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Space Flight Effects
Effects of Long Term Space Flight on Human Health One of the many concerns and challenges
associated with space travel and long term space flight has been the impact and harmful effects on
human health. The increased electromagnetic radiation, pressure, and lowered gravity collectively
disrupt the way the human body typically functions back on Earth. These foreign environmental
factors can lead to alteration of the blood vessels, cancer, muscle loss, mental health issues, and
weakening of the bones. Because of this, prolonged space travel journeys have been near
impossible. Currently, research is being conducted to observe the extent of the damage inflicted by
prolonged exposure and counteractive measures are being taken in order to increase the amount of
time astronauts can safely reside in space. Astronauts aboard the ISS and animal test subjects sent to
the ISS for periods of time have proven extremely valuable in measuring and quantifying these
effects. Additionally NASA has been artificially testing these effects from Earth. Data from these
experiments have allowed scientists to develop gene therapies, exercise routines, and materials that
better absorb/reflect the harmful electromagnetic radiation. With continued improvement and study,
we may be able to counter the harmful effects of long term space flight, thus expanding the distance
and time we as humans can travel through the solar system. Before acknowledging research and
potential solutions to the problems
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Effects Of Long Term Space Flight
Junlin Jiang ESS 102 April 15, 2016 Research Topic: Effect of Long–Term Space Flight How long
would a "long term" space flight be? According to our records, the longest that human has been off
Earth is almost 438 days, and it is the mission operated by Russian space station Mir. (Beings not
Made for Space, Kenneth Chang, 2014) Long–term space flight requests that astronauts have to be
exposed to the real space environment, which includes microgravity, the significant increase in
radiation, variation in temperature and space view. Due to these changes of space environment from
that of the Earth, astronauts will face the changes on their body and health, some of the changes
would be negative. For example, astronauts will see the significant changes in their body; their
whole bodies will expand, the mass of their bones and muscles would lose, and some of them might
have farsighted eyes. To build a better space environment, scientists have been working hard to find
out what is causing the health issues and ways to solve them. They have done well–known
researches such as "Twins Study" between Mark and Kelly Scott. The latest technology that
involved is called artificial gravity; it is considered desirable for long–term space flight as well as
human habitat in space. My Sci–Fi paper will be mostly talking about human habitat in space,
therefore, long–term space flight will be the fundamental background. Hence, this type of
technology will also be included in my sci–fi paper. For
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Commercial Space Flight Persuasive Speech
Andrew, First, I see your point on where you think commercial space flight is compared to the
commercial aircraft industry. I believe they are a little further along but not by much. Looking how
far companies like SpaceX and OrbitalATK have come in the past 5–10 years is impressive. I agree
with you though there is still technology hurdles they still need to overcome before saying it is a
success. The biggest being its ability to prove a reusable launch vehicle concept. You hit on a key
point that I highlighted as well and that is with the safety of commercial flights. You pointed out that
on average airlines lose 150 planes a year and no one calls for the halt of all airline traffic. However,
with space travel it is the opposite. One
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Nasa 's The Manned Space Flight Program
With the news that the Obama administration decided to abandon NASA's plans to send a man back
to the moon by 2020, the manned space flight program is quickly reaching extinction. It marks a
sharp contrast with the Apollo space program that at its peak captured the American imagination.
David L. Chandler reports of that time, "With goose bumps and white knuckles, people followed the
crackly radio reports of that first lunar footfall, and they lionized its heroes with tickertape parades"
(Chandler, 1). Now, there is none of that level of interest in the space program. In a short span of
time, space travel became just an afterthought. "Public interest in human space travel, it now seems,
has followed a trajectory something like that of a ... Show more content on ...
Writer John Derbyshire notes, "None of the most useful off–planet projects – G.P.S., earth imaging,
antimissile technology – has any requirement for human beings in space" (Derbyshire, 1). Not only
can machinery do what we need to get done, they also do it at a cheaper cost. "Anything a human
being does up there could be done by unmanned machinery for one–thousandth the cost. With the
ever–increasing intelligence of our machines, the cost gap will only get wider" (Derbyshire, 1). The
costs are a big reason for why there is much hesitation for manned space travel. "No president since
John Kennedy has been willing or able to project the necessary vision of a human future in space, or
willing to expend the political capital to make future human exploration of the planets a reality – or
even a real but distant plan" (Chandler, 3). It is the lack of vision along with the stated reasons that
resulted in the harsh reality that space programs face today. Part of this decline was the loss of
prestige and importance the space program once held. John F. Kennedy's words supporting the
Apollo program spoke of this prestige, "No nation which expects to be the leader of other nations
can expect to stay behind in the race for space" (John M. Logsdon, 1). One of the reasons Apollo
had so much interest was the national fervor it generated. The space race between America and the
former Soviet Union had so much pride at stake that only success would do. "The
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The Nasa Space Flight Center Essay
The Goddard Space Flight Center states that there are 2,271 artificial satellites currently in space
orbiting the earth. An artificial satellite is a hand–made machine that orbits the planet earth to help
in many different ways in communications, documenting information, sending and receiving
signals. A satellite is a moon, planet, or a machine that orbit a planet or a star. There are many types
of satellites and each one is used for different reasons. Some satellites are used to send and receive
television signals. Some other satellites are used in communications by making it possible to send
and receive signals from phones, fax, internet and computers to people all over the world. Other
satellites are used in forecasting by giving information about the earth's weather to scientists. Also,
there is another type of satellites that take accurate picture of earth to show the environmental
situation such as resources, pollution and statistics of crops and water (NOAA, 2014). Satellites
improved a lot in the daily life uses such as weather forecasting, documenting information,
communication and positioning systems.
The idea of satellites The development of the invention started in 1952 when the International
Council of Scientific Unions decided to start a project named International Geophysical Year which
started on July1, 1957 and ended on December31, 1958. They put in considerations to launch the
artificial satellite in this year for mapping earth's surface (Verma, 2012).
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Long Term Space Flight
ESS 102 A
Space Research Paper
Effects of Long Term Space Flight
The topic of my Sci–fi paper is going to be about the creation of a colony on mars in the future that
utilizes water on mars and fusion reactions for energy that are powered by the mining of helium on
the moon. The three definitions that I will include about space propulsion and orbital mechanics are
the effect of long term space flight, antimatter, and space elevators. The three definitions that I will
include about sun and space weather are aurora, solar wind, and the magnetosphere. The three
definitions that I will include about planetary characteristics are the atmosphere of Mars, the
atmosphere of Saturn, and the composition of the moon.
Humans have always been driven to explore the unknown and venture into the newest frontier. In
this age of unparalleled scientific progress, the newest frontier which we explore has become the
space beyond our atmosphere. Just as North America was pursued by western explorers several
hundred years ago for its potential resources and promise of freedom, so is space being explored
today. As the earths environmental conditions continue to dwindle, finding a way for humans to
survive in space may prove ... Show more content on ...
During space travel, there is no significant gravitational force to load the body such as there is on
earth. When there is no force constantly acting on a person, having a strong skeletal system is less
necessary and during flight a person's body will adapt to this. Space travel leads to significant bone
loss. Bones will release calcium which weakens bones and causes other problems related to calcium
deposits such as kidney stones. A person's bones are prone to fractures both during and after the
mission. Without the load of gravity, the spine becomes elongated which causes significant back
pain, and can can cause intervertebral discs to become misaligned
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The Pros And Cons Of Human Space Flight
During long term space flight the human body must fight through some very tough situations.
Humans have evolved and were built to live in the environment we live in now and that means
humans are built to live with earth's gravitational pull. Along with this, earth's atmosphere is a layer
of protection that humans evolved with. During human space flight, both of these factors are taken
out of the equation and humans begin to be faced with zero gravity and are forced to be without the
protection of the earth's atmosphere. The effects that astronauts endure include bone density loss,
muscle loss, sensory motor issues, cardiovascular issues, radiation issues, and even psychological
issues (Roberts, 2013).
Problem – The effects on the ... Show more content on ...
Exercise is one of the most important things that astronauts must take part in daily because if they
don't, the consequences will result in the inability to do any work. Inside of the space station there
are three main exercise machines for astronauts to use (Dunbar, 2004). The first is a bicycle machine
(Cycle Ergometer), the next is a treadmill, and the third is a resistance machine (Resistance Exercise
Device) (Dunbar,2004). All three of these machines are essential in combating bone density loss and
muscle atrophy. The Cycle Ergometer is used mainly as a testing of fitness while in space to get an
approximate sense of the astronaut's health status (Dunbar, 2004). The treadmill is used because
walking and running are essentially the best ways to keep muscles healthy although this treadmill
uses harnesses to harness the astronaut down to the machine due to zero–gravity (Dunbar, 2004).
The resistance machine is used in order to keep the strength of bones/muscles by using bands to get
a full body workout (Dunbar, 2004). [add picture here for reference of what machines look like] It is
important to note though, even with these three exercise options in space, bone density loss and
muscle atrophy is still taking place. Other experiments are being completed in order in order to
better understand this issue with the hopeful result of finding a solution but no scientific
breakthroughs have occurred yet. [possibly look into experimental
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Research Paper On Isaac Newton Space Flight
Isaac Newton Space Flight The Laws of Motion and universal gravity proposed by Sir Newton led
to the development of space flight. Each law has a separate connection that when pieced together
can send you into the air.
The first law states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless an external force is
applied ( Now this applies to space craft when a rocket sits until being lifted up
once the throttle of the engine is released (NASA). This is also because of aerodynamics, developed
George Cayley. Aerodynamics is the pressure when the force is applied to get up off the ground,
perpendicular to the surface (NASA). The second law says force equals mass times acceleration, as
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Space Flight Research Paper
Before launching a rocket into the unknown, there are a number of factors that need to be considered
before taking flight. Over the past 200,000 years, humans have adapted well to life on earth, through
many generations. Manned missions to space have only been occurring for 55 years and humans
haven't had the chance to adapt to its harsh environment and this can take a toll on the human body.
The more serious effects of long–term space flight include weightlessness (muscle atrophy and
deterioration of the skeleton); slowing of the cardio vascular system functions, decrease in
production of red blood cells, balance disorder and an overall weakening of the immune system.
Other minor effects on the human body include fluid redistribution, loss of body mass, nasal ...
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The first flight to Mars will consist of the cargo payload, carried by Space X's "Red Dragon". The
Red Dragon has a total mass of 6,500kg plus a payload total of just over 4,000kg, making it one of
the versatile Mars landing vehicles
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Long Term Space Flight Research Paper
Jeng Woo Park
ESS 102 AD
Research Paper
The Effects of Long–Term Space Flight
In the year 2121, Jay and his crew took flight into space. Jay's mission was to reach a potentially
habitable exoplanet, Proxima Centauri b, to colonize and recreate civilization after the nuclear
destruction of Earth in 2028. With years of planning and preparing, he gathered one hundred of the
brightest and healthiest men and women he could find and built a space craft that could travel at 0.8
of the speed of light. With this speed, he calculated the estimated time of arrival to be around 2126.
The space craft is powered by the effective fusion reactor generator, in which a controlled fusion
reaction is performed releasing small amounts of antimatter. The massive ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of the immune system is to protect the body from the inside by eradicating certain
diseases before they are given the chance to spread or exacerbate. The lack of Earth's gravity
significantly simulates the process of aging, which is known to reduce the immune system.6 Since
humans naturally age regardless of traveling in space, this area of research proves to be a difficult
field to study. Fortunately, this process is accelerated in microgravity by a noticeable extent so some
observations that deviate from the normal deterioration of natural aging can be recorded. A NASA
researcher, Millie Hughes–Fulford, has studied the specialized T–cells, which quickly lose their
functionality as humans age or travel in microgravity.6 When diseases or infections are caught by
the immune system, the T–cells are the group that fights and kills these foreign intruders. Without
them, the immune system has a higher risk of losing to the disease, which eventually leads to
humans getting sick.6 Along with Hughes–Fulford's study on the T–cells, NASA's integrated
Immune and Clinical Nutrition Assessment research groups have also done analysis on the
concentration of cytokines.7 Cytokines are proteins that are vital to cell signaling and serve many
different roles in the immune system. By measuring the concentration of these proteins for 28
astronauts before and after traveling in space, researchers
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More Space Shuttle Experiments Take Flight Summary
The article More Space Shuttle Experiments Take Flight, talks about a unique mentorship program
for the ages of elementary children. The mentorship program prepares experiments that have been
conducted in flight on space shuttle missions, students have the chance to study simulations that
have happened in space in a classroom setting. For example, students study the effect of spaceflight
on seeds and brine shrimp germinated/ hatched in the classroom. The article includes the students
and the teachers, it is a nationwide mentorship program that is engaging students to move on to the
next set of space shuttle experiment studies. Several schools are participating in these different
series of space shuttle experiments and the experiments vary depending on the age level and interest.
What I love about these space shuttle experiments is the fact that the students and teachers are
involved together. There is communication throughout all the schools involved and unanswered
questions are always given an answer. When students in the classroom are given an experiment like
this, it is going to create a learning environment that is enjoyable for learners. The author of the
article, Robert ... Show more content on ...
The four different control groups allowed students to examine the effects on germination of seeds
exposed to a hostile space environment. The groups encouraged different studies but the total
outcome allowed students the chance to learn about different effects that space has on different
seeds. In order for the experiments to work there had to be teams in order to simulate a collaborative
research environment. The collaboration in these experiments taught students about the space
environment and what it is capable of and the importance of teamwork to help one another succeed
as a
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Effects Of Long Term Space Flight
Gabriela V. Condarco–Quesada Jan. 23, 2015 Research Paper Draft Effects of Long Term Space
Flight Since NASA's inception in 1958, more missions have been attempted to Mars than any other
place in the solar system besides the moon [1]. However, despite the number of attempts and robotic
explorations made to Mars, we have yet to send humans to this red planet. Explanations for this lack
of human presence can be attributed to the obstacles faced by scientists; from the technical issues
that need to be overcome, to the sheer expense, there is also the challenge of knowing how long–
duration space travel can affect astronauts not only physically but also psychologically. My sci–fi
story shall give a glimpse into a crew's round–trip to Mars and the challenge to achieve their
mission's goals and whether the physical and mental wear on their bodies will prevent them from
doing so. In the past, one–way trips to Mars have been conducted ranging from 150–300 days [2].
When adding time spent on the planet and a return trip, that number doubles, testing human
resilience in space even further. Scientists need to come up with ways to safely send human beings
to these remote planets and find ways to combat the following physical and psychological
challenges their astronauts face. Previous experiments have been done on the physical challenges
astronauts face during space travel. In microgravity, there is an increased loss of bone minerals with
a concentrated bone loss in the pelvic
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Space Flight: Risk of Performance Errors Due to Sleep Loss
Introduction During spaceflight astronauts will experience fatigue that can threaten their health and
performance during their period of exploration. If fatigue during space flight goes untreated, there is
a potential long–term health effects. The term fatigue can be explained as weariness from bodily or
mental exertion and temporary reduction of functioning organs due to excessive stimulus.
Astronauts are prone to other risk during spaceflight as well, these are the following: sleep loss,
circadian desynchronization, fatigue, and workload are all potential risk astronauts can encounter
during flight. Due to the enormous amount of stress, work, isolation, and confinement, research
must be done to improve the astronauts' stay in space in ... Show more content on ...
When it comes to work overload, it's hard to come up with a solution on how to deal with this risk.
The reason is everyone reaches stress and being overloaded differently, some can handle more stress
and pressure, while others can handle moderate amount before it takes a toll on them mentally and
physically. The solution to these risks that affect performance is the following, Cranial
Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES). What is Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation? Cranial
Electrotherapy Stimulation is the application of extremely low levels of electricity applied to the
brain for the treatment of a wide range of psychiatric and medical disorders. [5] Implementing this
treatment to the astronauts will provide a solution to sleep loss and other disorders that can be
developed due to the isolation and confinement of space. Previous research done in the field of
Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation have shown to treat disorders ranging from insomnia, anxiety,
cognitive dysfunction, depression, stress, etc. Implementation of CES to astronauts will not only
provide a solution to prevent performance errors but provided a long range of benefits to the well
being of astronauts'. Background Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Cranial Electrotherapy
simulation uses medical devices to send a pulsed, low current to the brain via electrodes placed on
the ear lobes, maxilla–occipital
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Space Flight Research Paper
History of Space Flight and Current Development
Benet Thekkel
Today edition of Aero magazine will cover the technological advancements throughout the history
of space flight. The dream of reaching space was made possible, when Chinese invented gunpowder
rockets in 1232. It was initially used as fireworks, then later on it was use advanced into warfare
tactics. The gunpowder consisted of simple ingredients such as charcoal dust, sulfur and potassium
nitrate. The end of the rocket is left open as the ignited powder produced fire, smoke, gas and thrust
which enabled the high velocity forward motion.
Shortly after, Mongols gained the secret weapon of China and spread the knowledge to Western
Europe and all over Asia.
In the 17th century, rocketry ... Show more content on ...
The equipment used in the moon landing was tested in the first four flights and other six landed on
the moon. In 1969, Neil Armstrong surfaced on moon along with his crew. Another significant
mission was the Apollo 13, where a group of astronauts were sent to the moon and returned without
landing on the moon. This was due to the malfunction of the centre engine and the explosion in the
oxygen tanks which damaged the Service module. The last moon landing was in 1972.
Humans have come a long way from living on the surface of Earth to Space. Five different space
agencies such as NASA, ROSCOSMOS, the Canadian Space agency, the Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency and the European Space Agency, representing 15 countries, joined together to
build a $100 billion International Space Station and it still continues to operate today. It is the largest
structure that we have put into space and it is used as an observation platform for astronomical,
geological and environmental research and a laboratory for new technologies. It also serves as a
stepping–stone for further space exploration including the mars expedition.
After the moon landing, human settlement on Mars is the next giant leap for humankind. The current
developments of NASA are to send humans to an asteroid by 2025 and Mars by 2030. The Mars
rover known as 'Curiosity' is already on the surface of Mars collecting data and sending back to
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Complexity Of Airplane Essay
"The dream of flight is as old as mankind itself"(Leonardo DaVinci, April 14, 1489)however, the
concept of an airplane is only a few centuries old. airplanes are the only vehicle that make traveling
hundreds of miles a task that can be done in just one to two hours. Trucks, boats or even race cars
can't even come close to the speed of the average commercial aircraft. The Complexity of the plane
dates back to many years of researching about the four forces and creating an aerodynamic flight
method(National Aeronautics Space Administration, 2006, Pg. 2). Leonardo DaVinciand the Wright
brothers were just a small few of the first plane pioneers.
The very first step made towards flight was Leonardo DiVinci's "Ornithopter". TheOrnithopter was
a self propelled wing suit that attempted to mimic the flight of birds and bats.(Wright Brothers,
1999, Page 7) DaVinci wanted the device to allow people to propel themselves and allow them to
fly. The problem was that the Ornithopterwas to heavy and could not fly. ... Show more content on ...
Drag is the force that pulls an airplane backwards. With too much drag an airplane will not be able
to fly forwards. However, with too little drag an airplane will not be able to correctly balance.
(NASA, 2015, Pg 17.) Although a plane tries to overcome drag, it actually creates it.(Wright
Brothers Int, 2001,) Anything that flies will create drag, the bigger the object the more the drag. To
overcome drag, an airplane is designed to be able to cut through the air.(NASA, 2015, Pg 1.) The
best example of this is in the wings. Wings on a plane tend to have a design that is thin and sharp in
the front and gets thicker as it moves down. Planes also have a very sharp nose(very front tip of the
plane) along with a pointed rudder (the tail of an airplane).(NASA, 2015, Pg. 3)Having all of these
pointed parts allows an airplane tominimise the amount of drag it has, ultimately allowing it to
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Is Unmanned Space Flight More Effective Than Sending Men...
The writer argues that unmanned space flight is more effective than sending men to space because it
is productive, cost effective and less risky. However, the writer does not provide sufficient
information to permit a proper evaluation of the argument's reasoning. Accordingly, the argument is
not entirely logically convincing because it relies on wrong assumptions. Below are three major
deficiencies that enfeeble the argument. Firstly, the writer assumes that it is risky to send men to
space. However, he does not back this up with relevant evidence or statistics that show how
dangerous it is for humans to engage in space flights. It could have been convincing if the writer had
presented a list of fatal space accidents. In other words, the
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Goddard Space Flight Center: A Sustainable Way Of Life
A sustainable way of life A study sponsored by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre has
highlighted the prospect that global industrial civilisation could decline in near future due to
unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth distribution. Adequate
availability of resources, such as food and water, are only available to a limited population, and the
way of life of humans is often at the expense of other species and natural habitats. Also, in 3 to 4
decades an extra 2 billion people will be living on Earth. This means food production must rise by
60%. The environmental, financial and societal challenges people face now and in the future have to
do with practicing a sustainable way of life whether in each area, industry, government or ... Show
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We must act urgently and follow a sustainable way of life. It means living a lifestyle that uses as few
reserves as possible and claims the minimum amount of environmental harm for future generations
to deal with. There are many different ways of sustainable living, since the approach can apply to
almost each part of daily life, for example living in energy efficient buildings, use of renewable
energy sources, less use of motor vehicles, save water, consume organic and locally produced foods,
live a vegetarian lifestyle and reduce wastage. Essentially, sustainable living involves living as
subtly on the Earth as possible. Someone who succeeds at living a sustainable lifestyle will leave the
environment as unharmed as possible so that our children will be able to enjoy the same high quality
of life that we do today. As Eleanor Roosevelt wrote over 50 years ago in her book 'Tomorrow is
now', "The future is literally in our hands to mould as we like. But we cannot wait until tomorrow.
Tomorrow is now. That cannot be repeated often
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The Physics Of Space Flight
Manned space missions to other planets, and even interstellar travel, has been the subject of
countless books, movies and television shows, beginning in 1865 with Jules Verne's book "From the
Earth to the Moon", where a man named Impey Barbicane makes a cannon large enough to fire a
hollow bullet to the moon, one of the first attempts to depict a feasible propulsion, and is still
considered the most realistic theory before 1900s. But space flight is no longer fiction, as Yuri
Gagarin proved in 1961, and the technology allowing these advances is now even closer than ever,
as the first manned flight for mars is scheduled for 2030. However, there are still major limitations
to these kinds of space flight, and we still have to solve these problems before we attempt to leave
Earth's orbit. The first is Propulsion, as the current rocket fuel is far too heavy, and costs too much,
to use it for anything other than trips to the moon and back. Second, is communication, as the craft
will need to retain communication with Earth, as the current system has too much of a delay. Third,
are the detrimental effects of gravity on bone mass. Forth, is artificial hibernation, necessary for
interstellar travel. Fifth, is the deadly radiation of outerspace. Lastly, are supplies like food, water,
and air. All these problems need to be solved before attempting to ever leave Earth orbit and enter
Space. Propulsion is a major limitation to space exploration, because of its expense and weight.
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Long Term Space Flight
Sci–fi Paper Synopsis The scientifically accurate sci–fi paper will be a log of the journey of a couple
on a one way trip to mars. The two know full well they may not return and are dealing with the
ramifications of their decision to make the trip. They will be the first to land on and colonize the
planet and the log will explore some of the logistics of their trip including space habitability and
radiation exposure. The two will experience both the physical and metal effects of long term space
flight as well as some of the methods to combat it. The log chronicles their journey to Mars and the
effects of long term space flight. Health Effects of Long Term Space Flight As humans push out
further, exploring the solar system, the lengths ... Show more content on ...
In space, outside of the protection of the Earth's magnetosphere which blocks 99.9% of damaging
radiation17, large amounts of radiation from solar flares and coronal mass ejections can reach
astronauts. The damaging effects of radiation varies depending on the amount of exposure.
Radiation can either ionize water inside cells and these ionized water molecules can react with DNA
or radiation can directly hit the DNA molecules. Either way damage is done to the DNA. Damaged
DNA, if not repaired, can lead to mutated cells that can result in cancer. Higher levels of radiation
can lead to radiation sickness and death13. Radiation can also cause central nervous system damage
which can cause neurological disorders, Alzheimer's disease, motor function damage and even
behavioral changes. Effects of radiation can also be similar to rapid aging14. Of the physiological
effects of space travel, damage from radiation can cause the longest term and most deadly harm.
Currently limits are set on the levels of radiation an astronaut can get in their lifetime based on how
their chance for cancer will increase. But for deep space missions, it won't be possible to follow the
current guidelines15. Inside a spaceship, astronauts are exposed to 1.8 mili–Sievert of ionizing
radiation per day. It has been found that after being exposed to 1 Sievert of
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Goddard Space Flight Center Summary
The Articles an amazing story about how NASA has been searching for plant life on the land surface
and in the oceans. Kate Ramsayer, at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, the author of this
article, open with "an eye–catching" truthful statement, she states that NASA satellites can see "our
living Earth breathe." Ramsayer pointed out, the satellite has been observing the Northern
Hemisphere ecosystems "wake up in the spring, taking in carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen as
they sprout leaves." Along with other satellites being able to see the "newly green vegetation"
The satellite was able to catch breathtaking pictures of the oceans, microscopic plants, such as,
algae, (single–celled plants) and phytoplankton (a drifting plants)
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Long Duration Human Space Flight Missions
Introduction: Long duration human space flight missions are next big thing in space that have
capture our imagination for years. Highly sustainable habitats are necessary to support long duration
human space flight missions as it impractical to re–supply logistics (Shaw and Weck, 2014). At the
time when national space policies have given top priority to human space flight missions, study of
closed loop habitats are essential. Thus, it is essential to review development in this area and discuss
various issues related to political, technical, engineering, economic aspects of closed loop life
support systems. Politics and Engineering: A closed loop life support system is very essential for
long duration manned missions as it has the ability ... Show more content on ...
Most of the life support systems for isolated environment use physiological process. The use of bio–
regenerative process is relatively new. Bio–regenerative process currently in use in terrestrial
confined environment include controlled plant growth chamber in Antarctica and biosphere 2. Plant
growth has been tested in ISS but only for scientific study and not as a part of life support system.
For the future manned space mission, hybrid life support systems in which biological components
are used at the same time with physiochemical technology in a balanced mechanism for controlling
life support parameters. Hybrid life support systems are envisioned for sustainable long term space
habitats but there are concerns about the reliability of bio–regenerative process incorporated to the
physiochemical systems. The optimal combination of physiochemical and bio–generative life
support systems needs tradeoff among different factors. Numerous bio–regenerative technology
should be tested and performance should be evaluated to characterize it. A common study could be
about food subsystem and computation of equivalent system mass. NASA have given top priority to
the long duration manned space flight missions. Asteroid retrieval mission and manned mars
mission have become long term set goals. This has motivated systematic examination and
engineering of sustainable closed loop life support systems. NASA has developed road maps for
development of necessary technologies. NASA has
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Disadvantages Of American Airlines
Qualities In the wake of settling a hostile to put stock in claim with the Department of Justice,
American Airlines and US Airways finished a merger in December 2013 . This merger gave truly
necessary money mixture into American Airlines, empowering it to crisis from chapter 11 security
greater and over and above anyone's expectations. It likewise set American Airlines as the biggest
aircraft on the planet. This merger has moved toward becoming to foundation of American Airlines
influencing all ranges of the association both inward and outer. Prior to the merger, American
Airlines has fallen behind its adversaries with respect to getting new aircraf. More up to date air ship
are basic for a few reasons; they are lighter and better fabricated, they are more fuel–productive,
require less upkeep and repairs, give more comforts to travelers and are esteemed to be more secure
according to the purchaser. American Airlines supplanted around 10% of their armada in 2013 Being
the biggest aircraft on the planet accompanies some huge favorable circumstances, a standout
amongst the most critical is a physical nearness in the areas that travelers need to travel. As a feature
of the counter put stock in settlement, American Airlines consented to offer roughly 15% of their
departure and landing openings in Washington D.C. what's more, New York . Indeed, even with this
offer of spaces, American Airlines is as yet ready to offer flights to more than 250 goals day by day.
Just by
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Effects Of Long Term Space Flight
Meghan Stavig
ESS102 Research Paper
Effects of Long Term Space Flight
We've all heard about the rigorous mental and physical tests that astronaut candidates must go
through in order to be considered to be sent into space; but what is the methodology behind them?
What most laymen's' overlook when they think 'Astronaut' is the extreme physical and mental
taxation that is associated with space flight. Astronauts will have to endure long–term isolation,
monotony, limited mobility and close living quarters amongst each other for months and potentially
years at a time. This can lead to many health issues; the sanitary conditions of the spacecraft must be
impeccable. Mentally, these extenuating circumstances can lead to depression, ... Show more
content on ...
The calcium and phosphorous is excreted through human waste, causing kidney stones in many
cases [3]. The most affected bones consist of the heel, femoral neck, lumbar spine and pelvis.
Astronauts spend between 2–5 hours a day exercising to try to decrease this atrophy, but will still
experience varying levels of bone and muscle loss [3]. The use of artificial gravity could mitigate
this problem, and is currently being researched and designed. Along with bone loss, Astronauts will
also experience growth in height, by about 3% [3]. Without gravity, the human spine isn't weighed
down and has room to expand. This causes severe back and muscle aches, and makes exercising
harder and more painful. Once astronauts return to Earth, they will return to their normal height [3].
Another major problem associated with humans in space flight is radiation poisoning [5]. Astronauts
will be exposed to extremely high levels of ionizing radiation (radiation consisting of particles, x–
rays, or gamma rays with sufficient energy to cause ionization–acquires a negative or positive
charge) from cosmic rays and solar flares. Astronauts will "see" flashes of light while their eyes are
closed, these are actually cosmic rays slashes through their brains [5]. This form of radiation can
damage human cells, potentially leading to a diminished immune system and a higher risk of
cataracts, cancer, heart disease, damage to the central nervous system
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The Effect Of Bacterial Growth On Space Flight
Early studies have documented that bacterial growth increases in space flight; yet, the inherent
mechanisms beholden to this growth have not been discovered. As the bacteria devour nutrients,
they discharge corollary that can affect growth and impact ultimate cell population denseness. It is
acknowledged that these metabolic processes charge a reduction in density of the fluid zone and the
solute gradient about every cell. Along this planet, this fluctuation in density leads to an elasticity
transfer of the expelled by–products. The fluid motion enclosing the cells can be changed through
the restricting of the movement to just diffusion because of the lack of activity and deposit in the
low–gravity space flight surroundings. From this biophysical representation, it was speculated that
an increase in speed impacts the lag phase period and the final cell 's denseness of suspended
cultures of bacteria in a deviating way. This is because of the modifications obtained in the extra
cellular fluid constitution. Contained in the paper are experiments of different accelerations that
frequently sustained this hypothesis, culmination in foreseeable growth kinetics. Other experiments
show plumes of fluid that are visible to the naked eye emerging from metabolizing bacterial
cultures. If related fluid kinetics were discovered to come about on a microscopic level, it might
inform us of how acceleration impacts bacterium growth kinetics.
Introduction Most discoveries point to
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7th Grade Exploring Technology-Transportation Pre-Test
7th Grade Exploring Technology – Transportation Pre–Test (With answers)
Name: _____________________________________
Date: ________________________
Pd: _________
Multiple Choice
Directions: Answer each multiple choice question to the best of your ability. Only one selection is
correct for each question.
1. What are the forces that affect an aircraft?
a. Lift, Drag, Thrust, Gravity
b. Lift, Drag, Weight, Pull
c. Lift, Pushing, Gravity, Aerodynamics
d. Lift, Pulling, Gravity,
2. What is the name of the principle that explains how airplanes work?
a. Theo's Principle
b. Bernoulli's Principle
c. Bernard's Principle
d. Victor's Principle
3. What is the technical name for the shape of an airplane wing?
a. Wing
b. Lifter
c. Elevator
d. Airfoil ... Show more content on ...
The first was the idea of "wing warping" which allowed them to warp the wings to control the
aircraft in flight. The second was the movable rudder which also helped to control their aircraft
during a flight.
10. List and describe what is done during each step of the design process.
Ask – Students during this step ask what the problem is and see if the issue is actually a problem,
discover is there is already a solution to the problem, and if there is a problem they must also define
the problem.
Imagine – During this step you must begin to brain storm and come up with basic ideas to solve the
defined problem. You may begin to come up with a few sketches to help visualize the solution as
well as discuss and think of problems each solution might face or create during the planning and
creation steps.
Plan – During planning you must completely plan out how your intent to create your solution to
your defined problem. You must come up with concrete drawings, material list, process charts, and
Create – During this step you implement your plan and create or build your design. Also during this
step, we test and try our
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The Pros And Cons Of Corporate Air Charters
In the event that you fly as often as possible for work or play, you might be in for a few bothers not
too far off. With fuel costs taking off, business bearers have been curtailing flights year over year for
as far back as couple of years. Trimming courses, decreasing the recurrence of flights and changing
to littler planes are only a couple of the measures aircrafts are taking to trim expenses with
expectations of reinforcing the main issue. This implies much longer holds up, more knock flights,
and more awful swarming are ahead for normal flyers. Likewise, aircrafts are getting pickier about
weight, including charges for additional gear and different administrations. Gone are the times of
in–flight dinners and different courtesies that used to make flying appear to be cultivated. What's
next? Who knows, yet the prospects don't look lovely. ... Show more content on ...
On the off chance that you haven't done as such some time recently, now may be a decent time to
consider private air contracts. On the off chance that you've ever thought about whether a private
stream contract is appropriate for your life or business, here are a couple of actualities you might
need to consider. The Pros and Cons of Corporate Air Charters Benefits Simple boarding. No
extensive lines for check in. Period. Get on your flight and go. All the more available time in
advance. No arriving hours early to remain in line for security and baggage carousel. Quicker flight
time. Removed every one of those irritating delays. Unrivaled solace. Corporate air sanctions have a
tendency to have more pleasant insides, bigger seats, and more extra space to move around. This can
be particularly critical for substantial and tall people, individuals with agony or inabilities, or for the
individuals who need to concentrate on their work, not their
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Long-Term Space Flights
In a recent article published by CNN, Strickland (2017) discusses a recent study regarding the brains
of astronauts returning from space. This study was conducted by performing MRI scans on the
brains of astronauts before and after they went on their space missions, which were of varying
lengths. A total of 34 astronauts participated; 18 of them were part of long–term missions and 16
were part of short–term missions. The study found that spending more time in zero gravity resulted
in the astronauts' brains having an increased amount of cerebrospinal fluid present, causing their
brains to appear squeezed, meaning that the space between brain regions appeared smaller. Along
with this, the findings also indicate that the brains of astronauts ... Show more content on ...
In class, we also learnt about how important cerebrospinal fluid is because it helps to keep the brain
afloat as the weight of the unsuspended brain would damage neurons (buoyancy), protects the brain
from injury to some extent (protection), removes waste products associated with metabolic activity
(chemical stability), and controls blood pressure in the brain (prevention of ischemia). The article
also discusses MRI (anatomical imaging) which is a topic we have recently discussed in class and
we learned about how an MRI uses a large magnet to align all the protons in the sample and produce
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Descriptive Essay About Airport
"I'm so nervous!" I said to my sister as we stepped out of the car grabbing our luggage and making
our way into the airport. When we got in, I took a long glance of everything around since this was a
completely new experience to me. The ceilings were high, the lines were very long, spaces were
cramped, and there were many stores full of souvenirs and anything you could think of. I wasn't
expecting it to be so busy and packed since it was like 5 o'clock in the morning. I didn't know what I
had to do so I just shadowed behind as we got into line to get through security and bag check and
then to finally make our way onto the plane. And that whole process surprisingly took about 2–3
I slowly walked onto the plane still with a ton of nervousness and anxiety, filling up my thoughts
with "I can't do this" or a "I can definitely do this just not ready enough."
I first sat down next to my sisters friend but then chose to sit next to my mom. I had to put my
carry–on in the overhead bin, but since I could barely reach to that point, someone was nice enough
to help me in putting my luggage into that spot. I sat down and watched my other sister walk right
by us with my nephew since their seat was way in the back. My mom turned and asked "You
ready?" and I said "no" because I truly thought that I wasn't. She told me that I would be just fine
and that's when I started to question if I was overreacting or not. The plane was starting to get ready
to take off so my whole body
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Creative Story : A Short Story
"Girls, wake up," my grandma said quietly from the doorway.
I had been up an hour previous to when she walked in and tried to get a couple more minutes of
sleep. Though I tried my hardest to close my eyes, the sounds of snoring from the other side of the
room kept me wide awake.
"Kayla," I whispered, "time to get up." She rolled over and slowly rose up. Kayla is the type of
person that will sleep all day if you let her, so when she got out of bed before me, I was surprised.
"We have to leave in fifteen minutes. I hope you girls are awake and ready," someone called from
the kitchen. "We're coming," Kayla and I called back at the exact same time.
We always did everything together. When we were younger we would run around our grandma's
house together, we'd walk her dog in the backyard together, we would even put on little
performances for our families. She would sing, and I would try to play the piano.
In perfect sync, Kayla and I walked to the living room where we gathered our things. My blue tie–
dyed bag sat in front of me. Into it I loaded my phone charger, my earbuds, my candy, and a blanket.
In the garage, I wheeled my small carry–on suitcase to my grandpa, who then hoisted it into the
back of his new car. My cousin and grandma did the same.
I stepped onto the floor of the car and pulled myself onto the seat. My grandpa pulled out his phone
and turned on his jazz playlist. The thoughts in my head began to bounce around. Do I really want to
leave my family for ten
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Effects Of Long Term Space Flight
Kimberly Shim ESS 102 AE Effect of Long Term Space Flight Summary of Sci Fi Paper After
decades of trying to send humans to Mars, thousands of years later humans have finally formed a
colony on Mars. After generations of living on the new planet, humans have adapted to the different
conditions of being away from Earth. The story will follow new people's lives on Mars and what
happens when some leave Mars to go back to Earth. The effects of travelling in space on the human
body is a subject that is currently being researched increasingly in–depth, with many unanswered
questions. There is little data on long term exposure to conditions in space, and a limited range of
data based on the restraints of which demographics have been exposed ... Show more content on ...
DNA can be damaged in two ways by radiation; directly broken by the radiation, or the radiation
will ionize water molecules in the body and the free radical interacts with DNA strands and breaks
them [1]. Even though repair is possible, it may be harder if both strands of the DNA are broken
rather than just one, resulting in cell death or permanent damage to the DNA. Radiation is an
important factor when planning for longer manned trips such as to Mars. Mars has no global
magnetic field, and a very thin atmosphere so it cannot provide sufficient protection from radiation
at the surface of the planet [2]. Earth's multiple layers in its atmosphere blocks out most of the lethal
forms of radiation. There are two main causes of radiation when travelling in our solar system [3].
One of them are solar flares, which release X–rays and Gamma rays, and the other are CMEs. CMEs
release large amounts of X–rays, and these are what are responsible for auroras on Earth. Some
solutions to make radiation less of a problem for astronauts is in how structures of space crafts are
built to minimize radiation and also the materials with which they are built with [1]. Other than
radiation, being in low gravity conditions have drastic effects on the human body, one of them being
its effect on muscle mass. The human body is adjusted to the force of gravity on Earth's surface.
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Spirit Of St. Louis Essay
The Spirit of St. Louis played a major role in aviation history during the 1920s. This single engine
monoplane was custom built for one task only, and that was to fly non–stop from Long Island, New
York to Paris, France. In 1919, Raymond Orteig offered a $25,000 pil.z,e to the first aviator that
could navigate across the Atlantic. However, it wasn't until May 12,1927 that this feat was
accomplished by Charles Lindbergh. It required much planning and sponsorships for this non–stop
transatlantic flight upon the completion of his of his specialtybuilt plane by Ryan Airlines named the
"spirit of St. Louis." This plane served as Lindbergh's life support through night and day and would
later make history as one of ttre best–known aircraft in the world. The journey took approximately
33.5 hours and a distance traveled of 3,600 miles of the entire solo flight. After landing in Paris,
Charles Lindbergh had become an international legend and was an important milestone for aviation
industry. Donald A. Hall was the designer behind the Spirit and worked for Ryan Airlines. officially,
the plane wiu known as the "Ryan Nryp" for New york to Paris. The "Spirit of St. ... Show more
content on ...
The first leg of his flight was to fiavel to Curtiss Field on Long Island, New York for the beginning
of the transatlantic flight. The "spirit of St. Louis" landed on May 12,1927 and while enroute they
had already broken a standing record for the fastest transcontinental flight. A few days later, Charles
Lindbergh set off from Roosevelt Field on his non–stop transatlantic flight to France. He had to fight
sleep deprivation and limited visibility for 33.5 hours sfraight, but on May 20, 1927 Lindbergh
landed safely at l0:22pm on Le Bourget Field, Paris. From that point on Charles Lindbergh would
go down in history as one of the greatest aviators of all time. Now, the "spirit of St. Louis" lives on
to represent that great accomplishment at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in
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Effects Of Long Term Space Flight
Junlin Jiang ESS 102 April 21, 2016 Research Topic: Effect of Long–Term Space Flight How long
would a "long term" space flight be? According to our records, the longest that human has been off
Earth is almost 438 days, and it is the mission operated by Russian space station Mir. (Beings not
Made for Space, Kenneth Chang, 2014) Long–term space flight requests that astronauts have to be
exposed to the real space environment, which includes microgravity, the significant increase in
radiation, variation in temperature and space view. The major impacts that I will be talking about are
microgravity and space radiation. Due to these changes of space environment from that of the Earth,
astronauts will face the changes on their body and health, some of the changes would be negative.
For example, astronauts will see the significant changes in their body; their whole bodies will
expand, the mass of their bones and muscles would lose, and some of them might have farsighted
eyes. There will also be increase in risk of Alzheimer's disease, damage in immune system and
destroys of microbiomes. To build a better space environment, scientists have been working hard to
find out what is causing the health issues and ways to solve them. They have done well–known
researches such as "Twins Study" between Mark and Kelly Scott. The latest technology that
involved is called artificial gravity; it is considered desirable for long–term space flight as well as
human habitat in space. My Sci–Fi paper
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Long Term Space Flight Effects
Matthew Chun
ESS 102
Research Paper
Effect of Long Term Space Flight Among all of the wildest things mankind has dreamed of,
traveling among the stars has been among the top. Space travel has rightfully been romanticized into
a fantastic voyage of discovery and adventure, but there is much more to it than what the movies
show. Every detail must be considered when bringing space flight into reality, and that includes the
dangers and how to safely dive into deep space. Our knowledge of the long term space flight's
effects on the human body is still limited, but we do have quite a bit of research done on the short
term effects, which is necessary to know before considering the long term effects. These effects
include but are not limited to blood ... Show more content on ...
Sleep and performance are negatively impacted while an astronaut is in space, and that can be due to
many factors. The lack of a 24 hour cycle and being cooped up in a small work space every day can
impact a researchers ability to perform well in space, but measures such as improved lighting and
scheduling are being worked on as this is a more controllable effect of space travel [3]. And upon
arriving back to a destination with gravity, may it be Earth or some other planet in the future, the
body would struggle to maintain balance and must readjust itself. We have a complex set of neural
circuits that allows us to keep balance, stabilize vision, and maintain orientation in terms of location
and direction. Our brains receive and interpret information from our many sense organs, especially
in the eyes, inner ear, and muscles and joints. When exposed to zero gravity, the human's
informational patterns change. Astronauts early on in the mission can experience disorientation,
space motion sickness, and a loss of their
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Space Flight: Astronaut Neil Armstrong
Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.
The words spoken by Astronaut Neil Armstrong echoed through the Command Station in Houston,
Texas. While space flight has always been the final frontier, what started with Kennedy will
continues on today with President Richard Nixon. President Kennedy addressed Congress on May
25, 1961 when he stated, "I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before
this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth." Straight from
the Oval Office, Nixon now addresses astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in "the most
historic call ever made from the White House."
The astronauts are always connected to machines that measure their health statistics and vitals, and
although Neil Armstrong is known as a man of few words, his heartbeats gave proof of his
excitement to be such a pioneer for mankind. The first step on the moon came at 10:56 P.M., nearly
6 1/2 hours after the ... Show more content on ...
It's almost like a powder. Now and then it's very fine. I'm going to step off the LM [Lunar Module]
now. That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
Buzz Aldrin, the second man to step foot on the moon also shared Armstrong's wonder upon
discovering the contents of the moon, "it looks like there's a collection of just about every variety of
shape, angularity, and every variety of rock you could find. The color is dark and it varies pretty
much depending on how you're looking at it," said Aldrin.
The two men set up a television camera, which caught Armstrong's first movements on the moon.
They then began collecting samples, and conducting scientific experiments. The astronauts also
planted the American flag on the surface of the moon, a sign of America's willingness to explore and
develop new territories beyond Earth. Today marked a hallmark of the American dream and a
triumph of modern
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Effects Of Long Term Space Flight On Human
Dai 1
Zeqing Dai
Dr. Erika Harnett
Ess 102 Space and space travel
20 October 2016
Effects of long–term space flight on human
The main plot the science fiction paper includes a trip to a planet out of the solar system, including a
record of the long flight to the destination and a description of the scenarios after landing on the
plant. Discussion of space debris, space hazards, effect of long term space flight will be the main
aspects in the record of the flight alongside with an introduction of the spacecraft technology.
Regarding the post–landing scenario, atmospheric composition, condition of the planet surface and
habitability of the planet would be discussed in the paper.
The topic that to be presented in this research paper is the effect of long–term space flight. A flight
that takes place in space for months or even years certainly has an impact on crew members'
conditions, both physically and psychologically. First and foremost, the major difference in the
environment between the space and what the crew members are used to is the degree of gravity.
Although in the actually spacecraft, zero gravity is countered by the artificial gravity generated to
ensure crew members' mobility, astronauts still live and work in an environment with little senses of
stability and weight. Scientists have done experiments in Earth orbit that indicate weightless
environment is deleterious to human body to a certain extent.
( Having
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Air In Aviation
Not everyone understands that there are many advantages to private jet travel especially the
convenience and efficiency. You don't have to fly out of crowded airports and you don't have to sit
on flights that are cramped and full of people. Beside private flights leave from smaller airports so
they are usually closer to your home and you can get there without having to fight the traffic to the
main airport. Now people who choose to fly by private jet depart from a small facility which lets
them avoid the chaos of a commercial terminal. Instead of parking in an adjoining lot and having to
take a shuttle to your aircraft you park in a free lot, right close–by and your car will be secure 24/7.
Your always with all of your belongings on a private flight and don't have to worry about your
baggage being slammed and banged. On top to that once you get to your destination your baggage
will be with you instead of miles away lost in another airport. ... Show more content on ...
The aircraft captain does have the right to search passenger bags but there are no X–ray machines,
wands or removal of clothing and jewelry. You are met by the aircraft captains at the airport and
after you show them identification you and your group will be shown to the aircraft. If there are any
passengers who are running late the aircraft will wait. Once in–flight everyone can choose what they
want to eat and drink. Flying private is flying private and also confidential. The only people on
board are you and those you have invited. Most of these aircraft are equipped with connections for
laptops and even have cabin phones and fax machines. Everyone can listen to their favorite music,
watch movies or satellite TV. You have the luxury to walk around the plane instead of up and down
cramped aisles and on overnight flights you can sleep in a real
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Mars Space Flight Facility Career
"The Life of A Computer Programmer at Mars Space Flight Facility Career" The world as we know
it is constantly adapting to new technology. We are constantly using some form of technology on a
daily basis. However, have you ever thought of what makes these technology devices to run in the
first place? Well, according to several people it is the nerd who makes it happen, the boring ones
who just sit at the computer and do not have any type of social lives. However, the programmers at
the Mars Space Flight Facility reaches out to the community, creative and drive for innovation. The
Moeur Building which is known as the Mars Space Flight Facility was built in 1939; this build was
first used for a women gymnasium. The Moeur Building was named after a Governor of Arizona
and a Tempe physician, Dr. Benjamin Baker Moeur. This facility is located at Arizona State
University's Tempe campus. According to the website, this building is for "Earth and Space
Exploration. In this building there are scientists, researchers, and students they specialize in ... Show
more content on ...
Since the programmers usually have tasks with deadline,they usually come and go at their will as
long as they get the job done. The programmers at the Mars Space Flight Facility usually work as
team instead of individual work. One thing that Leon like the most about his job is flexibility and
they variety. As I was reading the article on Wikipedia I see that computer programmers have a very
special purpose. Computer programmers design and develop application based on a costumer's
needs. Based on modern day life this occupation is essential due to all of the technology we use on a
day to day basis. Computer programming is a rewarding career opportunity. With this career field
you have the chance to work on the cutting edge of technology of the future. Also they have the
ability to design software for all the technology of today and also they have a great variety of
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Effects Of Long Term Space Flight And Microgravity
It is the year 2034, a large asteroid is approaching Earth; it will impact in 30 years and is so large no
amount of manpower can stop its course. Humans are forced to abandon Earth and move to Mars.
To do so they will have to engage robotic missions to probe habitable areas, solve the problems of
long–term space travel, figure out mass transport of humans, and deal with radiation exposure from
the sun and other space hazards. It may seem like an impossible feat but the ingenuity of humans
will have to save us, and if it doesn't we will be forgotten like the dinosaurs.
Topic for Research Paper: Effects of Long Term Space Flight and Microgravity
The distance from Earth to Mars can range from 34.8 million miles to 250 million miles [1]. ...
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Knowing that humans may have to spend this amount of time in space we have to be aware of the
effects on the human body. What exactly these effects are, what is being done, what has been
observed, and possible solutions will all be discussed in this paper. At some point in the future we
will have to travel through space, we need to be prepared and ready for what will happen when we
do. Space and space travel creates a unique environment, one that humans haven't been
evolutionarily prepared for. We evolved under the influence of Earth's gravity, with the protection of
Earth's atmosphere, and have developed bodies with physiological systems that rely on the presence
of both. Leaving the Earth changes the way in which our bodies' function, and the effects can be
short or long lasting. Not only does the body respond to long–term space flight but the mind is also
affected. Something that quickly changes in response to microgravity is the functioning of the
circulatory system. Under the influence of gravity, blood and other bodily fluids are pulled to the
lower parts of our body and accumulate in our legs [4]. There is thus a higher pressure of these
liquids in the legs compared to the upper body in a normal Earth situation. The human heart is
strong and evolved to pump blood against the forces of gravity, without gravity it doesn't need to
pump nearly as hard and if left to long will lose muscle
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How Did Space Flight Become Affordable?
The whole world changed the day that space flight became affordable. Instead of being exclusively
for the super–rich, the average everyday citizen could take a short trip to space for only a week's
pay. N.A.S.A. and all the other multi–billion–dollar–a–year space agencies made more money from
passengers in the first month than they did from government contracts for that year.
The space industry took off like light speed through the solar system. The only real downside to all
that travel, was that there wasn't another breathable atmosphere on any of the other planets. They'd
even checked every single one of the moons, and under the surface of every glacier or frozen sea.
The only place that people could live, without terraforming, was Earth. ... Show more content on ...
What people didn't realize, was that millions of tons of it existed. No one knew what to do with it.
The idea of dumping it on another planet, or even the moon, was immediately rejected as only
shifting the problem and not dealing with it.
"Shoot it into the sun." One of the brilliant scientists of the day suggested. "It's a giant nuclear
furnace. If the stuff doesn't burn up in the sun's corona, it'll definitely be burned up once it hits the
With no other plausible or possible alternatives, the scientific community decided that a campaign to
rid the word of nuclear waste, to be disposed of in the sun, was the best course of action. For the
next 10 years, all radioactive waste was recovered from the Earth. It was sent into space on a direct
course for the sun, on practically a daily basis. Once ships were close enough to the sun, they
jettisoned their cargo, and the momentum alone carried it into the sun's gravity well.
On the 10 year anniversary of the first flight of the mission, the last shipment of nuclear waste met
the surface of the sun. Humanity as a whole rejoiced, because they had finally rid themselves of the
worst thing to have plagued mankind. What they hadn't known at the time, was that it hadn't saved
humanity at
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Space Flight Effects

  • 1. Space Flight Effects Effects of Long Term Space Flight on Human Health One of the many concerns and challenges associated with space travel and long term space flight has been the impact and harmful effects on human health. The increased electromagnetic radiation, pressure, and lowered gravity collectively disrupt the way the human body typically functions back on Earth. These foreign environmental factors can lead to alteration of the blood vessels, cancer, muscle loss, mental health issues, and weakening of the bones. Because of this, prolonged space travel journeys have been near impossible. Currently, research is being conducted to observe the extent of the damage inflicted by prolonged exposure and counteractive measures are being taken in order to increase the amount of time astronauts can safely reside in space. Astronauts aboard the ISS and animal test subjects sent to the ISS for periods of time have proven extremely valuable in measuring and quantifying these effects. Additionally NASA has been artificially testing these effects from Earth. Data from these experiments have allowed scientists to develop gene therapies, exercise routines, and materials that better absorb/reflect the harmful electromagnetic radiation. With continued improvement and study, we may be able to counter the harmful effects of long term space flight, thus expanding the distance and time we as humans can travel through the solar system. Before acknowledging research and potential solutions to the problems ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Effects Of Long Term Space Flight Junlin Jiang ESS 102 April 15, 2016 Research Topic: Effect of Long–Term Space Flight How long would a "long term" space flight be? According to our records, the longest that human has been off Earth is almost 438 days, and it is the mission operated by Russian space station Mir. (Beings not Made for Space, Kenneth Chang, 2014) Long–term space flight requests that astronauts have to be exposed to the real space environment, which includes microgravity, the significant increase in radiation, variation in temperature and space view. Due to these changes of space environment from that of the Earth, astronauts will face the changes on their body and health, some of the changes would be negative. For example, astronauts will see the significant changes in their body; their whole bodies will expand, the mass of their bones and muscles would lose, and some of them might have farsighted eyes. To build a better space environment, scientists have been working hard to find out what is causing the health issues and ways to solve them. They have done well–known researches such as "Twins Study" between Mark and Kelly Scott. The latest technology that involved is called artificial gravity; it is considered desirable for long–term space flight as well as human habitat in space. My Sci–Fi paper will be mostly talking about human habitat in space, therefore, long–term space flight will be the fundamental background. Hence, this type of technology will also be included in my sci–fi paper. For ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Commercial Space Flight Persuasive Speech Andrew, First, I see your point on where you think commercial space flight is compared to the commercial aircraft industry. I believe they are a little further along but not by much. Looking how far companies like SpaceX and OrbitalATK have come in the past 5–10 years is impressive. I agree with you though there is still technology hurdles they still need to overcome before saying it is a success. The biggest being its ability to prove a reusable launch vehicle concept. You hit on a key point that I highlighted as well and that is with the safety of commercial flights. You pointed out that on average airlines lose 150 planes a year and no one calls for the halt of all airline traffic. However, with space travel it is the opposite. One ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Nasa 's The Manned Space Flight Program With the news that the Obama administration decided to abandon NASA's plans to send a man back to the moon by 2020, the manned space flight program is quickly reaching extinction. It marks a sharp contrast with the Apollo space program that at its peak captured the American imagination. David L. Chandler reports of that time, "With goose bumps and white knuckles, people followed the crackly radio reports of that first lunar footfall, and they lionized its heroes with tickertape parades" (Chandler, 1). Now, there is none of that level of interest in the space program. In a short span of time, space travel became just an afterthought. "Public interest in human space travel, it now seems, has followed a trajectory something like that of a ... Show more content on ... Writer John Derbyshire notes, "None of the most useful off–planet projects – G.P.S., earth imaging, antimissile technology – has any requirement for human beings in space" (Derbyshire, 1). Not only can machinery do what we need to get done, they also do it at a cheaper cost. "Anything a human being does up there could be done by unmanned machinery for one–thousandth the cost. With the ever–increasing intelligence of our machines, the cost gap will only get wider" (Derbyshire, 1). The costs are a big reason for why there is much hesitation for manned space travel. "No president since John Kennedy has been willing or able to project the necessary vision of a human future in space, or willing to expend the political capital to make future human exploration of the planets a reality – or even a real but distant plan" (Chandler, 3). It is the lack of vision along with the stated reasons that resulted in the harsh reality that space programs face today. Part of this decline was the loss of prestige and importance the space program once held. John F. Kennedy's words supporting the Apollo program spoke of this prestige, "No nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space" (John M. Logsdon, 1). One of the reasons Apollo had so much interest was the national fervor it generated. The space race between America and the former Soviet Union had so much pride at stake that only success would do. "The ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Nasa Space Flight Center Essay The Goddard Space Flight Center states that there are 2,271 artificial satellites currently in space orbiting the earth. An artificial satellite is a hand–made machine that orbits the planet earth to help in many different ways in communications, documenting information, sending and receiving signals. A satellite is a moon, planet, or a machine that orbit a planet or a star. There are many types of satellites and each one is used for different reasons. Some satellites are used to send and receive television signals. Some other satellites are used in communications by making it possible to send and receive signals from phones, fax, internet and computers to people all over the world. Other satellites are used in forecasting by giving information about the earth's weather to scientists. Also, there is another type of satellites that take accurate picture of earth to show the environmental situation such as resources, pollution and statistics of crops and water (NOAA, 2014). Satellites improved a lot in the daily life uses such as weather forecasting, documenting information, communication and positioning systems. The idea of satellites The development of the invention started in 1952 when the International Council of Scientific Unions decided to start a project named International Geophysical Year which started on July1, 1957 and ended on December31, 1958. They put in considerations to launch the artificial satellite in this year for mapping earth's surface (Verma, 2012). ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Long Term Space Flight ESS 102 A Space Research Paper 1/25/16 Effects of Long Term Space Flight The topic of my Sci–fi paper is going to be about the creation of a colony on mars in the future that utilizes water on mars and fusion reactions for energy that are powered by the mining of helium on the moon. The three definitions that I will include about space propulsion and orbital mechanics are the effect of long term space flight, antimatter, and space elevators. The three definitions that I will include about sun and space weather are aurora, solar wind, and the magnetosphere. The three definitions that I will include about planetary characteristics are the atmosphere of Mars, the atmosphere of Saturn, and the composition of the moon. Humans have always been driven to explore the unknown and venture into the newest frontier. In this age of unparalleled scientific progress, the newest frontier which we explore has become the space beyond our atmosphere. Just as North America was pursued by western explorers several hundred years ago for its potential resources and promise of freedom, so is space being explored today. As the earths environmental conditions continue to dwindle, finding a way for humans to survive in space may prove ... Show more content on ... During space travel, there is no significant gravitational force to load the body such as there is on earth. When there is no force constantly acting on a person, having a strong skeletal system is less necessary and during flight a person's body will adapt to this. Space travel leads to significant bone loss. Bones will release calcium which weakens bones and causes other problems related to calcium deposits such as kidney stones. A person's bones are prone to fractures both during and after the mission. Without the load of gravity, the spine becomes elongated which causes significant back pain, and can can cause intervertebral discs to become misaligned ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Pros And Cons Of Human Space Flight Introduction During long term space flight the human body must fight through some very tough situations. Humans have evolved and were built to live in the environment we live in now and that means humans are built to live with earth's gravitational pull. Along with this, earth's atmosphere is a layer of protection that humans evolved with. During human space flight, both of these factors are taken out of the equation and humans begin to be faced with zero gravity and are forced to be without the protection of the earth's atmosphere. The effects that astronauts endure include bone density loss, muscle loss, sensory motor issues, cardiovascular issues, radiation issues, and even psychological issues (Roberts, 2013). Problem – The effects on the ... Show more content on ... Exercise is one of the most important things that astronauts must take part in daily because if they don't, the consequences will result in the inability to do any work. Inside of the space station there are three main exercise machines for astronauts to use (Dunbar, 2004). The first is a bicycle machine (Cycle Ergometer), the next is a treadmill, and the third is a resistance machine (Resistance Exercise Device) (Dunbar,2004). All three of these machines are essential in combating bone density loss and muscle atrophy. The Cycle Ergometer is used mainly as a testing of fitness while in space to get an approximate sense of the astronaut's health status (Dunbar, 2004). The treadmill is used because walking and running are essentially the best ways to keep muscles healthy although this treadmill uses harnesses to harness the astronaut down to the machine due to zero–gravity (Dunbar, 2004). The resistance machine is used in order to keep the strength of bones/muscles by using bands to get a full body workout (Dunbar, 2004). [add picture here for reference of what machines look like] It is important to note though, even with these three exercise options in space, bone density loss and muscle atrophy is still taking place. Other experiments are being completed in order in order to better understand this issue with the hopeful result of finding a solution but no scientific breakthroughs have occurred yet. [possibly look into experimental ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Research Paper On Isaac Newton Space Flight Isaac Newton Space Flight The Laws of Motion and universal gravity proposed by Sir Newton led to the development of space flight. Each law has a separate connection that when pieced together can send you into the air. The first law states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless an external force is applied ( Now this applies to space craft when a rocket sits until being lifted up once the throttle of the engine is released (NASA). This is also because of aerodynamics, developed George Cayley. Aerodynamics is the pressure when the force is applied to get up off the ground, perpendicular to the surface (NASA). The second law says force equals mass times acceleration, as well ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Space Flight Research Paper Before launching a rocket into the unknown, there are a number of factors that need to be considered before taking flight. Over the past 200,000 years, humans have adapted well to life on earth, through many generations. Manned missions to space have only been occurring for 55 years and humans haven't had the chance to adapt to its harsh environment and this can take a toll on the human body. The more serious effects of long–term space flight include weightlessness (muscle atrophy and deterioration of the skeleton); slowing of the cardio vascular system functions, decrease in production of red blood cells, balance disorder and an overall weakening of the immune system. Other minor effects on the human body include fluid redistribution, loss of body mass, nasal ... Show more content on ... The first flight to Mars will consist of the cargo payload, carried by Space X's "Red Dragon". The Red Dragon has a total mass of 6,500kg plus a payload total of just over 4,000kg, making it one of the versatile Mars landing vehicles ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Long Term Space Flight Research Paper Jeng Woo Park ESS 102 AD Research Paper The Effects of Long–Term Space Flight In the year 2121, Jay and his crew took flight into space. Jay's mission was to reach a potentially habitable exoplanet, Proxima Centauri b, to colonize and recreate civilization after the nuclear destruction of Earth in 2028. With years of planning and preparing, he gathered one hundred of the brightest and healthiest men and women he could find and built a space craft that could travel at 0.8 of the speed of light. With this speed, he calculated the estimated time of arrival to be around 2126. The space craft is powered by the effective fusion reactor generator, in which a controlled fusion reaction is performed releasing small amounts of antimatter. The massive ... Show more content on ... The purpose of the immune system is to protect the body from the inside by eradicating certain diseases before they are given the chance to spread or exacerbate. The lack of Earth's gravity significantly simulates the process of aging, which is known to reduce the immune system.6 Since humans naturally age regardless of traveling in space, this area of research proves to be a difficult field to study. Fortunately, this process is accelerated in microgravity by a noticeable extent so some observations that deviate from the normal deterioration of natural aging can be recorded. A NASA researcher, Millie Hughes–Fulford, has studied the specialized T–cells, which quickly lose their functionality as humans age or travel in microgravity.6 When diseases or infections are caught by the immune system, the T–cells are the group that fights and kills these foreign intruders. Without them, the immune system has a higher risk of losing to the disease, which eventually leads to humans getting sick.6 Along with Hughes–Fulford's study on the T–cells, NASA's integrated Immune and Clinical Nutrition Assessment research groups have also done analysis on the concentration of cytokines.7 Cytokines are proteins that are vital to cell signaling and serve many different roles in the immune system. By measuring the concentration of these proteins for 28 astronauts before and after traveling in space, researchers ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. More Space Shuttle Experiments Take Flight Summary The article More Space Shuttle Experiments Take Flight, talks about a unique mentorship program for the ages of elementary children. The mentorship program prepares experiments that have been conducted in flight on space shuttle missions, students have the chance to study simulations that have happened in space in a classroom setting. For example, students study the effect of spaceflight on seeds and brine shrimp germinated/ hatched in the classroom. The article includes the students and the teachers, it is a nationwide mentorship program that is engaging students to move on to the next set of space shuttle experiment studies. Several schools are participating in these different series of space shuttle experiments and the experiments vary depending on the age level and interest. What I love about these space shuttle experiments is the fact that the students and teachers are involved together. There is communication throughout all the schools involved and unanswered questions are always given an answer. When students in the classroom are given an experiment like this, it is going to create a learning environment that is enjoyable for learners. The author of the article, Robert ... Show more content on ... The four different control groups allowed students to examine the effects on germination of seeds exposed to a hostile space environment. The groups encouraged different studies but the total outcome allowed students the chance to learn about different effects that space has on different seeds. In order for the experiments to work there had to be teams in order to simulate a collaborative research environment. The collaboration in these experiments taught students about the space environment and what it is capable of and the importance of teamwork to help one another succeed as a ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Effects Of Long Term Space Flight Gabriela V. Condarco–Quesada Jan. 23, 2015 Research Paper Draft Effects of Long Term Space Flight Since NASA's inception in 1958, more missions have been attempted to Mars than any other place in the solar system besides the moon [1]. However, despite the number of attempts and robotic explorations made to Mars, we have yet to send humans to this red planet. Explanations for this lack of human presence can be attributed to the obstacles faced by scientists; from the technical issues that need to be overcome, to the sheer expense, there is also the challenge of knowing how long– duration space travel can affect astronauts not only physically but also psychologically. My sci–fi story shall give a glimpse into a crew's round–trip to Mars and the challenge to achieve their mission's goals and whether the physical and mental wear on their bodies will prevent them from doing so. In the past, one–way trips to Mars have been conducted ranging from 150–300 days [2]. When adding time spent on the planet and a return trip, that number doubles, testing human resilience in space even further. Scientists need to come up with ways to safely send human beings to these remote planets and find ways to combat the following physical and psychological challenges their astronauts face. Previous experiments have been done on the physical challenges astronauts face during space travel. In microgravity, there is an increased loss of bone minerals with a concentrated bone loss in the pelvic ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Space Flight: Risk of Performance Errors Due to Sleep Loss Introduction During spaceflight astronauts will experience fatigue that can threaten their health and performance during their period of exploration. If fatigue during space flight goes untreated, there is a potential long–term health effects. The term fatigue can be explained as weariness from bodily or mental exertion and temporary reduction of functioning organs due to excessive stimulus. Astronauts are prone to other risk during spaceflight as well, these are the following: sleep loss, circadian desynchronization, fatigue, and workload are all potential risk astronauts can encounter during flight. Due to the enormous amount of stress, work, isolation, and confinement, research must be done to improve the astronauts' stay in space in ... Show more content on ... When it comes to work overload, it's hard to come up with a solution on how to deal with this risk. The reason is everyone reaches stress and being overloaded differently, some can handle more stress and pressure, while others can handle moderate amount before it takes a toll on them mentally and physically. The solution to these risks that affect performance is the following, Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES). What is Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation? Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation is the application of extremely low levels of electricity applied to the brain for the treatment of a wide range of psychiatric and medical disorders. [5] Implementing this treatment to the astronauts will provide a solution to sleep loss and other disorders that can be developed due to the isolation and confinement of space. Previous research done in the field of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation have shown to treat disorders ranging from insomnia, anxiety, cognitive dysfunction, depression, stress, etc. Implementation of CES to astronauts will not only provide a solution to prevent performance errors but provided a long range of benefits to the well being of astronauts'. Background Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Cranial Electrotherapy simulation uses medical devices to send a pulsed, low current to the brain via electrodes placed on the ear lobes, maxilla–occipital ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Space Flight Research Paper History of Space Flight and Current Development Benet Thekkel Today edition of Aero magazine will cover the technological advancements throughout the history of space flight. The dream of reaching space was made possible, when Chinese invented gunpowder rockets in 1232. It was initially used as fireworks, then later on it was use advanced into warfare tactics. The gunpowder consisted of simple ingredients such as charcoal dust, sulfur and potassium nitrate. The end of the rocket is left open as the ignited powder produced fire, smoke, gas and thrust which enabled the high velocity forward motion. Shortly after, Mongols gained the secret weapon of China and spread the knowledge to Western Europe and all over Asia. In the 17th century, rocketry ... Show more content on ... The equipment used in the moon landing was tested in the first four flights and other six landed on the moon. In 1969, Neil Armstrong surfaced on moon along with his crew. Another significant mission was the Apollo 13, where a group of astronauts were sent to the moon and returned without landing on the moon. This was due to the malfunction of the centre engine and the explosion in the oxygen tanks which damaged the Service module. The last moon landing was in 1972. Humans have come a long way from living on the surface of Earth to Space. Five different space agencies such as NASA, ROSCOSMOS, the Canadian Space agency, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and the European Space Agency, representing 15 countries, joined together to build a $100 billion International Space Station and it still continues to operate today. It is the largest structure that we have put into space and it is used as an observation platform for astronomical, geological and environmental research and a laboratory for new technologies. It also serves as a stepping–stone for further space exploration including the mars expedition. After the moon landing, human settlement on Mars is the next giant leap for humankind. The current developments of NASA are to send humans to an asteroid by 2025 and Mars by 2030. The Mars rover known as 'Curiosity' is already on the surface of Mars collecting data and sending back to ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Complexity Of Airplane Essay "The dream of flight is as old as mankind itself"(Leonardo DaVinci, April 14, 1489)however, the concept of an airplane is only a few centuries old. airplanes are the only vehicle that make traveling hundreds of miles a task that can be done in just one to two hours. Trucks, boats or even race cars can't even come close to the speed of the average commercial aircraft. The Complexity of the plane dates back to many years of researching about the four forces and creating an aerodynamic flight method(National Aeronautics Space Administration, 2006, Pg. 2). Leonardo DaVinciand the Wright brothers were just a small few of the first plane pioneers. The very first step made towards flight was Leonardo DiVinci's "Ornithopter". TheOrnithopter was a self propelled wing suit that attempted to mimic the flight of birds and bats.(Wright Brothers, 1999, Page 7) DaVinci wanted the device to allow people to propel themselves and allow them to fly. The problem was that the Ornithopterwas to heavy and could not fly. ... Show more content on ... Drag is the force that pulls an airplane backwards. With too much drag an airplane will not be able to fly forwards. However, with too little drag an airplane will not be able to correctly balance. (NASA, 2015, Pg 17.) Although a plane tries to overcome drag, it actually creates it.(Wright Brothers Int, 2001,) Anything that flies will create drag, the bigger the object the more the drag. To overcome drag, an airplane is designed to be able to cut through the air.(NASA, 2015, Pg 1.) The best example of this is in the wings. Wings on a plane tend to have a design that is thin and sharp in the front and gets thicker as it moves down. Planes also have a very sharp nose(very front tip of the plane) along with a pointed rudder (the tail of an airplane).(NASA, 2015, Pg. 3)Having all of these pointed parts allows an airplane tominimise the amount of drag it has, ultimately allowing it to ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Is Unmanned Space Flight More Effective Than Sending Men... The writer argues that unmanned space flight is more effective than sending men to space because it is productive, cost effective and less risky. However, the writer does not provide sufficient information to permit a proper evaluation of the argument's reasoning. Accordingly, the argument is not entirely logically convincing because it relies on wrong assumptions. Below are three major deficiencies that enfeeble the argument. Firstly, the writer assumes that it is risky to send men to space. However, he does not back this up with relevant evidence or statistics that show how dangerous it is for humans to engage in space flights. It could have been convincing if the writer had presented a list of fatal space accidents. In other words, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Goddard Space Flight Center: A Sustainable Way Of Life A sustainable way of life A study sponsored by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre has highlighted the prospect that global industrial civilisation could decline in near future due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth distribution. Adequate availability of resources, such as food and water, are only available to a limited population, and the way of life of humans is often at the expense of other species and natural habitats. Also, in 3 to 4 decades an extra 2 billion people will be living on Earth. This means food production must rise by 60%. The environmental, financial and societal challenges people face now and in the future have to do with practicing a sustainable way of life whether in each area, industry, government or ... Show more content on ... We must act urgently and follow a sustainable way of life. It means living a lifestyle that uses as few reserves as possible and claims the minimum amount of environmental harm for future generations to deal with. There are many different ways of sustainable living, since the approach can apply to almost each part of daily life, for example living in energy efficient buildings, use of renewable energy sources, less use of motor vehicles, save water, consume organic and locally produced foods, live a vegetarian lifestyle and reduce wastage. Essentially, sustainable living involves living as subtly on the Earth as possible. Someone who succeeds at living a sustainable lifestyle will leave the environment as unharmed as possible so that our children will be able to enjoy the same high quality of life that we do today. As Eleanor Roosevelt wrote over 50 years ago in her book 'Tomorrow is now', "The future is literally in our hands to mould as we like. But we cannot wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow is now. That cannot be repeated often ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Physics Of Space Flight Manned space missions to other planets, and even interstellar travel, has been the subject of countless books, movies and television shows, beginning in 1865 with Jules Verne's book "From the Earth to the Moon", where a man named Impey Barbicane makes a cannon large enough to fire a hollow bullet to the moon, one of the first attempts to depict a feasible propulsion, and is still considered the most realistic theory before 1900s. But space flight is no longer fiction, as Yuri Gagarin proved in 1961, and the technology allowing these advances is now even closer than ever, as the first manned flight for mars is scheduled for 2030. However, there are still major limitations to these kinds of space flight, and we still have to solve these problems before we attempt to leave Earth's orbit. The first is Propulsion, as the current rocket fuel is far too heavy, and costs too much, to use it for anything other than trips to the moon and back. Second, is communication, as the craft will need to retain communication with Earth, as the current system has too much of a delay. Third, are the detrimental effects of gravity on bone mass. Forth, is artificial hibernation, necessary for interstellar travel. Fifth, is the deadly radiation of outerspace. Lastly, are supplies like food, water, and air. All these problems need to be solved before attempting to ever leave Earth orbit and enter Space. Propulsion is a major limitation to space exploration, because of its expense and weight. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Long Term Space Flight Sci–fi Paper Synopsis The scientifically accurate sci–fi paper will be a log of the journey of a couple on a one way trip to mars. The two know full well they may not return and are dealing with the ramifications of their decision to make the trip. They will be the first to land on and colonize the planet and the log will explore some of the logistics of their trip including space habitability and radiation exposure. The two will experience both the physical and metal effects of long term space flight as well as some of the methods to combat it. The log chronicles their journey to Mars and the effects of long term space flight. Health Effects of Long Term Space Flight As humans push out further, exploring the solar system, the lengths ... Show more content on ... In space, outside of the protection of the Earth's magnetosphere which blocks 99.9% of damaging radiation17, large amounts of radiation from solar flares and coronal mass ejections can reach astronauts. The damaging effects of radiation varies depending on the amount of exposure. Radiation can either ionize water inside cells and these ionized water molecules can react with DNA or radiation can directly hit the DNA molecules. Either way damage is done to the DNA. Damaged DNA, if not repaired, can lead to mutated cells that can result in cancer. Higher levels of radiation can lead to radiation sickness and death13. Radiation can also cause central nervous system damage which can cause neurological disorders, Alzheimer's disease, motor function damage and even behavioral changes. Effects of radiation can also be similar to rapid aging14. Of the physiological effects of space travel, damage from radiation can cause the longest term and most deadly harm. Currently limits are set on the levels of radiation an astronaut can get in their lifetime based on how their chance for cancer will increase. But for deep space missions, it won't be possible to follow the current guidelines15. Inside a spaceship, astronauts are exposed to 1.8 mili–Sievert of ionizing radiation per day. It has been found that after being exposed to 1 Sievert of ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Goddard Space Flight Center Summary The Articles an amazing story about how NASA has been searching for plant life on the land surface and in the oceans. Kate Ramsayer, at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, the author of this article, open with "an eye–catching" truthful statement, she states that NASA satellites can see "our living Earth breathe." Ramsayer pointed out, the satellite has been observing the Northern Hemisphere ecosystems "wake up in the spring, taking in carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen as they sprout leaves." Along with other satellites being able to see the "newly green vegetation" grown. The satellite was able to catch breathtaking pictures of the oceans, microscopic plants, such as, algae, (single–celled plants) and phytoplankton (a drifting plants) ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Long Duration Human Space Flight Missions Introduction: Long duration human space flight missions are next big thing in space that have capture our imagination for years. Highly sustainable habitats are necessary to support long duration human space flight missions as it impractical to re–supply logistics (Shaw and Weck, 2014). At the time when national space policies have given top priority to human space flight missions, study of closed loop habitats are essential. Thus, it is essential to review development in this area and discuss various issues related to political, technical, engineering, economic aspects of closed loop life support systems. Politics and Engineering: A closed loop life support system is very essential for long duration manned missions as it has the ability ... Show more content on ... Most of the life support systems for isolated environment use physiological process. The use of bio– regenerative process is relatively new. Bio–regenerative process currently in use in terrestrial confined environment include controlled plant growth chamber in Antarctica and biosphere 2. Plant growth has been tested in ISS but only for scientific study and not as a part of life support system. For the future manned space mission, hybrid life support systems in which biological components are used at the same time with physiochemical technology in a balanced mechanism for controlling life support parameters. Hybrid life support systems are envisioned for sustainable long term space habitats but there are concerns about the reliability of bio–regenerative process incorporated to the physiochemical systems. The optimal combination of physiochemical and bio–generative life support systems needs tradeoff among different factors. Numerous bio–regenerative technology should be tested and performance should be evaluated to characterize it. A common study could be about food subsystem and computation of equivalent system mass. NASA have given top priority to the long duration manned space flight missions. Asteroid retrieval mission and manned mars mission have become long term set goals. This has motivated systematic examination and engineering of sustainable closed loop life support systems. NASA has developed road maps for development of necessary technologies. NASA has ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Disadvantages Of American Airlines Qualities In the wake of settling a hostile to put stock in claim with the Department of Justice, American Airlines and US Airways finished a merger in December 2013 . This merger gave truly necessary money mixture into American Airlines, empowering it to crisis from chapter 11 security greater and over and above anyone's expectations. It likewise set American Airlines as the biggest aircraft on the planet. This merger has moved toward becoming to foundation of American Airlines influencing all ranges of the association both inward and outer. Prior to the merger, American Airlines has fallen behind its adversaries with respect to getting new aircraf. More up to date air ship are basic for a few reasons; they are lighter and better fabricated, they are more fuel–productive, require less upkeep and repairs, give more comforts to travelers and are esteemed to be more secure according to the purchaser. American Airlines supplanted around 10% of their armada in 2013 Being the biggest aircraft on the planet accompanies some huge favorable circumstances, a standout amongst the most critical is a physical nearness in the areas that travelers need to travel. As a feature of the counter put stock in settlement, American Airlines consented to offer roughly 15% of their departure and landing openings in Washington D.C. what's more, New York . Indeed, even with this offer of spaces, American Airlines is as yet ready to offer flights to more than 250 goals day by day. Just by ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Effects Of Long Term Space Flight Meghan Stavig ESS102 Research Paper 1/17/2015 Effects of Long Term Space Flight We've all heard about the rigorous mental and physical tests that astronaut candidates must go through in order to be considered to be sent into space; but what is the methodology behind them? What most laymen's' overlook when they think 'Astronaut' is the extreme physical and mental taxation that is associated with space flight. Astronauts will have to endure long–term isolation, monotony, limited mobility and close living quarters amongst each other for months and potentially years at a time. This can lead to many health issues; the sanitary conditions of the spacecraft must be impeccable. Mentally, these extenuating circumstances can lead to depression, ... Show more content on ... The calcium and phosphorous is excreted through human waste, causing kidney stones in many cases [3]. The most affected bones consist of the heel, femoral neck, lumbar spine and pelvis. Astronauts spend between 2–5 hours a day exercising to try to decrease this atrophy, but will still experience varying levels of bone and muscle loss [3]. The use of artificial gravity could mitigate this problem, and is currently being researched and designed. Along with bone loss, Astronauts will also experience growth in height, by about 3% [3]. Without gravity, the human spine isn't weighed down and has room to expand. This causes severe back and muscle aches, and makes exercising harder and more painful. Once astronauts return to Earth, they will return to their normal height [3]. Another major problem associated with humans in space flight is radiation poisoning [5]. Astronauts will be exposed to extremely high levels of ionizing radiation (radiation consisting of particles, x– rays, or gamma rays with sufficient energy to cause ionization–acquires a negative or positive charge) from cosmic rays and solar flares. Astronauts will "see" flashes of light while their eyes are closed, these are actually cosmic rays slashes through their brains [5]. This form of radiation can damage human cells, potentially leading to a diminished immune system and a higher risk of cataracts, cancer, heart disease, damage to the central nervous system ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Effect Of Bacterial Growth On Space Flight Early studies have documented that bacterial growth increases in space flight; yet, the inherent mechanisms beholden to this growth have not been discovered. As the bacteria devour nutrients, they discharge corollary that can affect growth and impact ultimate cell population denseness. It is acknowledged that these metabolic processes charge a reduction in density of the fluid zone and the solute gradient about every cell. Along this planet, this fluctuation in density leads to an elasticity transfer of the expelled by–products. The fluid motion enclosing the cells can be changed through the restricting of the movement to just diffusion because of the lack of activity and deposit in the low–gravity space flight surroundings. From this biophysical representation, it was speculated that an increase in speed impacts the lag phase period and the final cell 's denseness of suspended cultures of bacteria in a deviating way. This is because of the modifications obtained in the extra cellular fluid constitution. Contained in the paper are experiments of different accelerations that frequently sustained this hypothesis, culmination in foreseeable growth kinetics. Other experiments show plumes of fluid that are visible to the naked eye emerging from metabolizing bacterial cultures. If related fluid kinetics were discovered to come about on a microscopic level, it might inform us of how acceleration impacts bacterium growth kinetics. Introduction Most discoveries point to ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. 7th Grade Exploring Technology-Transportation Pre-Test 7th Grade Exploring Technology – Transportation Pre–Test (With answers) Name: _____________________________________ Date: ________________________ Pd: _________ Multiple Choice Directions: Answer each multiple choice question to the best of your ability. Only one selection is correct for each question. 1. What are the forces that affect an aircraft? a. Lift, Drag, Thrust, Gravity b. Lift, Drag, Weight, Pull c. Lift, Pushing, Gravity, Aerodynamics d. Lift, Pulling, Gravity, 2. What is the name of the principle that explains how airplanes work? a. Theo's Principle b. Bernoulli's Principle c. Bernard's Principle d. Victor's Principle 3. What is the technical name for the shape of an airplane wing? a. Wing b. Lifter c. Elevator d. Airfoil ... Show more content on ... The first was the idea of "wing warping" which allowed them to warp the wings to control the aircraft in flight. The second was the movable rudder which also helped to control their aircraft during a flight. 10. List and describe what is done during each step of the design process. Ask – Students during this step ask what the problem is and see if the issue is actually a problem, discover is there is already a solution to the problem, and if there is a problem they must also define the problem. Imagine – During this step you must begin to brain storm and come up with basic ideas to solve the defined problem. You may begin to come up with a few sketches to help visualize the solution as
  • 50. well as discuss and think of problems each solution might face or create during the planning and creation steps. Plan – During planning you must completely plan out how your intent to create your solution to your defined problem. You must come up with concrete drawings, material list, process charts, and Create – During this step you implement your plan and create or build your design. Also during this step, we test and try our ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. The Pros And Cons Of Corporate Air Charters In the event that you fly as often as possible for work or play, you might be in for a few bothers not too far off. With fuel costs taking off, business bearers have been curtailing flights year over year for as far back as couple of years. Trimming courses, decreasing the recurrence of flights and changing to littler planes are only a couple of the measures aircrafts are taking to trim expenses with expectations of reinforcing the main issue. This implies much longer holds up, more knock flights, and more awful swarming are ahead for normal flyers. Likewise, aircrafts are getting pickier about weight, including charges for additional gear and different administrations. Gone are the times of in–flight dinners and different courtesies that used to make flying appear to be cultivated. What's next? Who knows, yet the prospects don't look lovely. ... Show more content on ... On the off chance that you haven't done as such some time recently, now may be a decent time to consider private air contracts. On the off chance that you've ever thought about whether a private stream contract is appropriate for your life or business, here are a couple of actualities you might need to consider. The Pros and Cons of Corporate Air Charters Benefits Simple boarding. No extensive lines for check in. Period. Get on your flight and go. All the more available time in advance. No arriving hours early to remain in line for security and baggage carousel. Quicker flight time. Removed every one of those irritating delays. Unrivaled solace. Corporate air sanctions have a tendency to have more pleasant insides, bigger seats, and more extra space to move around. This can be particularly critical for substantial and tall people, individuals with agony or inabilities, or for the individuals who need to concentrate on their work, not their ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Long-Term Space Flights In a recent article published by CNN, Strickland (2017) discusses a recent study regarding the brains of astronauts returning from space. This study was conducted by performing MRI scans on the brains of astronauts before and after they went on their space missions, which were of varying lengths. A total of 34 astronauts participated; 18 of them were part of long–term missions and 16 were part of short–term missions. The study found that spending more time in zero gravity resulted in the astronauts' brains having an increased amount of cerebrospinal fluid present, causing their brains to appear squeezed, meaning that the space between brain regions appeared smaller. Along with this, the findings also indicate that the brains of astronauts ... Show more content on ... In class, we also learnt about how important cerebrospinal fluid is because it helps to keep the brain afloat as the weight of the unsuspended brain would damage neurons (buoyancy), protects the brain from injury to some extent (protection), removes waste products associated with metabolic activity (chemical stability), and controls blood pressure in the brain (prevention of ischemia). The article also discusses MRI (anatomical imaging) which is a topic we have recently discussed in class and we learned about how an MRI uses a large magnet to align all the protons in the sample and produce an ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Descriptive Essay About Airport "I'm so nervous!" I said to my sister as we stepped out of the car grabbing our luggage and making our way into the airport. When we got in, I took a long glance of everything around since this was a completely new experience to me. The ceilings were high, the lines were very long, spaces were cramped, and there were many stores full of souvenirs and anything you could think of. I wasn't expecting it to be so busy and packed since it was like 5 o'clock in the morning. I didn't know what I had to do so I just shadowed behind as we got into line to get through security and bag check and then to finally make our way onto the plane. And that whole process surprisingly took about 2–3 hours. I slowly walked onto the plane still with a ton of nervousness and anxiety, filling up my thoughts with "I can't do this" or a "I can definitely do this just not ready enough." I first sat down next to my sisters friend but then chose to sit next to my mom. I had to put my carry–on in the overhead bin, but since I could barely reach to that point, someone was nice enough to help me in putting my luggage into that spot. I sat down and watched my other sister walk right by us with my nephew since their seat was way in the back. My mom turned and asked "You ready?" and I said "no" because I truly thought that I wasn't. She told me that I would be just fine and that's when I started to question if I was overreacting or not. The plane was starting to get ready to take off so my whole body ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Creative Story : A Short Story "Girls, wake up," my grandma said quietly from the doorway. I had been up an hour previous to when she walked in and tried to get a couple more minutes of sleep. Though I tried my hardest to close my eyes, the sounds of snoring from the other side of the room kept me wide awake. "Kayla," I whispered, "time to get up." She rolled over and slowly rose up. Kayla is the type of person that will sleep all day if you let her, so when she got out of bed before me, I was surprised. "We have to leave in fifteen minutes. I hope you girls are awake and ready," someone called from the kitchen. "We're coming," Kayla and I called back at the exact same time. We always did everything together. When we were younger we would run around our grandma's house together, we'd walk her dog in the backyard together, we would even put on little performances for our families. She would sing, and I would try to play the piano. In perfect sync, Kayla and I walked to the living room where we gathered our things. My blue tie– dyed bag sat in front of me. Into it I loaded my phone charger, my earbuds, my candy, and a blanket. In the garage, I wheeled my small carry–on suitcase to my grandpa, who then hoisted it into the back of his new car. My cousin and grandma did the same. I stepped onto the floor of the car and pulled myself onto the seat. My grandpa pulled out his phone and turned on his jazz playlist. The thoughts in my head began to bounce around. Do I really want to leave my family for ten ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Effects Of Long Term Space Flight Kimberly Shim ESS 102 AE Effect of Long Term Space Flight Summary of Sci Fi Paper After decades of trying to send humans to Mars, thousands of years later humans have finally formed a colony on Mars. After generations of living on the new planet, humans have adapted to the different conditions of being away from Earth. The story will follow new people's lives on Mars and what happens when some leave Mars to go back to Earth. The effects of travelling in space on the human body is a subject that is currently being researched increasingly in–depth, with many unanswered questions. There is little data on long term exposure to conditions in space, and a limited range of data based on the restraints of which demographics have been exposed ... Show more content on ... DNA can be damaged in two ways by radiation; directly broken by the radiation, or the radiation will ionize water molecules in the body and the free radical interacts with DNA strands and breaks them [1]. Even though repair is possible, it may be harder if both strands of the DNA are broken rather than just one, resulting in cell death or permanent damage to the DNA. Radiation is an important factor when planning for longer manned trips such as to Mars. Mars has no global magnetic field, and a very thin atmosphere so it cannot provide sufficient protection from radiation at the surface of the planet [2]. Earth's multiple layers in its atmosphere blocks out most of the lethal forms of radiation. There are two main causes of radiation when travelling in our solar system [3]. One of them are solar flares, which release X–rays and Gamma rays, and the other are CMEs. CMEs release large amounts of X–rays, and these are what are responsible for auroras on Earth. Some solutions to make radiation less of a problem for astronauts is in how structures of space crafts are built to minimize radiation and also the materials with which they are built with [1]. Other than radiation, being in low gravity conditions have drastic effects on the human body, one of them being its effect on muscle mass. The human body is adjusted to the force of gravity on Earth's surface. ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Spirit Of St. Louis Essay The Spirit of St. Louis played a major role in aviation history during the 1920s. This single engine monoplane was custom built for one task only, and that was to fly non–stop from Long Island, New York to Paris, France. In 1919, Raymond Orteig offered a $25,000 pil.z,e to the first aviator that could navigate across the Atlantic. However, it wasn't until May 12,1927 that this feat was accomplished by Charles Lindbergh. It required much planning and sponsorships for this non–stop transatlantic flight upon the completion of his of his specialtybuilt plane by Ryan Airlines named the "spirit of St. Louis." This plane served as Lindbergh's life support through night and day and would later make history as one of ttre best–known aircraft in the world. The journey took approximately 33.5 hours and a distance traveled of 3,600 miles of the entire solo flight. After landing in Paris, Charles Lindbergh had become an international legend and was an important milestone for aviation industry. Donald A. Hall was the designer behind the Spirit and worked for Ryan Airlines. officially, the plane wiu known as the "Ryan Nryp" for New york to Paris. The "Spirit of St. ... Show more content on ... The first leg of his flight was to fiavel to Curtiss Field on Long Island, New York for the beginning of the transatlantic flight. The "spirit of St. Louis" landed on May 12,1927 and while enroute they had already broken a standing record for the fastest transcontinental flight. A few days later, Charles Lindbergh set off from Roosevelt Field on his non–stop transatlantic flight to France. He had to fight sleep deprivation and limited visibility for 33.5 hours sfraight, but on May 20, 1927 Lindbergh landed safely at l0:22pm on Le Bourget Field, Paris. From that point on Charles Lindbergh would go down in history as one of the greatest aviators of all time. Now, the "spirit of St. Louis" lives on to represent that great accomplishment at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Effects Of Long Term Space Flight Junlin Jiang ESS 102 April 21, 2016 Research Topic: Effect of Long–Term Space Flight How long would a "long term" space flight be? According to our records, the longest that human has been off Earth is almost 438 days, and it is the mission operated by Russian space station Mir. (Beings not Made for Space, Kenneth Chang, 2014) Long–term space flight requests that astronauts have to be exposed to the real space environment, which includes microgravity, the significant increase in radiation, variation in temperature and space view. The major impacts that I will be talking about are microgravity and space radiation. Due to these changes of space environment from that of the Earth, astronauts will face the changes on their body and health, some of the changes would be negative. For example, astronauts will see the significant changes in their body; their whole bodies will expand, the mass of their bones and muscles would lose, and some of them might have farsighted eyes. There will also be increase in risk of Alzheimer's disease, damage in immune system and destroys of microbiomes. To build a better space environment, scientists have been working hard to find out what is causing the health issues and ways to solve them. They have done well–known researches such as "Twins Study" between Mark and Kelly Scott. The latest technology that involved is called artificial gravity; it is considered desirable for long–term space flight as well as human habitat in space. My Sci–Fi paper ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Long Term Space Flight Effects Matthew Chun ESS 102 Research Paper Effect of Long Term Space Flight Among all of the wildest things mankind has dreamed of, traveling among the stars has been among the top. Space travel has rightfully been romanticized into a fantastic voyage of discovery and adventure, but there is much more to it than what the movies show. Every detail must be considered when bringing space flight into reality, and that includes the dangers and how to safely dive into deep space. Our knowledge of the long term space flight's effects on the human body is still limited, but we do have quite a bit of research done on the short term effects, which is necessary to know before considering the long term effects. These effects include but are not limited to blood ... Show more content on ... Sleep and performance are negatively impacted while an astronaut is in space, and that can be due to many factors. The lack of a 24 hour cycle and being cooped up in a small work space every day can impact a researchers ability to perform well in space, but measures such as improved lighting and scheduling are being worked on as this is a more controllable effect of space travel [3]. And upon arriving back to a destination with gravity, may it be Earth or some other planet in the future, the body would struggle to maintain balance and must readjust itself. We have a complex set of neural circuits that allows us to keep balance, stabilize vision, and maintain orientation in terms of location and direction. Our brains receive and interpret information from our many sense organs, especially in the eyes, inner ear, and muscles and joints. When exposed to zero gravity, the human's informational patterns change. Astronauts early on in the mission can experience disorientation, space motion sickness, and a loss of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Space Flight: Astronaut Neil Armstrong Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed. The words spoken by Astronaut Neil Armstrong echoed through the Command Station in Houston, Texas. While space flight has always been the final frontier, what started with Kennedy will continues on today with President Richard Nixon. President Kennedy addressed Congress on May 25, 1961 when he stated, "I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth." Straight from the Oval Office, Nixon now addresses astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in "the most historic call ever made from the White House." The astronauts are always connected to machines that measure their health statistics and vitals, and although Neil Armstrong is known as a man of few words, his heartbeats gave proof of his excitement to be such a pioneer for mankind. The first step on the moon came at 10:56 P.M., nearly 6 1/2 hours after the ... Show more content on ... It's almost like a powder. Now and then it's very fine. I'm going to step off the LM [Lunar Module] now. That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Buzz Aldrin, the second man to step foot on the moon also shared Armstrong's wonder upon discovering the contents of the moon, "it looks like there's a collection of just about every variety of shape, angularity, and every variety of rock you could find. The color is dark and it varies pretty much depending on how you're looking at it," said Aldrin. The two men set up a television camera, which caught Armstrong's first movements on the moon. They then began collecting samples, and conducting scientific experiments. The astronauts also planted the American flag on the surface of the moon, a sign of America's willingness to explore and develop new territories beyond Earth. Today marked a hallmark of the American dream and a triumph of modern ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Effects Of Long Term Space Flight On Human Dai 1 Zeqing Dai Dr. Erika Harnett Ess 102 Space and space travel 20 October 2016 Effects of long–term space flight on human The main plot the science fiction paper includes a trip to a planet out of the solar system, including a record of the long flight to the destination and a description of the scenarios after landing on the plant. Discussion of space debris, space hazards, effect of long term space flight will be the main aspects in the record of the flight alongside with an introduction of the spacecraft technology. Regarding the post–landing scenario, atmospheric composition, condition of the planet surface and habitability of the planet would be discussed in the paper. The topic that to be presented in this research paper is the effect of long–term space flight. A flight that takes place in space for months or even years certainly has an impact on crew members' conditions, both physically and psychologically. First and foremost, the major difference in the environment between the space and what the crew members are used to is the degree of gravity. Although in the actually spacecraft, zero gravity is countered by the artificial gravity generated to ensure crew members' mobility, astronauts still live and work in an environment with little senses of stability and weight. Scientists have done experiments in Earth orbit that indicate weightless environment is deleterious to human body to a certain extent. ( Having ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Air In Aviation Not everyone understands that there are many advantages to private jet travel especially the convenience and efficiency. You don't have to fly out of crowded airports and you don't have to sit on flights that are cramped and full of people. Beside private flights leave from smaller airports so they are usually closer to your home and you can get there without having to fight the traffic to the main airport. Now people who choose to fly by private jet depart from a small facility which lets them avoid the chaos of a commercial terminal. Instead of parking in an adjoining lot and having to take a shuttle to your aircraft you park in a free lot, right close–by and your car will be secure 24/7. Your always with all of your belongings on a private flight and don't have to worry about your baggage being slammed and banged. On top to that once you get to your destination your baggage will be with you instead of miles away lost in another airport. ... Show more content on ... The aircraft captain does have the right to search passenger bags but there are no X–ray machines, wands or removal of clothing and jewelry. You are met by the aircraft captains at the airport and after you show them identification you and your group will be shown to the aircraft. If there are any passengers who are running late the aircraft will wait. Once in–flight everyone can choose what they want to eat and drink. Flying private is flying private and also confidential. The only people on board are you and those you have invited. Most of these aircraft are equipped with connections for laptops and even have cabin phones and fax machines. Everyone can listen to their favorite music, watch movies or satellite TV. You have the luxury to walk around the plane instead of up and down cramped aisles and on overnight flights you can sleep in a real ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Mars Space Flight Facility Career "The Life of A Computer Programmer at Mars Space Flight Facility Career" The world as we know it is constantly adapting to new technology. We are constantly using some form of technology on a daily basis. However, have you ever thought of what makes these technology devices to run in the first place? Well, according to several people it is the nerd who makes it happen, the boring ones who just sit at the computer and do not have any type of social lives. However, the programmers at the Mars Space Flight Facility reaches out to the community, creative and drive for innovation. The Moeur Building which is known as the Mars Space Flight Facility was built in 1939; this build was first used for a women gymnasium. The Moeur Building was named after a Governor of Arizona and a Tempe physician, Dr. Benjamin Baker Moeur. This facility is located at Arizona State University's Tempe campus. According to the website, this building is for "Earth and Space Exploration. In this building there are scientists, researchers, and students they specialize in ... Show more content on ... Since the programmers usually have tasks with deadline,they usually come and go at their will as long as they get the job done. The programmers at the Mars Space Flight Facility usually work as team instead of individual work. One thing that Leon like the most about his job is flexibility and they variety. As I was reading the article on Wikipedia I see that computer programmers have a very special purpose. Computer programmers design and develop application based on a costumer's needs. Based on modern day life this occupation is essential due to all of the technology we use on a day to day basis. Computer programming is a rewarding career opportunity. With this career field you have the chance to work on the cutting edge of technology of the future. Also they have the ability to design software for all the technology of today and also they have a great variety of ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Effects Of Long Term Space Flight And Microgravity It is the year 2034, a large asteroid is approaching Earth; it will impact in 30 years and is so large no amount of manpower can stop its course. Humans are forced to abandon Earth and move to Mars. To do so they will have to engage robotic missions to probe habitable areas, solve the problems of long–term space travel, figure out mass transport of humans, and deal with radiation exposure from the sun and other space hazards. It may seem like an impossible feat but the ingenuity of humans will have to save us, and if it doesn't we will be forgotten like the dinosaurs. Topic for Research Paper: Effects of Long Term Space Flight and Microgravity The distance from Earth to Mars can range from 34.8 million miles to 250 million miles [1]. ... Show more content on ... Knowing that humans may have to spend this amount of time in space we have to be aware of the effects on the human body. What exactly these effects are, what is being done, what has been observed, and possible solutions will all be discussed in this paper. At some point in the future we will have to travel through space, we need to be prepared and ready for what will happen when we do. Space and space travel creates a unique environment, one that humans haven't been evolutionarily prepared for. We evolved under the influence of Earth's gravity, with the protection of Earth's atmosphere, and have developed bodies with physiological systems that rely on the presence of both. Leaving the Earth changes the way in which our bodies' function, and the effects can be short or long lasting. Not only does the body respond to long–term space flight but the mind is also affected. Something that quickly changes in response to microgravity is the functioning of the circulatory system. Under the influence of gravity, blood and other bodily fluids are pulled to the lower parts of our body and accumulate in our legs [4]. There is thus a higher pressure of these liquids in the legs compared to the upper body in a normal Earth situation. The human heart is strong and evolved to pump blood against the forces of gravity, without gravity it doesn't need to pump nearly as hard and if left to long will lose muscle ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. How Did Space Flight Become Affordable? The whole world changed the day that space flight became affordable. Instead of being exclusively for the super–rich, the average everyday citizen could take a short trip to space for only a week's pay. N.A.S.A. and all the other multi–billion–dollar–a–year space agencies made more money from passengers in the first month than they did from government contracts for that year. The space industry took off like light speed through the solar system. The only real downside to all that travel, was that there wasn't another breathable atmosphere on any of the other planets. They'd even checked every single one of the moons, and under the surface of every glacier or frozen sea. The only place that people could live, without terraforming, was Earth. ... Show more content on ... What people didn't realize, was that millions of tons of it existed. No one knew what to do with it. The idea of dumping it on another planet, or even the moon, was immediately rejected as only shifting the problem and not dealing with it. "Shoot it into the sun." One of the brilliant scientists of the day suggested. "It's a giant nuclear furnace. If the stuff doesn't burn up in the sun's corona, it'll definitely be burned up once it hits the surface." With no other plausible or possible alternatives, the scientific community decided that a campaign to rid the word of nuclear waste, to be disposed of in the sun, was the best course of action. For the next 10 years, all radioactive waste was recovered from the Earth. It was sent into space on a direct course for the sun, on practically a daily basis. Once ships were close enough to the sun, they jettisoned their cargo, and the momentum alone carried it into the sun's gravity well. On the 10 year anniversary of the first flight of the mission, the last shipment of nuclear waste met the surface of the sun. Humanity as a whole rejoiced, because they had finally rid themselves of the worst thing to have plagued mankind. What they hadn't known at the time, was that it hadn't saved humanity at ... Get more on ...