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The Immanuel Messenger
                                                 January 2010

                            Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church ELCA
                                          Watertown, WI 53094

                      A Greener New Year!
   Cutting costs and caring for creation go hand in hand for
1,000’s of faith communities. Immanuel also is getting on board
with this good effort. For example, working with the Environ-
mental /Conservation Team, Palmer Draeger found by using an
‘energy-use meter,’ the church could save $320.00/year by un-
plugging our soda machine. Yes, some of us buy sodas, but now
we simply use the refrigerator if we want a cold drink.
   Following a WE Energies audit, Palmer, Immanuel’s in-
resident energy ace, installed a point-of-use water heater in the
narthex. Dan Argus and crew covered the beautiful (but drafty)
balcony window with plastic, & the front door with a quilt (made
by Mary Schmidt & Cindy Gruenwald). In the new year, we are
looking to wrap heating pipes and install high efficiency lighting.
And there are other good ways we can save energy and money.
   One of those good ways for us to be a ’greener’ church is to
reduce the amount of printing we do every month. We do a lot of
printing for worship bulletins, reports of all sorts, and our
monthly newsletter. A way that would make a huge reduction in
printing (and mailing) costs would be for people who have ready
access to the internet to receive the ‘Immanuel Messenger’ elec-
tronically. The cost of printing and mailing each newsletter is
around $.75/copy. We currently mail 700+ newsletters. If half
our members made the switch to receive an electronic copy, we
could save $3,150.00/year! To be one of those members, we in-
vite you to email Janis Shackley our Office Manager: Let’s get greener and conserve
God’s resources. Blessed New Year.              Pastor Terry

              The ELCA Mission Statement:
    Marked with the cross of Christ forever, we are claimed,
Pastor Terry’s Children’s Sermon
                     Christmas Eve 2009
  The Immanuel Messenger                 213 N. 9th Street
    Published monthly by                (Church Entrance)
Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church           Watertown, WI 53094
      204 N. 10th Street                      E-mail:
   (office/mailing address)
  Telephone: 920-261-1663          Web site:
     Fax: 920-261-1910                Live Radio Broadcast

Musical Notes …
                       - Thank you to all of the musicians
                      who participated in the 54th Annual
                      Candlelight Concert on December

 - It's not too late to join a choir! Please consider being a
part of the Music Ministry in 2010. There are many opportu-
nities to serve. Speak with Becky Whelpley 261-1663 or

 - Senior Choir, Men and children’s Choir resume on Wednes-
day, January 6th. CAP resumes on January 9th and Bell
Choirs on January 13th.

We are still looking for volunteers for the Nursery. We cannot
keep the Nursery open at the 10:30 a.m. service if we don’t
have volunteers to man it. Contact Becky.

      Our Annual Meeting will be on
      Sunday, January 31, 2010
      after the 10:30 a.m. service.

Ministers: All the people of Immanuel
Pastor Terry G. Larson (
Rebecca Whelpley, Director of Music Ministry
Janis Shackley, Office Manager
Heidi Hanus, Website Coordinator (
Dana Keeser, Financial Sec. (

“Seeking Shalom”
Human Rights Celebration - January 16, 2010
In 1968 Church Women United adopted the following resolution
on Human Rights: As Christians we affirm that all persons have
inherent worth and dignity, and those basic human rights should
be equally available to every person regardless of race, religion,
or ethnic background.

The human rights of all persons were never more eloquently
phrased than in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Eleanor Roosevelt led the diplomatic team that presented it to
the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10,
1948. Each year on December 10, that historic moment is re-
membered at the UN. Numerous UN treaties and a vast body of international humanitar-
ian laws have emerged in response to the Declaration. This Church Women United Hu-
man Rights Celebration is intended to provide the opportunity to celebrate that Declara-
tion at ANY time of the year.

Church Women United in Watertown will celebrate Human Rights at a breakfast meet-
ing on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at the Karl Fischer Center, 1020 Hill Street. Cost is
$7.50. Reservations are due by Monday, January 11, 2010. Please make checks payable
to Church Women United and mail to Gloria Higgins, 127 West Spaulding Street, Wa-
tertown, WI 53098 (phone 261-6835). Agenda: Registration 8:30 a.m. Breakfast at 9:00
a.m. with program to follow. ALL women of Immanuel are invited and welcome to

The Human Rights Celebration is an annual event that unites women and men of ALL
faiths in a common worship experience held to honor individuals who have worked in
the cause of Human Rights. The theme of this year’s Human Rights Celebration is
“Seeking Shalom, “with an emphasis on peace, especially on those individuals who
work for peace in their communities and in the world. This Celebration is a time to
honor and to be inspired by the “peacemakers” in our midst. Harriet Schwoch will be
honored at this Celebration for her involvement in the Watertown community promot-
ing Peace in the world.

Church Women United is an ecumenical movement that brings together Protestant,
Catholic, Orthodox, and other Christian women in the United States and Puerto Rico to:
         Work for a just, caring, and peaceful society
         Develop a visible, ecumenical community
         Use responsibly and creatively the resources God has entrusted to us: our intel-
         ligence, time, energy, and money
         Deepen our understanding of what it means to be Christian women of faith in
         today’s world.

For more information, please feel free to call Lois Harke, president (206-9233) or your
local congregation’s CWU representative.

The 24th of November, 1874 rang in
a dark and dreary time for individual
members of the local Ev. Lutheran
St. Marks congregation. The numer-
ous quarrels of that congregation
were an offense to many of its mem-
bers. And when at last the pastor of
the congregation at that time, The
Rev. Heinrichs, was forcibly deposed
without evidence of a wrong done, a
schism resulted. A minority protested
against the procedure as they were
convinced that the removal was an             Immanuel’s 50th Anniversary - 1925
injustice and therefore did not care to
participate in such a proceeding. Seven members severed their connection
with St. Mark's congregation. The deposed Pastor Heinrichs gathered these
together with two other families and served them all with Word and Sacra-
ment. The first steps toward a definite organization were taken during the
month of January 1875. The wording of the first document, which still exists,
reads as follows:
We, the undersigned Christians in and about Watertown, herewith declare
the following:
1) That we are willing to organize an Evangelical Lutheran Congregation
2) That we are resolved to call a pastor, who shall preach to us in its truth
and purity the Word of God as it is contained in the Holy Scriptures and ex-
plained in the symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, espe-
cially in the Small Catechism of Luther and in the Augsburg Confession,
and furthermore administer to us the Holy Sacraments according to the in-
stitution of Christ, in short, to faithfully perform all duties according to the
Word of God.

The above named principles were subscribed to by:
John Lewetzow, Herman Borchardt, Albert Schmiel, Ferdinand Tobian, Her-
man Schoenherr, William Doering, Joachim Schack and Johanna
Schnegelsiepen on the 24th day of January 1875.

The constitution was then signed by:
Fr. Schoenherr, Ferd. Grohsert, Wilh. Koepke, Christ. Schmidt, Fr. Hein,
Joh. Roeder, Joach. Gamm on the 7th of February 1875.

A new congregation had been called into life. So began our beloved Im-
manuel Congregation 135 years ago this month. May God continue to
watch over Immanuel - God with us!

(from the Goldenes Jubilaeum 1875 to 1925)

    Serving us in Worship              January
6:00 p.m.                    Jan. 2               Jan. 9
Preach            Pastor Terry          Pastor Terry
Organist          Becky Whelpley        Becky Whelpley
Asst. Ministers   Joy Rohr              Mark Peterson
Comm. Assts.      Bev Raatz             Doug Schilling
                  Mary Campbell         Patti Schilling
Lectors           Mary Campbell         Doug Schilling
Acolytes          Kalee Lafler          Hannah Jensen

Ushers            Janette Gosdeck       Mary Held
                                        Bev Raatz

Greeters          Mary Campbell         Doug Schilling
                  Bev Raatz             Patti Schilling

6:00 p.m.                 Jan. 16                Jan. 23
Preach            Pastor Terry         Pastor Terry
Organist          Becky Whelpley       Becky Whelpley
Asst. Ministers   Mary Morstad         Doug Schilling
Comm. Assts.      Judy Schumacher      Patti Schilling
                  Sue Schramm          Isabella Mantey
Lectors           Judy Schumacher      Kathy Schuett
Acolytes          Abigail Braatz       Hannah Jensen

Ushers            Herb Johnson         Stan Schramm
                  Pat Johnson          Sue Schramm
Greeters          Lorraine Baneck      Rick Schuett
                  Joyce Duffrin        Kathy Schuett

Jan 2 & 3                          Jan. 9 & 10
  Altar     Jean Kwapil                     Liz Gerber
  Guild     Mary Wolff, Gloria Poth         Mary Held, Irene Hohman
            Anne Roberson                   Janette Gosdeck
            Ann Lees, Theresa Kluewer       Carol Lenius, Wendy Umland

                     Jan 16 & 17                         Jan 23 & 24
  Altar     Helen Johansen                  Sue Schramm
  Guild     Erline Adler                    Judy Cook, Fay Joseph
            Dee Nielsen, Ruth Jones         Kathy Sussek
            Cathy Schneidewind              Lori Lemley

                     Jan. 30 & 31                              Jan. 3
  Altar     Nancy Gillingham
                                                         Radio Broadcast
  Guild Joyce Duffrin, Bonita Zimdars
            Janis Shackley                          Ladies Aid in Honor of
                                                      127th Anniversary
            Lyn Hertel, Jenny Fiege

6:00 p.m.                    Jan. 30                        Coffee Hour
Preach                Pastor Terry                           W-ELCA
Organist              Becky Whelpley
Asst. Ministers       Joy Rohr                             Church Pews
Comm. Assts.          Mary Held                           Judy Hoffstetter
                      Mary Campbell                       Mark Peterson
Lectors               Sue Schramm
Acolytes              Kalee Lafler
                                                          Please call the office
                                                           with any changes.
Ushers                Janette Gosdeck
                                                      We thank you for and
                                                   appreciate your commitment
Greeters              Stan Schramm                   to serving the Lord and
                                                      Immanuel in this way!
                      Sue Schramm

8:00 a.m.                    Jan. 3                   Jan. 10
Preach              Pastor Terry              Pastor Terry
Organist            Becky Whelpley            Becky Whelpley
Asst. Ministers     Don Neverman              Amy Loeber
Comm. Assts.        Kathy Neverman            Neale Jones
                    Wanda Udovich             Ruth Jones
Lectors             Wanda Udovich             Ruth Jones
Acolytes            Ethan Skaar               Camryn Zechzer
                    Kaitlin Travis            Monica Miller
Ushers              Paul Schilling            Roger Bohlman
                    Bob Bender                E. Engelbrecht
                    Butch Hoffmann            Jim Martin
                    Ken Rolefson              Neil Baumann
Greeters            Rich Udovich              Mark Rohr
                    Wanda Udovich             Joy Rohr

8:00 a.m.                   Jan 17                    Jan. 24
Preach            Pastor Terry                Pastor Terry
Organist          Becky Whelpley              Becky Whelpley
Asst. Ministers   DeWayne Roberson            Mark Peterson
Comm. Assts.      Judy Hoffstetter            Ken Sodemann
                  Jean Kwapil                 Lisa Sodemann
Lectors           Jean Kwapil                 Bob Bender
Acolytes          Adam Loeber                 Zach Winker
                  Zach Adams                  Ethan Skaar
Ushers            Rick Schuett                Ken Boeder/ Rich Udovich

                  John Kaercher/ Mark Putra   Greg Bruske/ Tom Pugh
                  Jeff Krause/ Doug Zwieg     Don Neverman
Greeters          Don Neverman                Ken Sodemann
                  Kathy Neverman              Lisa Sodemann

10:30 a.m.                    Jan. 3                    Jan. 10
Preach             Pastor Terry             Pastor Terry
Organist           Becky Whelpley           Becky Whelpley
Comm. Assts.       Ruth Kubly               Dave Nielsen
                   Sue Larson               Dee Nielsen
Lectors            Ruth Kubly               Lorraine Baneck
Acolytes           Lily Hanus               Krista Pichette
                   Kirsten Knaak            Chase Fischer
Ushers             David Wolff              Sue Heintz
                   Cary Gillingham          Adam Pichette
                   Jeff Travis              Kim Hrobsky
                   Earl Winker              Jerad Hrobsky
Greeters           Bob & Erline Adler       Lyn Hertel, Ruth Kubly
Nursery            Greg Bruske              Wendy & LeeAnn Umland
CAP set up
Run PP

10:30 a.m.                Jan. 17                        Jan. 24
Preach         Pastor Terry                 Pastor Terry
Organist       Becky Whelpley               Becky Whelpley
Comm. Assts.   Sue Heintz                   S Heintz
               Fay Joseph                   Kim Hrobsky
Lectors        David Wolff                  Erline Adler
Acolytes       LeeAnn Umland                Kirsten Knaak
               Taylor Foltz                 Lily Hanus
Ushers         Neale Jones                  Gilbert Schmidt
               Dan Argus, Rita Argus        Bob Adler
               Cara Argus, Kerry Peterson   Clay Stocklin
Greeters       David & Mary Wolff           Jason & Amy Wesemann
Nursery        Joy Rohr                     Brittany Clark
CAP set up
Run PP

8:00 a.m.                Jan 31      10:30 a.m.             Jan. 31
Preach          Pastor Terry         Preach         Pastor Terry
Organist        Becky Whelpley       Organist       Becky Whelpley
Asst. Ministers Sue Putra            Comm. Assts.   Craig Dedo
Comm. Assts.    Jim Mack                            Fay Joseph
                Ruth Mack
Lectors         Laurie Zwieg         Lectors        Craig Dedo
Acolytes        Kaitlin Travis       Acolytes       Chase Fischer
                Camryn Zechzer                      Krista Pichette
Ushers          Paul Schilling       Ushers         D Wolff, C Gillingham
                Butch Hoffmann                      Jeff Travis, Earl Winker
                Ken Rolefson         Greeters       Sue Heintz, Fay Joseph
                Bob Bender           Nursery        Tammy Tapper
Greeters        Dave Morstad         CAP set up
                Mary Morstad         Run PP

                            Thank You Letters
          We want to pass on to our members a couple of recent
  thank you letters the church received to let you know how
  much your gifts are appreciated. Several of you graciously
  responded to Pastor Brent Christianson’s financial support
  request for Lutheran Campus Ministry in Madison. Your gifts
  have placed them on firmer financial ground which will allow
  them to continue their ministry to the students. In another let-
  ter received a person who is incarcerated wrote to express his
  appreciation to Pastor Terry Larson and our church for the
  “awesome Bible”. He wrote that this gift will help in his faith
  journey; to continue to learn and understand that God’s way is
  the right way. With this Bible, your prayers, and his strong
  faith he is confident he will be ok in future.
          Once again, thank you Immanuel for your caring spirit
  and response.

Youth & Family Presents:

                   January 9, 2010
                   4:00 - 8:00 p.m.

                     Open for 2nd thru 6th Grade

Parents are invited to join with children for 6:00 p.m. church
service and enjoy dessert afterwards.

Please sign up number of children and ages. We will take a free
will offering to help cover the costs. For more information
contact Linda Argus at 699-5619 or

Immanuel Choirs 2009                    Con
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                                            Michelle Caudle                                        rolin
                                            Family Benefit                                              g

                                            We had a busy
                                             December at

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                      Crn ason
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                                       t&                     Children’s Choir at Marquardt Manor

Immanuel’s Circles…

         Miriam Circle      1:30 p.m.
    21   Sarah Circle       10:00 a.m.   @ Zinzendorf
    18   Mary Circle        6:00 p.m.    @ Tribeca
    14   Elizabeth Circle   1:30 p.m.    Conf. Rm. - Liz Gerber hostess

   25    Rebecca Circle     9:00 a.m.    @ Adeline Richter’s
   25    Martha Circle      6:00 p.m.

Ladies Aid will meet Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 12:00
noon in the Fellowship Hall.


Ladies Aid will sponsor the Radio Broadcast on January 3,
2010 in Honor of their 127th Anniversary.

   Quilters will meet at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday,
   January 13 and Thursday, January 28.

               Bread and Roses
Jan 7: Eaton Corporation
Jan 14: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Jan 21: St. Michael’s Lutheran, Hustisford
Jan 28: Zion Lutheran, Ashippun

Thank you to all the bakers who partici-
                        pated in the Immanuel W-ELCA Bake Sale.
                        We appreciate everyone’s contributions.
                        Profits from the sale will go toward the
                        much needed new carpeting in Immanuel’s
                        office area. A special thank you to Donna
                        Hill for chairing this event and all her time
                        and contributions to help make it a success.
                        If anyone would like to make a cash contri-
 bution, please designate your check for W-ELCA Bake Sale!
                          We hope to see you all next year.
                                   Women of the ELCA

Due to government regulations, the hospital CANNOT notify the church of
your hospitalization without your written consent. If you would like the church
to be notified, please let the hospital staff know, or call the pastor yourself (or
have someone in your family call for you). Hearing it “through the grapevine”
is not helpful, as information that comes that way is not often reliable, plus the
church doesn’t know what your needs are.

Please be as direct as possible! Any questions, contact Pastor Terry. Thanks.

                Hometown Mission Fund Report
                    November 1-30, 2009
            Beginning balance 11/1/09          $ 107.62
            Deposits                           $ 213.50
            2 checks written                   $ 185.00
            Ending balance   11/30/09          $ 136.12

            17 contacts made during November
             6 family units were provided assistance

Youth & Family Presents:

             A Night to Remember
                                  Dinner Dance
                            Friday, January 22, 2010
                               Dinner - 6:00 p.m.
                          Dance to follow until 10:00 p.m

                                                   Adults Only
          ME                                 Immanuel Members
                   gna                           & Friends
             Lasa d
                Sala ead                      Couples & Singles
             G arlic ch

   All ty
  for d es of mu
        ancin      s ic
 c as u        g
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             e ss!

                                                Child care provided with
                                                a separate meal/snack
                                                for children!

Please RSVP (# of adults & children) so the committee can plan. We will take a
free will offering to help cover the costs. For more information contact Linda
Argus at 699-5619 or

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
                          Church Council Minutes
                             December 10, 2009

The regular meeting of the Church Council was held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday,
December 10, 2009, at the church. Wanda Udovich, president, presided and
Kathy Schuett, secretary, wrote the minutes.

Members present: Dan Argus, Sam Galaviz, Jeanne Goehrig, Jens Hetzler, Pat
Johnson, Ruth Jones, Todd Loeber, Bob Poth, Kathy Schuett, Wanda Udovich,
Members absent: Bernie Clark, Judy Hoffstetter, Jacob Voigt
Staff present: Pastor Terry Larson

Wanda Udovich called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led a devotion ti-
tled Serving Contentedly based on Luke 2:18-19 where Mary treasured baby
Jesus while pondering and praying. “Centering the self on the things that are
most precious opens a space of serenity where one can truly be at rest. But of-
ten God comes not in those serene moments, but wrapped in the swaddling
clothes of the struggles and sorrows of this world. At times like these a leader
will be the least anxious person in the room - the one to whom others look for
wisdom for she sees things in a way others do not.”

The minutes of the November 12, 2009, church council meeting were presented.
Motion: Approve the minutes as written.
Moved: Jens Hetzler            Second: Sam Galaviz    Action: Passed on voice vote

Treasurer’s Report: Bob Poth – was happy to report that in November, we
took in $3700 more than we spent. However it should be noted that $1700 of
that came from the Food Pantry Board to help pay for the new 10th St. Door and
$1500 came from an anonymous donor to cover the cost of God’s Work Our
Hands program.
Motion: Approve the financial reports as presented.
Moved: Bob Poth                 Second: Pat Johnson   Action: Passed on voice vote

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Terry showed the council a new Immanuel website
which Barry Ashenfelter has been creating. When it is put into service, it will
present many more possibilities than the old site. A Technology Task Force of
members who have an interest in helping out with technology issues will to be
set up soon. There was also discussion of The Messenger being e-mailed to
people and the large amount of money that could be saved in doing so. His
written report thanks Becky, Janis and Dana who are all doing above-and-
beyond what they are expected to do, as well as thanking Jeri Betts, Pam and
Kevin Voigt for all the work they did for the fundraiser which raised $1684 for
Michele Caudle’s family. He is reflecting on the council recommendation that
he not attend all committee meetings and will try to be more proactive about
being in contact with chairpersons prior to the meetings. If he doesn’t attend
meetings, he will do more evening visits with members. He averaged 63 hours
of work/week in November.

Music Director’s Written Report: Becky Whelpley reports that $200 is still
needed for the new handbell tables. She will do a Temple Talk to promote
attendance at the Candlelight Concert. The reception following it is planned
by Gloria Poth, Gola Martin and Ruth Bauman. The Faithful Men sang for the
Caudle family benefit and will join the Senior Choir at Bethesda for the 10 am
service on January 17th. Jeff Thielke will serve as organist that day at Imman-

Committee Reports:
Evangelism: Judy Hoffstetter - No report
Motion: Approve the membership report as presented. Moved: Jens Hetzler
Second: Todd Loeber Action: Passed on voice vote
Parish Education: Bernie Clark - no report
Personnel: Pat Johnson - stated that the entire committee has recommended a
3% raise for Janis, Dana and Heidi, as well as 3.38% for cemetery sexton Mike
Chartier, for 2010. Becky’s 30/70%, including health insurance, as well as
Pastor Terry’s salary would remain unchanged for 2010.
Properties: Dan Argus - stated that he is putting plastic over the windows in
an attempt to keep the sanctuary warmer. In an effort to keep the narthex
warmer in winter, a quilt will be hung over the front doors and people encour-
aged to entire via the side doors.
Social Concerns: Jeanne Goehrig reports that committee members will shop
for the four Watertown families in the Christmas Neighbors’ program. A
noisy offering was taken December 5/6 to support this project. Santa (Dan Ar-
gus’ dad) will be distributing gifts at Bread and Roses on December 17. Sou-
per Bowl Sunday will be held in early February. The Hometown Mission
Fund wrote checks totaling $185.00 and provided assistance to 6 family units
in November.
Stewardship: Jens Hetzler reported that the committee had “a working meet-
ing following up on some aspects of God’s Work Our Hands and the Time and
Talent effort this fall. We tallied and totaled the Estimate of Giving response
cards to help with the budget development. There were 117 completed esti-
mates totaling $194,558 for the year.” A calendar of direct mailings for 2010,
which includes four mailings for fundraising appeals, was proposed.
Worship and Music: Ruth Jones written report stated that ushers are still
needed for the 10:30 am services. Christmas decorating dates were discussed.
Decorations will be taken down at 9 am on January 9th. Liturgical calendars
are now available in the working sacristy. Requests have been made for the
lighting of individual candles for the All Saints Sunday and this idea will be
pursued for 2010. The Church Council has asked the committee to work out a
schedule of substitute preachers/supply pastors for the New Year to give Pastor
Terry a bit of a break. He also feels it would be beneficial to the congregation
to hear another voice from the pulpit occasionally. We will work cooperatively
with pastor, council and personnel to plan this into the New Year.
Youth and Family: Sam Galaviz stated that his committee is looking for vol-
unteers to help with the ‘Kids’ Night Event’ on January 9th from 4-9 pm, in-
cluding the attendance at the 6 pm service. A dance is also being planned for

January. Both will be promoted in Temple Talks by Linda Argus and Sam.
Youth Representative: Jacob Voigt - No report
New Business: Nominating Committee - Wanda reported that all positions
have been filled, except for people serving on the nominating committee for
Old Business:
1. Wanda called WE-Energies for information about possibly going on the
    budget plan for payment of the bill. The monthly cost would be $2,480,
    with an adjustment done every six months. She also stated that in the past
    year our highest monthly electric bill was $955 and gas bill was $4,676.
    The lowest monthly bill was $661 for electricity and $53 for gas. It was
    pointed out that church income is usually higher in winter than summer, so
    the possibility of not having enough funds in summer would be a disad-
    vantage to switching to the budget plan. No action was taken.
2. Bob Poth presented the proposed 2010 budget and the council went over it
    line by line, making changes as seen fit. He will make the changes and
    have it ready for the council to approve at the January 14 meeting.
 Closing Devotions: Pastor Terry led the closing prayer.
Motion: To adjourn meeting    Moved: Pat Johnson   Second: Jens Hetzler
         Action: Passed on voice vote

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Schuett, Secretary

       Don’t forget “Souper Bowl” of Caring
                 February 6 & 7!!

                                          Bring a can of soup and
                                            a dollar (or more)!

Due to new postal regulations we now have to pay to have Bulk
Rate mail items returned to the church. This is really a good practice
because it helps us clean up our records. We have already found people
that we didn’t know were lost. We have also learned that some people
can’t be found any more.

At this point it only costs 16¢ to mail the Messenger but it takes an
additional 61¢ to be returned to us. PLEASE LET US KNOW OF ANY
AND ALL ADDRESS CHANGES. Even if you are only going south for the
winter let the office know and we can either forward to your temporary
address or stop until you return home.

As we make up the server schedules for the new year we do try to follow the Time &
Talent Sheets that were turned in. Some of you have not turned them in. It’s a toss up
whether you are scheduled just like you used to be, or because your name doesn’t
show up on a list, you are not scheduled at all.

If you find that you aren’t doing something and want to be, or you are scheduled for
something that you don’t want, please call the office or fill out a Time & Talent sheet
so that we know what your preferences are.

One other note; the people that have signed up to help at the 10:30 Blended Service
are few and far between. If you enjoy coming to that service please consider helping
so that we don’t wear anyone out.

       Please get a form from the Church Office for any
       requests from the Endowment Fund. These are due in
       the office by January 15, 2010. The Endowment
       Board will meet on Sunday, January 17th.

    Consider signing up for the Simply Giving Program
    to help you and Immanuel stay on track with your
    2010 Giving.

    Reminder - If part of your offering is for benevolence it
    must be noted on your envelope or it will automatically
    be put in the General Fund.

Mission Action Coordinators:
       Pat Benzel - 261-0978             Phyllis Turke - 261-8835

       Clean hands, good grooming, bright and shining smiles--
we can help bring them through the gift of Health Kits. This year
we will be asking for the donation of a different item each
month. These items can be put into the “Wishing Well” in the

          January......................... Dark Hand Towels (16x25)
          February....................... Dark Washcloths
          March........................... Bath size wrapped Soap
                                                 (4-5 oz)
          April.............................. Nail clippers w/file or metal
          May............................... Combs (widetooth)
          June............................... Flat Fold Diaper
          July................................ Onesies or sleepers up to 24
          August......................... Spiral notebooks/construction
                                                 paper (8½x11)
          September.................... Blunt scissors/30cm
                                                 rulers/16or24 boxed crayons
          October......................... Bath size wrapped Soap
                                                 (4-5 oz)
          November..................... Nail clippers w/file or metal
          December..................... Food Pantry/Christmas

        Cash donations can also be made for the purchase of any
items that are needed to complete the project. Please mark for
“LWR Health Kits/LWR School Kits.”

         School kits consist of: (150-200) 8 1/2 x 11” ruled paper
(Notebook or loose-leaf), (1) Blunt Scissors, (1) centimeter/1 foot
ruler, (1) pencil sharpener, (6) new pencils with erasers, (1) 2 1/2”
eraser, (12) sheets of construction paper (assorted colors) and (1)
box of crayons.

November’s Treasurer’s Report

Weekly Budget Income Needs:
Actual Weekly Income:
      General         Building   Synod         Other      Total
                      Offering   Benevolence
11/1 6,708.58         582.00     366.00        1,849.00   9,505.58
11/8 5,161.57         657.75     213.25        475.00     6,507.57
11/15 5,254.96        493.00     243..00       2,858.00   8,848.96
11/22 3,887.00        408.00     235.00        2,651.00   7,181.00
11/29 5,475.00        680.00     180.00        439.00     6,774.00

      Dedicated Account Balances:
                Money Market Savings: $24,039.68

      Loan Expenses:
                Mortgage: $364,408.75
                Short-term loan: $0.00
                Member loan: $30,000.00
                Shirley Anderson = $20.00
                Gene Pieper (Hometown Mission Fund) = $50.00
                John Arzberger = $755.00
                Charlotte Johnson (Hometown Mission Fund) = $10.00



Membership Report
                                         December 2009
Addison Marie Strobel, November 28, 2009

Dana Hoppe & Adam Warsh – November 6, 2009

John Walter Arzberger, June 12, 1920 – November 4, 2009

Baptized:                                  Confirmed:
   1203*                                      972*
*These are the numbers that are available through our current membership software.

Worship Attendance:

                    6:00     8:00       10:30        9 a.m. /    To-      Aver-
                    p.m.     a.m.       a.m.         Special     tal      age            Info/Service
 Nov 7/8               39        132          64                   235         78
 Nov 14/15             72         98          62                   232         77
 Nov 21/22             37        103          79                   219         73
 Nov. 26                                                   80       80         80    Thanksgiving
 Nov 28/29             64         92          88                   244         81
           Totals     212        425         293           80    1010

 Nov 1/2               73        103          78                   254         85    All Saints
 Nov 8/9               66        123          70                   259         86
 Nov 15/16             49        128          79                   256         85
                                                                                     Pastor Terry's Instal-
 Nov 22/23             52         96         157                   305       102     lation
 Nov. 27                                                   77       77         77    Thanksgiving 9 a.m.
 Nov 29/30             30        102          55                   187         62
           Totals     270        552         439           77    1338

1 Austin Fuchs          15 Tiffany Fischer    25 Gennie Arzberger
 1 Gloria Jones          15 Debbie Gallert     25 Carrie Jones
 1 Adeline Richter       15 Amanda Miller      25 Cindy Schubert
 1 Robert Weihert        15 Edward Wegner      26 Kristen Travis
 2 Douglas Heller        15 Deborah Zabel      27 Carol Lenius
 2 Anita Quanbeck        16 Taylor Foltz       27 Dean Rauls
 3 Emma Hanson           16 Marlene Polenski   28 Collin Christenson
 3 Richard Henning       17 Tyler Gruenwald    28 Dakota Kohout
 3 Janet Hennings        17 Robert Heller      28 Leah Roberson
 3 Rose Kehl             17 John Kaercher      29 Karen Buss
 4 Beverly Jones         18 Dorothy Schmidt    29 Austin Hanus
 4 Kayleen Thomson       18 Jeremy Snow        29 Amanda Matz
 5 Linten Grabow         18 Zachary Turke      29 Grace Wegner
 6 Mary Held             18 Sandra VanBeem     30 Frank Goldbach
 6 Kenneth Huehn         19 Susan Braatz       30 Gary Kemnitz
 6 Alexander Kleba       19 Heidi Schaller     30 Patrick Weihert
 6 Diane LaPoint         19 Terry Triana       31 Judy Cook
 6 Adam Morstad          22 Jackson Barta      31 Victor Miller
 7 Robert Poth           22 Cary Gillingham    31 David Stansfield
 8 John Bucher           22 Hannah Gunderson   31 Heinz Vette
 8 Amanda Wegner         22 Thomas Klug        31 Brandon Warnke
 9 Katie Braunschweig    22 Jonas Motto        31 Richard Wolff
 9 Billy Gaugert         22 Patti Schilling
 9 Dalton Kelman         23 Carmen Barta
 9 Jeffrey Mallow        23 Gene Schlesner
 9 Josephine Remington   23 Al Schmidt
10 Mogy Quanbeck
10 Ethan Sitterly
10 Kelly Surdick
11 Steven Baldwin
11 Ashley Boeder
11 Jacob Halvorsen
11 Steven Hill
12 Dylan Kasten
12 Steven Lueck
12 Paul Schilling
12 Titus Schultz
13 Ann Lees
14 Terry Kelman
14 Larry Nehls
14 Steve Polenski


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12o Messenger Jan2010

  • 1. The Immanuel Messenger January 2010 Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church ELCA Watertown, WI 53094 A Greener New Year! Cutting costs and caring for creation go hand in hand for 1,000’s of faith communities. Immanuel also is getting on board with this good effort. For example, working with the Environ- mental /Conservation Team, Palmer Draeger found by using an ‘energy-use meter,’ the church could save $320.00/year by un- plugging our soda machine. Yes, some of us buy sodas, but now we simply use the refrigerator if we want a cold drink. Following a WE Energies audit, Palmer, Immanuel’s in- resident energy ace, installed a point-of-use water heater in the narthex. Dan Argus and crew covered the beautiful (but drafty) balcony window with plastic, & the front door with a quilt (made by Mary Schmidt & Cindy Gruenwald). In the new year, we are looking to wrap heating pipes and install high efficiency lighting. And there are other good ways we can save energy and money. One of those good ways for us to be a ’greener’ church is to reduce the amount of printing we do every month. We do a lot of printing for worship bulletins, reports of all sorts, and our monthly newsletter. A way that would make a huge reduction in printing (and mailing) costs would be for people who have ready access to the internet to receive the ‘Immanuel Messenger’ elec- tronically. The cost of printing and mailing each newsletter is around $.75/copy. We currently mail 700+ newsletters. If half our members made the switch to receive an electronic copy, we could save $3,150.00/year! To be one of those members, we in- vite you to email Janis Shackley our Office Manager: Let’s get greener and conserve God’s resources. Blessed New Year. Pastor Terry The ELCA Mission Statement: Marked with the cross of Christ forever, we are claimed,
  • 2. Pastor Terry’s Children’s Sermon Christmas Eve 2009 The Immanuel Messenger 213 N. 9th Street Published monthly by (Church Entrance) Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church Watertown, WI 53094 204 N. 10th Street E-mail: (office/mailing address) Telephone: 920-261-1663 Web site: Fax: 920-261-1910 Live Radio Broadcast 2
  • 3. Musical Notes … - Thank you to all of the musicians who participated in the 54th Annual Candlelight Concert on December 20th! - It's not too late to join a choir! Please consider being a part of the Music Ministry in 2010. There are many opportu- nities to serve. Speak with Becky Whelpley 261-1663 or - Senior Choir, Men and children’s Choir resume on Wednes- day, January 6th. CAP resumes on January 9th and Bell Choirs on January 13th. We are still looking for volunteers for the Nursery. We cannot keep the Nursery open at the 10:30 a.m. service if we don’t have volunteers to man it. Contact Becky. Our Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 31, 2010 after the 10:30 a.m. service. Ministers: All the people of Immanuel Pastor Terry G. Larson ( Rebecca Whelpley, Director of Music Ministry ( Janis Shackley, Office Manager ( Heidi Hanus, Website Coordinator ( Dana Keeser, Financial Sec. ( 3
  • 4. “Seeking Shalom” Human Rights Celebration - January 16, 2010 In 1968 Church Women United adopted the following resolution on Human Rights: As Christians we affirm that all persons have inherent worth and dignity, and those basic human rights should be equally available to every person regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background. The human rights of all persons were never more eloquently phrased than in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Eleanor Roosevelt led the diplomatic team that presented it to the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948. Each year on December 10, that historic moment is re- membered at the UN. Numerous UN treaties and a vast body of international humanitar- ian laws have emerged in response to the Declaration. This Church Women United Hu- man Rights Celebration is intended to provide the opportunity to celebrate that Declara- tion at ANY time of the year. Church Women United in Watertown will celebrate Human Rights at a breakfast meet- ing on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at the Karl Fischer Center, 1020 Hill Street. Cost is $7.50. Reservations are due by Monday, January 11, 2010. Please make checks payable to Church Women United and mail to Gloria Higgins, 127 West Spaulding Street, Wa- tertown, WI 53098 (phone 261-6835). Agenda: Registration 8:30 a.m. Breakfast at 9:00 a.m. with program to follow. ALL women of Immanuel are invited and welcome to attend. The Human Rights Celebration is an annual event that unites women and men of ALL faiths in a common worship experience held to honor individuals who have worked in the cause of Human Rights. The theme of this year’s Human Rights Celebration is “Seeking Shalom, “with an emphasis on peace, especially on those individuals who work for peace in their communities and in the world. This Celebration is a time to honor and to be inspired by the “peacemakers” in our midst. Harriet Schwoch will be honored at this Celebration for her involvement in the Watertown community promot- ing Peace in the world. Church Women United is an ecumenical movement that brings together Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, and other Christian women in the United States and Puerto Rico to: Work for a just, caring, and peaceful society Develop a visible, ecumenical community Use responsibly and creatively the resources God has entrusted to us: our intel- ligence, time, energy, and money Deepen our understanding of what it means to be Christian women of faith in today’s world. For more information, please feel free to call Lois Harke, president (206-9233) or your local congregation’s CWU representative. 4
  • 5. IMMANUEL TURNS 135! The 24th of November, 1874 rang in a dark and dreary time for individual members of the local Ev. Lutheran St. Marks congregation. The numer- ous quarrels of that congregation were an offense to many of its mem- bers. And when at last the pastor of the congregation at that time, The Rev. Heinrichs, was forcibly deposed without evidence of a wrong done, a schism resulted. A minority protested against the procedure as they were convinced that the removal was an Immanuel’s 50th Anniversary - 1925 injustice and therefore did not care to participate in such a proceeding. Seven members severed their connection with St. Mark's congregation. The deposed Pastor Heinrichs gathered these together with two other families and served them all with Word and Sacra- ment. The first steps toward a definite organization were taken during the month of January 1875. The wording of the first document, which still exists, reads as follows: We, the undersigned Christians in and about Watertown, herewith declare the following: 1) That we are willing to organize an Evangelical Lutheran Congregation 2) That we are resolved to call a pastor, who shall preach to us in its truth and purity the Word of God as it is contained in the Holy Scriptures and ex- plained in the symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, espe- cially in the Small Catechism of Luther and in the Augsburg Confession, and furthermore administer to us the Holy Sacraments according to the in- stitution of Christ, in short, to faithfully perform all duties according to the Word of God. The above named principles were subscribed to by: John Lewetzow, Herman Borchardt, Albert Schmiel, Ferdinand Tobian, Her- man Schoenherr, William Doering, Joachim Schack and Johanna Schnegelsiepen on the 24th day of January 1875. The constitution was then signed by: Fr. Schoenherr, Ferd. Grohsert, Wilh. Koepke, Christ. Schmidt, Fr. Hein, Joh. Roeder, Joach. Gamm on the 7th of February 1875. A new congregation had been called into life. So began our beloved Im- manuel Congregation 135 years ago this month. May God continue to watch over Immanuel - God with us! (from the Goldenes Jubilaeum 1875 to 1925) 5
  • 6. Disciples Serving us in Worship January 6:00 p.m. Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Preach Pastor Terry Pastor Terry Organist Becky Whelpley Becky Whelpley Asst. Ministers Joy Rohr Mark Peterson Comm. Assts. Bev Raatz Doug Schilling Mary Campbell Patti Schilling Lectors Mary Campbell Doug Schilling Acolytes Kalee Lafler Hannah Jensen Ushers Janette Gosdeck Mary Held Bev Raatz Greeters Mary Campbell Doug Schilling Bev Raatz Patti Schilling 6:00 p.m. Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Preach Pastor Terry Pastor Terry Organist Becky Whelpley Becky Whelpley Asst. Ministers Mary Morstad Doug Schilling Comm. Assts. Judy Schumacher Patti Schilling Sue Schramm Isabella Mantey Lectors Judy Schumacher Kathy Schuett Acolytes Abigail Braatz Hannah Jensen Ushers Herb Johnson Stan Schramm Pat Johnson Sue Schramm Greeters Lorraine Baneck Rick Schuett Joyce Duffrin Kathy Schuett 6
  • 7. Jan 2 & 3 Jan. 9 & 10 Altar Jean Kwapil Liz Gerber Guild Mary Wolff, Gloria Poth Mary Held, Irene Hohman Anne Roberson Janette Gosdeck Ann Lees, Theresa Kluewer Carol Lenius, Wendy Umland Jan 16 & 17 Jan 23 & 24 Altar Helen Johansen Sue Schramm Guild Erline Adler Judy Cook, Fay Joseph Dee Nielsen, Ruth Jones Kathy Sussek Cathy Schneidewind Lori Lemley Jan. 30 & 31 Jan. 3 Altar Nancy Gillingham Radio Broadcast Guild Joyce Duffrin, Bonita Zimdars Janis Shackley Ladies Aid in Honor of 127th Anniversary Lyn Hertel, Jenny Fiege January 6:00 p.m. Jan. 30 Coffee Hour Preach Pastor Terry W-ELCA Organist Becky Whelpley Asst. Ministers Joy Rohr Church Pews Comm. Assts. Mary Held Judy Hoffstetter Mary Campbell Mark Peterson Lectors Sue Schramm Acolytes Kalee Lafler Please call the office with any changes. Ushers Janette Gosdeck We thank you for and appreciate your commitment Greeters Stan Schramm to serving the Lord and Immanuel in this way! Sue Schramm 7
  • 8. 8:00 a.m. Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Preach Pastor Terry Pastor Terry Organist Becky Whelpley Becky Whelpley Asst. Ministers Don Neverman Amy Loeber Comm. Assts. Kathy Neverman Neale Jones Wanda Udovich Ruth Jones Lectors Wanda Udovich Ruth Jones Acolytes Ethan Skaar Camryn Zechzer Kaitlin Travis Monica Miller Ushers Paul Schilling Roger Bohlman Bob Bender E. Engelbrecht Butch Hoffmann Jim Martin Ken Rolefson Neil Baumann Greeters Rich Udovich Mark Rohr Wanda Udovich Joy Rohr 8:00 a.m. Jan 17 Jan. 24 Preach Pastor Terry Pastor Terry Organist Becky Whelpley Becky Whelpley Asst. Ministers DeWayne Roberson Mark Peterson Comm. Assts. Judy Hoffstetter Ken Sodemann Jean Kwapil Lisa Sodemann Lectors Jean Kwapil Bob Bender Acolytes Adam Loeber Zach Winker Zach Adams Ethan Skaar Ushers Rick Schuett Ken Boeder/ Rich Udovich John Kaercher/ Mark Putra Greg Bruske/ Tom Pugh Jeff Krause/ Doug Zwieg Don Neverman Greeters Don Neverman Ken Sodemann Kathy Neverman Lisa Sodemann 8
  • 9. 10:30 a.m. Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Preach Pastor Terry Pastor Terry Organist Becky Whelpley Becky Whelpley Comm. Assts. Ruth Kubly Dave Nielsen Sue Larson Dee Nielsen Lectors Ruth Kubly Lorraine Baneck Acolytes Lily Hanus Krista Pichette Kirsten Knaak Chase Fischer Ushers David Wolff Sue Heintz Cary Gillingham Adam Pichette Jeff Travis Kim Hrobsky Earl Winker Jerad Hrobsky Greeters Bob & Erline Adler Lyn Hertel, Ruth Kubly Nursery Greg Bruske Wendy & LeeAnn Umland CAP set up Run PP 10:30 a.m. Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Preach Pastor Terry Pastor Terry Organist Becky Whelpley Becky Whelpley Comm. Assts. Sue Heintz S Heintz Fay Joseph Kim Hrobsky Lectors David Wolff Erline Adler Acolytes LeeAnn Umland Kirsten Knaak Taylor Foltz Lily Hanus Ushers Neale Jones Gilbert Schmidt Dan Argus, Rita Argus Bob Adler Cara Argus, Kerry Peterson Clay Stocklin Greeters David & Mary Wolff Jason & Amy Wesemann Nursery Joy Rohr Brittany Clark CAP set up Run PP 9
  • 10. 8:00 a.m. Jan 31 10:30 a.m. Jan. 31 Preach Pastor Terry Preach Pastor Terry Organist Becky Whelpley Organist Becky Whelpley Asst. Ministers Sue Putra Comm. Assts. Craig Dedo Comm. Assts. Jim Mack Fay Joseph Ruth Mack Lectors Laurie Zwieg Lectors Craig Dedo Acolytes Kaitlin Travis Acolytes Chase Fischer Camryn Zechzer Krista Pichette Ushers Paul Schilling Ushers D Wolff, C Gillingham Butch Hoffmann Jeff Travis, Earl Winker Ken Rolefson Greeters Sue Heintz, Fay Joseph Bob Bender Nursery Tammy Tapper Greeters Dave Morstad CAP set up Mary Morstad Run PP Thank You Letters We want to pass on to our members a couple of recent thank you letters the church received to let you know how much your gifts are appreciated. Several of you graciously responded to Pastor Brent Christianson’s financial support request for Lutheran Campus Ministry in Madison. Your gifts have placed them on firmer financial ground which will allow them to continue their ministry to the students. In another let- ter received a person who is incarcerated wrote to express his appreciation to Pastor Terry Larson and our church for the “awesome Bible”. He wrote that this gift will help in his faith journey; to continue to learn and understand that God’s way is the right way. With this Bible, your prayers, and his strong faith he is confident he will be ok in future. Once again, thank you Immanuel for your caring spirit and response. 10
  • 11. Youth & Family Presents: January 9, 2010 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Open for 2nd thru 6th Grade Parents are invited to join with children for 6:00 p.m. church service and enjoy dessert afterwards. Please sign up number of children and ages. We will take a free will offering to help cover the costs. For more information contact Linda Argus at 699-5619 or 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. Immanuel Choirs 2009 Con & M firmati ento on S rs g tude o ca nts Michelle Caudle rolin Family Benefit g We had a busy December at Immanuel! Boo Trib k Signi eca n own g with a er J ulie uthor J Crn ason koz ich Wrigh t& Children’s Choir at Marquardt Manor 13
  • 14. Immanuel’s Circles… January Miriam Circle 1:30 p.m. 21 Sarah Circle 10:00 a.m. @ Zinzendorf 18 Mary Circle 6:00 p.m. @ Tribeca 14 Elizabeth Circle 1:30 p.m. Conf. Rm. - Liz Gerber hostess 25 Rebecca Circle 9:00 a.m. @ Adeline Richter’s 25 Martha Circle 6:00 p.m. Ladies Aid will meet Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 12:00 noon in the Fellowship Hall. Hostesses: Mrs. Mrs. Ladies Aid will sponsor the Radio Broadcast on January 3, 2010 in Honor of their 127th Anniversary. Quilters will meet at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 13 and Thursday, January 28. Bread and Roses Jan 7: Eaton Corporation Jan 14: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Jan 21: St. Michael’s Lutheran, Hustisford Jan 28: Zion Lutheran, Ashippun 14
  • 15. Thank you to all the bakers who partici- pated in the Immanuel W-ELCA Bake Sale. We appreciate everyone’s contributions. Profits from the sale will go toward the much needed new carpeting in Immanuel’s office area. A special thank you to Donna Hill for chairing this event and all her time and contributions to help make it a success. If anyone would like to make a cash contri- bution, please designate your check for W-ELCA Bake Sale! We hope to see you all next year. Women of the ELCA IF YOU ARE HOSPITALIZED. . . Due to government regulations, the hospital CANNOT notify the church of your hospitalization without your written consent. If you would like the church to be notified, please let the hospital staff know, or call the pastor yourself (or have someone in your family call for you). Hearing it “through the grapevine” is not helpful, as information that comes that way is not often reliable, plus the church doesn’t know what your needs are. Please be as direct as possible! Any questions, contact Pastor Terry. Thanks. Hometown Mission Fund Report November 1-30, 2009 Beginning balance 11/1/09 $ 107.62 Deposits $ 213.50 2 checks written $ 185.00 Ending balance 11/30/09 $ 136.12 17 contacts made during November 6 family units were provided assistance 15
  • 16. Youth & Family Presents: A Night to Remember Dinner Dance Friday, January 22, 2010 Dinner - 6:00 p.m. Dance to follow until 10:00 p.m Adults Only NU ME Immanuel Members gna & Friends Lasa d Sala ead Couples & Singles Br G arlic ch Pun All ty p for d es of mu ancin s ic c as u g al dr - e ss! Child care provided with a separate meal/snack for children! Please RSVP (# of adults & children) so the committee can plan. We will take a free will offering to help cover the costs. For more information contact Linda Argus at 699-5619 or 16
  • 17. Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church Church Council Minutes December 10, 2009 Unapproved The regular meeting of the Church Council was held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 10, 2009, at the church. Wanda Udovich, president, presided and Kathy Schuett, secretary, wrote the minutes. Members present: Dan Argus, Sam Galaviz, Jeanne Goehrig, Jens Hetzler, Pat Johnson, Ruth Jones, Todd Loeber, Bob Poth, Kathy Schuett, Wanda Udovich, Members absent: Bernie Clark, Judy Hoffstetter, Jacob Voigt Staff present: Pastor Terry Larson Wanda Udovich called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led a devotion ti- tled Serving Contentedly based on Luke 2:18-19 where Mary treasured baby Jesus while pondering and praying. “Centering the self on the things that are most precious opens a space of serenity where one can truly be at rest. But of- ten God comes not in those serene moments, but wrapped in the swaddling clothes of the struggles and sorrows of this world. At times like these a leader will be the least anxious person in the room - the one to whom others look for wisdom for she sees things in a way others do not.” The minutes of the November 12, 2009, church council meeting were presented. Motion: Approve the minutes as written. Moved: Jens Hetzler Second: Sam Galaviz Action: Passed on voice vote Treasurer’s Report: Bob Poth – was happy to report that in November, we took in $3700 more than we spent. However it should be noted that $1700 of that came from the Food Pantry Board to help pay for the new 10th St. Door and $1500 came from an anonymous donor to cover the cost of God’s Work Our Hands program. Motion: Approve the financial reports as presented. Moved: Bob Poth Second: Pat Johnson Action: Passed on voice vote Pastor’s Report: Pastor Terry showed the council a new Immanuel website which Barry Ashenfelter has been creating. When it is put into service, it will present many more possibilities than the old site. A Technology Task Force of members who have an interest in helping out with technology issues will to be set up soon. There was also discussion of The Messenger being e-mailed to people and the large amount of money that could be saved in doing so. His written report thanks Becky, Janis and Dana who are all doing above-and- beyond what they are expected to do, as well as thanking Jeri Betts, Pam and Kevin Voigt for all the work they did for the fundraiser which raised $1684 for Michele Caudle’s family. He is reflecting on the council recommendation that he not attend all committee meetings and will try to be more proactive about being in contact with chairpersons prior to the meetings. If he doesn’t attend meetings, he will do more evening visits with members. He averaged 63 hours of work/week in November. 17
  • 18. Music Director’s Written Report: Becky Whelpley reports that $200 is still needed for the new handbell tables. She will do a Temple Talk to promote attendance at the Candlelight Concert. The reception following it is planned by Gloria Poth, Gola Martin and Ruth Bauman. The Faithful Men sang for the Caudle family benefit and will join the Senior Choir at Bethesda for the 10 am service on January 17th. Jeff Thielke will serve as organist that day at Imman- uel. Committee Reports: Evangelism: Judy Hoffstetter - No report Motion: Approve the membership report as presented. Moved: Jens Hetzler Second: Todd Loeber Action: Passed on voice vote Parish Education: Bernie Clark - no report Personnel: Pat Johnson - stated that the entire committee has recommended a 3% raise for Janis, Dana and Heidi, as well as 3.38% for cemetery sexton Mike Chartier, for 2010. Becky’s 30/70%, including health insurance, as well as Pastor Terry’s salary would remain unchanged for 2010. Properties: Dan Argus - stated that he is putting plastic over the windows in an attempt to keep the sanctuary warmer. In an effort to keep the narthex warmer in winter, a quilt will be hung over the front doors and people encour- aged to entire via the side doors. Social Concerns: Jeanne Goehrig reports that committee members will shop for the four Watertown families in the Christmas Neighbors’ program. A noisy offering was taken December 5/6 to support this project. Santa (Dan Ar- gus’ dad) will be distributing gifts at Bread and Roses on December 17. Sou- per Bowl Sunday will be held in early February. The Hometown Mission Fund wrote checks totaling $185.00 and provided assistance to 6 family units in November. Stewardship: Jens Hetzler reported that the committee had “a working meet- ing following up on some aspects of God’s Work Our Hands and the Time and Talent effort this fall. We tallied and totaled the Estimate of Giving response cards to help with the budget development. There were 117 completed esti- mates totaling $194,558 for the year.” A calendar of direct mailings for 2010, which includes four mailings for fundraising appeals, was proposed. Worship and Music: Ruth Jones written report stated that ushers are still needed for the 10:30 am services. Christmas decorating dates were discussed. Decorations will be taken down at 9 am on January 9th. Liturgical calendars are now available in the working sacristy. Requests have been made for the lighting of individual candles for the All Saints Sunday and this idea will be pursued for 2010. The Church Council has asked the committee to work out a schedule of substitute preachers/supply pastors for the New Year to give Pastor Terry a bit of a break. He also feels it would be beneficial to the congregation to hear another voice from the pulpit occasionally. We will work cooperatively with pastor, council and personnel to plan this into the New Year. Youth and Family: Sam Galaviz stated that his committee is looking for vol- unteers to help with the ‘Kids’ Night Event’ on January 9th from 4-9 pm, in- cluding the attendance at the 6 pm service. A dance is also being planned for 18
  • 19. January. Both will be promoted in Temple Talks by Linda Argus and Sam. Youth Representative: Jacob Voigt - No report New Business: Nominating Committee - Wanda reported that all positions have been filled, except for people serving on the nominating committee for 2010. Old Business: 1. Wanda called WE-Energies for information about possibly going on the budget plan for payment of the bill. The monthly cost would be $2,480, with an adjustment done every six months. She also stated that in the past year our highest monthly electric bill was $955 and gas bill was $4,676. The lowest monthly bill was $661 for electricity and $53 for gas. It was pointed out that church income is usually higher in winter than summer, so the possibility of not having enough funds in summer would be a disad- vantage to switching to the budget plan. No action was taken. 2. Bob Poth presented the proposed 2010 budget and the council went over it line by line, making changes as seen fit. He will make the changes and have it ready for the council to approve at the January 14 meeting. Closing Devotions: Pastor Terry led the closing prayer. Motion: To adjourn meeting Moved: Pat Johnson Second: Jens Hetzler Action: Passed on voice vote The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathy Schuett, Secretary Don’t forget “Souper Bowl” of Caring February 6 & 7!! Bring a can of soup and a dollar (or more)! 19
  • 20. Due to new postal regulations we now have to pay to have Bulk Rate mail items returned to the church. This is really a good practice because it helps us clean up our records. We have already found people that we didn’t know were lost. We have also learned that some people can’t be found any more. At this point it only costs 16¢ to mail the Messenger but it takes an additional 61¢ to be returned to us. PLEASE LET US KNOW OF ANY AND ALL ADDRESS CHANGES. Even if you are only going south for the winter let the office know and we can either forward to your temporary address or stop until you return home. As we make up the server schedules for the new year we do try to follow the Time & Talent Sheets that were turned in. Some of you have not turned them in. It’s a toss up whether you are scheduled just like you used to be, or because your name doesn’t show up on a list, you are not scheduled at all. If you find that you aren’t doing something and want to be, or you are scheduled for something that you don’t want, please call the office or fill out a Time & Talent sheet so that we know what your preferences are. One other note; the people that have signed up to help at the 10:30 Blended Service are few and far between. If you enjoy coming to that service please consider helping so that we don’t wear anyone out. Please get a form from the Church Office for any requests from the Endowment Fund. These are due in the office by January 15, 2010. The Endowment Board will meet on Sunday, January 17th. Consider signing up for the Simply Giving Program to help you and Immanuel stay on track with your 2010 Giving. Reminder - If part of your offering is for benevolence it must be noted on your envelope or it will automatically be put in the General Fund. 20
  • 21. LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF Mission Action Coordinators: Pat Benzel - 261-0978 Phyllis Turke - 261-8835 Clean hands, good grooming, bright and shining smiles-- we can help bring them through the gift of Health Kits. This year we will be asking for the donation of a different item each month. These items can be put into the “Wishing Well” in the Narthex. January......................... Dark Hand Towels (16x25) February....................... Dark Washcloths March........................... Bath size wrapped Soap (4-5 oz) April.............................. Nail clippers w/file or metal files May............................... Combs (widetooth) June............................... Flat Fold Diaper July................................ Onesies or sleepers up to 24 months August......................... Spiral notebooks/construction paper (8½x11) September.................... Blunt scissors/30cm rulers/16or24 boxed crayons October......................... Bath size wrapped Soap (4-5 oz) November..................... Nail clippers w/file or metal files December..................... Food Pantry/Christmas Neighbors Cash donations can also be made for the purchase of any items that are needed to complete the project. Please mark for “LWR Health Kits/LWR School Kits.” School kits consist of: (150-200) 8 1/2 x 11” ruled paper (Notebook or loose-leaf), (1) Blunt Scissors, (1) centimeter/1 foot ruler, (1) pencil sharpener, (6) new pencils with erasers, (1) 2 1/2” eraser, (12) sheets of construction paper (assorted colors) and (1) box of crayons. 21
  • 22. November’s Treasurer’s Report Weekly Budget Income Needs: $8,091.00 Actual Weekly Income: General Building Synod Other Total Offering Benevolence 11/1 6,708.58 582.00 366.00 1,849.00 9,505.58 11/8 5,161.57 657.75 213.25 475.00 6,507.57 11/15 5,254.96 493.00 243..00 2,858.00 8,848.96 11/22 3,887.00 408.00 235.00 2,651.00 7,181.00 11/29 5,475.00 680.00 180.00 439.00 6,774.00 Dedicated Account Balances: Money Market Savings: $24,039.68 Loan Expenses: Mortgage: $364,408.75 Short-term loan: $0.00 Member loan: $30,000.00 . Memorials Shirley Anderson = $20.00 Gene Pieper (Hometown Mission Fund) = $50.00 John Arzberger = $755.00 Charlotte Johnson (Hometown Mission Fund) = $10.00 Honorarium: None 22
  • 23. Membership Report December 2009 Baptisms: Addison Marie Strobel, November 28, 2009 Weddings: Dana Hoppe & Adam Warsh – November 6, 2009 Deceased: John Walter Arzberger, June 12, 1920 – November 4, 2009 Baptized: Confirmed: 1203* 972* *These are the numbers that are available through our current membership software. Worship Attendance: 6:00 8:00 10:30 9 a.m. / To- Aver- p.m. a.m. a.m. Special tal age Info/Service 2009 Nov 7/8 39 132 64 235 78 Nov 14/15 72 98 62 232 77 Nov 21/22 37 103 79 219 73 Nov. 26 80 80 80 Thanksgiving Nov 28/29 64 92 88 244 81 Totals 212 425 293 80 1010 2008 Nov 1/2 73 103 78 254 85 All Saints Nov 8/9 66 123 70 259 86 Nov 15/16 49 128 79 256 85 Pastor Terry's Instal- Nov 22/23 52 96 157 305 102 lation Nov. 27 77 77 77 Thanksgiving 9 a.m. Nov 29/30 30 102 55 187 62 Totals 270 552 439 77 1338 23
  • 24. 1 Austin Fuchs 15 Tiffany Fischer 25 Gennie Arzberger 1 Gloria Jones 15 Debbie Gallert 25 Carrie Jones 1 Adeline Richter 15 Amanda Miller 25 Cindy Schubert 1 Robert Weihert 15 Edward Wegner 26 Kristen Travis 2 Douglas Heller 15 Deborah Zabel 27 Carol Lenius 2 Anita Quanbeck 16 Taylor Foltz 27 Dean Rauls 3 Emma Hanson 16 Marlene Polenski 28 Collin Christenson 3 Richard Henning 17 Tyler Gruenwald 28 Dakota Kohout 3 Janet Hennings 17 Robert Heller 28 Leah Roberson 3 Rose Kehl 17 John Kaercher 29 Karen Buss 4 Beverly Jones 18 Dorothy Schmidt 29 Austin Hanus 4 Kayleen Thomson 18 Jeremy Snow 29 Amanda Matz 5 Linten Grabow 18 Zachary Turke 29 Grace Wegner 6 Mary Held 18 Sandra VanBeem 30 Frank Goldbach 6 Kenneth Huehn 19 Susan Braatz 30 Gary Kemnitz 6 Alexander Kleba 19 Heidi Schaller 30 Patrick Weihert 6 Diane LaPoint 19 Terry Triana 31 Judy Cook 6 Adam Morstad 22 Jackson Barta 31 Victor Miller 7 Robert Poth 22 Cary Gillingham 31 David Stansfield 8 John Bucher 22 Hannah Gunderson 31 Heinz Vette 8 Amanda Wegner 22 Thomas Klug 31 Brandon Warnke 9 Katie Braunschweig 22 Jonas Motto 31 Richard Wolff 9 Billy Gaugert 22 Patti Schilling 9 Dalton Kelman 23 Carmen Barta 9 Jeffrey Mallow 23 Gene Schlesner 9 Josephine Remington 23 Al Schmidt 10 Mogy Quanbeck 10 Ethan Sitterly 10 Kelly Surdick 11 Steven Baldwin 11 Ashley Boeder 11 Jacob Halvorsen 11 Steven Hill 12 Dylan Kasten 12 Steven Lueck 12 Paul Schilling 12 Titus Schultz 13 Ann Lees 14 Terry Kelman 14 Larry Nehls 14 Steve Polenski 24