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Social Media
Module 1:
Key Trends
Global overview
Sri Lanka stats
Malaysia stats
The Internet circa 1998
The challenge in 2018 and
Early days…
Cameras everywhere
Living in a selfie world
The comeback
Competition from unlikely
Multi-screen watchers
Media today: Big Data
• Volume
• Velocity
• Variety
• Veracity
• Value
Social media and news
• Acceleration: Stories can go viral fast
• Amplification: Small issues appear large
• Authenticity: Is it real? Fake news?
Edelman Trust Barometer 2017
Where is everyone?
2 billion monthly active users
Malaysia: >23 million
1b unique users/month, 6b hrs watched/month
300hrs of video uploaded/1 min
1.2b monthly active users
Malaysia: 75% penetration
600million active users/month
500m registered users
Malaysia: >3m
328m monthly active users
Malaysia: >2m (estimate)
200m daily active users
Malaysia: ?
Sources: Statista(Apr, 2017),, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, ,YouTube , GreyReview, Google, Tumblr, Instagram, Whatsapp, DMR
Facebook > China/India
DFTZ and e-commerce
The future of messaging
The “viral” campaign:
ALS ice bucket challenge
• Simple: Visual, fun,
shareable, easy to
• Gamify: Set up a
challenge that was passed
on to 3 others, feel-good
factor of supporting a
worthy cause
• Authentic people power:
Attracted celebs and
ordinary folk. Real stories
of people with ALS and
their family and friends.
Escaped ostrich makes a mad
dash down Malaysian highway
Piggybacking on a viral video
“Technology is nothing.
What's important is that you
have a faith in people, that
they're basically good and
smart, and if you give them
tools, they'll do wonderful
things with them,”
Can we ignore
social media?
There will be consequences…
1. You won't know what
people are saying about
The conversation is taking place anyway.
You can choose to participate or you can
ignore it, but people are talking -- even
when you're not listening.
2. You won't know what's going
Listening in to conversations on Facebook, Twitter and the
social sphere is like having a free focus group going 24/7.
 If you listen to your market, you'll be able to anticipate
customer needs, make better products, improve services and
hear what's wrong with what you are currently delivering.
3. No one knows the real
• Someone may already be squatting on your brand and
spewing false corporate messages
• If you don't secure your brand accounts on Twitter,
Facebook, no one will know if it's real or fake.
• Get out there with your own voice and establish a
reputation for authenticity and truth - it's a lot harder
for someone else to hijack your brand.
4. When you need a voice,
you won't have any
• Typically, organizations only think of a blog or a
Twitter account, after a crisis hits.
• Whether you're talking online or off, it takes
months – even years – to establish trust in a
• You need to start the conversation in order to
start making deposits in the bank of trust.
Then when you need it, the credibility will be
5. You're giving away a
competitive advantage
• Whether you are listening
or not, chances are your
competition is monitoring
what your stakeholders
are saying about you.
• They may get the
feedback you don’t and
be able to bring a new
product to market faster,
and meet the needs of
the marketplace better
than you can.
4-step social media
Step 1:
ListenWhat are people
saying about your
brand online?
Who’s saying what?
Who comments and
What they say and
how they say it.
Make friends – one at
a time
Participate in
conversations and find
your voice
Observe comments
and reactions, if any
Do not dominate the
Step 2:
2/3 of the economy now influenced by
personal recommendations – McKinsey&Co
Step 3: Add
Find unique and
genuine ways to reach
out to help.
Bring authority and
credibility to the
Do not flood streams
with marketing
Step 4: Measure
Track engagement, reach,
pageviews, unique visitors,
downloads, subscribers,
followers, fans
Cost savings, sales and
Measure sentiment,
positive vs negative
comments, issues resolved,
feedback received
Five key trends in social
media marketing in 2018
1. Mobile-first: It has to work on mobile
2. Visual: Rise of videos, photos, infographics
3. H2H: Humanizing the experience wins
4. Social media management going in-house,
round-the-clock monitoring is the reality
5. Early days yet, big corporations still make
What to do next?
1. Recognize that social media is a core competency
requirement for your staff and central to your
business success moving forward
2. Form a social media team: audit, research, survey,
study competition, benchmark
3. Identify resources: champions, projects, platforms,
tools and apps
4. Train and coach staff, set up processes, guidelines,
response flowchart, support, policy
5. Plan and strategize your roll-out, engage
6. Set objectives, goals, KPIs, ROI, measure results
Module 2:
Social media
Case study 1: DiGi Yellow
Coverage Fellow:
“I will follow you” campaign
Strikes a cord with public,
becomes iconic
Little Rachel Chan gets
to meet DiGi’s ‘yellow men’
Tuesday March 27, 2007
PETALING JAYA: Little Rachel
Chan had been so enchanted by
the yellow men on TV that she
wanted to meet them. So the seven-
year-old wrote them a letter.
“DiGi man, can you come to my
house please? I like you because
you are yellow.
“I see you on TV, you follow people;
please, please, please come to my
house and follow me to school.”
Yesterday, she got her wish. The
yellow men showed up at her
Source: The Star
Yellow Man wins AME award
• NAGA DDB, together with DiGi Telecommunications, brought home
Malaysia’s first-ever gold at the Asian Marketing Effectiveness
(AME) Awards 2006 for the recent DiGi Yellow Coverage Fellow
campaign..The AME is the only international marketing award in Asia
judged primarily on the measurable impact of advertising campaigns
on the clients’ business.
• In total, the DiGi campaign brought home the gold for “Most Effective
Use of Advertising in Asia” and a silver AME in the “Best Idea”
• In one month, generated an estimated media value of
RM826,144.83 at the time of submission back in April. In the same
period, Naga DDB also tracked and documented 349 online blog
mentions in at least three different languages and 50 YouTube
films, including six home-made spoofs.
• “You know you’ve done something right when people ask for Yellow
Man baby-sitting services and guest appearances at weddings,”
Naga DDB managing director Chit Quah said in a statement.
Digi: Revs and Profits 2006-2010
Case study 2: Virgin Mobile:
Game of Phones
• As a small telco operator with just
a 4 percent market share, Virgin
Mobile needed to outsmart the
competition in order to increase
footfall into its stores.
• To reach mobile-obsessed young
adults, Virgin Mobile created
“Game of Phones,” a mobile
gaming app that became
Australia’s largest location-based
mobile app challenge, where
contestants fought to win more
than AU$200,000 in prizes.
• In the three weeks of game play, 14,568 warriors took refuge in the Virgin
Mobile safe houses, representing a 10.8 percent increase period on
period, smashing the target. The mobile app secured more than
40,000 downloads, climbing to the top 15 apps on
Android within the first week. The battlefield accrued 39,245
active warriors playing 64,942 sessions. The 531 prizes were stolen
82,395 times, an average of 155 steals per prize.
• With Game of Phones as the lead promotion and no other advertising
running in that month, the brand delivered an increase in its key brand
metrics of “offers the best contracts” and “best
devices,” up 6 and 8 percent respectively.
• The game warriors amassed 12,992 social shares on Facebook
and Twitter and 76,000 unique visitors to the game’s
Facebook page.
• Total game play equated to more than five years with players traveling
over 239,500 kilometers, delivering AU$2.5 million in earned
Case study 3: HP’s 31-Day
Dragon Campaign
• HP provided its flagship notebook HDX Dragon systems
to 31 selected influencers to give away to lucky readers
on their sites over 31 days (one per blogger)
• Worth US$5,500: 500GB HDD, Blu Ray player, games,
movies, software.
• Each blogger was able to create
their own unique contest
• 31 days of ongoing discussions as
bloggers also created and shared
custom marketing materials,
graphics, logos, videos,
RSS feeds and then
cross-promoted these items.
Enthusiastic reaction
• 31 participating sites/blogs saw an average 150%
increase in traffic, with some increasing as much
as 5,000%
• Estimated reach for the programme is well over
50 million impressions (Alexa data)
• Coverage reached 123 countries and was
translated into 40+ languages
• Readers/entrants created more than 10,000
videos on sites such as and
• In excess of 25,000 entries received by
participating sites
Month over month data from
84% increase in sales on the HDX Dragon system
14% increase in traffic
10% increase in overall consumer PC sales
Sales figures for the month of the program set
several records.
Usually a softer month and does not include
channel sales
The sales gains continued even 2 months after the
• Total cost for systems, shipping, software and
paying to offset taxes $250K (costs shared by HP
and partners)
• $0 media spend
Google reports well
over 380,000 links
discussing the 31
sites and giveaways.
Virtually no negative
comments about HP
or the promotion
associated with the
Why it worked
1. HP and Buzz Corps built up real relationships with
the influencers: “We really know them at a personal
level – we consider each other friends, not just cards in a
rolodex. We spent over a year demonstrating that we were
willing to do the right things for, with and by them and
therefore earned their trust.”
2. Provided the tools, then gave them control: They
helped design the rules and helped manage and organize
each other.
3. Not just for big boys: Mix of small and large blogs/sites
to vary the coverage
4. Social media marketing is about conversation, not
news: The HDX Dragon had been shipping for 10 months
when the giveaways began
Social Media: Definitions
• Social media: platforms that allow people or
companies to create, share or exchange
information via text, pictures and videos in
communities and networks using online
publishing and communication tools and apps.
Social media is rooted in conversations,
participation and engagement.
• Social media marketing: any form of direct or
indirect marketing that is used to build
awareness, recognition, recall, loyalty and call-to-
action for a person, brand, product, service,
business or other entity and is carried out using
the platforms, tools and apps of social media.
Tomorrow’s customers are
today’s “digital
The old communication
model was a
The new communication model
is a dialogue.
I don’t know who you are.
I don’t know your company.
I don’t know your company’s
I don’t know what your company
stands for.
I don’t know your company’s
I don’t know your company’s
I don’t know your company’s
Now – what was it you
wanted to sell me?
Moral: Sales start before your
salesman calls…
“In 2018, if you’re
not on a social
networking site,
you’re not on the
Fish where
the fish are
Owned, Paid and Earned Media
Owned Media – These are the content
channels that you own. You create and
control it. Eg: Your website, blog, social
media pages.
Earned Media – This is the media that
you’ve earned. Eg: Press coverage of your
event, people voluntarily sharing your
content or discussing about you.
Paid Media – These are the third-party
channel that you pay to leverage. Eg:
Advertising, advertorials, sponsored content.
Social media and you
• Four pillars of engagement: Content,
Communications, Credibility, Community.
• Choose the different types of social content that
plays to your strength: eg: newsy, humorous,
weekly thought leadership, customer support,
daily helpful tips, photoblog
• Choose your channel: Blog, Twitter, Facebook,
LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Mobile Apps
• Set guidelines to moderate comments and
manage negative feedback
• Use best practices of posting on social media
Case study:
• Turning followers into brand ambassadors
Source: Ekaterina Walter, Social Media Strategist, Intel
Get to know your audience
Make it fun with quirky
questions, games, polls
Avoid automated updates*
• Frequent automated status updates
makes your Page inhuman
• Facebook hides repeated updates in
“Show Similar Posts”
• Space out updates so you don’t clog up
your fans News Feeds – 3 to 5 posts/day
• Find a balance between “official” updates
and being human and spontaneous
* Exceptions: Long weekend or going on leave or reaching customers in different
time zones. Do not post every tweet to FB, instead use Selective Tweets app and
#fb to cross-post relevant tweets.
Encourage shares, @mentions,
show gratitude for sharing
• Use @<insert name of fan> to encourage
• Use of photos and videos gets a lot of traffic
Meet f2f: Offline engagement
• Organize tweetups,
blogger meets and
Facebook fan days
or “meet the social
media team”
• Invite fans for
community projects,
sponsored events,
Provide house rules or
moderation guidelines
Celebrate milestones
Your target audience is already on Facebook. No additional
registration or profile to fill to participate.
1. Built-in audience
Setting up a Facebook Page is easy - it doesn’t require a
developer or approval from IT.
2. Rapid rollout
A Facebook Page is free, versus high costs of developing
a custom social networking site. But note: Experts,
custom apps, games, landing pages cost money.
3. Minimal costs
Why Facebook?
If you post something interesting, it will have a life of its
4. Viral Features
Facebook is aggressive in deleting spammers, rogue
accounts and inappropriate content. This minimizes issues
in managing your own community.
5. Minimal Hassle
Hosting photos/videos is a lot easier and tagging makes
those photos easy for friends to share
6. Multimedia features
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social networks are
great ways to drive traffic to your flagship website, e-
commerce platform or other owned sites.
7. Referral engine
You can find new customers you would not have discovered
otherwise and review profiles to generate new leads.
8. Leads
You can engage with existing customers in new ways and
build longterm relationships for customer retention.
9. Engagement
Friends’ recommendations of your promotions are better
received. Your giveaways, coupons, promos may trigger
call-to-actions and direct sales. It is easier to cross-promote
with partners.
10. Targetted promos
You can do one-to-one customer support and redirect to
right personnel for resolution.
11. Customer support
Proactive correction of misinformation, errors, inaccuracies,
myths and responding quickly to negative comments may
avert a crisis.
12. Reputation mgt
Cons of Facebook
• Facebook may change: While Facebook is the current
“it” social network, traffic may flatten and its future is not
guaranteed. If users abandon Facebook, they’ll be
abandoning your company/brand page too.
• You’re Limited to Facebook’s Feature Set: If
Facebook decides to drop or add features that aren’t
popular, or imposes restrictions that kill your
community’s growth, you’re out of luck.
• No Data Ownership: You are limited by number of
invites to your page and applications.
• Your Competitors Can Do the Same Thing: There are
no barriers to entry for Facebook pages. They can copy
the popular apps you develop. They can join your group
without your knowledge.
A word of caution…
1. Avoid shameless plugs on
how wonderful you or the
company are.
2. Your personal views are
your own, don’t post
updates in anger or in spite.
Nothing is private on
3. Don’t sign up for every
game/quiz and annoy others
with your updates.
4. Do not disclose confidential
information obtained
through work that may bring
the company into disrepute.
5.Don’t undermine your
effectiveness at work.
6.“Friending” should not be
taken literally – but others
may misconstrue this as
being partisan or biased.
7.Avoid racial, religious slurs
and personal attacks.
8.You are still a company rep
24/7: Verify facts, identify
sources before passing along
news. Make it clear if you are
skeptical of veracity of
information, if you are.
Facebook jumpstarters
Fan Page Friday: Highlight one fan every
Expert hour: Set one-hour per week where an
expert answers questions on FB, ask them to
post questions early via video
“Office hours” – tell people when you are live.
Do live video
Surprise giveaways for lightning quizzes
Run polls asking people what they think about
a specific story or subject.
More tips:
Case study: Maxis
Timeline of crisis
• March 9, 2016: forum user posts that his friend
in Sabah was counter-offered a more attractive plan by
Maxis at reduced price when she tried to switch to Celcom
• Post goes viral on social media, Maxis customers vent
their anger of unfair treatment
• April 3: Maxis states offer is “exaggerated” and that
sometimes it has “special deals” to stimulate markets.
• Loyal Maxis customers feel shortchanged, start to port out
and document it on social media
• April 4: “Potong” Maxis page set up, gains 10K likes
• April 4: Robert Cumaraswamy posts analysis on Linkedin,
amplifying crisis
• April 6: Musician Russell Curtis posts breakup song on
People can form a group online very
quickly to attack your brand
Online protesters are a creative lot
Apr 8: Maxis apologizes, offers
upgraded free data on Facebook Live
Beware the memes
Would you trust a surgeon
who tweeted your
“Water me, please!”
How are companies using
• Customer service
• News, blog updates
• Branding, promotion,
• PR, media relations
• Finding leads,
• Extending touchpoints
• Community building
• Networking, tweetups
• Direct sales
• Recruitment
• Driving traffic to website
• Connecting sales teams
• Coordinating
decentralized teams
• Event planning
• Project status and
updating staff, teams
• Employee support
• Mentoring
• Problem-solving
• Purely social
Twitter: Best practices
• Listen: Follow popular tweeters first
• Share: Find great stuff to share
• Be authentic
• Be active! No one is interested if your last
tweet was from several months ago
• Don’t hard sell: If you are plugging your own
product, service, event, cause, say so.
Preface with “Shameless plug…”
• Preface a personal opinion with IMHO, or
“My personal opinion is…”
Scott Monty, Ford Motor Company
Head of social media, Ford
1. Always shows gratitude
2. Constantly corrects misinformation
3. Encourage conversation
Frank Eliason, formerly of
Formerly @comcastcares
4. Problem solver: Fields customer
support issues, re-directs to right person
5. Always helpful and adding value
Lee Aase, Mayo Clinic
Director, Social Media, Mayo
6. Health tips
7. Sharing patient, inspiring stories
8. Promoting radio shows, webcasts
“People relate to people,
not companies,”
Tony Hsieh,, Shoevangelism
Case study:
• Free shipping, a 24/7 open call center, and 365-
day return policy.
• Turned an e-commerce shoe site into a US$1B
business in 10 years. Sold to
• Obsession with customer service, little
advertising, organic word-of-mouth
• Five weeks of employee training on culture,
core values, customer service. Uses Twitter as
communications channel.
Social media and the banana leaf
Digital banana leaf
“In the past you were what you
Now you are what you share,”
Charles Leadbeater
Module 3:
Strategy and Planning
Building the community
Determine where you are today
Level 0: Near-zero use of social media
Level 1: Passive integration
Level 2: Limited integration, some
Level 3: Committed to strategy, integration,
Level 4: Full turnaround, seamless
Level 0
No social media strategy, planning, training
• Management sees social media as time-wasting,
unproductive and not aligned to business goals.
• All employees are banned from use of social media
during office hours.
• Employees steal time to view social media feeds via
smartphones or “illegal” access on office PCs.
• All communication still relying on traditional means.
• Rivals start implementing social media tactics and
start showing results.
Level 1: 90 degrees
Passive integration
• Management allowed access to social media but still
views social media with suspicion or as a passing
fad. Does not see integration as important to
business goals.
• Employees are allowed to implement social media
tactics on their own, with little or no management
support or direction.
• A marketing or communications exec may
collaborate with an ad agency or outside consultant
on a single project.
• An occasional deal struck whereby social media
elements are introduced in an important event or
activity – product launch, promo or contest.
Level 2: 180 degrees
Limited commitment, some integration
•Management curious about benefits and integration
process, but still without a defined strategy,
budget, timetable and training process
•Employees experiment with social media, some
training available, social media policy adopted
•A social media lead may be appointed at junior level
in some departments
•Communication and marketing teams see clear
benefits and integrates social media in planning but
still working in silos
•Social media integration starting to be planned in
advance rather than as an afterthought
Level 3: 270 degrees
Commitment to social media
strategy, integration and training
• Social media integration under implementation.
• Appointment of social business-savvy director at board
level. Management team have budgetary and
managerial power for social media integration, and
a social media lead for the integration process.
• Full commitment to ongoing training required for
social media integration in production, management,
communication, marketing, sales, human resources
and innovation.
• Social media strategy rolled out through cross-
functional, multi-department teams.
Level 4: 360 degrees
Full turnaround, seamless integration
• Employees and management not learning about
social media, they are living it. No distinction
among new or old staff in social media-savviness.
• Company transformed into a “social business
• Processes in place where social media is a primary
source of revenue-generation.
• Management decisions flow from a social media
perspective, all business processes are fully
integrated with social media platforms and channels.
• All internal and external communication is rich with
community elements; constant feedback loop;
transparent and accountable processes in place.
Social media: strategic planning
1.Objectives = the broad goals and the
measurable steps to achieve them
2.Identify key target audiences, platforms
3.Tactics = the activities, apps, tools,
channels you will use, including offline
4.Resources: internal, external
6.Metrics, KPIs, success criteria
1a. Objectives: Examples
• Improve internal
• Improve external
communication with
media, vendors,
suppliers, partners
• Connect and engage
with present customers
where they are
• Increase customers,
generate leads, drive
• Reach and educate
new customers
• Build awareness of
products and services
• Humanize brand,
service, management
• Establish thought
leadership, become
subject matter expert,
go-to industry
1b. Objectives: Specifics
Example: Improve external
communications with the media
– Challenges: Media lacks information
about our products and services, technical
expertise to cover event
– Execution: Set up a closed group to reach
specific reporters to connect informally,
educate and inform them about new
products and services that may result in
stories in media
2. Identify key audiences, platforms
• Objective: Connect and engage with
present customers where they are.
– Challenge: Unaware of which social networks
customers are using and what they are saying
– Execution:
• Run a survey of present customer base
• Listen and monitor conversations
• Follow product ‘keywords’
• Determine content shared in which platforms
• Identify critics, rivals
• Identify gaps in which you can add value
Engagement pyramid
Source: Open Leadership, Charlene Li
Advocacy: Help the fanbase
Fanboy/girls: People who
help promote your brand or
product or service online
because they like it.
“Help them help you.”
Ideas: Influencer outreach programme.
Provide content they can use, link, share,
mashup, send to others.Eg: videos, widgets,
free fun apps, games, prizes for their
3. Tactics and methods
• Choose platform: Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube
• Apps or tools: Free or custom-built
• What activities?
– Contests, conferences, events, concerts
themed monthly features, video uploads,
community activities
• Offline activities:
– Outreach programmes, tweetups,
exclusive giveaways for loyal customers,
community gatherings
3. Tactics: Examples
Platform Description Objectives
Internal blog
Multiple individual/group
Gauge social media talent:
For employees and interns
Internal forums Technology discussions
Better communication, support
for customers
LinkedIn Business networking
Engagement: Make
employees, partners, suppliers
upload profiles, start a group
Facebook Group Collaborative publishing
Improve knowledge database
– open to employees,
partners, customers, students
Facebook Page
Showcasing new products,
services, launches, events
Engagement with advocates
Twitter Microblogging, open
Engagement, brand
awareness, media relations
YouTube CEO’s speeches, talks
Promote CEO thought
leadership, start conversations
4. Resources: Internal, external
•What can the company handle?
•What resources can we dedicate in
terms of people, tech, etc?
•Accept that staff, customers may be
critical or negative.
•If the company’s culture is top-down,
command-and-control, you need to
break mold by seeking third-party
expert help.
•Third-party may not have share
authentic voice of company
Internal resources: The rollout
• Fail fast: People will appreciate transparency. Don’t fear
failures - first time you cock up, try again.
• Lobby: Personal motivations matter: eg: if there’s someone
wanting a promotion approach them individually. Get them
on board and to champion project early so they can claim
benefit later on. It’s all lobbying skills.
• Champion: Champions come from all depts. Age is not an
issue. Just because someone is young doesn’t mean he/her
is innately ‘digital.’
• Skeptics: Get some pessimists and
skeptics on board. Give them the tools, learn
from their criticisms.
Scenario 2: SWAT team: Get a small
team sneakily doing something and rack up
some small wins. (This method can backfire
though. Eg: A page that attracts attacks.)
4. Resources: scenarios
Scenario 1: Corporate-wide awareness
training: Drum up support for social media, identify
talent, bring in trainers, speakers.
Scenario 3: Start small with a few
external committed bloggers, social
networkers and tweeters and roll out
wider if necessary.
NOTE: Document successes and failures
and lessons from above.
5. Budget
• Agency costs
• Custom-built apps
• Web design
• Additional internal staff
• External freelancers: bloggers,
photographers, videographers, designers
• Prizes and giveaways for contests
• Sponsorship for events
6. Metrics, KPIs, success criteria
• You cannot improve what you don’t
• Quantitative and qualitive metrics
• Set up monitoring tools to measure
downloads, views, followers, likes,
engagement, sentiment
• Don’t be afraid to set high numbers,
ambitious goals to grow community
• Constantly challenge the team
On management buy-in
ROI: There is no silver bullet to building a
business case
• The 1st question is often ‘How can this make money?’ but it
should be ‘How can we help our customers?’
• Evaluate the cost to achieve the same by traditional means
ie: print advertising, marketing, support and IT dept costs.
• Justification: “If we don’t, our competitors will take market
• Financial Dept: Give them the numbers.
• HR: Talk about staff retention.
• IT: Talk about leverage to buy new toys.
• Legal: Aim of legal dept is to reduce risk to zero.
Businesses work by taking and managing risks.
• Executive buy-in will expedite the financial, legal, HR teams
getting on board.
Social media policy: example
•Use common sense (don’t piss off
your boss)
•Do not post entries that are
personal attacks or culturally
sensitive or religiously offensive
•Do not discuss unreleased
products and features
•Post a standard company
disclaimer on your blog, profile
page and disclose affiliation to
company or specific projects
•If you post all or parts of an
internal email, conceal the names
of the sender and recipients
• When expressing an opinion,
emphasize that you speak only for
yourself, beginning a sentence
with "IMHO"
• If you doubt the appropriateness
of a post, ask a peer what they
think and then read it again the
next day as if it were headline in a
• Do not post too much noise (ie:
inane accounts of your boredom
with life)
• Respect the platform, be an adult
• Keep it friendly, and have fun
• Be wary of copyright issues
Dealing with the trolls
Source: Forrester Research
Signs that your social media strategy is
working…on their blogs
 They have interesting things to say about your CEO, your
company, products, services and your industry
 They share and link regularly to interesting ideas, stories and
posts from your official accounts
 They provide glimpses into how you are humanizing your
brand for them
 They do not bad-mouth your company or staff (caveat: unless
there is a lesson worth learning)
They seem genuine and honest in their
opinions of your company and its products
Adapted from Boris Epstein, CEO and Founder
Signs that your social media
strategy is working…on Twitter
 You often find positive tweets about your
 Your replies are viewed positively and seem
genuine and authentic
 Your official account is growing steadily and as
a diverse set of followers
 You keep a healthy balance between personal
and professional tweets
 You engage in discussions related to
your business and seem to be an
authority in your field
Signs your community is working…on
Community is responding well to your regular
updates with increased Shares and Likes
Users sign up on your Events fast
Users leave comments and show genuine
interest in wanting to engage with brand and
Staff on Facebook are enthused and constantly
finding new content to keep conversations fresh.
Fans find updates relevant to their profession
and industry
Signs that your social media
strategy is working…on LinkedIn
Users in your group have complete profiles
They make genuine recommendations
about peers, managers and colleagues
They voluntarily answer questions
They are linking to their employer, blog and
other projects of interest.
They are participating and getting involved
discussion in the community.
Signs of success… on Google
When company or brand is Googled:
1. Leads me to company blog, webpage, microsites, staff or
company social media pages or other owned media
2. Leads to news stories, active discussions and commentary
on social media sites on issues related to company
3. Does not lead to something controversial or negative,
(unless a lesson to be learnt)
When staff are individually Googled:
1. Doesn’t come up blank.
2. Leads me to their online blog, webpage or social media
profiles and company is identified.

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  • 7. 7 The challenge in 2018 and beyond
  • 9. 9
  • 10. 10
  • 12. Living in a selfie world 12
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 18. Media today: Big Data • Volume • Velocity • Variety • Veracity • Value
  • 19. Social media and news • Acceleration: Stories can go viral fast • Amplification: Small issues appear large • Authenticity: Is it real? Fake news?
  • 21. Where is everyone? 2 billion monthly active users Malaysia: >23 million 1b unique users/month, 6b hrs watched/month 300hrs of video uploaded/1 min 1.2b monthly active users Malaysia: 75% penetration 600million active users/month 500m registered users Malaysia: >3m 328m monthly active users Malaysia: >2m (estimate) 200m daily active users Malaysia: ? 21 Sources: Statista(Apr, 2017),, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, ,YouTube , GreyReview, Google, Tumblr, Instagram, Whatsapp, DMR
  • 24.
  • 25. The future of messaging
  • 26. The “viral” campaign: ALS ice bucket challenge • Simple: Visual, fun, shareable, easy to replicate • Gamify: Set up a challenge that was passed on to 3 others, feel-good factor of supporting a worthy cause • Authentic people power: Attracted celebs and ordinary folk. Real stories of people with ALS and their family and friends. 26
  • 27. Escaped ostrich makes a mad dash down Malaysian highway 27
  • 28. Piggybacking on a viral video 28
  • 29. “Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them,” Steve Jobs
  • 31. 31 There will be consequences…
  • 32. 32 1. You won't know what people are saying about you The conversation is taking place anyway. You can choose to participate or you can ignore it, but people are talking -- even when you're not listening.
  • 33. 33 2. You won't know what's going on Listening in to conversations on Facebook, Twitter and the social sphere is like having a free focus group going 24/7.  If you listen to your market, you'll be able to anticipate customer needs, make better products, improve services and hear what's wrong with what you are currently delivering.
  • 34. 34 3. No one knows the real you • Someone may already be squatting on your brand and spewing false corporate messages • If you don't secure your brand accounts on Twitter, Facebook, no one will know if it's real or fake. • Get out there with your own voice and establish a reputation for authenticity and truth - it's a lot harder for someone else to hijack your brand.
  • 35. 35 4. When you need a voice, you won't have any credibility • Typically, organizations only think of a blog or a Twitter account, after a crisis hits. • Whether you're talking online or off, it takes months – even years – to establish trust in a relationship. • You need to start the conversation in order to start making deposits in the bank of trust. Then when you need it, the credibility will be there.
  • 36. 36 5. You're giving away a competitive advantage • Whether you are listening or not, chances are your competition is monitoring what your stakeholders are saying about you. • They may get the feedback you don’t and be able to bring a new product to market faster, and meet the needs of the marketplace better than you can.
  • 37. 37
  • 38. 38 4-step social media guidance Step 1: ListenWhat are people saying about your brand online? Who’s saying what? Who comments and responds? What they say and how they say it.
  • 39. 39 Make friends – one at a time Participate in conversations and find your voice Observe comments and reactions, if any Do not dominate the conversations! Step 2: Connect
  • 40. 40 2/3 of the economy now influenced by personal recommendations – McKinsey&Co
  • 41. 41 Step 3: Add value Find unique and genuine ways to reach out to help. Bring authority and credibility to the conversation. Do not flood streams with marketing messages!
  • 42. 42 Step 4: Measure Track engagement, reach, pageviews, unique visitors, downloads, subscribers, followers, fans Cost savings, sales and call-to-actions Measure sentiment, positive vs negative comments, issues resolved, feedback received
  • 43. 43 Five key trends in social media marketing in 2018 1. Mobile-first: It has to work on mobile 2. Visual: Rise of videos, photos, infographics 3. H2H: Humanizing the experience wins 4. Social media management going in-house, round-the-clock monitoring is the reality 5. Early days yet, big corporations still make blunders
  • 44. What to do next? 1. Recognize that social media is a core competency requirement for your staff and central to your business success moving forward 2. Form a social media team: audit, research, survey, study competition, benchmark 3. Identify resources: champions, projects, platforms, tools and apps 4. Train and coach staff, set up processes, guidelines, response flowchart, support, policy 5. Plan and strategize your roll-out, engage 6. Set objectives, goals, KPIs, ROI, measure results
  • 46. Case study 1: DiGi Yellow Coverage Fellow: “I will follow you” campaign
  • 47. Strikes a cord with public, becomes iconic
  • 48. Little Rachel Chan gets to meet DiGi’s ‘yellow men’ Tuesday March 27, 2007 PETALING JAYA: Little Rachel Chan had been so enchanted by the yellow men on TV that she wanted to meet them. So the seven- year-old wrote them a letter. “DiGi man, can you come to my house please? I like you because you are yellow. “I see you on TV, you follow people; please, please, please come to my house and follow me to school.” Yesterday, she got her wish. The yellow men showed up at her doorstep… Source: The Star
  • 49. Yellow Man wins AME award • NAGA DDB, together with DiGi Telecommunications, brought home Malaysia’s first-ever gold at the Asian Marketing Effectiveness (AME) Awards 2006 for the recent DiGi Yellow Coverage Fellow campaign..The AME is the only international marketing award in Asia judged primarily on the measurable impact of advertising campaigns on the clients’ business. • In total, the DiGi campaign brought home the gold for “Most Effective Use of Advertising in Asia” and a silver AME in the “Best Idea” category. • In one month, generated an estimated media value of RM826,144.83 at the time of submission back in April. In the same period, Naga DDB also tracked and documented 349 online blog mentions in at least three different languages and 50 YouTube films, including six home-made spoofs. • “You know you’ve done something right when people ask for Yellow Man baby-sitting services and guest appearances at weddings,” Naga DDB managing director Chit Quah said in a statement.
  • 50. Digi: Revs and Profits 2006-2010 50
  • 51. Case study 2: Virgin Mobile: Game of Phones • As a small telco operator with just a 4 percent market share, Virgin Mobile needed to outsmart the competition in order to increase footfall into its stores. • To reach mobile-obsessed young adults, Virgin Mobile created “Game of Phones,” a mobile gaming app that became Australia’s largest location-based mobile app challenge, where contestants fought to win more than AU$200,000 in prizes.
  • 52.
  • 53. Results • In the three weeks of game play, 14,568 warriors took refuge in the Virgin Mobile safe houses, representing a 10.8 percent increase period on period, smashing the target. The mobile app secured more than 40,000 downloads, climbing to the top 15 apps on Android within the first week. The battlefield accrued 39,245 active warriors playing 64,942 sessions. The 531 prizes were stolen 82,395 times, an average of 155 steals per prize. • With Game of Phones as the lead promotion and no other advertising running in that month, the brand delivered an increase in its key brand metrics of “offers the best contracts” and “best devices,” up 6 and 8 percent respectively. • The game warriors amassed 12,992 social shares on Facebook and Twitter and 76,000 unique visitors to the game’s Facebook page. • Total game play equated to more than five years with players traveling over 239,500 kilometers, delivering AU$2.5 million in earned media.
  • 54. 54 Case study 3: HP’s 31-Day Dragon Campaign • HP provided its flagship notebook HDX Dragon systems to 31 selected influencers to give away to lucky readers on their sites over 31 days (one per blogger) • Worth US$5,500: 500GB HDD, Blu Ray player, games, movies, software. • Each blogger was able to create their own unique contest • 31 days of ongoing discussions as bloggers also created and shared custom marketing materials, graphics, logos, videos, RSS feeds and then cross-promoted these items.
  • 55. 55 Enthusiastic reaction • 31 participating sites/blogs saw an average 150% increase in traffic, with some increasing as much as 5,000% • Estimated reach for the programme is well over 50 million impressions (Alexa data) • Coverage reached 123 countries and was translated into 40+ languages • Readers/entrants created more than 10,000 videos on sites such as and • In excess of 25,000 entries received by participating sites
  • 56. 56 Results Month over month data from 84% increase in sales on the HDX Dragon system 14% increase in traffic 10% increase in overall consumer PC sales Sales figures for the month of the program set several records. Usually a softer month and does not include channel sales The sales gains continued even 2 months after the program Costs • Total cost for systems, shipping, software and paying to offset taxes $250K (costs shared by HP and partners) • $0 media spend
  • 57. 57
  • 58. 58 Google reports well over 380,000 links discussing the 31 sites and giveaways. Virtually no negative comments about HP or the promotion associated with the giveaway Linkbait
  • 59. 59 Why it worked 1. HP and Buzz Corps built up real relationships with the influencers: “We really know them at a personal level – we consider each other friends, not just cards in a rolodex. We spent over a year demonstrating that we were willing to do the right things for, with and by them and therefore earned their trust.” 2. Provided the tools, then gave them control: They helped design the rules and helped manage and organize each other. 3. Not just for big boys: Mix of small and large blogs/sites to vary the coverage 4. Social media marketing is about conversation, not news: The HDX Dragon had been shipping for 10 months when the giveaways began
  • 60. Social Media: Definitions • Social media: platforms that allow people or companies to create, share or exchange information via text, pictures and videos in communities and networks using online publishing and communication tools and apps. Social media is rooted in conversations, participation and engagement. • Social media marketing: any form of direct or indirect marketing that is used to build awareness, recognition, recall, loyalty and call-to- action for a person, brand, product, service, business or other entity and is carried out using the platforms, tools and apps of social media.
  • 61. 61 Tomorrow’s customers are today’s “digital natives.”
  • 62. 62 The old communication model was a monologue.
  • 63. 63 The new communication model is a dialogue.
  • 64. 64 I don’t know who you are. I don’t know your company. I don’t know your company’s product. I don’t know what your company stands for. I don’t know your company’s customers. I don’t know your company’s record. I don’t know your company’s reputation. Now – what was it you wanted to sell me? Moral: Sales start before your salesman calls…
  • 65. 65 “In 2018, if you’re not on a social networking site, you’re not on the Internet.” Fish where the fish are
  • 66. Owned, Paid and Earned Media Owned Media – These are the content channels that you own. You create and control it. Eg: Your website, blog, social media pages. Earned Media – This is the media that you’ve earned. Eg: Press coverage of your event, people voluntarily sharing your content or discussing about you. Paid Media – These are the third-party channel that you pay to leverage. Eg: Advertising, advertorials, sponsored content.
  • 67.
  • 68. Social media and you • Four pillars of engagement: Content, Communications, Credibility, Community. • Choose the different types of social content that plays to your strength: eg: newsy, humorous, weekly thought leadership, customer support, daily helpful tips, photoblog • Choose your channel: Blog, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Mobile Apps • Set guidelines to moderate comments and manage negative feedback • Use best practices of posting on social media channels
  • 69. Case study: • Turning followers into brand ambassadors Source: Ekaterina Walter, Social Media Strategist, Intel
  • 70. Get to know your audience
  • 71. Make it fun with quirky questions, games, polls
  • 72. Avoid automated updates* • Frequent automated status updates makes your Page inhuman • Facebook hides repeated updates in “Show Similar Posts” • Space out updates so you don’t clog up your fans News Feeds – 3 to 5 posts/day • Find a balance between “official” updates and being human and spontaneous * Exceptions: Long weekend or going on leave or reaching customers in different time zones. Do not post every tweet to FB, instead use Selective Tweets app and #fb to cross-post relevant tweets.
  • 73. Encourage shares, @mentions, show gratitude for sharing • Use @<insert name of fan> to encourage interaction • Use of photos and videos gets a lot of traffic
  • 74. 74 Meet f2f: Offline engagement • Organize tweetups, blogger meets and Facebook fan days or “meet the social media team” • Invite fans for launches, roadshows, community projects, sponsored events, festivals
  • 75. Provide house rules or moderation guidelines
  • 77. 77 Your target audience is already on Facebook. No additional registration or profile to fill to participate. 1. Built-in audience Setting up a Facebook Page is easy - it doesn’t require a developer or approval from IT. 2. Rapid rollout A Facebook Page is free, versus high costs of developing a custom social networking site. But note: Experts, custom apps, games, landing pages cost money. 3. Minimal costs Why Facebook?
  • 78. 78 If you post something interesting, it will have a life of its own. 4. Viral Features Facebook is aggressive in deleting spammers, rogue accounts and inappropriate content. This minimizes issues in managing your own community. 5. Minimal Hassle Hosting photos/videos is a lot easier and tagging makes those photos easy for friends to share 6. Multimedia features
  • 79. 79 Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social networks are great ways to drive traffic to your flagship website, e- commerce platform or other owned sites. 7. Referral engine You can find new customers you would not have discovered otherwise and review profiles to generate new leads. 8. Leads You can engage with existing customers in new ways and build longterm relationships for customer retention. 9. Engagement
  • 80. 80 Friends’ recommendations of your promotions are better received. Your giveaways, coupons, promos may trigger call-to-actions and direct sales. It is easier to cross-promote with partners. 10. Targetted promos You can do one-to-one customer support and redirect to right personnel for resolution. 11. Customer support Proactive correction of misinformation, errors, inaccuracies, myths and responding quickly to negative comments may avert a crisis. 12. Reputation mgt
  • 81. 81 Cons of Facebook • Facebook may change: While Facebook is the current “it” social network, traffic may flatten and its future is not guaranteed. If users abandon Facebook, they’ll be abandoning your company/brand page too. • You’re Limited to Facebook’s Feature Set: If Facebook decides to drop or add features that aren’t popular, or imposes restrictions that kill your community’s growth, you’re out of luck. • No Data Ownership: You are limited by number of invites to your page and applications. • Your Competitors Can Do the Same Thing: There are no barriers to entry for Facebook pages. They can copy the popular apps you develop. They can join your group without your knowledge.
  • 82. 82 A word of caution… 1. Avoid shameless plugs on how wonderful you or the company are. 2. Your personal views are your own, don’t post updates in anger or in spite. Nothing is private on Facebook. 3. Don’t sign up for every game/quiz and annoy others with your updates. 4. Do not disclose confidential information obtained through work that may bring the company into disrepute. 5.Don’t undermine your effectiveness at work. 6.“Friending” should not be taken literally – but others may misconstrue this as being partisan or biased. 7.Avoid racial, religious slurs and personal attacks. 8.You are still a company rep 24/7: Verify facts, identify sources before passing along news. Make it clear if you are skeptical of veracity of information, if you are.
  • 83. 83 Facebook jumpstarters Fan Page Friday: Highlight one fan every Friday Expert hour: Set one-hour per week where an expert answers questions on FB, ask them to post questions early via video “Office hours” – tell people when you are live. Do live video Surprise giveaways for lightning quizzes Run polls asking people what they think about a specific story or subject. More tips:
  • 85. Timeline of crisis • March 9, 2016: forum user posts that his friend in Sabah was counter-offered a more attractive plan by Maxis at reduced price when she tried to switch to Celcom • Post goes viral on social media, Maxis customers vent their anger of unfair treatment • April 3: Maxis states offer is “exaggerated” and that sometimes it has “special deals” to stimulate markets. • Loyal Maxis customers feel shortchanged, start to port out and document it on social media • April 4: “Potong” Maxis page set up, gains 10K likes • April 4: Robert Cumaraswamy posts analysis on Linkedin, amplifying crisis • April 6: Musician Russell Curtis posts breakup song on Facebook
  • 86. People can form a group online very quickly to attack your brand
  • 87. Online protesters are a creative lot
  • 88. Apr 8: Maxis apologizes, offers upgraded free data on Facebook Live
  • 90.
  • 91. 91
  • 92. 92 Would you trust a surgeon who tweeted your operation?
  • 93. 93
  • 95. 95 How are companies using Twitter EXTERNAL • Customer service • News, blog updates • Branding, promotion, marketing • PR, media relations • Finding leads, prospects • Extending touchpoints • Community building • Networking, tweetups • Direct sales • Recruitment • Driving traffic to website INTERNAL • Connecting sales teams • Coordinating decentralized teams • Event planning • Project status and updating staff, teams • Employee support • Mentoring • Problem-solving • Purely social
  • 96. 96 Twitter: Best practices • Listen: Follow popular tweeters first • Share: Find great stuff to share • Be authentic • Be active! No one is interested if your last tweet was from several months ago • Don’t hard sell: If you are plugging your own product, service, event, cause, say so. Preface with “Shameless plug…” • Preface a personal opinion with IMHO, or “My personal opinion is…”
  • 97. 97 Scott Monty, Ford Motor Company Head of social media, Ford 1. Always shows gratitude 2. Constantly corrects misinformation 3. Encourage conversation
  • 98. 98 Frank Eliason, formerly of Comcast Formerly @comcastcares 4. Problem solver: Fields customer support issues, re-directs to right person 5. Always helpful and adding value
  • 99. 99 Lee Aase, Mayo Clinic Director, Social Media, Mayo 6. Health tips 7. Sharing patient, inspiring stories 8. Promoting radio shows, webcasts
  • 100. 100 “People relate to people, not companies,” Tony Hsieh,, Shoevangelism
  • 101. 101 Case study: • Free shipping, a 24/7 open call center, and 365- day return policy. • Turned an e-commerce shoe site into a US$1B business in 10 years. Sold to • Obsession with customer service, little advertising, organic word-of-mouth recommendations. • Five weeks of employee training on culture, core values, customer service. Uses Twitter as communications channel.
  • 102. 102
  • 103. 103
  • 104. Social media and the banana leaf
  • 106. 106 “In the past you were what you owned. Now you are what you share,” Charles Leadbeater
  • 107. 107 Module 3: Strategy and Planning Building the community
  • 108. 108 Determine where you are today Level 0: Near-zero use of social media Level 1: Passive integration Level 2: Limited integration, some commitment Level 3: Committed to strategy, integration, training Level 4: Full turnaround, seamless integration
  • 109. 109 Level 0 No social media strategy, planning, training • Management sees social media as time-wasting, unproductive and not aligned to business goals. • All employees are banned from use of social media during office hours. • Employees steal time to view social media feeds via smartphones or “illegal” access on office PCs. • All communication still relying on traditional means. • Rivals start implementing social media tactics and start showing results.
  • 110. 110 Level 1: 90 degrees Passive integration • Management allowed access to social media but still views social media with suspicion or as a passing fad. Does not see integration as important to business goals. • Employees are allowed to implement social media tactics on their own, with little or no management support or direction. • A marketing or communications exec may collaborate with an ad agency or outside consultant on a single project. • An occasional deal struck whereby social media elements are introduced in an important event or activity – product launch, promo or contest.
  • 111. 111 Level 2: 180 degrees Limited commitment, some integration •Management curious about benefits and integration process, but still without a defined strategy, budget, timetable and training process •Employees experiment with social media, some training available, social media policy adopted •A social media lead may be appointed at junior level in some departments •Communication and marketing teams see clear benefits and integrates social media in planning but still working in silos •Social media integration starting to be planned in advance rather than as an afterthought
  • 112. 112 Level 3: 270 degrees Commitment to social media strategy, integration and training • Social media integration under implementation. • Appointment of social business-savvy director at board level. Management team have budgetary and managerial power for social media integration, and a social media lead for the integration process. • Full commitment to ongoing training required for social media integration in production, management, communication, marketing, sales, human resources and innovation. • Social media strategy rolled out through cross- functional, multi-department teams.
  • 113. 113 Level 4: 360 degrees Full turnaround, seamless integration • Employees and management not learning about social media, they are living it. No distinction among new or old staff in social media-savviness. • Company transformed into a “social business engine.” • Processes in place where social media is a primary source of revenue-generation. • Management decisions flow from a social media perspective, all business processes are fully integrated with social media platforms and channels. • All internal and external communication is rich with community elements; constant feedback loop; transparent and accountable processes in place.
  • 114. 114 Social media: strategic planning 1.Objectives = the broad goals and the measurable steps to achieve them 2.Identify key target audiences, platforms 3.Tactics = the activities, apps, tools, channels you will use, including offline activities 4.Resources: internal, external 5.Budget 6.Metrics, KPIs, success criteria
  • 115. 115 1a. Objectives: Examples • Improve internal communication • Improve external communication with media, vendors, suppliers, partners • Connect and engage with present customers where they are • Increase customers, generate leads, drive sales • Reach and educate new customers • Build awareness of products and services • Humanize brand, service, management team • Establish thought leadership, become subject matter expert, go-to industry spokesperson
  • 116. 116 1b. Objectives: Specifics Example: Improve external communications with the media – Challenges: Media lacks information about our products and services, technical expertise to cover event – Execution: Set up a closed group to reach specific reporters to connect informally, educate and inform them about new products and services that may result in stories in media
  • 117. 117 2. Identify key audiences, platforms • Objective: Connect and engage with present customers where they are. – Challenge: Unaware of which social networks customers are using and what they are saying – Execution: • Run a survey of present customer base • Listen and monitor conversations • Follow product ‘keywords’ • Determine content shared in which platforms • Identify critics, rivals • Identify gaps in which you can add value
  • 119. 119 Advocacy: Help the fanbase Fanboy/girls: People who help promote your brand or product or service online because they like it. “Help them help you.” Ideas: Influencer outreach programme. Provide content they can use, link, share, mashup, send to others.Eg: videos, widgets, free fun apps, games, prizes for their followers.
  • 120. 120 3. Tactics and methods • Choose platform: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube • Apps or tools: Free or custom-built • What activities? – Contests, conferences, events, concerts themed monthly features, video uploads, community activities • Offline activities: – Outreach programmes, tweetups, exclusive giveaways for loyal customers, community gatherings
  • 121. 121 3. Tactics: Examples Platform Description Objectives Internal blog Multiple individual/group blogs Gauge social media talent: For employees and interns only Internal forums Technology discussions Better communication, support for customers LinkedIn Business networking Engagement: Make employees, partners, suppliers upload profiles, start a group Facebook Group Collaborative publishing Improve knowledge database – open to employees, partners, customers, students Facebook Page Showcasing new products, services, launches, events Engagement with advocates Twitter Microblogging, open Engagement, brand awareness, media relations YouTube CEO’s speeches, talks Promote CEO thought leadership, start conversations
  • 122. 122 4. Resources: Internal, external •What can the company handle? •What resources can we dedicate in terms of people, tech, etc? •Accept that staff, customers may be critical or negative. •If the company’s culture is top-down, command-and-control, you need to break mold by seeking third-party expert help. •Third-party may not have share authentic voice of company
  • 123. 123 Internal resources: The rollout • Fail fast: People will appreciate transparency. Don’t fear failures - first time you cock up, try again. • Lobby: Personal motivations matter: eg: if there’s someone wanting a promotion approach them individually. Get them on board and to champion project early so they can claim benefit later on. It’s all lobbying skills. • Champion: Champions come from all depts. Age is not an issue. Just because someone is young doesn’t mean he/her is innately ‘digital.’ • Skeptics: Get some pessimists and skeptics on board. Give them the tools, learn from their criticisms.
  • 124. 124 Scenario 2: SWAT team: Get a small team sneakily doing something and rack up some small wins. (This method can backfire though. Eg: A page that attracts attacks.) 4. Resources: scenarios Scenario 1: Corporate-wide awareness training: Drum up support for social media, identify talent, bring in trainers, speakers. Scenario 3: Start small with a few external committed bloggers, social networkers and tweeters and roll out wider if necessary. NOTE: Document successes and failures and lessons from above.
  • 125. 125 5. Budget • Agency costs • Custom-built apps • Web design • Additional internal staff • External freelancers: bloggers, photographers, videographers, designers • Prizes and giveaways for contests • Sponsorship for events
  • 126. 126 6. Metrics, KPIs, success criteria • You cannot improve what you don’t measure • Quantitative and qualitive metrics • Set up monitoring tools to measure downloads, views, followers, likes, engagement, sentiment • Don’t be afraid to set high numbers, ambitious goals to grow community • Constantly challenge the team
  • 127. 127 On management buy-in ROI: There is no silver bullet to building a business case • The 1st question is often ‘How can this make money?’ but it should be ‘How can we help our customers?’ • Evaluate the cost to achieve the same by traditional means ie: print advertising, marketing, support and IT dept costs. • Justification: “If we don’t, our competitors will take market share.” • Financial Dept: Give them the numbers. • HR: Talk about staff retention. • IT: Talk about leverage to buy new toys. • Legal: Aim of legal dept is to reduce risk to zero. Businesses work by taking and managing risks. • Executive buy-in will expedite the financial, legal, HR teams getting on board.
  • 128. 128 Social media policy: example •Use common sense (don’t piss off your boss) •Do not post entries that are personal attacks or culturally sensitive or religiously offensive •Do not discuss unreleased products and features •Post a standard company disclaimer on your blog, profile page and disclose affiliation to company or specific projects •If you post all or parts of an internal email, conceal the names of the sender and recipients • When expressing an opinion, emphasize that you speak only for yourself, beginning a sentence with "IMHO" • If you doubt the appropriateness of a post, ask a peer what they think and then read it again the next day as if it were headline in a newspaper. • Do not post too much noise (ie: inane accounts of your boredom with life) • Respect the platform, be an adult • Keep it friendly, and have fun • Be wary of copyright issues EG:
  • 129. 129 Dealing with the trolls Source: Forrester Research
  • 130. 130 Signs that your social media strategy is working…on their blogs  They have interesting things to say about your CEO, your company, products, services and your industry  They share and link regularly to interesting ideas, stories and posts from your official accounts  They provide glimpses into how you are humanizing your brand for them  They do not bad-mouth your company or staff (caveat: unless there is a lesson worth learning) They seem genuine and honest in their opinions of your company and its products Adapted from Boris Epstein, CEO and Founder of BINC
  • 131. 131 Signs that your social media strategy is working…on Twitter  You often find positive tweets about your company  Your replies are viewed positively and seem genuine and authentic  Your official account is growing steadily and as a diverse set of followers  You keep a healthy balance between personal and professional tweets  You engage in discussions related to your business and seem to be an authority in your field
  • 132. 132 Signs your community is working…on Facebook Community is responding well to your regular updates with increased Shares and Likes Users sign up on your Events fast Users leave comments and show genuine interest in wanting to engage with brand and admins Staff on Facebook are enthused and constantly finding new content to keep conversations fresh. Fans find updates relevant to their profession and industry
  • 133. 133 Signs that your social media strategy is working…on LinkedIn Users in your group have complete profiles They make genuine recommendations about peers, managers and colleagues They voluntarily answer questions They are linking to their employer, blog and other projects of interest. They are participating and getting involved discussion in the community.
  • 134. 134 Signs of success… on Google When company or brand is Googled: 1. Leads me to company blog, webpage, microsites, staff or company social media pages or other owned media 2. Leads to news stories, active discussions and commentary on social media sites on issues related to company 3. Does not lead to something controversial or negative, (unless a lesson to be learnt) When staff are individually Googled: 1. Doesn’t come up blank. 2. Leads me to their online blog, webpage or social media profiles and company is identified.
  • 135. 135

Editor's Notes

  1. I’d likely you take a step back and recall the first time you got on the Internet and this sound….In 1995, you were alone in the pool. The waters were warm and friendly ~ almost everyone wanted to help you out. There was time to explore and learn and grow together with the community.
  2. The challenge these days is everyone, and their mother, is in the pool. Newbies are coming online like never before. The four Vs of big data has us swamped: Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity, Value. For content and brand owners there is a lot of noise and it’s hard to be different and rise above the clutter. The other challenge is the belief that video is resource heavy. Usually people blame lack of budget, lack of time, lack of resources, lack of expertise for not using video. But of late, our excuses have become lame. Especially when you have an entire video crew in your pocket. We really need to stop whining and get on with it already!
  3. I am in the empowering business and the storytelling business. By this, I mean I train and upskill editors, journalists, PR execs, C-level execs and yes, content marketeers on new tools and devices and apps. My company Trinetizen Media has been involved in training for 10 years using smartphones, tabs, iPads, multimedia and social media apps, etc. We were the first to introduce video training on Motorola Razr clamshell model. I am glad Adele in her new video Hello has made the flip-phone cool again. One of the coolest things the Razr could do was record 3G video calls. This allowed reporters to do interviews and put it online immediately. We taught reporters how to search, blog, how to use Twitter, Facebook, how to cover a live event using social media tools and apps, to create multimedia stories and most recently how to shoot and edit videos using their smartphones.
  4. Here are the reporters in the Commonwealth Journalists Association in Kuching, Sarawak. We train them to shoot video with selfie sticks – especially useful for journalists who work alone or remote and disaster areas and require to do a standupper and upload to the net directly for use by their media organisation.
  5. The other challenge: Everyone NOW has the ability to perform an “act of journalism” – shoot an accident, an incriminating video, or in this case a drowning. (It was pointed out to me the guy on the right isn’t actually filming it. He’s actually watching the video on YouTube shot by one of the four.) Everyone is a publisher. This has turned the media business on its head where a few controlled the mass media -- now we have masses of niche media competing in the same space.
  6. Cameras are everywhere,. They are in your pocket, wearable, air, underwater, on the backs of animals. Tim Pool, a journalist VICE media, he shoots street protests and streams it live on the Internet which brings a realism to the news Cameras are going in the air, on drones and quadracopters shooting scenes from above, SNAP 4K, 500gms. 20 min – eg. Destruction Gaza. GoPro cameras are going underwater and available to casual divers and show us perpectives of animals like we have never seen before. Put cameras on the backs of animals like whales, dolphins and sharks. Of course mobility allows us to cameras on the back of animals to see their perspectives – in the case the owner wanted to see the fastest way to the beach and put a camera on his Labrador.
  7. Sorority girls from Arizona State University were shamed during a baseball game. They were later offered tickets by Fox Network and the Arizona Diamondbacks team. They turned down the offer and here was their comeback…
  8. “Instead of sorority members attending the game, we have asked the Diamondbacks to provide tickets to a future for families of A New Leaf, a local non-profit that helps support victims of domestic violence. October is the month of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and they even provided a link to donate. We are happy to shed positive loght on such a sensitive subject.” You go girls! I think the selfie gets a bad wrap. It is misunderstood. We tend to equate selfie with selfish. We belittle it as narcissism. Why do I need to know what you had for breakfast. So you checked in to a fancy Bali resort and I’m stuck at the office with piles of work. “Bah. You’re just doing that to make me feel bad, aren’t you?” Here’s another take on it from Trey Pennington: 1. People have a need to be seen and heard. The selfie is just a trigger, a teaser, for you to really get to know me for who I am. 2. People have a need to be understood. And sharing a selfie is the beginning of that understanding. 3. Lastly, people are needy and the need validation that his or her life matters.
  9. The other very real challenge is that it’s a buyers world out there. People have less attention, less time, less trust on institutions or commercial messaging of any kind – People are in control. They can choose to view what they want, when they want, and disrupting those with ad blockers is difficult. In fact I do not know anyone who is clicked on a mobile ad – yet we continue to push the idea that crappy mobile ads in the shape on tiny little banners actually work. They don’t. Let’s not kid ourselves. People now are more empowered than ever before. They are becoming increasingly wary of commercial messages. They can spot fakes. They want authentic stories, pictures and videos – like the ones their friends share on Whatsapp. They want stories that are real not contrived – or at least it should be based on facts. They want visceral experiences that like bungee jumping off a bridge or cycling down a treacherous hillside. If you don’t have a story worth telling than you can’t command people’s diminishing attention, you won’t be memorable and can’t win their trust.
  10. When you are competing for eyeballs, attention – you are entering a world where they are no rules, no compunction of putting anything online, no matter how offensive or violent. You are competing with people who are better equipped, better at editing, better articulating, better tools and apps.
  11. Alternative: Volume, Variety, Velocity and Veracity
  12. Facebook is bigger than population of China and India.
  13. E-commerce Revenue in 2017 amounts to US$1,121m Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2017-2021) of 23.2 % resulting in a market volume of US$2,585m in 2021 User penetration is at 65.7 % in 2017 and is expected to hit 76.8 % in 2021. The average revenue per user (ARPU) currently amounts to US$73.53.
  14. What does this mean for celcos?
  15. More than 17 million people uploaded their challenge videos to Facebook; these videos were watched by 440 million people a total of 10 billion times. It is now an annual event to raise awareness and funds to find treatments and a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease.  Raised US$115m in 2014. (over $100m in a single month over $2.5m in the previous year’s month). Possibly the best stories are those of real victims – like that of Steve Broas, a teacher who was struck by ALS, seen here with his daughter and challenged New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning to do it. He obliged and story made the news. Unfortunately, Steve succumbed to his condition and passed away this May.
  16. It’s not the tools or technology – it’s the story.
  17. “Hi there, I’m Janet, one of a few Community Evengilist at ExxonMobil Corp. I’m here to answer any of questions from this twitter community.” Janet is conversing on issues related to Exxon Mobil. As to why on Twitter, she wrote “we’re working hard on building a strong relationship with the twitter community.” UPDATE (August 02 2008): Four days later, Janet of ExxonMobilCorp is revealed as a fake. The person DOES NOT represent Exxon Mobil Corporation..
  18. Alicia_at_Honda does an amazing job on Twitter connecting with fans and owners on Twitter. When a 9/11 hoax surfaced again she pointed to the real info
  19. Word of mouth and word of mouse wins.
  20. Gen Y tends to rely on their network of friends and their recommendations, not traditional ads. &amp;quot;Ads that push a slogan, an image, and a feeling, the younger consumer is not going to go for,&amp;apos;&amp;apos; says James R. Palczynski, retail analyst for Ladenburg Thalmann &amp; Co. Instead, they respond to &amp;quot;humor, irony, and the unvarnished truth.&amp;quot;
  21. While Facebook’s application platform lets you build unique functionality for users of your page, you’re limited to the tools it provides, and the guidelines that accompany them. With many big companies are still trapped in a Web 1.0 mindset, ownership of the e-mail list is priority #1. You’re never going to get that with Facebook.
  22. People can organize very quickly on Facebook by forming a group to attack your brand
  23. Maxis Bhd lost more than a million customers in the last 12 months, with more than 400,000 leaving in the first three months of this year, the company’s quarterly report showed. Crisis was already brewing. It took social media to accelerate and amplify it.
  24. Botanicalls allows plant to send tweets to owner when it is running low on moisture. US$99.99 for the kit.
  25. Zappos is a company that believes in a good customer experience and that repeat customers are the key to success.
  26. Zappos customers become evangelists of the brand.
  27. I wrote Tony Hsieh an email after he said he would send anyone the Zappos Culture Book, then tweeted about it and received immediate reply from @Zappos_Service and three days later the UPS guy showed up outside my house in Malaysia. It arrived in 72 hours all the way from Vegas. Cool.