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Presented By: Cindi Smith
Founder/President, The Lakeside Group Associates
                                         Steps To Becoming An Entrepreneur
 Who & Why – Slide 3

 Core Values – Slide 4                 Step 1: Come up with your idea! Slide 11

 Find Like Minds – Slide 5             Step 2:The Fundamentals
                                               2.1 – Naming your company Slide 12
 Money, Money, Money! – Slide 6               2.2 – Register your name Slide 13
       Examples – Slide 7                       2.3- Creating your brand Slide 14
       Money Monster – Slide 8
                                                      Branding Case Study Slide 16
       Obtain Start Up Cash –Slide 9
                                                      Finding Initial Help Slide 18
 Final Thoughts -    Slide 24                  2.4 – Marketing Slide 19
                                                2.5 Payment Slide 21
 Organizations & Association
  Resources – Slide 25
                                        Step 3: Setting Business Goals Slide 22
The following are MUST HAVE traits of an entrepreneur:

 Deep Desire
                               Dedication
 Passion                      Belief
 Innovation                   Determination
 Motivation                   Calculated Risk
 Perseverance                  Taking
 Commitment                   Plain blind faith
Core Values
 Identify your core values to find out what makes you “tick”:

Some people call these core values, and we call them success
markers. Whatever you call them, they drive the decisions you
              make, and the beliefs you hold.

      Remember these beliefs CAN BE CHANGED
Find Like Minds
Surround yourself with other Entrepreneurs and role models. Spend as
much time learning about the mindsets of successful entrepreneurs.
How do you find other entrepreneurs? Here are some ideas:

 (groups and discussions)
 (find a mentor related to your start-up).
 (Cleveland based)
 Industry specific organizations and associations
 Join a mastermind group
 Tony Robbins is our absolute favorite business coach. Search his videos
  on YouTube.
 “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men
 who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than
to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not
 a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a
    dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary.
             Impossible is nothing.” - Muhammad Ali

If you really want to be an Entrepreneur you will find a
     way. Be creative when launching your business!
For example…
 Gary Leff used his Frequent Flyer Miles to travel all over the world in
  First Class, and his friends kept asking for advice. Almost on a whim,
  he decided to launch a basic website offering the service of booking
  travel awards for a fee. His service is something that people could
  do on their own for free—but plenty of people don’t know how it
  works or just don’t want the hassle of dealing with airline call
  centers. This “side business” now brings in more than $100,000 a

 Michael Hanna was laid off from Comcast Cable in May 2009. The
  Portland couple borrowed $8,000 and bought a truckload of Sealy
  Factory 2nd mattresses. They leased space inside an out-of-business
  car dealership, and opened Mattress Lot on January 2, 2010. The
  business turned a profit within the first six months. Owner, Michael
  Hanna, went on to speak about his experience at a Ted X Conference
  held at Concordia University.
Money Monster Exercise
I am always looking for free webinars and teleseminars and came
across a speaker named Morgana Rae. Morgana had a great way
to get in touch with your subconscious beliefs about money. Ask
yourself, "If Money were a person who would it be?”. It can be
someone famous, someone you know, someone fictitious. Who is
the first person that came to mind?

If it’s someone that has a positive connotation to you,
congratulations! For some people who have associated negative
beliefs about money, this may be not such a great person.
Changing your mindset about money is crucial if you want a
successful business.

Write down 100 ways that you can raise money (even if it’s a
small amount). Here are some ideas to get you started:
 Find a Partner- be certain this
 Take out a small Business Loan.
                                          person has similar values, goals
 Borrow from anyone you know.            as you.
    Be sure to pay them back and
                                         Raise money - sell things you no
    even give them interest.
                                          longer need.
   Start your business from home.
                                         Borrow from your
   Get advance orders or                 401k/Retirement
    commitment for work.
                                         Apply for a government grant
   Cut your monthly expenses - A
                                         Raise money from crowd
    few changes can add up to a
                                          sourcing websites (i.e.
    couple hundred dollars.
   Angel Investors/Venture
                                         Participate in entrepreneurship
   Peer Lending Sites (    Use Credit Cards or Home Equity
    and                  Line of Credit.
     Step 1: Come up with your idea!!
Here are some excellent questions to ask yourself when trying to come up
with a business idea. I would go through these questions exploring some of
the things that you love to do most.

   1.   What do you love to do most?
   2.   How could you use this to benefit others so that they would be
        willing to invest in it?
   3.   How could you do it to reach a multitude of people?
   4.   What diversity can you add to it and what long term potential does
        it have to remain profitable?

   There are opportunities all around you! For the next 10 days, write down
   three ideas for increasing your income, or ways in which you could earn
   more income from what you already have. This will begin to train your
   mind to look for economic opportunities and develop a habitual mindset
   that notices them. ACT UPON THEM!!! *These exercises are courtesy of Anthony
Step 2: The Fundamentals
      2.1 Naming your Company: YOU MUST STAND OUT!

  Whether people see it on their caller ID, read about it in The Wall Street
 Journal, or spot it on your nametag at a tradeshow, your business name is
  what makes that critical first impression. That’s why your business name
   needs to be instantly likeable, stand out in a sea of sameness, and be
       absolutely unforgettable. It’s important that you do it right. –

Naming 101 Resources
   Click here for tips on Domain Name Secrets
   Click here for tips on Naming a Brand
   Click here for tips on Naming a Product
   Click here for tips on Naming Business
2.2 Register Your Name!
1) Check to see if your name is already registered with your state. You should also be
able to find steps and resources for registering your business on your state’s page. To
find the appropriate website, simply Google: “Registering a business in (STATE)”

2) Check to see if your name is already registered as a domain (website address).
 Go to to find out if your domain is available.
     Domains are very inexpensive to register, and usually run $5-$20/year.
     Make sure your domain name doesn’t spell something unfortunate. I’m sure
      Pen Island didn’t check this when they bought the domain
      Ferreth and Jobs also made this mistake: Our all time
      favorite “Slurl,” is Mole Station Nursery, also known as
2.3 Creating your brand

Your brand will set you up for success or failure. Branding is extremely
important and something you want to start doing as soon as you start your
business. Branding is defined as a process of using words, images, or themes
to identify a company and it’s products/services. It can include: Your name,
slogan, logo, marketing material, product names, signage, websites,
promotional items, etc. Having a unique and creative brand will make you
stand out above your competitors, no brand or a lame brand will get you lost
in a sea of hundreds of competitors. You don’t have to create your entire
brand all at once. Don’t rush into creating just anything, this process should
be intricate, detailed, and well planned.
2.3 Creating your brand
 Having a website for your business is extremely important. Even if
  you aren’t selling a product/service online, you need to be
  accessible to your customers. If someone wants to get in touch with
  you, you need to be “findable”. Even a simple website will make
  your business look more reliable and professional.

 If you are working on a tight budget, and cannot afford someone to
  design your webpage, Wordpress is an awesome way to create a
  great looking site for free. Wordpress is fairly simple to use and
  creates pages that are good for new businesses.

 Visit for more details.
2.3 Creating your brand

Business Cards
 Business Cards are also extremely important. To get your
  company off the ground, you’ll need to do a lot of networking
  and marketing. That means that when you talk to a potential
  customer, you want to give them something that will provide
  your contact information.
 We have found the best place for inexpensive and professional
  business cards is They usually have
  excellent deals and their website is very user friendly. You can
  create your own business card or upload a template.
Tagline: Real Frozen Custard Made Fresh Hourly!
                                                    VS             Tagline: If You Love Me, Spoon Me

   Claim to fame:                                        Claim to Fame:

   We make our velvety rich frozen custard the            We’re just a group of hard-working, fun loving yogurt
   way it is supposed to be, one batch at a time,        groupies out to change the world. Our mission is three-
   several times a day. We use only the finest           fold: 1) love the body we live in 2) the people we live
   ingredients: cream, fruits, nuts and                  with and 3) the earth we live on.
   chocolates to create over 100 scrumptious             Spoon Me yogurt is fat free, has less than 90 calories
   flavors.                                              per serving, and contains no table sugar or artificial
                                                         sweeteners, colors, or flavoring. Nat•u•ral and quite
   Check out their website:
                                                         Check out their website:

Finding Initial Help
A little overwhelmed? While you may not be able to hire employees initially, there are other ways
 to find help for getting some of these things set up. Remember, no business owner is an expert
in EVERYTHING. Here are some areas that are worth outsourcing if you don’t have the expertise:

 Designing Your Logo
 Creating Your Website
 Writing Proposals
 Graphic Designers
 Marketing Materials
 Legal (Creating contracts, trademarking, etc)
 Administrative Support/Data Entry
 Finance and Taxes

 A great website to find help in all of these areas is You can post your project
for free and then freelancers submit job proposals for the work you need. You can decide who to
                   use based on work history, price, their portfolio, ratings, etc.
                              Visit for more info.
2.4 Marketing

    It doesn't matter if you are a
  product based company, service
based, on-line company. You need to
 develop a strong marketing plan to
     reach your target audience.

 The secret to success is to think of
      yourself as THE EXPERT!

      Here are some ideas…..
1.   Help A Reporter Out (HARO). This on-line service provides queries from
     Journalist, media sources and News Sources that you can answer as the
     expert and get your name out there for free.
2.   Business/Entrepreneurship Competitions - these will give you
     credibility, free PR and recognition
3.   Ask for testimonials. This will help you develop credibility and it's not
     YOU saying these great things about yourself.
4.   Be active on Social Media! Be active on LinkedIn (be part of discussion
     topics), be intriguing on Facebook and Twitter. Use ALL avenues of social
     media! It’s a free way to reach and engage your audience!!
5.   Charity events- donate your product to events and organizations.
6.   Write a blog and send your article to local and industry-specific media
     outlets to use for their publications. Usually PR Contacts are listed right
     on the website of that media venue!
7.   Offer to participate in speaking engagements to related organizations,
     associations, and colleges
8.   Referrals are the best way of free advertising! Be the absolute best in
     your niche.
2.5 Payment

 How will you accept payment? Make it easy for your

 There is a product called Square that allows you to accept
  credit card payments via your smart phone. Set up is free,
  the equipment is free, the only fee they charge is 2.75%
  of your sale. This product is great for start-ups and
  extremely easy to use! Visit
STEP 3: Setting Business Goals
If you do NOT write down your goals and make them specific, measurable,
achievable, within specific time frames you WILL NOT achieve them.

      1. Write down your top 10 goals to accomplish in the next year (dream big
      2. Write down what you would have to accomplish quarterly to obtain
         those goals
      3. Write down what you would have to accomplish monthly to obtain your
         quarterly goals
      4. Write down what you would have to accomplish weekly to obtain your
         monthly goals
      5. Take 5 solid steps PER DAY towards your weekly goals.

If you decided to take a trip from LA to NY and you were off just one degree on
 your navigational charts, and you stayed off just one degree for the 3000-mile
                      distance, where would you end up?
Jim Rohn once related that neither a marriage nor a business fails overnight.
Cataclysmic failure generally comes from a series of small, correctable
failures (“one degree failures”). We all get derailed from time to time. We all
experience some type of failure. Champions realize they are off course, and
they do something about it. Champions recognize their failures, make
corrections, and get back on track. The difference between average people
and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure.
Some Final Thoughts…
 Know when you want to exit the company. Will you sell or hand down the
  company to one of your kids?

 Hire the BEST people. Mediocre employees will give you Mediocre results.

 Always Give Back. Get involved in a charity that your company will support,
  give your employees days off to volunteer, be a mentor to other upcoming
  entrepreneurs, etc.

 Lastly, take lots of vacations! You will need to refresh and rejuvenate
Organizations & Association Resources
 SBA - Created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal
    government to aid, counsel and assist small business concerns.
   EDGE - Encouraging Diversity Growth and Equity - This program
    provides assistance for economically and socially disadvantaged business enterprises.
   SCORE - Premier source of free and confidential business advice for
   Count Me In - Provides business resources to woman-owned
    businesses, including financing options with a unique woman-friendly credit scoring
   International Franchise Association - The oldest and largest
    franchise trade group, strives to educate prospective franchise investors.
   National Association for the Self-Employed - The nation's leading
    resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses.
   National Minority Supplier Development Council - Providing a direct
    link between corporate America and minority-owned businesses.
   National Association of Women Business Owners www. -
    Founded in 1975, the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) is the
    unified voice of America's more than 10 million women-owned businesses representing
    the fastest growing segment of the economy.
   Minority Business Development Agency MBDA an agency in the US
    Department of Commerce helps create and maintain U.S. jobs by promoting the growth
    and global competitiveness of large, medium and small businesses owned and operated
    by members of the minority and Diaspora communities

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So you want to start a small business

  • 1. Presented By: Cindi Smith Founder/President, The Lakeside Group Associates
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS Steps To Becoming An Entrepreneur  Who & Why – Slide 3  Core Values – Slide 4  Step 1: Come up with your idea! Slide 11  Find Like Minds – Slide 5  Step 2:The Fundamentals 2.1 – Naming your company Slide 12  Money, Money, Money! – Slide 6 2.2 – Register your name Slide 13 Examples – Slide 7 2.3- Creating your brand Slide 14 Money Monster – Slide 8 Branding Case Study Slide 16 Obtain Start Up Cash –Slide 9 Finding Initial Help Slide 18  Final Thoughts - Slide 24 2.4 – Marketing Slide 19 2.5 Payment Slide 21  Organizations & Association Resources – Slide 25  Step 3: Setting Business Goals Slide 22
  • 3. WHO & WHY? The following are MUST HAVE traits of an entrepreneur:  Deep Desire  Dedication  Passion  Belief  Innovation  Determination  Motivation  Calculated Risk  Perseverance Taking  Commitment  Plain blind faith
  • 4. Core Values Identify your core values to find out what makes you “tick”: Some people call these core values, and we call them success markers. Whatever you call them, they drive the decisions you make, and the beliefs you hold. Remember these beliefs CAN BE CHANGED
  • 5. Find Like Minds Surround yourself with other Entrepreneurs and role models. Spend as much time learning about the mindsets of successful entrepreneurs. How do you find other entrepreneurs? Here are some ideas:   (groups and discussions)   (find a mentor related to your start-up).  (Cleveland based)  Industry specific organizations and associations  Join a mastermind group  Tony Robbins is our absolute favorite business coach. Search his videos on YouTube.
  • 6. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!! “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” - Muhammad Ali If you really want to be an Entrepreneur you will find a way. Be creative when launching your business!
  • 7. For example…  Gary Leff used his Frequent Flyer Miles to travel all over the world in First Class, and his friends kept asking for advice. Almost on a whim, he decided to launch a basic website offering the service of booking travel awards for a fee. His service is something that people could do on their own for free—but plenty of people don’t know how it works or just don’t want the hassle of dealing with airline call centers. This “side business” now brings in more than $100,000 a year.  Michael Hanna was laid off from Comcast Cable in May 2009. The Portland couple borrowed $8,000 and bought a truckload of Sealy Factory 2nd mattresses. They leased space inside an out-of-business car dealership, and opened Mattress Lot on January 2, 2010. The business turned a profit within the first six months. Owner, Michael Hanna, went on to speak about his experience at a Ted X Conference held at Concordia University.
  • 8. Money Monster Exercise I am always looking for free webinars and teleseminars and came across a speaker named Morgana Rae. Morgana had a great way to get in touch with your subconscious beliefs about money. Ask yourself, "If Money were a person who would it be?”. It can be someone famous, someone you know, someone fictitious. Who is the first person that came to mind? If it’s someone that has a positive connotation to you, congratulations! For some people who have associated negative beliefs about money, this may be not such a great person. Changing your mindset about money is crucial if you want a successful business.
  • 9. OBTAIN START UP CASH! Write down 100 ways that you can raise money (even if it’s a small amount). Here are some ideas to get you started:
  • 10.  Find a Partner- be certain this  Take out a small Business Loan. person has similar values, goals  Borrow from anyone you know. as you. Be sure to pay them back and  Raise money - sell things you no even give them interest. longer need.  Start your business from home.  Borrow from your  Get advance orders or 401k/Retirement commitment for work.  Apply for a government grant  Cut your monthly expenses - A  Raise money from crowd few changes can add up to a sourcing websites (i.e. couple hundred dollars.  Angel Investors/Venture  Participate in entrepreneurship Capitalist competitions  Peer Lending Sites (  Use Credit Cards or Home Equity and Line of Credit.
  • 11. STEPS TO BECOMING AN ENTREPRENEUR Step 1: Come up with your idea!! Here are some excellent questions to ask yourself when trying to come up with a business idea. I would go through these questions exploring some of the things that you love to do most. 1. What do you love to do most? 2. How could you use this to benefit others so that they would be willing to invest in it? 3. How could you do it to reach a multitude of people? 4. What diversity can you add to it and what long term potential does it have to remain profitable? There are opportunities all around you! For the next 10 days, write down three ideas for increasing your income, or ways in which you could earn more income from what you already have. This will begin to train your mind to look for economic opportunities and develop a habitual mindset that notices them. ACT UPON THEM!!! *These exercises are courtesy of Anthony Robbins
  • 12. Step 2: The Fundamentals 2.1 Naming your Company: YOU MUST STAND OUT! Whether people see it on their caller ID, read about it in The Wall Street Journal, or spot it on your nametag at a tradeshow, your business name is what makes that critical first impression. That’s why your business name needs to be instantly likeable, stand out in a sea of sameness, and be absolutely unforgettable. It’s important that you do it right. – Naming 101 Resources  Click here for tips on Domain Name Secrets  Click here for tips on Naming a Brand  Click here for tips on Naming a Product  Click here for tips on Naming Business
  • 13. 2.2 Register Your Name! 1) Check to see if your name is already registered with your state. You should also be able to find steps and resources for registering your business on your state’s page. To find the appropriate website, simply Google: “Registering a business in (STATE)” 2) Check to see if your name is already registered as a domain (website address).  Go to to find out if your domain is available.  Domains are very inexpensive to register, and usually run $5-$20/year.  Make sure your domain name doesn’t spell something unfortunate. I’m sure Pen Island didn’t check this when they bought the domain Ferreth and Jobs also made this mistake: Our all time favorite “Slurl,” is Mole Station Nursery, also known as (from
  • 14. 2.3 Creating your brand Your brand will set you up for success or failure. Branding is extremely important and something you want to start doing as soon as you start your business. Branding is defined as a process of using words, images, or themes to identify a company and it’s products/services. It can include: Your name, slogan, logo, marketing material, product names, signage, websites, promotional items, etc. Having a unique and creative brand will make you stand out above your competitors, no brand or a lame brand will get you lost in a sea of hundreds of competitors. You don’t have to create your entire brand all at once. Don’t rush into creating just anything, this process should be intricate, detailed, and well planned.
  • 15. 2.3 Creating your brand Website  Having a website for your business is extremely important. Even if you aren’t selling a product/service online, you need to be accessible to your customers. If someone wants to get in touch with you, you need to be “findable”. Even a simple website will make your business look more reliable and professional.  If you are working on a tight budget, and cannot afford someone to design your webpage, Wordpress is an awesome way to create a great looking site for free. Wordpress is fairly simple to use and creates pages that are good for new businesses.  Visit for more details.
  • 16. 2.3 Creating your brand Business Cards  Business Cards are also extremely important. To get your company off the ground, you’ll need to do a lot of networking and marketing. That means that when you talk to a potential customer, you want to give them something that will provide your contact information.  We have found the best place for inexpensive and professional business cards is They usually have excellent deals and their website is very user friendly. You can create your own business card or upload a template.
  • 17. CASE STUDY Tagline: Real Frozen Custard Made Fresh Hourly! VS Tagline: If You Love Me, Spoon Me Claim to fame: Claim to Fame: We make our velvety rich frozen custard the We’re just a group of hard-working, fun loving yogurt way it is supposed to be, one batch at a time, groupies out to change the world. Our mission is three- several times a day. We use only the finest fold: 1) love the body we live in 2) the people we live ingredients: cream, fruits, nuts and with and 3) the earth we live on. chocolates to create over 100 scrumptious Spoon Me yogurt is fat free, has less than 90 calories flavors. per serving, and contains no table sugar or artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavoring. Nat•u•ral and quite tasty. Check out their website: Check out their website: WHICH YOGURT COMPANY WOULD YOU RATHER OWN?
  • 18. Finding Initial Help A little overwhelmed? While you may not be able to hire employees initially, there are other ways to find help for getting some of these things set up. Remember, no business owner is an expert in EVERYTHING. Here are some areas that are worth outsourcing if you don’t have the expertise:  Designing Your Logo  Creating Your Website  Writing Proposals  Graphic Designers  Marketing Materials  Legal (Creating contracts, trademarking, etc)  Administrative Support/Data Entry  Finance and Taxes A great website to find help in all of these areas is You can post your project for free and then freelancers submit job proposals for the work you need. You can decide who to use based on work history, price, their portfolio, ratings, etc. Visit for more info.
  • 19. 2.4 Marketing THERE ARE TONS OF FREE PR OPPORTUNITIES!!! It doesn't matter if you are a product based company, service based, on-line company. You need to develop a strong marketing plan to reach your target audience. The secret to success is to think of yourself as THE EXPERT! Here are some ideas…..
  • 20. 1. Help A Reporter Out (HARO). This on-line service provides queries from Journalist, media sources and News Sources that you can answer as the expert and get your name out there for free. 2. Business/Entrepreneurship Competitions - these will give you credibility, free PR and recognition 3. Ask for testimonials. This will help you develop credibility and it's not YOU saying these great things about yourself. 4. Be active on Social Media! Be active on LinkedIn (be part of discussion topics), be intriguing on Facebook and Twitter. Use ALL avenues of social media! It’s a free way to reach and engage your audience!! 5. Charity events- donate your product to events and organizations. 6. Write a blog and send your article to local and industry-specific media outlets to use for their publications. Usually PR Contacts are listed right on the website of that media venue! 7. Offer to participate in speaking engagements to related organizations, associations, and colleges 8. Referrals are the best way of free advertising! Be the absolute best in your niche.
  • 21. 2.5 Payment  How will you accept payment? Make it easy for your customers!!  There is a product called Square that allows you to accept credit card payments via your smart phone. Set up is free, the equipment is free, the only fee they charge is 2.75% of your sale. This product is great for start-ups and extremely easy to use! Visit
  • 22. STEP 3: Setting Business Goals If you do NOT write down your goals and make them specific, measurable, achievable, within specific time frames you WILL NOT achieve them. EXERCISE: 1. Write down your top 10 goals to accomplish in the next year (dream big here) 2. Write down what you would have to accomplish quarterly to obtain those goals 3. Write down what you would have to accomplish monthly to obtain your quarterly goals 4. Write down what you would have to accomplish weekly to obtain your monthly goals 5. Take 5 solid steps PER DAY towards your weekly goals. If you decided to take a trip from LA to NY and you were off just one degree on your navigational charts, and you stayed off just one degree for the 3000-mile distance, where would you end up?
  • 23. ANSWER: CUBA! Jim Rohn once related that neither a marriage nor a business fails overnight. Cataclysmic failure generally comes from a series of small, correctable failures (“one degree failures”). We all get derailed from time to time. We all experience some type of failure. Champions realize they are off course, and they do something about it. Champions recognize their failures, make corrections, and get back on track. The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure.
  • 24. Some Final Thoughts…  Know when you want to exit the company. Will you sell or hand down the company to one of your kids?  Hire the BEST people. Mediocre employees will give you Mediocre results.  Always Give Back. Get involved in a charity that your company will support, give your employees days off to volunteer, be a mentor to other upcoming entrepreneurs, etc.  Lastly, take lots of vacations! You will need to refresh and rejuvenate often!!
  • 25. Organizations & Association Resources  SBA - Created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel and assist small business concerns.  EDGE - Encouraging Diversity Growth and Equity - This program provides assistance for economically and socially disadvantaged business enterprises.  SCORE - Premier source of free and confidential business advice for entrepreneur.  Count Me In - Provides business resources to woman-owned businesses, including financing options with a unique woman-friendly credit scoring systems.  International Franchise Association - The oldest and largest franchise trade group, strives to educate prospective franchise investors.  National Association for the Self-Employed - The nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses.  National Minority Supplier Development Council - Providing a direct link between corporate America and minority-owned businesses.  National Association of Women Business Owners www. - Founded in 1975, the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) is the unified voice of America's more than 10 million women-owned businesses representing the fastest growing segment of the economy.  Minority Business Development Agency MBDA an agency in the US Department of Commerce helps create and maintain U.S. jobs by promoting the growth and global competitiveness of large, medium and small businesses owned and operated by members of the minority and Diaspora communities