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Millie Casemore
What I Will Be Working On Resources Needed
Begin by producing this schedule to manage my work and outline
the resources needed for each task.
• Microsoft Powerpoint
Start production by designing the logo by producing a moodboard.
The moodboard will consist of fonts, colour schemes, ideas and the
possible rebranding of my client.
• Adobe Photoshop
• Google Images
Then finish off any unfinished work from previous session. Produce
mind map for poster campaign and produce a page of logo designs.
• Own drawing
• Adobe Photoshop
Outline final idea for poster campaign and logo. Start producing
mock-up poster and bus advert. Begin mind map for
merchandise/promotional material.
• Adobe Photoshop
• Microsoft Powerpoint
Begin producing three mock-ups of merchandise/promotional
• Adobe Photoshop
• Google Images
Produce final logo designs. • Adobe Photoshop
What I Will Be Working On Resources Needed
Produce final poster/s and bus adverts. Make sure to include the
logo in all material.
• Adobe Photoshop
Begin producing final merchandise/promotional material. • Adobe Photoshop
Finish producing final merchandise/promotional material. Make
sure it ties in with the poster campaign.
• Adobe Photoshop
Begin designing a a product for the “Own Ideas” section of the task.
Use moodboards or mind maps. Incorporate the style from
previous promotional materials made - font and colour scheme.
Start mock-up design.
• Adobe Photoshop
• Microsoft Powerpoint
Finish “Own Ideas” designs. • Adobe Photoshop
Go over all work and make any necessary adjustments. Put all work
into Powerpoint.
• Adobe Photoshop
• Microsoft Powerpoint
Resources List
■ ADOBE PHOTOSHOP –Will be used to create final production pieces, moodboards & mock-ups.
■ MICROSOFT POWERPOINT –To display all my work for viewing and evaluating.
■ GOOGLE IMAGES – I will be using Google Images to source images for my work.
■ –To source fonts to use in production pieces as oppose to just using purely the fonts on
the computer.
■ UNITED NATIONS website –This will be useful for sourcing information for my campaign.
■ MENS HEALTH website –This is a useful websites with lots of statistics regarding mens mental health.
■ SOCIAL MEDIA SITES i.e.Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook –Again, this will be helpful for sourcing
information and for getting ideas for my campaign.
■ SKETCH BOOK & STATIONARY –To draw colourful mind maps for my idea generation.
■ – I may also use this to create mind maps for my work.
■ GOOGLE SEARCH – As a whole, this will be my main source of information from reliable websites.
Millie Casemore
Logo Moodboard
Here is the moodboard for
my logo design. As you can
see the campaign is called
Equality For Everyone. I
decided to not rebrand the
United Nations – which is
my client. However, I have
rebranded one of their
global goals. Instead of it
being equality for women, I
have changed it to equality
for all.
Final Logo Idea
Put the hashtag in this logo
This is my main final logo design for my campaign. I have included two
other logos for social media and for a hashtag – these will fit well on my
poster. I chose this logo because it represents both men and women in
my campaign.There is blue and pink to further represent both genders. I
have included the two gender symbols so people clearly understand
what this campaign is for and aiming to do. I have changed the word
”for” into the number to modernise the campaign more and to appeal to
the younger audiences – fits in well on social media.
Mind Map for Poster Campaign
Final Ideas:
I will be producing three different sets
of posters to tackle gender stereotypes.
The first one will be battling men's
stereotypes. There will be the footprint
of a high heel in the centre which will be
captioned “Men can’t wear heels,
right?”.Then at the bottom the word
wrong will be written. My campaigns
logo will be placed in the bottom right
corner so people will be able to relate
back to my campaign.There will be a
poster for women which will have a
stereotype about females written at the
top, similar layout to the men's just
adjusted. My final, main poster will be
for men and women.There will be a set
of lips and a moustache which will be
shaped out of stereotypes written out.
There will be a phrase written at the
top, along the lines of “Don’t be
ignorant, drop the gender
stereotypes.”. Again my campaign logo
will be displayed in the bottom corner.
Final Poster/s
Final Poster – BusT-Side
Final Poster – Bus Superside
Final Poster – Bus Passenger Panel
Mind Map for Merchandise/Promotional
Moodboard for
Merchandise/Promotional Material
Final Merchandise/PromotionalArtwork
Mock-Ups of Merchandise/Promotional
BADGES – I have decided to include badges as a part of my
promotional material.These can be easily handed out and displayed
on peoples clothing or bags.They’re small enough to not be obnoxious
but interesting/vibrant enough to be noticed. On the badge there is
simply the logo of my project with the corresponding colours so that
people know it is regarding gender equality.This may spark people to
research about my project and join in.The badge will be
approximately 2-3cm in height and diametre. As an added feature the
logo will glow in the dark to further grab peoples attention at all times.
WRISTBANDS – I have also decided to include some wristbands in my
merchandise/promotional material. However, I have decided to not
make silicone wristbands, they’re going to be festival style wristbands.
This means they will be made from women fabric with an adjustable
lock. I felt this style of wristband will appear more to young adults
because they’re a little more on trend and often sought after.These.
Just like the badges, they are vibrant but not too ‘loud’. I do want my
promotional material to be noticed, but I don’t want it to be obnoxious
otherwise people won’t want to wear or buy it.
Mock-Ups of Merchandise/Promotional
T-shirts are a good idea because they boldly
convey a message whilst being easy to wear. I
chose t-shirts because they appeal to a variety of
audiences.The t-shirts that you’re seeing here is
the male variant of the t-shirts, the female
variation will have the lips on and be blue on pink,
as oppose to pink on blue. Overall the design with
the moustache is pretty cool which makes the t-
shirt even more wearable. It may appeal to the
younger audience which I am targeting.
Own Idea – Social Media Campaign
Here is the social media campaign,
this is a mock up of a twitter page
which I created on Photoshop. Overall
it looks quite realistic and its main
purpose for creation was so the cause
has an online presence. People will be
able to follow and interact with the
account.They will also be able to find
out when certain events are
happening so they can join in. Using
the hashtags means we’ll be able to
become more known and people
Millie Casemore
Are my finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
My intended purpose was for this campaign to promote gender equality and to appeal to
young adults. I feel my work is fit for its intended purpose because it bold, and straight to the
point in raising awareness towards gender equality.The fact that the word “Ignorant?” is
written so boldly really draws peoples attention to the poster and then therefore reading the
line “Drop the gender stereotypes”.This is blunt and will hopefully have an impact on the
people reading it, getting them to rethink the stereotypes they use. Most stereotypes (male
or female) are included inside the lips and moustache.This means that people will be made
aware of the negative stereotypes they use and hopefully it will influence them to stop using
I wanted to display my posters in schools, colleges, universities and places where they would
gather the most attention from young adults.They could be included at music festivals. I feel
the posters are fit to be displayed in such places, because despite them being bold and blunt,
they are not offensive or inappropriate.They would help influence the young adults I am
aiming at and encourage them to join the cause.The wristbands and badges are small, and
fairly discrete so people could wear them if they didn’t want to draw too much attention to
themselves yet still be a part of the cause.
Do they communicate my message
I do feel that my work communicates my message clearly because, like I have said before,
my campaign in blunt and bold which makes it easy to understand. It is clear that the
campaign is about gender stereotypes because the gender stereotypes are displayed
within the moustache/lips.Also it is clear that the campaign is about dropping gender
stereotypes because it clearly says “Drop gender stereotypes”.The text/font is clear and
easy to read from a distance.The word “ignorant” and ”drop the gender stereotypes” is the
first thing your eyes are drawn to which communicates the message well.
The best way to see if my work communicates the message clearly is to ask for feedback
from others, which is something that I did. In my survey I asked “What message do the
posters convey?”.The responders were able to comment exactly what they wanted,
uninfluenced by the rest of the survey or the question itself. Everyone who answered were
able to clearly identify what my campaigns message was.The first one says “That all
genders are equal and that gender stereotypes need to be dropped”.This is exactly what
my campaign is about.The rest of the respondents said basically the same thing, “That we
are all equal whatever our gender”, “That gender stereotypes are bad”, “That people
should be equal”.
The logo clearly states what the campaign is about, which I think is something that helps
people work out what the message is.The logo says “Equality For Everyone”, which is the
name of the campaign, and the message is communicated clearly. People said how the
colours and the gender symbols worked well in the similar logo because it signified
equality.They also said how the gender symbols within the letter “O” helped portray this
Are they appropriate for my target
My target audience was 18-30 year olds, which is basically young adults. I felt this was an appropriate target age for
my campaign.To find out more information about my target audience I carried out a survey which asked relevant
questions so I could gain more insight into what effected them the most.This allowed me to create a campaign
which was tailored towards them.One main aspect which really appeals to my target audience is the social media
account.Twitter is often used by young adults and is useful for keeping on top of what's going on in the world. My
target audience may want to follow the twitter page so they can get relevant information regarding my campaign
and they can also use the hashtags to promote the case further. Having a social media account is also useful because
it means there’s more chance of people discovering your campaign.
The logo is quite young and vibrant/edgy. It’s interesting to look at without being too over the top or being off-
putting. I feel the logo is appropriate for my target audience because the colours are vibrant, like them, and using
the number 4 instead of the word adds a cool twist which relates to social media and the hashtag.
My merchandise is also very oriented towards the young adults.The festival style wristbands appeal a lot to the
young adults because generally it is young people who go festivals, they also find them quite cool to wear.The
design is interesting and is something that people would want to wear to promote a cause.The stereotypes fade
away into the word Ignorant?Which I feel is a bright, and interesting design which will appeal to my audience.
Overall the campaign is vibrant and colourful which will help it gain popularity and awareness – it also appeals to my
target audience who are vibrant themselves.The campaign is quite loud with its colour scheme. I feel the colours
contrasted well with each other and help the campaign to appeal to the audience.
Are they appropriate for my target
I carried out a few surveys to gather peoples opinions on the work I had
created, this allowed me to see the flaws in my campaign. In the first
survey I asked if people thought my campaign appealed to young adults
(which is my target audience). Over 83% said that the merchandise did
appeal to young adults, with only one person (16.67%) saying that it
“Somewhat” appealed. People said the merchandise was good, modern
and that they would buy it.The person who answered “Somewhat” said
that only people who are really expressive with their opinions would
wear the merchandise.
Are they appropriate for my target
Upon comparing my work to pre-existing work, I found that the overall the merchandise is somewhat similar and is fit for
the target audience. The target audience for the organisation Women’s Equality Party is women of all ages. There are
some t-shirts with the logo on, in different colours so it appeals to everyone, but there are some more fun t-shirts for the
more expressive.These fun t-shirts may appeal more to the younger end of the audience. They have puns and bold
statements on to get attention. This is similar to my work because I have the badges and wristbands for the less bold and
the t-shirts for people who are happy to be bold and expressive.
Compare and contrast my original
intentions with my outcome
My original intentions was to promote gender equality and support for mental health. In the end, I made posters
primarily for gender equality which is different to my original intentions. However, I did include some stereotypes
relating to mental health within the moustache and lips.These were along the lines of “Men can’t express emotions”
and “Women are so hysterical”, so my outcome isn’t completely different to my original intentions. One of my
favourite ideas to start with was to have the footprint of a high heel and caption it “Men can wear heels”, as you can
see I didn’t end up following through with this idea. Instead I made that line the largest in my moustache made of
stereotypes. So, again I used my original ideas to influence my outcome.Another idea I had was to create a brain out
of words (similar to the moustache and lips) and have the poster be about mental health. I didn’t use the idea, but I
did end up creating a shape out of words.The main reason why I didn’t use this idea is because I couldn’t see how the
poster would be effective and instead it allowed me to shape my actual idea. My outcome ended up being a male and
female campaign which are incredibly similar, both with the same aim. I didn’t end up creating a mental health
poster, which is something I would do if I wanted to meet my original intentions, but I do feel my outcome is half of
what my original intentions were…to promote gender equality.
How effective are the techniques and
content I have used?
The main technique which I have used throughout this campaign is the words creating a shape.This is the main
appeal throughout the campaign because it lists all the stereotypes which people use regarding men and
women. I feel this is a really effective technique because it is blatantly saying what you shouldn’t say and it is
making people aware of what stereotypes you shouldn’t use. I also feel this creates a really nice effect which
people seemed to like in my feedback. People in my feedback said they like how certain words within the
moustache/lips stand out more.They said the illustrations have been “impressively made and clearly label the
issue that has been tackled here”.
A lot of the people reviewing my work said they liked the colour scheme used because it worked really well and
contrasted well overall with the campaign. The posters talk about dropping gender stereotypes, one person
mentioned how I made the word ”Ignorant?” pink (on the male poster) which is stereotypically a female colour,
”one that should be dropped”. I didn’t notice this at first, but they said it was clever what I did, its contradicting
and ironic. I really think this technique of using irony to portray a message is effective and helps get the message
across further.
People liked how I kept things like the colours consistent throughout the campaign. I think keeping things
consistent throughout the campaign is important. Having a contrasting colour scheme worked really well
because it used pink and blue which contrast really well with each other – I used this to my advantage. I used
blue background and pink text on the male poster, and vice versa for the female poster.This technique not only
helped the text stand out but it also kept everything consistent throughout.A person reviewing my work said
how they liked that the social media account was done in the same style as the rest of the merchandise.
What impact do you think my advertising
campaign will have on the public?
My campaign is designed to make people aware of all the
stereotypes that we use daily and that they need eliminating. My
hope is that the impact will encourage people to stop being ignorant
and using these offensive stereotypes. I feel there will be a strong
impact because my campaign is bold and straight to the point.
People will see the word “Ignorant?” which stands out well and it will
draw them in to reading into the campaign further. People will be
able to follow the work and join in on the campaign by following
social media accounts, such as theTwitter page.This will help draw
attention to the campaign and more people will follow. Also using
the hashtag people can promote the campaign so others can join to.
All of these factors will influence how large the impact will be on the
public. Having a large impact will encourage more people to stop
using these stereotypes and to join in, therefore reducing the use of
stereotypes in the long run.The stereotypes are listed are listed
within the shapes so people will know exactly which stereotypes I am
referring to in my campaign.
What impact do you think my advertising
campaign will have on the public?
I have looked into another campaign to see what
impact it has had on the public.The one I looked
into was the United Nation’s global goal number 5
which was gender equality and empower all
women and girls.These posters from the
campaign use Google to deliver a strong message
to the public.The fifth global goal has had an
impact on the public, globally. Child marriage is
declining, in comparison to 2000 where 1 in 3
women aged 20 -24 reported being married
before 18 years of age, in 2015 it dropped to 1 in
4.The practice of female genital mutilation has
declined by 24% and there are more impacts that
have happened as a result of this global goal.
Also, there were quite a few articles regarding
these new posters which creates the media buzz
needed to get your campaign recognised.This
why I think my posters will create quite the buzz
because they are blunt and to the point just like
these posters.
What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of my work?
An aspect of my work which is technical yet aesthetic is the moustache
and lips which are made up of stereotypes.To create these was quite a
technical process which took awhile. I got the outline of a moustache
and arranged the words within the shape, making sure that the outline
looked good. However, this technical piece also looks very aesthetic and
creates a really nice effect. It’s a cool and interesting piece. Also creating
this allowed me to use it later in things such as merchandise, which
created a gradient effect.The gradient effect which I used with the
words was another technical, yet aesthetic quality. I basically designed
the words to fade away using the gradient tools which was a technical
quality. However, again it also looks aesthetic and works really well.

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Task 5, 6 & 7

  • 2. Schedule Session Number What I Will Be Working On Resources Needed 1 MONDAY Begin by producing this schedule to manage my work and outline the resources needed for each task. • Microsoft Powerpoint 2 MONDAY Start production by designing the logo by producing a moodboard. The moodboard will consist of fonts, colour schemes, ideas and the possible rebranding of my client. • Adobe Photoshop • Google Images • 3 WEDNES DAY Then finish off any unfinished work from previous session. Produce mind map for poster campaign and produce a page of logo designs. • Own drawing materials • Adobe Photoshop 4 MONDAY Outline final idea for poster campaign and logo. Start producing mock-up poster and bus advert. Begin mind map for merchandise/promotional material. • Adobe Photoshop • Microsoft Powerpoint 5 MONDAY Begin producing three mock-ups of merchandise/promotional material. • Adobe Photoshop • Google Images 6 WEDNES DAY Produce final logo designs. • Adobe Photoshop
  • 3. Schedule Session Number What I Will Be Working On Resources Needed 7 MONDAY Produce final poster/s and bus adverts. Make sure to include the logo in all material. • Adobe Photoshop 8 MONDAY Begin producing final merchandise/promotional material. • Adobe Photoshop 9 WEDNES DAY Finish producing final merchandise/promotional material. Make sure it ties in with the poster campaign. • Adobe Photoshop 10 MONDAY Begin designing a a product for the “Own Ideas” section of the task. Use moodboards or mind maps. Incorporate the style from previous promotional materials made - font and colour scheme. Start mock-up design. • Adobe Photoshop • Microsoft Powerpoint 11 MONDAY Finish “Own Ideas” designs. • Adobe Photoshop 12 WEDNES DAY Go over all work and make any necessary adjustments. Put all work into Powerpoint. • Adobe Photoshop • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • 4. Resources List ■ ADOBE PHOTOSHOP –Will be used to create final production pieces, moodboards & mock-ups. ■ MICROSOFT POWERPOINT –To display all my work for viewing and evaluating. ■ GOOGLE IMAGES – I will be using Google Images to source images for my work. ■ –To source fonts to use in production pieces as oppose to just using purely the fonts on the computer. ■ UNITED NATIONS website –This will be useful for sourcing information for my campaign. ■ MENS HEALTH website –This is a useful websites with lots of statistics regarding mens mental health. ■ SOCIAL MEDIA SITES i.e.Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook –Again, this will be helpful for sourcing information and for getting ideas for my campaign. ■ SKETCH BOOK & STATIONARY –To draw colourful mind maps for my idea generation. ■ – I may also use this to create mind maps for my work. ■ GOOGLE SEARCH – As a whole, this will be my main source of information from reliable websites.
  • 6. Logo Moodboard Here is the moodboard for my logo design. As you can see the campaign is called Equality For Everyone. I decided to not rebrand the United Nations – which is my client. However, I have rebranded one of their global goals. Instead of it being equality for women, I have changed it to equality for all.
  • 7. Final Logo Idea HASHTAG DESIGN LOGO SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGN Put the hashtag in this logo This is my main final logo design for my campaign. I have included two other logos for social media and for a hashtag – these will fit well on my poster. I chose this logo because it represents both men and women in my campaign.There is blue and pink to further represent both genders. I have included the two gender symbols so people clearly understand what this campaign is for and aiming to do. I have changed the word ”for” into the number to modernise the campaign more and to appeal to the younger audiences – fits in well on social media.
  • 8. Mind Map for Poster Campaign Final Ideas: I will be producing three different sets of posters to tackle gender stereotypes. The first one will be battling men's stereotypes. There will be the footprint of a high heel in the centre which will be captioned “Men can’t wear heels, right?”.Then at the bottom the word wrong will be written. My campaigns logo will be placed in the bottom right corner so people will be able to relate back to my campaign.There will be a poster for women which will have a stereotype about females written at the top, similar layout to the men's just adjusted. My final, main poster will be for men and women.There will be a set of lips and a moustache which will be shaped out of stereotypes written out. There will be a phrase written at the top, along the lines of “Don’t be ignorant, drop the gender stereotypes.”. Again my campaign logo will be displayed in the bottom corner.
  • 10. Final Poster – BusT-Side
  • 11. Final Poster – Bus Superside
  • 12. Final Poster – Bus Passenger Panel
  • 13. Mind Map for Merchandise/Promotional Material
  • 16. Mock-Ups of Merchandise/Promotional Material BADGES – I have decided to include badges as a part of my promotional material.These can be easily handed out and displayed on peoples clothing or bags.They’re small enough to not be obnoxious but interesting/vibrant enough to be noticed. On the badge there is simply the logo of my project with the corresponding colours so that people know it is regarding gender equality.This may spark people to research about my project and join in.The badge will be approximately 2-3cm in height and diametre. As an added feature the logo will glow in the dark to further grab peoples attention at all times. WRISTBANDS – I have also decided to include some wristbands in my merchandise/promotional material. However, I have decided to not make silicone wristbands, they’re going to be festival style wristbands. This means they will be made from women fabric with an adjustable lock. I felt this style of wristband will appear more to young adults because they’re a little more on trend and often sought after.These. Just like the badges, they are vibrant but not too ‘loud’. I do want my promotional material to be noticed, but I don’t want it to be obnoxious otherwise people won’t want to wear or buy it.
  • 17. Mock-Ups of Merchandise/Promotional Material T-shirts are a good idea because they boldly convey a message whilst being easy to wear. I chose t-shirts because they appeal to a variety of audiences.The t-shirts that you’re seeing here is the male variant of the t-shirts, the female variation will have the lips on and be blue on pink, as oppose to pink on blue. Overall the design with the moustache is pretty cool which makes the t- shirt even more wearable. It may appeal to the younger audience which I am targeting.
  • 18. Own Idea – Social Media Campaign Here is the social media campaign, this is a mock up of a twitter page which I created on Photoshop. Overall it looks quite realistic and its main purpose for creation was so the cause has an online presence. People will be able to follow and interact with the account.They will also be able to find out when certain events are happening so they can join in. Using the hashtags means we’ll be able to become more known and people
  • 20. Are my finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? My intended purpose was for this campaign to promote gender equality and to appeal to young adults. I feel my work is fit for its intended purpose because it bold, and straight to the point in raising awareness towards gender equality.The fact that the word “Ignorant?” is written so boldly really draws peoples attention to the poster and then therefore reading the line “Drop the gender stereotypes”.This is blunt and will hopefully have an impact on the people reading it, getting them to rethink the stereotypes they use. Most stereotypes (male or female) are included inside the lips and moustache.This means that people will be made aware of the negative stereotypes they use and hopefully it will influence them to stop using them. I wanted to display my posters in schools, colleges, universities and places where they would gather the most attention from young adults.They could be included at music festivals. I feel the posters are fit to be displayed in such places, because despite them being bold and blunt, they are not offensive or inappropriate.They would help influence the young adults I am aiming at and encourage them to join the cause.The wristbands and badges are small, and fairly discrete so people could wear them if they didn’t want to draw too much attention to themselves yet still be a part of the cause.
  • 21. Do they communicate my message clearly? I do feel that my work communicates my message clearly because, like I have said before, my campaign in blunt and bold which makes it easy to understand. It is clear that the campaign is about gender stereotypes because the gender stereotypes are displayed within the moustache/lips.Also it is clear that the campaign is about dropping gender stereotypes because it clearly says “Drop gender stereotypes”.The text/font is clear and easy to read from a distance.The word “ignorant” and ”drop the gender stereotypes” is the first thing your eyes are drawn to which communicates the message well. The best way to see if my work communicates the message clearly is to ask for feedback from others, which is something that I did. In my survey I asked “What message do the posters convey?”.The responders were able to comment exactly what they wanted, uninfluenced by the rest of the survey or the question itself. Everyone who answered were able to clearly identify what my campaigns message was.The first one says “That all genders are equal and that gender stereotypes need to be dropped”.This is exactly what my campaign is about.The rest of the respondents said basically the same thing, “That we are all equal whatever our gender”, “That gender stereotypes are bad”, “That people should be equal”. The logo clearly states what the campaign is about, which I think is something that helps people work out what the message is.The logo says “Equality For Everyone”, which is the name of the campaign, and the message is communicated clearly. People said how the colours and the gender symbols worked well in the similar logo because it signified equality.They also said how the gender symbols within the letter “O” helped portray this message.
  • 22. Are they appropriate for my target audience? My target audience was 18-30 year olds, which is basically young adults. I felt this was an appropriate target age for my campaign.To find out more information about my target audience I carried out a survey which asked relevant questions so I could gain more insight into what effected them the most.This allowed me to create a campaign which was tailored towards them.One main aspect which really appeals to my target audience is the social media account.Twitter is often used by young adults and is useful for keeping on top of what's going on in the world. My target audience may want to follow the twitter page so they can get relevant information regarding my campaign and they can also use the hashtags to promote the case further. Having a social media account is also useful because it means there’s more chance of people discovering your campaign. The logo is quite young and vibrant/edgy. It’s interesting to look at without being too over the top or being off- putting. I feel the logo is appropriate for my target audience because the colours are vibrant, like them, and using the number 4 instead of the word adds a cool twist which relates to social media and the hashtag. My merchandise is also very oriented towards the young adults.The festival style wristbands appeal a lot to the young adults because generally it is young people who go festivals, they also find them quite cool to wear.The design is interesting and is something that people would want to wear to promote a cause.The stereotypes fade away into the word Ignorant?Which I feel is a bright, and interesting design which will appeal to my audience. Overall the campaign is vibrant and colourful which will help it gain popularity and awareness – it also appeals to my target audience who are vibrant themselves.The campaign is quite loud with its colour scheme. I feel the colours contrasted well with each other and help the campaign to appeal to the audience.
  • 23. Are they appropriate for my target audience? I carried out a few surveys to gather peoples opinions on the work I had created, this allowed me to see the flaws in my campaign. In the first survey I asked if people thought my campaign appealed to young adults (which is my target audience). Over 83% said that the merchandise did appeal to young adults, with only one person (16.67%) saying that it “Somewhat” appealed. People said the merchandise was good, modern and that they would buy it.The person who answered “Somewhat” said that only people who are really expressive with their opinions would wear the merchandise.
  • 24. Are they appropriate for my target audience? Upon comparing my work to pre-existing work, I found that the overall the merchandise is somewhat similar and is fit for the target audience. The target audience for the organisation Women’s Equality Party is women of all ages. There are some t-shirts with the logo on, in different colours so it appeals to everyone, but there are some more fun t-shirts for the more expressive.These fun t-shirts may appeal more to the younger end of the audience. They have puns and bold statements on to get attention. This is similar to my work because I have the badges and wristbands for the less bold and the t-shirts for people who are happy to be bold and expressive.
  • 25. Compare and contrast my original intentions with my outcome My original intentions was to promote gender equality and support for mental health. In the end, I made posters primarily for gender equality which is different to my original intentions. However, I did include some stereotypes relating to mental health within the moustache and lips.These were along the lines of “Men can’t express emotions” and “Women are so hysterical”, so my outcome isn’t completely different to my original intentions. One of my favourite ideas to start with was to have the footprint of a high heel and caption it “Men can wear heels”, as you can see I didn’t end up following through with this idea. Instead I made that line the largest in my moustache made of stereotypes. So, again I used my original ideas to influence my outcome.Another idea I had was to create a brain out of words (similar to the moustache and lips) and have the poster be about mental health. I didn’t use the idea, but I did end up creating a shape out of words.The main reason why I didn’t use this idea is because I couldn’t see how the poster would be effective and instead it allowed me to shape my actual idea. My outcome ended up being a male and female campaign which are incredibly similar, both with the same aim. I didn’t end up creating a mental health poster, which is something I would do if I wanted to meet my original intentions, but I do feel my outcome is half of what my original intentions were…to promote gender equality.
  • 26. How effective are the techniques and content I have used? The main technique which I have used throughout this campaign is the words creating a shape.This is the main appeal throughout the campaign because it lists all the stereotypes which people use regarding men and women. I feel this is a really effective technique because it is blatantly saying what you shouldn’t say and it is making people aware of what stereotypes you shouldn’t use. I also feel this creates a really nice effect which people seemed to like in my feedback. People in my feedback said they like how certain words within the moustache/lips stand out more.They said the illustrations have been “impressively made and clearly label the issue that has been tackled here”. A lot of the people reviewing my work said they liked the colour scheme used because it worked really well and contrasted well overall with the campaign. The posters talk about dropping gender stereotypes, one person mentioned how I made the word ”Ignorant?” pink (on the male poster) which is stereotypically a female colour, ”one that should be dropped”. I didn’t notice this at first, but they said it was clever what I did, its contradicting and ironic. I really think this technique of using irony to portray a message is effective and helps get the message across further. People liked how I kept things like the colours consistent throughout the campaign. I think keeping things consistent throughout the campaign is important. Having a contrasting colour scheme worked really well because it used pink and blue which contrast really well with each other – I used this to my advantage. I used blue background and pink text on the male poster, and vice versa for the female poster.This technique not only helped the text stand out but it also kept everything consistent throughout.A person reviewing my work said how they liked that the social media account was done in the same style as the rest of the merchandise.
  • 27. What impact do you think my advertising campaign will have on the public? My campaign is designed to make people aware of all the stereotypes that we use daily and that they need eliminating. My hope is that the impact will encourage people to stop being ignorant and using these offensive stereotypes. I feel there will be a strong impact because my campaign is bold and straight to the point. People will see the word “Ignorant?” which stands out well and it will draw them in to reading into the campaign further. People will be able to follow the work and join in on the campaign by following social media accounts, such as theTwitter page.This will help draw attention to the campaign and more people will follow. Also using the hashtag people can promote the campaign so others can join to. All of these factors will influence how large the impact will be on the public. Having a large impact will encourage more people to stop using these stereotypes and to join in, therefore reducing the use of stereotypes in the long run.The stereotypes are listed are listed within the shapes so people will know exactly which stereotypes I am referring to in my campaign.
  • 28. What impact do you think my advertising campaign will have on the public? I have looked into another campaign to see what impact it has had on the public.The one I looked into was the United Nation’s global goal number 5 which was gender equality and empower all women and girls.These posters from the campaign use Google to deliver a strong message to the public.The fifth global goal has had an impact on the public, globally. Child marriage is declining, in comparison to 2000 where 1 in 3 women aged 20 -24 reported being married before 18 years of age, in 2015 it dropped to 1 in 4.The practice of female genital mutilation has declined by 24% and there are more impacts that have happened as a result of this global goal. Also, there were quite a few articles regarding these new posters which creates the media buzz needed to get your campaign recognised.This why I think my posters will create quite the buzz because they are blunt and to the point just like these posters.
  • 29. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of my work? An aspect of my work which is technical yet aesthetic is the moustache and lips which are made up of stereotypes.To create these was quite a technical process which took awhile. I got the outline of a moustache and arranged the words within the shape, making sure that the outline looked good. However, this technical piece also looks very aesthetic and creates a really nice effect. It’s a cool and interesting piece. Also creating this allowed me to use it later in things such as merchandise, which created a gradient effect.The gradient effect which I used with the words was another technical, yet aesthetic quality. I basically designed the words to fade away using the gradient tools which was a technical quality. However, again it also looks aesthetic and works really well.