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point of view

Six Essentials for
Sales Force Success

                                                                                                                        Authored by
                                                                                                                       Jeffrey Baker

Sales organizations face some tough challenges these             “There is no ‘magic bullet,’ but building on
days. Among them is the fact that, while CEOs and boards
of directors are expecting ever greater performance,             the basics works.”
customers are carefully managing risks and demanding                                                        —The Forum Corporation,
                                                                                    “How Sales Forces Sustain Competitive Advantage”
greater value.
To deliver on shareholder demands for stronger EPS               The Forum Corporation has been helping sales
growth, sales and marketing executives are under pressure        organizations improve effectiveness and performance
to increase revenue, profitability, and market share. They       for 40 years, primarily through building the skills and
are tasked with: holding onto and expanding business             knowledge salespeople and their leaders need to
with current customers while at the same time finding and        consistently win in their markets.
                                  winning new customers          Our research and client experience reveal that, while
                                  in existing markets;           skillful, engaged salespeople and sales managers are
“Business growth is               entering new markets; and      critically important, they alone are not sufficient for a
the No. 1 concern of              defending their turf against   complex commercial selling organization to achieve its
CEOs in the U.S. and known competitors and                       goals in today’s fast-paced, hypercompetitive markets.
                                  unforeseen threats.            Today’s successful sales organizations understand the six
                                 Leaders are examining           essential dimensions for sales success (see Figure 1).
         —The Conference Board,  the effectiveness of every
          “2011 CEO Challenge”                                   Figure 1
                                 aspect of their companies
                                 like never before—even
extending into the sales and marketing realm, often for
the first time. Furthermore, as CEOs and CFOs scan for                      Six Success Dimensions
the best use of capital, many are unsure of the return they
should expect for an investment in their sales organization.                 1.	   Strategy and Structure
                                                                             2.	   Customer Knowledge
What kind of ROI commitment should the head of sales                         3.	   Talent
make to her CEO? What areas of investment are likely                         4.	   Climate
to yield the best return? Would more salespeople, better                     5.	   Processes
training, newer technology, or perhaps a whole new sales                     6.	   Support Systems
strategy do the trick? The answers to these questions
lie in fully understanding the operational effectiveness of
the sales force. By analyzing the many interdependent
elements of a sales organization both systemically and
contextually, executives can make confident decisions on
where to invest their energy, talent, and money to gain the
greatest lift in performance.
point of view
The interdependent nature of these six dimensions is                                              With a clear and common understanding of their
illustrated in Figure 2 (below). Moving from left to right,                                       business strategy, the heads of Sales and Marketing
we see that Business Strategy necessarily precedes                                                and their respective senior teams can develop a sales
and informs the other elements of a sales organization’s                                          strategy, sometimes called a go-to-market strategy,
process as it flows toward Markets and Customers,                                                 that addresses these key elements:
the ultimate focus of a sales organization. Information                                            Customer Segmentation. Segment or group
from Markets and Customers flows back into the sales                                                 customers according to a shared set of
organization and is captured and sorted as Customer                                                  characteristics.
Knowledge (VOC, or Voice of the Customer) and Business
Intelligence, both of which provide important feedback to                                          Value Proposition. Establish compelling value
all other elements of the process.                                                                   propositions for each customer segment.
A healthy and consistently successful sales organization is                                        Account and Territory Assignments. Create a
constantly adapting its strategy, capabilities, and practices                                        sales channel plan by assigning types of sales
to its customers and markets.                                                                        resources (for example, general sales reps, key
  Figure 2. The Sales Organization                                                                   account reps, inside salespeople, independent
                                                                                                     resellers, distributors) to each customer segment
             Marketing Department                   Marketing Communications                         by territory.
                          Customer
                                                                                                   Sales Force Size and Structure. Determine the
                                Value
                                                                                                     number of sales resources to assign to each
                                                                                                     customer segment in each territory (specifically,
                                   Account and
Business      Sales                 Territory
                                    Assignments     Customer Care      Customer
                                                                                   Markets           how many and which customers each salesperson
Strategy     Strategy                                                               and
            (Go-to-Market)        Sales Force
                                                    Management         Care
                                                                                  Customers          will be responsible for). Determine the number
                                    Size and
                                    Structure                                                        of sales resources each sales manager will
                               Commercial
                                                                    Sales                            supervise and direct as well as the number and
                          Compensation
                             Plan                                                                    types of resources available to support individual
             Customer Knowledge (VOC) and Business Intelligence                                      salespeople or sales teams.
                             Processes and Standards                                               Commercial Policies. Establish commercial
                              Metrics and Feedback
                                                                                                     practices and policies governing pricing, contract
                                                                                                     terms, order management, order fulfillment,
The six essential dimensions that sales executives must                                              reporting, and so forth.
integrate and frequently tune to drive consistently high
                                                                                                   Compensation Plan. Set compensation rules for
performance are outlined below:
                                                                                                     each salesperson who achieves specific sales
1.	 Strategy and Structure                                                                           results. Have similar rules for sales teams and
                                                                                                     sales managers, as appropriate.
     Achieving consistently successful sales results
     requires a clear—and clearly communicated—sales                                              A very quick test can help executives determine the
     strategy based on the company or division business                                           strength of their Strategy and Structure dimension:
     strategy. Such a strategy also is essential for adapting                                     Simply ask a few salespeople and/or sales managers
     to inevitably changing market conditions, whether                                            to describe what they are accountable for, how they
     confronting threats or pursuing new opportunities.                                           select which customers to call on in their assigned
     Think of the strategy as the rudder of a ship,                                               territories (to meet their accountabilities), what
     maintaining direction under all weather conditions.                                          their value proposition is, and how that proposition
                                                                                                  addresses their customers’ needs better than the
     A company or division strategy must articulate three                                         competition does.
     components: a key business goal (such as growth,
     profit, or market share), the market in which it                                             Crisp, clear answers that are consistent across
     competes (target customer and geography), and its                                            several salespeople and managers indicate a clearly
     competitive advantage(s).1                                                                   communicated and supported sales strategy. Anything
                                                                                                  less reveals an opportunity for improved sales results
“In an astonishing number of                                                                      as well as vulnerability to competitive threats.
organizations, executives, frontline
employees, and all those in between
are frustrated because no clear strategy
exists for the company or its lines of
                                          —David J. Collis and Michael G. Rukstad,
                                             Harvard Business Review, April 2008              2
point of view
“Only 50 percent of                   According to a Forum          Onboarding and transitioning of new hires and
salespeople rated their               study of salespeople            newly promoted salespeople, sales managers,
                                      selling complex                 and senior leaders. The transition period from
company sales strategy                products or services            start date to “fully productive” is expensive and
as ‘very clear.’”                     in the U.S. and the             time consuming for any sales organization. Yet the
                                      U.K., only 50 percent           most effective sales organizations don’t hesitate
              —The Forum Corporation,
                           2008 study
                                      of salespeople rated            to invest in formally equipping their new hires for
                                      their company sales             success before they make their first sales call and
    strategy as “very clear.”2 What percentage of your                ensure they gain a strong foundation for ongoing
    sales force can clearly describe your sales strategy?             development.
                                                                    Training and development of salespeople, sales
2.	 Customer Knowledge
                                                                      managers, and senior leaders. Aberdeen Group’s
    To find, win, and keep customers, sales organizations             2010 global study of 835 sales organizations3
    must work to continuously understand current and                  found that best-in-class sales organizations
    prospective customer needs. An effective sales                    (which represented the top 20 percent of
    organization must have a robust and reliable means                Aberdeen’s sample) train their people twice as
    of collecting and analyzing data about its customers’             much as average and low-performing companies.
    buying behaviors and motives. This includes knowing               Regular, consistent talent development addresses
    not only quantities and purchase frequency, but also              knowledge of not only company products and
    why and how they make buying decisions.                           services—but also of selling skills, tools, and
   In addition to getting a glimpse into the “mind of                 methods; coaching skills; and senior leader skills.
   the customer,” effective sales organizations must                   High-performing sales organizations create and
                                         understand                    use competency models and career pathing linked
“Best-in-class performing                the dynamics                  to sales strategy and priorities to guide formal and
sales organizations train                of the industry               informal training curriculums. Well-planned, well-
                                         and market(s)                 executed talent development builds confident,
their people twice as much their customers                             high-performing sales teams aligned with their
as average and laggard-                  compete in as well            company sales strategy.
performing companies.”                   as the competitive
                                                                       To identify skill gaps and motivate salespeople
                                         forces they face.
                      —Aberdeen Group,                                 and sales leaders to up their game, 360-degree
                                         Today’s commercial
                              2010 study                               feedback (including customer viewpoints) is
                                         buyers expect
                                                                       frequently used in sales organizations.
   sellers to bring useful industry knowledge and insight
   to the table to help improve their business. Sales                  Coaching salespeople and coaching the coach
   organizations that fail to continually integrate customer           (sales manager) is one of the highest-impact
   understanding with industry insight in order to offer               activities a sales organization can implement to
   ever-increasing value propositions will be swept aside              boost sales performance–if coaches have the right
   by more agile and information-savvy competitors.                    skills and tools. Forum’s study of 111 senior sales
                                                                       executives around the world found that one of
3.	 Talent                                                             the four major categories that distinguish high-
    The sales force—salespeople, sales managers, senior                performing sales organizations is developing their
    sales leaders and sales support—ultimately must                    sales managers in three particular areas: coaching,
    execute on the sales strategy and bring unique and                 setting strategic direction, and motivating
    compelling value to customers in order to generate the             salespeople. In a follow-up study, Forum found
    revenue the company is counting on. To find, retain,               that only 30 percent of salespeople rated their
    and grow talent, sales organizations focus on four                 managers as highly effective in these three areas.4
    broad areas:                                                       Finally, developing senior sales leaders using
     Recruiting and hiring new sales talent. Work                    a combination of formal training, executive
       with your HR team to establish an ideal profile for             coaching, and developmental assignments is an
       each sales role, and insist that sales managers                 investment that can boost sales performance
       actively participate in your company’s recruiting               throughout the organization.
       and hiring process.

point of view
    Retention strategy and succession planning.                         What makes climate so powerful is that
      Replacing fully productive salespeople is not only
      expensive, time consuming, and revenue lowering,
                                                                          it is both manageable and linked to
      it also can leave customers and territories                         performance.
      vulnerable to advances from the competition.                            A highly engaged sales force has the energy and
      Highly effective sales organizations deliberately                       commitment to persevere in the face of all kinds
      seek to learn what it takes to retain the people they                   of marketplace challenges. This is a very stong
      want and put measures in place to accomplish                            advantage, especially during volatile, uncertain
      this. Growth and natural employee attrition (due                        times. A recent Forum study8 revealed climate as
      to retirement, for example) dictate that effective                      one of four main categories that distinguish high-
      organizations continuously identify candidates                          performing sales organizations from moderate
      for promotion and systematically prepare them to                        performers.
      assume greater responsibilities.                                        As a pioneer in organizational climate research, The
   Talent management is one area sales leaders cannot                         Forum Corporation has helped many clients improve
   delegate completely to others, be it HR or a training                      their climate over the past 40 years. Climate can be
   department, if they expect their sales teams to                            measured with a good deal of precision via surveys
   outperform the competition and consistently deliver                        that gauge employees’ perceptions of six factors.
   excellent results. Sales executives should partner with                    Sales managers can learn to apply specific practices
   in-house specialists from HR and training or an outside                    to strengthen these climate factors. The six climate
   sales training company to clarify priorities and set                       factors are:
   performance standards for hiring and developing their                       Clarity: Salespeople are clear about what is
   people.                                                                       expected of them.
   Sales leaders at all levels must actively participate in                    Standards: Management sets high performance
   recruiting new talent and in training, coaching, and                          standards and challenges people to improve.
   reinforcing what their people must know and do.
   According to the Aberdeen Group findings5, the senior                       Commitment: Salespeople are dedicated
   executives of a full 80 percent of best-in-class sales                        to achieving goals and contributing to the
   organizations are highly involved and supportive of                           organization’s success.
   sales training efforts.                                                     Responsibility: Salespeople feel personally
                                                                                 responsible for their work and accountable for
4.	 Climate                                                                      solving problems and making decisions without
   Employee engagement drives high performance, and a                            relying on others for direction.
   positive work climate increases engagement. Although                        Teamwork: People feel that they belong to an
   all can sense the climate in their organization and                           organization characterized by cohesion, mutual
   within their own team, few leaders understand that                            warmth, trust, and pride.
   climate is manageable and linked to performance.
                                                                               Recognition: Salespeople feel that excellent
“A positive work climate is not a fun-filled                                     performance is recognized and rewarded.
place, a lot of warm, fuzzy stuff, or a place                              5.	 Processes
for relaxation; it is a positive, supportive                                  There are four core processes all sales organizations
climate, which is conducive to creative,                                      must fully define and consistently follow to ensure
                                                                              high levels of effectiveness:
productive work.”
                                                                               New customer acquisition. High-performing
                                           —Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D.,              sales organizations consistently follow an explicit
                 “The Positive Psychology of Climate Management”6
                                                                                 business development process. This begins with
                                                                                 some kind of lead generation or prospecting
   Numerous studies confirm that the actions of an                               plan and activities for finding qualified sales
   employee’s manager are the main determinant of                                opportunities. The process continues on from
   climate. Daniel Goleman’s study of the behavior                               initial opportunity to proposal, close, and
   of 3,781 leaders found that those whose style has                             follow-up. This is sometimes called a selling
   a positive effect on climate have decidedly better                            methodology or selling system.
   financial results. His analysis suggests that climate
   accounts for nearly one third of the results.7

point of view
    Low-performing organizations allow their                       of salespeople and sales managers (Success
    salespeople to follow whatever process they                    Dimension 3) for application and continuous
    want. High-performing organizations implement                  improvement. And, as with any process, each
    and continuously improve a consistent and                      one should include key metrics and performance
    reliable selling process across their entire sales             targets.
                                                             6.	 Support Systems
 Existing customer retention and growth.
                                                                High-performing sales organizations invest in
   Similar to new customer acquisition, effective
                                                                support practices and systems to boost the
   sales organizations follow an explicit process for
                                                                engagement and motivation of their sales teams
   managing customer relationships in a way that
                                                                and ensure salespeople are well equipped to
   builds value from the customer’s viewpoint and
                                                                serve customers, compete successfully, and work
   enables the salesperson to uncover and develop
                                                                productively. The following core support systems are
   new sales opportunities. This process typically
                                                                found in such organizations:
   includes regular customer review meetings to
   discuss supplier performance and perceived                    Competitive intelligence. Best-in-class sales
   customer value. Again, high-performing sales                    organizations collect and analyze intelligence
   organizations insist that all salespeople follow                about the competition and provide their
   the same reliable process.                                      salespeople with summaries that include
                                                                   advice on how to position against competitors’
 Opportunity management (funnel or pipeline
                                                                   strengths and vulnerabilities. They identify the
   management). This core process is for sales
                                                                   top two or three competitors in each market
   managers who are directly responsible for
                                                                   and monitor their account activity, seeking to
   salespeople. It serves several crucial purposes:
                                                                   understand and exploit their sales strategy. They
    –– Generates a reliable forecast of orders                     anticipate and prepare for emerging competitors
       and revenue required for both financial                     and pay close attention to their customers’
       management and production planning                          moves to produce products/services themselves
    –– Enables sales managers to assist in                         so that they can develop value propositions to
       advancing a sales opportunity toward closing                defeat these moves.
       and allocate sales support resources to                   Sales support personnel. McKinsey reported
       various sales opportunities                                 in 2009 that, during the most severe recession
    –– Ensures consistent application of the selling               in 80 years, high-performing sales organizations
       processes described above                                   maintained (and even increased) their level of
                                                                   sales support to optimize customer contact time
    –– Reveals situations for coaching salespeople                 for their salespeople.
       in performance improvement
                                                                   According to McKinsey, the key to sizing sales
 Customer service/customer care. This
                                                                   support is to “examine the customer portfolio.
   process ensures products and services are
                                                                   How much effort really goes into each customer
   delivered to customers as promised, revenue
                                                                   and transaction? Which services does each of
   flows as forecast, opportunities to increase order
                                                                   them need? What are their real profit margins?
   size and/or sell new orders are recognized and
                                                                   Which customers and markets are growing, and
   immediately acted upon, and customer problem
                                                                   which are shrinking? Understanding customers
   reports are fixed promptly.
                                                                   allows companies to focus sales resources
    This process may be managed outside the sales                  where they are needed and to cut waste, not
    organization, but it is nevertheless critical that             value.”9 Determine the percentage of time your
    sales leaders ensure it works consistently and                 salespeople spend preparing for and meeting
    effectively. Customer loyalty, additional sales,               with customers, and consider how to increase
    and referrals to new prospects depend on high-                 this percentage through more effective sales
    quality customer care processes.                               support.
    To be most effective, all four processes must                Performance management (including
    integrate a company’s sales strategy (Success                  standards and accountabilities). Set clear,
    Dimension 1) with its customers’ buying                        achievable performance goals in at least two key
    process (Successs Dimension 2). Further, these                 areas: sales quota and sales activities. Ensure
    processes depend on the skill and discipline                   they align with the overall sales organization

point of view
    goals and strategy. Measure performance and                            products, services, pricing, methods, policies,
    provide feedback to salespeople and managers                           procedures, and so forth. Rather than having
    regularly (at least monthly, although daily and                        sales reps spend precious time trying to learn
    weekly reporting can be effective for some                             and remember ever-growing amounts of
    goals). Apply standards consistently throughout                        company information, shift to a system that
    the organization, and hold people accountable.                         enables them to quickly find what they need,
    Conduct formal employee performance reviews                            when they need it.
    at least annually.                                                  –– Business intelligence. This is a collection of
 Rewards and recognition. These include                                  systems (and arguably another process in
   finding opportunities to formally and informally                        its own right) that helps sales professionals
   recognize outstanding contributions to the                              make use of data from three areas: customer-
   business and establishing written sales incentive                       specific buying patterns, industry-specific
   compensation plans consistent with the overall                          trends, and macroeconomic trends. At a
   sales strategy and goals. An achievable quota                           minimum, salespeople should have access
   within their assigned accounts or territory                             to basic customer and industry data to
   is critical to motivating and retaining good                            prepare them to speak knowledgeably
   salespeople.                                                            during customer calls. High-performing
 Business scorecard with predictive metrics.                 What return should a sales leader
   Establish and publish a scorecard that reports
   the “critical few” measures: financial, customer            promise the CEO for investing in the
   behavior (such as wins, retention rate, and so              sales organization?
   on), sales activities (pipeline quality, quantity,
   velocity, and so on), and sales force engagement                        sales organizations are gaining competitive
   or climate (Success Dimension 4). Salespeople,                          advantage by crunching customer-proprietary
   sales leaders at all levels, and sales support                          data with more widely available market
   teams should all receive regular scorecard                              information to generate insights for their
   reports that are relevant to their accountabilities                     customers and to uncover new opportunities
   and clearly linked to the sales strategy.                               to help their customers create more value.

 Information systems. All management systems
   rely on timely, robust information to operate
                                                               Is Your Sales Organization Ready for
   effectively. Sales leaders should require their             Tomorrow’s Challenges?
   information systems to supply actionable data in            CEOs want more predictable results from their sales
   at least the following key areas:                           organizations. Gone are the days (if they ever truly
    –– Financial data. Provides a picture of total             existed) when a sales leader could simply hire lots of
       revenue and profitability (at least gross profit)       high-energy outgoing sales reps, turn them loose to make
       that can be sorted in any number of ways,               customer calls from morning to night, and be assured of a
       including by customer, sales rep, sales team,           predictable, ever-increasing revenue stream. Commercial
       region, industry, channel, weekly, monthly,             selling is as demanding today as other business functions,
       and yearly. Financial data also should                  including finance, marketing, RD, and supply chain
       supply sufficient cost information for use in           management—yet in many companies sales force
       managing sales force productivity.                      management and sales force effectiveness lag significantly
                                                               compared to other business disciplines. Very few business
    –– Customer relationship data. SFA/CRM (sales              schools have caught up to the needs of commercial sales
       force automation/customer relationship                  executives. The Forum Corporation is ready to help you
       management) platforms have become a must                now.
       for any company selling multiple products in
       multiple customer segments. They allow sales            Contact Forum to discuss how our sales force
       reps and sales leaders to track and maintain            effectiveness assessment can illuminate opportunities to
       sales activity and customer interaction                 increase the performance of your sales force. If you have
       history, and they house extensive customer              already determined how to improve your sales organization
       contact infomation.                                     and are in the process of either designing or implementing
                                                               changes, Forum can help you rapidly execute those
    –– Knowledge management. This should be an                 changes and sustain the gains from your investment.
       easily searchable current repository of all
       available information regarding a company’s

point of view

1.	   For an excellent straightforward discussion of strategy, see “Can You Say What Your Strategy Is?” by David J. Collis and Michael G. Rukstad,
      Harvard Business Review, April 2008.

2.	   “Sales Force Effectiveness: A Street Level View,” research report, The Forum Corporation, 2008.

3.	   “Sales Training: Deploying Knowledge, Process and Technology to Consistently Hit Quota,” research report, Aberdeen Group, 2010.

4.	   “Sales Force Effectiveness: A Street Level View,” research report, The Forum Corporation, 2008.

5.	   “Sales Training: Deploying Knowledge, Process and Technology to Consistently Hit Quota,” research report, Aberdeen Group, 2010.

6.	   Paul T. P. Wong. “The Positive Psychology of Climate Management,” president’s column, International Network on Personal Meaning, August 2001.

7.	   Daniel Goleman. “Leadership That Gets Results,” Harvard Business Review, March-April 2000.

8.	   “How Sales Forces Sustain Competitive Advantage,” research report, The Forum Corporation, 2004.

9.	   Anupam Agarwal, Eric Harmon, and Michael Viertler. “Cutting Sales Costs, Not Revenues,” The McKinsey Quarterly, 2009.

 Forum is a recognized global leader in linking learning to
 strategic business objectives. Our learning solutions help
 organizations effectively execute their business strategies
 by focusing on their most important asset: their people. We
 provide clients with practical and research-based advice
 and tailored programs that mobilize employees, accelerate
 business-initiative implementation, and improve agility.
 Forum’s 40-year legacy as a pioneer and thought leader
 continues with the release of our latest book, Strategic Speed
 (Harvard Business Press).

 For more information, visit

 © 2012 The Forum Corporation


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  • 1. point of view Six Essentials for Sales Force Success Authored by Jeffrey Baker Sales organizations face some tough challenges these “There is no ‘magic bullet,’ but building on days. Among them is the fact that, while CEOs and boards of directors are expecting ever greater performance, the basics works.” customers are carefully managing risks and demanding —The Forum Corporation, “How Sales Forces Sustain Competitive Advantage” greater value. To deliver on shareholder demands for stronger EPS The Forum Corporation has been helping sales growth, sales and marketing executives are under pressure organizations improve effectiveness and performance to increase revenue, profitability, and market share. They for 40 years, primarily through building the skills and are tasked with: holding onto and expanding business knowledge salespeople and their leaders need to with current customers while at the same time finding and consistently win in their markets. winning new customers Our research and client experience reveal that, while in existing markets; skillful, engaged salespeople and sales managers are “Business growth is entering new markets; and critically important, they alone are not sufficient for a the No. 1 concern of defending their turf against complex commercial selling organization to achieve its CEOs in the U.S. and known competitors and goals in today’s fast-paced, hypercompetitive markets. unforeseen threats. Today’s successful sales organizations understand the six globally.” Leaders are examining essential dimensions for sales success (see Figure 1). —The Conference Board, the effectiveness of every “2011 CEO Challenge” Figure 1 aspect of their companies like never before—even extending into the sales and marketing realm, often for the first time. Furthermore, as CEOs and CFOs scan for Six Success Dimensions the best use of capital, many are unsure of the return they should expect for an investment in their sales organization. 1. Strategy and Structure 2. Customer Knowledge What kind of ROI commitment should the head of sales 3. Talent make to her CEO? What areas of investment are likely 4. Climate to yield the best return? Would more salespeople, better 5. Processes training, newer technology, or perhaps a whole new sales 6. Support Systems strategy do the trick? The answers to these questions lie in fully understanding the operational effectiveness of the sales force. By analyzing the many interdependent elements of a sales organization both systemically and contextually, executives can make confident decisions on where to invest their energy, talent, and money to gain the greatest lift in performance.
  • 2. point of view The interdependent nature of these six dimensions is With a clear and common understanding of their illustrated in Figure 2 (below). Moving from left to right, business strategy, the heads of Sales and Marketing we see that Business Strategy necessarily precedes and their respective senior teams can develop a sales and informs the other elements of a sales organization’s strategy, sometimes called a go-to-market strategy, process as it flows toward Markets and Customers, that addresses these key elements: the ultimate focus of a sales organization. Information Customer Segmentation. Segment or group from Markets and Customers flows back into the sales customers according to a shared set of organization and is captured and sorted as Customer characteristics. Knowledge (VOC, or Voice of the Customer) and Business Intelligence, both of which provide important feedback to Value Proposition. Establish compelling value all other elements of the process. propositions for each customer segment. A healthy and consistently successful sales organization is Account and Territory Assignments. Create a constantly adapting its strategy, capabilities, and practices sales channel plan by assigning types of sales to its customers and markets. resources (for example, general sales reps, key Figure 2. The Sales Organization account reps, inside salespeople, independent resellers, distributors) to each customer segment Marketing Department Marketing Communications by territory.   Customer Sales Force Size and Structure. Determine the Segmentation   Value Sales Management Direct Sales number of sales resources to assign to each Proposition customer segment in each territory (specifically,   Account and Business Sales Territory Assignments Customer Care Customer Markets how many and which customers each salesperson Strategy Strategy and (Go-to-Market)   Sales Force Management Care Customers will be responsible for). Determine the number Size and Structure of sales resources each sales manager will   Commercial Policies Channel Management Indirect Sales supervise and direct as well as the number and   Compensation Plan types of resources available to support individual Customer Knowledge (VOC) and Business Intelligence salespeople or sales teams. Processes and Standards Commercial Policies. Establish commercial Metrics and Feedback practices and policies governing pricing, contract terms, order management, order fulfillment, The six essential dimensions that sales executives must reporting, and so forth. integrate and frequently tune to drive consistently high Compensation Plan. Set compensation rules for performance are outlined below: each salesperson who achieves specific sales 1. Strategy and Structure results. Have similar rules for sales teams and sales managers, as appropriate. Achieving consistently successful sales results requires a clear—and clearly communicated—sales A very quick test can help executives determine the strategy based on the company or division business strength of their Strategy and Structure dimension: strategy. Such a strategy also is essential for adapting Simply ask a few salespeople and/or sales managers to inevitably changing market conditions, whether to describe what they are accountable for, how they confronting threats or pursuing new opportunities. select which customers to call on in their assigned Think of the strategy as the rudder of a ship, territories (to meet their accountabilities), what maintaining direction under all weather conditions. their value proposition is, and how that proposition addresses their customers’ needs better than the A company or division strategy must articulate three competition does. components: a key business goal (such as growth, profit, or market share), the market in which it Crisp, clear answers that are consistent across competes (target customer and geography), and its several salespeople and managers indicate a clearly competitive advantage(s).1 communicated and supported sales strategy. Anything less reveals an opportunity for improved sales results “In an astonishing number of as well as vulnerability to competitive threats. organizations, executives, frontline employees, and all those in between are frustrated because no clear strategy exists for the company or its lines of business.” —David J. Collis and Michael G. Rukstad, Harvard Business Review, April 2008 2
  • 3. point of view “Only 50 percent of According to a Forum Onboarding and transitioning of new hires and salespeople rated their study of salespeople newly promoted salespeople, sales managers, selling complex and senior leaders. The transition period from company sales strategy products or services start date to “fully productive” is expensive and as ‘very clear.’” in the U.S. and the time consuming for any sales organization. Yet the U.K., only 50 percent most effective sales organizations don’t hesitate —The Forum Corporation, 2008 study of salespeople rated to invest in formally equipping their new hires for their company sales success before they make their first sales call and strategy as “very clear.”2 What percentage of your ensure they gain a strong foundation for ongoing sales force can clearly describe your sales strategy? development. Training and development of salespeople, sales 2. Customer Knowledge managers, and senior leaders. Aberdeen Group’s To find, win, and keep customers, sales organizations 2010 global study of 835 sales organizations3 must work to continuously understand current and found that best-in-class sales organizations prospective customer needs. An effective sales (which represented the top 20 percent of organization must have a robust and reliable means Aberdeen’s sample) train their people twice as of collecting and analyzing data about its customers’ much as average and low-performing companies. buying behaviors and motives. This includes knowing Regular, consistent talent development addresses not only quantities and purchase frequency, but also knowledge of not only company products and why and how they make buying decisions. services—but also of selling skills, tools, and In addition to getting a glimpse into the “mind of methods; coaching skills; and senior leader skills. the customer,” effective sales organizations must High-performing sales organizations create and understand use competency models and career pathing linked “Best-in-class performing the dynamics to sales strategy and priorities to guide formal and sales organizations train of the industry informal training curriculums. Well-planned, well- and market(s) executed talent development builds confident, their people twice as much their customers high-performing sales teams aligned with their as average and laggard- compete in as well company sales strategy. performing companies.” as the competitive To identify skill gaps and motivate salespeople forces they face. —Aberdeen Group, and sales leaders to up their game, 360-degree Today’s commercial 2010 study feedback (including customer viewpoints) is buyers expect frequently used in sales organizations. sellers to bring useful industry knowledge and insight to the table to help improve their business. Sales Coaching salespeople and coaching the coach organizations that fail to continually integrate customer (sales manager) is one of the highest-impact understanding with industry insight in order to offer activities a sales organization can implement to ever-increasing value propositions will be swept aside boost sales performance–if coaches have the right by more agile and information-savvy competitors. skills and tools. Forum’s study of 111 senior sales executives around the world found that one of 3. Talent the four major categories that distinguish high- The sales force—salespeople, sales managers, senior performing sales organizations is developing their sales leaders and sales support—ultimately must sales managers in three particular areas: coaching, execute on the sales strategy and bring unique and setting strategic direction, and motivating compelling value to customers in order to generate the salespeople. In a follow-up study, Forum found revenue the company is counting on. To find, retain, that only 30 percent of salespeople rated their and grow talent, sales organizations focus on four managers as highly effective in these three areas.4 broad areas: Finally, developing senior sales leaders using Recruiting and hiring new sales talent. Work a combination of formal training, executive with your HR team to establish an ideal profile for coaching, and developmental assignments is an each sales role, and insist that sales managers investment that can boost sales performance actively participate in your company’s recruiting throughout the organization. and hiring process. 3
  • 4. point of view Retention strategy and succession planning. What makes climate so powerful is that Replacing fully productive salespeople is not only expensive, time consuming, and revenue lowering, it is both manageable and linked to it also can leave customers and territories performance. vulnerable to advances from the competition. A highly engaged sales force has the energy and Highly effective sales organizations deliberately commitment to persevere in the face of all kinds seek to learn what it takes to retain the people they of marketplace challenges. This is a very stong want and put measures in place to accomplish advantage, especially during volatile, uncertain this. Growth and natural employee attrition (due times. A recent Forum study8 revealed climate as to retirement, for example) dictate that effective one of four main categories that distinguish high- organizations continuously identify candidates performing sales organizations from moderate for promotion and systematically prepare them to performers. assume greater responsibilities. As a pioneer in organizational climate research, The Talent management is one area sales leaders cannot Forum Corporation has helped many clients improve delegate completely to others, be it HR or a training their climate over the past 40 years. Climate can be department, if they expect their sales teams to measured with a good deal of precision via surveys outperform the competition and consistently deliver that gauge employees’ perceptions of six factors. excellent results. Sales executives should partner with Sales managers can learn to apply specific practices in-house specialists from HR and training or an outside to strengthen these climate factors. The six climate sales training company to clarify priorities and set factors are: performance standards for hiring and developing their Clarity: Salespeople are clear about what is people. expected of them. Sales leaders at all levels must actively participate in Standards: Management sets high performance recruiting new talent and in training, coaching, and standards and challenges people to improve. reinforcing what their people must know and do. According to the Aberdeen Group findings5, the senior Commitment: Salespeople are dedicated executives of a full 80 percent of best-in-class sales to achieving goals and contributing to the organizations are highly involved and supportive of organization’s success. sales training efforts. Responsibility: Salespeople feel personally responsible for their work and accountable for 4. Climate solving problems and making decisions without Employee engagement drives high performance, and a relying on others for direction. positive work climate increases engagement. Although Teamwork: People feel that they belong to an all can sense the climate in their organization and organization characterized by cohesion, mutual within their own team, few leaders understand that warmth, trust, and pride. climate is manageable and linked to performance. Recognition: Salespeople feel that excellent “A positive work climate is not a fun-filled performance is recognized and rewarded. place, a lot of warm, fuzzy stuff, or a place 5. Processes for relaxation; it is a positive, supportive There are four core processes all sales organizations climate, which is conducive to creative, must fully define and consistently follow to ensure high levels of effectiveness: productive work.” New customer acquisition. High-performing —Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., sales organizations consistently follow an explicit “The Positive Psychology of Climate Management”6 business development process. This begins with some kind of lead generation or prospecting Numerous studies confirm that the actions of an plan and activities for finding qualified sales employee’s manager are the main determinant of opportunities. The process continues on from climate. Daniel Goleman’s study of the behavior initial opportunity to proposal, close, and of 3,781 leaders found that those whose style has follow-up. This is sometimes called a selling a positive effect on climate have decidedly better methodology or selling system. financial results. His analysis suggests that climate accounts for nearly one third of the results.7 4
  • 5. point of view Low-performing organizations allow their of salespeople and sales managers (Success salespeople to follow whatever process they Dimension 3) for application and continuous want. High-performing organizations implement improvement. And, as with any process, each and continuously improve a consistent and one should include key metrics and performance reliable selling process across their entire sales targets. force. 6. Support Systems Existing customer retention and growth. High-performing sales organizations invest in Similar to new customer acquisition, effective support practices and systems to boost the sales organizations follow an explicit process for engagement and motivation of their sales teams managing customer relationships in a way that and ensure salespeople are well equipped to builds value from the customer’s viewpoint and serve customers, compete successfully, and work enables the salesperson to uncover and develop productively. The following core support systems are new sales opportunities. This process typically found in such organizations: includes regular customer review meetings to discuss supplier performance and perceived Competitive intelligence. Best-in-class sales customer value. Again, high-performing sales organizations collect and analyze intelligence organizations insist that all salespeople follow about the competition and provide their the same reliable process. salespeople with summaries that include advice on how to position against competitors’ Opportunity management (funnel or pipeline strengths and vulnerabilities. They identify the management). This core process is for sales top two or three competitors in each market managers who are directly responsible for and monitor their account activity, seeking to salespeople. It serves several crucial purposes: understand and exploit their sales strategy. They –– Generates a reliable forecast of orders anticipate and prepare for emerging competitors and revenue required for both financial and pay close attention to their customers’ management and production planning moves to produce products/services themselves –– Enables sales managers to assist in so that they can develop value propositions to advancing a sales opportunity toward closing defeat these moves. and allocate sales support resources to Sales support personnel. McKinsey reported various sales opportunities in 2009 that, during the most severe recession –– Ensures consistent application of the selling in 80 years, high-performing sales organizations processes described above maintained (and even increased) their level of sales support to optimize customer contact time –– Reveals situations for coaching salespeople for their salespeople. in performance improvement According to McKinsey, the key to sizing sales Customer service/customer care. This support is to “examine the customer portfolio. process ensures products and services are How much effort really goes into each customer delivered to customers as promised, revenue and transaction? Which services does each of flows as forecast, opportunities to increase order them need? What are their real profit margins? size and/or sell new orders are recognized and Which customers and markets are growing, and immediately acted upon, and customer problem which are shrinking? Understanding customers reports are fixed promptly. allows companies to focus sales resources This process may be managed outside the sales where they are needed and to cut waste, not organization, but it is nevertheless critical that value.”9 Determine the percentage of time your sales leaders ensure it works consistently and salespeople spend preparing for and meeting effectively. Customer loyalty, additional sales, with customers, and consider how to increase and referrals to new prospects depend on high- this percentage through more effective sales quality customer care processes. support. To be most effective, all four processes must Performance management (including integrate a company’s sales strategy (Success standards and accountabilities). Set clear, Dimension 1) with its customers’ buying achievable performance goals in at least two key process (Successs Dimension 2). Further, these areas: sales quota and sales activities. Ensure processes depend on the skill and discipline they align with the overall sales organization 5
  • 6. point of view goals and strategy. Measure performance and products, services, pricing, methods, policies, provide feedback to salespeople and managers procedures, and so forth. Rather than having regularly (at least monthly, although daily and sales reps spend precious time trying to learn weekly reporting can be effective for some and remember ever-growing amounts of goals). Apply standards consistently throughout company information, shift to a system that the organization, and hold people accountable. enables them to quickly find what they need, Conduct formal employee performance reviews when they need it. at least annually. –– Business intelligence. This is a collection of Rewards and recognition. These include systems (and arguably another process in finding opportunities to formally and informally its own right) that helps sales professionals recognize outstanding contributions to the make use of data from three areas: customer- business and establishing written sales incentive specific buying patterns, industry-specific compensation plans consistent with the overall trends, and macroeconomic trends. At a sales strategy and goals. An achievable quota minimum, salespeople should have access within their assigned accounts or territory to basic customer and industry data to is critical to motivating and retaining good prepare them to speak knowledgeably salespeople. during customer calls. High-performing Business scorecard with predictive metrics. What return should a sales leader Establish and publish a scorecard that reports the “critical few” measures: financial, customer promise the CEO for investing in the behavior (such as wins, retention rate, and so sales organization? on), sales activities (pipeline quality, quantity, velocity, and so on), and sales force engagement sales organizations are gaining competitive or climate (Success Dimension 4). Salespeople, advantage by crunching customer-proprietary sales leaders at all levels, and sales support data with more widely available market teams should all receive regular scorecard information to generate insights for their reports that are relevant to their accountabilities customers and to uncover new opportunities and clearly linked to the sales strategy. to help their customers create more value. Information systems. All management systems rely on timely, robust information to operate Is Your Sales Organization Ready for effectively. Sales leaders should require their Tomorrow’s Challenges? information systems to supply actionable data in CEOs want more predictable results from their sales at least the following key areas: organizations. Gone are the days (if they ever truly –– Financial data. Provides a picture of total existed) when a sales leader could simply hire lots of revenue and profitability (at least gross profit) high-energy outgoing sales reps, turn them loose to make that can be sorted in any number of ways, customer calls from morning to night, and be assured of a including by customer, sales rep, sales team, predictable, ever-increasing revenue stream. Commercial region, industry, channel, weekly, monthly, selling is as demanding today as other business functions, and yearly. Financial data also should including finance, marketing, RD, and supply chain supply sufficient cost information for use in management—yet in many companies sales force managing sales force productivity. management and sales force effectiveness lag significantly compared to other business disciplines. Very few business –– Customer relationship data. SFA/CRM (sales schools have caught up to the needs of commercial sales force automation/customer relationship executives. The Forum Corporation is ready to help you management) platforms have become a must now. for any company selling multiple products in multiple customer segments. They allow sales Contact Forum to discuss how our sales force reps and sales leaders to track and maintain effectiveness assessment can illuminate opportunities to sales activity and customer interaction increase the performance of your sales force. If you have history, and they house extensive customer already determined how to improve your sales organization contact infomation. and are in the process of either designing or implementing changes, Forum can help you rapidly execute those –– Knowledge management. This should be an changes and sustain the gains from your investment. easily searchable current repository of all available information regarding a company’s 6
  • 7. point of view Endnotes: 1. For an excellent straightforward discussion of strategy, see “Can You Say What Your Strategy Is?” by David J. Collis and Michael G. Rukstad, Harvard Business Review, April 2008. 2. “Sales Force Effectiveness: A Street Level View,” research report, The Forum Corporation, 2008. 3. “Sales Training: Deploying Knowledge, Process and Technology to Consistently Hit Quota,” research report, Aberdeen Group, 2010. 4. “Sales Force Effectiveness: A Street Level View,” research report, The Forum Corporation, 2008. 5. “Sales Training: Deploying Knowledge, Process and Technology to Consistently Hit Quota,” research report, Aberdeen Group, 2010. 6. Paul T. P. Wong. “The Positive Psychology of Climate Management,” president’s column, International Network on Personal Meaning, August 2001. 7. Daniel Goleman. “Leadership That Gets Results,” Harvard Business Review, March-April 2000. 8. “How Sales Forces Sustain Competitive Advantage,” research report, The Forum Corporation, 2004. 9. Anupam Agarwal, Eric Harmon, and Michael Viertler. “Cutting Sales Costs, Not Revenues,” The McKinsey Quarterly, 2009. Forum is a recognized global leader in linking learning to strategic business objectives. Our learning solutions help organizations effectively execute their business strategies by focusing on their most important asset: their people. We provide clients with practical and research-based advice and tailored programs that mobilize employees, accelerate business-initiative implementation, and improve agility. Forum’s 40-year legacy as a pioneer and thought leader continues with the release of our latest book, Strategic Speed (Harvard Business Press). For more information, visit © 2012 The Forum Corporation 7