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■ As digital technology has taken over the world in
which we live in, it has created more opportunities for
niche, unknown businesses to become recognisable
in the media industry. It is argued that greater access
to professional cameras, social media and marketing
software is created a PULL MEDIA.This is the idea
that the audience are free to choose what is seen in
the media opposed to PUSH MEDIA which is the idea
that the media content that we consume is controlled
by mainstream products by huge corporations. For
example, pull media content includes an independent
film ‘The Hunt for Gollum’ which was created by only
using hand held devices and also in the magazine
industry, an example is ‘Pigeons and Peacocks’
magazine which was created by London College of
Fashion, demonstrating how the availability of these
technologies creates greater diversity in the media
industry. Therefore, with this in mind, I have used
numerous technologies when constructing, planning
and researching for my production. Many of the skills
have been transferred from AS, for example, my
knowledge of how to use and presentation
software however I have also learnt how to construct
a website from scratch which has been challenge in
attempting to this new technology.
Search Engines
■ During my research period, I used these two major search engines that allowed me to access the internet.
Firstly, internet explorer was used at college and Firefox was used at home and I would argue that Firefox
allowed me to be more productive because the software was quicker compared to Internet Explorer which is
often slower to use.Additionally, at college ‘Internet Explorer’ is the only accessible search engine however
due to age constrictions of particular students, a lot of information and sites are blocked. Hence, this gave
me limited information so I completely a majority of my planning at home via Firefox. However, arguably
both sites were crucial as they gave me access to reliable sources and websites that allowed me to gain a
crucial understanding of the conventions of fashion and lifestyle magazines. For example, through looking at
images of other regional magazines such as ‘Dluxe’ to gain an insight into how to make my product look
exclusive through conveying that it is regional.Additionally, at home I could access clothing websites in order
to research about the latest trends to ensure that my product was relevant.This is especially important to
allowThe Uses and GratificationsTheory to take place as individuals can build personal identity through
feeling confident that they are wearing current trends, thus, boosting their self esteem, fulfilling Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs. Another way that the Uses and Gratifications theory can take place is because search
engines allow the audience to be informed and they can use this information to discuss an article within my
magazine/ website which means that the audiences personal identity ( another aim of the uses and
gratifications theory) can be fulfilled as they will appear superior due to knowing the latest knowledge of
trends and popular culture in Leicester.
Useful websites-Vogue, Cosmopolitan,
Sixty Nine Degrees, Style Birmingham
■ In order to gain inspiration on the genre and conventional layouts of fashion and lifestyle websites, I
used the websites above to get an idea of what the magazines looked like but also the website layout
which would create greater knowledge on how to produce a website- thus making it appear of a higher
quality to the audienceAdditionally, the websites would reveal the kind of features that the websites
would include so it gave me inspiration which would allow me to make my product look more
professional, for example narrative features which are a unique selling point as they will create a sense
of mystery over a person or an event which draws the audience in. I decided to look atVogue and
Grazia as they are popular women’s magazines and are known to be of a higher quality ( due to
featuring designer, high end clothing) thus, it gave me a greater understanding over how to make the
product look prestige and allow the audience to respect the institution.Also, this will attract audiences
who are ‘aspirers’ to use Rubicam andYoung’s term as members of my audience will fit into this
category as they are young so may not have a lot of disposable income but they are still materialistic
and seek to buy fashionable clothing and high end makeup to prove some element of wealth. This is
because it allowsThe Uses andGratificationsTheory to take place as the reader will gain personal
identity as by reading a higher quality product, it would allow the reader to gain personal identity and
also meet Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as they will feel a sense of importance when reading a prestige
product. However, I also looked at regional magazine websites such as Sixty Nine Degrees and Style
Birmingham in order to give me inspiration through focusing on local events and also Birmingham Style
had ‘Hey Birmingham’ in the subscription box to convey the region but also create a welcoming
atmosphere, thus, this is how I can make the product feel regional and exclusive to the people that live
in Leicester.Therefore, I looked at how they promoted local events and this would influence social
solidarity as part ofThe Uses andGratifications by bringing the people of Leicester together through
allowing them to relate through popular culture. I have then used the words ‘Leicester’s no1 trend
magazine’ and related to bars, events and locations in Leicester to make it informative to the audience
that this relates to Leicester, to give the product that collective feel.
Google Images
Google images were a useful technology to use in the research stages of my production
as they contributed towards my textual analysis, allowing me to discover the do’s ( such
as having a colour scheme which matches the outfit of the model) and don’ts ( using
large, ‘document’ like typography that lacks professionalism) of the magazine industry, to
prevent my product from appearing of a lower quality which is off putting for the reader
and discourages them from reading further through the product. Additionally, it was
useful because I gained an understanding of effective and conventional fonts ( which is
mainly the use of serif fonts as they connote elegance and femininity, therefore relating
to the female target audience), shot types ( close up with eye line match, which helps to
create a sense of engagement between the audience and the institution) and also colour
schemes to encourages mass engagement with the audience so that a large demographic
can be achieved, therefore increasing recognition. Additionally, google images allowed
me to look a variety of different magazines, from mainstream magazines ( such asVogue
and Cosmopolitan) , student magazines ( such as Mode and Style Life ) and also regional
magazines ( such as Sixty Nine Degrees and Style Birmingham) , therefore giving me a
rounded view of the expectations that my audience would have when they read my
product which is that the magazine needs to be interactive, eye catching, informative
and inspirational. The latter is an important aspect which will allowThe Dyer StarTheory
to take place as if the audience idolize the models clothing, they will see them as a
commodity and look up to their style, therefore, feel encouraged to purchase the product
in the future so that they will re-read the magazine in the future.
■ I usedYouTube in the planning stages of my production in order to gain some research on the representation of women and
also cohesive marketing campaigns- allowing me to understand how to make my product look desirable through marketing
and promotion. I firstly wanted to research the video 'SuperVenus' which I had previously seen on Facebook and it is an
indictment of the presentation of women in the media, criticizing how they are molded to fit a certain stereotype- one that
is impossible. For example, the common ideology is that women should be slim, have the perfect hair, bosom, wear lots of
makeup, be tanned and have long flowing hair- however to achieve this look is only available for a few, not the ordinary
audience. Therefore, by finding this and placing it on my blog, it inspired me to use 'natural' looking models to prevent the
reader from feeling under pressure to look a particular way as this can be detrimental on their hierarchy of needs, as their
emotional needs are eradicated due to a reduction in self-esteem. Feminists would support this view as it undermines the
patriachal expectations of women to simply be sexual objects, therefore it shows a strive towards equality. Postmodernists
would also support the view that women should express being diverse as it supports the view that we all have free will to
define who we are what we want to be, thus, it can lead to the uses and gratifications theory being achieved as if different
kinds of women are promoted, the audience gains personal identity due to being empowered.
that Additionally,YouTube was used both to upload recent updates of my progressed which made me appear more
personable but also for educational purposes, for example, to research skills on how to use particular software. This was
extremely important as it made my time management a lot easier but also allowed me to use the skills to make the end
product look more realistic and professional. This was extremely important in allowing my product to gain a positive two
step flow effect as when the product looks of a higher quality, it is more likely to get a well-respected reputation and this will
be shared with their friends, thus, encouraging people to participate. I think if my product was successful, in the future,
YouTube could be another way for the audience to connect to the institution, through watching ‘behind the scenes’ videos
of photo-shoots in order to produce interactivity and greater engagement with the audience.
Clothing websites
■ Bellow are some of the clothing and beauty websites that I looked at to gain inspiration on the latest trends and popular beauty products. I chose to
look at these brands because they are suitable to my ‘20 something’ target audience due to being focused around popular cultures and inspired by
celebrities. For example, Missguided is very glamorous and the buyers choose a lot of club wear, thus, it is relatable to the outgoing lifestyles of my
demographic. I was aware that these were appropriate brands through my audience research and also through word of mouth contact with people of
this age group, therefore it makes it more reliable.
Clothing websites
Using clothing websites in the research process of my production was effective
because it allowed me to get an idea of what kinds of clothing is the most
popular for my target audience and this would allow me to understand the types
of styles, cuts, fabrics and colours which would attract my audience and make
them more likely to purchase the products.This is because it will allow the Dyer
StarTheory to take place as individuals will see someone wearing a particular
product and idolize their look, thus, repurchasing each magazine to see what the
latest look is.This consumer loyalty is what will allow my product to secure a fan
base and appear established in the industry.
Another important aspect of looking at clothing websites is that I can get an idea
of the price that the audience are willing to pay for clothing and this allowed me
to cater clothing prices to my audiences needs.This will support their financial
needs within Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs by making products affordable to the
audience.This would perhaps lead to social solidarity as part of the Uses and
GratificationsTheory as people can participate in the popular culture of the
latest trends and looks, thus preventing social exclusion. Marxists will be in
favour of this as there is no financial barrier that oppresses and restricts those of
a lower income.
WGSN- ( World
global style
WGSN is a website that specializes in fashion and style and is a great source to discover the latest fashion events,
news and trends. As this is all available on one site, I used it to discover current trends but also trend forecasting for
the spring season as this made my product look ahead of the game due to being aware of future styles.This is
effective to the fashion pack as these members of my audience will want to stand out, becoming trend setters rather
than a trend follower, therefore, by researching this site, it will allow my audience to gain personal identity as part of
the Uses and GratificationsTheory due to being able to prepare for next season which will make them feel a sense of
importance. Arguably, as the website provides the reader with information on the latest fashions which could allow
the two step flow effect to take place as the site is essentially the opinion leader, therefore, through making my
product informative and trust worthy through promoting relevant clothing to the season, the two step flow effect can
take place, attracting a mass audience as people share it with their friends.
Additionally,WGSN allowed me to gain inspiration on fashion based events that will lead to interactivity, for example,
when I saw images of London Fashion Week, it inspired me to showcase ‘Leicester FashionWeek’ to allow fashion
lovers to integrate with others who have similar interests.Thus, my institution will be popular as it is community
based and specific to people in the Leicester region.
Presentation software
I decided to use PowToon to present some of
my research and planning. I was aware of how
to use it as it was used in my production during
AS however as it can be slow, I only used it to
present visual research and planning such as
the cast or costumes because this research
could be more simplistic to read on PowToon
and also interactive due to slideshow motion.
PowToon was an effective way to make my
blog look more engaging due to the music that
can be inserted into a slideshow and makes it
feel more like a video opposed to a boring,
ordinary slideshow. Although this was effective,
visual and eye catching, I only used it on
numerous occasions as the slides are only 20
seconds long ( which is not enough time to read
a slide with lots of content) so it could limit
understanding, therefore, I adapted other
methods to present my research and planning.
Every major process of my journey in
producing my magazine and ancillary
products has been posted on Blogger
which is important to connote that my
research and finding are valid which not
only symbolizes originality but also makes
my product(s) appear more reliable. I have
used the blogger presentation its self, for
example, to post recent updates and this
often reveals my own personality which is
effective as it is more inviting and relaxed
but this is often boring and creates a
sameness.Therefore, to prevent
repetition, I have embedded different
links to connote variety and to make it
appear more exciting. However, what was
extremely important when using blogger
is that the embedded posts fitted the
proportions of the blog, this had to be
changed at first because they exceeded
the length however this was important as
my posts appear more neat and efficient.
Prezi is a presentation software which
allows you present your work as a journey
set on a particular theme. In my
production Prezi was effective when I
wanted to present detailed work in a less
conventional way, for example, when
presenting my textual analysis.This way, I
could make it legible and clear to connote
my understanding of the task whilst
making it more visual and entertaining.
One way that this made this effective is
through embeddingYouTube clips to
support my research which not only
shows a different viewing experience for
the reader but it also backs up my
research to make it more reliable and
persuasive. However, this was limiting
when using the convergence of Prezi and
YouTube at college because many
YouTube videos are blocked, thus,
limiting my access.Therefore, this is why
a lot of my research and planning took
place at home as I could work more
efficiently without any errors or
Presentation software
Another form of presentation software that I
used was ‘emaze’ which is a PowerPoint
software however it differs from Microsoft
PowerPoint because there is greater
visualisations due to the unique transitions
between each slide, as if taken from the eyes
of a viewer scanning around a room, thus, it
creates this idea of involving the reader in the
media industry. Likewise to the other
PowerPoint software used in my production,
this was used for detailed work to show it in
an easy and simple format so that it is legible.
I could also addYouTube clips and individuals
designs and it is another way to make my
blog look more eye catching due to the
variety of different software used.
Microsoft PowerPoint although may be a basic presentation software
was important in every element of my coursework, to present clear and
informed progress throughout my production. One benefit of using
PowerPoint is that everybody is familiar with this presentation software
so it means that interactivity will be easier and prevent frustration and
confusion. However, one thing that prevented PowerPoint from being
completely engaging is that the transitions do not work when a
PowerPoint is uploaded on blogger as it must be placed onto SlideShare
first, therefore, this is why using triangulation of different presentation
methods creates a variety of different platforms for individuals to
contact with.This could be beneficial as it could educate the audience on
different methods of presenting work, therefore, reaching the aim of
informing the audience as part of the Uses and Gratifications Theory.
MicrosoftWord is a platform where you can produce documents,
reports and any content in written format. For my production, this
was important and used continuously, for example, in my research it
was used to type up my transcript from my focus group, therefore it
was easily legible and clear and the numerous choices of colours
allowed me to highlight different individual responses which made it
more informative, allowing the Uses and GratificationsTheory to be
achieved as the aim of being educated is reached. I then used Zoho,
an online website to allow my transcript to be put onto blogger.
Another use of Microsoft word was to copy, paste, crop and save
screen shots as there is no other way of securing them in your own
documents, therefore, this was useful in the construction to show
evidence of my progress through screen shots which conveys that my
products are authentic and valid, again making my institution more
trust worthy to the reader- leading to a well respected reputation.
Survey Monkey
Survey Monkey was the perfect website to gain reliable and representative audience
research, I used this website to find research in my production last year however I did
not get many responses as I shared it via email and therefore, it only accessed people
of a small social group which is not valid to represent a wholesome argument.
Therefore, this year I shared the link to members of my target audience ( 18-25 and
asked women to participate as this is what my products aim at) via email, twitter and
Facebook and gained a much larger response rate which demonstrates that my
understanding of how to encourage the audience to engage allowed me research to be
more representative and trust worthy. Thus, by using this questionnaire platform, it
allowed me to gain research on audience preferences on lifestyle, clothing and even
their price range to make the products specific to the majority of interests.This means
that the audience are more likely to purchase the product as it will be more relatable to
their needs, which is to follow fashion, explore the nightlife scene and to socialise with
peers. I found that Survey Monkey helped me to think of a pricing strategy which
would both provide profits for the institution but also be affordable. Conventionally
regional magazines are free however as the audience expressed that they would spend
£2 ( the majority vote) I changed my plan as this also made the product appear more
luxurious which is again an attractive selling point. However, survey monkey was
useful as I was able to ask both open and closed questions which meant that simple,
straight forward questions could be easily analysed but the option of open questions
and comments allowed me to find reasons behind the audiences answers. I decided to
use survey monkey instead of a paper questionnaire for multiple reasons, for example,
firstly printing costs act as a barrier and it is also difficult to distribute a paper
questionnaire, therefore it means that only a small sample size can be reached which
makes the product less representative. However, by making the survey accessible
online it is suitable to young people who are technologically active and therefore are
more likely to get involved, it also connotes that my institution is modern through
using technologies on web 2.0.
Social Media
Social media is a crucial part of our everyday lives, a place to
find the latest news and connect with friends. For my target
audience (18 to mid 20’s) they are constantly using this, in any
moment of passing boredom as a way to fulfil their needs of
boredom and asThe Uses and GratificationsTheory
demonstrates- allowing the audience to ‘escape’ from ordinary
lives.This is arguably a positive and a negative. Nevertheless, in
my production social media was used continuously, for
example, I used Misguided’s Instagram to gain inspiration on
the mode of address they use to engage with the reader- the
use of slang created a relaxed tone, hence, this inspired me to
create a casual atmosphere in my production.Additionally, as
mentioned on the previous slide, Facebook andTwitter were
important in distributing my survey to wide demographic, to
secure a reliable response rate to make the research more
representative of the interests of my target audience.
Acer Laptop
The Acer laptop was used at every stage of my production and this was used to
access the internet, present my work and also use which was
unavailable on most laptops in my college.This laptop is my own laptop and
this was again a benefit as I could save my work securely without the threat of
losing it due to the interaction of other students, therefore, it was a more
reliable source. However, again like last year, I found that the continuous use of
different software slowed down my laptop, meaning that very often it would
crash and I would lose my work and have to start again.Therefore, I need to
ensure that I am always backing up my work on another device to prevent
wasting time in my production. Although I did use the Apple Mac’s that were
available at my college, I found them more difficult and awkward to use for
numerous reasons. For example, I am not a Mac user myself so it was very
fiddly which made the process of small tasks much longer and also as the Mac
was old, it was less responsive and would often take a while to load content,
therefore, Mac’s were often used for smaller tasks that would require less use. I
used camera of this continuously to discuss final plans and I felt that this was
more effective than presenting it in a digital presentation method as I could
explain in a personable way which perhaps gives the choices greater meaning.
Additionally, I felt by using the camera I could elaborate more which is
important to back up my choices and decisions.
Nikon D810 Camera
iPhone 5c
In myAS production, I used this Nikon D810 camera and a phone camera however you could clearly see the distinction of
quality which made my product less continuous and some elements appeared less professional ( for example the image on
the double page spread in myAS production). However, in my A2 production, I used this camera for all of the shots in my
magazine as these are large images that needed to be of a good quality in order to promote professionalism.This image
was suitable to pick up the detail of the clothing and the makeup- something that all cameras do not show so it allows the
audience to get a clear and precise look at the model and her look.This allowsThe Dyer StarTheory to take place as the
audience are more likely to see the star as an ideology if the image is clear. Also, if the model is clear in an image, it helps
with familiarity and recognition of the brand face. Additionally, the use of a high quality camera gives the institution a
prestige reputation due to being advanced in technology- this also means that the institution appears more established
and therefore trust worthy. The camera was especially helpful when taking images of objects for my website and for my
contents page as occasionally the lighting was dark but the use of flash preventing the images from appearing dull and of
a poorer quality which is off putting for the audience.The only inconvenience of using this camera is that it had to be hired
from the schools media department and therefore could not be used freely, therefore, this is why occasionally I had to use
alternatives such as the iPhone 5c.
The iPhone 5c was used when the Nikon D810 camera could not be accessed and although the camera is of a much lower
quality (640 pixels by 1136 pixels ). I used this to take photos of the manequin for my website and also to video an
interview with a brand specialist at a high street shop and although the images are not as precise, the manequin images
are a long shot and therefore it is less recognisable than a close up shot which should make every feature clear, therefore,
when used in moderation, it does not eradicate the proffesional reputation of my product. However, one issue is that
when recording my interview, it was wobbly as I did not have a tri-pod, therefore, it made it of a poorer quality and less
precise, therefore, in the future I would ensure that the camera is stablized in order for the interview to appear more
prestige.The use of smart phones for some of my images could encourage interactivity as younger people may test their
own photography skills through using hand held mobile devices which influences pull media as the audience have greater
control over the content that they view in the media.
Polyvore is an online scrapbook that allows you to build and create outfits
on a digital mood board. I came across Polyvore through word of mouth
with a friend, showing how this is a powerful marketing strategy as it
makes consumers curious so they check it out in order to discover more.
Many people in the fashion pack are probably aware of this but I found
this useful when planning the outfits for the models as the clothing was
easily accessible and even though not every single item was the same, it
gave me an idea of the look that I was aiming for.This helped me in the
planning stage as I could get organised and prepared as it is easy to get
an insight of the outfits that the models will wear. However, I did end up
opposing to one outfit which was planned as it did not suit the body
shape of my model and perhaps this is where Polyvore is at fault because
although you can see the outfits, clothing looks different on women with
different body shapes, something I did not take into account when
planning. In the future, I would ask the models on the types of clothing
they usually wear and feel comfortable in, in order to make sure it suits
individual tastes and will feel more appropriate and also research more
into body shapes as some clothing is more likely to suit ‘petite’ women
opposed to ‘hourglass’.
Facebook Messenger
Facebook messenger is media conglomerate of Facebook and this is what
allows you to chat and connect with friends. I managed to use this in the
planning stages of my production in order to contact a model to be part of
my production and plan the dates of the photoshoot.Without this, it would
have been difficult to contact and organize with the model and therefore I
would not have been able to have the look that I wanted, for example, the
model herself and the autumnal weather conditions.
Another important technology that was used in the planning stages of my
production was the use of BBC weather, to plan and predict the weather of
the date that was planned with my model Kaitlyn. Planning the weather was
extremely important as the photoshoot was intended to be outdoors so if it
was extreme weather conditions such as rain, it would have been impossible
for the photoshoot to go forward and would have possibly caused practical
problems such as damage to the camera, therefore, this is why it was
important to forecast the weather to prevent any inconveniences that could
put my production back weeks!
■ Gmail is an online emailing software and it allowed you to contact others
through messages and unlike Facebook, you can message anyone ( as long as
you know their email address). As many institutions show their email address on
the ‘contact’ hyperlink of their page it means that this is accessible to people
that want to find out information ( like myself). I used Gmail to contact Style
Birmingham, a regional magazine based in Birmingham and I emailed them
asking for advice on how to make my product catered to my Leicester audience
and how to become successful. Not only is this beneficial as it allows me to gain
expertise advise but it also means that I have made a crucial link to a
neighbouring magazine which makes the product feel more established and in
the future, this could perhaps lead to a convergence, for example, Birmingham
Style and Grace Magazine £2, like how Heat magazine and Closer do these deals
for example, Buy one get 1 free.Therefore, it would attract a wider
demographic and allow my institution to become more recognisable and
Font Space
■ Font Space allowed me to use and find a variety of unique fonts to use in
my production and appear fresh. I found that from my research of
looking at existing media products, such fonts contrast from the boring
standard ‘comic sans’ or ‘arial’ as this would not be effective and make
my products feel more like a document opposed ( which is usually seen
in products that attract an older generation) to a visual masterpiece as
this would not reach the aim of being entertained as part of the Uses
and Gratifications Theory as there would be nothing new that makes it
seem more exciting.Therefore, I founded my masthead via font space,
allowing me to use a masthead that was conventional to the fashion
industry and make my products feel more realistic to the audience. As I
needed my font to be black instead of white, it was easy to change the
colour so that it suited my colour palette so this made it specific to my
product so it appears more original ( and therefore of a higher quality)
but also it remained of a good quality- making it clear to the audience so
it is more likely to be remembered. However, I tried not to overuse font
space as some of the fonts are very elaborate and it could make the
products look too embellished and therefore lacking the maturity that
my 18- 20 something target audience desire as this is associated with
children's magazines to make it look varied and upheld their short
attentions spans however for adults, a more formal use of fonts is
Bar Code Creator
■ Every product that is for sale must have a bar code on it, although
this is certainly something that we never look at in detail, I still
wanted to create my own bar code so that my product looked
original and authentic and therefore must trust worthy to the
audience. Of course I could have copied and pasted the bar code
from google images however I felt that this was not creative and
lacked the individuality that a new magazine requires in order to
be respected by the audience.Therefore, I used a website called
Bar Codes Inc
( to achieve
this.This allowed me to create a bar code that does not fraud any
other company and this makes it feel like a realistic product for
■ was the most important software used in the
construction of my magazine and billboard. I used it to
edit my pictures through changing the brightness,
sharpness and also the filtration of the pictures and this
allowed the images to look polished and neat, to appear
more professional to the target audience. Additionally,
this was a lot simpler to use than PhotoShop so it was
less time consuming however I do think that PhotoShop
is more precise in their editing so in the future, I would
perhaps find ways that PhotoShop was more accessible
to make my images look more prestige. I also used this
software to construct my pages, through creating
magazine canvases and layering each image, this made
it easy to remove unwanted items without ruining the
entire look of the product, therefore, this awareness of
using layers allowed me to remain organised. As I used
this software last year in my AS production, I felt much
more confident with the navigation of the software
which meant that ( in my opinion) my production skills
have improved due to understanding the proportions,
colours and fonts that are suitable for magazines.
Photo Shop is a photo editing software and is used by
many professional institutions. In my production, this is
my preferred use of photo editing software however as it
is not free, it made it less accessible to me.Therefore, I
tried a ‘free trial’ which was supposedly for 30 days
however this was false advertisement as after my first
trial, it told me that my trial was over!This meant that I
could not access the software anymore which is why I
used as this is free and constantly accessible.
However, I found that the practice within one trial was
useful in building my photo editing practice as these skills
were transferred onto which uses similar ( but
not as advanced) technology.

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  • 2. ■ As digital technology has taken over the world in which we live in, it has created more opportunities for niche, unknown businesses to become recognisable in the media industry. It is argued that greater access to professional cameras, social media and marketing software is created a PULL MEDIA.This is the idea that the audience are free to choose what is seen in the media opposed to PUSH MEDIA which is the idea that the media content that we consume is controlled by mainstream products by huge corporations. For example, pull media content includes an independent film ‘The Hunt for Gollum’ which was created by only using hand held devices and also in the magazine industry, an example is ‘Pigeons and Peacocks’ magazine which was created by London College of Fashion, demonstrating how the availability of these technologies creates greater diversity in the media industry. Therefore, with this in mind, I have used numerous technologies when constructing, planning and researching for my production. Many of the skills have been transferred from AS, for example, my knowledge of how to use and presentation software however I have also learnt how to construct a website from scratch which has been challenge in attempting to this new technology.
  • 3. Search Engines ■ During my research period, I used these two major search engines that allowed me to access the internet. Firstly, internet explorer was used at college and Firefox was used at home and I would argue that Firefox allowed me to be more productive because the software was quicker compared to Internet Explorer which is often slower to use.Additionally, at college ‘Internet Explorer’ is the only accessible search engine however due to age constrictions of particular students, a lot of information and sites are blocked. Hence, this gave me limited information so I completely a majority of my planning at home via Firefox. However, arguably both sites were crucial as they gave me access to reliable sources and websites that allowed me to gain a crucial understanding of the conventions of fashion and lifestyle magazines. For example, through looking at images of other regional magazines such as ‘Dluxe’ to gain an insight into how to make my product look exclusive through conveying that it is regional.Additionally, at home I could access clothing websites in order to research about the latest trends to ensure that my product was relevant.This is especially important to allowThe Uses and GratificationsTheory to take place as individuals can build personal identity through feeling confident that they are wearing current trends, thus, boosting their self esteem, fulfilling Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Another way that the Uses and Gratifications theory can take place is because search engines allow the audience to be informed and they can use this information to discuss an article within my magazine/ website which means that the audiences personal identity ( another aim of the uses and gratifications theory) can be fulfilled as they will appear superior due to knowing the latest knowledge of trends and popular culture in Leicester.
  • 4. Useful websites-Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Sixty Nine Degrees, Style Birmingham ■ In order to gain inspiration on the genre and conventional layouts of fashion and lifestyle websites, I used the websites above to get an idea of what the magazines looked like but also the website layout which would create greater knowledge on how to produce a website- thus making it appear of a higher quality to the audienceAdditionally, the websites would reveal the kind of features that the websites would include so it gave me inspiration which would allow me to make my product look more professional, for example narrative features which are a unique selling point as they will create a sense of mystery over a person or an event which draws the audience in. I decided to look atVogue and Grazia as they are popular women’s magazines and are known to be of a higher quality ( due to featuring designer, high end clothing) thus, it gave me a greater understanding over how to make the product look prestige and allow the audience to respect the institution.Also, this will attract audiences who are ‘aspirers’ to use Rubicam andYoung’s term as members of my audience will fit into this category as they are young so may not have a lot of disposable income but they are still materialistic and seek to buy fashionable clothing and high end makeup to prove some element of wealth. This is because it allowsThe Uses andGratificationsTheory to take place as the reader will gain personal identity as by reading a higher quality product, it would allow the reader to gain personal identity and also meet Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as they will feel a sense of importance when reading a prestige product. However, I also looked at regional magazine websites such as Sixty Nine Degrees and Style Birmingham in order to give me inspiration through focusing on local events and also Birmingham Style had ‘Hey Birmingham’ in the subscription box to convey the region but also create a welcoming atmosphere, thus, this is how I can make the product feel regional and exclusive to the people that live in Leicester.Therefore, I looked at how they promoted local events and this would influence social solidarity as part ofThe Uses andGratifications by bringing the people of Leicester together through allowing them to relate through popular culture. I have then used the words ‘Leicester’s no1 trend magazine’ and related to bars, events and locations in Leicester to make it informative to the audience that this relates to Leicester, to give the product that collective feel.
  • 5. Google Images Google images were a useful technology to use in the research stages of my production as they contributed towards my textual analysis, allowing me to discover the do’s ( such as having a colour scheme which matches the outfit of the model) and don’ts ( using large, ‘document’ like typography that lacks professionalism) of the magazine industry, to prevent my product from appearing of a lower quality which is off putting for the reader and discourages them from reading further through the product. Additionally, it was useful because I gained an understanding of effective and conventional fonts ( which is mainly the use of serif fonts as they connote elegance and femininity, therefore relating to the female target audience), shot types ( close up with eye line match, which helps to create a sense of engagement between the audience and the institution) and also colour schemes to encourages mass engagement with the audience so that a large demographic can be achieved, therefore increasing recognition. Additionally, google images allowed me to look a variety of different magazines, from mainstream magazines ( such asVogue and Cosmopolitan) , student magazines ( such as Mode and Style Life ) and also regional magazines ( such as Sixty Nine Degrees and Style Birmingham) , therefore giving me a rounded view of the expectations that my audience would have when they read my product which is that the magazine needs to be interactive, eye catching, informative and inspirational. The latter is an important aspect which will allowThe Dyer StarTheory to take place as if the audience idolize the models clothing, they will see them as a commodity and look up to their style, therefore, feel encouraged to purchase the product in the future so that they will re-read the magazine in the future.
  • 6. YouTube ■ I usedYouTube in the planning stages of my production in order to gain some research on the representation of women and also cohesive marketing campaigns- allowing me to understand how to make my product look desirable through marketing and promotion. I firstly wanted to research the video 'SuperVenus' which I had previously seen on Facebook and it is an indictment of the presentation of women in the media, criticizing how they are molded to fit a certain stereotype- one that is impossible. For example, the common ideology is that women should be slim, have the perfect hair, bosom, wear lots of makeup, be tanned and have long flowing hair- however to achieve this look is only available for a few, not the ordinary audience. Therefore, by finding this and placing it on my blog, it inspired me to use 'natural' looking models to prevent the reader from feeling under pressure to look a particular way as this can be detrimental on their hierarchy of needs, as their emotional needs are eradicated due to a reduction in self-esteem. Feminists would support this view as it undermines the patriachal expectations of women to simply be sexual objects, therefore it shows a strive towards equality. Postmodernists would also support the view that women should express being diverse as it supports the view that we all have free will to define who we are what we want to be, thus, it can lead to the uses and gratifications theory being achieved as if different kinds of women are promoted, the audience gains personal identity due to being empowered. that Additionally,YouTube was used both to upload recent updates of my progressed which made me appear more personable but also for educational purposes, for example, to research skills on how to use particular software. This was extremely important as it made my time management a lot easier but also allowed me to use the skills to make the end product look more realistic and professional. This was extremely important in allowing my product to gain a positive two step flow effect as when the product looks of a higher quality, it is more likely to get a well-respected reputation and this will be shared with their friends, thus, encouraging people to participate. I think if my product was successful, in the future, YouTube could be another way for the audience to connect to the institution, through watching ‘behind the scenes’ videos of photo-shoots in order to produce interactivity and greater engagement with the audience.
  • 7. Clothing websites ■ Bellow are some of the clothing and beauty websites that I looked at to gain inspiration on the latest trends and popular beauty products. I chose to look at these brands because they are suitable to my ‘20 something’ target audience due to being focused around popular cultures and inspired by celebrities. For example, Missguided is very glamorous and the buyers choose a lot of club wear, thus, it is relatable to the outgoing lifestyles of my demographic. I was aware that these were appropriate brands through my audience research and also through word of mouth contact with people of this age group, therefore it makes it more reliable.
  • 8. Clothing websites Using clothing websites in the research process of my production was effective because it allowed me to get an idea of what kinds of clothing is the most popular for my target audience and this would allow me to understand the types of styles, cuts, fabrics and colours which would attract my audience and make them more likely to purchase the products.This is because it will allow the Dyer StarTheory to take place as individuals will see someone wearing a particular product and idolize their look, thus, repurchasing each magazine to see what the latest look is.This consumer loyalty is what will allow my product to secure a fan base and appear established in the industry. Another important aspect of looking at clothing websites is that I can get an idea of the price that the audience are willing to pay for clothing and this allowed me to cater clothing prices to my audiences needs.This will support their financial needs within Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs by making products affordable to the audience.This would perhaps lead to social solidarity as part of the Uses and GratificationsTheory as people can participate in the popular culture of the latest trends and looks, thus preventing social exclusion. Marxists will be in favour of this as there is no financial barrier that oppresses and restricts those of a lower income.
  • 9. WGSN- ( World global style network) WGSN is a website that specializes in fashion and style and is a great source to discover the latest fashion events, news and trends. As this is all available on one site, I used it to discover current trends but also trend forecasting for the spring season as this made my product look ahead of the game due to being aware of future styles.This is effective to the fashion pack as these members of my audience will want to stand out, becoming trend setters rather than a trend follower, therefore, by researching this site, it will allow my audience to gain personal identity as part of the Uses and GratificationsTheory due to being able to prepare for next season which will make them feel a sense of importance. Arguably, as the website provides the reader with information on the latest fashions which could allow the two step flow effect to take place as the site is essentially the opinion leader, therefore, through making my product informative and trust worthy through promoting relevant clothing to the season, the two step flow effect can take place, attracting a mass audience as people share it with their friends. Additionally,WGSN allowed me to gain inspiration on fashion based events that will lead to interactivity, for example, when I saw images of London Fashion Week, it inspired me to showcase ‘Leicester FashionWeek’ to allow fashion lovers to integrate with others who have similar interests.Thus, my institution will be popular as it is community based and specific to people in the Leicester region.
  • 10. Presentation software PowToon I decided to use PowToon to present some of my research and planning. I was aware of how to use it as it was used in my production during AS however as it can be slow, I only used it to present visual research and planning such as the cast or costumes because this research could be more simplistic to read on PowToon and also interactive due to slideshow motion. PowToon was an effective way to make my blog look more engaging due to the music that can be inserted into a slideshow and makes it feel more like a video opposed to a boring, ordinary slideshow. Although this was effective, visual and eye catching, I only used it on numerous occasions as the slides are only 20 seconds long ( which is not enough time to read a slide with lots of content) so it could limit understanding, therefore, I adapted other methods to present my research and planning. Blogger Every major process of my journey in producing my magazine and ancillary products has been posted on Blogger which is important to connote that my research and finding are valid which not only symbolizes originality but also makes my product(s) appear more reliable. I have used the blogger presentation its self, for example, to post recent updates and this often reveals my own personality which is effective as it is more inviting and relaxed but this is often boring and creates a sameness.Therefore, to prevent repetition, I have embedded different links to connote variety and to make it appear more exciting. However, what was extremely important when using blogger is that the embedded posts fitted the proportions of the blog, this had to be changed at first because they exceeded the length however this was important as my posts appear more neat and efficient. Prezi Prezi is a presentation software which allows you present your work as a journey set on a particular theme. In my production Prezi was effective when I wanted to present detailed work in a less conventional way, for example, when presenting my textual analysis.This way, I could make it legible and clear to connote my understanding of the task whilst making it more visual and entertaining. One way that this made this effective is through embeddingYouTube clips to support my research which not only shows a different viewing experience for the reader but it also backs up my research to make it more reliable and persuasive. However, this was limiting when using the convergence of Prezi and YouTube at college because many YouTube videos are blocked, thus, limiting my access.Therefore, this is why a lot of my research and planning took place at home as I could work more efficiently without any errors or inconveniences.
  • 11. Presentation software Another form of presentation software that I used was ‘emaze’ which is a PowerPoint software however it differs from Microsoft PowerPoint because there is greater visualisations due to the unique transitions between each slide, as if taken from the eyes of a viewer scanning around a room, thus, it creates this idea of involving the reader in the media industry. Likewise to the other PowerPoint software used in my production, this was used for detailed work to show it in an easy and simple format so that it is legible. I could also addYouTube clips and individuals designs and it is another way to make my blog look more eye catching due to the variety of different software used. Microsoft PowerPoint although may be a basic presentation software was important in every element of my coursework, to present clear and informed progress throughout my production. One benefit of using PowerPoint is that everybody is familiar with this presentation software so it means that interactivity will be easier and prevent frustration and confusion. However, one thing that prevented PowerPoint from being completely engaging is that the transitions do not work when a PowerPoint is uploaded on blogger as it must be placed onto SlideShare first, therefore, this is why using triangulation of different presentation methods creates a variety of different platforms for individuals to contact with.This could be beneficial as it could educate the audience on different methods of presenting work, therefore, reaching the aim of informing the audience as part of the Uses and Gratifications Theory.
  • 12. MicrosoftWord MicrosoftWord is a platform where you can produce documents, reports and any content in written format. For my production, this was important and used continuously, for example, in my research it was used to type up my transcript from my focus group, therefore it was easily legible and clear and the numerous choices of colours allowed me to highlight different individual responses which made it more informative, allowing the Uses and GratificationsTheory to be achieved as the aim of being educated is reached. I then used Zoho, an online website to allow my transcript to be put onto blogger. Another use of Microsoft word was to copy, paste, crop and save screen shots as there is no other way of securing them in your own documents, therefore, this was useful in the construction to show evidence of my progress through screen shots which conveys that my products are authentic and valid, again making my institution more trust worthy to the reader- leading to a well respected reputation.
  • 13. Survey Monkey Survey Monkey was the perfect website to gain reliable and representative audience research, I used this website to find research in my production last year however I did not get many responses as I shared it via email and therefore, it only accessed people of a small social group which is not valid to represent a wholesome argument. Therefore, this year I shared the link to members of my target audience ( 18-25 and asked women to participate as this is what my products aim at) via email, twitter and Facebook and gained a much larger response rate which demonstrates that my understanding of how to encourage the audience to engage allowed me research to be more representative and trust worthy. Thus, by using this questionnaire platform, it allowed me to gain research on audience preferences on lifestyle, clothing and even their price range to make the products specific to the majority of interests.This means that the audience are more likely to purchase the product as it will be more relatable to their needs, which is to follow fashion, explore the nightlife scene and to socialise with peers. I found that Survey Monkey helped me to think of a pricing strategy which would both provide profits for the institution but also be affordable. Conventionally regional magazines are free however as the audience expressed that they would spend £2 ( the majority vote) I changed my plan as this also made the product appear more luxurious which is again an attractive selling point. However, survey monkey was useful as I was able to ask both open and closed questions which meant that simple, straight forward questions could be easily analysed but the option of open questions and comments allowed me to find reasons behind the audiences answers. I decided to use survey monkey instead of a paper questionnaire for multiple reasons, for example, firstly printing costs act as a barrier and it is also difficult to distribute a paper questionnaire, therefore it means that only a small sample size can be reached which makes the product less representative. However, by making the survey accessible online it is suitable to young people who are technologically active and therefore are more likely to get involved, it also connotes that my institution is modern through using technologies on web 2.0.
  • 14. Social Media Social media is a crucial part of our everyday lives, a place to find the latest news and connect with friends. For my target audience (18 to mid 20’s) they are constantly using this, in any moment of passing boredom as a way to fulfil their needs of boredom and asThe Uses and GratificationsTheory demonstrates- allowing the audience to ‘escape’ from ordinary lives.This is arguably a positive and a negative. Nevertheless, in my production social media was used continuously, for example, I used Misguided’s Instagram to gain inspiration on the mode of address they use to engage with the reader- the use of slang created a relaxed tone, hence, this inspired me to create a casual atmosphere in my production.Additionally, as mentioned on the previous slide, Facebook andTwitter were important in distributing my survey to wide demographic, to secure a reliable response rate to make the research more representative of the interests of my target audience.
  • 15. Acer Laptop The Acer laptop was used at every stage of my production and this was used to access the internet, present my work and also use which was unavailable on most laptops in my college.This laptop is my own laptop and this was again a benefit as I could save my work securely without the threat of losing it due to the interaction of other students, therefore, it was a more reliable source. However, again like last year, I found that the continuous use of different software slowed down my laptop, meaning that very often it would crash and I would lose my work and have to start again.Therefore, I need to ensure that I am always backing up my work on another device to prevent wasting time in my production. Although I did use the Apple Mac’s that were available at my college, I found them more difficult and awkward to use for numerous reasons. For example, I am not a Mac user myself so it was very fiddly which made the process of small tasks much longer and also as the Mac was old, it was less responsive and would often take a while to load content, therefore, Mac’s were often used for smaller tasks that would require less use. I used camera of this continuously to discuss final plans and I felt that this was more effective than presenting it in a digital presentation method as I could explain in a personable way which perhaps gives the choices greater meaning. Additionally, I felt by using the camera I could elaborate more which is important to back up my choices and decisions.
  • 16. Nikon D810 Camera iPhone 5c In myAS production, I used this Nikon D810 camera and a phone camera however you could clearly see the distinction of quality which made my product less continuous and some elements appeared less professional ( for example the image on the double page spread in myAS production). However, in my A2 production, I used this camera for all of the shots in my magazine as these are large images that needed to be of a good quality in order to promote professionalism.This image was suitable to pick up the detail of the clothing and the makeup- something that all cameras do not show so it allows the audience to get a clear and precise look at the model and her look.This allowsThe Dyer StarTheory to take place as the audience are more likely to see the star as an ideology if the image is clear. Also, if the model is clear in an image, it helps with familiarity and recognition of the brand face. Additionally, the use of a high quality camera gives the institution a prestige reputation due to being advanced in technology- this also means that the institution appears more established and therefore trust worthy. The camera was especially helpful when taking images of objects for my website and for my contents page as occasionally the lighting was dark but the use of flash preventing the images from appearing dull and of a poorer quality which is off putting for the audience.The only inconvenience of using this camera is that it had to be hired from the schools media department and therefore could not be used freely, therefore, this is why occasionally I had to use alternatives such as the iPhone 5c. The iPhone 5c was used when the Nikon D810 camera could not be accessed and although the camera is of a much lower quality (640 pixels by 1136 pixels ). I used this to take photos of the manequin for my website and also to video an interview with a brand specialist at a high street shop and although the images are not as precise, the manequin images are a long shot and therefore it is less recognisable than a close up shot which should make every feature clear, therefore, when used in moderation, it does not eradicate the proffesional reputation of my product. However, one issue is that when recording my interview, it was wobbly as I did not have a tri-pod, therefore, it made it of a poorer quality and less precise, therefore, in the future I would ensure that the camera is stablized in order for the interview to appear more prestige.The use of smart phones for some of my images could encourage interactivity as younger people may test their own photography skills through using hand held mobile devices which influences pull media as the audience have greater control over the content that they view in the media.
  • 17. Polyvore Polyvore is an online scrapbook that allows you to build and create outfits on a digital mood board. I came across Polyvore through word of mouth with a friend, showing how this is a powerful marketing strategy as it makes consumers curious so they check it out in order to discover more. Many people in the fashion pack are probably aware of this but I found this useful when planning the outfits for the models as the clothing was easily accessible and even though not every single item was the same, it gave me an idea of the look that I was aiming for.This helped me in the planning stage as I could get organised and prepared as it is easy to get an insight of the outfits that the models will wear. However, I did end up opposing to one outfit which was planned as it did not suit the body shape of my model and perhaps this is where Polyvore is at fault because although you can see the outfits, clothing looks different on women with different body shapes, something I did not take into account when planning. In the future, I would ask the models on the types of clothing they usually wear and feel comfortable in, in order to make sure it suits individual tastes and will feel more appropriate and also research more into body shapes as some clothing is more likely to suit ‘petite’ women opposed to ‘hourglass’.
  • 18. Facebook Messenger BBCWeather Facebook messenger is media conglomerate of Facebook and this is what allows you to chat and connect with friends. I managed to use this in the planning stages of my production in order to contact a model to be part of my production and plan the dates of the photoshoot.Without this, it would have been difficult to contact and organize with the model and therefore I would not have been able to have the look that I wanted, for example, the model herself and the autumnal weather conditions. Another important technology that was used in the planning stages of my production was the use of BBC weather, to plan and predict the weather of the date that was planned with my model Kaitlyn. Planning the weather was extremely important as the photoshoot was intended to be outdoors so if it was extreme weather conditions such as rain, it would have been impossible for the photoshoot to go forward and would have possibly caused practical problems such as damage to the camera, therefore, this is why it was important to forecast the weather to prevent any inconveniences that could put my production back weeks!
  • 19. Gmail ■ Gmail is an online emailing software and it allowed you to contact others through messages and unlike Facebook, you can message anyone ( as long as you know their email address). As many institutions show their email address on the ‘contact’ hyperlink of their page it means that this is accessible to people that want to find out information ( like myself). I used Gmail to contact Style Birmingham, a regional magazine based in Birmingham and I emailed them asking for advice on how to make my product catered to my Leicester audience and how to become successful. Not only is this beneficial as it allows me to gain expertise advise but it also means that I have made a crucial link to a neighbouring magazine which makes the product feel more established and in the future, this could perhaps lead to a convergence, for example, Birmingham Style and Grace Magazine £2, like how Heat magazine and Closer do these deals for example, Buy one get 1 free.Therefore, it would attract a wider demographic and allow my institution to become more recognisable and popular.
  • 20. Font Space ■ Font Space allowed me to use and find a variety of unique fonts to use in my production and appear fresh. I found that from my research of looking at existing media products, such fonts contrast from the boring standard ‘comic sans’ or ‘arial’ as this would not be effective and make my products feel more like a document opposed ( which is usually seen in products that attract an older generation) to a visual masterpiece as this would not reach the aim of being entertained as part of the Uses and Gratifications Theory as there would be nothing new that makes it seem more exciting.Therefore, I founded my masthead via font space, allowing me to use a masthead that was conventional to the fashion industry and make my products feel more realistic to the audience. As I needed my font to be black instead of white, it was easy to change the colour so that it suited my colour palette so this made it specific to my product so it appears more original ( and therefore of a higher quality) but also it remained of a good quality- making it clear to the audience so it is more likely to be remembered. However, I tried not to overuse font space as some of the fonts are very elaborate and it could make the products look too embellished and therefore lacking the maturity that my 18- 20 something target audience desire as this is associated with children's magazines to make it look varied and upheld their short attentions spans however for adults, a more formal use of fonts is needed.
  • 21. Bar Code Creator ■ Every product that is for sale must have a bar code on it, although this is certainly something that we never look at in detail, I still wanted to create my own bar code so that my product looked original and authentic and therefore must trust worthy to the audience. Of course I could have copied and pasted the bar code from google images however I felt that this was not creative and lacked the individuality that a new magazine requires in order to be respected by the audience.Therefore, I used a website called Bar Codes Inc ( to achieve this.This allowed me to create a bar code that does not fraud any other company and this makes it feel like a realistic product for sale.
  • 22. ■ was the most important software used in the construction of my magazine and billboard. I used it to edit my pictures through changing the brightness, sharpness and also the filtration of the pictures and this allowed the images to look polished and neat, to appear more professional to the target audience. Additionally, this was a lot simpler to use than PhotoShop so it was less time consuming however I do think that PhotoShop is more precise in their editing so in the future, I would perhaps find ways that PhotoShop was more accessible to make my images look more prestige. I also used this software to construct my pages, through creating magazine canvases and layering each image, this made it easy to remove unwanted items without ruining the entire look of the product, therefore, this awareness of using layers allowed me to remain organised. As I used this software last year in my AS production, I felt much more confident with the navigation of the software which meant that ( in my opinion) my production skills have improved due to understanding the proportions, colours and fonts that are suitable for magazines.
  • 23. PHOTO SHOP Photo Shop is a photo editing software and is used by many professional institutions. In my production, this is my preferred use of photo editing software however as it is not free, it made it less accessible to me.Therefore, I tried a ‘free trial’ which was supposedly for 30 days however this was false advertisement as after my first trial, it told me that my trial was over!This meant that I could not access the software anymore which is why I used as this is free and constantly accessible. However, I found that the practice within one trial was useful in building my photo editing practice as these skills were transferred onto which uses similar ( but not as advanced) technology.