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Step by Wicked Step 
Moral Values 
Family is everything 
This is the main message in all the five stories from Claudia, 
Ralph, Colin, Pixie and Robbo. Love is the factor that binds 
the family together but sometimes the family unit breaks 
down due to a lack of understanding between parents. Most 
of the time, children are not prepared for such a situation 
and this lands them in an awkward and painful situation. It is 
important to minimize the impact of divorce on children and 
to make sure they do not feel unwanted or unimportant. 
Parents must always try to keep the family together despite 
the breakdown in their relationship. 
Patience is a virtue 
It is important to practice a lot of patience in difficult times. 
No parents would want a divorce if they can help it. Hence, 
everyone affected by a divorce must be patient and tolerant. 
Richard Clayton Harwick does not show enough patience 
when he leaves his family because he cannot get along with 
his step father. As a result of his action, his mother dies of 
heartbreak and his sister blames him for being selfish and 
cruel. In Pixie’s story, she does not show much patience 
towards her step siblings. She refuses to share her bedroom 
with Hetty. She is also hard headed and argues intensely 
with her step mother. 
We must learn to adapt to new situations 
Children from broken homes have no choice but to learn to 
adapt to new situations. This may be unfair to the children 
who seem to be the ‘victim’ of circumstances beyond their 
control. However, in the five stories told, we learn that 
adapting is better than resisting although it takes a lot of 
patience and effort on the children’s part. Claudia shows she 
is a rational and sensible child to accept her step mother. 
Ralph, who has three step mothers, gets along with all of 
them despite their different personalities. 
Don’t give up hope 
Colin’s story is the saddest of all. He does not give up hope 
of one day finding Jack whom he accepts as his own father. 
He saves all his money and plans to look for his dad when 
the time is right. Colin is a very determined person despite 
his young age. He knows what he wants. Robbo also hopes 
his sister Callie will accept their step father Roy. However, 
Callie resents Roy and decides to live with her real father in 
the end. 
Richard Clayton Harwick 
impulsive person, driven by emotions 
not tough 
- cannot withstand the discipline of Mordanger School 
- he chose to run away when he face injustice and suffering 
stubborn and inflexible 
- even knowing that his mother and sister were terribly 
unhappy over his disappearance and spend a lot of money 
looking for him, his heart did not sorten and did not attempt 
to get in touch with them 
- become a ship’s captain 
- when he found out that his family had passed away and he 
had to make the decision whether to take over his family 
home or run away so that he did not have to face the 
consequences of his running away, he chose to run away. 
- not to make decisions that hurt people 
- to be more sacrificing and put up with hardship for the 
good of everyone and keep the family united. 
fond and loving 
- caught between her stepfather and her brother, be careful 
not to seem to be taking sides. 
- made the best of her situation and get along with her 
- “Just because life has dealt us one hard blow, there is no 
reason for us to be unhappy forever.” 
put other people’s happiness and welfare before her own 
- entered a loveless marriage because the man was rich and 
he promised to continue the search for her brother. 
- thought that family was important 
steady and sensible 
- did not get along with her stepmother at the beginning 
- adapt to the changes around her that was not of her 
- felt sorry for Stella when she suffered cold treatment of her 
father’s friend 
- often stand up to her father 
- mean to her stepmother
- open to changes 
- admit her mistake( treat Stella bad) 
- learn how to quilt a bedcover, read maps, change an 
electric plug and skate from Stella 
- took the separation from his stepfather badly. He wished to 
reunited with his step dad 
- his father’s absence affected him so much that he did not 
pay attention in class, always half asleep in class 
- shared a song with his stepdad 
tolerant, easy-going nature 
- get along well with all his stepmothers although they have 
unusual habits and lifestyles 
responsible and thoughtful 
- worried that Flora would not make a good mother and his 
baby half brother might be neglected. 
hopeful, optimistic outlook 
- looking forward to the future and the new baby 
- adapt to the changes 
- create lots of ghost stories 
-did not try to get along with her father’s new family, escape 
to her room and only come down at mealtimes 
not tolerant 
-hated Hetty’s mannerisms and when she called her Priscilla 
- hated her father took her stepmother’s side when she 
protested about sharing room with Hetty 
- burst out crying when she had a showdown with her 
sensible, rational 
- change the way she acted around Paynes 
- changing her behavior 
tolerant, easy-going 
1 The importance of preserving the family unit 
This is the central message in the novel. The family 
institution is a solemn entity. It is created when two adults 
decide to tie the knot through their marriage vows. Hence, 
parents are mainly responsible in keeping the family unit 
intact through love and understanding because divorce and 
separation can only lead to ugly consequences as clearly 
shown in the novel. 
The family institution should also provide security to children. 
However, when it is broken, children feel helpless and they 
feel they are victims of the situation. The novel reveals how 
the five children cope with difficult times when their parents’ 
marriage fails. Claudia and Pixie for example, have to 
undergo emotionally painful and tumultuous moments to 
get used to their parent’s divorce. The ugly effects of divorce 
and separations are also shown in the way Claudia and Pixie 
resist their step parents and siblings. The quarrels, the 
screaming, the sibling rivalry demonstrate that the harmony 
that is central in their families has long gone. Children suffer 
most from broken homes and they need a lot of time to 
adapt to their new situation. This is true in the case of Pixie, 
who needs a great deal of time to adjust to her step mother 
and step sisters, Sophie and Hetty. 
The family institution must be preserved at all cost to avoid 
unnecessary sufferings on the part of the children. Parents 
must protect their children from the effects of divorce as 
much as possible. If a divorce is unavoidable, parents need 
to ensure that every care is taken to make life as normal as 
possible for their children. 
2 Acceptance and tolerance 
Learning to accept and tolerate new members in the family 
is important when a divorce happens. The novel shows how 
children learn to accept their ‘new’ family members and 
make the best of their new circumstances. Although this 
sounds a big task for them, they all end up accepting their 
new life at the end of their stories. Despite their being young, 
they realize how important it is to learn to share belongings 
and love with their step siblings. For example, Pixie has to 
learn to share her bedroom with her step sister Hetty. She 
has to tolerate her privacy being taken away causing her to 
devise ways to get rid of Hetty from her bedroom. She 
considers her bedroom is her territory and Hetty’s presence 
an intrusion. However, she manages to get her room back 
after a heated argument with her step mother. In the end
Pixie learns to tolerate her step sisters and accepts their 
Acceptance and tolerance can also be seen in Claudia’s story. 
She learns to accept the presence of her step mother when 
her father’s marriage to her real mother fails. The green 
pyjamas her step mother gave her and the dinner hosted by 
her step mother one night play a role in bringing them closer. 
Despite her earlier resentment towards her step mother, 
Claudia makes a big decision that it is not fair for her to hate 
her step mother. In doing so she also shows her maturity 
despite her young age. In Pixie’s story, she is shown to 
accept the fact that her new stepmother is having as much 
trouble "adjusting" as she is. It is amazing how these young 
characters show a lot of strength despite the distinct 
problems they face in their families. They learn to accept 
things around them gradually because they do not have a 
choice. Furthermore that life has to go on. 
3 Responsibility 
This is another theme that is evident in the novel. 
Responsibility is shown in different ways in the novel. 
Marriage entails responsibility. It is about building a family 
and raising children that are part and parcel of a marriage 
partnership. This will include providing shelter, clothing, 
education and love. Therefore if a marriage is broken, 
children would be directly affected. Parents therefore must 
accept that they still have a responsibility to ensure that the 
divorce does not cost their children more than it already has. 
One of the ways this is shown in the novel is by the turns or 
visits the children have with their new families. Their parents 
although divorced, insist that their children take turns to visit 
them. Pixie for instance goes to her step family’s house ‘a 
few days in a month’ while Ralph has a more hectic and 
complicated schedule. He has to divide the weekdays to be 
at his divorced parents’ house. It is a pity that he has to 
shuffle his time between his parents but he pretty much 
accepts his situation without complaints. 
The step parents also try their best to be responsible 
towards their step children. Stella tries to make Claudia feel 
comfortable every time she is with them. Colin’s mother 
shows a different kind of responsibility though. She moves to 
a different place to protect her son from her ‘rough-house’ 
husband. Although Colin misses his father very much, his 
mother has made the right decision for their safety. Another 
example is Robbo’s step father who sends Callie, his sister to 
school every morning and works over time to pay for repairs 
for the house. 
It is fair to say that no one would wish for a divorce but 
when it happens, parents have to carry out their 
responsibilities well. They have to be sensitive to the needs 
of their children since children have a natural attachment to 
their parents. Sometimes children are simply attached to 
their surroundings, and moving into new surroundings can 
cause an understandable negative reaction. Colin for 
instance has trouble learning ‘being half asleep in school’. 
4 Children have opinions too 
This theme is portrayed through the five main characters in 
the novel. Since all the main characters come from broken 
homes, we learn that they too want their opinions to be 
heard and acknowledged. Very often than not, there is a 
communication breakdown between the children and 
parents who undergo divorce. For example, Colin does not 
have a say at all when her mother decides to move to 
another place to stay safe from his father. Colin has to start 
all over in a new school and make new friends. His opinion is 
never sought. In another example, Pixie shows that she 
wants to be heard. Her strong opinions about the adults 
around her are revealed when she quarrels with Lucy, her 
step mother. She expresses her frustrations and anger 
through her words. 
The writer provides the opportunity for the children to voice 
out their opinions frankly and honestly through the stories 
they tell. Through each of the main characters, we realize 
that children too have opinions and that their opinions must 
also be sought. Pixie would like to have a say about her room 
arrangement and Colin, although quiet, often wonders why 
his mother makes decisions independently. 
Through the main characters’ words and actions, we can also 
see a certain level of maturity in the children’s thinking. They 
are not without opinions. But how many parents actually 
sought for their opinions. Divorce is always an adults’ story 
and too often children are just trapped in between. The 
novel in a way is a tribute to the children’s spirit. They make 
us see the depth of their feelings and opinions through their 
unique stories. Too often children’s feelings are unnoticed, 
ignored and or not taken seriously resulting in failure in 
building relationships in broken homes.
Character you like the most? 
The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by Anne 
Fine. The character that i like the most is Colin. 
I like him because Colin shows maturity beyond his age. 
Although Colin is perhaps too young to understand the 
conflict faced by the adults, he has deep hidden feelings 
about the matter. He shows maturity by not telling his 
mother about his feeling towards his stepfather, Jack. 
However, Colin still loves his mother and accepts the 
situation. He never blames his mother like any other children 
of his age. Instead, he defends his mother's actions. Thus, his 
maturity has actually made me like his character very much. 
Another reason why I like Colin is because of his 
determination. He is determined to look for his stepfather. 
First, he writes a letter to his stepfather in his effort to locate 
his whereabouts. Then, he saves every penny whenever he 
gets the chance. For example, he always prefer cash for 
Christmas present from his mother and does three paper 
rounds to earn money. Colin does all this because he is 
determined to leave home one day when he is old enough to 
look for his beloved stepfather. As a child he does not give 
up easily but makes a plan to achieve his dreams. I adore 
him for his strong will. 
Finally, Colin proves to be a very sentimental person. He 
remembers everything about his stepfather. He remembers 
how his stepfather rolls his own cigarette out of tobacco tin. 
He also remembers the many names that his stepfather 
gives him - 'Col, Collie, Sonny-Boy, Buster and Bluebird'. He 
misses the times when his stepfather walks with him to 
school and pushes him up the swing in the park. In fact, he 
keeps an exact account on how long his stepfather has been 
gone which is five years, eight months and seven days. The 
sentimental values in Colin is the reason why he can stay 
loving towards his stepfather after so many years. He 
treasures all all the good things Jack does for him and that 
has given him strength. Therefore, i also admire Colin for 
being a sentimental person. 
The above reasons are why I like Colin the most. 
Character that you sympathize ? 
The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by Anne 
Fine. The character that i sympathize in this novel is Richard 
Clayton Harwick. He is a young boy who feels trapped in 
very unhappy circumstances. He loses his father to sickness. 
His mother remarries a very cold and hard man and thi s 
causes much unhappiness to Richard. His new stepfather 
makes life hard for him. 
Reverend Coldstone is a harsh man who is strict and hard 
towards Richard. He believes that Richard is too wild and 
needs to be taught manners. He shows no love for Richard 
and sends him off to Mordanger School where Richard is 
treated badly. This adds to his misery. There he is bullied and 
beaten. At home he was beaten by his stepfather for every 
small mistake and the school experience makes him more 
bitter about life. He is miserable and decides to act. 
Richard realises that his mother will not take his side and 
his sister, Charlotte makes herself happy by being nice to her 
stepfather. Therefore, Richard runs away to a life at sea and 
does well there rising to the position of Captain. 
When he returns, he finds that his mother has died of 
heartbreak. His stepfather too had passed away and his dear 
Charlotte had died in childbirth. I feel sorry for Richard for all 
he wanted was his family and love. He loved his parents and 
sister and loses them all. Children become victims when 
families breakup. 
Richard is a victim of breakdown in his family. He 
experiences much misery and loss and these are reasons 
why I sympathize with him. 
Character you admire because of the positive qualities? 
The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by Anne 
Fine. The character that i admire because of the positive 
qualities is Robbo. 
Robbo is a kind person. His immense kindness was 
evident in the way he sought to protect Dumpa. Even though 
he wished his parents were back together, he worried about 
how it would affect Dumpa. He did not want his baby half - 
brother to have to go through the pain and suffering he and 
his sister had experienced during his parents frequent 
arguments and final separation. 
Robbo is also very understanding and sensitive person. He 
understood why Roy felt unwelcome in the house and that 
the only reason he remained there was for Dumpa. The 
burden and strain his mother went through while trying to 
referee the fights between Roy and Callie was not lost on 
Robbo either. He was willing to put himself in his mother's 
and Roy's shoes and tried to understand their pain.
Finally, Robbo's best quality is his maturity. Due to his 
maturity, he was able to accept his parents' separation and 
bot be jealous or resentful of Dumpa and Roy. It also helped 
him realize that drastic changes were needed to keep the 
family together and to come to a solution that would benefit 
all parties. He showed a maturity beyond his years when he 
confronted his mother and sister directly and dealt with the 
situation once and for all. 
These are some of the positive qualities that Robbo has 
displayed and which have drawn my admiration. 
Compare and contrast one of the character in the novel 
with another character. 
The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by 
Anne Fine. The character that i have picked to compare with 
another character is Claudia and her father. Claudia and her 
father are as different as night and day. 
One of the key differences between them is her bravery. 
Claudia has the courage to thank Stella in front of her 
father's friend so that her father's friends would be nicer to 
Stella. Her father, on the other hand, could not even 
summon up the courage to properly introduce her daughter 
to Stella, opting to make the introduction seems like an 
accidental meeting. 
This brings us to Claudia's intelligence, another character 
which is very different from her father. Claudia is smart 
enough to realize that her father has set up the accidental 
meeting to introduce her to Stella. Claudia also shows 
remarkable perception, unlike her father. He routinely asks 
her whether she and her mother are fine, without realising 
even once how hurt and abandoned they felt at his leaving. 
Finally and the most importantly, Claudia is kind and 
forgiving person. When she and Stella has had a fight, she 
forgives her and makes up. Although she wants to be angry 
at Stella, she forgives and help her out. However, her father 
could not forgive or make up with her mother as easily and 
he does not stop himself from making harsh remarks about 
her either. 
Based on these characteristic, Claudia is a much better 
person than her father. It just goes to show that sometimes 
children can behave better than adults. 
Comparison : Similarities and Differences 
The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by 
Anne Fine. There are glaring differences and some 
similarities between Richard and Robbo. They both make a 
good comparison of characters. 
For similarities, both are products of a broken home and 
both have to adjust living with a stepfather. Their 
stepfathers are difficult to live with and so conflicts arise 
within the family. But this is where the similarities end. 
Their differences are more marked. Robbo refuses to let 
his stepfather ruin his happiness. He even tries to mediate 
between Callie, his old sister and Roy, his stepfather. He 
loves his half-brother like his own. When situations prove to 
be difficult, he chips in to help his mother and stepfather. 
On the other hand, Richard handles things differently. His 
arguments with his stepfather are so bad that it is impossible 
for them to love together. He is too stubborn to compromise 
or at least try to make things better. He allows his stepfather 
to make his home like a tomb as he calls it. He feels like a 
stranger in his own home. Not surprisingly, he chooses the 
cowardly way of leaving home. This is something Robbo 
would never do. He chooses to make the best of a 
challenging home situation. 
These are some of the similarities and differences 
between Richard and Robbo. 
Important lesson 
The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by Anne 
Fine. The important lesson that i have learnt from this novel 
is we have to be patient when facing challenges. Often, 
patience achieves better results than rashness and anger. 
Two characters, Lucy and Stella handle challenges with 
patience. In doing so, they achieve what they desire. Lucy's 
stepdaughter, Pixie, is difficult to handle. She believes that a 
stepfamily can never be a happy family. Lucy goes all out to 
prove her wrong. During a major confrontation,she manages 
to reason things out with Pixie. She tries her best to explain 
to Pixie that a stepfamily can be a happy one. At the same 
time, she listens to Pixie, letting her pour out all her 
frustrations. Her patience pays off. She and Pixie have a 
good cry together. They hug each other like a mother and 
daughter would. This removes some of the underlying 
tension between them and marks the beginning of a 
harmonious and happy friendship.
It is the same with Stella. She exercise much patience in 
trying to win Claudia over. Initially, all her attempts are 
rejected but does not discourage her. In fact, she puts in 
more effort to make Claudia likes her. She succeeds in the 
ens for Claudia stands up for her when she sees how unfairly 
her father's friends treat Stella during supper. They simply 
ignore her, even after all the trouble she has gone through 
to make sure that everything is perfect for them. Claudia 
comes downstairs and thanks Stella for the green pyjamas 
that she has bought for her. This prompts the guests to give 
Stella a chance. This is the start of a new friendship and 
understanding between them. 
Therefore, we have to be patient when facing challenges. 
Important event (Pixie) 
The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by 
Anne Fine. There are some event that are so important to a 
character in this novel. 
One of the five pupils who comes form broken families is 
Pixie whose parents are divorced. Every weekend she goes 
to stay with her father and his new family. She dislikes her 
stepsisters, Hetty and Sophie and calls them 'the Pains'. 
When Hetty moves into Pixie's bedroom, after quarrelling 
with Sophie, Pixie is unhappy. She thinks all kinds of ways to 
get rid of Hetty such as pretending the room is haunted and 
giving Hetty the 'semi-silent' treatment. 
When Pixie's stepmother , Lucy, hears about her behavior, 
she has a talk with her. This event is the turning point in 
Pixie's relationship with her father's new family. Both Lucy 
and Pixie speak truthfully about how they feel about each 
other and the family situation. Lucy learns how Pixie hates 
pretending there is a normal family and how difficult it is to 
be caught between her divorced parents. Pixie realizes that 
Lucy hates being a step-parent and how hard it is caring for 
someone else's child.She also realizes how badly she has 
behaved. This honest conversation creates an understanding 
between them. It ends woth them crying and hugging each 
other. The signals the change in Pixie's relationship with her 
step-family. After this event, Pixie is happier and gets along 
much better with her stepsisters. 
The honest talk between Pixie and Lucy is an important 
event to Pixie as it improves their relationship and they 
become more like a normal family after that. It proves that 
open communication can heal relationships. 
Character that you admire 
I choose the novel Step by Wicked Step, written by Anne 
Fine. The character that I admire is Claudia. There are many 
reasons why I admire her very much. 
First of all, I admire Claudia because she is a gentle person. 
Listening to Richard's sad story, makes her weep. Besides, 
she is loyal to her mother. She tries not to sound too happy 
when speaking to her father because she does not want to 
hurt her mother's feeling. She rejects Stella and refuses to 
enjoy her time with her father out of loyalty to her mother. 
She knows that her parents break-up is serious even though 
her mother sounded cheerful. 
Apart from that, I really admire Claudia because she is a fair 
and sensible person. She does not blame Stella for her 
parents' break-up. At the dinner party, she thinks that the 
guests are rude for not appreciating Stella's hard work. She 
realizes that ignoring Stella would not help solving matters 
between her parents. Feeling sorry for Stella who is being 
ignored by the guests, she decides to help her get accepted 
by showing off the green pyjamas which Stella gave her. 
In a nutshell, the character that I admire from Step by 
Wicked Step is Claudia because she is gentle, loyal, fair and 
sensible. I think we could learn a lot from her character. 
A memorable event and how the event affects one of the 
characters in the story. 
I choose the novel Step by Wicked Step written by Anne Fine. 
The memorable event from the novel is the honest 
conversation between Pixie and her stepmother Lucy. I 
think that the conversation is important because it affects 
Pixie's life. 
First of all, I think that the conversation is important because 
Pixie has a chance to tell the truth about her feelings. Pixie 
tells Lucy that she hates to pretend that their family is 
normal. It is hard for her to accept strangers as family. She 
dislikes her stepsisters. When Hetty moves into Pixie's 
bedroom after quarreling with Sophie, Pixie is very angry. 
She tries many ways to get rid of Hetty. 
Apart from that, I think that the conversation between Lucy 
and Pixie is important because Lucy also gets a chance to 
express her feelings towards Pixie. Lucy hates being a step 
mother. It is very hard for her to take care of someone else's 
child. Lucy is angry when Pixie when Pixie tries to get rid of 
Hetty from her bedroom.
Last but not least, I think the heart to heart conversation is 
memorable because it improves the relationship between 
Pixie and Lucy. They understand each other better. at the 
end of the conversation, they are crying and hugging each 
other. After that day, their relationship becomes better and 
they are more like a normal family. 
In a nutshell, I think that the honest conversation between 
Lucy and Pixie is memorable because it improves the 
relationship between Pixie and her step family. I learn many 
things from this novel. 
Theme of family love 
The novel that I have chosen to portray the theme of family 
love is “Step by Wicked Step” by AnneFine. This novel is 
regarding five British school children from Stagfire who 
shared their joys, sorrows and anxieties of their family life. It 
all begin when they arrived ahead of their classmates for a 
week-long field trip at "haunted' Old Harwick Hall. In the 
stormy wild night, Claudia, Pixie, Robbo, Ralph and Colin find 
a long-abandoned secret room containing a mysterious 
journal with the aid of flashes of lightning. They uncover a 
heart rending story of Richard Clayton Harwick, who runs 
away from the sinister influence of a loveless stepfather. This 
discovery triggers off each of them to reveal and share their 
own engrossing, heart-rending stories filled with hurting and 
healing moments way through a minefield of embittered or 
uncommunicative or just plain immature parents, insecure 
or reluctant step parents and resentful step siblings. The 
implied themes in this novel are revealed through the 
characters thoughts, speech, actions, reactions and what 
others say about them. Thus, based on this novel, I have 
chosen to write on Richard Clayton Harwick’s family 
members who have portrayed the theme of family love 
amazingly and dramatically through sense of love, devotion 
and loyalty. 
Richard’s mother, Lilith was the first to portray the sense of 
love in the family. She took all the trouble to search for 
Richard after he ran away from home. Richard was 
frustrated as his mother married Reverend Coldstone after 
his father's death.Lilith suffered Coldstone’s anger as when 
she spent a fortune seeking for Richard, their money 
lessened. Out of love for her beloved son, Richard, Lilith 
willingly sacrifices her wealth. She never stopped searching 
for him until her death. She died of broken heart because of 
her undying love for her beloved son, Richard. 
Charlotte showed her love too through her devotion. She 
kept searching for her beloved brother, Richard, after her 
mother’s death. However she faced trouble as she had no 
money of her own. Because of her strong family love, she 
married a rich man she did not love as he promised to help 
her find Richard. She was willing to sacrifice due to her 
immense devotion to her brother. She managed to reveal 
her selfless characteristic through her quest for her brother. 
Richard also showed that he had strong love for his family 
through his sense of loyalty. Before Richard’s father died, he 
tells Richard to take care of his mother and sister, Lilith and 
Charlotte Harwick. Richard become depressed as his father 
had only thought of his mother and sister instead of him 
until the end of his life. Richard become more tensed when 
his mother marries Reverend Coldstone, who is cruel 
towards him. Richard is then sent to a boarding school called 
Mordanger School, where he still suffered. Then he decides 
to run away and sail all over the world. Although he ran 
away, he still came by the house twice to catch a glimpse of 
his mother and sister due to his love that still lives in him, He 
finally returns home after he found a note on the captain’s 
table from the solicitors who have stated something to his 
advantage . He discovered a letter from his beloved sister, 
Charlotte , who had written before her death, In the letter, 
Charlotte reveals all the difficulties they had had to undergo. 
He realized that his mother and sister was searching for him 
deliberately. He has restored his loyalty in the end but his 
loved ones are gone forever. His final decision of whether to 
stay or leave Harwick Hall remains unknown while the family 
love will remain in his memories for the rest of his life. 
This novel managed to prove that strong family relationship 
sustains family bond and heals all the hurting moments 
through sense of love, devotion and loyalty. The power of 
family love leads to reunion and healing in a family. 
Therefore, we should appreciate and love our family 
unconditionally and be prepared to make sacrifices as when 
there is strong sense of love, there is forgiveness , patience, 
loyalty and devotion growing without force under the shade 
of genuine family love.

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Step by Wicked Step

  • 1. Step by Wicked Step Moral Values Family is everything This is the main message in all the five stories from Claudia, Ralph, Colin, Pixie and Robbo. Love is the factor that binds the family together but sometimes the family unit breaks down due to a lack of understanding between parents. Most of the time, children are not prepared for such a situation and this lands them in an awkward and painful situation. It is important to minimize the impact of divorce on children and to make sure they do not feel unwanted or unimportant. Parents must always try to keep the family together despite the breakdown in their relationship. Patience is a virtue It is important to practice a lot of patience in difficult times. No parents would want a divorce if they can help it. Hence, everyone affected by a divorce must be patient and tolerant. Richard Clayton Harwick does not show enough patience when he leaves his family because he cannot get along with his step father. As a result of his action, his mother dies of heartbreak and his sister blames him for being selfish and cruel. In Pixie’s story, she does not show much patience towards her step siblings. She refuses to share her bedroom with Hetty. She is also hard headed and argues intensely with her step mother. We must learn to adapt to new situations Children from broken homes have no choice but to learn to adapt to new situations. This may be unfair to the children who seem to be the ‘victim’ of circumstances beyond their control. However, in the five stories told, we learn that adapting is better than resisting although it takes a lot of patience and effort on the children’s part. Claudia shows she is a rational and sensible child to accept her step mother. Ralph, who has three step mothers, gets along with all of them despite their different personalities. Don’t give up hope Colin’s story is the saddest of all. He does not give up hope of one day finding Jack whom he accepts as his own father. He saves all his money and plans to look for his dad when the time is right. Colin is a very determined person despite his young age. He knows what he wants. Robbo also hopes his sister Callie will accept their step father Roy. However, Callie resents Roy and decides to live with her real father in the end. Characters Richard Clayton Harwick impulsive person, driven by emotions not tough - cannot withstand the discipline of Mordanger School immature - he chose to run away when he face injustice and suffering stubborn and inflexible - even knowing that his mother and sister were terribly unhappy over his disappearance and spend a lot of money looking for him, his heart did not sorten and did not attempt to get in touch with them hardworking - become a ship’s captain irresponsible - when he found out that his family had passed away and he had to make the decision whether to take over his family home or run away so that he did not have to face the consequences of his running away, he chose to run away. moral - not to make decisions that hurt people - to be more sacrificing and put up with hardship for the good of everyone and keep the family united. Charlotte fond and loving - caught between her stepfather and her brother, be careful not to seem to be taking sides. sensible - made the best of her situation and get along with her stepfather - “Just because life has dealt us one hard blow, there is no reason for us to be unhappy forever.” put other people’s happiness and welfare before her own - entered a loveless marriage because the man was rich and he promised to continue the search for her brother. - thought that family was important Claudia steady and sensible - did not get along with her stepmother at the beginning - adapt to the changes around her that was not of her choosing kind - felt sorry for Stella when she suffered cold treatment of her father’s friend courageous - often stand up to her father - mean to her stepmother
  • 2. open-minded - open to changes - admit her mistake( treat Stella bad) humble - learn how to quilt a bedcover, read maps, change an electric plug and skate from Stella Collin sensitive - took the separation from his stepfather badly. He wished to reunited with his step dad - his father’s absence affected him so much that he did not pay attention in class, always half asleep in class - shared a song with his stepdad Ralph tolerant, easy-going nature - get along well with all his stepmothers although they have unusual habits and lifestyles responsible and thoughtful - worried that Flora would not make a good mother and his baby half brother might be neglected. hopeful, optimistic outlook - looking forward to the future and the new baby sensible - adapt to the changes Pixie imaginative - create lots of ghost stories selfish -did not try to get along with her father’s new family, escape to her room and only come down at mealtimes not tolerant -hated Hetty’s mannerisms and when she called her Priscilla - hated her father took her stepmother’s side when she protested about sharing room with Hetty soft - burst out crying when she had a showdown with her stepmother sensible, rational - change the way she acted around Paynes - changing her behavior Robbo tolerant, easy-going mature Themes 1 The importance of preserving the family unit This is the central message in the novel. The family institution is a solemn entity. It is created when two adults decide to tie the knot through their marriage vows. Hence, parents are mainly responsible in keeping the family unit intact through love and understanding because divorce and separation can only lead to ugly consequences as clearly shown in the novel. The family institution should also provide security to children. However, when it is broken, children feel helpless and they feel they are victims of the situation. The novel reveals how the five children cope with difficult times when their parents’ marriage fails. Claudia and Pixie for example, have to undergo emotionally painful and tumultuous moments to get used to their parent’s divorce. The ugly effects of divorce and separations are also shown in the way Claudia and Pixie resist their step parents and siblings. The quarrels, the screaming, the sibling rivalry demonstrate that the harmony that is central in their families has long gone. Children suffer most from broken homes and they need a lot of time to adapt to their new situation. This is true in the case of Pixie, who needs a great deal of time to adjust to her step mother and step sisters, Sophie and Hetty. The family institution must be preserved at all cost to avoid unnecessary sufferings on the part of the children. Parents must protect their children from the effects of divorce as much as possible. If a divorce is unavoidable, parents need to ensure that every care is taken to make life as normal as possible for their children. 2 Acceptance and tolerance Learning to accept and tolerate new members in the family is important when a divorce happens. The novel shows how children learn to accept their ‘new’ family members and make the best of their new circumstances. Although this sounds a big task for them, they all end up accepting their new life at the end of their stories. Despite their being young, they realize how important it is to learn to share belongings and love with their step siblings. For example, Pixie has to learn to share her bedroom with her step sister Hetty. She has to tolerate her privacy being taken away causing her to devise ways to get rid of Hetty from her bedroom. She considers her bedroom is her territory and Hetty’s presence an intrusion. However, she manages to get her room back after a heated argument with her step mother. In the end
  • 3. Pixie learns to tolerate her step sisters and accepts their differences. Acceptance and tolerance can also be seen in Claudia’s story. She learns to accept the presence of her step mother when her father’s marriage to her real mother fails. The green pyjamas her step mother gave her and the dinner hosted by her step mother one night play a role in bringing them closer. Despite her earlier resentment towards her step mother, Claudia makes a big decision that it is not fair for her to hate her step mother. In doing so she also shows her maturity despite her young age. In Pixie’s story, she is shown to accept the fact that her new stepmother is having as much trouble "adjusting" as she is. It is amazing how these young characters show a lot of strength despite the distinct problems they face in their families. They learn to accept things around them gradually because they do not have a choice. Furthermore that life has to go on. 3 Responsibility This is another theme that is evident in the novel. Responsibility is shown in different ways in the novel. Marriage entails responsibility. It is about building a family and raising children that are part and parcel of a marriage partnership. This will include providing shelter, clothing, education and love. Therefore if a marriage is broken, children would be directly affected. Parents therefore must accept that they still have a responsibility to ensure that the divorce does not cost their children more than it already has. One of the ways this is shown in the novel is by the turns or visits the children have with their new families. Their parents although divorced, insist that their children take turns to visit them. Pixie for instance goes to her step family’s house ‘a few days in a month’ while Ralph has a more hectic and complicated schedule. He has to divide the weekdays to be at his divorced parents’ house. It is a pity that he has to shuffle his time between his parents but he pretty much accepts his situation without complaints. The step parents also try their best to be responsible towards their step children. Stella tries to make Claudia feel comfortable every time she is with them. Colin’s mother shows a different kind of responsibility though. She moves to a different place to protect her son from her ‘rough-house’ husband. Although Colin misses his father very much, his mother has made the right decision for their safety. Another example is Robbo’s step father who sends Callie, his sister to school every morning and works over time to pay for repairs for the house. It is fair to say that no one would wish for a divorce but when it happens, parents have to carry out their responsibilities well. They have to be sensitive to the needs of their children since children have a natural attachment to their parents. Sometimes children are simply attached to their surroundings, and moving into new surroundings can cause an understandable negative reaction. Colin for instance has trouble learning ‘being half asleep in school’. 4 Children have opinions too This theme is portrayed through the five main characters in the novel. Since all the main characters come from broken homes, we learn that they too want their opinions to be heard and acknowledged. Very often than not, there is a communication breakdown between the children and parents who undergo divorce. For example, Colin does not have a say at all when her mother decides to move to another place to stay safe from his father. Colin has to start all over in a new school and make new friends. His opinion is never sought. In another example, Pixie shows that she wants to be heard. Her strong opinions about the adults around her are revealed when she quarrels with Lucy, her step mother. She expresses her frustrations and anger through her words. The writer provides the opportunity for the children to voice out their opinions frankly and honestly through the stories they tell. Through each of the main characters, we realize that children too have opinions and that their opinions must also be sought. Pixie would like to have a say about her room arrangement and Colin, although quiet, often wonders why his mother makes decisions independently. Through the main characters’ words and actions, we can also see a certain level of maturity in the children’s thinking. They are not without opinions. But how many parents actually sought for their opinions. Divorce is always an adults’ story and too often children are just trapped in between. The novel in a way is a tribute to the children’s spirit. They make us see the depth of their feelings and opinions through their unique stories. Too often children’s feelings are unnoticed, ignored and or not taken seriously resulting in failure in building relationships in broken homes.
  • 4. Character you like the most? The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine. The character that i like the most is Colin. I like him because Colin shows maturity beyond his age. Although Colin is perhaps too young to understand the conflict faced by the adults, he has deep hidden feelings about the matter. He shows maturity by not telling his mother about his feeling towards his stepfather, Jack. However, Colin still loves his mother and accepts the situation. He never blames his mother like any other children of his age. Instead, he defends his mother's actions. Thus, his maturity has actually made me like his character very much. Another reason why I like Colin is because of his determination. He is determined to look for his stepfather. First, he writes a letter to his stepfather in his effort to locate his whereabouts. Then, he saves every penny whenever he gets the chance. For example, he always prefer cash for Christmas present from his mother and does three paper rounds to earn money. Colin does all this because he is determined to leave home one day when he is old enough to look for his beloved stepfather. As a child he does not give up easily but makes a plan to achieve his dreams. I adore him for his strong will. Finally, Colin proves to be a very sentimental person. He remembers everything about his stepfather. He remembers how his stepfather rolls his own cigarette out of tobacco tin. He also remembers the many names that his stepfather gives him - 'Col, Collie, Sonny-Boy, Buster and Bluebird'. He misses the times when his stepfather walks with him to school and pushes him up the swing in the park. In fact, he keeps an exact account on how long his stepfather has been gone which is five years, eight months and seven days. The sentimental values in Colin is the reason why he can stay loving towards his stepfather after so many years. He treasures all all the good things Jack does for him and that has given him strength. Therefore, i also admire Colin for being a sentimental person. The above reasons are why I like Colin the most. Character that you sympathize ? The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine. The character that i sympathize in this novel is Richard Clayton Harwick. He is a young boy who feels trapped in very unhappy circumstances. He loses his father to sickness. His mother remarries a very cold and hard man and thi s causes much unhappiness to Richard. His new stepfather makes life hard for him. Reverend Coldstone is a harsh man who is strict and hard towards Richard. He believes that Richard is too wild and needs to be taught manners. He shows no love for Richard and sends him off to Mordanger School where Richard is treated badly. This adds to his misery. There he is bullied and beaten. At home he was beaten by his stepfather for every small mistake and the school experience makes him more bitter about life. He is miserable and decides to act. Richard realises that his mother will not take his side and his sister, Charlotte makes herself happy by being nice to her stepfather. Therefore, Richard runs away to a life at sea and does well there rising to the position of Captain. When he returns, he finds that his mother has died of heartbreak. His stepfather too had passed away and his dear Charlotte had died in childbirth. I feel sorry for Richard for all he wanted was his family and love. He loved his parents and sister and loses them all. Children become victims when families breakup. Richard is a victim of breakdown in his family. He experiences much misery and loss and these are reasons why I sympathize with him. Character you admire because of the positive qualities? The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine. The character that i admire because of the positive qualities is Robbo. Robbo is a kind person. His immense kindness was evident in the way he sought to protect Dumpa. Even though he wished his parents were back together, he worried about how it would affect Dumpa. He did not want his baby half - brother to have to go through the pain and suffering he and his sister had experienced during his parents frequent arguments and final separation. Robbo is also very understanding and sensitive person. He understood why Roy felt unwelcome in the house and that the only reason he remained there was for Dumpa. The burden and strain his mother went through while trying to referee the fights between Roy and Callie was not lost on Robbo either. He was willing to put himself in his mother's and Roy's shoes and tried to understand their pain.
  • 5. Finally, Robbo's best quality is his maturity. Due to his maturity, he was able to accept his parents' separation and bot be jealous or resentful of Dumpa and Roy. It also helped him realize that drastic changes were needed to keep the family together and to come to a solution that would benefit all parties. He showed a maturity beyond his years when he confronted his mother and sister directly and dealt with the situation once and for all. These are some of the positive qualities that Robbo has displayed and which have drawn my admiration. Compare and contrast one of the character in the novel with another character. The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine. The character that i have picked to compare with another character is Claudia and her father. Claudia and her father are as different as night and day. One of the key differences between them is her bravery. Claudia has the courage to thank Stella in front of her father's friend so that her father's friends would be nicer to Stella. Her father, on the other hand, could not even summon up the courage to properly introduce her daughter to Stella, opting to make the introduction seems like an accidental meeting. This brings us to Claudia's intelligence, another character which is very different from her father. Claudia is smart enough to realize that her father has set up the accidental meeting to introduce her to Stella. Claudia also shows remarkable perception, unlike her father. He routinely asks her whether she and her mother are fine, without realising even once how hurt and abandoned they felt at his leaving. Finally and the most importantly, Claudia is kind and forgiving person. When she and Stella has had a fight, she forgives her and makes up. Although she wants to be angry at Stella, she forgives and help her out. However, her father could not forgive or make up with her mother as easily and he does not stop himself from making harsh remarks about her either. Based on these characteristic, Claudia is a much better person than her father. It just goes to show that sometimes children can behave better than adults. Comparison : Similarities and Differences The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine. There are glaring differences and some similarities between Richard and Robbo. They both make a good comparison of characters. For similarities, both are products of a broken home and both have to adjust living with a stepfather. Their stepfathers are difficult to live with and so conflicts arise within the family. But this is where the similarities end. Their differences are more marked. Robbo refuses to let his stepfather ruin his happiness. He even tries to mediate between Callie, his old sister and Roy, his stepfather. He loves his half-brother like his own. When situations prove to be difficult, he chips in to help his mother and stepfather. On the other hand, Richard handles things differently. His arguments with his stepfather are so bad that it is impossible for them to love together. He is too stubborn to compromise or at least try to make things better. He allows his stepfather to make his home like a tomb as he calls it. He feels like a stranger in his own home. Not surprisingly, he chooses the cowardly way of leaving home. This is something Robbo would never do. He chooses to make the best of a challenging home situation. These are some of the similarities and differences between Richard and Robbo. Important lesson The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine. The important lesson that i have learnt from this novel is we have to be patient when facing challenges. Often, patience achieves better results than rashness and anger. Two characters, Lucy and Stella handle challenges with patience. In doing so, they achieve what they desire. Lucy's stepdaughter, Pixie, is difficult to handle. She believes that a stepfamily can never be a happy family. Lucy goes all out to prove her wrong. During a major confrontation,she manages to reason things out with Pixie. She tries her best to explain to Pixie that a stepfamily can be a happy one. At the same time, she listens to Pixie, letting her pour out all her frustrations. Her patience pays off. She and Pixie have a good cry together. They hug each other like a mother and daughter would. This removes some of the underlying tension between them and marks the beginning of a harmonious and happy friendship.
  • 6. It is the same with Stella. She exercise much patience in trying to win Claudia over. Initially, all her attempts are rejected but does not discourage her. In fact, she puts in more effort to make Claudia likes her. She succeeds in the ens for Claudia stands up for her when she sees how unfairly her father's friends treat Stella during supper. They simply ignore her, even after all the trouble she has gone through to make sure that everything is perfect for them. Claudia comes downstairs and thanks Stella for the green pyjamas that she has bought for her. This prompts the guests to give Stella a chance. This is the start of a new friendship and understanding between them. Therefore, we have to be patient when facing challenges. Important event (Pixie) The novel that i have read is Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine. There are some event that are so important to a character in this novel. One of the five pupils who comes form broken families is Pixie whose parents are divorced. Every weekend she goes to stay with her father and his new family. She dislikes her stepsisters, Hetty and Sophie and calls them 'the Pains'. When Hetty moves into Pixie's bedroom, after quarrelling with Sophie, Pixie is unhappy. She thinks all kinds of ways to get rid of Hetty such as pretending the room is haunted and giving Hetty the 'semi-silent' treatment. When Pixie's stepmother , Lucy, hears about her behavior, she has a talk with her. This event is the turning point in Pixie's relationship with her father's new family. Both Lucy and Pixie speak truthfully about how they feel about each other and the family situation. Lucy learns how Pixie hates pretending there is a normal family and how difficult it is to be caught between her divorced parents. Pixie realizes that Lucy hates being a step-parent and how hard it is caring for someone else's child.She also realizes how badly she has behaved. This honest conversation creates an understanding between them. It ends woth them crying and hugging each other. The signals the change in Pixie's relationship with her step-family. After this event, Pixie is happier and gets along much better with her stepsisters. The honest talk between Pixie and Lucy is an important event to Pixie as it improves their relationship and they become more like a normal family after that. It proves that open communication can heal relationships. Character that you admire I choose the novel Step by Wicked Step, written by Anne Fine. The character that I admire is Claudia. There are many reasons why I admire her very much. First of all, I admire Claudia because she is a gentle person. Listening to Richard's sad story, makes her weep. Besides, she is loyal to her mother. She tries not to sound too happy when speaking to her father because she does not want to hurt her mother's feeling. She rejects Stella and refuses to enjoy her time with her father out of loyalty to her mother. She knows that her parents break-up is serious even though her mother sounded cheerful. Apart from that, I really admire Claudia because she is a fair and sensible person. She does not blame Stella for her parents' break-up. At the dinner party, she thinks that the guests are rude for not appreciating Stella's hard work. She realizes that ignoring Stella would not help solving matters between her parents. Feeling sorry for Stella who is being ignored by the guests, she decides to help her get accepted by showing off the green pyjamas which Stella gave her. In a nutshell, the character that I admire from Step by Wicked Step is Claudia because she is gentle, loyal, fair and sensible. I think we could learn a lot from her character. A memorable event and how the event affects one of the characters in the story. I choose the novel Step by Wicked Step written by Anne Fine. The memorable event from the novel is the honest conversation between Pixie and her stepmother Lucy. I think that the conversation is important because it affects Pixie's life. First of all, I think that the conversation is important because Pixie has a chance to tell the truth about her feelings. Pixie tells Lucy that she hates to pretend that their family is normal. It is hard for her to accept strangers as family. She dislikes her stepsisters. When Hetty moves into Pixie's bedroom after quarreling with Sophie, Pixie is very angry. She tries many ways to get rid of Hetty. Apart from that, I think that the conversation between Lucy and Pixie is important because Lucy also gets a chance to express her feelings towards Pixie. Lucy hates being a step mother. It is very hard for her to take care of someone else's child. Lucy is angry when Pixie when Pixie tries to get rid of Hetty from her bedroom.
  • 7. Last but not least, I think the heart to heart conversation is memorable because it improves the relationship between Pixie and Lucy. They understand each other better. at the end of the conversation, they are crying and hugging each other. After that day, their relationship becomes better and they are more like a normal family. In a nutshell, I think that the honest conversation between Lucy and Pixie is memorable because it improves the relationship between Pixie and her step family. I learn many things from this novel. Theme of family love The novel that I have chosen to portray the theme of family love is “Step by Wicked Step” by AnneFine. This novel is regarding five British school children from Stagfire who shared their joys, sorrows and anxieties of their family life. It all begin when they arrived ahead of their classmates for a week-long field trip at "haunted' Old Harwick Hall. In the stormy wild night, Claudia, Pixie, Robbo, Ralph and Colin find a long-abandoned secret room containing a mysterious journal with the aid of flashes of lightning. They uncover a heart rending story of Richard Clayton Harwick, who runs away from the sinister influence of a loveless stepfather. This discovery triggers off each of them to reveal and share their own engrossing, heart-rending stories filled with hurting and healing moments way through a minefield of embittered or uncommunicative or just plain immature parents, insecure or reluctant step parents and resentful step siblings. The implied themes in this novel are revealed through the characters thoughts, speech, actions, reactions and what others say about them. Thus, based on this novel, I have chosen to write on Richard Clayton Harwick’s family members who have portrayed the theme of family love amazingly and dramatically through sense of love, devotion and loyalty. Richard’s mother, Lilith was the first to portray the sense of love in the family. She took all the trouble to search for Richard after he ran away from home. Richard was frustrated as his mother married Reverend Coldstone after his father's death.Lilith suffered Coldstone’s anger as when she spent a fortune seeking for Richard, their money lessened. Out of love for her beloved son, Richard, Lilith willingly sacrifices her wealth. She never stopped searching for him until her death. She died of broken heart because of her undying love for her beloved son, Richard. Charlotte showed her love too through her devotion. She kept searching for her beloved brother, Richard, after her mother’s death. However she faced trouble as she had no money of her own. Because of her strong family love, she married a rich man she did not love as he promised to help her find Richard. She was willing to sacrifice due to her immense devotion to her brother. She managed to reveal her selfless characteristic through her quest for her brother. Richard also showed that he had strong love for his family through his sense of loyalty. Before Richard’s father died, he tells Richard to take care of his mother and sister, Lilith and Charlotte Harwick. Richard become depressed as his father had only thought of his mother and sister instead of him until the end of his life. Richard become more tensed when his mother marries Reverend Coldstone, who is cruel towards him. Richard is then sent to a boarding school called Mordanger School, where he still suffered. Then he decides to run away and sail all over the world. Although he ran away, he still came by the house twice to catch a glimpse of his mother and sister due to his love that still lives in him, He finally returns home after he found a note on the captain’s table from the solicitors who have stated something to his advantage . He discovered a letter from his beloved sister, Charlotte , who had written before her death, In the letter, Charlotte reveals all the difficulties they had had to undergo. He realized that his mother and sister was searching for him deliberately. He has restored his loyalty in the end but his loved ones are gone forever. His final decision of whether to stay or leave Harwick Hall remains unknown while the family love will remain in his memories for the rest of his life. This novel managed to prove that strong family relationship sustains family bond and heals all the hurting moments through sense of love, devotion and loyalty. The power of family love leads to reunion and healing in a family. Therefore, we should appreciate and love our family unconditionally and be prepared to make sacrifices as when there is strong sense of love, there is forgiveness , patience, loyalty and devotion growing without force under the shade of genuine family love.