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Tates Creek
March 2018
Feature Article
	10-11	 “Take Time to Build a Bridge”
In Every Issue
	 3-8	 Minister Articles
	 12	 Prayer Ministry
	 12	 Guided Prayer Topics
	 13	 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule
	 18	 January Statistics
	 19	 New Members
	20	 Calendar
Ministry News		
	 14	 David Williams
	 15	 Missions Moment
	 9	 Easter Events
	16-17	 March Events	
	 19	 Easter Flower Memorials
Tates Creek Christian Church exists
to win people to Christ (evangelism),
build up believers in faith, knowledge, and
service (encouragement), to help those in
need (benevolence), and to stand up for
Christian values in the community (witness).
Tates Creek Christian
3150 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 266-1621
Visit Online
instagram: tatescreekcc
First Service - 9:30 am
Second Service - 11 am
Sunday School -
8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am
Swahili Service - 3:00 pm
Evening - 6:30 pm
Oasis Meal - 5:30 pm
Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm
Tommy Simpson
Kim Beckwith
Billy Bishop
John Davis
Geoff Lawson
Matt Lee
Don Seevers
Lesley Tipton
Office Staff
Jenni Gregg
Kim Jones
Jan Sproul (Monday)
Vicki Wesley (Friday)
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
For a transition during his wildly popular stand-up comedy
special, Beyond the Pale, Jim Gaffigan said,“I do want everyone
to feel comfortable… that’s why I’d like to talk to you about
Jesus.” The crowd roared with laughter. Why? Gaffigan
immediately followed that up with,“It doesn’t matter if you’re
religious or not, does anything make you feel more uncomfortable than
some stranger going, ‘I’d like to talk to you about Jesus’?”
Clearly he struck a chord and many people would agree with him. This is
exactly how many unchurched people today feel. But the keyword there is
stranger. What if it was a friend? What if it was someone
they knew and cared about them as a person? Most
unbelievers don’t want to hear about Jesus from a complete
stranger. So what do we do? We build bridges. We make
connections. We build relationships. In short, we put in the
hard work that will lead to us not being strangers.
One of the evangelism strategies that have turned off
unbelievers over the years is when Christians leave behind tracts or other
printed material with the gospel message hoping someone will make a
life-altering decision to die to themselves and follow Christ after spending
a whole two minutes reading a piece of paper. Yes, God can and does
sometimes use things like that to influence someone for the gospel. But
many times those things get thrown away because the person who picks
them up can see right through the game. They know that the Christian
who dropped it doesn’t care enough about them to actually talk to them.
That Christian doesn’t care enough to get to know them. They just want to
evangelize and check the box that they did their Christian duty.
What we need in today’s culture are compassionate followers of Jesus who
are willing to step into the lives of those they want to see saved. Are you
willing to spend the time to get to know your neighbor? Your co-worker?
Your waiter or waitress? Are you ready to listen to them and empathize with
their suffering? Are you willing to follow-up and build a relationship instead
of getting in and getting out?
Let’s build bridges to people for the gospel!
				~ John Davis
				Minister of Evangelism & Discipleship,
Lexington, KY 40502
Building Bridges for Evangelism
I have written in the past about my parents 80 acre farm in
southern Indiana. This place has been in our family for the
past 35 years and has been our“heaven on earth.” Over the
past several years the main creek that runs through the middle
of the farm has experienced drastic erosion. As the creek has
widened it has caused severe damage to the bridge which is the only way
to get to my parents home. Many times my parents attempted simpler
repairs, but the erosion continued. Finally, a couple years ago they made
the decision to tear out the bridge and completely redo it. With the help of
my brother, sister, their families, and a significant investment we now have a
safe bridge to cross no matter the weather. Without the restructuring of this
bridge my family wouldn’t be able to reach their home.
In the month of January I took a one week trip to my annual children’s
ministry conference. Prior to the conference I had noticed significant
differences of children today and children yesterday. This has included a
lack of confidence in who God has created them to be, lack of attention,
and a constant demand for changing things quickly in teaching. The first
session I attended was focused directly on identifying“why”our children
are different and the responsibility of the church to build a bridge to these
children. Below are just a few of the challenges our kids are facing today.
First, they have frequent exposure to terrorism, violence, and changes
in family structures. Second, our children have less frequent church
attendance for many reasons including busyness and the church no longer
being the center of social life. Third, our culture has experienced a large
erosion of trust in authority as a result of living in a post-modern world
and a rapid advancement of technology. Overall, we have become a less
religious focused society.
It left me thinking; the Church is responsible for changing these statistics,
and we can’t be okay with crossing our arms and blaming everyone else.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Church is the answer as we share
Jesus’love in our darkening world. I don’t believe that any of these are
permanent because I believe in a God who provides a better way!
How will the Church build a bridge to the largest group of children our
world has ever seen? How will TCCC change to reach the families that
represent these 2 billion children? What significant investment will we make
to build bridges to families and children?
				~ Matt Lee
				Children’s Minister,
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Building Bridges to Lost Children
As a young boy, I was always fascinated by bridges. One
bridge that always comes to mind is the Golden Gate Bridge
in San Francisco. It is purely amazing how these bridges
were built during simpler times when there were far less
safety precautions. Just think about the workers, they had
to be fearless in scaling to the top. These
courageous men checked in each day not
knowing if they would return to their families.
In the end, the Golden Gate Bridge was a
catalyst in connecting to areas for better
access to them.
This past summer, we took our students to
New Orleans to serve on a mission trip and
traveled across the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway Bridge in Louisiana. This
bridge goes on for what seems to be forever, with several stretches where
you can’t see land. When you drive over it, there’s an eerie feeling that
comes over you. And it’s that eerie feeling which makes it hard to imagine
working on the bridge. Who does that? Who risks their lives like this?
You see, it takes a lot of hard work to build bridges but here is the key to
building bridges, it alleviates barriers. They create new paths, new vision,
and new directions. Bridge-building will also result in losses. It’s not easy
work. I’m reminded of this as God has given each of us a clear vision to
be a bridge-builder for him to those who don’t know Him. The call is one
that many of us have not welcomed openly, and to be honest it’s a call
with which many of us still struggle. Anytime you share the gospel in a
conversation, people can become tense, defensive, and uncomfortable.
I personally believe the church is a critical piece to the solution. We are to
represent the oneness the Bible speaks of in John. I believe God is calling us
to simple bridge-building which is Gospel centered. There is hope through
Jesus. We need bridge-builders who are willing to risk it all; willing to not be
liked by the very people who should love and embrace the message. The
world needs more bridges and less walls.
Can I challenge you with this? Let’s Be the Listener, Be the Forgiver, Be
the Hope, Be the Friend, Be the Connector, Be the Servant so that someone
will have a bridge to cross. Will you join in building bridges that will have
Kingdom results?
				~ Geoff Lawson
				Student Minister,
Lexington, KY 40502
Be a Bridge Builder
During the cold and dreary months of winter, our Worship
Choir and Orchestra (T3CPO) have been working diligently to
prepare for the Lent and Easter seasons in our rehearsals. Since
Easter comes earlier on the calendar this year, we invite you to
these special worship and concert events in March.
On March 18, we will welcome the Rick Webb Family to Tates Creek
Christian Church as they provide worship
music in our morning services and again
as they present a full concert on Sunday
evening at 6:30 PM. The Webbs sing mostly
inspirational gospel music and come highly
recommended by several well-known
ministers. We are excited to offer this concert
and pray that you will attend and invite
friends to join you.
On Sunday evening, March 25 at 6:30 PM, our Worship
Choir and T3CPO will present the Easter cantata, The
Power of the Cross. This cantata is a beautiful work that
includes well-known songs such as the title song, The
Power of the Cross, Lamb of God and the powerful hymn,
Crown Him with Many Crowns. The theme of this cantata
focuses on Christ’s passion and our redemption. The
entire congregation will participate in the Lord’s Supper
as a part of this worship event. Please join our Worship
ministry leaders in this beautiful and powerful time of
Finally, on Good Friday, March 30 at 7:00 PM, we will welcome Ofer Levy
from the Jews for Jesus ministry. He will present Christ in the Passover. This
Seder meal shows the link between the ancient Festival of Redemption and
Christ as the Lamb of God. This demonstration is visual, so we will actually
see a table set with traditional Passover items. Mr. Levy will use Scripture as
well as the visual items to walk through a Jewish Passover seder, weaving the
story of the Exodus together with the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.
Many Christians say that Christ in the Passover has deepened their church’s
communion experience. Please come for this very special Good Friday
				~ Don Seevers
				Worship Minister,
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Worship Ministry Opportunities
Lexington, KY 40502
“We will cross that bridge when we get to it.” “You don’t
want to burn bridges”. “Build a bridge and get over it”. There
are so many bridges in this world, and they all serve one
purpose: to create a direct link from one side of a chasm to
another. Some are large, some are small, but all of them
have exactly the same basic structures. They are there to keep us safe
from a potentially dangerous situation. So too, our efforts to be a bridge-
builder to those that are potentially lost or hurting. Those that have little
(or no) faith are oftentimes very wary of the paths that lead to God. They
feel they are shaky, that they won’t be safe, and that it doesn’t have any
support to get them across. Our goal as believers is to allow them to
become comfortable with being on that bridge, and to show that they
are never alone. There may also be people that are
walking on the bridge but have stopped. Meet them
there, and guide them through the pain, and supply
them with things that will help with any physical or
emotional needs they have. They need to see bright
examples of Christ that are pointing them to salvation.
Believers also need bridges. They need to be brought
closer to our Savior. We need to be polishing each
other and encouraging each other in our walks and
Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”
It is so easy to forget about others and their needs. It is so easy to focus
on yourself and on your family and ignore others that may be crying out
for love, support, or even rebuke. It’s easy to ignore the task of building
bridges, but it’s one of our most important tools.
					~ Lesley Tipton
					Preschool Director
Are You Building Bridges?
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Senior Adult Ministry
As I sit and write this article it is with the realization
that spring is not too far around the corner. Our winter
programs are now past and as the spring is near to
unfolding, we need to set our sights on some upcoming
programs that require us to think and plan ahead. One of those is our
annual trip to Tennessee for the Senior Saints in the Smokies program.
We take a good group down to Johnson Christian University each year
for a rich and rewarding time together. The date for this year’s trip is June
4-8 and the cost is $255 per person. This is with the early registration
discount which is available until March 14. Please add $10 to the price if
you register after that date. If you’re interested in going with us this year,
registrations are available from me or the office. Pick up one right away
and get your registration in early. You won’t be disappointed as the food,
fellowship, fun, and encouragement is the best!
				~ Bro. Kim Beckwith
				Senior Adult Minister,
Lexington, KY 40502
Easter Events
Christ in the Passover
Good Friday Service
March 30, 7 pm
Ofer Levy from the Jews for Jesus ministry will
present Christ in the Passover. This Seder meal
shows the link between the ancient Festival of
Redemption and Christ as the Lamb of God.
Resurrection Sunday Services
April 1, 2018
8:00 am Traditional
9:30 am Traditional
11:00 am Contemporary
The Power of the Cross
Easter Cantata
March 25, 6:30 pm
Our Worship Choir and T3CPO will present the
Easter cantata, The Power of the Cross. The
theme of this cantata focuses on Christ’s passion
and our redemption. The entire congregation will
participate in the Lord’s Supper as a part of this
worship event.
On Saturday mornings, Zella & I have a little routine that we
go through; unless we have the grandchildren. What is our little
routine? After we get ready for the day, we drive to Speedway,
and get a Mountain Dew to drink and a little something for
a snack(breakfast). During the summer, while we are driving
through our neighborhood on Saturday mornings, we usually notice a“Yard
Sale”sign. Most of the time, we just do a drive-by. Sometimes, we stop.
Since we have small grandchildren, we are usually on the look-out for toys.
Last summer, when we stopped at a yard sale, we found a great toy called,
“Imaginext.” This toy consists of lots of train tracks and little trains. And the
grandchildren love it. Every time, they
come to our house they say,“Come on
Papaw! Let’s go downstairs to play with
the trains!” And that is what we do! This
track has many options. Those options
always consist of at least one bridge.
Oftentimes, we develop the train track
set-up with the bridge in the middle of
the set. Building bridges is fun, especially with the grandchildren! Building
bridges into the lives of people is always fun!
What does it mean to build a bridge into the life of a person? To build a
bridge into the heart of someone means to build a friendship. How do we
build friendships? How do we build bridges into the hearts of people so that
we may gain an opportunity to talk to that person about the Gospel of Jesus
Christ? Let’s start by observing the life of Jesus. How did Jesus build bridges
into the hearts of people? Jesus used a variety of ways to build bridges
into the hearts of people. One way He did that was just by spending time
with people. Remember when Nicodemus came to Jesus by night? Jesus
listened to Nicodemus, and Jesus talked with Nicodemus. Oftentimes, just
by listening to people we communicate that we care about people. When
we listen to people, we communicate value for that person; their thoughts,
their feelings, and their opinions. Listening to them doesn’t necessarily mean
that we agree with them, or that we approve of what they are saying. But
listening to them strongly communicates that we care about them.
What else did Jesus do to build a bridge with people? Jesus built bridges
into the hearts of people by providing for their physical needs. Jesus healed
the sick, the blind, the deaf, the dumb, the lame, the lepers, the demon-
possessed, and raised the dead back to life. We might say,“I certainly am
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Take Time to Build a Bridge
Lexington, KY 40502
Take Time to Build a Bridge continued
not able to do those things.” True! However, we are able to provide food for
hungry people; provide housing for homeless people; and provide clothes
for people who need clothing. We are also able to meet the emotional needs
of people by listening to them; by encouraging them; by being positive
about them; by sending notes, cards, letters, texts, or emails.
There are other things that we may do to build a bridge into someone’s
heart. One very important thing to do is remember
the person’s name. People really like the sound
of their name being called. Greeting people with
a smile or a handshake builds a bridge into the
hearts of people. Another way to build a bridge into
someone’s heart is to eat a meal with that person.
If that person has a family, invite the family to your
home for a meal.
We also build a bridge into the hearts of people by
taking an interest in their life; by taking an interest
in them as a person; an interest in their family; an
interest in their work; an interest in their hobbies;
and an interest in their spiritual journey. To demonstrate an interest in
someone’s life, we must be careful with our conversation. We must be very
careful that we do not talk so much about ourselves. When people talk
about themselves, it is obvious that they are not interested in the life of
anyone else. When people talk about themselves so much, it is obvious that
the only person they are interested in is self. In conversation, people pick
up very quickly whether or not you are interested in them or if you are only
interested in talking about self. So, we must be very careful not to talk so
much about self. One of the things that I like to ask a couple is,“How did you
two meet?” The answer to that question usually brings forth a great story!
Let’s build bridges into the hearts of people for the purpose of sharing
Jesus with that person!
Three weeks till Spring!
				 ~ Tommy Simpson
				Senior Minister,
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
A Perfect PrayerDaily Guided
Prayer Topics
March 2018
“The Prayer Ministry shall provide opportunities to help equip others to
grow more in their prayer lives by promoting prayer studies and praying
collectively together, causing unity in prayer throughout our congregation
and our Prayer ministry team. By our prayers, we will serve, grow, and
give excellence to our Lord”
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the
Lord.” Isaiah 55:8
Do you ever get carried away praying
your plans for a situation? Do you include
detailed suggestions as to the perfect
answer for a troubling situation?
Recently I was reminded of the passage in
the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:10). I am to
pray God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. I
had it backwards! I was trying to pray my
will from earth into heaven.
I have had to learn this over and over
as I pray for others. We do not have the
thoughts of God nor do not have His
timetable. He is working in ways we cannot
discern, but once we pray to the best of our
understanding and leading, we must trust
Him to work the situation out in His time
and in His way.
Peggy Park
The Poor and Lost
Our Missionaries
Nursing Homes
Hands & Feet Ministry
Visitors Feel Welcome
Oasis Programs
We Care Store
Our Church is Biblically
Show Kindness to Others
Sharing the Truth o God’s	
Room in the Inn
Rejecting Satan’s Lies
Inviting Neighbors to 	 	
Christian Values
Ministry Teams
Being Patient with Family
Reach others with the
Sunday School Teachers
Julius Marks Elementary
Ministry for Orphans
Sermons that “Touch”
Small Group Leaders
Easter activities
Prayer is Powerful
Seeking God’s Will
Leading a Bible Study
Willing to help whenever
Waiting and Trusting God
Victory for Life
Meals for the sick or 	
	 injured of TCCC
Lexington, KY 40502
Communion Serving Schedule
March 4
Elders: Craig Martin, Mike Mirre
Offertory: Richard Heineman, Ken Banks
Ashland Terrace: Steve Mullins
Home Comm: Richard Heineman,
	 Greg Kasten, Terry Morrison
Sat Comm Prep: Mark & Gayle Fields
Clean-up 1st Srv: Rick & LeeAnn Layne
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Stuart Kearns
Prayer Room: Mary Robey, Larry Bugg
Ushers: Doug I., Dennis M., David F.
March 11
Elders: Larry Bugg, Dallous Reed
Offertory: Brian Hogston, Greg Kasten
Ashland Terrace: Richard Heineman
Home Comm: Brian Hogston, Stuart Kearns,
		Steve Mullins	
Sat Comm Prep: Boyd & Wanda Johnson
Clean-up 1st Srv: Marvis & Pam White
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Josh Thompson
Prayer Room: D. Rosenbaum, P. Crawford
Ushers: Stan S., David M., Russell B.
March 18
Elders: Dallous Reed, Ken Sharp
Offertory: David Shuman, Allan Faber
Ashland Terrace: David Shuman
Home Comm: Greg Kasten, Chris Lee,
		David Shuman
Sat Comm Prep: Mike & Barb Nevius
Clean-up 1st Srv: Shannon & Jenni Gregg
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Greg Wheeler
Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey
Ushers: Boyd J., Dennis M., Stuart K.
March 25
Elders: Ken Sharp, George Heaton
Offertory: Brad Byington, David Feltner
Ashland Terrace: Greg Kasten
Home Comm: Chris Lee, Lucas Moore,
		Brad Byington	
Sat Comm Prep: Marvis & Pam White
Clean-up 1st Srv: Randall Young
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Victor Castro
Prayer Room:Janice Moore, Monica Kennedy
Ushers: Boyd J., Dennis M., Russell B.
Better With Age Club
Monthly on the third Thursday
March 15, 10:30 am, Fellowship Hall
Bring appetizers, side dishes, salad, or dessert to
share. All Senior adults are welcome!
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays, 10:30 am,
Room 200CD
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
A Life of Faithfulness
“Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life”.
David Williams regularly teaches the Christians in Action
Sunday School class and also serves as a member of our
Missions Team. He recently celebrated his 94th birthday
on Sunday, January 28, and specifically requested to
teach class on that day. This month we would like to
celebrate David’s faithful service!
“When my hopes fade, and my dreams die. I find no
answer by asking why. I just keep on trusting and hang
on to my faith. Because God is just, He never makes mistakes. Should the
storms come and trials I must face. When I find no solution I rest in God’s
grace. When life seems unfair and more than I can take. I look up to the
Father, He never makes mistakes. God sees our struggles and every bend
in the road. But no mistake is ever made,‘cause He weighs every load.”
(Lenora McWhorter)
David Williams’life of 94 years is a pure example of this poem. He was
born on January 28, 1924 to Godly parents, who raised him according to
God’s Word. (Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old
he will not depart from it.) At age 18, David enrolled at Kentucky Christian
College to train for a lifetime of ministry, graduating in 1946. His first
preaching ministry was located in Ashland, Kentucky; then seven years in
Huntington, West Virginia. He also spent 17 years faithfully, preaching and
teaching the word of God at Akron, Ohio. After leaving Ohio, David taught
the Word of God to the people in Grayson, Kentucky, at First Church of
Christ for 22 years. He also served as a Trustee at the Kentucky Christian
College in Grayson, for 22 years. Retiring in 1989 from full time ministry
opened the opportunity for him to preach and teach at Mt. Eden Church
(Lexington), for eight years. Finally, in 2008 at Tates Creek Christian
Church, David began teaching classes and faithfully explaining the Gospel
of Jesus Christ.
In 1947, David made a covenant pledge to marry Margaret, his beautiful
lifelong companion. David and Margaret are sharing their 71st year of
love for each other and Jesus Christ, their Savior. David has faithfully
visited his lovely wife, Margaret, for the last seven years, as she has been in
the Sayre Christian Village nursing home.
Greetings from the Giles Family
Greetings from Ethiopia! We have been waiting
for years to begin our ministry here, and now we
are here! And just days after we came, God gave
us a great mercy—the mercy of seeing that we
are walking into work that is already marvelously
underway. During our first week here, Adam got to witness 183 baptisms
at Yamp. What a good reminder to mark the
beginning of our ministry here. When the work
ahead seems (and is) daunting, baptisms at Yamp
serve as a powerful picture of God’s faithfulness to
complete what He has started.
Our work, though, has only just begun, and
there is so much to do. The process of learning
the language is long and challenging. (Amharic is considered a category
4 language, and we are a meager 3 weeks in to our 10 months of initial
language study). Yet, when I am tempted to falter, I think about how
focused John the Baptist was on preparing the way for Jesus. When I think
about the costs that await us, I can quickly lose sight of Jesus coming. In
contrast, despite John’s many costs, Jesus was the only One he could see.
I thought it was very timely that shortly after our arrival in Ethiopia, we
got to witness the celebration of Timket on the weekend of January 19-21.
During Timket, members of the Orthodox Church carry a replica of the Ark
of the Covenant to the river. Thousands of onlookers line the streets. All
of the streets are closed to traffic. What I found most interesting, though,
was not the singing and dancing or waves of white clothing, but the men
running with the red carpet. They run in front of the Ark to unfurl it, so
that it never touches the road. Sometimes I feel like we are running, and
the race is hard (though it’s barely just begun). But like John the Baptist, I
am running to make way for Jesus to come in Ethiopia.
Even now, I feel like we are running. Running to learn the language;
running to make our home among the people here; running to see things
in an entirely new way, to begin to see their world through their eyes.
But each time I falter, I am reminded of the amazing work God is
already doing here--work that’s only just begun.
				~ Adam & Allison Giles
Lexington, KY 40502
Missions Moment
March Events
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
March 4 - Jesus’Heart for Lost People -
Luke 15
March 11 - The Cautionary Heart -
Luke 16:19-31
March 18 - The Heart’s Anticipation -
Luke 17:22-37
March 25 - The Broken Heart -
Luke 22:39-71
March 18th
6:30 pm
In Concert
at TCCC!
No tickets required
A love offering will be received.
Knowing the Heart
of Jesus
Sermon Series continues
Youth Activities
March 4, 5-8 pm
High School Bowling Night at Southland Lanes
March 16, 6-11 pm
Middle School Nerf Night & Glow Game at TCCC
March 31, 4 pm
Winter Jam at Rupp Arena
Lexington, KY 40502
March Events
March 4, 12:30 pm
Hearth Room
Visitors and New Members
Tommy will be hosting a
Discover class that will help you
learn more about Tates Creek!
Join us for lunch then learn
about our history and plans for
the future.
Please RSVP by March 2.
Easter Egg Hunt
March 31, 2018, 12 pm
at Tates Creek Christian Church
Bring your family to enjoy a time of celebration and fun at our
annual Easter Egg Hunt. There will be many activites to enjoy and
over 7,000 eggs to collect!
Easter Candy Donations
We are currently collecting new eggs and candy for the
Easter egg hunt. Please be sure to bring individually
wrapped candy with no peanuts by March 21.
January 2018
Total Income Total Online Giving
Sunday School
Average Attendance
January 2017
Infants	5
Walkers	4
3 - 5 Year Old	 17
Elementary	26
Middle School 	 17
High School	 15
Christians in Action	 18
Crusaders	47
Faith	11
Generations of Faith	 12
Good News	 32
Grace & Truth	 62
Grass Roots	 15
Heaven Bound	 15
In The Word	 17
Knowing God	 16
Open Bible	 51
Seekers	 7
Servants for Christ	 23
Upper Room	 10
Willing Workers	 24
Young Adult Class	 7
Ashland Terrace	 8
Miscellaneous	9
Officers	 2
Total	 483
January Worship
Attendance & Giving
		Total	 	 General Fund	
7th		 705		 $41,381.
14th	 611	 $26,760.
21st	 746	 $37,086.
28th	804	 $22,048.
To give online anytime or setup
a recurring online gift, visit our
website at
and click on“Donate”. You may
also simply scan the QR code.
% of Dollars
Given Online
General Fund Report
2018 Budgeted Need per week	 $33,795.
2018 Average per week	 $31,819.
January Total Income	 $127,276.
January Total Expenses	 $114,624.
Moved to Savings	 $7,750.
Net Above Expenses & Savings	 $4,901.
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Funds Totals for January
Deacons’Fund 	 $1,215.
We Care	 $1,723.
Victory for Life	 $324.
Lexington, KY 40502
New Members
Easter Flowers
Debra Kelly
Transfer January 21
Harriett Muncie
Transfer January 28
Olivia Weleski
Baptized February 4
Fenton & Janet
Transfer February 13
Easter Memorial Flowers
If you would like to order flowers in honor/
memory of a loved one, complete the form and
submit your payment at the information desk
or contact Willena Beagle. Azaleas - $10.25,
Tulips - $7.25, and Easter Lilies - $8.25. The
deadline to place your order is March 18.
TatesCreekChristianChurch	Office:(859)266-1621
Calendar ~ March 2018
1	 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh
1	 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm
3	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106
4	 Monthly Ministry meetings
4	 HS Bowling Night, 5 pm
4	 Middle School Groups, 6 pm
5	 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200E
8	 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH
8	 Rachel Circle, 6 pm, Fh
12	 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104
12	 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh
13	 Tabitha Circle, 6:30 pm
15	 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH
16	 MS Nerf Wars, 6 pm
17	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106
18	 Middle School Groups, 6 pm
18	 Webb Family Concert, 6:30 pm, WC
22	 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH
25	 Easter Cantata, 6:30 pm, WC
30	 Good Friday Service, 7 pm
31	 Easter Egg Hunt, 12 pm, TCCC
31	 MS/HS Winter Jam, 4 pm,
	 Rupp Arena
Weekly Activities
Swahili Worship, 3 pm, FH
Rejoicing Ringers, 4 pm, CR
High School Worship, 6-8 pm, 303
College Small Group, 6 pm, 302
Adult Small Groups, 6 pm, variousplaces
Evening Service, 6:30 pm, WC
Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC
We Care Store, 1:30 - 5:45 pm
Pit Crew, 3:30 pm, MMC/UP
Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH
Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200CD
Oasis Meal, 5:30 pm, FH
Oasis classes, 6:30 pm
Worship Choir rehearsal, 6:30 pm, WC
Middle School Groups, 6:30 pm
Elementary Truth Travelers, 6:30 pm, UP

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Tates Creek Current March 2018

  • 2. Contents Feature Article 10-11 “Take Time to Build a Bridge” In Every Issue 3-8 Minister Articles 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 18 January Statistics 19 New Members 20 Calendar Ministry News 14 David Williams 15 Missions Moment Events 9 Easter Events 16-17 March Events 19 Easter Flower Memorials Mission Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement), to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness). Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 Visit Online instagram: tatescreekcc Worship Sunday First Service - 9:30 am Second Service - 11 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am Swahili Service - 3:00 pm Evening - 6:30 pm Wednesday Oasis Meal - 5:30 pm Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm Staff Tommy Simpson Kim Beckwith Billy Bishop John Davis Geoff Lawson Matt Lee Don Seevers Lesley Tipton Office Staff Jenni Gregg Kim Jones Jan Sproul (Monday) Vicki Wesley (Friday) Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2
  • 3. For a transition during his wildly popular stand-up comedy special, Beyond the Pale, Jim Gaffigan said,“I do want everyone to feel comfortable… that’s why I’d like to talk to you about Jesus.” The crowd roared with laughter. Why? Gaffigan immediately followed that up with,“It doesn’t matter if you’re religious or not, does anything make you feel more uncomfortable than some stranger going, ‘I’d like to talk to you about Jesus’?” Clearly he struck a chord and many people would agree with him. This is exactly how many unchurched people today feel. But the keyword there is stranger. What if it was a friend? What if it was someone they knew and cared about them as a person? Most unbelievers don’t want to hear about Jesus from a complete stranger. So what do we do? We build bridges. We make connections. We build relationships. In short, we put in the hard work that will lead to us not being strangers. One of the evangelism strategies that have turned off unbelievers over the years is when Christians leave behind tracts or other printed material with the gospel message hoping someone will make a life-altering decision to die to themselves and follow Christ after spending a whole two minutes reading a piece of paper. Yes, God can and does sometimes use things like that to influence someone for the gospel. But many times those things get thrown away because the person who picks them up can see right through the game. They know that the Christian who dropped it doesn’t care enough about them to actually talk to them. That Christian doesn’t care enough to get to know them. They just want to evangelize and check the box that they did their Christian duty. What we need in today’s culture are compassionate followers of Jesus who are willing to step into the lives of those they want to see saved. Are you willing to spend the time to get to know your neighbor? Your co-worker? Your waiter or waitress? Are you ready to listen to them and empathize with their suffering? Are you willing to follow-up and build a relationship instead of getting in and getting out? Let’s build bridges to people for the gospel! ~ John Davis Minister of Evangelism & Discipleship, 3 Lexington, KY 40502 Building Bridges for Evangelism
  • 4. I have written in the past about my parents 80 acre farm in southern Indiana. This place has been in our family for the past 35 years and has been our“heaven on earth.” Over the past several years the main creek that runs through the middle of the farm has experienced drastic erosion. As the creek has widened it has caused severe damage to the bridge which is the only way to get to my parents home. Many times my parents attempted simpler repairs, but the erosion continued. Finally, a couple years ago they made the decision to tear out the bridge and completely redo it. With the help of my brother, sister, their families, and a significant investment we now have a safe bridge to cross no matter the weather. Without the restructuring of this bridge my family wouldn’t be able to reach their home. In the month of January I took a one week trip to my annual children’s ministry conference. Prior to the conference I had noticed significant differences of children today and children yesterday. This has included a lack of confidence in who God has created them to be, lack of attention, and a constant demand for changing things quickly in teaching. The first session I attended was focused directly on identifying“why”our children are different and the responsibility of the church to build a bridge to these children. Below are just a few of the challenges our kids are facing today. First, they have frequent exposure to terrorism, violence, and changes in family structures. Second, our children have less frequent church attendance for many reasons including busyness and the church no longer being the center of social life. Third, our culture has experienced a large erosion of trust in authority as a result of living in a post-modern world and a rapid advancement of technology. Overall, we have become a less religious focused society. It left me thinking; the Church is responsible for changing these statistics, and we can’t be okay with crossing our arms and blaming everyone else. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Church is the answer as we share Jesus’love in our darkening world. I don’t believe that any of these are permanent because I believe in a God who provides a better way! How will the Church build a bridge to the largest group of children our world has ever seen? How will TCCC change to reach the families that represent these 2 billion children? What significant investment will we make to build bridges to families and children? ~ Matt Lee Children’s Minister, Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4 Building Bridges to Lost Children
  • 5. As a young boy, I was always fascinated by bridges. One bridge that always comes to mind is the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It is purely amazing how these bridges were built during simpler times when there were far less safety precautions. Just think about the workers, they had to be fearless in scaling to the top. These courageous men checked in each day not knowing if they would return to their families. In the end, the Golden Gate Bridge was a catalyst in connecting to areas for better access to them. This past summer, we took our students to New Orleans to serve on a mission trip and traveled across the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway Bridge in Louisiana. This bridge goes on for what seems to be forever, with several stretches where you can’t see land. When you drive over it, there’s an eerie feeling that comes over you. And it’s that eerie feeling which makes it hard to imagine working on the bridge. Who does that? Who risks their lives like this? You see, it takes a lot of hard work to build bridges but here is the key to building bridges, it alleviates barriers. They create new paths, new vision, and new directions. Bridge-building will also result in losses. It’s not easy work. I’m reminded of this as God has given each of us a clear vision to be a bridge-builder for him to those who don’t know Him. The call is one that many of us have not welcomed openly, and to be honest it’s a call with which many of us still struggle. Anytime you share the gospel in a conversation, people can become tense, defensive, and uncomfortable. I personally believe the church is a critical piece to the solution. We are to represent the oneness the Bible speaks of in John. I believe God is calling us to simple bridge-building which is Gospel centered. There is hope through Jesus. We need bridge-builders who are willing to risk it all; willing to not be liked by the very people who should love and embrace the message. The world needs more bridges and less walls. Can I challenge you with this? Let’s Be the Listener, Be the Forgiver, Be the Hope, Be the Friend, Be the Connector, Be the Servant so that someone will have a bridge to cross. Will you join in building bridges that will have Kingdom results? ~ Geoff Lawson Student Minister, 5 Lexington, KY 40502 Be a Bridge Builder
  • 6. During the cold and dreary months of winter, our Worship Choir and Orchestra (T3CPO) have been working diligently to prepare for the Lent and Easter seasons in our rehearsals. Since Easter comes earlier on the calendar this year, we invite you to these special worship and concert events in March. On March 18, we will welcome the Rick Webb Family to Tates Creek Christian Church as they provide worship music in our morning services and again as they present a full concert on Sunday evening at 6:30 PM. The Webbs sing mostly inspirational gospel music and come highly recommended by several well-known ministers. We are excited to offer this concert and pray that you will attend and invite friends to join you. On Sunday evening, March 25 at 6:30 PM, our Worship Choir and T3CPO will present the Easter cantata, The Power of the Cross. This cantata is a beautiful work that includes well-known songs such as the title song, The Power of the Cross, Lamb of God and the powerful hymn, Crown Him with Many Crowns. The theme of this cantata focuses on Christ’s passion and our redemption. The entire congregation will participate in the Lord’s Supper as a part of this worship event. Please join our Worship ministry leaders in this beautiful and powerful time of worship. Finally, on Good Friday, March 30 at 7:00 PM, we will welcome Ofer Levy from the Jews for Jesus ministry. He will present Christ in the Passover. This Seder meal shows the link between the ancient Festival of Redemption and Christ as the Lamb of God. This demonstration is visual, so we will actually see a table set with traditional Passover items. Mr. Levy will use Scripture as well as the visual items to walk through a Jewish Passover seder, weaving the story of the Exodus together with the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. Many Christians say that Christ in the Passover has deepened their church’s communion experience. Please come for this very special Good Friday worship! ~ Don Seevers Worship Minister, Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6 Worship Ministry Opportunities
  • 7. Lexington, KY 40502 7 “We will cross that bridge when we get to it.” “You don’t want to burn bridges”. “Build a bridge and get over it”. There are so many bridges in this world, and they all serve one purpose: to create a direct link from one side of a chasm to another. Some are large, some are small, but all of them have exactly the same basic structures. They are there to keep us safe from a potentially dangerous situation. So too, our efforts to be a bridge- builder to those that are potentially lost or hurting. Those that have little (or no) faith are oftentimes very wary of the paths that lead to God. They feel they are shaky, that they won’t be safe, and that it doesn’t have any support to get them across. Our goal as believers is to allow them to become comfortable with being on that bridge, and to show that they are never alone. There may also be people that are walking on the bridge but have stopped. Meet them there, and guide them through the pain, and supply them with things that will help with any physical or emotional needs they have. They need to see bright examples of Christ that are pointing them to salvation. Believers also need bridges. They need to be brought closer to our Savior. We need to be polishing each other and encouraging each other in our walks and faith. Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” It is so easy to forget about others and their needs. It is so easy to focus on yourself and on your family and ignore others that may be crying out for love, support, or even rebuke. It’s easy to ignore the task of building bridges, but it’s one of our most important tools. ~ Lesley Tipton Preschool Director Are You Building Bridges?
  • 8. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 8 Senior Adult Ministry As I sit and write this article it is with the realization that spring is not too far around the corner. Our winter programs are now past and as the spring is near to unfolding, we need to set our sights on some upcoming programs that require us to think and plan ahead. One of those is our annual trip to Tennessee for the Senior Saints in the Smokies program. We take a good group down to Johnson Christian University each year for a rich and rewarding time together. The date for this year’s trip is June 4-8 and the cost is $255 per person. This is with the early registration discount which is available until March 14. Please add $10 to the price if you register after that date. If you’re interested in going with us this year, registrations are available from me or the office. Pick up one right away and get your registration in early. You won’t be disappointed as the food, fellowship, fun, and encouragement is the best! ~ Bro. Kim Beckwith Senior Adult Minister,
  • 9. Lexington, KY 40502 Easter Events Christ in the Passover Good Friday Service March 30, 7 pm Ofer Levy from the Jews for Jesus ministry will present Christ in the Passover. This Seder meal shows the link between the ancient Festival of Redemption and Christ as the Lamb of God. Resurrection Sunday Services April 1, 2018 8:00 am Traditional 9:30 am Traditional 11:00 am Contemporary The Power of the Cross Easter Cantata March 25, 6:30 pm Our Worship Choir and T3CPO will present the Easter cantata, The Power of the Cross. The theme of this cantata focuses on Christ’s passion and our redemption. The entire congregation will participate in the Lord’s Supper as a part of this worship event. 9
  • 10. On Saturday mornings, Zella & I have a little routine that we go through; unless we have the grandchildren. What is our little routine? After we get ready for the day, we drive to Speedway, and get a Mountain Dew to drink and a little something for a snack(breakfast). During the summer, while we are driving through our neighborhood on Saturday mornings, we usually notice a“Yard Sale”sign. Most of the time, we just do a drive-by. Sometimes, we stop. Since we have small grandchildren, we are usually on the look-out for toys. Last summer, when we stopped at a yard sale, we found a great toy called, “Imaginext.” This toy consists of lots of train tracks and little trains. And the grandchildren love it. Every time, they come to our house they say,“Come on Papaw! Let’s go downstairs to play with the trains!” And that is what we do! This track has many options. Those options always consist of at least one bridge. Oftentimes, we develop the train track set-up with the bridge in the middle of the set. Building bridges is fun, especially with the grandchildren! Building bridges into the lives of people is always fun! What does it mean to build a bridge into the life of a person? To build a bridge into the heart of someone means to build a friendship. How do we build friendships? How do we build bridges into the hearts of people so that we may gain an opportunity to talk to that person about the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Let’s start by observing the life of Jesus. How did Jesus build bridges into the hearts of people? Jesus used a variety of ways to build bridges into the hearts of people. One way He did that was just by spending time with people. Remember when Nicodemus came to Jesus by night? Jesus listened to Nicodemus, and Jesus talked with Nicodemus. Oftentimes, just by listening to people we communicate that we care about people. When we listen to people, we communicate value for that person; their thoughts, their feelings, and their opinions. Listening to them doesn’t necessarily mean that we agree with them, or that we approve of what they are saying. But listening to them strongly communicates that we care about them. What else did Jesus do to build a bridge with people? Jesus built bridges into the hearts of people by providing for their physical needs. Jesus healed the sick, the blind, the deaf, the dumb, the lame, the lepers, the demon- possessed, and raised the dead back to life. We might say,“I certainly am Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10 Take Time to Build a Bridge
  • 11. Lexington, KY 40502 11 Take Time to Build a Bridge continued not able to do those things.” True! However, we are able to provide food for hungry people; provide housing for homeless people; and provide clothes for people who need clothing. We are also able to meet the emotional needs of people by listening to them; by encouraging them; by being positive about them; by sending notes, cards, letters, texts, or emails. There are other things that we may do to build a bridge into someone’s heart. One very important thing to do is remember the person’s name. People really like the sound of their name being called. Greeting people with a smile or a handshake builds a bridge into the hearts of people. Another way to build a bridge into someone’s heart is to eat a meal with that person. If that person has a family, invite the family to your home for a meal. We also build a bridge into the hearts of people by taking an interest in their life; by taking an interest in them as a person; an interest in their family; an interest in their work; an interest in their hobbies; and an interest in their spiritual journey. To demonstrate an interest in someone’s life, we must be careful with our conversation. We must be very careful that we do not talk so much about ourselves. When people talk about themselves, it is obvious that they are not interested in the life of anyone else. When people talk about themselves so much, it is obvious that the only person they are interested in is self. In conversation, people pick up very quickly whether or not you are interested in them or if you are only interested in talking about self. So, we must be very careful not to talk so much about self. One of the things that I like to ask a couple is,“How did you two meet?” The answer to that question usually brings forth a great story! Let’s build bridges into the hearts of people for the purpose of sharing Jesus with that person! Three weeks till Spring! ~ Tommy Simpson Senior Minister,
  • 12. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12 A Perfect PrayerDaily Guided Prayer Topics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 March 2018 “The Prayer Ministry shall provide opportunities to help equip others to grow more in their prayer lives by promoting prayer studies and praying collectively together, causing unity in prayer throughout our congregation and our Prayer ministry team. By our prayers, we will serve, grow, and give excellence to our Lord” “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8 Do you ever get carried away praying your plans for a situation? Do you include detailed suggestions as to the perfect answer for a troubling situation? Recently I was reminded of the passage in the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:10). I am to pray God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. I had it backwards! I was trying to pray my will from earth into heaven. I have had to learn this over and over as I pray for others. We do not have the thoughts of God nor do not have His timetable. He is working in ways we cannot discern, but once we pray to the best of our understanding and leading, we must trust Him to work the situation out in His time and in His way. Peggy Park The Poor and Lost Our Missionaries Nursing Homes Hands & Feet Ministry Visitors Feel Welcome Oasis Programs We Care Store Our Church is Biblically Strong Show Kindness to Others Sharing the Truth o God’s Word Room in the Inn Rejecting Satan’s Lies Inviting Neighbors to Church Christian Values Ministry Teams Being Patient with Family Reach others with the Gospel Sunday School Teachers Julius Marks Elementary Ministry for Orphans Sermons that “Touch” Small Group Leaders Easter activities Prayer is Powerful Seeking God’s Will Leading a Bible Study Willing to help whenever needed Waiting and Trusting God Victory for Life Forgiveness Meals for the sick or injured of TCCC
  • 13. Lexington, KY 40502 Communion Serving Schedule March 4 Elders: Craig Martin, Mike Mirre Offertory: Richard Heineman, Ken Banks Ashland Terrace: Steve Mullins Home Comm: Richard Heineman, Greg Kasten, Terry Morrison Sat Comm Prep: Mark & Gayle Fields Clean-up 1st Srv: Rick & LeeAnn Layne Clean-up 2nd Srv: Stuart Kearns Prayer Room: Mary Robey, Larry Bugg Ushers: Doug I., Dennis M., David F. March 11 Elders: Larry Bugg, Dallous Reed Offertory: Brian Hogston, Greg Kasten Ashland Terrace: Richard Heineman Home Comm: Brian Hogston, Stuart Kearns, Steve Mullins Sat Comm Prep: Boyd & Wanda Johnson Clean-up 1st Srv: Marvis & Pam White Clean-up 2nd Srv: Josh Thompson Prayer Room: D. Rosenbaum, P. Crawford Ushers: Stan S., David M., Russell B. March 18 Elders: Dallous Reed, Ken Sharp Offertory: David Shuman, Allan Faber Ashland Terrace: David Shuman Home Comm: Greg Kasten, Chris Lee, David Shuman Sat Comm Prep: Mike & Barb Nevius Clean-up 1st Srv: Shannon & Jenni Gregg Clean-up 2nd Srv: Greg Wheeler Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey Ushers: Boyd J., Dennis M., Stuart K. March 25 Elders: Ken Sharp, George Heaton Offertory: Brad Byington, David Feltner Ashland Terrace: Greg Kasten Home Comm: Chris Lee, Lucas Moore, Brad Byington Sat Comm Prep: Marvis & Pam White Clean-up 1st Srv: Randall Young Clean-up 2nd Srv: Victor Castro Prayer Room:Janice Moore, Monica Kennedy Ushers: Boyd J., Dennis M., Russell B. Better With Age Club Monthly on the third Thursday March 15, 10:30 am, Fellowship Hall Bring appetizers, side dishes, salad, or dessert to share. All Senior adults are welcome! Adult Bible Study Wednesdays, 10:30 am, Room 200CD 13
  • 14. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road A Life of Faithfulness 14 “Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life”. David Williams regularly teaches the Christians in Action Sunday School class and also serves as a member of our Missions Team. He recently celebrated his 94th birthday on Sunday, January 28, and specifically requested to teach class on that day. This month we would like to celebrate David’s faithful service! “When my hopes fade, and my dreams die. I find no answer by asking why. I just keep on trusting and hang on to my faith. Because God is just, He never makes mistakes. Should the storms come and trials I must face. When I find no solution I rest in God’s grace. When life seems unfair and more than I can take. I look up to the Father, He never makes mistakes. God sees our struggles and every bend in the road. But no mistake is ever made,‘cause He weighs every load.” (Lenora McWhorter) David Williams’life of 94 years is a pure example of this poem. He was born on January 28, 1924 to Godly parents, who raised him according to God’s Word. (Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.) At age 18, David enrolled at Kentucky Christian College to train for a lifetime of ministry, graduating in 1946. His first preaching ministry was located in Ashland, Kentucky; then seven years in Huntington, West Virginia. He also spent 17 years faithfully, preaching and teaching the word of God at Akron, Ohio. After leaving Ohio, David taught the Word of God to the people in Grayson, Kentucky, at First Church of Christ for 22 years. He also served as a Trustee at the Kentucky Christian College in Grayson, for 22 years. Retiring in 1989 from full time ministry opened the opportunity for him to preach and teach at Mt. Eden Church (Lexington), for eight years. Finally, in 2008 at Tates Creek Christian Church, David began teaching classes and faithfully explaining the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 1947, David made a covenant pledge to marry Margaret, his beautiful lifelong companion. David and Margaret are sharing their 71st year of love for each other and Jesus Christ, their Savior. David has faithfully visited his lovely wife, Margaret, for the last seven years, as she has been in the Sayre Christian Village nursing home.
  • 15. Greetings from the Giles Family Greetings from Ethiopia! We have been waiting for years to begin our ministry here, and now we are here! And just days after we came, God gave us a great mercy—the mercy of seeing that we are walking into work that is already marvelously underway. During our first week here, Adam got to witness 183 baptisms at Yamp. What a good reminder to mark the beginning of our ministry here. When the work ahead seems (and is) daunting, baptisms at Yamp serve as a powerful picture of God’s faithfulness to complete what He has started. Our work, though, has only just begun, and there is so much to do. The process of learning the language is long and challenging. (Amharic is considered a category 4 language, and we are a meager 3 weeks in to our 10 months of initial language study). Yet, when I am tempted to falter, I think about how focused John the Baptist was on preparing the way for Jesus. When I think about the costs that await us, I can quickly lose sight of Jesus coming. In contrast, despite John’s many costs, Jesus was the only One he could see. I thought it was very timely that shortly after our arrival in Ethiopia, we got to witness the celebration of Timket on the weekend of January 19-21. During Timket, members of the Orthodox Church carry a replica of the Ark of the Covenant to the river. Thousands of onlookers line the streets. All of the streets are closed to traffic. What I found most interesting, though, was not the singing and dancing or waves of white clothing, but the men running with the red carpet. They run in front of the Ark to unfurl it, so that it never touches the road. Sometimes I feel like we are running, and the race is hard (though it’s barely just begun). But like John the Baptist, I am running to make way for Jesus to come in Ethiopia. Even now, I feel like we are running. Running to learn the language; running to make our home among the people here; running to see things in an entirely new way, to begin to see their world through their eyes. But each time I falter, I am reminded of the amazing work God is already doing here--work that’s only just begun. ~ Adam & Allison Giles 15 Lexington, KY 40502 Missions Moment
  • 16. March Events Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road March 4 - Jesus’Heart for Lost People - Luke 15 March 11 - The Cautionary Heart - Luke 16:19-31 March 18 - The Heart’s Anticipation - Luke 17:22-37 March 25 - The Broken Heart - Luke 22:39-71 SAVE THE DATE! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS March 18th 6:30 pm In Concert at TCCC! No tickets required A love offering will be received. Knowing the Heart of Jesus Sermon Series continues Youth Activities March 4, 5-8 pm High School Bowling Night at Southland Lanes March 16, 6-11 pm Middle School Nerf Night & Glow Game at TCCC March 31, 4 pm Winter Jam at Rupp Arena
  • 17. Lexington, KY 40502 March Events 17 Discover Tates Creek March 4, 12:30 pm Hearth Room Visitors and New Members Tommy will be hosting a Discover class that will help you learn more about Tates Creek! Join us for lunch then learn about our history and plans for the future. Please RSVP by March 2. Easter Egg Hunt March 31, 2018, 12 pm at Tates Creek Christian Church Bring your family to enjoy a time of celebration and fun at our annual Easter Egg Hunt. There will be many activites to enjoy and over 7,000 eggs to collect! Easter Candy Donations We are currently collecting new eggs and candy for the Easter egg hunt. Please be sure to bring individually wrapped candy with no peanuts by March 21.
  • 18. $107,252 $20,024 1 January 2018 Total Income Total Online Giving Sunday School Average Attendance January 2017 Youth Infants 5 Walkers 4 3 - 5 Year Old 17 Elementary 26 Middle School 17 High School 15 Adult Christians in Action 18 Crusaders 47 Faith 11 FOCUS 17 Generations of Faith 12 Good News 32 Grace & Truth 62 Grass Roots 15 Heaven Bound 15 In The Word 17 Knowing God 16 Open Bible 51 Seekers 7 Servants for Christ 23 Upper Room 10 Willing Workers 24 Young Adult Class 7 Ashland Terrace 8 Miscellaneous 9 Officers 2 Total 483 January Worship Attendance & Giving Total General Fund 7th 705 $41,381. 14th 611 $26,760. 21st 746 $37,086. 28th 804 $22,048. To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at and click on“Donate”. You may also simply scan the QR code. % of Dollars Given Online 16% General Fund Report 2018 Budgeted Need per week $33,795. 2018 Average per week $31,819. January Total Income $127,276. January Total Expenses $114,624. Moved to Savings $7,750. Net Above Expenses & Savings $4,901. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18 Funds Totals for January Deacons’Fund $1,215. We Care $1,723. Victory for Life $324.
  • 19. 19 Lexington, KY 40502 New Members Easter Flowers Debra Kelly Transfer January 21 Harriett Muncie Transfer January 28 Olivia Weleski Baptized February 4 Fenton & Janet McCauley Transfer February 13 Easter Memorial Flowers If you would like to order flowers in honor/ memory of a loved one, complete the form and submit your payment at the information desk or contact Willena Beagle. Azaleas - $10.25, Tulips - $7.25, and Easter Lilies - $8.25. The deadline to place your order is March 18.
  • 20. TatesCreekCurrent TatesCreekChristianChurch Office:(859)266-1621 Lexington,KY40502 Volume6No.3 CR-ChoirRoom/FH-FellowshipHall/Fh-FriendshipHall/HR-HearthRoom/MMC-MultiMinistryCenter/UP-Uptown/WC-WorshipCenter tatescreekcc Calendar ~ March 2018 1 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh 1 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm 3 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106 4 Monthly Ministry meetings 4 HS Bowling Night, 5 pm 4 Middle School Groups, 6 pm 5 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200E 8 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH 8 Rachel Circle, 6 pm, Fh 12 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 12 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh 13 Tabitha Circle, 6:30 pm 15 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH 16 MS Nerf Wars, 6 pm 17 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106 18 Middle School Groups, 6 pm 18 Webb Family Concert, 6:30 pm, WC 22 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH 25 Easter Cantata, 6:30 pm, WC 30 Good Friday Service, 7 pm 31 Easter Egg Hunt, 12 pm, TCCC 31 MS/HS Winter Jam, 4 pm, Rupp Arena Weekly Activities Sunday: Swahili Worship, 3 pm, FH Rejoicing Ringers, 4 pm, CR High School Worship, 6-8 pm, 303 College Small Group, 6 pm, 302 Adult Small Groups, 6 pm, variousplaces Evening Service, 6:30 pm, WC Monday: Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC Tuesday: We Care Store, 1:30 - 5:45 pm Pit Crew, 3:30 pm, MMC/UP Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH Wednesday: Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200CD Oasis Meal, 5:30 pm, FH Oasis classes, 6:30 pm Worship Choir rehearsal, 6:30 pm, WC Middle School Groups, 6:30 pm Elementary Truth Travelers, 6:30 pm, UP