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Is Talent A Natural Ability?
Everyone is born with some talent, that is, people born with the ability to do something better than
others; but not everyone has the opportunity to develop it, so it is a matter of opportunity, not
capacity. Because without perseverance, opportunity, learning, sacrifice and hard work, talent will
not manifest. Natural ability is the capacity and dexterity to do something, which is obtained as
innate, or acquired or perfected under learning and practice. It can occur in many areas of life,
whether in sport, the arts, science, manual activities and so on. So, for that reason, talent is a
natural ability, because it is innate, it is an aptitude that stands above the rest, and it is the attitude
what marks the difference. Some people do not believe in natural talent, they believe that talents
are acquired and are created with a lot of practice. But it is not strange that a child who spent hours
with construction sets is today a renowned architect, or the girl who played doctors today pass
query in a hospital. All this has an explanation, which is that the talent exists, and according to
numerous studies, during childhood is when children can express themselves freely without fear of
a third opinion, and it is at this stage when the talents begin to show. Because the games are the way
children understand the adult world and express their desires and natural inclinations. Through play,
children can teach freely and without fear of being wrong all the options offered by life.
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Your Greatest Talent
3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated
that talent over time?
A talent/skill i may have obtained over the years was how i am able to look at things through a lot
of different people's perspective. For example back then if someone may have came up to me with
a serious situation and the old me would've gone and gave the easy way out type of answer, while
the new me wouldn't give an answer until i've viewed the situation from multiple standpoints. A way
that i've honed this skill and been able to be a key factor with it in certain scenarios was once in my
freshman year of high school, a friend of mine had gotten jumped by a group of students and he
always felt revenge was the way to go but i had talked him out of it and to him to let karma come
back around to them and he did, he felt that the karma thing would never work but the next day
those same kids had gotten called up and arrested because some who had witnessed it and spoke
out. I feel that this had shown growth as a skill of mine as time came along because ever since
then i had realized that i could help friends out and avoid them from being taken over by anger and
possibly make the avoid them from making a decision they'd regret making.
5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome
this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? A challenge that was
considerably tough for me would have been trying to overcome trying to balance my in school life
and life outside of school, one of the main steps i had taken to overcome this was to completely
cut off my life outside of school and just focus on my in school life to make something out of
myself and overall graduate. This challenge has affected my academics in a sense of the first
couple of weeks i've only failed 2 classes {due to lack of making stuff up and the other was the
way the teacher puts in grade, he just takes his time doing so}while in comparison to my first start
of junior years i was concerned with life outside of school and never
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My Greatest Talent Essay
All About Me
What would you say is your greatest talent or skills ? how have you developed and demonstrated
that talent over time? My greatest talent is creativity I'm really creative I love to make . I make
little organizing boxes and I glue pictures onto notebooks so they can look cute. One time I made
a organizes box for my mom so she won't lose her important papers and it also has a spot to hold
pens. I also decorative some notebooks with some pictures of mines and some pictures of other
things. I also know how to draw, but it's not that perfect. I don't have much talents, but I always
try to be funny with people who are depressed, like with my mom, I make her something cute then
I give it to her I also make her laugh. I do watch a lot of YouTube videos of DIY things so I can do
things similar like it , like notebooks, picture frames, paintings, organizing box and more. Another
greatest talent I have is to take pictures of random things, I do love taking pictures to just like
creating things. When my family and I go to the mountains I take pictures of the cars, the trees,
pathways, and deers if we see some. I do love taking pictures of things just random things, I try
my best so they can look really great . I do want to buy a new camera a better one even though I
use my phone to take pictures most of the time. I have developed these talents by doing them lots
because I really like to organize and take pictures and more. I usually do these things when I'm
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TALENT The word "talent' is derived from the Greek word talanton', which means "balance,
sum, weight," was an unit of weight, in gold and silver, which was used as a legal tender in the
trading transactions of ancient era. The word talent' used today to denote the capacity of
achievement or success and or ability in varied fields of the arts and science. And oddly enough,
the basic root of the word was originally an ancient weight or money for the payment for goods and
services in the ancient world. So in simple words, we can say that a talent is something which is
very valuable and more then anything in the world. Everyone on the planet Earth has their own
capacity and talent. The only thing some people explores it and some more content...
I started with a slow movement into an arabesque which just sent everyone into frenzy. As the
lights dimmed and quickly went out, the hall began to tremble with excitement. A smile sketches
its way across my face as I realize there is nothing in the world I'd rather be doing. I gaze out into
the spectator's watchful eyes as my hip sways to the familiar beat. My body moved devoid of the
need for the minds instruction. I flow away from my frustrations that boil under my
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What Is Talent Management? Essay
What Is Talent Management?
What Is Talent Management?
Talent management is an increasingly critical function of HR departments and encompasses all the
technological systems and practices that relate to developing and retaining employees. Tangentially,
strong talent management – along with employee development, recognition,empowerment and
involvement – attracts better talent than working without a thoughtful talent management program,
so talent management helps with recruiting efforts. Often bearing different names – including capital
and performance management – talent management focuses heavily on the manager 's role during
the life–cycle of each employee 's career with the company. Everything that a company does to
recruit, develop, reward and promote people in–house is part of talent management. In fact, human
capital management software, or HCM, is rapidly replacing traditional HR software and HRIS
Aspects of Talent Management
Best practices for talent management no longer include being just a part of HR duties but
increasingly involve the establishment of dedicated sub–departments of professionals to manage.
Talent management divisions of HR departments are now charged with recruiting, developing and
retaining the most talented people, and in this capacity, personnel often manage onboarding,
performance reviews through managerial training and direction and even choosing on–demand staff
for special projects. Many of these duties are automated through SaaS
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talent development Essay
Talent Development Your presenter Linda Elawar t: @lindaelawar SME Evolution Program Fall
2012 – Talent Development #SMEEP © Talent Development Explore content What
Fuels your organization? Who are your Intangible assets? Do you know where your Talent is? SME
Evolution Program Fall 2012 – Talent Development #SMEEP © Why is Talent
Development important? Importance of Talent Development Increased competitive advantage
Rewarding Culture and Brand Improved operational efficiency Financial rewards High Performing
Organization Employee retention SME Evolution Program Fall 2012 – Talent Development
#SMEEP © more content...
Explore content What type of development are you providing your employees with? Top
performing companies build loyalty to an employee the same way a consumer brand builds loyalty
to a product SME Evolution Program Fall 2012 – Talent Development #SMEEP ©
How to Develop Talent Act as a role model Reinforce the value of learning Build sustainable
processes to support development Reinforce shared values Leverage problems as opportunities for
real world learning and development SME Evolution Program Fall 2012 – Talent Development
#SMEEP © Best Practices Talent Developers should know: Turn Talent Development
What makes high potentials "tick" Why high potentials need a different framework That high
potentials are intense, complex, and driven That high potentials are not motivated by the same perks
as others What it takes for high potentials to thrive and succeed Why top talent leave their
organizations SME Evolution Program Fall 2012 – Talent Development #SMEEP © A
Case Study Bayt works hard at creating an employee–centric culture Conducts daily training Ranked
#8 30–40 minutes training sessions called STARS The content is prepared by a "Bayt" head and
shared across the offices each day Bayt also received the People and Culture of the Year
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Talent Shows Essay
The influence of talent shows on the music industry
In the recent years, talent shows have become some of the most lucrative and popular television
programmes all around the world. The charm of such contests is easy to fall for – wewatch average
people become stars virtually overnight and we root for them, often showing our support by
spending money on voting. While there are several kinds of talent shows, those most popular are
singing competitions, which aim to showcase talented singers and create viable musiccareers. While
those programmes thrive and enjoy immense popularity, they are also widelycriticised for the way in
which they impact the music business. In this essay I will try to presenthow talent shows affect the
music industry more content...
JamesFoley, a music journalist, describes this influence as follows: "Does [
The X Factor
] impact on thesigning and release schedules of other labels? Of course it does. They will do
anything to avoid being up against JLS and Alexandra Burke and Leona Lewis [all previous
The X Factor contestants], because they know they have automatic access to a promotions platform
that other labels don't have" (Addley, par. 10).To reiterate, talent contests have a great influence on
how the music industry operates andfrom the aforementioned effects, we can arrive to the
conclusion that their impact is mostlynegative. Though they provide the market with numerous
newcomers, few of those are able tocreate their own original image or sustain their careers for more
than a couple of months. While it ishard to dismiss the vast popularity that talent shows enjoy, it is
also important to remember that theymight be one of the many nails in the coffin of the present–day
music industry.Works cited:1. Addler, Esther. "Is The X Factor killing pop?".
The Guardian,
November 14, 2009. AccessedMay 2, 2013.
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Essay On Talent Management
Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to outline the importance of Talent Management.
Beardwell and Thompson define Talent Management as the natural abilities and skills an individual
possess. As Talent Management has grown considerably over the last number of years it has
emphasised the benefits it can have within an organisation if successfully practiced. To comprehend
Talent Management one must understand the functions and strategies of Human Resource
Management first. HRM functions and strategies will provide evidence that it is important to
understand HRM practices and what are the major differences between Soft HRM and Hard HRM,
this discussion should then link HRM practices back to the most current and highly discussed topic,
Talent Management. Throughout the years HRM functions and strategies have being interpreted in
many different ways but for this paper it will be to merge the similarities and strategies back to
Talent Management practices.
Talent Management will be divided into subheadings such as the concept of Talent Management;
which will highlight that yes, Talent Management is important and is a commonly used term in the
corporate world but there is not enough academic research more content...
Understanding the similarities between HRM practices and Talent Management practices with
strategies like Recruitment, Training and Development and Managing employees. Both topics
outline that they share the same objectives and outcomes according to industry experts and how
these can be implemented effectively. The final topic will highlight why organisations need Talent
Management practices and what are the key benefits in having a successfully organised system in
place and also what are the effects if these practices are none existent within an
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Essay On My Greatest Talent
Personal Statement What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed
and demonstrated that talent over time? My greatest talent would have to be my attention to
detail and my ability to read a situation as and before it happens. By this I mean I can look at a
situation and know if it is going downhill, or I can look at certain details of a situation and see
what has happened, somewhat like a "detective sense". I can see the attire of someone and know
the things they like or I can see a tattoo and know a little about a person's personality. If something
is sketchy I can instantly notice it and start developing a mental note of what just happened and
what might happen next. I always try to stay two even three steps ahead because one wrong move
can lead to disaster. I try to assess situations accordingly and I always see everything for more
than what it is. When something is not right I do not point it out usually, I look for every answer,
or I try and find what's causing these events. I rarely assume, or jump to conclusions before I have
looked at every piece of evidence that I can find. I don't like rushing things or not completing
things, some may call it perfectionism, I call it doing what you're supposed to. "There's always
something there", a saying I try to live by to a certain extent. There's always more than what you
see, and most of the time the answer to a problem is right behind what you're looking at. I try to
follow my
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Introducing Talent and Skill Essay
Introducing talent and skill Talent and skill are oftentimes mistaken and confused in perceptions
and conversations. They both relate to the ability of a person to work and perform on a specific
task, although the difference between the two is from where the ability originates. Many believe
that people are born with a certain talent and that only these selected individuals will be successful.
This, however, is not necessarily true, as the concept of talent should be open to different
individuals' interpretations. No one is already born a scientist, a dancer or teacher, yet as
individuals, we can develop certain skills to fit in different categories. While talent is an undoubted
advantage for success in the people holding it, more content...
On the other hand a 'skill' can be learned through hard work, dedication, passion and persistence.
Skills are things that individuals learn throughout their journey unlike talent it is possible to state
that skills are developed. In order to have a certain skill the individual must train and practice that
skill. Most of the times talent and skill are misinterpreted as an individual is able to build a skill to
such perfection that it could start looking like a talent.
The importance of skill and talent
Building a skill or having a skill in a certain field is the exact opposite of a raw talent although this
is not something to look away from. Building a skill in a field is hard and takes away a lot of time
form an individual, skills are not innate and can be measure and quantified. There are qualities such
as dedication, hard work, persistence, that help develop an individual's skill; therefore you could be
born with the mentioned qualities however skill is developed.
Talent versus Skill
Although, is talent necessary for success? There is no straightforward answer to this question,
without a doubt the two most important ingredients to being successful are talent and skill. One is
ingredient is fixed and we don't have the possibility of changing it or developing it, however skill is
the ingredient which an individual can develop and change to their liking. For
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Talent Essay

  • 1. Is Talent A Natural Ability? Everyone is born with some talent, that is, people born with the ability to do something better than others; but not everyone has the opportunity to develop it, so it is a matter of opportunity, not capacity. Because without perseverance, opportunity, learning, sacrifice and hard work, talent will not manifest. Natural ability is the capacity and dexterity to do something, which is obtained as innate, or acquired or perfected under learning and practice. It can occur in many areas of life, whether in sport, the arts, science, manual activities and so on. So, for that reason, talent is a natural ability, because it is innate, it is an aptitude that stands above the rest, and it is the attitude what marks the difference. Some people do not believe in natural talent, they believe that talents are acquired and are created with a lot of practice. But it is not strange that a child who spent hours with construction sets is today a renowned architect, or the girl who played doctors today pass query in a hospital. All this has an explanation, which is that the talent exists, and according to numerous studies, during childhood is when children can express themselves freely without fear of a third opinion, and it is at this stage when the talents begin to show. Because the games are the way children understand the adult world and express their desires and natural inclinations. Through play, children can teach freely and without fear of being wrong all the options offered by life. Get more content on
  • 2. Your Greatest Talent 3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? A talent/skill i may have obtained over the years was how i am able to look at things through a lot of different people's perspective. For example back then if someone may have came up to me with a serious situation and the old me would've gone and gave the easy way out type of answer, while the new me wouldn't give an answer until i've viewed the situation from multiple standpoints. A way that i've honed this skill and been able to be a key factor with it in certain scenarios was once in my freshman year of high school, a friend of mine had gotten jumped by a group of students and he always felt revenge was the way to go but i had talked him out of it and to him to let karma come back around to them and he did, he felt that the karma thing would never work but the next day those same kids had gotten called up and arrested because some who had witnessed it and spoke out. I feel that this had shown growth as a skill of mine as time came along because ever since then i had realized that i could help friends out and avoid them from being taken over by anger and possibly make the avoid them from making a decision they'd regret making. 5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? A challenge that was considerably tough for me would have been trying to overcome trying to balance my in school life and life outside of school, one of the main steps i had taken to overcome this was to completely cut off my life outside of school and just focus on my in school life to make something out of myself and overall graduate. This challenge has affected my academics in a sense of the first couple of weeks i've only failed 2 classes {due to lack of making stuff up and the other was the way the teacher puts in grade, he just takes his time doing so}while in comparison to my first start of junior years i was concerned with life outside of school and never Get more content on
  • 3. My Greatest Talent Essay All About Me What would you say is your greatest talent or skills ? how have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? My greatest talent is creativity I'm really creative I love to make . I make little organizing boxes and I glue pictures onto notebooks so they can look cute. One time I made a organizes box for my mom so she won't lose her important papers and it also has a spot to hold pens. I also decorative some notebooks with some pictures of mines and some pictures of other things. I also know how to draw, but it's not that perfect. I don't have much talents, but I always try to be funny with people who are depressed, like with my mom, I make her something cute then I give it to her I also make her laugh. I do watch a lot of YouTube videos of DIY things so I can do things similar like it , like notebooks, picture frames, paintings, organizing box and more. Another greatest talent I have is to take pictures of random things, I do love taking pictures to just like creating things. When my family and I go to the mountains I take pictures of the cars, the trees, pathways, and deers if we see some. I do love taking pictures of things just random things, I try my best so they can look really great . I do want to buy a new camera a better one even though I use my phone to take pictures most of the time. I have developed these talents by doing them lots because I really like to organize and take pictures and more. I usually do these things when I'm Get more content on
  • 4. Talent TALENT The word "talent' is derived from the Greek word talanton', which means "balance, sum, weight," was an unit of weight, in gold and silver, which was used as a legal tender in the trading transactions of ancient era. The word talent' used today to denote the capacity of achievement or success and or ability in varied fields of the arts and science. And oddly enough, the basic root of the word was originally an ancient weight or money for the payment for goods and services in the ancient world. So in simple words, we can say that a talent is something which is very valuable and more then anything in the world. Everyone on the planet Earth has their own capacity and talent. The only thing some people explores it and some more content... I started with a slow movement into an arabesque which just sent everyone into frenzy. As the lights dimmed and quickly went out, the hall began to tremble with excitement. A smile sketches its way across my face as I realize there is nothing in the world I'd rather be doing. I gaze out into the spectator's watchful eyes as my hip sways to the familiar beat. My body moved devoid of the need for the minds instruction. I flow away from my frustrations that boil under my Get more content on
  • 5. What Is Talent Management? Essay What Is Talent Management? What Is Talent Management? Talent management is an increasingly critical function of HR departments and encompasses all the technological systems and practices that relate to developing and retaining employees. Tangentially, strong talent management – along with employee development, recognition,empowerment and involvement – attracts better talent than working without a thoughtful talent management program, so talent management helps with recruiting efforts. Often bearing different names – including capital and performance management – talent management focuses heavily on the manager 's role during the life–cycle of each employee 's career with the company. Everything that a company does to recruit, develop, reward and promote people in–house is part of talent management. In fact, human capital management software, or HCM, is rapidly replacing traditional HR software and HRIS systems. Aspects of Talent Management Best practices for talent management no longer include being just a part of HR duties but increasingly involve the establishment of dedicated sub–departments of professionals to manage. Talent management divisions of HR departments are now charged with recruiting, developing and retaining the most talented people, and in this capacity, personnel often manage onboarding, performance reviews through managerial training and direction and even choosing on–demand staff for special projects. Many of these duties are automated through SaaS Get more content on
  • 6. talent development Essay Talent Development Your presenter Linda Elawar t: @lindaelawar SME Evolution Program Fall 2012 – Talent Development #SMEEP © Talent Development Explore content What Fuels your organization? Who are your Intangible assets? Do you know where your Talent is? SME Evolution Program Fall 2012 – Talent Development #SMEEP © Why is Talent Development important? Importance of Talent Development Increased competitive advantage Rewarding Culture and Brand Improved operational efficiency Financial rewards High Performing Organization Employee retention SME Evolution Program Fall 2012 – Talent Development #SMEEP © more content... Explore content What type of development are you providing your employees with? Top performing companies build loyalty to an employee the same way a consumer brand builds loyalty to a product SME Evolution Program Fall 2012 – Talent Development #SMEEP © How to Develop Talent Act as a role model Reinforce the value of learning Build sustainable processes to support development Reinforce shared values Leverage problems as opportunities for real world learning and development SME Evolution Program Fall 2012 – Talent Development #SMEEP © Best Practices Talent Developers should know: Turn Talent Development What makes high potentials "tick" Why high potentials need a different framework That high potentials are intense, complex, and driven That high potentials are not motivated by the same perks as others What it takes for high potentials to thrive and succeed Why top talent leave their organizations SME Evolution Program Fall 2012 – Talent Development #SMEEP © A Case Study Bayt works hard at creating an employee–centric culture Conducts daily training Ranked #8 30–40 minutes training sessions called STARS The content is prepared by a "Bayt" head and shared across the offices each day Bayt also received the People and Culture of the Year Get more content on
  • 7. Talent Shows Essay The influence of talent shows on the music industry In the recent years, talent shows have become some of the most lucrative and popular television programmes all around the world. The charm of such contests is easy to fall for – wewatch average people become stars virtually overnight and we root for them, often showing our support by spending money on voting. While there are several kinds of talent shows, those most popular are singing competitions, which aim to showcase talented singers and create viable musiccareers. While those programmes thrive and enjoy immense popularity, they are also widelycriticised for the way in which they impact the music business. In this essay I will try to presenthow talent shows affect the music industry more content... JamesFoley, a music journalist, describes this influence as follows: "Does [ The X Factor ] impact on thesigning and release schedules of other labels? Of course it does. They will do anything to avoid being up against JLS and Alexandra Burke and Leona Lewis [all previous The X Factor contestants], because they know they have automatic access to a promotions platform that other labels don't have" (Addley, par. 10).To reiterate, talent contests have a great influence on how the music industry operates andfrom the aforementioned effects, we can arrive to the conclusion that their impact is mostlynegative. Though they provide the market with numerous newcomers, few of those are able tocreate their own original image or sustain their careers for more than a couple of months. While it ishard to dismiss the vast popularity that talent shows enjoy, it is also important to remember that theymight be one of the many nails in the coffin of the present–day music industry.Works cited:1. Addler, Esther. "Is The X Factor killing pop?". The Guardian, November 14, 2009. AccessedMay 2, 2013. Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Talent Management Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to outline the importance of Talent Management. Beardwell and Thompson define Talent Management as the natural abilities and skills an individual possess. As Talent Management has grown considerably over the last number of years it has emphasised the benefits it can have within an organisation if successfully practiced. To comprehend Talent Management one must understand the functions and strategies of Human Resource Management first. HRM functions and strategies will provide evidence that it is important to understand HRM practices and what are the major differences between Soft HRM and Hard HRM, this discussion should then link HRM practices back to the most current and highly discussed topic, Talent Management. Throughout the years HRM functions and strategies have being interpreted in many different ways but for this paper it will be to merge the similarities and strategies back to Talent Management practices. Talent Management will be divided into subheadings such as the concept of Talent Management; which will highlight that yes, Talent Management is important and is a commonly used term in the corporate world but there is not enough academic research more content... Understanding the similarities between HRM practices and Talent Management practices with strategies like Recruitment, Training and Development and Managing employees. Both topics outline that they share the same objectives and outcomes according to industry experts and how these can be implemented effectively. The final topic will highlight why organisations need Talent Management practices and what are the key benefits in having a successfully organised system in place and also what are the effects if these practices are none existent within an Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On My Greatest Talent Personal Statement What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? My greatest talent would have to be my attention to detail and my ability to read a situation as and before it happens. By this I mean I can look at a situation and know if it is going downhill, or I can look at certain details of a situation and see what has happened, somewhat like a "detective sense". I can see the attire of someone and know the things they like or I can see a tattoo and know a little about a person's personality. If something is sketchy I can instantly notice it and start developing a mental note of what just happened and what might happen next. I always try to stay two even three steps ahead because one wrong move can lead to disaster. I try to assess situations accordingly and I always see everything for more than what it is. When something is not right I do not point it out usually, I look for every answer, or I try and find what's causing these events. I rarely assume, or jump to conclusions before I have looked at every piece of evidence that I can find. I don't like rushing things or not completing things, some may call it perfectionism, I call it doing what you're supposed to. "There's always something there", a saying I try to live by to a certain extent. There's always more than what you see, and most of the time the answer to a problem is right behind what you're looking at. I try to follow my Get more content on
  • 10. Introducing Talent and Skill Essay Introducing talent and skill Talent and skill are oftentimes mistaken and confused in perceptions and conversations. They both relate to the ability of a person to work and perform on a specific task, although the difference between the two is from where the ability originates. Many believe that people are born with a certain talent and that only these selected individuals will be successful. This, however, is not necessarily true, as the concept of talent should be open to different individuals' interpretations. No one is already born a scientist, a dancer or teacher, yet as individuals, we can develop certain skills to fit in different categories. While talent is an undoubted advantage for success in the people holding it, more content... On the other hand a 'skill' can be learned through hard work, dedication, passion and persistence. Skills are things that individuals learn throughout their journey unlike talent it is possible to state that skills are developed. In order to have a certain skill the individual must train and practice that skill. Most of the times talent and skill are misinterpreted as an individual is able to build a skill to such perfection that it could start looking like a talent. The importance of skill and talent Building a skill or having a skill in a certain field is the exact opposite of a raw talent although this is not something to look away from. Building a skill in a field is hard and takes away a lot of time form an individual, skills are not innate and can be measure and quantified. There are qualities such as dedication, hard work, persistence, that help develop an individual's skill; therefore you could be born with the mentioned qualities however skill is developed. Talent versus Skill Although, is talent necessary for success? There is no straightforward answer to this question, without a doubt the two most important ingredients to being successful are talent and skill. One is ingredient is fixed and we don't have the possibility of changing it or developing it, however skill is the ingredient which an individual can develop and change to their liking. For Get more content on