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State Crimes
Exam Question
• In today's society we learn about crime and deviance
  largely from the mass media. Unfortunately however
  the image we are given is often an inaccurate one.
  While we expect fictional portrayals of crime- in films,
  on TV, in novels and so on- not to be an accurate
  representation, many sociologists argue that the image
  presented via the news media also distorts the reality
  of crime.

• Using material from Item B and elsewhere, assess
  sociological explanations of media representations of
  crime and their effects (21 marks)
Learning Objectives:
• To understand what is meant by state crimes
• To be aware of examples of state crimes
• To appreciate why state crimes are so serious
• To investigate human rights as an illustration
  of state crime
• Understand the different types of green crime
• Be able to evaluate sociological explanations
  of environmental harm
Last Lesson Recap
• What is Globalisation?
• The global criminal economy has created an
  increase in certain crimes, what examples are
• How is Globalisation linked to Marxism and
• Patterns of Criminal Organisation are said to
  have changed due to Globalisation, the two
  changes are ‘Glocal’ Organisation and
  McMafia explain the two
What are state crimes?
             state organised

                 State crime is ….
                 ‘illegal or deviant activities
                 perpetrated by, or with the
                 complicity of, state agencies’

                                 (Green & Ward, 2005)
State crimes are committed by, or on
    behalf of states and governments in order
              to further their policies
•    Genocide
•    War crimes
•    Torture
•    Imprisonment without                            trial
•    Assassination

It doesn’t include acts that benefit individuals
who work for the state (e.g. policeman who takes bribes)
McLaughlin identifies 4 categories of state crime:

• Political crimes – e.g. corruption or
• Crimes by security – genocide, torture and
  disappearance of dissidents
• Economic crimes – e.g. violation of health and
  safety laws
• Social and Cultural Crimes – e.g. institutional

            What examples can you think of?
Example of State crimes     Genocide



Police Corruption
Israel attack on Gaza strip

   Use of white phosphorous
Outside a UN school
Below the UN school
Guantanamo Bay -USA
Torture in Iraq
US forces
 in Iraq
• R. J. Rummel calculated that from
  1900 to 1987 over 169 million
  people had been murdered by

• This figure excludes deaths in wars
  (about 35 million, some of them
  war crimes)
Cambodia – Pol Pot
Nazi Germany
Vietnam War - Napalm
Scale of State Crime
The state’s power enables it to commit large
scale crimes with widespread victimisation e.g.
in Cambodia between 1975 and 1978, the
Khmer Rouge government killed up to a fifth of
the country's entire population

“Great power and great crimes are inseparable.”
         (Michalowski & Kramer, 2006
Scale of State Crime             What link
• The state’s power means it can conceal its crimes
  or evade punishment more easily
• Principle of National Sovereignty makes it
  difficult for external authorities (e.g. UN) to
  intervene or apply international conventions
  against genocide, war crimes etc
• Media focuses on state crimes in 3rd world
  countries – but avoids reporting on such crimes
  in UK and USA.
The state is the source of law
State’s role is to define what is criminal. They manage the
criminal justice process and prosecute offenders.

State crime can undermine the system of justice…’above
the law’.

It’s power to make the law means that it can avoid its
own harmful actions being defined as criminal e.g. Nazi
Germany sterilising disabled people

It can also use the criminal justice system to control and
persecute it’s enemies.
Human Rights & State Crime
• State crime can be examined through the notion of
  human rights.
• There is no agreed list of human rights most
  definitions include natural rights e.g. right to life &
  liberty, and civil rights e.g. right to vote, fair trial,
• A right is an entitlement and acts as a protection
  against the power of the state over an individual
• Right to fair trial means the state cannot imprison
  a person without due process of law
How can states violate human rights.
(include arguments from Schwendlingers and
Crime as the violation of human rights
• Critical Criminologists (Schwendinger) argue that we
  should define crime in terms of the violation of
  basic human rights, rather than the breaking of
  legal rules. States that deny individuals human
  rights must be regarded as criminal
• States that practice imperialism, racism or sexism,
  or inflict economic exploitation on their citizens
  are committing crimes
• The state can be seen as a perpetrator of crime
  and not simply as the authority that defines and
  punishes crime
State crime in Iraq
•   Saddham Hussein concentrated power
    in a small circle of relatives and cronies.
    The loyalty of security services was
    secured by material benefits and
    blackmail rather than ideological belief.

•   During Hussein’s regime, torture, extra-
    judicial executions, inhuman
    punishments, war crimes and genocide
    were rife, and accepted at the highest
    levels of government despite Iraq being
    a signatory of the International
    Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Torture in Iraq
• Mass executions of Shi’ite Arabs (some involved in
  the 1991 uprising) took place at Abu Graib and Al
  Radwaniyah prisons in 1993. Some members of
  Saddam’s ruling family had their own private torture
  chambers, employing eye gouging, piercing of hands
  by drills, rape, acid baths, amputation of ears,
  branding of foreheads etc. Hundreds of thousands of
  Kurds and Shias are said to have disappeared.
Torture is a form of
state crime perpetuated
in every known nation, if
the term is interpreted
to include mental as
well as physical
suffering imposed by
state officials to obtain
Abuse of women in Darfur
• Darfuri women, after an assault on their
  village, are systematically raped, taken into
  captivity, and sold or given into sexual slavery.
  They can be held as slaves for a week, often
  repeatedly gang raped by militiamen and
  soldiers, or they can be married off under
  coercive marriage laws to friends of the
  Sudanese Armed Forces as far away as
Child abuse in Darfur
• Children are often recruited as agricultural workers and sex
  workers and as domestic workers in Khartoum. According to
  both the UN and Human Rights Watch, all armed parties in
  Darfur, including the rebels, were involved in recruiting child

• "In Darfur, the Government of Sudan has not only failed in its
  responsibility to protect its own citizens from human rights
  violations, but it also bears a direct responsibility for many of
  the abuses which have taken place.“
Ethnic cleansing
        • Non-Arab civilians are
          targeted for attack and
          abduction by government-
          supported Janjaweed
          militias and the Sudanese
          Army based on their
          belonging to this perceived
          ethnic group. The abduction
          and enslavement is
          systematic and
          government-sanctioned –
          and therefore an act of
          ethnic cleansing.
Zimbabwe today
•   A dictator is able to impose his or
    her will on a nation when a
    number of factors apply.
    Institutions that should act as a
    countervailing force to the
    dictator’s power are either
    crippled or completely destroyed.
    In some cases they become an
    extension of the despot’s rule.

•   People are murdered, tortured,
    and abducted to instil fear in
Rwandan genocide
•   Between April and June 1994, an           •   Some Tutsis managed to escape to
    estimated 800,000 Rwandans were               refugee camps
    killed. Most of the dead were Tutsis,
    a scapegoated group, and most of
    the perpetrators were Hutus.
    Longstanding tension between these
    two groups was brought to a head
    when the Tutsis were blamed for a
    plane crash in which the president
    died. The presidential guard
    immediately initiated a campaign of
•   The early organisers included military
    officials, politicians and businessmen,
    encouraged by radio propaganda.
    Soldiers and police officers
    encouraged ordinary citizens to take
    part. In some cases, Hutu civilians
    were forced to murder their Tutsi
    neighbours by military personnel.
Examples of Corruption reducing human rights

• Survey in Uganda found one in ten
  children had to pay for primary
  education which is supposedly free
  (UN 2000)
• Russian study found 12 million people
  lack necessary healthcare because
  cannot afford to bribe doctors.
• Japan is exceptional in that urban
  voters have to pay for things that
  rural poor are given free. Extortion is
  aimed at the wealth only. (Bouissou
State Crime and the culture of denial
1. Read through page 134 and 135
2. Summarise what you have read
3. Neutralisation techniques and conflict in Gaza act
Green Crimes and the State
• Green or environmental crime can be defined
  as crime against the environment.
• A lot of it can be linked to globalisation and
  the increasing interconnectedness of societies
  e.g. atmospheric pollution from industry in one country can turn into acid
  rain that falls in another poisoning its watercourses and destroying its

• Problems caused in one locality can have
  worldwide effects (Chernobyl disaster spread
  radioactive material over thousands of miles)
‘Global Risk Society’ and the
• Most threats to human well being and the eco-
  system are now human-made rather than natural
• The massive increase in productivity and technology
  has created new ‘manufactured’ risks
• Many of these risk involve harm to the environment
  and have serious consequences for humanity e.g.
  climate change/global warming
• The risks are increasingly on a global scale rather
  than local in nature, leading to late modern society
  as ‘global risk society’
Green Criminology
• When pollution that causes global warming is
  legal, Is it a matter for criminologists?
• Traditional Criminology says No & Green Criminology says Yes

• Traditional Criminology- studies the patterns and
  causes of law breaking (however criticised for accepting
  official definitions of environmental problems and crimes
  often shaped by powerful groups to serve their own interests)
  – in the above case no law has been broken
• Green Criminology- looks at the notion of harm rather
  than criminal law. White (2008) criminology is any
  action that harms the physical environment &/or the
  human and non-human animals within it, even if no
  law has been broken
• Many of the worst environmental harms are not illegal
• It’s a form of transgressive criminology – oversteps the
  boundaries of traditional criminology to include new
• Laws also differ from state to state (may be a crime in
  one country and not another)
• Therefore by moving away from a legal definition
  green criminology can develop a global perspective on
  environmental harm
Two views of harm
• Nation states and TNC’s apply an
  anthropocentic (human centred) view of
  environmental crime. Humans have a right to
  dominate nature for their own ends, putting
  economic growth before the environment
• Green Criminology takes an ecocentric view
  that sees humans and their environment as
  interdependent, so that environmental harm
  hurts humans also
Types of Green Crimes
• There are two types of green crime: primary and
• Primary green crimes are crimes that results
  directly from the destruction and degradation of
  the earth’s resources
• Secondary green crime is crime that grows out of
  the flouting of rules aimed at preventing or
  regulating environmental disasters e.g.
  Governments often break their own regulations
  and cause environmental harms
Activity- page 130
1. What are the four examples of primary green
2. What are the two examples of secondary
   green crimes?
• Strengths and Weaknesses of green criminology arise
  from its focus on global environmental concerns
• It recognises the growing importance of
  environmental issues and the need to address the
  harms and risks of environmental damage, both to
  humans and non-human animals
• However by focusing on much broader concept of
  harms rather than on legally defined crimes its hard
  to define the boundaries of its field of study clearly
• Defining the boundaries involves making moral or
  political statements about which actions ought to be
  regarded as wrong.
State Responsibility for Green Crimes

• So called natural disasters are often made worse
  when societies are so unequal that poorer people
  are forced to live on areas of land that are prone
  to landslide or flooding.

• Building regulations may be flouted on a wide
  scale and as a result if clientelism, so many lives
  are lost in earthquake zones.
New Orleans

1. Is this a state
or individual

2. How does this
link to green crime?

3. How does this link
to theory?
With a partner, look at the following picture of state and green crime. Then
discuss the following questions....
                •Which picture shows green crime and state crime.
                         •Why is it green or state crime?
                          •Is it a crime in your opinion?
                    •Why is it difficult to tackle such crimes?
Key ideas                          Traditional                      Green criminology
Defined as crimes against the      criminology                      Less bound by laws but by
environment such as toxic                                           harm caused to the
waste dumping and                  If pollution that causes
                                                                    environment or people.
deforestation. Green crime is      global warming is legal          Green criminology is a
linked with globalisation as       and no real crime has            much wider field and so
the world is one single eco-       been committed then              called Transgressive
system. Ulrich Beck reminds        traditional criminology is       Criminology – goes
us that many environmental         not interested.                  beyond traditional
issues are manufactured                                             criminology.
rather than natural.                     Environmental/
                                          Green crime                  Harm
Secondary crimes                                                       Anthropocentric is a human
                                     Primary crimes
Crimes that result from flouting                                       centred approach which
                                     Crimes that result directly       assumes humans have the
rules aimed at preventing an
                                     from the destruction of the       right to dominate nature for
environmental disaster.
                                     earth:-                           their own ends. The
 State violence against                                               Ecocentric view sees
                                      Crimes of air pollution.
oppositional groups – despite                                          humans and their
opposing terrorism states have        Crimes of deforestation.        environment as
used the method themselves.                                            interdependent, so harming
                                      Crimes of species decline
Hazardous waste and                 and animal rights.                one is harming another.
organised crime –illegal                                               Green criminology takes the
                                      Crimes of water pollution.      ecocentric approach.
Human rights                      Problem                       Solution
The right to life, liberty        States create laws which
                                                                Herman and Schwendinger
and free speech.                  make their actions legal
                                                                (1970) argue we should
                                  and free them from
Civil rights                                                    define crime as a violation of
                                  criminal charges.
                                                                human rights rather than law
The right to vote, to                                           breaking. States that deny
privacy, fair trial and                 Human rights            humans their rights are then
education.                                                      seen as criminals. This new
                                                                approach has been called
The social conditions        Stanley Cohen – The spiral of      Transgressive criminology
of state crimes              state denial (1996)                as it transgresses (goes
                             Three ways dictators deny          beyond) the traditional
Three features which                                            boundaries of criminology
                             human rights violations:-
produces state crimes:-                                         (criminal law).
                             Stage 1: ‘It didn’t happen’,
Authorisation –
                             this works until the media
obedience.                                                      New problem
                             uncover evidence that it did.
Routinisation –                                                Not everybody agrees on
                             Stage 2: ‘If it did happen, it    human rights. Is freedom
pressure to continue.
                             is something else’.                from poverty a human right?
Dehumanisation –                                               Could states be charged as
                             Stage 3: ‘Even if it is what      criminals for not making its
Enemy is a monster.
                             you say it is, its justified’ we   members wealthy?
                             had to do it.
Definition                         Case studies                  Eugene McLaughlin (2001)

Crimes or deviant activities                                     Four types of state crime:-
                                   Pol Pot – Leader of            Political crimes - corruption
perpetrated by or with
                                   the Communist party              or censorship (controlling
permission of state agencies.
                                   in Cambodia. Slave               what the media says).
Examples:-                         labour, malnutrition,
                                   poor medical care              Crimes by security and
Genocide (deliberate and          resulted in the death           police forces – Genocide
 systematic destruction of         of 21% of the                   and torture.
 an ethnic, national or            population (1.7
 religious group).                                                Economic crime - violations
                                   -2.5M).                         of health and safety.
War crimes
Torture                                    State crimes
Imprisonment without trial                                       Social and cultural crimes
Assassination                                                     - institutional racism.

The problem of national sovereignty
States are the supreme authority              Abu Ghraib
within their borders.                                                    Nazi Germany
The problem is the state is the source of     A prison in Baghdad        Hitler started the T4 –
law meaning it decides what crimes are,       Controlled by US led       euthanasia program
manages the criminal justice system           coalition forces.          from 1939 – 1941.
and prosecutes offenders, meaning it          Accusations of abuse in    275,000 terminally ill
can evade its own law.                        2004 – 11 soldiers         and mental patients
                                              charge and convicted for   were killed.

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Crime and deviance and the media
Seminar project state crime&genocide
Seminar project  state crime&genocideSeminar project  state crime&genocide
Seminar project state crime&genocide
Seminar project state crime&genocide
Seminar project  state crime&genocideSeminar project  state crime&genocide
Seminar project state crime&genocide
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State crimes and green crimes

  • 2. Exam Question • In today's society we learn about crime and deviance largely from the mass media. Unfortunately however the image we are given is often an inaccurate one. While we expect fictional portrayals of crime- in films, on TV, in novels and so on- not to be an accurate representation, many sociologists argue that the image presented via the news media also distorts the reality of crime. • Using material from Item B and elsewhere, assess sociological explanations of media representations of crime and their effects (21 marks)
  • 3. Learning Objectives: • To understand what is meant by state crimes • To be aware of examples of state crimes • To appreciate why state crimes are so serious • To investigate human rights as an illustration of state crime • Understand the different types of green crime • Be able to evaluate sociological explanations of environmental harm
  • 4. Last Lesson Recap • What is Globalisation? • The global criminal economy has created an increase in certain crimes, what examples are there? • How is Globalisation linked to Marxism and Crime? • Patterns of Criminal Organisation are said to have changed due to Globalisation, the two changes are ‘Glocal’ Organisation and McMafia explain the two
  • 5. What are state crimes? state organised crime Chamblis State crime is …. s ‘illegal or deviant activities perpetrated by, or with the complicity of, state agencies’ (Green & Ward, 2005)
  • 6. State crimes are committed by, or on behalf of states and governments in order to further their policies • Genocide • War crimes • Torture • Imprisonment without trial • Assassination It doesn’t include acts that benefit individuals who work for the state (e.g. policeman who takes bribes)
  • 7. McLaughlin identifies 4 categories of state crime: • Political crimes – e.g. corruption or censorship • Crimes by security – genocide, torture and disappearance of dissidents • Economic crimes – e.g. violation of health and safety laws • Social and Cultural Crimes – e.g. institutional racism What examples can you think of?
  • 8. Example of State crimes Genocide Terrorism Torture Police Corruption
  • 9. Israel attack on Gaza strip Use of white phosphorous
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. Outside a UN school
  • 13. Below the UN school
  • 16. US forces in Iraq
  • 17. • R. J. Rummel calculated that from 1900 to 1987 over 169 million people had been murdered by governments. • This figure excludes deaths in wars (about 35 million, some of them war crimes)
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 22. Vietnam War - Napalm
  • 23. Scale of State Crime The state’s power enables it to commit large scale crimes with widespread victimisation e.g. in Cambodia between 1975 and 1978, the Khmer Rouge government killed up to a fifth of the country's entire population “Great power and great crimes are inseparable.” (Michalowski & Kramer, 2006
  • 24. Scale of State Crime What link to Marxism • The state’s power means it can conceal its crimes or evade punishment more easily • Principle of National Sovereignty makes it difficult for external authorities (e.g. UN) to intervene or apply international conventions against genocide, war crimes etc • Media focuses on state crimes in 3rd world countries – but avoids reporting on such crimes in UK and USA.
  • 25. The state is the source of law State’s role is to define what is criminal. They manage the criminal justice process and prosecute offenders. State crime can undermine the system of justice…’above the law’. It’s power to make the law means that it can avoid its own harmful actions being defined as criminal e.g. Nazi Germany sterilising disabled people It can also use the criminal justice system to control and persecute it’s enemies.
  • 26. Human Rights & State Crime • State crime can be examined through the notion of human rights. • There is no agreed list of human rights most definitions include natural rights e.g. right to life & liberty, and civil rights e.g. right to vote, fair trial, education • A right is an entitlement and acts as a protection against the power of the state over an individual • Right to fair trial means the state cannot imprison a person without due process of law
  • 27. How can states violate human rights. (include arguments from Schwendlingers and Cohen)
  • 28. Crime as the violation of human rights • Critical Criminologists (Schwendinger) argue that we should define crime in terms of the violation of basic human rights, rather than the breaking of legal rules. States that deny individuals human rights must be regarded as criminal • States that practice imperialism, racism or sexism, or inflict economic exploitation on their citizens are committing crimes • The state can be seen as a perpetrator of crime and not simply as the authority that defines and punishes crime
  • 29. State crime in Iraq • Saddham Hussein concentrated power in a small circle of relatives and cronies. The loyalty of security services was secured by material benefits and blackmail rather than ideological belief. • During Hussein’s regime, torture, extra- judicial executions, inhuman punishments, war crimes and genocide were rife, and accepted at the highest levels of government despite Iraq being a signatory of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
  • 30. Torture in Iraq • Mass executions of Shi’ite Arabs (some involved in the 1991 uprising) took place at Abu Graib and Al Radwaniyah prisons in 1993. Some members of Saddam’s ruling family had their own private torture chambers, employing eye gouging, piercing of hands by drills, rape, acid baths, amputation of ears, branding of foreheads etc. Hundreds of thousands of Kurds and Shias are said to have disappeared.
  • 31. Torture Torture is a form of state crime perpetuated in every known nation, if the term is interpreted to include mental as well as physical suffering imposed by state officials to obtain information.
  • 32. Abuse of women in Darfur • Darfuri women, after an assault on their village, are systematically raped, taken into captivity, and sold or given into sexual slavery. They can be held as slaves for a week, often repeatedly gang raped by militiamen and soldiers, or they can be married off under coercive marriage laws to friends of the Sudanese Armed Forces as far away as Khartoum.
  • 33. Child abuse in Darfur • Children are often recruited as agricultural workers and sex workers and as domestic workers in Khartoum. According to both the UN and Human Rights Watch, all armed parties in Darfur, including the rebels, were involved in recruiting child soldiers. • "In Darfur, the Government of Sudan has not only failed in its responsibility to protect its own citizens from human rights violations, but it also bears a direct responsibility for many of the abuses which have taken place.“ • consortium
  • 34. Ethnic cleansing • Non-Arab civilians are targeted for attack and abduction by government- supported Janjaweed militias and the Sudanese Army based on their belonging to this perceived ethnic group. The abduction and enslavement is systematic and government-sanctioned – and therefore an act of ethnic cleansing.
  • 35. Zimbabwe today • A dictator is able to impose his or her will on a nation when a number of factors apply. Institutions that should act as a countervailing force to the dictator’s power are either crippled or completely destroyed. In some cases they become an extension of the despot’s rule. • People are murdered, tortured, and abducted to instil fear in others.
  • 36. Rwandan genocide • Between April and June 1994, an • Some Tutsis managed to escape to estimated 800,000 Rwandans were refugee camps killed. Most of the dead were Tutsis, a scapegoated group, and most of the perpetrators were Hutus. Longstanding tension between these two groups was brought to a head when the Tutsis were blamed for a plane crash in which the president died. The presidential guard immediately initiated a campaign of retribution. • The early organisers included military officials, politicians and businessmen, encouraged by radio propaganda. Soldiers and police officers encouraged ordinary citizens to take part. In some cases, Hutu civilians were forced to murder their Tutsi neighbours by military personnel.
  • 37. Examples of Corruption reducing human rights • Survey in Uganda found one in ten children had to pay for primary education which is supposedly free (UN 2000) • Russian study found 12 million people lack necessary healthcare because cannot afford to bribe doctors. • Japan is exceptional in that urban voters have to pay for things that rural poor are given free. Extortion is aimed at the wealth only. (Bouissou 1997)
  • 38. State Crime and the culture of denial 1. Read through page 134 and 135 2. Summarise what you have read 3. Neutralisation techniques and conflict in Gaza act
  • 39. Green Crimes and the State
  • 40. • Green or environmental crime can be defined as crime against the environment. • A lot of it can be linked to globalisation and the increasing interconnectedness of societies e.g. atmospheric pollution from industry in one country can turn into acid rain that falls in another poisoning its watercourses and destroying its forests • Problems caused in one locality can have worldwide effects (Chernobyl disaster spread radioactive material over thousands of miles)
  • 41. ‘Global Risk Society’ and the Environment • Most threats to human well being and the eco- system are now human-made rather than natural disasters • The massive increase in productivity and technology has created new ‘manufactured’ risks • Many of these risk involve harm to the environment and have serious consequences for humanity e.g. climate change/global warming • The risks are increasingly on a global scale rather than local in nature, leading to late modern society as ‘global risk society’
  • 42. Green Criminology • When pollution that causes global warming is legal, Is it a matter for criminologists? • Traditional Criminology says No & Green Criminology says Yes • Traditional Criminology- studies the patterns and causes of law breaking (however criticised for accepting official definitions of environmental problems and crimes often shaped by powerful groups to serve their own interests) – in the above case no law has been broken
  • 43. • Green Criminology- looks at the notion of harm rather than criminal law. White (2008) criminology is any action that harms the physical environment &/or the human and non-human animals within it, even if no law has been broken • Many of the worst environmental harms are not illegal • It’s a form of transgressive criminology – oversteps the boundaries of traditional criminology to include new issues • Laws also differ from state to state (may be a crime in one country and not another) • Therefore by moving away from a legal definition green criminology can develop a global perspective on environmental harm
  • 44. Two views of harm • Nation states and TNC’s apply an anthropocentic (human centred) view of environmental crime. Humans have a right to dominate nature for their own ends, putting economic growth before the environment • Green Criminology takes an ecocentric view that sees humans and their environment as interdependent, so that environmental harm hurts humans also
  • 45. Types of Green Crimes • There are two types of green crime: primary and secondary • Primary green crimes are crimes that results directly from the destruction and degradation of the earth’s resources • Secondary green crime is crime that grows out of the flouting of rules aimed at preventing or regulating environmental disasters e.g. Governments often break their own regulations and cause environmental harms
  • 46. Activity- page 130 1. What are the four examples of primary green crime? 2. What are the two examples of secondary green crimes?
  • 47. Evaluation • Strengths and Weaknesses of green criminology arise from its focus on global environmental concerns • It recognises the growing importance of environmental issues and the need to address the harms and risks of environmental damage, both to humans and non-human animals • However by focusing on much broader concept of harms rather than on legally defined crimes its hard to define the boundaries of its field of study clearly • Defining the boundaries involves making moral or political statements about which actions ought to be regarded as wrong.
  • 48. State Responsibility for Green Crimes • So called natural disasters are often made worse when societies are so unequal that poorer people are forced to live on areas of land that are prone to landslide or flooding. • Building regulations may be flouted on a wide scale and as a result if clientelism, so many lives are lost in earthquake zones.
  • 49. New Orleans 1. Is this a state or individual crime? 2. How does this link to green crime? 3. How does this link to theory?
  • 51. Plenary With a partner, look at the following picture of state and green crime. Then discuss the following questions.... •Which picture shows green crime and state crime. •Why is it green or state crime? •Is it a crime in your opinion? •Why is it difficult to tackle such crimes?
  • 52. Key ideas Traditional Green criminology Defined as crimes against the criminology Less bound by laws but by environment such as toxic harm caused to the waste dumping and If pollution that causes environment or people. deforestation. Green crime is global warming is legal Green criminology is a linked with globalisation as and no real crime has much wider field and so the world is one single eco- been committed then called Transgressive system. Ulrich Beck reminds traditional criminology is Criminology – goes us that many environmental not interested. beyond traditional issues are manufactured criminology. rather than natural. Environmental/ Green crime Harm Secondary crimes Anthropocentric is a human Primary crimes Crimes that result from flouting centred approach which Crimes that result directly assumes humans have the rules aimed at preventing an from the destruction of the right to dominate nature for environmental disaster. earth:- their own ends. The  State violence against Ecocentric view sees  Crimes of air pollution. oppositional groups – despite humans and their opposing terrorism states have  Crimes of deforestation. environment as used the method themselves. interdependent, so harming  Crimes of species decline Hazardous waste and and animal rights. one is harming another. organised crime –illegal Green criminology takes the  Crimes of water pollution. ecocentric approach. dumping.
  • 53. Human rights Problem Solution The right to life, liberty States create laws which Herman and Schwendinger and free speech. make their actions legal (1970) argue we should and free them from Civil rights define crime as a violation of criminal charges. human rights rather than law The right to vote, to breaking. States that deny privacy, fair trial and Human rights humans their rights are then education. seen as criminals. This new approach has been called The social conditions Stanley Cohen – The spiral of Transgressive criminology of state crimes state denial (1996) as it transgresses (goes Three ways dictators deny beyond) the traditional Three features which boundaries of criminology human rights violations:- produces state crimes:- (criminal law). Stage 1: ‘It didn’t happen’, Authorisation – this works until the media obedience. New problem uncover evidence that it did. Routinisation – Not everybody agrees on Stage 2: ‘If it did happen, it human rights. Is freedom pressure to continue. is something else’. from poverty a human right? Dehumanisation – Could states be charged as Stage 3: ‘Even if it is what criminals for not making its Enemy is a monster. you say it is, its justified’ we members wealthy? had to do it.
  • 54. Definition Case studies Eugene McLaughlin (2001) Crimes or deviant activities Four types of state crime:- Pol Pot – Leader of  Political crimes - corruption perpetrated by or with the Communist party or censorship (controlling permission of state agencies. in Cambodia. Slave what the media says). Examples:- labour, malnutrition, poor medical care  Crimes by security and Genocide (deliberate and resulted in the death police forces – Genocide systematic destruction of of 21% of the and torture. an ethnic, national or population (1.7 religious group).  Economic crime - violations -2.5M). of health and safety. War crimes Torture State crimes Imprisonment without trial  Social and cultural crimes Assassination - institutional racism. The problem of national sovereignty States are the supreme authority Abu Ghraib within their borders. Nazi Germany The problem is the state is the source of A prison in Baghdad Hitler started the T4 – law meaning it decides what crimes are, Controlled by US led euthanasia program manages the criminal justice system coalition forces. from 1939 – 1941. and prosecutes offenders, meaning it Accusations of abuse in 275,000 terminally ill can evade its own law. 2004 – 11 soldiers and mental patients charge and convicted for were killed. mistreatment.

Editor's Notes

  1. Can use JUNE 2010 mark scheme
  2. Globalisation- refers to the increasing Interconnectedness of societies: what happens in one locality is shaped by distant events and vice versa Taylor (1997) argues that by giving free reign to market forces globalisation has led to greater inequality and rising crime. Transactional corporations (TNCs) can now switch manufacturing to low wage countries to gain higher profits, producing job insecurity, unemployment and poverty. Deregulation means government have little control over their own economies (create jobs & raise taxes) and state spending on welfare has declined The increasingly materialistic culture promoted by the global media portrays success in terms of a lifestyle of consumption These factors create insecurity and widening inequalities that encourage people to turn to crime e.g. lucrative drug trade (Deindustrialisation in LA led to growth of drug gangs) For the elite globalisation creates large scale criminal opportunities e.g. Deregulation of financial markets creates opportunities for insider trading and tax evasion
  3. Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient to the general body of people as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body.
  4. Pol Pot became leader of Cambodia on April 17th, 1975. [4] During his time in power he imposed a version of agrarian socialism, forcing urban dwellers to relocate to the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labour projects, toward a goal of "restarting civilization" in "Year Zero". The combined effects of forced labour, malnutrition, poor medical care and executions resulted in the deaths of approximately 21 percent of the Cambodian population. [5] In all, an estimated 1,700,000–2,500,000 people died under his leadership
  5. Napalm B was also widely used by the United Nations military forces during the Korean War. [1] These Allied ground forces in Korea were frequently outnumbered, and greatly, by their Chinese and North Korean attackers, but the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy naval aviators had control of the air over nearly all of the Korean Peninsula. Hence, close air support of the ground troops along the border between North Korea and South Korea was vital, and the American and other U.N. aviators turned to napalm B as an important weapon for defending against communist ground attacks.
  6. Selective enforcement- ability of those with power both to commit serious crime and get away with it A state claims the power to determine what is just, who is a robber and who a tax collector. If states determine what is criminal, a state can only be deemed criminal on rare occasions when it denounces itself for breaking its own laws. Thus states without justice have not been much studied in criminology. Sovereignty is the quality of having supreme, independent authority over a geographic area, such as a territory
  7. The rights contained in the Human Rights Act • The right to life • The right not to be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading way • The right to be free from slavery or forced labour • The right to liberty • The right to a fair trial • The right to no punishment without law • The right to respect for private and family life,home and correspondence • The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion • The right to freedom of expression • The right to freedom of assembly and association • The right to marry and found a family • The right not to be discriminated against in relation to any of the rights contained in the European Convention on Human Rights • The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions • The right to education • The right to free elections • Abolition of the death penalty.
  8. The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations.
  9. Air pollution , deforestation, species decline and water pollution