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Symptoms And Treatment Of Osteoporosis
Physiology There are several conditions that contribute to osteoporosis other than the aging process
that causes elders to lose bone density, to understand the correlation of the condition one should
have a basic understanding of what osteoporosis is. As stated, osteoporosis is called a silent disease
with an underlying origin that is undetected or misdiagnosed since the symptoms are so nondescript
until the damage is done. This condition is characterized by decrease bone mass density (BMD), the
principal progression is bone fragility with undetermined body fractures, and bone mineral density
decrease with aging; defines osteoporosis which yields brittle bones found in both genders.
Although, women experience this process more ... Show more content on ...
Ms. J stated she had heartburn and used Mylanta for treatment. As suggested, Mylanta is a proton
pump inhibitor (PPI) used for gastric reflux with an aluminum base that lower stomach acid levels,
blocking the absorption of calcium and phosphates which decrease bone density. The researcher has
established a link between long term use of (PPI) and osteoporosis, which is a major cause of hip
fractures. (Kruse, 2011) When reviewing the medical records it was noted that the client received
chemo along with radiation for breast cancer and glucocorticoid injection for chronic arthritis three
times in the last 10 years. For instance, there is a link between women who were treated for breast
cancer with chemotherapy, the reason given was the loss of ovarian function that drops the estrogen
levels that had a protective effect on the bones. Chemotherapy also has a direct harmful effect on the
bones, and breast cancer stimulates osteoclasts cell production, which role is to break down bone
tissue. (NIH, n.d.) "Bone loss is one of the most important side effects of glucocorticoid use, even in
low doses. The main effect of glucocorticoids on bone is inhibition of osteoblast function, leading to
a decrease in bone formation and a glucocorticoid–induced osteoporosis" (De Niji, 2015) Ms. J
fractured her arm two years ago from a fall. One of the major causes of bone and hip fractures in
senior adults are
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Osteoporosis Is Caused By The Reduction Of Bone Density...
Osteoporosis is caused by the reduction of bone density and quality; especially in the case of the
spine, hips, and wrists. It is known as the" silent epidemic", because this disease has so symptoms
and is usually not noticed until a bone fracture occurs.
Some diagnostic methods are Bone mineral density measurement and classification, Peripheral
dual–energy x–ray absorptiometry (pDXA), CT–based absorptiometry, Quantitative computed
tomography (QCT), and Quantitative ultrasound densitometry (QUS). Patients indicated for these
test are ones who qualify for high risk.
Osteoporosis is mostly found in women that are postmenopausal and in men 50 and older.
Osteoporosis happens with age, poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle, and it can be genetically indicated.
When the body ages, bone creation is decreased, or bone degeneration is increased, or both at the
same time. Without the necessary nutrients and minerals the bones start to thin out or hollow out,
and this causes them to weaken and become fragile.
Post –menopausal women and men over 50 are at the highest risk. But there are other factors to
consider. According to the clinician's guide to prevention and treatment of osteoporosis 01/2010,
there are many risk factors to consider. In regards to lifestyle factors these are common causes or
contributions to osteoporosis: Low calcium intake, high caffeine intake, alcohol (3 or more
drinks/per day)smoking ( active or passive) vitamin D insufficiency, high salt intake, inadequate
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The Weight Strength Of The Diet Essay
a. According to the data above and the calculated BMI, I consume much more calories than the RDA
allows for. This clearly explains the five–pound weight gain I have experienced. The total calories
consumed over the three days was 3172 and the recommended allowance is 1900. That is a
difference of 1272 calories so a weight gain of five pounds is expected. This also explains why my
BMI considered me overweight because I consume much more calories than the RDA allows.
b. Women in their twenties should be consuming more calcium, folate and iron. These nutrients are
relevant because women tend to become pregnant during this life stage and a pregnancy with no
complications requires folate and iron for proper fetal development. Calcium is also a requirement
because women begin to lose bone mass as the become older so the constant need for protein is
c. Fruits and Vegetables
– The DRI table shows low consumption of the main vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables
such as vitamin C and D. This concludes that I am not getting the recommended amount distributed
by the Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide according to the DRI table
Grain Products
– The DRI table shows average or higher consumption of grain products comparable to the food
guide. The main component of grain products is fibre and the DRI table shows a consumption of
21.6 which is almost average for the age group of 20–year–old women. The food guide recommends
6–7 servings of grain products a day. The DRI
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Spine Health Research Paper
You Spine Needs Attention As You Age– Are You Keeping It Healthy?
Our spine hardly gets as much daily care as our hair or face does, but we should realize that it plays
a crucial role in the proper functioning of the body. Conversely, tending to the spine health must be a
part of a comprehensive health routine. Older people often experience some stiffness in the back or
in the spine.This is possible due to the deterioration of the bones and intervertebral disks with age.
But pain or continuous stiffness should never be taken lightly. Common spinal conditions among the
elderly can be detected by symptoms such as leg pain, postural problems, early morning back pain
and more.
Facet Joint Osteoarthritis, Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative Spondylolisthesis and
Compression Fractures are some of the common spinal conditions aging people experience. Back
and neck pain especially can prevent you from being ... Show more content on ...
Strengthen your core muscles by doing aerobics exercise.
2. Avoid putting undue stress on your spine by practicing proper posture and making ergonomic
adjustments to your work station.
3. Avoid lifting objects that are heavier than 25% of your own body weight.
4. If you are a smoker then take measures to stop it.
5. Your diet should contain vitamin D, which is good for bones.
6. Do not overdo any exercise, be practical with your daily routine.
7. Treat strains and sprains with ice pack, compression and consult a medical professional.
If you stay in Sydney, you can find an experienced chiropractor in Rouse Hill area. Meanwhile, be
mindful of your posture at all times – especially while seated at work and exercise daily.
Summary: Spine problem, if neglected, can become dangerous. Avoid problems later by getting alert
Bio: Hills spinal health specialises in a wide range of techniques including Chiropractic, Applied
Kinesiology, Massage, Wellness coaching, Functional Biochemistry and Nutrition, Neuro–
Emotional technique and
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Why Is Bone Mass Important?
Bone Health
Bones provide body structure, protect organs, anchor muscles, and store calcium. Good health habits
such as eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly are important for maintaining healthy bones.
They can also help prevent thinning and loss of density in the bones (osteoporosis).
Bone mass refers to the amount of bone tissue you have. The higher your bone mass, the stronger
your bones. An important step toward having healthy bones throughout life is to have strong and
dense bones during childhood. A young adult with a high bone mass is more likely to have a high
bone mass later in life. Bone mass at its greatest it is called peak bone mass.
A large decline in bone mass occurs in older adults. In women, it occurs about the time of
menopause. During this time it is important to practice good health habits because if more bone is
lost than is replaced, the bones will become less healthy and more likely to break (fracture). If you
find that you have a low bone mass, you may be able to prevent osteoporosis or further bone loss by
changing your diet and lifestyle.
Bone mass can be measured with an X–ray test called a bone mineral density (BMD) test. This test
is recommended for all women 65 years and older. It may also be recommended for men age 70
years or older or for people who have risk factors for osteoporosis, such as:
Having bones that break easily.
Having a long–term disease
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Density Lab
Define and explain density in your own words.
Density is calculated by dividing its mass by its volume (D=M/V). Density also describes how
compact a substance is (amount of space occupied within a certain area).
What is the difference between mass and density.
The differences between mass and density are that mass is the amount of matter in an object and
density is a measurement of how close the molecules are packed tightly together in a certain amount
of space.
In this lab, can you be certain that you have correctly identified your objects? Explain.
In this lab I was able to correctly identify all of the given objects by measuring their masses and
volume to correctly get their density. I was able to properly identify the ... Show more content on ...
It would round to 20.0g/cm3, which making it pure gold, not fool's gold. The density of the found
nugget is the same as pure gold.
Osteoporosis is a common problem among Canadians. Research osteoporosis to explain what the
disease is, how it relates to density, who is at risk and how to prevent it.
Osteoporosis is disease cause by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. This disease
increase the fragility of the wrist, shoulder, hip and spine. This disease occurs without any
symptoms and can affect any age group, but it mainly affects elderly women and men. Osteoporosis
relates to density because people have this disease have a low or very low bone density causing
some of their bones to be very fragile and painful. People are able to avoid getting osteoporosis by
having a well balanced diet, exercising regularly and living a healthy life style. Many elders get this
disease because they don't live a healthy lifestyle.
Explain 3 ways (not mentioned previously) that density affects you
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Osteopenia Research Paper
Osteopenia is a disease in which the bone density in a person is lower than normal but not so low to
where they would be considered to have osteoporosis. To tell the difference between these similar
disease you would have to speak with your doctor and schedule a bone density test. By measuring
your bone density you will see how dense and how strong your bones are with having osteopenia
over time the bones in the body will grow weak and be more prone to breaking as well with the
lowering of bone density with having osteopenia it will develop into osteoporosis over time due to
the low bone density. The causes of osteopenia are natural in everyone. As we get older are bones
start to lose density around are middle aged years they start to become ... Show more content on ...
The way osteopenia is diagnosed is by having a bone density test done or by a dual–energy x–ray. It
is more effective having a dual–energy x–ray they can detect the loss of bone density little as 2% a
year. Regular x–rays are not sensitive enough to detect osteopenia. It is recommended for people 65
years or older to have a routinely bone density test done. Treatment for osteopenia would be more of
a change in lifestyle as to there is no cure for osteopenia but you can slow it down by watching what
and how you eat. Taking in more calcium calcium plays a big part in the development of bone also
vitamin D which helps the body absorb calcium and the different minerals from food. Being
physically healthy excersis helps build stronger bones from the stress impact. Reduce or stop
smoking and taking in alcohol different medications would be used for patients with serious
osteopenia such as bisphosphouates raloxifene and hormone replacement. We all will develop
osteopenia around middle aged we reach are peak bone density and as we get older bone density
starts to diminish those with family medical history are prone to develop it much
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Taking a Look at Osteoporosis
[INTRODUCTION] Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to
fracture. It has been defined as "a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and
microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in bone fragility and
susceptibility to fracture" (Gueldner, Britton, Madhavan et al. 2014). Usually the bone loses density,
which measures the amount of calcium and minerals in the bone. According to the National
Osteoporosis Foundation, by 2020, half of all Americans over age fifty are expected to have either
osteoporosis or low bone density. Guelder, Britton, Madhaven et al. say that this decrease in bone
strength is heavily associated with the increased risk of hip, wrist, and spine fractures, and the pain,
along with loss of function which adversely affects a person's quality of life (2014).
Today more than 44 million Americans are affected by low bone density or osteoporosis. About one
in two women and up to one in four men over the age 50, are expected to break a bone due to
osteoporosis. Of the estimated 44 million Americans with osteoporosis, about 80% are women.
Osteoporosis is more prevalent in women fifty years and older and is responsible for many fractures
and deaths of its victims.
National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month is celebrated each May, and becomes a
chance for our Nation to become educated on the effects of this disease, and about the preventable
steps that we can take to deal
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Major and Leading Cause for Osteoporosis
Bone is a connecting tissue between muscles to support and protect all major internal organs of the
body, also is a major store house for calcium in the human body. It is composed of elastic fibers
known as collagen made up of protein material and calcium phosphate crystals in between the
collagen fibers that will provide hardness and strength to framework of elastic fibers. This
combination of calcium phosphate crystals and collagen fibers provides flexibility and hardness to
bone, under stress and strain.
It is composed of living cells some of them among those control the re–modeling of bone where as
few of them nourish the bone tissue. Like all other living processes, regeneration of bone also takes
place till the individual has life, in this process of remodeling or regeneration of bone old cells of
bone are replaced by new cells of bone. Age factor plays an important role in deciding the speed of
reformation process. Age factor plays inverse proportionality with bone remodeling. Bone
resorption and bone formation takes place. If there is less calcium intake and the body is in need of
calcium for other process, bone calcium is absorbed into blood. Also if the formation process does
not equal the absorption process of bone, bone mass density gets less, further leading to fractures,
deformations, Osteopenia and Osteoporosis of bone. Bone resorption and bone formation takes
place by Osteoclasts, and Osteoblasts respectively.
During younger ages, bone formation is speedy to
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Essay On Scaffolds
Currently, there is a global increase in cases of bone disorders and conditions, which is expected to
increase as twice as much by 2020 particularly in countries where obesity and poor physical activity
are associated with aging[1]. Although reconstructive orthopaedic surgery can be used to treat bone
defects and injuries caused by trauma, additional treatments are required for severe breaks or
pathological conditions as well as critical bone defects due to malformation, cancer or osteoporosis
in order to effectively stimulate healing and regeneration. While traditional autologous and
allogeneic bone grafting is ineffective for treating large injuries because of lack of graft
vascularization, low cell viability in the host, and other ... Show more content on ...
Poly (ε–caprolactone) is an aliphatic polyester that is commonly used for biomedical applications as
well as for tissue engineering and drug delivery. The physical and biological properties of PCL
makes it a useful biomedical material[7].
Because PCL contains five CH2 Moieties in its repeating units, it doesn't degrade quickly which
makes it suitable for commercial sutures or delivery devices as well as for applications requiring a
long term load[8]. In addition, due to the fact that the aliphatic ester linkage of PCL is susceptible to
hydrolysis, it is likely to undergo hydrolytic degradation [4, 5, 9].
Poly(lactic–co–glycolic acid) (PLGA) is a good material for preparing scaffolds because its material
properties can be modified to be more extensive by adjusting the molecular range as well as the
lactic acid (LA)/glycolic acid (GA) ratios, unlike the poor characteristics exhibited by pure
polylactic acid and polyglycolic acid. PLGA has been extensively used in bone tissue engineering in
various ways (7–10). It is widely believed that the mechanical properties of bone tissue can be
supported by PLGA scaffolds which take about 4 to 8 weeks to construct [10–12].
The orange/yellow pigment that is responsible
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What Is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a progressive metabolic bone disease that decreases bone density causing skeletal
weakness. Bone is continually being formed and resorbed in the body. Osteoblasts are cells that
build and mineralize the organic matrix of bone. Osteoclasts are cells that resorb bone. Normally,
bone formation and resorption are closely balanced. Osteoporosis occurs when osteoclasts break
down bone at a faster rate than osteoblasts can create it. Osteoporosis is often referred to as a silent
disease because it is asymptomatic. As the disease progresses, bones become weaker, and small
stresses, such as coughing or just bending over, cause fractures. A fracture is usually the first sign of
the disorder. Osteoporosis related fractures occur most frequently
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Evaluation Of A Treatment With Suspension Therapy Post...
The statistical data was treated to show the mean and the standard deviation (SD). Student t–test was
then applied to examine the significance of the treatment of each group. No significance was
observed when comparing the pretreatment mean values of the two groups showing high values in
the stability indices and indicating all participants had balance problems. When comparing the mean
and the SD each group pre and post treatment, both groups showed improvement (reduction in
values) and statistically significance in all stability indices: O SI 1.122 ± 0.153 pre, 0.718 ± 0.089
post, AP SI 0.899± 0.258 pre and 0.427 ± 0.057 post and ML SI 1.043± 0.110 pre and 0.711 ± 0.103
for group # 1 WBV; the group # 2 suspension was at followed: O SI ... Show more content on ...
Strengths of this trial included the randomization of participants into equal groups, use of parametric
tests, use of non– investigator testers, use of the Biodex Stability System identified as an effective
assessment to stimulate the use of dynamic conditions and detect the presence of balance disorders
(Revel, Mingret, & Ergory, 1994), assent from children participants along with consent from
parents, and the use of a test session to limit participants' apprehension toward the vibration and the
suspension treatment. Trial limitations were small sample size, use of convenience sample;
participants coming from the same source, lack of definition of "frequent falling" and the use in the
inclusion criteria of a balance test geared mostly to the elderly.
Although both groups improved postural stability, balance, and coordination of the body, based on
the results, suspension therapy also appears to facilitate vestibular responses by stimulating the
otolith organs positively affecting the vestibule – ocular and vestibule – spinal reflexes acting on the
head and extremities to maintain posture (Rine, 2007), showing WBV to be less effective in children
with hemiparetic CP when comparing it with suspension therapy.
Ruck, J., Chabot, G., & Rauch, F. (2010) executed a six month randomized controlled study
comparing children receiving school physical therapy (PT) services and children getting the same
program plus whole body vibration (WBV).
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The Leading Cause Of Fracture In Children
Fracture is a common incidence in both children and adults. Yearly, about 1.5 million fracture cases
related to osteoporosis are recorded in the United States (Gass and Dawson–Hughes, 2006).Most
fractures in adults occur mainly at old age and it has been linked to low bone mineral density
(BMD), a fall or osteoporosis(Karlsson et al., 2013).
Recent increase of fracture incidence in children has led to the investigation of the causative factor
which could either be as a result of deficiency in essential micronutrients necessary for healthy bone
formation or an accident based on negligence or carelessness. These could also be due to underlying
biological factors which could be genetic like osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), inflammatory and
unknown factors such as idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis(Rauch and Glorieux, 2004, Boyce and
Gafni, 2011). ... Show more content on ...
It is one of the leading causes of fracture in adults. Osteoporosis has been defined as the
deterioration of the different units that build up the bone structure, thereby causing loss of bone
mass that exposes one to the risk of fracture(Cashman,
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Green Iguana
Zotti (2004?) realized when doing a study to find a new tool to use for pathophysiology; that Green
iguanas affected with MBD had very low density for their bones. This was found in the femur, head,
spine. Significant differences between the affected and unaffected iguanas could be seen when doing
X–rays. It is not uncommon to see reptiles that have weakened bones, and this will ultimately result
in reluctance to move, reluctance to hold the head upright, discomfort, and laziness. These signs can
all be seen early on in the stages of Metabolic Bone Disease in all reptiles. This is different from
Rhesus Macaques, who have bowed tibia, fibula, ladius and ulna. They have enlarged bone
structures and have trouble moving (Wolfensohn, 2003). This ... Show more content on ...
However, reptiles and primates are not the only animals that MBD is seen in. All of these were
factors in two Dromedary camel from an Exotic Animal Breeding Facility in Florida. A four year old
female camel was noticed to have some jaw swelling, hinting at a common symptom of MBD. She
was taken to get a radiograph taken, and blood was drawn. The diet of this camel consisted of
Florida grown Coastal Bermudagrass hay, commercial pelleted horse diet, and a sweet feed/grain
mixture (Caligiuri et al., 1989). The owner explained that the exact amounts of the Florida grown
Coastal Bermudagrass was unknown, however the camel did prefer the sweet diet over anything
The results of the radiograph and blood samples came back showing loss of bone density in the jaw
bone (known as the maxilla). The calcium level was at 8.6 mg/dl when the normal calcium level was
10.0 mg/dl. Glucose was also at extremely high levels reaching 254 mg/dl; normally placed at 173
mg/dl. Phosphorus was low as well (Caligiuri et al., 1989). To correct this, the camel was discharged
and sent back to the facility and was told to eat alfalfa or oat hay to increase both the protein and
calcium intake. (Caligiuri et al., 1989). Since she was not a working camel, it was also prescribed
that the amount of grain concentrate be decreased or eliminated.
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Osteoporosis Research Papers
Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass, microarchitectural
deterioration of bone tissue leading to enhanced bone fragility, and a consequent increase in fracture
risk. Modified risk factors such as a diet lacking vitamin D, magnesium and calcium, tobacco use,
immobility and reduced sex hormones (in women) all contribute to the diagnoses. However, age,
ethnicity, small bone structure and family history are non–modifiable risk factors and cannot be
People of all ages are diagnosed with this skeletal disease, but it is more common in the elderly due
the aging of the body and lack of exercise. Osteoporosis is diagnosed when the hip or spine bone
mineral density (BMD) is two and a half ... Show more content on ...
In some cases, men are diagnosed with idiopathic osteoporosis after other causes of the
disease have been ruled out. These men typically have a lower body weight and smaller bone
size. Vertebral fractures are very common with idiopathic osteoporosis. Premenopausal women are
also at risk for this diagnosis. However, there isn't much evidence to understand what causes
it. Another cause for osteoporosis happens during pregnancy when the mother's intestinal calcium
absorption is increased. During lactation it returns to normal values, putting further pressure on the
skeleton to compensate for the need of calcium associated with breastfeeding. Because of this, post–
pregnancy related osteoporosis is very common and may lead to fractures of the vertebrae. If a
suffers from a low BMD she is advised not to breastfeed.
A vitamin D insufficiency is the most common findings with most young osteoporosis diagnoses
and Vitamin D supplements should be taken before any other medicines are used to help treat the
disease. Because it is so hard to diagnose osteoporosis in young adults it is very important
to investigate the family history of the person diagnosed. Doing this could provide
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Micro-CT Case Study
Micro–CT has been commonly used in laboratories in the past 10 years, to evaluate the trabecular
and cortical bone measurements (58).Bouxsein et al. (59) stated that micro–CT scans can be
considered the gold standard for evaluating the trabecular bone structure (59). It gives a spatial
representation of bone formation at region up to a few microns or even smaller. It also can estimate
both qualitative and quantitative morphometry of bone integration around bone implant (60).
Human cadaveric maxillary and mandibular trabecular bone with 3D morphometric data obtained
from micro–CT were analyzed and correlated with bone density measurement in HU scale of bone
classification (61). Although, this device offers a much better image resolution, it ... Show more
content on ...
Dental Panoramic radiograph (DPR)
A major obstacle to combating osteoporosis is the failure to identify individuals who have
osteoporosis until the clinical consequences of osteoporosis have occurred
(i.e., fractures form with little trauma to the bones) (69). Most of the post– menopausal women have
more opportunities to visit dental clinic for the treatment of dental caries and periodontal disease
than to visit a medical office for diagnosis of osteoporosis prior to fracture (70).Hence the
panoramic radiograph plays a vital role in identifying post–menopausal women with undetected
The effect of osteoporosis on the jaw bones has been studied intensively. Cortical indices of the
mandible on panoramic radiographs, such as cortical width and cortical shape, are significantly
associated with BMD of the general skeleton (71). Dual energy x–ray absorptiometry (DXA) is
considered to be the criterion standard assessment of bone strength and the best predictor for risk of
fractures (71).Thus, detection of osteoporosis, assessment of bone mass, and identification of
fracture risk are important goals when evaluating patients for osteoporosis (72).
Patients with a history of osteoporotic fractures also liable to have increased resorption and thinning
of the lower mandibular cortex (73). A lot of investigators have reported that osteoporosis results in
reduced jaw bone mass and altered mandibular structure, mainly of
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The Best Effect On Bone Mineral Density Essay
Bone mineral density (BMD) is the amount of bone mineral in bone tissue. Bone density
measurement is used in clinical medicine as an indirect indicator of osteoporosis and fracture risk
and helps estimate the strength of the bones.
Everyone loses some bone mass with age. As a result, bones become lighter and less dense. With
further bone loss, osteopenia can lead to osteoporosis.
However, bone tissues are constantly remodeled and, therefore, can be increased. Multiple studies in
the past showed that it adapts and respond to various stimuli. One of this stimulus is physical
Due to fewer serious side effects and reduced cost, exercise intervention is considered as an
attractive alternative to medication. Moreover, it facilitates in improving balance and fall reduction.
Four studies will be considered in this essay to understand which type of exercise produces the best
effect on bone mineral density in a different kind of population.
In the cross–sectional study "Lean body mass and weight–bearing activity in the prediction of bone
mineral density in physical active men" Rector Scott et al. (2009) determined the impact of long–
term running, cycling and resistance training on whole–body and regional BMD, taking into
consideration the effects of composition and body weight, in men 19 to 45 ages. The results of the
study showed increased BMD in resistance trained athletes and runners compared with cyclists.
Moreover, it was confirmed that high–impact activities, such as
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Bone Density Scanner Character Analysis
The first characteristic that I think Chris displayed is self belief. He had a lot of self belief because
he never let his own limitations get in his way of his goals and dreams. Even though he didn't have a
lot of money and not that much of an education, he still knew that he could succeed and will
succeed. He never gave up, he kept on trying until he met his goal. Another characteristic that I
think he displayed is determination, he never gave up on the rubix cube. He wanted to show the guy
that he could do it, and he did. Another one was the bone density scanner, he needed to fix it. He had
blood drawn to get the money to buy the part he needed to fix it. He worked with just a little light
and still managed to fix it. Chris was also very
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Osteoporosis : A Largely Preventable Condition Essay
Osteoporosis – A Largely Preventable Condition
By Dr. Elisabeth Miron | Submitted On May 11, 2011
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Expert Author Dr. Elisabeth Miron
What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a loss of bone mineral density often associated with old age, leading to bone
fragility and fracture. Because the bones are weakened, such fractures can result from relatively
minor traumas such as carrying grocery bags or even a sneeze! Fractures to the hip can be due to a
fall and can significantly compromise quality of life and ability to walk. Statistics show that 1 in 4
American women and 1 in 8 American men over 50 have osteoporosis. This is a very disheartening
statistic considering that osteoporosis is a largely preventable condition. Osteoporosis is also usually
clinically silent until a fracture occurs, so it can go unnoticed for years. This is why bone density
scans (DEXA scans) are often recommended to postmenopausal women.
Risk Factors:
There are both modifiable and non–modifiable risk factors for osteoporosis. Well known non–
modifiable risk factors include age, female gender, family history of osteoporosis, being fair–
skinned and having European descent. Women who
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Bone Mineral Density And Osteoporosis
Bone Mineral Density – Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterised by a
low bone mineral density (BMD) and deterioration of bone tissue and strength. This in turn
increases bone fragility and its susceptibility to fracture and other injuries. Bone remodelling is the
process of continuous bone reabsorption and rebuilding; however, osteoporosis occurs when there is
not enough bone formation and/or an excessive amount of bone reabsorption. Many non–invasive
techniques exist to measure BMD, all which play an important role in the diagnosis and progression
of osteoporosis.
Anatomical Tool 1: Quantitative ultrasound (QUS)
Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) is a recently discovered ... Show more content on ...
T. T., Khan, N. C., Lam, N. T., Mai, L. B., Le, D. N., Nhung, B. T., . . . Yamamoto, S. 2005). QUS
was used due to its low cost, high accessibly and no exposure to radiation. After the study was
completed it was found that QUS was an effective way to measure this large group with minimal
Study Three:
One factor that had not been investigated was whether the variables of QUS were as affected by
clinical risk factors as axial BMD measurements obtained by using the DXA method. A study was
conducted to compare the calcaneal QUS and axial BMD T and Z scores in a large group of women
(specifically 1115 pre– and postmenopausal women). Some of these women had no clinical risk
factors whilst others had one or more risk factors for osteoporosis. (Frost, M. L., Blake, G. M., &
Fogelman, I. (2001)). They investigated measurements at the calcaneus using QUS and at the
lumbar spine and hip using DXA and found that the variable of QUS were affected to the same
extent as axial BMD measurements using the DXA method. This important finding could become
critical in the standardisation of QUS in clinical practice.
Anatomical Tool 2: Duel–energy X–ray absorptiometry (DXA)
Duel–energy X–ray absorptiometry (DXA) utilises x–rays of two difference energies to produce an
image of the region of interest. This image is projected and then used to calculate and determine
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Osteoporosis And Exercise
Calcium Supplementation and Exercise for Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is major concern in elderly people. Osteoporosis means porous bones in which bones
become weak and brittle. The strength of the bone decreases due to loss of bone mass and density.
Less calcium intake, sedentary lifestyle, vitamin D deficiency, hormonal imbalances are major
causes of osteoporosis. The main focus of my study is to see the combined effect of exercise and
dietary calcium uptake in osteoporotic patients. The review summarizes the role of Weight bearing
exercise, dietary calcium, and the combined effect of calcium and exercise in preventing
osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercise can improve muscle mass and strength of muscle and can
increase the bone mineral
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Preventing Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a medical condition that causes the bones to become delicate and breakable due to a
loss of tissue, usually caused by hormonal changes and even a deficiency of calcium, which includes
vitamin D. If upon a minor fall, or lifting an object the wrong way you may experience a broken
bone, that could be a sign of osteoporosis. Although it is true that while people age, they lose bone
density, it is not true that everyone will for sure get Osteoporosis. There is no known cure yet for
Osteoporosis, however, there are several treatment plans available. The most important part of
dealing with Osteoporosis is knowing proper prevention, providing your body with the right
nutrients to maintain healthy bones, and knowing the treatments accessible to you if you happen to
acquire the disease.
In preventing Osteoporosis you must increase bone density as much as you can while you're young
and continue so as the years progress. Protecting your bones starting in childhood has proven to
increase the strength of the bone at later ages. By thirty one should reach the maximum bone density
required for preserving the mass. There are effective steps that may be taken to minimize bone loss
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The article was extremely informal and included the information from several types of research and
studies. This article has really changed my perspective on the importance of having the proper: diet,
weight–bearing exercise and vitamin dosages. Being a woman I am at a higher risk of obtaining
Osteoporosis at a later age so it is very important that I get all the bone density I can now, and keep
it there, so when i'm older I won't have to worry about fragile broken bones. The article I chose also
goes into detail about prevention, what goes on once you get it and several medication and treatment
plans with the pros and cons of each. Thank you for reading my discussion topic over
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Joint Pain Research Papers
Joint pain is characterized by discomfort or pain that originates in a person's joints, which is the
point where two bones meet. Scientifically, joint pain is called arthritis or arthralgia. Usually, mild
joint pain can be treated without the help of a doctor, but it is a good idea to seek medical attention
if joint pain becomes moderate to severe. Joint pain is not directly correlated to changes that take
place during menopause, such as changing estrogen levels, although a shortage of estrogen can
impact the bones. However, a woman is more likely to experience joint pain with age. Menopausal
symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, feeling depressed, and trouble concentrating are all
correlated to join pain in menopausal women.
As women
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Bone Density Testing
Bone density testing is preformed by doctors to identify decreases in bone density before you break
a bone, determine the risk you have of broken bones, confirm a diagnosis of osteoporosis, and to
monitor osteoporosis treatment. The higher the bone mineral content, the denser the bones are. The
denser they are, the stronger they are and less likely they are to break. Bone density tests are
different from bone scans. Bone scans require an injection beforehand and usually are used to detect
fractures, cancer, infections, and other abnormalities in the bones. Limitations of bone density
testing include: differences in testing methods, might not be covered by insurance, or doesn't
identify the cause. Bone density tests are easy, fast, and painless.
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Essay On Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia Gravis Damage to the neuromuscular junctions is due to an autoimmune disease called
myasthenia graves. The motor end plates, which are located on skeletal muscles, are affected
because there is a decrease in the amount of Ach receptors located on the motor end plate, which is
connected to the neuromuscular junction. The decrease is due to the unnecessary production of
antibodies, which bind to the motor end plate. This prevents Ach from binding to the receptors to
carry out a synapse between the skeletal muscle and a neuron, leading to a stop or weakening of
muscle contraction. The decrease in the amounts of synapses cause the skeletal muscle to lose
function, become weaker, and tire more easily. Men and women are both at risk for developing
myasthenia gravis, but the disease is more prevalent in women. However, the age of diagnosis
varies. Men typically receive their diagnosis between the ages of 50 and 60 years old; women are
usually diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40 years old. There is no known research to conclude
if a particular race is at a higher disadvantage to having ... Show more content on ...
One type of drug class are anticholinesterase, which inhibits acetylcholine in order to increase the
levels of Ach in the body to bind to functional receptors to increase the amount of synapses.
Corticosteroids and immunosuppresants are other drugs that can be used to suppress the immune
system's attack on the motor end plates. To stop developing tumors on their thymus, patients might
opt to have their thymus removed by a procedure called a thymectomy. Another procedure that can
be done is a plasmapheresis, which reduces the number of antibodies in the blood so there are more
open receptors for Ach to bind to. However, it is important to know that treatment varies from
patient to patient and no patient is the same with this
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Let 's Take Football Players
Let's take football players, for instance. During the season many are told to bulk up or gain weight.
But what happens after the season is over? By bulking up during the season the players are eating
many more calories than necessary and are often eating the wrong foods. So after the season is over
the athletes have established bad habits and are carrying excess weight around. Now, on the opposite
side of the spectrum, many athletes are not eating enough. Their caloric intake is too low for the
amount of physical activity being partaken in. Sports that are known for having problems with this
are ballet, distance running, wrestling, cheerleading, and swimming. According to NPR, skinny
ballerinas are not the only athletes, we now have to ... Show more content on ...
When athletes are not properly fueled they may become fatigued, and they are more prone to illness
and injury. This will most certainly affect their performance. But there is something we can do about
this. Matzkin says that " anytime a young female athlete comes to her office with shin splits or
fractures, she now asks about nutrition and menstruation.'We may be able to identify the root cause
of bone mineral density problems,'she says, and patients can be helped early to chart a new course in
eating. It 's not just about eating enough, Matzkin says. It 's also about eating the right things – like
fruits, vegetables, protein and foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. It 's critical to build bone when
you can, she says, because there 's literally a countdown to how long women have to build strong
bones." (Patti Neighmond) Neighmond in this radio show says that it is all about what they eat. By
not fueling their bodies properly these athletes are setting themselves up for failure. Now looking at
the opposite end of the spectrum. Listening to all of the football players talk about "bulking up" for
the season always makes me wonder: How could that possibly be good for you? The truth of the
matter is, it isn't good for you at all. Actually " the "bigger is better" mentality in football can
endanger professional
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Identifying The Victim Analysis
One breezy fall afternoon, as fido and I were strolling down an ally. Fido leaped off the leash and
rushed over to a pile of garbage behind a old rusty brown shed. I followed after him shocked by
what I saw next. There lying in a hole that Fido had dug was a skull, collarbone, and pelvis of a
human. I don't know what provoked Fido to dig a hole, he's a moose. I sure glad he did though. My
next move was to call the police and explain the crime scene, then I started my work. My good
friend Billy Bass said in an article, "Dead man talking", "when you first start off, you want to look at
that crime scene and say, 'what does this scene tell me?'" The first thing I noticed was all the grass
around the hole was dead, and the trash next to the bag seemed fairly fresh. The bones on the other
hand looked like they were in fairly good shape. This told me the person who lives here didn't know
the bones were there and these bones have been there for a while. The chapter "Identifying the
Victim" states that when bones get older they tend to break down. Its called osteoarthritic lipping.
This information can help determine the age of the missing person. "Identifying the Victim" also
explained that when a baby is born its skull isn't one big bone. Bones fuse together over your
lifetime. Due to the non arthritic bones, and some of the ... Show more content on ...
"Identifying the Victim" tells us the skull is a huge factor in determining the race. This particular
skull was round, had a long cranium, a wide set of teeth, and smooth nose structure. All of this
information matched up with the description of a Negroid, which is a skull of African descent. I
gave to cops the final evidence. This victim was around the age of 17, female, and of African
descent. I sent the photos to Billy along with my accusation of the scene. He sent back "way to solve
this one Nelson. I agree with your accusation, send it into
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The Basic Design Of An Exercise Prescription
Exercise Prescription The basic design of an exercise prescription should be based on a person's age,
fitness level, and health status including mental and physical health as well as the goals they are
looking to acheive. Once the assessment is complete this is used to help determine how to develop
the exercise program specific to that individual. The American College of Sports Medicine (2014)'s
FITT principle is a good way to start the development process for any individual and should be the
foundation of the exercise program. This principle includes four basic components to be followed
including: frequency, intensity, timing, and type of exercises to be used. Appropriately applying
these to an exercise program will help meet the individual goals of each client. Frequency of
Determining how often an exercise session from a particular program should be performed is
important and will help with gaining the benefits and results wanted. Too many or too few sessions
in a week may have opposite, negative, or no effects on any individual. The frequency of exercising
should be considered at an individual level and where a certain client's motivation may be at with
their willingness to start a program. However, a good place to start is with a frequency of 2–3 times
per week. This can optimize the beneficial results someone with osteoporosis is looking for.
Kemmler & Stengel (2014) performed an extensive 12 year cohort study observing the effects of
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The Benefits Of Exercise On Osteoporosis
The Benefits of Exercise on Osteoporosis
Many do not think about what makes bones so strong or even think about bones in general. To most
bones are just apart of the skeleton, and hold the human body up. But what if the major bones in an
individuals body became frail and began to brake from s simple fall? How would an individual
maintain a normal life if their bones were susceptible to fracture from small forces? It seems like it
would be nearly impossible however, with proper measures this disease referred to as osteoporosis is
preventable and treatable. Various research studies have provided information on osteoporosis in
order to inform the public of this growing disease to hopefully make people more aware of the
simple prevention ... Show more content on ...
Osteoporosis is a disease –which means it is an abnormality of a part of the body due to unfavorable
factors within the body– that occurs without symptoms, of the bones where there is low bone mass
and there is deterioration of bone tissue that usually effect the spine, shoulder, wrist and hip
("," 2015). With low bone mass, bones begin to become fragile and weak. With
weak bones, injuries such as fractures and broken bones are much more common for anyone
suffering from osteoporosis. Living with Osteoporosis does not mean life is over, however it does
meant that significant changes must be made, especially depending on the severity of the bone mass
loss (See appendix A).
Like most diseases, there are various factors to which can cause osteoporosis in an individual.
Certain factors determine weather or not osteoporosis will affect an individual. There are some risk
factors are beyond a person's control i.e. Family history, while some factors can be prevented like
increasing calcium intake. Several individuals have a high risk for the disease, as the risk factors can
depend on age, to the type of medication that has been used. Very few individuals know that they
have two or more of the risk factors that can determine weather they will get osteoporosis.
Not surprisingly, already having low bone density will initially play a vital role in the development
of osteoporosis. For example, having low bone density and a women
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Birth Control : The Harm Effects Of Birth Control
Harming the Hormones
According to Professor Janet E. Smith, "98% of all women ages 15–44 have used some type of birth
control." Birth control is not something most women think hard about taking. In today's society,
many people rather take the easy way out of most situations. Instead of dealing with short term pain
they rather seize it immediately without paying attention to the long–term effects. Birth Control is
used for many different reasons such as preventing pregnancy, clearing acne and stopping heavy
blood flow. Once women see what good it does for them they do not even pay attention to the bad,
which is where those long–term effects come in. Some harmful side effects of birth control are
weight gain, heavy bleeding, and Osteoporosis. Just like any other medication it can be helpful and
harmful but in this case birth control is more harmful to a woman's body than it is helpful.
Birth Control is a global contraceptive that has been in use for more than 50 years. When Birth
Control first came about in 1960 it was approved for married couples only, now over 10 million
women married or single use this method. Most women complain about the harsh side effects of
birth control but they rather put up with them before they risk having an unplanned pregnancy. Side
effects such as weight gain and mood changes play a major role in the decision of birth control use.
There is a saying that says, "If you knew better you would do better" most women do not even know
better so they
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HR Technology Reflection Assignment
29. Your grandma is having her annual osteoporosis checkup, which includes an iDXA scan. Six
months ago, she had a spinal fusion at L1–L3. Her clinician uses ISCD diagnostic criteria. How
should the scan proceed? If her clinician used WHO diagnostic criteria, would you recommend the
same scan procedure?
The scan should proceed using the dual femur and the forearm. Her spine would not be the
appropriate site to analyze. The dual femur and forearm should be used in this case because she has
had surgery at L1–L3. The rods and screws from the surgery, would most likely generate higher T–
scores and Z–scores, which will misdiagnose her analyzation. Moreover, her spine is not a good area
to be scanned, due to her surgery. Therefore, the clinician should still use ISCD to generate a
diagnosis. If the clinician used WHO I would still recommend using just the dual femur scan. WHO
analyzes the femoral neck. Therefore, the forearm would not be needed for analyzation with this
particular organization.
30. Compare the research article you found for the "HR Technology Reflection Assignment" to one
of the articles we discussed in class in terms of results, methods, HR technology, and how the
technology was used.
The article that I found used low intensity, moderate intensity, and high intensity, which is similar to
our intensities that we used. They used several different machines to assess the intensity such as a
stationary bike, a treadmill, and an elliptical. However, we used a
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Quantitative Ultrasound (BMD)
BMD measurement
All participants underwent calcaneal quantitative ultrasound (QUS) scanning to measure their
peripheral BMD. Indeed, QUS method offers an alternative way for bone status evaluation when the
limited access to the dual–energy X–ray absorptiometry (DXA) is an issue and the aim is to screen
for osteoporosis. Besides, QUS is inexpensive and more portable compared to DXA, while
maintaining safety through evading the exposure to the ionizing radiation by DXA (Chin et al.,
2013). Moreover, calcaneal QUS and DXA at various anatomic sites were shown to be correlated in
several studies, and the measured calcaneal BMD by QUS was efficient and analogous to the
measured hip BMD using DXA in hip fracture prediction (Moayyeri et al., 2012; Chin et al., 2013).
To ensure that the QUS device was generating accurate measures, daily calibration of the device was
performed by means of a phantom provided by the manufacturer. The device uses the ultrasound
pulse penetration technique that computes the speed of sound (Baroncelli, 2008). Subsequently, the
T–score are instantly derived. The T–score, which is used to describe the BMD, is defined as the
number of standard deviations above or below the mean BMD of a ... Show more content on ...
According to the WHO diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis, peripheral BMD measured in this study
gave an estimation of the osteoporotic condition of the participants as per the followings: a T–score
of ̶ 1 or more denotes normal BMD, whereas a T–score less than ̶ 1 indicates abnormal BMD (i.e.,
osteopenic or osteoporotic bone
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The Effect Of Physiological Changes On Children Essay
This paper will discuss the impacts that physiological changes have on mobility in older adults.
Mobility is the individual's ability to carry out activities of daily living by moving the body or parts
of the body (Nursing Program Guide, 2016) For the purpose of this paper the term older adult will
be referring to individuals chronologically aged 65 and older. The impacts of physiological changes
can be drastic on an older adult, however it is important to note no two people age the same and it is
critical to view elderly as individuals. This paper will allow the reader to gain insight into the age
related physiological changes which impact an older persons mobility, the underlying diseases
which impact mobility, as well as the potential consequences of impaired mobility on the older
adult. Furthermore, this paper will discuss nursing interventions to address the care needs of the
older adult.
Physiological changes related to ageing that impact mobility
The older adult goes through many physiological changes which affect there mobility as they age.
These changes can have drastic effects on their mobility and in turn, lives of the older adult.
Outlined below are key physiological changes which effect mobility.
The older adult faces declines to their cellular and metabolic rate which translates to declines in the
integumentary system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system,
musculoskeletal system and neurological systems (Potter & Perry,
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Ctx And Osteoporosis
CTX and NTX are collagen degradation products from the C–terminal and N–terminal regions on
the cross–links in type 1 collagen (Kujath 2011). The CTX consists of two isomeric forms, the
native (αCTX) and the age–related (ß CTX) (Chopin et al. 2012; Seibel 2005). Bone resorption by
osteoclasts is overwhelmingly a cathepsin K–driven process and metalloproteinase play an
important but small role in the resorption process; Only cathepsin K produces CTX and NTX
fragments whereas only metalloproteinase produce ICTP fragments (Rissanen 2013). This is a
measure of the breakdown of bone. Serum and urine CTX and NTX levels are markedly increased
in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis, whereas ICTP seems to be more ... Show more
content on ...
2014). Primary osteoporosis is can be further divided into two subtypes: (a) type I osteoporosis (also
known as postmenopausal osteoporosis), which is a common bone disorder in postmenopausal
women and is mainly due to estrogen deficiency resulting from menopause, and (b) type II
osteoporosis (also referred to as age–related osteoporosis or senile osteoporosis), which is related
mainly with aging in both women and men (Feng and Mcdonald 2011). Women are more
susceptible to osteoporosis than men ( Al–Daghri et al. 2014). since postmenopausal women are
affected by both factors of the lack of estrogen and later aging,they become the major sufferers in
bone loss and result in much higher incidence of osteoporosis (Liong 2009). The most common type
of osteoporosis is postmenopausal osteoporosis, would be come our main scope of
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The Roles Of Bone Density Imaging
The Role of Bone Density Imaging
A patient can find out whether they have osteoporosis or if they should be concern about their bones
by having a bone density(DXA) scan. This test is also called dexa or a bone mass measurement.
This test is performed by a specific x–ray machine, in which is an estimation amount of bone mass
in the patient's hip, spine, and sometimes other bones. In addition to a two–dimensional x–ray based
imaging, DXA, a software system called trabecular bone score(TBS) is added to the imaging of the
spine, which is developed by assessing skeletal microstructure. A combination of these tests
provides an invasive way to diagnose patients with osteoporosis, where the bone mass becomes low
and microarchitecture of bone tissue deteriorates increasing bone fragility and susceptibility to
fractures. These tests will help the patient's physician to make recommendations to help protect their
History of the Disease
One must understand how osteoporosis occurs, in order to understand the role of bone mineral
density(DXA) scanning. Bone is constantly being rebuilt in our bodies. The natural, healthy state of
our bones is a continue state of resorption of old bone followed by the deposit of new bone. This
turnover becomes very important, so bones stay healthy and repair themselves of any minor damage
that may occur during wear and tear. Osteoblasts are cells, which are responsible for laying new
bone down, osteoclasts are cells responsible for
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Bone Supplements
This is as true of bone supplements as it is of any other, and particularly true of supplements
containing both calcium and glucosamine. Glucosamine is manufactured in small amounts during
the normal biochemistry of your body, but decreases as you age. Glucosamine is a chemical that is
used by your body for the manufacture of cartilage that protects the bones in your joint by providing
a cushion between them. Without cartilage the bone ends of your joints would rapidly wear, a
condition commonly known as osteoarthritis.
The main structural components of the cartilage in your body are substances known as
glucosaminoglycans, and they are responsible for connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments,
veins and arteries, heart valves, skin and ... Show more content on ...
Omega 6 is good for you, but only in moderation relative to your Omega 3 intake. Omega 9 fatty
acids can reduce the chances of you developing atherosclerosis, with a consequent reduction on the
possibility of heart disease and strokes. It is a strong antioxidant and can help to reduce your
cholesterol level and blood pressure, and together with Omega 3 and 6 reduce the risk of breast
When you consider all of these benefits of the Omega fatty acids, and also of calcium and
Glucosamine supplements in association with Vitamin D and magnesium, any supplement
containing all of these would of extreme benefit, not only to those suffering from arthritis and other
bone conditions, but also of high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
Such a supplement in liquid form would render it even more potent due the much faster and more
efficient absorption by the body. The benefits of liquid calcium supplements would then be
augmented with substances that not only improve the absorption and beneficial effects of the
calcium, but also provide the additional benefits of antioxidant and anti–inflammatory properties
that help to allay the painful effects of bone and joint
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Osteoporosis Research Paper
Louisiana Pharmacists Association Educates Patients on Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone that makes a person's bones weak and more likely to break. It
is often known as a silent disease because you can't feel your bones getting weaker. About 10
million Americans have osteoporosis and another 44 million have low bone density, placing them at
increased risk. Studies suggest that approximately one in two women and up to one in four men age
50 and older will break a bone due to osteoporosis. A woman's risk of fracture is equal o her
combined risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer. A man is more likely to break a bone due to
osteoporosis than he is to get prostate cancer. If you're age 50 or older and have broken a ... Show
more content on ...
In some cases, you may even be able to improve bone density and reverse the disorder to some
degree. Getting enough calcium and vitamin D are essential to bone health. There are also
medications available to reduce the risk of broken bones. There are two categories or osteoporosis
medications: antiresorptive medications that slow bone loss and anabolic drugs that increase the rate
of bone formation.
Antiresorptive medications include bisphosphonates, calcitonin, denosumab, estrogen and estrogen
agonists/antagonists. They slow the bone loss that occurs in the breakdown part of the remodeling
cycle. When people first start taking these medicines, they stop losing bone as quickly as before, but
still make new bone at the same place. Therefore, bone density may increase. The goal of treatment
with antiresorptive medicines is to prevent bone loss and lower the risk of breaking bones. There is
only one anabolic drug to rebuild bone that is approved by the FDA. Teriparatide, a form of
parathyroid hormone, increases the rate of bone formation. The goal of treatment with teriparatide is
to build bone and lower the risk of breaking
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Hip Fracture Essay
Serum N–terminal propeptide of type 1 collagen (P1NP) in Elderly Patients with Hip Fracture:
Relationship with Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics, Other Parameters of Bone and
Mineral Metabolism, and Short–term Outcomes
Advanced Trainee in Geriatric Medicine, the Canberra Hospital
Introduction: The relationships between serum N–terminal propeptide of type 1 collagen [P1NP], a
marker of bone formation, with metabolic and clinical factors have rarely been determined and
remain unclear.
Aims: To evaluate in patients with a hip fracture the association between serum P1NP concentration
(on admission) and clinical characteristics as well as short–term outcomes.
Materials and Methods: ... Show more content on ...
A further multivariate regression analysis revealed that the lowest tertile of serum P1NP
concentration (≤29.3µg/L) was found to be significantly associated with nursing home residence (P–
value 0.034) after adjustment for age, gender and presence of hypertension; and also to be inversely
associated with ALP (P–value 0.000), OC (P–value 0.000) and β–CTX (P–value 0.001) after
adjustment for age, gender, ALP, OC, and β–CTX.
Conclusions: In elderly patients with a hip fracture, serum P1NP concentration had an inverse
relationship with age, GGT, and markers of inflammation such as CRP and NLR; and a positive
relationship with the bone turnover markers OC and β–CTX, ALP, and may predict prolonged length
of hospital stay and new nursing home discharge.
What is Known in Regards to Serum N–terminal propeptide of type 1 collagen (P1NP)
Predominantly produced by osteoblasts and minor amounts synthesised by the liver
Recommended as a marker of bone formation by international institutions.
Serum P1NP concentrations decrease after administration of bisphosphonates and selective
oestrogen receptor modulators, and increase with teriparatide therapy.
Higher P1NP concentrations are associated with myocardial infarction in elderly male patients, and
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Risk Of Osteoporosis
During childhood, bones grow and repair very quickly, but this process gets slower as you age.
Bones stop growing in length between the ages of 16 and 18, but continue to increase in density
until you're in your late 20s.
You gradually start to lose bone density from about 35 years of age. Women normally lose bone
rapidly in the first few years.
Osteoporosis can affect both men and women. It's more common in elderly people, but it can also
affect younger people after the menopause.
Women are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis than men because the hormone changes that
occur in the menopause directly affects bone density. The female hormone estrogen is critical for
healthy bones. After the menopause estrogen levels fall, it can lead ... Show more content on ...
Early in the course of the disease, osteoporosis may cause no symptoms. Later, it some signals may
include dull pain in the bones or muscles, particularly low back pain or neck pain.
Later in the course of the disease, sharp pains may come on suddenly. The pain may not radiate but
it may be made worse by activity that puts weight on the area. It sometimes is accompanied by
tenderness, and generally begins to subside in one week. Pain may linger more than three months.
In older people, a fractured bone can be very serious and result in long–term disability for that
person. For example, a hip fracture may lead to long–term mobility problems. Sometimes a cough or
sneeze can cause a rib fracture or the partial collapse of one of the bones of the spine.
Although a fracture is the first sign of osteoporosis, some older people develop the characteristic of
bending forward. It happens when the bones in the spine have fractured, making it difficult to
support the weight of the body. A loss of height happens and this posture is known as a dowager's
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Symptoms And Treatment Of Osteoporosis

  • 1. Symptoms And Treatment Of Osteoporosis Physiology There are several conditions that contribute to osteoporosis other than the aging process that causes elders to lose bone density, to understand the correlation of the condition one should have a basic understanding of what osteoporosis is. As stated, osteoporosis is called a silent disease with an underlying origin that is undetected or misdiagnosed since the symptoms are so nondescript until the damage is done. This condition is characterized by decrease bone mass density (BMD), the principal progression is bone fragility with undetermined body fractures, and bone mineral density decrease with aging; defines osteoporosis which yields brittle bones found in both genders. Although, women experience this process more ... Show more content on ... Ms. J stated she had heartburn and used Mylanta for treatment. As suggested, Mylanta is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) used for gastric reflux with an aluminum base that lower stomach acid levels, blocking the absorption of calcium and phosphates which decrease bone density. The researcher has established a link between long term use of (PPI) and osteoporosis, which is a major cause of hip fractures. (Kruse, 2011) When reviewing the medical records it was noted that the client received chemo along with radiation for breast cancer and glucocorticoid injection for chronic arthritis three times in the last 10 years. For instance, there is a link between women who were treated for breast cancer with chemotherapy, the reason given was the loss of ovarian function that drops the estrogen levels that had a protective effect on the bones. Chemotherapy also has a direct harmful effect on the bones, and breast cancer stimulates osteoclasts cell production, which role is to break down bone tissue. (NIH, n.d.) "Bone loss is one of the most important side effects of glucocorticoid use, even in low doses. The main effect of glucocorticoids on bone is inhibition of osteoblast function, leading to a decrease in bone formation and a glucocorticoid–induced osteoporosis" (De Niji, 2015) Ms. J fractured her arm two years ago from a fall. One of the major causes of bone and hip fractures in senior adults are ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Osteoporosis Is Caused By The Reduction Of Bone Density... Osteoporosis is caused by the reduction of bone density and quality; especially in the case of the spine, hips, and wrists. It is known as the" silent epidemic", because this disease has so symptoms and is usually not noticed until a bone fracture occurs. Some diagnostic methods are Bone mineral density measurement and classification, Peripheral dual–energy x–ray absorptiometry (pDXA), CT–based absorptiometry, Quantitative computed tomography (QCT), and Quantitative ultrasound densitometry (QUS). Patients indicated for these test are ones who qualify for high risk. Osteoporosis is mostly found in women that are postmenopausal and in men 50 and older. Osteoporosis happens with age, poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle, and it can be genetically indicated. When the body ages, bone creation is decreased, or bone degeneration is increased, or both at the same time. Without the necessary nutrients and minerals the bones start to thin out or hollow out, and this causes them to weaken and become fragile. Post –menopausal women and men over 50 are at the highest risk. But there are other factors to consider. According to the clinician's guide to prevention and treatment of osteoporosis 01/2010, there are many risk factors to consider. In regards to lifestyle factors these are common causes or contributions to osteoporosis: Low calcium intake, high caffeine intake, alcohol (3 or more drinks/per day)smoking ( active or passive) vitamin D insufficiency, high salt intake, inadequate ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Weight Strength Of The Diet Essay a. According to the data above and the calculated BMI, I consume much more calories than the RDA allows for. This clearly explains the five–pound weight gain I have experienced. The total calories consumed over the three days was 3172 and the recommended allowance is 1900. That is a difference of 1272 calories so a weight gain of five pounds is expected. This also explains why my BMI considered me overweight because I consume much more calories than the RDA allows. b. Women in their twenties should be consuming more calcium, folate and iron. These nutrients are relevant because women tend to become pregnant during this life stage and a pregnancy with no complications requires folate and iron for proper fetal development. Calcium is also a requirement because women begin to lose bone mass as the become older so the constant need for protein is relevant. c. Fruits and Vegetables – The DRI table shows low consumption of the main vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables such as vitamin C and D. This concludes that I am not getting the recommended amount distributed by the Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide according to the DRI table Grain Products – The DRI table shows average or higher consumption of grain products comparable to the food guide. The main component of grain products is fibre and the DRI table shows a consumption of 21.6 which is almost average for the age group of 20–year–old women. The food guide recommends 6–7 servings of grain products a day. The DRI ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Spine Health Research Paper You Spine Needs Attention As You Age– Are You Keeping It Healthy? Our spine hardly gets as much daily care as our hair or face does, but we should realize that it plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the body. Conversely, tending to the spine health must be a part of a comprehensive health routine. Older people often experience some stiffness in the back or in the spine.This is possible due to the deterioration of the bones and intervertebral disks with age. But pain or continuous stiffness should never be taken lightly. Common spinal conditions among the elderly can be detected by symptoms such as leg pain, postural problems, early morning back pain and more. Facet Joint Osteoarthritis, Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative Spondylolisthesis and Compression Fractures are some of the common spinal conditions aging people experience. Back and neck pain especially can prevent you from being ... Show more content on ... Strengthen your core muscles by doing aerobics exercise. 2. Avoid putting undue stress on your spine by practicing proper posture and making ergonomic adjustments to your work station. 3. Avoid lifting objects that are heavier than 25% of your own body weight. 4. If you are a smoker then take measures to stop it. 5. Your diet should contain vitamin D, which is good for bones. 6. Do not overdo any exercise, be practical with your daily routine. 7. Treat strains and sprains with ice pack, compression and consult a medical professional. If you stay in Sydney, you can find an experienced chiropractor in Rouse Hill area. Meanwhile, be mindful of your posture at all times – especially while seated at work and exercise daily. Summary: Spine problem, if neglected, can become dangerous. Avoid problems later by getting alert now. Bio: Hills spinal health specialises in a wide range of techniques including Chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology, Massage, Wellness coaching, Functional Biochemistry and Nutrition, Neuro– Emotional technique and ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Why Is Bone Mass Important? Bone Health Bones provide body structure, protect organs, anchor muscles, and store calcium. Good health habits such as eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly are important for maintaining healthy bones. They can also help prevent thinning and loss of density in the bones (osteoporosis). WHY IS BONE MASS IMPORTANT? Bone mass refers to the amount of bone tissue you have. The higher your bone mass, the stronger your bones. An important step toward having healthy bones throughout life is to have strong and dense bones during childhood. A young adult with a high bone mass is more likely to have a high bone mass later in life. Bone mass at its greatest it is called peak bone mass. A large decline in bone mass occurs in older adults. In women, it occurs about the time of menopause. During this time it is important to practice good health habits because if more bone is lost than is replaced, the bones will become less healthy and more likely to break (fracture). If you find that you have a low bone mass, you may be able to prevent osteoporosis or further bone loss by changing your diet and lifestyle. HOW CAN I CHECK IF MY BONE MASS IS LOW? Bone mass can be measured with an X–ray test called a bone mineral density (BMD) test. This test is recommended for all women 65 years and older. It may also be recommended for men age 70 years or older or for people who have risk factors for osteoporosis, such as: Having bones that break easily. Having a long–term disease ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Density Lab Discussion: Define and explain density in your own words. Density is calculated by dividing its mass by its volume (D=M/V). Density also describes how compact a substance is (amount of space occupied within a certain area). What is the difference between mass and density. The differences between mass and density are that mass is the amount of matter in an object and density is a measurement of how close the molecules are packed tightly together in a certain amount of space. In this lab, can you be certain that you have correctly identified your objects? Explain. In this lab I was able to correctly identify all of the given objects by measuring their masses and volume to correctly get their density. I was able to properly identify the ... Show more content on ... It would round to 20.0g/cm3, which making it pure gold, not fool's gold. The density of the found nugget is the same as pure gold. Osteoporosis is a common problem among Canadians. Research osteoporosis to explain what the disease is, how it relates to density, who is at risk and how to prevent it. Osteoporosis is disease cause by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. This disease increase the fragility of the wrist, shoulder, hip and spine. This disease occurs without any symptoms and can affect any age group, but it mainly affects elderly women and men. Osteoporosis relates to density because people have this disease have a low or very low bone density causing some of their bones to be very fragile and painful. People are able to avoid getting osteoporosis by having a well balanced diet, exercising regularly and living a healthy life style. Many elders get this disease because they don't live a healthy lifestyle. Explain 3 ways (not mentioned previously) that density affects you ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Osteopenia Research Paper Osteopenia is a disease in which the bone density in a person is lower than normal but not so low to where they would be considered to have osteoporosis. To tell the difference between these similar disease you would have to speak with your doctor and schedule a bone density test. By measuring your bone density you will see how dense and how strong your bones are with having osteopenia over time the bones in the body will grow weak and be more prone to breaking as well with the lowering of bone density with having osteopenia it will develop into osteoporosis over time due to the low bone density. The causes of osteopenia are natural in everyone. As we get older are bones start to lose density around are middle aged years they start to become ... Show more content on ... The way osteopenia is diagnosed is by having a bone density test done or by a dual–energy x–ray. It is more effective having a dual–energy x–ray they can detect the loss of bone density little as 2% a year. Regular x–rays are not sensitive enough to detect osteopenia. It is recommended for people 65 years or older to have a routinely bone density test done. Treatment for osteopenia would be more of a change in lifestyle as to there is no cure for osteopenia but you can slow it down by watching what and how you eat. Taking in more calcium calcium plays a big part in the development of bone also vitamin D which helps the body absorb calcium and the different minerals from food. Being physically healthy excersis helps build stronger bones from the stress impact. Reduce or stop smoking and taking in alcohol different medications would be used for patients with serious osteopenia such as bisphosphouates raloxifene and hormone replacement. We all will develop osteopenia around middle aged we reach are peak bone density and as we get older bone density starts to diminish those with family medical history are prone to develop it much ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Taking a Look at Osteoporosis [INTRODUCTION] Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to fracture. It has been defined as "a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture" (Gueldner, Britton, Madhavan et al. 2014). Usually the bone loses density, which measures the amount of calcium and minerals in the bone. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, by 2020, half of all Americans over age fifty are expected to have either osteoporosis or low bone density. Guelder, Britton, Madhaven et al. say that this decrease in bone strength is heavily associated with the increased risk of hip, wrist, and spine fractures, and the pain, along with loss of function which adversely affects a person's quality of life (2014). Today more than 44 million Americans are affected by low bone density or osteoporosis. About one in two women and up to one in four men over the age 50, are expected to break a bone due to osteoporosis. Of the estimated 44 million Americans with osteoporosis, about 80% are women. Osteoporosis is more prevalent in women fifty years and older and is responsible for many fractures and deaths of its victims. National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month is celebrated each May, and becomes a chance for our Nation to become educated on the effects of this disease, and about the preventable steps that we can take to deal ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Major and Leading Cause for Osteoporosis Bone is a connecting tissue between muscles to support and protect all major internal organs of the body, also is a major store house for calcium in the human body. It is composed of elastic fibers known as collagen made up of protein material and calcium phosphate crystals in between the collagen fibers that will provide hardness and strength to framework of elastic fibers. This combination of calcium phosphate crystals and collagen fibers provides flexibility and hardness to bone, under stress and strain. It is composed of living cells some of them among those control the re–modeling of bone where as few of them nourish the bone tissue. Like all other living processes, regeneration of bone also takes place till the individual has life, in this process of remodeling or regeneration of bone old cells of bone are replaced by new cells of bone. Age factor plays an important role in deciding the speed of reformation process. Age factor plays inverse proportionality with bone remodeling. Bone resorption and bone formation takes place. If there is less calcium intake and the body is in need of calcium for other process, bone calcium is absorbed into blood. Also if the formation process does not equal the absorption process of bone, bone mass density gets less, further leading to fractures, deformations, Osteopenia and Osteoporosis of bone. Bone resorption and bone formation takes place by Osteoclasts, and Osteoblasts respectively. During younger ages, bone formation is speedy to ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Essay On Scaffolds Currently, there is a global increase in cases of bone disorders and conditions, which is expected to increase as twice as much by 2020 particularly in countries where obesity and poor physical activity are associated with aging[1]. Although reconstructive orthopaedic surgery can be used to treat bone defects and injuries caused by trauma, additional treatments are required for severe breaks or pathological conditions as well as critical bone defects due to malformation, cancer or osteoporosis in order to effectively stimulate healing and regeneration. While traditional autologous and allogeneic bone grafting is ineffective for treating large injuries because of lack of graft vascularization, low cell viability in the host, and other ... Show more content on ... Poly (ε–caprolactone) is an aliphatic polyester that is commonly used for biomedical applications as well as for tissue engineering and drug delivery. The physical and biological properties of PCL makes it a useful biomedical material[7]. Because PCL contains five CH2 Moieties in its repeating units, it doesn't degrade quickly which makes it suitable for commercial sutures or delivery devices as well as for applications requiring a long term load[8]. In addition, due to the fact that the aliphatic ester linkage of PCL is susceptible to hydrolysis, it is likely to undergo hydrolytic degradation [4, 5, 9]. Poly(lactic–co–glycolic acid) (PLGA) is a good material for preparing scaffolds because its material properties can be modified to be more extensive by adjusting the molecular range as well as the lactic acid (LA)/glycolic acid (GA) ratios, unlike the poor characteristics exhibited by pure polylactic acid and polyglycolic acid. PLGA has been extensively used in bone tissue engineering in various ways (7–10). It is widely believed that the mechanical properties of bone tissue can be supported by PLGA scaffolds which take about 4 to 8 weeks to construct [10–12]. The orange/yellow pigment that is responsible ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. What Is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a progressive metabolic bone disease that decreases bone density causing skeletal weakness. Bone is continually being formed and resorbed in the body. Osteoblasts are cells that build and mineralize the organic matrix of bone. Osteoclasts are cells that resorb bone. Normally, bone formation and resorption are closely balanced. Osteoporosis occurs when osteoclasts break down bone at a faster rate than osteoblasts can create it. Osteoporosis is often referred to as a silent disease because it is asymptomatic. As the disease progresses, bones become weaker, and small stresses, such as coughing or just bending over, cause fractures. A fracture is usually the first sign of the disorder. Osteoporosis related fractures occur most frequently ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Evaluation Of A Treatment With Suspension Therapy Post... The statistical data was treated to show the mean and the standard deviation (SD). Student t–test was then applied to examine the significance of the treatment of each group. No significance was observed when comparing the pretreatment mean values of the two groups showing high values in the stability indices and indicating all participants had balance problems. When comparing the mean and the SD each group pre and post treatment, both groups showed improvement (reduction in values) and statistically significance in all stability indices: O SI 1.122 ± 0.153 pre, 0.718 ± 0.089 post, AP SI 0.899± 0.258 pre and 0.427 ± 0.057 post and ML SI 1.043± 0.110 pre and 0.711 ± 0.103 for group # 1 WBV; the group # 2 suspension was at followed: O SI ... Show more content on ... Strengths of this trial included the randomization of participants into equal groups, use of parametric tests, use of non– investigator testers, use of the Biodex Stability System identified as an effective assessment to stimulate the use of dynamic conditions and detect the presence of balance disorders (Revel, Mingret, & Ergory, 1994), assent from children participants along with consent from parents, and the use of a test session to limit participants' apprehension toward the vibration and the suspension treatment. Trial limitations were small sample size, use of convenience sample; participants coming from the same source, lack of definition of "frequent falling" and the use in the inclusion criteria of a balance test geared mostly to the elderly. Although both groups improved postural stability, balance, and coordination of the body, based on the results, suspension therapy also appears to facilitate vestibular responses by stimulating the otolith organs positively affecting the vestibule – ocular and vestibule – spinal reflexes acting on the head and extremities to maintain posture (Rine, 2007), showing WBV to be less effective in children with hemiparetic CP when comparing it with suspension therapy. Ruck, J., Chabot, G., & Rauch, F. (2010) executed a six month randomized controlled study comparing children receiving school physical therapy (PT) services and children getting the same program plus whole body vibration (WBV). ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Leading Cause Of Fracture In Children Fracture is a common incidence in both children and adults. Yearly, about 1.5 million fracture cases related to osteoporosis are recorded in the United States (Gass and Dawson–Hughes, 2006).Most fractures in adults occur mainly at old age and it has been linked to low bone mineral density (BMD), a fall or osteoporosis(Karlsson et al., 2013). Recent increase of fracture incidence in children has led to the investigation of the causative factor which could either be as a result of deficiency in essential micronutrients necessary for healthy bone formation or an accident based on negligence or carelessness. These could also be due to underlying biological factors which could be genetic like osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), inflammatory and unknown factors such as idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis(Rauch and Glorieux, 2004, Boyce and Gafni, 2011). ... Show more content on ... It is one of the leading causes of fracture in adults. Osteoporosis has been defined as the deterioration of the different units that build up the bone structure, thereby causing loss of bone mass that exposes one to the risk of fracture(Cashman, ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Green Iguana Zotti (2004?) realized when doing a study to find a new tool to use for pathophysiology; that Green iguanas affected with MBD had very low density for their bones. This was found in the femur, head, spine. Significant differences between the affected and unaffected iguanas could be seen when doing X–rays. It is not uncommon to see reptiles that have weakened bones, and this will ultimately result in reluctance to move, reluctance to hold the head upright, discomfort, and laziness. These signs can all be seen early on in the stages of Metabolic Bone Disease in all reptiles. This is different from Rhesus Macaques, who have bowed tibia, fibula, ladius and ulna. They have enlarged bone structures and have trouble moving (Wolfensohn, 2003). This ... Show more content on ... However, reptiles and primates are not the only animals that MBD is seen in. All of these were factors in two Dromedary camel from an Exotic Animal Breeding Facility in Florida. A four year old female camel was noticed to have some jaw swelling, hinting at a common symptom of MBD. She was taken to get a radiograph taken, and blood was drawn. The diet of this camel consisted of Florida grown Coastal Bermudagrass hay, commercial pelleted horse diet, and a sweet feed/grain mixture (Caligiuri et al., 1989). The owner explained that the exact amounts of the Florida grown Coastal Bermudagrass was unknown, however the camel did prefer the sweet diet over anything else. The results of the radiograph and blood samples came back showing loss of bone density in the jaw bone (known as the maxilla). The calcium level was at 8.6 mg/dl when the normal calcium level was 10.0 mg/dl. Glucose was also at extremely high levels reaching 254 mg/dl; normally placed at 173 mg/dl. Phosphorus was low as well (Caligiuri et al., 1989). To correct this, the camel was discharged and sent back to the facility and was told to eat alfalfa or oat hay to increase both the protein and calcium intake. (Caligiuri et al., 1989). Since she was not a working camel, it was also prescribed that the amount of grain concentrate be decreased or eliminated. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Osteoporosis Research Papers Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass, microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue leading to enhanced bone fragility, and a consequent increase in fracture risk. Modified risk factors such as a diet lacking vitamin D, magnesium and calcium, tobacco use, immobility and reduced sex hormones (in women) all contribute to the diagnoses. However, age, ethnicity, small bone structure and family history are non–modifiable risk factors and cannot be helped. People of all ages are diagnosed with this skeletal disease, but it is more common in the elderly due to the aging of the body and lack of exercise. Osteoporosis is diagnosed when the hip or spine bone mineral density (BMD) is two and a half ... Show more content on ... In some cases, men are diagnosed with idiopathic osteoporosis after other causes of the disease have been ruled out. These men typically have a lower body weight and smaller bone size. Vertebral fractures are very common with idiopathic osteoporosis. Premenopausal women are also at risk for this diagnosis. However, there isn't much evidence to understand what causes it. Another cause for osteoporosis happens during pregnancy when the mother's intestinal calcium absorption is increased. During lactation it returns to normal values, putting further pressure on the skeleton to compensate for the need of calcium associated with breastfeeding. Because of this, post– pregnancy related osteoporosis is very common and may lead to fractures of the vertebrae. If a women suffers from a low BMD she is advised not to breastfeed.
  • 30. A vitamin D insufficiency is the most common findings with most young osteoporosis diagnoses and Vitamin D supplements should be taken before any other medicines are used to help treat the disease. Because it is so hard to diagnose osteoporosis in young adults it is very important to investigate the family history of the person diagnosed. Doing this could provide ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Micro-CT Case Study Micro–CT has been commonly used in laboratories in the past 10 years, to evaluate the trabecular and cortical bone measurements (58).Bouxsein et al. (59) stated that micro–CT scans can be considered the gold standard for evaluating the trabecular bone structure (59). It gives a spatial representation of bone formation at region up to a few microns or even smaller. It also can estimate both qualitative and quantitative morphometry of bone integration around bone implant (60). Human cadaveric maxillary and mandibular trabecular bone with 3D morphometric data obtained from micro–CT were analyzed and correlated with bone density measurement in HU scale of bone classification (61). Although, this device offers a much better image resolution, it ... Show more content on ... Dental Panoramic radiograph (DPR) A major obstacle to combating osteoporosis is the failure to identify individuals who have osteoporosis until the clinical consequences of osteoporosis have occurred (i.e., fractures form with little trauma to the bones) (69). Most of the post– menopausal women have more opportunities to visit dental clinic for the treatment of dental caries and periodontal disease than to visit a medical office for diagnosis of osteoporosis prior to fracture (70).Hence the panoramic radiograph plays a vital role in identifying post–menopausal women with undetected osteoporosis. The effect of osteoporosis on the jaw bones has been studied intensively. Cortical indices of the mandible on panoramic radiographs, such as cortical width and cortical shape, are significantly associated with BMD of the general skeleton (71). Dual energy x–ray absorptiometry (DXA) is considered to be the criterion standard assessment of bone strength and the best predictor for risk of fractures (71).Thus, detection of osteoporosis, assessment of bone mass, and identification of fracture risk are important goals when evaluating patients for osteoporosis (72). Patients with a history of osteoporotic fractures also liable to have increased resorption and thinning of the lower mandibular cortex (73). A lot of investigators have reported that osteoporosis results in reduced jaw bone mass and altered mandibular structure, mainly of ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. The Best Effect On Bone Mineral Density Essay Bone mineral density (BMD) is the amount of bone mineral in bone tissue. Bone density measurement is used in clinical medicine as an indirect indicator of osteoporosis and fracture risk and helps estimate the strength of the bones. Everyone loses some bone mass with age. As a result, bones become lighter and less dense. With further bone loss, osteopenia can lead to osteoporosis. However, bone tissues are constantly remodeled and, therefore, can be increased. Multiple studies in the past showed that it adapts and respond to various stimuli. One of this stimulus is physical exercise. Due to fewer serious side effects and reduced cost, exercise intervention is considered as an attractive alternative to medication. Moreover, it facilitates in improving balance and fall reduction. Four studies will be considered in this essay to understand which type of exercise produces the best effect on bone mineral density in a different kind of population. In the cross–sectional study "Lean body mass and weight–bearing activity in the prediction of bone mineral density in physical active men" Rector Scott et al. (2009) determined the impact of long– term running, cycling and resistance training on whole–body and regional BMD, taking into consideration the effects of composition and body weight, in men 19 to 45 ages. The results of the study showed increased BMD in resistance trained athletes and runners compared with cyclists. Moreover, it was confirmed that high–impact activities, such as ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Bone Density Scanner Character Analysis The first characteristic that I think Chris displayed is self belief. He had a lot of self belief because he never let his own limitations get in his way of his goals and dreams. Even though he didn't have a lot of money and not that much of an education, he still knew that he could succeed and will succeed. He never gave up, he kept on trying until he met his goal. Another characteristic that I think he displayed is determination, he never gave up on the rubix cube. He wanted to show the guy that he could do it, and he did. Another one was the bone density scanner, he needed to fix it. He had blood drawn to get the money to buy the part he needed to fix it. He worked with just a little light and still managed to fix it. Chris was also very ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Osteoporosis : A Largely Preventable Condition Essay Osteoporosis – A Largely Preventable Condition By Dr. Elisabeth Miron | Submitted On May 11, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Dr. Elisabeth Miron What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a loss of bone mineral density often associated with old age, leading to bone fragility and fracture. Because the bones are weakened, such fractures can result from relatively minor traumas such as carrying grocery bags or even a sneeze! Fractures to the hip can be due to a fall and can significantly compromise quality of life and ability to walk. Statistics show that 1 in 4 American women and 1 in 8 American men over 50 have osteoporosis. This is a very disheartening statistic considering that osteoporosis is a largely preventable condition. Osteoporosis is also usually clinically silent until a fracture occurs, so it can go unnoticed for years. This is why bone density scans (DEXA scans) are often recommended to postmenopausal women. Risk Factors: There are both modifiable and non–modifiable risk factors for osteoporosis. Well known non– modifiable risk factors include age, female gender, family history of osteoporosis, being fair– skinned and having European descent. Women who ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Bone Mineral Density And Osteoporosis Bone Mineral Density – Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterised by a low bone mineral density (BMD) and deterioration of bone tissue and strength. This in turn increases bone fragility and its susceptibility to fracture and other injuries. Bone remodelling is the process of continuous bone reabsorption and rebuilding; however, osteoporosis occurs when there is not enough bone formation and/or an excessive amount of bone reabsorption. Many non–invasive techniques exist to measure BMD, all which play an important role in the diagnosis and progression of osteoporosis. Anatomical Tool 1: Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) is a recently discovered ... Show more content on ... T. T., Khan, N. C., Lam, N. T., Mai, L. B., Le, D. N., Nhung, B. T., . . . Yamamoto, S. 2005). QUS was used due to its low cost, high accessibly and no exposure to radiation. After the study was completed it was found that QUS was an effective way to measure this large group with minimal consequences. Study Three: One factor that had not been investigated was whether the variables of QUS were as affected by clinical risk factors as axial BMD measurements obtained by using the DXA method. A study was conducted to compare the calcaneal QUS and axial BMD T and Z scores in a large group of women (specifically 1115 pre– and postmenopausal women). Some of these women had no clinical risk factors whilst others had one or more risk factors for osteoporosis. (Frost, M. L., Blake, G. M., & Fogelman, I. (2001)). They investigated measurements at the calcaneus using QUS and at the lumbar spine and hip using DXA and found that the variable of QUS were affected to the same extent as axial BMD measurements using the DXA method. This important finding could become critical in the standardisation of QUS in clinical practice. Anatomical Tool 2: Duel–energy X–ray absorptiometry (DXA) Duel–energy X–ray absorptiometry (DXA) utilises x–rays of two difference energies to produce an image of the region of interest. This image is projected and then used to calculate and determine ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Osteoporosis And Exercise Calcium Supplementation and Exercise for Osteoporosis ABSTRACT Osteoporosis is major concern in elderly people. Osteoporosis means porous bones in which bones become weak and brittle. The strength of the bone decreases due to loss of bone mass and density. Less calcium intake, sedentary lifestyle, vitamin D deficiency, hormonal imbalances are major causes of osteoporosis. The main focus of my study is to see the combined effect of exercise and dietary calcium uptake in osteoporotic patients. The review summarizes the role of Weight bearing exercise, dietary calcium, and the combined effect of calcium and exercise in preventing osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercise can improve muscle mass and strength of muscle and can increase the bone mineral ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Preventing Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a medical condition that causes the bones to become delicate and breakable due to a loss of tissue, usually caused by hormonal changes and even a deficiency of calcium, which includes vitamin D. If upon a minor fall, or lifting an object the wrong way you may experience a broken bone, that could be a sign of osteoporosis. Although it is true that while people age, they lose bone density, it is not true that everyone will for sure get Osteoporosis. There is no known cure yet for Osteoporosis, however, there are several treatment plans available. The most important part of dealing with Osteoporosis is knowing proper prevention, providing your body with the right nutrients to maintain healthy bones, and knowing the treatments accessible to you if you happen to acquire the disease. In preventing Osteoporosis you must increase bone density as much as you can while you're young and continue so as the years progress. Protecting your bones starting in childhood has proven to increase the strength of the bone at later ages. By thirty one should reach the maximum bone density required for preserving the mass. There are effective steps that may be taken to minimize bone loss ... Show more content on ... The article was extremely informal and included the information from several types of research and studies. This article has really changed my perspective on the importance of having the proper: diet, weight–bearing exercise and vitamin dosages. Being a woman I am at a higher risk of obtaining Osteoporosis at a later age so it is very important that I get all the bone density I can now, and keep it there, so when i'm older I won't have to worry about fragile broken bones. The article I chose also goes into detail about prevention, what goes on once you get it and several medication and treatment plans with the pros and cons of each. Thank you for reading my discussion topic over ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Joint Pain Research Papers Joint pain is characterized by discomfort or pain that originates in a person's joints, which is the point where two bones meet. Scientifically, joint pain is called arthritis or arthralgia. Usually, mild joint pain can be treated without the help of a doctor, but it is a good idea to seek medical attention if joint pain becomes moderate to severe. Joint pain is not directly correlated to changes that take place during menopause, such as changing estrogen levels, although a shortage of estrogen can impact the bones. However, a woman is more likely to experience joint pain with age. Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, feeling depressed, and trouble concentrating are all correlated to join pain in menopausal women. As women ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Bone Density Testing Bone density testing is preformed by doctors to identify decreases in bone density before you break a bone, determine the risk you have of broken bones, confirm a diagnosis of osteoporosis, and to monitor osteoporosis treatment. The higher the bone mineral content, the denser the bones are. The denser they are, the stronger they are and less likely they are to break. Bone density tests are different from bone scans. Bone scans require an injection beforehand and usually are used to detect fractures, cancer, infections, and other abnormalities in the bones. Limitations of bone density testing include: differences in testing methods, might not be covered by insurance, or doesn't identify the cause. Bone density tests are easy, fast, and painless. ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Essay On Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia Gravis Damage to the neuromuscular junctions is due to an autoimmune disease called myasthenia graves. The motor end plates, which are located on skeletal muscles, are affected because there is a decrease in the amount of Ach receptors located on the motor end plate, which is connected to the neuromuscular junction. The decrease is due to the unnecessary production of antibodies, which bind to the motor end plate. This prevents Ach from binding to the receptors to carry out a synapse between the skeletal muscle and a neuron, leading to a stop or weakening of muscle contraction. The decrease in the amounts of synapses cause the skeletal muscle to lose function, become weaker, and tire more easily. Men and women are both at risk for developing myasthenia gravis, but the disease is more prevalent in women. However, the age of diagnosis varies. Men typically receive their diagnosis between the ages of 50 and 60 years old; women are usually diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40 years old. There is no known research to conclude if a particular race is at a higher disadvantage to having ... Show more content on ... One type of drug class are anticholinesterase, which inhibits acetylcholine in order to increase the levels of Ach in the body to bind to functional receptors to increase the amount of synapses. Corticosteroids and immunosuppresants are other drugs that can be used to suppress the immune system's attack on the motor end plates. To stop developing tumors on their thymus, patients might opt to have their thymus removed by a procedure called a thymectomy. Another procedure that can be done is a plasmapheresis, which reduces the number of antibodies in the blood so there are more open receptors for Ach to bind to. However, it is important to know that treatment varies from patient to patient and no patient is the same with this ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Let 's Take Football Players Let's take football players, for instance. During the season many are told to bulk up or gain weight. But what happens after the season is over? By bulking up during the season the players are eating many more calories than necessary and are often eating the wrong foods. So after the season is over the athletes have established bad habits and are carrying excess weight around. Now, on the opposite side of the spectrum, many athletes are not eating enough. Their caloric intake is too low for the amount of physical activity being partaken in. Sports that are known for having problems with this are ballet, distance running, wrestling, cheerleading, and swimming. According to NPR, skinny ballerinas are not the only athletes, we now have to ... Show more content on ... When athletes are not properly fueled they may become fatigued, and they are more prone to illness and injury. This will most certainly affect their performance. But there is something we can do about this. Matzkin says that " anytime a young female athlete comes to her office with shin splits or fractures, she now asks about nutrition and menstruation.'We may be able to identify the root cause of bone mineral density problems,'she says, and patients can be helped early to chart a new course in eating. It 's not just about eating enough, Matzkin says. It 's also about eating the right things – like fruits, vegetables, protein and foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. It 's critical to build bone when you can, she says, because there 's literally a countdown to how long women have to build strong bones." (Patti Neighmond) Neighmond in this radio show says that it is all about what they eat. By not fueling their bodies properly these athletes are setting themselves up for failure. Now looking at the opposite end of the spectrum. Listening to all of the football players talk about "bulking up" for the season always makes me wonder: How could that possibly be good for you? The truth of the matter is, it isn't good for you at all. Actually " the "bigger is better" mentality in football can endanger professional ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Identifying The Victim Analysis One breezy fall afternoon, as fido and I were strolling down an ally. Fido leaped off the leash and rushed over to a pile of garbage behind a old rusty brown shed. I followed after him shocked by what I saw next. There lying in a hole that Fido had dug was a skull, collarbone, and pelvis of a human. I don't know what provoked Fido to dig a hole, he's a moose. I sure glad he did though. My next move was to call the police and explain the crime scene, then I started my work. My good friend Billy Bass said in an article, "Dead man talking", "when you first start off, you want to look at that crime scene and say, 'what does this scene tell me?'" The first thing I noticed was all the grass around the hole was dead, and the trash next to the bag seemed fairly fresh. The bones on the other hand looked like they were in fairly good shape. This told me the person who lives here didn't know the bones were there and these bones have been there for a while. The chapter "Identifying the Victim" states that when bones get older they tend to break down. Its called osteoarthritic lipping. This information can help determine the age of the missing person. "Identifying the Victim" also explained that when a baby is born its skull isn't one big bone. Bones fuse together over your lifetime. Due to the non arthritic bones, and some of the ... Show more content on ... "Identifying the Victim" tells us the skull is a huge factor in determining the race. This particular skull was round, had a long cranium, a wide set of teeth, and smooth nose structure. All of this information matched up with the description of a Negroid, which is a skull of African descent. I gave to cops the final evidence. This victim was around the age of 17, female, and of African descent. I sent the photos to Billy along with my accusation of the scene. He sent back "way to solve this one Nelson. I agree with your accusation, send it into ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. The Basic Design Of An Exercise Prescription Exercise Prescription The basic design of an exercise prescription should be based on a person's age, fitness level, and health status including mental and physical health as well as the goals they are looking to acheive. Once the assessment is complete this is used to help determine how to develop the exercise program specific to that individual. The American College of Sports Medicine (2014)'s FITT principle is a good way to start the development process for any individual and should be the foundation of the exercise program. This principle includes four basic components to be followed including: frequency, intensity, timing, and type of exercises to be used. Appropriately applying these to an exercise program will help meet the individual goals of each client. Frequency of Exercise Determining how often an exercise session from a particular program should be performed is important and will help with gaining the benefits and results wanted. Too many or too few sessions in a week may have opposite, negative, or no effects on any individual. The frequency of exercising should be considered at an individual level and where a certain client's motivation may be at with their willingness to start a program. However, a good place to start is with a frequency of 2–3 times per week. This can optimize the beneficial results someone with osteoporosis is looking for. Kemmler & Stengel (2014) performed an extensive 12 year cohort study observing the effects of exercise ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. The Benefits Of Exercise On Osteoporosis The Benefits of Exercise on Osteoporosis Many do not think about what makes bones so strong or even think about bones in general. To most bones are just apart of the skeleton, and hold the human body up. But what if the major bones in an individuals body became frail and began to brake from s simple fall? How would an individual maintain a normal life if their bones were susceptible to fracture from small forces? It seems like it would be nearly impossible however, with proper measures this disease referred to as osteoporosis is preventable and treatable. Various research studies have provided information on osteoporosis in order to inform the public of this growing disease to hopefully make people more aware of the simple prevention ... Show more content on ... Osteoporosis is a disease –which means it is an abnormality of a part of the body due to unfavorable factors within the body– that occurs without symptoms, of the bones where there is low bone mass and there is deterioration of bone tissue that usually effect the spine, shoulder, wrist and hip ("," 2015). With low bone mass, bones begin to become fragile and weak. With weak bones, injuries such as fractures and broken bones are much more common for anyone suffering from osteoporosis. Living with Osteoporosis does not mean life is over, however it does meant that significant changes must be made, especially depending on the severity of the bone mass loss (See appendix A). Like most diseases, there are various factors to which can cause osteoporosis in an individual. Certain factors determine weather or not osteoporosis will affect an individual. There are some risk factors are beyond a person's control i.e. Family history, while some factors can be prevented like increasing calcium intake. Several individuals have a high risk for the disease, as the risk factors can depend on age, to the type of medication that has been used. Very few individuals know that they have two or more of the risk factors that can determine weather they will get osteoporosis. Not surprisingly, already having low bone density will initially play a vital role in the development of osteoporosis. For example, having low bone density and a women ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Birth Control : The Harm Effects Of Birth Control Harming the Hormones According to Professor Janet E. Smith, "98% of all women ages 15–44 have used some type of birth control." Birth control is not something most women think hard about taking. In today's society, many people rather take the easy way out of most situations. Instead of dealing with short term pain they rather seize it immediately without paying attention to the long–term effects. Birth Control is used for many different reasons such as preventing pregnancy, clearing acne and stopping heavy blood flow. Once women see what good it does for them they do not even pay attention to the bad, which is where those long–term effects come in. Some harmful side effects of birth control are weight gain, heavy bleeding, and Osteoporosis. Just like any other medication it can be helpful and harmful but in this case birth control is more harmful to a woman's body than it is helpful. Birth Control is a global contraceptive that has been in use for more than 50 years. When Birth Control first came about in 1960 it was approved for married couples only, now over 10 million women married or single use this method. Most women complain about the harsh side effects of birth control but they rather put up with them before they risk having an unplanned pregnancy. Side effects such as weight gain and mood changes play a major role in the decision of birth control use. There is a saying that says, "If you knew better you would do better" most women do not even know better so they ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. HR Technology Reflection Assignment 29. Your grandma is having her annual osteoporosis checkup, which includes an iDXA scan. Six months ago, she had a spinal fusion at L1–L3. Her clinician uses ISCD diagnostic criteria. How should the scan proceed? If her clinician used WHO diagnostic criteria, would you recommend the same scan procedure? The scan should proceed using the dual femur and the forearm. Her spine would not be the appropriate site to analyze. The dual femur and forearm should be used in this case because she has had surgery at L1–L3. The rods and screws from the surgery, would most likely generate higher T– scores and Z–scores, which will misdiagnose her analyzation. Moreover, her spine is not a good area to be scanned, due to her surgery. Therefore, the clinician should still use ISCD to generate a diagnosis. If the clinician used WHO I would still recommend using just the dual femur scan. WHO analyzes the femoral neck. Therefore, the forearm would not be needed for analyzation with this particular organization. 30. Compare the research article you found for the "HR Technology Reflection Assignment" to one of the articles we discussed in class in terms of results, methods, HR technology, and how the technology was used. The article that I found used low intensity, moderate intensity, and high intensity, which is similar to our intensities that we used. They used several different machines to assess the intensity such as a stationary bike, a treadmill, and an elliptical. However, we used a ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Quantitative Ultrasound (BMD) BMD measurement All participants underwent calcaneal quantitative ultrasound (QUS) scanning to measure their peripheral BMD. Indeed, QUS method offers an alternative way for bone status evaluation when the limited access to the dual–energy X–ray absorptiometry (DXA) is an issue and the aim is to screen for osteoporosis. Besides, QUS is inexpensive and more portable compared to DXA, while maintaining safety through evading the exposure to the ionizing radiation by DXA (Chin et al., 2013). Moreover, calcaneal QUS and DXA at various anatomic sites were shown to be correlated in several studies, and the measured calcaneal BMD by QUS was efficient and analogous to the measured hip BMD using DXA in hip fracture prediction (Moayyeri et al., 2012; Chin et al., 2013). To ensure that the QUS device was generating accurate measures, daily calibration of the device was performed by means of a phantom provided by the manufacturer. The device uses the ultrasound pulse penetration technique that computes the speed of sound (Baroncelli, 2008). Subsequently, the T–score are instantly derived. The T–score, which is used to describe the BMD, is defined as the number of standard deviations above or below the mean BMD of a ... Show more content on ... According to the WHO diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis, peripheral BMD measured in this study gave an estimation of the osteoporotic condition of the participants as per the followings: a T–score of ̶ 1 or more denotes normal BMD, whereas a T–score less than ̶ 1 indicates abnormal BMD (i.e., osteopenic or osteoporotic bone ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. The Effect Of Physiological Changes On Children Essay This paper will discuss the impacts that physiological changes have on mobility in older adults. Mobility is the individual's ability to carry out activities of daily living by moving the body or parts of the body (Nursing Program Guide, 2016) For the purpose of this paper the term older adult will be referring to individuals chronologically aged 65 and older. The impacts of physiological changes can be drastic on an older adult, however it is important to note no two people age the same and it is critical to view elderly as individuals. This paper will allow the reader to gain insight into the age related physiological changes which impact an older persons mobility, the underlying diseases which impact mobility, as well as the potential consequences of impaired mobility on the older adult. Furthermore, this paper will discuss nursing interventions to address the care needs of the older adult. Physiological changes related to ageing that impact mobility The older adult goes through many physiological changes which affect there mobility as they age. These changes can have drastic effects on their mobility and in turn, lives of the older adult. Outlined below are key physiological changes which effect mobility. The older adult faces declines to their cellular and metabolic rate which translates to declines in the integumentary system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, musculoskeletal system and neurological systems (Potter & Perry, ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Ctx And Osteoporosis CTX and NTX are collagen degradation products from the C–terminal and N–terminal regions on the cross–links in type 1 collagen (Kujath 2011). The CTX consists of two isomeric forms, the native (αCTX) and the age–related (ß CTX) (Chopin et al. 2012; Seibel 2005). Bone resorption by osteoclasts is overwhelmingly a cathepsin K–driven process and metalloproteinase play an important but small role in the resorption process; Only cathepsin K produces CTX and NTX fragments whereas only metalloproteinase produce ICTP fragments (Rissanen 2013). This is a measure of the breakdown of bone. Serum and urine CTX and NTX levels are markedly increased in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis, whereas ICTP seems to be more ... Show more content on ... 2014). Primary osteoporosis is can be further divided into two subtypes: (a) type I osteoporosis (also known as postmenopausal osteoporosis), which is a common bone disorder in postmenopausal women and is mainly due to estrogen deficiency resulting from menopause, and (b) type II osteoporosis (also referred to as age–related osteoporosis or senile osteoporosis), which is related mainly with aging in both women and men (Feng and Mcdonald 2011). Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis than men ( Al–Daghri et al. 2014). since postmenopausal women are affected by both factors of the lack of estrogen and later aging,they become the major sufferers in bone loss and result in much higher incidence of osteoporosis (Liong 2009). The most common type of osteoporosis is postmenopausal osteoporosis, would be come our main scope of ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. The Roles Of Bone Density Imaging Score(TBS) The Role of Bone Density Imaging A patient can find out whether they have osteoporosis or if they should be concern about their bones by having a bone density(DXA) scan. This test is also called dexa or a bone mass measurement. This test is performed by a specific x–ray machine, in which is an estimation amount of bone mass in the patient's hip, spine, and sometimes other bones. In addition to a two–dimensional x–ray based imaging, DXA, a software system called trabecular bone score(TBS) is added to the imaging of the spine, which is developed by assessing skeletal microstructure. A combination of these tests provides an invasive way to diagnose patients with osteoporosis, where the bone mass becomes low and microarchitecture of bone tissue deteriorates increasing bone fragility and susceptibility to fractures. These tests will help the patient's physician to make recommendations to help protect their bones. History of the Disease One must understand how osteoporosis occurs, in order to understand the role of bone mineral density(DXA) scanning. Bone is constantly being rebuilt in our bodies. The natural, healthy state of our bones is a continue state of resorption of old bone followed by the deposit of new bone. This turnover becomes very important, so bones stay healthy and repair themselves of any minor damage that may occur during wear and tear. Osteoblasts are cells, which are responsible for laying new bone down, osteoclasts are cells responsible for ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Bone Supplements This is as true of bone supplements as it is of any other, and particularly true of supplements containing both calcium and glucosamine. Glucosamine is manufactured in small amounts during the normal biochemistry of your body, but decreases as you age. Glucosamine is a chemical that is used by your body for the manufacture of cartilage that protects the bones in your joint by providing a cushion between them. Without cartilage the bone ends of your joints would rapidly wear, a condition commonly known as osteoarthritis. The main structural components of the cartilage in your body are substances known as glucosaminoglycans, and they are responsible for connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, veins and arteries, heart valves, skin and ... Show more content on ... Omega 6 is good for you, but only in moderation relative to your Omega 3 intake. Omega 9 fatty acids can reduce the chances of you developing atherosclerosis, with a consequent reduction on the possibility of heart disease and strokes. It is a strong antioxidant and can help to reduce your cholesterol level and blood pressure, and together with Omega 3 and 6 reduce the risk of breast cancer. When you consider all of these benefits of the Omega fatty acids, and also of calcium and Glucosamine supplements in association with Vitamin D and magnesium, any supplement containing all of these would of extreme benefit, not only to those suffering from arthritis and other bone conditions, but also of high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Such a supplement in liquid form would render it even more potent due the much faster and more efficient absorption by the body. The benefits of liquid calcium supplements would then be augmented with substances that not only improve the absorption and beneficial effects of the calcium, but also provide the additional benefits of antioxidant and anti–inflammatory properties that help to allay the painful effects of bone and joint ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Osteoporosis Research Paper Louisiana Pharmacists Association Educates Patients on Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone that makes a person's bones weak and more likely to break. It is often known as a silent disease because you can't feel your bones getting weaker. About 10 million Americans have osteoporosis and another 44 million have low bone density, placing them at increased risk. Studies suggest that approximately one in two women and up to one in four men age 50 and older will break a bone due to osteoporosis. A woman's risk of fracture is equal o her combined risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer. A man is more likely to break a bone due to osteoporosis than he is to get prostate cancer. If you're age 50 or older and have broken a ... Show more content on ... In some cases, you may even be able to improve bone density and reverse the disorder to some degree. Getting enough calcium and vitamin D are essential to bone health. There are also medications available to reduce the risk of broken bones. There are two categories or osteoporosis medications: antiresorptive medications that slow bone loss and anabolic drugs that increase the rate of bone formation. Antiresorptive medications include bisphosphonates, calcitonin, denosumab, estrogen and estrogen agonists/antagonists. They slow the bone loss that occurs in the breakdown part of the remodeling cycle. When people first start taking these medicines, they stop losing bone as quickly as before, but still make new bone at the same place. Therefore, bone density may increase. The goal of treatment with antiresorptive medicines is to prevent bone loss and lower the risk of breaking bones. There is only one anabolic drug to rebuild bone that is approved by the FDA. Teriparatide, a form of parathyroid hormone, increases the rate of bone formation. The goal of treatment with teriparatide is to build bone and lower the risk of breaking ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Hip Fracture Essay Title Serum N–terminal propeptide of type 1 collagen (P1NP) in Elderly Patients with Hip Fracture: Relationship with Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics, Other Parameters of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, and Short–term Outcomes Stackpool,T. Advanced Trainee in Geriatric Medicine, the Canberra Hospital Abstract Introduction: The relationships between serum N–terminal propeptide of type 1 collagen [P1NP], a marker of bone formation, with metabolic and clinical factors have rarely been determined and remain unclear. Aims: To evaluate in patients with a hip fracture the association between serum P1NP concentration (on admission) and clinical characteristics as well as short–term outcomes. Materials and Methods: ... Show more content on ... A further multivariate regression analysis revealed that the lowest tertile of serum P1NP concentration (≤29.3µg/L) was found to be significantly associated with nursing home residence (P– value 0.034) after adjustment for age, gender and presence of hypertension; and also to be inversely associated with ALP (P–value 0.000), OC (P–value 0.000) and β–CTX (P–value 0.001) after adjustment for age, gender, ALP, OC, and β–CTX. Conclusions: In elderly patients with a hip fracture, serum P1NP concentration had an inverse relationship with age, GGT, and markers of inflammation such as CRP and NLR; and a positive relationship with the bone turnover markers OC and β–CTX, ALP, and may predict prolonged length of hospital stay and new nursing home discharge. What is Known in Regards to Serum N–terminal propeptide of type 1 collagen (P1NP) Predominantly produced by osteoblasts and minor amounts synthesised by the liver Recommended as a marker of bone formation by international institutions. Serum P1NP concentrations decrease after administration of bisphosphonates and selective oestrogen receptor modulators, and increase with teriparatide therapy. Higher P1NP concentrations are associated with myocardial infarction in elderly male patients, and ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Risk Of Osteoporosis During childhood, bones grow and repair very quickly, but this process gets slower as you age. Bones stop growing in length between the ages of 16 and 18, but continue to increase in density until you're in your late 20s. You gradually start to lose bone density from about 35 years of age. Women normally lose bone rapidly in the first few years. Osteoporosis can affect both men and women. It's more common in elderly people, but it can also affect younger people after the menopause. Women are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis than men because the hormone changes that occur in the menopause directly affects bone density. The female hormone estrogen is critical for healthy bones. After the menopause estrogen levels fall, it can lead ... Show more content on ... Early in the course of the disease, osteoporosis may cause no symptoms. Later, it some signals may include dull pain in the bones or muscles, particularly low back pain or neck pain. Later in the course of the disease, sharp pains may come on suddenly. The pain may not radiate but it may be made worse by activity that puts weight on the area. It sometimes is accompanied by tenderness, and generally begins to subside in one week. Pain may linger more than three months. In older people, a fractured bone can be very serious and result in long–term disability for that person. For example, a hip fracture may lead to long–term mobility problems. Sometimes a cough or sneeze can cause a rib fracture or the partial collapse of one of the bones of the spine. Although a fracture is the first sign of osteoporosis, some older people develop the characteristic of bending forward. It happens when the bones in the spine have fractured, making it difficult to support the weight of the body. A loss of height happens and this posture is known as a dowager's ... Get more on ...