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research brief
 How to Engage Senior-Level Decision
 Makers: Point of View Selling
 by Jeffrey Baker and Tom Atkinson, Ph.D.

 What is the secret to gaining access to and engaging in productive dialogue with senior-level decision makers?
 This Research Brief reveals key insights into the minds of those sought-after buyers and what it takes to gain
 access to them.

 Because more sales leaders are directing their teams to call higher in customer organizations and more
 salespeople are attempting to do so, The Forum Corporation decided to conduct research on this critical selling
 challenge. Based on our findings, we developed and recently released a new sales skills training capability
 called Point of View Selling, which teaches advanced selling practices and tools. We created this report, drawn
 from our full research, as a planning guide for sales leaders who want their salespeople to call higher.

  Success in selling at higher levels in customer organizations requires a different approach
  from the one most salespeople are using today.

 Success in selling at higher levels in customer organizations requires a different approach from the one most
 salespeople are using today. This is because senior-level decision makers have a very different perspective
 compared to that of the mid- and lower-level buyers salespeople call on more typically.

 The more senior a leader is in an organization, the more that leader must focus on setting strategy and ensuring
 successful strategy execution. Because these leaders are primarily concerned with identifying and prioritizing
 which problems need solving and with assigning people and resources to tackle them, a consultative selling
 approach—probing for problems and offering possible solutions—will not interest them. Since these
 executives continually scan the horizon for new opportunities and looming threats, what does get their attention
 is showing them something significant they had not seen, or could not see clearly, and helping them determine
 whether it is worth their time to more fully investigate. The key to accessing and engaging senior-level decision
 makers is educating them about new, and sometimes provocative, ideas for capturing significant business
 value or managing serious risk. We call this “point of view selling.”

 Just how open are senior-level decision makers to outsiders, particularly supplier salespeople, who seek to
 share a new idea with them? To answer this question we sought responses from buyers who indicated they
 1) had influence over or could access budgets, and 2) had responsibilities that directly and significantly
 impacted their company’s profitability, from either a revenue or cost standpoint, or both. We considered these
 two criteria most relevant for identifying “senior-level decision makers.” As salespeople, we should be keen to
 talk with customers not because of their management rank but because they wield a high degree of influence in
 driving company results and directing company resources.

 We conducted an electronic survey of a global sample of business decision makers as defined above. The 231
 respondents represented a broad cross-section of industries and company sizes, ranging from under US $100
 million in annual revenue to over US $1 billion. The group also reflected a range of functions (such as
 corporate, engineering, sales, and operations) and a range of responsibility, from frontline managers to C-level
 executives. The survey demographic details are presented in the Appendix.


                                                                                                   Grow. Change. Perform.
The survey asked these decision makers which business issues they were most concerned about and how they
viewed using outside resources in helping them address these issues. We wanted to understand the conditions
under which they invited outsiders, such as suppliers, consultants, and academic experts, to help them with
their thinking. We also wanted to understand what outside resources do that helps or hinders them in engaging
senior-level decision makers and how these decision makers approach investment decisions.

The Findings in Brief 1
1. When looking for answers, decision makers take an “inside-out” approach.
   Decision makers rated their own expertise and experience as most helpful when tackling a business
   problem. They considered their direct reports as next most helpful, followed by experts in other parts of the
   company, customers, outside experts, and peers in other companies. They rated the input of suppliers as
   lowest in helpfulness. 2

                    How helpful were sources with whom you may have
                     consulted to more fully understand and develop a
                                  response to the issue?

                   Your own experience and expertise
      Experience and expertise of your direct reports
               Experts in other parts of your company
                         Experts outside the company
                             Peers in other companies

                                                           3.4   3.5    3.6      3.7   3.8     3.9    4    4.1    4.2
                                                                              1 = Not at all/5 = Very
                                                                                   great extent

    Implication: Suppliers must work hard to demonstrate that they add value to the decision-making process
    and not assume that decision makers will rely on them for expertise.

  A note on regional differences: The survey sample includes English-speaking respondents from six countries in North
America, Europe, and Asia. The trends reported here did not vary significantly by country or region.
  Differences exceeding .12 points are statistically significant at p<.05.


                                                                                                          Grow. Change. Perform.
2. Decision makers value suppliers and other outside resources who know their business and industry
   and are easy to work with.
   We asked decision makers to consider an array of criteria for selecting outside resources to help them
   solve business problems. The criteria they rated as most important were “knows my industry,” “is easy to
   work with,” and “knows my business.” Criteria rated least important were “knowing me,” “knowing
   business leaders,” and “reinforcing my existing thinking.”

                   When consulting outside resources to help you address this
                   and other critical business issues, what criteria were most
                   important to you in deciding to work with them? (Q17)-All
                   Knows my industry
                  Is easy to work with
                   Knows my business
     Shows me alternative solutions
                           Is accessible
            Diagnoses the root cause
                Has specific expertise
       Identifies risks to my business
        Offers new or unique insights
                Has strong reputation
         Presents complete solutions
         Helps me evaluate solutions
                  Considers my needs
          Provides low-cost solutions
              Challenges my thinking
                Knows my customers
                         Calculates ROI
     Educates my colleagues and me
      Reinforces my existing thinking
              Knows business leaders
                             Knows me

                                           3.3   3.4    3.5      3.6     3.7      3.8     3.9       4      4.1    4.2
                                                       1 = Not at all important/5 = Critically important

   Implication: Suppliers must prove their value early on by demonstrating relevant business knowledge.
   While they must be viewed as easy to work with, the value they bring must go beyond managing personal
   relationships and “telling customers what they want to hear.”


                                                                                                            Grow. Change. Perform.
3. The best way to gain a customer’s attention to a new idea for improving their business is to make a
   compelling, “live” (face-to-face or virtual) presentation.
   When we asked respondents how suppliers were able to gain their attention to a new idea, about two-thirds
   of responses (64 percent) referred to the medium of contact and one third to the content of the message.

   Regarding the medium, more than half (53 percent) of responses indicated that a live interaction, such as a
   face-to-face meeting or virtual meeting, was most effective. Fewer than 20 percent thought that phone
   calls (18 percent), e-mail messages (17 percent), or mail (12 percent) were most effective.

                 How did the supplier gain your
                     attention? (Medium)


                   17%                             Phone
                                 53%               E-mail
                  18%                              Mail

   Regarding the message, the most common responses were that the idea needed to be compelling (41
   percent), be supported by data (25 percent), promise cost savings (19 percent), and be illustrated with
   examples (15 percent).

                 How did the supplier gain your
                    attention? (Message)

                                                 Compelling idea
                                   41%           Convincing data
                                                 Demonstrated savings


   Implication: While e-mail messages, phone calls, and mailings might pave the way for a first meeting with
   the customer, there is no substitute for a “live” meeting to gain the customer’s attention to the idea. When
   suppliers are able to gain an audience with their customer, they must be extremely well prepared to get their
   idea across in a compelling way and provide documentation and examples to support the message.


                                                                                                 Grow. Change. Perform.
4. When considering the plausibility of an idea, most customers evaluate its benefits and drawbacks to
   their business, versus focusing only on cost.
   Respondents tended to consider ideas plausible if they were supported by examples and references (19
   percent), if they showed clear benefit to their business (18 percent), if they were supported by research (14
   percent), and if the idea was consistent with their thinking (13 percent). No respondents considered cost
   alone in evaluating plausibility.

                          What convinced you the idea was plausible?

                                                                           Examples, references
                          4%                                               Clear benefits
                     6%                                                    Research/data

                                                                           Reinforced customer's thinking
                                                                           Ease of implementation

                                                        18%                Logic

                 10%                                                       Quality report

                                                                           Confident salesperson

                            13%            14%                             Track record/brand

                                                                           New/unique insights

    Implication: Suppliers must build a solid case for their idea by showing how it adds value to the customer’s
    business, including both examples and stories as well as “hard data” that demonstrate the viability of the


                                                                                                   Grow. Change. Perform.
5. The most important factors for a customer to gain confidence in taking action on a new idea are
   evidence of effectiveness, previous experience, and support of others in their company.
   Respondents cited these factors most often as leading to confidence: evidence of prior results (23
   percent), the customer’s previous experience (13 percent), analysis of costs versus benefits (12 percent),
   and the confidence of their team (10 percent).

                       What gave you confidence in moving ahead?

                                                                        Evidence/prior results
                             5%                                         Fits with customer belief/experience

                       8%                        23%                    Costs vs. benefits

                                                                        Confidence of internal team
                                                                        Robust plan

                                                                        Experienced supplier/trust
                  9%                                   13%
                                                                        Great idea

                                                                        Low risk/high return
                                             12%                        Support of senior management
                                                                        Ability to pilot test

    Implication: In order to encourage the customer to take action on the idea, the supplier must not only build
    a case, but also help the customer gain buy-in from other stakeholders.


                                                                                                 Grow. Change. Perform.
6. The most important actions to avoid in proposing a new idea to a customer are being “pushy” or too
   talkative, being dishonest, and failing to provide convincing evidence.
   When asked what behaviors by suppliers turned them off, over half of the responses related to arrogance or
   pushiness (30 percent) or dishonesty (21 percent), followed by lack of confidence or professionalism (12
   percent), and failing to provide adequate evidence of value (12 percent).

                              What must a supplier avoid doing?
                        3%   3% 2%                                  Pushy/arrogant

                                                                    Lack confidence/professionalism
                                                                    Don't justify price

                                                                    Don't know/focus on my business
                                                                    Idea not innovative

                                                                    Waste my time
                             12%                                    Bad references/poor prior experience

                                                                    Fail to meet current needs

   Implication: Suppliers must acquire and use expertise to guide a customer’s thinking, and not confuse
   bravado and aggressiveness with genuine confidence. They also need to be open and honest and tell the
   “whole story” about the proposed idea, including its benefits and potential drawbacks.


                                                                                                 Grow. Change. Perform.
The Four Pillars of Point of View Selling
One of the survey questions, described in finding No. 2, pertained to the criteria that customers use to select an
outside resource, such as a supplier, consultant, or academic expert, to address a critical business issue. We
conducted a secondary analysis of these responses in order to identify meaningful categories of criteria. The
criteria fell into four categories, which we’ve dubbed the “four pillars” of point of view selling (see table below).
Respondents rated each of these pillars as equally important—about 4 on a 5-point scale (see bar chart below).

Pillar                 Criteria                                        Note

Credibility             •    Has strong reputation                     In order to earn the right to a first meeting with the
                        •    Knows business leaders                    customer, the salesperson must demonstrate
                                                                       credentials. Especially important are demonstrating
                        •    Knows my customers                        knowledge of the customer’s business and industry.
                        •    Knows my business                         Also important are being viewed as an expert on the
                                                                       specific issue as well as having a strong reputation
                        •    Has expertise in the specific issue       and knowing the customer’s customers. Relatively
                        •    Knows my industry                         less important is knowing other business leaders.

Analytical skills       •    Identifies risks to my business           These skills are required in order to understand the
                        •    Diagnoses the root cause                  customer’s situation and to develop creative
                                                                       solutions. They are used in doing the “homework” in
                        •    Presents complete solutions               preparing for customer meetings, as well as
                        •    Provides low-cost solutions               demonstrating the logic of the solution in a
                                                                       presentation to the customer.
                        •    Calculates ROI

Teaching skills         •    Offers new or unique insights             These are the core point of view selling skills, where
                        •    Challenges my thinking                    the salesperson educates the customer and
                                                                       challenges his or her thinking. Particularly important
                        •    Helps me evaluate solutions               are showing alternative solutions and offering unique
                        •    Educates my colleagues and me             insights.

                        •    Shows me alternative solutions

Customer focus          •    Knows me                                  These skills involve building a solid working
                        •    Is easy to work with                      relationship with the customer and being viewed as
                                                                       accessible, easy to work with, and focused on the
                        •    Considers my needs                        customer’s needs. Customers are less concerned
                        •    Reinforces my existing thinking           that the salesperson know them personally than they
                                                                       are about the salesperson being “on their side” and
                        •    Is accessible                             ready and willing to help them.


                                                                                                          Grow. Change. Perform.
Criteria for Selecting Outside
   1=not at all important/

   5=critically important

                                     Credibility   Analytical skills Teaching skills Customer focus

Many salespeople mistakenly believe they must have a relationship with an executive before he or she will meet
with them, so they’re passing up many opportunities to generate new business. Our data confirms what many
of the best salespeople already know: Senior-level decision makers are very open to engaging with suppliers,
even those whom they do not yet know, provided the supplier: 1) focuses on what matters most at the senior
level—identifying and validating business opportunities and risks, and 2) comes to the table well prepared to
crisply convey fresh thinking.

This approach is hard to master and requires a strong foundation in product knowledge, customer knowledge,
business acumen, and consultative selling skills. Those who learn to apply point of view selling on top of this
foundation are rewarded with significantly increased sales as well as opportunities to more deeply understand
a customer’s business, thus setting the stage for further access to senior-level decision makers throughout the


                                                                                                      Grow. Change. Perform.
Selected References

1. Thomas V. Bonoma, “Major Sales: Who Really Does the Buying?” Harvard Business Review, July 1, 2006.

2. Ram Charan, What the Customer Wants You to Know: How Everybody Needs to Think Differently About
   Sales (New York: Penguin, 2007).

3. The Forum Corporation, “Sales Force Effectiveness: A Street Level View,” 2007.

4. The Forum Corporation, “Navigating the Sales Funnel: Understanding How Customers Buy,” 2005.

5. The Forum Corporation, “How Sales Forces Sustain Competitive Advantage,” 2004.

6. The Forum Corporation, “Strategic Account Management: How Account Leaders Build Alliances with Key
   Clients,” 2003.

7. Philip Lay, Todd Hewlin, and Geoffrey Moore, “In a Downturn, Provoke Your Customers,” Harvard Business
   Review, March 1, 2009.

8. Anthony Parinello, Selling to VITO The Very Important Top Officer (Avon MA: Adams Business, 2010).

9. Tony Rutigliano and Brian Brim, Strengths Based Selling: Based on Decades of Gallup’s Research into
   High-Performing Salespeople (Washington, D.C.: Gallup Press, 2011).

About the Authors

Jeffrey Baker is a vice president and leader of Forum’s Sales Effectiveness Practice. Jeffrey has worked
directly with customers throughout his career, “carrying the sales bag” as a direct sales representative, leading
sales teams, managing sales alliance partnerships, and running a customer service P&L, as he worked for
companies such as AT&T, Siemens Communications, PictureTel (now Polycom), and Intervoice-Brite (now part
of Convergys). Jeffrey received his bachelor’s degree in organizational psychology and economics from The
University of Michigan.

Tom Atkinson, Ph.D., is director of client research at Forum. With more than 25 years of
experience helping companies achieve measurable business results through learning, Tom
focuses on assessing performance gaps, applying principles of workplace learning, and
tracking results. Tom has conducted groundbreaking studies on such topics as how to
increase sales and service effectiveness; how to prepare leaders to drive growth; how to enable
companies to execute with speed; and how to create a high-performance organizational
climate. His findings, which have been published in the Harvard Business Review and Chief
Learning Officer, are the foundation for many of Forum’s learning programs.


                                                                                                   Grow. Change. Perform.
Appendix: Survey Demographics

         Respondents by Country

                    11%                 Canada
                            22%         China
                                        United States
                                        United Kingdom
                     16%                India

         Respondents by Industry

          25%               31%     High Tech
                                    Financial Services
          7%                        Hospitality
                    7% 8%           Utilities

          Respondents by Function
         4%         9%                 Engineering
          6%                  31%
                                       Customer service
         8%                            Logistics
          8%                 14%       Marketing

                    14%                Sales


                                                            Grow. Change. Perform.
Respondents by Company's
            Annual Revenue (in U.S. $)

                           13%                        <$100 mill
                                        29%           $100-$250 mill
                                                      $250-$500 mill
                                                      $500 mill-$1b
                        23%           21%
                                                      > $1b

Forum is a recognized global leader in linking learning to
strategic business objectives. Our learning solutions help
organizations effectively execute their business strategies by
focusing on their most important asset: their people. We
provide clients with practical and research-based advice and
tailored programs that mobilize employees, accelerate
business-initiative implementation, and improve agility.
Forum’s 40-year legacy as a pioneer and thought leader
continues with the release of our latest book, Strategic Speed
(Harvard Business Press).

For more information, visit
 2012 IIR Holdings, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


                                                                       Grow. Change. Perform.

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Point of View Selling Research brief

  • 1. research brief How to Engage Senior-Level Decision Makers: Point of View Selling by Jeffrey Baker and Tom Atkinson, Ph.D. Introduction What is the secret to gaining access to and engaging in productive dialogue with senior-level decision makers? This Research Brief reveals key insights into the minds of those sought-after buyers and what it takes to gain access to them. Because more sales leaders are directing their teams to call higher in customer organizations and more salespeople are attempting to do so, The Forum Corporation decided to conduct research on this critical selling challenge. Based on our findings, we developed and recently released a new sales skills training capability called Point of View Selling, which teaches advanced selling practices and tools. We created this report, drawn from our full research, as a planning guide for sales leaders who want their salespeople to call higher. Success in selling at higher levels in customer organizations requires a different approach from the one most salespeople are using today. Success in selling at higher levels in customer organizations requires a different approach from the one most salespeople are using today. This is because senior-level decision makers have a very different perspective compared to that of the mid- and lower-level buyers salespeople call on more typically. The more senior a leader is in an organization, the more that leader must focus on setting strategy and ensuring successful strategy execution. Because these leaders are primarily concerned with identifying and prioritizing which problems need solving and with assigning people and resources to tackle them, a consultative selling approach—probing for problems and offering possible solutions—will not interest them. Since these executives continually scan the horizon for new opportunities and looming threats, what does get their attention is showing them something significant they had not seen, or could not see clearly, and helping them determine whether it is worth their time to more fully investigate. The key to accessing and engaging senior-level decision makers is educating them about new, and sometimes provocative, ideas for capturing significant business value or managing serious risk. We call this “point of view selling.” Just how open are senior-level decision makers to outsiders, particularly supplier salespeople, who seek to share a new idea with them? To answer this question we sought responses from buyers who indicated they 1) had influence over or could access budgets, and 2) had responsibilities that directly and significantly impacted their company’s profitability, from either a revenue or cost standpoint, or both. We considered these two criteria most relevant for identifying “senior-level decision makers.” As salespeople, we should be keen to talk with customers not because of their management rank but because they wield a high degree of influence in driving company results and directing company resources. We conducted an electronic survey of a global sample of business decision makers as defined above. The 231 respondents represented a broad cross-section of industries and company sizes, ranging from under US $100 million in annual revenue to over US $1 billion. The group also reflected a range of functions (such as corporate, engineering, sales, and operations) and a range of responsibility, from frontline managers to C-level executives. The survey demographic details are presented in the Appendix. 1 Grow. Change. Perform.
  • 2. The survey asked these decision makers which business issues they were most concerned about and how they viewed using outside resources in helping them address these issues. We wanted to understand the conditions under which they invited outsiders, such as suppliers, consultants, and academic experts, to help them with their thinking. We also wanted to understand what outside resources do that helps or hinders them in engaging senior-level decision makers and how these decision makers approach investment decisions. The Findings in Brief 1 1. When looking for answers, decision makers take an “inside-out” approach. Decision makers rated their own expertise and experience as most helpful when tackling a business problem. They considered their direct reports as next most helpful, followed by experts in other parts of the company, customers, outside experts, and peers in other companies. They rated the input of suppliers as lowest in helpfulness. 2 How helpful were sources with whom you may have consulted to more fully understand and develop a response to the issue? Your own experience and expertise Experience and expertise of your direct reports Experts in other parts of your company Customers Experts outside the company Peers in other companies Suppliers 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 1 = Not at all/5 = Very great extent Implication: Suppliers must work hard to demonstrate that they add value to the decision-making process and not assume that decision makers will rely on them for expertise. 1 A note on regional differences: The survey sample includes English-speaking respondents from six countries in North America, Europe, and Asia. The trends reported here did not vary significantly by country or region. 2 Differences exceeding .12 points are statistically significant at p<.05. 2 Grow. Change. Perform.
  • 3. 2. Decision makers value suppliers and other outside resources who know their business and industry and are easy to work with. We asked decision makers to consider an array of criteria for selecting outside resources to help them solve business problems. The criteria they rated as most important were “knows my industry,” “is easy to work with,” and “knows my business.” Criteria rated least important were “knowing me,” “knowing business leaders,” and “reinforcing my existing thinking.” When consulting outside resources to help you address this and other critical business issues, what criteria were most important to you in deciding to work with them? (Q17)-All Knows my industry Is easy to work with Knows my business Shows me alternative solutions Is accessible Diagnoses the root cause Has specific expertise Identifies risks to my business Offers new or unique insights Has strong reputation Presents complete solutions Helps me evaluate solutions Considers my needs Provides low-cost solutions Challenges my thinking Knows my customers Calculates ROI Educates my colleagues and me Reinforces my existing thinking Knows business leaders Knows me 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 1 = Not at all important/5 = Critically important Implication: Suppliers must prove their value early on by demonstrating relevant business knowledge. While they must be viewed as easy to work with, the value they bring must go beyond managing personal relationships and “telling customers what they want to hear.” 3 Grow. Change. Perform.
  • 4. 3. The best way to gain a customer’s attention to a new idea for improving their business is to make a compelling, “live” (face-to-face or virtual) presentation. When we asked respondents how suppliers were able to gain their attention to a new idea, about two-thirds of responses (64 percent) referred to the medium of contact and one third to the content of the message. Regarding the medium, more than half (53 percent) of responses indicated that a live interaction, such as a face-to-face meeting or virtual meeting, was most effective. Fewer than 20 percent thought that phone calls (18 percent), e-mail messages (17 percent), or mail (12 percent) were most effective. How did the supplier gain your attention? (Medium) 12% Face-to-face/Virtual 17% Phone 53% E-mail 18% Mail Regarding the message, the most common responses were that the idea needed to be compelling (41 percent), be supported by data (25 percent), promise cost savings (19 percent), and be illustrated with examples (15 percent). How did the supplier gain your attention? (Message) 15% Compelling idea 41% Convincing data 19% Demonstrated savings Examples 25% Implication: While e-mail messages, phone calls, and mailings might pave the way for a first meeting with the customer, there is no substitute for a “live” meeting to gain the customer’s attention to the idea. When suppliers are able to gain an audience with their customer, they must be extremely well prepared to get their idea across in a compelling way and provide documentation and examples to support the message. 4 Grow. Change. Perform.
  • 5. 4. When considering the plausibility of an idea, most customers evaluate its benefits and drawbacks to their business, versus focusing only on cost. Respondents tended to consider ideas plausible if they were supported by examples and references (19 percent), if they showed clear benefit to their business (18 percent), if they were supported by research (14 percent), and if the idea was consistent with their thinking (13 percent). No respondents considered cost alone in evaluating plausibility. What convinced you the idea was plausible? Examples, references 3% 4% 4% Clear benefits 19% 6% Research/data Reinforced customer's thinking 9% Ease of implementation 18% Logic 10% Quality report Confident salesperson 13% 14% Track record/brand New/unique insights Implication: Suppliers must build a solid case for their idea by showing how it adds value to the customer’s business, including both examples and stories as well as “hard data” that demonstrate the viability of the idea. 5 Grow. Change. Perform.
  • 6. 5. The most important factors for a customer to gain confidence in taking action on a new idea are evidence of effectiveness, previous experience, and support of others in their company. Respondents cited these factors most often as leading to confidence: evidence of prior results (23 percent), the customer’s previous experience (13 percent), analysis of costs versus benefits (12 percent), and the confidence of their team (10 percent). What gave you confidence in moving ahead? Evidence/prior results 4% 5% Fits with customer belief/experience 8% 23% Costs vs. benefits Confidence of internal team 8% Robust plan Experienced supplier/trust 9% 13% Great idea Low risk/high return 8% 12% Support of senior management 10% Ability to pilot test Implication: In order to encourage the customer to take action on the idea, the supplier must not only build a case, but also help the customer gain buy-in from other stakeholders. 6 Grow. Change. Perform.
  • 7. 6. The most important actions to avoid in proposing a new idea to a customer are being “pushy” or too talkative, being dishonest, and failing to provide convincing evidence. When asked what behaviors by suppliers turned them off, over half of the responses related to arrogance or pushiness (30 percent) or dishonesty (21 percent), followed by lack of confidence or professionalism (12 percent), and failing to provide adequate evidence of value (12 percent). What must a supplier avoid doing? 1% 3% 3% 2% Pushy/arrogant Dishonest 8% Lack confidence/professionalism 30% Don't justify price 8% Unreliable/mistakes Don't know/focus on my business 12% Idea not innovative Waste my time 21% 12% Bad references/poor prior experience Fail to meet current needs Implication: Suppliers must acquire and use expertise to guide a customer’s thinking, and not confuse bravado and aggressiveness with genuine confidence. They also need to be open and honest and tell the “whole story” about the proposed idea, including its benefits and potential drawbacks. 7 Grow. Change. Perform.
  • 8. The Four Pillars of Point of View Selling One of the survey questions, described in finding No. 2, pertained to the criteria that customers use to select an outside resource, such as a supplier, consultant, or academic expert, to address a critical business issue. We conducted a secondary analysis of these responses in order to identify meaningful categories of criteria. The criteria fell into four categories, which we’ve dubbed the “four pillars” of point of view selling (see table below). Respondents rated each of these pillars as equally important—about 4 on a 5-point scale (see bar chart below). Pillar Criteria Note Credibility • Has strong reputation In order to earn the right to a first meeting with the • Knows business leaders customer, the salesperson must demonstrate credentials. Especially important are demonstrating • Knows my customers knowledge of the customer’s business and industry. • Knows my business Also important are being viewed as an expert on the specific issue as well as having a strong reputation • Has expertise in the specific issue and knowing the customer’s customers. Relatively • Knows my industry less important is knowing other business leaders. Analytical skills • Identifies risks to my business These skills are required in order to understand the • Diagnoses the root cause customer’s situation and to develop creative solutions. They are used in doing the “homework” in • Presents complete solutions preparing for customer meetings, as well as • Provides low-cost solutions demonstrating the logic of the solution in a presentation to the customer. • Calculates ROI Teaching skills • Offers new or unique insights These are the core point of view selling skills, where • Challenges my thinking the salesperson educates the customer and challenges his or her thinking. Particularly important • Helps me evaluate solutions are showing alternative solutions and offering unique • Educates my colleagues and me insights. • Shows me alternative solutions Customer focus • Knows me These skills involve building a solid working • Is easy to work with relationship with the customer and being viewed as accessible, easy to work with, and focused on the • Considers my needs customer’s needs. Customers are less concerned • Reinforces my existing thinking that the salesperson know them personally than they are about the salesperson being “on their side” and • Is accessible ready and willing to help them. 8 Grow. Change. Perform.
  • 9. Criteria for Selecting Outside Resources 4.5 1=not at all important/ 4.0 5=critically important 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 Credibility Analytical skills Teaching skills Customer focus Summary Many salespeople mistakenly believe they must have a relationship with an executive before he or she will meet with them, so they’re passing up many opportunities to generate new business. Our data confirms what many of the best salespeople already know: Senior-level decision makers are very open to engaging with suppliers, even those whom they do not yet know, provided the supplier: 1) focuses on what matters most at the senior level—identifying and validating business opportunities and risks, and 2) comes to the table well prepared to crisply convey fresh thinking. This approach is hard to master and requires a strong foundation in product knowledge, customer knowledge, business acumen, and consultative selling skills. Those who learn to apply point of view selling on top of this foundation are rewarded with significantly increased sales as well as opportunities to more deeply understand a customer’s business, thus setting the stage for further access to senior-level decision makers throughout the enterprise. 9 Grow. Change. Perform.
  • 10. Selected References 1. Thomas V. Bonoma, “Major Sales: Who Really Does the Buying?” Harvard Business Review, July 1, 2006. 2. Ram Charan, What the Customer Wants You to Know: How Everybody Needs to Think Differently About Sales (New York: Penguin, 2007). 3. The Forum Corporation, “Sales Force Effectiveness: A Street Level View,” 2007. 4. The Forum Corporation, “Navigating the Sales Funnel: Understanding How Customers Buy,” 2005. 5. The Forum Corporation, “How Sales Forces Sustain Competitive Advantage,” 2004. 6. The Forum Corporation, “Strategic Account Management: How Account Leaders Build Alliances with Key Clients,” 2003. 7. Philip Lay, Todd Hewlin, and Geoffrey Moore, “In a Downturn, Provoke Your Customers,” Harvard Business Review, March 1, 2009. 8. Anthony Parinello, Selling to VITO The Very Important Top Officer (Avon MA: Adams Business, 2010). 9. Tony Rutigliano and Brian Brim, Strengths Based Selling: Based on Decades of Gallup’s Research into High-Performing Salespeople (Washington, D.C.: Gallup Press, 2011). About the Authors Jeffrey Baker is a vice president and leader of Forum’s Sales Effectiveness Practice. Jeffrey has worked directly with customers throughout his career, “carrying the sales bag” as a direct sales representative, leading sales teams, managing sales alliance partnerships, and running a customer service P&L, as he worked for companies such as AT&T, Siemens Communications, PictureTel (now Polycom), and Intervoice-Brite (now part of Convergys). Jeffrey received his bachelor’s degree in organizational psychology and economics from The University of Michigan. Tom Atkinson, Ph.D., is director of client research at Forum. With more than 25 years of experience helping companies achieve measurable business results through learning, Tom focuses on assessing performance gaps, applying principles of workplace learning, and tracking results. Tom has conducted groundbreaking studies on such topics as how to increase sales and service effectiveness; how to prepare leaders to drive growth; how to enable companies to execute with speed; and how to create a high-performance organizational climate. His findings, which have been published in the Harvard Business Review and Chief Learning Officer, are the foundation for many of Forum’s learning programs. 10 Grow. Change. Perform.
  • 11. Appendix: Survey Demographics Respondents by Country 11% Canada 22% China 15% United States United Kingdom 21% 15% Australia 16% India Respondents by Industry Business/Professional 25% 31% High Tech Financial Services Healthcare/Pharma 4% 7% Hospitality 11% Energy 7% 7% 8% Utilities Other Respondents by Function Corporate 4% 9% Engineering Operations 6% 31% Purchasing 6% Customer service 8% Logistics 8% 14% Marketing 14% Sales Other 11 Grow. Change. Perform.
  • 12. Respondents by Company's Annual Revenue (in U.S. $) 13% <$100 mill 29% $100-$250 mill 14% $250-$500 mill $500 mill-$1b 23% 21% > $1b Forum is a recognized global leader in linking learning to strategic business objectives. Our learning solutions help organizations effectively execute their business strategies by focusing on their most important asset: their people. We provide clients with practical and research-based advice and tailored programs that mobilize employees, accelerate business-initiative implementation, and improve agility. Forum’s 40-year legacy as a pioneer and thought leader continues with the release of our latest book, Strategic Speed (Harvard Business Press). For more information, visit  2012 IIR Holdings, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 12 Grow. Change. Perform.