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© 2012 iPhone Video Hero

Hi, before I get started I first need to tell you how we came to
meet and why we find ourselves here talking about the iPhone
for video.

My name is Jules. I live in London, UK with 2 iPhones, an iPad,
an i-wife and 2 i-kids! I wasn’t born with an iPhone stuck to my
face, even though it does make a good picture :)

                            I actually started out as a
                            Photographer, firstly assisting an
                            Advertising Photographer in his
                            studio in London. I then got itchy feet
                            and moved into News (that’s News
                            not Nude!) Photography, and even
                            ended up in the Balkans covering the
                            break up of former Yugoslavia for the
                            International Press - which was hair
                            raising to say the least!

When I started out in Photography I had to carry a color
chemical processing kit with me everywhere and develop films
in hotel bathrooms that I would blackout with fabric!

How times have changed. When photography went digital and
the internet exploded, my life got easier and I got fascinated by
the power of the Web for content distribution. I also got tired of
chasing people with my camera who didn’t always want to be

I became convinced my future was in online content. I took time
out to do an MA in Interactive Media at University and this by
chance landed me a job inside a TV Production company who

                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
also delivered Web based projects to go alongside broadcast
TV shows for the major UK Channels.

But .. I got itchy feet again! Seeing other people in the office
having such fun making TV made me really want to make TV
too. I wanted to learn to produce and direct the moving image
and see my work broadcast to millions. It was a young, highly
competitive industry and for me to have any chance of a sneaky
side move into TV it was now or never.

Cut a long story short and 10 years of hard, but fun, work got
me up the ladder to become a Shooting TV Producer/
Director. What does that mean? In short, total multi-skilling. As
well as managing the contestants, Presenter and experts
(known as ‘the talent’), organising complicated shoots, scripting
voiceover, directing crews, sitting in a suite with a pro-editor for
weeks - I also had to shoot part or all of TV shows myself on big
cameras! That’s where my photo skills came in handy.

That’s me behind the camera, Directing & Shooting for BBC1 - back breaking!
                           © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
I Directed some big hit shows like ‘The Biggest Loser’ MTV’s
‘Pimp My Ride’, the insanely popular BBC reality show ‘Don’t
Tell The Bride’ and the Primetime Cop show ‘Drunk and
Dangerous’ Were you ever on it?

Now this might sound glamorous but it was a very poor job in
terms of leveraging my time. I was working 70 hour weeks,
running from one contract to another, each lasting 10 weeks or
so on average, always trying to secure the next contract during
my downtime meant I could never really relax.

Also another negative was I hardly saw my first child Natasha
grow up, I was always running off to far ends of the country to
cover some reality TV crisis that always seemed to flare up at
weekends. It was hard to plan family time.

I remember wasting hours of a holiday stuck on top of a hill in
Crete (where I had found mobile reception) waiting to hear from
an unreliable Production Manager if I had got a new contract.
The call, though promised, never came!

Around that time I fell in love with .. online video.

                                    For the second time I felt my
                                    future was online! With the
                                    epic rise of YouTube I could
                                    see people creating their own
                                    video content, content that
                                    they actually owned, unlike
                                    any of the TV shows or
                                    formats I had Produced over
the years. Being a gun for hire meant I had zero long term
business assets. I was just hiring out my time for money, then
back to square one.

                         © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
I witnessed people were building valuable online assets and
using video to drive people to visit their own sites and sell their
services 24/7 on the web.

This blew my mind. I started downloading every useful free e-
book I could find. Signing up to people lists and devouring their
back catalogue of audio and video content on, you guessed it,
my iPhone! In fact, ironically I gave up watching TV so I could
make the time to do this. Giving up over-consumption of TV and
Newspapers is something Tim Ferris recommends in his
influential book ‘The 4 hour work week’ if you want to find the
time to create your own online empire.

The people who inspired me the most online included: Yaro
Starak, Gideon Shalwick, David Risley, Pat Flynn, James
Wedmore,Tim Conley, Andy Jenkins, Eben Pagan, James
Schramko, David Siteman Garland and Andrew Warner. I
suggest you Google them if ever you get the time!

It’s amazing to me that less than 2 years later I have created my
own hit online product called iPhone Video Hero and I now
know several of these entrepreneurs personally and have either
swapped emails or chatted on Skype with them!

Yours truly on The Rise To The Top Podcast with David Siteman Garland!

                           © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
Looking back I now realise that working in TV has given me a
great positioning in the world of Video Marketing.

TV is in essence powerful Video based marketing, from the
title and description of the show which is the Web equivalent of
the copy, the techniques I would use to grip people at the top
of the show to stick with the episode, how I ensured the
audience was compelled to stick watching the Channel during
the ad breaks, so the monetisation could occur, and then the
                              call to action at the end to keep
                              them coming back week after week.

                             It was fascinating how a TV show
                             could make the cast, often ordinary
                             folks, famous offline and online by
                             building their personal brand and
                             creating a feeling that you actually
                             knew them, just like online video
                             can for you.

Even though I had a lot to bring to the table, I also knew I had to
learn Internet Marketing to make a splash online. I invested in
training courses and mentoring so I could add a new skillset to
my existing ones.

Moving on, I experimented with affiliate blogging, YouTube
marketing and product creation. I also love producing videos for
entrepreneurs and businesses that I choose to work with.

So now you know how I got here .. Let’s talk iPhone!

                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
Well in just a sec ... you see in
the beginning was .. the Flip

I used to love the Flip I even
blogged about the Flip
exclusively for a while when I
was experimenting with Affiliate

I once sold $23,000 of Flip gear
in a year as an Amazon affiliate!

This low cost, easy to use
camera was groundbreaking but
flawed. The lack of an audio
input jack was a huge weakness. Sure there were ways around
it by recording the audio separately and synching it up later in
the edit but that was a pain in the rear.

Bad audio will have people clicking away from your Videos
faster than Usain Bolt late for a date! More about audio

Then one day Cisco, the tech company who had bought the Flip
brand decided to make the Flip extinct and pull put of the
market. In my view buying a Flip now is a very poor investment
even if you can find one.

Then along came the Kodak Zi8 (later upgraded to the
Playtouch.) These were and still are massively popular amongst
business owners and marketers.

                         © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
The fact the Zi8 has an audio input socket is a huge plus, but I
find the auto only functions limiting. For example filming
yourself against a white or black background fools the camera
and it compensates by increasing the exposure or reducing it
                                 and you become over bright or
                                 over dark.

                                  Also, except for the ultra close-
                                  up feature (using the macro
                                  switch) the Kodak, like the Flip,
                                  won’t give you a sharp image in
                                  the 0.0m to 0.8m range due to
                                  the limitations of the lens.

                                  Around 0.6 to 0.8 m is a sweet
                                  spot when filming yourself or
                                  shooting interviews so in some
                                  videos you will notice the subject
                                  is not in focus but the
                                  background is pin sharp!

Another disadvantage with the Kodak is you can’t monitor the
audio as you film, so you are shooting blind, so to speak. If the
audio is terrible or if your mic has run out of batteries you can
be recording zero sound, but have no way of telling until you
stop and play it back.

I’ve heard horror stories about crucial presentations being
filmed only for the marketer to get home and discover the audio
is mute. Ouch!

                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
To make matters worse Kodak
                           announced last year they were in
                           financial troubles and were not going
                           to make any more Pocket cameras at

                           So this leads me nicely onto ..

The iPhone

It’s the video camera you already own! Think about that, you
just saved around $150. Of course you can use those savings
to add some optional accessories to enhance your videos which
I definitely recommend.

The fact is, if you own an iPhone, you have a camera far more
powerful than the Kodak or Flip and I would argue a better
overall Video Marketing tool than many far more expensive pro-

Note: When I say the ‘iPhone’ it’s for my writing
convenience. Interchange this word for the new iPod as
well as the iPad 2/3/4 and the iPad Mini as they can pretty
much all do exactly the same thing.

If you are not convinced that you can actually shoot great video
                                       on an iPhone then go
                                       watch this video. I realise
                                       it’s probably not the type
                                       of video you want to
                                       make for your business,
                                       but it’s mighty impressive
                                       to see what you can
                                       produce with an iPhone
                                       when used correctly.
                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
Now you’ve watched that video, let’s talk tech!

Here’s a quick overview of the i-models in case you are thinking
of buying a new i-device or upgrading what you already own.

iPhone 4 (+ iPad 2)

720p rear facing camera
(will give you great results if
you use it well)
VGA front facing (avoid this
as quality is average)
MIC input (yes with adaptor)

iPhone 4s

1080p rear facing (sharp footage at full HD)
VGA front facing (avoid)
MIC input (yes with adaptor)

                                       iPhone 5 (+ New iPod Touch,
                                       New iPad 3/4 + iPad Mini)

                                       1080p rear facing camera
                                       720p front facing camera (very
                                       usable if you need to see
                                       yourself as you film, like for
                                       walk and talk style vlogging)
                                       The iPod Touch makes a great
                                       camera option as there are no
                                       mobile subscription charges.
                                       MIC input (yes with adaptor)

                          © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
In my household I currently have an iPhone 4, 4s, 5 and the
New iPad. All can do a great job with video. If you are
wondering about upgrading to the iPhone 5 I would say you
don’t get a whole heap of extra features or quality if upgrading
from the 4s, but if you are going from a 4 you’ll see a nice jump
in video quality.

A word about memory!

You should get the biggest capacity you can afford as HD video
is memory heavy. But if you are shooting short clips and have
access to your Mac, PC or the Cloud to backup to and then
delete footage it’s less of an issue

You can increase your memory by deleting Apps you rarely use,
as well as music, videos and photos. Make sure you have
backed up and have copies of course.

As a rough guide, with the 16gb iPhone 4s and 5, if I keep 10gb
of space free I can shoot around 80 mins of 1080p HD video
which suits me fine.

So now we know the tech specs I want to talk more about what
I call the ..

iPhone Video Advantage.

You carry your iPhone with you all the time, you’d be lost
without it am I right? As the saying goes “the best camera in
the world is the one you have with you!”.

The fact that you have an amazing Video tool in your pocket is
perfect for Guerilla style Video Marketing.

                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
The fact is I never used to carry my Flip everywhere, nor do I
like carting a camcorder around which requires it’s own bag or a
DSLR rig (a chunky Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera that
shoots great video).

As an entrepreneur you have other priorities, you need your
hands free to take notes, browse your iPad, shake hands and
not get weighed down with video gear! You are not a video pro
but you need to be a lean mean digital marketing machine!

3 Examples of guerilla style i-Video Marketing

Example 1: You have a chance encounter with a customer at a
meet-up or event. You strike up a conversation and you soon
discover they are full of enthusiasm for your products and
services. Grab the chance and capture an authentic video
testimonial there and then. It’s much easier than contacting
clients via email and waiting for them to send you one.

Video testimonials can often be more powerful than just a .jpeg
and a quote. There’s a higher level of trust when you can see
someone like yourself recommending a product. It feels real.

You’ll want to think about the backdrop and audio to make the
video look polished. Stop, think before you shoot! You might
need to coax your client to a better location in the building with
less background noise.

Example 2: You are attending a conference at a hotel, there
are some VIP speakers who are influencers in your niche. You
see one in the foyer. Grab the chance, ask for a quick interview.

Tip: Come up with a focussed angle as a way to grab their
interest. Ask them something challenging and more
specific. For example, rather than “What are your best tips
for Facebook Fan Page marketing?” ask “If you started a
                         © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
Fanpage from scratch tomorrow what would you do to
grow it FAST?”

Once recorded, don’t just sit on the clip, get it out fast! You can
trim it inside your iPhone and add text and your logo using
iMovie and upload it direct from the app to Youtube, then
embed it in your blog, add the link to facebook and tweet about

Unlike the vast majority of cameras your iPhone is a
connected device so use that feature well.

Tip: With newsy subjects, being first online with your
videos can earn your video extra traction and get it more
love on social media.

Note this down: You need to market your videos not just
shoot them! So make sure your VIP interviewee knows as
soon as it’s been published. The best outcome is if they use it
on their own blog, or add it to their Fan page or Tweet it. You
will tap into a whole new, and possibly bigger audience than
your own.

Example 3: You are on the way home from an event and you
spot something that just stands out. Let’s say a lorry has got
stuck under a bridge or you stumble upon a business with a
ridiculous name on the sign.

                         © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
There’s one near me called the ‘Impact Driving School’ :)

Well, get your iPhone out turn the camera on yourself and make
a little commentary about what you have seen, show your
viewer what has caught your eye and make them feel they are
right there in the moment with you. I call this a ‘Slice of Life’
video it’s just like a short clip of Reality TV!

These type of videos work great on Social Media, especially
facebook where they will catch the eye and engage people
more than one of those dreadful sunset pictures with affirmation
quotes that appear on my newsfeed. Do you get those too?

Tip: You need your videos to make people compelled to
like and comment. The more interaction, the more useful
Facebook perceives your content and you will grow you
edge rank. Meaning your friends and their friends are more
likely to see your content on their newsfeeds.

It’s best If you can tie what you are seeing with a theme related
to your business. It becomes less of a random “Wow, look at
this!” but has more of a point to it. It has a business backbone.

                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
For example:

Lorry stuck under a bridge - Talk about the biggest mistake
you made in your business and how you overcame it.

Business with an odd name - Talk about branding and name
choice. Can a bad name actually be more memorable?

You get the drift, the thing you spot acts as a metaphor.

Moving on let’s look at 3 more reasons why the iPhone gives
you an advantage: the controls, the Apps & the accessories.

The Controls

Firstly, do you really know how to control your iPhone? Let me
                          fix that right now.

                        Make sure you are in Airplane Mode
                        or your camera will stop filming abruptly
                        in the middle of an important shoot
                        when you receive an incoming call!

                        Next go into Settings .. General ..
                        Auto-lock and set to Never. This stops
                        the phone locking up each time you
                        leave it alone as you film, meaning you
                        have to start up the camera app each

                         On an iPhone 4/4s or iPad 2/3/4 tap the
                         screen to give you a full 16:9
                         widescreen view. That way you will be
                         seeing exactly what you are capturing
to memory. Otherwise you may include something ugly in your
shot that you aren’t seeing on your display.
                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
Know this. If you press and squeeze the screen for a second
you will see a double flash of the blue grid (see below) This
means both your focus and exposure are now locked.

You will see the text ‘AE/AF Lock’ appear at the base of the
screen. This is very handy as it stops the auto focus wandering
and also you can expose for the most important area of your
shot. As mentioned earlier, the old style flip cams are auto
everything, so if you were in front of a dark or bright background
(eg. for the white background or black background studio look)
your skin tone would turn out too dark or too over-exposed

The iPhone is more like a pro camera in its’ controls and you
can also download extra Apps to give additional pro-style
features. So let’s talk now about ...

The Apps

You see what’s great about i-Devices is, as I write this manual,
there are loads of very clever App developers working flat out to
create amazing apps to help you shoot and edit better video.

                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
The apps can, and will only get better!

There are too many to mention here but let me give you a

               Blux Movie (for iPhone/iPod) With this low cost
               App you can adjust white balance, lock exposure
               and focus separately, check you are recording
               audio by viewing audio meters + apply
               Hollywood style filter live to your clips.

Social Cam can help you reach new audiences.
Brands are jumping on board and it has attracted
15 million users in 5 months, since launch. It’s an
App based social network. You can shoot easy
clips, trim, add text, music and intros then title
and share.

People on the network will follow and like your videos. You can
also send to facebook and YouTube for instant sharing. The
expectation is for quick behind the scenes type videos so you
don’t have to worry about producing fully edited films. Just
make sure it’s something worth watching though.

I have seen it used by fashion journalists working for major
publications who shoot short clips backstage at fashion shows
and build up large followings for the publication.

                PhotoSync is an excellent App that lets you
                move your filmed footage across your devices.
                So you can send from your iPhone to your main
                computer (Mac or PC) for editing or from and to
                your iPad and vice versa! You just need to have
                a Wi-Fi connection. Useful if you have your
                iPhone set up perfectly for filming yourself and
                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
run short of memory. Taking it off the tripod to plug into your PC
will inevitably nudge the camera position you’ve carefully set
up. Using this App means you can leave it untouched and
transmit your footage wirelessly.

                Luma Video Camera will make your videos much
                less shaky. I always recommend using a tripod
                whenever possible, however, sometimes
                handholding is the most practical option. For
                example if you are a Realtor and need to film a
                walkthrough property tour or you have to shoot
                at an event and get in amongst the action. Using
a tripod is too unwieldy in these situations so this App can help.


So now time to get really geeky!

What is awesome about i-devices is there are lots of cool
accessories available. Due to the size of the market and the
passionate, creative minded buyers of iPhones, manufacturers
are understandably keen to create and sell you video

Pretty much every week there is a new gadget released. But be
warned not all of them are any good!

I spend quite a bit of time and money testing them out & saving
others disappointment!

                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
Audio gizmo

                                        Let’s start with the least sexy

                                        This adaptor from
                               is the
                                        secret sauce that hardly
                                        anyone knows about. (Thank
                                        me later!) It’s probably the
                                        handiest thing you can get
                                        for your i-device. It plugs into
                                        the headphone socket,
                                        which also doubles as your
                                        microphone socket!

This allows you to use an external mic with your iPhone. You
cannot plug pro-style mics into your Phone without this. You can
also buy a version that splits the lead in two so you can plug in
your headphones and monitor the audio in real time as you
shoot. Say goodbye to audio screw ups!

I had my adaptor mailed from the US, I haven’t yet found a
reliable supplier in the UK/Europe. If you find one let me know!

Good audio is even more important than picture when it comes
to video. Your viewer will not tolerate poor audio and will click
away. You’ll lose them and that is bad for your ‘watch time’.

YouTube recently adjusted their algorithm, now they are putting
extra weight on how long people watch your videos for not
just how many comments and subscribers you have. So to
leapfrog up the rankings, make videos that people will watch
through to the end. Don’t put them off with weak sound.

                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
Tip: you can improve your audio with your feet! move to a
better spot. Listen before you shoot. If you can’t avoid all
the bad sound then show a few shots before or during the
filming as B-Roll (secondary footage) so the viewer can see
where the sound is originating from. It makes it easier for
them to deal with.

Watch this video to see what happens when audio goes bad!


There are many options to choose from depending on what
type of videos you are

But if you are looking
for a low cost basic
lapel mic to record
yourself or interviews
then the Audio-
Technica ATR 3550 is
very popular with Video

The mic takes a small hearing aid style battery and plugs direct
into the KV adaptor. The cable provided is long which is handy,
but also awkward and gets tangled easily. I wrap mine round a
small empty water bottle to keep it neat!

Get Steady

As already mentioned, always use a tripod whenever possible.
Making your viewers seasick when they watch your videos

                          © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
won’t help sell your message. Unless you make seasickness

One small disadvantage of the iPhone is it has no tripod socket.
But there are plenty of devices on the market to fix that.

One is the low
cost Glif which
attaches to your
Phone and has a
standard tripod
thread. If you are
shooting on an
iPad have a look
at the Makayama

                                            The famous Manfrotto
                                            photo company recently
                                            released the Klyp for
                                            iPhone 4/4s which
                                            doubles as a case. You
                                            can use it permanently to
                                            protect your iPhone from
                                            a fall as well as add clips
                                            to connect it to a tripod
                                            plus attach an LED light
                                            for shooting under tricky
                                            lighting conditions.

                       © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
Tip: the in-built light on your iPhone sucks for video. You
get weird reflections from your subjects eyes (retinas). Use
a top mounted light to fill shadows if you shoot a lot at
meetups and indoor events where lighting conditions can
be very low and contrasty.

Let there be .. light

Light is food and drink to small sensor video cameras.
Meaning if you fail to understand light you will not be able to
squeeze pro-quality footage out of your i-device.

Soft daylight is the best option if you have no lights, use a
simple $15 reflector to bounce light back and remove shadows
on the left or right of your face. If you hate the region under your
neck, use a reflector to bounce light from below and fill out
those unflattering shadows :)

In fact you can make one yourself with a large piece of art
board and some crinkled baking foil.

Sooner or later you might want to invest in a lighting kit. Prices
have tumbled in recent years, 5 years ago I would have spent
                             $2,000+ for a set of lights.
                             Nowadays for around $220 you
                             can pick up a low cost softbox kit
                             on Amazon.

                                 There are lots of options to
                                 choose from but equipped with
                                 just an iPhone, a low cost tripod, a
                                 plain backdrop and a simple
                                 lighting kit you can achieve results
                                 like the images below.

                         © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
This one is a still shot extracted from a video I filmed of myself
in my small office studio.

I call this the Apple White look because it looks just like those
Apple designer interviews featured prominently on the Apple

I love the clean look and the fact that text looks great if you
bring it in and out to emphasize what you are saying.

Tip: Using short lines of text to re-enforce what you are
saying or to break up your videos into sub-sections is very
effective. In TV they call it ‘Signposting’. Hearing and
seeing you speak backed up with a word or two of text gets
your point across in multiple ways. Also breaking up the
sections with 2 - 3 secs of full screen text gives your
viewer a moment of reflection before you move on to your
next point.

                         © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
You can also go for a black background look with just a couple
of lights. One of my course members, Wilson from Columbia,
shoots his videos in the front living room of his apartment.
I helped him tweak his lighting plan until he achieved the look
on the right.

Impressive right?

Cut! .. let’s move on. I really can’t talk about video without
discussing ...


Editing is the one thing that bothers people the most when it
comes to their Video Marketing workflow.

Here’s what I recommend.

You can plan not to edit some of your videos. Shoot short but
useful clips, trim them inside you device using easy Apps like
iMovie. These work best for quick video communications and
behind the scenes type social videos.

If you will be editing, have a clear picture in your mind of the
finished video before you shoot. Make sure it’s going to be easy
for you to cut together. Getting too complicated when starting

                         © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
off will catch you out when you get bogged down in long editing

Tip: To be a good video creator you need to have the video
in your head before you make it. Visualise it before you
shoot. Make the video you can already see!

For simple editing solutions look first at screen capture tools
which now offer good video editing controls like Camtasia (for
PC & Mac) or Screenflow (Mac) which is my current favorite for
easy editing. Screenflow 4 has recently been released and
gives you new video filters, chomakey and extra text and
transition features.

If you prefer dedicated desktop video editing solutions then
iMovie (free on your Mac) can take you far and has some cool
text and transition options to spice up the look and feel of your
videos. The next step is Final Cut Pro X which looks daunting
but is easy to master if you have used iMovie.

On a PC I suggest Sony Vegas Movie Studio for beginners.

30 day free trials are available for most of the editors so you
can try before you buy. All the solutions I have mentioned can
handle iPhone footage straight off the camera, no need for re-
encoding before you edit.

If editing daunts you and you have funds to invest in your Video
Marketing then I strongly suggest you outsource your editing.

Have a good browse over at where you can hire
editors for as little as $10/hr. If you end up doing a lot of video
you might consider hiring a Video VA (Video Virtual Assistant)
part or full-time for $200 - $600 month.They can be trained to
edit, upload, distribute and market your videos online. You
shoot they do the rest.
                         © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
Tip: there is a big advantage in finding a format that works
for your videos then rinse and repeat it. For an example of
a highly successful format see what Internet Starlet Marie
Forleo does over at Marie TV.

Observe how your favorite TV show is formatted. You know
what to expect each week and that’s comforting. Formatting
guides you as to what content you need come up with, so you
don’t spend too long researching content that won’t ever make
it into your final video.

Formatting makes it easy for you (or your VA) to edit your
footage, because once you have the elements in place you just
need to slot in the new content whenever you make a new

It also helps your viewer. They know what to expect and that it’s
going to be worth their time watching it.

                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
For example, if you switch on ‘The Apprentice’ you know it’s
going to be similar to last week but the core content will be
fresh (the challenge and the business tip takeaways), you also
know the chances are it’s going to be quality TV and not a time

There is always room to step out of the box from time to time
but there is great value in finding a formula that works and
being consistent. If you get traction and see your video count
rising fast you can then scale it.

Tip: If you see one style of video working well for you, stick
at it and make more videos of the same type! Don’t get
distracted and go off on a tangent with a new format.

Here’s an example of a simple video format you can use:

• You on camera for 10 seconds (Grab the viewer, explain
what’s in the video for the viewer who wants to know ‘What’s in
it for me’.)

• Opening title/sting (Keep it short around 5 secs)

• Main content (3 main points - keep it brief)

• Wrap Up (What have they learned)

• Call to Action (What do you want them to do next - crucial!)

• End titles, repeat the call to action.

Easy right?

Excuse the pun but succeeding with Video Marketing like all
online business strategies is all about ...

                          © 2012 iPhone Video Hero

I often see people trying to build their list on their website or
blog using a video, but quite bluntly their video sucks!

They are up against a white wall, which has turned a dirty grey
color or against a messy bookshelf with a picture frame stuck
out of their left ear.

If that’s you, don’t worry you can fix it, but please do FIX IT!

Bad videos can really damage your brand. Some people are
happy to ignore their bad videos but still complain why their
business isn’t growing online.

You might decide to start by making a squeeze video (also
known as an opt-in video). The beauty is you can improve your
video over time, get feedback, tweak, test and just swap out the
embed code. Don’t be too proud to redo it.

As it’s not a one time upload to YouTube, where removing it
loses your viewcount, you can swap the video over as much as
you like until it’s converting well.

If you are a fitness trainer and making short training videos to
put on YouTube then get excellent at doing that.

You won’t get it right first time but if you are willing to take a
critical look at what you do and learn some i-video skills you will
see a dramatic improvement in just a short time.

Focus on getting your tutorials great and don’t start trying to
create behind the scenes reality videos until you have reached
your goal with your tutorial workouts.

                         © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
One thing I must add before I end, is that the iPhone isn’t
perfect for all videos ...

The Videos that your iPhone IS made for!

Videos where you can really control the quality, capture good
audio, use basic lighting, stabilize it on a tripod. These can be
done on location or in a low cost home studio. Ideal for sales
videos, squeeze videos, tutorials, and vlogs.

Interviews and testimonials where your subject is static and you
have control over the situation.

Product and tour videos for example in real estate or filming
your craftwork (the iPhone is excellent for close-ups!)

Quick reality style videos where you want to give people a
glance behind the curtain of your business so they can get to
know you better.

Videos that your iPhone is NOT made for!

Covering big events pro-style where you need to get stage
shots and crowd shots owing to the fact that the iPhone does
not have an efficient zoom. Camcorders with a long zoom lens,
long record times and the ability to swap memory cards are
better for this kind of shooting.

Fast moving sports or action where you can’t get the camera in
close is tricky. Skate videos work well because the iPhone can
be mounted on the board or operated by a second rider.
Covering a soccer match is not so easy as you can’t step onto
the pitch to get tighter shots!

                         © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
Think content

Ultimately my advice is use your i-device to its’ strengths

Think about how many great movies were shot on very basic
film cameras that are 1000x less powerful than the iPhone you
have in your pocket today.

It’s ultimately all about how you use it. Any limitations you
encounter forces you to think creatively and focus on the actual
content. There are plenty of people with expensive pro-cameras
who talk non-stop about fancy lenses, gadgets and gizmos but
they can’t see the wood from the trees!

                                                   Wait - don’t shoot!

                        © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
Fine if you like that kind of thing but the start-up cost is mighty
high. If you want to succeed quickly online with video, start
small and be a Hero!


So, I hope you found this ‘Missing Manual’ useful and you feel
inspired and equipped to get cracking and make attention
grabbing i-videos to Market your business.

If you’d like to take your knowledge further please come and
join me over at iPhone Video Hero.

FIrst thing is to watch my video which explains exactly what’s
inside my Internet Famous training product!
You’ll see what I mean by the quality you can squeeze out of
your i-device for your marketing videos.

Inside iPhone Video Hero I have detailed step by step video
tutorials that go way beyond what’s possible in a text based
manual. After all we all know that video is where it’s at!

Click here to watch my video. I’ll see you in just a sec!

                         © 2012 iPhone Video Hero

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iPhone Video Marketing-The Missing Manual

  • 1. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 2. Backstory Hi, before I get started I first need to tell you how we came to meet and why we find ourselves here talking about the iPhone for video. My name is Jules. I live in London, UK with 2 iPhones, an iPad, an i-wife and 2 i-kids! I wasn’t born with an iPhone stuck to my face, even though it does make a good picture :) I actually started out as a Photographer, firstly assisting an Advertising Photographer in his studio in London. I then got itchy feet and moved into News (that’s News not Nude!) Photography, and even ended up in the Balkans covering the break up of former Yugoslavia for the International Press - which was hair raising to say the least! When I started out in Photography I had to carry a color chemical processing kit with me everywhere and develop films in hotel bathrooms that I would blackout with fabric! How times have changed. When photography went digital and the internet exploded, my life got easier and I got fascinated by the power of the Web for content distribution. I also got tired of chasing people with my camera who didn’t always want to be photographed! I became convinced my future was in online content. I took time out to do an MA in Interactive Media at University and this by chance landed me a job inside a TV Production company who © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 3. also delivered Web based projects to go alongside broadcast TV shows for the major UK Channels. But .. I got itchy feet again! Seeing other people in the office having such fun making TV made me really want to make TV too. I wanted to learn to produce and direct the moving image and see my work broadcast to millions. It was a young, highly competitive industry and for me to have any chance of a sneaky side move into TV it was now or never. Cut a long story short and 10 years of hard, but fun, work got me up the ladder to become a Shooting TV Producer/ Director. What does that mean? In short, total multi-skilling. As well as managing the contestants, Presenter and experts (known as ‘the talent’), organising complicated shoots, scripting voiceover, directing crews, sitting in a suite with a pro-editor for weeks - I also had to shoot part or all of TV shows myself on big cameras! That’s where my photo skills came in handy. That’s me behind the camera, Directing & Shooting for BBC1 - back breaking! © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 4. I Directed some big hit shows like ‘The Biggest Loser’ MTV’s ‘Pimp My Ride’, the insanely popular BBC reality show ‘Don’t Tell The Bride’ and the Primetime Cop show ‘Drunk and Dangerous’ Were you ever on it? Now this might sound glamorous but it was a very poor job in terms of leveraging my time. I was working 70 hour weeks, running from one contract to another, each lasting 10 weeks or so on average, always trying to secure the next contract during my downtime meant I could never really relax. Also another negative was I hardly saw my first child Natasha grow up, I was always running off to far ends of the country to cover some reality TV crisis that always seemed to flare up at weekends. It was hard to plan family time. I remember wasting hours of a holiday stuck on top of a hill in Crete (where I had found mobile reception) waiting to hear from an unreliable Production Manager if I had got a new contract. The call, though promised, never came! Around that time I fell in love with .. online video. For the second time I felt my future was online! With the epic rise of YouTube I could see people creating their own video content, content that they actually owned, unlike any of the TV shows or formats I had Produced over the years. Being a gun for hire meant I had zero long term business assets. I was just hiring out my time for money, then back to square one. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 5. I witnessed people were building valuable online assets and using video to drive people to visit their own sites and sell their services 24/7 on the web. This blew my mind. I started downloading every useful free e- book I could find. Signing up to people lists and devouring their back catalogue of audio and video content on, you guessed it, my iPhone! In fact, ironically I gave up watching TV so I could make the time to do this. Giving up over-consumption of TV and Newspapers is something Tim Ferris recommends in his influential book ‘The 4 hour work week’ if you want to find the time to create your own online empire. The people who inspired me the most online included: Yaro Starak, Gideon Shalwick, David Risley, Pat Flynn, James Wedmore,Tim Conley, Andy Jenkins, Eben Pagan, James Schramko, David Siteman Garland and Andrew Warner. I suggest you Google them if ever you get the time! It’s amazing to me that less than 2 years later I have created my own hit online product called iPhone Video Hero and I now know several of these entrepreneurs personally and have either swapped emails or chatted on Skype with them! Yours truly on The Rise To The Top Podcast with David Siteman Garland! © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 6. Looking back I now realise that working in TV has given me a great positioning in the world of Video Marketing. TV is in essence powerful Video based marketing, from the title and description of the show which is the Web equivalent of the copy, the techniques I would use to grip people at the top of the show to stick with the episode, how I ensured the audience was compelled to stick watching the Channel during the ad breaks, so the monetisation could occur, and then the call to action at the end to keep them coming back week after week. It was fascinating how a TV show could make the cast, often ordinary folks, famous offline and online by building their personal brand and creating a feeling that you actually knew them, just like online video can for you. Even though I had a lot to bring to the table, I also knew I had to learn Internet Marketing to make a splash online. I invested in training courses and mentoring so I could add a new skillset to my existing ones. Moving on, I experimented with affiliate blogging, YouTube marketing and product creation. I also love producing videos for entrepreneurs and businesses that I choose to work with. So now you know how I got here .. Let’s talk iPhone! © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 7. Well in just a sec ... you see in the beginning was .. the Flip Camera. I used to love the Flip I even blogged about the Flip exclusively for a while when I was experimenting with Affiliate Marketing. I once sold $23,000 of Flip gear in a year as an Amazon affiliate! This low cost, easy to use camera was groundbreaking but flawed. The lack of an audio input jack was a huge weakness. Sure there were ways around it by recording the audio separately and synching it up later in the edit but that was a pain in the rear. Bad audio will have people clicking away from your Videos faster than Usain Bolt late for a date! More about audio later. Then one day Cisco, the tech company who had bought the Flip brand decided to make the Flip extinct and pull put of the market. In my view buying a Flip now is a very poor investment even if you can find one. Then along came the Kodak Zi8 (later upgraded to the Playtouch.) These were and still are massively popular amongst business owners and marketers. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 8. The fact the Zi8 has an audio input socket is a huge plus, but I find the auto only functions limiting. For example filming yourself against a white or black background fools the camera and it compensates by increasing the exposure or reducing it and you become over bright or over dark. Also, except for the ultra close- up feature (using the macro switch) the Kodak, like the Flip, won’t give you a sharp image in the 0.0m to 0.8m range due to the limitations of the lens. Around 0.6 to 0.8 m is a sweet spot when filming yourself or shooting interviews so in some videos you will notice the subject is not in focus but the background is pin sharp! Another disadvantage with the Kodak is you can’t monitor the audio as you film, so you are shooting blind, so to speak. If the audio is terrible or if your mic has run out of batteries you can be recording zero sound, but have no way of telling until you stop and play it back. I’ve heard horror stories about crucial presentations being filmed only for the marketer to get home and discover the audio is mute. Ouch! © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 9. To make matters worse Kodak announced last year they were in financial troubles and were not going to make any more Pocket cameras at all. So this leads me nicely onto .. The iPhone It’s the video camera you already own! Think about that, you just saved around $150. Of course you can use those savings to add some optional accessories to enhance your videos which I definitely recommend. The fact is, if you own an iPhone, you have a camera far more powerful than the Kodak or Flip and I would argue a better overall Video Marketing tool than many far more expensive pro- cameras. Note: When I say the ‘iPhone’ it’s for my writing convenience. Interchange this word for the new iPod as well as the iPad 2/3/4 and the iPad Mini as they can pretty much all do exactly the same thing. If you are not convinced that you can actually shoot great video on an iPhone then go watch this video. I realise it’s probably not the type of video you want to make for your business, but it’s mighty impressive to see what you can produce with an iPhone when used correctly. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 10. Now you’ve watched that video, let’s talk tech! Here’s a quick overview of the i-models in case you are thinking of buying a new i-device or upgrading what you already own. iPhone 4 (+ iPad 2) 720p rear facing camera (will give you great results if you use it well) VGA front facing (avoid this as quality is average) MIC input (yes with adaptor) iPhone 4s 1080p rear facing (sharp footage at full HD) VGA front facing (avoid) MIC input (yes with adaptor) iPhone 5 (+ New iPod Touch, New iPad 3/4 + iPad Mini) 1080p rear facing camera 720p front facing camera (very usable if you need to see yourself as you film, like for walk and talk style vlogging) The iPod Touch makes a great camera option as there are no mobile subscription charges. MIC input (yes with adaptor) © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 11. In my household I currently have an iPhone 4, 4s, 5 and the New iPad. All can do a great job with video. If you are wondering about upgrading to the iPhone 5 I would say you don’t get a whole heap of extra features or quality if upgrading from the 4s, but if you are going from a 4 you’ll see a nice jump in video quality. A word about memory! You should get the biggest capacity you can afford as HD video is memory heavy. But if you are shooting short clips and have access to your Mac, PC or the Cloud to backup to and then delete footage it’s less of an issue You can increase your memory by deleting Apps you rarely use, as well as music, videos and photos. Make sure you have backed up and have copies of course. As a rough guide, with the 16gb iPhone 4s and 5, if I keep 10gb of space free I can shoot around 80 mins of 1080p HD video which suits me fine. So now we know the tech specs I want to talk more about what I call the .. iPhone Video Advantage. You carry your iPhone with you all the time, you’d be lost without it am I right? As the saying goes “the best camera in the world is the one you have with you!”. The fact that you have an amazing Video tool in your pocket is perfect for Guerilla style Video Marketing. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 12. The fact is I never used to carry my Flip everywhere, nor do I like carting a camcorder around which requires it’s own bag or a DSLR rig (a chunky Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera that shoots great video). As an entrepreneur you have other priorities, you need your hands free to take notes, browse your iPad, shake hands and not get weighed down with video gear! You are not a video pro but you need to be a lean mean digital marketing machine! 3 Examples of guerilla style i-Video Marketing Example 1: You have a chance encounter with a customer at a meet-up or event. You strike up a conversation and you soon discover they are full of enthusiasm for your products and services. Grab the chance and capture an authentic video testimonial there and then. It’s much easier than contacting clients via email and waiting for them to send you one. Video testimonials can often be more powerful than just a .jpeg and a quote. There’s a higher level of trust when you can see someone like yourself recommending a product. It feels real. You’ll want to think about the backdrop and audio to make the video look polished. Stop, think before you shoot! You might need to coax your client to a better location in the building with less background noise. Example 2: You are attending a conference at a hotel, there are some VIP speakers who are influencers in your niche. You see one in the foyer. Grab the chance, ask for a quick interview. Tip: Come up with a focussed angle as a way to grab their interest. Ask them something challenging and more specific. For example, rather than “What are your best tips for Facebook Fan Page marketing?” ask “If you started a © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 13. Fanpage from scratch tomorrow what would you do to grow it FAST?” Once recorded, don’t just sit on the clip, get it out fast! You can trim it inside your iPhone and add text and your logo using iMovie and upload it direct from the app to Youtube, then embed it in your blog, add the link to facebook and tweet about it. Unlike the vast majority of cameras your iPhone is a connected device so use that feature well. Tip: With newsy subjects, being first online with your videos can earn your video extra traction and get it more love on social media. Note this down: You need to market your videos not just shoot them! So make sure your VIP interviewee knows as soon as it’s been published. The best outcome is if they use it on their own blog, or add it to their Fan page or Tweet it. You will tap into a whole new, and possibly bigger audience than your own. Example 3: You are on the way home from an event and you spot something that just stands out. Let’s say a lorry has got stuck under a bridge or you stumble upon a business with a ridiculous name on the sign. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 14. There’s one near me called the ‘Impact Driving School’ :) Well, get your iPhone out turn the camera on yourself and make a little commentary about what you have seen, show your viewer what has caught your eye and make them feel they are right there in the moment with you. I call this a ‘Slice of Life’ video it’s just like a short clip of Reality TV! These type of videos work great on Social Media, especially facebook where they will catch the eye and engage people more than one of those dreadful sunset pictures with affirmation quotes that appear on my newsfeed. Do you get those too? Tip: You need your videos to make people compelled to like and comment. The more interaction, the more useful Facebook perceives your content and you will grow you edge rank. Meaning your friends and their friends are more likely to see your content on their newsfeeds. It’s best If you can tie what you are seeing with a theme related to your business. It becomes less of a random “Wow, look at this!” but has more of a point to it. It has a business backbone. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 15. For example: Lorry stuck under a bridge - Talk about the biggest mistake you made in your business and how you overcame it. Business with an odd name - Talk about branding and name choice. Can a bad name actually be more memorable? You get the drift, the thing you spot acts as a metaphor. Moving on let’s look at 3 more reasons why the iPhone gives you an advantage: the controls, the Apps & the accessories. The Controls Firstly, do you really know how to control your iPhone? Let me fix that right now. Make sure you are in Airplane Mode or your camera will stop filming abruptly in the middle of an important shoot when you receive an incoming call! Next go into Settings .. General .. Auto-lock and set to Never. This stops the phone locking up each time you leave it alone as you film, meaning you have to start up the camera app each time. On an iPhone 4/4s or iPad 2/3/4 tap the screen to give you a full 16:9 widescreen view. That way you will be seeing exactly what you are capturing to memory. Otherwise you may include something ugly in your shot that you aren’t seeing on your display. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 16. Know this. If you press and squeeze the screen for a second you will see a double flash of the blue grid (see below) This means both your focus and exposure are now locked. You will see the text ‘AE/AF Lock’ appear at the base of the screen. This is very handy as it stops the auto focus wandering and also you can expose for the most important area of your shot. As mentioned earlier, the old style flip cams are auto everything, so if you were in front of a dark or bright background (eg. for the white background or black background studio look) your skin tone would turn out too dark or too over-exposed (bright). The iPhone is more like a pro camera in its’ controls and you can also download extra Apps to give additional pro-style features. So let’s talk now about ... The Apps You see what’s great about i-Devices is, as I write this manual, there are loads of very clever App developers working flat out to create amazing apps to help you shoot and edit better video. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 17. The apps can, and will only get better! There are too many to mention here but let me give you a headstart. Blux Movie (for iPhone/iPod) With this low cost App you can adjust white balance, lock exposure and focus separately, check you are recording audio by viewing audio meters + apply Hollywood style filter live to your clips. Social Cam can help you reach new audiences. Brands are jumping on board and it has attracted 15 million users in 5 months, since launch. It’s an App based social network. You can shoot easy clips, trim, add text, music and intros then title and share. People on the network will follow and like your videos. You can also send to facebook and YouTube for instant sharing. The expectation is for quick behind the scenes type videos so you don’t have to worry about producing fully edited films. Just make sure it’s something worth watching though. I have seen it used by fashion journalists working for major publications who shoot short clips backstage at fashion shows and build up large followings for the publication. PhotoSync is an excellent App that lets you move your filmed footage across your devices. So you can send from your iPhone to your main computer (Mac or PC) for editing or from and to your iPad and vice versa! You just need to have a Wi-Fi connection. Useful if you have your iPhone set up perfectly for filming yourself and © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 18. run short of memory. Taking it off the tripod to plug into your PC will inevitably nudge the camera position you’ve carefully set up. Using this App means you can leave it untouched and transmit your footage wirelessly. Luma Video Camera will make your videos much less shaky. I always recommend using a tripod whenever possible, however, sometimes handholding is the most practical option. For example if you are a Realtor and need to film a walkthrough property tour or you have to shoot at an event and get in amongst the action. Using a tripod is too unwieldy in these situations so this App can help. Accessories So now time to get really geeky! What is awesome about i-devices is there are lots of cool accessories available. Due to the size of the market and the passionate, creative minded buyers of iPhones, manufacturers are understandably keen to create and sell you video accessories. Pretty much every week there is a new gadget released. But be warned not all of them are any good! I spend quite a bit of time and money testing them out & saving others disappointment! © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 19. Audio gizmo Let’s start with the least sexy accessory! This adaptor from is the secret sauce that hardly anyone knows about. (Thank me later!) It’s probably the handiest thing you can get for your i-device. It plugs into the headphone socket, which also doubles as your microphone socket! This allows you to use an external mic with your iPhone. You cannot plug pro-style mics into your Phone without this. You can also buy a version that splits the lead in two so you can plug in your headphones and monitor the audio in real time as you shoot. Say goodbye to audio screw ups! I had my adaptor mailed from the US, I haven’t yet found a reliable supplier in the UK/Europe. If you find one let me know! Good audio is even more important than picture when it comes to video. Your viewer will not tolerate poor audio and will click away. You’ll lose them and that is bad for your ‘watch time’. YouTube recently adjusted their algorithm, now they are putting extra weight on how long people watch your videos for not just how many comments and subscribers you have. So to leapfrog up the rankings, make videos that people will watch through to the end. Don’t put them off with weak sound. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 20. Tip: you can improve your audio with your feet! move to a better spot. Listen before you shoot. If you can’t avoid all the bad sound then show a few shots before or during the filming as B-Roll (secondary footage) so the viewer can see where the sound is originating from. It makes it easier for them to deal with. Watch this video to see what happens when audio goes bad! Microphones There are many options to choose from depending on what type of videos you are shooting. But if you are looking for a low cost basic lapel mic to record yourself or interviews then the Audio- Technica ATR 3550 is very popular with Video Marketers. The mic takes a small hearing aid style battery and plugs direct into the KV adaptor. The cable provided is long which is handy, but also awkward and gets tangled easily. I wrap mine round a small empty water bottle to keep it neat! Get Steady As already mentioned, always use a tripod whenever possible. Making your viewers seasick when they watch your videos © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 21. won’t help sell your message. Unless you make seasickness tablets. One small disadvantage of the iPhone is it has no tripod socket. But there are plenty of devices on the market to fix that. One is the low cost Glif which attaches to your Phone and has a standard tripod thread. If you are shooting on an iPad have a look at the Makayama Moviemount. The famous Manfrotto photo company recently released the Klyp for iPhone 4/4s which doubles as a case. You can use it permanently to protect your iPhone from a fall as well as add clips to connect it to a tripod plus attach an LED light for shooting under tricky lighting conditions. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 22. Tip: the in-built light on your iPhone sucks for video. You get weird reflections from your subjects eyes (retinas). Use a top mounted light to fill shadows if you shoot a lot at meetups and indoor events where lighting conditions can be very low and contrasty. Let there be .. light Light is food and drink to small sensor video cameras. Meaning if you fail to understand light you will not be able to squeeze pro-quality footage out of your i-device. Soft daylight is the best option if you have no lights, use a simple $15 reflector to bounce light back and remove shadows on the left or right of your face. If you hate the region under your neck, use a reflector to bounce light from below and fill out those unflattering shadows :) In fact you can make one yourself with a large piece of art board and some crinkled baking foil. Sooner or later you might want to invest in a lighting kit. Prices have tumbled in recent years, 5 years ago I would have spent $2,000+ for a set of lights. Nowadays for around $220 you can pick up a low cost softbox kit on Amazon. There are lots of options to choose from but equipped with just an iPhone, a low cost tripod, a plain backdrop and a simple lighting kit you can achieve results like the images below. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 23. This one is a still shot extracted from a video I filmed of myself in my small office studio. I call this the Apple White look because it looks just like those Apple designer interviews featured prominently on the Apple website. I love the clean look and the fact that text looks great if you bring it in and out to emphasize what you are saying. Tip: Using short lines of text to re-enforce what you are saying or to break up your videos into sub-sections is very effective. In TV they call it ‘Signposting’. Hearing and seeing you speak backed up with a word or two of text gets your point across in multiple ways. Also breaking up the sections with 2 - 3 secs of full screen text gives your viewer a moment of reflection before you move on to your next point. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 24. You can also go for a black background look with just a couple of lights. One of my course members, Wilson from Columbia, shoots his videos in the front living room of his apartment. I helped him tweak his lighting plan until he achieved the look on the right. Impressive right? Cut! .. let’s move on. I really can’t talk about video without discussing ... Editing Editing is the one thing that bothers people the most when it comes to their Video Marketing workflow. Here’s what I recommend. You can plan not to edit some of your videos. Shoot short but useful clips, trim them inside you device using easy Apps like iMovie. These work best for quick video communications and behind the scenes type social videos. If you will be editing, have a clear picture in your mind of the finished video before you shoot. Make sure it’s going to be easy for you to cut together. Getting too complicated when starting © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 25. off will catch you out when you get bogged down in long editing sessions. Tip: To be a good video creator you need to have the video in your head before you make it. Visualise it before you shoot. Make the video you can already see! For simple editing solutions look first at screen capture tools which now offer good video editing controls like Camtasia (for PC & Mac) or Screenflow (Mac) which is my current favorite for easy editing. Screenflow 4 has recently been released and gives you new video filters, chomakey and extra text and transition features. If you prefer dedicated desktop video editing solutions then iMovie (free on your Mac) can take you far and has some cool text and transition options to spice up the look and feel of your videos. The next step is Final Cut Pro X which looks daunting but is easy to master if you have used iMovie. On a PC I suggest Sony Vegas Movie Studio for beginners. 30 day free trials are available for most of the editors so you can try before you buy. All the solutions I have mentioned can handle iPhone footage straight off the camera, no need for re- encoding before you edit. If editing daunts you and you have funds to invest in your Video Marketing then I strongly suggest you outsource your editing. Have a good browse over at where you can hire editors for as little as $10/hr. If you end up doing a lot of video you might consider hiring a Video VA (Video Virtual Assistant) part or full-time for $200 - $600 month.They can be trained to edit, upload, distribute and market your videos online. You shoot they do the rest. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 26. Tip: there is a big advantage in finding a format that works for your videos then rinse and repeat it. For an example of a highly successful format see what Internet Starlet Marie Forleo does over at Marie TV. Observe how your favorite TV show is formatted. You know what to expect each week and that’s comforting. Formatting guides you as to what content you need come up with, so you don’t spend too long researching content that won’t ever make it into your final video. Formatting makes it easy for you (or your VA) to edit your footage, because once you have the elements in place you just need to slot in the new content whenever you make a new video. It also helps your viewer. They know what to expect and that it’s going to be worth their time watching it. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 27. For example, if you switch on ‘The Apprentice’ you know it’s going to be similar to last week but the core content will be fresh (the challenge and the business tip takeaways), you also know the chances are it’s going to be quality TV and not a time waster. There is always room to step out of the box from time to time but there is great value in finding a formula that works and being consistent. If you get traction and see your video count rising fast you can then scale it. Tip: If you see one style of video working well for you, stick at it and make more videos of the same type! Don’t get distracted and go off on a tangent with a new format. Here’s an example of a simple video format you can use: • You on camera for 10 seconds (Grab the viewer, explain what’s in the video for the viewer who wants to know ‘What’s in it for me’.) • Opening title/sting (Keep it short around 5 secs) • Main content (3 main points - keep it brief) • Wrap Up (What have they learned) • Call to Action (What do you want them to do next - crucial!) • End titles, repeat the call to action. Easy right? Excuse the pun but succeeding with Video Marketing like all online business strategies is all about ... © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 28. Focus I often see people trying to build their list on their website or blog using a video, but quite bluntly their video sucks! They are up against a white wall, which has turned a dirty grey color or against a messy bookshelf with a picture frame stuck out of their left ear. If that’s you, don’t worry you can fix it, but please do FIX IT! Bad videos can really damage your brand. Some people are happy to ignore their bad videos but still complain why their business isn’t growing online. You might decide to start by making a squeeze video (also known as an opt-in video). The beauty is you can improve your video over time, get feedback, tweak, test and just swap out the embed code. Don’t be too proud to redo it. As it’s not a one time upload to YouTube, where removing it loses your viewcount, you can swap the video over as much as you like until it’s converting well. If you are a fitness trainer and making short training videos to put on YouTube then get excellent at doing that. You won’t get it right first time but if you are willing to take a critical look at what you do and learn some i-video skills you will see a dramatic improvement in just a short time. Focus on getting your tutorials great and don’t start trying to create behind the scenes reality videos until you have reached your goal with your tutorial workouts. © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 29. One thing I must add before I end, is that the iPhone isn’t perfect for all videos ... The Videos that your iPhone IS made for! Videos where you can really control the quality, capture good audio, use basic lighting, stabilize it on a tripod. These can be done on location or in a low cost home studio. Ideal for sales videos, squeeze videos, tutorials, and vlogs. Interviews and testimonials where your subject is static and you have control over the situation. Product and tour videos for example in real estate or filming your craftwork (the iPhone is excellent for close-ups!) Quick reality style videos where you want to give people a glance behind the curtain of your business so they can get to know you better. Videos that your iPhone is NOT made for! Covering big events pro-style where you need to get stage shots and crowd shots owing to the fact that the iPhone does not have an efficient zoom. Camcorders with a long zoom lens, long record times and the ability to swap memory cards are better for this kind of shooting. Fast moving sports or action where you can’t get the camera in close is tricky. Skate videos work well because the iPhone can be mounted on the board or operated by a second rider. Covering a soccer match is not so easy as you can’t step onto the pitch to get tighter shots! © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 30. Think content Ultimately my advice is use your i-device to its’ strengths Think about how many great movies were shot on very basic film cameras that are 1000x less powerful than the iPhone you have in your pocket today. It’s ultimately all about how you use it. Any limitations you encounter forces you to think creatively and focus on the actual content. There are plenty of people with expensive pro-cameras who talk non-stop about fancy lenses, gadgets and gizmos but they can’t see the wood from the trees! Wait - don’t shoot! © 2012 iPhone Video Hero
  • 31. Fine if you like that kind of thing but the start-up cost is mighty high. If you want to succeed quickly online with video, start small and be a Hero! Conclusion So, I hope you found this ‘Missing Manual’ useful and you feel inspired and equipped to get cracking and make attention grabbing i-videos to Market your business. If you’d like to take your knowledge further please come and join me over at iPhone Video Hero. FIrst thing is to watch my video which explains exactly what’s inside my Internet Famous training product! You’ll see what I mean by the quality you can squeeze out of your i-device for your marketing videos. Inside iPhone Video Hero I have detailed step by step video tutorials that go way beyond what’s possible in a text based manual. After all we all know that video is where it’s at! Click here to watch my video. I’ll see you in just a sec! © 2012 iPhone Video Hero