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Talent Management
What’s The Evidence?
IMI Talent Forum, 28th April 2016, Dublin
30 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do?
20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your
20 min An alternative model: EBP
15 min Case
30 min Discussion / questions
Dangers of believing things that aren’t true
 It ain't what you don't know that gets
you into trouble. It's what you know for
sure that just ain't so. (Mark Twain)
 The greatest enemy of knowledge is
not ignorance, it is the illusion of
knowledge. (Stephen Hawking)
Some examples
What’s happened to average job tenure in
the UK and US over the past 10 years?
 Up?
 Down?
 Stayed the same?
Some examples: Job satisfaction
What’s happened to job satisfaction in the
US over the past 10 years?
 Up?
 Down?
 Stayed same?
Some examples: VUCA
Is the world moving ever faster – more
VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity)?
 Faster?
 Slower?
 Same?
 The idea that time is speeding up is clearly popular. It is
also plausible. There is just one problem. It is very hard to
prove that it is actually happening.
 Hard evidence of a great acceleration is hard to come
by. The Economist has considered a variety of measures
by which the speed of business in America can be
quantified. A few do show some acceleration. But a lot do
UK Patents
Some examples: Generational differences
Are there generational differences in work
 Big differences?
 Small differences?
 No differences?
So what?
 There are many taken-for-granted assumptions
and ‘truths’ in HR that turn out to be wrong or at
least overstated
 It’s important to examine these assumptions
because if they are wrong will lead to poor
 Possibly also in the case of Talent Management
20 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do?
20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your
30 min An alternative model: EBP
20 min Case
30 min Discussion / questions
All big consulting firms claim it’s important …
You use Talent Management: Right?
But, What Is Talent Management?
0Discuss with your neighbour (1 min)
nice pictures ...
… and a plethora of models
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
etc etc
 Version 1: More or less exactly the same as
strategic HRM – it’s most things HR does
 Version 2: One specific thing HR does (e.g.,
 Version 3: Full-on, hardcore War for Talent – it’s
talented individuals that determine
organizational success – our focus now
‘Talent Management’: 3 versions
Ariss et al. Talent management: Current theories and future research directions. Journal of
World Business, 2014, vol. 49, issue 2, pages 173-179
Talent Management:
Where does it come from?
McKinsey (1997 paper / 2001 book)
“If you pick the right people and give them the
opportunity to spread their wings and put
compensation as a carrier behind it you don't
have to manage them.”
How is it assumed
to work?
Jack Welch
(Straight from the gut)
McKinsey: case study
McKinsey: case study
War on Talent
Talent Management:
The scientific literature
Discuss with your neighbour (1 min):
What Is (a) Talent?
NOVEMBER 23 2015
Iulia Alina Cioca
Lorenzo Gallì
H I G H - P O T E N T I A L
© MERCER 2015 48
Most definitions come from unreliable sources of evidence, and are not valid. Some
“The employee who leaves tracks in the sand”
“An individual with something special hidden in
their lives that, under the right conditions, could
emerge and be leveraged for greater success.”
© MERCER 2015 49
A number of 41 characteristics were mentioned in the literature
Leadership skills (34%)
Learning ability (26%)
Motivation (24%)
Competencies specific to the job or
career path they will follow (23%)
Risk taking (20%)
General cognitive ability (18%)
Ambition (to advance, to excel
Adaptability (15%)
Fit with the values of the
organization (15%)
Teamwork (13%)
Results orientation (13%)
Communication skills (11%)
Action-oriented (11%)
Curiosity (11%)
Generic competencies (that allow
performance in various roles (11%)
Broad perspective on the whole
business (11%)
High performance record (11%)
Interpersonal skills (10%)
Trustworthiness (10%)
Intercultural competencies (8%)
Commitment (8%)
Creativity (7%)
Alternative, different and challenging
way of thinking (7%)
Seeks/uses feedback (7%)
Is available for mobility (7%)
Competencies specific to the
organization as a whole (7%)
Dealing with ambiguity (5%)
Self-confidence (5%)
Integrity (5%)
Strategic thinking (3%)
Using information (to take decisions,
to convince, etc. (3%)
Assertiveness (3%)
Emotional intelligence (3%)
Conscientiousness (3%)
Proactivity (3%)
High education level (3%)
Customer orientation (3%)
Analytical thinking (2%)
Problem solving (2%)
Resilience (2%)
Tolerance (2%)
Some evidence-based insights …
1. Talent management is an ill-defined
construct. It lacks a precise terminology
as well as a reliable and valid approach
regarding the measurement of its
And if you can’t measure it …
Some evidence-based insights …
2. The idea that talent (or potential) can
be readily identified in relatively
complex jobs is plain wrong.
A senior executive may have a splendid track record but how much
of their apparent success can be attributed to their abilities?
A junior manager may score brilliantly on every appraisal thrown
at them, but how good is the evidence that those scores predict
future performance? It’s hard to define or assess talent.
3. The idea that the best organisations have
the best people just doesn’t stand up to
Success depends on a whole range of factors, not least having
good systems, processes and co-ordination.
Having talented individuals may help a little bit in some roles, but
other things are likely to be much more important. In other words,
we over-rate our ‘stars’
Some evidence-based insights …
4. There is even evidence that selecting and
promoting people at random may work just
as well
Some evidence-based insights …
Pluchino, A., Rapisarda, A. and Garofalo, C., “The Peter Principle Revisited: A
Computational Study,”, Physica A, vol. 389, no. 3, February 2010, pp. 467-72.
Haslam, S. A, C. McGarty, R. A. Eggins, B. E. Morrison, & K. J. Reynolds,
“Inspecting the Emperor’s Clothes: Evidence that Randomly Selected Leaders
can Enhance Group Performance”, Group Dynamics: Theory, Process and
Research 2 (1998): 168-18
… and some critical questions
1. Why do we need to recruit the most
talented person? Isn’t a good enough
person, well, good enough?
In almost all performance domains, having more ability only makes
a difference to performance up to a point. So why spend time
recruiting or developing the most talented people?
… and some critical questions
2. Given the fact that ‘talent’ is hard to
measure / identify: have you considered
the consequences of false positives and
false negatives?
… and some critical questions
3. What might be the unintended negative
sides-effects of identifying talent on those
who are not identified as talent? All HR
practices that have any effect may also
have negative side-effect.
Great! …….now what?
30 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do?
20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your
20 min An alternative model: EBP
20 min Case
30 min Discussion / questions
 Returning to your own organization and what YOU mean
by talent management
 At some point your team made a decision about some
problem that needed to be fixed and a TM solution that
would fix it
 We are going to consider (discussing in pairs) your
evidence for
 The problem(s) you identified which you TM
activities are aiming to fix
 The solutions (your TM activities) you chose to fix
those problems
Exercise: What’s your evidence?
What’s the evidence for the problem(s) you identified?
(ask each other these questions)
 What exactly was the problem? Be as specific and precise
as possible (probe!)
 What types of evidence or information did you have about
the problem (internal data, external, professional
judgement and experience, scientific, stakeholders)
 How much evidence?
 How trustworthy or reliable was that evidence?
 Overall how confident were you that you identified a real,
specific, important and pressing problem?
Exercise: What’s your evidence?
What’s the evidence for the TM solution(s) you identified
(ask each other these questions)
 What exactly was the solution? Be as specific and precise as
possible (probe!)
 What types of evidence or information told you that the
solution was likely to work (internal data, external,
professional judgement and experience, scientific,
 How much evidence?
 How trustworthy or reliable was that evidence?
 Overall how confident were you that you identified an
effective and relevant solution?
Exercise: What’s your evidence?
30 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do?
20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your
20 min An alternative model: EBP
15 min Case
30 min Discussion / questions
Evidence based management:
What is it?
Evidence-based management
Central Premise:
Decisions should be based on
the ‘best available evidence‘.
information, facts or data
supporting (or contradicting)
a claim, assumption or hypothesis
outcome of scientific research,
organizational facts & figures,
benchmarking, best practices,
personal experience
All managers and leaders base
their decisions on ‘evidence’
But…many managers pay
little or no attention to
the quality of the evidence
they base their decisions on
and use
too few sources of evidence
Trust me, 20 years of
management experience
Multiple sources of evidence
problem solution
professional expertise
internal data
values and concerns
Scientific literature
empirical studies
Evidence based practice:
Where does it come from?
Evidence-Based Practice
1991 Medicine
1998 Education
2000 Social care, public policy
Nursing, Criminal justice,
Policing, Architecture, Conservation
2010 Management
Evidence-Based Practice
Evidence-Based Practice
Evidence-based … whatever
the use of evidence from multiple
sources to increase the likelihood of a
favourable outcome
Focus on the decision making process
Think in terms of probability
In general: managers don’t seem to like
 Undermines formal authority (JFDI, HiPPO)
 They feel it constrains freedom to make
managerial decisions
 Speed valued and rewarded more than accuracy
 Managers not necessarily rewarded for doing
what works (organizations rarely evaluate)
Why don’t managers like EBMgt?
Evidence-Based Decision-Making
Why do we need it?
Advice: lie babies down to sleep on their belly
(unanimous support through to the 1990s)
Example: medicine
Nr of cot deaths (Holland)
Collateralized Debt Obligations > AAA
p = 0.12 (about 1 chance in 850) default in 5 years
Example: finance
Forecasted Actual
Forecasted and actual 5-year default rates for
AAA-rated CDO tranches
Scared straight
Example: policy / prevention
Example: HR management
1. Incompetent people benefit more from feedback than
highly competent people.
2. Task conflict improves work group performance while
relational conflict harms it.
3. Encouraging employees to participate in decision
making is more effective for improving organizational
performance than setting performance goals.
Likely or unlikely?
 959 (US) + 626 (Dutch) HR professionals
 35 statements, based on an extensive body of evidence
 true / false / uncertain
HR Professionals' beliefs about effective human resource practices: correspondence
between research and practice, (Rynes et al, 2002, Sanders et al 2008)
Likely or unlikely?
Outcome: not better than random chance
Relying on only 1 source: bad idea!
problem solution
professional expertise
internal data
values and concerns
Scientific literature
empirical studies
Discuss with your neighbor (1 min)
Over a 5 year period,
why is an orthopedic surgeon's
experience, as a rule, more trustworthy
than an change manager’s experience?
Developing expertise
1. A sufficiently regular, predictable environment
2. Numerous opportunities to practice
3. Receive accurate (objective) feedback
The management domain is not highly
favorable to expertise!
Bounded rationality
How your brain works
System 1
 Fast
 Intuitive, associative
 heuristics & biases
 emotional
System 2
 Lazy
 Slow
 Deliberate
 Rational
System 1: short cuts
System 1 or system 2?
10 seconds
System 1 or system 2?
 A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total.
 The bat costs $1 more than the ball
 How much does the ball cost?
System 1: necessary to survive
 Pattern recognition
 Overconfidence bias
 Halo effect
 False consensus effect
 Group think
 Self serving attribution bias
 Sunk cost fallacy
 Cognitive dissonance reduction
System 1: cognitive errors
 Confirmation bias
 Authority bias
 Small numbers fallacy
 In-group bias
 Recall bias
 Anchoring bias
 Availability bias
 Pattern recognition
 Overconfidence bias
 Halo effect
 False consensus effect
 Group think
 Self serving attribution bias
 Sunk cost fallacy
 Cognitive dissonance reduction
System 1: cognitive errors
 Confirmation bias
 Authority bias
 Small numbers fallacy
 In-group bias
 Recall bias
 Anchoring bias
 Availability bias
“I’ve been studying judgment for 45 years, and I’m no better
than when I started. I make extreme predictions. I’m over-
confident. I fall for every one of the biases.”
professional expertise
internal data
values and concerns
Scientific literature
empirical studies
Four sources of evidence (not only 1)
30 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do?
20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your
20 min An alternative model: EBP
15 min Case
30 min Discussion / questions
The performance of
knowledge workers
A Practical Example
Discuss with your neighbour
What are the strongest predictors of
future performance?
Predictors (r & R2)
1. Work sample test .54 29%
2. General mental ability .51 26%
3. Structured interviews .51 26%
4. Peer ratings .49 24%
5. Job knowledge tests .48 23%
6. Job try out .44 19%
7. Integrity test .41 17%
Predictors (r & R2)
8. Employment interview .38 14%
9. Assessment centers .37 14%
10. Reference check .26 6%
11. Job experience .18 3%
12. Years of education .10 1%
13. Interests .10 1%
14. Age -.01 0%
Predictors (r & R2)
GMA & work sample test .63 40%
GMA & conscientiousness .60 36%
Knowledge workers
Whether nurses, lawyers, engineers, managers, or staff members,
nowadays most workers in organizations are highly dependent on
information and communication technology and are involved in
work that involves a high level of cognitive activity.
Discuss with your neighbour
“Which of the factors that are related to the productivity of
knowledge workers are most widely studied and what is
known of their effect?”
I Don’t Know
(but I know how to find out)
The 3 hardest words in management
Search for the best available scientific evidence
 Scholarly journals, peer reviewed
 1980 – 2013
 English
 performance, productivity, knowledge work*
Effect size?
Largest effect
1. Social cohesion .5 / .7
2. Perceived supervisory support .5
3. Information sharing / TM .5
4. Vision / goal clarity .5
5. Trust .3 / .6
Step 4: APPLY
Three examples
social cohesion supervisory
Social cohesion
Social cohesion
… a shared liking or team attraction
that includes bonds of friendship, caring,
closeness, and enjoyment of each
other’s company.
Social cohesion
Measuring social cohesion
Perceived supervisory support
…how employees feel the supervisor
helps them in times of need, praises
them for a job well done or recognizes
them for extra effort.
Perceived supervisory support
Perceived supervisory support
Measuring perc. sup. support
Information sharing
Information sharing?
…refers to how teams pool and access their
knowledge and expertise – which positively
affects decision making and team processes.
This has led to the idea of a team ‘Transactive
Memory System’ (TMS), which can be thought of
as a collective memory in a collective mind -
enabling a team to think and act together
Information sharing
Measuring information sharing
The departments with the lowest performance
scored under average on most factors
Step 5: ASSESS
30 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do?
20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your
20 min An alternative model: EBP
15 min Case
30 min Discussion / questions
Postgraduate Course
Postgraduate Course
> 80 Fellows
CEBMa: what we do
 Promote (seminars, papers, blogs, tweets)
 Educate (universities & business schools)
 Train & coach (companies > projects)
 Support / REAs (companies)
 Support / 2nd opinion (BS detector)

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Talent Management: What's The Evidence

  • 1. Talent Management What’s The Evidence? IMI Talent Forum, 28th April 2016, Dublin
  • 2. 30 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do? 20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your evidence? 20 min An alternative model: EBP 15 min Case 30 min Discussion / questions Outline
  • 3. Dangers of believing things that aren’t true  It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. (Mark Twain)  The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. (Stephen Hawking)
  • 4. Some examples What’s happened to average job tenure in the UK and US over the past 10 years?  Up?  Down?  Stayed the same?
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Some examples: Job satisfaction What’s happened to job satisfaction in the US over the past 10 years?  Up?  Down?  Stayed same?
  • 8.
  • 9. Some examples: VUCA Is the world moving ever faster – more VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity)?  Faster?  Slower?  Same?
  • 10.
  • 11.  The idea that time is speeding up is clearly popular. It is also plausible. There is just one problem. It is very hard to prove that it is actually happening.  Hard evidence of a great acceleration is hard to come by. The Economist has considered a variety of measures by which the speed of business in America can be quantified. A few do show some acceleration. But a lot do not.
  • 12.
  • 14. Some examples: Generational differences Are there generational differences in work attitudes?  Big differences?  Small differences?  No differences?
  • 15.
  • 16. So what?  There are many taken-for-granted assumptions and ‘truths’ in HR that turn out to be wrong or at least overstated  It’s important to examine these assumptions because if they are wrong will lead to poor decisions  Possibly also in the case of Talent Management
  • 17. 20 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do? 20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your evidence? 30 min An alternative model: EBP 20 min Case 30 min Discussion / questions Outline
  • 18. All big consulting firms claim it’s important …
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. You use Talent Management: Right? But, What Is Talent Management? 0Discuss with your neighbour (1 min) Discussion
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 26. … and a plethora of models
  • 33.  Version 1: More or less exactly the same as strategic HRM – it’s most things HR does  Version 2: One specific thing HR does (e.g., succession)  Version 3: Full-on, hardcore War for Talent – it’s talented individuals that determine organizational success – our focus now ‘Talent Management’: 3 versions Ariss et al. Talent management: Current theories and future research directions. Journal of World Business, 2014, vol. 49, issue 2, pages 173-179
  • 35. McKinsey (1997 paper / 2001 book)
  • 36. “If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put compensation as a carrier behind it you don't have to manage them.” How is it assumed to work? Jack Welch (Straight from the gut)
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44. Discuss with your neighbour (1 min): What Is (a) Talent? 0
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. H E A L T H W E A L T H C A R E E R NOVEMBER 23 2015 Iulia Alina Cioca Lorenzo Gallì Milano A S S E S S M E N T O F H I G H - P O T E N T I A L R E S E A R C H R E S U L T S
  • 48. © MERCER 2015 48 C O N C L U S I O N D E F I N I T I O N O F H I G H P O T E N T I A L Most definitions come from unreliable sources of evidence, and are not valid. Some examples: “The employee who leaves tracks in the sand” “An individual with something special hidden in their lives that, under the right conditions, could emerge and be leveraged for greater success.” ”
  • 49. © MERCER 2015 49 R E S U L T S T H E C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S O F H I G H P O T E N T I A L S A number of 41 characteristics were mentioned in the literature Leadership skills (34%) Learning ability (26%) Motivation (24%) Competencies specific to the job or career path they will follow (23%) Risk taking (20%) General cognitive ability (18%) Ambition (to advance, to excel (18%) Adaptability (15%) Fit with the values of the organization (15%) Teamwork (13%) Results orientation (13%) Communication skills (11%) Action-oriented (11%) Curiosity (11%) Generic competencies (that allow performance in various roles (11%) Broad perspective on the whole business (11%) High performance record (11%) Interpersonal skills (10%) Trustworthiness (10%) Intercultural competencies (8%) Commitment (8%) Creativity (7%) Alternative, different and challenging way of thinking (7%) Seeks/uses feedback (7%) Is available for mobility (7%) Competencies specific to the organization as a whole (7%) Dealing with ambiguity (5%) Self-confidence (5%) Integrity (5%) Strategic thinking (3%) Using information (to take decisions, to convince, etc. (3%) Assertiveness (3%) Emotional intelligence (3%) Conscientiousness (3%) Proactivity (3%) High education level (3%) Customer orientation (3%) Analytical thinking (2%) Problem solving (2%) Resilience (2%) Tolerance (2%)
  • 50. Some evidence-based insights … 1. Talent management is an ill-defined construct. It lacks a precise terminology as well as a reliable and valid approach regarding the measurement of its effect. And if you can’t measure it …
  • 51. Some evidence-based insights … 2. The idea that talent (or potential) can be readily identified in relatively complex jobs is plain wrong. A senior executive may have a splendid track record but how much of their apparent success can be attributed to their abilities? A junior manager may score brilliantly on every appraisal thrown at them, but how good is the evidence that those scores predict future performance? It’s hard to define or assess talent.
  • 52. 3. The idea that the best organisations have the best people just doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.. Success depends on a whole range of factors, not least having good systems, processes and co-ordination. Having talented individuals may help a little bit in some roles, but other things are likely to be much more important. In other words, we over-rate our ‘stars’ Some evidence-based insights …
  • 53. 4. There is even evidence that selecting and promoting people at random may work just as well Some evidence-based insights … Pluchino, A., Rapisarda, A. and Garofalo, C., “The Peter Principle Revisited: A Computational Study,”, Physica A, vol. 389, no. 3, February 2010, pp. 467-72. Haslam, S. A, C. McGarty, R. A. Eggins, B. E. Morrison, & K. J. Reynolds, “Inspecting the Emperor’s Clothes: Evidence that Randomly Selected Leaders can Enhance Group Performance”, Group Dynamics: Theory, Process and Research 2 (1998): 168-18
  • 54. … and some critical questions 1. Why do we need to recruit the most talented person? Isn’t a good enough person, well, good enough? In almost all performance domains, having more ability only makes a difference to performance up to a point. So why spend time recruiting or developing the most talented people?
  • 55. … and some critical questions 2. Given the fact that ‘talent’ is hard to measure / identify: have you considered the consequences of false positives and false negatives?
  • 56. … and some critical questions 3. What might be the unintended negative sides-effects of identifying talent on those who are not identified as talent? All HR practices that have any effect may also have negative side-effect.
  • 58. 30 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do? 20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your evidence? 20 min An alternative model: EBP 20 min Case 30 min Discussion / questions Outline
  • 59.  Returning to your own organization and what YOU mean by talent management  At some point your team made a decision about some problem that needed to be fixed and a TM solution that would fix it  We are going to consider (discussing in pairs) your evidence for  The problem(s) you identified which you TM activities are aiming to fix  The solutions (your TM activities) you chose to fix those problems Exercise: What’s your evidence?
  • 60. What’s the evidence for the problem(s) you identified? (ask each other these questions)  What exactly was the problem? Be as specific and precise as possible (probe!)  What types of evidence or information did you have about the problem (internal data, external, professional judgement and experience, scientific, stakeholders)  How much evidence?  How trustworthy or reliable was that evidence?  Overall how confident were you that you identified a real, specific, important and pressing problem? Exercise: What’s your evidence?
  • 61. What’s the evidence for the TM solution(s) you identified (ask each other these questions)  What exactly was the solution? Be as specific and precise as possible (probe!)  What types of evidence or information told you that the solution was likely to work (internal data, external, professional judgement and experience, scientific, stakeholders)  How much evidence?  How trustworthy or reliable was that evidence?  Overall how confident were you that you identified an effective and relevant solution? Exercise: What’s your evidence?
  • 62. 30 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do? 20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your evidence? 20 min An alternative model: EBP 15 min Case 30 min Discussion / questions Outline
  • 64.
  • 65. Evidence-based management Central Premise: Decisions should be based on the ‘best available evidence‘.
  • 66. Evidence? information, facts or data supporting (or contradicting) a claim, assumption or hypothesis
  • 67. Evidence? outcome of scientific research, organizational facts & figures, benchmarking, best practices, personal experience
  • 68. All managers and leaders base their decisions on ‘evidence’
  • 69. But…many managers pay little or no attention to the quality of the evidence they base their decisions on and use too few sources of evidence
  • 70. Trust me, 20 years of management experience
  • 71. Multiple sources of evidence problem solution Practitioners professional expertise Organization internal data Stakeholders values and concerns Scientific literature empirical studies Ask Acquire Appraise Aggregate Apply Assess
  • 72. Evidence based practice: Where does it come from?
  • 73. Evidence-Based Practice 1991 Medicine 1998 Education 2000 Social care, public policy Nursing, Criminal justice, Policing, Architecture, Conservation 2010 Management
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 78. Evidence-based … whatever = the use of evidence from multiple sources to increase the likelihood of a favourable outcome Focus on the decision making process Think in terms of probability
  • 79. In general: managers don’t seem to like EBMgt
  • 80.  Undermines formal authority (JFDI, HiPPO)  They feel it constrains freedom to make managerial decisions  Speed valued and rewarded more than accuracy  Managers not necessarily rewarded for doing what works (organizations rarely evaluate)  SEEM TO LOVE FADS & QUICK FIXES Why don’t managers like EBMgt?
  • 81.
  • 82. 82
  • 84. Advice: lie babies down to sleep on their belly (unanimous support through to the 1990s) Example: medicine
  • 85. Nr of cot deaths (Holland)
  • 86. Collateralized Debt Obligations > AAA p = 0.12 (about 1 chance in 850) default in 5 years Example: finance
  • 87. Forecasted Actual Forecasted and actual 5-year default rates for AAA-rated CDO tranches 0.12% 28%
  • 89.
  • 91. 1. Incompetent people benefit more from feedback than highly competent people. 2. Task conflict improves work group performance while relational conflict harms it. 3. Encouraging employees to participate in decision making is more effective for improving organizational performance than setting performance goals. Likely or unlikely?
  • 92.  959 (US) + 626 (Dutch) HR professionals  35 statements, based on an extensive body of evidence  true / false / uncertain HR Professionals' beliefs about effective human resource practices: correspondence between research and practice, (Rynes et al, 2002, Sanders et al 2008) Likely or unlikely?
  • 93. Outcome: not better than random chance
  • 94. Relying on only 1 source: bad idea! problem solution Practitioners professional expertise Organization internal data Stakeholders values and concerns Scientific literature empirical studies Ask Acquire Appraise Aggregate Apply Assess
  • 95. Discuss with your neighbor (1 min) Over a 5 year period, why is an orthopedic surgeon's experience, as a rule, more trustworthy than an change manager’s experience? 60595857565453525150494847464544434241403938373635343332313029282726252423222120191817161514131211109876543210
  • 96. Developing expertise 1. A sufficiently regular, predictable environment 2. Numerous opportunities to practice 3. Receive accurate (objective) feedback The management domain is not highly favorable to expertise!
  • 97.
  • 99. How your brain works System 1  Fast  Intuitive, associative  heuristics & biases  emotional System 2  Lazy  Slow  Deliberate  Rational
  • 100.
  • 102. System 1 or system 2? 10 seconds
  • 103. System 1 or system 2?  A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total.  The bat costs $1 more than the ball  How much does the ball cost? 0
  • 104. System 1: necessary to survive 95%
  • 105.  Pattern recognition  Overconfidence bias  Halo effect  False consensus effect  Group think  Self serving attribution bias  Sunk cost fallacy  Cognitive dissonance reduction System 1: cognitive errors  Confirmation bias  Authority bias  Small numbers fallacy  In-group bias  Recall bias  Anchoring bias  Availability bias
  • 106.  Pattern recognition  Overconfidence bias  Halo effect  False consensus effect  Group think  Self serving attribution bias  Sunk cost fallacy  Cognitive dissonance reduction System 1: cognitive errors  Confirmation bias  Authority bias  Small numbers fallacy  In-group bias  Recall bias  Anchoring bias  Availability bias
  • 107. “I’ve been studying judgment for 45 years, and I’m no better than when I started. I make extreme predictions. I’m over- confident. I fall for every one of the biases.”
  • 108. Practitioners professional expertise Organization internal data Stakeholders values and concerns Scientific literature empirical studies Ask Acquire Appraise Aggregate Apply Assess Four sources of evidence (not only 1)
  • 109. 30 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do? 20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your evidence? 20 min An alternative model: EBP 15 min Case 30 min Discussion / questions Outline
  • 110. The performance of knowledge workers A Practical Example
  • 111. Discuss with your neighbour 0 What are the strongest predictors of future performance?
  • 112.
  • 113. Predictors (r & R2) 1. Work sample test .54 29% 2. General mental ability .51 26% 3. Structured interviews .51 26% 4. Peer ratings .49 24% 5. Job knowledge tests .48 23% 6. Job try out .44 19% 7. Integrity test .41 17%
  • 114. Predictors (r & R2) 8. Employment interview .38 14% 9. Assessment centers .37 14% 10. Reference check .26 6% 11. Job experience .18 3% 12. Years of education .10 1% 13. Interests .10 1% 14. Age -.01 0%
  • 115. Predictors (r & R2) GMA & work sample test .63 40% GMA & conscientiousness .60 36%
  • 116. Knowledge workers Whether nurses, lawyers, engineers, managers, or staff members, nowadays most workers in organizations are highly dependent on information and communication technology and are involved in work that involves a high level of cognitive activity.
  • 117. Discuss with your neighbour 0 “Which of the factors that are related to the productivity of knowledge workers are most widely studied and what is known of their effect?”
  • 118. I Don’t Know (but I know how to find out) The 3 hardest words in management
  • 119. Step 2: ACQUIRE Search for the best available scientific evidence
  • 120.  ABI, BSP, PsycINFO  Scholarly journals, peer reviewed  1980 – 2013  English  performance, productivity, knowledge work* ACQUIRE
  • 121.
  • 122. step 3: APPRAISE & AGGREGATE
  • 124. Largest effect 1. Social cohesion .5 / .7 2. Perceived supervisory support .5 3. Information sharing / TM .5 4. Vision / goal clarity .5 5. Trust .3 / .6
  • 125. step 3b: CROSS VALIDATE
  • 127. Three examples social cohesion supervisory support information sharing
  • 129. Social cohesion … a shared liking or team attraction that includes bonds of friendship, caring, closeness, and enjoyment of each other’s company.
  • 133. …how employees feel the supervisor helps them in times of need, praises them for a job well done or recognizes them for extra effort. Perceived supervisory support
  • 137. Information sharing? …refers to how teams pool and access their knowledge and expertise – which positively affects decision making and team processes. This has led to the idea of a team ‘Transactive Memory System’ (TMS), which can be thought of as a collective memory in a collective mind - enabling a team to think and act together
  • 140. The departments with the lowest performance scored under average on most factors Step 5: ASSESS
  • 142. 30 min Talent Management: What is it what does it do? 20 min What the problem and solution? What’s your evidence? 20 min An alternative model: EBP 15 min Case 30 min Discussion / questions Outline
  • 143.
  • 147. CEBMa: what we do  Promote (seminars, papers, blogs, tweets)  Educate (universities & business schools)  Train & coach (companies > projects)  Support / REAs (companies)  Support / 2nd opinion (BS detector)

Editor's Notes

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