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Цели занятия:
систематизировать изученный лексический и грамматический материал по теме «Астана –
столица Казахстана», расширить общий кругозор студентов.
активизировать изученную лексику по теме;
совершенствовать навыки коммуникативной компетенции студентов;
развивать умения студентов выделять главное, логично и последовательно излагать мысли на
иностранном языке.
развивать коммуникативные умения и навыки во всех аспектах речевой деятельности
студентов: чтении, говорении, аудировании;
развивать способности к осмыслению восприятия и к распределению внимания,
развивать мышление, зрительную память и воображение, творческую фантазию, инициативув
осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности;
формировать гражданскую позицию и чувство патриотизма;
развивать любовь и чувство гордости за свою столицу, чувство дружбы;
воспитать у студентов трудолюбие, честность, проявления интереса к своей профессии,
развитие умения работать в группе.
Оснащение занятия: интерактивная доска, PowerPoint, фотографии с видами Астаны,
раздаточный материал.
Ход внеклассного урока:
1.Организационный момент:
приветствие, проверка отсутствующих и готовности аудитории.
Organization moment.
-Stand up, please. Good morning students.
-I am glad to see you.
- Thank you, how are you?
-Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson.
Who is on duty today?
- Answer my questions, please.
-What date is it today?
- Who is absent today?
- Very well.
“Looking down on Astana, we see at our feet the richest and most beautiful city in the world, a city as
great as London and as magical as Rome”.
1. Контроль знаний. Фронтальный опрос.
Студентамзадаютсявопросыкуроку.Today we shall speak about our new capital, about
Astana. We shall listen to the text about the history of our capital, and speak on this topic.
And now look at the blackboard. (Reads the words on the blackboards).These words will
be a redline of today’s conversation.
Let’s remember what we know about Astana. On the blackboard you can see some small topics
and key words. Use them. And say a few words on each of these themes.
The translation of useful phrases. Перевод полезных выражений.
Работа со слайдами:
Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It was founded in 1830 by Colonel PhyodorKuzmichShubin.
Astana is situated on the bank of the Ishim River. Its total area is about 400 thousand square
kilometers. The population of the city is over 800 thousand.
Right you are. Now speak about Astana as cultural center.
There are several museums in Astana. The largest ones are: Museum of History and Local Lore
and Seiphullin Museum. Astana is famous for its theatres. The best known is the Opera and
Ballet Theatre by named KulyashBaiseitova. There are a lot of green parks and libraries in
Very good.Now, let’s speak about education in our capital.
Institutes, universities, technical colleges, young people, different regions, different
There are a lot of sport facilities in Astana such as stadiums, swimming pools. And as you know
Asiada Games 2011 will be held in Astana. Transport in Astana is expensive. Here you can see
all kinds of transport except metro. There are railway station and airport in Astana.
2. Методизложенияновогоматериала. Устный. Работа с текстом. Чтение, ответы на
вопросы. Выполнение упражнений к тексту.
Today Astana is not only the capital of Kazakhstan but also one of the most beautiful
Asian cities. Formerly, it was a small town known as Akmola, which served as a Russian
fortification. The location for the town was chosen as a strategic point and a caravans’ route.
For a long time the town was famous for its fairs and trade connections. People from all
corners of Central Asia travelled there to buy and sell the goods. Being situated on the banks
of scenic Ishim River, Astana attracts thousands of visitors each year. Today it is a rapidly
growing modern city. It is full of magnificent attractions, educational institutions, hotels,
office buildings and other commercial structures. It boasts well-developed transport
1830, was founded, to be situated, population, total area
Museums, art galleries, theatres, libraries, parks
infrastructure and rather favorable environment. The population of the city is a bit over 800,
000 people.
The sights of the city are especially attractive. Among them, the Bayterek Tower, the Khan
Shatyr Entertainment Center, the Nur Astana Mosque and many other picturesque
attractions. The Bayterek Tower is especially important for local residents. It’s the symbol of
happiness and prosperity. In fact, it accommodates the art gallery, the restaurant and the
aquarium. Generally speaking, the inhabitants of Astana are considered to be very friendly
and magnanimous. That’s another reason to visit this welcoming south capital. Its present
name the city got in 1998, when the President of the country decided to rename it. The
summers in the city are hot and dry, while the winters are frosty and long. It goes without
saying that all governmental organizations and large business centers of Kazakhstan are now
placed there. Each year the city hosts numerous diplomatic and industrial meetings.
Перевод на русский язык.
Сегодня Астана является не только столицей Казахстана, но и одним из
красивейших городов Азии. Раньше это был небольшой город, известный как Акмола,
который служил русской фортификацией. Место для города было выбрано как
стратегический пункт и путь для караванов. В течение долгого времени город славился
своими ярмарками и торговыми связями. Люди со всех уголков Центральной Азии
отправлялись туда за покупкой и продажей товаров. Располагаясь на берегу живописной
реки Ишим, Астана ежегодно привлекает тысячи посетителей. Сегодня это быстро
растущий современный город. Он полон великолепных достопримечательностей, учебных
заведений, гостиниц, офисных зданий и других коммерческих строений. Он может
похвастаться хорошо развитой транспортной инфраструктурой и весьма благоприятными
условиями. Население города составляет чуть более 800, 000 человек.
Достопримечательности города особенно привлекательны. Среди них, башня Байтерек,
Хан Шатыр, мечеть Нур. Астана и многие другие живописные места. Башня Байтерек
особенно важна для местных жителей. Это символ счастья и процветания. На самом деле,
она вмещает художественную галерею, ресторан и аквариум. В целом, жители Астаны
считаются очень дружелюбными и великодушными. Это еще одна причина, из-за которой
следует посетить эту радушную южную столицу. Свое нынешнее название город получил
в 1998-м году, когда президент страны решил переименовать его. Лето в городе жаркое и
сухое, а зима морозная и долгая. Само собой разумеется, что все правительственные
организации и крупные бизнес-центры Казахстана теперь находятся там. Каждый год в
городе проходит множество дипломатических и промышленных встреч.
А) Read the text again and find the English equivalents of the following words, phrases
and sentences.
 столица Казахстана
 стратегический пункт
 путь для караванов
 быстро растущий современный город
 развитая транспортная инфраструктура
 население города
 достопримечательности города
 башня Байтерек
 крупные бизнес-центры Казахстана
В)Answer the questions.
1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
2. Does Astana attract thousands of visitors each year?
3. What are the sights of the city?
3. ЭкскурсияпоАстане. And the next points are the sights of Astana.
Let’s suggest that our friends should walk along the streets of our Astana.
Top-10 sightseeings of Astana that are worth to visit.
Today, the young capital of Astana - one of the main achievements of the Republic of
Kazakhstan.What it attracts to itself, and you can go if you were able to visit this young
capital.Everythingis about step by step.
1. Baiterek
The Baiterek Tower ("Poplar" - in Kazakh language) it firmly
became a symbol of modern Astana. The monument symbolizes the
Kazakh’s people idea about the universe. The height of the tower - 105
meters. At the height of 97 meters there is an observatory - a platform
that allows you to see the city from a bird's flight. The number 97 has
not been selected at random. It symbolizes the year when the capital
Astana ads.
2. Atameken
Ethno-memorial complex "Map of Kazakhstan - Atameken" designed
by famous architects and designers. Here you will see Kazakhstan in
"miniature", an area roughly as two football fields.Ethnopark "Map of
Kazakhstan - Atameken" represents a unique open-air museum.
Square Card 1.7 hectares of the city's attractions and historical
monuments of Kazakhstan. On the map are 14 provinces and 2 cities
of republican significance: Astana and Almaty. Here all variety of
natural-climatic zones and landscapes, architecture and urban
ensembles. The main thing - it's historic and cultural monuments.
3. National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The museum is located on the main place of the country - at the
Independence Square, harmoniously fitting into a single
architectural ensemble with the monument "Kazakh Eli", the Palace
of Independence, the Palace of Peace and Accord, mosque "Hazrat
Sultan" and the National University of Arts.
4. Duman
Aquarium of the entertainment center "Duman" is by far the first and
only in the CIS. This - the only aquarium in the world, situated at a
distance of more than 3000 km from the ocean. The volume of water in
the aquarium - 3 million liters. For its creation were specially imported 120 tons of sea salt.
5. Khan Shatyr
The architect of the shopping and entertainment center "Khan Shatyr" is
the famous Norman Foster, who designed many of the modern facilities
not only in Astana, but also in London and many cities in the world. The
unique shell of the tent allows you to maintain a comfortable
microclimate inside the building, even if outside the raging storms or
cold rage, that usual for Astana residents. Consistently good weather and
plenty of sunshine - a business card of "Khan Shatyr".
6. Peace and Accord Palace
Palace of Peace and Accord in Astana were created by the famous
architect Norman Foster innovator. It was built specifically to host
the International Congress of leaders of world and traditional
7. Circus
Circus of Astana is a huge "flying saucer." Inside the circus it is
equipped with the latest technology. There is a sliding arena with
an area for acrobatic stunts, riding school, skating rink, and others.
In the circus often hosts touring international artists.
8. Hazrat Sultan Mosque
One of the most modern attractions in Astana, young capital of
Kazakhstan, is the Hazrat Sultan Mosque. The colossal building
resembles oriental palace. The mosque is crowned by four minarets
of 62 m. height. The domes covered with gold leaf. One of the most
modern attractions in Astana, young capital of Kazakhstan, is the
Hazrat Sultan Mosque. The colossal building resembles oriental
9. The monument "Otankorgaushylar"
The monument "Otankorgaushylar" - one of the most beautiful one in
the country. On the square you can see bronze stele which is elevated
from the ground granite foundation. The central figure of the
monument - a woman. She holds a golden bowl - a symbol of peace
and prosperity. Stella, consisting of 101 ears, symbolizes the unity of
all nations living in Kazakhstan.
10. Theatre "Astana Opera"
The most popular sightseeing is the theater of Astana "Astana Opera" -
the pride of Kazakhstan.Located on the left bank of the Ishim River,
the theater "Astana Opera" is striking in its grandeur. According to the
architectural perfection is not inferior to the famous Opera House of
the world, such as "La Scala" in Milan, the Royal Theatre in Madrid,
the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, the Metropolitan Opera in New York
and others.
It's nice and easy to walk in the center of Astana. The city is decorated with various decorative
sculptures, fountains and original installations in the spirit of modernity, which gives the capital
of Kazakhstan, a special charm and individuality.
Let us remind you that in 2017 in Astana will host international exhibition EXPO-2017.We hope
you enjoy this wonderful city.
B) Very good. You have understood this text perfectly well, and you know the history of our
capital. Now we shall play a little. You will write on the blackboard the words associated with
the word “capital”.
(На доске слово «capital», студенты по очереди подбегают и пишут вокруг этого слова
свои слова, которые возникают у студентов по ассоциации: holiday, dance, political и т.д.)
4. Прослушивание аудио записи. Аудирование текста.
5. Перевод пословиц.
 Every country has its customs.У каждой страны свои обычаи.
 So many countries, so many customs. Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.
 To carry coals to Newscastle. Ездить в Тулу со своим самоваром.
 When at Rome, do as Romans do. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не
6.Thank you very much. You have worked well today. The lesson is over. Good bye!
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форма проведения

  • 1. Форма проведения: урок - экскурсия. Цели занятия: систематизировать изученный лексический и грамматический материал по теме «Астана – столица Казахстана», расширить общий кругозор студентов. Образовательные: активизировать изученную лексику по теме; совершенствовать навыки коммуникативной компетенции студентов; развивать умения студентов выделять главное, логично и последовательно излагать мысли на иностранном языке. Развивающие: развивать коммуникативные умения и навыки во всех аспектах речевой деятельности студентов: чтении, говорении, аудировании; развивать способности к осмыслению восприятия и к распределению внимания, развивать мышление, зрительную память и воображение, творческую фантазию, инициативув осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности; Воспитательные: формировать гражданскую позицию и чувство патриотизма; развивать любовь и чувство гордости за свою столицу, чувство дружбы; воспитать у студентов трудолюбие, честность, проявления интереса к своей профессии, развитие умения работать в группе. Оснащение занятия: интерактивная доска, PowerPoint, фотографии с видами Астаны, раздаточный материал. Ход внеклассного урока: 1.Организационный момент: приветствие, проверка отсутствующих и готовности аудитории. Актуализациязнаний. Organization moment. -Stand up, please. Good morning students. -I am glad to see you. - Thank you, how are you? -Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today? - Answer my questions, please. -What date is it today? - Who is absent today? - Very well. Эпиграфкуроку: “Looking down on Astana, we see at our feet the richest and most beautiful city in the world, a city as great as London and as magical as Rome”. 1. Контроль знаний. Фронтальный опрос. Студентамзадаютсявопросыкуроку.Today we shall speak about our new capital, about Astana. We shall listen to the text about the history of our capital, and speak on this topic. And now look at the blackboard. (Reads the words on the blackboards).These words will be a redline of today’s conversation. Let’s remember what we know about Astana. On the blackboard you can see some small topics and key words. Use them. And say a few words on each of these themes. The translation of useful phrases. Перевод полезных выражений. Работа со слайдами:
  • 2. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It was founded in 1830 by Colonel PhyodorKuzmichShubin. Astana is situated on the bank of the Ishim River. Its total area is about 400 thousand square kilometers. The population of the city is over 800 thousand. Right you are. Now speak about Astana as cultural center. There are several museums in Astana. The largest ones are: Museum of History and Local Lore and Seiphullin Museum. Astana is famous for its theatres. The best known is the Opera and Ballet Theatre by named KulyashBaiseitova. There are a lot of green parks and libraries in Astana. Very good.Now, let’s speak about education in our capital. EDUCATIONAL CENTER Institutes, universities, technical colleges, young people, different regions, different countries There are a lot of sport facilities in Astana such as stadiums, swimming pools. And as you know Asiada Games 2011 will be held in Astana. Transport in Astana is expensive. Here you can see all kinds of transport except metro. There are railway station and airport in Astana. 2. Методизложенияновогоматериала. Устный. Работа с текстом. Чтение, ответы на вопросы. Выполнение упражнений к тексту. Astana Today Astana is not only the capital of Kazakhstan but also one of the most beautiful Asian cities. Formerly, it was a small town known as Akmola, which served as a Russian fortification. The location for the town was chosen as a strategic point and a caravans’ route. For a long time the town was famous for its fairs and trade connections. People from all corners of Central Asia travelled there to buy and sell the goods. Being situated on the banks of scenic Ishim River, Astana attracts thousands of visitors each year. Today it is a rapidly growing modern city. It is full of magnificent attractions, educational institutions, hotels, office buildings and other commercial structures. It boasts well-developed transport THE CAPITAL OF KAZAKHSTAN 1830, was founded, to be situated, population, total area CULTURAL CENTER Museums, art galleries, theatres, libraries, parks
  • 3. infrastructure and rather favorable environment. The population of the city is a bit over 800, 000 people. The sights of the city are especially attractive. Among them, the Bayterek Tower, the Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center, the Nur Astana Mosque and many other picturesque attractions. The Bayterek Tower is especially important for local residents. It’s the symbol of happiness and prosperity. In fact, it accommodates the art gallery, the restaurant and the aquarium. Generally speaking, the inhabitants of Astana are considered to be very friendly and magnanimous. That’s another reason to visit this welcoming south capital. Its present name the city got in 1998, when the President of the country decided to rename it. The summers in the city are hot and dry, while the winters are frosty and long. It goes without saying that all governmental organizations and large business centers of Kazakhstan are now placed there. Each year the city hosts numerous diplomatic and industrial meetings. Перевод на русский язык. Сегодня Астана является не только столицей Казахстана, но и одним из красивейших городов Азии. Раньше это был небольшой город, известный как Акмола, который служил русской фортификацией. Место для города было выбрано как стратегический пункт и путь для караванов. В течение долгого времени город славился своими ярмарками и торговыми связями. Люди со всех уголков Центральной Азии отправлялись туда за покупкой и продажей товаров. Располагаясь на берегу живописной реки Ишим, Астана ежегодно привлекает тысячи посетителей. Сегодня это быстро растущий современный город. Он полон великолепных достопримечательностей, учебных заведений, гостиниц, офисных зданий и других коммерческих строений. Он может похвастаться хорошо развитой транспортной инфраструктурой и весьма благоприятными условиями. Население города составляет чуть более 800, 000 человек. Достопримечательности города особенно привлекательны. Среди них, башня Байтерек, Хан Шатыр, мечеть Нур. Астана и многие другие живописные места. Башня Байтерек особенно важна для местных жителей. Это символ счастья и процветания. На самом деле, она вмещает художественную галерею, ресторан и аквариум. В целом, жители Астаны считаются очень дружелюбными и великодушными. Это еще одна причина, из-за которой следует посетить эту радушную южную столицу. Свое нынешнее название город получил в 1998-м году, когда президент страны решил переименовать его. Лето в городе жаркое и сухое, а зима морозная и долгая. Само собой разумеется, что все правительственные организации и крупные бизнес-центры Казахстана теперь находятся там. Каждый год в городе проходит множество дипломатических и промышленных встреч. А) Read the text again and find the English equivalents of the following words, phrases and sentences. VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION  столица Казахстана  стратегический пункт  путь для караванов  быстро растущий современный город  развитая транспортная инфраструктура  население города  достопримечательности города  башня Байтерек  крупные бизнес-центры Казахстана В)Answer the questions. 1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
  • 4. 2. Does Astana attract thousands of visitors each year? 3. What are the sights of the city? 3. ЭкскурсияпоАстане. And the next points are the sights of Astana. Let’s suggest that our friends should walk along the streets of our Astana. Top-10 sightseeings of Astana that are worth to visit. Today, the young capital of Astana - one of the main achievements of the Republic of Kazakhstan.What it attracts to itself, and you can go if you were able to visit this young capital.Everythingis about step by step. 1. Baiterek The Baiterek Tower ("Poplar" - in Kazakh language) it firmly became a symbol of modern Astana. The monument symbolizes the Kazakh’s people idea about the universe. The height of the tower - 105 meters. At the height of 97 meters there is an observatory - a platform that allows you to see the city from a bird's flight. The number 97 has not been selected at random. It symbolizes the year when the capital Astana ads. 2. Atameken Ethno-memorial complex "Map of Kazakhstan - Atameken" designed by famous architects and designers. Here you will see Kazakhstan in "miniature", an area roughly as two football fields.Ethnopark "Map of Kazakhstan - Atameken" represents a unique open-air museum. Square Card 1.7 hectares of the city's attractions and historical monuments of Kazakhstan. On the map are 14 provinces and 2 cities of republican significance: Astana and Almaty. Here all variety of natural-climatic zones and landscapes, architecture and urban ensembles. The main thing - it's historic and cultural monuments. 3. National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan The museum is located on the main place of the country - at the Independence Square, harmoniously fitting into a single architectural ensemble with the monument "Kazakh Eli", the Palace of Independence, the Palace of Peace and Accord, mosque "Hazrat Sultan" and the National University of Arts. 4. Duman Aquarium of the entertainment center "Duman" is by far the first and only in the CIS. This - the only aquarium in the world, situated at a distance of more than 3000 km from the ocean. The volume of water in
  • 5. the aquarium - 3 million liters. For its creation were specially imported 120 tons of sea salt. 5. Khan Shatyr The architect of the shopping and entertainment center "Khan Shatyr" is the famous Norman Foster, who designed many of the modern facilities not only in Astana, but also in London and many cities in the world. The unique shell of the tent allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate inside the building, even if outside the raging storms or cold rage, that usual for Astana residents. Consistently good weather and plenty of sunshine - a business card of "Khan Shatyr". 6. Peace and Accord Palace Palace of Peace and Accord in Astana were created by the famous architect Norman Foster innovator. It was built specifically to host the International Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions. 7. Circus Circus of Astana is a huge "flying saucer." Inside the circus it is equipped with the latest technology. There is a sliding arena with an area for acrobatic stunts, riding school, skating rink, and others. In the circus often hosts touring international artists. 8. Hazrat Sultan Mosque One of the most modern attractions in Astana, young capital of Kazakhstan, is the Hazrat Sultan Mosque. The colossal building resembles oriental palace. The mosque is crowned by four minarets of 62 m. height. The domes covered with gold leaf. One of the most modern attractions in Astana, young capital of Kazakhstan, is the Hazrat Sultan Mosque. The colossal building resembles oriental palace. 9. The monument "Otankorgaushylar" The monument "Otankorgaushylar" - one of the most beautiful one in the country. On the square you can see bronze stele which is elevated from the ground granite foundation. The central figure of the monument - a woman. She holds a golden bowl - a symbol of peace and prosperity. Stella, consisting of 101 ears, symbolizes the unity of
  • 6. all nations living in Kazakhstan. 10. Theatre "Astana Opera" The most popular sightseeing is the theater of Astana "Astana Opera" - the pride of Kazakhstan.Located on the left bank of the Ishim River, the theater "Astana Opera" is striking in its grandeur. According to the architectural perfection is not inferior to the famous Opera House of the world, such as "La Scala" in Milan, the Royal Theatre in Madrid, the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, the Metropolitan Opera in New York and others. It's nice and easy to walk in the center of Astana. The city is decorated with various decorative sculptures, fountains and original installations in the spirit of modernity, which gives the capital of Kazakhstan, a special charm and individuality. Let us remind you that in 2017 in Astana will host international exhibition EXPO-2017.We hope you enjoy this wonderful city. B) Very good. You have understood this text perfectly well, and you know the history of our capital. Now we shall play a little. You will write on the blackboard the words associated with the word “capital”. (На доске слово «capital», студенты по очереди подбегают и пишут вокруг этого слова свои слова, которые возникают у студентов по ассоциации: holiday, dance, political и т.д.) 4. Прослушивание аудио записи. Аудирование текста. 5. Перевод пословиц.  Every country has its customs.У каждой страны свои обычаи.  So many countries, so many customs. Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.  To carry coals to Newscastle. Ездить в Тулу со своим самоваром.  When at Rome, do as Romans do. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят. 6.Thank you very much. You have worked well today. The lesson is over. Good bye!