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D E N I S E C H A U D H A R Y , B A , M A
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Social Media and the Oncology
Nurse’s Career
At the end of this activity, the learner will be able to:
 State the career opportunities for nurses through
social media.
 Describe how to integrate social media into the
practice of oncology nursing.
 Develop tools and skills to apply social media to the
oncology nurses’ professional and personal daily
 The speaker is an employee of Dendreon
 The talk is being presented independently based on
previous experience as a healthcare consultant.
 The speaker is not being paid for this presentation,
nor is it being paid by her current employer.
 The speaker has no financial conflict of interest.
 The data presented is based on the speakers
education, experience and published peer review
 Nurse-to-nurse support; your career and more.
 Baby steps for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
 Other social media; blogs, Caring Bridge, company
 ONS portal, sharing of information and networking.
 Twitter and LinkedIn in 10 days for oncology nurses.
What is Social Media?
“Social media use
widely accessible
Web-based and
mobile technology
to facilitate the
creation and
sharing of user-
generated content
in a collaborative
and social manner”.
1. Dizon, D., et al., (September 2012)
Practical Guidance: The Use of Social
Media In Oncology Practice, Journal of
Oncology Practice, vol. 8 no. 5 e114-e124
Social Media in Oncology
 Uptake of social media
provides new
opportunities for
healthcare professionals
and institutions to
interact with patients
and other professionals.
Oncology nurses may use social
media for:
 Patient education.
 Professional development.
 Direct patient interaction (legal
and privacy concerns).
Who uses social media in oncology?
 Support groups
 Health systems
 Pharmaceutical companies
 Patients
 Fellow nursing professionals
Why bother?
Why Use Social Media
 Social media may be used
for a number of ways
within the medical
industry. Social media
sites, including social
networking websites, have
grown tremendously and
have become a popular way
of communicating,
networking, and growing a
 Today, as a nurse, the
business is YOU!
 Branding.
1. Andrea Santiago, Healthcare Careers.
Your Career and More
 Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
 Do you have a LinkedIn Profile?
 Twitter to do more.
 Facebook to support others.
 Other social media; blogs, Caring Bridge, company
 YouTube channels.
 Follow and care.
 ONS portal and sharing of information.
Professional Networking
 Several websites provide excellent networking
opportunities. Some are general in nature, and
some have been created specifically for medical
 LinkedIn: one of largest online sites, and one of the first
designed solely for professional networking.
 Twitter: micro-blogging site that offers a number of ways
to receive industry news updates, share information, and
connect with other medical professionals.
 Facebook: Many hospitals and organizations have a
presence on Facebook now. Nurses can maintain contact
and relationships with other medical professionals.
 LinkedIn has 1.5 million healthcare
professionals registered for networking, job
search, and professional development.
 Free for most users, but can purchase
membership for additional services.
 Can be valuable tool for nurses searching
for a job, to identify hiring managers at
your desired potential employer, or learn
more about a company.
LinkedIn (continued)
 Very user-friendly.
 Set up online profile
 Start building a network.
 Outlines experience, education, accomplishments,
and organizations.
 Connect, or “link in”, to other users.
 As you connect to each healthcare professional, you’re also making
yourself accessible to that person’s network.
 Pyramid networking.
 Hiring managers often post open positions on LinkedIn.
 Use the site to help identify potential candidates through the
postings and referrals in addition to networking.
LinkedIn (continued)
LinkedIn (continued)
LinkedIn (continued)
 Krista Canfield, Public Relations Manager for
LinkedIn, estimates that there are over 130,000
medical professionals, including about 23,000
nurses in the US, who are registered on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn (continued)
• LinkedIn Groups
• Medical Device Network
• Physicians Alternative Career Network (PACnet) – for MDs
who want a career doing something other than practicing
medicine and direct patient care.
• Registered Nurse Group
• ExecuCare Professional Nurse Organization
• Bio/Pharm Professionals
• Health Informatics Technology (HIT) Group
Health Systems use of Social Media
 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
 British Medical Association
 Carolina Health Care System
 The Centers for Disease Control and
 Cleveland Clinic
 Compass Medical PC
 Danbury Hospital
 Duke University Health System
 Fairfield Medical Center
 Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, Barcelona
 Inland Northwest Health Services
 Kaiser Permanente
 Lehigh Valley Health Network
 Massachusetts General Hospital
 Mayo Clinic
 Methodist Healthcare
 Ministry and Affinity Healthcare
 Mount Sinai School of Medicine
 The Ohio State University Medical
 Sentara Healthcare
 Sutter Health
 University of California, San Francisco
 University of California, Irvine
 University of Minnesota
 University of Missouri Health Care
 University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center
 Vanderbilt University School of
 Washington
 West Virginia University Health
Sciences Center
 Wright State University School of
Nurse to Nurse Uses of SM
 Chat/Forums
 Stupid Cancer
 Support groups
 Important for more rare
 Live and online
 Survivorship
 ONS Facebook site
Now What?
 Tips for Healthcare Job Seekers and Networkers on SM:
 Be proactive and follow or link to increase exposure to healthcare hiring
managers and potential employers, as well as existing colleagues.
 Proofread profile! Remember
 People will view your profile as a CV, so be sure it's clear of spelling and grammar errors.
 Highlight accomplishments effectively in your profile.
 Ask and answer professional healthcare industry questions.
 There is a "Q&A" module in LinkedIn which is great for obtaining information, as well as
providing information. Additionally, by participating in the question and answer part of the
site, your profile may be viewed by more people who would have an interest in the
healthcare industry-related information.
 Get recommended.
 Recommendations by colleagues and supervisors are like references which are quoted right
on your profile. Recommendations from supervisors and colleagues help showcase and
confirm your success on the job.
To do:
 Get a good head shot
 NO selfies
 Go on Twitter; follow ten
organizations/ groups/ people
 Sign on every day for 2 weeks
 Facebook (professional pg)
 Like 15 support groups
 Friend your fellow nurses
 YouTube
 Search for three videos in
areas YOU are interested in
Baby Steps
LinkedIn in 10 days
 Day 1- Use head shot, get CV in hand, get an account
 Day 2- Use company websites for descriptions, fill
out profile more completely
 Day 3- Invite 10 people to LinkIn (Co-workers,
People in ONS)
 Day 4- Post one item about oncology nursing and
invite 5 people
 Day 5- Add to profile. Join ONS,
ACS and 3 other groups
LinkedIn in 10 days
 Day 6- Invite 10 more people to LinkIn. Add 5 skills
 Day 7- Follow 3 cancer experts, and local systems
 Day 8- Invite 10 people to LinkIn with you from
 Day 9- Add to profile. What have you done that is
 Day 10- Invite 15 people to LinkIn
 You now have 50 connections
8 organizations, and a great
plus to your career!
F I N D M E O N :
T W I T T E R @ D E E C H A U D H A R Y
W W W . L I N K E D I N . C O M / I N / D E E C H A U D H A R Y /
H T T P S : / / M . F A C E B O O K . C O M / D E E . C H A U D H A R Y
D E E C H A U D @ A O L . C O M
Thank You:
See you online!
1. Dizon, D, et al (September 2012) Practical Guidance:
The Use of Social Media In Oncology Practice, J Oncol
Pract, vol. 8 no. 5 e114-e124
2. Caldwell PH, et al (2010) Strategies for increasing
recruitment to randomized controlled trials: Systematic
review. PLoS Med 7:e1000368
3. Society for Participatory Medicine,
4. Chretien KC, Azar J, Kind T(2011) Physicians on
Twitter. JAMA 305:566–568
5. Chaudhry A, et al (2012) Trends in Twitter usage by
physicians at the ASCO annual meeting, 2010 and 2011.
J Oncol Pract 8:173–178.
1. Dizon, D, et al (September 2012) Practical Guidance:
The Use of Social Media In Oncology Practice, J Oncol
Pract, vol. 8 no. 5 e114-e124
2. Caldwell PH, et al (2010) Strategies for increasing
recruitment to randomized controlled trials: Systematic
review. PLoS Med 7:e1000368
3. Society for Participatory Medicine,
4. Chretien KC, Azar J, Kind T(2011) Physicians on
Twitter. JAMA 305:566–568
5. Chaudhry A, et al (2012) Trends in Twitter usage by
physicians at the ASCO annual meeting, 2010 and 2011.
J Oncol Pract 8:173–178.
Social Media Terms
Twitter Related: 1
 Tweet. A post on Twitter, a real-time social messaging system and microblogging
 Handle. The unique username selected, designated by an “@username” identifier, and
its accompanying URL, for example:
 Follow. To subscribe to another user's tweets or updates on the Web site or
using a dedicated application.
 Mention. To refer to another user in a tweet by including that user's @username
 Timeline. A collected stream of tweets listed in real-time order. For example, when a
user logs in to Twitter, their home timeline is a long stream showing all tweets from other
users they follow, with the newest messages at the top.
 Retweet (noun; RT). A tweet by another user, forwarded to you by someone you
follow. RTs are often used to spread news or share valuable findings on Twitter.
 Retweet (verb; RT). To rebroadcast another user's tweet to all of your followers by
adding the RT tag to the beginning of the tweet.
 Modified tweet (MT). Metadata that indicates that the user has added some
additional text to the original tweet being rebroadcast, typically commentary or an
indication of approval/disapproval.
Social Media Terms
Twitter Related: 1
 Partial retweet (PRT). A tweet that has been edited, usually to fit a username within
the character limit.
 HT. Short for “heard through” or “hat tip,” a piece of metadata added to a tweet to
signify that content originated with another user external to Twitter.
 Hashtag. A community-driven convention to allow users to add additional context and
metadata to a tweet. Hashtags are added in-line to a Twitter post by prefixing a word with
a hash symbol (or number sign). Hashtags (eg, #followFriday) may be used to aggregate,
organize, and discover relevant tweets.
 Reply. A tweet posted in reply to another user's message, usually created by clicking the
“reply” button next to the tweet of interest using the Twitter Web site or a dedicated
Twitter app. A reply always begins with @username.
 Direct message (DM). Also known simply as a “message,” these tweets are private
messages between the sender and recipient. DMs begin with “d @username” to specify to
whom the message is directed. Only the designated recipient can read the content
 Trending topic. A subject algorithmically determined to be one of the most popular on
Twitter at the moment.
Social Media Terms
General SM Glossary: 1
 App. Popularized in the general lexicon by the iPhone, an app, short for application, is a
software program that performs a specific function on a computer workstation, or a
portable device. Apps run the gamut from Web browsers and e-mail clients to specialized
programs like games, online chat clients, or music players.
 Blog. A blog, a shortened form of “web log,” is an online journal composed by a single
author or a group of authors that is updated on a regular basis. Blogs typically represent
the author's opinion and may contain comments by other readers, links to other sites,
and permalinks.
 Crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing refers to harnessing the knowledge base, skills, and
enthusiasm of a community of users external to an individual or organization for the
purpose of collaboratively solving problems, gaining knowledge, or garnering opinions.
 The cloud (cloud computing).
 The cloud is an Internet-based computing structure whereby digital data reside on
remote network servers and are provided to client computers and other devices on
demand using wireless connectivity. In cloud computing, private files are not stored on
the owner's terminal but rather in a remote location, so they can be accessed from any
location regardless of the physical location of the client device.
 Meme. A meme is a discreet representation of a concept or culturally defined behavior
that is spread through the Web. An Internet meme typically involves humor or satire, and
its propagation is often both instantaneous and inexplicable.
Social Media Terms
General (Continued): 1
 Metadata. Metadata, or “data about data” refers to information—including titles, descriptions, tags
and captions—that describes a media item such as a video, photo, or blog post. Some kinds of
metadata—for example, camera settings such as exposure, aperture, focal length and ISO speed—can
be captured automatically from the device without the need for human data entry
 Micro blogging. Micro blogging is the act of broadcasting short messages to other subscribers of a
Web service. For example, Twitter entries are limited to 140 characters.
 Podcast. A podcast is a digital file consisting of audio content or audiovisual content made available
for download to a portable device or personal computer (PC) for later playback. A podcast uses a
continuously updated feed that lets the end user subscribe to it so that when a new file is published
online, it is automatically pushed to the end user's PC or portable digital device.
 RSS. RSS (Really Simple Syndication), sometimes called a Web feed, is a Web standard for the
delivery of content such as blog entries, news stories, headlines, images, or video that is automatically
pushed to the end user's PC or portable digital device without requiring the user to browse from site to
site. Most blogs, podcasts, and video blogs contain an RSS feed.
 SMS. SMS stands for Short Message Service, a system that allows the exchange of short text-based
messages between mobile devices. Most often, these are referred to as “texts.”
 Tags. Tags are keywords added as a form of metadata to a unit of content, such as blog post or photo.
Tags help users to find related topics or media, either through manually browsing on the site or by
using the term with an Internet search engine.
 Widget. A widget, sometimes called a gadget, badge, or applet, is a small block of content
corresponding to a piece of software code, typically displayed in a small box on a web page, for a
specific purpose. Examples include weather forecasts or news headlines that are constantly updated,
typically via RSS.

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Social media and the Oncology Nurses Career

  • 1. D E N I S E C H A U D H A R Y , B A , M A F O R M E R H E A L T H C A R E C O N S U L T A N T S E P T E M B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 4 Social Media and the Oncology Nurse’s Career
  • 2. Objectives At the end of this activity, the learner will be able to:  State the career opportunities for nurses through social media.  Describe how to integrate social media into the practice of oncology nursing.  Develop tools and skills to apply social media to the oncology nurses’ professional and personal daily activities.
  • 3. Disclaimer  The speaker is an employee of Dendreon Corporation.  The talk is being presented independently based on previous experience as a healthcare consultant.  The speaker is not being paid for this presentation, nor is it being paid by her current employer.  The speaker has no financial conflict of interest.  The data presented is based on the speakers education, experience and published peer review articles.
  • 4. Agenda  Nurse-to-nurse support; your career and more.  Baby steps for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn  Other social media; blogs, Caring Bridge, company websites.  ONS portal, sharing of information and networking.  Twitter and LinkedIn in 10 days for oncology nurses.
  • 5. What is Social Media? “Social media use widely accessible Web-based and mobile technology to facilitate the creation and sharing of user- generated content in a collaborative and social manner”. 1. Dizon, D., et al., (September 2012) Practical Guidance: The Use of Social Media In Oncology Practice, Journal of Oncology Practice, vol. 8 no. 5 e114-e124
  • 6. Social Media in Oncology  Uptake of social media provides new opportunities for healthcare professionals and institutions to interact with patients and other professionals. Oncology nurses may use social media for:  Patient education.  Professional development.  Direct patient interaction (legal and privacy concerns). Who uses social media in oncology?  Support groups  Health systems  Pharmaceutical companies  Patients  Fellow nursing professionals
  • 8. Why Use Social Media  Social media may be used for a number of ways within the medical industry. Social media sites, including social networking websites, have grown tremendously and have become a popular way of communicating, networking, and growing a business1.  Today, as a nurse, the business is YOU!  Branding. 1. Andrea Santiago, Healthcare Careers. eerissues/p/MedicalSocialMedia.htm
  • 9. Your Career and More  Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn  Do you have a LinkedIn Profile?  Twitter to do more.  Facebook to support others.  ONS  Other social media; blogs, Caring Bridge, company websites.  YouTube channels.  Follow and care.  ONS portal and sharing of information.
  • 10. Professional Networking  Several websites provide excellent networking opportunities. Some are general in nature, and some have been created specifically for medical professionals.  LinkedIn: one of largest online sites, and one of the first designed solely for professional networking.  Twitter: micro-blogging site that offers a number of ways to receive industry news updates, share information, and connect with other medical professionals.  Facebook: Many hospitals and organizations have a presence on Facebook now. Nurses can maintain contact and relationships with other medical professionals.
  • 11. LinkedIn  LinkedIn has 1.5 million healthcare professionals registered for networking, job search, and professional development.  Free for most users, but can purchase membership for additional services.  Can be valuable tool for nurses searching for a job, to identify hiring managers at your desired potential employer, or learn more about a company.
  • 12. LinkedIn (continued)  Very user-friendly.  Set up online profile  Start building a network.  Outlines experience, education, accomplishments, and organizations.  Connect, or “link in”, to other users.  As you connect to each healthcare professional, you’re also making yourself accessible to that person’s network.  Pyramid networking.  Hiring managers often post open positions on LinkedIn.  Use the site to help identify potential candidates through the postings and referrals in addition to networking.
  • 15. LinkedIn (continued)  Krista Canfield, Public Relations Manager for LinkedIn, estimates that there are over 130,000 medical professionals, including about 23,000 nurses in the US, who are registered on LinkedIn.
  • 16. LinkedIn (continued) • LinkedIn Groups • Medical Device Network • Physicians Alternative Career Network (PACnet) – for MDs who want a career doing something other than practicing medicine and direct patient care. • Registered Nurse Group • ExecuCare Professional Nurse Organization • Bio/Pharm Professionals • Health Informatics Technology (HIT) Group
  • 17. Health Systems use of Social Media  Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center  British Medical Association  Carolina Health Care System  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  Cleveland Clinic  Compass Medical PC  Danbury Hospital  Duke University Health System  Fairfield Medical Center  Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, Barcelona  Inland Northwest Health Services  Kaiser Permanente  Lehigh Valley Health Network  Massachusetts General Hospital  Mayo Clinic  Methodist Healthcare  Ministry and Affinity Healthcare  Mount Sinai School of Medicine  The Ohio State University Medical Center  Sentara Healthcare  Sutter Health  University of California, San Francisco  University of California, Irvine  University of Minnesota  University of Missouri Health Care  University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center  Vanderbilt University School of Medicine  Washington  West Virginia University Health Sciences Center  Wright State University School of Medicine
  • 18. Nurse to Nurse Uses of SM  Chat/Forums  Stupid Cancer    Support groups  Important for more rare cancers  Live and online  Survivorship  ONS Facebook site
  • 19. Now What?  Tips for Healthcare Job Seekers and Networkers on SM:  Be proactive and follow or link to increase exposure to healthcare hiring managers and potential employers, as well as existing colleagues.  Proofread profile! Remember  People will view your profile as a CV, so be sure it's clear of spelling and grammar errors.  Highlight accomplishments effectively in your profile.  Ask and answer professional healthcare industry questions.  There is a "Q&A" module in LinkedIn which is great for obtaining information, as well as providing information. Additionally, by participating in the question and answer part of the site, your profile may be viewed by more people who would have an interest in the healthcare industry-related information.  Get recommended.  Recommendations by colleagues and supervisors are like references which are quoted right on your profile. Recommendations from supervisors and colleagues help showcase and confirm your success on the job.
  • 20. To do:  Get a good head shot  NO selfies  Go on Twitter; follow ten organizations/ groups/ people  Sign on every day for 2 weeks  Facebook (professional pg)  Like 15 support groups  Friend your fellow nurses  YouTube  Search for three videos in areas YOU are interested in Baby Steps
  • 21. LinkedIn in 10 days  Day 1- Use head shot, get CV in hand, get an account  Day 2- Use company websites for descriptions, fill out profile more completely  Day 3- Invite 10 people to LinkIn (Co-workers, People in ONS)  Day 4- Post one item about oncology nursing and invite 5 people  Day 5- Add to profile. Join ONS, ACS and 3 other groups
  • 22. LinkedIn in 10 days  Day 6- Invite 10 more people to LinkIn. Add 5 skills  Day 7- Follow 3 cancer experts, and local systems  Day 8- Invite 10 people to LinkIn with you from industry  Day 9- Add to profile. What have you done that is special?  Day 10- Invite 15 people to LinkIn  You now have 50 connections 8 organizations, and a great plus to your career!
  • 24. F I N D M E O N : T W I T T E R @ D E E C H A U D H A R Y W W W . L I N K E D I N . C O M / I N / D E E C H A U D H A R Y / H T T P S : / / M . F A C E B O O K . C O M / D E E . C H A U D H A R Y D E E C H A U D @ A O L . C O M Thank You: See you online!
  • 25. References 1. Dizon, D, et al (September 2012) Practical Guidance: The Use of Social Media In Oncology Practice, J Oncol Pract, vol. 8 no. 5 e114-e124 2. Caldwell PH, et al (2010) Strategies for increasing recruitment to randomized controlled trials: Systematic review. PLoS Med 7:e1000368 3. Society for Participatory Medicine, 4. Chretien KC, Azar J, Kind T(2011) Physicians on Twitter. JAMA 305:566–568 5. Chaudhry A, et al (2012) Trends in Twitter usage by physicians at the ASCO annual meeting, 2010 and 2011. J Oncol Pract 8:173–178.
  • 26. References 1. Dizon, D, et al (September 2012) Practical Guidance: The Use of Social Media In Oncology Practice, J Oncol Pract, vol. 8 no. 5 e114-e124 2. Caldwell PH, et al (2010) Strategies for increasing recruitment to randomized controlled trials: Systematic review. PLoS Med 7:e1000368 3. Society for Participatory Medicine, 4. Chretien KC, Azar J, Kind T(2011) Physicians on Twitter. JAMA 305:566–568 5. Chaudhry A, et al (2012) Trends in Twitter usage by physicians at the ASCO annual meeting, 2010 and 2011. J Oncol Pract 8:173–178.
  • 27. Social Media Terms Twitter Related: 1  Tweet. A post on Twitter, a real-time social messaging system and microblogging service.  Handle. The unique username selected, designated by an “@username” identifier, and its accompanying URL, for example:  Follow. To subscribe to another user's tweets or updates on the Web site or using a dedicated application.  Mention. To refer to another user in a tweet by including that user's @username handle.  Timeline. A collected stream of tweets listed in real-time order. For example, when a user logs in to Twitter, their home timeline is a long stream showing all tweets from other users they follow, with the newest messages at the top.  Retweet (noun; RT). A tweet by another user, forwarded to you by someone you follow. RTs are often used to spread news or share valuable findings on Twitter.  Retweet (verb; RT). To rebroadcast another user's tweet to all of your followers by adding the RT tag to the beginning of the tweet.  Modified tweet (MT). Metadata that indicates that the user has added some additional text to the original tweet being rebroadcast, typically commentary or an indication of approval/disapproval.
  • 28. Social Media Terms Twitter Related: 1  Partial retweet (PRT). A tweet that has been edited, usually to fit a username within the character limit.  HT. Short for “heard through” or “hat tip,” a piece of metadata added to a tweet to signify that content originated with another user external to Twitter.  Hashtag. A community-driven convention to allow users to add additional context and metadata to a tweet. Hashtags are added in-line to a Twitter post by prefixing a word with a hash symbol (or number sign). Hashtags (eg, #followFriday) may be used to aggregate, organize, and discover relevant tweets.  Reply. A tweet posted in reply to another user's message, usually created by clicking the “reply” button next to the tweet of interest using the Twitter Web site or a dedicated Twitter app. A reply always begins with @username.  Direct message (DM). Also known simply as a “message,” these tweets are private messages between the sender and recipient. DMs begin with “d @username” to specify to whom the message is directed. Only the designated recipient can read the content  Trending topic. A subject algorithmically determined to be one of the most popular on Twitter at the moment.
  • 29. Social Media Terms General SM Glossary: 1  App. Popularized in the general lexicon by the iPhone, an app, short for application, is a software program that performs a specific function on a computer workstation, or a portable device. Apps run the gamut from Web browsers and e-mail clients to specialized programs like games, online chat clients, or music players.  Blog. A blog, a shortened form of “web log,” is an online journal composed by a single author or a group of authors that is updated on a regular basis. Blogs typically represent the author's opinion and may contain comments by other readers, links to other sites, and permalinks.  Crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing refers to harnessing the knowledge base, skills, and enthusiasm of a community of users external to an individual or organization for the purpose of collaboratively solving problems, gaining knowledge, or garnering opinions.  The cloud (cloud computing).  The cloud is an Internet-based computing structure whereby digital data reside on remote network servers and are provided to client computers and other devices on demand using wireless connectivity. In cloud computing, private files are not stored on the owner's terminal but rather in a remote location, so they can be accessed from any location regardless of the physical location of the client device.  Meme. A meme is a discreet representation of a concept or culturally defined behavior that is spread through the Web. An Internet meme typically involves humor or satire, and its propagation is often both instantaneous and inexplicable.
  • 30. Social Media Terms General (Continued): 1  Metadata. Metadata, or “data about data” refers to information—including titles, descriptions, tags and captions—that describes a media item such as a video, photo, or blog post. Some kinds of metadata—for example, camera settings such as exposure, aperture, focal length and ISO speed—can be captured automatically from the device without the need for human data entry  Micro blogging. Micro blogging is the act of broadcasting short messages to other subscribers of a Web service. For example, Twitter entries are limited to 140 characters.  Podcast. A podcast is a digital file consisting of audio content or audiovisual content made available for download to a portable device or personal computer (PC) for later playback. A podcast uses a continuously updated feed that lets the end user subscribe to it so that when a new file is published online, it is automatically pushed to the end user's PC or portable digital device.  RSS. RSS (Really Simple Syndication), sometimes called a Web feed, is a Web standard for the delivery of content such as blog entries, news stories, headlines, images, or video that is automatically pushed to the end user's PC or portable digital device without requiring the user to browse from site to site. Most blogs, podcasts, and video blogs contain an RSS feed.  SMS. SMS stands for Short Message Service, a system that allows the exchange of short text-based messages between mobile devices. Most often, these are referred to as “texts.”  Tags. Tags are keywords added as a form of metadata to a unit of content, such as blog post or photo. Tags help users to find related topics or media, either through manually browsing on the site or by using the term with an Internet search engine.  Widget. A widget, sometimes called a gadget, badge, or applet, is a small block of content corresponding to a piece of software code, typically displayed in a small box on a web page, for a specific purpose. Examples include weather forecasts or news headlines that are constantly updated, typically via RSS.