC 5. Place the 10% gel (may be higher) into a single tooth tray with labial and lingual reservoirs. 6. Insert tray into the mouth. Remove excess as necessary. This should be kept in position for at least 2 to 3 hours and preferably overnight. 7. Clean the access cavities out with a toothbrush or interproximal brush.
  • 45. “INSIDE-OUTSIDE” BLEACHING 8. No limit to how many times the material can be changed and changing the material every 2 to 3 hours will probably speed up the process. 9. The access cavity should ideally left open for no longer than necessary (suggested 3 days?) 10. The chamber should be cleaned out thoroughly and temporised. 11. A definitive resin composite restoration of a light colour should not be placed until 14 days after the bleaching process.
  • 47. LUDH- PROTOCOL 1- Home Bleaching (aka Night Guard Vital Bleaching)  Make a diagnosis of the cause(s) of discolouration and record this in the notes.  Treatment plan: Discuss the various alternative treatment options to bleaching teeth, e.g. no treatment, veneers, crowns.  Check that the patient is not allergic to peroxide or plastic.  Identify the teeth for bleaching **check their periapical status on radiograph.
  • 48. PROTOCOL 2 • Record the shade of the discoloured teeth and write that in the notes. • Photograph if possible (with shade tab) • Obtain patient consent • Warn restorations will not change colour* • Take alginate impressions for tray- lab prescription* • Fit bleaching trays, ensure good fit and comfortable • Advise patient on procedure- demo use, give leaflets
  • 50. PATIENT INFORMATION Using the 10% CP (Home Bleaching ) 1. Brush teeth and floss as normal before each use. 2. Advise the patient to remove the tip from the syringe containing the 10% carbamide gel and to extrude a little (~1mm) of the gel into the deeper and front parts of the tray. (No more than ½ a syringe). Place gel in the tray on the cheek and the tongue side of the back teeth. 3. Seat the tray over the teeth and press down firmly. 4. A finger, a tissue, or a soft toothbrush should be used to remove excess gel that will flow beyond the edge of the tray.
  • 51. PATIENT INFORMATION 5. Rinse gently and do not swallow. The tray is usually worn whilst sleeping or a minimum of 2 hours. 6. In the morning, remove the tray and brush the residual gel from the teeth. Rinse out the tray and brush it. Store it in a safe container.  The patient should not eat, drink or smoke while bleaching trays in mouth.  10% CP should not be exposed to heat (decomposes), sunlight or extreme cold. Store in a fridge and keep away from reach of children.
  • 52. PATIENT INFO 2 • Advise the patient that it will probably take about 2-6 weeks to achieve satisfactory result • Nicotine stain 1-3 months • Tetracycline stain 2-6 months, sometimes 12 • Further restorations may be required
  • 53. POST WHITENING INSTRUCTIONS  The Next 24 – 48 hours are important in enhancing & maximizing whitening results.  Avoid substances which may stain teeth  Such as: Red wine, coca cola, coffee, tea  Sensitivity: Teeth can be sensitive for 24-48 hours (esp after in office bleaching). It can range from a dull ache in the teeth to sharp pains various teeth. Take Panadol or Nurofen as required.
  • 54. SENSITIVITY Cause: •Passage of hydrogen peroxide through enamel and dentine to the pulp •Manipulation of teeth 55% to 75% of patients experience sensitivity
  • 55. SENSITIVITY At risk patients:  Large pulp chambers  Exposed root surfaces  Abfraction, attrition, erosion, abrasion lesions  Over wearing of trays  Improper fit of trays  High concentrations of bleaching agent  No long-term effects in the literature
  • 56. TREATMENT OF SENSITIVITY •Decrease wearing time/concentration •Desensitizing toothpaste –Potassium nitrate • works on the nerve of the tooth •10 - 30 mins in a tray –Neutral Sodium Fluoride •occludes the dentinal tubules ( 4-6 weeks) •Relief gel, Tooth mousse –Amorphous Calcium Phosphate
  • 57. MAKING THE TRAY • Take alginate impressions of arch(es) to be bleached • Technician to cast up and block-out the labial aspects of the teeth to be bleached if using reservoirs- recommended (lab technicians add flowable composite onto labial aspects of teeth) • Make a thin vacuum-formed soft tray from a thermoplastic material • Check this carefully on the model to ensure there are no sharp areas of the tray that might irritate the gingival margins.
  • 60. LABORATORY PRESCRIPTION: Please: 1. Pour study models in dental stone 2. Place composite resin on labial surfaces on e.g. UR5-UL5, LR5-LL5 (+/- palatal surfaces), kept short of gingival margins 3. Make upper and lower full arch, 1mm thickness, soft pull down bleaching trays which are well adapted and trim to the level of the gingival margins
  • 61. REFERENCES DENTAL PROTECTION POSITION STATEMENT ON WHITENING Dr Van Haywood and Dr Harald Heymann published the original technique, called Nightguard Vital Bleaching, in an article in 1989 osition_Statements/20061014_ps_whitening.aspx School of Dental Sciences - Liverpool University Dental Hospital Protocols for Tooth Bleaching/Whitening (AJP) Suliman 2004 - Dental Update papers (links on vital)
  • 62. FURTHER READING 1. Greenwall, Linda. Bleaching techniques in restorative dentistry : an illustrated guide 2. Haywood, Van B. TitleTooth whitening : indications and outcomes of nightguard vital bleaching / Van B. Haywood; Quintessence Publishing, 2007. 3. Van Haywood’s article: Frequently Asked Questions About Bleaching; Compendium / April 2003 4. GOLDSTEIN, Ronald E Complete dental bleaching; 1995; Quintessence 5. Sulieman M. An Overview of Bleaching Techniques: 1. History, Chemsitry, Safety and Legal Aspects. Dent Update 2004; 31:608- 616 6. Sulieman M. An Overview of Bleaching Techniques: 2. Night Guard Vital Bleaching and Non-Vital Bleaching. Dent Update 2005; 32: 39-46
  • 63. LUDH- PROTOCOL 1  Make a diagnosis of the cause(s) of discolouration and record this in the notes.  Discuss the various alternative options to bleaching teeth, for instance, veneers, crowns and post crowns.  Check that the patient is not allergic to peroxide or plastic.  Identify the teeth for bleaching **check their periapical status on radiograph.
  • 64. PROTOCOL 2 • Record the shade of the discoloured teeth and write that in the notes. • Photograph if possible (with shade tab) • Record that in the notes and obtain patient consent • Warn restorations will not change colour* • Take alginate impressions for tray- lab prescription* • Fit bleaching trays, ensure good fit and comfortable • Advise patient on procedure- give leaflets
  • 65. PROTOCOL 3 • Check for the presence of composites, veneers, crowns at adjacent and opposite teeth and warn patients that these will not change colour with bleaching and may need to be redone if bleaching is undertaken as the colour mismatch may become much more apparent following bleaching. • If possible draw a diagram to remind the patient of the presence of such restorations and keep a copy in the notes. • The teeth will change colour with bleaching but the existing composites, veneers, or bridges will not change colour. • If it is subsequently necessary to make these the same colour as the bleached teeth, significant numbers of restorations may need to be redone. • White spots will become whiter in initial stages, but almost always revert. • Record in the notes that this has been discussed
  • 66. PROTOCOL 4  Advise the patient that the necks of the teeth may take longer to lighten.  If there is a lot of recession – must inform pt root surfaces may not bleach  Temporise carious teeth and leaking restorations. Very old amalgam fillings may leave a dark purple colour on the bleaching tray. It is prudent to polish these restorations with conventional multibladed tungsten carbide burs before commencing.  Bleaching should not be undertaken whilst patients are known to be pregnant or breast-feeding.
  • 67. HISTORY (adapted from data in Haywood) Year Authors Innovation 1799 Macintosh Chloride of lime is invented - Called bleaching powder 1884 Harlan 1st Hydrogen peroxide use Used 35% HP inside tooth and suggested 25%HP with heated 1958 Pearson lamp 1961 Spasser Perborate sealed within tooth - "walking bleach" Thermocatalytic Technique - pellet saturated with suoperoxyl 1965 Stewart and heated with an instrument inside pulp chamber. In office bleaching using 30% H2O2 and heat from bleaching 1987 Feinmann light 1989 Croll Microabrasion technique 1989 Haywood and Heyman 10% CP used in trays overnight "Nightguard Vital Bleaching" 1990 Bleaching products available OTC - contraversial ! Bleaching materials were investigated and the FDA called for 1991 safety studies. Ban was lifted after 6months 1991 Numerous authors Power bleaching using 30% HP and light activiation 1996 Rayto Laser tooth whitening 1997 Settembrini et al Inside-Outside bleaching technique 1998 Carrilo et al Open pulp chamber with CP inside

Editor's Notes

  1. Pt perceptions of the “Hollywood Smile” has no doubt increased interest in cosmetic rx
  3. Link to sites who are providing whitening illegally and esp. interesting where they offer to carry out an examination..
  4. I.E. An example of clear clinical need would be when alternative treatments for a defined clinical problem, such as the provision of labial veneers or crowns, would be more destructive to tooth tissue than bleaching. This would not, therefore, include cases where a patient merely wishes to have their teeth made slightly lighter. The over-riding principle, therefore, should be that the patient’s best interests are being served through the provision of tooth bleaching.
  5. Add the Van Haywood study
  6. With reservoirs / without reservoirs