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Student Population Is Esl High School Students
Information on the students:
The targeted student population is ESL high school students (around 18 years old and above) who
have mastered the L2 basic writing skills, such as writing grammatically correct sentences, building
compound sentences, using prepositional phrases, etc. They are bilingual and culturally varied.
Their L1 skills are a little bit better than that of L2.
Students' goal: Their goals are primarily to develop writing skills and, for this particular class, to
learn how to develop procedural writing skills.
Information on the context of the lesson: Assuming that the students have already mastered the basic
writing skills over the last two months, this class comes before the end of the semester. To illustrate,
the ... Show more content on ...
2) Then, remind the students of their homework and check if they did the reading for today's lesson.
After that, generally speaking, ask the students "when do we use procedural writing?" and "what do
we use it for?"
3) Give them around 2 minutes to think about these questions and then ask them to voice what they
came up with. At the same time, using some praise and encouraging phrases for participants such as
"Great!" "Thank you!" "Awesome!" etc.
3) Rephrase their answers and add some more to let them know when and why– before we address
the how– we need this type of writing tasks. For instance, I will tell the students that we compose
procedural writing when describing some steps of how–to–do things such as making a recipe,
installing a chair rail etc.
4) Ask the students to think of a situation in which they had to demonstrate how to do something to
someone. For instance, "could you please students think of a time when you had show your friends
how to download a game from Appstore?"
5) After a minute has passed, ask the students to pair up and share their ideas with their partner.
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Utilitarianism Is A Good Ethical Theory
1. When an individual says that Utilitarianism is a good ethical theory because it justifies
conventional moral wisdom they believe that because this theory maintains conservative principles
and only has minimal mistakes, there is a valid purpose to favor this theory over any other theory
that is presented. Utilitarianism does not support the notion of popular judgment but when
comparing the other theories, utilitarianism does have fewer conflicts than any other theory. In other
words although utilitarianism flaws in certain areas, it is the most precise in vindicating
conventional moral wisdom. And so, when an individual claims that Utilitarianism is a good ethical
theory, they are basing it upon it being successful to closely attain or preserve traditional ideologies.
2. An imperative as best as I can describe it, is a command of an intention or reason for doing an
action. There are two types of imperatives hypothetical and categorical and the dissimilarity
between them is that they are both formulated differently. Hypothetical imperatives are conditional
while categorical imperatives are unconditional. For example in hypothetical imperative if you
strive to achieve point B, then you should do A, notice how conditions are applied and are only
pertinent if and only the individual desires for it to happen. However in the case of categorical
imperative, the command is unconditional and has no absolute motives for example, you have to
achieve point A or you cannot achieve
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Developing A Curriculum Design That Promotes The...
There are many challenges when developing a curriculum design that promotes the transition of
nursing students from an associate degree nurse (ADN) to baccalaureate degree nurse (BSN).
Faculty must recognize the importance of creating strategies needed to keep the ADN students
abreast of new developments in the curriculum. It is beneficial to conduct monthly informational
town hall meetings that will keep the ADN students up–to–date on scheduled meetings in order to
promote a high level of participation. The town hall meetings will also include discussions about
new opportunities, and curriculum development. The BSN program structure expectations will also
be discussed. The augmented requirements for the transition and completion of ... Show more
content on ...
The curriculum development committee will play a major part in decision–making, and will be
responsible for sharing ideas with the current ADN students. This will foster a welcoming
environment for the upcoming change, as the identity and goals of the college evolves.
Faculty will be required to implement two strategies in order to guarantee that community and
health care agencies stay well–informed about the new curriculum development and progression.
Transparent communication is essential between all agencies involved. It is not unlikely that the
involved agencies will not be able to attend all the town hall meetings. The faculty has also
considered alternate strategies for communication. These communications can occur via email,
face–to–face encounters, or web–based conferences. The faculty will communicate information to
the CEO and members of leadership regarding the developing program and curriculum. Information
pamphlets and newsletters will also be created. This will outline current changes. Again, faculty will
encourage many modes of open communication so that the agency 's questions and concerns can be
addressed timely and accurately. This frequent and prompt distribution of program status will
promote understanding of progress as well as anticipated changes. The communication process
strategies utilized between the community and healthcare agencies will foster transparency and trust.
These attributes are a significant
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Essay on Comparing and Contrasting Utilitarianism and...
Comparing and Contrasting Utilitarianism and Kantianism
An Analysis of Confidentiality
1. Introduction
Has anyone of us witnessed a team discussing an ethical decision involving a specific case study
with many conflicting versions of the story? It is interesting to follow. Some of the debate
participants feel so confident about being "right" that they will persist until they win the hearts of
their opponents. Some participants will just waffle and attempt to analyze the situation from variant
dimensions (Lukas 72). Analyzing a specific Case Study relating to terms of confidentiality, this
document looks into definitions of morality under two independent systems– Kantianism and
Utilitarianism theoretical approaches. This paper seeks to ... Show more content on
Impartial decisions are made on reason and are void of influence from aspects like rank, gender,
religion or even ethnicity. Just as is the case with Utilitarianism, Kantianism equally upholds the
importance of selflessness so that people involved in a debate choose to factor in the repercussions
their decision would have on their peers. The one uncontested mechanism would involve the gesture
of offering equal opportunities to persons involved to express themselves without discrimination.
The next stage involves a critical analysis of the just described theoretical systems. We will explore
the factors and influences involved in a chosen Case Study where personal influences are involved.
Thereafter, we will look into different approaches a Kantian and a Utilitarian would address the
issue and the reasons behind. It will be imperative to understand the actual factors influencing
decisions under each of the moral systems identified (Lukas 22).
2. Comparative Analysis
2.1 Theory: Utilitarianism
a) Pleasure versus Pain: For a long time, Utilitarianism has been used to refer to different
perspectives commonly falling under the semblance of this theoretical deportment (Lukas 43). To
take the point of reference closer home, the paper will attempt to sum up the main theoretical
perspectives of this ethical structure. For a significant portion, Utilitarianism identifies and
distinguishes two absolutes in the universe: pain and pleasure. Moral law is shaped and
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Carl Sanburg Grass Analysis
"Most times, it's just a lot easier not to let the world know what's wrong." says Chuck Palahniuk,
and American Author. Covering things up is one thing that humanity has officially mastered.
Humanity constantly fights, kills, and commits horrid acts; sometimes even for no good reason at
all. But who is the one that will always be there to cover it up? Well, in Carl Sanburg's poem
"Grass", that 'who' is the grass itself. It becomes clear that no human can cover up his or her own
mistakes, so the grass has to be the one to do the dirty work. Carl Sanburg, in his poem "Grass",
uses proper nouns, syntax, and imperative tense to prove that humanity will repeatedly try to destroy
itself, and the grass will always hold the power to cover it up. Bunker Hill, Yorktown, and
Normandy are all great battles in American history, and they are also distinguished choices for
proper nouns when trying to prove the point of human destruction. However, Sanburg didn't use
these proper nouns. He wrote about "Austerlitz", "Waterloo", "Gettysburg", "Ypres", and "Verdun".
(1, 3, 4, 5) While Gettysburg was a pivotal point in American history, it was not chosen in this text
for the size of the battle, but rather for the number of casualties and for the amount of blood spilled
on the battlefield. In fact, all of these battles were chosen for this same reason. But why would an
author choose battles with more casualties over battles that are better known for a massive victory,
or even a massive loss? This
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Analysis Of Justin Bieber 's Latest Hair Cut
The news media, an industry focusing on major global stories ranging from geopolitical tensions in
the Middle East, to a gossip piece on Justin Bieber's latest hair cut, through to a humble suburban
story on the local school fete; the desire to know what is going on in the world around us is at our
core as a people. Journalists are by and large the guardians of truth and accountability within our
society. The public entrusts the fourth estate to vigorously hold those in public life to account, to
seek out injustice, to sift fact from fiction, to expose corruption and to inform the people so we
might make an informed judgement on the events that shape our modern era. The camera that
captures no lies and sees all that dare venture in front of its lens has the power to inspire, but it also
has the power to horrify. The pictures broadcast to our TV sets or viewable on our mobile devices
show us humanity at its best, whilst depicting us at our most repugnant. Whilst the camera may not
lie about this nature skilful editing can. The question therefore arises, to what extent do commercial
imperatives conflict with the work of journalists? Does the desire for ever increasing ratings and the
ensuing increase in advertising revenue drive our media practitioners towards unethical behaviour
and if so, what can be done to ensure ethical practice within a commercial media context? In this
essay, we will explore these questions by looking at what the role of a journalist actually is,
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Examples Of 0-1 Knapsack Problem
2.1 The 0–1 Knapsack Problem (KP)
The Knapsack Problem is a combinatorial optimization problem, which search out a best solution
from among many other feasible solutions. It is concerned with a fixed size knapsack that has
positive integer capacity (or volume) C. There are n numbers of distinct items that may potentially
be placed in the knapsack. Item i has a positive integer capacity Ci and integer benefit Bi. In
addition, there is Ki quantity of item i available, where quantity Ki is an integer with positive value
satisfying 1 ≤ Ki ≤∞.
Let Xi determines how much quantity of item i are to be filled into the knapsack. The aim is to:
∑ Bi Xi i = 1
Subject to the constraints
∑ Ci Xi ≤C i = 1
And ... Show more content on ...
However, it needed more memory because recursive called to demand additional memory. Overall
memory function is more efficient than dynamic programing.
2.2.4 Greedy Algorithm
Greedy programing is a mathematical technique that is based on the recursive creation of an object
for every possible unit. Recursion is a process in which a particular solution is depends upon results
that are coming out from the smaller units of same problem. The benefit of greedy algorithms is that
it is straightforward and easy but it is used for short term solution only.
Some Greedy strategies to solve the 0/1 Knapsack problem:
1. Select the item which has the maximum value than other item this expand the knapsack value as
2. Select the lightest item and remove it from knapsack that allowing more items to be filled in the
3. Select the items which have a high value per weight as possible.
By all these three strategies. We got the optimal solution with the third strategy –high value–to–
weight ratios of items.
ALGORITHM GreedyAlgorithm (Weights [1 ... N], Values [1 ...
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Swot Analysis : The Business Sector Essay
Costumer may decide to permit limited access to Costumers data. Costumer would need to secure
the level of access they wish to have and to set up the applicable PIN numbers. Costumer are in
charge of keeping all PIN numbers secure.
IBM will be qualified for permit anybody utilizing costumers PIN to demand data or follow up for
your sake. On the off chance that Costumer give IBM any directions, IBM may need time to check
them before we follow up on them.
IBM to be marginally undervalued because of the characteristic esteem inside its portfolio that is not
perceived in the offer cost. It is a well–known wonder/aberrance that the value business sector is
esteeming IBM at a markdown to crucial quality. Certain advantages controlled by the gathering are
neglecting to satisfactorily help IBM 's offer cost. Experts differ to the degree with which the
business sector is marking down the cost from its entirety of parts. This valuation is focused around
the preface that administration hold fast to the sketched out methodology to understand this quality
through divestures and transfers of select failing to meet expectations resources, for example,
Verizon Wireless (VZW) and SFR. Understanding may be needed for the gathering to acknowledge
esteem in this way, however the stock is still upheld by a 9.81% Dividend yield (7.51p) with a
yearly focused on development of 9%.
Case Study 2:
The Role of a Computer Programmer
Innovation is a lifestyle nowadays the same number of
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Plsql Chap7 Sols Essay
PL/SQL Chapter 7 Solutions
Review Questions
1. B
2. D
3. A,D
4. C,D
5. B,D
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. The user_objects view can be used to determine all the packages that exist in the database. In the
query, use a WHERE clause to select the rows that contain the term 'PACKAGE' in the object type
column. Selecting the text column of the user_source view will list all the source code lines in the
package. Use a WHERE clause on the name column to select a single package.
12. If there are values referenced continually in the application, storing them in packaged variables
will allow the values to only be retrieved once thus saving data retrieval processing. The values in
global constructs are persistent for the entire user session. ... Show more content on
SELECT order_info_pkg.ship_name_pf(idBasket) FROM bb_basket WHERE idBasket = 12;
Assignment 7–3
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE order_info_pkg IS PROCEDURE basket_info_pp (p_basket
IN NUMBER, p_shop OUT NUMBER, p_date OUT DATE, p_name OUT VARCHAR2);
(p_basket IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS lv_name_txt VARCHAR2(25); BEGIN
SELECT shipfirstname||' '||shiplastname INTO lv_name_txt FROM bb_basket WHERE idBasket =
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid basket id'); END ship_name_pf; PROCEDURE
basket_info_pp (p_basket IN NUMBER, p_shop OUT NUMBER, p_date OUT DATE, p_name
OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN SELECT idshopper, dtordered INTO p_shop, p_date FROM
bb_basket WHERE idbasket = p_basket; p_name := ship_name_pf(p_basket); EXCEPTION WHEN
lv_name_txt VARCHAR2(20); lv_id_num NUMBER(4); lv_ord_dat DATE;
order_info_pkg.basket_info_pp(12,lv_id_num, lv_ord_dat, lv_name_txt);
Assignment 7–4
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE login_pkg IS pv_id_num NUMBER(3); pv_zip3_num
NUMBER(3); FUNCTION login_ck_pf (p_user IN VARCHAR2, p_pass
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Kantian Ethics
One of the beautiful things about Kantian ethics is that it is based on the individual. The individual
can decide if their actions are worth doing to another person by weighing if the person would want
the action done to them. The Kantian point of view is completely different from the Utilitarian point
of view because the Kantian point of view deals with the individual, whereas the Utilitarian point of
view deals with the group and the needs of the group. When you hear the words "basic human
rights" or the word "right," normally that responds to the individual, and rights in many cases are
from the Kantian viewpoint. For instance, when a police officer responds to someone in need, they
are responding from a Kantian viewpoint – the ... Show more content on ...
How does that define humanity as an end? The givers understand that takers have to view them as
equals; the takers must accept that givers provide the beauty and acceptance that they need.
Humanity is made up of people on both sides of the argument and those in between. By using one
person, a taker, in all actuality, forms a dependent relationship on that person, or group of people, to
provide for their needs. A giver sustains a taker by continuously giving them what they need.
Kant said that nothing was good in itself except for a good will. By will he meant the ability to act
from principle; only when we act from a sense of duty does our act have moral worth. We determine
our duty by the categorical imperative. An example of good will would be to use the "Golden Rule,"
do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Kant uses this to say that a person's actions are
reflected in their actions toward another person. As a person intends to do good to another person,
that makes his effort fit within the categorical imperative. Kant believed that there was one
command that was binding on all rational agents–the categorical imperative, that says that we must
always act so that the maxim of our action can be consistently willed to be universal law. By maxim,
Kant meant the principle or rule that people formulate to determine their conduct. If a maxim could
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What Is Procedural Programming Paradigm
Task 1
What is Procedural Programming Paradigm?
In Information Technology(IT) jargon Programming is termed as an innovative process where the
computer receives instructions how to perform a task as per the requirement or solving a specific
The various ways of attending to the process of programming is known as programming paradigms.
Majority of programming language comes under one paradigm; contrary to this one could observe
some languages having elements of multiple paradigms. Paradigm is a way where a specific code is
arranged. A code comprises various commands or instructions there in relation to functions and or
Most vital programming paradigms can be listed as Procedural paradigms and the object – oriented
Key ... Show more content on ...
When a particular programme is taken into consideration you may find variables in it. This variable
will be mainly applicable or belongs to that particular function and this is called a local variable.
When variables are need within and outside the function is known to be a global variable.
Produces are some times called sub programme, routine or method which relates to sequence of
orders to carry out the task.
The main types of Programming Paradigm.
Out of the vast numbers of programming paradigms that are available, the following are know to be
some of the main types.
1. Functional
2. Logical
3. Imperative
4. Object oriented
In this type of programming which are considered as a subset of declarative programming. The use
of expressions take place and programs created using this paradigm use functions based on the
particular input or the instructions which are provided to the computer.
Eg: Haskell
Logical paradigm use steps or instructions where are based on solving problems such as
computation as automated reasoning over a body of
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What Is Procedural Programming Paradigm
Task 1
What is Procedural Programming Paradigm?
In Information Technology(IT) jargon Programming is termed as an innovative process where the
computer receives instructions how to perform a task as per the requirement or solving a specific
The various ways of attending to the process of programming is known as programming paradigms.
Majority of programming language comes under one paradigm; contrary to this one could observe
some languages having elements of multiple paradigms. Paradigm is a way where a specific code is
arranged. A code comprises various commands or instructions there in relation to functions and or
Most vital programming paradigms can be listed as Procedural paradigms and the object – oriented
Key ... Show more content on ...
When a particular programme is taken into consideration you may find variables in it. This variable
will be mainly applicable or belongs to that particular function and this is called a local variable.
When variables are need within and outside the function is known to be a global variable.
Produces are some times called sub programme, routine or method which relates to sequence of
orders to carry out the task.
The main types of Programming Paradigm.
Out of the vast numbers of programming paradigms that are available, the following are know to be
some of the main types.
1. Functional
2. Logical
3. Imperative
4. Object oriented
In this type of programming which are considered as a subset of declarative programming. The use
of expressions take place and programs created using this paradigm use functions based on the
particular input or the instructions which are provided to the computer.
Eg: Haskell
Logical paradigm use steps or instructions where are based on solving problems such as
computation as automated reasoning over a body of
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Stakeholders Of The Hospital 's Internal And External...
Stakeholders are individuals who are involved in, have a vested interest in, or a "stake" in the
success of an organization (Merriam–Webster, 2011), such as a hospital. Dr. DoRight is an
influential decision maker as the President of the Universal Human Care Hospital and it is important
for him to consider how his decisions and actions affect the stakeholders of the hospital. In the
course of his daily activities Dr. Do Right will interact and impact many of the hospital's internal
and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders are be committed to an organization's success. Often
internal stakeholders will participate in the strategic development of coordinating resources to fund
and sustain an operation. Examples of internal stakeholders which Dr. DoRight might engage daily
would be: Director of Public Health, Head of Health Intelligence and Information, Director of
Nursing, Public Health Strategists, Vice President of Human Relations or Members of the Board of
Trustees (Markwell, 2010). External stakeholders are not directly connected to the organization;
however, they are vested in the hospital's success as clients, business or community partners. These
stakeholders have influence over organizational activities by contributing their views and
experiences related to issues which are important to them. Medical providers or suppliers, Patient
Advocacy Groups, Quality Assessors, the Media, and Heads of Local Community and Special
Interest Groups are examples of external
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Programming Concepts : Programming Paradigms
CMP2092M Programming Paradigms – Assignment One YAT13389566 Lewis Yates YAT13389566
Lewis Yates 1 CMP2092M Programming Paradigms Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Task
One 3 Task Two 4 Task Three 8 SYNTAX 8 SEMANTICS 8 YAT13389566 Lewis Yates 2
CMP2092M Programming Paradigms YAT13389566 Lewis Yates 3 CMP2092M Programming
Paradigms Task One The table below characterises the four main programming paradigms by their
descriptions and scenarios in which they are suited to. Type of Paradigm Object–Oriented In this
paradigm we associate behaviour with data–structures called Description Example "objects" which
belong to classes, which are usually structured into a hierarchy. Functional Computations are
expressed as the evaluation of mathematical functions, relying on immutability and statelessness.
Logical Computations are expressed exclusively in terms of mathematical logic. The logic paradigm
focuses on predicate logic, in which the basic concept is a relation. Imperative The language
provides statements, such as assignment statements, class Dog { int age, weight ; string colour } ;
public: void bark() { cout << "WOOF!" << endl;} john(x) + john(x) = 2*john(x) brother (X,Y) /* X
is the brother of Y */ :– /* if there are two people F and M for which*/ father(F,X), /* F is the father
of X */ father(F,Y), /* and F is the father of Y
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A Day Of A Software Engineer Essay
Yesusera Hailu
WRT 205
February 15, 2014 A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer A software engineer is a licensed
professional engineer who is schooled and skilled in the application of engineering and applies that
discipline to the implementation and creation of software. A software engineer is often confused
with a programmer, but the two are vastly different disciplines. In the field on computer science
there are many misconceptions when it comes to the different disciplines within the field. With one
of these misconceptions being what a software engineer is and does. Yes, being a software engineer
does require you to have a foundation of programming skills but that doesn't mean that all they do
on a day to day basis is sit at a desk all day and write lines after lines of code. As stated before
software engineers are very often confused with computer programmers. Yes, both fields require
skill sets in computers and programming languages but what people may not know is that they are
two very different fields. Programmers create the code that makes the infrastructure for the software
and they also make sure it runs and operate properly where the software engineer is responsible for
design and implementation. Technology is slowly becoming our present world. Every day new apps,
cell phones, electronics etc. are being created. Technology is a ever growing field and it's just going
to keep growing. Technology essentially makes our lives easier. In this day and age
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Multitasking Experiment and Results
Introduction Multitasking is part of everyday life. Daily routines from driving to work or school, to
coming home, involve people handling more than one task at a time. At what point is it too much to
handle before mistakes are being made? When someone answers a call on their cell phone while
driving, that is multitasking, and that has shown to be hazardous. When a student is instant
messaging and writing a paper at the same time, that is hazardous as well, but not in the way one
would immediately think. Heavy media use may be associated with decreased social well–being and
could cause harm on young adults psychological functioning. Also, people who often multitask with
media such as the TV, the internet, etc, have shown instances in which there was a diminished
ability to effectively filter non–important information cognitively. The usage of media that college
students use today has increased by at least 20% in the last decade (Alzahabi & Becker, 2013).
According to Stephen Monsell, everything people do requires a schema or task–set to perform that
function. Mr. Monsell stated that we use executive control to pick and perform the proper task–set(s)
that are necessary to complete our current goals or activities without being distracted to complete
other unnecessary goals or activities (Monsell, 2003). Executive Control or Executive Function is a
mental process that connects past experiences people have had with present actions they are going
through. People use this when
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Methods Of Selection Statements: Böhm And Jacopini
Selection Statements
A selection statement offers the methods of selecting among two or more execution paths within a
program. These statements are basic and essential parts of all languages, as proven by Böhm and
The two basic categories of selection statements are:
Two–way selectors (if–statement) o Design Issues o Control Expression o Clause Form o Nesting
Selectors o Selector Expressions
Multiple–way selectors (case–statement) o Design Issues o Examples of Multiple Selectors o
Implementing Multiple Selection Structures o Multiple Selection Using if
Figure 4.2.1: Example of Selection Statement
Two–Way Selection Statements
Even though the two–way selection statements of present languages are similar, here some
differences ... Show more content on ...
Another coded conditional branches is to place the case values and labels in a table. And also, use a
linear search by a loop to find the exact label. It needs a less space better than the coded
Multiple Selection Using if
In multiple situations, a switch or case statement is very poor for many selection. For example, once
selections should be complete on the beginning of a Boolean expression rather than certain ordinal
type, nested two–way selectors might be used to pretend a multiple selector. To ease the poor
readability of nested two–way selectors, few languages, like Perl and Python, have been prolonged
for particular use. The extension accepts some of the words to be left out. In specific, else–if
sequences are changed with one special word, and the ending with special word on the nested when
it is dropped. The nested selector is called an else–if clause.
Let us consider the Python selector statement if count < 20 : bag1 = True elif count < 200 : bag2 =
True elif count < 2000 : bag3 = True
Note: else–if is written as elif in Python language
The equivalent Python selector statement is if count < 20 : bag1 = True else : if count < 200 : bag2 =
True else : if count < 2000 : bag3 =
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Programming Models Of Wsn System
Research Proposal Title Programming Models of WSN System: A State–of–the–Art Survey
Introduction There are a lot scenarios need different sensor nodes to collaborate and integrated on
the air into networks to facilitate applications. The scaled–down censoring system presented below
is an example of those wireless sensor networks (WSN). In this system sensors are different between
corridors area and manufacturing area, since they need different precise level. Those sensors
combined together by different wireless AP and provide services to different applications inside and
outside the plant. This is where virtualization shines. Virtualization creates an uniformed
environment in heterogeneous sensor networks. It bridge the gap between infrastructure and
applications. And the network and sensor virtualization can achieved by the middleware.
Middleware hide unnecessary details and complexity of the underlying heterogeneous
infrastructures, like different sensor nodes and different wireless AP in the presented scenario.
Software designs and programming approaches for the middleware design should facilitate the
balance between communication and computing. Energy awareness, routing, efficient resource
utilization and data delivery have always been the key parameters for an efficient programming
model for WSN. Motivating Scenario Fig 1. A motivating example on dust–free manufacturing plant
censoring. A simplified dust–free manufacturing plant censoring system is described below.
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categorical imperative
Explain with examples, Kant 's theory of the Categorical Imperative
Kant believed that there is an 'objective moral law ' this meant, he did not depend on a point of view.
If there is a moral law there is a duty to obey this law. To act morally, it is necessary to have a good
will for example to help someone just because it would be the right thing to do in the certain
situation. Morality is made up of 'categorical imperatives ' meaning that you should do something
simply because they are the correct things to do, as you are expected to fulfill things in life this is
called a certain 'duty '.
Kant believed that there were specific categories on how to understand the world, we would
understand them by: time, space and causality, ... Show more content on ...
The Categorical imperative orders just in morality of the structure of that specific law and the reason
for fulfilling the activity comes from a cause.
The universal law always stated that we should: act always as if you could will your action to
become a Universal Maxim, by this we should take into account that we should always act
according to a rule which can be practical in all sorts of situations and also to all people. Kant also
states that we should: Treat people as ends in themselves and never as means, when we decide to act
upon a situation we should make sure that we treat people the way that you would treat yourself
therefore equally and fairly. Finally, we should act always as if, by your actions, you were a
legislator in the universal kingdom of ends, you should conduct yourself as if your actions are based
on assumptions and the way others would act morally and treat people as ends not means. Kant
believed that people should 'not lie ' as this was a rule which is applied universally and in general it
is written in the 10 commandments and therefore it is our duty to obey the rule, for example if
someone was going to be killed and the killer told you to tell them where that person was, you
would be obliged to tell them the truth even if this meant that the person would be killed, without
lying to the killer you could gather help and help this person from getting killed in a different way,
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Compter Science Essay
Computer Exam Review
Most programming languages are now presented within an ____. Integrated Development
A high–level language program is called a(n) ____ program. Source
Programming statements in a low–level language will be close to natural language and will use
standard mathematical notation. False
After we normalize a number, its first significant digit is immediately to the left of the binary point.
"Print the value of product" is an example of a(n) ____ operation Output
In early programming languages, conserving machine resources was not an issue. False
A ____ involves developing a clear, concise, and unambiguous statement of the exact problem the
software is to solve. problem specification ... Show more content on ...
Machine language is also known as ____ code. Object
The two parts of a "while" statement are known as the loop head and the loop body. False
A(n) ____ definition defines a nonterminal symbol in terms of itself recursive
A stark black/white image has greater storage requirements than an image represented using a gray
scale. False
Having an infinite loop in an algorithm is an error. True
The outputs in the full adder are the sum digit and the new ____ digit. Carry
The two digits, ____, are frequently referred to as bits. 0 and 1
Analog signals must first be digitized to be stored in the computer. True
A purely ____ algorithm is sometimes termed a straight–line algorithm. sequential
In assembly language, the programmer must take a microscopic view of a task, breaking it down
into tiny subtasks at the level of what is going on in individual _ memory locations is the rules for
exactly how statements must be written in a programming language. Syntax
To create a loop that executes exactly b times, we create a ____. Counter
One of the most powerful features of a computer is its ability to handle loops. True
The object code for a task that needs to be performed often can be stored in a(n) _ code library is
where the compiler polishes and fine–tunes the translation so that it runs a little faster or occupies a
little less memory. Optimization
Pattern matching can only
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Differences Between An Imperative Programming Language And...
Describe the differences between an imperative programming language and a non–imperative
programming language. Imperative languages are based on the sequential execution of instructions
that direct the computer system what steps to take in order to come up with a solution to a problem.
This is achieved by the programmer setting states, such as assigning data to memory, altering states,
and controlling the sequence of instructions (University of the People, n.d.). In order to achieve this,
the programmer must have a complete plan of the process the computer will use achieve a solution.
Issues that can arise with imperative languages are side effects caused by the status of states being
altered in some unintentional fashion because the computer is executing the instructions, as outlined,
by the programmer. In non–imperative languages, the necessity of controlling the sequence of
execution is less important. Attention in the language is instead focused on what data is needed,
what the problem is, and what result output you are looking for. The programmer needs to be able to
define the problem and result for which they are seeking a solution, but the computer decides, based
on built–in functions of the language, how to return the solution to the problem. As no states are
altered as part of non–imperative languages programs, there are no issues with side effects
(University of the People, n.d.). Discuss an example of where you would use an imperative language
and a situation
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Gone, Baby, Gone
Library Assignment: Kant's Categorical Imperative (Deontology)
Movie: Gone, Baby, Gone The categorical imperative is something we are fundamentally required to
do irrespective of how we feel about doing it, and even if others around us are telling us to do
something completely different. In other words, we must always do this. The categorical imperative
is also a priority, which means it will always be and have always been morally good. As such, we
have a duty to recognize, and accept, its moral validity and finality. This means that the categorical
imperative is not good on the basis of any effects or consequences it might produce, or even because
someone or something else tell us it is good to do it. It is simply good in itself. ... Show more
content on ...
The second premise, Doyle used Amanda as a means to an end. He did not respect the Amanda's
dignity. He had lost his daughter, victim of a kidnapping, and he needed to fill the loss of his
daughter, so he took advantage of the position he had as a police captain to use some detectives to
get help. Also, he did not care his job and his reputation, so he took the responsability of the Remy
behave, and he quit his job supposedly. In reality, he did it because he wanted to move out of the city
with Amanda.
And the third premise, Doyle did not follow a moral conduct which establishes that there is an
universal law governing other chief police or any police member to act in the right way in the same
circumstances. The universal law in this case forces Doyle to bring back the child to her mother and
not kidnap her. He acted as a imperative person because he just took a decision based on his own
needs. In conclusion, although at the end of the movie, the director shows Amanda in a situation that
Doyle predicted, Doyle did not do the right thing kidnapping the child. He had to respect his duty as
a chief police and not to use Amanda to fill the loss of his dead
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C Language
The C programming language (often, just "C") is a general–purpose, procedural, imperative
computer programming language developed in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie for use on the
Unix operating system. It has since spread to many other operating systems, and is now one of the
most widely used programming languages. C also has had a great influence on many other popular
languages,[1] especially [[C++]] which was originally designed as an enhancement to C. It is the
most commonly used programming language for writing system software,[2][3] though it is also
widely used for writing applications. Though not originally designed as a language for teaching, and
despite its somewhat unforgiving character, C is commonly used in computer science ... Show more
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The relatively low–level nature of the language affords the programmer close control over what the
program is doing, while allowing solutions that can be specially tailored and aggressively optimized
for a particular platform. This allows the code to run efficiently on very limited hardware, such as
mass–produced consumer embedded systems, which today are as capable as the general–purpose
machines originally used to implement C.
A number of the above missing features are available
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Branching, Logic And Functions
Branching, Logic and Functions Katheryn Farney IT3348 Professor Charles Lively Capella
University Executive Summary Noname Financial Inc. is a company focused on providing various
financial services to its customers, including payroll management. The company is well established
and has been conducting business for over 25 years. The competitive atmosphere of the current
market, empowered by new technologies and evolving software has driven the company to seek
assistance from the Capella Software Development Firm. The company has asked Capella SDF to
design and develop a simple software program which will take the input of hours worked and output
the weekly gross income based on a 40 hour work week. Capella SDF will ... Show more content on ...
As a result of this responsibility, the CIO should be involved in the development process to ensure it
meets expectations and is able to be incorporated into the current system at the organization.
Department Lead – The lead for the department which handles the payroll functions of the company
is another stakeholder. This department will be the one utilizing the software and the opinion and
desires of the lead person within that department should be considered heavily when designing and
developing the software. Chief Executive Officer – The goal of any project within an organization is
to meet the expectations of the CEO. Often times the CEO has representatives to speak on his/her
behalf; however, his/her opinion should be held in the highest regard, as the funds for the project
often requires their approval. Customer – While his software is being developed for the company, its
ability to utilize this software to create happy customers is the end goal. In this regard, the
expectations of the customer should be considered to ensure that the software meets all the
functionality expected of the customer who utilizes the financial companies services. Collaboration
Plan The goal of Capella SDF is to ensure that the maximum collaboration is achieved between the
stakeholder and the development firm. This requires an effective collaborative plan in order to
ensure that the stakeholders are able to voice their concerns and requirements throughout the
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Kant 's Theory Of Morality
Previous philosophical ideas of morality suggest that humans are rational beings whose actions are
motivated by passions. They also suggest that reason is an essential tool in guiding the passions to
realize an end goal. Philosopher Immanuel Kant suggests otherwise. He believes that humans are
rational beings whose actions are motivated and caused by reason alone. Kant proposed three basic
laws: laws of nature–physical facts, laws of logic–known through pure reason, and laws of
morality–giving us freedom to act or not. Kant focuses on the laws of morality and how they are
revealed through reason and rationality. He tells us that all rational beings have a rational will that is
used for choosing to act in response to reasons. He also explains how a good will is the only
absolutely good thing and is what determines morality. Kant's theory provides the difference
between right and wrong, a reliable guide to action, and a particular conception of human nature. I
agree with Kant's theory in that it provides a useful explanation of what constitutes as a right or
wrong action based on the application of the moral law. However, I do not believe that his
application extends fully to every situation. Kant does not leave room for flexibility, actions are
black and white. Morality, however, does not appear to be a universal idea between every person in
every situation.
I. Kant believes that humans are rational beings and that rationality, or reason, is what drives us to
act or not
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How Technology Has Changed Our Lives
Information technology has become a critical aspect and central part of every business today. An
effective IT system is a very important part that is comprised of several different functional elements
and each of these must work properly so that the system run as smoothly as possible. This paper will
discuss the five core technologies in an effective IT system and how they interact with one another.
The five core technologies include, Computer Programs and Programming, Computer Networks,
Databases, Information Assurance, and Web Technologies.
New technologies have caused a shift in our culture in many ways. The way we consume news,
listen to music, watch movies, and even how we purchase everyday items. As technology changes so
will our culture and communication and it is important that we continue to improve on them. Many
of the advancements in technology have changed our way of life for the better. Learning how to
construct a computer program is almost like learning a foreign language and the more you practice
the better at it you become. Learning how to program inspires creativity and the power to impact the
world. Computer programming involves developing lists of instructions often referred to as a code
or coding. Computer programs can develop video games, graphics and animations and even allow
students to attend class via online. Programing involves skilled attention to detail. Programmers can
also rewrite, debug, maintain and test (and retest and retest) software and
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Worst Case Ontario-Best Case Scenario
//first assignment //explanation for requirement A //–––WORST CASE SCENARIO––– //for worst
case scenario i think of how this program flow more visually //if n is 10 then then the first iteration
will take 10 checks, after that it will be nine, 8 and so on //if you imagine each iteration as the length
of the line, you will end up seeing a triangle //take the area of the triangle and you will end up with
(n^2)/2 as the worst case scenario //–––BEST CASE SCENARIO––– //it will basically be based off
of best case but with variation //the inner loop is unavoidable in this case so it's still going to be
close to and less than (n^2)/2 #include #include #include #include using namespace std; //put these
as global for simpler management of resources ... Show more content on ...
//populate the array and print it for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){ //assign an int between 99 and 0 to i
position in array arr[i] = rand() % 100; } }; //performs the selectionSort void selectionSort(){
//declare the variables to keep track of int positionToSort, index; int minAtIndex; //move the lowest
value to the next position based on positionToSort //last value is sorted once you get to it so no need
to perform sort on that part for(positionToSort = 0; positionToSort < length – 1; positionToSort++){
///c1 * n //keeps track of the index of the lowest value minAtIndex = positionToSort; ///c2 * (n – 1)
//check to the right side of the array(the unsorted part), split by the positionToSort counter for(index
= positionToSort + 1; index < length; index++){ ///c3 * sum(from position + 1 to length + 1) //fun
fact, unique or no, it doesn't change the program flow //check if the next value to check is lower than
the current value if(arr[index] < arr[minAtIndex]){///c4 * sum(from position + 1 to length)
minAtIndex = index; ///c5 * sum(from position + 1 to length) } } //swap the two
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Why should my conscience bother me?
Fin 330
Hand in Problem
"Wy Should My Conscience Bother Me?"
Howard Hehrer
1. Identify some of the moral issues that are present in this case.
a. There are many moral issues, but the story seems to revolve around several cases of 'passing the
buck', or rationalizing how small of a part each respective individual plays in the conspiracy. In most
of these cases, like Gretzinger's scuffle with Line, the individual is charged with risking his job for
potentially little or no change. Each instance seems to have stemmed from the inability of anyone to
challenge the hot–headed Warren and his faulty design. As the conspiracy developed further, to
speak out about the conspiracy would mean a less believable narrative. This ... Show more content
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b. Using Utilitarianism argue why the decision was bad.
i. The results show that more harm was done than good. LTV was worse off, and the Air Force was
worse off. The plant may have been okay in the end, but clearly redesigning the wheel at the
expense of the anger of one hot–headed engineer (Warren) and possibly the job of himself (Lawson)
would have caused less harm than the results of the resulting conspiracy.
c. Using Kant's Categorical Imperative argue why the decision was bad.
i. If all engineers decided to 'go along with the plan', instead of employing their technical skills and
standing up against fraud or conspiracy to commit fraud, many people would die from faulty
inventions. Nobody would be able to trust what an engineer built. Further, if all people decided to
'go along with the plan' or if all people decided to lie, everybody would be worse off. Nobody could
trust anyone, and nothing would get done as a society. Therefore, nobody should lie or go along with
a lie, according to the Categorical Imperative.
6. There are several points in this narrative where there were opportunities to fix the problem. Pick
out at least two examples of points at which moral imagination and or moral courage by the various
participants could have headed off the catastrophe. Indicate the person and what they could have
done to fix the problem.
a. Lawson
i. Lawson displayed courage by approaching Sink and later
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To His Mistress Going to Bed, Good Morrow, Corinna's...
Seduction in To His Mistress Going to Bed, Good Morrow, Corinna's Going A– Maying, and To His
Coy Mistress
Throughout time, one of the greatest challenges mankind has faced is the sexual conquest of
womankind. In many cultures today, this challenge has evolved into an intricate courting process
that often involves buying the woman flowers, gifts, and meals to persuade her to have sex. Another
device that a man might use to seduce a woman is poetry. In the English language, the use of poetry
to seduce women may be traced back to the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Cavalier
poets such as Robert Herrick, John Donne, and Andrew Marvell embrace this method ... Show more
content on ...
Thus, Herrick, Donne, and Marvell's consistent poetic reliance upon logical rhetoric, first person
plural narration, and imperative, interrogative, and conditional statements signifies the veritable
influence of these devices to convince women to have sex in late sixteenth– and early seventeenth–
century England.
While Herrick's famous "Corinna's Going A–Maying" depends primarily on imperative statements,
it also features logical rhetoric and first person plural narration. Likewise, the overpowering
ingredient in Donne's "Eligy XIX: To His Mistress Going to Bed" is also the imperative statement,
although he also includes a dash of logic and interrogation. Similarly, Donne arranges interrogative
statements, logical reasoning, and first person plural narration into "The Good Morrow." Marvell's
"To His Coy Mistress" is particularly unique in its ample use of conditional statements in
combination with other devices. To reiterate, the recurrence of literary elements in seduction poetry
around the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries in England clearly demonstrates their
persuasive impact upon women of the time.
Often considered to be the greatest Cavalier poet, Herrick focuses on pastoral themes and English
village customs in his poetry. "Corinna's Going A–Maying," a
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Jeremy Bentham : A Man Of Many Hats
Jeremy Bentham was a man of many hats. He was a British philosopher, a jurist, and a social
reformer. He fought for women's rights, animal rights, the end of slavery, the separation between
church and state, and many other things. Many of these beliefs were very radical for his time and
very forward thinking. Bentham was the founder of utilitarianism, the belief that human beings by
nature strive for pleasure and the avoidance of pain and evaluating a human being based on their
consequences and their net pleasure and pain. Immanual Kant was a Prussian philosopher. He has a
hard childhood with both of his parents dying before he left university. Kant was a religious man,
but viewed his Protestant religion through a philosopher's eye. Kant ... Show more content on ...
The first six factors are relevant in both community settings and as an individual. The first factor
that needs to be taken into account is which action gives us the most intense pleasure. The second
factor is how long are the pleasures and the pains going to last. The third factor is how certain is it
that the pleasure and/or pain is going to occur. The fourth factor is how soon after the action will the
pleasure and pain result. The fifth factor is how likely will the pleasure and/or pain give rise to more
pleasure and/or pain later. The sixth factor is how likely will the pleasure that results give rise to
future pains, and vice versa. The seventh and last factor that one must consider is how much
pleasure and/or pain will your action cause for others.
Bentham believed that the ethical work of an action is based on only the consequences and the net
gain of pleasure and pain throughout their lifetime, called consequentialism. To Bentham, ones
intentions play no role in judging an action, only the outcome of the action. As long as the action
produce more pleasure than pain, it does not matter why you committed the action. Because of this,
Bentham has to be okay with the idea of torture, even torturing an innocent, because there is a
possibility that it would serve many, so the pleasure would outweigh the pain.
Bentham argues that these beliefs must be correct because most people agree with it some of the
time and that this is
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The Abuse Of Prescription Neuro Enhancers
Throughout my college experience I have seen many students turn to prescription drugs so they can
stay awake longer and increase their ability to focus. When caffeine and energy drinks no longer cut
it, many students believe stimulants will improve their grades. I first learned of cognitive
enhancement drugs (CEDs), such as Ritalin, Adderall, and Provigil, in high school as a secret
advantage students would use during testing like the ACT. However, in college these CEDs are
much more widely used, usually as recreational "study drugs," due to their ability to help students
focus their energy and concentration to a much higher level than normal. In this paper, I will argue
that 1) the abuse of prescription neuro–enhancers cannot be ... Show more content on ...
If everybody used performance enhancing drugs the net result would be twofold: nobody would gain
competitive advantage and a number of side–effects would be suffered. In other words, the outcome
would be an increase in human suffering with no personal benefit, which no sane person could
possibly will. Furthermore, by applying the categorical imperative to this situation, we come to
realize the use of CEDs would be counterproductive towards one's imperfect duty to cultivate one's
talents. The college situation in particular is intended to provide intellectual and social stimulation in
order to personally develop and thus failing to cultivate personal talents does not promote the goal
of treating one's self as an intrinsically valuable being. When CEDs are used, one is choosing to
miss out on the process of psychological development that comes with challenges in order to rapidly
alleviate the frustration that we experience when faced with the inevitable challenges of college and
adult life. As a maxim the usage of "smart drugs" not only eliminates any competitive advantages
academically and causes mental damage, but it also decreases one's cultivation of talents. Therefore,
this maxim as a categorical imperative would be contradictory to one's desire to be successful and
happy. The use of CEDs to achieve success would be morally impermissible according to Kant, for
this action would fail to follow Kant 's duty of self–development by evading the cultivation of our
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Synopsis Of A Presentation On Programming Advancement
Presentation Programming advancement is a lavish, and regularly a troublesome methodology. It is
all around recorded that product activities are ordinarily over timetable, over spending plan and
regularly don 't meet client prerequisites. The fundamental issues are all connected with individuals
related issues. To address this issue, the Agile theory was presented in the mid 90 's with a related
arrangement of Agile routines. These techniques are particularly intended to enhance programming
venture group administration. Readiness in short intends to strip away however much of the
largeness, generally connected with conventional programming advancement techniques, as could
be expected, so as to elevate speedy reaction to evolving ... Show more content on
Maybe the most concerning issue with programming improvement is evolving necessities.
Coordinated methodologies acknowledge the truth of progress versus the chase for complete,
unbending particulars. There are spaces where prerequisites can 't change, yet most ventures have
evolving necessities. For most ventures promptly tolerating changes can really cost not as much as
guaranteeing prerequisites will never show signs of change [2][1]. Light–footed additionally implies
a central change in how undertakings are overseen. In the event that working programming is the
thing that you will convey then, measure your advancement by the amount you have at this time.
Administration style must be in light of accomplishing working programming a little at once. The
archives used to make venture points of reference may at present be valuable, however only not as a
measure of advancement [4]. Figure1 demonstrates a graphical diagram of what goes into Agile
strategies for programming advancement. Accomplishment of the Agile Development Approach
Lithe routines are in view of five fundamental standards characterized to bring down the expense of
progress amid the improvement and expand the clients ' contribution: 1) Customer 's contribution.
Close inclusion of clients in the advancement procedure is needed so as to give and organize
framework necessities, and assess framework 's emphasess. 2) Incremental improvement.
Framework ought to be created in
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Unit 4 Assignment 1 Comparative Study Of Programming...
COMP 6411
Comparative Study of Programming Languages
BFS & DFS with GUI
Assignment # 2
Submitted To: Prof. Javad Sadri
Submission Date: 2nd August, 2015
Submitted By: Khurram Shahzad
Concordia ID: 27186444
As the requirements and complexity of today's most modern world increasing; expectation from
computer programming languages also increasing, new techniques must be developed to effectively
design and create very large scale Integration solutions quickly. In order to do so choice of
technology and programming languages has a vital role that can give us quick, efficient and cost
effective solutions. For this assignment, our classical problem BFS and DFS are solved ... Show
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PHP use gc_collect_cycles – Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles.
PHP gives you more programming freedom and doesn't prompt naming convention as Java.
Java platform standardization is driven by Oracle, PHP by PHP Group. Both are standardized and
documented but PHP is not as documented as JLS.
Web Applications & Web Services Development
Both JSP and PHP are web based languages. Both have Mail Sending, File upload, form handling,
sessions in built not paralyse like asp classic that used to perform every 2nd function with help of
3rd party.
PHP is compiled and executed. JSP connect with Servlets and Java is compiled to bytecode,
bytecode is then compiled just–in–time that return to servlets to client browser.
Using in Start–ups and Prototyping
Java is easier to prototype in and thus to write start–ups. Conclusion
No matter which web programming language you use if we have to make our website efficient,
attractive and more functional we have to use java in any form. It could in form of javascript, jquery,
mootools, angularjs or node. Webstite can be made without using java as well but transition like
gallery rotation, tabs, menus, ajax and other client side design changes at run time would not be
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Linear Programming Processes For Optimization
Abstract: – This paper discusses the linear programming model. Also, it describes the general
conditions needed for utilizing linear programming processes for optimization. It expands on the
geometrical interpretation of these problems and relates the process to algebraic findings. In
addition, it discusses various algorithm utilized to solve optimization problems. Furthermore, it
explores the validity of solutions and weather the optimal solution is the best solution to the linear
programming problem
Key–Words: – canonical form, constraints, feasible solution, feasible region, infeasible solution,
interior point method, objective function, optimal solution, simplex method, slack variable, standard
form, unbounded region.
1 Introduction The focus of human nature has always been to derive and associate behaviors that
may occur in our daily routines. Throughout history, we have observed the necessity to understand
and derive those patterns. Once the comprehension is achieved, it is within our desire to determine if
the best possible way to reach a particular goal was attained. In our modern society, major
importance is placed on several fields to grasp comprehension on efficient ways to benefit and excel
based on all possible restrictions. Furthermore, due to limitation of resources, it is imperative to
consider as much information as possible to make adequate decisions and remain effective.
Concerns in providing efficiency and effectiveness have led to the
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Bsa 310 Week 2 Individual Assignment Essay
Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Buyer Program James L. Lewellen BSA/310 June 17, 2013 Thomas
Potts Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Buyer Program The intent behind the development of Kudler Fine
Foods Frequent Buyer Program is to increase the level of customer loyalty. The system will be
broken down into two different levels; the frequency of a buyers shopping with Kudler Fine Foods
and the amount of money that the buyer spends with each purchase. A program like this is typically
used as a marketing strategy that is "enabled by point–of–sale technology to record and store
customer purchases in exchange for rewards' (Appel, p. 156, 2006). A web–based shopping program
will be used to enhance the Frequent Buyer Program for Kudler Fine Foods. ... Show more content
on ...
Financial Analysis This initial cost of the startup of this program will be a minimal impact on
Kudler Fine Foods. The initial advertisement effort will be done via social media; the companies
Facebook page and Twitter account, email and word of mouth. Allowing for a reward system for
costumer referrals can be used for current and new customers as the programs is employed and
continues to grow. Rajiv and bell argue "customer retention costs are generally lower than customer
acquisition costs, companies are better of focusing attention on their more loyal customers
especially since the top 20% of customers account for 80% of revenues and often more than 100%
of profits" (p. 180, 2003). Kudler Foods could reduce their marketing expenses by using a customer
loyalty system through the use of rewards. The sales increase from this program should be reflected
by the increase of new customers and the increased returning customers increased spending. The use
of seasonal promotions only available to costumers enrolled into the frequent buyers program could
also help in increased sales profits. Conclusion A frequent shopper program can be a successful tool
is used correctly by a company. The difficult task will always be bringing in new costumers. This
program should allow for the retention of existing customers with Kudler Fine Foods. A rewards
points system should be used for the exchange of
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Comp230-Intro to Scripting Essay
Week 1 Week 1 – Quiz A 1. The name of the service that controls the queue of print jobs with the
Window NET command is ______. SPOOLER 2. Which of the following Windows commands will
shutdown and restart your computer in 2 minutes? Shutdown –r –t 120 3. Which Windows shutdown
command switch is sued to log off the current user of the local computer? –l 4. Which one of the
following Windows AT commands specifies an action that will take place at 3:00 p.m.? At 15:00
command 5. From the Start/Run dialog, the command used to open the 32–bit Windows command
prompt is ______. cmd 6. The Windows CLI command used to turn off the display of the current
command in a batch file is ______. @command Week1 – Quiz B 1. Which ... Show more content on ...
ServiceName? DELETE 2. The netsh command that will set the IP Address of the interface name
"NIC" to with a metric of 1 is _____. netsh interface ip set address
"NIC" source=static 1 3. Which of the following Windows
commands will shutdown and power down the computer FileServer in 2 minutes? shutdown –s –m
FileServer –t 120 4. Which one of the following Windows AT commands specifies an action that
will take place at 3:00 p.m.? at 15:00 command 5. The Windows CLI command that is used to
display the search path for the executable files is _____. path 6. The Windows CLI command used
to turn off the display of the current command in a batch file is _____. @command Week 1 – Quiz
G 1. Which one of the following Windows NET commands will allow other computers to access the
C:Data directory under the share name UserData? NET SHARE UserData=C:Data 2. The netsh
command that will set the IP Address of the interface name "NIC" to a DHCP supplied IP address is
_____. netsh interface ip set address "NIC" source=dhcp 3. Which Windows shutdown command
switch is used to log off the current user of the local computer? –1 4. Which Windows shutdown
command switch is used to shutdown and turn off a local or remote computer? /s 5. From the
Start/Run dialog, the command used to open the 32–bit Windows command prompt is _____. cmd 6.
The Windows CLI command
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Designing A Language For The Banking Problem
This essay is written to design a language that is suitable for the banking problem. The banking
sector is related to the business areas. Banking sector provide services to their customers and
security of their customer's money to them. Banking is also evolved in the finance areas also. There
are many programming languages that have been widely used for the business applications of
computers. Some of these languages are java, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, Python, PHP, C/C++
etc. Each language has its own features and characteristics, syntax, compilation and interpreter
methods and also has exception handling and maintenance also. So, here I am going to design a new
language that is use for the banking problem domain. The language is IBPL (Internet Business
Programming Language). This language has its own features, scope, characteristics, maintenance
and its compilation and interpretation methods. This language is different from all the existing
languages. In this essay I am going to describe about my language i.e. IBPL (Internet Business
Programming Language), its purpose of designing, its features, its characteristics, its compilation
and interpretation, its expressivity, type checking, Orthogonality, its simplicity, its data types and
support for abstraction, its readability, writability and its reliability etc.
So, in this I am going to write an essay to design a new language for the problem domain of
This essay is written to design a language that is
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Reverse Arthroplasty
One of Omaha's best orthopedic surgeons, Dr. Dolf R. Ichtertz, can be found at Nebraska Hand &
Shoulder Institute, P.C. Dr. Ichtertz has been performing shoulder surgeries since 1985. He is
especially adept at one of the newest and most effective types of rotator cuff surgery, reverse total
shoulder replacement.
Reverse total shoulder replacement arthroplasty (RTSA) is a type of shoulder surgery that
successfully relieves persistent pain that can occur following the rupture of the rotator cuff. RTSA is
an innovative solution to a common, debilitating shoulder problem. It was approved by the FDA in
the early 2000s. Without a rotator cuff people can experience loss of shoulder function, arthritic
decay, pain with use of the shoulder and even
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Information Systems And Data Security
Information systems and data security to organization has in the recent years increased drastically. A
computer can be illustrated as a device that is mainly use to process data into information which is
useful to the user. The expert who deal with Information and technology related safety measures are
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Student Population Is Esl High School Students

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  • 3. Utilitarianism Is A Good Ethical Theory 1. When an individual says that Utilitarianism is a good ethical theory because it justifies conventional moral wisdom they believe that because this theory maintains conservative principles and only has minimal mistakes, there is a valid purpose to favor this theory over any other theory that is presented. Utilitarianism does not support the notion of popular judgment but when comparing the other theories, utilitarianism does have fewer conflicts than any other theory. In other words although utilitarianism flaws in certain areas, it is the most precise in vindicating conventional moral wisdom. And so, when an individual claims that Utilitarianism is a good ethical theory, they are basing it upon it being successful to closely attain or preserve traditional ideologies. 2. An imperative as best as I can describe it, is a command of an intention or reason for doing an action. There are two types of imperatives hypothetical and categorical and the dissimilarity between them is that they are both formulated differently. Hypothetical imperatives are conditional while categorical imperatives are unconditional. For example in hypothetical imperative if you strive to achieve point B, then you should do A, notice how conditions are applied and are only pertinent if and only the individual desires for it to happen. However in the case of categorical imperative, the command is unconditional and has no absolute motives for example, you have to achieve point A or you cannot achieve ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Developing A Curriculum Design That Promotes The... A1. There are many challenges when developing a curriculum design that promotes the transition of nursing students from an associate degree nurse (ADN) to baccalaureate degree nurse (BSN). Faculty must recognize the importance of creating strategies needed to keep the ADN students abreast of new developments in the curriculum. It is beneficial to conduct monthly informational town hall meetings that will keep the ADN students up–to–date on scheduled meetings in order to promote a high level of participation. The town hall meetings will also include discussions about new opportunities, and curriculum development. The BSN program structure expectations will also be discussed. The augmented requirements for the transition and completion of ... Show more content on ... The curriculum development committee will play a major part in decision–making, and will be responsible for sharing ideas with the current ADN students. This will foster a welcoming environment for the upcoming change, as the identity and goals of the college evolves. A2. Faculty will be required to implement two strategies in order to guarantee that community and health care agencies stay well–informed about the new curriculum development and progression. Transparent communication is essential between all agencies involved. It is not unlikely that the involved agencies will not be able to attend all the town hall meetings. The faculty has also considered alternate strategies for communication. These communications can occur via email, face–to–face encounters, or web–based conferences. The faculty will communicate information to the CEO and members of leadership regarding the developing program and curriculum. Information pamphlets and newsletters will also be created. This will outline current changes. Again, faculty will encourage many modes of open communication so that the agency 's questions and concerns can be addressed timely and accurately. This frequent and prompt distribution of program status will promote understanding of progress as well as anticipated changes. The communication process strategies utilized between the community and healthcare agencies will foster transparency and trust. These attributes are a significant ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Essay on Comparing and Contrasting Utilitarianism and... Comparing and Contrasting Utilitarianism and Kantianism An Analysis of Confidentiality 1. Introduction Has anyone of us witnessed a team discussing an ethical decision involving a specific case study with many conflicting versions of the story? It is interesting to follow. Some of the debate participants feel so confident about being "right" that they will persist until they win the hearts of their opponents. Some participants will just waffle and attempt to analyze the situation from variant dimensions (Lukas 72). Analyzing a specific Case Study relating to terms of confidentiality, this document looks into definitions of morality under two independent systems– Kantianism and Utilitarianism theoretical approaches. This paper seeks to ... Show more content on ... Impartial decisions are made on reason and are void of influence from aspects like rank, gender, religion or even ethnicity. Just as is the case with Utilitarianism, Kantianism equally upholds the importance of selflessness so that people involved in a debate choose to factor in the repercussions their decision would have on their peers. The one uncontested mechanism would involve the gesture of offering equal opportunities to persons involved to express themselves without discrimination. The next stage involves a critical analysis of the just described theoretical systems. We will explore the factors and influences involved in a chosen Case Study where personal influences are involved. Thereafter, we will look into different approaches a Kantian and a Utilitarian would address the issue and the reasons behind. It will be imperative to understand the actual factors influencing decisions under each of the moral systems identified (Lukas 22). 2. Comparative Analysis 2.1 Theory: Utilitarianism a) Pleasure versus Pain: For a long time, Utilitarianism has been used to refer to different perspectives commonly falling under the semblance of this theoretical deportment (Lukas 43). To take the point of reference closer home, the paper will attempt to sum up the main theoretical perspectives of this ethical structure. For a significant portion, Utilitarianism identifies and distinguishes two absolutes in the universe: pain and pleasure. Moral law is shaped and ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Carl Sanburg Grass Analysis "Most times, it's just a lot easier not to let the world know what's wrong." says Chuck Palahniuk, and American Author. Covering things up is one thing that humanity has officially mastered. Humanity constantly fights, kills, and commits horrid acts; sometimes even for no good reason at all. But who is the one that will always be there to cover it up? Well, in Carl Sanburg's poem "Grass", that 'who' is the grass itself. It becomes clear that no human can cover up his or her own mistakes, so the grass has to be the one to do the dirty work. Carl Sanburg, in his poem "Grass", uses proper nouns, syntax, and imperative tense to prove that humanity will repeatedly try to destroy itself, and the grass will always hold the power to cover it up. Bunker Hill, Yorktown, and Normandy are all great battles in American history, and they are also distinguished choices for proper nouns when trying to prove the point of human destruction. However, Sanburg didn't use these proper nouns. He wrote about "Austerlitz", "Waterloo", "Gettysburg", "Ypres", and "Verdun". (1, 3, 4, 5) While Gettysburg was a pivotal point in American history, it was not chosen in this text for the size of the battle, but rather for the number of casualties and for the amount of blood spilled on the battlefield. In fact, all of these battles were chosen for this same reason. But why would an author choose battles with more casualties over battles that are better known for a massive victory, or even a massive loss? This ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Analysis Of Justin Bieber 's Latest Hair Cut The news media, an industry focusing on major global stories ranging from geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, to a gossip piece on Justin Bieber's latest hair cut, through to a humble suburban story on the local school fete; the desire to know what is going on in the world around us is at our core as a people. Journalists are by and large the guardians of truth and accountability within our society. The public entrusts the fourth estate to vigorously hold those in public life to account, to seek out injustice, to sift fact from fiction, to expose corruption and to inform the people so we might make an informed judgement on the events that shape our modern era. The camera that captures no lies and sees all that dare venture in front of its lens has the power to inspire, but it also has the power to horrify. The pictures broadcast to our TV sets or viewable on our mobile devices show us humanity at its best, whilst depicting us at our most repugnant. Whilst the camera may not lie about this nature skilful editing can. The question therefore arises, to what extent do commercial imperatives conflict with the work of journalists? Does the desire for ever increasing ratings and the ensuing increase in advertising revenue drive our media practitioners towards unethical behaviour and if so, what can be done to ensure ethical practice within a commercial media context? In this essay, we will explore these questions by looking at what the role of a journalist actually is, ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Examples Of 0-1 Knapsack Problem CHAPTER 2 0–1 KNAPSCAK PROBLEM 2.1 The 0–1 Knapsack Problem (KP) The Knapsack Problem is a combinatorial optimization problem, which search out a best solution from among many other feasible solutions. It is concerned with a fixed size knapsack that has positive integer capacity (or volume) C. There are n numbers of distinct items that may potentially be placed in the knapsack. Item i has a positive integer capacity Ci and integer benefit Bi. In addition, there is Ki quantity of item i available, where quantity Ki is an integer with positive value satisfying 1 ≤ Ki ≤∞. Let Xi determines how much quantity of item i are to be filled into the knapsack. The aim is to: Maximize N ∑ Bi Xi i = 1 Subject to the constraints N ∑ Ci Xi ≤C i = 1 And ... Show more content on ... However, it needed more memory because recursive called to demand additional memory. Overall memory function is more efficient than dynamic programing. 2.2.4 Greedy Algorithm Greedy programing is a mathematical technique that is based on the recursive creation of an object for every possible unit. Recursion is a process in which a particular solution is depends upon results that are coming out from the smaller units of same problem. The benefit of greedy algorithms is that it is straightforward and easy but it is used for short term solution only. Some Greedy strategies to solve the 0/1 Knapsack problem: 1. Select the item which has the maximum value than other item this expand the knapsack value as speedily. 2. Select the lightest item and remove it from knapsack that allowing more items to be filled in the knapsack. 3. Select the items which have a high value per weight as possible. By all these three strategies. We got the optimal solution with the third strategy –high value–to– weight ratios of items.
  • 14. ALGORITHM GreedyAlgorithm (Weights [1 ... N], Values [1 ... ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Swot Analysis : The Business Sector Essay Costumer may decide to permit limited access to Costumers data. Costumer would need to secure the level of access they wish to have and to set up the applicable PIN numbers. Costumer are in charge of keeping all PIN numbers secure. IBM will be qualified for permit anybody utilizing costumers PIN to demand data or follow up for your sake. On the off chance that Costumer give IBM any directions, IBM may need time to check them before we follow up on them. IBM to be marginally undervalued because of the characteristic esteem inside its portfolio that is not perceived in the offer cost. It is a well–known wonder/aberrance that the value business sector is esteeming IBM at a markdown to crucial quality. Certain advantages controlled by the gathering are neglecting to satisfactorily help IBM 's offer cost. Experts differ to the degree with which the business sector is marking down the cost from its entirety of parts. This valuation is focused around the preface that administration hold fast to the sketched out methodology to understand this quality through divestures and transfers of select failing to meet expectations resources, for example, Verizon Wireless (VZW) and SFR. Understanding may be needed for the gathering to acknowledge esteem in this way, however the stock is still upheld by a 9.81% Dividend yield (7.51p) with a yearly focused on development of 9%. Case Study 2: The Role of a Computer Programmer Innovation is a lifestyle nowadays the same number of ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Plsql Chap7 Sols Essay PL/SQL Chapter 7 Solutions Review Questions 1. B 2. D 3. A,D 4. C,D 5. B,D 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. D 11. The user_objects view can be used to determine all the packages that exist in the database. In the query, use a WHERE clause to select the rows that contain the term 'PACKAGE' in the object type column. Selecting the text column of the user_source view will list all the source code lines in the package. Use a WHERE clause on the name column to select a single package. 12. If there are values referenced continually in the application, storing them in packaged variables will allow the values to only be retrieved once thus saving data retrieval processing. The values in global constructs are persistent for the entire user session. ... Show more content on ... END; / SELECT order_info_pkg.ship_name_pf(idBasket) FROM bb_basket WHERE idBasket = 12; Assignment 7–3 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE order_info_pkg IS PROCEDURE basket_info_pp (p_basket IN NUMBER, p_shop OUT NUMBER, p_date OUT DATE, p_name OUT VARCHAR2); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY order_info_pkg IS FUNCTION ship_name_pf
  • 19. (p_basket IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS lv_name_txt VARCHAR2(25); BEGIN SELECT shipfirstname||' '||shiplastname INTO lv_name_txt FROM bb_basket WHERE idBasket = p_basket; RETURN lv_name_txt; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid basket id'); END ship_name_pf; PROCEDURE basket_info_pp (p_basket IN NUMBER, p_shop OUT NUMBER, p_date OUT DATE, p_name OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN SELECT idshopper, dtordered INTO p_shop, p_date FROM bb_basket WHERE idbasket = p_basket; p_name := ship_name_pf(p_basket); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid basket id'); END basket_info_pp; END; / SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE lv_name_txt VARCHAR2(20); lv_id_num NUMBER(4); lv_ord_dat DATE; BEGIN order_info_pkg.basket_info_pp(12,lv_id_num, lv_ord_dat, lv_name_txt); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(lv_name_txt); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(lv_id_num); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(lv_ord_dat); END; / Assignment 7–4 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE login_pkg IS pv_id_num NUMBER(3); pv_zip3_num NUMBER(3); FUNCTION login_ck_pf (p_user IN VARCHAR2, p_pass ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Kantian Ethics One of the beautiful things about Kantian ethics is that it is based on the individual. The individual can decide if their actions are worth doing to another person by weighing if the person would want the action done to them. The Kantian point of view is completely different from the Utilitarian point of view because the Kantian point of view deals with the individual, whereas the Utilitarian point of view deals with the group and the needs of the group. When you hear the words "basic human rights" or the word "right," normally that responds to the individual, and rights in many cases are from the Kantian viewpoint. For instance, when a police officer responds to someone in need, they are responding from a Kantian viewpoint – the ... Show more content on ... How does that define humanity as an end? The givers understand that takers have to view them as equals; the takers must accept that givers provide the beauty and acceptance that they need. Humanity is made up of people on both sides of the argument and those in between. By using one person, a taker, in all actuality, forms a dependent relationship on that person, or group of people, to provide for their needs. A giver sustains a taker by continuously giving them what they need. Kant said that nothing was good in itself except for a good will. By will he meant the ability to act from principle; only when we act from a sense of duty does our act have moral worth. We determine our duty by the categorical imperative. An example of good will would be to use the "Golden Rule," do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Kant uses this to say that a person's actions are reflected in their actions toward another person. As a person intends to do good to another person, that makes his effort fit within the categorical imperative. Kant believed that there was one command that was binding on all rational agents–the categorical imperative, that says that we must always act so that the maxim of our action can be consistently willed to be universal law. By maxim, Kant meant the principle or rule that people formulate to determine their conduct. If a maxim could ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. What Is Procedural Programming Paradigm Task 1 What is Procedural Programming Paradigm? In Information Technology(IT) jargon Programming is termed as an innovative process where the computer receives instructions how to perform a task as per the requirement or solving a specific problem. The various ways of attending to the process of programming is known as programming paradigms. Majority of programming language comes under one paradigm; contrary to this one could observe some languages having elements of multiple paradigms. Paradigm is a way where a specific code is arranged. A code comprises various commands or instructions there in relation to functions and or procedures. Most vital programming paradigms can be listed as Procedural paradigms and the object – oriented paradigms. Key ... Show more content on ... When a particular programme is taken into consideration you may find variables in it. This variable will be mainly applicable or belongs to that particular function and this is called a local variable. When variables are need within and outside the function is known to be a global variable. Produces Produces are some times called sub programme, routine or method which relates to sequence of orders to carry out the task. The main types of Programming Paradigm. Out of the vast numbers of programming paradigms that are available, the following are know to be some of the main types. 1. Functional 2. Logical 3. Imperative 4. Object oriented Functional In this type of programming which are considered as a subset of declarative programming. The use of expressions take place and programs created using this paradigm use functions based on the particular input or the instructions which are provided to the computer. Eg: Haskell Logical Logical paradigm use steps or instructions where are based on solving problems such as computation as automated reasoning over a body of
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  • 26. What Is Procedural Programming Paradigm Task 1 What is Procedural Programming Paradigm? In Information Technology(IT) jargon Programming is termed as an innovative process where the computer receives instructions how to perform a task as per the requirement or solving a specific problem. The various ways of attending to the process of programming is known as programming paradigms. Majority of programming language comes under one paradigm; contrary to this one could observe some languages having elements of multiple paradigms. Paradigm is a way where a specific code is arranged. A code comprises various commands or instructions there in relation to functions and or procedures. Most vital programming paradigms can be listed as Procedural paradigms and the object – oriented paradigms. Key ... Show more content on ... When a particular programme is taken into consideration you may find variables in it. This variable will be mainly applicable or belongs to that particular function and this is called a local variable. When variables are need within and outside the function is known to be a global variable. Produces Produces are some times called sub programme, routine or method which relates to sequence of orders to carry out the task. The main types of Programming Paradigm. Out of the vast numbers of programming paradigms that are available, the following are know to be some of the main types. 1. Functional 2. Logical 3. Imperative 4. Object oriented Functional In this type of programming which are considered as a subset of declarative programming. The use of expressions take place and programs created using this paradigm use functions based on the particular input or the instructions which are provided to the computer. Eg: Haskell Logical Logical paradigm use steps or instructions where are based on solving problems such as computation as automated reasoning over a body of
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  • 29. Stakeholders Of The Hospital 's Internal And External... Stakeholders are individuals who are involved in, have a vested interest in, or a "stake" in the success of an organization (Merriam–Webster, 2011), such as a hospital. Dr. DoRight is an influential decision maker as the President of the Universal Human Care Hospital and it is important for him to consider how his decisions and actions affect the stakeholders of the hospital. In the course of his daily activities Dr. Do Right will interact and impact many of the hospital's internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders are be committed to an organization's success. Often internal stakeholders will participate in the strategic development of coordinating resources to fund and sustain an operation. Examples of internal stakeholders which Dr. DoRight might engage daily would be: Director of Public Health, Head of Health Intelligence and Information, Director of Nursing, Public Health Strategists, Vice President of Human Relations or Members of the Board of Trustees (Markwell, 2010). External stakeholders are not directly connected to the organization; however, they are vested in the hospital's success as clients, business or community partners. These stakeholders have influence over organizational activities by contributing their views and experiences related to issues which are important to them. Medical providers or suppliers, Patient Advocacy Groups, Quality Assessors, the Media, and Heads of Local Community and Special Interest Groups are examples of external ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Programming Concepts : Programming Paradigms CMP2092M Programming Paradigms – Assignment One YAT13389566 Lewis Yates YAT13389566 Lewis Yates 1 CMP2092M Programming Paradigms Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Task One 3 Task Two 4 Task Three 8 SYNTAX 8 SEMANTICS 8 YAT13389566 Lewis Yates 2 CMP2092M Programming Paradigms YAT13389566 Lewis Yates 3 CMP2092M Programming Paradigms Task One The table below characterises the four main programming paradigms by their descriptions and scenarios in which they are suited to. Type of Paradigm Object–Oriented In this paradigm we associate behaviour with data–structures called Description Example "objects" which belong to classes, which are usually structured into a hierarchy. Functional Computations are expressed as the evaluation of mathematical functions, relying on immutability and statelessness. Logical Computations are expressed exclusively in terms of mathematical logic. The logic paradigm focuses on predicate logic, in which the basic concept is a relation. Imperative The language provides statements, such as assignment statements, class Dog { int age, weight ; string colour } ; public: void bark() { cout << "WOOF!" << endl;} john(x) + john(x) = 2*john(x) brother (X,Y) /* X is the brother of Y */ :– /* if there are two people F and M for which*/ father(F,X), /* F is the father of X */ father(F,Y), /* and F is the father of Y ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. A Day Of A Software Engineer Essay Yesusera Hailu WRT 205 February 15, 2014 A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer A software engineer is a licensed professional engineer who is schooled and skilled in the application of engineering and applies that discipline to the implementation and creation of software. A software engineer is often confused with a programmer, but the two are vastly different disciplines. In the field on computer science there are many misconceptions when it comes to the different disciplines within the field. With one of these misconceptions being what a software engineer is and does. Yes, being a software engineer does require you to have a foundation of programming skills but that doesn't mean that all they do on a day to day basis is sit at a desk all day and write lines after lines of code. As stated before software engineers are very often confused with computer programmers. Yes, both fields require skill sets in computers and programming languages but what people may not know is that they are two very different fields. Programmers create the code that makes the infrastructure for the software and they also make sure it runs and operate properly where the software engineer is responsible for design and implementation. Technology is slowly becoming our present world. Every day new apps, cell phones, electronics etc. are being created. Technology is a ever growing field and it's just going to keep growing. Technology essentially makes our lives easier. In this day and age ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Multitasking Experiment and Results Introduction Multitasking is part of everyday life. Daily routines from driving to work or school, to coming home, involve people handling more than one task at a time. At what point is it too much to handle before mistakes are being made? When someone answers a call on their cell phone while driving, that is multitasking, and that has shown to be hazardous. When a student is instant messaging and writing a paper at the same time, that is hazardous as well, but not in the way one would immediately think. Heavy media use may be associated with decreased social well–being and could cause harm on young adults psychological functioning. Also, people who often multitask with media such as the TV, the internet, etc, have shown instances in which there was a diminished ability to effectively filter non–important information cognitively. The usage of media that college students use today has increased by at least 20% in the last decade (Alzahabi & Becker, 2013). According to Stephen Monsell, everything people do requires a schema or task–set to perform that function. Mr. Monsell stated that we use executive control to pick and perform the proper task–set(s) that are necessary to complete our current goals or activities without being distracted to complete other unnecessary goals or activities (Monsell, 2003). Executive Control or Executive Function is a mental process that connects past experiences people have had with present actions they are going through. People use this when ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Methods Of Selection Statements: Böhm And Jacopini Selection Statements A selection statement offers the methods of selecting among two or more execution paths within a program. These statements are basic and essential parts of all languages, as proven by Böhm and Jacopini. The two basic categories of selection statements are: Two–way selectors (if–statement) o Design Issues o Control Expression o Clause Form o Nesting Selectors o Selector Expressions Multiple–way selectors (case–statement) o Design Issues o Examples of Multiple Selectors o Implementing Multiple Selection Structures o Multiple Selection Using if Figure 4.2.1: Example of Selection Statement Two–Way Selection Statements Even though the two–way selection statements of present languages are similar, here some differences ... Show more content on ... Another coded conditional branches is to place the case values and labels in a table. And also, use a linear search by a loop to find the exact label. It needs a less space better than the coded conditionals. Multiple Selection Using if In multiple situations, a switch or case statement is very poor for many selection. For example, once selections should be complete on the beginning of a Boolean expression rather than certain ordinal type, nested two–way selectors might be used to pretend a multiple selector. To ease the poor readability of nested two–way selectors, few languages, like Perl and Python, have been prolonged for particular use. The extension accepts some of the words to be left out. In specific, else–if sequences are changed with one special word, and the ending with special word on the nested when it is dropped. The nested selector is called an else–if clause. Let us consider the Python selector statement if count < 20 : bag1 = True elif count < 200 : bag2 = True elif count < 2000 : bag3 = True Note: else–if is written as elif in Python language The equivalent Python selector statement is if count < 20 : bag1 = True else : if count < 200 : bag2 = True else : if count < 2000 : bag3 = ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Programming Models Of Wsn System Research Proposal Title Programming Models of WSN System: A State–of–the–Art Survey Introduction There are a lot scenarios need different sensor nodes to collaborate and integrated on the air into networks to facilitate applications. The scaled–down censoring system presented below is an example of those wireless sensor networks (WSN). In this system sensors are different between corridors area and manufacturing area, since they need different precise level. Those sensors combined together by different wireless AP and provide services to different applications inside and outside the plant. This is where virtualization shines. Virtualization creates an uniformed environment in heterogeneous sensor networks. It bridge the gap between infrastructure and applications. And the network and sensor virtualization can achieved by the middleware. Middleware hide unnecessary details and complexity of the underlying heterogeneous infrastructures, like different sensor nodes and different wireless AP in the presented scenario. Software designs and programming approaches for the middleware design should facilitate the balance between communication and computing. Energy awareness, routing, efficient resource utilization and data delivery have always been the key parameters for an efficient programming model for WSN. Motivating Scenario Fig 1. A motivating example on dust–free manufacturing plant censoring. A simplified dust–free manufacturing plant censoring system is described below. ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. categorical imperative Explain with examples, Kant 's theory of the Categorical Imperative Kant believed that there is an 'objective moral law ' this meant, he did not depend on a point of view. If there is a moral law there is a duty to obey this law. To act morally, it is necessary to have a good will for example to help someone just because it would be the right thing to do in the certain situation. Morality is made up of 'categorical imperatives ' meaning that you should do something simply because they are the correct things to do, as you are expected to fulfill things in life this is called a certain 'duty '. Kant believed that there were specific categories on how to understand the world, we would understand them by: time, space and causality, ... Show more content on ... The Categorical imperative orders just in morality of the structure of that specific law and the reason for fulfilling the activity comes from a cause. The universal law always stated that we should: act always as if you could will your action to become a Universal Maxim, by this we should take into account that we should always act according to a rule which can be practical in all sorts of situations and also to all people. Kant also states that we should: Treat people as ends in themselves and never as means, when we decide to act upon a situation we should make sure that we treat people the way that you would treat yourself therefore equally and fairly. Finally, we should act always as if, by your actions, you were a legislator in the universal kingdom of ends, you should conduct yourself as if your actions are based on assumptions and the way others would act morally and treat people as ends not means. Kant believed that people should 'not lie ' as this was a rule which is applied universally and in general it is written in the 10 commandments and therefore it is our duty to obey the rule, for example if someone was going to be killed and the killer told you to tell them where that person was, you would be obliged to tell them the truth even if this meant that the person would be killed, without lying to the killer you could gather help and help this person from getting killed in a different way, ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Compter Science Essay Computer Exam Review Most programming languages are now presented within an ____. Integrated Development Environment A high–level language program is called a(n) ____ program. Source Programming statements in a low–level language will be close to natural language and will use standard mathematical notation. False After we normalize a number, its first significant digit is immediately to the left of the binary point. False "Print the value of product" is an example of a(n) ____ operation Output In early programming languages, conserving machine resources was not an issue. False A ____ involves developing a clear, concise, and unambiguous statement of the exact problem the software is to solve. problem specification ... Show more content on ... Input Machine language is also known as ____ code. Object The two parts of a "while" statement are known as the loop head and the loop body. False A(n) ____ definition defines a nonterminal symbol in terms of itself recursive A stark black/white image has greater storage requirements than an image represented using a gray scale. False Having an infinite loop in an algorithm is an error. True The outputs in the full adder are the sum digit and the new ____ digit. Carry The two digits, ____, are frequently referred to as bits. 0 and 1 Analog signals must first be digitized to be stored in the computer. True A purely ____ algorithm is sometimes termed a straight–line algorithm. sequential In assembly language, the programmer must take a microscopic view of a task, breaking it down into tiny subtasks at the level of what is going on in individual _ memory locations is the rules for exactly how statements must be written in a programming language. Syntax To create a loop that executes exactly b times, we create a ____. Counter One of the most powerful features of a computer is its ability to handle loops. True The object code for a task that needs to be performed often can be stored in a(n) _ code library is where the compiler polishes and fine–tunes the translation so that it runs a little faster or occupies a little less memory. Optimization Pattern matching can only ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Differences Between An Imperative Programming Language And... Describe the differences between an imperative programming language and a non–imperative programming language. Imperative languages are based on the sequential execution of instructions that direct the computer system what steps to take in order to come up with a solution to a problem. This is achieved by the programmer setting states, such as assigning data to memory, altering states, and controlling the sequence of instructions (University of the People, n.d.). In order to achieve this, the programmer must have a complete plan of the process the computer will use achieve a solution. Issues that can arise with imperative languages are side effects caused by the status of states being altered in some unintentional fashion because the computer is executing the instructions, as outlined, by the programmer. In non–imperative languages, the necessity of controlling the sequence of execution is less important. Attention in the language is instead focused on what data is needed, what the problem is, and what result output you are looking for. The programmer needs to be able to define the problem and result for which they are seeking a solution, but the computer decides, based on built–in functions of the language, how to return the solution to the problem. As no states are altered as part of non–imperative languages programs, there are no issues with side effects (University of the People, n.d.). Discuss an example of where you would use an imperative language and a situation ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Gone, Baby, Gone Library Assignment: Kant's Categorical Imperative (Deontology) Movie: Gone, Baby, Gone The categorical imperative is something we are fundamentally required to do irrespective of how we feel about doing it, and even if others around us are telling us to do something completely different. In other words, we must always do this. The categorical imperative is also a priority, which means it will always be and have always been morally good. As such, we have a duty to recognize, and accept, its moral validity and finality. This means that the categorical imperative is not good on the basis of any effects or consequences it might produce, or even because someone or something else tell us it is good to do it. It is simply good in itself. ... Show more content on ... The second premise, Doyle used Amanda as a means to an end. He did not respect the Amanda's dignity. He had lost his daughter, victim of a kidnapping, and he needed to fill the loss of his daughter, so he took advantage of the position he had as a police captain to use some detectives to get help. Also, he did not care his job and his reputation, so he took the responsability of the Remy behave, and he quit his job supposedly. In reality, he did it because he wanted to move out of the city with Amanda. And the third premise, Doyle did not follow a moral conduct which establishes that there is an universal law governing other chief police or any police member to act in the right way in the same circumstances. The universal law in this case forces Doyle to bring back the child to her mother and not kidnap her. He acted as a imperative person because he just took a decision based on his own needs. In conclusion, although at the end of the movie, the director shows Amanda in a situation that Doyle predicted, Doyle did not do the right thing kidnapping the child. He had to respect his duty as a chief police and not to use Amanda to fill the loss of his dead ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. C Language The C programming language (often, just "C") is a general–purpose, procedural, imperative computer programming language developed in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie for use on the Unix operating system. It has since spread to many other operating systems, and is now one of the most widely used programming languages. C also has had a great influence on many other popular languages,[1] especially [[C++]] which was originally designed as an enhancement to C. It is the most commonly used programming language for writing system software,[2][3] though it is also widely used for writing applications. Though not originally designed as a language for teaching, and despite its somewhat unforgiving character, C is commonly used in computer science ... Show more content on ... The relatively low–level nature of the language affords the programmer close control over what the program is doing, while allowing solutions that can be specially tailored and aggressively optimized for a particular platform. This allows the code to run efficiently on very limited hardware, such as mass–produced consumer embedded systems, which today are as capable as the general–purpose machines originally used to implement C. A number of the above missing features are available ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Branching, Logic And Functions Branching, Logic and Functions Katheryn Farney IT3348 Professor Charles Lively Capella University Executive Summary Noname Financial Inc. is a company focused on providing various financial services to its customers, including payroll management. The company is well established and has been conducting business for over 25 years. The competitive atmosphere of the current market, empowered by new technologies and evolving software has driven the company to seek assistance from the Capella Software Development Firm. The company has asked Capella SDF to design and develop a simple software program which will take the input of hours worked and output the weekly gross income based on a 40 hour work week. Capella SDF will ... Show more content on ... As a result of this responsibility, the CIO should be involved in the development process to ensure it meets expectations and is able to be incorporated into the current system at the organization. Department Lead – The lead for the department which handles the payroll functions of the company is another stakeholder. This department will be the one utilizing the software and the opinion and desires of the lead person within that department should be considered heavily when designing and developing the software. Chief Executive Officer – The goal of any project within an organization is to meet the expectations of the CEO. Often times the CEO has representatives to speak on his/her behalf; however, his/her opinion should be held in the highest regard, as the funds for the project often requires their approval. Customer – While his software is being developed for the company, its ability to utilize this software to create happy customers is the end goal. In this regard, the expectations of the customer should be considered to ensure that the software meets all the functionality expected of the customer who utilizes the financial companies services. Collaboration Plan The goal of Capella SDF is to ensure that the maximum collaboration is achieved between the stakeholder and the development firm. This requires an effective collaborative plan in order to ensure that the stakeholders are able to voice their concerns and requirements throughout the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Kant 's Theory Of Morality Previous philosophical ideas of morality suggest that humans are rational beings whose actions are motivated by passions. They also suggest that reason is an essential tool in guiding the passions to realize an end goal. Philosopher Immanuel Kant suggests otherwise. He believes that humans are rational beings whose actions are motivated and caused by reason alone. Kant proposed three basic laws: laws of nature–physical facts, laws of logic–known through pure reason, and laws of morality–giving us freedom to act or not. Kant focuses on the laws of morality and how they are revealed through reason and rationality. He tells us that all rational beings have a rational will that is used for choosing to act in response to reasons. He also explains how a good will is the only absolutely good thing and is what determines morality. Kant's theory provides the difference between right and wrong, a reliable guide to action, and a particular conception of human nature. I agree with Kant's theory in that it provides a useful explanation of what constitutes as a right or wrong action based on the application of the moral law. However, I do not believe that his application extends fully to every situation. Kant does not leave room for flexibility, actions are black and white. Morality, however, does not appear to be a universal idea between every person in every situation. I. Kant believes that humans are rational beings and that rationality, or reason, is what drives us to act or not ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. How Technology Has Changed Our Lives Information technology has become a critical aspect and central part of every business today. An effective IT system is a very important part that is comprised of several different functional elements and each of these must work properly so that the system run as smoothly as possible. This paper will discuss the five core technologies in an effective IT system and how they interact with one another. The five core technologies include, Computer Programs and Programming, Computer Networks, Databases, Information Assurance, and Web Technologies. New technologies have caused a shift in our culture in many ways. The way we consume news, listen to music, watch movies, and even how we purchase everyday items. As technology changes so will our culture and communication and it is important that we continue to improve on them. Many of the advancements in technology have changed our way of life for the better. Learning how to construct a computer program is almost like learning a foreign language and the more you practice the better at it you become. Learning how to program inspires creativity and the power to impact the world. Computer programming involves developing lists of instructions often referred to as a code or coding. Computer programs can develop video games, graphics and animations and even allow students to attend class via online. Programing involves skilled attention to detail. Programmers can also rewrite, debug, maintain and test (and retest and retest) software and ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Worst Case Ontario-Best Case Scenario //first assignment //explanation for requirement A //–––WORST CASE SCENARIO––– //for worst case scenario i think of how this program flow more visually //if n is 10 then then the first iteration will take 10 checks, after that it will be nine, 8 and so on //if you imagine each iteration as the length of the line, you will end up seeing a triangle //take the area of the triangle and you will end up with (n^2)/2 as the worst case scenario //–––BEST CASE SCENARIO––– //it will basically be based off of best case but with variation //the inner loop is unavoidable in this case so it's still going to be close to and less than (n^2)/2 #include #include #include #include using namespace std; //put these as global for simpler management of resources ... Show more content on ... //populate the array and print it for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){ //assign an int between 99 and 0 to i position in array arr[i] = rand() % 100; } }; //performs the selectionSort void selectionSort(){ //declare the variables to keep track of int positionToSort, index; int minAtIndex; //move the lowest value to the next position based on positionToSort //last value is sorted once you get to it so no need to perform sort on that part for(positionToSort = 0; positionToSort < length – 1; positionToSort++){ ///c1 * n //keeps track of the index of the lowest value minAtIndex = positionToSort; ///c2 * (n – 1) //check to the right side of the array(the unsorted part), split by the positionToSort counter for(index = positionToSort + 1; index < length; index++){ ///c3 * sum(from position + 1 to length + 1) //fun fact, unique or no, it doesn't change the program flow //check if the next value to check is lower than the current value if(arr[index] < arr[minAtIndex]){///c4 * sum(from position + 1 to length) minAtIndex = index; ///c5 * sum(from position + 1 to length) } } //swap the two ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Why should my conscience bother me? Fin 330 Hand in Problem "Wy Should My Conscience Bother Me?" Howard Hehrer 12/3/2013 1. Identify some of the moral issues that are present in this case. a. There are many moral issues, but the story seems to revolve around several cases of 'passing the buck', or rationalizing how small of a part each respective individual plays in the conspiracy. In most of these cases, like Gretzinger's scuffle with Line, the individual is charged with risking his job for potentially little or no change. Each instance seems to have stemmed from the inability of anyone to challenge the hot–headed Warren and his faulty design. As the conspiracy developed further, to speak out about the conspiracy would mean a less believable narrative. This ... Show more content on ... b. Using Utilitarianism argue why the decision was bad. i. The results show that more harm was done than good. LTV was worse off, and the Air Force was worse off. The plant may have been okay in the end, but clearly redesigning the wheel at the expense of the anger of one hot–headed engineer (Warren) and possibly the job of himself (Lawson) would have caused less harm than the results of the resulting conspiracy. c. Using Kant's Categorical Imperative argue why the decision was bad. i. If all engineers decided to 'go along with the plan', instead of employing their technical skills and standing up against fraud or conspiracy to commit fraud, many people would die from faulty inventions. Nobody would be able to trust what an engineer built. Further, if all people decided to 'go along with the plan' or if all people decided to lie, everybody would be worse off. Nobody could trust anyone, and nothing would get done as a society. Therefore, nobody should lie or go along with a lie, according to the Categorical Imperative. 6. There are several points in this narrative where there were opportunities to fix the problem. Pick out at least two examples of points at which moral imagination and or moral courage by the various participants could have headed off the catastrophe. Indicate the person and what they could have done to fix the problem. a. Lawson i. Lawson displayed courage by approaching Sink and later ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. To His Mistress Going to Bed, Good Morrow, Corinna's... Seduction in To His Mistress Going to Bed, Good Morrow, Corinna's Going A– Maying, and To His Coy Mistress Throughout time, one of the greatest challenges mankind has faced is the sexual conquest of womankind. In many cultures today, this challenge has evolved into an intricate courting process that often involves buying the woman flowers, gifts, and meals to persuade her to have sex. Another device that a man might use to seduce a woman is poetry. In the English language, the use of poetry to seduce women may be traced back to the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Cavalier poets such as Robert Herrick, John Donne, and Andrew Marvell embrace this method ... Show more content on ... Thus, Herrick, Donne, and Marvell's consistent poetic reliance upon logical rhetoric, first person plural narration, and imperative, interrogative, and conditional statements signifies the veritable influence of these devices to convince women to have sex in late sixteenth– and early seventeenth– century England. While Herrick's famous "Corinna's Going A–Maying" depends primarily on imperative statements, it also features logical rhetoric and first person plural narration. Likewise, the overpowering ingredient in Donne's "Eligy XIX: To His Mistress Going to Bed" is also the imperative statement, although he also includes a dash of logic and interrogation. Similarly, Donne arranges interrogative statements, logical reasoning, and first person plural narration into "The Good Morrow." Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress" is particularly unique in its ample use of conditional statements in combination with other devices. To reiterate, the recurrence of literary elements in seduction poetry around the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries in England clearly demonstrates their persuasive impact upon women of the time. Often considered to be the greatest Cavalier poet, Herrick focuses on pastoral themes and English village customs in his poetry. "Corinna's Going A–Maying," a ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Jeremy Bentham : A Man Of Many Hats Jeremy Bentham was a man of many hats. He was a British philosopher, a jurist, and a social reformer. He fought for women's rights, animal rights, the end of slavery, the separation between church and state, and many other things. Many of these beliefs were very radical for his time and very forward thinking. Bentham was the founder of utilitarianism, the belief that human beings by nature strive for pleasure and the avoidance of pain and evaluating a human being based on their consequences and their net pleasure and pain. Immanual Kant was a Prussian philosopher. He has a hard childhood with both of his parents dying before he left university. Kant was a religious man, but viewed his Protestant religion through a philosopher's eye. Kant ... Show more content on ... The first six factors are relevant in both community settings and as an individual. The first factor that needs to be taken into account is which action gives us the most intense pleasure. The second factor is how long are the pleasures and the pains going to last. The third factor is how certain is it that the pleasure and/or pain is going to occur. The fourth factor is how soon after the action will the pleasure and pain result. The fifth factor is how likely will the pleasure and/or pain give rise to more pleasure and/or pain later. The sixth factor is how likely will the pleasure that results give rise to future pains, and vice versa. The seventh and last factor that one must consider is how much pleasure and/or pain will your action cause for others. Bentham believed that the ethical work of an action is based on only the consequences and the net gain of pleasure and pain throughout their lifetime, called consequentialism. To Bentham, ones intentions play no role in judging an action, only the outcome of the action. As long as the action produce more pleasure than pain, it does not matter why you committed the action. Because of this, Bentham has to be okay with the idea of torture, even torturing an innocent, because there is a possibility that it would serve many, so the pleasure would outweigh the pain. Bentham argues that these beliefs must be correct because most people agree with it some of the time and that this is ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Abuse Of Prescription Neuro Enhancers Throughout my college experience I have seen many students turn to prescription drugs so they can stay awake longer and increase their ability to focus. When caffeine and energy drinks no longer cut it, many students believe stimulants will improve their grades. I first learned of cognitive enhancement drugs (CEDs), such as Ritalin, Adderall, and Provigil, in high school as a secret advantage students would use during testing like the ACT. However, in college these CEDs are much more widely used, usually as recreational "study drugs," due to their ability to help students focus their energy and concentration to a much higher level than normal. In this paper, I will argue that 1) the abuse of prescription neuro–enhancers cannot be ... Show more content on ... If everybody used performance enhancing drugs the net result would be twofold: nobody would gain competitive advantage and a number of side–effects would be suffered. In other words, the outcome would be an increase in human suffering with no personal benefit, which no sane person could possibly will. Furthermore, by applying the categorical imperative to this situation, we come to realize the use of CEDs would be counterproductive towards one's imperfect duty to cultivate one's talents. The college situation in particular is intended to provide intellectual and social stimulation in order to personally develop and thus failing to cultivate personal talents does not promote the goal of treating one's self as an intrinsically valuable being. When CEDs are used, one is choosing to miss out on the process of psychological development that comes with challenges in order to rapidly alleviate the frustration that we experience when faced with the inevitable challenges of college and adult life. As a maxim the usage of "smart drugs" not only eliminates any competitive advantages academically and causes mental damage, but it also decreases one's cultivation of talents. Therefore, this maxim as a categorical imperative would be contradictory to one's desire to be successful and happy. The use of CEDs to achieve success would be morally impermissible according to Kant, for this action would fail to follow Kant 's duty of self–development by evading the cultivation of our ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Synopsis Of A Presentation On Programming Advancement Presentation Programming advancement is a lavish, and regularly a troublesome methodology. It is all around recorded that product activities are ordinarily over timetable, over spending plan and regularly don 't meet client prerequisites. The fundamental issues are all connected with individuals related issues. To address this issue, the Agile theory was presented in the mid 90 's with a related arrangement of Agile routines. These techniques are particularly intended to enhance programming venture group administration. Readiness in short intends to strip away however much of the largeness, generally connected with conventional programming advancement techniques, as could be expected, so as to elevate speedy reaction to evolving ... Show more content on ... Maybe the most concerning issue with programming improvement is evolving necessities. Coordinated methodologies acknowledge the truth of progress versus the chase for complete, unbending particulars. There are spaces where prerequisites can 't change, yet most ventures have evolving necessities. For most ventures promptly tolerating changes can really cost not as much as guaranteeing prerequisites will never show signs of change [2][1]. Light–footed additionally implies a central change in how undertakings are overseen. In the event that working programming is the thing that you will convey then, measure your advancement by the amount you have at this time. Administration style must be in light of accomplishing working programming a little at once. The archives used to make venture points of reference may at present be valuable, however only not as a measure of advancement [4]. Figure1 demonstrates a graphical diagram of what goes into Agile strategies for programming advancement. Accomplishment of the Agile Development Approach Lithe routines are in view of five fundamental standards characterized to bring down the expense of progress amid the improvement and expand the clients ' contribution: 1) Customer 's contribution. Close inclusion of clients in the advancement procedure is needed so as to give and organize framework necessities, and assess framework 's emphasess. 2) Incremental improvement. Framework ought to be created in ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Unit 4 Assignment 1 Comparative Study Of Programming... COMP 6411 Comparative Study of Programming Languages BFS & DFS with GUI Assignment # 2 Submitted To: Prof. Javad Sadri Submission Date: 2nd August, 2015 Submitted By: Khurram Shahzad Email: Concordia ID: 27186444 Abstract As the requirements and complexity of today's most modern world increasing; expectation from computer programming languages also increasing, new techniques must be developed to effectively design and create very large scale Integration solutions quickly. In order to do so choice of technology and programming languages has a vital role that can give us quick, efficient and cost effective solutions. For this assignment, our classical problem BFS and DFS are solved ... Show more content on ... PHP use gc_collect_cycles – Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles. Consistency PHP gives you more programming freedom and doesn't prompt naming convention as Java. Standardization Java platform standardization is driven by Oracle, PHP by PHP Group. Both are standardized and documented but PHP is not as documented as JLS. Web Applications & Web Services Development Both JSP and PHP are web based languages. Both have Mail Sending, File upload, form handling, sessions in built not paralyse like asp classic that used to perform every 2nd function with help of 3rd party. Compilation/Interpretation PHP is compiled and executed. JSP connect with Servlets and Java is compiled to bytecode, bytecode is then compiled just–in–time that return to servlets to client browser. Using in Start–ups and Prototyping Java is easier to prototype in and thus to write start–ups. Conclusion
  • 70. No matter which web programming language you use if we have to make our website efficient, attractive and more functional we have to use java in any form. It could in form of javascript, jquery, mootools, angularjs or node. Webstite can be made without using java as well but transition like gallery rotation, tabs, menus, ajax and other client side design changes at run time would not be ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Linear Programming Processes For Optimization Abstract: – This paper discusses the linear programming model. Also, it describes the general conditions needed for utilizing linear programming processes for optimization. It expands on the geometrical interpretation of these problems and relates the process to algebraic findings. In addition, it discusses various algorithm utilized to solve optimization problems. Furthermore, it explores the validity of solutions and weather the optimal solution is the best solution to the linear programming problem Key–Words: – canonical form, constraints, feasible solution, feasible region, infeasible solution, interior point method, objective function, optimal solution, simplex method, slack variable, standard form, unbounded region. 1 Introduction The focus of human nature has always been to derive and associate behaviors that may occur in our daily routines. Throughout history, we have observed the necessity to understand and derive those patterns. Once the comprehension is achieved, it is within our desire to determine if the best possible way to reach a particular goal was attained. In our modern society, major importance is placed on several fields to grasp comprehension on efficient ways to benefit and excel based on all possible restrictions. Furthermore, due to limitation of resources, it is imperative to consider as much information as possible to make adequate decisions and remain effective. Concerns in providing efficiency and effectiveness have led to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Bsa 310 Week 2 Individual Assignment Essay Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Buyer Program James L. Lewellen BSA/310 June 17, 2013 Thomas Potts Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Buyer Program The intent behind the development of Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Buyer Program is to increase the level of customer loyalty. The system will be broken down into two different levels; the frequency of a buyers shopping with Kudler Fine Foods and the amount of money that the buyer spends with each purchase. A program like this is typically used as a marketing strategy that is "enabled by point–of–sale technology to record and store customer purchases in exchange for rewards' (Appel, p. 156, 2006). A web–based shopping program will be used to enhance the Frequent Buyer Program for Kudler Fine Foods. ... Show more content on ... Financial Analysis This initial cost of the startup of this program will be a minimal impact on Kudler Fine Foods. The initial advertisement effort will be done via social media; the companies Facebook page and Twitter account, email and word of mouth. Allowing for a reward system for costumer referrals can be used for current and new customers as the programs is employed and continues to grow. Rajiv and bell argue "customer retention costs are generally lower than customer acquisition costs, companies are better of focusing attention on their more loyal customers especially since the top 20% of customers account for 80% of revenues and often more than 100% of profits" (p. 180, 2003). Kudler Foods could reduce their marketing expenses by using a customer loyalty system through the use of rewards. The sales increase from this program should be reflected by the increase of new customers and the increased returning customers increased spending. The use of seasonal promotions only available to costumers enrolled into the frequent buyers program could also help in increased sales profits. Conclusion A frequent shopper program can be a successful tool is used correctly by a company. The difficult task will always be bringing in new costumers. This program should allow for the retention of existing customers with Kudler Fine Foods. A rewards points system should be used for the exchange of ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Comp230-Intro to Scripting Essay Week 1 Week 1 – Quiz A 1. The name of the service that controls the queue of print jobs with the Window NET command is ______. SPOOLER 2. Which of the following Windows commands will shutdown and restart your computer in 2 minutes? Shutdown –r –t 120 3. Which Windows shutdown command switch is sued to log off the current user of the local computer? –l 4. Which one of the following Windows AT commands specifies an action that will take place at 3:00 p.m.? At 15:00 command 5. From the Start/Run dialog, the command used to open the 32–bit Windows command prompt is ______. cmd 6. The Windows CLI command used to turn off the display of the current command in a batch file is ______. @command Week1 – Quiz B 1. Which ... Show more content on ... ServiceName? DELETE 2. The netsh command that will set the IP Address of the interface name "NIC" to with a metric of 1 is _____. netsh interface ip set address "NIC" source=static 1 3. Which of the following Windows commands will shutdown and power down the computer FileServer in 2 minutes? shutdown –s –m FileServer –t 120 4. Which one of the following Windows AT commands specifies an action that will take place at 3:00 p.m.? at 15:00 command 5. The Windows CLI command that is used to display the search path for the executable files is _____. path 6. The Windows CLI command used to turn off the display of the current command in a batch file is _____. @command Week 1 – Quiz G 1. Which one of the following Windows NET commands will allow other computers to access the C:Data directory under the share name UserData? NET SHARE UserData=C:Data 2. The netsh command that will set the IP Address of the interface name "NIC" to a DHCP supplied IP address is _____. netsh interface ip set address "NIC" source=dhcp 3. Which Windows shutdown command switch is used to log off the current user of the local computer? –1 4. Which Windows shutdown command switch is used to shutdown and turn off a local or remote computer? /s 5. From the Start/Run dialog, the command used to open the 32–bit Windows command prompt is _____. cmd 6. The Windows CLI command ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Designing A Language For The Banking Problem This essay is written to design a language that is suitable for the banking problem. The banking sector is related to the business areas. Banking sector provide services to their customers and security of their customer's money to them. Banking is also evolved in the finance areas also. There are many programming languages that have been widely used for the business applications of computers. Some of these languages are java, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, Python, PHP, C/C++ etc. Each language has its own features and characteristics, syntax, compilation and interpreter methods and also has exception handling and maintenance also. So, here I am going to design a new language that is use for the banking problem domain. The language is IBPL (Internet Business Programming Language). This language has its own features, scope, characteristics, maintenance and its compilation and interpretation methods. This language is different from all the existing languages. In this essay I am going to describe about my language i.e. IBPL (Internet Business Programming Language), its purpose of designing, its features, its characteristics, its compilation and interpretation, its expressivity, type checking, Orthogonality, its simplicity, its data types and support for abstraction, its readability, writability and its reliability etc. So, in this I am going to write an essay to design a new language for the problem domain of banking. INTRODUCTION: This essay is written to design a language that is ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Reverse Arthroplasty One of Omaha's best orthopedic surgeons, Dr. Dolf R. Ichtertz, can be found at Nebraska Hand & Shoulder Institute, P.C. Dr. Ichtertz has been performing shoulder surgeries since 1985. He is especially adept at one of the newest and most effective types of rotator cuff surgery, reverse total shoulder replacement. Reverse total shoulder replacement arthroplasty (RTSA) is a type of shoulder surgery that successfully relieves persistent pain that can occur following the rupture of the rotator cuff. RTSA is an innovative solution to a common, debilitating shoulder problem. It was approved by the FDA in the early 2000s. Without a rotator cuff people can experience loss of shoulder function, arthritic decay, pain with use of the shoulder and even ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Information Systems And Data Security Introduction Information systems and data security to organization has in the recent years increased drastically. A computer can be illustrated as a device that is mainly use to process data into information which is useful to the user. The expert who deal with Information and technology related safety measures are resourceful when it comes to the process of information system and data protection. This will ensure that the data which belongs to companies remain confidential and inaccessible to unauthorized people. Dangers Computer system risks arrive in an extensive variety of structures. Presumably the most surely understood dangers today are modifying ambushes, theft of authorized development, information misrepresentation, thievery of apparatus or information, damage, and information intimidation. A considerable number individuals have experienced programming assaults or the like. Contaminations, worms, phishing assaults, and Trojan steeds are two or three typical instances of programming assaults. The thievery of ensured development has moreover been an expansive issue for a few associations in the IT field. Authorized advancement is the obligation regarding the most part including some protection. Theft of writing computer programs is likely the most broadly perceived in IT associations today. Wholesale extortion is the try to go about as someone else usually to get that individual 's near and dear information or to abuse their passage to basic information. Burglary ... Get more on ...