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Adam has 15 years of video
production experience.
Sheena has 15 years of
digital marketing experience.
We teach you how to
create business videos
with your smartphone.
We also teach you
about digital marketing.
Purchasing the right
equipment p1
Understanding core
concepts p2
Preparation for film day
p 14
Pulling it all together
Purchasing the right
The first thing on the list to do is the video checklist on the equipment you
will be using. Here is a checklist of what you will need to get started.
Some of this equipment is optional and but if you want to get the very
best out of the gear you have you should consider getting the extra
accessories we have listed below.
1. Computer (Mac or PC)
2. External Hard Drive*
3. Smartphone (see note below)
4. Smartphone Clip
5. Mic
6. Mic Extension*
7. External Light*
8. Tripod
9. Editing Software - your choice, but I recommend Camtasia
10. Logo
11. Music Library*
12. YouTube Channel:
Note: A smartphone w/ at least 8gb space. Based on an iPhone
6, one min of video is around 130mb, so eight mins is around 1gb. 8gb
will get you around one hour of recording time.
*Optional, if you are on a shoestring budget.
Page 1
Understanding core
Page 2
When it comes to content marketing, the role of video is becoming
increasingly clear. Today, more than ever, companies are realizing that
video has a key role to play in your business’ content marketing
strategy. Here are some interesting 2016 video marketing stats from
around the web (there are so many stats out there!):
When used properly, video can be a tool for capturing the user’s
attention and delivering a brand message in a memorable and
meaningful way.
We have chosen the ‘Introduction Video’ to focus on because this style
of video is one that every business can utilize - even if you are a
business of one. The goals of your introduction video should be well
planned out and should include your business name, business
location, products and services, your unique selling point (USP) and
finally to promote your personality.
74% of all internet traffic in 2017 will be video 96% of customers
find videos helpful when making a purchase decision
YouTube has the highest conversion rate of all social media
Your website is 53% more likely to show on the first page of Google
if you use video
Understanding core
Page 3
Deciding where to start on your creative journey of creating videos can
be a little daunting at first. Many creative directors hunt for inspiration
when dreaming up ways to make a video. Still photography, music,
nature, travel and many more of life's pleasures that are inspiring serve
as sources for creativity.
For the inexperienced though, the best place to start is YouTube. If you
type in what kind of video you want to make (e.g. “restaurant video”, “real
estate video” or “home page video”) you will find a variety of good and
bad examples. Then you can replicate all or just certain parts of what
other people have done.
If you're looking for better quality videos with higher production values
Vimeo is the place to look as this is mostly used by professional
Another place to look is at your business’ competitors website,
Facebook pages and YouTube channel. Its always good to know what
your competitor is doing.
As a reminder, you can always check out BeScene's YouTube channel
for examples, or join a Q&A session with Sheena should you need help
with inspiration.
Understanding core
Page 4
When selecting a location to film, there are a few things that you need
to consider that will make a dramatic difference to the quality of your
video and audio.
Photographers carefully chose what time of the day or night will be
best to shoot by studying the light at different times of the day.You can
shoot indoors or outdoors and use natural and/or artificial light from an
external light.
Your video planning will start by assessing the given light at your
location at various times of the day, which will ultimately determine
where the subjects are placed. If your lighting is bad the entire day you
should select another location. Also, keep in mind the back ground
noises – if its noisy or has a lot of foot traffic, select another location.
Example: If you want to film at your business, but the sunlight doesn’t
shine through the windows until 2PM, then you will plan to shoot from
2pm. If its noisy between 9AM-5PM, then you will come in after hours
or on the weekend to shoot.
The weather is also an important consideration for planning your film
day and many times film days need to be rearranged due to bad
weather conditions.
The Location
Understanding core
Page 5
Shooting your video indoors will give you far greater control of
lighting and audio conditions.
Filming outdoors can be more challenging due to uncontrollable
factors but sometimes the setting for your video requires that you
shoot outdoors. Uncontrollable factors that can pose problems are
mainly due to lighting.
Crowded Areas:
Filming in crowded areas is not ideal as there is a lot of
background noise, not a lot of space to set up your equipment and
you can be distracted by ‘lookiloos’ or people wanting to know
what you are filming.
The light you have available (or accessible) to use at the location,
whether it is natural light or artificial light, will play a big part in
planning your shoot. The next page will tell you what you will need
to know for your lighting.
The Location (con't)
To get the best out of your location, consider the following:
Understanding core
Page 6
How light is used is one of the big factors for filming your video.
Whether it be natural light, and/or artificial light (light that is created by
an external light) - the best use of light can make a huge difference to
the quality of your video footage.
At the very least a small light can provide what is known as fill light,
which is where shadow areas are “filled” in with light. Check out Film
Day Guide' for lighting guidelines.
Your Lighting
Direct Sunlight:
This type of light can be your friend or your foe. At mid day
direct light can be ugly and shadowy, late afternoon or early
morning light can be beautiful and rich. When shooting people
try and position them in even light or in shade. When shoot
buildings consider where the sun will be at certain times of the
day and plan to shoot them at the best time.
Harsh Sunlight:
Direct light from the sun in most instances is not very flattering
on certain subjects.
Heavy Backlit:
A bright background is normally difficult to work with and can
fool your camera into underexposing a subject that is placed
between it and the camera.
Understanding core
Page 7
The importance of a tripod is mainly for stabilization; or shake of the
camera. Tripods come in various shapes, sizes and at various prices. We
recommend getting the best you can afford but the better the tripod the
nicer your footage could look.
Many smartphone cameras have a built in stabilizing function which is
great, but we advise not relying on it. Instead, use a tripod to avoid
camera shake which will make your static shots smoother and more
appealing on the eye.
There are no rules here and some random or unsmooth, raw movement
can actually add to the look, feel, and tone you are going for. But
generally if the shaky camera movement does not help tell your story,
try to avoid it.
Your Tripod
Understanding core
Page 8
Shoot your smartphone camera in the horizontal position, and not in the
vertical position as if you are speaking on the phone.
Smartphone Filming Mistake #1 = filming in the horizontal position.
This is the most common mistake by made by people when filming
with their smartphone. They are so used to using the phone and taking
pictures while it is in a vertical position so when they go to shoot video
they forget to tip it over to the horizontal position.
Not shooting with the device in a horizontal position will give you an
image that will be cropped on both sides when viewed on a TV or
computer. Do you ever notice that when watching video there are two
dark strips on the left and right. This is because the person shot the
video with the smartphone in the vertical position.
NOTE: using the horizontal position only related to recorded video.
Live Facebook streaming will be done in the vertical position.
Smartphone Orientation
Understanding core
Page 9
Unlike photographs that are taken with your smartphone, you will want
to avoid the zoom function. The reason why is because smartphones
generally zoom in by using a “digital zoom” function.
Digital zoom occurs when the camera zooms in digitally rather than
optically, meaning that the smartphone tells the camera to zoom in on
the image rather than doing that with a physical lens like a telescope
does. Your footage then becomes a lot more noisy or grainier (ie: fuzzy
or hard to look at), the more you zoom in digitally the noisier it
becomes. In other words, the quality of the image goes down.
Another pitfall to zooming in on video shot by your smartphone is that
camera shake can be harder to control. To avoid shake and a noisy or
grainy footage in the video, move the camera and tripod closer to the
subject instead of zooming in.
Of course though if you have no option but to zoom in to get the shot
doing it as a grainier shot is better than none at all.
Zoom Function
Understanding core
Page 10
Automatic Setting:
Smartphone cameras typically work using auto settings. This means
that all of the functionality is controlled by the camera or smartphone.
For some situations, and users of the smartphones, the automatic video
recording functions is imperative as they (or the camera) does not have
the knowledge to control the camera.
Understanding AE/AF Lock:
Most smartphones will allow the user to “lock off” some of the vital
settings that control settings like focus and exposure. With the iPhone
and the latest operating system you can tap and hold on the portion of
the image you want to be in focus and exposed correctly.
How To Set AE/AF Lock:
If you keep your finger on that area for a second a box appears and
confirms that it has indeed focused on that area and has locked off the
exposure for that area. It even shows a small title box at the top of the
screen that reads AE/AF LOCK which means auto exposure (AE) and
auto focus (AF) are “locked off”.
Setting AE/AF Lock
Understanding core
Page 11
If you watch the nightly news and pay close attention to the new
reader you will notice they are wearing a lapel or lavaliere microphone
near the top portion of their clothing. This type of microphone is able to
provide far better sound than one that is positioned on the camera as it
is very close to the source of the sound, the news readers mouth.
On Film Day there are a few things that you’ll want to avoid:
Wind: Wind can be troublesome and if it is strong enough it can create
“wind noise”, that you can hear in the video.
Find a location that is not windy or position your subject with their back
to the wind. You can also try a wind screen device which is a fluffy
cover for the head of the mic that helps suppress the wind noise and is
available as an optional extra.
Rustling or Breathing: This problem occurs when the head of the mic
rubs on the subjects’ clothing.
Position the mic head facing down so it is not touching the subjects
clothing, or ask the subject to remain as stationary as possible.
Your Mic
Understanding core
Page 12
Written Script: The first way is pre planned where you build the
narration through a script that is memorised, or spoken with
assistance of a teleprompter. This script is normally given ‘down
the barrel’ or speaking directly to the audience with the eye line
looking into the camera lens as seen in television news.
Interview Style: The second way is to create the narration based
on questions that are asked in an ‘Interview’ style with the eye
line looking off to the side as being interviewed by someone.
These questions are asked by the interviewer (aka the person
filming or an assistant) with the answer in mind so that the
person being interviewed is actually formulating the script by
the answers that are given. The better the answer, the better
the script.
Free Style: The third way is to just start speaking in front of the
camera without a script or a teleprompter. This style is accepted
in many scenarios, but you must make sure you are concise and
engage the viewers. If you ramble on, they will likely get bored.
Your Script
There are three ways to build the narration of your video story. Also,
your overlay shots (as discussed on the next page) will visually tell the
Use the script development guide to write your script (see next section).
Understanding core
Page 13
When shooting footage for your video, you will want to capture ‘overlay’ or
‘cutaway’ shots which have been planned in your shot list.
Overlay or cutaway shots are represented in your video as and is an
editing technique used to compress time, show emotion, or provide a
visual break from the subject talking. Normally cutaways are footage of
what is discussed in the script, but it can be anything related to the videos
When you are planning your shots, make sure you get a variety of wide,
mid and narrow shots of each as the more footage you have to choose
from the easier the editing process will be for you.
Use the shot list planner to plan your shots (see next section).
Your Overlay Shots
Establishing Shot: Used as the first scene to represent the
beginning of your story and sets the scene of your video.
Location & Scenery Shot:Used to convey the proximity of the
business location.
Product & Service Shots: Used to establish what your product
or service
Preparation for film day
Page 14
Script Development
Therearethreewaystobuildthenarrationofyourvideostory. Wewillreviewthefirst
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Preparation for film day
Page 15
Writing Your Script
Attention Grabber
Services, Features
Call To Action
Contact Info & Closer
Preparation for film day
Page 16
Your Shot List Planner
Establishing Shot
Product / Service Shot #1
Product / Service Shot #2
Pulling it all together
Page 17
Once you have had a successful film day, there is still work to do to
get your video created. The difference with the 'post production
stage', which is where you are headed to now, is that many of these
final tasks can be outsourced. If your film day has been planned
properly and can be easily communicated to another person, these
last few steps are easy. Once complete, your video creation is ready
for the world to see!
Editing your video:
There are many tools to use to edit your video, and there are key
steps you should become familiar with which I outline in this
document and in the 'Helpful Tips' section of this course.
Optimizing for YouTube:
In the same way that Google uses ‘keywords’ and ‘description’ for
your SEO (search engine optimization), There are many steps that
YouTube takes to find your video, which I outline in this
document and in the 'Helpful Tips' section of this course.
Digital Marketing:
Your video will be placed on various social media channels and
in different times of the customer journey. which I outline in this
document and in the 'Helpful Tips' section of this course.
Pulling it all together
Pulling it all together
Page 18
Editing videos takes practice, patience, and an artistic eye. This is likely
the most important part of the video creation process and you should
determine prior to making your first video whether this is something
you will want to learn, or if this is a step will be passed on to a business
You can use any software you'd like to edit your videos; the functions
will be the same. In this course, I teach editing with Camtasia.
Media Import:
You will import the video files from your smartphone, your logo,
and any other assets (such as your photo) to your video project.
Timeline & Zoom:
Your video will be edited on the timeline where you zoom in to
each second and precisely cut the file where a new file will overlay.
Overlay & Transitions:
You will use your script and shot list to cut files in the right order
creating overlay and then tie them together using transitions.
Audio & Music:
Once the script has been visually transformed onto the screen, you
will adjust the audio levels (if needed) and add music (if desired).
Editing Your Video
Pulling it all together
Page 19
YouTube is known as the second largest search engine on the web.
The first being Google. When Google acquired YouTube in 2006, it
opened up tremendous opportunities to people and businesses across
the globe.
Video optimisation, is one of the most important steps to video
marketing and is essential if you want to tap into the power of
YouTube’s search and appear in the top results of Google.
In the same way that Google uses ‘keywords’ and ‘description’ for your
SEO (search engine optimization), YouTube uses search engine
optimization steps to find your video content. Optimizing your video
and getting traffic on YouTube happens over time, and the algorithm
used for searching content changes regularly, so you must keep up to
date with the latest rules.
The three most important components to optimisation are listed below
and read our YouTube Optimization guide in the "Helpful Tips' section.
10 Steps to Optimisation
Keyword Tagging: which keywords are right for you?
Description Area: Not only is this area used for key word
tagging, this should also be used for promotional purposes
Optimizing for YouTube
Pulling it all together
Page 20
Once you have edited your video and optimized it for YouTube, then it
can be promoted in any of the the following channels:
Website - on the homepage or in the 'About Us' sections.
Facebook - on your business page or in a personal post.
Social Media - on Twitter, Instagram, or any of the many others.
Email Channel - in your communication lifecycle.
Welcome Series - welcome, how-to, and FAQs
Promotional - new product, or service
Events - online webinars, charities, celebrations
Personal Bios - about you, your passions, what makes you tick
Content Creation: greetings, reaction to news, topical opinions
Once your first video is launched, it will be time to think of you
next video. There are many reasons to create a video:
Digital Marketing

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Smartphone Video Marketing

  • 1. VIDEO MARKETING TRAINING COURSE WHO WE ARE? WHAT WE DO? Adam has 15 years of video production experience. Sheena has 15 years of digital marketing experience. We teach you how to create business videos with your smartphone. We also teach you about digital marketing. BASICS THEORY PRACTICAL Purchasing the right equipment p1 Understanding core concepts p2 Preparation for film day p 14 CREATION Pulling it all together p17 Introduction
  • 2. BASICS Purchasing the right equipment. The first thing on the list to do is the video checklist on the equipment you will be using. Here is a checklist of what you will need to get started. Some of this equipment is optional and but if you want to get the very best out of the gear you have you should consider getting the extra accessories we have listed below. Equipment 1. Computer (Mac or PC) 2. External Hard Drive* 3. Smartphone (see note below) 4. Smartphone Clip 5. Mic 6. Mic Extension* 7. External Light* 8. Tripod 9. Editing Software - your choice, but I recommend Camtasia 10. Logo 11. Music Library* 12. YouTube Channel: Note: A smartphone w/ at least 8gb space. Based on an iPhone 6, one min of video is around 130mb, so eight mins is around 1gb. 8gb will get you around one hour of recording time. *Optional, if you are on a shoestring budget. Page 1 Basics
  • 3. Understanding core concepts Page 2 THEORY When it comes to content marketing, the role of video is becoming increasingly clear. Today, more than ever, companies are realizing that video has a key role to play in your business’ content marketing strategy. Here are some interesting 2016 video marketing stats from around the web (there are so many stats out there!): When used properly, video can be a tool for capturing the user’s attention and delivering a brand message in a memorable and meaningful way. We have chosen the ‘Introduction Video’ to focus on because this style of video is one that every business can utilize - even if you are a business of one. The goals of your introduction video should be well planned out and should include your business name, business location, products and services, your unique selling point (USP) and finally to promote your personality. Introduction 74% of all internet traffic in 2017 will be video 96% of customers find videos helpful when making a purchase decision YouTube has the highest conversion rate of all social media platforms Your website is 53% more likely to show on the first page of Google if you use video Theory
  • 4. Understanding core concepts Page 3 THEORY Deciding where to start on your creative journey of creating videos can be a little daunting at first. Many creative directors hunt for inspiration when dreaming up ways to make a video. Still photography, music, nature, travel and many more of life's pleasures that are inspiring serve as sources for creativity. For the inexperienced though, the best place to start is YouTube. If you type in what kind of video you want to make (e.g. “restaurant video”, “real estate video” or “home page video”) you will find a variety of good and bad examples. Then you can replicate all or just certain parts of what other people have done. If you're looking for better quality videos with higher production values Vimeo is the place to look as this is mostly used by professional filmmakers. Another place to look is at your business’ competitors website, Facebook pages and YouTube channel. Its always good to know what your competitor is doing. As a reminder, you can always check out BeScene's YouTube channel for examples, or join a Q&A session with Sheena should you need help with inspiration. Inspiration Theory
  • 5. Understanding core concepts Page 4 THEORY When selecting a location to film, there are a few things that you need to consider that will make a dramatic difference to the quality of your video and audio. Photographers carefully chose what time of the day or night will be best to shoot by studying the light at different times of the day.You can shoot indoors or outdoors and use natural and/or artificial light from an external light. Your video planning will start by assessing the given light at your location at various times of the day, which will ultimately determine where the subjects are placed. If your lighting is bad the entire day you should select another location. Also, keep in mind the back ground noises – if its noisy or has a lot of foot traffic, select another location. Example: If you want to film at your business, but the sunlight doesn’t shine through the windows until 2PM, then you will plan to shoot from 2pm. If its noisy between 9AM-5PM, then you will come in after hours or on the weekend to shoot. The weather is also an important consideration for planning your film day and many times film days need to be rearranged due to bad weather conditions. The Location Theory
  • 6. Understanding core concepts Page 5 THEORY Indoors: Shooting your video indoors will give you far greater control of lighting and audio conditions. Outdoors: Filming outdoors can be more challenging due to uncontrollable factors but sometimes the setting for your video requires that you shoot outdoors. Uncontrollable factors that can pose problems are mainly due to lighting. Crowded Areas: Filming in crowded areas is not ideal as there is a lot of background noise, not a lot of space to set up your equipment and you can be distracted by ‘lookiloos’ or people wanting to know what you are filming. Lighting: The light you have available (or accessible) to use at the location, whether it is natural light or artificial light, will play a big part in planning your shoot. The next page will tell you what you will need to know for your lighting. The Location (con't) Theory To get the best out of your location, consider the following:
  • 7. Understanding core concepts Page 6 THEORY How light is used is one of the big factors for filming your video. Whether it be natural light, and/or artificial light (light that is created by an external light) - the best use of light can make a huge difference to the quality of your video footage. At the very least a small light can provide what is known as fill light, which is where shadow areas are “filled” in with light. Check out Film Day Guide' for lighting guidelines. Your Lighting Theory Direct Sunlight: This type of light can be your friend or your foe. At mid day direct light can be ugly and shadowy, late afternoon or early morning light can be beautiful and rich. When shooting people try and position them in even light or in shade. When shoot buildings consider where the sun will be at certain times of the day and plan to shoot them at the best time. Harsh Sunlight: Direct light from the sun in most instances is not very flattering on certain subjects. Heavy Backlit: A bright background is normally difficult to work with and can fool your camera into underexposing a subject that is placed between it and the camera.
  • 8. Understanding core concepts Page 7 THEORY The importance of a tripod is mainly for stabilization; or shake of the camera. Tripods come in various shapes, sizes and at various prices. We recommend getting the best you can afford but the better the tripod the nicer your footage could look. Many smartphone cameras have a built in stabilizing function which is great, but we advise not relying on it. Instead, use a tripod to avoid camera shake which will make your static shots smoother and more appealing on the eye. There are no rules here and some random or unsmooth, raw movement can actually add to the look, feel, and tone you are going for. But generally if the shaky camera movement does not help tell your story, try to avoid it. Your Tripod Theory
  • 9. Understanding core concepts Page 8 THEORY Shoot your smartphone camera in the horizontal position, and not in the vertical position as if you are speaking on the phone. Smartphone Filming Mistake #1 = filming in the horizontal position. This is the most common mistake by made by people when filming with their smartphone. They are so used to using the phone and taking pictures while it is in a vertical position so when they go to shoot video they forget to tip it over to the horizontal position. Not shooting with the device in a horizontal position will give you an image that will be cropped on both sides when viewed on a TV or computer. Do you ever notice that when watching video there are two dark strips on the left and right. This is because the person shot the video with the smartphone in the vertical position. NOTE: using the horizontal position only related to recorded video. Live Facebook streaming will be done in the vertical position. Smartphone Orientation Theory
  • 10. Understanding core concepts Page 9 THEORY Unlike photographs that are taken with your smartphone, you will want to avoid the zoom function. The reason why is because smartphones generally zoom in by using a “digital zoom” function. Digital zoom occurs when the camera zooms in digitally rather than optically, meaning that the smartphone tells the camera to zoom in on the image rather than doing that with a physical lens like a telescope does. Your footage then becomes a lot more noisy or grainier (ie: fuzzy or hard to look at), the more you zoom in digitally the noisier it becomes. In other words, the quality of the image goes down. Another pitfall to zooming in on video shot by your smartphone is that camera shake can be harder to control. To avoid shake and a noisy or grainy footage in the video, move the camera and tripod closer to the subject instead of zooming in. Of course though if you have no option but to zoom in to get the shot doing it as a grainier shot is better than none at all. Zoom Function Theory
  • 11. Understanding core concepts Page 10 THEORY Automatic Setting: Smartphone cameras typically work using auto settings. This means that all of the functionality is controlled by the camera or smartphone. For some situations, and users of the smartphones, the automatic video recording functions is imperative as they (or the camera) does not have the knowledge to control the camera. Understanding AE/AF Lock: Most smartphones will allow the user to “lock off” some of the vital settings that control settings like focus and exposure. With the iPhone and the latest operating system you can tap and hold on the portion of the image you want to be in focus and exposed correctly. How To Set AE/AF Lock: If you keep your finger on that area for a second a box appears and confirms that it has indeed focused on that area and has locked off the exposure for that area. It even shows a small title box at the top of the screen that reads AE/AF LOCK which means auto exposure (AE) and auto focus (AF) are “locked off”. Setting AE/AF Lock Theory
  • 12. Understanding core concepts Page 11 THEORY If you watch the nightly news and pay close attention to the new reader you will notice they are wearing a lapel or lavaliere microphone near the top portion of their clothing. This type of microphone is able to provide far better sound than one that is positioned on the camera as it is very close to the source of the sound, the news readers mouth. On Film Day there are a few things that you’ll want to avoid: Wind: Wind can be troublesome and if it is strong enough it can create “wind noise”, that you can hear in the video. Solution: Find a location that is not windy or position your subject with their back to the wind. You can also try a wind screen device which is a fluffy cover for the head of the mic that helps suppress the wind noise and is available as an optional extra. Rustling or Breathing: This problem occurs when the head of the mic rubs on the subjects’ clothing. Solution: Position the mic head facing down so it is not touching the subjects clothing, or ask the subject to remain as stationary as possible. Your Mic Theory
  • 13. Understanding core concepts Page 12 THEORY Written Script: The first way is pre planned where you build the narration through a script that is memorised, or spoken with assistance of a teleprompter. This script is normally given ‘down the barrel’ or speaking directly to the audience with the eye line looking into the camera lens as seen in television news. Interview Style: The second way is to create the narration based on questions that are asked in an ‘Interview’ style with the eye line looking off to the side as being interviewed by someone. These questions are asked by the interviewer (aka the person filming or an assistant) with the answer in mind so that the person being interviewed is actually formulating the script by the answers that are given. The better the answer, the better the script. Free Style: The third way is to just start speaking in front of the camera without a script or a teleprompter. This style is accepted in many scenarios, but you must make sure you are concise and engage the viewers. If you ramble on, they will likely get bored. Your Script Theory There are three ways to build the narration of your video story. Also, your overlay shots (as discussed on the next page) will visually tell the story. Use the script development guide to write your script (see next section).
  • 14. Understanding core concepts Page 13 THEORY When shooting footage for your video, you will want to capture ‘overlay’ or ‘cutaway’ shots which have been planned in your shot list. Overlay or cutaway shots are represented in your video as and is an editing technique used to compress time, show emotion, or provide a visual break from the subject talking. Normally cutaways are footage of what is discussed in the script, but it can be anything related to the videos message. When you are planning your shots, make sure you get a variety of wide, mid and narrow shots of each as the more footage you have to choose from the easier the editing process will be for you. Use the shot list planner to plan your shots (see next section). Your Overlay Shots Theory Establishing Shot: Used as the first scene to represent the beginning of your story and sets the scene of your video. Location & Scenery Shot:Used to convey the proximity of the business location. Product & Service Shots: Used to establish what your product or service
  • 15. Preparation for film day Page 14 PRACTICAL Practical Script Development Therearethreewaystobuildthenarrationofyourvideostory. Wewillreviewthefirst twoasthethirdwayisfreestyle. Thefirstwayispreplannedwhereyoubuildthenarrationthroughascriptthatis memorised,orspokenwithassistanceofateleprompteronfilmday. Checkout'helpfultips'forwritingyourscriptguidelines Thesecondwaytocreatethenarrationonthedaybasedonquestionsthatareasked inan‘Interview’style. Script/ornarrationasaninterview: Question 1 Question 2 Question 3
  • 16. Preparation for film day Page 15 PRACTICAL Practical Writing Your Script Attention Grabber Introduction Problem Services, Features Call To Action Contact Info & Closer
  • 17. Preparation for film day Page 16 PRACTICAL Practical Your Shot List Planner Establishing Shot Product / Service Shot #1 Product / Service Shot #2 Wide Mid Tight Wide Mid Tight
  • 18. Pulling it all together Page 17 CREATION Creation Once you have had a successful film day, there is still work to do to get your video created. The difference with the 'post production stage', which is where you are headed to now, is that many of these final tasks can be outsourced. If your film day has been planned properly and can be easily communicated to another person, these last few steps are easy. Once complete, your video creation is ready for the world to see! Editing your video: There are many tools to use to edit your video, and there are key steps you should become familiar with which I outline in this document and in the 'Helpful Tips' section of this course. Optimizing for YouTube: In the same way that Google uses ‘keywords’ and ‘description’ for your SEO (search engine optimization), There are many steps that YouTube takes to find your video, which I outline in this document and in the 'Helpful Tips' section of this course. Digital Marketing: Your video will be placed on various social media channels and in different times of the customer journey. which I outline in this document and in the 'Helpful Tips' section of this course. Pulling it all together
  • 19. Pulling it all together Page 18 CREATION Creation Editing videos takes practice, patience, and an artistic eye. This is likely the most important part of the video creation process and you should determine prior to making your first video whether this is something you will want to learn, or if this is a step will be passed on to a business colleage. You can use any software you'd like to edit your videos; the functions will be the same. In this course, I teach editing with Camtasia. Media Import: You will import the video files from your smartphone, your logo, and any other assets (such as your photo) to your video project. Timeline & Zoom: Your video will be edited on the timeline where you zoom in to each second and precisely cut the file where a new file will overlay. Overlay & Transitions: You will use your script and shot list to cut files in the right order creating overlay and then tie them together using transitions. Audio & Music: Once the script has been visually transformed onto the screen, you will adjust the audio levels (if needed) and add music (if desired). Editing Your Video
  • 20. Pulling it all together Page 19 CREATION Creation YouTube is known as the second largest search engine on the web. The first being Google. When Google acquired YouTube in 2006, it opened up tremendous opportunities to people and businesses across the globe. Video optimisation, is one of the most important steps to video marketing and is essential if you want to tap into the power of YouTube’s search and appear in the top results of Google. In the same way that Google uses ‘keywords’ and ‘description’ for your SEO (search engine optimization), YouTube uses search engine optimization steps to find your video content. Optimizing your video and getting traffic on YouTube happens over time, and the algorithm used for searching content changes regularly, so you must keep up to date with the latest rules. The three most important components to optimisation are listed below and read our YouTube Optimization guide in the "Helpful Tips' section. 10 Steps to Optimisation Keyword Tagging: which keywords are right for you? Description Area: Not only is this area used for key word tagging, this should also be used for promotional purposes Optimizing for YouTube
  • 21. Pulling it all together Page 20 CREATION Creation Once you have edited your video and optimized it for YouTube, then it can be promoted in any of the the following channels: Website - on the homepage or in the 'About Us' sections. Facebook - on your business page or in a personal post. Social Media - on Twitter, Instagram, or any of the many others. Email Channel - in your communication lifecycle. Welcome Series - welcome, how-to, and FAQs Promotional - new product, or service Events - online webinars, charities, celebrations Personal Bios - about you, your passions, what makes you tick Content Creation: greetings, reaction to news, topical opinions Once your first video is launched, it will be time to think of you next video. There are many reasons to create a video: Digital Marketing