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First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
• Souper Bowl Sunday
• Tree Lot Thank You
• Epiphany Party
• Altar Flower Dedications
• Adelanto Update
GOOD NEWS is published monthly by
First United Methodist Church of North
Hollywood, California 91601
Phone (818) 763-8231
Rev. Grant Hagiya
Rev. Jim Powell
District Superintendent
Rev. Steven F. Peralta
Senior Pastor
Jeff Thomas
Director of Music
Roger Eshleman
Nylean Rapinac
Patty Kelsey
Director, Program Ministries
Tonya Peat
Director, Outreach Ministries
“And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making ALL
THINGS NEW!’” -Revelation 21:5, NRSV (emphasis mine)
Happy New Year! We can now throw our 2018 calendars into the
recycling bin and hang the new 2019 calendars on the wall…right? I have
always found something exciting and hopeful about new calendars and all
the unmarked boxes and days. They announce that the future is yours to
seize. The previous year has been washed away and a new one is here
with endless possibilities…
I may be romanticizing the New Year a little bit. After all, nothing really
changes on New Year’s Day: it’s an arbitrary point in the endless
continuum of time. The problems you had on December 31 are still your
problems on January 1. However, there is still something cathartic about
closing up the old calendar and hanging up the new one.
So, I find it interesting that at the end of the Bible, in Revelation 21, we
have the voice on the throne announcing that it is making all things new.
Stop for a moment and think about the ramifications of what this might
imply about God’s character, nature, and desires for the world: God is in
the restoration business God is into taking what is used, broken, forgotten,
or neglected and making them new. Nothing will remain the same; all
things will be made new!
Do you receive these words as a hopeful, exciting promise or as an
unsettling threat? Making something new requires change, and if we are
honest, some of us don’t like change. We want things to remain the same
because they carry memories and evoke emotions in us. Some people
need routine in order to navigate a world full of options…yet God is
making all things new.
(continued on page 2 )
(continued from cover page)
I believe this statement is of utmost importance at this point in time. We are heading into an uncertain
year as Methodist Christians. Our denomination will gather in St. Louis Missouri, February 23-26, to vote
on three proposals which will forever affect its make-up. The issue at hand revolves around human
sexuality: who is eligible to be ordained as clergy and who can be married. Regardless of which proposal
passes; we will see the landscape forever altered. One proposal will result in the more traditional/
conservative parties in our church. One proposal will simply spend two to three years drawing the lines
along which we will split; and one will cause those who are more progressive to leave.
I don’t know how this is going to turn out; but I believe that our God is one who makes all things new.
Some things—like our call to proclaim God’s love in our neighborhood; our call to embrace all people fully
in the church and its ministries; and our call to make this world like it is in heaven—will never change; even
if the strategies and methods do. We of North Hollywood First United Methodist Church will still be the
church after the vote regardless of what happens at the special conference; even if the landscape changes a
So I invite you to join me in prayer for our local church and for the denomination. I suggest praying
everyday over the following points until the Special Conference in February:
Pray that all involved will wholly trust that God is at work making everything new.
Pray for the delegates as they prepare for a difficult task.
Pray that a kind spirit would emerge within the conversations and outcomes.
Share with God your hopes and desires for the outcome…
Of course, in the midst of eventful processes, the call to do God’s work and be God’s people continues here
at NoHo FUMC. We cannot neglect our ministries or ignore God’s calling here in our own neighborhood.
The new calendar is here: what does God have in store for us?
Happy New Year!
Pastor Steve
Pastor Steve places 3rd in chili cook-off!
Pastor Steve works the tree lot!
We will be concluding our Advent Sermon Series, “The Journey,” on Epiphany and will begin a new
series titled, “God Friended Me,” that will run from January 13 - February 24th.
January 	 6	 	 	 	 Bethlehem To Egypt	 	 	 Matthew 2:1-12
 Hello...It’s Me, God
January	 20	 	 	 	 An Unexpected Call	 	 	 	
 Jesus‘ Manifesto
 Luke 4:14-21
December 2nd - On this First Sunday of Advent, we were blessed with the sanctuary decorated in
Christmas Wreaths. Jim Tyree sat in the lectern for Patty this morning. The Advent Candle of Peace was
lit by Sherri Perry, Wendy Welch & Lynn Yoshizumi. Rachel & Phillip Mottaz presented this month’s
announcements. Pastor Steve shared the moment with children and his sermon series, The Journey,
commenced this morning. based on Luke 1:26-38, “Mary of Nazareth.” Communion was also served this
December 9th - This morning we celebrated The Second Sunday of Advent, and shared in the lighting
of our Advent Candle of Hope by Tonya, Scott, Ava, Ashley, & Annabelle Peat. Patty Kelsey shared a
Moment with Children. Pastor Steve’s sermon focused on “Joseph of Bethlehem,” based on Matthew
December 16th - The Third Sunday of Advent was celebrated by lighting the candle of Love, lit by
Rachel, Phillip, and Henry Mottaz. Pastor Steve shared the children’s moment and his sermon, “Elizabeth
of Ein Karin,” based on Luke 1:39-56.
December 23rd - The lighting of the Advent candles took place at 10:30 worship. Patty Kelsey shared
the moment with Children talking about the slogan for Hershey’s Kisses, “big things come in small
packages,” and that same motto could be used for baby Jesus, Bethlehem, and even us. Pastor Steve’s
message, “Nazareth to Bethlehem,” was based on Luke 2:1-5. At 6:00 pm we had our first Blue Christmas
service in Boyer Chapel that was filled with candle light, prayers, and music.
December 24th - Christmas Eve services were at 7pm and 11pm this year. The 7pm service opened up
with Jeff Thomas & Gary Solt, performing “I’ll Be Home For Christmas & White Christmas.” The Advent
Candles were lit by Hannah, Jason, Josie & Jackson Books. Patty Kelsey shared a moment with children
using M&M’s to tell the Christmas Story. We were delighted by the sounds of the Evergreen Music
Conservatory all through service. The Thomas Family Singers shared special music, “Mary Did You
Know?” The choir anthem was a beautiful rendition of, “O Night Divine,” and we also enjoyed singing
some of our favorite Christmas Hymns. Pastor Steve continued his sermon series, The Journey, in his
sermon titled, “The Manger.” The service ended with candle light and singing Silent Night.
At the 11pm service, we were inspired by a contemplative service and sharing of communion during a
rainy evening. The Advent Candles were lit by Muffett Brinkman, Lisa Cheby, and Sherri Perry. Patty and
Norman Kelsey shared the scripture lessons and we enjoyed singing hymns in between. Pastor Steve shared
a homily and our final lesson before serving us Holy Communion at just about midnight. The moving
worship service culminated with lit candles and Silent Night.
Luke 3:15-22
John 2:1-11
What’s Happening in January?
Wednesday, January 9th - UMW General
Luncheon. 12:00 PM in the Lo-Fe-Lo Room.
Birthday celebration and pledge service. $3.00
donation includes lunch.
Sunday, January 13th - Mission Sunday
canned food collection. Proteins are requested.
Please designate a donation to Missions today.
Wednesday, January 9th- UMW Executive
Board Meeting. Lo-Fe-Lo Room. 10am - 11am.
Monday, January 14th- Tabitha Fellowship
10:30 AM in Hand in Hand.
Tuesday, January 15th - Ruth Circle meets at
7:30 PM in the Community Room.
Sunday, January 6th - EPIPHANY PARTY!
following worship in the Social Hall! Please attend!
Wednesday, January 9th
12:00 PM
Lo-Fe-Lo Room
$3 Donation
Includes lunch and program.
Monthly Birthdays Acknowledged &
Celebrated Today!
January 27, 2017
10:30 AM worship will be led by
the UMW this morning.
Wednesday, January 23rd - UMW Boutique
Workshop. Community Room. 9:30 AM.
Sunday, January 27th - UMW Sunday.
Worship this morning will be led by the women of
our congregation.
Monday, January 14th - Martin Luther King
Holiday. Office Closed.
Thursday, January 17th - PB & J Project See
details below!
Thursday, January 17th
7:00 PM
Help us make 150 PB&J sandwiches
for the homeless who visit the food
pantry on Fridays!
If you would like to help but can’t
make it every third Thursday of each
month, please donate supplies (peanut
butter, jam, bread or sandwich bags.)
$40 will also sponsor the event!
Friday, January 25th - Tea & Coffee
Fellowship. 11:00 AM. Aroma coffee & Tea in
Tujunga Village. Meet at 10:30 AM to carpool.
Come for a warm beverage, treat, and conversation.
Happy New Year!
Sunday, January 6th
Following Worship
Social Hall
Come and celebrate the
Twelfth Day of Christmas!
We will have delicious food and
wonderful fellowship.
King Cake will also be served!
Yes, that is how many of very committed Tree Lot volunteers feel like this time of year. The Tree Lot is a lot of hard
work for those who step up to the challenge. I don’t believe there is one Tree Lot Volunteer who couldn’t come up
with better ways to spend Wednesday & Thursday evenings than unloading and setting up hundreds of Trees or
giving up their weekend to sell and load trees. But the reward for the sleep deprivation, aching joints and stiff
muscles is insurmountable.
By Muffett Brinkman
Our labor puts so much Christmas Joy out into our community. Coming to the NoHo FUMC Christmas Tree Lot
has become a tradition for hundreds of families. And the money we raise allows our little Church to stand strong
and do great things. This year the NoHo FUMC Tree Lot sold approximately 804 Trees and donated 4 Trees to
families in need. None of this would ever be possible if it were not for the dedication of our volunteers and to them
we cannot say Thank You enough. Seeing your faces show up for a shift brought relief to our organizers and, in
an instant, we knew we would be successful because you were on the lot.
We need to give a Special thanks to Dan Doggett for organizing the tree lot, Roger Eshleman for overseeing
volunteer sign-up, Ken Ellis for handling all our electrical needs and being the all-around fix it man. Sue & Aaron
McDonald for being our Tree Delivery Team, Todd Murata for overseeing our paperwork, Tonya Peat for assisting
us with our digital presence, Shirley Kurushima and Anne Roche for being the cashier whenever needed including
rushing to the lot at the last minute, Phil Roche and Frank Rapinac our hatchet men (well technically chainsaws),
and even though Scott Faucett hated mornings, he managed to go to the wholesalers every Wednesday at 7am to
help pick out all the trees. Brandon Osorio for being the boy scout who never quit the tree lot despite graduating 5
years ago, George Osorio the boy scout leader who never quit, and Scouts and Students from Troop 118 and
Finally we have to say THANK YOU to our new Pastor, Steve Peralta. The poor guy had no idea what he was
getting into but was there for the lot 100% even coming out one Friday morning at 6:45 am to finish setting up
trees that hadn’t been set up due to rain the night before.
Once again, many thanks to everyone who shared their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness to this project.
Sending you all many blessings in abundance for a wonderful new year. And can’t wait to see yours and many new
faces at Tree Lot 2019!!!!
Criminalization of Communities of Color and Mass Incarceration
Focus on interrupting the school-to-prison pipeline that places children on an adversarial path with law
enforcement. With 2020 as the goal, work for a 25% decrease in school arrests in the most impacted areas
and redesign schools’ zero tolerance policies to protect, rather than criminalize, children.
Climate Justice
Work toward a 25% reduction of carbon emissions by the top 2 contributing sectors by 2024 by engaging
in shareholder campaigns urging corporations to comply with, rather than fight, standards that reduce
carbon emissions.
 Maternal and Child Health
Work to decrease maternal mortality rates by 2020. The U.S. maternal mortality rate has steadily increased
from 7.2 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1987 to a high of 17.8 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2009 and
2011, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The UMW will advocate for the
establishment of maternal mortality review boards in all 50 states and develop networks of women’s health
advocates to fight for comprehensive reproductive health care and education.
The United Methodist Women,
Ruth Circle, put together 4
shoeboxes filled to the brim with
uplifting and useful items for the
Shoebox Project.
Shoeboxes were distributed to
young women in need, at The
Covenant House, Los Angeles.
Thanks to Shirley Kurushima for
leading and organizing!
These are the topics on which the UMW will be focusing
for the next few years:
Economic Inequality
Push for legislation that builds the base for a living wage in
at least 25 states and municipalities by 2022.
It’s that time of year football fans! So here’s the game plan:
We are collecting cans of soup on January 6, 13, 20 & 27 and on
Super/Souper Bowl Sunday, February 3, 2019!
Place your donations of soup in the BIN you think will WIN!
We will have collection bins available for each conference in the Main Sanctuary.
Help us collect 200 cans of soup and tackle hunger for the
North Hollywood Inter-Faith Food Pantry.
*Please consider donating soups high in protein or heartier soups
God’s Eternal, Preserving, Renewing, Love
This is a four-lesson series with scriptures from John, Ephesians, and Joel
Lesson 1 
The Source Of All Love
Lesson Scripture 1 John Chapter 4: verses 7 - 19
Background Scripture 1 John Chapter 4: verses 7 - 19
Lesson 2
God’s Overflowing Love
Lesson Scripture Ephesians Chapter 2: verses 1 - 10
Background Scripture Ephesians Chapter 2: verses 1 - 10
Lesson 3
God’s Love Manifested
Lesson Scripture John Chapter 15: verses 1 - 17
Background Scripture John Chapter 15: verses 1 - 17
Lesson 4
God’s Love Restores
Lesson Scripture Joel Chapter 2: verses 12 – 13. 18 – 19, 28 - 32
Background Scripture Joel Chapter 2
Adult Sunday school takes place on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays of the month at 9:00 AM.
Led by Sandra Smith in Boyer Chapel.
By Lisa Cheby
Back in the August Good News I wrote about the detainee visitor training I attended through Clergy and
Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) and I spoke about visits I made in early December.  Each visit
is emotionally difficult and draining. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by this system and the injustice and
suffering it inflicts. While they are called detainees, this is a euphemism as they are incarcerated without
criminal charges, denied phone calls, and locked in remote facilities limiting access to family or
community support. They are not able to access any resources they may have. Some have told us that they
are given a change of clothes only once a week and all have reported that medical care is scarce.
However, in the few months of visiting, I am grateful to report that all the people we have visited are out
of Adelanto.  One man was deported, but the others were released to sponsors as they wait for their
asylum hearing.  For some, CLUE was able to match them with a sponsor and help with the bond money. 
One young woman, Evia, had no attorney and CLUE could not find a pro bono attorney.  My friend,
Desiree, had a friend who offered to be Evia's sponsor and then her sister offered to pay for the attorney. 
For two months she worked to coordinate getting Evia released.  She almost lost hope when the bond was
set at $30,000.  Through fundraising and help from Freedom for Immigrants (CLUE did not have the
funds to assist with such a large bond), a few days before Christmas Desiree and her friend were able to go
get Evia from Adelanto.
While the main purpose is to provide a compassionate human contact to break the loneliness and
isolation, it is a great joy to hear that the information we gathered and shared was able to help facilitate
their release.
I ask that we pray for all those unjustly incarcerated in Adelanto and around the country. I will be
resuming visits with my team in January. I thank everyone at NoHoFUMC, and particularly the missions
team, for being supportive and for considering adding CLUE to their list of causes they support
Epiphany Primer
by Norman Kelsey
Some people are ready to take Christmas down (the decorations, that is) and turn off the hymns, carols
and holiday music on Boxing Day, December 26th. However, many households, including ours, continue
Christmas until January 6th. Why? That’s Epiphany. It’s the day that we commemorate the Adoration of
the Magi, the arrival of the Three Kings. Why shutter the season when we sing favorite songs about this
time between the 25th and the 6th? “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” “We Three Kings of Orient Are.”
Most people think of “a-ha” moments when they think of epiphanies. A cartoon light bulb going off
above their heads. Well, the original Epiphany refers to the moment when the wise men from the East,
the three kings of Orient, the Magi entered into the humble scene at the manger and paid homage to
the Baby Jesus offering gifts of frankincense, gold and myrrh to the one they recognized as the newborn
In many parts of the world, this day is as equally important as Christmas Day on the Christian calendar.
However, during the Middle Ages, January 6th was appropriated by the ruling class once Augustine
turned the wise men into royalty for the sake of embellishing the story. Overtime, it became a day of
unruly revels known as King’s Day, or Twelfth Night, for those of you familiar with William
Shakespeare’s comedy; and Topsy Turvy Day for you fans of Disney’s “The Hunchback of Notre
Under the reign of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, Christmas gained much of the cultural relevance,
look and feel that we recognize today. Epiphany was originally the day designated for gift giving (and
leaving out treats for the Magi and their caravan of camels and horses, sound familiar?). In the ensuing
decades, Santa Claus and Ebenezer Scrooge helped make Christmas Day the occasion for exchanging
presents and celebrating the Nativity.
So, if you are looking for a way to continue the spirit of the season without too many of the commercial
trappings, but all of the wonder, Epiphany is upon us. We have a marvelous opportunity to celebrate
Epiphany as we worship together the first Sunday of 2019. A time to reflect once more upon the
meaning of the birth of Jesus, the gifts we share with him for the glory of God’s Kingdom, and how we
can take our faith in him out into the world just as the Magi did millennia ago. We can reinvigorate our
mission by sharing the meaning of Epiphany with friends, family and others and keep Christmas in our
hearts a little longer.
The wise still seek Him. Lord, we want to follow that star. Guide us to thy perfect Light.
Wishing you a year filled with blessings!
Love, Your Church Family
January 1	 Deborah Byon
January 4 Molly Moffatt	
January 6	 Anthony Duffy
January 8	 Paul Ellis
January 9	 Dexter Moffat
January 10	 Pam Orchard
January 11	 Abbey Thomas
January 11 Emma Thomas
January 16	 Jake Orchard
January 24	 Dennis Parnell
January 24	 Steve Watts
January 26	 Annabelle Peat
January 28 Julie Shuford
January 30	 Phillip Mottaz
Marion Elkerton is suffering from heart failure. She will be returning to her daughter, Joanie's home, under
hospice care.
Sherri Perry's Aunt had a stroke and his having health issues.
Catie's Mom, Judy Andrus, undergoing treatment for her 3rd round of ovarian cancer.
Deanne, David, Michael, Cherry, Eli, Daniel and the entire Cox family during their time of grieving and loss.
Tracy Hagan needs continued prayers of peace as she lives with adenoid cancer.
Bryant Tokahuta has been struggling with what doctor's believe to be anxiety induced vomiting fits over the
last year. He has been hospitalized twice in the last two months and is not being prescribed zoloft. Bryant is
only, 9 years old, and his family does not know what else to do.
Jessica Mesa had a successful liver transplant surgery and is recovering. Prayers that her body continues to
accept the new liver.-
Nicole Mijares, 31, was diagnosed with neuro-endocrine CA. Cancer has metastasized throughout her body
and she is now on palliative care.
Bill Varney has atrophy of his leg muscles and needs a lot of Physical Therapy.
Charley Menendez, 23, is waiting for a liver transplant.
Scott Kaefek has inoperable stage 4 melanoma.
Donna Stewart suffered strokes with blood clots in her brain and is in critical condition.
Would you like to sponsor our weekly altar
flowers in 2019!
Flowers are in honor or memory of loved one are
just a $30 donation per arrangement.
Arrangements will be in a portable container and
you will be able to take the entire arrangement home
with you. Please help us make our worship visually
inspiring by signing up to sponsors flowers.
Sign up by contacting the church office:
January 	 6	 Epiphany Sunday. White or Gold.
	 	 	 Isa 60:1-6; Ps. 72:1-7, 10-14 (UMH 795); Eph. 3:1-12; Matt 2:1-12
January	 13	 First Sunday After the Epiphany. Baptism of the Lord. White or Gold.
	 	 	 Isa. 43:1-7; Ps. 29 (UMH 761); Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22.
January	 20	 Second Sunday After the Epiphany. UMW Sunday. Green.
	 	 	 Ps. 36:1-10 (UMH 771); Isa. 62:1-5; 1 Cor. 12:1-11; John 2:1-11.
January 	 27	 Third Sunday After the Epiphany. Green.
	 	 	 Neh. 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Ps. 19 (UMH 750); 1 Cor. 12:12-31a; Luke 4:14-21.
8:15 AM Worship Services in Boyer Chapel
	 January 6 - Pastor Steve	 	 January 13 - Norman Kelsey 	 	
	 	 January 20 - Patty Kelsey 	 	 January 27 - Sandra Smith
Please have your articles for the Good News to the church office by January 17th for the February 2019 publication
or email them to
If you no longer wish to receive this publication, please contact the church office
or return this address label noting that we are to discontinue sending it. Thank you.
POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to:
First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601
Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary
Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:30 AM in the Community Room/Nursery
Adult Sunday School meets on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays of the month. 9:00 AM in Boyer Chapel.
Children’s Message every Sunday of the month during 10:30 worship service
Communion will be celebrated on January 6th at 8:15 AM and 10:30 AM worship services.

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Good news January 2019

  • 1. First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood GOOD NEWS e-mail: JANUARY 2019 IN THIS ISSUE: • Souper Bowl Sunday • Tree Lot Thank You • Epiphany Party • Altar Flower Dedications • Adelanto Update GOOD NEWS is published monthly by First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood, California 91601 Phone (818) 763-8231 Rev. Grant Hagiya Bishop Rev. Jim Powell District Superintendent Rev. Steven F. Peralta Senior Pastor Congregation Ministers Jeff Thomas Director of Music Roger Eshleman Organist Nylean Rapinac Administrator Patty Kelsey Director, Program Ministries Tonya Peat Director, Outreach Ministries “And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making ALL THINGS NEW!’” -Revelation 21:5, NRSV (emphasis mine) Happy New Year! We can now throw our 2018 calendars into the recycling bin and hang the new 2019 calendars on the wall…right? I have always found something exciting and hopeful about new calendars and all the unmarked boxes and days. They announce that the future is yours to seize. The previous year has been washed away and a new one is here with endless possibilities… I may be romanticizing the New Year a little bit. After all, nothing really changes on New Year’s Day: it’s an arbitrary point in the endless continuum of time. The problems you had on December 31 are still your problems on January 1. However, there is still something cathartic about closing up the old calendar and hanging up the new one. So, I find it interesting that at the end of the Bible, in Revelation 21, we have the voice on the throne announcing that it is making all things new. Stop for a moment and think about the ramifications of what this might imply about God’s character, nature, and desires for the world: God is in the restoration business God is into taking what is used, broken, forgotten, or neglected and making them new. Nothing will remain the same; all things will be made new! Do you receive these words as a hopeful, exciting promise or as an unsettling threat? Making something new requires change, and if we are honest, some of us don’t like change. We want things to remain the same because they carry memories and evoke emotions in us. Some people need routine in order to navigate a world full of options…yet God is making all things new. (continued on page 2 )
  • 2. (continued from cover page) I believe this statement is of utmost importance at this point in time. We are heading into an uncertain year as Methodist Christians. Our denomination will gather in St. Louis Missouri, February 23-26, to vote on three proposals which will forever affect its make-up. The issue at hand revolves around human sexuality: who is eligible to be ordained as clergy and who can be married. Regardless of which proposal passes; we will see the landscape forever altered. One proposal will result in the more traditional/ conservative parties in our church. One proposal will simply spend two to three years drawing the lines along which we will split; and one will cause those who are more progressive to leave. I don’t know how this is going to turn out; but I believe that our God is one who makes all things new. Some things—like our call to proclaim God’s love in our neighborhood; our call to embrace all people fully in the church and its ministries; and our call to make this world like it is in heaven—will never change; even if the strategies and methods do. We of North Hollywood First United Methodist Church will still be the church after the vote regardless of what happens at the special conference; even if the landscape changes a bit. So I invite you to join me in prayer for our local church and for the denomination. I suggest praying everyday over the following points until the Special Conference in February: Pray that all involved will wholly trust that God is at work making everything new. Pray for the delegates as they prepare for a difficult task. Pray that a kind spirit would emerge within the conversations and outcomes. Share with God your hopes and desires for the outcome… Of course, in the midst of eventful processes, the call to do God’s work and be God’s people continues here at NoHo FUMC. We cannot neglect our ministries or ignore God’s calling here in our own neighborhood. The new calendar is here: what does God have in store for us? Happy New Year! Pastor Steve Pastor Steve places 3rd in chili cook-off! Pastor Steve works the tree lot!
  • 3. COME AND WORSHIP We will be concluding our Advent Sermon Series, “The Journey,” on Epiphany and will begin a new series titled, “God Friended Me,” that will run from January 13 - February 24th. January 6 Bethlehem To Egypt Matthew 2:1-12 January 13 Hello...It’s Me, God January 20 An Unexpected Call January 27 Jesus‘ Manifesto Luke 4:14-21 HIGHLIGHTS OF WORSHIP December 2nd - On this First Sunday of Advent, we were blessed with the sanctuary decorated in Christmas Wreaths. Jim Tyree sat in the lectern for Patty this morning. The Advent Candle of Peace was lit by Sherri Perry, Wendy Welch & Lynn Yoshizumi. Rachel & Phillip Mottaz presented this month’s announcements. Pastor Steve shared the moment with children and his sermon series, The Journey, commenced this morning. based on Luke 1:26-38, “Mary of Nazareth.” Communion was also served this morning. December 9th - This morning we celebrated The Second Sunday of Advent, and shared in the lighting of our Advent Candle of Hope by Tonya, Scott, Ava, Ashley, & Annabelle Peat. Patty Kelsey shared a Moment with Children. Pastor Steve’s sermon focused on “Joseph of Bethlehem,” based on Matthew 1:18-24. December 16th - The Third Sunday of Advent was celebrated by lighting the candle of Love, lit by Rachel, Phillip, and Henry Mottaz. Pastor Steve shared the children’s moment and his sermon, “Elizabeth of Ein Karin,” based on Luke 1:39-56. December 23rd - The lighting of the Advent candles took place at 10:30 worship. Patty Kelsey shared the moment with Children talking about the slogan for Hershey’s Kisses, “big things come in small packages,” and that same motto could be used for baby Jesus, Bethlehem, and even us. Pastor Steve’s message, “Nazareth to Bethlehem,” was based on Luke 2:1-5. At 6:00 pm we had our first Blue Christmas service in Boyer Chapel that was filled with candle light, prayers, and music. December 24th - Christmas Eve services were at 7pm and 11pm this year. The 7pm service opened up with Jeff Thomas & Gary Solt, performing “I’ll Be Home For Christmas & White Christmas.” The Advent Candles were lit by Hannah, Jason, Josie & Jackson Books. Patty Kelsey shared a moment with children using M&M’s to tell the Christmas Story. We were delighted by the sounds of the Evergreen Music Conservatory all through service. The Thomas Family Singers shared special music, “Mary Did You Know?” The choir anthem was a beautiful rendition of, “O Night Divine,” and we also enjoyed singing some of our favorite Christmas Hymns. Pastor Steve continued his sermon series, The Journey, in his sermon titled, “The Manger.” The service ended with candle light and singing Silent Night. At the 11pm service, we were inspired by a contemplative service and sharing of communion during a rainy evening. The Advent Candles were lit by Muffett Brinkman, Lisa Cheby, and Sherri Perry. Patty and Norman Kelsey shared the scripture lessons and we enjoyed singing hymns in between. Pastor Steve shared a homily and our final lesson before serving us Holy Communion at just about midnight. The moving worship service culminated with lit candles and Silent Night. Luke 3:15-22 John 2:1-11
  • 4. What’s Happening in January? Wednesday, January 9th - UMW General Luncheon. 12:00 PM in the Lo-Fe-Lo Room. Birthday celebration and pledge service. $3.00 donation includes lunch. Sunday, January 13th - Mission Sunday canned food collection. Proteins are requested. Please designate a donation to Missions today. Wednesday, January 9th- UMW Executive Board Meeting. Lo-Fe-Lo Room. 10am - 11am. Monday, January 14th- Tabitha Fellowship 10:30 AM in Hand in Hand. Tuesday, January 15th - Ruth Circle meets at 7:30 PM in the Community Room. Sunday, January 6th - EPIPHANY PARTY! following worship in the Social Hall! Please attend! GENERAL LUNCHEON Wednesday, January 9th 12:00 PM Lo-Fe-Lo Room $3 Donation Includes lunch and program. Monthly Birthdays Acknowledged & Celebrated Today! *** UMW SUNDAY January 27, 2017 10:30 AM worship will be led by the UMW this morning. Wednesday, January 23rd - UMW Boutique Workshop. Community Room. 9:30 AM. Sunday, January 27th - UMW Sunday. Worship this morning will be led by the women of our congregation. Monday, January 14th - Martin Luther King Holiday. Office Closed. Thursday, January 17th - PB & J Project See details below! Thursday, January 17th 7:00 PM Lounge Help us make 150 PB&J sandwiches for the homeless who visit the food pantry on Fridays! If you would like to help but can’t make it every third Thursday of each month, please donate supplies (peanut butter, jam, bread or sandwich bags.) $40 will also sponsor the event! PB & J PROJECT Friday, January 25th - Tea & Coffee Fellowship. 11:00 AM. Aroma coffee & Tea in Tujunga Village. Meet at 10:30 AM to carpool. Come for a warm beverage, treat, and conversation. Happy New Year! Sunday, January 6th Following Worship Social Hall Come and celebrate the Twelfth Day of Christmas! We will have delicious food and wonderful fellowship. King Cake will also be served!
  • 5. PRAISE JESUS WE SURVIVED!!! Yes, that is how many of very committed Tree Lot volunteers feel like this time of year. The Tree Lot is a lot of hard work for those who step up to the challenge. I don’t believe there is one Tree Lot Volunteer who couldn’t come up with better ways to spend Wednesday & Thursday evenings than unloading and setting up hundreds of Trees or giving up their weekend to sell and load trees. But the reward for the sleep deprivation, aching joints and stiff muscles is insurmountable. 2018 TREE LOT WRAP-UP By Muffett Brinkman Our labor puts so much Christmas Joy out into our community. Coming to the NoHo FUMC Christmas Tree Lot has become a tradition for hundreds of families. And the money we raise allows our little Church to stand strong and do great things. This year the NoHo FUMC Tree Lot sold approximately 804 Trees and donated 4 Trees to families in need. None of this would ever be possible if it were not for the dedication of our volunteers and to them we cannot say Thank You enough. Seeing your faces show up for a shift brought relief to our organizers and, in an instant, we knew we would be successful because you were on the lot. We need to give a Special thanks to Dan Doggett for organizing the tree lot, Roger Eshleman for overseeing volunteer sign-up, Ken Ellis for handling all our electrical needs and being the all-around fix it man. Sue & Aaron McDonald for being our Tree Delivery Team, Todd Murata for overseeing our paperwork, Tonya Peat for assisting us with our digital presence, Shirley Kurushima and Anne Roche for being the cashier whenever needed including rushing to the lot at the last minute, Phil Roche and Frank Rapinac our hatchet men (well technically chainsaws), and even though Scott Faucett hated mornings, he managed to go to the wholesalers every Wednesday at 7am to help pick out all the trees. Brandon Osorio for being the boy scout who never quit the tree lot despite graduating 5 years ago, George Osorio the boy scout leader who never quit, and Scouts and Students from Troop 118 and Wesley. Finally we have to say THANK YOU to our new Pastor, Steve Peralta. The poor guy had no idea what he was getting into but was there for the lot 100% even coming out one Friday morning at 6:45 am to finish setting up trees that hadn’t been set up due to rain the night before. Once again, many thanks to everyone who shared their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness to this project. Sending you all many blessings in abundance for a wonderful new year. And can’t wait to see yours and many new faces at Tree Lot 2019!!!!
  • 6. Criminalization of Communities of Color and Mass Incarceration Focus on interrupting the school-to-prison pipeline that places children on an adversarial path with law enforcement. With 2020 as the goal, work for a 25% decrease in school arrests in the most impacted areas and redesign schools’ zero tolerance policies to protect, rather than criminalize, children. Climate Justice Work toward a 25% reduction of carbon emissions by the top 2 contributing sectors by 2024 by engaging in shareholder campaigns urging corporations to comply with, rather than fight, standards that reduce carbon emissions.  Maternal and Child Health Work to decrease maternal mortality rates by 2020. The U.S. maternal mortality rate has steadily increased from 7.2 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1987 to a high of 17.8 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2009 and 2011, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The UMW will advocate for the establishment of maternal mortality review boards in all 50 states and develop networks of women’s health advocates to fight for comprehensive reproductive health care and education. THE SHOE BOX PROJECT The United Methodist Women, Ruth Circle, put together 4 shoeboxes filled to the brim with uplifting and useful items for the Shoebox Project. Shoeboxes were distributed to young women in need, at The Covenant House, Los Angeles. Thanks to Shirley Kurushima for leading and organizing! NOHO FUMC INITIATIVES OF UNITED METHODIST WOMEN These are the topics on which the UMW will be focusing for the next few years: Economic Inequality Push for legislation that builds the base for a living wage in at least 25 states and municipalities by 2022.
  • 7. vs. It’s that time of year football fans! So here’s the game plan: We are collecting cans of soup on January 6, 13, 20 & 27 and on Super/Souper Bowl Sunday, February 3, 2019! Place your donations of soup in the BIN you think will WIN! We will have collection bins available for each conference in the Main Sanctuary. Help us collect 200 cans of soup and tackle hunger for the North Hollywood Inter-Faith Food Pantry. *Please consider donating soups high in protein or heartier soups God’s Eternal, Preserving, Renewing, Love This is a four-lesson series with scriptures from John, Ephesians, and Joel Lesson 1  The Source Of All Love Lesson Scripture 1 John Chapter 4: verses 7 - 19 Background Scripture 1 John Chapter 4: verses 7 - 19   Lesson 2 God’s Overflowing Love Lesson Scripture Ephesians Chapter 2: verses 1 - 10 Background Scripture Ephesians Chapter 2: verses 1 - 10   Lesson 3 God’s Love Manifested Lesson Scripture John Chapter 15: verses 1 - 17 Background Scripture John Chapter 15: verses 1 - 17   Lesson 4 God’s Love Restores Lesson Scripture Joel Chapter 2: verses 12 – 13. 18 – 19, 28 - 32 Background Scripture Joel Chapter 2 Adult Sunday school takes place on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays of the month at 9:00 AM. Led by Sandra Smith in Boyer Chapel.
  • 8. VISITING ICE DETAINEES UPDATE By Lisa Cheby   Back in the August Good News I wrote about the detainee visitor training I attended through Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) and I spoke about visits I made in early December.  Each visit is emotionally difficult and draining. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by this system and the injustice and suffering it inflicts. While they are called detainees, this is a euphemism as they are incarcerated without criminal charges, denied phone calls, and locked in remote facilities limiting access to family or community support. They are not able to access any resources they may have. Some have told us that they are given a change of clothes only once a week and all have reported that medical care is scarce. However, in the few months of visiting, I am grateful to report that all the people we have visited are out of Adelanto.  One man was deported, but the others were released to sponsors as they wait for their asylum hearing.  For some, CLUE was able to match them with a sponsor and help with the bond money.  One young woman, Evia, had no attorney and CLUE could not find a pro bono attorney.  My friend, Desiree, had a friend who offered to be Evia's sponsor and then her sister offered to pay for the attorney.  For two months she worked to coordinate getting Evia released.  She almost lost hope when the bond was set at $30,000.  Through fundraising and help from Freedom for Immigrants (CLUE did not have the funds to assist with such a large bond), a few days before Christmas Desiree and her friend were able to go get Evia from Adelanto. While the main purpose is to provide a compassionate human contact to break the loneliness and isolation, it is a great joy to hear that the information we gathered and shared was able to help facilitate their release. I ask that we pray for all those unjustly incarcerated in Adelanto and around the country. I will be resuming visits with my team in January. I thank everyone at NoHoFUMC, and particularly the missions team, for being supportive and for considering adding CLUE to their list of causes they support
  • 9. Epiphany Primer by Norman Kelsey Some people are ready to take Christmas down (the decorations, that is) and turn off the hymns, carols and holiday music on Boxing Day, December 26th. However, many households, including ours, continue Christmas until January 6th. Why? That’s Epiphany. It’s the day that we commemorate the Adoration of the Magi, the arrival of the Three Kings. Why shutter the season when we sing favorite songs about this time between the 25th and the 6th? “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” “We Three Kings of Orient Are.” Most people think of “a-ha” moments when they think of epiphanies. A cartoon light bulb going off above their heads. Well, the original Epiphany refers to the moment when the wise men from the East, the three kings of Orient, the Magi entered into the humble scene at the manger and paid homage to the Baby Jesus offering gifts of frankincense, gold and myrrh to the one they recognized as the newborn Savior. In many parts of the world, this day is as equally important as Christmas Day on the Christian calendar. However, during the Middle Ages, January 6th was appropriated by the ruling class once Augustine turned the wise men into royalty for the sake of embellishing the story. Overtime, it became a day of unruly revels known as King’s Day, or Twelfth Night, for those of you familiar with William Shakespeare’s comedy; and Topsy Turvy Day for you fans of Disney’s “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” Under the reign of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, Christmas gained much of the cultural relevance, look and feel that we recognize today. Epiphany was originally the day designated for gift giving (and leaving out treats for the Magi and their caravan of camels and horses, sound familiar?). In the ensuing decades, Santa Claus and Ebenezer Scrooge helped make Christmas Day the occasion for exchanging presents and celebrating the Nativity. So, if you are looking for a way to continue the spirit of the season without too many of the commercial trappings, but all of the wonder, Epiphany is upon us. We have a marvelous opportunity to celebrate Epiphany as we worship together the first Sunday of 2019. A time to reflect once more upon the meaning of the birth of Jesus, the gifts we share with him for the glory of God’s Kingdom, and how we can take our faith in him out into the world just as the Magi did millennia ago. We can reinvigorate our mission by sharing the meaning of Epiphany with friends, family and others and keep Christmas in our hearts a little longer. The wise still seek Him. Lord, we want to follow that star. Guide us to thy perfect Light.
  • 10. Wishing you a year filled with blessings! Love, Your Church Family January 1 Deborah Byon January 4 Molly Moffatt January 6 Anthony Duffy January 8 Paul Ellis January 9 Dexter Moffat January 10 Pam Orchard January 11 Abbey Thomas January 11 Emma Thomas January 16 Jake Orchard January 24 Dennis Parnell January 24 Steve Watts January 26 Annabelle Peat January 28 Julie Shuford January 30 Phillip Mottaz Marion Elkerton is suffering from heart failure. She will be returning to her daughter, Joanie's home, under hospice care. Sherri Perry's Aunt had a stroke and his having health issues. Catie's Mom, Judy Andrus, undergoing treatment for her 3rd round of ovarian cancer. Deanne, David, Michael, Cherry, Eli, Daniel and the entire Cox family during their time of grieving and loss. Tracy Hagan needs continued prayers of peace as she lives with adenoid cancer. Bryant Tokahuta has been struggling with what doctor's believe to be anxiety induced vomiting fits over the last year. He has been hospitalized twice in the last two months and is not being prescribed zoloft. Bryant is only, 9 years old, and his family does not know what else to do. Jessica Mesa had a successful liver transplant surgery and is recovering. Prayers that her body continues to accept the new liver.- Nicole Mijares, 31, was diagnosed with neuro-endocrine CA. Cancer has metastasized throughout her body and she is now on palliative care. Bill Varney has atrophy of his leg muscles and needs a lot of Physical Therapy. Charley Menendez, 23, is waiting for a liver transplant. Scott Kaefek has inoperable stage 4 melanoma. Donna Stewart suffered strokes with blood clots in her brain and is in critical condition. Would you like to sponsor our weekly altar flowers in 2019! Flowers are in honor or memory of loved one are just a $30 donation per arrangement. Arrangements will be in a portable container and you will be able to take the entire arrangement home with you. Please help us make our worship visually inspiring by signing up to sponsors flowers. Sign up by contacting the church office:
  • 11. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORSHIP January 6 Epiphany Sunday. White or Gold. Isa 60:1-6; Ps. 72:1-7, 10-14 (UMH 795); Eph. 3:1-12; Matt 2:1-12 January 13 First Sunday After the Epiphany. Baptism of the Lord. White or Gold. Isa. 43:1-7; Ps. 29 (UMH 761); Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22. January 20 Second Sunday After the Epiphany. UMW Sunday. Green. Ps. 36:1-10 (UMH 771); Isa. 62:1-5; 1 Cor. 12:1-11; John 2:1-11. January 27 Third Sunday After the Epiphany. Green. Neh. 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Ps. 19 (UMH 750); 1 Cor. 12:12-31a; Luke 4:14-21. 8:15 AM Worship Services in Boyer Chapel January 6 - Pastor Steve January 13 - Norman Kelsey January 20 - Patty Kelsey January 27 - Sandra Smith Please have your articles for the Good News to the church office by January 17th for the February 2019 publication or email them to If you no longer wish to receive this publication, please contact the church office or return this address label noting that we are to discontinue sending it. Thank you. POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to: First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood 4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601 Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:30 AM in the Community Room/Nursery Adult Sunday School meets on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays of the month. 9:00 AM in Boyer Chapel. Children’s Message every Sunday of the month during 10:30 worship service Communion will be celebrated on January 6th at 8:15 AM and 10:30 AM worship services.