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Speech To Participate In The 2016 Blossom Pageant
Final Walk Speech January of 2016 I made the craziest and most life changing decision of my life,
to participate in the 2016 Blossom Pageant. I'll be honest with you, I was terrified. During
orientation I couldn't tell you how long I could hear Megan's voice in the back of my head repeating
"You ladies will be dancing in high heels," I was literally shaking in my boots. Not only could I not
dance, but I could hardly walk let alone DANCE in high heels. I'm the girl who wears jeans and
boots on a daily basis, I enjoy working on cars in my free time, I wasn't pageant material, or so I
thought. Once March 20th had creeped upon us, the pageant was here, and I had been crowned the
2016 Blossom Queen, I was caught by total surprise. My pageant experience was truly amazing, not
only did I learn some killer dance moves in heels, I was able to improve my speaking skills to where
I could speak in front of a crowd, I created and exceeded friendships, and I found a new confidence
in myself that I had no idea that was there. This pageant had not only changed my life, but me as a
person. This Pageant has allowed me to grow in so many different way that I couldn't have on my
own. First, I would like to thank my parents, my brother, my Nanny, and my boyfriend, for ... Show
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I'd like to thank her for setting up all of our court appearances, for putting her heart and soul into the
Blossom Pageant, and for being our courts Queen B. To the Blossom staff, I would like to thank you
all for making the Blossom Pageant such beautiful production, my experience wouldn't have been
the same without you. I would also like to thank my court, Jordyn, Ally, and Ceianna, thank you
beautiful ladies for the countless laughs, for being my pageant sisters, and for sharing this incredible
journey with me. I am so truly thankful that we were able to spend this last year together and I
wouldn't trade any of it for the
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Courtney Love Research Paper
Courtney Michelle Love (previously Courtney Michelle Harrison) is an American rock musician and
actress who was born on July 9th, 1964 in California. Growing up, she felt neglected by those
around her. After her parents got divorced, Courtney seemed out of control, as she didn't know how
to cope with it. She was then raised by her mom for a few years, but Courtney was so intolerable
that she was abandoned by her. She jumped from foster home to foster home and found herself all
alone. She got into trouble plenty of times with money, legal issues, careers, and substance abuse,
yet she persevered. Courtney Love is an inspiration to me because she strived to get what she
wanted, formed a band that is one of the main reasons I play the guitar, and successfully cleaned up
from substance abuse after a long battle with it. Courtney Love is a woman who always loved being
in the spotlight. She sought to be in the entertainment industry at a young age. She soon started
exposing herself to music and taught herself how to play guitar. She loved it so much that she
worked often and hard to form a band. She finally did. ... Show more content on ...
It consisted of Courtney on vocals and guitar, Eric Erlandson on guitar, Jill Emery on bass, and
Caroline Rue on drums (Caroline and Jill would be replaced later on). The band released their debut
album "Pretty on the Inside" in 1991. It was pretty successful, but their following album "Live
Through This" was even more successful. Their next album "Celebrity Skin" had a more polished
sound than Live Through This; it's leading song "Celebrity Skin" reached the top of the charts. Both
of these albums inspired me in such a way that I have never felt. The chord progressions are catchy,
screams are empowering, and lyrics about Courtney's troubled life strengthened my sense of
empathy. Even though these albums were wide–selling and brough Love the attention she wanted,
she was struggling with drug abuse underneath it
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Love Is A Powerful Human Emotion
Love is a powerful human emotion. Everyone will experience love at some point in their life. It is
almost impossible to avoid love. From loving your parents as a baby to loving your first pet, you
will encounter it. "Every human being is capable of love but unfortunately, many have crippled
themselves with all kinds of stupid belief systems, opinions, philosophies, ideologies – everything
except life. If you are life, it is very natural to love" (Sandhguru). The four young lovers in "A
Midsummer Night's Dream" encountered love and ended up doing anything to keep that love.
In the beginning of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" Hermia and her father, Egeus, are arguing over
who she should marry. Back in these times a father could decide who his daughter marries whether
she loves the man or not. Hermia has fallen in love with Lysander but her father wants her to marry
Demetrius. The love Hermia feels for Lysander is so strong that she doesn't care what her father
thinks. Hermia and Lysander form a plan to escape Athens and go into the woods where they can
love freely. "In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Athens represents the physically grounded world of
facts, while the woods represent the metaphysical world of the poet's imagination" (Ritcher). The
consequences of these actions do not even occur to Hermia and Lysander because the power of love
blinds them. Hermia does not realize that she is breaking Athenian law by not wanting to marry the
man her father has chosen for her. But again
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No Emotional Fulfillment in Eveline of James Joyce's...
No Emotional Fulfillment in Eveline
"Eveline" is a story of young love. Eveline has already been courted and won by frank, who is
taking her to marry him and "to live with him in Buenos Ayres" (Hacker 329). Or has she? When she
meets him at the station and they are set to boars the ship, Eveline suddenly decides she cannot go
with Frank because "he would drown her" in "all the seas of the world" (Hacker 329). Eveline's
rejection of Frank is not just a rejection of love, but also a rejection of a new life abroad and escape
from her hard life at home. And water, as the practical method of escape, as well as a symbol of both
rejuvenation and emotional vitality, functions in a multi–faceted way to show all that Eveline loses
through ... Show more content on ...
When she fails to go with Frank, Eveline indeed succumbs to the prospect of an imprisoning life like
her mother's.
Water also signifies rejuvenation, the possibilities of a new life. In contrast to her present life full of
"hard work–a hard life," Eveline looks forward to exploring "another life with Frank" as well as a
new self across the seas (Hacker 330). Compared to re–living her dead mother's life, Eveline has a
chance to live her own life and begin something with Frank that is brand new, open–ended, and
unstamped by the impressions of the past. Though she can hardly imagine what her new life might
be like, Eveline knows it will be unlike the one mapped out for her by her father. But perhaps it is
the very uncertainty about her life with Frank that finally terrifies her. Known duty and hardship is
finally preferable to unknown possibility, and as Frank draws her into the "seas of the world," she
feels at last that "it was impossible" (Hacker 329&330). One cannot begin a new life unless one
leaves behind the old, and "the seas" of rebirth are too much for her. Unable to make that leap of
faith, she remains blind, "passive, like a helpless animal" (Hacker 331).
Eveline also rejects love and emotional vitality as represented by "the seas of the world" (Hacker
329). When she contemplates leaving with Frank, Eveline thinks of home as providing "shelter and
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Phil Collen And The Left Of The Band Members Essay
Phil Collen and the rest of the band members had first–hand visualizations of how alcohol was
slowly taking a toll on their close friend. Clark became an unpredictable and unstable figure, which
emotionally affected the band moving forward. Without question Steve Clark was one of the most
talented and promising guitarists in the 80s, which was a fact that did not allude Phil Collen. As a
result, in 1989: " Guitarist Phil Collen, along with longtime producer Mutt Lange, bandmates and
friends, held an intervention [...] after a doctor warned of the drastic harm Clark was doing to
himself (Chris Ford Ultimate Classic Rock). It was a highly emotional and tough experience for
everyone involved, especially for Phil Collen after the doctor informed the band of an alarming
statistic: "[...] that about 70 percent of alcoholics who get to this level usually end up getting killed
either by accident or overuse" (Chris Ford Ultimate Classic Rock). The unintentional foreshadowing
was a result of Clark's unwillingness and stubbornness to get sober; however, he saw how much love
and care he was receiving from those closest to him. Consequently, Clark was given a leave of
absence from the band; however, was assured his place in the band was waiting for him once his
health improved. Eventually, Clark checked into a rehab clinic in Tuscon, Arizona: where he met his
future wife and recovering heroin addict Janie Dean. The two build a strong foundation of trust and
communication due to their
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Love Song
One of my favorite movies is "The Fault in Our Stars". It is a movie of star crossed love,
complicated by tragedy. Both of the main characters are battling cancer and one of them dies at the
end. They fall in love and travel together. The characters are both vulnerable, in need of help and
love and at the same time, brave. Likewise, Carol Muske–Dukes "Love Song" is about how love is
complicated, wanting; it needs and care. At the same time love can be brave and unpredictable. The
poem shows how challenging and demanding love can be. Love came from a need that was met by
the speaker. In both the movie and the poem love does not work out. In the movie, a character dies,
and in the poem, love does not guarantee anything either. "Just because / I raised it by touch, does
not mean it / follows" (7–9). In the poem, love does not ... Show more content on ...
A tin bird is not a real bird but the love pecks at "the tin image of/a faceless bird"(9–10). While the
speaker is real and cares for the bird; the bird connects with a false image. People sometimes love an
image, or what they think someone represents but do not connect to an actual person.
The mood of the poem is sad and the tone is dark. The bird, love, is in danger from others. The
sparrow seems vulnerable and lost. It cannot help itself. The end of the poem describes love as
hungry, as faceless and the sparrow singing, famished in the speaker's hand. These are gloomy
images. The author of the poem's husband died. Her poem shows yearning and longing.
The poem uses personification to describe love as bird. Love is hungry, stubborn because it refuses
to fly and it pecks at the tin image of a faceless bird. The speaker also says that love is a camera in a
doorway, a script, and a tin bird. The poem is filled with images that let us know that love can be
aloof, not quite real and sometimes unresponsive. Love is challenging and even hard to
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Stakeholder Marketing
Professional Certificate in Marketing Stakeholder Marketing
Past Assignment Answer–Specimen
© Copyrights LS Learning Media
Stakeholder Marketing
Stakeholder Marketing
Task One (Audit): Task Two (Report): Total word count: 2,231 words (4 pages) 4,379 words 6,610
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to undertake an audit of CARE
relationships assist in communicating with ... Show more content on ...
CARE SERV is one of the largest learning disability care providers in the UK, with an annual
turnover of around £43m, contracts with over 70 local authorities and supporting over 600 people.
CARE SERV best quality care fo market position, being well known for the high quality of its
services, staff and properties, which is April 2010). For further information on CARE SERV please
refer to Appendix 1. CARE SERV has a wide range of internal, connected and external stakeholders
which are shown in Appendix 3.
Summary of audit findings
Identification of key media organisations
CARE SERV has relationships with a wide variety of media organisations (see Figure 2.1), the key
ones being its two PR companies, the press (national, local and trade), specialist magazines and its
trade association the ALDS Forum. CARE SERV has a more limited relationship with broadcast
media, and as of yet has not explored the channel of new media. Its relationships with local press
have been focused mainly on South London and Wales where its reputation has historically been
poor; this could be further
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Courtney Love In Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box
Being a celebrity is hard work too, especially in these times when social media makes it too easy to
stick your digital foot squarely into your big mouth. Sometimes, celebs seem to almost be drunk
dialing the internet. At least we can all share a laugh at these 10 totally scandalous and outrageous
celebrity tweets! Kanye Takes Down Ben and Jimmy Kanye West flies off the handle yet again, seen
in this tweet where he is taking serious issue with being spoofed on Jimmy Kimmel. Courtney Love
and the Heartshaped Box Lana Del Rey sparked some kind of feelings from Courtney Love in 2012
as a result of Del Rey's cover of Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box, which Love maintains in this tweet is
about her lady parts. Rob Kardashian and Heartbreak Rob Kardashian
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Persuasive Essay On Heroin
"In 2002, 404,000 people used heroin in the United States. By 2016, there were 948,000 people.
This is a 135% increases in the past 14 years" (Kounang). I decided to research about heroin,
because I want to know what heroin is and which celebrities have done it and survived or died. I
knew it was an addictive drug that many people overdose on. There was a lot of misconceptions that
I had about heroin. Originally I thought heroin users become addicted instantly. I still have some
questions about heroin. Why is heroin so popular? Who has done it? Even though some people think
heroin is not bad, people should not take heroin because it's a highly effective drug and tons of
people are dying from overdosing.
Heroin is a white or brown powder. Sometimes it's a black paste that's known as black tar heroin.
Heroin is wicked by many other drugs, sugar, flour and milk. It may have a vinegar smell to it.
People who do heroin usually snort or smoke it. There is also an option to inject the drug into your
body. It costs $70 to $300 a gram. "In the brain, heroin is converted into morphine, which binds to
opioid receptors. This causes a pleasurable "rush," and a user's skin becomes warm and flushed. The
user's arms and legs may feel heavy. Some users experience severe itching and vomiting. After the
rush, a user's heart rate and breathing slow down, sometimes to the point of death. Heroin is
considered highly addictive. Euphoria occurs within seconds of an intravenous injection, five
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My Best Friend
The moment my cousin lost his best friend, his world was filled with sorrow. It all started when they
were in college, my cousin "Courtney" was 20 at the time, and he met this girl at a campus coffee
shop and her name was Sarah, she was 18. What attracted Courtney to Sarah was how much of a
beautiful, and charming girl she was; and her chestnut brown eyes and straight brown hair.
When Courtney approached her they had an immediate connection. They became instantaneous best
friends. They spent all of their time together, they did everything together, study sessions, parting,
etc. After a couple of months, they decided mutually to start dating, but that didn't last very long
because both Courtney and Sarah wanted to let go of the hedonistic, irresponsible, promiscuous
lifestyle, and also because they felt they were too young to be in a serious relationship, and if they
were in a relationship it would have to be an all–or–nothing kind of relationship. So a few years
went by that way, Sarah was 23 and Courtney was 25, and they were very happy living their wild
and care free life; but something happened that changed that for Sarah.
It was her sisters, they had been in a car accident they were 16 and 18, and both were killed the
crash. Sarah was utterly, completely devastated. Sarah father was even more devastated, and seeing
Sarah and her family in pain hurt Courtney to. Sarah sister were dead on arrival at the hospital.
Sarah was so distraught that she was willing to let
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Kurt Cobain Theory
"Kurt Cobain was found dead of an apparently self–inflicted shotgun blast to the head." (Cross,
2014). Cobain was at a raise during his time, he pushed limits into his music, creating a "grunge"
style influencing the fashion and music industry single–handily. His band, "Nirvana" was the biggest
and most significant band of his generation in the early 90s. He was only 27–years–old at the time
of his death, but the question is what lead the "Nirvana" rock star to suicide? Freud's psychodynamic
theory of personality states the importance of early childhood development, and it could be said that
childhood experiences could have possibly played a role in Cobain's suicide. On February 20, 1967,
Cobain was born to be the center attention of his family, he was the first child. At three–years–old
his parents birthed his younger sister, that's when things changed, and he didn't receive all the
attention as he used to. Around the age of nine his parent's marriage went downhill and divorced,
because of this Cobain's psychological development would become affected into his adolescent
years. After the divorced Cobain was never in a stable home, jumping from living with father to his
grandparents, aunts, and uncles' houses. According to (Cloninger, 2004), "It leaves a narcissistic
wound and a craving for parental love that was never met". In psychoanalytic theory Alder could
describe him to be struggling with interiority within his childhood where "Fear of abandonment,
undoubtedly from his
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Enslaving Nature of Love Exposed in Lucretius Essay
Enslaving Nature of Love Exposed in Lucretius
In Dryden's Lucretius, the speaker argues that (1) Love is a sickness, (2) Love's sickness enslaves,
and (3) all attempts to remedy Love's sickness are vain and will only frustrate the lover. Just as
Milton's Adam and Eve become enslaved to sin by disobeying God, so mankind becomes enslaved
to Love when pierced with Cupid's "winged arrow". In Milton, there is redemption and freedom
through Christ, but in Dryden, no salvation from love is possible. This poem leaves mankind in a
hopeless, frustrated state, unable to break free from love's yoke. This essay will center on the last
heroic couplet: "All wayes they try, successeless all they prove,/To cure the secret sore ... Show
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The poem argues that love is not only a sickness, but also as a form of enslavement.
The couplet argues that "All the wayes they try, successeless all they prove" implies that these lovers
are trapped, and cannot satisfy love's demands. This enslavement idea is further proved upon
examining the method by which a person falls in love: "From whence he first was struck, he thither
tends; Restless he roams, impatient to be freed". The lover is described as "impatient to be freed"
which implies that he is not free, but instead a victim, "struck" by a "Fiery dart", and now is cursed
with an "endless appetite" for love. The lover is a slave seeking satisfaction, but never finding it:
"Hence thirst and hunger may be satisfi'd,/But this repletion is to Love deny'd". Once a person is
struck with Cupid's arrow, enslavement begins and "Love with fantomes cheats our longing
eyes,/Which hourly seeing never satisfies". Love's enslavement not only makes all attempts to break
free fruitless, but also makes the frustrates the lover.
In the enslaved state, the lovers tries to satisfy love's demands, "eager to inject the sprightly seed"
but "All the wayes they try", the lovers fail. Even though this poem is all about how love enslaves,
the speaker ironically offers remedies. The speaker argues
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Personal Narrative: A Dog's Life
Slobber on your face, fur covering your black pants, mud being tracked in from outside, a giant
furry being jumping on you when you enter the house, this can only mean one thing, a dog. Dogs are
not only one of the most common pets, but they are also beloved by many people. Some people will
even refer to their dog as their best friend, their companion, or the thing that brightens their day. It is
evident that dogs have such a profound effect on people, and since I grew up around dogs, they had
a profound effect on me too. However, it is not just my dog's life that changed me, it was losing her
that altered my perspective on life and death. When I was brought home from the hospital, it was not
just my parents and sister that warmly greeted me, it was three, four pawed, wagging tailed
creatures. Two of them died so early on in my life that I hardly remember them, but then there was
Honey. Honey was a mix, no one knew what breed of dog she was, just that ... Show more content
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So it slowly weakened her until it came to the point that she laid under the deck for two days, barely
living but still alive, that we had to take her to the vet and have her put down. It was devastating,
having a creature that I loved so dearly be there one second, and then gone the next. I was eight
years old, and I heartbroken. Dogs don't live forever, and that is the tragic part of it. Even though
they are only a small part of our world, we are all of theirs. Losing Honey gave me a new
appreciation for life, but also a new perspective on death. Through that loss I was able to learn more
about God, and that her soul was still alive, and I took comfort in knowing that I would see her
again. Dogs are beautiful creatures that love you unconditionally and protect you fiercely, and so
what a blessing not just that they get to be a part of our life, but that we get to be a part of
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Didion's Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream Essay examples
Didion's "Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream"
In "Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream," the author Didion uses fiery imagery to parallel the San
Bernardino Valley to hell. It is a place where the
"hills blaze up spontaneously," and "every voice seems a scream." (p.3) Didions hellish descriptions
of the geography reflect the culture of San Bernardino
Valley. It is "where the hot wind blows and the old ways do not seem relevant, where the divorce
rate is double the national average." (p.4) In this culture, the importance of the "old ways," such as a
long–lasting marriage, are devalued. It is a society where the "dream [is] teaching the dreamers how
to live," (p.17) and where reality doesnt hamper peoples obsessions and ... Show more content on ...
Edward Foley, a man only looking to benefit himself, shows no respect or regard for the Lucille
Miller tragedy. Two people are killed and one person is sent to an institution for life; yet, Edward
Foley tries to utilize this opportunity to make money for himself. Another example of a depreciation
of societys principles is the scene for
Lucille Millers murder case trial. "College girls camped at the courthouse all night, with stores of
graham crackers and No–Cal." Also, "identification disks were issued to the first forty–three
spectators in line." (p.20) The trial is described not as a practice of law but as a sporting event. Just
as there are hot dog vendors at a sports game, there are "stores of graham crackers and No–
Cal" at the trial. Also, Didions use of the word "spectators" suggests that the people inside the
courtroom are looking upon the trial like a sports game.
Didion later refers to the courtroom seats as the "spectators section." (p.25) A sporting event is not
taken seriously. Therefore, Didions comparison of the trial to a sports game undermines the
seriousness of law and order in the San
Bernardino society. She implies that a self–seeking and avaricious culture results in chaos.
Lucille Miller is a prime example of an individual affected by the narcissistic culture.. Lucille, "a
woman motivated by love and greed" (p.22) does whatever is necessary to get what she wants. First,
she has an
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My Love Story
When I was younger I would make conversation with any breathing personage. As I grew older just
the thought of having to interact with someone I did not know was mortifying. Therefore, signing up
for a full week of a Young Life camp was one of the hardest decisions I have made. Trying to back
out the night before, I wandered on to the bus at six in the morning. A forty–five minute drive and
forced to scarf up my cell phone. Arriving at the camp we were greeted by a thousand smiling faces.
Settling into our cabin, I was a little more relaxed until I heard the bell. Curiously, we walked out
onto the porch to see everyone running. Our cabin quickly followed into the chaos. I Pushed and
scraped my way through everyone, and made my way to the front row of the club room. I thought to
myself how idiotic it was, I was already a Christian. What else is there to learn about God? Little did
I know. That night was the first time I had been introduced to God on a deeper level. I saw him as
intimidating and loving instead of a fictional character in my head. I felt comfort and at peace for
once. July twenty–fourth, two thousand and sixteen is the day that changed my life forever. I heard
the greatest love story of all time. Most people know what it feels like to be loved by a family
member, friend, or a spouse. However, nobody can grip the thought of someone loving them as
much as Jesus. He could have stopped the Roman soldiers at any given point. However, without His
mercy and grace we
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The Crucible, a Tragedy?
Lauren Kendrick Ms. Todd English 11 7 November 11 The Crucible: A Tragedy One day in
November of 2009 a young girl was killed in a hit and run by a negligent driver. Her name was
Courtney Snipes; she was only 11 years old. Courtney's family suffered from tragedy much like the
characters in Arthur Miller's play The Crucible. These characters lost dozens of their neighbors all
because of one group of girl's ability to lie. Through Aristotle's definition of what a tragedy in
literature is; The Crucible can be easily defined as being a one with its tragic hero being portrayed
through John Proctor, the feeling of catharsis, and the seriousness of the overall play. John Proctor is
a perfect example of a tragic hero. John ... Show more content on ...
John had even said "Because its my name! Because I cannot have another in my life!" (143). This
quote clearly shows John's anger about loosing his name to something so unjust as the witch trails.
What also makes the play so serious is what happens to the character, especially their bitter ends, for
example Giles Corey was pressed to death because he wouldn't reveal an informant. Through the
tragic hero characteristics that John Proctor has shown, the feeling of the catharsis at the end of the
play, and the overall seriousness of the play proves that The Crucible is most definitely a tragedy. It's
hard to believe a tragedy so intense and so lucrative like this has happened in literature and in the
world, and hopefully society has learned its lesson, however history has been said to repeat
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JT Leroy
The "JT LeRoy", or "Jeremiah Terminator LeRoy" story began in West Virginia, where he grew up
to become hustler. During young adulthood, LeRoy supposedly contracted HIV, transitioned to a
woman, and became a writer. In his works, "LeRoy" he dramatized portions of his "real life story"
for fiction novels. However, in 2006, it came to light that "JT LeRoy" was not an actual person–but
a character crafted by Laura Albert, and boyfriend Geoffrey Knoop, while they struggled as to make
it as musicians. The character was eventually personified when Laura Albert pretended to be him in
phone interviews and virtual conversations. Over time, the character became so big that Albert and
Geoffrey Knoop came up with the idea to have Savannah Knoop, Geoffrey's ... Show more content
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To lie about something so difficult for those who have experienced it, simply as a cry for attention,
is offensive if not violent in itself. Laura likely believed those situations and identifications to be so
unsavory, unforgivable, and/or utterly shocking, that she created a story of redemption about people
in those situations. Her actions reaffirm what the world believes about those who do not fit into
society's beliefs about ideal people–that they morally deviate and are in need of some tragic road to
redemption, and/or a mere spectacle to be used for entertainment purposes only. Such a way of
perceiving marginalized people aids in the structure of inequality by telling them that they are
morally broken, that they need to be forgiven of their inherent transgressions, that they are not
human enough to be treated with respect and not
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To Kill A Mockingbird Character Development Essay
"Character development is what I value most as a reader of fiction. If an author can manage to create
the sort of characters who feel fully real, who I find myself worrying about while I'm walking
through the grocery store aisles a week later, that to me is as close as to perfection as it gets" (J.
Courtney Sullivan). In 1960, Harper Lee published the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. It can be rather
hard for an author to develop a well built fictional character. Although, Harper Lee does a marvelous
job on creating characters. For instance, Scout is a little girl full of energy and is more of a tomboy
than most girls. She's always around her older brother Jem who is respectful, kind, and a gentleman
like their father Atticus. Harper Lee did a ... Show more content on ...
In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins.
They're ugly, but those are the facts of life." (221). Atticus is explaining to Jem why he lost the trial,
this is mainly because of the unfairness with racism. Atticus is a man who wants that fairness, he
knows right from wrong and is very different from many in the South because of this. He just gives
the reader a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. He's the type of person that would help you out if you were
to go to him about a situation. Atticus is very respectful and kind human that cares about others
more than himself. In chapter three Atticus is talking to Scout and says, "First of all," he said, "if
you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never
really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view―until you climb into his
skin and walk around in it." (30). This is very strong, Atticus has understood the reason not to judge
someone, to be kind, thankful, and caring. He's a very inspirational figure in the novel, and he wants
everyone to be treated
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Softball Team Research Paper
Do you love watching sports, but hate the fact that you have to watch it on your TV? Well you can
change that! Go support out girls softball team, you won't be led down. Our softball team has a total
of 16 girls from grades 9–12. The girls on the team are Courtney Baker, Lindsey Burns, Hannah
Hague, Taylor Wallack, Tiona Hurd, Abi George, Brooke Kentner, Emma Truex, Ashley Gurr,
Katelyn Hansen, Hailie Bowman, Claire Mathewson, Amber Taylor, Rukiya Wesley, Gillian
Weathers, Tatum Truex. The coaches this year are Coach Karlie, Coach Stephanie, and Coach
Ashley. Our softball team has been having a great season this year with great scores. For example
when they played Rogue River they got a score of 10–4, Cascade Christian 6–3 and Hidden Valley
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Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put...
Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put together they make an all around love
Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put together they make an all around love
relationship. Love is an emotional feeling that a partner or both partners are feeling towards one
another. Sex on the other hand is a physical action that is taking place between both partners. Men
and women may have different views on love and sex. In the short story, " I fell in love, or my
hormones awakened", a little girl has a crush on a young man. The short story demonstrates the
responses that men and women have towards love, lust, and hate.
In this short story, the young girl who is a freshman in ... Show more content on ...
Lust is apparent towards the end of this story.
The lust between the women and the man is when the play has ended and the girl is waiting in the
bathroom for everyone to leave. When she hears the crowds voices diminishing she decides to walk
through the hallway to the exist. The hallway is dark and she can only see the exist. While she's
walking someone grabs her by the waist and turns her around and gives her a kiss. After the kiss she
pulls away to see who is kissing her and meanwhile the man of her dreams plants her another kiss
and another kiss she can enjoy. The lust in this part of the story is the dramatic first kiss for the
young girl. She was walking in the dark and the boy of her dreams comes out of no where and kisses
her. Her response to the lust of the kiss was excitement, joy, and curiosity of what would to come
next. The boy's response to the kiss is basically I'm older and I can have whom ever I want and
whenever I want. He has no feelings towards this girl whatsoever. The young girl interpreted the
kiss as he wanted to be with her and maybe start a relationship, but on the other hand the young
mans interpretation of the kiss was basically his role in the social status meaning that he is the oldest
which gives him the right to kiss her with no meaning behind the kiss.
This story ends with the girl living with her mama in Puerto Rico and the young man still
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Essay on Love in Shakespeare's Sonnet 138
The Philosophy of Love in Sonnet 138
Shakespeare was a superb philosopher, but in his sonnets, he was a philosopher of love. Shakespeare
sets forth the experiences of love and its torments fully within his sonnets. The philosophy of love is
that, love reconciles all. Love is the evil and the good, the lies and the truth. Love is all there is. It
passion as well as deception and lies.
"Sonnet 138", is a notable example of Shakespeare's philosophy of love. Written as a dramatic
monologue, this sonnet (also known as "song") is a lyric. Like all sonnets, there are fourteen lines,
with every four lines written as quatrains in a b a b format. The last two lines are known as a
couplet. This sonnet has a ... Show more content on ...
In the above six lines, the narrator is explaining the situation of the lies, as they are being shared
between the two of them.
At line 7, the narrator takes on a change of heart as he "simply" or foolishly places the responsibility
of the lies on his companion. "Simply I credit her false–speaking tongue" (l. 7). The style of
mirrored lines and thoughts, as show through the fist six lines changes at this moment. Yet, in line 8,
He say's that "On both sides" the ugly truth is suppressed. It appears that he is saying that although
he gives her credit for maybe starting the lies in the first place, they are both currently in the position
of the deceiver.
Once again, in lines 10–11 we see another shift in thought as the narrator questions the reality of
their love and the imposing lies. "But wherefore says she not she is unjust? And wherefore say not I
that I am old?" He is asking himself why she doesn't tell him that she is unfaithful, and why does he
not admit that he is old. In the lines following, he answers this question. Because loves best disguise
is the pretence of truth, and older lovers do not like to have their age pointed out (l. 11–12).
In Line 13, "Therefore I lie with her and she with me," notice the double meaning of 'lie'. The line
can also be interpreted as "That is why I sleep with her and she with me." In the end, the narrator
concludes that the lies they tell each other help them forget
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What Happens When Joey Passed Away
3. Joey makes a big deal of having fallen in love with John in 20 minutes––practically love at first
sight. Is this significant in light of how long it takes other people to make other decisions in this
John and Joey are two different people who happen to fall in love with each other briefly. Joey is
young, naïve and does not make thorough decisions. Joey is a risk taker. She perceives her
relationship with John as a normal relationship, as it doesn't seem to create any problems with other
people Joey and John belong to a much younger generation that seems to make succinct decisions
without thinking about the consequences of their decision to get married. Joey seems to think that
the color disparities are not a problem at all. However, ... Show more content on ...
John is charming, sincere, and a well–educated young man, John knows what he wants and knows
his commitments. Essentially, John's merits gives him greater value in society, as a black man since
very few black people achieved a higher education during his time. The black people are not given
the same privileges in school because the quality of education provided to them is mediocre.
Nonetheless, black people are distinguished as an un–educated lower class, whereas, white people
are perceived as the most intelligent and comprising a higher class of people due to the quality of
education received. John is referred to as an important person because of his many educational
achievements and his work ethics.
12. Why do you think the characters of the meat deliveryman and Dorothy the maid's helper are in
the film?
The characters of the meat deliveryman and Dorothy are in the film to convey to the audience that
there is nothing wrong with interracial relationships, whether by means of friendship or marriage. It
doesn't make a difference because the younger generation likes Dorothy and the meat deliveryman is
more open–minded. Dorothy and the meat deliveryman appear to enjoy each others company
without the racial disparities.
In Courtney
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Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell is a young adult fiction about a girl in her freshman year of college
learning to deal with her struggles on her own in a very new and weird environment. Cath Avery is a
twin and has never been without her sister Wren, but when Wren decides that she wants to spend
more time on there own in college Cath is lost. Cath wanted to room with Wren like they have been
doing since they were born but Wren wants to room with someone unknown and new. This means
Cath has to room with someone unknown, Reagan, a few years older and more outgoing then Cath,
Reagan decides that she is going to take Cath under her wing to make her more outgoing and to
have more fun. Cath is not very social and would much prefer to write and be alone, ... Show more
content on ...
Cath is a very good writer and she gets special permission to take a junior level writing class with
Professor Piper who is a published author. She is shining in the class and one of the most promising
authors until she turns in one of her Simon and Baz stories, and Professor Piper tells her this
amounts to plagiarism and gives her an F. Cath argues, "The whole point of fanfiction," [Cath] said,
"Is that you get to play inside somebody else's universe. Rewrite the rules. Or bend them... You can
stay in this world, this world you love, as long as you want, as long as you keep thinking of new
stories–" (11.291). Professor Piper will have none of it and tells Cath to write about something she
knows. Cath also doesn't know what to write for her final paper in the class and feels very dejected
after the F, she decides she isn't going to write it and at best can hope for a C in the class, but Nick
uses what they wrote together as his final paper for the class and just uses Cath as an editor, this
upsets Cath, and when he gets the opportunity to publish the story in the school paper Professor
Piper can tell Cath helped him write the story and tells him she must be a co–author for it to be
published, Cath she reject the offer to be a co–author so the piece is never published. This shows
that before Cath hated confrontation, in the
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Heartbreak Research Paper
Heartbreak can physically and emotionally hurt someone. "I believe 100 percent that a broken heart
and emotional pain can negatively affect physical health," says Courtney Nesbitt, L.C.S.W.
Research has shown that when someone has been through a breakup they have similar brain activity
as when they are shown a picture of a loved one. Researchers concluded that rejection, emotional
and physical pain are all processed in the same places of the brain. "When both the parasympathetic
system (part of the nervous system) and the sympathetic nervous system are both turned on, you can
experience chest pains and discomfort," says Meghan Laslocky.
There can be some positive effects of heartbreak like strength stems from resilience, which is where
they can feel comfort in knowing that you were able to overcome the hurdle (heartbreak) and that
you are absolutely capable of bouncing back from the sadness you feel at that time period. You learn
some lessons, like not to believe certain things people say to you, to have respect for yourself and do
not let anyone step all ... Show more content on ...
You can try protecting against one from a relationship ending. You need to make sure both people
have the same intentions in the relationship. You can't be in a relationship where you're the only one
putting the effort in. If you are you need to talk to them about. You will get attached and they won't
because they aren't looking for a long–term relationship like you. You need to trust your instincts if
you don't feel comfortable with someone you need to tell them. If you aren't comfortable it won't
last. You're going to be investing yourself in a relationship that isn't going to last and you know it
won't. You need to realize everyone has flaws. You can't just see him/her as a perfect person.The
faster you notice his flaws, the faster you can decide whether he's someone worth spending your
time with. The best the thing to do is to just be
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Humorous Wedding Speech Analysis
When I sat down to write this speech, there were so many things that I wanted to say about Courtney
that I didn't know where to start. there were so many beautiful things that I wanted to say about
Courtney, that I didn't know where to start, but this is by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
Courtney was not only beautiful on the outside, she was a beautiful person. She also saw the beauty
in others. Courtney formed her own thoughts and opinions about the people and the things around
her. Although incredibly difficult, this reminds me not to feel sorrow for her death, but instead to
feel grateful that her presence has blessed our lives. it. I am HONORED to be her big sister. When I
looked at Courtney, I saw a reflection of myself,
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Essay about Garden State: and His Depression
Gina Caddeo English 099 Mr. Covell October 11, 2008 Garden State: "Large" and His Depression
Work Cited
Gina Caddeo
English 099
Mr. Covell
October 11, 2008
Garden State: "Large" and His Depression In the movie, Garden State, Andrew Largeman says that
his mother has been depressed her whole life, "for no apparent reason." It is because of her
depression that the accident occurs. As a nine–year–old boy, Andrew is frustrated that his mother is
depressed and that he cannot make her happy. In anger he shoves her causing her to fall over the
door of the dishwasher injuring her neck and causing the paralysis. It is this part of the movie that I
can identify with as I too suffer from depression; I actually have what is called Bipolar ... Show
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I have a wonderful man in my life, which actually took the time to learn about my disease and now
he is my rock, my support and in some ways he has saved my life. I don't know where I would be
today if not for him. As I have mentioned before, I have 11–year–old twin daughters. What I have
not told many people is that a year ago, June 3, 2007 they went to live with my parents because of
my illness. I got really manic that summer and I decided enough was enough. I did not want my
daughters to watch me go through another bought of my illness. I felt that they deserved happiness,
and stability and I knew that my parents could and would provide both of these things for my girls.
In the state that I was in, I decided to just leave, while they were at school, without saying goodbye.
Instead, I left a letter telling them goodbye and why I had to go. I will regret that as long as I live
because the way that I handled the situation hurt them terribly. In my defense, all I can say is that I
felt that what I was doing was the right thing to do at the time, and I also know that had I faced them
and tried to tell them goodbye I would not have been able to walk out the door and leave them,
because I do love them very much and I did what I thought was in their best interest. My parents,
however, will tell you a different story. They do not understand my illness nor do they even try to.
Again, I can identify with Andrew,
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Characteristics Of My Friend
Amy Poehler, a writer and comedian, once said, "Find a group of people who challenge and inspire
you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life." Befriending a stranger isn't a
difficult task, but finding a good friend and maintaining a healthy friendship is tough. Everybody
comes with different personalities and motives. I've noticed that majority of my friends brings
excitement and positivity in my life that makes it astonishing. I've also realized that my friends are
completely different from each other in the personalities section such as: Courtney, Angela, and
Macy. Each of my friends is either supportive, positive, and straightforward. Getting to know each
of them and letting them be a part of my life has helped me become appreciable of the little things
that is happening around me. The main and important quality of a friend is to give support. One of
my friends that I've been friends with for the longest time, Courtney, have been supportive from the
beginning. She wouldn't judge me by the decisions I had chosen. Instead of judging, she stood by
my side through Adams Elementary, the school that we knew each other from, till this day. When I
was eight years old, she experienced the greedy, bratty, and a mean little girl that matured through
the adolescence stage. Courtney was the first person to give me encouragement that I needed in
order to have a serious conversation with my mom, that owns a business of nine years, about
deciding to pursue my own
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Courtney Love Research Paper
In 1992, Lynn Hirschberg slatted Courtney Love in her article or the vanity fair "Strange Love". She
describes Love as being "a train wreck no–one can take their eyes off" and discussed the couple's
drug problems and categorised a host of other rumours and the health of their unborn child. Their
child Frances was temporarily taken from them due to the release of this article.Pros
Sparked loads of controversy. Love decided to lash back and respond to this piece by doing a
number of things. (1) left angry verbal messages on Hirschberg's answering machine, (2) released a
song called "Bring Me the Head of Lynn Hirschberg," and (3) in 1995 at the oscar party, she
attempted to assault Hirschberg with Quentin Tarantino's Academy Award. She also holds Lynn
responsible for contributing to her husband's suicide by pushing him over the edge.
It presented a very one–sided negative view of Courtney Love as a parent. This article written in
1992 quoted the Hole front woman saying she had gone on a heroin binge while pregnant. ... Show
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It was filmed after the success of Hole's "Live Through This" album and as she was about to hit it
big in the film industry with her portrayal of Althea Leasure in "The People Vs. Larry
Flynt".Barbara interviews Courtney discussing various topics regarding the public perception of
Love as uneducated and dirty, her ability as a mother, her childhood and upbringing. Along with
why she does things like simulate her husband's death on stage, and questions the death of Kurt;
why she blames herself and if she feels like it was her that pushed him over the edge. Excellent
interview as it is all the tough real questions the public want answered. An unlikely pair of people
which makes this interview more interesting and surreal.Interview is quite short, which restricts the
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Courtney Love: Gavin Cheated On Gwen-With Me !
Her nickname is Sunshine All humans with work and perseverance can choose their own path of
life. Indeed, there are more difficult events to overcome for some. Being a celebrity seems like a
dream but if you really think about it, what is the celebrity reality life like? I guess, it is an
extraordinary feeling to have the audience scream your name and admire you, but what about their
personal life being exposed by social media with no consent? We now have access to information
whenever we want to, this has caused an impact for celebrities who are starting their career or end
up destroying their lives because of negative comments, substance abuse, and loss of believe in
themselves. "While most Americans don't have a media horde following them every time they set
foot outside the house – and possibly even photographers crawling through the bushes when they're
home – celebrities' privacy is being eclipsed by the same technologies that are eating away at
everyone's ability to be left alone: long–lens ... Show more content on ...
The articles headlines need to be persuasive and be an attention grabber, "Courtney Love: Gavin
Cheated on Gwen –– With Me!," (USWEEKLY STAFF) really? This article was published after
Gavin Rossdale, recognized a secret love child, "In 2004, DNA tests revealed that he has a secret
lovechild years before meeting Stefani, 40. She was said to be "devastated."(USWEEKLY STAFF)
In 2010, Gwen's husband scandal of love affair, and affiliation with gay past and then the secret love
child in 2004. It is incredible how media can affect a marriage and a family with their intrusive way
of writing about Gwen Stefani personal life. I can't imagine how Gwen must have felt in 2010, when
her marriage was been objected and social media was publishing different articles talking about her
husband. I dislike articles that want to affect an artist marriage and assume things that are not
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Personal Statement: Who I Really Am
Who I Really Am: I care deeply about people with disabilities. I believe that people do not
understand what is really like for someone who happens to have a disability. They treat them rudely
or differently. They do not understand the way the perceive topics, the way the take some remark a
person may have said, and they do not understand that they are teased. I think we need to think
before we do things. The emotional me is different everyday. Sometimes, I can be pessimistic or
optimistic but I try to think positively. I think showing love is a good thing and I show love by
checking in on the person, helping them, and being kind. I believe that showing hate is a bad thing
and we should act kind even in bad times. I express joy with smiling and laughing. I convey sorrow
by changing my normally joyful and excited ... Show more content on ...
I would also like to have a family but I would want to wait until I had a job that would keep me
happy and that would make me successful. I want to become an adult that everyone knows and
loves. I want to be known for being independent and preeminent in a good way. I worry that I will
not be happy in the future and that I will detest my career. I fear that I will not be able to achieve my
dream of being a professional acteress. I was dream to travel the world to Europe, Africa and Asia. I
would hate to see that dream not come true. Many people in my life are important to me. My family,
friends, relatives, and teachers are important but focusing on certain people, my voice coach,
Shirene Patterson is someone I will forever look up to. She makes me smile when I do not want to.
She is so talented and makes me laugh till I can not stand. She is like a mother to me, older sister
and bestfriend. My voice lessons are on Fridays and each week I get so excited to sing with her. Her
singing voice is so graceful and smooth. If I am struggling with something, I always turn to her for
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Campfire Revenge Analysis
Campfire Revenge
When a husband tossed gas on a campfire, one mother was horribly injured from the fiery inferno.
She suffered burns on 40 percent of her body and face. After checking into the hospital, her husband
abandoned her and her four–year–old daughter. He was unable to handle her injuries, but he did not
expect her surprising revenge.
Not long ago, Terry and Courtney had an amazing life. They began a holiday romance while they
were traveling together. Before long, they were in a committed relationship. When the couple found
out that they were expected a baby, they decided to get married.
Five years later, the happy family decided to go on a camping trip. They wanted to go to the same
spot where Terry had initially proposed to Courtney after finding out that they were pregnant. The
family was excited to return to the wilderness spot where their dreams and life started together.
– Insert a picture of Courtney, Terry and their daughter on a camping trip looking happy together.
At that point, Courtney's life could not get any better. She was madly in love with her husband, and
they had a perfect child together. It seemed like their future was bright. The years stretching before
them seemed filled with love and hope. Their goal was to be together forever and retire to a pair of
rocking chairs on their front porch. Unfortunately, their big dreams were not going to come true.
Because of one tragic event, the couple's life would change forever.
– Insert a picture of a fire breaking out in camp.
Courtney remembers the event like it happened yesterday. "I can smell the fire and gas. The scent of
my skin burning filled my nostrils as I screamed in agony. All I could think of was my daughter and
Terry. I had not control over what happened, and the pain made me pass out."
Her fiery demise was caused by an unintentional event. Terry had decided to get rid of the gas from
their camp oven by tossing it on the flames. In the darkness, he did not realize how close Courtney
was to the fire. When the fire engulfed, he realized to his horror that she was covered in flames.
– Insert a picture of Courtney on life support at the hospital.
After the operation, the couple
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Dominic's Variation Of Masks
Dominic lives a variety of lives, wearing a variation of masks throughout. By day, he is a prosecutor
in Austin, Texas, and by night he plays music at the Norman Pub (Pryor 11); but underneath it all, he
is a psychopath. Generally this means, he doesn't process, or display emotions like a typical person
would. Instead, Dominic "can [only] feel some of them, ones like anger, disappointment, and lust. ...
Emotions [tying him] to others, like compassion, love, or even fear, ... [he] doesn't feel" (Pryor 28).
However, just because Dominic doesn't naturally experience these emotions, that doesn't mean that
he isn't capable of falsifying them. In fact, he's had some practice; "[he's] been pretending since [he]
was a kid, and [believes] his success in ... Show more content on ...
He recalls a traumatic event from when he was eleven years old, mentioning an old friend, Arthur
"Artie" Halliwell, and their meet ups in the school's music room. He recounts "[o]ne afternoon,
about six weeks into the summer term, the music teacher[, Mr. Flowers] found [them] up there[; he
was the type who would, w]hen [teaching] the young boys guitar, have them sit on his lap so he
could 'make sure they had perfect form'. That Sunday, he just watched [Dominic and Artie] play[,]"
(Pryor 229) but "[Dominic] knew instinctively something was wrong when [Mr. Flowers] asked
[him] to leave and come back later so he could give Artie some private lessons ... For the remainder
of the summer term, [Dominic] saw less and less of Artie. He sat quietly in class and didn't speak[;]
on the few occasions [Dominic] asked if he wanted to go to the music room, he just shook his head"
(Pryor 230–231). Although the sexual assault covertly taking place was not directly affecting
Dominic, he was still unquestionably troubled. Courtney E. Ahrens, and Rebecca Campbell
conducted a survey of 60 friends of adult rape victims; out of all the participants, 96.6% felt angry at
the perpetrator, 71.7% felt shocked, and 68.3% wanted to get even (Morrison et al.) Even typical
people who witness sexual abuse in their friends experience these emotions, but few act on it;
Dominic's first violent gesture was just that. "John
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Jayla Response To Intervention
Jayla responded well to the intervention Jayla. Jayla continues to make progress towards her goals.
Jayla stated that she is not getting along well with her mother due to the relationship she has with
another girl. Jayla stated that she would like to be honest with her mom about the relationship. Jayla
stated that her mom is making her feel unhappy and depressed because she is stopping her from
being involved with her girlfriend. Jayla stated, that her mom is aware of her being gay. Jayla stated,
that her mom thinks that her relationship with her girlfriend Courtney is unhealthy because of past
events that led her to harming herself. Jayla stated, that she will continue to be a relationship with
Courtney, regardless of how her mom feels. Jayla
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Driving Solo: A Reflection on Today's Icons Essay
The focus today on America's modern icons can be ridiculous. Our icons are no longer people who
have done anything touchable. Florence Nightingale saved our country from future disease. Harriet
Tubman helped to free slaves. Francis Scott Key wrote our beloved national anthem. Now, in the
21st century, we have Britney Spears, sexpot. We're proud to say that we are the home of the
raunchy Christina Aguilera. And Kurt Cobain. We can't forget Kurt, can we? At the mere mention of
any of these names, curiosity and conversation run rampant. Why is it that Americans can be so
engrossed with a person who is all publicity and no substance? We don't know half of the traits of
these people, yet they are the loves of our lives. I recently read an ... Show more content on ...
There are thousands of sites proclaiming Cobain a genius; a messiah; a gentle, tortured soul. Out of
those thousands, I found few sites questioning Cobain's motives. One of those sites wanted to know
why we are still enthralled with him if he hated fame so greatly. This man not only spewed his
hatred of the public eye at every chance, he killed himself to get away from it. Why do we see this
as strength, something to be respected? I suppose most die–hard Kurt fans choose to ignore the
negative. But we need to face it. Kurt Cobain was a terrible father, a drug addict, and a narcissist. In
2002, the private journals of Cobain were published to the entire population. Here is all the insight
needed to understand the true Cobain. For many of his fans, I'm sure this book was hard to take.
Some say they weren't his journals at all because of the inconsistencies they revealed. Here was a
man who, to his fans, professed his disdain of celebrity, yet bragged of his prominence in his private
journals. Maybe they just couldn't accept that their own idol was so completely different from his
public persona. He told the media that he hated his fame. He hated his money. Yet a large amount of
his journal entries were written on paper from five–star hotels. In one entry, Cobain boasts: "I'll be
able to sell my untalented, very un–genius ass for years based on my cult feels good"
(281). Do we actually believe that this man hated his fame?
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Shamhat and Siduri Essay
Shamhat was the priestess of Ishtar, the great goddess of love and war. She was hired by Gilgamesh
to tame Enkidu as Enkidu was not civilized in any way and had come to be Gilgamesh's soul brother
and companion. Shamhat was a hierodule and was asked to seduce Enkidu and use her charming
ways to make a man out of Enkidu, the animal like. Shamhat, being a hierodule, is a woman
dedicated to Priesthood and God. Hence, she would only deal with the godly. She was allocated the
task of making Enkidu aware of the human nature and lifestyle, which was different from the animal
world that he was coming from. Shamhat had tactically and implicitly understood the path that she
would have to take towards the betterment of Enkidu. She revealed to him ... Show more content on ...
Gilgamesh was devastated by Enkidu's death. The immense grief and excruciating pain and also fear
for death, that it caused to him had made him eager to seek immortality. Gilgamesh met Siduri in a
very delicate state of mind. He had just witnessed the death of his soul brother and only friend. Life
had brought him to a stage where he could gain some humanity and get rid of his selfish, arrogant
attitude. He met Siduri by coincidence. Siduri came as a gift, which made him familiar with the
simple ways of leading life. Her small words meant a lot that taught a lot about life. Gilgamesh was
an arrogant ruler with no humanly feelings of love and compassion. Having lost Enkidu, his only
friend, had stirred mixed feeling in his soul. On the one hand he felt grieved about Enkidu's death
but on the other hand he was going against the rule of nature. The fear for death made him feel that
he was strong and powerful. So he would not want to die ever. And so he set out in search of
Utnapishtim. Siduri tried to put light on him important aspects of life in that human life is ordained
by God and that humans do not have a control over their own lives. She says to him"
Remember always, mighty king, that Gods decreed the fates of all many years ago. They alone are
to be eternal, while we frail humans die as you yourself must someday too." (Gilgamesh,
tablet 10, column 3, lines88–91, p.51) She explains
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The Death Of An Idol. A Day Like Any Other, A High School
The Death of an Idol
A day like any other, a high school student, Karissa Rider, tried to catch up on some much needed
sleep before her first period began. Too groggy to realize the effect of this event, she overheard "the
gossip" of the day. The previous day April 5, 1994, something happened that would change the life
of every music fan alive. Kurt Cobain, lead singer of the popular grunge band, Nirvana, had
overdosed on heroin and shot himself.
Cobain was only twenty–seven when he committed suicide(Johnson). Frontman of Nirvana, what
most consider to be the greatest grunge band of all time, Cobain was a very important figure in the
music industry in the nineties and onward. He made several strides to push music further and change
the ... Show more content on ...
As a child Karissa was very into music as most children are. Although she did not very much care
for Cobain at the time she cites Prince as one of her biggest idols in the musical field, comparing
him to Cobain in several ways. As an adult she sees many similarities between both great artists.She
states that both were widely recognized artists who changed the industry with their different
stunning styles that captured the hearts of many. Prince's recent death had affected Karissa similar to
the way Cobain might have if she was a bigger fan at the time of his death. The effect of Cobain's
death truly set in Karissa's mind thanks to a coworker who cared very much for the singer. A young
high schoolkid, Karissa valued having money so, during her junior year she worked a two jobs at the
same time. Her first job at a nursing home and her second at Jack In the Box, this is where she
would finally realize Cobain was more than just a regular old singer, although she would not fully
appreciate his art and abilities for years to come.
Rider describes a boy named Robert. Robert was one of her co–workers at Jack In the Box, the only
difference, this boy was in love with Kurt Cobain. At the time Rider did not care much for Cobain
and could not truly see the effect he had until she saw Robert. Robert was so devastated by Cobain 's
death he 'd acted as if, in Karissa 's words, "his own brother had died". Karissa
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Much Ado About Nothing Play Analysis
Much Ado About Nothing – Courtney Irving drama assignment
The Queensland theatre company's rendition of 'Much Ado About Nothing' was a highly captivating
piece of theatre, in which the director, Jason Klarwein stated that "this play is a beautifully
controlled sensual look at love and lust. What people will do to get it and what people will do to
avoid it." Through the relationships between the entire ensemble of actors, more specifically,
Christen O'Leary depicting Beatrice, and Benedick, portrayed by Hugh Parker the role of love and
lust was integrated, as well as what the characters will do to avoid and get love. This integration of
love and lust into the performance was showcased through the extensive manipulation of the
conventions of Elizabethan theatre, more specifically, exaggerated movements and vocal dexterity,
the intimate mood that was created in moments between Benedick and Beatrice, and the symbolic
aspects of the play. The performance centred around ... Show more content on ...
After overhearing their teasing, Beatrice exclaimed her shock upon hearing the news as well as
confessing her love for Benedick. O'Leary integrated vocal dexterity when she delivered these lines
by the noticeable change in her voice as her words are spoken in a higher pitch, demonstrating the
shock that overcame her when hearing about Benedick supposed love that he has for her. O'Leary
delivered these lines with an increased volume as well as an increased pace in which they are
spoken, showing how she was excited by the news. This observable change in Beatrice's voice
showcased how excited and passionate she became, which amplified that Beatrice did in fact want to
love and be loved, when, similarly to Benedick, she had previously avoided
... Get more on ...
Kristen Alderson Essay
Kristen Alderson and Chad Duell of General Hospital fell in love working together, but things didn't
work out for them. Ever since leaving the role of Kiki Jerome, Kristen has pretty much stayed out of
the spotlight. The fans miss her, but she is just living a normal life. She split from Chad Duell, and if
she started dating right away, Kristen didn't share it with her fans. Now, Celeb Dirty Laundry is
revealing that Kristen Alderson has a new man in her life, but he isn't someone that the fans know.
Everyone wants to know who this new guy, but so far, Kristen Alderson isn't saying. She has been
posting pictures with him on her Instagram, and he is a cute guy with dark hair. The new man
Kristen is dating is not someone famous, though. So far, nobody seems to recognize him. She is
sharing photos, but isn't giving out any details like how she met him or how long they have been
If you don't know, Chad Duell also has someone new in his life. He is dating The Bold and The
Beautiful's Courtney Hope. She plays the role of Sally Spectra on the soap opera. They even hit up a
red carpet event together recently. He also took her to the Daytime Emmy Awards. They are both
constantly posting pictures with each other, so maybe ... Show more content on ...
After leaving her role as Kiki, Kristen Alderson went to her Twitter and said, "Goodbye LA & to a
beautiful chapter in my life. I'll always love you @duelly87 thank you for being my best friend."
A week later she shared saying, "Thank u all for the love. Chad and I are in a good place though. It
wasn't an easy decision for us, but we've remained optimistic &friends." Then she posted, "We
appreciate all of the support we got as a couple from you guys. Sorry, we've remained quiet about
it all, just needed time..." She never shared what happened, but their lives are in totally different
places now unlike when they were both on General
... Get more on ...
Essay on Examining Kurt Cobain's Personality
Personality theories attempt to identify the origins of personalty and examine how personality
develops. Throughout the history of psychology, different psychologists have offered various
personalities, each one contradicting some idea of the other. It is possible to examine personality
using multiple parts of different theories, while certain characters may be best described by one
theory. Although Kurt Cobain, a complex character, cannot possibly fit into any one personality
theory perfectly, parts of his personality can be explained using theories created by Alfred Adler and
Carol Rogers. Kurt Cobain was born on February 20, 1967, in Aberdeen, Washington. His mother
Wendy was a waitress and his father Donald was a mechanic. His ... Show more content on ...
In February 1992 he married Courtney Love, and his daughter Frances Bean Cobain was born
shortly after. In Utero, Nirvana's second album, was released in 1993, and was more open than
Nevermind. Despite all the success, Cobain's heroin usage grew. He attempted suicide on March 4,
1994, but the incident was deemed an accident. On April 7, 1994, Cobain shot and killed himself.
He left a note to his wife and daughter that ended "I love you, I love you" (personal communication,
April 7, 1994). As a child, Cobain's main influence was Evel Knievel, and he was determined to be
reckless and fearless like his hero. As Cobain grew older, however, his influences became primarily
musical, and included Neil Young, nicknamed the "Godfather of Grunge," the Beatles, and various
alternative bands (DeRogatis, para. 8). His major accomplishments were his recordings, as Cobain
was known as a lyricist more than a musician, despite his short–lived career. Cobain's personality
fits rather easily into Alfred Adler's theory of personality, especially in terms of style of life and birth
order. Adler believed that "the individual creates the style of life," rather than being a victim of fate
(Schultz & Schultz, 2009, p. 137). He named four styles of life, dominant, getting, avoiding, and
... Get more on ...

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Speech To Participate In The 2016 Blossom Pageant

  • 1. Speech To Participate In The 2016 Blossom Pageant Final Walk Speech January of 2016 I made the craziest and most life changing decision of my life, to participate in the 2016 Blossom Pageant. I'll be honest with you, I was terrified. During orientation I couldn't tell you how long I could hear Megan's voice in the back of my head repeating "You ladies will be dancing in high heels," I was literally shaking in my boots. Not only could I not dance, but I could hardly walk let alone DANCE in high heels. I'm the girl who wears jeans and boots on a daily basis, I enjoy working on cars in my free time, I wasn't pageant material, or so I thought. Once March 20th had creeped upon us, the pageant was here, and I had been crowned the 2016 Blossom Queen, I was caught by total surprise. My pageant experience was truly amazing, not only did I learn some killer dance moves in heels, I was able to improve my speaking skills to where I could speak in front of a crowd, I created and exceeded friendships, and I found a new confidence in myself that I had no idea that was there. This pageant had not only changed my life, but me as a person. This Pageant has allowed me to grow in so many different way that I couldn't have on my own. First, I would like to thank my parents, my brother, my Nanny, and my boyfriend, for ... Show more content on ... I'd like to thank her for setting up all of our court appearances, for putting her heart and soul into the Blossom Pageant, and for being our courts Queen B. To the Blossom staff, I would like to thank you all for making the Blossom Pageant such beautiful production, my experience wouldn't have been the same without you. I would also like to thank my court, Jordyn, Ally, and Ceianna, thank you beautiful ladies for the countless laughs, for being my pageant sisters, and for sharing this incredible journey with me. I am so truly thankful that we were able to spend this last year together and I wouldn't trade any of it for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Courtney Love Research Paper Courtney Michelle Love (previously Courtney Michelle Harrison) is an American rock musician and actress who was born on July 9th, 1964 in California. Growing up, she felt neglected by those around her. After her parents got divorced, Courtney seemed out of control, as she didn't know how to cope with it. She was then raised by her mom for a few years, but Courtney was so intolerable that she was abandoned by her. She jumped from foster home to foster home and found herself all alone. She got into trouble plenty of times with money, legal issues, careers, and substance abuse, yet she persevered. Courtney Love is an inspiration to me because she strived to get what she wanted, formed a band that is one of the main reasons I play the guitar, and successfully cleaned up from substance abuse after a long battle with it. Courtney Love is a woman who always loved being in the spotlight. She sought to be in the entertainment industry at a young age. She soon started exposing herself to music and taught herself how to play guitar. She loved it so much that she worked often and hard to form a band. She finally did. ... Show more content on ... It consisted of Courtney on vocals and guitar, Eric Erlandson on guitar, Jill Emery on bass, and Caroline Rue on drums (Caroline and Jill would be replaced later on). The band released their debut album "Pretty on the Inside" in 1991. It was pretty successful, but their following album "Live Through This" was even more successful. Their next album "Celebrity Skin" had a more polished sound than Live Through This; it's leading song "Celebrity Skin" reached the top of the charts. Both of these albums inspired me in such a way that I have never felt. The chord progressions are catchy, screams are empowering, and lyrics about Courtney's troubled life strengthened my sense of empathy. Even though these albums were wide–selling and brough Love the attention she wanted, she was struggling with drug abuse underneath it ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Love Is A Powerful Human Emotion Love is a powerful human emotion. Everyone will experience love at some point in their life. It is almost impossible to avoid love. From loving your parents as a baby to loving your first pet, you will encounter it. "Every human being is capable of love but unfortunately, many have crippled themselves with all kinds of stupid belief systems, opinions, philosophies, ideologies – everything except life. If you are life, it is very natural to love" (Sandhguru). The four young lovers in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" encountered love and ended up doing anything to keep that love. In the beginning of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" Hermia and her father, Egeus, are arguing over who she should marry. Back in these times a father could decide who his daughter marries whether she loves the man or not. Hermia has fallen in love with Lysander but her father wants her to marry Demetrius. The love Hermia feels for Lysander is so strong that she doesn't care what her father thinks. Hermia and Lysander form a plan to escape Athens and go into the woods where they can love freely. "In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Athens represents the physically grounded world of facts, while the woods represent the metaphysical world of the poet's imagination" (Ritcher). The consequences of these actions do not even occur to Hermia and Lysander because the power of love blinds them. Hermia does not realize that she is breaking Athenian law by not wanting to marry the man her father has chosen for her. But again ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. No Emotional Fulfillment in Eveline of James Joyce's... No Emotional Fulfillment in Eveline "Eveline" is a story of young love. Eveline has already been courted and won by frank, who is taking her to marry him and "to live with him in Buenos Ayres" (Hacker 329). Or has she? When she meets him at the station and they are set to boars the ship, Eveline suddenly decides she cannot go with Frank because "he would drown her" in "all the seas of the world" (Hacker 329). Eveline's rejection of Frank is not just a rejection of love, but also a rejection of a new life abroad and escape from her hard life at home. And water, as the practical method of escape, as well as a symbol of both rejuvenation and emotional vitality, functions in a multi–faceted way to show all that Eveline loses through ... Show more content on ... When she fails to go with Frank, Eveline indeed succumbs to the prospect of an imprisoning life like her mother's. Water also signifies rejuvenation, the possibilities of a new life. In contrast to her present life full of "hard work–a hard life," Eveline looks forward to exploring "another life with Frank" as well as a new self across the seas (Hacker 330). Compared to re–living her dead mother's life, Eveline has a chance to live her own life and begin something with Frank that is brand new, open–ended, and unstamped by the impressions of the past. Though she can hardly imagine what her new life might be like, Eveline knows it will be unlike the one mapped out for her by her father. But perhaps it is the very uncertainty about her life with Frank that finally terrifies her. Known duty and hardship is finally preferable to unknown possibility, and as Frank draws her into the "seas of the world," she feels at last that "it was impossible" (Hacker 329&330). One cannot begin a new life unless one leaves behind the old, and "the seas" of rebirth are too much for her. Unable to make that leap of faith, she remains blind, "passive, like a helpless animal" (Hacker 331). Eveline also rejects love and emotional vitality as represented by "the seas of the world" (Hacker 329). When she contemplates leaving with Frank, Eveline thinks of home as providing "shelter and food" ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Phil Collen And The Left Of The Band Members Essay Phil Collen and the rest of the band members had first–hand visualizations of how alcohol was slowly taking a toll on their close friend. Clark became an unpredictable and unstable figure, which emotionally affected the band moving forward. Without question Steve Clark was one of the most talented and promising guitarists in the 80s, which was a fact that did not allude Phil Collen. As a result, in 1989: " Guitarist Phil Collen, along with longtime producer Mutt Lange, bandmates and friends, held an intervention [...] after a doctor warned of the drastic harm Clark was doing to himself (Chris Ford Ultimate Classic Rock). It was a highly emotional and tough experience for everyone involved, especially for Phil Collen after the doctor informed the band of an alarming statistic: "[...] that about 70 percent of alcoholics who get to this level usually end up getting killed either by accident or overuse" (Chris Ford Ultimate Classic Rock). The unintentional foreshadowing was a result of Clark's unwillingness and stubbornness to get sober; however, he saw how much love and care he was receiving from those closest to him. Consequently, Clark was given a leave of absence from the band; however, was assured his place in the band was waiting for him once his health improved. Eventually, Clark checked into a rehab clinic in Tuscon, Arizona: where he met his future wife and recovering heroin addict Janie Dean. The two build a strong foundation of trust and communication due to their ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Love Song One of my favorite movies is "The Fault in Our Stars". It is a movie of star crossed love, complicated by tragedy. Both of the main characters are battling cancer and one of them dies at the end. They fall in love and travel together. The characters are both vulnerable, in need of help and love and at the same time, brave. Likewise, Carol Muske–Dukes "Love Song" is about how love is complicated, wanting; it needs and care. At the same time love can be brave and unpredictable. The poem shows how challenging and demanding love can be. Love came from a need that was met by the speaker. In both the movie and the poem love does not work out. In the movie, a character dies, and in the poem, love does not guarantee anything either. "Just because / I raised it by touch, does not mean it / follows" (7–9). In the poem, love does not ... Show more content on ... A tin bird is not a real bird but the love pecks at "the tin image of/a faceless bird"(9–10). While the speaker is real and cares for the bird; the bird connects with a false image. People sometimes love an image, or what they think someone represents but do not connect to an actual person. The mood of the poem is sad and the tone is dark. The bird, love, is in danger from others. The sparrow seems vulnerable and lost. It cannot help itself. The end of the poem describes love as hungry, as faceless and the sparrow singing, famished in the speaker's hand. These are gloomy images. The author of the poem's husband died. Her poem shows yearning and longing. The poem uses personification to describe love as bird. Love is hungry, stubborn because it refuses to fly and it pecks at the tin image of a faceless bird. The speaker also says that love is a camera in a doorway, a script, and a tin bird. The poem is filled with images that let us know that love can be aloof, not quite real and sometimes unresponsive. Love is challenging and even hard to ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Stakeholder Marketing CI M Professional Certificate in Marketing Stakeholder Marketing Past Assignment Answer–Specimen © Copyrights LS Learning Media Stakeholder Marketing THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MARKETING PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE IN MARKETING: STAKEHOLDER MARKETING ASSIGNMENT JUNE 2011 1 Stakeholder Marketing Task One (Audit): Task Two (Report): Total word count: 2,231 words (4 pages) 4,379 words 6,610 words EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to undertake an audit of CARE relationships assist in communicating with ... Show more content on ... CARE SERV is one of the largest learning disability care providers in the UK, with an annual turnover of around £43m, contracts with over 70 local authorities and supporting over 600 people. CARE SERV best quality care fo market position, being well known for the high quality of its services, staff and properties, which is April 2010). For further information on CARE SERV please refer to Appendix 1. CARE SERV has a wide range of internal, connected and external stakeholders which are shown in Appendix 3. Summary of audit findings Identification of key media organisations CARE SERV has relationships with a wide variety of media organisations (see Figure 2.1), the key ones being its two PR companies, the press (national, local and trade), specialist magazines and its trade association the ALDS Forum. CARE SERV has a more limited relationship with broadcast media, and as of yet has not explored the channel of new media. Its relationships with local press
  • 14. have been focused mainly on South London and Wales where its reputation has historically been poor; this could be further ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Courtney Love In Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box Being a celebrity is hard work too, especially in these times when social media makes it too easy to stick your digital foot squarely into your big mouth. Sometimes, celebs seem to almost be drunk dialing the internet. At least we can all share a laugh at these 10 totally scandalous and outrageous celebrity tweets! Kanye Takes Down Ben and Jimmy Kanye West flies off the handle yet again, seen in this tweet where he is taking serious issue with being spoofed on Jimmy Kimmel. Courtney Love and the Heartshaped Box Lana Del Rey sparked some kind of feelings from Courtney Love in 2012 as a result of Del Rey's cover of Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box, which Love maintains in this tweet is about her lady parts. Rob Kardashian and Heartbreak Rob Kardashian ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Persuasive Essay On Heroin "In 2002, 404,000 people used heroin in the United States. By 2016, there were 948,000 people. This is a 135% increases in the past 14 years" (Kounang). I decided to research about heroin, because I want to know what heroin is and which celebrities have done it and survived or died. I knew it was an addictive drug that many people overdose on. There was a lot of misconceptions that I had about heroin. Originally I thought heroin users become addicted instantly. I still have some questions about heroin. Why is heroin so popular? Who has done it? Even though some people think heroin is not bad, people should not take heroin because it's a highly effective drug and tons of people are dying from overdosing. Heroin is a white or brown powder. Sometimes it's a black paste that's known as black tar heroin. Heroin is wicked by many other drugs, sugar, flour and milk. It may have a vinegar smell to it. People who do heroin usually snort or smoke it. There is also an option to inject the drug into your body. It costs $70 to $300 a gram. "In the brain, heroin is converted into morphine, which binds to opioid receptors. This causes a pleasurable "rush," and a user's skin becomes warm and flushed. The user's arms and legs may feel heavy. Some users experience severe itching and vomiting. After the rush, a user's heart rate and breathing slow down, sometimes to the point of death. Heroin is considered highly addictive. Euphoria occurs within seconds of an intravenous injection, five ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. My Best Friend The moment my cousin lost his best friend, his world was filled with sorrow. It all started when they were in college, my cousin "Courtney" was 20 at the time, and he met this girl at a campus coffee shop and her name was Sarah, she was 18. What attracted Courtney to Sarah was how much of a beautiful, and charming girl she was; and her chestnut brown eyes and straight brown hair. When Courtney approached her they had an immediate connection. They became instantaneous best friends. They spent all of their time together, they did everything together, study sessions, parting, etc. After a couple of months, they decided mutually to start dating, but that didn't last very long because both Courtney and Sarah wanted to let go of the hedonistic, irresponsible, promiscuous lifestyle, and also because they felt they were too young to be in a serious relationship, and if they were in a relationship it would have to be an all–or–nothing kind of relationship. So a few years went by that way, Sarah was 23 and Courtney was 25, and they were very happy living their wild and care free life; but something happened that changed that for Sarah. It was her sisters, they had been in a car accident they were 16 and 18, and both were killed the crash. Sarah was utterly, completely devastated. Sarah father was even more devastated, and seeing Sarah and her family in pain hurt Courtney to. Sarah sister were dead on arrival at the hospital. Sarah was so distraught that she was willing to let ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Kurt Cobain Theory "Kurt Cobain was found dead of an apparently self–inflicted shotgun blast to the head." (Cross, 2014). Cobain was at a raise during his time, he pushed limits into his music, creating a "grunge" style influencing the fashion and music industry single–handily. His band, "Nirvana" was the biggest and most significant band of his generation in the early 90s. He was only 27–years–old at the time of his death, but the question is what lead the "Nirvana" rock star to suicide? Freud's psychodynamic theory of personality states the importance of early childhood development, and it could be said that childhood experiences could have possibly played a role in Cobain's suicide. On February 20, 1967, Cobain was born to be the center attention of his family, he was the first child. At three–years–old his parents birthed his younger sister, that's when things changed, and he didn't receive all the attention as he used to. Around the age of nine his parent's marriage went downhill and divorced, because of this Cobain's psychological development would become affected into his adolescent years. After the divorced Cobain was never in a stable home, jumping from living with father to his grandparents, aunts, and uncles' houses. According to (Cloninger, 2004), "It leaves a narcissistic wound and a craving for parental love that was never met". In psychoanalytic theory Alder could describe him to be struggling with interiority within his childhood where "Fear of abandonment, undoubtedly from his ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Enslaving Nature of Love Exposed in Lucretius Essay Enslaving Nature of Love Exposed in Lucretius In Dryden's Lucretius, the speaker argues that (1) Love is a sickness, (2) Love's sickness enslaves, and (3) all attempts to remedy Love's sickness are vain and will only frustrate the lover. Just as Milton's Adam and Eve become enslaved to sin by disobeying God, so mankind becomes enslaved to Love when pierced with Cupid's "winged arrow". In Milton, there is redemption and freedom through Christ, but in Dryden, no salvation from love is possible. This poem leaves mankind in a hopeless, frustrated state, unable to break free from love's yoke. This essay will center on the last heroic couplet: "All wayes they try, successeless all they prove,/To cure the secret sore ... Show more content on ... The poem argues that love is not only a sickness, but also as a form of enslavement. The couplet argues that "All the wayes they try, successeless all they prove" implies that these lovers are trapped, and cannot satisfy love's demands. This enslavement idea is further proved upon examining the method by which a person falls in love: "From whence he first was struck, he thither tends; Restless he roams, impatient to be freed". The lover is described as "impatient to be freed" which implies that he is not free, but instead a victim, "struck" by a "Fiery dart", and now is cursed with an "endless appetite" for love. The lover is a slave seeking satisfaction, but never finding it: "Hence thirst and hunger may be satisfi'd,/But this repletion is to Love deny'd". Once a person is struck with Cupid's arrow, enslavement begins and "Love with fantomes cheats our longing eyes,/Which hourly seeing never satisfies". Love's enslavement not only makes all attempts to break free fruitless, but also makes the frustrates the lover. In the enslaved state, the lovers tries to satisfy love's demands, "eager to inject the sprightly seed" but "All the wayes they try", the lovers fail. Even though this poem is all about how love enslaves, the speaker ironically offers remedies. The speaker argues ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Personal Narrative: A Dog's Life Slobber on your face, fur covering your black pants, mud being tracked in from outside, a giant furry being jumping on you when you enter the house, this can only mean one thing, a dog. Dogs are not only one of the most common pets, but they are also beloved by many people. Some people will even refer to their dog as their best friend, their companion, or the thing that brightens their day. It is evident that dogs have such a profound effect on people, and since I grew up around dogs, they had a profound effect on me too. However, it is not just my dog's life that changed me, it was losing her that altered my perspective on life and death. When I was brought home from the hospital, it was not just my parents and sister that warmly greeted me, it was three, four pawed, wagging tailed creatures. Two of them died so early on in my life that I hardly remember them, but then there was Honey. Honey was a mix, no one knew what breed of dog she was, just that ... Show more content on ... So it slowly weakened her until it came to the point that she laid under the deck for two days, barely living but still alive, that we had to take her to the vet and have her put down. It was devastating, having a creature that I loved so dearly be there one second, and then gone the next. I was eight years old, and I heartbroken. Dogs don't live forever, and that is the tragic part of it. Even though they are only a small part of our world, we are all of theirs. Losing Honey gave me a new appreciation for life, but also a new perspective on death. Through that loss I was able to learn more about God, and that her soul was still alive, and I took comfort in knowing that I would see her again. Dogs are beautiful creatures that love you unconditionally and protect you fiercely, and so what a blessing not just that they get to be a part of our life, but that we get to be a part of ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Didion's Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream Essay examples Didion's "Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream" In "Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream," the author Didion uses fiery imagery to parallel the San Bernardino Valley to hell. It is a place where the "hills blaze up spontaneously," and "every voice seems a scream." (p.3) Didions hellish descriptions of the geography reflect the culture of San Bernardino Valley. It is "where the hot wind blows and the old ways do not seem relevant, where the divorce rate is double the national average." (p.4) In this culture, the importance of the "old ways," such as a long–lasting marriage, are devalued. It is a society where the "dream [is] teaching the dreamers how to live," (p.17) and where reality doesnt hamper peoples obsessions and ... Show more content on ... Edward Foley, a man only looking to benefit himself, shows no respect or regard for the Lucille Miller tragedy. Two people are killed and one person is sent to an institution for life; yet, Edward Foley tries to utilize this opportunity to make money for himself. Another example of a depreciation of societys principles is the scene for Lucille Millers murder case trial. "College girls camped at the courthouse all night, with stores of graham crackers and No–Cal." Also, "identification disks were issued to the first forty–three spectators in line." (p.20) The trial is described not as a practice of law but as a sporting event. Just as there are hot dog vendors at a sports game, there are "stores of graham crackers and No– Cal" at the trial. Also, Didions use of the word "spectators" suggests that the people inside the courtroom are looking upon the trial like a sports game. Didion later refers to the courtroom seats as the "spectators section." (p.25) A sporting event is not taken seriously. Therefore, Didions comparison of the trial to a sports game undermines the seriousness of law and order in the San Bernardino society. She implies that a self–seeking and avaricious culture results in chaos. Lucille Miller is a prime example of an individual affected by the narcissistic culture.. Lucille, "a woman motivated by love and greed" (p.22) does whatever is necessary to get what she wants. First, she has an ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. My Love Story When I was younger I would make conversation with any breathing personage. As I grew older just the thought of having to interact with someone I did not know was mortifying. Therefore, signing up for a full week of a Young Life camp was one of the hardest decisions I have made. Trying to back out the night before, I wandered on to the bus at six in the morning. A forty–five minute drive and forced to scarf up my cell phone. Arriving at the camp we were greeted by a thousand smiling faces. Settling into our cabin, I was a little more relaxed until I heard the bell. Curiously, we walked out onto the porch to see everyone running. Our cabin quickly followed into the chaos. I Pushed and scraped my way through everyone, and made my way to the front row of the club room. I thought to myself how idiotic it was, I was already a Christian. What else is there to learn about God? Little did I know. That night was the first time I had been introduced to God on a deeper level. I saw him as intimidating and loving instead of a fictional character in my head. I felt comfort and at peace for once. July twenty–fourth, two thousand and sixteen is the day that changed my life forever. I heard the greatest love story of all time. Most people know what it feels like to be loved by a family member, friend, or a spouse. However, nobody can grip the thought of someone loving them as much as Jesus. He could have stopped the Roman soldiers at any given point. However, without His mercy and grace we ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. The Crucible, a Tragedy? Lauren Kendrick Ms. Todd English 11 7 November 11 The Crucible: A Tragedy One day in November of 2009 a young girl was killed in a hit and run by a negligent driver. Her name was Courtney Snipes; she was only 11 years old. Courtney's family suffered from tragedy much like the characters in Arthur Miller's play The Crucible. These characters lost dozens of their neighbors all because of one group of girl's ability to lie. Through Aristotle's definition of what a tragedy in literature is; The Crucible can be easily defined as being a one with its tragic hero being portrayed through John Proctor, the feeling of catharsis, and the seriousness of the overall play. John Proctor is a perfect example of a tragic hero. John ... Show more content on ... John had even said "Because its my name! Because I cannot have another in my life!" (143). This quote clearly shows John's anger about loosing his name to something so unjust as the witch trails. What also makes the play so serious is what happens to the character, especially their bitter ends, for example Giles Corey was pressed to death because he wouldn't reveal an informant. Through the tragic hero characteristics that John Proctor has shown, the feeling of the catharsis at the end of the play, and the overall seriousness of the play proves that The Crucible is most definitely a tragedy. It's hard to believe a tragedy so intense and so lucrative like this has happened in literature and in the world, and hopefully society has learned its lesson, however history has been said to repeat ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. JT Leroy The "JT LeRoy", or "Jeremiah Terminator LeRoy" story began in West Virginia, where he grew up to become hustler. During young adulthood, LeRoy supposedly contracted HIV, transitioned to a woman, and became a writer. In his works, "LeRoy" he dramatized portions of his "real life story" for fiction novels. However, in 2006, it came to light that "JT LeRoy" was not an actual person–but a character crafted by Laura Albert, and boyfriend Geoffrey Knoop, while they struggled as to make it as musicians. The character was eventually personified when Laura Albert pretended to be him in phone interviews and virtual conversations. Over time, the character became so big that Albert and Geoffrey Knoop came up with the idea to have Savannah Knoop, Geoffrey's ... Show more content on ... To lie about something so difficult for those who have experienced it, simply as a cry for attention, is offensive if not violent in itself. Laura likely believed those situations and identifications to be so unsavory, unforgivable, and/or utterly shocking, that she created a story of redemption about people in those situations. Her actions reaffirm what the world believes about those who do not fit into society's beliefs about ideal people–that they morally deviate and are in need of some tragic road to redemption, and/or a mere spectacle to be used for entertainment purposes only. Such a way of perceiving marginalized people aids in the structure of inequality by telling them that they are morally broken, that they need to be forgiven of their inherent transgressions, that they are not human enough to be treated with respect and not ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. To Kill A Mockingbird Character Development Essay "Character development is what I value most as a reader of fiction. If an author can manage to create the sort of characters who feel fully real, who I find myself worrying about while I'm walking through the grocery store aisles a week later, that to me is as close as to perfection as it gets" (J. Courtney Sullivan). In 1960, Harper Lee published the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. It can be rather hard for an author to develop a well built fictional character. Although, Harper Lee does a marvelous job on creating characters. For instance, Scout is a little girl full of energy and is more of a tomboy than most girls. She's always around her older brother Jem who is respectful, kind, and a gentleman like their father Atticus. Harper Lee did a ... Show more content on ... In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins. They're ugly, but those are the facts of life." (221). Atticus is explaining to Jem why he lost the trial, this is mainly because of the unfairness with racism. Atticus is a man who wants that fairness, he knows right from wrong and is very different from many in the South because of this. He just gives the reader a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. He's the type of person that would help you out if you were to go to him about a situation. Atticus is very respectful and kind human that cares about others more than himself. In chapter three Atticus is talking to Scout and says, "First of all," he said, "if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view―until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." (30). This is very strong, Atticus has understood the reason not to judge someone, to be kind, thankful, and caring. He's a very inspirational figure in the novel, and he wants everyone to be treated ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Softball Team Research Paper Do you love watching sports, but hate the fact that you have to watch it on your TV? Well you can change that! Go support out girls softball team, you won't be led down. Our softball team has a total of 16 girls from grades 9–12. The girls on the team are Courtney Baker, Lindsey Burns, Hannah Hague, Taylor Wallack, Tiona Hurd, Abi George, Brooke Kentner, Emma Truex, Ashley Gurr, Katelyn Hansen, Hailie Bowman, Claire Mathewson, Amber Taylor, Rukiya Wesley, Gillian Weathers, Tatum Truex. The coaches this year are Coach Karlie, Coach Stephanie, and Coach Ashley. Our softball team has been having a great season this year with great scores. For example when they played Rogue River they got a score of 10–4, Cascade Christian 6–3 and Hidden Valley ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put... Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put together they make an all around love relationship. LOVE ==== Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put together they make an all around love relationship. Love is an emotional feeling that a partner or both partners are feeling towards one another. Sex on the other hand is a physical action that is taking place between both partners. Men and women may have different views on love and sex. In the short story, " I fell in love, or my hormones awakened", a little girl has a crush on a young man. The short story demonstrates the responses that men and women have towards love, lust, and hate. In this short story, the young girl who is a freshman in ... Show more content on ... Lust is apparent towards the end of this story. The lust between the women and the man is when the play has ended and the girl is waiting in the bathroom for everyone to leave. When she hears the crowds voices diminishing she decides to walk through the hallway to the exist. The hallway is dark and she can only see the exist. While she's walking someone grabs her by the waist and turns her around and gives her a kiss. After the kiss she pulls away to see who is kissing her and meanwhile the man of her dreams plants her another kiss and another kiss she can enjoy. The lust in this part of the story is the dramatic first kiss for the young girl. She was walking in the dark and the boy of her dreams comes out of no where and kisses her. Her response to the lust of the kiss was excitement, joy, and curiosity of what would to come next. The boy's response to the kiss is basically I'm older and I can have whom ever I want and whenever I want. He has no feelings towards this girl whatsoever. The young girl interpreted the kiss as he wanted to be with her and maybe start a relationship, but on the other hand the young mans interpretation of the kiss was basically his role in the social status meaning that he is the oldest which gives him the right to kiss her with no meaning behind the kiss. This story ends with the girl living with her mama in Puerto Rico and the young man still ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Essay on Love in Shakespeare's Sonnet 138 The Philosophy of Love in Sonnet 138 Shakespeare was a superb philosopher, but in his sonnets, he was a philosopher of love. Shakespeare sets forth the experiences of love and its torments fully within his sonnets. The philosophy of love is that, love reconciles all. Love is the evil and the good, the lies and the truth. Love is all there is. It passion as well as deception and lies. "Sonnet 138", is a notable example of Shakespeare's philosophy of love. Written as a dramatic monologue, this sonnet (also known as "song") is a lyric. Like all sonnets, there are fourteen lines, with every four lines written as quatrains in a b a b format. The last two lines are known as a couplet. This sonnet has a ... Show more content on ... In the above six lines, the narrator is explaining the situation of the lies, as they are being shared between the two of them. At line 7, the narrator takes on a change of heart as he "simply" or foolishly places the responsibility of the lies on his companion. "Simply I credit her false–speaking tongue" (l. 7). The style of mirrored lines and thoughts, as show through the fist six lines changes at this moment. Yet, in line 8, He say's that "On both sides" the ugly truth is suppressed. It appears that he is saying that although he gives her credit for maybe starting the lies in the first place, they are both currently in the position of the deceiver. Once again, in lines 10–11 we see another shift in thought as the narrator questions the reality of their love and the imposing lies. "But wherefore says she not she is unjust? And wherefore say not I that I am old?" He is asking himself why she doesn't tell him that she is unfaithful, and why does he not admit that he is old. In the lines following, he answers this question. Because loves best disguise is the pretence of truth, and older lovers do not like to have their age pointed out (l. 11–12). In Line 13, "Therefore I lie with her and she with me," notice the double meaning of 'lie'. The line can also be interpreted as "That is why I sleep with her and she with me." In the end, the narrator concludes that the lies they tell each other help them forget ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. What Happens When Joey Passed Away 3. Joey makes a big deal of having fallen in love with John in 20 minutes––practically love at first sight. Is this significant in light of how long it takes other people to make other decisions in this film? John and Joey are two different people who happen to fall in love with each other briefly. Joey is young, naïve and does not make thorough decisions. Joey is a risk taker. She perceives her relationship with John as a normal relationship, as it doesn't seem to create any problems with other people Joey and John belong to a much younger generation that seems to make succinct decisions without thinking about the consequences of their decision to get married. Joey seems to think that the color disparities are not a problem at all. However, ... Show more content on ... John is charming, sincere, and a well–educated young man, John knows what he wants and knows his commitments. Essentially, John's merits gives him greater value in society, as a black man since very few black people achieved a higher education during his time. The black people are not given the same privileges in school because the quality of education provided to them is mediocre. Nonetheless, black people are distinguished as an un–educated lower class, whereas, white people are perceived as the most intelligent and comprising a higher class of people due to the quality of education received. John is referred to as an important person because of his many educational achievements and his work ethics. 12. Why do you think the characters of the meat deliveryman and Dorothy the maid's helper are in the film? The characters of the meat deliveryman and Dorothy are in the film to convey to the audience that there is nothing wrong with interracial relationships, whether by means of friendship or marriage. It doesn't make a difference because the younger generation likes Dorothy and the meat deliveryman is more open–minded. Dorothy and the meat deliveryman appear to enjoy each others company without the racial disparities. In Courtney ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell is a young adult fiction about a girl in her freshman year of college learning to deal with her struggles on her own in a very new and weird environment. Cath Avery is a twin and has never been without her sister Wren, but when Wren decides that she wants to spend more time on there own in college Cath is lost. Cath wanted to room with Wren like they have been doing since they were born but Wren wants to room with someone unknown and new. This means Cath has to room with someone unknown, Reagan, a few years older and more outgoing then Cath, Reagan decides that she is going to take Cath under her wing to make her more outgoing and to have more fun. Cath is not very social and would much prefer to write and be alone, ... Show more content on ... Cath is a very good writer and she gets special permission to take a junior level writing class with Professor Piper who is a published author. She is shining in the class and one of the most promising authors until she turns in one of her Simon and Baz stories, and Professor Piper tells her this amounts to plagiarism and gives her an F. Cath argues, "The whole point of fanfiction," [Cath] said, "Is that you get to play inside somebody else's universe. Rewrite the rules. Or bend them... You can stay in this world, this world you love, as long as you want, as long as you keep thinking of new stories–" (11.291). Professor Piper will have none of it and tells Cath to write about something she knows. Cath also doesn't know what to write for her final paper in the class and feels very dejected after the F, she decides she isn't going to write it and at best can hope for a C in the class, but Nick uses what they wrote together as his final paper for the class and just uses Cath as an editor, this upsets Cath, and when he gets the opportunity to publish the story in the school paper Professor Piper can tell Cath helped him write the story and tells him she must be a co–author for it to be published, Cath she reject the offer to be a co–author so the piece is never published. This shows that before Cath hated confrontation, in the ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Heartbreak Research Paper Heartbreak can physically and emotionally hurt someone. "I believe 100 percent that a broken heart and emotional pain can negatively affect physical health," says Courtney Nesbitt, L.C.S.W. Research has shown that when someone has been through a breakup they have similar brain activity as when they are shown a picture of a loved one. Researchers concluded that rejection, emotional and physical pain are all processed in the same places of the brain. "When both the parasympathetic system (part of the nervous system) and the sympathetic nervous system are both turned on, you can experience chest pains and discomfort," says Meghan Laslocky. There can be some positive effects of heartbreak like strength stems from resilience, which is where they can feel comfort in knowing that you were able to overcome the hurdle (heartbreak) and that you are absolutely capable of bouncing back from the sadness you feel at that time period. You learn some lessons, like not to believe certain things people say to you, to have respect for yourself and do not let anyone step all ... Show more content on ... You can try protecting against one from a relationship ending. You need to make sure both people have the same intentions in the relationship. You can't be in a relationship where you're the only one putting the effort in. If you are you need to talk to them about. You will get attached and they won't because they aren't looking for a long–term relationship like you. You need to trust your instincts if you don't feel comfortable with someone you need to tell them. If you aren't comfortable it won't last. You're going to be investing yourself in a relationship that isn't going to last and you know it won't. You need to realize everyone has flaws. You can't just see him/her as a perfect person.The faster you notice his flaws, the faster you can decide whether he's someone worth spending your time with. The best the thing to do is to just be ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Humorous Wedding Speech Analysis When I sat down to write this speech, there were so many things that I wanted to say about Courtney that I didn't know where to start. there were so many beautiful things that I wanted to say about Courtney, that I didn't know where to start, but this is by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Courtney was not only beautiful on the outside, she was a beautiful person. She also saw the beauty in others. Courtney formed her own thoughts and opinions about the people and the things around her. Although incredibly difficult, this reminds me not to feel sorrow for her death, but instead to feel grateful that her presence has blessed our lives. it. I am HONORED to be her big sister. When I looked at Courtney, I saw a reflection of myself, ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Essay about Garden State: and His Depression Gina Caddeo English 099 Mr. Covell October 11, 2008 Garden State: "Large" and His Depression Work Cited Gina Caddeo English 099 Mr. Covell October 11, 2008 Garden State: "Large" and His Depression In the movie, Garden State, Andrew Largeman says that his mother has been depressed her whole life, "for no apparent reason." It is because of her depression that the accident occurs. As a nine–year–old boy, Andrew is frustrated that his mother is depressed and that he cannot make her happy. In anger he shoves her causing her to fall over the door of the dishwasher injuring her neck and causing the paralysis. It is this part of the movie that I can identify with as I too suffer from depression; I actually have what is called Bipolar ... Show more content on ... I have a wonderful man in my life, which actually took the time to learn about my disease and now he is my rock, my support and in some ways he has saved my life. I don't know where I would be today if not for him. As I have mentioned before, I have 11–year–old twin daughters. What I have not told many people is that a year ago, June 3, 2007 they went to live with my parents because of my illness. I got really manic that summer and I decided enough was enough. I did not want my daughters to watch me go through another bought of my illness. I felt that they deserved happiness, and stability and I knew that my parents could and would provide both of these things for my girls. In the state that I was in, I decided to just leave, while they were at school, without saying goodbye. Instead, I left a letter telling them goodbye and why I had to go. I will regret that as long as I live because the way that I handled the situation hurt them terribly. In my defense, all I can say is that I felt that what I was doing was the right thing to do at the time, and I also know that had I faced them and tried to tell them goodbye I would not have been able to walk out the door and leave them, because I do love them very much and I did what I thought was in their best interest. My parents, however, will tell you a different story. They do not understand my illness nor do they even try to. Again, I can identify with Andrew, ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Characteristics Of My Friend Amy Poehler, a writer and comedian, once said, "Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life." Befriending a stranger isn't a difficult task, but finding a good friend and maintaining a healthy friendship is tough. Everybody comes with different personalities and motives. I've noticed that majority of my friends brings excitement and positivity in my life that makes it astonishing. I've also realized that my friends are completely different from each other in the personalities section such as: Courtney, Angela, and Macy. Each of my friends is either supportive, positive, and straightforward. Getting to know each of them and letting them be a part of my life has helped me become appreciable of the little things that is happening around me. The main and important quality of a friend is to give support. One of my friends that I've been friends with for the longest time, Courtney, have been supportive from the beginning. She wouldn't judge me by the decisions I had chosen. Instead of judging, she stood by my side through Adams Elementary, the school that we knew each other from, till this day. When I was eight years old, she experienced the greedy, bratty, and a mean little girl that matured through the adolescence stage. Courtney was the first person to give me encouragement that I needed in order to have a serious conversation with my mom, that owns a business of nine years, about deciding to pursue my own ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Courtney Love Research Paper In 1992, Lynn Hirschberg slatted Courtney Love in her article or the vanity fair "Strange Love". She describes Love as being "a train wreck no–one can take their eyes off" and discussed the couple's drug problems and categorised a host of other rumours and the health of their unborn child. Their child Frances was temporarily taken from them due to the release of this article.Pros Sparked loads of controversy. Love decided to lash back and respond to this piece by doing a number of things. (1) left angry verbal messages on Hirschberg's answering machine, (2) released a song called "Bring Me the Head of Lynn Hirschberg," and (3) in 1995 at the oscar party, she attempted to assault Hirschberg with Quentin Tarantino's Academy Award. She also holds Lynn responsible for contributing to her husband's suicide by pushing him over the edge. Cons It presented a very one–sided negative view of Courtney Love as a parent. This article written in 1992 quoted the Hole front woman saying she had gone on a heroin binge while pregnant. ... Show more content on ... It was filmed after the success of Hole's "Live Through This" album and as she was about to hit it big in the film industry with her portrayal of Althea Leasure in "The People Vs. Larry Flynt".Barbara interviews Courtney discussing various topics regarding the public perception of Love as uneducated and dirty, her ability as a mother, her childhood and upbringing. Along with why she does things like simulate her husband's death on stage, and questions the death of Kurt; why she blames herself and if she feels like it was her that pushed him over the edge. Excellent interview as it is all the tough real questions the public want answered. An unlikely pair of people which makes this interview more interesting and surreal.Interview is quite short, which restricts the ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Courtney Love: Gavin Cheated On Gwen-With Me ! Her nickname is Sunshine All humans with work and perseverance can choose their own path of life. Indeed, there are more difficult events to overcome for some. Being a celebrity seems like a dream but if you really think about it, what is the celebrity reality life like? I guess, it is an extraordinary feeling to have the audience scream your name and admire you, but what about their personal life being exposed by social media with no consent? We now have access to information whenever we want to, this has caused an impact for celebrities who are starting their career or end up destroying their lives because of negative comments, substance abuse, and loss of believe in themselves. "While most Americans don't have a media horde following them every time they set foot outside the house – and possibly even photographers crawling through the bushes when they're home – celebrities' privacy is being eclipsed by the same technologies that are eating away at everyone's ability to be left alone: long–lens ... Show more content on ... The articles headlines need to be persuasive and be an attention grabber, "Courtney Love: Gavin Cheated on Gwen –– With Me!," (USWEEKLY STAFF) really? This article was published after Gavin Rossdale, recognized a secret love child, "In 2004, DNA tests revealed that he has a secret lovechild years before meeting Stefani, 40. She was said to be "devastated."(USWEEKLY STAFF) In 2010, Gwen's husband scandal of love affair, and affiliation with gay past and then the secret love child in 2004. It is incredible how media can affect a marriage and a family with their intrusive way of writing about Gwen Stefani personal life. I can't imagine how Gwen must have felt in 2010, when her marriage was been objected and social media was publishing different articles talking about her husband. I dislike articles that want to affect an artist marriage and assume things that are not ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Personal Statement: Who I Really Am Who I Really Am: I care deeply about people with disabilities. I believe that people do not understand what is really like for someone who happens to have a disability. They treat them rudely or differently. They do not understand the way the perceive topics, the way the take some remark a person may have said, and they do not understand that they are teased. I think we need to think before we do things. The emotional me is different everyday. Sometimes, I can be pessimistic or optimistic but I try to think positively. I think showing love is a good thing and I show love by checking in on the person, helping them, and being kind. I believe that showing hate is a bad thing and we should act kind even in bad times. I express joy with smiling and laughing. I convey sorrow by changing my normally joyful and excited ... Show more content on ... I would also like to have a family but I would want to wait until I had a job that would keep me happy and that would make me successful. I want to become an adult that everyone knows and loves. I want to be known for being independent and preeminent in a good way. I worry that I will not be happy in the future and that I will detest my career. I fear that I will not be able to achieve my dream of being a professional acteress. I was dream to travel the world to Europe, Africa and Asia. I would hate to see that dream not come true. Many people in my life are important to me. My family, friends, relatives, and teachers are important but focusing on certain people, my voice coach, Shirene Patterson is someone I will forever look up to. She makes me smile when I do not want to. She is so talented and makes me laugh till I can not stand. She is like a mother to me, older sister and bestfriend. My voice lessons are on Fridays and each week I get so excited to sing with her. Her singing voice is so graceful and smooth. If I am struggling with something, I always turn to her for ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Campfire Revenge Analysis Campfire Revenge Summary: When a husband tossed gas on a campfire, one mother was horribly injured from the fiery inferno. She suffered burns on 40 percent of her body and face. After checking into the hospital, her husband abandoned her and her four–year–old daughter. He was unable to handle her injuries, but he did not expect her surprising revenge. Introduction: Not long ago, Terry and Courtney had an amazing life. They began a holiday romance while they were traveling together. Before long, they were in a committed relationship. When the couple found out that they were expected a baby, they decided to get married. Five years later, the happy family decided to go on a camping trip. They wanted to go to the same spot where Terry had initially proposed to Courtney after finding out that they were pregnant. The family was excited to return to the wilderness spot where their dreams and life started together. – Insert a picture of Courtney, Terry and their daughter on a camping trip looking happy together. Main: At that point, Courtney's life could not get any better. She was madly in love with her husband, and they had a perfect child together. It seemed like their future was bright. The years stretching before them seemed filled with love and hope. Their goal was to be together forever and retire to a pair of rocking chairs on their front porch. Unfortunately, their big dreams were not going to come true. Because of one tragic event, the couple's life would change forever. – Insert a picture of a fire breaking out in camp. Courtney remembers the event like it happened yesterday. "I can smell the fire and gas. The scent of my skin burning filled my nostrils as I screamed in agony. All I could think of was my daughter and Terry. I had not control over what happened, and the pain made me pass out."
  • 63. Her fiery demise was caused by an unintentional event. Terry had decided to get rid of the gas from their camp oven by tossing it on the flames. In the darkness, he did not realize how close Courtney was to the fire. When the fire engulfed, he realized to his horror that she was covered in flames. – Insert a picture of Courtney on life support at the hospital. After the operation, the couple ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Dominic's Variation Of Masks Dominic lives a variety of lives, wearing a variation of masks throughout. By day, he is a prosecutor in Austin, Texas, and by night he plays music at the Norman Pub (Pryor 11); but underneath it all, he is a psychopath. Generally this means, he doesn't process, or display emotions like a typical person would. Instead, Dominic "can [only] feel some of them, ones like anger, disappointment, and lust. ... Emotions [tying him] to others, like compassion, love, or even fear, ... [he] doesn't feel" (Pryor 28). However, just because Dominic doesn't naturally experience these emotions, that doesn't mean that he isn't capable of falsifying them. In fact, he's had some practice; "[he's] been pretending since [he] was a kid, and [believes] his success in ... Show more content on ... He recalls a traumatic event from when he was eleven years old, mentioning an old friend, Arthur "Artie" Halliwell, and their meet ups in the school's music room. He recounts "[o]ne afternoon, about six weeks into the summer term, the music teacher[, Mr. Flowers] found [them] up there[; he was the type who would, w]hen [teaching] the young boys guitar, have them sit on his lap so he could 'make sure they had perfect form'. That Sunday, he just watched [Dominic and Artie] play[,]" (Pryor 229) but "[Dominic] knew instinctively something was wrong when [Mr. Flowers] asked [him] to leave and come back later so he could give Artie some private lessons ... For the remainder of the summer term, [Dominic] saw less and less of Artie. He sat quietly in class and didn't speak[;] on the few occasions [Dominic] asked if he wanted to go to the music room, he just shook his head" (Pryor 230–231). Although the sexual assault covertly taking place was not directly affecting Dominic, he was still unquestionably troubled. Courtney E. Ahrens, and Rebecca Campbell conducted a survey of 60 friends of adult rape victims; out of all the participants, 96.6% felt angry at the perpetrator, 71.7% felt shocked, and 68.3% wanted to get even (Morrison et al.) Even typical people who witness sexual abuse in their friends experience these emotions, but few act on it; Dominic's first violent gesture was just that. "John ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Jayla Response To Intervention Jayla responded well to the intervention Jayla. Jayla continues to make progress towards her goals. Jayla stated that she is not getting along well with her mother due to the relationship she has with another girl. Jayla stated that she would like to be honest with her mom about the relationship. Jayla stated that her mom is making her feel unhappy and depressed because she is stopping her from being involved with her girlfriend. Jayla stated, that her mom is aware of her being gay. Jayla stated, that her mom thinks that her relationship with her girlfriend Courtney is unhealthy because of past events that led her to harming herself. Jayla stated, that she will continue to be a relationship with Courtney, regardless of how her mom feels. Jayla ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Driving Solo: A Reflection on Today's Icons Essay The focus today on America's modern icons can be ridiculous. Our icons are no longer people who have done anything touchable. Florence Nightingale saved our country from future disease. Harriet Tubman helped to free slaves. Francis Scott Key wrote our beloved national anthem. Now, in the 21st century, we have Britney Spears, sexpot. We're proud to say that we are the home of the raunchy Christina Aguilera. And Kurt Cobain. We can't forget Kurt, can we? At the mere mention of any of these names, curiosity and conversation run rampant. Why is it that Americans can be so engrossed with a person who is all publicity and no substance? We don't know half of the traits of these people, yet they are the loves of our lives. I recently read an ... Show more content on ... There are thousands of sites proclaiming Cobain a genius; a messiah; a gentle, tortured soul. Out of those thousands, I found few sites questioning Cobain's motives. One of those sites wanted to know why we are still enthralled with him if he hated fame so greatly. This man not only spewed his hatred of the public eye at every chance, he killed himself to get away from it. Why do we see this as strength, something to be respected? I suppose most die–hard Kurt fans choose to ignore the negative. But we need to face it. Kurt Cobain was a terrible father, a drug addict, and a narcissist. In 2002, the private journals of Cobain were published to the entire population. Here is all the insight needed to understand the true Cobain. For many of his fans, I'm sure this book was hard to take. Some say they weren't his journals at all because of the inconsistencies they revealed. Here was a man who, to his fans, professed his disdain of celebrity, yet bragged of his prominence in his private journals. Maybe they just couldn't accept that their own idol was so completely different from his public persona. He told the media that he hated his fame. He hated his money. Yet a large amount of his journal entries were written on paper from five–star hotels. In one entry, Cobain boasts: "I'll be able to sell my untalented, very un–genius ass for years based on my cult feels good" (281). Do we actually believe that this man hated his fame? ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Shamhat and Siduri Essay Shamhat was the priestess of Ishtar, the great goddess of love and war. She was hired by Gilgamesh to tame Enkidu as Enkidu was not civilized in any way and had come to be Gilgamesh's soul brother and companion. Shamhat was a hierodule and was asked to seduce Enkidu and use her charming ways to make a man out of Enkidu, the animal like. Shamhat, being a hierodule, is a woman dedicated to Priesthood and God. Hence, she would only deal with the godly. She was allocated the task of making Enkidu aware of the human nature and lifestyle, which was different from the animal world that he was coming from. Shamhat had tactically and implicitly understood the path that she would have to take towards the betterment of Enkidu. She revealed to him ... Show more content on ... Gilgamesh was devastated by Enkidu's death. The immense grief and excruciating pain and also fear for death, that it caused to him had made him eager to seek immortality. Gilgamesh met Siduri in a very delicate state of mind. He had just witnessed the death of his soul brother and only friend. Life had brought him to a stage where he could gain some humanity and get rid of his selfish, arrogant attitude. He met Siduri by coincidence. Siduri came as a gift, which made him familiar with the simple ways of leading life. Her small words meant a lot that taught a lot about life. Gilgamesh was an arrogant ruler with no humanly feelings of love and compassion. Having lost Enkidu, his only friend, had stirred mixed feeling in his soul. On the one hand he felt grieved about Enkidu's death but on the other hand he was going against the rule of nature. The fear for death made him feel that he was strong and powerful. So he would not want to die ever. And so he set out in search of Utnapishtim. Siduri tried to put light on him important aspects of life in that human life is ordained by God and that humans do not have a control over their own lives. She says to him" Remember always, mighty king, that Gods decreed the fates of all many years ago. They alone are to be eternal, while we frail humans die as you yourself must someday too." (Gilgamesh, tablet 10, column 3, lines88–91, p.51) She explains ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Death Of An Idol. A Day Like Any Other, A High School The Death of an Idol A day like any other, a high school student, Karissa Rider, tried to catch up on some much needed sleep before her first period began. Too groggy to realize the effect of this event, she overheard "the gossip" of the day. The previous day April 5, 1994, something happened that would change the life of every music fan alive. Kurt Cobain, lead singer of the popular grunge band, Nirvana, had overdosed on heroin and shot himself. Cobain was only twenty–seven when he committed suicide(Johnson). Frontman of Nirvana, what most consider to be the greatest grunge band of all time, Cobain was a very important figure in the music industry in the nineties and onward. He made several strides to push music further and change the ... Show more content on ... As a child Karissa was very into music as most children are. Although she did not very much care for Cobain at the time she cites Prince as one of her biggest idols in the musical field, comparing him to Cobain in several ways. As an adult she sees many similarities between both great artists.She states that both were widely recognized artists who changed the industry with their different stunning styles that captured the hearts of many. Prince's recent death had affected Karissa similar to the way Cobain might have if she was a bigger fan at the time of his death. The effect of Cobain's death truly set in Karissa's mind thanks to a coworker who cared very much for the singer. A young high schoolkid, Karissa valued having money so, during her junior year she worked a two jobs at the same time. Her first job at a nursing home and her second at Jack In the Box, this is where she would finally realize Cobain was more than just a regular old singer, although she would not fully appreciate his art and abilities for years to come. Rider describes a boy named Robert. Robert was one of her co–workers at Jack In the Box, the only difference, this boy was in love with Kurt Cobain. At the time Rider did not care much for Cobain and could not truly see the effect he had until she saw Robert. Robert was so devastated by Cobain 's death he 'd acted as if, in Karissa 's words, "his own brother had died". Karissa ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Much Ado About Nothing Play Analysis Much Ado About Nothing – Courtney Irving drama assignment The Queensland theatre company's rendition of 'Much Ado About Nothing' was a highly captivating piece of theatre, in which the director, Jason Klarwein stated that "this play is a beautifully controlled sensual look at love and lust. What people will do to get it and what people will do to avoid it." Through the relationships between the entire ensemble of actors, more specifically, Christen O'Leary depicting Beatrice, and Benedick, portrayed by Hugh Parker the role of love and lust was integrated, as well as what the characters will do to avoid and get love. This integration of love and lust into the performance was showcased through the extensive manipulation of the conventions of Elizabethan theatre, more specifically, exaggerated movements and vocal dexterity, the intimate mood that was created in moments between Benedick and Beatrice, and the symbolic aspects of the play. The performance centred around ... Show more content on ... After overhearing their teasing, Beatrice exclaimed her shock upon hearing the news as well as confessing her love for Benedick. O'Leary integrated vocal dexterity when she delivered these lines by the noticeable change in her voice as her words are spoken in a higher pitch, demonstrating the shock that overcame her when hearing about Benedick supposed love that he has for her. O'Leary delivered these lines with an increased volume as well as an increased pace in which they are spoken, showing how she was excited by the news. This observable change in Beatrice's voice showcased how excited and passionate she became, which amplified that Beatrice did in fact want to love and be loved, when, similarly to Benedick, she had previously avoided ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Kristen Alderson Essay Kristen Alderson and Chad Duell of General Hospital fell in love working together, but things didn't work out for them. Ever since leaving the role of Kiki Jerome, Kristen has pretty much stayed out of the spotlight. The fans miss her, but she is just living a normal life. She split from Chad Duell, and if she started dating right away, Kristen didn't share it with her fans. Now, Celeb Dirty Laundry is revealing that Kristen Alderson has a new man in her life, but he isn't someone that the fans know. Everyone wants to know who this new guy, but so far, Kristen Alderson isn't saying. She has been posting pictures with him on her Instagram, and he is a cute guy with dark hair. The new man Kristen is dating is not someone famous, though. So far, nobody seems to recognize him. She is sharing photos, but isn't giving out any details like how she met him or how long they have been together. If you don't know, Chad Duell also has someone new in his life. He is dating The Bold and The Beautiful's Courtney Hope. She plays the role of Sally Spectra on the soap opera. They even hit up a red carpet event together recently. He also took her to the Daytime Emmy Awards. They are both constantly posting pictures with each other, so maybe ... Show more content on ... After leaving her role as Kiki, Kristen Alderson went to her Twitter and said, "Goodbye LA & to a beautiful chapter in my life. I'll always love you @duelly87 thank you for being my best friend." A week later she shared saying, "Thank u all for the love. Chad and I are in a good place though. It wasn't an easy decision for us, but we've remained optimistic &friends." Then she posted, "We appreciate all of the support we got as a couple from you guys. Sorry, we've remained quiet about it all, just needed time..." She never shared what happened, but their lives are in totally different places now unlike when they were both on General ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Essay on Examining Kurt Cobain's Personality Personality theories attempt to identify the origins of personalty and examine how personality develops. Throughout the history of psychology, different psychologists have offered various personalities, each one contradicting some idea of the other. It is possible to examine personality using multiple parts of different theories, while certain characters may be best described by one theory. Although Kurt Cobain, a complex character, cannot possibly fit into any one personality theory perfectly, parts of his personality can be explained using theories created by Alfred Adler and Carol Rogers. Kurt Cobain was born on February 20, 1967, in Aberdeen, Washington. His mother Wendy was a waitress and his father Donald was a mechanic. His ... Show more content on ... In February 1992 he married Courtney Love, and his daughter Frances Bean Cobain was born shortly after. In Utero, Nirvana's second album, was released in 1993, and was more open than Nevermind. Despite all the success, Cobain's heroin usage grew. He attempted suicide on March 4, 1994, but the incident was deemed an accident. On April 7, 1994, Cobain shot and killed himself. He left a note to his wife and daughter that ended "I love you, I love you" (personal communication, April 7, 1994). As a child, Cobain's main influence was Evel Knievel, and he was determined to be reckless and fearless like his hero. As Cobain grew older, however, his influences became primarily musical, and included Neil Young, nicknamed the "Godfather of Grunge," the Beatles, and various alternative bands (DeRogatis, para. 8). His major accomplishments were his recordings, as Cobain was known as a lyricist more than a musician, despite his short–lived career. Cobain's personality fits rather easily into Alfred Adler's theory of personality, especially in terms of style of life and birth order. Adler believed that "the individual creates the style of life," rather than being a victim of fate (Schultz & Schultz, 2009, p. 137). He named four styles of life, dominant, getting, avoiding, and ... Get more on ...