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                                                                “We respond to God’s abundant grace by being
                                                                 hearers, proclaimers and doers of the Word.”

Volume 55, No. 24                                THE MESSENGER                                                December 1, 2010

                                   MUSINGS from Pastor Mike
                            [to muse (myooz), v. to think, gaze, or say wonderingly]

    Why bother about Advent?
    That’s the question answered really well by The Rev. Mark Oldenburg, Steck Miller Professor of the Art of
    Worship and Dean of the Chapel, at Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary, in an Advent primer video. You can see
    it at: It is well worth seeing!

    Why bother about Advent?
    I want to bother about Advent because it is a splendid time to take a closer look at our lives, not to become
    self absorbed but rather to turn from self toward Christ.

    I want to bother about Advent because it resets the clocks and calendars of Christian worship, leading us into
    the quiet beauty of our noble tradition, away from the things that mostly preoccupy us at this time of year.
    I want to bother about Advent because it summons us to the beginning, to the lavishness of God’s compassion
    and mercy.

    I want to bother about Advent because, gathered around Word and Sacrament, it insists that our encounter with
    this “Word made Flesh” occurs concretely in the struggles and tensions, choices and decisions of human

    Why bother about Advent?
    From my musing point of view, because being bothered is not a bad thing. So let’s be bothered about Advent
    through the sages, poets, teachers, storytellers, mystics, rabbis, political activists and martyrs for the justice
    of the gospel--most of these ordinary people, who have handed on to us words and images that identify and
    describe a loving God as present reality and yet to come. We are reminded again and again of God’s fondness
    for wonder, mystery and surprise. Come, Lord Jesus!

    Please stop in the gathering area to pick up your 2011 Offering Envelopes, in order to help
    save postage. Financial Records for 2010 will close on Thursday, December 30 at 12 noon.

   Holiday Sharing - Do you have something that you no longer use, need or are replacing? Your item might brighten
   someone else’s holiday. Please list the available item and your phone number on the Sharing Board (located on the large
   bulletin board just outside the worship area) and see what happens. Everyone is invited to check the board to see if there
   is an item or service that you can use. Simply take the card and contact the donor. Hopefully, both giver and receiver will
   feel blessed.
December 11 & 12 - Advent 3
             READINGS: Isaiah 35:1-10, Psalm 146:5-10, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11
                                     (COUNCIL CORNER WEEKEND)
      Saturday         5:30 pm       Holy Communion followed by fellowship
      Sunday           8:15 am       Waterlife & Holy Communion
                       9:30 am       Sunday School & Christmas Pageant Practice
                      10:45 am       Holy Communion

                      December 15 - Advent Vespers
      Wednesday         7:00 pm      Holy Communion
  Longing for a more Christ-filled pre-Christmas season? Join us for a 45-minute candlelight communion
  vesper service. We' ll be watching and listening to reflections and poetry on Mary' s song, "The

                      December 18 & 19 - Advent 4
          READINGS: Isaiah 7:10-16, Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19, Romans 1:1-7, Matthew 1:18-25
      Saturday         5:30 pm       Holy Communion & Holy Baptism
      Sunday           8:15 am       Holy Communion
                       9:30 am       New Day Worship/Adult Sunday School
                      10:45 am       Holy Communion & Holy Baptism

                      December 22 - Advent Vespers
      Wednesday         7:00 pm      Holy Communion

Congregation Council, upon recommendation of the Worship and Music Committee
has made changes in the Christmas worship service times. Please note these
changes as you invite friends and family to attend our Christmas celebrations!

               Friday, December 24 - Christmas Eve
       5:00 pm Contemplative Communion
       6:30 pm Children’s Service of the Word
       8:00 pm & 10:30 pm Candlelight Services of Holy Communion

            Saturday, December 25 - Christmas Day
      10:00 am Holy Communion [NO 5:30 pm Service on Christmas Day]
Minutes from October 20, 2010 Congregation Council Meeting
                                              (Barbara Vossler, Corresponding Secretary)
An expression of appreciation for the added handicap parking spaces was given. A fresh coat of paint is needed on the front doors and
the Youth House needs a crack in the wall repaired. Anyone with concerns and complaints should complete “Let’s Walk Together” forms.
There was also a suggestion for a ceiling projector for the Nave and print outs of PowerPoint. President Andy Keyser will work with
Pr. Jeanette on this matter.

Applications were received and interviews will begin before Thanksgiving.

Sunday School Revitalization - Council was asked to invite two people to teach. Currently we are looking for six more teachers.
Worship Area Renewal - November 13 & 14 Tim Braband and Rev. Gerry Christianson will give a dialog sermon on Renewal.
                A Congregational forum and luncheon will follow the Sunday late service.
Evangelism - There was some discussion regarding an Evangelism workshop. Since some people were not in attendance at the
                meeting this was put on hold.

There was discussion regarding the usefulness of having a Congregational Meeting for input for the 2011 budget. A motion was moved
to come up with three position papers and get the word out. On Sunday, December 5th (between services) we would hold a discussion,
get a non-binding ballot vote, and prepare a budget based on this. Andy will present something at the beginning of all three services.
A task force was appointed to write the papers and present to Council in November.

Randy Smith explained that if offerings and contributions continue as they have this year we will be at 78% at years-end and the deficit
will be at (-$92,000).

INTERIM YOUTH MINISTER, David Shaffer is authorized to work 40 hours. The meeting closed with prayer.

             Minutes from N ovember 17, 2010 Congregation Council Meeting
                                              (Barbara Vossler, Corresponding Secretary)
Giving is up since the October Council meeting and the deficit has fallen.

There will be a service of Holy Communion every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in Advent.

We received nine resumes and interviewed two. We are continuing to interview candidates.

We have eight new teachers, but are still looking for two substitutes. The Christmas Pageant is Sunday, December 19 at 9:30 am, in the
worship area. Buzz is the new name for our Sunday School newsletter.

The dialog sermon and the meeting went well. The survey showed a positive response to the items discussed.

CHILD CARE STARS MERIT AWARD and a fundraiser for our Youth Groups were approved.

Stewardship put forth a motion not to go forward with a sense vote from congregational members on the budget. This was defeated.

The three financial positions were discussed and accepted after changes and Council voted to give the congregation a survey. It will be
e-mailed to members the week of Thanksgiving and available at all three church services November 27 & 28. December 4 & 5, the
survey will be handed out and the congregation can fill them out. President Andy Keyser will introduce the three financial positions
at the beginning of each service and Council members will be available to answer question after each service in the gathering area (if
members have questions) before placing the surveys in ballot boxes. The meeting closed with prayer.

Christmas Poinsettia and World Hunger Donations DEADLINE is Tuesday, December 7 th. Forms
were in the last Messenger and can also be found online at

The Congregat ion Council will conduct a BUDGET SURVEY
immediately f ollowing services on December 4 and 5, 2010.
The result s of t he survey will be used t o inf orm church
budgeting f or 2011. Three posit ion papers will be e-mailed to
members, post ed on t he church websit e, and were made
available af t er all services on November 27 and 28, 2010.

                   Can You Be A Caregiver?
       “When I was hungry...when I was thirsty...when I was a stranger...when I was sick...
    when you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
                                                                           [Matthew 25:25:35ff]
Caregivers is an important ministry of this congregation for those who are grieving the loss of a
loved one. Caregivers is a group of women and men who coordinate and serve a light meal
following a funeral. We currently have three teams who alternate as needed and normally serve
approximately every two-three months. We especially need CO-CAPTAIN S for GROUP 3.
We currently have persons who volunteer to bake desserts as well as those who serve and clean
up. How can you help? Can you join one of our teams? Can you serve as a co-captain? We’ll
show you what you need to do! Please contact Pr. Mike at 334-2012 ext. 205 or if you can help.


LWR QUILTING BEE, under the auspice of our World Outreach Committee, which
was held at St. James on November 15 & 16 resulted in the completion of 56 quilts!
(There were also 56 quilts made in May, too.) Quilts will be blessed at worship services the
weekend of January 29 & 30, when our guest preacher will be the Rev. John Nunes,
President and CEO of Lutheran World Relief (rescheduled). Our gratitude and thanks
goes to these 18 dedicated volunteers: Jean Arnsberger, Elizabeth Arter, Sally Crist,
Nina Dolly, Kathy Ev ans, Connie Gulden, Susan Hill, Betty Howard, Margaret Keyser,
Kathryn Kime, Carol King, Jacqueline Krebs, Cathy Rohrs, Elaine Sw anson, Carolyn
Tarantino, Cheryl W aybright, Gladys W oerner, and Chair Joan W ise.

                                                            EPI PHANY SERVI CE
                                                          The Lat ino Minist r y Task For ce invit es you
The weekend of November 13-14 centered on
                                                          to at t end a special bilingual service f or
the theme, Re-Pitching the Tent and
celebrated our understanding of worship and               Epiphany (Epif ania, El Dia de los Reyes),
mission at St. James. The weekend included                THURSDAY, JANUARY 6 at 7:00 pm
a dialogue sermon at each service, a                      at St. James. Please come at 6:15 pm
children’s sermon that demonstrated how a
                                                          for a SI MPLE MEAL, including t he Rosca,
tent can be built (!), and a forum over soup
and bread at noon on Sunday. After a slide                a special br ead wit h a small doll of t he
presentation by the Task Force, the                       Christ-child baked into it. Maybe you will be
congregation responded with written feedback              the special guest who finds the Christ-child!
using a survey.

The survey showed support for every one of                Epiphany celebrates the visit of the Magi to
the seven areas proposed by the Task Force--              Jesus as well as J esus’ r evelat ion as t he
in each area, the majority of people indicated            light of t he wor ld f or all people. Gif t s ar e
that these projects should be given high                  given on El Dia de los Reyes, and childr en
priority. The areas (in no particular order)
                                                          leave their shoes out to receive gifts from
are: new seating, furnishings (table and
pulpit)    and     carpeting,     audiovisual             the visit ing t hr ee kings. The ser vice will
improvements, an enhanced baptistery and                  include a sermon by Sharon Kaya, our Latino
welcome area, and installation of a                       Missioner. Please j oin us as we celebr at e
columbarium (to retain ashes of deceased                  the coming of t he t hr ee kings and J esus’
                                                          gift of light to all the world.
The results were reviewed by Council and will
soon be shaped into a specific proposal for the           If you would like t o par t icipat e in t he
congregation’s approval at the Annual                     service as an usher , musician, lect or , or by
Congregational Meeting on January 30.                     playing one of t he Thr ee Kings, please
Before the Annual Congregational Meeting,
the Task Force will provide further                       contact      Pr .     Ben      Leese         at
opportunities for discussion during the Sunday  
School hour for those who may have missed
the forum.

Brandon Taylor Gordon, fiancé of Jessica Lee Bender, for his handiwork in crafting
       candlestick holders for our Advent Wreath (in order to convert to oil candles).
Donald Fazenbaker for his donation of a refrigerator/freezer which replaced an older
       model in the Keyser-Foltz Youth House (and will be more energy efficient).

      Christ mas Caroling & Pot luck - Sunday, December. 5, 3:00 pm
                         Fa la la la, la la la la!!! Come one! Come all! Chr ist mas Car oling in our
                         neighborhood wit h st ops at t he homes of some of our St . J ames
                         parishioners! We'll meet at church at 3:00 pm, and return after caroling
                         for a pot luck in t he dining r oom at 5:00 pm. (Last names A-G br ing
                         dessert; H-N bring main dish; O-Z bring salad).
ST. JAMES                                                                                                  Non-Profit Org.
                                                                                                                    U.S. POSTAGE
    LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELCA                                                                                           Gettysburg, PA
    PO BOX 4596, GETTYSBURG, PA 17325                                                                               Permit No. 138

     Return Service Requested

The Messenger will be mailed Wednesdays,
DEC. 15 & 29 & JAN . 12 & 26. If you are
having issues with postal delivery, please contact
your Post Office directly. You can receive an
online copy of The Messenger by e-mailing to help save costs!


                         Calling St. James at (717) 334-2012
                        Church Office hours are: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
                  During office hours, you will reach our Support Staff or a volunteer. After hours you may leave
                  a message on staff members’ voice-mails by simply pressing their extension number--you must
                  have a touch tone phone. (Rotary or pulse phone users can leave a general message.)

                 200      Katherine A. Johnson                        205      Pr. Michael E. Allwein
                          Receptionist/Secretary                               Senior Pastor

                 201      Carolynn E. Carey                           206      Pr. Jeanette D. Leisk
                          Office Manager                                       Associate Pastor

                 202      Debra L. Nimtz                              209      Timothy E. Braband
                          Administrative Assistant                             Minister of Music

                 203      David L. Shaffer                            215      G. Thomas Bender
                          Interim Youth Minister                               Building Superintendent

                 204      Patricia J. Wivell
                          Treasurer/Benefits Manager
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St. James Messenger - Dec 2010

  • 1. ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH P.O. Box 4596, 109 York Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325-4596 Phone: (717) 334-2012 Fax: (717) 334-3596 Web Page: E-mail: “We respond to God’s abundant grace by being hearers, proclaimers and doers of the Word.” Volume 55, No. 24 THE MESSENGER December 1, 2010 MUSINGS from Pastor Mike [to muse (myooz), v. to think, gaze, or say wonderingly] Why bother about Advent? That’s the question answered really well by The Rev. Mark Oldenburg, Steck Miller Professor of the Art of Worship and Dean of the Chapel, at Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary, in an Advent primer video. You can see it at: It is well worth seeing! Why bother about Advent? I want to bother about Advent because it is a splendid time to take a closer look at our lives, not to become self absorbed but rather to turn from self toward Christ. I want to bother about Advent because it resets the clocks and calendars of Christian worship, leading us into the quiet beauty of our noble tradition, away from the things that mostly preoccupy us at this time of year. I want to bother about Advent because it summons us to the beginning, to the lavishness of God’s compassion and mercy. I want to bother about Advent because, gathered around Word and Sacrament, it insists that our encounter with this “Word made Flesh” occurs concretely in the struggles and tensions, choices and decisions of human living. Why bother about Advent? From my musing point of view, because being bothered is not a bad thing. So let’s be bothered about Advent through the sages, poets, teachers, storytellers, mystics, rabbis, political activists and martyrs for the justice of the gospel--most of these ordinary people, who have handed on to us words and images that identify and describe a loving God as present reality and yet to come. We are reminded again and again of God’s fondness for wonder, mystery and surprise. Come, Lord Jesus! Please stop in the gathering area to pick up your 2011 Offering Envelopes, in order to help save postage. Financial Records for 2010 will close on Thursday, December 30 at 12 noon. Holiday Sharing - Do you have something that you no longer use, need or are replacing? Your item might brighten someone else’s holiday. Please list the available item and your phone number on the Sharing Board (located on the large bulletin board just outside the worship area) and see what happens. Everyone is invited to check the board to see if there is an item or service that you can use. Simply take the card and contact the donor. Hopefully, both giver and receiver will feel blessed.
  • 2. December 11 & 12 - Advent 3 READINGS: Isaiah 35:1-10, Psalm 146:5-10, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11 (COUNCIL CORNER WEEKEND) Saturday 5:30 pm Holy Communion followed by fellowship Sunday 8:15 am Waterlife & Holy Communion 9:30 am Sunday School & Christmas Pageant Practice 10:45 am Holy Communion December 15 - Advent Vespers Wednesday 7:00 pm Holy Communion Longing for a more Christ-filled pre-Christmas season? Join us for a 45-minute candlelight communion vesper service. We' ll be watching and listening to reflections and poetry on Mary' s song, "The Magnificat.” December 18 & 19 - Advent 4 READINGS: Isaiah 7:10-16, Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19, Romans 1:1-7, Matthew 1:18-25 Saturday 5:30 pm Holy Communion & Holy Baptism Sunday 8:15 am Holy Communion 9:30 am New Day Worship/Adult Sunday School 10:45 am Holy Communion & Holy Baptism December 22 - Advent Vespers Wednesday 7:00 pm Holy Communion Congregation Council, upon recommendation of the Worship and Music Committee has made changes in the Christmas worship service times. Please note these changes as you invite friends and family to attend our Christmas celebrations! Friday, December 24 - Christmas Eve 5:00 pm Contemplative Communion 6:30 pm Children’s Service of the Word 8:00 pm & 10:30 pm Candlelight Services of Holy Communion Saturday, December 25 - Christmas Day 10:00 am Holy Communion [NO 5:30 pm Service on Christmas Day] -2-
  • 3. Minutes from October 20, 2010 Congregation Council Meeting (Barbara Vossler, Corresponding Secretary) COUNCIL CORNER UPDATES: An expression of appreciation for the added handicap parking spaces was given. A fresh coat of paint is needed on the front doors and the Youth House needs a crack in the wall repaired. Anyone with concerns and complaints should complete “Let’s Walk Together” forms. There was also a suggestion for a ceiling projector for the Nave and print outs of PowerPoint. President Andy Keyser will work with Pr. Jeanette on this matter. YOUTH MINISTER RECRUITING: Applications were received and interviews will begin before Thanksgiving. PRIORITIES OF THE YEAR: Sunday School Revitalization - Council was asked to invite two people to teach. Currently we are looking for six more teachers. Worship Area Renewal - November 13 & 14 Tim Braband and Rev. Gerry Christianson will give a dialog sermon on Renewal. A Congregational forum and luncheon will follow the Sunday late service. Evangelism - There was some discussion regarding an Evangelism workshop. Since some people were not in attendance at the meeting this was put on hold. SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING FOR BUDGET: There was discussion regarding the usefulness of having a Congregational Meeting for input for the 2011 budget. A motion was moved to come up with three position papers and get the word out. On Sunday, December 5th (between services) we would hold a discussion, get a non-binding ballot vote, and prepare a budget based on this. Andy will present something at the beginning of all three services. A task force was appointed to write the papers and present to Council in November. DRAFT BUDGET: Randy Smith explained that if offerings and contributions continue as they have this year we will be at 78% at years-end and the deficit will be at (-$92,000). INTERIM YOUTH MINISTER, David Shaffer is authorized to work 40 hours. The meeting closed with prayer. Minutes from N ovember 17, 2010 Congregation Council Meeting (Barbara Vossler, Corresponding Secretary) FINANCE: Giving is up since the October Council meeting and the deficit has fallen. ADVENT VESPERS: There will be a service of Holy Communion every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in Advent. YOUTH MINISTER UPDATE: We received nine resumes and interviewed two. We are continuing to interview candidates. SUNDAY SCHOOL REVITALIZATION: We have eight new teachers, but are still looking for two substitutes. The Christmas Pageant is Sunday, December 19 at 9:30 am, in the worship area. Buzz is the new name for our Sunday School newsletter. WORSHIP AREA RENEWAL: The dialog sermon and the meeting went well. The survey showed a positive response to the items discussed. CHILD CARE STARS MERIT AWARD and a fundraiser for our Youth Groups were approved. STEWARDSHIP MOTION: Stewardship put forth a motion not to go forward with a sense vote from congregational members on the budget. This was defeated. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY: The three financial positions were discussed and accepted after changes and Council voted to give the congregation a survey. It will be e-mailed to members the week of Thanksgiving and available at all three church services November 27 & 28. December 4 & 5, the survey will be handed out and the congregation can fill them out. President Andy Keyser will introduce the three financial positions at the beginning of each service and Council members will be available to answer question after each service in the gathering area (if members have questions) before placing the surveys in ballot boxes. The meeting closed with prayer. -3-
  • 4. Christmas Poinsettia and World Hunger Donations DEADLINE is Tuesday, December 7 th. Forms were in the last Messenger and can also be found online at The Congregat ion Council will conduct a BUDGET SURVEY immediately f ollowing services on December 4 and 5, 2010. The result s of t he survey will be used t o inf orm church budgeting f or 2011. Three posit ion papers will be e-mailed to members, post ed on t he church websit e, and were made available af t er all services on November 27 and 28, 2010. Can You Be A Caregiver? “When I was hungry...when I was thirsty...when I was a stranger...when I was sick... when you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” [Matthew 25:25:35ff] Caregivers is an important ministry of this congregation for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Caregivers is a group of women and men who coordinate and serve a light meal following a funeral. We currently have three teams who alternate as needed and normally serve approximately every two-three months. We especially need CO-CAPTAIN S for GROUP 3. We currently have persons who volunteer to bake desserts as well as those who serve and clean up. How can you help? Can you join one of our teams? Can you serve as a co-captain? We’ll show you what you need to do! Please contact Pr. Mike at 334-2012 ext. 205 or if you can help. =================== LWR QUILTING BEE, under the auspice of our World Outreach Committee, which was held at St. James on November 15 & 16 resulted in the completion of 56 quilts! (There were also 56 quilts made in May, too.) Quilts will be blessed at worship services the weekend of January 29 & 30, when our guest preacher will be the Rev. John Nunes, President and CEO of Lutheran World Relief (rescheduled). Our gratitude and thanks goes to these 18 dedicated volunteers: Jean Arnsberger, Elizabeth Arter, Sally Crist, Nina Dolly, Kathy Ev ans, Connie Gulden, Susan Hill, Betty Howard, Margaret Keyser, Kathryn Kime, Carol King, Jacqueline Krebs, Cathy Rohrs, Elaine Sw anson, Carolyn Tarantino, Cheryl W aybright, Gladys W oerner, and Chair Joan W ise. -4-
  • 5. FORUM SUPPORTS EPI PHANY SERVI CE WORSHIP AREA RENEWAL The Lat ino Minist r y Task For ce invit es you The weekend of November 13-14 centered on to at t end a special bilingual service f or the theme, Re-Pitching the Tent and celebrated our understanding of worship and Epiphany (Epif ania, El Dia de los Reyes), mission at St. James. The weekend included THURSDAY, JANUARY 6 at 7:00 pm a dialogue sermon at each service, a at St. James. Please come at 6:15 pm children’s sermon that demonstrated how a for a SI MPLE MEAL, including t he Rosca, tent can be built (!), and a forum over soup and bread at noon on Sunday. After a slide a special br ead wit h a small doll of t he presentation by the Task Force, the Christ-child baked into it. Maybe you will be congregation responded with written feedback the special guest who finds the Christ-child! using a survey. The survey showed support for every one of Epiphany celebrates the visit of the Magi to the seven areas proposed by the Task Force-- Jesus as well as J esus’ r evelat ion as t he in each area, the majority of people indicated light of t he wor ld f or all people. Gif t s ar e that these projects should be given high given on El Dia de los Reyes, and childr en priority. The areas (in no particular order) leave their shoes out to receive gifts from are: new seating, furnishings (table and pulpit) and carpeting, audiovisual the visit ing t hr ee kings. The ser vice will improvements, an enhanced baptistery and include a sermon by Sharon Kaya, our Latino welcome area, and installation of a Missioner. Please j oin us as we celebr at e columbarium (to retain ashes of deceased the coming of t he t hr ee kings and J esus’ members). gift of light to all the world. The results were reviewed by Council and will soon be shaped into a specific proposal for the If you would like t o par t icipat e in t he congregation’s approval at the Annual service as an usher , musician, lect or , or by Congregational Meeting on January 30. playing one of t he Thr ee Kings, please Before the Annual Congregational Meeting, the Task Force will provide further contact Pr . Ben Leese at opportunities for discussion during the Sunday School hour for those who may have missed the forum. THANK YOU TO: Brandon Taylor Gordon, fiancé of Jessica Lee Bender, for his handiwork in crafting candlestick holders for our Advent Wreath (in order to convert to oil candles). Donald Fazenbaker for his donation of a refrigerator/freezer which replaced an older model in the Keyser-Foltz Youth House (and will be more energy efficient). Christ mas Caroling & Pot luck - Sunday, December. 5, 3:00 pm Fa la la la, la la la la!!! Come one! Come all! Chr ist mas Car oling in our neighborhood wit h st ops at t he homes of some of our St . J ames parishioners! We'll meet at church at 3:00 pm, and return after caroling for a pot luck in t he dining r oom at 5:00 pm. (Last names A-G br ing dessert; H-N bring main dish; O-Z bring salad). -5-
  • 6. ST. JAMES Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE Paid LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELCA Gettysburg, PA PO BOX 4596, GETTYSBURG, PA 17325 Permit No. 138 Return Service Requested The Messenger will be mailed Wednesdays, DEC. 15 & 29 & JAN . 12 & 26. If you are having issues with postal delivery, please contact your Post Office directly. You can receive an online copy of The Messenger by e-mailing to help save costs! LABEL Calling St. James at (717) 334-2012 Church Office hours are: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm During office hours, you will reach our Support Staff or a volunteer. After hours you may leave a message on staff members’ voice-mails by simply pressing their extension number--you must have a touch tone phone. (Rotary or pulse phone users can leave a general message.) 200 Katherine A. Johnson 205 Pr. Michael E. Allwein Receptionist/Secretary Senior Pastor 201 Carolynn E. Carey 206 Pr. Jeanette D. Leisk Office Manager Associate Pastor 202 Debra L. Nimtz 209 Timothy E. Braband Administrative Assistant Minister of Music 203 David L. Shaffer 215 G. Thomas Bender Interim Youth Minister Building Superintendent 204 Patricia J. Wivell Treasurer/Benefits Manager
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