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A Cairn India CSR Magazine
                             Striding Ahead I 1
January 2012 Issue

                 Striding Ahead
2 I January 2012 Issue
Striding Ahead I 3

                             Covered Features
Education         Health          Economic Development                     Infrastructure

    These are the four pillars on which Cairn India’s values are enriched. They form a
   360O approach towards the betterment of the community and rural people. It is for
   these rural communities that Cairn strives to improve their living standards, health
            & hygiene, literacy level, economic independence and much more.
4 I January 2012 Issue

Introduction	 	           	         2

Strides We Took	          	         4

Education	       	        	         6

Health	 	        	        	         8

Economic Development	

Infrastructure	 	         	        16

Transforming Lives	       	        20

Conceptualised, designed and developed by the
Communication and Design department of Cairn India Ltd.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this magazine
has been gathered from actual incidents and experiences.
The content is sole property of Cairn India Ltd. and must
not be misused. To post your queries/ questions, write to

© Cairn India Ltd.2011
Striding Ahead I 5
                                                                Striding Ahead I 5

Cairn India is committed at maintaining        bring about in our business development
the highest standards of Corporate             activities and we are proud of what we
Social Responsibility (CSR) in its business    have achieved – and continue to achieve –
activities and aims to make an impact          wherever we are operational.
wherever it operates. Cairn India strongly
endorses and believes that its CSR             Responsibility – Cairn India is operating
commitment of Respect, Relationships and       in many areas that face economic, social
Responsibility for the communities cannot      and environmental challenges. It has the
be restricted and limited within regulatory    responsibility to understand these CSR
requirements. By Respect, Relationships        challenges, identify the potential impact
and Responsibility we mean the following:      of its activities and, through engaging with
                                               stakeholders, look for opportunities for
Respect – People are Cairn India’s key         mutual benefit.
asset and the attitude of the Cairn team
is critical to its business culture. Cairn’s   The CSR team has strived to ensure long
entrepreneurial spirit is underpinned by       term socio-economic and environmental
a depth of knowledge and a strong set of       sustainability of the communities across all
cultural core values, including integrity,     its areas of operations.
social and environmental responsibility,
teamwork, nurturing of individual              Cairn CSR programmes are embedded
creativity, risk management and developing     within the four thematic areas namely
alliances with key partners.                   Health, Education, Infrastructure
                                               and Economic Development. These
Relationships – These are the key              programmes are directly impacting
to developing any business and Cairn           thousands of community members. The
India’s success in the region for more         programmes are in sync with Government
than a decade would not have been              programmes and partner agencies
possible without the consistent support        working towards similar goals. In this
of all stakeholders, from Governments,         issue of Striding Ahead, you will read
regulators and JV partners to the people       about the inception to sustenance of these
living near our sites. The level of support    programmes.
and understanding on the ground is
something we have worked hard to
6 I January 2012 Issue

India is united by diversity spread across        Cairn India, a significant player in the
a population of about 1.2 billion people          Indian energy sector has consistently
composed of several ethnic groups,                leveraged social responsibility towards the
speaking more than 1,000 languages and            communities and rural people in areas of its
following varied religions. With an annual        operations. As a committed corporate, Cairn
population growth rate of 1.4 per cent, India     has been sensitive towards the situation of
faces many challenges primarily in the rural      the marginalised sectors and has buckled
sectors. India ranks in the bottom few on the     up to transforming the lives of people across
United Nations Development Programme’s            its operational areas. Focus has been laid
2011 Human Development Index – a                  on areas which needed enhancement and
comparative measure of life expectancy,           consistent efforts are being made everyday
literacy, education and standards of living
for countries worldwide. Close to 75 per
                                                  to enrich the livelihood of people. Cairn
                                                  India CSR initiatives and programmes
                                                                                                  In 2007, in S’Yanam village close to 100
                                                                                                  micro vendors were developed by Cairn
                                                                                                                                                    “Cairn India, a
cent of India’s population lives in rural areas   aim at fostering inclusive growth in the        India. Today the same micro vendors are           significant player in the
of which more than 10 per cent of rural           communities around its operational area.        drawing orders of close to INR 22.5 crore. A      Indian energy sector has
households are reported to be landless.           Today Cairn has emerged as one of the           student from Suvali who benefitted from the
The sector constitutes of day wage earners        most responsible corporates in the country      education initiatives went on to achieving        consistently leveraged
as labours, farmers and casual workers.           because of its honest commitment to the         greater heights in academics and Cairn India      social responsibility
Within these communities its women who            society.                                        sponsored his higher education in IIT in the
are further more deprived due to tradition,                                                       year 2010. Such has been the momentum             towards the communities
caste, society and other constraints.             It was in the year 2006 when Barmer, a          of consistent and genuine community               and rural people in areas
Taking this into consideration, many              drought-prone area in Rajasthan witnessed       engagement at Cairn India. Even today Cairn
Government programmes and welfare                 floods; the villages were under 25 feet         is effectively disseminating needed support       of its operations.
initiatives have mushroomed in various            water; Cairn India plunged in to help the       in form of initiatives for better education,
marginalised areas of India. However,             community in every possible way. The            health and economic independence for the
the scenario is not rosy and a lot needs          relief operations were lead by Cairn India      marginalised section of the society not just in
to be done by corporate companies and             officials and representatives from the          Barmer but also in areas of Gujarat, Andhra
individuals.                                      armed forces and district administration.       Pradesh and Sri Lanka.
Striding Ahead I 7

Encouraging education for the girl child
8 I January 2012 Issue

Strides we took                                         HelpAge Silver Plate Award in
                                                        2010 for impacting over 25 Lac
                                                        community people through the
                                                        health initiatives.
  Golden Peacock Award for Corporate
  Social Responsibility 2011.

                                     CMO Asia Award
                                     for Best Overall
                                     Corporate Social
                                     Practice in 2011
                                     in Singapore.

                                                                The Science on Wheels
Cairn India was able to add value to                            van has touched the
approximately 80% of the trainees from                          lives of more than
Cairn Enterprise Centre as they started                         16000 students across
their own enterprises after going through                       schools in Barmer and
rigid training sessions under supervision                       Bhogat areas.
of specialised trainers.
Striding Ahead I 9

The Cairn Enterprise Centre has been                                             The Dairy Development
instrumental in bringing about economic                                          Programme has
stability for the women by imparting                                             successfully strengthened
trainings in handicrafts, thereby making                                         the economic status of
way for business prospects for women.                                            the rural community as
                                                                                 the milk production has
                                                                                 increased 108% from time
                                                                                 of inception. This is due
                                                                                 to various factors such
                                                                                 as better veterinarian
                                                                                 facilities, improved fodder,
                                                                                 regular fat measurement
                                                                                 and much more.

                                           The Room to Read, Library Project
                                           has been taken beyond borders.
                                           Students in Monaragala district in
                                           Sri Lanka are being benefitted from
                                           the resources and knowledge being
                                           imparted through these libraries.
  Construction and repairing of around
  1350 Tanka Tankli (Water Harvesting
  Structures) in 19 villages of Barmer,
  Rajashthan. The total project cost was
  Rs. 131.4 Lacs.
10 I January 2012 Issue

Education is a tool that helps combat the         availability of good books and learning        benefit from the library resources. This is in   • Facilitation of learning programmes that
cut-throat competition in today’s times. At       aids etc have been realised by Cairn India     background of the belief that by enabling        equip students with the necessary skills.
every juncture in a man’s life, its ‘Education’   and constant efforts are being made in         these resources an environment will be           • Experience of joyous learning and
that makes the difference as it is the 4th        this direction. Programmes like Theater        created which will further help the students     thereby enriching student’s intellectual,
highest necessity after food, clothing and        in Education (TiE), Science on Wheels          and community members to develop                 aesthetic, cultural and emotional growth.
shelter. India has been constantly striving to    (SoW) and Room to Read Libraries are           and create reading as a culture in the           • Access to a wide range of materials,
improve the quality of education and aim at       instrumental in achieving the objective of     community.                                       fiction and non-fiction, print, audio, video
increasing the literacy rate of the country.      Cairn’s education initiatives.                                                                  and digital.
                                                                                                 Development of rural school libraries is         • Opportunity to adapt to learning
Cairn India has joined the efforts and is         Library Programme                              one of the key projects that Cairn has           programmes which integrate information
committed to creating an environment for                                                         implemented in the education portfolio           resources and technologies.
children and young people to develop and          Room to Read is a non-profit organisation      across various operational areas. The
evolve as responsible citizens. Through           founded on the belief that World Change        initiative has been instrumental in              Theater in Education
the education initiatives, Cairn focuses          Starts With Educated Children. The             inculcating reading habit in children which
on accessibility, equity and quality of           organisation focuses on literacy and           in turn has helped them in improving overall     Cairn India started Theatre in Education
education.                                        gender equality in education and works         academic results.                                (TiE) programme in partnership with
                                                  in collaboration with local communities,                                                        BNKVS (Bharatiya Natya Kala Vikas
The importance of appropriate                     partner organisations and governments.         Libraries have shown to have a positive          Sansthan) at Barmer to introduce innovative
infrastructure, skilled teachers, innovative      Room to Read is a global organisation          impact on reading skills as they provides        way of teaching and learning. The aim
teaching methodology and curriculum,              dedicated to promoting and enabling            access to supplemental reading materials,        of the initiative was to provide quality
                                                  education through various programmes           which support extended vocabularies,             education through a process of interactive
                                                  and believes that all children, regardless     creative thinking, enrichment of class           learning for the marginalised students. The
                                                  of gender or background, have a right to       materials, and encourage independent             attributes of the programme also aim at
                                                  education.                                     access to information and arouse the             slashing monotony of classroom teaching,
                                                                                                 interest of students in matters beyond the       improving teacher-student interactions,
                                                  Cairn India partnered with Room to Read        curriculum.                                      making learning interactive and joyful,
                                                  to magnify its own education initiatives and                                                    increasing power of expressions and
                                                  to envisage a learning process wherein         Some of the benefits of school libraries can     imparting theatrical training to teachers as
                                                  the children and community members             be summarised as:                                teaching aids.
Striding Ahead I 11

                                                 and Jalore districts. In Barmer itself the
                                                 programme has reached schools in 4 blocks
                                                 (Baitu, Barmer, Bhadka and Dhorimana).

                                                 Science on Wheels

                                                 In order to transform and stimulate the
                                                 thinking of rural children and teachers,
                                                 Cairn India in collaboration with Agastya
                                                 International Foundation introduced the
Close to 40 percent of India’s population        Science on Wheels (SoW) programme in
is illiterate and schools in rural areas are     and around Cairn operational areas.
not completely equipped to solve this
problem alone. Education for girl child, child   The Science on Wheels vans are driven to
marriage and unemployment are only some          schools in rural areas and two instructors
of the hindrances in way of attaining higher     along with an array of around 100
literacy rate. Due to this, the enrollment       experiments teach the students in these
levels are low in rural schools. In order to     schools. The models and experiments are
boost the literacy levels of Government          demonstrated to the students so that they
schools in Barmer district it was proposed to    get hands-on-experience and retain interest
extend support for an interactive mode of        in the subject of science.
learning for children in the district schools                                                                                                         •	 Government of India

as well through the programme - Theatre in       The Agastya instructors teach scientific      the ‘entire solar system’.This initiative has          •	 Government of Rajasthan
Education (TiE).                                 concepts through simple experiments in        been instrumental in improving the overall             •	 SURE (Society to Uplift
                                                 sessions that emphasise interaction and       academic result of the students in the                    Rural Economy)
The programme has also been endorsed             questioning. Most of the experiments          regions where it operates.                             •	 Local Panchayats
by the Chief Minister of Rajasthan. Cairn        are simple in nature and use indigenous                                                              •	 District Administration
India has demonstrated running of the            material.The SoW van is also equipped
programme in 34 schools in Barmer                with models to show complex workings like
12 I January 2012 Issue

Recognising the importance of good health      Cairn India is dedicated to enhancing health    around Cairn India’s operational area like     Other districts and villages like Suvali,
is the first step towards improving the        seeking behaviour of communities with           Viramgam, Radhanpur, Barmer, Ravva, and        Ravva, Banaskantha, etc., dealt with this
quality of life of the people. A synergistic   respect to various issues such as: child and    Suvali amongst others, have easy access        problem too.
approach is all that it takes to inculcate     maternal health, nutrition and diet, diseases   to quality healthcare facilities provided by
good health and hygiene habits in the          of poverty, life threatening diseases (HIV/     Cairn.                                         Lack of health facilities in the vicinity,
community as the first step to ensure          AIDS / TB/ Cancer) etc. It has been                                                            unavailability of female doctors and lack
healthy living.                                ensured that community members living           As a responsible corporate, Cairn India has    of awareness on health issues pertaining
                                                                                               been complementing and supplementing           especially to women and children have
                                                                                               the government health system for effective     been the problems prevailing in the region.
                                                                                               primary healthcare. The scope of work for
                                                                                               Cairn includes, working with Panchayats to     Moreover, the rural population is not aware
                                                                                               catalyse health governance through micro       about different diseases and Government
                                                                                               level strategising and planning.               health schemes for the community. As
                                                                                               Cairn India has been instrumental in           the villages are scattered, the community
                                                                                               empowering communities to take                 people have to travel long distances to
                                                                                               actions to address various health              access healthcare services.
                                                                                               requirements in collaboration with
                                                                                               Cairn India’s CSR programmes.                  Keeping in view the challenges of access
                                                                                                                                              and availability of quality healthcare service
                                                                                               Mobile Health Van                              options, Cairn India in partnership with
                                                                                                                                              HelpAge India started the Mobile Health
                                                                                               Remote districts in the country and their      Van (MHV) project in the rural areas in and
                                                                                               difficult terrain pose many challenges in      around Cairn operational areas.
                                                                                               providing access to healthcare services.       The MHV not only aims at the curative
                                                                                               Instances have been recorded when              healthcare services but also focuses on
                                                                                               there were only 10 doctors catering to         preventive healthcare services which are
                                                                                               a population of 2 million in and around        done through awareness programmes,
                                                                                               Barmer.                                        health camps and much more.
Striding Ahead I 13

Catering to the community’s medical
     requirements at their door step
14 I January 2012 Issue

                                                                   The project has been successful as there
                                                                   has been active participation from the
                                                                   community and the local leaders who have
                                                                   played an important role in communicating
                                                                   the benefits of this health initiative run by
                                                                   Cairn India. Over the last three years the
                                                                   MHV programme of Cairn India has been
                                                                   regularly sighted in the local newspapers.

                                                                   Today the Mobile Health Van has become a
                                                                   lifeline for the villagers as they look forward
                                                                   to the provision of medical services. The
                                                                   villagers have also been extremely active
                                                                   and supportive in running this project. A
                                                                   fleet of volunteers have played a significant
                                                                   role in mobilising the villagers towards
                                                                   the MHV and other health awareness
                                                                                                                        services of the MHV.
                                                                   Role of volunteers in the success of the          •	 Volunteers helped in conducting
                                                                   programme:                                           sessions on virtually any subject
                                                                                                                        ranging from proper hygiene to
                                                                   •	 Volunteers focused on assisting                   sessions on life threatening diseases.
                                                                      patients to properly use the healthcare
                                                                      system in terms of making the patient          As a responsible corporate, Cairn India
                                                                      cards, helping the elderly patients, etc.      caters to raising awareness on healthcare
                                                                   •	 Volunteers encourage appropriate               within the community and has been
                                                                      immunisation levels in case of                 instrumental in providing the necessary
                                                                      vaccination for children; provide              support to the government health
                                                                      translation to people in their local           initiatives. This has helped achieve the
                                                                      language. This helped the patients             objective of making available primary
  Providing necessary medical assistance for maternal healthcare      in navigating the health system and            healthcare facilities in the community, for
                                                                      encouraged them to optimally utilise           the community.
Striding Ahead I 15

                                                           AIDS awareness campaign

                                                                                                      •	 SURE (Society to Uplift

                                                                                           KEY PARTNERS
General Health Awareness Camps             The advisors and counselors at the camps                      Rural Economy)
                                           strive to encourage the rural community                    •	 IL&FS
Though the Mobile Health Van caters        to optimally utilise the available facilities              •	 NIIT
to the medical requirements of the         provided by Cairn India.                                   •	 LiQVid
community, Cairn India accelerated the                                                                •	 Thomson Reuters
process of generating optimum health       The process is carried out in consultation                 •	 Multi Commodity
awareness through regular camps.           with the block level officials, village                       Exchange (MCX)
                                                                                                      •	 Rajasthan Mission on
These camps are organised for the          sarpanch, key community members,
                                                                                                         Livelihood (RMoL)
underprivileged section of the community   school teachers and anganwadi workers to                   •	 GMR Varalakshmi
in association with HelpAge India. The     create magnified impact of the initiative. In                 Foundation
prime agenda of the general health         addition to generating awareness through                   •	 ALEAP
awareness camps is to propagate the        camps, added initiatives like door to door                 •	 Jana Kalyan Welfare Society
importance of health and hygiene amongst   counselling and distribution of nutritional
men, women and children.                   food are carried out.
16 I January 2012 Issue

                                                                                            climatic conditions. Majority of the milk       As this sector becomes more remunerative,
                                                                                            produced is retained by the communities         there will be an increase in self
                                                                                            for their own use. The widespread hostile       employment and independence amongst
                                                                                            terrain offers limited opportunities for        the community members. This programme
                                                                                            selling the surplus milk and, to add to this,   has been groundbreaking in cutting across

                                                                                            the milk from the marginalised community        cultural barriers and providing a new sense
                                                                                            is not accepted by the upper castes.            of independence and empowerment
                                                                                            Most of the collection is localised and         amongst the women of Barmer. Women
                                                                                            largely managed by private vendors. The         have begun SHG’s, started internal
                                                                                            traditional milk fat analysis system ensured    loaning, started saving thereby placing
                                                                                            that the communities were unable to derive      themselves in the forefront of their families
Dairy Development Programme                   society in rural areas with limited or no     full benefits out of the milk that they sold.   as productive, indispensable members.
                                              land resources. Rajasthan has one of
Livestock breeding has been the traditional   the highest livestock populations in the      Looking at the scenario Cairn India in July     Through increased spending power;
subsistence strategy in Western Rajasthan     country. Despite this, the milk production    2007, decided to support an intensive           women have exerted their independence
for the marginalised sections of the          in Rajasthan is very low due to the extreme   community based dairy development               by resisting traditional societal pressures,
                                                                                            programme with an aim to improve the
                                                                                            economic condition of the rural poor.
                                                                                                                                               The Cairn India Dairy Development

                                                                                                                                               Programme aims to:
                                                                                            The programme was initiated in Barmer.
                                                                                            The thrust was to identify and collectivise     •	 Establish a bulk collection and
                                                                                            the local community as potential milk              distribution network of milk in the
                                                                                                                                               villages and link the small dairy farmers
                                                                                            suppliers, ensure price discovery system
                                                                                                                                               to an assured and remunerative outlet
                                                                                            for the milk suppliers, create an assured          for their milk produce
                                                                                            base, organise the untapped milk pockets        •	 Organise rural households in Self Help
                                                                                            and enhance the economic status of dairy           Groups (SHGs) and enable capacity
                                                                                            farmers. The programme was designed                building
                                                                                                                                            •	 Increase the quality and quantity of
                                                                                            in a manner that it targeted women to
                                                                                                                                               milk production through technical
                                                                                            help them uplift their economic status             assistance to SHG farmers on improved
                                                                                            in the community. Over time, the local             livestock care, veterinary services,
                                                                                            community experienced increased income             breed improvement and fodder
                                                                                            which empowered them to form Self                  development.
                                                                                                                                            •	 Establish linkages with banks and
                                                                                            Help Groups (SHG’s) and explore other
                                                                                                                                               financial institution to access of loans
                                                                                            livelihood options.                                for livestock
Striding Ahead I 17

         •	 Trade skill exposure and enhanced                   •	 Key Partners                      “Touching the lives of over ten thousand

                                                 KEY PARTNERS

            employability for communities in
            the Barmer Development Area
                                                                •	 SURE (Society to Uplift           local community members.
                                                                   Rural Economy)
            thereby developing micro, small                     •	 IL&FS
            and medium enterprises (MSMEs).                     •	 NIIT
         •	 Facilitating access to finance for
                                                                •	 LiQVid
                                                                                                     gained control of their finances and          Over the years, through the programme
            SMEs and micro-entrepreneurs to                                                          developed immense self reliance.              SMS subscriptions were sold to several
            establish and expand businesses.                    •	 Thomson Reuters
                                                                •	 Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX)    Traditionally members of different castes     hundred thousand farmers.
         •	 Collection and dissemination
            of information on employment                        •	 Rajasthan Mission on Livelihood   would never be seen in the same room,
            opportunities, enterprise                              (RMoL)                            and now due to this programme, caste          The subscriptions are sold as an easy-to-
            development, government                             •	 GMR Varalakshmi Foundation        is no longer a distinction as people are      use card in thousands of retail outlets in
            schemes and upcoming contracts                      •	 ALEAP                             working together without discrimination.      rural India. Each farmer can choose his
            and tenders.                                        •	 Jana Kalyan Welfare Society       The programme is currently running in         choice of content, which is delivered to
                                                                                                     14 villages of Barmer, Rajasthan. The big     him in his locallanguage over his mobile
                                                                                                     strides in milk production from 196,873       phone. The service is delivered as SMSes
                                                                                                     litres to 2,195,424 litres made in the last   that fit in the daily workflow of the farmer,
                                                                                                     four years (2007 – 2011) under Dairy          in 8 local languages, across 13 states
                                                                                                     Programme, have catapulted Cairn              and over any operator or mobile phone.
                                                                                                     India’s Dairy Development programme as        The service helps the farmer with timely
                                                                                                     a catalyst for social and economic change     information on calamities, demand –
                                                                                                     in Barmer, Rajasthan.                         supply rate in markets, etc.

                                                                                                     Programme on Agri Advisory to                 Right of Use (RoU) farmers have shown
                                                                                                     Farmers through SMS                           their willingness for continuation of
                                                                                                                                                   services from RML programme and have
                                                                                                     Cairn India has partnered with Thomson        requested for its renewal. It is evident that
                                                                                                     Reuters to implement the programme on         the SMS services have improved livelihood
                                                                                                     agri advisory through SMS for the farming     for the farmers.
                                                                                                     community living across the Cairn pipeline    This initiative of Cairn India has been
                                                                                                     route.                                        instrumental in empowering the farmers,
                                                                                                                                                   leading to direct financial benefit to
                                                                                                     The programme offers a highly                 their incomes.
                                                                                                     personalised micro-information service
                                                                                                     over mobile phones to the farming
                                                                                                     community that is changing their lives.
18 I January 2012 Issue

Skill based training for the local youth
Striding Ahead I 19

Cairn Enterprise Centre                        “7000 people including land
In order to cope with problems of              contributing families have
unemployment, lack of opportunity              been trained at the Cairn
and business possibility, Cairn India
                                               Enterprise Centre in various
conceptualised an ‘Enterprise Centre’
which would focus on cutting edge training     skills from mobile phone
solutions that have an industry linkage,       repairing to masonry and
thereby increasing the chances of greater
                                               electric wiring. It also has a
employability for the students.
                                               centre to help small and micro
The aim of the Cairn Enterprise Centre         business start-ups with skills
is “to improve the quality of life through
                                               like preparing business plans
economic empowerment of communities,
and development of community owned             and designing websites to
sustainable businesses by building local       market themselves. As part
capacities and entrepreneurial talents”.
                                               of training schedule, more
Using specialised training patterns and        than 1500 women have been
methodology from facilities at ITI, Barmer     ‘trained in handicrafts making
along with specialised instructors and
                                               and business skills.“
trainers; the Cairn Enterprise Centre
presents a modular approach and delivers
modules that are highly focused.

Some of the trainings being held at the      •	 Advanced Welding Training for ITI
Cairn Enterprise Centre include:                Students
                                             •	 Two Wheeler Repairing Training
•	 Mobile Phone Repairing Training           •	 Spoken English Course
•	 Genset Repairing Training                 •	 Basic Computer Training

                                                                                    Dairy Development Programme
20 I January 2012 Issue

                                                                                                was propelled and sponsored by Cairn             ones, however, those with existing but
                                                                                                India. This initiative directly impacted close   damaged were provided with support
                                                                                                to 10,000 people in the area. The expertise      for repair.
                                                                                                and equipment used for all these structures
                                                                                                was up to date including 30 high degree                        •	 Government of India

                                                                                                submersible pumps, control panels, spares
                                                                                                                                                               •	 Government of
                                                                                                and leak detection technology.
                                                                                                The beneficiaries were selected through                        •	 SURE (Society to Uplift
                                                                                                a process of conducting surveys                                   Rural Economy)
                                                                                                followed by village-level deliberations                        •	 Local Panchayats
                                                                                                and suggestions. Selected families with                        •	 District Administration
                                                                                                no existing structures were provided new

Rajasthan                                       developing the infrastructure across its                                      Number of Tankas / Tankis
                                                operational areas.                                                           (Water Harvesting Structures
A 3% dip in agriculture production triggers
a threefold rise in essential commodity         To provide enriching experience to
prices. Such is the contribution made by        the rural people, Cairn understood the
our farmers, who live in rural areas and        need of the community and supported it
contribute approximately the fifth of India’s   accordingly. In the areas of Thar, water is a
GDP. The villages where these farmers live,     precious commodity and rarely available.
lack basic infrastructure like roads, homes
made of brick and mortar, hospitals and         Access to clean drinking water or water
schools; indeed, much of what we take           for agricultural purposes has been an age
 for granted in urban areas! Cairn has          old problem. Construction of around 1350
cared to this cause and looked into             water harvesting and storage structures
Striding Ahead I 21

Inculcating best hygiene practices in the community
22 I January 2012 Issue

                                                village. Today, the Panchayat has taken
Ravva                                           responsibility of water supply to individual
                                                homes and street taps.
Cairn has been instrumental in developing
the infrastructure around its operation         Cairn India is sensitive towards nature and
areas in Ravva. Many initiatives have           eco systems and maintains high standards
been planned based on the needs of the          of operational efficiency to mitigate
community. Sanitation facility was provided     environmental damage and destruction.
in villages in Ravva and more than 465          Keeping this in mind, a ‘Green Belt’ has
individual toilets across households were       been developed in S’Yanam with an aim to
constructed. This initiative helped prevent     protect the environment.
various kinds of diseases in the community.
Cairn India also took the ownership of          Today the belt is spread over an area of
ensuring safe drinking water for the            229 acres around the Ravva terminal,
community.                                      village roads and the beach. There are
                                                various species of trees in the Green Belt,
Since the water table, in coastal Andhra        dominated largely by Casuarinas and
Pradesh is at the surface level, it is          Mangroves. Cairn has been contributing
contaminated with sewage and agricultural       to the community in the field of Education
runoff which is the prime cause of water        through various programmes, however,
borne diseases.                                 at S’Yanam special focus was laid at the
                                                school infrastructure. Cairn has been
The first step Cairn took was by supplying      supporting various Government schemes
water through tankers for the community         like mid-day meal, provision of utensils,
in S’ Yaman village. Thereafter, a reservoir,   uniforms, school bags and books.
sand filters, overhead storage tank and
a distribution system for a population of       The most impactful contribution has been
4500 was put in place. In response to the       the learning experience gained by the
demand generated at the community level         students at the science laboratory set up in
and voiced by the Village Development           schools by Cairn. Along with this required
Committee of the village, Cairn initiated       number of computers, furniture and other
an extensive water distribution system by       equipment to create a better learning
laying pipelines in all the segments of the     environment for children was ensured by
Striding Ahead I 23

Cairn. In addition to this, many solar lights    animal husbandry as the main occupation
have been installed in the village for the       of the local population, hence, Cairn India
benefit of the local community.                  has built a pond for the animals.

                                                 Suvali village has always faced acute water
CB/OS-2                                          shortage. Villagers worked miles to fetch

The coastal area of Hazira Industrial Belt       drinking water. To ensure safe drinking
is an economically backward area, which          water for the community in Suvali, Cairn
requires infrastructural development for         has taken several initiatives. In the first
benefit of local population. Suvali village      stage in 2005, and overhead as well as
is one of the backward villages of the area.     underground tanks were constructed. The
The Surat-Hazira road has witnessed              overhead tank has a capacity of 1 lac litres
many severe accidents and many more              and the water sump has a capacity of 2 lac
near misses.                                     litres’. To supply this water pump houses
                                                 were also constructed. In 2006, Cairn
Therefore, as part of Cairn’s commitment         constructed RO pumps to add to its earlier
to the development of the community, it          efforts. These pumps were later handed
was essential to construct proper roads for      over to the Panchayat for management
this area. A road joining Hazira and Suvali      and maintenance.
to other nearby villages was constructed
by Cairn for the benefit of both Suvali and      As part of another initiative, Cairn invested
Junagam village population. Cairn India has      in the construction of pipelines which
also taken a step further and installed street   helped in facilitating drinking water to the
lights for the villagers. The street lights      households. A total of 1200 villagers have
have been set-up on the road from the            been benefited by this initiative.
onshore terminal to the village. The lights                                                      the Suvali village school. Further support    equipments and computers. In addition,
ensure safety for the villagers traveling in     To support the education system, and            has been provided by supplying basic          Cairn provides support for computer
the late hours.                                  to ensure continuous education for the          utilities like furniture, green boards, and   teachers of Suvali Primary School by
                                                 children, Cairn has taken some measures.        cupboards. The school has also been           helping out with their salaries. Students
Another step taken for the convenience           To address the dropout rates, Cairn had         receiving power for fans and lights. To       pursuing higher studies are also supported
and community building is construction           initially upgraded the infrastructural          enhance the education experience, Cairn       through award of scholarships.
of the cattle pond. Since Suvali thrives on      facilities, which included toilet blocks in     has contributed towards the laboratory
24 I January 2012 Issue

Transforming Lives
Cairn’s Agri Advisory                           conditions which ruined his crops several    possible way and he was able to enhance
Programme                                       times. The little that he made from the      his income from farming.
                                                repairing workshop barely sufficed the
Ramesh Kumar Prajapati from Sinad Village       family of four.                              Prajapati recalls “Once on receiving a
from District Patan in Gujarat was working                                                   message of a predicted storm and heavy
as a farmer and as a part time at a repairing   One fine day, Prajapati got to know about    rain, I and my brother warned the other
workshop to make a living. 36 years old,        the RML services and was keen to try         villagers. The message helped us being
Prajapati had four members to look after        it for better yielding of his crops. With    prepared for the worst situation.”Prajapati
and feed in his family. He often lost a lot     information ranging from weather forecasts   received his messages in English language
of money due to unforeseen weather              to crop rates, it benefited him in every     even though he was not well versed with
                                                                                             the language. His sons Sunil and Nikul
                                                                                             helped him sometimes and this way
                                                                                             Prajapati was learning a new language
                                                                                             as well.
                                                                                                                                              equipped to handle calamities and other
                                                                                             Though Cairn has ensured that RML                troubles.
                                                                                             services include messages in local
                                                                                             languages, Prajapati was determined to           It makes one believe that Cairn India has
                                                                                             learn English through this initiative. “I want   given not just door step counseling and
                                                                                             to learn English so that I can communicate       opportunities but is slowly embedding the
                                                                                             directly with everyone, overlooking              roots of confidence in various individuals.
                                                                                             ‘language’ as a barrier” he said.
                                                                                                                                              Mobile Health Van
                                                                                             He is determined to enroll other famers
                                                                                             for RML services as he believes that Cairn       Damma Ram from village Dunda Kawas in
                                                                                             India initiative of bringing this boon to him    Rajasthan was always perceived as one of
                                                                                             has improved his livelihood. As a farmer         the most active and energetic member in
                                                                                             he is more prepared, acquainted and              the community. He is the first to take part in
Striding Ahead I 25

                                                                                                                                             realise his dreams can come true. He came
                                                                                                                                             with the purpose to learn English as he
                                                                                                                                             wanted to start his own real estate business
                                                                                                                                             in Hyderabad. Being a student of bachelors
                                                                                                                                             of art, Vinod was never able to learn
                                                                                                                                             English and gain fluency in the language.
                                                                                                                                             He joined the first batch of spoken English
                                                                                                                                             course at the Cairn Enterprise Centre and
                                                                                                                                             began learning through instructor led
                                                                                                                                             training modules.

                                                                                                                                             With the help of class participation,
                                                                                                                                             software support and appropriate guidance
                                                                                                                                             from the trainer, Vinod learnt the language
                                                                                                                                             effectively. The course helped him
                                                                                                                                             understand the dynamics of the language
                                                                                                                                             and the ways to address formal meetings,
                                                                                                                                             informal conversations and much more.
all the development initiatives at his village,   the health of Damma. He had almost given     again. A regular at the MHV for his timely    Vinod emerged as a hard working,
always volunteering to help the needy etc.        up hope of survival till he was told about   medication, Damma now plays the role          successful student who completed his
                                                  the ‘Mobile Health Van’ (MHV) Programme      of spreading awareness about facilities of    course with dedication and commitment.
However life changed when Damma Ram               initiated by Cairn. Villagers told Damma     Cairn’s MHVs and how the villagers can
was almost paralysed by arthritis. His            Ram and his son about the MHV which          benefit from the same. Damma Ram’s            Today, Vinod is based at Hyderabad and
movement was ceased by the disease and            would provide medicines and free health      ‘good soul’ tag is back and he continues to   is successfully executing his Real Estate
he was unable to perform his daily chores.        check up to ensure healthy living for        take care of his fellow villagers.            business as he can fluently speak and
Only one of his four sons stayed with him         community members.                                                                         write in English. This course helped him
who worked as a daily wage labourer                                                            Spoken English Course - CEC                   deal with foreign customers easily and
leaving nobody to take care of Damma              In his first visit to the MHV, Damma Ram                                                   effectively. He has maintained contact
Ram at home.                                      was thoroughly checked by the doctor and     With dreams packed in a bag, Vinod Puro       with representatives from Cairn Enterprise
                                                  was provided free medicines for arthritis.   from Langera village in Rajasthan came to     Centre and continues to share his daily
The father and son could not afford               The medicines soon proved to be magical      Cairn Enterprise Centre (CEC). Located 12     experiences.
treatment and the disease was hampering           as after a few months Damma could walk       Kms away from Barmer, Vinod travelled to

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Striding Ahead

  • 1. A Cairn India CSR Magazine Striding Ahead I 1 January 2012 Issue Striding Ahead
  • 2. 2 I January 2012 Issue
  • 3. Striding Ahead I 3 Covered Features Education Health Economic Development Infrastructure These are the four pillars on which Cairn India’s values are enriched. They form a 360O approach towards the betterment of the community and rural people. It is for these rural communities that Cairn strives to improve their living standards, health & hygiene, literacy level, economic independence and much more.
  • 4. 4 I January 2012 Issue Contents Introduction 2 Strides We Took 4 Education 6 Health 8 Economic Development 12 Infrastructure 16 Transforming Lives 20 Conceptualised, designed and developed by the Communication and Design department of Cairn India Ltd. Disclaimer: The information provided in this magazine has been gathered from actual incidents and experiences. The content is sole property of Cairn India Ltd. and must not be misused. To post your queries/ questions, write to © Cairn India Ltd.2011
  • 5. Striding Ahead I 5 Striding Ahead I 5 Cairn India is committed at maintaining bring about in our business development the highest standards of Corporate activities and we are proud of what we Social Responsibility (CSR) in its business have achieved – and continue to achieve – activities and aims to make an impact wherever we are operational. wherever it operates. Cairn India strongly endorses and believes that its CSR Responsibility – Cairn India is operating commitment of Respect, Relationships and in many areas that face economic, social Responsibility for the communities cannot and environmental challenges. It has the be restricted and limited within regulatory responsibility to understand these CSR requirements. By Respect, Relationships challenges, identify the potential impact and Responsibility we mean the following: of its activities and, through engaging with stakeholders, look for opportunities for Respect – People are Cairn India’s key mutual benefit. asset and the attitude of the Cairn team is critical to its business culture. Cairn’s The CSR team has strived to ensure long entrepreneurial spirit is underpinned by term socio-economic and environmental a depth of knowledge and a strong set of sustainability of the communities across all cultural core values, including integrity, its areas of operations. social and environmental responsibility, teamwork, nurturing of individual Cairn CSR programmes are embedded creativity, risk management and developing within the four thematic areas namely alliances with key partners. Health, Education, Infrastructure and Economic Development. These Relationships – These are the key programmes are directly impacting to developing any business and Cairn thousands of community members. The India’s success in the region for more programmes are in sync with Government than a decade would not have been programmes and partner agencies possible without the consistent support working towards similar goals. In this of all stakeholders, from Governments, issue of Striding Ahead, you will read regulators and JV partners to the people about the inception to sustenance of these living near our sites. The level of support programmes. and understanding on the ground is something we have worked hard to
  • 6. 6 I January 2012 Issue Introduction India is united by diversity spread across Cairn India, a significant player in the a population of about 1.2 billion people Indian energy sector has consistently composed of several ethnic groups, leveraged social responsibility towards the speaking more than 1,000 languages and communities and rural people in areas of its following varied religions. With an annual operations. As a committed corporate, Cairn population growth rate of 1.4 per cent, India has been sensitive towards the situation of faces many challenges primarily in the rural the marginalised sectors and has buckled sectors. India ranks in the bottom few on the up to transforming the lives of people across United Nations Development Programme’s its operational areas. Focus has been laid 2011 Human Development Index – a on areas which needed enhancement and comparative measure of life expectancy, consistent efforts are being made everyday literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. Close to 75 per to enrich the livelihood of people. Cairn India CSR initiatives and programmes In 2007, in S’Yanam village close to 100 micro vendors were developed by Cairn “Cairn India, a cent of India’s population lives in rural areas aim at fostering inclusive growth in the India. Today the same micro vendors are significant player in the of which more than 10 per cent of rural communities around its operational area. drawing orders of close to INR 22.5 crore. A Indian energy sector has households are reported to be landless. Today Cairn has emerged as one of the student from Suvali who benefitted from the The sector constitutes of day wage earners most responsible corporates in the country education initiatives went on to achieving consistently leveraged as labours, farmers and casual workers. because of its honest commitment to the greater heights in academics and Cairn India social responsibility Within these communities its women who society. sponsored his higher education in IIT in the are further more deprived due to tradition, year 2010. Such has been the momentum towards the communities caste, society and other constraints. It was in the year 2006 when Barmer, a of consistent and genuine community and rural people in areas Taking this into consideration, many drought-prone area in Rajasthan witnessed engagement at Cairn India. Even today Cairn Government programmes and welfare floods; the villages were under 25 feet is effectively disseminating needed support of its operations. initiatives have mushroomed in various water; Cairn India plunged in to help the in form of initiatives for better education, marginalised areas of India. However, community in every possible way. The health and economic independence for the the scenario is not rosy and a lot needs relief operations were lead by Cairn India marginalised section of the society not just in to be done by corporate companies and officials and representatives from the Barmer but also in areas of Gujarat, Andhra individuals. armed forces and district administration. Pradesh and Sri Lanka.
  • 7. Striding Ahead I 7 Encouraging education for the girl child
  • 8. 8 I January 2012 Issue Strides we took HelpAge Silver Plate Award in 2010 for impacting over 25 Lac community people through the health initiatives. Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Social Responsibility 2011. CMO Asia Award for Best Overall Corporate Social Responsibility Practice in 2011 in Singapore. The Science on Wheels Cairn India was able to add value to van has touched the approximately 80% of the trainees from lives of more than Cairn Enterprise Centre as they started 16000 students across their own enterprises after going through schools in Barmer and rigid training sessions under supervision Bhogat areas. of specialised trainers.
  • 9. Striding Ahead I 9 The Cairn Enterprise Centre has been The Dairy Development instrumental in bringing about economic Programme has stability for the women by imparting successfully strengthened trainings in handicrafts, thereby making the economic status of way for business prospects for women. the rural community as the milk production has increased 108% from time of inception. This is due to various factors such as better veterinarian facilities, improved fodder, regular fat measurement and much more. The Room to Read, Library Project has been taken beyond borders. Students in Monaragala district in Sri Lanka are being benefitted from the resources and knowledge being imparted through these libraries. Construction and repairing of around 1350 Tanka Tankli (Water Harvesting Structures) in 19 villages of Barmer, Rajashthan. The total project cost was Rs. 131.4 Lacs.
  • 10. 10 I January 2012 Issue Education Education is a tool that helps combat the availability of good books and learning benefit from the library resources. This is in • Facilitation of learning programmes that cut-throat competition in today’s times. At aids etc have been realised by Cairn India background of the belief that by enabling equip students with the necessary skills. every juncture in a man’s life, its ‘Education’ and constant efforts are being made in these resources an environment will be • Experience of joyous learning and that makes the difference as it is the 4th this direction. Programmes like Theater created which will further help the students thereby enriching student’s intellectual, highest necessity after food, clothing and in Education (TiE), Science on Wheels and community members to develop aesthetic, cultural and emotional growth. shelter. India has been constantly striving to (SoW) and Room to Read Libraries are and create reading as a culture in the • Access to a wide range of materials, improve the quality of education and aim at instrumental in achieving the objective of community. fiction and non-fiction, print, audio, video increasing the literacy rate of the country. Cairn’s education initiatives. and digital. Development of rural school libraries is • Opportunity to adapt to learning Cairn India has joined the efforts and is Library Programme one of the key projects that Cairn has programmes which integrate information committed to creating an environment for implemented in the education portfolio resources and technologies. children and young people to develop and Room to Read is a non-profit organisation across various operational areas. The evolve as responsible citizens. Through founded on the belief that World Change initiative has been instrumental in Theater in Education the education initiatives, Cairn focuses Starts With Educated Children. The inculcating reading habit in children which on accessibility, equity and quality of organisation focuses on literacy and in turn has helped them in improving overall Cairn India started Theatre in Education education. gender equality in education and works academic results. (TiE) programme in partnership with in collaboration with local communities, BNKVS (Bharatiya Natya Kala Vikas The importance of appropriate partner organisations and governments. Libraries have shown to have a positive Sansthan) at Barmer to introduce innovative infrastructure, skilled teachers, innovative Room to Read is a global organisation impact on reading skills as they provides way of teaching and learning. The aim teaching methodology and curriculum, dedicated to promoting and enabling access to supplemental reading materials, of the initiative was to provide quality education through various programmes which support extended vocabularies, education through a process of interactive and believes that all children, regardless creative thinking, enrichment of class learning for the marginalised students. The of gender or background, have a right to materials, and encourage independent attributes of the programme also aim at education. access to information and arouse the slashing monotony of classroom teaching, interest of students in matters beyond the improving teacher-student interactions, Cairn India partnered with Room to Read curriculum. making learning interactive and joyful, to magnify its own education initiatives and increasing power of expressions and to envisage a learning process wherein Some of the benefits of school libraries can imparting theatrical training to teachers as the children and community members be summarised as: teaching aids.
  • 11. Striding Ahead I 11 and Jalore districts. In Barmer itself the programme has reached schools in 4 blocks (Baitu, Barmer, Bhadka and Dhorimana). Science on Wheels In order to transform and stimulate the thinking of rural children and teachers, Cairn India in collaboration with Agastya International Foundation introduced the Close to 40 percent of India’s population Science on Wheels (SoW) programme in is illiterate and schools in rural areas are and around Cairn operational areas. not completely equipped to solve this problem alone. Education for girl child, child The Science on Wheels vans are driven to marriage and unemployment are only some schools in rural areas and two instructors of the hindrances in way of attaining higher along with an array of around 100 literacy rate. Due to this, the enrollment experiments teach the students in these levels are low in rural schools. In order to schools. The models and experiments are boost the literacy levels of Government demonstrated to the students so that they schools in Barmer district it was proposed to get hands-on-experience and retain interest extend support for an interactive mode of in the subject of science. learning for children in the district schools • Government of India KEY PARTNERS as well through the programme - Theatre in The Agastya instructors teach scientific the ‘entire solar system’.This initiative has • Government of Rajasthan Education (TiE). concepts through simple experiments in been instrumental in improving the overall • SURE (Society to Uplift sessions that emphasise interaction and academic result of the students in the Rural Economy) The programme has also been endorsed questioning. Most of the experiments regions where it operates. • Local Panchayats by the Chief Minister of Rajasthan. Cairn are simple in nature and use indigenous • District Administration India has demonstrated running of the material.The SoW van is also equipped programme in 34 schools in Barmer with models to show complex workings like
  • 12. 12 I January 2012 Issue Health Recognising the importance of good health Cairn India is dedicated to enhancing health around Cairn India’s operational area like Other districts and villages like Suvali, is the first step towards improving the seeking behaviour of communities with Viramgam, Radhanpur, Barmer, Ravva, and Ravva, Banaskantha, etc., dealt with this quality of life of the people. A synergistic respect to various issues such as: child and Suvali amongst others, have easy access problem too. approach is all that it takes to inculcate maternal health, nutrition and diet, diseases to quality healthcare facilities provided by good health and hygiene habits in the of poverty, life threatening diseases (HIV/ Cairn. Lack of health facilities in the vicinity, community as the first step to ensure AIDS / TB/ Cancer) etc. It has been unavailability of female doctors and lack healthy living. ensured that community members living As a responsible corporate, Cairn India has of awareness on health issues pertaining been complementing and supplementing especially to women and children have the government health system for effective been the problems prevailing in the region. primary healthcare. The scope of work for Cairn includes, working with Panchayats to Moreover, the rural population is not aware catalyse health governance through micro about different diseases and Government level strategising and planning. health schemes for the community. As Cairn India has been instrumental in the villages are scattered, the community empowering communities to take people have to travel long distances to actions to address various health access healthcare services. requirements in collaboration with Cairn India’s CSR programmes. Keeping in view the challenges of access and availability of quality healthcare service Mobile Health Van options, Cairn India in partnership with HelpAge India started the Mobile Health Remote districts in the country and their Van (MHV) project in the rural areas in and difficult terrain pose many challenges in around Cairn operational areas. providing access to healthcare services. The MHV not only aims at the curative Instances have been recorded when healthcare services but also focuses on there were only 10 doctors catering to preventive healthcare services which are a population of 2 million in and around done through awareness programmes, Barmer. health camps and much more.
  • 13. Striding Ahead I 13 Catering to the community’s medical requirements at their door step
  • 14. 14 I January 2012 Issue The project has been successful as there has been active participation from the community and the local leaders who have played an important role in communicating the benefits of this health initiative run by Cairn India. Over the last three years the MHV programme of Cairn India has been regularly sighted in the local newspapers. Today the Mobile Health Van has become a lifeline for the villagers as they look forward to the provision of medical services. The villagers have also been extremely active and supportive in running this project. A fleet of volunteers have played a significant role in mobilising the villagers towards the MHV and other health awareness programmes. services of the MHV. Role of volunteers in the success of the • Volunteers helped in conducting programme: sessions on virtually any subject ranging from proper hygiene to • Volunteers focused on assisting sessions on life threatening diseases. patients to properly use the healthcare system in terms of making the patient As a responsible corporate, Cairn India cards, helping the elderly patients, etc. caters to raising awareness on healthcare • Volunteers encourage appropriate within the community and has been immunisation levels in case of instrumental in providing the necessary vaccination for children; provide support to the government health translation to people in their local initiatives. This has helped achieve the language. This helped the patients objective of making available primary Providing necessary medical assistance for maternal healthcare in navigating the health system and healthcare facilities in the community, for encouraged them to optimally utilise the community.
  • 15. Striding Ahead I 15 AIDS awareness campaign • SURE (Society to Uplift KEY PARTNERS General Health Awareness Camps The advisors and counselors at the camps Rural Economy) strive to encourage the rural community • IL&FS Though the Mobile Health Van caters to optimally utilise the available facilities • NIIT to the medical requirements of the provided by Cairn India. • LiQVid community, Cairn India accelerated the • Thomson Reuters process of generating optimum health The process is carried out in consultation • Multi Commodity awareness through regular camps. with the block level officials, village Exchange (MCX) • Rajasthan Mission on These camps are organised for the sarpanch, key community members, Livelihood (RMoL) underprivileged section of the community school teachers and anganwadi workers to • GMR Varalakshmi in association with HelpAge India. The create magnified impact of the initiative. In Foundation prime agenda of the general health addition to generating awareness through • ALEAP awareness camps is to propagate the camps, added initiatives like door to door • Jana Kalyan Welfare Society importance of health and hygiene amongst counselling and distribution of nutritional men, women and children. food are carried out.
  • 16. 16 I January 2012 Issue Economic climatic conditions. Majority of the milk As this sector becomes more remunerative, produced is retained by the communities there will be an increase in self for their own use. The widespread hostile employment and independence amongst terrain offers limited opportunities for the community members. This programme selling the surplus milk and, to add to this, has been groundbreaking in cutting across Development the milk from the marginalised community cultural barriers and providing a new sense is not accepted by the upper castes. of independence and empowerment Most of the collection is localised and amongst the women of Barmer. Women largely managed by private vendors. The have begun SHG’s, started internal traditional milk fat analysis system ensured loaning, started saving thereby placing that the communities were unable to derive themselves in the forefront of their families Dairy Development Programme society in rural areas with limited or no full benefits out of the milk that they sold. as productive, indispensable members. land resources. Rajasthan has one of Livestock breeding has been the traditional the highest livestock populations in the Looking at the scenario Cairn India in July Through increased spending power; subsistence strategy in Western Rajasthan country. Despite this, the milk production 2007, decided to support an intensive women have exerted their independence for the marginalised sections of the in Rajasthan is very low due to the extreme community based dairy development by resisting traditional societal pressures, programme with an aim to improve the economic condition of the rural poor. The Cairn India Dairy Development HIGHLIGHTS Programme aims to: The programme was initiated in Barmer. The thrust was to identify and collectivise • Establish a bulk collection and the local community as potential milk distribution network of milk in the villages and link the small dairy farmers suppliers, ensure price discovery system to an assured and remunerative outlet for the milk suppliers, create an assured for their milk produce base, organise the untapped milk pockets • Organise rural households in Self Help and enhance the economic status of dairy Groups (SHGs) and enable capacity farmers. The programme was designed building • Increase the quality and quantity of in a manner that it targeted women to milk production through technical help them uplift their economic status assistance to SHG farmers on improved in the community. Over time, the local livestock care, veterinary services, community experienced increased income breed improvement and fodder which empowered them to form Self development. • Establish linkages with banks and Help Groups (SHG’s) and explore other financial institution to access of loans livelihood options. for livestock
  • 17. Striding Ahead I 17 • Trade skill exposure and enhanced • Key Partners “Touching the lives of over ten thousand KEY PARTNERS OBJECTIVES employability for communities in the Barmer Development Area • SURE (Society to Uplift local community members. Rural Economy) thereby developing micro, small • IL&FS and medium enterprises (MSMEs). • NIIT • Facilitating access to finance for • LiQVid gained control of their finances and Over the years, through the programme SMEs and micro-entrepreneurs to developed immense self reliance. SMS subscriptions were sold to several establish and expand businesses. • Thomson Reuters • Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) Traditionally members of different castes hundred thousand farmers. • Collection and dissemination of information on employment • Rajasthan Mission on Livelihood would never be seen in the same room, opportunities, enterprise (RMoL) and now due to this programme, caste The subscriptions are sold as an easy-to- development, government • GMR Varalakshmi Foundation is no longer a distinction as people are use card in thousands of retail outlets in schemes and upcoming contracts • ALEAP working together without discrimination. rural India. Each farmer can choose his and tenders. • Jana Kalyan Welfare Society The programme is currently running in choice of content, which is delivered to 14 villages of Barmer, Rajasthan. The big him in his locallanguage over his mobile strides in milk production from 196,873 phone. The service is delivered as SMSes litres to 2,195,424 litres made in the last that fit in the daily workflow of the farmer, four years (2007 – 2011) under Dairy in 8 local languages, across 13 states Programme, have catapulted Cairn and over any operator or mobile phone. India’s Dairy Development programme as The service helps the farmer with timely a catalyst for social and economic change information on calamities, demand – in Barmer, Rajasthan. supply rate in markets, etc. Programme on Agri Advisory to Right of Use (RoU) farmers have shown Farmers through SMS their willingness for continuation of services from RML programme and have Cairn India has partnered with Thomson requested for its renewal. It is evident that Reuters to implement the programme on the SMS services have improved livelihood agri advisory through SMS for the farming for the farmers. community living across the Cairn pipeline This initiative of Cairn India has been route. instrumental in empowering the farmers, leading to direct financial benefit to The programme offers a highly their incomes. personalised micro-information service over mobile phones to the farming community that is changing their lives.
  • 18. 18 I January 2012 Issue Skill based training for the local youth
  • 19. Striding Ahead I 19 Cairn Enterprise Centre “7000 people including land In order to cope with problems of contributing families have unemployment, lack of opportunity been trained at the Cairn and business possibility, Cairn India Enterprise Centre in various conceptualised an ‘Enterprise Centre’ which would focus on cutting edge training skills from mobile phone solutions that have an industry linkage, repairing to masonry and thereby increasing the chances of greater electric wiring. It also has a employability for the students. centre to help small and micro The aim of the Cairn Enterprise Centre business start-ups with skills is “to improve the quality of life through like preparing business plans economic empowerment of communities, and development of community owned and designing websites to sustainable businesses by building local market themselves. As part capacities and entrepreneurial talents”. of training schedule, more Using specialised training patterns and than 1500 women have been methodology from facilities at ITI, Barmer ‘trained in handicrafts making along with specialised instructors and and business skills.“ trainers; the Cairn Enterprise Centre presents a modular approach and delivers modules that are highly focused. Some of the trainings being held at the • Advanced Welding Training for ITI Cairn Enterprise Centre include: Students • Two Wheeler Repairing Training • Mobile Phone Repairing Training • Spoken English Course • Genset Repairing Training • Basic Computer Training Dairy Development Programme
  • 20. 20 I January 2012 Issue Infrastructure was propelled and sponsored by Cairn ones, however, those with existing but India. This initiative directly impacted close damaged were provided with support to 10,000 people in the area. The expertise for repair. and equipment used for all these structures was up to date including 30 high degree • Government of India KEY PARTNERS submersible pumps, control panels, spares • Government of and leak detection technology. Rajasthan The beneficiaries were selected through • SURE (Society to Uplift a process of conducting surveys Rural Economy) followed by village-level deliberations • Local Panchayats and suggestions. Selected families with • District Administration no existing structures were provided new Rajasthan developing the infrastructure across its Number of Tankas / Tankis operational areas. (Water Harvesting Structures A 3% dip in agriculture production triggers a threefold rise in essential commodity To provide enriching experience to prices. Such is the contribution made by the rural people, Cairn understood the our farmers, who live in rural areas and need of the community and supported it contribute approximately the fifth of India’s accordingly. In the areas of Thar, water is a GDP. The villages where these farmers live, precious commodity and rarely available. lack basic infrastructure like roads, homes made of brick and mortar, hospitals and Access to clean drinking water or water schools; indeed, much of what we take for agricultural purposes has been an age for granted in urban areas! Cairn has old problem. Construction of around 1350 cared to this cause and looked into water harvesting and storage structures
  • 21. Striding Ahead I 21 Inculcating best hygiene practices in the community
  • 22. 22 I January 2012 Issue village. Today, the Panchayat has taken Ravva responsibility of water supply to individual homes and street taps. Cairn has been instrumental in developing the infrastructure around its operation Cairn India is sensitive towards nature and areas in Ravva. Many initiatives have eco systems and maintains high standards been planned based on the needs of the of operational efficiency to mitigate community. Sanitation facility was provided environmental damage and destruction. in villages in Ravva and more than 465 Keeping this in mind, a ‘Green Belt’ has individual toilets across households were been developed in S’Yanam with an aim to constructed. This initiative helped prevent protect the environment. various kinds of diseases in the community. Cairn India also took the ownership of Today the belt is spread over an area of ensuring safe drinking water for the 229 acres around the Ravva terminal, community. village roads and the beach. There are various species of trees in the Green Belt, Since the water table, in coastal Andhra dominated largely by Casuarinas and Pradesh is at the surface level, it is Mangroves. Cairn has been contributing contaminated with sewage and agricultural to the community in the field of Education runoff which is the prime cause of water through various programmes, however, borne diseases. at S’Yanam special focus was laid at the school infrastructure. Cairn has been The first step Cairn took was by supplying supporting various Government schemes water through tankers for the community like mid-day meal, provision of utensils, in S’ Yaman village. Thereafter, a reservoir, uniforms, school bags and books. sand filters, overhead storage tank and a distribution system for a population of The most impactful contribution has been 4500 was put in place. In response to the the learning experience gained by the demand generated at the community level students at the science laboratory set up in and voiced by the Village Development schools by Cairn. Along with this required Committee of the village, Cairn initiated number of computers, furniture and other an extensive water distribution system by equipment to create a better learning laying pipelines in all the segments of the environment for children was ensured by
  • 23. Striding Ahead I 23 Cairn. In addition to this, many solar lights animal husbandry as the main occupation have been installed in the village for the of the local population, hence, Cairn India benefit of the local community. has built a pond for the animals. Suvali village has always faced acute water CB/OS-2 shortage. Villagers worked miles to fetch The coastal area of Hazira Industrial Belt drinking water. To ensure safe drinking is an economically backward area, which water for the community in Suvali, Cairn requires infrastructural development for has taken several initiatives. In the first benefit of local population. Suvali village stage in 2005, and overhead as well as is one of the backward villages of the area. underground tanks were constructed. The The Surat-Hazira road has witnessed overhead tank has a capacity of 1 lac litres many severe accidents and many more and the water sump has a capacity of 2 lac near misses. litres’. To supply this water pump houses were also constructed. In 2006, Cairn Therefore, as part of Cairn’s commitment constructed RO pumps to add to its earlier to the development of the community, it efforts. These pumps were later handed was essential to construct proper roads for over to the Panchayat for management this area. A road joining Hazira and Suvali and maintenance. to other nearby villages was constructed by Cairn for the benefit of both Suvali and As part of another initiative, Cairn invested Junagam village population. Cairn India has in the construction of pipelines which also taken a step further and installed street helped in facilitating drinking water to the lights for the villagers. The street lights households. A total of 1200 villagers have have been set-up on the road from the been benefited by this initiative. onshore terminal to the village. The lights the Suvali village school. Further support equipments and computers. In addition, ensure safety for the villagers traveling in To support the education system, and has been provided by supplying basic Cairn provides support for computer the late hours. to ensure continuous education for the utilities like furniture, green boards, and teachers of Suvali Primary School by children, Cairn has taken some measures. cupboards. The school has also been helping out with their salaries. Students Another step taken for the convenience To address the dropout rates, Cairn had receiving power for fans and lights. To pursuing higher studies are also supported and community building is construction initially upgraded the infrastructural enhance the education experience, Cairn through award of scholarships. of the cattle pond. Since Suvali thrives on facilities, which included toilet blocks in has contributed towards the laboratory
  • 24. 24 I January 2012 Issue Transforming Lives Cairn’s Agri Advisory conditions which ruined his crops several possible way and he was able to enhance Programme times. The little that he made from the his income from farming. repairing workshop barely sufficed the Ramesh Kumar Prajapati from Sinad Village family of four. Prajapati recalls “Once on receiving a from District Patan in Gujarat was working message of a predicted storm and heavy as a farmer and as a part time at a repairing One fine day, Prajapati got to know about rain, I and my brother warned the other workshop to make a living. 36 years old, the RML services and was keen to try villagers. The message helped us being Prajapati had four members to look after it for better yielding of his crops. With prepared for the worst situation.”Prajapati and feed in his family. He often lost a lot information ranging from weather forecasts received his messages in English language of money due to unforeseen weather to crop rates, it benefited him in every even though he was not well versed with the language. His sons Sunil and Nikul helped him sometimes and this way Prajapati was learning a new language as well. equipped to handle calamities and other Though Cairn has ensured that RML troubles. services include messages in local languages, Prajapati was determined to It makes one believe that Cairn India has learn English through this initiative. “I want given not just door step counseling and to learn English so that I can communicate opportunities but is slowly embedding the directly with everyone, overlooking roots of confidence in various individuals. ‘language’ as a barrier” he said. Mobile Health Van He is determined to enroll other famers for RML services as he believes that Cairn Damma Ram from village Dunda Kawas in India initiative of bringing this boon to him Rajasthan was always perceived as one of has improved his livelihood. As a farmer the most active and energetic member in he is more prepared, acquainted and the community. He is the first to take part in
  • 25. Striding Ahead I 25 realise his dreams can come true. He came with the purpose to learn English as he wanted to start his own real estate business in Hyderabad. Being a student of bachelors of art, Vinod was never able to learn English and gain fluency in the language. He joined the first batch of spoken English course at the Cairn Enterprise Centre and began learning through instructor led training modules. With the help of class participation, software support and appropriate guidance from the trainer, Vinod learnt the language effectively. The course helped him understand the dynamics of the language and the ways to address formal meetings, informal conversations and much more. all the development initiatives at his village, the health of Damma. He had almost given again. A regular at the MHV for his timely Vinod emerged as a hard working, always volunteering to help the needy etc. up hope of survival till he was told about medication, Damma now plays the role successful student who completed his the ‘Mobile Health Van’ (MHV) Programme of spreading awareness about facilities of course with dedication and commitment. However life changed when Damma Ram initiated by Cairn. Villagers told Damma Cairn’s MHVs and how the villagers can was almost paralysed by arthritis. His Ram and his son about the MHV which benefit from the same. Damma Ram’s Today, Vinod is based at Hyderabad and movement was ceased by the disease and would provide medicines and free health ‘good soul’ tag is back and he continues to is successfully executing his Real Estate he was unable to perform his daily chores. check up to ensure healthy living for take care of his fellow villagers. business as he can fluently speak and Only one of his four sons stayed with him community members. write in English. This course helped him who worked as a daily wage labourer Spoken English Course - CEC deal with foreign customers easily and leaving nobody to take care of Damma In his first visit to the MHV, Damma Ram effectively. He has maintained contact Ram at home. was thoroughly checked by the doctor and With dreams packed in a bag, Vinod Puro with representatives from Cairn Enterprise was provided free medicines for arthritis. from Langera village in Rajasthan came to Centre and continues to share his daily The father and son could not afford The medicines soon proved to be magical Cairn Enterprise Centre (CEC). Located 12 experiences. treatment and the disease was hampering as after a few months Damma could walk Kms away from Barmer, Vinod travelled to