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Copyright 2008 by euseden

 euseden         2008

  For government and public organizations

                                            All rights reserved by euseden
Copyright 2008 by euseden


This paper introduces a new framework for executing strategy, STR-
CMM. This is developed based on two widely adopted
methodologies - Balanced scorecard and Capability Maturity Model
(CMM). STR-CMM grew out of our consulting experience and
knowledge in implementation of these two models in many of the
leading organizations in India. The paper is divided into two parts.
Part I establishes the current context for strategy as practiced,
especially from the point of view of practitioners in government and
public organizations. It discusses what strategy means, why it is
relevant today, how it is practiced in few government organizations
and what is the new strategy agenda.

Part II explains the STR-CMM in detail. It explains essentially
architecture and various parts of this framework, how it addresses
the new role of strategy planning and conceptual foundations behind
the STR-CMM framework.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Part I
STRATEGY IN GOVERNMENTS                                            7
    Purpose of strategy making                                    9
    What is strategy?                                             10

    Manage the big-picture                                       12
    Governments can learn to govern better                        13
          A case for strategy as learning tool

NEW ROLE FOR STRATEGY IN GOVERNMENTS                             18
    Strategy to operationalize vision & Policies                 18
    Make strategy measurable                                     21
    Strategy to integrate objectives
    Strategy as management system
    Strategy to align                                             26

Part II

STR-CMM BUILDING STRATEGY MATURITY                               29
   Background for STR-CMM                                        29
   Is it a force fit?                                            29

STR-CMM PRIMER                                                   31
   SPA Strategy Process Area                                    34
   Generic Goals & Generic Practices                            39
   Specific Goals & Specific Practices                          39

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Part II     …continued
MASTER TEMPLATES                                        40
    Strategy map                                         40
          Stake holder perspective
          Customer Perspective
          Internal Perspective
          Learning & Growth Perspective
    Scorecard Measures & Targets                         47
    Strategic Initiatives                                49

MATURITY LEVELS                                         50
   Why start with level 2?                              50

LEVEL 2 STRATEGY ACTION                                  52
   Enterprise strategy map                               52
    Enterprise scorecard                                 52
    Enterprise strategic initiatives                     53
    Strategy communication                              54
    Enterprise Strategy review                          54

LEVEL 3 STRATEGY ALIGNMENT                              54
   Strategy alignment for all KOUs                      54
    KOU scorecards                                      55
    Alignment of stake holders                          55
    KOU strategy reviews                                56
    Budgets linked to strategy                          57
    KOU Initiative alignment                            58
    Strategy competency development                     58

Copyright 2008 by euseden

 Part II     …continued

 LEVEL 4 STRATEGY LEARNING                                               60
    Strategy cascade                                                     60
     Strategy reporting system                                           60
     Strategy review at all levels                                       61
     IT enabled strategy management process                              61
     Enterprise wide Initiative management

LEVEL 5 STRATEGY INNOVATION                                             63
   Align personal goals                                                 63
     Align personal incentive                                           63
     Strategy awareness                                                 64
     Strategy process Innovation                                        64

           Queensland government strategy framework
           Strategy trend
           Maturity levels
           Strategy Process Areas
           SPA architecture
           Sample page of STR-CMM implementation guide
           Flowchart for STR-CMM implementation
           SPA- components
           Strategy map
           Strategy map – RCMP, government organization
           Sample Scorecard in government organization

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Part I

Copyright 2008 by euseden



In 2003 government of India hired international strategy consulting       This paper is written by
                                                                          Sheshagiri G Hegde of
firm, Boston Consulting Group to study Indian IT industry and
                                                                          euseden. Sheshagiri is a
                                                                          founder director of euseden.
suggest the role for the Government and CEOs of software
                                                                          He can be reached on
companies. As one of its key recommendations, BCG suggested the 
Government to conduct benchmarking studies to see the penetration
of e-commerce in industries like retail, financial services and banking
and promote adoption of ecommerce in these industries. Government
of India has not been able to implement this. This is despite the fact
that government said it would act on these recommendations. As
most of us know, this is not unique to Indian government alone.
World over, Governments and private companies alike are facing this

Copyright 2008 by euseden

problem of advocating a strategy and not being able to execute it. A
study by Ernst & Young found that roughly about 60% of the fortune
500 companies also failed to execute their strategies.
Many independent researches, suggest that strategy planners have
done quite well in formulating good strategy and advising on good
strategies. But when it comes to implementation, their records are
very poor. It does not matter if they were solely responsible for this.
Fact remains, at organizational level, whether it is Government or
private company, when it comes to executing the strategy it is not
encouraging. Why so many good recommendations fail to get
Problem, as research suggests, is not in the quality of the strategy but
is in the quality of processes and tools the planners have adopted for
implementing these strategies. Hence, a lot of private organizations
and forward looking Governments, in the recent past, are shifting
their focus on implementing strategies.

Communities, public organizations, private companies and even
individuals have been learning constantly how to interact with the
world so as to make their life better. We used to ride horses now we
have cars. Millions lost their lives to plague, now it is removed from
the face of the earth. Point is, societies have been experimenting with
this super-system and is learning to use it better. While it is obvious
that we have learnt a lot on how to control certain systems, there are
others which still are beyond our current knowledge. For instance,
we still do not know how to feed every hungry mouth. We still do
not know how to educate every child on earth. We still do not know
how to build homes for all.
Big question then is, would it be worth still researching or spending
public money on how to feed every hungry mouth or topics such as
how to govern a country for prosperity? This is exactly the question
the strategy of the governments needs to address. Strategy as used in

Copyright 2008 by euseden

military is very well acknowledged and straight forward. Not many
could question whether military needed a strategy or not. Same is not
necessarily that self-evident when it comes to business organizations
and hence when it comes to the governments and its departments, as
their power seems to come from development now and not from war.
Hence, it could be worth spending some time on understanding new
contexts of strategy.

                                                               Strategy framework adopted by
                                                               Queensland Government, Australia


                Sound fiscal environment                   Research & development

                  Capital infrastructure                     Commercialization

   Economic                                SMART STATE
 fundamentals                               STRATEGY

                   Industry efficiency                       Education & Training

                  Regulatory reforms                        Employment programs

                                           Human Capital

Purpose of strategy making
In its most fundamental form, strategy as practiced by many
governments and many large thought-leader private companies such
as IBM, Mobil, ABB, GE, and Shell etc – is modeling for higher level
of performance. (over a long time horizon). It is about finding the
levers and trying to use them for advantage of the stake holders. As
physicist have been trying to understand how to land on the moon,
social scientists have been trying to unravel how to manage large

Copyright 2008 by euseden

corporations, how to manage municipalities, how to increase
efficiency and effectiveness of public administration and so on.
Harvard professor of Strategy, Michael E. Porter for instance, after
studying some of the world’s leading economies, suggested a frame
work for how to make better policies so that Nations can gain
competitive advantage. This is one of the land-mark studies in trying
to understand how economies gain competitive edge. Many
governments world over, benefited from it. There have been many
such efforts to understand functioning and behavior of-
governments, parts of governments, societies, economies and large
To put it succinctly, we can fairly say, Government’s strategy is about
building hypotheses of higher performance for say next five, ten,
twenty years from now.

What is strategy?

Strategy has wide range of meaning even among the strategy makers
irrespective of whether the practitioner is from the government or
private company. This makes it double difficult to know whether
strategy practices can be useful beyond reasonable doubts for, we
cannot be even sure if we are understood in a manner we wanted.
For instance, when I asked one of the management team members of
a private company whether they did any strategy planning, he
explained in length about budgeting exercise they did. Strategy for
him was useful because budgeting was useful. Such wide meaning to
strategy has lead to a situation where ultimate usefulness of strategy
making appears to be more a matter of faith, value bias than scientific
and fact based. For instance, take simple strategic question. Should
government privatize education? Question is not as simple as it
appears at first glance. Answer depends on whether you are an

Copyright 2008 by euseden

executive in private company or chief of staff of a government
department. Right or wrong depends upon the rules of the context.
Should government spend public money to do strategy? Well, I
belong to the strategy camp, no matter how unsatisfactory the
mathematical proof for strategy planning is. However, it will not be
fair to presume value-add of strategy without knowing nature of
uncertainty that surrounds strategy planning practices. I wanted to
start with rather honest canvass for strategy management as capacity
that can add real value.

In India, we have Planning Commission at the center which does the
log-range plans. How effective these plans have been and to what
extent they have influenced local governments, is some thing we
need to understand beyond the fact that the government spends a lot
on planning. For instance, did planning commission suggest
Karnataka Government that it should set-up IT parks so that it can
build IT cluster that can bring state the competitive edge? Wouldn’t it
have been possible for government of Karnataka, otherwise?
Strategy needs to be able to answer these tough questions.

Copyright 2008 by euseden


Manage the big-picture

Conceptual essence of having a strategy that gives holistic picture at
                                                                          “In any government you need
the top, comes from the gestalt of it. Whole is larger than the sum
                                                                          to ensure there are ways of
                                                                          setting the overall strategy,
total of its parts. At one level, whether we should have a top level ,
                                                                          what you are trying to achieve,
centralized, strategy management is akin to asking this question;         why and what is a priority and
                                                                          what is not. A lot of things
Does the center, add value? How effective would have been the set         then need to follow that,
                                                                          including allocation of money,
of independent federal states of USA, without the center at the top? Is
                                                                          legislation, political capital and
                                                                          so on.”
US economically, socially, politically better-off without the central
governance of the sort that exists today? In world of business, most of
                                                                          Dr.Milgan, Director
the leading organizations have formal strategy
                                                                          Institute of community
                                                                          studies UK

planning process. Many governments such as US, UK, Australia etc
have well laid out strategy planning processes. We could have
differences of opinion as to whether the Government has been
effective or not. Or whether a particular government could have
performed better. However, most of us agree to the fact that such

Copyright 2008 by euseden

central governance is definitely required despite the fact that world
as a whole still functions without such top level central governance.
Similarly, such top-down and integrated view of – opportunities,
threats, emerging scenarios, internal capabilities, changes in
demography, values and so on is definitely provides better
perspectives to manage at a large scale.

For instance, In India, we have states that have done very well when
it comes to attracting private investors. These also are states that do
well in attracting various social aids. So we have states where we
have acute poverty and illiteracy and states that have progressed
very well. This is more prominent if we look at cities like, Bangalore,
Mumbai, and Delhi. Now, if we were to ask what strategy planning
should do in such a scenario, there seems to be a good deal of
opportunities for central thinking. For instance, a good strategy
think-tank can learn from such experiences, research and understand
how and why Karnataka attracted so much IT capital as against
others and can proactively try to inject into the other states which are
not doing so well. This definitely is a huge value for strategy to add.

Governments can learn to govern better

This in my opinion is by far the single largest reason why
governments and its ministries should have a systematic, structured
and well articulated strategy plan, no matter how uncertain we are
about the outcomes. A properly constructed strategy plan facilitates
powerful learning. Generally the straight forward reason for plans is
that it helps implementation of the plan. While it is so, something
underlying is more powerful than this, i.e. how it eventually shapes
our understanding about the system as we follow the plan and hence
our ability to create future eventually.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Strategy helps us theorize, build set of hypotheses, make
assumptions and above all “expect” certain results or outcomes. In a
simple plan we have few hypotheses, few assumptions and few
expectations. And in complex plans we have, many assumptions,
causes, and expect many outcomes. In either case, how we set out
our planned cause and effects and outcomes have significant bearing
on how we eventually learn to master the system. I will illustrate this
with examples later.

First, let’s understand this learning process in some more detail.
We as individuals and groups constantly learn about cause and effect
relationships. From as simple as how to brush, to as complex as how
to run an election campaign- discovering cause and effect, is key to
success. Unless you got very lucky, I am sure, your first experiences
behind the car steering did not go as expected. May be the car turned
too sharply as you turned the steering. May be the car engine went-
off as you tried changing gears. Moved too swiftly as you tried
releasing the clutch. However, over a period we all learn what causes
what effect while we drive a car. This is because of the feedback the
car and the driving system gives us to all our actions such as steering,
accelerating and applying the brakes. Without feedback it’s almost
impossible to learn.

Something very similar happens when we try to administer say a
nation-wide campaign for controlling spread of AIDS if we plan what
we should do, and hence what we expect- the realm of strategy. We
make assumptions about the cause and effect relationships of this
AIDS campaign system and see how to drive it towards the desired
results. In simpler words, we decide what actions we should take in

Copyright 2008 by euseden

order to achieve the results that we want. For instance, we might say
we want to first educate rural young men. This we believe will help
us eventually control the spread of AIDS as we assume that they are
the largest and the most vulnerable section. As you can see, it gets
complex here due to the fact that we cannot be precise about neither
the cause nor the effect unlike in the car driving. (That precisely is the
reason we need to specially design the feedback system while in car it
was very natural) For instance, how can we know that we can
educate rural young men? Also, what we learn here is affected by
how we define and articulate what actions to be taken and what
results we expect. For instance, if we do not assume anything about
rural young men, we will never learn about what actions to take
about this important cause though we can learn about how to control
the spread of AIDS. This can get wieldier by further articulation in
the plan such as rural young of some geography etc.

To keep it simple, we can say, what we learn significantly is
influenced by how we articulated actions and outcomes. Albeit,
outcome of actions are uncertain.

Let me explain this further with a real time case.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

A case for strategy as learning tool

Not long ago, as a consultant I worked with management team of a
retail company in India. They had many products that were sold in
small retail outlets across India and few countries outside India.
Since, too many products were only crowding and adding to the
complexity of manufacturing, scheduling, distribution etc,
management wanted to see if they could retire few products as the
overall profit margins for the company as a whole, was coming
down. To get better understanding on which products to retire, we
calculated profit for each product for different geographies. This
information was a surprise in many ways for many in the
management team. Few products which some thought highly
profitable, were not actually so. They in fact, were draining
significant resources of the company.
Though looks rather simple, now let’s ask,

•What did the company’s leaders learn in this context?
•How did the strategy plan help leaders learning this?
If we take a closer look at the case narrated above we realize that one
of the key information which acted as a trigger was dwindling
overall profit margin. Would the company management think of
product profitability analysis without knowing overall profit
margin? I doubt. Let’s ask much deeper question, what would
company management do, if it had not even set strategic goal to
related to profit margin? Would it come to know that its profit was
dwindling? Probably not, as the company would not compute overall
profit margin at all. (Such things happen on many strategic issues
faced by the organizations today. Take for instance, energy level of
companies key employees. Would company know? ) Company’s
strategy plan made leaders expect certain profit margin. Then as the
actual information was constructed this was short of the expectation.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Hence, leaders could learn that the product’s profitability be further

Such a feedback is different from learning by haunch or intuition. I
am not suggesting that intuitive learning is not important. Just that
learning is very significantly enhanced through proper structuring
and planning done in a holistic way. And planning helps us to
structure information in more learnable way. As the above example
shows this is exactly where and how a good strategy plan helps
learning. Strategy plan is not only to execute but also to learn so that
eventually we will have better chance in mastering the complex

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Strategy to operationalize, Vision and Policies

Whether it is a Ministry of a government, a state council, or a large
private company there are systems and processes that make people
act. These are the systems which motivate people, assess people and
prompt people to act. In an organizational context, especially in
governments, people do not take actions because they heard an
inspiring political speech. Or attended a seminar on how to adopt IT
in governments. At best it can influence some level of thinking.
There are systems and processes which make them act. Unless our
policies become part of such actionable system no strategy or no
policy gets implemented. Often we hear about lofty manifestos and
promises by the political parties. Many of them even get elected
based on the promises they made. Yet, just two years down the lane
people realize that the governments fail to fulfill even the bare
minimum. People blame political will, dirty politicking, corruption
and the system. While there definitely is good share of all that, the
lion share is of the system that actionates the strategies or policies.
What are these systems and how do we change them to act?

Of all the systems and processes, budgeting is single largest
contributor of actions in government. Every government,
municipality or private company has budgets. Such accounting
system has been one of the most powerful inventions of organizing
for large scale. For years, governments across the globe have
measured their effectiveness on the basis of their budgets. In fact
actions of governments are habit around these budgets. Even in
companies competing in free market budgets are generally sacrosanct
and people keep continuing to act as per these budgets. Markets
might change, customers might change but budgets do not change.
Even today, budgets command most of

Copyright 2008 by euseden

activities. Budgets, in its most fundamental form, are generally
operation plans explained in terms of various items of expenses and
revenues measured in money. Budget is useful and old powerful
institution. It is so powerful that budgeting decides what strategy
should be than strategy deciding what budget should be.

Measuring effectiveness of actions based on expenditure, as many
governments have realized now, is a dangerous thing. For one, it has
got nothing to do with outcome as is the experience of most
governments. For instance, every government in India has spent
money on poverty alleviation but still there is large section of
population which is acutely below poverty line. Problem is, we did
measure the input not the output. In fact even today, we hear
ministers saying “we have allocated so much money for rural
development”. Why do then governments measure expenditure?
Because that is one of the most meticulously tracked systems.
One possible way for strategy to become more actionable is to find
strategy a place in the budgets. (Other is to budget the strategy) And
budgets of every one- every ministry, department, municipality, local
bodies, NGOs and even if possible volunteers. This would be like
creating total alignment. Generally, in most cases the linkage between
budget and strategy is not very smooth and effective. Most lack
proper process of building proper linkages.
That does not fully explain how we make people take actions on
strategy. To motivate people to take actions on strategy we need to
create a rather budgeting-like parallel system of measurement which
measures strategy not expenses and revenue alone. Not necessarily as
large as budgeting though. Yet, a clear number driven system of
budgeting and tracking strategy execution. There are powerful
reasons behind this.
As we saw in the earlier paragraph. Financial numbers cannot
capture and measure strategic objectives and implementation very
Copyright 2008 by euseden

As we know financial numbers capture only monetary transactions.
They do not capture non-monetary aspects, whether they are
strategic or significant. For instance, consider a strategic objective
such as “provide basic access to essential public services such as
health, education, clean drinking water, sanitation, etc., to those who
are deprived of them”. Limitation of accounting system is, it can
provide us how much money we spent on it as against allocated
money. (This too is practically not that simple. It requires
modifications in accounting heads). But as we know, that does not
solve our problem. This as we saw only is measurement of input.
What we need possibly is some think like “percentage population
who still does not have the access to these services and how we
improve this number”. Such a thing cannot be tracked in budgets not
at least the way they are now. Yet, it is far more effective indicator
than money spent. Hence we need a new template and a process for
setting strategic objectives that can measure non-financial objectives
expressed in non-monetary numbers.
Some might think that they already have such a system of setting
targets in non-financial numbers. For instance, Planning commission
of India has set clear targets in its 11th plan. For example, look at the
following targets;
- Increase forest and tree cover by 5 percentage points.
- Attain WHO standards of air quality in all major cities by 2011-12.
- Treat all urban waste water by 2011-12 to clean river waters.
- Increase energy efficiency by 20 percentage points by 2016-17

Will it drive politicians and bureaucrats to act? Is it equal to
operationalising strategy?
Not really.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

While these are very clear than highly generic policies, these alone
will not prompt actions at all levels. We need still budget like system
for measuring and tracking such strategic objectives. It takes a
detailed process cutting-across departments and levels. For instance,
we need to now have a system where objectives such as “Increase
energy efficiency by 20%” gets cascaded to say different state
governments and State electricity boards. These in turn need to get
cascaded to next levels. This is what happens in budgeting when it
comes to money. We might even have situation where we ask
industrial houses increase their energy efficiency. And this is not all,
we need to get a system up for tracking these targets at various
levels. This for sure will prompt action at all levels. At the least, a lot
more action gets done than measuring how much money we spend
under this budget.

Make strategy measurable
One of the significant drawbacks of the strategy planning practices
adopted by the organizations of the past era was their ability to
influence execution of the strategy they made. Strategy making had
flawed strategy for strategy implementation! They formulated good
strategies. Big problem was that they could not be implemented. This
is true for most governments, their departments and civil
organizations and even the best of private organizations.
Key to this was strategies were highly generic and all encompassing
and lacked measure. This in my opinion is one of the most significant
developments of strategy planning practices of recent times. Strategy
execution such as balanced scorecard- developed by Harvard
professor and his colleague Dr Norton are remarkable contribution

Copyright 2008 by euseden

from this very important dimension. We now know that many
agencies, departments of governments in US and UK have adopted
one or the other version of such practices. When strategies are generic
and have broad range of meanings it becomes not actionable. Worse,
people do exactly opposite and interpret them to their advantage.
Governments are lot more vulnerable to such practices than private
companies. In such environments it becomes even difficult to know
whether or not a strategy is executed. We regularly come across
political parties claiming that their government made significant
progress in terms reduction of poverty or providing rural
employment or developing the backward section of the population
while opposition claims the exact opposite. Key question is just how
we know that their claims are right.

Let’s looks at this deeper. Strategies need to be defined in more
actionable way. For that it needs to have specific measures. A number
that we can compute and measure which allows us to
compare and know. Problem with most of the strategies of the past
era was that they did not have proper way of measuring whether or
not their strategy was executed. For instance, let’s say a State wants
to pursue a strategy where its objective is to develop and promote
SME sector and encourage entrepreneurs in this sector. Now, the
strategy planners must set specific measure for measuring whether or
not such strategy is executed. For instance, it can set percentage of
contribution to the state’s GDP as a measure. It can also say how
much of fresh funding goes into this sector as another measure. This
way we can set clear targets to achieve. As you can see such a
measure helps us to know whether the state is able to implement
such a strategy. To illustrate, we can imagine that at the beginning of
the strategy the state had 20% contribution coming from this sector
and say state sets to achieve 30% contribution from this sector by the

Copyright 2008 by euseden

end of the plan period. This is very clearly measurable. Similarly, we
can set targets for investment the state needs to attract for this sector
and can clearly compute the number.

Strategy to integrate objectives
Government departments and private organizations alike tend to
follow agenda and set long-term goals which are often not a pat of
integrated whole. For instance Ministry of education may set
following goals
- Provide free education to all up to 10th grade
- Increase literacy rates in all states
- Establish vocational training institutes across the country
- Invest heavily in higher education
- Allow private players in higher education
- Attract top talent to education

Such goal setting systems are possibly the most prevalent and we see
them in all forms of organizations- Government departments, public
sector companies, private organizations and so on. While such
systems have contributed their bit, it may not be sufficient for today’s
complex and uncertain economic and social environments. Recently,
many governments, governmental agencies such as EDA (Economic
Development Authority of US under the US government), MoD UK
(Ministry of Defense UK) have set Goals in a more logical, integrated
and holistic way. They create strategy map. Strategy map as against
the set of goals as we saw in the example above- are integrated and
flow as chain of cause and effect.
Unless we make conscious effort to integrate objectives they tend to
run into conflicts. Such conflicts often fulfill one at the cost of the
other. While it is impossible to eliminate conflicts it is important we
keep it minimal. In most situations, upon some reflections it is

Copyright 2008 by euseden

possible to set policies and goals that are integrated and follow a
logical cause and effect chain and hence make not disparate stand
alone objectives but parts of an integrated whole.
Some may argue that there could be few things then we may not be
able to put in the plan. In my opinion, that is precisely what it is
supposed to do. No matter how large and competent the government
is, it is important to realize that achieving everything is not possible.
It is best to achieve few goals thoroughly than try to achieve on all
and end up doing not much.

Strategy as a management system
Many practices of strategy planning has been more like organizing an
event where strategy planners present their insights on the business
environment, emerging trends, competition, some new food for
thoughts. This is true even in some best managed private companies.
These are attended by high ranking ministers, secretaries and fellow
planners at local level. Strategy needs to go beyond such events.
Generally, set of professionals, leading academicians and some of the
best brains in the country research, scan, consult local governments
and boards, think-through and compile a quite insightful strategy
plan or long-range plans. While all this is useful, history suggests that
it is not enough and not possibly the most effective way to strategize,
if we need these strategies to be executed. It is not about how useful
insight the strategy provides. It is not even about how fine-tuned it is
about local environments. It is about how effectively it can get
translated into action at all levels of the government.
Strategy to be more effective needs to be embedded into action-
agenda of ministers and bureaucrats. This requires different
perspective, different kind of planning process, different models of
execution and different set of processes for “managing” strategy, a

Copyright 2008 by euseden

continuous process of tracking and measuring. This is not the same as
planning department conducting evaluation study of the plan-
implementation at the end of 3 years or something of that kind. For
instance, planning commission of India, might conduct an evaluation
study on how a particular scheme planned in the 5-year plan is
implemented across the country. This could be small part of it but
does not essentially cover managing of strategy. Managing strategy is
significantly more and significantly different. Some what crude
Indicator for judging whether or not we are managing strategy is
answer to the following question; Are we managing strategy as we
are managing regular operations?
Recently, central government of UK merged two different planning
departments and formed a single Strategy unit. Strategy Unit directly
reports to Prime Minister, and is doing something very different from
what the previous departments did not do. Apart form conducting
planning; co-developing papers on issues which are strategic in
nature, it also participates in the regular review of implementation of
such strategies that would have got in-built into plans of different
ministries and departments. ABB, a large private company has a
formal and elaborate process of incorporating strategic insights
developed by its strategy planning team to its budgeting. Its annual
budgeting follows the strategy plan and they have separate strategy-
budget component built into it. This budget of ABB is not the same as
old budgeting. Clearly, this is managing strategy as this makes sure
that there are processes that manage strategy on continual basis
across the organization and across all levels of the organization.
For this purpose some clarity on what is operations and what is
strategic can be useful. Strategy as practiced by the balanced
scorecard organizations and some of the leading organizations is set
of objectives that are critical for achieving our Vision and Mission.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

For instance, A particular state government might realize that it has
certain natural advantage in terms of promoting bioscience. Hence, it
might want to pursue a human development program where it
would develop bioscience competencies among the people in the
state. Obviously now, state needs to have plans and allocate
resources and organize for action. State cannot possibly set a separate
ministry and then have departments and kinsmen and troops etc (In
some cases they do). Most likely, it will need to ask the existing
ministry and departments to do that. Now, these departments have
many other things to do. They will still need to manage law and
order, education, provide electricity and build roads and so on. In
this illustration, these are regular operational activities and activities
connected with bioscience are strategic activities. Ordinarily, by the
time it reaches third to forth level of hierarchy, priority on strategic
activities get lost. Hence, we need a parallel system that continuously
prioritizes strategic actions at all levels.

Strategy to align
Barring small number of strategic objectives, most of strategies
require contribution from departments, teams and individuals at
local level. For instance, for country like India, where large chunk of
development comes from IT and IT enabled industry, it could be
important to lobby for VISA issue with US government. This could
be strategic priority for India. This might not require large
participation and could be handled by small number of senior
officials at the center. However, large majority of strategic objectives
require larger participation for effective execution. Take for instance,
issue like population control.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

This means people at village level be educated and be provided
proper incentives and amenities to implement such a strategy. This
requires almost that whole nation gets organized around it. Similarly,
strategy like educating people for employability and giving them
skills that can find them employment also requires such a wide
participation from people across the country and at various levels to
do their bit to execute such strategy. Ordinarily most strategies fall
under such category. And require greater alignment at front level. In
such cases we need an effective strategy alignment process.

How do we cascade strategy to the frontiers? This is the most critical
question a strategy management system needs to address.

Copyright 2008 by euseden


Copyright 2008 by euseden

Background for STR-CMM

STRATEGY-CMM (STR-CMM) is a model based on balanced
scorecard methodology and CMM (Capability Maturity Model
developed by Carnegie Mellon University). It draws lessons from
the two widely adopted management practices of recent times.
Balanced Scorecard is a powerful methodology developed by Dr
Robert Kaplan and Dr. David Norton. This was published in their
book The balanced scorecard. According to many published sources,
majority of the fortune 100 companies have implemented one or
the other variations of balanced scorecard. CMM, on the other
hand, is developed by SEI of Carnegie Mellon University of USA.
This model was essentially developed for helping software
companies in developing processes so that they could develop
more effective software. Since its development, thousands of
organizations across the globe have adopted CMM. CMM’s large
scale adoption is due to its practical insights on implementation of
the model.

Is it a force fit?

Well, it is not. Balanced scorecard offers rich methodology for
strategy execution. But how do you execute (implement) the
balanced scorecard itself? Especially when an organization is doing
it the first time? On this, I felt, CMM had better insight. STR-CMM,
in my opinion is a logical sequence of improvement over balanced
scorecard. STR-CMM makes the entire implementation more
manageable and easier to communicate to practitioners. Scorecard
methodology provides frame-work for strategy articulation and
measurement. Its strength is the template it provides in terms of
articulating the strategy in actionable terms.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

However, with regards to making it a management system, it
provides not much implementation guidance. And this becomes
important in a large organization. This is exactly where we found
CMM models more insightful and hence, we felt it would be better
if we come essentially the CMM route for implementation and add
scorecard as master templates that can cut across the entire system.
In my opinion, it is pragmatic and still leaves the model highly
practicable for following reasons;

-One, we have already adopted STR-CMM approach in
implementing the balanced scorecard based strategy management
system in fairly large organizations.
-Two, SEI, itself has, since its first version, extended the CMM
model to many areas like, Product development, large software
acquisitions, people management etc.

Another important point is, we have kept the basic and high level
architecture of the CMM as it is, though in some places there could
have been better way to generalize and organize the concepts
without boxing it in CMM. For instance, balanced scorecard’s four
perspectives based strategy articulation frame work has more
weightage than it appears on the STR-CMM at first sight. This is
mainly because we did not want to modify CMM too much if it
muffled the execution dimension, the very positioning the balanced
scorecard took for strategy. This we thought outweighed the
advantage than the disadvantage of not representing the scorecard
template at the generic model level. However, in essence, this we
have taken care at the detail level where it matters the most. SPA
(Strategy Process Area) level as these are the key building blocks of
STR-CMM. In short, force-fit ? No, because, it is highly reorganized
at the granular level and still emerges the CMM way at higher
generalized level.

Copyright 2008 by euseden


STR-CMM has two dimensions; strategy maturity levels and
strategy master templates. Maturity levels provide a detailed,
proven frame work for process implementation around strategy
process areas (SPA). Strategy CMM helps organizations in building
their capacity to execute their strategy. Following figure gives high
level architecture of the STR-CMM. Organization achieves strategy
maturity by achieving maturity in all levels as shown in the figure,
viz, Strategy action, strategy alignment, strategy learning and
strategy innovation.


                                                   LEVEL INNVOVATION




Levels represent the organizational capacity to execute their
strategy. Higher the maturity levels higher the strategy capacity.
Organization’s strategy maturity is progression on maturity levels.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Maturity levels are group of SPAs (Strategy Process Areas), which
in turn are cluster of related strategy practices. Maturity levels, as
in other CMM, represent certain level of capability of the
organization in executing strategy. There are four maturity levels
as follows
Strategy action- Organization is capable of taking significant
amount of action on its stated strategy
Strategy alignment- Organization has capability to align its key                                                  SPA

stake holders and other organizational units to its stated strategy
                                                                                            Specific Goals            Generic Goals        Purpose statement   Intro.Notes

Strategy learning- Organization has capability to know what is the                                                      Specific Practices
                                                                                                 Specific Practices      Generic Practices
                                                                                          Specific Practices
                                                                                                                              Generic Practices
                                                                                     Specific Practices

right & wrong about its strategy and which of its strategies are                                                                    Generic Practices
                                                                                 Specific Practices

                                                                                                                               Sub Practices
                                                                                 Sub Practices                               Sub Practices
working                                                                             Sub Practices
                                                                                                                           Sub Practices
                                                                                       Sub Practices
                                                                                                                        Sub Practices
                                                                                         Sub Practices

Strategy Innovation- Organization adopts innovative practices in
managing strategy

Maturity Levels

    5                               Organization has capability to implement
                                    innovative strategy management practices

     4                              Organization has capability to know right
               STRATEGY LEARNING    & wrong about its strategy

                                    Organization has capability to align its
     3                              stake holders and key organization units
                                    to strategy

    2                               Organization has capability to take action
                                    in its stated strategy
                  STRATEGY ACTION

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Master templates, the second dimension of STR-CMM, provide
architecture for articulating and translating strategy. Master
templates- strategy map, scorecard and initiatives; are based on
balanced scorecard methodology. Master templates are like special
tools that cut across many maturity levels and have important
bearing on the most of the SPAs. (Refer page for more on master
templates). To understand it better we can draw parallel to
financial statements of accounting system. Financial statements;
Balance sheet, Profit & Loss Account and Cash-flow are like master
templates of accounting system. These templates have significant
bearing on all the accounting that goes on in the system. (But, by
themselves, balance sheets etc do not provide enough insight into
how to build an accounting system in a large organization. This
might be difficult to imagine in today’s context because we cannot
imagine an organization without an accounting system)

Copyright 2008 by euseden

SPA (Strategy Process Area)

SPA (Strategy Process Area) is a cluster of related practices. For
example, Enterprise strategy map as SPA is achieved by following
many practices such as – Strategy map is created after a detailed
dialogue and discussion among the senior management team
members. There is documentation available on the enterprise
strategy map, and so on.

 STRATEGY-CMM                                                                                                               Innovation

                                                                                   4            Learning                    Strategy awareness
                                                                                                                            Strategy Process innovation
                                                           3   Alignment                    Scorecard cascade
                                                    LEVEL                                                                   Personal goal alignment
                                                                                            Strategy Reporting system
                     2                                                                                                      Align personal incentive
                                        Action                 Strategy alignment of KOUs Organization strategy review
                                                               Alignment of stake-holders
                                                                                            Strategy competency development
                         Enterprise strategy map
                                                               KOU strategy review          Organization-wide Initiatives
                         Enterprise scorecard

                                                               Budgets linked to strategy
                         Enterprise strategy initiatives
                                                               KOU Initiative management
                         Enterprise strategy review

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Each maturity level consists of 4-5 SPAs (Strategy Process Areas).
SPAs are the basic building blocks of the STR-CMM. SPAs, in turn
consist of following components
• Purpose statements
• Generic goals
• Generic practices
• Specific goals
• Specific practices
• Typical work products
• Suggested tools
• Introductory notes
• Examples and illustrations


                                                               Strategy Innovation

                                                    Strategy Learning

                                          Strategy alignment

                              Strategy action

                           Strategic                           Strategic                              Strategic
                           Process Area                        Process Area                           Process Area
                           (SPA-1)                             (SPA-2)                                (SPA-n)

           Specific                                                                   Specific
                                                Generic                                                                 Generic
           Goals                                                                      Goals
                                                Goals                                                                   Goals

   Specific                           Specific                                Specific                           Specific
               Specific                             Specific                              Specific                           Specific
   Practices                          Practices                               Practices                          Practices
               Practices                            Practices                             Practices                          Practices

                     Sub                           Sub                           Sub                           Sub
           Sub                           Sub                           Sub                           Sub
 Sub                           Sub                           Sub                           Sub
 Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices

Copyright 2008 by euseden
            Summary of specific goals & practices

             SG 1   Identify all Key Organizational units for scorecard development                            Summary of
                                                                                                               specific goals &
                    SP 1.1   Adequate planning is done for identifying all the KOUs
                               Need for scorecard development is discussed with KOUs
                    SP 1.2

             SG 2   Develop scorecards for all KOUs

                    SP 2.1   For all identified KOU the scorecards are developed
                             Completeness and adequacy of the KOU scorecard are verified
                    SP 2.2
                             There is adequate documentation available on all KOU scorecards
                    SP 2.3

             Specific Practices by Goals

            SG 1 Identify all Key Organizational units for scorecard development

                                    Identify all key organizational units for scorecard development
                    SP 1.1

Specific Goals                      Sub Practices                                                                     Examples
                                    1.        Prepare list of organizational units who have direct reporting relations

                                              •          Strategic Business units under a corporate
    Specific                                  •          SBUs under a division
    Practices                                 •          Corporate support functions
                                              •          Key suppliers/ vendors

                                     Explanatory notes
  Notes                              1.        One of the best ways to find out where the next immediate
                                               scorecards need to be developed is to find the direct reportees to the
                                               CEO, if the scorecard is developed at company level or corporate
                                               level. If the highest level scorecard is at division level, then it could be
                                               his direct reportees who typically head various independent business
 Typical                                       units. There are times when the first scorecard is prepared first by the
 Work product                                  support functions such as HR, IT or Finance etc. In such cases the
                                               next cascade from the scorecard possibly is best identified by
                                               portfolio of his direct reportees

                                     Typical work product

                                     List prepared for next level strategy map and scorecard development

Sample page of STR-CMM guide

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Flowchart for implementing STR-CMM

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Strategy Process Areas and its Components


                      Specific Goals            Generic Goals        Purpose statement   Intro.Notes

                                                  Specific Practices
                           Specific Practices      Generic Practices
                    Specific Practices
                                                        Generic Practices
               Specific Practices
                                                             Generic Practices
           Specific Practices

                                                         Sub Practices
           Sub Practices                               Sub Practices
              Sub Practices
                                                     Sub Practices
                 Sub Practices
                                                  Sub Practices
                   Sub Practices

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Generic Goals (GG) & Generic Practices (GP)
Generic Goals are essentially the goals that are part of the most of
the SPA. Most important idea behind the generic goals and
practices is that they help institutionalizing the processes and
practices. Degree of institutionalization differs in different
practices, even in same organization. Highly institutionalized
(mature) practices are likely to be practiced even under great

Specific Goals (SG) & Specific Practices (SP)

Each SPA has Specific Goals attached to it. Goals are essential
components of any SPA. They help in terms of understanding the
direction of the practices. This way we will also be able to build
standard vocabulary which powerfully helps in terms of
implementation. Specific Goals can have many specific practices.
Specific practices in turn can have few sub practices. Practices and
goals together build-up an SPA.
To implement STR-CMM, we start with learning the balanced
scorecard master templates- the strategy map, scorecard and
initiatives. Then we learn about the maturity levels and SPAs.
STR-CMM guides us through to build strategy capacity by
building the enterprise wide system of managing and executing
The following gives simple steps in adopting STR-CMM
Understand the balanced scorecard master templates
Select level-2 and implement all the SPAs in the this maturity level
Move on to level-3 strategic alignment and implement the SPAs
Repeat this process up to level-5

Copyright 2008 by euseden


Master templates constitute the second dimension of STR-CMM.
They provide tools and templates to articulate and translate
strategy into action.

Strategy Map
Strategy map is one of the key templates for building strategy
maturity of the organization. Strategy map is simple to construct
and provide quick view of strategy. Strategy map helps us to map
strategic objectives across 4-5 perspectives stacked one above the

                             Vision & Mission

                                Who are our stake holders ?
          STAKE HOLDER
                                What are their needs ?
                                How do we satisfy their needs ?

                                Who are our customers ?
                                What are their needs ?
                                How do we satisfy their needs ?

                               To satisfy our stake holders and customers,
                               what processes we need to excel ?
                                What kind of IT systems should we deploy?

                                What should be our financial goals?

                               To excel at these processes, what
                               Competencies our people need to develop ?
                                What kind of culture and values do we promote?

In constructing the strategy map, we start from the top perspective
and come downwards in a logical fashion. To enable this, we need
to define the perspectives. Let’s understand this with the figure
given here.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

As we can see, the strategy template shown here is a generic
template in a Government organization. Top most perspective is
Stake-holders perspective. It is followed by customer perspective,
internal perspective and learning and growth perspective. These
perspectives themselves are integrated by the following logic;
Our strategy needs to help us achieve our mission. This we can do
by satisfying our key stake holders. Our key stake holders can be
satisfied if we can identify our key customers and provide them
value. This in turn is possible if we have capable processes, capable
IT systems and capable financial management. Again, this in turn
is possible if we have competent set of employees who can
consistently execute these processes.

In the strategy map, we try to bring focus to our strategy and try to
build strategy in an integrated and logical way. Strategy map is a
set of objectives across the defined perspectives in a cause and
effect chain. We need to articulate our strategy in a proper cause
and effect chain so that we can achieve clear focus. This will help
us execute the strategy better. This is because, strategy, instead of
being disparate set of stand-alone objectives, now becomes an
integrated system of objectives that support one another.


Perspectives are broad dimensions of the strategy map. They
provide first level scoping for our strategy thinking. They are the
fundamental architecture of the strategy map and facilitate setting
and organizing the strategic objectives.
Stake holder perspective

For any Government organization it is important to understand
the needs of stake holders and its key constituents. This

Copyright 2008 by euseden

perspective guides the planners to set strategic objectives that help
in terms of satisfying the important needs and requirements of the
stake holders. For instance, for ministry of education, State
Government itself can be a key stake holder. Central Government
can be another key stake holder. Various industry bodies also
could be other important stake holders. An important aspect of
strategy is to satisfy the stake holders. In this example for instance,
education ministry can set objectives like- provide free education
for all children up to 7th grade. This might be an important need of
the state Government.

Customer Perspective

Some practioners do not mention this as separate perspective.
They ordinarily club it with the stake holder perspective and show
it as part of the stake holder perspective. This is acceptable practice
because remember, the strategy map is only a template not a
mathematical model. In the customer perspective, we ask who are
the important segments of our services and what can we offer
them? In short, what value do we create and deliver to our
customers? In the above example of education ministry, we can ask
for instance, keeping in mind the fact that we want to provide free
education to all children up to 7th standard, what can we propose
to children further in order to achieve that? This might lead to
thinking “provide free text books”. Such an objective then, can be
part of the customer perspective. This objective “provide free text
books” is not stand alone. This is connected to the objective set
above in the stake holder perspective.
Perspectives facilitate setting strategic objectives in cause and
effect chain. And such, top-down logically linked set of objectives
will be easier to implement as against stand alone objectives.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Internal perspective

This is one of the important dimensions added by the balanced
scorecard methodology for strategy management. Strategy so far,
was essentially externally oriented. It was more about scanning the
market, business environment, important changes in the economy,
technology and competitors etc and predicting how it all would
shape up. Balanced scorecard brought powerful internal
dimension to strategy. From the point of view of government and
public organizations, internal perspective can be summarized as
explained below.

To consistently deliver value to customers it is important that
organizations have capable and highly mature processes. For
instance, if Government is intending to provide free text books to
students, to fulfill this proposition, it needs to have a well
organized procurement of such books, distribution of these books
to various schools, and make sure such books reach the students
in-time and so on. Capability in such processes becomes critical for
executing this strategy. Government’s strategy management must
make sure this process of all, is especially capable.

This is another important strategic dimension today. Every
organization, large and small, public and private, is affected by IT
today. We have seen that e-governance and ecommerce are
spreading quickly. Every aspect of life is affected by IT. IT is a
powerful dimension of economy, business, society and culture
today. Key questions we need to ask in this perspective are;
- How can we use IT to achieve the objectives we have set in
process perspective and customer perspective?
- How can we use IT to deliver value to stake holders?

For instance, in the above example the Government can set

Copyright 2008 by euseden

objectives such as- adopt cutting-edge supply chain software, Set
online portal that allows students/schools to log complaints. Key
is that IT objective here needs to be aligned with objectives we
have already set in other perspectives above. That way we increase
the strategy implementability.

For Government this may not be as critical as it is for private
organization. However, it is still important enough to be strategic.
Cost of executing the processes and activities are important
considerations for every organization. Continuing the example
above, in the finance perspective, Government can set objectives
such as- keep the average cost per book as per the approved
budget or keep total cost per servicing a student under USD 50 per
annum etc. It can also be set as productivity of people who would
be part of the process, and or speed of the process cycle. Key is, the
strategy should have financial angle to it.

Learning & Growth perspective

This again is an important dimension to strategy added by
balanced scorecard methodology. In this perspective while
mapping the strategic objectives we ask following questions;
To achieve objectives set in process perspectives what
competencies, skills and knowledge our people need to have?
To adopt IT the way envisaged in IT perspective what kind of
competencies our people need to have?
Which of the above competencies are most critical? How can we
train our people to get it?
To illustrate, continuing with our education ministry examples,
Government can ask if we need to achieve the process and IT
objectives what kind of competencies we require? In this case
Government needs to possibly train people on supply-chain
software. Also, such a large-scale adoption might require powerful
project management skills hence, people might have to be trained
in project management skills.
Copyright 2008 by euseden

As we can see, this way by coming top-down in logical way,
perspective by perspective, Government can narrow down the
scope and can be laser focused about its strategy.
Following is example of strategy map.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police( RCMP)


                             Be the best
                           organization in

 PERSPECTIVE                             Exemplify
                Build strategic

                                                     All levels


Source-Strategy Map Robert Kaplan & David Norton

Above map shows the partial strategy map of one of the premier
government organizations of Canada. RCMP (Royal Canadian
Mounted Police) is an agency under ministry of the solicitor
general of Canada. As you can see, the strategic objectives are
mapped across three perspectives. One of the important objectives
for RCMP in stake holder perspective is to become one of the best
managed organizations for the Government of Canada. This,

Copyright 2008 by euseden

RCMP wants to achieve by building strategic alliances. Alliances
with various communities, people, other government agencies etc.
And RCMP also believes, to be the best organization, it needs to
adopt best in class management practices (exemplify modern
management). As per RCMP management, this is one of the key
processes of its strategy. RCMP also believes, to achieve the
objective exemplify modern management it has to establish
accountability (accountability at all levels). And this in turn, is
achieved by enabling its officers with required necessary
technology. (Provide enabling technology). RCMP thinks that it is
strategic to adopt technology to improve accountability.
As I mentioned earlier, this is only a partial strategy map of RCMP.
However, the above map shows clearly how a properly
constructed strategy map can tell the strategy story.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Scorecard- Measures and Targets

As we know strategic objectives can get very abstract and can lead
to wide interpretations. For effective implementation we need to
make it measurable to lessen conflicting interpretations. For
instance, one of the strategic objectives in stake holder perspective
for a particular state government could be “Provide employment
for rural youth”. This objective might appear to be fairly specific.
Nevertheless, there can be conflicting interpretations

To avoid this we can say this objective will be “measured by
Number of unemployed persons per village”. Such measures help
officials know how well they are able to execute their strategy. One
of the most important practices of the STR-CMM is to assign one or
two key specific measures for the strategic objectives. To do that
we simply need to ask, how can we know that the stated strategic
objective is achieved? What, if we measure, we will know whether
we have achieved the strategic objective?

Once we have defined the measures, we need to also set specific
targets in terms of the defined measures. For example, in the above
example, Government can set target of say 3 unemployed people.
This means that for every village only 3 people can remain
unemployed. As you can see, we can also compare this number
with the previous period and find out how well the strategy was
executed. Targets help us make the strategic objectives more
specific. Some of the best practice organizations, specify clearly,
how exactly such measures are computed.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

 Following is an example of a properly constructed scorecard of a
 government organization In our practice, we have observed that
 many executives tend to set too many objectives and measures.

             Energy Department, Federal procurement (USA) - Scorecard

               OBJECTIVES                                  MEASURES                                           TARGETS

                                                       Timeliness: Extent of customer
             Customer Satisfaction
                                                       satisfaction with timeliness of                         85%

                                                       procurement processing; planning activities; and on-
                                                       going communications.

             Effective Service/Partnership             Extent of customer satisfaction with the
                                                       responsiveness, cooperation, and level of
                                                       communication with the procurement

                                                       Extent to which internal quality control
             Achieve acquisition excellence                                                                    80%
                                                       systems are effective, particularly with
                                                       respect to compliance with laws and regs,               No protests

                                                       vendor selection and performance, contract
                                                       admin., and subcontractor oversight

             Most Effective Use of Contracting          Percent of purchase and delivery
             Approaches to Maximize Efficiency          orders issued through electronic
             and Cost Effectiveness                      commerce
                                                        Percent of RFPs over $100,000
                                                        issued electronically

             Streamline processes for speed             Average time from issuance of solicitation
                                                                                                               123 days for
                                                        to date of award.                                      contracts between $
                                                                                                               10M to 25M

             Provide access to strategic information   The extent to which reliable procurement
                                                                                                               Information system to
                                                       management information systems are in
                                                                                                               be 100% timely and
                                                       Superior Executive Leadership:
             Employee satisfaction                     Employee’s perception of the organization’s
                                                       professionalism, culture, values, and

                                                       Quality Of work environment- Employee’s
                                                       degree of satisfaction with tools available
                                                       to perform job, with mechanisms in place
                                                       to ensure effective communications to
                                                       accomplish job requirements, and with
                                                       current benefits and job security.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

This may not be a good practice. Ordinarily, about 18-20 strategic
objectives cutting across all the perspectives should be enough to
start with. Also, we need to define in all, about 25-30 measures. It
is best we start with such numbers and gradually increase it later
as the leaders and officials become familiar with the system.

Strategic Initiatives

Initiatives are integral part of strategy execution. As we have
observed, many organizations who implement balanced scorecard
or KPI based management system, rationalize their existing
enterprise level initiatives and start many new initiatives in light of
the newly formulated strategy. This also prompts generally, chain
of initiatives being taken at lower levels of the organization. The
central organizing thread for such initiatives is, the newly
articulated strategy with clear measures and targets.
In one of the large FMCG companies that we worked with,
management set strategic objective to be the least cost producer in
India. This required that many of their 50 odd manufacturing
plants across India are upgraded, productivity be watched closely,
and certain quality management practices adhered to more
rigorously. What exactly a plant needed to do could not be
generalized though there were few things which many plants
could follow and hence could be centrally managed. Hence, plants
after taking stock of how they could contribute to the corporate
level strategic objectives assessed their situation and started their
own set of initiatives at their level. These were apart from
supporting few of the corporate wide initiatives. This way there
were hundreds of initiatives across the organization at different
Initiatives are integral part of new way of managing strategy.
Lets now look at Maturity levels and associated SPAs in some
more detail
Copyright 2008 by euseden


Maturity levels constitute the first dimension of the STR-CMM.
They provide a detailed step by step guidance for implementing
the strategy management system. Then, we might ask, what is the
system to be implemented? In part, the system is not separate from
the maturity levels. Maturity levels also constitute one dimension
of the system itself, other being the master templates. This becomes
clearer as we understand the master templates.
Maturity levels provide high level architecture of how SPAs are
grouped and hence to be managed. Maturity levels are like distinct
stages in implementation of strategy management system. Their
progression is based on logical and natural sequence we need to
follow for effective implementation.

Why start with Level 2
Strategy CMM is more about strategy execution than strategy
analysis and strategy formulation. As we saw earlier, strategy
planning could not fulfill its promise essentially because they
focused on strategy thinking and analysis. Many of them built
powerful tools and did good deal of forecasting into far future.
But, what they lacked was a process of infusing such thinking into
organization’s execution machinery and hence, translate all such
analysis into concrete set of actions.

In STR-CMM we have taken an approach, where we start from
where the traditional strategy planning left off. This part of
strategy analysis- SWOT, environment scanning, industry analysis,
dialogue etc – is taken as level one and we move on to level 2 of
the STR-CMM where we build on such analysis and translate this
into integrated set of strategic objectives across the four
perspectives as explained the master templates.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

It could be important to note here that master templates force us to
do some degree of strategy thinking also. Templates require
planners and executives to do structured thinking on their
strategy. But the degree and intensity of such thinking is limited as
compared to the rigor used by the strategy analysis level.

Copyright 2008 by euseden


Practices in this maturity level, is a must for concrete action on
strategy. Without such practices the strategy remains just a
powerful analysis but does not get translated into actions.
Following are the SPAs in this level.

Enterprise strategy map
Main purpose of this process area is to create an integrated view of
the strategy. Generally, even in some of the best organizations,
strategy means many things to many people. This is true even with
people at the top of the management structure. What is strategic to
success of Government as perceived by the say education minister
may not be the same as that of the chief bureaucrat of the
education department. This often leads to delay in decisions and
ineffective execution. Hence, it is important to create a shared
understanding of strategy. Strategy map constructed, as explained
in the master template section earlier is a powerful practice to
create an integrated and common view of strategy. In this SPA, we
implement practices to create Enterprise level strategy map.

Enterprise scorecard
What gets measured gets done. In this process area, executives
create enterprise level scorecard- set of measures for measuring the
execution of strategic objectives. Scorecard brings a further clarity
to strategy. Scorecard generally, is set of 25-30 measures. It assigns
a mathematical number to each of the strategic objective. Measures
help us understand how we would know that strategy is being
executed. For instance, if Government sets strategic objective-
Reduce crime on women, then possible measure for this objective
can be percentage of decrease in crime against woman. Such measures
help in building focus.

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Enterprise strategic initiatives
Based on the strategic objectives set and measures identified,
strategy planners now need to identify certain key strategic
initiatives to achieve the targets set. Initiatives generally, are
projects that can cut across the ministries and departments. For
instance, Queensland government, has set objective to “Compete
based on knowledge and Innovation”. To achieve this government
needs to identify certain key initiatives. For instance, Queensland
government can initiate a program to strengthen the research in
their technical universities.
Generally Enterprise level strategy needs to have about 25-30 such
clearly identified initiatives at enterprise level.
In this SPA, we implement practices to manage initiatives.

Strategy communication
Strategy communication, in our opinion, is one of the most
neglected SPAs. Communicating strategy goes a long way in
proper execution. IT, today, allows significant opportunity to
communicate without really spending much. Generally,
organizations are not particularly good at things which they have
not done in the past, no matter, how easy and how little it takes to
execute. Communication of strategy provides one of the high
leverage points where relative return on the effort is very huge.
Following are some of the practices in communicating strategy
-Strategy seminars
-Doing round table briefings
-Documenting strategy clearly and giving printed copies
-Publishing the same in in-house magazines
-Making a podcast/webcasting available on the intranet
-Starting an online community

Copyright 2008 by euseden

Enterprise strategy review
Main purpose of this SPA is to have well-organized processes to do
regular and periodic review of enterprise strategy execution.
Again, this is one of the high leverage points of strategy
management. Strategy is not a one time event. Strategy to be
executed needs to be a continuous process. We need to go beyond
just the annual strategy seminar. Review, gives sense of continuity
to the activities that are undertaken to achieve strategic objectives
and targets.
In many cases that we have come across, people wait endlessly for
complete data, reports and analysis for conducting strategy review
meetings. This need not be. Thumb rule is, within 60-70 days of
preparing enterprise strategy-map and enterprise strategy
scorecard, we need to do the first round of review meeting on
strategy execution.


Strategy alignment for all KOUs
Organization needs to align all its Key Organizational Units (KOU)
to the enterprise strategy as established at the higher level. We
have set the enterprise strategy, scorecard, and targets and
communicated. Can’t we simply now leave it to the management
of the KOUs to set their objectives? As far as the past experiences
of strategy execution go, we cannot do that. We need a consciously
thought of process to do that. We need to have practices in place to
ensure that it happens.
Based on enterprise strategy, KOUs need to draw their strategy
maps scorecards. This ensures more organizational focus on
strategy. In STR-CMM enterprise level strategy is not just an
abstract, generic statement. It is followed by measures and also has
clear targets attached to it. KOUs can, like they do in the budgeting
process, take these objectives, measures and targets
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Strategy CMM

  • 1. Copyright 2008 by euseden euseden 2008 STR - CMM STRATEGY CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL For government and public organizations STRATEGY 1 All rights reserved by euseden
  • 2. Copyright 2008 by euseden NOTES TO READER This paper introduces a new framework for executing strategy, STR- CMM. This is developed based on two widely adopted methodologies - Balanced scorecard and Capability Maturity Model (CMM). STR-CMM grew out of our consulting experience and knowledge in implementation of these two models in many of the leading organizations in India. The paper is divided into two parts. Part I establishes the current context for strategy as practiced, especially from the point of view of practitioners in government and public organizations. It discusses what strategy means, why it is relevant today, how it is practiced in few government organizations and what is the new strategy agenda. Part II explains the STR-CMM in detail. It explains essentially architecture and various parts of this framework, how it addresses the new role of strategy planning and conceptual foundations behind the STR-CMM framework. 2
  • 3. Copyright 2008 by euseden CONTENTS Part I STRATEGY IN GOVERNMENTS 7 Purpose of strategy making 9 What is strategy? 10 TWO REASONS, WHY GOVERNMENTS NEED STRATEGY 12 Manage the big-picture 12 Governments can learn to govern better 13 16 A case for strategy as learning tool NEW ROLE FOR STRATEGY IN GOVERNMENTS 18 Strategy to operationalize vision & Policies 18 Make strategy measurable 21 23 Strategy to integrate objectives 24 Strategy as management system Strategy to align 26 Part II STR-CMM BUILDING STRATEGY MATURITY 29 Background for STR-CMM 29 Is it a force fit? 29 STR-CMM PRIMER 31 SPA Strategy Process Area 34 Generic Goals & Generic Practices 39 Specific Goals & Specific Practices 39 3
  • 4. Copyright 2008 by euseden CONTENTS Part II …continued MASTER TEMPLATES 40 Strategy map 40 Perspectives 41 Stake holder perspective 41 Customer Perspective 42 Internal Perspective 43 Learning & Growth Perspective 44 Scorecard Measures & Targets 47 Strategic Initiatives 49 MATURITY LEVELS 50 Why start with level 2? 50 LEVEL 2 STRATEGY ACTION 52 Enterprise strategy map 52 Enterprise scorecard 52 Enterprise strategic initiatives 53 Strategy communication 54 Enterprise Strategy review 54 LEVEL 3 STRATEGY ALIGNMENT 54 Strategy alignment for all KOUs 54 KOU scorecards 55 Alignment of stake holders 55 KOU strategy reviews 56 Budgets linked to strategy 57 KOU Initiative alignment 58 Strategy competency development 58 4
  • 5. Copyright 2008 by euseden CONTENTS Part II …continued LEVEL 4 STRATEGY LEARNING 60 Strategy cascade 60 Strategy reporting system 60 Strategy review at all levels 61 IT enabled strategy management process 61 Enterprise wide Initiative management 62 LEVEL 5 STRATEGY INNOVATION 63 Align personal goals 63 Align personal incentive 63 Strategy awareness 64 Strategy process Innovation 64 EXHIBITS Queensland government strategy framework 9 Strategy trend 12 STR-CMM 31 Maturity levels 32 Strategy Process Areas 34 SPA architecture 35 Sample page of STR-CMM implementation guide 36 Flowchart for STR-CMM implementation 37 SPA- components 38 Strategy map 40 Strategy map – RCMP, government organization 45 Sample Scorecard in government organization 48 5
  • 6. Copyright 2008 by euseden Part I 6
  • 7. Copyright 2008 by euseden STRATEGY-CMM FOR GOVERNMENT & PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS STARTEGY IN GOVERNMENT In 2003 government of India hired international strategy consulting This paper is written by Sheshagiri G Hegde of firm, Boston Consulting Group to study Indian IT industry and euseden. Sheshagiri is a founder director of euseden. suggest the role for the Government and CEOs of software He can be reached on companies. As one of its key recommendations, BCG suggested the Government to conduct benchmarking studies to see the penetration of e-commerce in industries like retail, financial services and banking and promote adoption of ecommerce in these industries. Government of India has not been able to implement this. This is despite the fact that government said it would act on these recommendations. As most of us know, this is not unique to Indian government alone. World over, Governments and private companies alike are facing this 7
  • 8. Copyright 2008 by euseden problem of advocating a strategy and not being able to execute it. A study by Ernst & Young found that roughly about 60% of the fortune 500 companies also failed to execute their strategies. Many independent researches, suggest that strategy planners have done quite well in formulating good strategy and advising on good strategies. But when it comes to implementation, their records are very poor. It does not matter if they were solely responsible for this. Fact remains, at organizational level, whether it is Government or private company, when it comes to executing the strategy it is not encouraging. Why so many good recommendations fail to get implemented? Problem, as research suggests, is not in the quality of the strategy but is in the quality of processes and tools the planners have adopted for implementing these strategies. Hence, a lot of private organizations and forward looking Governments, in the recent past, are shifting their focus on implementing strategies. Communities, public organizations, private companies and even individuals have been learning constantly how to interact with the world so as to make their life better. We used to ride horses now we have cars. Millions lost their lives to plague, now it is removed from the face of the earth. Point is, societies have been experimenting with this super-system and is learning to use it better. While it is obvious that we have learnt a lot on how to control certain systems, there are others which still are beyond our current knowledge. For instance, we still do not know how to feed every hungry mouth. We still do not know how to educate every child on earth. We still do not know how to build homes for all. Big question then is, would it be worth still researching or spending public money on how to feed every hungry mouth or topics such as how to govern a country for prosperity? This is exactly the question the strategy of the governments needs to address. Strategy as used in 8
  • 9. Copyright 2008 by euseden military is very well acknowledged and straight forward. Not many could question whether military needed a strategy or not. Same is not necessarily that self-evident when it comes to business organizations and hence when it comes to the governments and its departments, as their power seems to come from development now and not from war. Hence, it could be worth spending some time on understanding new contexts of strategy. Strategy framework adopted by Queensland Government, Australia Innovation Sound fiscal environment Research & development Capital infrastructure Commercialization Productive Economic SMART STATE Capacity fundamentals STRATEGY Industry efficiency Education & Training Regulatory reforms Employment programs Human Capital Purpose of strategy making In its most fundamental form, strategy as practiced by many governments and many large thought-leader private companies such as IBM, Mobil, ABB, GE, and Shell etc – is modeling for higher level of performance. (over a long time horizon). It is about finding the levers and trying to use them for advantage of the stake holders. As physicist have been trying to understand how to land on the moon, social scientists have been trying to unravel how to manage large 9
  • 10. Copyright 2008 by euseden corporations, how to manage municipalities, how to increase efficiency and effectiveness of public administration and so on. Harvard professor of Strategy, Michael E. Porter for instance, after studying some of the world’s leading economies, suggested a frame work for how to make better policies so that Nations can gain competitive advantage. This is one of the land-mark studies in trying to understand how economies gain competitive edge. Many governments world over, benefited from it. There have been many such efforts to understand functioning and behavior of- governments, parts of governments, societies, economies and large corporations. To put it succinctly, we can fairly say, Government’s strategy is about building hypotheses of higher performance for say next five, ten, twenty years from now. What is strategy? Strategy has wide range of meaning even among the strategy makers irrespective of whether the practitioner is from the government or private company. This makes it double difficult to know whether strategy practices can be useful beyond reasonable doubts for, we cannot be even sure if we are understood in a manner we wanted. For instance, when I asked one of the management team members of a private company whether they did any strategy planning, he explained in length about budgeting exercise they did. Strategy for him was useful because budgeting was useful. Such wide meaning to strategy has lead to a situation where ultimate usefulness of strategy making appears to be more a matter of faith, value bias than scientific and fact based. For instance, take simple strategic question. Should government privatize education? Question is not as simple as it appears at first glance. Answer depends on whether you are an 10
  • 11. Copyright 2008 by euseden executive in private company or chief of staff of a government department. Right or wrong depends upon the rules of the context. Should government spend public money to do strategy? Well, I belong to the strategy camp, no matter how unsatisfactory the mathematical proof for strategy planning is. However, it will not be fair to presume value-add of strategy without knowing nature of uncertainty that surrounds strategy planning practices. I wanted to start with rather honest canvass for strategy management as capacity that can add real value. In India, we have Planning Commission at the center which does the log-range plans. How effective these plans have been and to what extent they have influenced local governments, is some thing we need to understand beyond the fact that the government spends a lot on planning. For instance, did planning commission suggest Karnataka Government that it should set-up IT parks so that it can build IT cluster that can bring state the competitive edge? Wouldn’t it have been possible for government of Karnataka, otherwise? Strategy needs to be able to answer these tough questions. 11
  • 12. Copyright 2008 by euseden TWO REASONS, WHY GOVERNMENTS NEED STRATEGY Manage the big-picture Conceptual essence of having a strategy that gives holistic picture at “In any government you need the top, comes from the gestalt of it. Whole is larger than the sum to ensure there are ways of setting the overall strategy, total of its parts. At one level, whether we should have a top level , what you are trying to achieve, centralized, strategy management is akin to asking this question; why and what is a priority and what is not. A lot of things Does the center, add value? How effective would have been the set then need to follow that, including allocation of money, of independent federal states of USA, without the center at the top? Is legislation, political capital and so on.” US economically, socially, politically better-off without the central governance of the sort that exists today? In world of business, most of Dr.Milgan, Director the leading organizations have formal strategy Institute of community studies UK planning process. Many governments such as US, UK, Australia etc have well laid out strategy planning processes. We could have differences of opinion as to whether the Government has been effective or not. Or whether a particular government could have performed better. However, most of us agree to the fact that such 12
  • 13. Copyright 2008 by euseden central governance is definitely required despite the fact that world as a whole still functions without such top level central governance. Similarly, such top-down and integrated view of – opportunities, threats, emerging scenarios, internal capabilities, changes in demography, values and so on is definitely provides better perspectives to manage at a large scale. For instance, In India, we have states that have done very well when it comes to attracting private investors. These also are states that do well in attracting various social aids. So we have states where we have acute poverty and illiteracy and states that have progressed very well. This is more prominent if we look at cities like, Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi. Now, if we were to ask what strategy planning should do in such a scenario, there seems to be a good deal of opportunities for central thinking. For instance, a good strategy think-tank can learn from such experiences, research and understand how and why Karnataka attracted so much IT capital as against others and can proactively try to inject into the other states which are not doing so well. This definitely is a huge value for strategy to add. Governments can learn to govern better This in my opinion is by far the single largest reason why governments and its ministries should have a systematic, structured and well articulated strategy plan, no matter how uncertain we are about the outcomes. A properly constructed strategy plan facilitates powerful learning. Generally the straight forward reason for plans is that it helps implementation of the plan. While it is so, something underlying is more powerful than this, i.e. how it eventually shapes our understanding about the system as we follow the plan and hence our ability to create future eventually. 13
  • 14. Copyright 2008 by euseden Strategy helps us theorize, build set of hypotheses, make assumptions and above all “expect” certain results or outcomes. In a simple plan we have few hypotheses, few assumptions and few expectations. And in complex plans we have, many assumptions, causes, and expect many outcomes. In either case, how we set out our planned cause and effects and outcomes have significant bearing on how we eventually learn to master the system. I will illustrate this with examples later. First, let’s understand this learning process in some more detail. We as individuals and groups constantly learn about cause and effect relationships. From as simple as how to brush, to as complex as how to run an election campaign- discovering cause and effect, is key to success. Unless you got very lucky, I am sure, your first experiences behind the car steering did not go as expected. May be the car turned too sharply as you turned the steering. May be the car engine went- off as you tried changing gears. Moved too swiftly as you tried releasing the clutch. However, over a period we all learn what causes what effect while we drive a car. This is because of the feedback the car and the driving system gives us to all our actions such as steering, accelerating and applying the brakes. Without feedback it’s almost impossible to learn. Something very similar happens when we try to administer say a nation-wide campaign for controlling spread of AIDS if we plan what we should do, and hence what we expect- the realm of strategy. We make assumptions about the cause and effect relationships of this AIDS campaign system and see how to drive it towards the desired results. In simpler words, we decide what actions we should take in 14
  • 15. Copyright 2008 by euseden order to achieve the results that we want. For instance, we might say we want to first educate rural young men. This we believe will help us eventually control the spread of AIDS as we assume that they are the largest and the most vulnerable section. As you can see, it gets complex here due to the fact that we cannot be precise about neither the cause nor the effect unlike in the car driving. (That precisely is the reason we need to specially design the feedback system while in car it was very natural) For instance, how can we know that we can educate rural young men? Also, what we learn here is affected by how we define and articulate what actions to be taken and what results we expect. For instance, if we do not assume anything about rural young men, we will never learn about what actions to take about this important cause though we can learn about how to control the spread of AIDS. This can get wieldier by further articulation in the plan such as rural young of some geography etc. To keep it simple, we can say, what we learn significantly is influenced by how we articulated actions and outcomes. Albeit, outcome of actions are uncertain. Let me explain this further with a real time case. 15
  • 16. Copyright 2008 by euseden A case for strategy as learning tool Not long ago, as a consultant I worked with management team of a retail company in India. They had many products that were sold in small retail outlets across India and few countries outside India. Since, too many products were only crowding and adding to the complexity of manufacturing, scheduling, distribution etc, management wanted to see if they could retire few products as the overall profit margins for the company as a whole, was coming down. To get better understanding on which products to retire, we calculated profit for each product for different geographies. This information was a surprise in many ways for many in the management team. Few products which some thought highly profitable, were not actually so. They in fact, were draining significant resources of the company. Though looks rather simple, now let’s ask, •What did the company’s leaders learn in this context? •How did the strategy plan help leaders learning this? If we take a closer look at the case narrated above we realize that one of the key information which acted as a trigger was dwindling overall profit margin. Would the company management think of product profitability analysis without knowing overall profit margin? I doubt. Let’s ask much deeper question, what would company management do, if it had not even set strategic goal to related to profit margin? Would it come to know that its profit was dwindling? Probably not, as the company would not compute overall profit margin at all. (Such things happen on many strategic issues faced by the organizations today. Take for instance, energy level of companies key employees. Would company know? ) Company’s strategy plan made leaders expect certain profit margin. Then as the actual information was constructed this was short of the expectation. 16
  • 17. Copyright 2008 by euseden Hence, leaders could learn that the product’s profitability be further analyzed. Such a feedback is different from learning by haunch or intuition. I am not suggesting that intuitive learning is not important. Just that learning is very significantly enhanced through proper structuring and planning done in a holistic way. And planning helps us to structure information in more learnable way. As the above example shows this is exactly where and how a good strategy plan helps learning. Strategy plan is not only to execute but also to learn so that eventually we will have better chance in mastering the complex system. 17
  • 18. Copyright 2008 by euseden NEW ROLE FOR STRATEGY IN GOVERNMENT Strategy to operationalize, Vision and Policies Whether it is a Ministry of a government, a state council, or a large private company there are systems and processes that make people act. These are the systems which motivate people, assess people and prompt people to act. In an organizational context, especially in governments, people do not take actions because they heard an inspiring political speech. Or attended a seminar on how to adopt IT in governments. At best it can influence some level of thinking. There are systems and processes which make them act. Unless our policies become part of such actionable system no strategy or no policy gets implemented. Often we hear about lofty manifestos and promises by the political parties. Many of them even get elected based on the promises they made. Yet, just two years down the lane people realize that the governments fail to fulfill even the bare minimum. People blame political will, dirty politicking, corruption and the system. While there definitely is good share of all that, the lion share is of the system that actionates the strategies or policies. What are these systems and how do we change them to act? Of all the systems and processes, budgeting is single largest contributor of actions in government. Every government, municipality or private company has budgets. Such accounting system has been one of the most powerful inventions of organizing for large scale. For years, governments across the globe have measured their effectiveness on the basis of their budgets. In fact actions of governments are habit around these budgets. Even in companies competing in free market budgets are generally sacrosanct and people keep continuing to act as per these budgets. Markets might change, customers might change but budgets do not change. Even today, budgets command most of 18
  • 19. Copyright 2008 by euseden activities. Budgets, in its most fundamental form, are generally operation plans explained in terms of various items of expenses and revenues measured in money. Budget is useful and old powerful institution. It is so powerful that budgeting decides what strategy should be than strategy deciding what budget should be. Measuring effectiveness of actions based on expenditure, as many governments have realized now, is a dangerous thing. For one, it has got nothing to do with outcome as is the experience of most governments. For instance, every government in India has spent money on poverty alleviation but still there is large section of population which is acutely below poverty line. Problem is, we did measure the input not the output. In fact even today, we hear ministers saying “we have allocated so much money for rural development”. Why do then governments measure expenditure? Because that is one of the most meticulously tracked systems. One possible way for strategy to become more actionable is to find strategy a place in the budgets. (Other is to budget the strategy) And budgets of every one- every ministry, department, municipality, local bodies, NGOs and even if possible volunteers. This would be like creating total alignment. Generally, in most cases the linkage between budget and strategy is not very smooth and effective. Most lack proper process of building proper linkages. That does not fully explain how we make people take actions on strategy. To motivate people to take actions on strategy we need to create a rather budgeting-like parallel system of measurement which measures strategy not expenses and revenue alone. Not necessarily as large as budgeting though. Yet, a clear number driven system of budgeting and tracking strategy execution. There are powerful reasons behind this. As we saw in the earlier paragraph. Financial numbers cannot capture and measure strategic objectives and implementation very effectively. 19
  • 20. Copyright 2008 by euseden As we know financial numbers capture only monetary transactions. They do not capture non-monetary aspects, whether they are strategic or significant. For instance, consider a strategic objective such as “provide basic access to essential public services such as health, education, clean drinking water, sanitation, etc., to those who are deprived of them”. Limitation of accounting system is, it can provide us how much money we spent on it as against allocated money. (This too is practically not that simple. It requires modifications in accounting heads). But as we know, that does not solve our problem. This as we saw only is measurement of input. What we need possibly is some think like “percentage population who still does not have the access to these services and how we improve this number”. Such a thing cannot be tracked in budgets not at least the way they are now. Yet, it is far more effective indicator than money spent. Hence we need a new template and a process for setting strategic objectives that can measure non-financial objectives expressed in non-monetary numbers. Some might think that they already have such a system of setting targets in non-financial numbers. For instance, Planning commission of India has set clear targets in its 11th plan. For example, look at the following targets; - Increase forest and tree cover by 5 percentage points. - Attain WHO standards of air quality in all major cities by 2011-12. - Treat all urban waste water by 2011-12 to clean river waters. - Increase energy efficiency by 20 percentage points by 2016-17 Will it drive politicians and bureaucrats to act? Is it equal to operationalising strategy? Not really. 20
  • 21. Copyright 2008 by euseden While these are very clear than highly generic policies, these alone will not prompt actions at all levels. We need still budget like system for measuring and tracking such strategic objectives. It takes a detailed process cutting-across departments and levels. For instance, we need to now have a system where objectives such as “Increase energy efficiency by 20%” gets cascaded to say different state governments and State electricity boards. These in turn need to get cascaded to next levels. This is what happens in budgeting when it comes to money. We might even have situation where we ask industrial houses increase their energy efficiency. And this is not all, we need to get a system up for tracking these targets at various levels. This for sure will prompt action at all levels. At the least, a lot more action gets done than measuring how much money we spend under this budget. Make strategy measurable One of the significant drawbacks of the strategy planning practices adopted by the organizations of the past era was their ability to influence execution of the strategy they made. Strategy making had flawed strategy for strategy implementation! They formulated good strategies. Big problem was that they could not be implemented. This is true for most governments, their departments and civil organizations and even the best of private organizations. Key to this was strategies were highly generic and all encompassing and lacked measure. This in my opinion is one of the most significant developments of strategy planning practices of recent times. Strategy execution such as balanced scorecard- developed by Harvard professor and his colleague Dr Norton are remarkable contribution 21
  • 22. Copyright 2008 by euseden from this very important dimension. We now know that many agencies, departments of governments in US and UK have adopted one or the other version of such practices. When strategies are generic and have broad range of meanings it becomes not actionable. Worse, people do exactly opposite and interpret them to their advantage. Governments are lot more vulnerable to such practices than private companies. In such environments it becomes even difficult to know whether or not a strategy is executed. We regularly come across political parties claiming that their government made significant progress in terms reduction of poverty or providing rural employment or developing the backward section of the population while opposition claims the exact opposite. Key question is just how we know that their claims are right. Let’s looks at this deeper. Strategies need to be defined in more actionable way. For that it needs to have specific measures. A number that we can compute and measure which allows us to compare and know. Problem with most of the strategies of the past era was that they did not have proper way of measuring whether or not their strategy was executed. For instance, let’s say a State wants to pursue a strategy where its objective is to develop and promote SME sector and encourage entrepreneurs in this sector. Now, the strategy planners must set specific measure for measuring whether or not such strategy is executed. For instance, it can set percentage of contribution to the state’s GDP as a measure. It can also say how much of fresh funding goes into this sector as another measure. This way we can set clear targets to achieve. As you can see such a measure helps us to know whether the state is able to implement such a strategy. To illustrate, we can imagine that at the beginning of the strategy the state had 20% contribution coming from this sector and say state sets to achieve 30% contribution from this sector by the 22
  • 23. Copyright 2008 by euseden end of the plan period. This is very clearly measurable. Similarly, we can set targets for investment the state needs to attract for this sector and can clearly compute the number. Strategy to integrate objectives Government departments and private organizations alike tend to follow agenda and set long-term goals which are often not a pat of integrated whole. For instance Ministry of education may set following goals - Provide free education to all up to 10th grade - Increase literacy rates in all states - Establish vocational training institutes across the country - Invest heavily in higher education - Allow private players in higher education - Attract top talent to education Such goal setting systems are possibly the most prevalent and we see them in all forms of organizations- Government departments, public sector companies, private organizations and so on. While such systems have contributed their bit, it may not be sufficient for today’s complex and uncertain economic and social environments. Recently, many governments, governmental agencies such as EDA (Economic Development Authority of US under the US government), MoD UK (Ministry of Defense UK) have set Goals in a more logical, integrated and holistic way. They create strategy map. Strategy map as against the set of goals as we saw in the example above- are integrated and flow as chain of cause and effect. Unless we make conscious effort to integrate objectives they tend to run into conflicts. Such conflicts often fulfill one at the cost of the other. While it is impossible to eliminate conflicts it is important we keep it minimal. In most situations, upon some reflections it is 23
  • 24. Copyright 2008 by euseden possible to set policies and goals that are integrated and follow a logical cause and effect chain and hence make not disparate stand alone objectives but parts of an integrated whole. Some may argue that there could be few things then we may not be able to put in the plan. In my opinion, that is precisely what it is supposed to do. No matter how large and competent the government is, it is important to realize that achieving everything is not possible. It is best to achieve few goals thoroughly than try to achieve on all and end up doing not much. Strategy as a management system Many practices of strategy planning has been more like organizing an event where strategy planners present their insights on the business environment, emerging trends, competition, some new food for thoughts. This is true even in some best managed private companies. These are attended by high ranking ministers, secretaries and fellow planners at local level. Strategy needs to go beyond such events. Generally, set of professionals, leading academicians and some of the best brains in the country research, scan, consult local governments and boards, think-through and compile a quite insightful strategy plan or long-range plans. While all this is useful, history suggests that it is not enough and not possibly the most effective way to strategize, if we need these strategies to be executed. It is not about how useful insight the strategy provides. It is not even about how fine-tuned it is about local environments. It is about how effectively it can get translated into action at all levels of the government. Strategy to be more effective needs to be embedded into action- agenda of ministers and bureaucrats. This requires different perspective, different kind of planning process, different models of execution and different set of processes for “managing” strategy, a 24
  • 25. Copyright 2008 by euseden continuous process of tracking and measuring. This is not the same as planning department conducting evaluation study of the plan- implementation at the end of 3 years or something of that kind. For instance, planning commission of India, might conduct an evaluation study on how a particular scheme planned in the 5-year plan is implemented across the country. This could be small part of it but does not essentially cover managing of strategy. Managing strategy is significantly more and significantly different. Some what crude Indicator for judging whether or not we are managing strategy is answer to the following question; Are we managing strategy as we are managing regular operations? Recently, central government of UK merged two different planning departments and formed a single Strategy unit. Strategy Unit directly reports to Prime Minister, and is doing something very different from what the previous departments did not do. Apart form conducting planning; co-developing papers on issues which are strategic in nature, it also participates in the regular review of implementation of such strategies that would have got in-built into plans of different ministries and departments. ABB, a large private company has a formal and elaborate process of incorporating strategic insights developed by its strategy planning team to its budgeting. Its annual budgeting follows the strategy plan and they have separate strategy- budget component built into it. This budget of ABB is not the same as old budgeting. Clearly, this is managing strategy as this makes sure that there are processes that manage strategy on continual basis across the organization and across all levels of the organization. For this purpose some clarity on what is operations and what is strategic can be useful. Strategy as practiced by the balanced scorecard organizations and some of the leading organizations is set of objectives that are critical for achieving our Vision and Mission. 25
  • 26. Copyright 2008 by euseden For instance, A particular state government might realize that it has certain natural advantage in terms of promoting bioscience. Hence, it might want to pursue a human development program where it would develop bioscience competencies among the people in the state. Obviously now, state needs to have plans and allocate resources and organize for action. State cannot possibly set a separate ministry and then have departments and kinsmen and troops etc (In some cases they do). Most likely, it will need to ask the existing ministry and departments to do that. Now, these departments have many other things to do. They will still need to manage law and order, education, provide electricity and build roads and so on. In this illustration, these are regular operational activities and activities connected with bioscience are strategic activities. Ordinarily, by the time it reaches third to forth level of hierarchy, priority on strategic activities get lost. Hence, we need a parallel system that continuously prioritizes strategic actions at all levels. Strategy to align Barring small number of strategic objectives, most of strategies require contribution from departments, teams and individuals at local level. For instance, for country like India, where large chunk of development comes from IT and IT enabled industry, it could be important to lobby for VISA issue with US government. This could be strategic priority for India. This might not require large participation and could be handled by small number of senior officials at the center. However, large majority of strategic objectives require larger participation for effective execution. Take for instance, issue like population control. 26
  • 27. Copyright 2008 by euseden This means people at village level be educated and be provided proper incentives and amenities to implement such a strategy. This requires almost that whole nation gets organized around it. Similarly, strategy like educating people for employability and giving them skills that can find them employment also requires such a wide participation from people across the country and at various levels to do their bit to execute such strategy. Ordinarily most strategies fall under such category. And require greater alignment at front level. In such cases we need an effective strategy alignment process. How do we cascade strategy to the frontiers? This is the most critical question a strategy management system needs to address. 27
  • 28. Copyright 2008 by euseden Part-II 28
  • 29. Copyright 2008 by euseden STR-CMM - BULDING STRATEGY MATURITY Background for STR-CMM STRATEGY-CMM (STR-CMM) is a model based on balanced scorecard methodology and CMM (Capability Maturity Model developed by Carnegie Mellon University). It draws lessons from the two widely adopted management practices of recent times. Balanced Scorecard is a powerful methodology developed by Dr Robert Kaplan and Dr. David Norton. This was published in their book The balanced scorecard. According to many published sources, majority of the fortune 100 companies have implemented one or the other variations of balanced scorecard. CMM, on the other hand, is developed by SEI of Carnegie Mellon University of USA. This model was essentially developed for helping software companies in developing processes so that they could develop more effective software. Since its development, thousands of organizations across the globe have adopted CMM. CMM’s large scale adoption is due to its practical insights on implementation of the model. Is it a force fit? Well, it is not. Balanced scorecard offers rich methodology for strategy execution. But how do you execute (implement) the balanced scorecard itself? Especially when an organization is doing it the first time? On this, I felt, CMM had better insight. STR-CMM, in my opinion is a logical sequence of improvement over balanced scorecard. STR-CMM makes the entire implementation more manageable and easier to communicate to practitioners. Scorecard methodology provides frame-work for strategy articulation and measurement. Its strength is the template it provides in terms of articulating the strategy in actionable terms. 29
  • 30. Copyright 2008 by euseden However, with regards to making it a management system, it provides not much implementation guidance. And this becomes important in a large organization. This is exactly where we found CMM models more insightful and hence, we felt it would be better if we come essentially the CMM route for implementation and add scorecard as master templates that can cut across the entire system. In my opinion, it is pragmatic and still leaves the model highly practicable for following reasons; -One, we have already adopted STR-CMM approach in implementing the balanced scorecard based strategy management system in fairly large organizations. -Two, SEI, itself has, since its first version, extended the CMM model to many areas like, Product development, large software acquisitions, people management etc. Another important point is, we have kept the basic and high level architecture of the CMM as it is, though in some places there could have been better way to generalize and organize the concepts without boxing it in CMM. For instance, balanced scorecard’s four perspectives based strategy articulation frame work has more weightage than it appears on the STR-CMM at first sight. This is mainly because we did not want to modify CMM too much if it muffled the execution dimension, the very positioning the balanced scorecard took for strategy. This we thought outweighed the advantage than the disadvantage of not representing the scorecard template at the generic model level. However, in essence, this we have taken care at the detail level where it matters the most. SPA (Strategy Process Area) level as these are the key building blocks of STR-CMM. In short, force-fit ? No, because, it is highly reorganized at the granular level and still emerges the CMM way at higher generalized level. 30
  • 31. Copyright 2008 by euseden STRATEGY-CMM, PRIMER STR-CMM has two dimensions; strategy maturity levels and strategy master templates. Maturity levels provide a detailed, proven frame work for process implementation around strategy process areas (SPA). Strategy CMM helps organizations in building their capacity to execute their strategy. Following figure gives high level architecture of the STR-CMM. Organization achieves strategy maturity by achieving maturity in all levels as shown in the figure, viz, Strategy action, strategy alignment, strategy learning and strategy innovation. STRATEGY-CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL 5 LEVEL INNVOVATION 4 LEARNING LEVEL MASTER TEMPLATES 3 ALIGNMENT LEVEL 2 ACTION LEVEL Levels represent the organizational capacity to execute their strategy. Higher the maturity levels higher the strategy capacity. Organization’s strategy maturity is progression on maturity levels. 31
  • 32. Copyright 2008 by euseden Maturity levels are group of SPAs (Strategy Process Areas), which in turn are cluster of related strategy practices. Maturity levels, as in other CMM, represent certain level of capability of the organization in executing strategy. There are four maturity levels as follows Strategy action- Organization is capable of taking significant amount of action on its stated strategy Strategy alignment- Organization has capability to align its key SPA stake holders and other organizational units to its stated strategy Specific Goals Generic Goals Purpose statement Intro.Notes Strategy learning- Organization has capability to know what is the Specific Practices Specific Practices Generic Practices Specific Practices Generic Practices Specific Practices right & wrong about its strategy and which of its strategies are Generic Practices Specific Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices working Sub Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices Strategy Innovation- Organization adopts innovative practices in managing strategy Maturity Levels 5 Organization has capability to implement STRATEGY INNOVATION innovative strategy management practices LEVEL 4 Organization has capability to know right STRATEGY LEARNING & wrong about its strategy LEVEL Organization has capability to align its 3 stake holders and key organization units STRATEGY ALIGNMENT LEVEL to strategy 2 Organization has capability to take action in its stated strategy STRATEGY ACTION LEVEL 32
  • 33. Copyright 2008 by euseden Master templates, the second dimension of STR-CMM, provide architecture for articulating and translating strategy. Master templates- strategy map, scorecard and initiatives; are based on balanced scorecard methodology. Master templates are like special tools that cut across many maturity levels and have important bearing on the most of the SPAs. (Refer page for more on master templates). To understand it better we can draw parallel to financial statements of accounting system. Financial statements; Balance sheet, Profit & Loss Account and Cash-flow are like master templates of accounting system. These templates have significant bearing on all the accounting that goes on in the system. (But, by themselves, balance sheets etc do not provide enough insight into how to build an accounting system in a large organization. This might be difficult to imagine in today’s context because we cannot imagine an organization without an accounting system) 33
  • 34. Copyright 2008 by euseden SPA (Strategy Process Area) SPA (Strategy Process Area) is a cluster of related practices. For example, Enterprise strategy map as SPA is achieved by following many practices such as – Strategy map is created after a detailed dialogue and discussion among the senior management team members. There is documentation available on the enterprise strategy map, and so on. 5 STRATEGY-CMM Innovation LEVEL 4 Learning Strategy awareness LEVEL Strategy Process innovation 3 Alignment Scorecard cascade LEVEL Personal goal alignment Strategy Reporting system 2 Align personal incentive Action Strategy alignment of KOUs Organization strategy review LEVEL Alignment of stake-holders Strategy competency development Enterprise strategy map KOU strategy review Organization-wide Initiatives Enterprise scorecard MASTER TEMPLATES Budgets linked to strategy Enterprise strategy initiatives KOU Initiative management Enterprise strategy review 34
  • 35. Copyright 2008 by euseden Each maturity level consists of 4-5 SPAs (Strategy Process Areas). SPAs are the basic building blocks of the STR-CMM. SPAs, in turn consist of following components • Purpose statements • Generic goals • Generic practices • Specific goals • Specific practices • Typical work products • Suggested tools • Introductory notes • Examples and illustrations Strategy-CMM Level-5 Strategy Innovation Level-4 Strategy Learning Level-3 Strategy alignment Level-2 Strategy action Strategic Strategic Strategic Process Area Process Area Process Area (SPA-1) (SPA-2) (SPA-n) Specific Specific Generic Generic Goals Goals Goals Goals Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices Practices 35
  • 36. Copyright 2008 by euseden Summary of specific goals & practices SG 1 Identify all Key Organizational units for scorecard development Summary of specific goals & SP 1.1 Adequate planning is done for identifying all the KOUs practices Need for scorecard development is discussed with KOUs SP 1.2 SG 2 Develop scorecards for all KOUs SP 2.1 For all identified KOU the scorecards are developed Completeness and adequacy of the KOU scorecard are verified SP 2.2 There is adequate documentation available on all KOU scorecards SP 2.3 Specific Practices by Goals SG 1 Identify all Key Organizational units for scorecard development Identify all key organizational units for scorecard development SP 1.1 Specific Goals Sub Practices Examples 1. Prepare list of organizational units who have direct reporting relations • Strategic Business units under a corporate Specific • SBUs under a division Practices • Corporate support functions • Key suppliers/ vendors Explanatory notes Explanatory Notes 1. One of the best ways to find out where the next immediate scorecards need to be developed is to find the direct reportees to the CEO, if the scorecard is developed at company level or corporate level. If the highest level scorecard is at division level, then it could be his direct reportees who typically head various independent business Typical units. There are times when the first scorecard is prepared first by the Work product support functions such as HR, IT or Finance etc. In such cases the next cascade from the scorecard possibly is best identified by portfolio of his direct reportees Typical work product List prepared for next level strategy map and scorecard development Sample page of STR-CMM guide 36
  • 37. Copyright 2008 by euseden Flowchart for implementing STR-CMM 37
  • 38. Copyright 2008 by euseden Strategy Process Areas and its Components SPA Specific Goals Generic Goals Purpose statement Intro.Notes Specific Practices Specific Practices Generic Practices Specific Practices Generic Practices Specific Practices Generic Practices Specific Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices Sub Practices 38
  • 39. Copyright 2008 by euseden Generic Goals (GG) & Generic Practices (GP) Generic Goals are essentially the goals that are part of the most of the SPA. Most important idea behind the generic goals and practices is that they help institutionalizing the processes and practices. Degree of institutionalization differs in different practices, even in same organization. Highly institutionalized (mature) practices are likely to be practiced even under great stress. Specific Goals (SG) & Specific Practices (SP) Each SPA has Specific Goals attached to it. Goals are essential components of any SPA. They help in terms of understanding the direction of the practices. This way we will also be able to build standard vocabulary which powerfully helps in terms of implementation. Specific Goals can have many specific practices. Specific practices in turn can have few sub practices. Practices and goals together build-up an SPA. To implement STR-CMM, we start with learning the balanced scorecard master templates- the strategy map, scorecard and initiatives. Then we learn about the maturity levels and SPAs. STR-CMM guides us through to build strategy capacity by building the enterprise wide system of managing and executing strategy. The following gives simple steps in adopting STR-CMM Understand the balanced scorecard master templates Select level-2 and implement all the SPAs in the this maturity level Move on to level-3 strategic alignment and implement the SPAs Repeat this process up to level-5 39
  • 40. Copyright 2008 by euseden MASTER TEMPLATES Master templates constitute the second dimension of STR-CMM. They provide tools and templates to articulate and translate strategy into action. Strategy Map Strategy map is one of the key templates for building strategy maturity of the organization. Strategy map is simple to construct and provide quick view of strategy. Strategy map helps us to map strategic objectives across 4-5 perspectives stacked one above the other. Vision & Mission Who are our stake holders ? STAKE HOLDER What are their needs ? PERSPECTIVE How do we satisfy their needs ? Who are our customers ? CUSTOMRE What are their needs ? PERSPECTIVE How do we satisfy their needs ? To satisfy our stake holders and customers, what processes we need to excel ? INTERNAL What kind of IT systems should we deploy? PERSPECTIVE What should be our financial goals? To excel at these processes, what Competencies our people need to develop ? LEARNING & GROWTH PERSPECTIVE What kind of culture and values do we promote? In constructing the strategy map, we start from the top perspective and come downwards in a logical fashion. To enable this, we need to define the perspectives. Let’s understand this with the figure given here. 40
  • 41. Copyright 2008 by euseden As we can see, the strategy template shown here is a generic template in a Government organization. Top most perspective is Stake-holders perspective. It is followed by customer perspective, internal perspective and learning and growth perspective. These perspectives themselves are integrated by the following logic; Our strategy needs to help us achieve our mission. This we can do by satisfying our key stake holders. Our key stake holders can be satisfied if we can identify our key customers and provide them value. This in turn is possible if we have capable processes, capable IT systems and capable financial management. Again, this in turn is possible if we have competent set of employees who can consistently execute these processes. In the strategy map, we try to bring focus to our strategy and try to build strategy in an integrated and logical way. Strategy map is a set of objectives across the defined perspectives in a cause and effect chain. We need to articulate our strategy in a proper cause and effect chain so that we can achieve clear focus. This will help us execute the strategy better. This is because, strategy, instead of being disparate set of stand-alone objectives, now becomes an integrated system of objectives that support one another. Perspectives Perspectives are broad dimensions of the strategy map. They provide first level scoping for our strategy thinking. They are the fundamental architecture of the strategy map and facilitate setting and organizing the strategic objectives. Stake holder perspective For any Government organization it is important to understand the needs of stake holders and its key constituents. This 41
  • 42. Copyright 2008 by euseden perspective guides the planners to set strategic objectives that help in terms of satisfying the important needs and requirements of the stake holders. For instance, for ministry of education, State Government itself can be a key stake holder. Central Government can be another key stake holder. Various industry bodies also could be other important stake holders. An important aspect of strategy is to satisfy the stake holders. In this example for instance, education ministry can set objectives like- provide free education for all children up to 7th grade. This might be an important need of the state Government. Customer Perspective Some practioners do not mention this as separate perspective. They ordinarily club it with the stake holder perspective and show it as part of the stake holder perspective. This is acceptable practice because remember, the strategy map is only a template not a mathematical model. In the customer perspective, we ask who are the important segments of our services and what can we offer them? In short, what value do we create and deliver to our customers? In the above example of education ministry, we can ask for instance, keeping in mind the fact that we want to provide free education to all children up to 7th standard, what can we propose to children further in order to achieve that? This might lead to thinking “provide free text books”. Such an objective then, can be part of the customer perspective. This objective “provide free text books” is not stand alone. This is connected to the objective set above in the stake holder perspective. Perspectives facilitate setting strategic objectives in cause and effect chain. And such, top-down logically linked set of objectives will be easier to implement as against stand alone objectives. 42
  • 43. Copyright 2008 by euseden Internal perspective This is one of the important dimensions added by the balanced scorecard methodology for strategy management. Strategy so far, was essentially externally oriented. It was more about scanning the market, business environment, important changes in the economy, technology and competitors etc and predicting how it all would shape up. Balanced scorecard brought powerful internal dimension to strategy. From the point of view of government and public organizations, internal perspective can be summarized as explained below. Process To consistently deliver value to customers it is important that organizations have capable and highly mature processes. For instance, if Government is intending to provide free text books to students, to fulfill this proposition, it needs to have a well organized procurement of such books, distribution of these books to various schools, and make sure such books reach the students in-time and so on. Capability in such processes becomes critical for executing this strategy. Government’s strategy management must make sure this process of all, is especially capable. IT This is another important strategic dimension today. Every organization, large and small, public and private, is affected by IT today. We have seen that e-governance and ecommerce are spreading quickly. Every aspect of life is affected by IT. IT is a powerful dimension of economy, business, society and culture today. Key questions we need to ask in this perspective are; - How can we use IT to achieve the objectives we have set in process perspective and customer perspective? - How can we use IT to deliver value to stake holders? For instance, in the above example the Government can set 43
  • 44. Copyright 2008 by euseden objectives such as- adopt cutting-edge supply chain software, Set online portal that allows students/schools to log complaints. Key is that IT objective here needs to be aligned with objectives we have already set in other perspectives above. That way we increase the strategy implementability. Finance For Government this may not be as critical as it is for private organization. However, it is still important enough to be strategic. Cost of executing the processes and activities are important considerations for every organization. Continuing the example above, in the finance perspective, Government can set objectives such as- keep the average cost per book as per the approved budget or keep total cost per servicing a student under USD 50 per annum etc. It can also be set as productivity of people who would be part of the process, and or speed of the process cycle. Key is, the strategy should have financial angle to it. Learning & Growth perspective This again is an important dimension to strategy added by balanced scorecard methodology. In this perspective while mapping the strategic objectives we ask following questions; To achieve objectives set in process perspectives what competencies, skills and knowledge our people need to have? To adopt IT the way envisaged in IT perspective what kind of competencies our people need to have? Which of the above competencies are most critical? How can we train our people to get it? To illustrate, continuing with our education ministry examples, Government can ask if we need to achieve the process and IT objectives what kind of competencies we require? In this case Government needs to possibly train people on supply-chain software. Also, such a large-scale adoption might require powerful project management skills hence, people might have to be trained 44 in project management skills.
  • 45. Copyright 2008 by euseden As we can see, this way by coming top-down in logical way, perspective by perspective, Government can narrow down the scope and can be laser focused about its strategy. Following is example of strategy map. Royal Canadian Mounted Police( RCMP) Mission STAKE HOLDER PERSPECTIVE Be the best managed organization in Government INTERNAL PERSPECTIVE Exemplify Build strategic modern alliances management Accountability at All levels LEARNING PERSPECTIVE Provide enabling technology Source-Strategy Map Robert Kaplan & David Norton Above map shows the partial strategy map of one of the premier government organizations of Canada. RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) is an agency under ministry of the solicitor general of Canada. As you can see, the strategic objectives are mapped across three perspectives. One of the important objectives for RCMP in stake holder perspective is to become one of the best managed organizations for the Government of Canada. This, 45
  • 46. Copyright 2008 by euseden RCMP wants to achieve by building strategic alliances. Alliances with various communities, people, other government agencies etc. And RCMP also believes, to be the best organization, it needs to adopt best in class management practices (exemplify modern management). As per RCMP management, this is one of the key processes of its strategy. RCMP also believes, to achieve the objective exemplify modern management it has to establish accountability (accountability at all levels). And this in turn, is achieved by enabling its officers with required necessary technology. (Provide enabling technology). RCMP thinks that it is strategic to adopt technology to improve accountability. As I mentioned earlier, this is only a partial strategy map of RCMP. However, the above map shows clearly how a properly constructed strategy map can tell the strategy story. 46
  • 47. Copyright 2008 by euseden Scorecard- Measures and Targets As we know strategic objectives can get very abstract and can lead to wide interpretations. For effective implementation we need to make it measurable to lessen conflicting interpretations. For instance, one of the strategic objectives in stake holder perspective for a particular state government could be “Provide employment for rural youth”. This objective might appear to be fairly specific. Nevertheless, there can be conflicting interpretations To avoid this we can say this objective will be “measured by Number of unemployed persons per village”. Such measures help officials know how well they are able to execute their strategy. One of the most important practices of the STR-CMM is to assign one or two key specific measures for the strategic objectives. To do that we simply need to ask, how can we know that the stated strategic objective is achieved? What, if we measure, we will know whether we have achieved the strategic objective? Once we have defined the measures, we need to also set specific targets in terms of the defined measures. For example, in the above example, Government can set target of say 3 unemployed people. This means that for every village only 3 people can remain unemployed. As you can see, we can also compare this number with the previous period and find out how well the strategy was executed. Targets help us make the strategic objectives more specific. Some of the best practice organizations, specify clearly, how exactly such measures are computed. 47
  • 48. Copyright 2008 by euseden Following is an example of a properly constructed scorecard of a government organization In our practice, we have observed that many executives tend to set too many objectives and measures. Energy Department, Federal procurement (USA) - Scorecard OBJECTIVES MEASURES TARGETS 2002 Timeliness: Extent of customer Customer Satisfaction satisfaction with timeliness of 85% CUSTOMER procurement processing; planning activities; and on- going communications. Effective Service/Partnership Extent of customer satisfaction with the 88% responsiveness, cooperation, and level of communication with the procurement office. Extent to which internal quality control Achieve acquisition excellence 80% systems are effective, particularly with respect to compliance with laws and regs, No protests INTERNAL vendor selection and performance, contract admin., and subcontractor oversight Most Effective Use of Contracting Percent of purchase and delivery 33% Approaches to Maximize Efficiency orders issued through electronic and Cost Effectiveness commerce 10% Percent of RFPs over $100,000 issued electronically Streamline processes for speed Average time from issuance of solicitation 123 days for to date of award. contracts between $ 10M to 25M LEARNING Provide access to strategic information The extent to which reliable procurement Information system to management information systems are in be 100% timely and place. accurate Superior Executive Leadership: Employee satisfaction Employee’s perception of the organization’s 84% professionalism, culture, values, and empowerment Quality Of work environment- Employee’s degree of satisfaction with tools available 85% to perform job, with mechanisms in place to ensure effective communications to accomplish job requirements, and with current benefits and job security. 48
  • 49. Copyright 2008 by euseden This may not be a good practice. Ordinarily, about 18-20 strategic objectives cutting across all the perspectives should be enough to start with. Also, we need to define in all, about 25-30 measures. It is best we start with such numbers and gradually increase it later as the leaders and officials become familiar with the system. Strategic Initiatives Initiatives are integral part of strategy execution. As we have observed, many organizations who implement balanced scorecard or KPI based management system, rationalize their existing enterprise level initiatives and start many new initiatives in light of the newly formulated strategy. This also prompts generally, chain of initiatives being taken at lower levels of the organization. The central organizing thread for such initiatives is, the newly articulated strategy with clear measures and targets. In one of the large FMCG companies that we worked with, management set strategic objective to be the least cost producer in India. This required that many of their 50 odd manufacturing plants across India are upgraded, productivity be watched closely, and certain quality management practices adhered to more rigorously. What exactly a plant needed to do could not be generalized though there were few things which many plants could follow and hence could be centrally managed. Hence, plants after taking stock of how they could contribute to the corporate level strategic objectives assessed their situation and started their own set of initiatives at their level. These were apart from supporting few of the corporate wide initiatives. This way there were hundreds of initiatives across the organization at different levels. Initiatives are integral part of new way of managing strategy. Lets now look at Maturity levels and associated SPAs in some more detail 49
  • 50. Copyright 2008 by euseden MATURITY LEVELS Maturity levels constitute the first dimension of the STR-CMM. They provide a detailed step by step guidance for implementing the strategy management system. Then, we might ask, what is the system to be implemented? In part, the system is not separate from the maturity levels. Maturity levels also constitute one dimension of the system itself, other being the master templates. This becomes clearer as we understand the master templates. Maturity levels provide high level architecture of how SPAs are grouped and hence to be managed. Maturity levels are like distinct stages in implementation of strategy management system. Their progression is based on logical and natural sequence we need to follow for effective implementation. Why start with Level 2 Strategy CMM is more about strategy execution than strategy analysis and strategy formulation. As we saw earlier, strategy planning could not fulfill its promise essentially because they focused on strategy thinking and analysis. Many of them built powerful tools and did good deal of forecasting into far future. But, what they lacked was a process of infusing such thinking into organization’s execution machinery and hence, translate all such analysis into concrete set of actions. In STR-CMM we have taken an approach, where we start from where the traditional strategy planning left off. This part of strategy analysis- SWOT, environment scanning, industry analysis, dialogue etc – is taken as level one and we move on to level 2 of the STR-CMM where we build on such analysis and translate this into integrated set of strategic objectives across the four perspectives as explained the master templates. 50
  • 51. Copyright 2008 by euseden It could be important to note here that master templates force us to do some degree of strategy thinking also. Templates require planners and executives to do structured thinking on their strategy. But the degree and intensity of such thinking is limited as compared to the rigor used by the strategy analysis level. 51
  • 52. Copyright 2008 by euseden LEVEL-2 STRATEGIC ACTION Practices in this maturity level, is a must for concrete action on strategy. Without such practices the strategy remains just a powerful analysis but does not get translated into actions. Following are the SPAs in this level. Enterprise strategy map Main purpose of this process area is to create an integrated view of the strategy. Generally, even in some of the best organizations, strategy means many things to many people. This is true even with people at the top of the management structure. What is strategic to success of Government as perceived by the say education minister may not be the same as that of the chief bureaucrat of the education department. This often leads to delay in decisions and ineffective execution. Hence, it is important to create a shared understanding of strategy. Strategy map constructed, as explained in the master template section earlier is a powerful practice to create an integrated and common view of strategy. In this SPA, we implement practices to create Enterprise level strategy map. Enterprise scorecard What gets measured gets done. In this process area, executives create enterprise level scorecard- set of measures for measuring the execution of strategic objectives. Scorecard brings a further clarity to strategy. Scorecard generally, is set of 25-30 measures. It assigns a mathematical number to each of the strategic objective. Measures help us understand how we would know that strategy is being executed. For instance, if Government sets strategic objective- Reduce crime on women, then possible measure for this objective can be percentage of decrease in crime against woman. Such measures help in building focus. 52
  • 53. Copyright 2008 by euseden Enterprise strategic initiatives Based on the strategic objectives set and measures identified, strategy planners now need to identify certain key strategic initiatives to achieve the targets set. Initiatives generally, are projects that can cut across the ministries and departments. For instance, Queensland government, has set objective to “Compete based on knowledge and Innovation”. To achieve this government needs to identify certain key initiatives. For instance, Queensland government can initiate a program to strengthen the research in their technical universities. Generally Enterprise level strategy needs to have about 25-30 such clearly identified initiatives at enterprise level. In this SPA, we implement practices to manage initiatives. Strategy communication Strategy communication, in our opinion, is one of the most neglected SPAs. Communicating strategy goes a long way in proper execution. IT, today, allows significant opportunity to communicate without really spending much. Generally, organizations are not particularly good at things which they have not done in the past, no matter, how easy and how little it takes to execute. Communication of strategy provides one of the high leverage points where relative return on the effort is very huge. Following are some of the practices in communicating strategy -Strategy seminars -Doing round table briefings -Documenting strategy clearly and giving printed copies -Publishing the same in in-house magazines -Making a podcast/webcasting available on the intranet -Starting an online community 53
  • 54. Copyright 2008 by euseden Enterprise strategy review Main purpose of this SPA is to have well-organized processes to do regular and periodic review of enterprise strategy execution. Again, this is one of the high leverage points of strategy management. Strategy is not a one time event. Strategy to be executed needs to be a continuous process. We need to go beyond just the annual strategy seminar. Review, gives sense of continuity to the activities that are undertaken to achieve strategic objectives and targets. In many cases that we have come across, people wait endlessly for complete data, reports and analysis for conducting strategy review meetings. This need not be. Thumb rule is, within 60-70 days of preparing enterprise strategy-map and enterprise strategy scorecard, we need to do the first round of review meeting on strategy execution. LEVEL 3 - STRATEGY ALIGNMENT Strategy alignment for all KOUs Organization needs to align all its Key Organizational Units (KOU) to the enterprise strategy as established at the higher level. We have set the enterprise strategy, scorecard, and targets and communicated. Can’t we simply now leave it to the management of the KOUs to set their objectives? As far as the past experiences of strategy execution go, we cannot do that. We need a consciously thought of process to do that. We need to have practices in place to ensure that it happens. Based on enterprise strategy, KOUs need to draw their strategy maps scorecards. This ensures more organizational focus on strategy. In STR-CMM enterprise level strategy is not just an abstract, generic statement. It is followed by measures and also has clear targets attached to it. KOUs can, like they do in the budgeting process, take these objectives, measures and targets 54