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STUDENT ID NO: 0317738 
GROUP: MONDAY, 8:00- 10:00AM 
‘An improvement in performance produced by the mere presence of others’, is 
what social facilitation defines as. Social facilitation differs into two types: co-action 
effect and audience effect. Co-action effect is a phenomenon whereby 
increased task performance comes about by the mere presence of others doing 
the same task. On the other hand, audience effect is a phenomenon whereby 
increased task performance comes about by the presence of a passive 
spectator/audience. In this entry, I will share my personal stories to further 
demonstrate my understanding towards the applications of social facilitation. 
Personal reflection 1: Just on the last Friday, 7th November, we were having a 
submission for our Introduction to Design 3D model exhibition. For the past 
weeks, I have been working together with my teammates, Amos, James and Hao 
Xiang. In this project, we did our work pretty much together all the time and I 
have noticed that every little contribution made by my fellow teammates really 
motivates me towards contributing even more. All of us did our best and we 
managed to finish the model making and presentation boards within the time 
limit that we set. Co-action effect is shown here as the presence of my 
teammates really enhance my working efficiency and the fact that we always do 
work together increases our overall performance, avoiding us from spending 
sleepless nights just to get our work done. 
Personal reflection 2: Basketball is no doubt my favorite sports. My basketball 
buddies and I will always go playing basketball whenever we have free time. But 
something just feels different when a certain girl shows up. Every time I notice her 
sitting at the side watching us playing basketball, my heart starts pumping faster 
and I will never feel tired. I will become very confident in every shots I make and 
often scores more after that. Audience effect take place here as every time the 
girl shows up, I tend to perform better in game. Her presence made me better in 
what I’m doing and it does not trigger when this condition is not met.
Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented 
behaviors. Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a 
plate of pasta to reduce hunger or reading a comic book for entertainment. It 
involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate 
behavior. Different types of motivation are frequently described as being either 
extrinsic or intrinsic. Extrinsic motivations are those that arise from outside of 
the individual and often involve rewards such as trophies, money, social 
recognition or praise. Intrinsic motivations are those that arise from within the 
individual, such as doing a complicated ‘Sudoku’ purely for the personal 
gratification of solving a problem. 
Personal reflection: Since I was a child, I was never one day not being 
overweight. To the extent that I would grow more than 10kg a year. I have no 
problem being overweight in the beginning until one day I slowly noticed that 
there are a lot of inconvenience caused by me and also to me. For instance, when 
I move around and starting to sweat because it is easier to sweat as a fat guy, I 
begin to release a bit of odor that displease other people around me. Besides 
that, being overweight is not that visually pleasing at all, at least for myself. For a 
very short while my self-esteem went down but I stood up and I thought I must 
make a change. So, I started my very own weight management program. I 
researched on the net how to control my diet, which workouts are the most 
effective ones and so forth. In school, I used to skip lunch after having a breakfast 
and fight against my hunger for food until dinner. Other than that, I only eat a 
quarter of my previous portion of food for my every meal. Every evening 
afterschool, I would workout at least 2 hours at home together with Mike Chang 
(Personal trainer-body builder- nutritionist), on the other side of the computer. I 
started following his workout videos after I realized his program called Six-pack-shortcuts. 
After a year of hard work and persistence, I finally cut down from 
100kg to 65kg. I was so satisfied with my own result. Things started to change 
around me, people tend to mix around with me more although they were good 
people at the first place, I feel a lot more confident now and I can approach 
anybody at ease even girls. I used to be an introvert due to my lack of confidence 
but that is no longer a weight on my back to me. This story of mine presented 
both extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. Extrinsic motivation as in the need of 
myself wanting to become more visually pleasing. Intrinsic motivation as in the
transformation of mine causes myself to have an extra boost in my overall self-esteem.
A heuristic is a mental shortcut that allows people to solve problems and make 
judgments quickly and efficiently. These rule-of-thumb strategies shorten 
decision-making time and allow people to function without constantly stopping to 
think about their next course of action. While heuristics are helpful in many 
situations, they can also lead to biases. Heuristics play important roles in 
both problem-solving and decision-making. When we are trying to solve a 
problem or make a decision, we often turn to these mental shortcuts when we 
need a quick solution. There are two common heuristics: availability heuristics 
and representativeness heuristics. Availability heuristic is our assessment of how 
likely an occurrence is based on how easily an example of the event can be 
recalled. On the other hand, representativeness heuristic is our assessment of 
how likely an occurrence is based on how much it resembles our expectation for a 
model of that event. The downside of heuristics is they might give us wrong 
information at times and causes us to make wrong decision and assumption. 
Personal reflection 1: Back in July, my friends and I decided to go Penang for a 3 
days trip. All the while, we have been discussing our mean of transportation to 
Penang and we decided to take a flight. To be honest, I was a bit worried when 
they wanted to take a flight instead of bus. The reason being with the 
disappearance of MH370 caused a lot of people to be anxious while taking a flight 
and that does not exclude me. At that time I thought that the flight ticket might 
be expensive too aside from my worries that our flight might end up like MH370 
too. This event shows that I have an availability heuristic that all flight might end 
up like MH370 which is not true. This mysterious occurrence does not apply to 
every single flight and who can assure us that bus will not be the same? 
Therefore, the availability heuristic that I have here made me do wrong 
assumption. In the end, I went to Penang and came back in one piece. 
Personal reflection 2: In the retrospect, I have a close friend of mine that I never 
thought he would be one. The reason being since the first day of high school, the 
moment I saw his mischievous looks, I thought of him as a very naughty kid and 
would one day join a gang or worse. He indeed turned out to be a naughty kid and 
always breaking the regulations in school. After years of understanding each 
other, I do not see him as that naughty boy anymore. Although he still wears rings 
and piercing but on ear only, but that is just his way of dressing. After mixing 
around with us, he became obedient and he even became a prefect. Despite his
looks, he changed, he had grown into a more mature adolescent. I am truly proud 
of him as a friend. This event has shown representativeness heuristic as I see him 
as a mischievous boy when I first met him due to his looks as he resembles the 
looks of all naughty kid but that does not mean he will not change. Heuristics 
does give you a faster way to look at things but sometimes it will change. 
Therefore, we need to understand the people around more before we jump into 
Attribution is the process of inferring the causes of events or behaviors. In real 
life, attribution is something we all do daily, usually without any awareness of the 
underlying processes and biases that lead to our inferences. For example, over 
the course of a typical day you probably make numerous attributions about your 
own behavior as well as that of the people around you. When you get a poor 
grade on an exam, you might blame the teacher for not adequately explaining the 
material, completely neglecting the fact that you didn't study hard enough. When 
a classmate gets a good grade on the same exam, you might attribute his good 
performance to luck, dismissing the fact that he has great study habits. Our 
perceptions of events are often distorted by our past experiences, our 
expectations and our own needs. A few of the most common types of errors in 
attribution include: self-serving bias and fundamental attribution error. Self-serving 
bias is the tendency to attribute positive effects or successful behaviors to 
dispositional factors while attributing negative effects or unsuccessful behaviors 
to situational factors. On the contrary, fundamental attribution error is the 
tendency to attribute causes to internal factors such as personality characteristics 
and ignore or minimize external variables. This phenomenon tends to be very 
widespread, particularly among individualistic cultures. 
Personal reflection 1: In the past, I used to be very confident in everything I do 
especially in tests. Before the trials for SPM, I tend to be a bit more laid back as I 
am confident but it turned out that I got myself a not-so-satisfying result. Then, I 
started to praise myself being smart for the subjects that I scored but for those I 
did not such as Additional Mathematics, I blamed the people around me for being 
distracting as they are scratching their heads to answer the questions. Self-serving 
bias is clearly shown in this event as I attribute positive effects on myself 
saying I am smart when I scored on certain subjects but I blamed on the situation I 
have been through when I did not score a certain subjects just to protect my self - 
Personal reflection 2: Few weeks back, I went to A&W with my friends after our 
visit to A’Famosa in Malacca for a project. The customers were very few at that 
time. So we ordered and sat down on one of the tables at the back. 
Unfortunately, a friend of mine and I have to wait for our order while our other
friends were already sitting down and about to have their meal. We were given a 
number and so we sat down with our friends and wait for our orders. After 20 
minutes, there is still no one coming to us and bring our orders while we were 
watching the food served table to table but not ours. I started to get irritated. 
‘Are they even doing their work? How can they be so lazy? They must be slacking 
in the back’, all these questions started popping up in my head. Not long after, 
one of the staff brought our orders and we finished it up and left the restaurant. 
After a while, I thought what if they actually were encountering some problems 
behind the kitchen such as shortage of staff, machine faults and so on. I 
attributed them as lazy and slacking workers because I waited for half an hour. I 
never thought of the situational factors that might influenced their behaviors. My 
main focus was on the food that time causing me to fall victim towards 
fundamental attribution error.
Attitude is the tendency to evaluate a person, object, or idea with some degree 
of approval or disapproval. Attitudes form directly as a result of experience. They 
may emerge due to direct personal experience, or they may result from 
observation. They can be explicit or implicit. Explicit attitudes are those that we 
are consciously aware of and that clearly influence our behaviors and beliefs. 
Implicit attitudes are unconscious, but still have an effect on our beliefs and 
behaviors. Social roles and social norms can have a strong influence on attitudes. 
Social roles relate to how people are expected to behave in a particular role or 
context. Social norms involve society's rules for what behaviors are considered 
appropriate. Attitudes can be learned in various ways such as classical 
conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is a learning 
process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and 
a naturally occurring stimulus. It involves placing a neutral signal before a 
naturally occurring reflex. On the other hand, operant conditioning is a method 
of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Operant 
conditioning relies on a fairly simple premise - actions that are followed by 
reinforcement will be strengthened and more likely to occur again in the future. 
Personal reflection 1: I still remember how I used to hate dolls when I were 
younger. Dolls were neutral to me but under some external stimuli, I became a 
doll-hater. It was Child Play, a horror movie presenting a serial killer’s soul had 
been summoned into a doll and it started committing murders. With the 
additional presentation of loud, scary noises when the doll is murdering, thus 
generating fear in me towards dolls. Prior to classical conditioning, doll is just a 
neutral stimulus. The unconditioned stimulus was the loud, scary sounds and the 
unconditioned response was the fear response created by the noise. By 
repeatedly pairing the doll with the unconditioned stimulus, the doll (now the 
conditioned stimulus) came to evoke the fear response (now the conditioned 
Personal reflection 2: I would not deny the fact that I am somewhat a lazy 
person. I would rather play video games all night rather than reading books. 
Although I do fine in my tests, I was never a high achiever. I can maintain my 
grades only because that I have at least 5 tuitions in a week. I only do revisions 
during tuition classes. But during Form 3, I started to get a bit anxious as PMR is 
one of the most important test in our school life. My mother then, confiscated my
sole entertainment at that time, a Playstation 2, gaming console. She forbid me 
from playing it until I finished the test. Although it is a pain for me, but I believed 
it is for my own good. My mother added a condition for me, saying that if I ever 
get good results in PMR, she would grant me my very first smartphone. I was then 
further motivated to do better in the test. In the end, I managed to get 7A’s and 
1B. My very first smartphone is finally in my hands. The removal of the game 
console is to prevent my bad habit from getting worse and the promise to get me 
a smartphone reinforces my behavior to study better for the test. This event 
shows both positive and negative reinforcers from the concept of reinforcement 
in operant conditioning.

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Social psychology assignment 1 (journal entries)

  • 2. ENTRY #1 ‘An improvement in performance produced by the mere presence of others’, is what social facilitation defines as. Social facilitation differs into two types: co-action effect and audience effect. Co-action effect is a phenomenon whereby increased task performance comes about by the mere presence of others doing the same task. On the other hand, audience effect is a phenomenon whereby increased task performance comes about by the presence of a passive spectator/audience. In this entry, I will share my personal stories to further demonstrate my understanding towards the applications of social facilitation. Personal reflection 1: Just on the last Friday, 7th November, we were having a submission for our Introduction to Design 3D model exhibition. For the past weeks, I have been working together with my teammates, Amos, James and Hao Xiang. In this project, we did our work pretty much together all the time and I have noticed that every little contribution made by my fellow teammates really motivates me towards contributing even more. All of us did our best and we managed to finish the model making and presentation boards within the time limit that we set. Co-action effect is shown here as the presence of my teammates really enhance my working efficiency and the fact that we always do work together increases our overall performance, avoiding us from spending sleepless nights just to get our work done. Personal reflection 2: Basketball is no doubt my favorite sports. My basketball buddies and I will always go playing basketball whenever we have free time. But something just feels different when a certain girl shows up. Every time I notice her sitting at the side watching us playing basketball, my heart starts pumping faster and I will never feel tired. I will become very confident in every shots I make and often scores more after that. Audience effect take place here as every time the girl shows up, I tend to perform better in game. Her presence made me better in what I’m doing and it does not trigger when this condition is not met.
  • 3. ENTRY #2 Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a plate of pasta to reduce hunger or reading a comic book for entertainment. It involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behavior. Different types of motivation are frequently described as being either extrinsic or intrinsic. Extrinsic motivations are those that arise from outside of the individual and often involve rewards such as trophies, money, social recognition or praise. Intrinsic motivations are those that arise from within the individual, such as doing a complicated ‘Sudoku’ purely for the personal gratification of solving a problem. Personal reflection: Since I was a child, I was never one day not being overweight. To the extent that I would grow more than 10kg a year. I have no problem being overweight in the beginning until one day I slowly noticed that there are a lot of inconvenience caused by me and also to me. For instance, when I move around and starting to sweat because it is easier to sweat as a fat guy, I begin to release a bit of odor that displease other people around me. Besides that, being overweight is not that visually pleasing at all, at least for myself. For a very short while my self-esteem went down but I stood up and I thought I must make a change. So, I started my very own weight management program. I researched on the net how to control my diet, which workouts are the most effective ones and so forth. In school, I used to skip lunch after having a breakfast and fight against my hunger for food until dinner. Other than that, I only eat a quarter of my previous portion of food for my every meal. Every evening afterschool, I would workout at least 2 hours at home together with Mike Chang (Personal trainer-body builder- nutritionist), on the other side of the computer. I started following his workout videos after I realized his program called Six-pack-shortcuts. After a year of hard work and persistence, I finally cut down from 100kg to 65kg. I was so satisfied with my own result. Things started to change around me, people tend to mix around with me more although they were good people at the first place, I feel a lot more confident now and I can approach anybody at ease even girls. I used to be an introvert due to my lack of confidence but that is no longer a weight on my back to me. This story of mine presented both extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. Extrinsic motivation as in the need of myself wanting to become more visually pleasing. Intrinsic motivation as in the
  • 4. transformation of mine causes myself to have an extra boost in my overall self-esteem.
  • 5. ENTRY #3 A heuristic is a mental shortcut that allows people to solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently. These rule-of-thumb strategies shorten decision-making time and allow people to function without constantly stopping to think about their next course of action. While heuristics are helpful in many situations, they can also lead to biases. Heuristics play important roles in both problem-solving and decision-making. When we are trying to solve a problem or make a decision, we often turn to these mental shortcuts when we need a quick solution. There are two common heuristics: availability heuristics and representativeness heuristics. Availability heuristic is our assessment of how likely an occurrence is based on how easily an example of the event can be recalled. On the other hand, representativeness heuristic is our assessment of how likely an occurrence is based on how much it resembles our expectation for a model of that event. The downside of heuristics is they might give us wrong information at times and causes us to make wrong decision and assumption. Personal reflection 1: Back in July, my friends and I decided to go Penang for a 3 days trip. All the while, we have been discussing our mean of transportation to Penang and we decided to take a flight. To be honest, I was a bit worried when they wanted to take a flight instead of bus. The reason being with the disappearance of MH370 caused a lot of people to be anxious while taking a flight and that does not exclude me. At that time I thought that the flight ticket might be expensive too aside from my worries that our flight might end up like MH370 too. This event shows that I have an availability heuristic that all flight might end up like MH370 which is not true. This mysterious occurrence does not apply to every single flight and who can assure us that bus will not be the same? Therefore, the availability heuristic that I have here made me do wrong assumption. In the end, I went to Penang and came back in one piece. Personal reflection 2: In the retrospect, I have a close friend of mine that I never thought he would be one. The reason being since the first day of high school, the moment I saw his mischievous looks, I thought of him as a very naughty kid and would one day join a gang or worse. He indeed turned out to be a naughty kid and always breaking the regulations in school. After years of understanding each other, I do not see him as that naughty boy anymore. Although he still wears rings and piercing but on ear only, but that is just his way of dressing. After mixing around with us, he became obedient and he even became a prefect. Despite his
  • 6. looks, he changed, he had grown into a more mature adolescent. I am truly proud of him as a friend. This event has shown representativeness heuristic as I see him as a mischievous boy when I first met him due to his looks as he resembles the looks of all naughty kid but that does not mean he will not change. Heuristics does give you a faster way to look at things but sometimes it will change. Therefore, we need to understand the people around more before we jump into conclusion.
  • 7. ENTRY #4 Attribution is the process of inferring the causes of events or behaviors. In real life, attribution is something we all do daily, usually without any awareness of the underlying processes and biases that lead to our inferences. For example, over the course of a typical day you probably make numerous attributions about your own behavior as well as that of the people around you. When you get a poor grade on an exam, you might blame the teacher for not adequately explaining the material, completely neglecting the fact that you didn't study hard enough. When a classmate gets a good grade on the same exam, you might attribute his good performance to luck, dismissing the fact that he has great study habits. Our perceptions of events are often distorted by our past experiences, our expectations and our own needs. A few of the most common types of errors in attribution include: self-serving bias and fundamental attribution error. Self-serving bias is the tendency to attribute positive effects or successful behaviors to dispositional factors while attributing negative effects or unsuccessful behaviors to situational factors. On the contrary, fundamental attribution error is the tendency to attribute causes to internal factors such as personality characteristics and ignore or minimize external variables. This phenomenon tends to be very widespread, particularly among individualistic cultures. Personal reflection 1: In the past, I used to be very confident in everything I do especially in tests. Before the trials for SPM, I tend to be a bit more laid back as I am confident but it turned out that I got myself a not-so-satisfying result. Then, I started to praise myself being smart for the subjects that I scored but for those I did not such as Additional Mathematics, I blamed the people around me for being distracting as they are scratching their heads to answer the questions. Self-serving bias is clearly shown in this event as I attribute positive effects on myself saying I am smart when I scored on certain subjects but I blamed on the situation I have been through when I did not score a certain subjects just to protect my self - esteem. Personal reflection 2: Few weeks back, I went to A&W with my friends after our visit to A’Famosa in Malacca for a project. The customers were very few at that time. So we ordered and sat down on one of the tables at the back. Unfortunately, a friend of mine and I have to wait for our order while our other
  • 8. friends were already sitting down and about to have their meal. We were given a number and so we sat down with our friends and wait for our orders. After 20 minutes, there is still no one coming to us and bring our orders while we were watching the food served table to table but not ours. I started to get irritated. ‘Are they even doing their work? How can they be so lazy? They must be slacking in the back’, all these questions started popping up in my head. Not long after, one of the staff brought our orders and we finished it up and left the restaurant. After a while, I thought what if they actually were encountering some problems behind the kitchen such as shortage of staff, machine faults and so on. I attributed them as lazy and slacking workers because I waited for half an hour. I never thought of the situational factors that might influenced their behaviors. My main focus was on the food that time causing me to fall victim towards fundamental attribution error.
  • 9. ENTRY #5 Attitude is the tendency to evaluate a person, object, or idea with some degree of approval or disapproval. Attitudes form directly as a result of experience. They may emerge due to direct personal experience, or they may result from observation. They can be explicit or implicit. Explicit attitudes are those that we are consciously aware of and that clearly influence our behaviors and beliefs. Implicit attitudes are unconscious, but still have an effect on our beliefs and behaviors. Social roles and social norms can have a strong influence on attitudes. Social roles relate to how people are expected to behave in a particular role or context. Social norms involve society's rules for what behaviors are considered appropriate. Attitudes can be learned in various ways such as classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus. It involves placing a neutral signal before a naturally occurring reflex. On the other hand, operant conditioning is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Operant conditioning relies on a fairly simple premise - actions that are followed by reinforcement will be strengthened and more likely to occur again in the future. Personal reflection 1: I still remember how I used to hate dolls when I were younger. Dolls were neutral to me but under some external stimuli, I became a doll-hater. It was Child Play, a horror movie presenting a serial killer’s soul had been summoned into a doll and it started committing murders. With the additional presentation of loud, scary noises when the doll is murdering, thus generating fear in me towards dolls. Prior to classical conditioning, doll is just a neutral stimulus. The unconditioned stimulus was the loud, scary sounds and the unconditioned response was the fear response created by the noise. By repeatedly pairing the doll with the unconditioned stimulus, the doll (now the conditioned stimulus) came to evoke the fear response (now the conditioned response). Personal reflection 2: I would not deny the fact that I am somewhat a lazy person. I would rather play video games all night rather than reading books. Although I do fine in my tests, I was never a high achiever. I can maintain my grades only because that I have at least 5 tuitions in a week. I only do revisions during tuition classes. But during Form 3, I started to get a bit anxious as PMR is one of the most important test in our school life. My mother then, confiscated my
  • 10. sole entertainment at that time, a Playstation 2, gaming console. She forbid me from playing it until I finished the test. Although it is a pain for me, but I believed it is for my own good. My mother added a condition for me, saying that if I ever get good results in PMR, she would grant me my very first smartphone. I was then further motivated to do better in the test. In the end, I managed to get 7A’s and 1B. My very first smartphone is finally in my hands. The removal of the game console is to prevent my bad habit from getting worse and the promise to get me a smartphone reinforces my behavior to study better for the test. This event shows both positive and negative reinforcers from the concept of reinforcement in operant conditioning.