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Quick Facts
                     GRAD ROOM                                      School Of Graduate Studies
                                                                                                                                                                                                    63 St. George Street, Toronto, Canada, M5S 2Z9
                                                                      » Established in 1827
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Inquiries: (416) 978-6614 Fax: (416) 978-4367
                                                                      » Approximately 4,400 graduate faculty
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Admissions Enquiries:
                                                                      » Over 12,000 full and part-time students
                                                                      » U of T library system ranks among the top five research
                                                                        libraries in North America
                                                                      » Formal linkages with over 100 research institutions around
                                                                        the globe
                                                                      » Affiliations with a growing number of leading research
                                                                        institutions such as: the 10 Toronto teaching hospitals,
                                                                        Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Fields
                                                                        Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, all 5 Ontario
                                                                        Centres of Excellence, all 21 federal Networks of Centres of
                                                                      » The birthplace of many major research achievements
                                                                        including the discovery of Insulin, creation of the first
                                                                        electronic heart pacemaker, development of the artificial
                                                                        larynx and the single-lung transplant
                                                                      » On any given week students, faculty, staff and members of
                                                                        the community present concerts, exhibits, plays, readings,
                                                                        and films at any one of our 6 Art galleries or 16 Theatres
                                                                      » World famous alumni including authors Margaret Atwood,
                                                                        Michael Ondaatje and Stephen Leacock; filmmakers such
                                                                        as David Cronenberg and Atom Egoyan and opera singer
                                                                        Maureen Forrester, among many others
                                                                      » U of T has 6 Nobel Prize-winning graduates, the highest
                                                                        number of any Canadian university

Welcome                                                                                             Fellowships and Financial Aid                      Ontario Student Assistance Program                 Student Family Housing                         ULife - What Are You Doing After Class?
                                                  described above. Please use the International
                                                  Degree Equivalencies tool to see which                                                               The federal and provincial governments             If you are a full-time student and need        The ULife website gives U of T students all
Welcome to the University of Toronto, the                                                         Financial support for our graduate students
                                                  international credentials are required for                                                           provide financial support to qualified             accommodation for you, your spouse or          the information they need to get involved
largest graduate school in Canada!                                                                is important to the University of Toronto.
                                                  masters and doctoral admissions at U of T.                                                           students who are Canadian citizens or              partner, and/or dependent children, you        in the hundreds of clubs and activities
We offer a combination of academic                                                                That is why U of T was the first Canadian
                                                  For your information you can view a selection                                                        permanent residents of Ontario. The                may be eligible to apply for Student Family    running on all three campuses. So, what are
excellence and world-class resources                                                              university to offer a guaranteed level of
                                                  of equivalent qualifications from a number of                                                        amount of the loan depends on your                 Housing.                                       you doing after class?
which provide our graduate students with                                                          financial support for graduate students                                                                 » Web:                 » Web:
                                                  educational systems around the world.                                                                calculated financial need.
diverse opportunities for professional and                                                        pursuing doctoral degrees.
                                                    » Web:                                                                 » Web:                              Student Housing Service                        Office of English Language and Writing
intellectual development.                              Admissions_Requirements                    Entrance Awards                                      Awards For Non-Canadians                                                                          Support
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Your first stop for housing information
                                                    International Student Centre                  Awards are offered by graduate programs
Admission Requirements                                                                                                                                 In addition to the internal funding normally       should be the student Housing Service,         The Office of English Language and Writing
                                                    The International Student Centre (ISC)        and departments to the best and brightest            available to all international students, there     where you’ll find up-to-date information       Support offers individual consultations, single-
                                                    promotes and supports international           incoming masters and doctoral students for
Listed below are the minimum admission                                                                                                                 are a number of external funding sources           on campus residences, off-campus room          session workshops, and non-credit courses
requirements set by the School of Graduate education and offers services, programs, and full-time graduate study.                                      that can also be explored. International           lists, apartments and houses for rent by       for both native and non-native speakers of
Studies. Many departments require a higher facilities for international students, students Internal Awards                                             students are encouraged to apply for all           landlords throughout the city, lists of        English.
                                                    with international and/or intercultural                                                                                                                                                              » Web:
average.                                                                                                                                               possible funding opportunities in their            students seeking roommates, as well as a
                                                                                                  The School of Graduate Studies offers a
                                                    interests, and students looking for education number of internal awards to meritorious             home country.                                      Buy and Sell Board service advertising used
Master’s Programs and Full-Time
                                                    and work opportunities abroad.Visit the                                                            » Web:            furniture and goods.
                                                                                                  graduate students such as the University of
Special Students                                    International Student Center web site for                                                            financial/international                          » Web:
                                                                                                  Toronto Fellowships (UTF), the Connaught                                                                                                               Student Services offers a full range of
» an appropriate four-year bachelor’s degree
                                                    information on obtaining student visas and                                                         For further information, please contact:           Massey College
                                                                                                  Scholarship as well as other endowed awards.                                                                                                           services in the areas of career development,
   with a final year average of at least mid-B from
                                                    health insurance (UHIP).                                                                           Fellowships and Loans Office                       Massey College is an independent residence
   the University of Toronto or its equivalent                                                                                                                                                                                                           housing, learning skills, health, personal and
                                                                                                  External Awards
                                                    »                                                                          School of Graduate Studies
   from another recognized university                                                                                                                                                                     community of senior academic scholars and      emotional development, family concerns
                                                                                                  Canadians and landed-immigrants may also
                                                    International Student Exchange Office apply for external support in the form of                    University of Toronto                              full-time graduate students.                   and support for Aboriginal and international
Doctoral Programs
» an appropriate University of Toronto master’s If you are a graduate student who wishes                                                                                                                  » Web:
                                                                                                                                                       63 St. George Street, Rm.202                                                                      students.
                                                                                                  scholarships and fellowships offered by the
                                                    to attend the University of Toronto as an                                                          Toronto, Canada, M5S 2Z9                                                                          » Web:
   degree or its equivalent, with an average                                                      Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Campus Life
                                                    exchange student, look into the services                                                           Tel: (416) 978-2379 / Fax: (416) 978-4367
   of at least B+ or demonstrated comparable                                                                                                                                                                                                             Student Affairs
                                                                                                  Council of Canada (NSERC- www.nserc.
                                                                                                                                                       » E-mail:
                                                    and programs offered by the International
   research competence                                                                            ca), the Social Sciences and Humanities                                                                 There’s life outside the classroom and the     Student Affairs builds community among
                                                    Student Exchange Office.
» some departments admit directly to the                                                          Research Council of Canada (SSHRC-www.                                                                  lab! An abundance of sports, theatre, music,   students at the University of Toronto.
                                                                                                                                                       Other sources of funding:
                                                    » Web:
   doctoral program from a bachelor’s degree
                                                                                         and the Canadian Institutes of                                                                academic conferences and student groups        Student Affairs provides services related
   for highly qualified candidates (minimum                                                                                                            Teaching Assistantships
                                                  Application                                     Health Research ( All                                                                 contribute to a vibrant campus life.           to campus organizations, sexual diversity,
   average A- required)
                                                                                                                                                       Some departments hire teaching assistants
                                                                                                  three granting councils (NSERC, SSHRC,                                                                                                                 accessibility, student crisis response, child
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Graduate Student Initiative
Part-time Special Students                                                                                                                             who spend up to 10 hours a week
                                                    The University of Toronto offers a web-       and CIHR) also offer Canadian Graduate                                                                                                                 care, and community partnerships.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          In partnership with the Graduates Students’
» must hold a degree from a recognized                                                                                                                 conducting tutorials, grading undergraduate
                                                    based graduate application to make the                                                                                                                                                               » Web:
                                                                                                  Scholarships (CGS). The Government of                                                                   Union and School of Graduate Studies,
   university                                                                                                                                          essays/exams and acting as a resource
                                                    process quick and simple for potential                                                                                                                                                                 servicesandlinks/studentaffairs
                                                                                                  the Province of Ontario provides graduate                                                               this program is specifically designed by
                                                                                                                                                       for undergraduate students. For further
International and Exchange Students                 students. A link to the web-based form        scholarships tenable at Ontario universities.                                                                                                          Hart House
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Student Services to offer workshops, social
                                                                                                                                                       information, write the chair of your
                                                    is available from the program’s admission
The focus on academic excellence and the                                                          Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) are                                                                                                                As the cultural, recreational, and social
                                                                                                                                                                                                          events and online resources to enhance the
                                                                                                                                                       graduate department, giving full particulars
                                                    requirements page when you are ready to
University’s outstanding research facilities,                                                     available for graduate studies in all disciplines.                                                                                                     student centre of the U of T, Hart
                                                                                                                                                                                                          graduate student experience.
                                                                                                                                                       of your academic training and experience.
                                                    begin the application.
combined with its strong international                                                            Sixty of these awards are available to visa                                                                                                            House provides students with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          » Web:
connections, draws over 1000 international                                                        students. Ontario Graduate Scholarships              Research Assistantships                                                                           chance to develop their interests in
                                                  Financial Support                                                                                                                                       Graduate Students’ Union
students each year from all parts of the                                                          in Science and Technology (OGSST) are                                                                                                                  music, art, literature, debates, athletics
                                                                                                                                                       Research assistants normally work with a faculty   The Graduate Students’ Union at
world to continue their graduate education                                                        designed to encourage excellence in graduate                                                                                                           and recreational activities ranging from
                                                                                                                                                       member, assisting with research projects. Apply
                                                    Tuition Fees:                                                                                                                                         University of Toronto represents over
and research at UofT.                                                                             studies in science and technology.These                                                                                                                photography to scuba diving.
                                                                                                                                                       directly to the department chair concerned.
                                                    The total fee is normally an annual fee                                                                                                               11,000 students studying in over 70
                                                                                                  awards are only available to Canadian                                                                                                                  » Web:
                                                    covering a full academic year and includes                                                                                                            departments. For many years this union
Applicants educated at non-Canadian                                                               citizens or permanent residents.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Athletic Centre
institutions should note that their educational both the academic fees plus incidental/                                                                                                                   has advocated for increased student
                                                                                                  » Web:
                                                    ancillary fees.                                                                                                                                                                                      We offer co-curricular opportunities
                                                                                                                                                       Graduate students need to find the ideal           representation, funding and provided
background will be assessed for equivalency
                                                    » Web:                                                                                                                                                             for active physical activity for the entire
                                                                                                                                                       community for their graduate experience.           services such as health insurance,
with a University of Toronto degree as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         student body, as well as faculty, staff
                                                                                                                                                       The University of Toronto meets this need          confidential advice and a voice for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and members of the community. With
                                                                                                                                                       by offering a wide variety of housing and          graduate student body on the various
English Language Score Requirements                                                                                                                                                                                                                      47 intercollegiate teams, multi-tiered
                                                                                                                                                       housing services ranging from campus               committees of the university.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         intramural leagues in 24 sports, extensive
                                                                                                                                                                                                          » Web:
                                                                                                                                                       residences, including our own Graduate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         offerings in movement, fitness and dance,
Test                 Academic Division Minimum Score Requirement *                                                                                     House, to off-campus shared and private            Grad Escapes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and many children’s classes, we conduct
                                                                                                                                                       accommodation.                                     Disconnect yourself from the PC and come
                                               Paper-Based Test and TWE Computer-Based                    Internet-Based                                                                                                                                 one of the broadest programs in North
                                                                                                                                                       Graduate House                                     explore Toronto’s great cultural riches in
                                                                        Test and Essay                    Test and Writing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            America.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the company of other like-minded grad
                                                                                                                                                       The multi-award winning residence offers
                                                                        Rating Score                      and Speaking Sections
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         » Web:
                                                                                                                                                       apartment-style accommodation for 437
                     Humanities                Overall 580                   Overall 237                  Overall 93
                                                                                                                                                                                                          » Web:
                                                                                                                                                       full-time single students registered in the
                     Social Sciences           TWE 5                         Essay Rating 5               Writing 22
                                                                                                                                                       School of Graduate Studies or in second-           Training Programs for Graduate
                     Life Sciences                                                                        Speaking 22
                                                                                                                                                       entry professional programs. Graduate              Students in University Teaching
                     Physical Sciences         Overall 580                   Overall 237                  Overall 93
                                                                                                                                                       House is close to many of the university’s         Graduate students interested in improving
                                               TWE 4                         Essay Rating 4               Writing 22
                                                                                                                                                       facilities including Robarts Library (the main
                                                                                                          Speaking 22                                                                                     their teaching skills can do so through a
                                                                                                                                                       research library) and the Athletic Centre.
IELTS                All                       7.0                                                                                                                                    variety of courses and training programs.
                                                                                                                                                       » Web:               » Web:
MELAB                Al                        85
COPE             All                           4 (with at least 1 in each component and 2 in writing)    * valid until December 31, 2007                               76 (with at least 22 in each component and 32 in writing) * valid from January 1, 2008
Collaborative Programs
Department, Centre, Institute                          Degrees                                   Telephone Web site                                    In addition to degree programs, our graduate departments,                   must be admitted to and enrolled in one of the collaborating
                                                                                                                                                       centres, and institutes, also offer unique, non-degree granting,            graduate units (listed below under the name of the collaborative
Aerospace Science & Engineering (D)                     M.A.Sc. M. Eng* Ph.D.                    416-667-7714
                                                                                                                                                       collaborative programs. These innovative programs emerge from               program), and must fulfill all the requirements for the degree in
Anthropology (D)                                       M.A.* M.Sc.* Ph.D.                        416-978-5416   cooperation between two or more graduate units, which provides              that home unit, in order to participate in a collaborative program.
                                                                                                                                                       a broader base from which to explore a novel interdisciplinary              On successful completion of requirements for the collaborative
Architecture, Landscape & Design (D)                   M.Arch.* M.L.A.* M.U.D.*                  416-978-5038
                                                                                                                                                       area or a special development in a particular discipline. A student         program, a notation is added to the student’s transcript.
Art (D)                                                M.A.* Ph.D. M.V.S                         416-946-3960

                                                                                                                                                       Collaborative Program*                                                                 Telephone Web site
Asian Institute (I)                                                                              416-978-8996
Astronomy & Astrophysics (D)                           M.Sc.* Ph.D.                              416-978-2016
                                                                                                                                                       Aboriginal Health : Adult Education and Counselling Psychology,             416-978-0298
Biochemistry (D)                                       M.Sc. Ph.D.                               416-978-4815
                                                                                                                                                       Anthropology, Geography, Nursing Science, Public Health Sciences, Sociology
Bioethics                                              M.H.Sc.                                   416-978-2709                  and Equity Studies in Education
Biomedical Communications                              M.Sc.BMC                                  416-978-2659          Addiction Studies : Adult Education and Counselling Psychology,                        416-978-2751
                                                                                                                                                       Anthropology, Biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering, Criminology,
Biomedical Engineering, Clinical                       M.A.Sc. M.H.Sc. Ph.D.                     416-978-4841
                                                                                                                                                       Information Studies, Medical Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Biotechnology Program                                  M.Biotech                                 905-569-4737
                                                                                                                                                       Pharmacology, Psychology, Public Health Sciences, Social Work, Sociology
Cell and Systems Biology                               M.Sc. Ph.D.                               416-978-8532
                                                                                                                                                        Aging, Palliative and Supportive Care Across the Life Course : Adult                  416-978-0377
Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry (D)           M.A.Sc. M.Eng.* Ph.D.                     416-978-7137              Education and Counselling Psychology, Anthropology; Dentistry; Exercise               416-978-7037
                                                                                                                                                        Sciences; Health Policy, Management & Evaluation; Information Studies;
Chemistry (D)                                          M.Sc. Ph.D.                               416-978-3605
                                                                                                                                                        Medical Science; Nursing Science; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Psychology;
Cinema Studies                                         M.A.                                      416-978-0839                Public Health Sciences; Rehabilitation Science; Social Work; Sociology;
                                                                                                                                                        Speech-Language Pathology
Civil Engineering (D)                                  M.A.Sc. M.Eng.* Ph.D.                     416-978-5904
Classics (D)                                           M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-978-5513        Ancient and Medieval Philosophy : Classics, Medieval Studies, Philosophy              416-978-3178
Comparative Literature (C)                             M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-813-4041         Ancient Greek and Roman History : Classics (U of T); History (York                    416-978-5513
Computer Science (D)                                   M.Sc.* Ph.D.                              416-978-8762
                                                                                                                                                        Asia Pacific Studies : Anthropology, East Asian Studies, Economics,                    416-946-8996
                                                       J.D./M.A.††M.A.* Ph.D
Criminology (C)                                                                                  416-978-7124
                                                                                                                                                        Geography, Social Work
Dentistry (D)                                          M.Sc.*                                    416-979-4901
                                                                                                                                                        Astrophysics : Astronomy & Astrophysics, Physics,, The Canadian Institute of 416-946-3044
Drama (C)                                              M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-978-7980               Theoretical Astrophysics
East Asian Studies (D)                                 M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-946-3624
                                                                                                                                                        Bioethics : Health Policy, Management & Evaluation; Law; Medical Science;                     
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology                       M.Sc. Ph.D.                               416-978-8514
                                                                                                                                                        Biomedical Engineering : Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering & Applied        416-978-4317
                                                       J.D./M.A.†† M.A.*
Economics (D)                                                                                    416-978-6713             Chemistry, Dentistry, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Laboratory Medicine
                                                       J.D./Ph.D.††Ph.D.                                                                                & Pathobiology, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial
                                                                                                                                                        Engineering, Medical Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Physiology,
Education (For the following five departments                                                    416-923-6641
apply directly to OISE/UT)                                                                       ext. 2663
                                                       M.Ed.* M.A.* Ed.D.* Ph.D†
Adult Education and Counselling Psychology (D)                                                                                                          Biomedical Toxicology : Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology; Medical           416-978-5244
                                                       M.Ed.* M.A.* M.T. Ed.D.* Ph.D.†
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (D)                                                                                                                   Science; Nutritional Sciences; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Pharmacology; Zoology
Human Development and Applied Psychology (D)           M.Ed.* M.A.* M.A.(CS&E) Ed.D.* Ph.D.
                                                                                                                                                       Biomolecular Structure : Biochemistry, Chemistry, Medical Biophysics,                  416-978-0557
Sociology and Equity Studies in Education (D)          M.Ed.* M.A.* Ed.D.* Ph.D.
                                                                                                                                                       Molecular & Medical Genetics
                                                       M.Ed.* M.A.* Ed.D.* Ph.D.†
Theory and Policy Studies in Education (D)
                                                                                                                                                       Book History & Print Culture : Comparative Literature, English, French Language 416-946-3560
Electrical & Computer Engineering (D)                  M.A.Sc. M.Eng.* M.Eng.Tel.* Ph.D.         416-978-3122
                                                                                                                                                       & Literature, Information Studies, Italian Studies, Medieval Studies, Music
English (D)                                            M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-978-5027
                                                                                                                                                       Cardiovascular Sciences : Biomedical Engineering, Exercise Sciences, Health 416-978-0746
Environment (C)                                        M.Env.Sc.                                 416-978-7077         Policy, Management & Evaluation, Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology,
                                                                                                                  menvsci/                             Medical Biophysics, Medical Science, Pharmacology, Physiology, Public Health
                                                                                                                                                       Sciences, Rehabilitation Science
                                                       M.A. J.D./M.A.††
European, Russian and Eurasian Studies                                                           416-946-8938
                                                       M.B.A./M.A.                                                                                     Community Development : Adult Education and Community Development; 416-978-2072
                                                       M.Sc.* Ph.D.†                                                                                   Counselling Psychology; Planning; Public Health Sciences; Social Work
Exercise Sciences (D)                                                                            416-978-6087
Financial Economics                                    M.F.E.                                    416-978-8623            Comparative, International and Development Education : Adult Education; 416-923-6641
                                                                                                                                                        Curriculum; Second Language Education; Sociology in Education; Higher      ext. 2361
Forestry (D)                                           M.Sc.F. M.F.C. Ph.D.                      416-946-7952
                                                                                                                                                        Education; History and Philosophy of Education; Educational Administration
French Language & Literature (D)                       M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-926-2307
                                                                                                                                                        Developmental Biology : Biochemistry, Botany, Immunology, Laboratory                  416-946-7006
Genetic Couselling                                     M.Sc                                                    Medicine & Pathobiology, Medical Biophysics Molecular & Medical Genetics,
                                                                                                                                                        Physiology, Zoology
Geography (D)                                          M.A.* M.Sc* Ph.D.                         416-978-3377
                                                                                                                                                        Developmental Science : Human Development & Applied Psychology;                               
Geology (D)                                            M.Sc.* M.A.Sc. Ph.D.                      416-978-1240
Germanic Languages & Literatures (D)                   M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-926-2321
                                                                                                                                                        Editing Medieval Texts : Classics, English, French Language & Literature,        416-978-4884
Health Policy, Management & Evaluation (D)             M.H.Sc. M.Sc.* M.H.Sc./M.N.               416-978-1108
                                                                                                                                                        History, Italian Studies, Medieval Studies, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Spanish
                                                       M.H.Sc./M.S.W. Ph.D. MMI
                                                                                                                                                        Environment & Health : Geography, Medical Science, Planning, Public                    416-978-7077
History (D)                                            M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-978-5800
                                                                                                                                                        Health Science
History & Philosophy of Science & Technology           M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-978-5397
                                                                                                                                                        Environmental Engineering : Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry,                  416-978-3532
Immunology (D)                                         M.Sc.. Ph.D.                              416-978-6382            Civil Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial
Industrial Relations and Human Resources (C)           M.I.R.H.R. *Ph.D.                         416-978-2927
                                                       M.I.St*. G.Dip.I.St., J.D./M.I.St. †† Ph.D. 416-978-3234                                         Environmental Studies : Adult Education & Counselling Psychology;
Information Studies (D)                                                                                                                                                                                 416-978-7077
                                                       M.M.St.                                                                                          Anthropology; Botany; Chemistry; Curriculum, Teaching & Learning; Economics;
                                                                                                                                                        Forestry; Geography; Geology; Information Studies; Management; Philosophy;
Italian Studies (D)                                    M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-926-2349
                                                                                                                                                        Political Science; Sociology; Sociology & Equity Studies; Zoology
Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology (D)                 M.Sc. Ph.D.                               416-978-2550
                                                                                                                                                        Ethnic and Pluralism Studies : Anthropology, Geography, History, Industrial 416-978-4783
Law (D)                                                LL.M.* M.S.L. S.J.D.                      416-978-0213                   Relations, Nursing Science, Political Science, Religion, Russian & East
                                                                                                                                                        European Studies, Social Work, Sociology
Linguistics (D)                                        M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-978-4029
                                                                                                                                                        Geology & Physics : Geology, Physics                                                   416-978-3231
                                                       B.A.Sc./M.B.A.††,   J.D./M.B.A.††
Management (D)                                                                             M.B.A. 416-978-3499,
                                                       *Ph.D. M.A./M.B.A.†† M.M.P.A.              416-978-4441,
                                                       E.M.B.A. G.Dip.IFA M.F.                    416-978-4226,                                         Health Care, Technology & Place : Biomedical Engineering; English; Health 416-978-2067
                                                                                                  905-828-3985                                          Policy, Mgmt. & Evaluation; Nursing Science; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Public
Materials Science & Engineering (D)                    M.A.Sc. M.Eng.* Ph.D.                     416-978-3012                   Health Sciences, Social Work
Mathematical Finance Program                           M.M.F.                                    416-946-5206                   Health Services & Policy Research : Health Policy, Mgmt. & Evaluation;                 416-978-1108
                                                                                                                                                        Nursing Science; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Public Health Sciences;
Mathematics (D)                                        M.Sc.* Ph.D.                              416-978-7894
                                                                                                                                                        Rehabilitation Science; Social Work
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering                  M.A.Sc. M.Eng.*. M.Eng./D.M. *Ph.D. 416-978-2922 
                                                                                                                                                        Integrated Manufacturing : Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry,                   416-978-2922
Medical Biophysics (D)                                 M.Sc. Ph.D.                               416-946-2819                    Materials Science & Engineering,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering                                 integmanu.html
Medical Science (I)                                    M.Sc. Ph.D.                               416-978-5012           International Relations : Anthropology; Economics; Geography; Health                   416-946-8917
Medieval Studies (D)                                   M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-978-4884        Policy, Management & Evaluation, History; Philosophy; Political Science;
                                                                                                                                                        Sociology; Religion
Molecular and Medical Genetics (D)                     M.Sc. Ph.D.                               416-978-7145
                                                                                                                                                        Jewish Studies : Anthropology; English; Germanic Languages & Literatures;              416-978-8118
Music                                                  M.A. Ph.D. Mus.M. D.M.A.                  416-978-5772
                                                                                                                                                        History; Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations; Philosophy; Political Science;
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations (D)              M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-978-3181                   Religion; Sociology
                                                       M.N.* M.H.Sc./M.N Ph.D.† PMNP Dip.
Nursing Science (D)                                                                              416-978-8727               Knowledge Media Design : Architecture, Landscape & Design; Computer                    416-946-8515
                                                                                                                                                        Science; Information Studies; Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Medical
Nutritional Sciences (D)                               M.Sc.* Ph.D.                              416-978-6071
                                                                                                                                                        Science, Sociology
Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy (D) M.Sc. OT                                       416-978-2765
                                                                                                                                                        Management and Economics : Economics, Management                                       416-978-7169
Pharmaceutical Sciences (D)                            M.Sc.* Ph.D.                              416-978-2179
                                                                                                                                                        Neuroscience : Biochemistry, Biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering,                    416-978-4894
Pharmacology (D)                                       M.Sc.* Ph.D.                              416-978-5244
                                                                                                                                                        Dentistry, Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, Medical Science, Molecular
                                                       M.A.* Ph.D. J.D./Ph.D.††
Philosophy (D)                                                                                   416-978-3312     www.           & Medical Genetics, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacology, Physiology,
                                                                                                                                                        Psychology, Rehabilitation Science, Speech-Language Pathology, Zoology
Physical Therapy (D)                                   M.Sc.PT                                   416-978-2765
                                                                                                                                                        Genome Biology and Bioinformatics : Biochemistry; Botany; Laboratory                   416-946-7006
Physics (D)                                            M.Sc. Ph.D.                               416-978-2945
                                                                                                                                                        Medicine & Pathobiology; Medical Biophysics; Medical Science; Molecular &
Physiology (D)                                         M.Sc. Ph.D.                               416-978-2601
                                                                                                                                                        Medical Genetics; Zoology
Planning                                               M.Sc.Pl.*.M.U.D.S.*, Ph.D.                416-978-3377
                                                                                                                                                        South Asian Studies : Anthropology, English, Geography, History; Political             416-978-4294
Political Science (D)                                  M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-978-2017          Science, Religion, Social Work
Psychology (D)                                         M.A. Ph.D.                                416-978-3404                 Women’s Health                                                                         416-978-0896
Public Health Sciences (D)                             M.Sc.* M.H.Sc.*    ‡ M.Sc.C.H.            416-978-2058                   Women’s Studies : Adult Education & Counselling Psychology; Anthropology; 416-978-3668
                                                                                                                                                        Criminology; Curriculum, Teaching & Learning; Comparative Literature; Drama;
Public Policy and Governance                           M.P.P.                                    416-978-5120
                                                                                                                                                        English; Exercise Sciences; French; Geography; Health Policy, Management
Rehabilitation Science (D)                             M.Sc.* Ph.D.                              416-978-0300
                                                                                                                                                        & Evaluation; History; Information Studies; Law; Medieval Studies; Near &
Religion (C)                                           M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-978-3057              Middle Eastern Civilizations; Nursing; Philosophy; Political Science; Public
                                                                                                                                                        Health Sciences; Religion; Sociology & Equity Studies in Education; Social Work;
Slavic Languages and Literatures (D)                   M.A. Ph.D.                                416-926-2075
                                                                                                                                                        Sociology; Spanish; Theory & Policy Studies in Education
                                                       J.D./M.S.W.††                       ††,
Social Work (D)                                                     , M.H.Sc./M.S.W.             416-978-3257
                                                                                                                                                       *Applications are to be submitted to one of the Collaborating Units and the Collaborative Program Office, as appropriate
                                                       M.S.W.*, Ph.D.†
Sociology (D)                                          M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-978-3414
Spanish (D)                                            M.A.* Ph.D.                               416-813-4080
                                                                                                                                                         City of Toronto
Speech Language Pathology (D)                          M.H.Sc.* M.Sc. Ph.D.                      416-978-2765
                                                                                                                                                         Toronto is the fifth largest city in North America and the                  beautiful architecture, an amazing array of parks, and world class
Statistics (D)                                         M.Sc.* Ph.D.                              416-978-5136                 most culturally diverse city in the world. The many different               cuisine – all of it accessible by the Toronto Transit System’s network
Women and Gender Studies (I)                           M.A.                                      416-978-3668                   neighbourhoods and ethnic communities in this intimate                      of subways, buses and streetcars.
                                                                                                                                                         metropolis, like the university’s individual colleges and departments,
D= Department C= Centre I= Institute *Part-time Studies are available † Flexible-time Program Available †† Combined Degree ‡   Pending OCGS Approval
                                                                                                                                                         create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Size does have an               Join us for your graduate education and become part of a world
                                                                                                                                                         advantage though: the city offers over 1000 festivals every year,           class community.
                                                                                                                                                         world renowned museums, galleries, symphony orchestra and zoo,

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Sgs Admissions Guide

  • 1. Quick Facts GRAD ROOM School Of Graduate Studies 63 St. George Street, Toronto, Canada, M5S 2Z9 » Established in 1827 Inquiries: (416) 978-6614 Fax: (416) 978-4367 » Approximately 4,400 graduate faculty Admissions Enquiries: » Over 12,000 full and part-time students » U of T library system ranks among the top five research libraries in North America » Formal linkages with over 100 research institutions around the globe » Affiliations with a growing number of leading research institutions such as: the 10 Toronto teaching hospitals, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, all 5 Ontario Centres of Excellence, all 21 federal Networks of Centres of Excellence » The birthplace of many major research achievements including the discovery of Insulin, creation of the first electronic heart pacemaker, development of the artificial larynx and the single-lung transplant » On any given week students, faculty, staff and members of the community present concerts, exhibits, plays, readings, and films at any one of our 6 Art galleries or 16 Theatres » World famous alumni including authors Margaret Atwood, Michael Ondaatje and Stephen Leacock; filmmakers such as David Cronenberg and Atom Egoyan and opera singer Maureen Forrester, among many others » U of T has 6 Nobel Prize-winning graduates, the highest number of any Canadian university Welcome Fellowships and Financial Aid Ontario Student Assistance Program Student Family Housing ULife - What Are You Doing After Class? described above. Please use the International Degree Equivalencies tool to see which The federal and provincial governments If you are a full-time student and need The ULife website gives U of T students all Welcome to the University of Toronto, the Financial support for our graduate students international credentials are required for provide financial support to qualified accommodation for you, your spouse or the information they need to get involved largest graduate school in Canada! is important to the University of Toronto. masters and doctoral admissions at U of T. students who are Canadian citizens or partner, and/or dependent children, you in the hundreds of clubs and activities We offer a combination of academic That is why U of T was the first Canadian For your information you can view a selection permanent residents of Ontario. The may be eligible to apply for Student Family running on all three campuses. So, what are excellence and world-class resources university to offer a guaranteed level of of equivalent qualifications from a number of amount of the loan depends on your Housing. you doing after class? which provide our graduate students with financial support for graduate students » Web: » Web: educational systems around the world. calculated financial need. diverse opportunities for professional and pursuing doctoral degrees. » Web: » Web: Student Housing Service Office of English Language and Writing intellectual development. Admissions_Requirements Entrance Awards Awards For Non-Canadians Support Your first stop for housing information International Student Centre Awards are offered by graduate programs Admission Requirements In addition to the internal funding normally should be the student Housing Service, The Office of English Language and Writing The International Student Centre (ISC) and departments to the best and brightest available to all international students, there where you’ll find up-to-date information Support offers individual consultations, single- promotes and supports international incoming masters and doctoral students for Listed below are the minimum admission are a number of external funding sources on campus residences, off-campus room session workshops, and non-credit courses requirements set by the School of Graduate education and offers services, programs, and full-time graduate study. that can also be explored. International lists, apartments and houses for rent by for both native and non-native speakers of Studies. Many departments require a higher facilities for international students, students Internal Awards students are encouraged to apply for all landlords throughout the city, lists of English. with international and/or intercultural » Web: average. possible funding opportunities in their students seeking roommates, as well as a The School of Graduate Studies offers a interests, and students looking for education number of internal awards to meritorious home country. Buy and Sell Board service advertising used Master’s Programs and Full-Time Services and work opportunities abroad.Visit the » Web: furniture and goods. graduate students such as the University of Special Students International Student Center web site for financial/international » Web: Toronto Fellowships (UTF), the Connaught Student Services offers a full range of » an appropriate four-year bachelor’s degree information on obtaining student visas and For further information, please contact: Massey College Scholarship as well as other endowed awards. services in the areas of career development, with a final year average of at least mid-B from health insurance (UHIP). Fellowships and Loans Office Massey College is an independent residence the University of Toronto or its equivalent housing, learning skills, health, personal and External Awards » School of Graduate Studies from another recognized university community of senior academic scholars and emotional development, family concerns Canadians and landed-immigrants may also International Student Exchange Office apply for external support in the form of University of Toronto full-time graduate students. and support for Aboriginal and international Doctoral Programs » an appropriate University of Toronto master’s If you are a graduate student who wishes » Web: 63 St. George Street, Rm.202 students. scholarships and fellowships offered by the to attend the University of Toronto as an Toronto, Canada, M5S 2Z9 » Web: degree or its equivalent, with an average Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Campus Life exchange student, look into the services Tel: (416) 978-2379 / Fax: (416) 978-4367 of at least B+ or demonstrated comparable Student Affairs Council of Canada (NSERC- www.nserc. » E-mail: and programs offered by the International research competence ca), the Social Sciences and Humanities There’s life outside the classroom and the Student Affairs builds community among Student Exchange Office. » some departments admit directly to the Research Council of Canada (SSHRC-www. lab! An abundance of sports, theatre, music, students at the University of Toronto. Other sources of funding: » Web: doctoral program from a bachelor’s degree and the Canadian Institutes of academic conferences and student groups Student Affairs provides services related for highly qualified candidates (minimum Teaching Assistantships Application Health Research ( All contribute to a vibrant campus life. to campus organizations, sexual diversity, average A- required) Some departments hire teaching assistants three granting councils (NSERC, SSHRC, accessibility, student crisis response, child Graduate Student Initiative Part-time Special Students who spend up to 10 hours a week The University of Toronto offers a web- and CIHR) also offer Canadian Graduate care, and community partnerships. In partnership with the Graduates Students’ » must hold a degree from a recognized conducting tutorials, grading undergraduate based graduate application to make the » Web: Scholarships (CGS). The Government of Union and School of Graduate Studies, university essays/exams and acting as a resource process quick and simple for potential servicesandlinks/studentaffairs the Province of Ontario provides graduate this program is specifically designed by for undergraduate students. For further International and Exchange Students students. A link to the web-based form scholarships tenable at Ontario universities. Hart House Student Services to offer workshops, social information, write the chair of your is available from the program’s admission The focus on academic excellence and the Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) are As the cultural, recreational, and social events and online resources to enhance the graduate department, giving full particulars requirements page when you are ready to University’s outstanding research facilities, available for graduate studies in all disciplines. student centre of the U of T, Hart graduate student experience. of your academic training and experience. begin the application. combined with its strong international Sixty of these awards are available to visa House provides students with the » Web: connections, draws over 1000 international students. Ontario Graduate Scholarships Research Assistantships chance to develop their interests in Financial Support Graduate Students’ Union students each year from all parts of the in Science and Technology (OGSST) are music, art, literature, debates, athletics Research assistants normally work with a faculty The Graduate Students’ Union at world to continue their graduate education designed to encourage excellence in graduate and recreational activities ranging from member, assisting with research projects. Apply Tuition Fees: University of Toronto represents over and research at UofT. studies in science and technology.These photography to scuba diving. directly to the department chair concerned. The total fee is normally an annual fee 11,000 students studying in over 70 awards are only available to Canadian » Web: covering a full academic year and includes departments. For many years this union Housing Applicants educated at non-Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Athletic Centre institutions should note that their educational both the academic fees plus incidental/ has advocated for increased student » Web: ancillary fees. We offer co-curricular opportunities Graduate students need to find the ideal representation, funding and provided background will be assessed for equivalency » Web: for active physical activity for the entire community for their graduate experience. services such as health insurance, with a University of Toronto degree as student body, as well as faculty, staff The University of Toronto meets this need confidential advice and a voice for the and members of the community. With by offering a wide variety of housing and graduate student body on the various English Language Score Requirements 47 intercollegiate teams, multi-tiered housing services ranging from campus committees of the university. intramural leagues in 24 sports, extensive » Web: residences, including our own Graduate offerings in movement, fitness and dance, Test Academic Division Minimum Score Requirement * House, to off-campus shared and private Grad Escapes and many children’s classes, we conduct accommodation. Disconnect yourself from the PC and come Paper-Based Test and TWE Computer-Based Internet-Based one of the broadest programs in North TOEFL Graduate House explore Toronto’s great cultural riches in Test and Essay Test and Writing America. the company of other like-minded grad The multi-award winning residence offers Rating Score and Speaking Sections » Web: students. apartment-style accommodation for 437 Humanities Overall 580 Overall 237 Overall 93 » Web: full-time single students registered in the Social Sciences TWE 5 Essay Rating 5 Writing 22 School of Graduate Studies or in second- Training Programs for Graduate Life Sciences Speaking 22 entry professional programs. Graduate Students in University Teaching Physical Sciences Overall 580 Overall 237 Overall 93 House is close to many of the university’s Graduate students interested in improving TWE 4 Essay Rating 4 Writing 22 facilities including Robarts Library (the main Speaking 22 their teaching skills can do so through a research library) and the Athletic Centre. IELTS All 7.0 variety of courses and training programs. » Web: » Web: MELAB Al 85 training.asp COPE All 4 (with at least 1 in each component and 2 in writing) * valid until December 31, 2007 76 (with at least 22 in each component and 32 in writing) * valid from January 1, 2008
  • 2. Collaborative Programs Department, Centre, Institute Degrees Telephone Web site In addition to degree programs, our graduate departments, must be admitted to and enrolled in one of the collaborating centres, and institutes, also offer unique, non-degree granting, graduate units (listed below under the name of the collaborative Aerospace Science & Engineering (D) M.A.Sc. M. Eng* Ph.D. 416-667-7714 collaborative programs. These innovative programs emerge from program), and must fulfill all the requirements for the degree in Anthropology (D) M.A.* M.Sc.* Ph.D. 416-978-5416 cooperation between two or more graduate units, which provides that home unit, in order to participate in a collaborative program. a broader base from which to explore a novel interdisciplinary On successful completion of requirements for the collaborative Architecture, Landscape & Design (D) M.Arch.* M.L.A.* M.U.D.* 416-978-5038 area or a special development in a particular discipline. A student program, a notation is added to the student’s transcript. Art (D) M.A.* Ph.D. M.V.S 416-946-3960 Collaborative Program* Telephone Web site Asian Institute (I) 416-978-8996 Astronomy & Astrophysics (D) M.Sc.* Ph.D. 416-978-2016 Aboriginal Health : Adult Education and Counselling Psychology, 416-978-0298 Biochemistry (D) M.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-4815 Anthropology, Geography, Nursing Science, Public Health Sciences, Sociology Bioethics M.H.Sc. 416-978-2709 and Equity Studies in Education Biomedical Communications M.Sc.BMC 416-978-2659 Addiction Studies : Adult Education and Counselling Psychology, 416-978-2751 Anthropology, Biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering, Criminology, Biomedical Engineering, Clinical M.A.Sc. M.H.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-4841 Information Studies, Medical Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biotechnology Program M.Biotech 905-569-4737 Pharmacology, Psychology, Public Health Sciences, Social Work, Sociology Cell and Systems Biology M.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-8532 Aging, Palliative and Supportive Care Across the Life Course : Adult 416-978-0377 Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry (D) M.A.Sc. M.Eng.* Ph.D. 416-978-7137 Education and Counselling Psychology, Anthropology; Dentistry; Exercise 416-978-7037 Sciences; Health Policy, Management & Evaluation; Information Studies; Chemistry (D) M.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-3605 Medical Science; Nursing Science; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Psychology; Cinema Studies M.A. 416-978-0839 Public Health Sciences; Rehabilitation Science; Social Work; Sociology; Speech-Language Pathology Civil Engineering (D) M.A.Sc. M.Eng.* Ph.D. 416-978-5904 Classics (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-978-5513 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy : Classics, Medieval Studies, Philosophy 416-978-3178 Comparative Literature (C) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-813-4041 Ancient Greek and Roman History : Classics (U of T); History (York 416-978-5513 University) Computer Science (D) M.Sc.* Ph.D. 416-978-8762 Asia Pacific Studies : Anthropology, East Asian Studies, Economics, 416-946-8996 J.D./M.A.††M.A.* Ph.D Criminology (C) 416-978-7124 Geography, Social Work Ph.D.† Dentistry (D) M.Sc.* 416-979-4901 Astrophysics : Astronomy & Astrophysics, Physics,, The Canadian Institute of 416-946-3044 Drama (C) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-978-7980 Theoretical Astrophysics East Asian Studies (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-946-3624 Bioethics : Health Policy, Management & Evaluation; Law; Medical Science; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology M.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-8514 Biomedical Engineering : Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering & Applied 416-978-4317 J.D./M.A.†† M.A.* Economics (D) 416-978-6713 Chemistry, Dentistry, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Laboratory Medicine J.D./Ph.D.††Ph.D. & Pathobiology, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Medical Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Physiology, Education (For the following five departments 416-923-6641 Rehabilitation apply directly to OISE/UT) ext. 2663 M.Ed.* M.A.* Ed.D.* Ph.D† Adult Education and Counselling Psychology (D) Biomedical Toxicology : Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology; Medical 416-978-5244 M.Ed.* M.A.* M.T. Ed.D.* Ph.D.† Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (D) Science; Nutritional Sciences; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Pharmacology; Zoology Human Development and Applied Psychology (D) M.Ed.* M.A.* M.A.(CS&E) Ed.D.* Ph.D. Biomolecular Structure : Biochemistry, Chemistry, Medical Biophysics, 416-978-0557 Sociology and Equity Studies in Education (D) M.Ed.* M.A.* Ed.D.* Ph.D. Molecular & Medical Genetics M.Ed.* M.A.* Ed.D.* Ph.D.† Theory and Policy Studies in Education (D) Book History & Print Culture : Comparative Literature, English, French Language 416-946-3560 Electrical & Computer Engineering (D) M.A.Sc. M.Eng.* M.Eng.Tel.* Ph.D. 416-978-3122 & Literature, Information Studies, Italian Studies, Medieval Studies, Music English (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-978-5027 Cardiovascular Sciences : Biomedical Engineering, Exercise Sciences, Health 416-978-0746 Environment (C) M.Env.Sc. 416-978-7077 Policy, Management & Evaluation, Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, menvsci/ Medical Biophysics, Medical Science, Pharmacology, Physiology, Public Health Sciences, Rehabilitation Science M.A. J.D./M.A.†† European, Russian and Eurasian Studies 416-946-8938 M.B.A./M.A. Community Development : Adult Education and Community Development; 416-978-2072 M.Sc.* Ph.D.† Counselling Psychology; Planning; Public Health Sciences; Social Work Exercise Sciences (D) 416-978-6087 Financial Economics M.F.E. 416-978-8623 Comparative, International and Development Education : Adult Education; 416-923-6641 Curriculum; Second Language Education; Sociology in Education; Higher ext. 2361 Forestry (D) M.Sc.F. M.F.C. Ph.D. 416-946-7952 Education; History and Philosophy of Education; Educational Administration French Language & Literature (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-926-2307 Developmental Biology : Biochemistry, Botany, Immunology, Laboratory 416-946-7006 Genetic Couselling M.Sc Medicine & Pathobiology, Medical Biophysics Molecular & Medical Genetics, Physiology, Zoology Geography (D) M.A.* M.Sc* Ph.D. 416-978-3377 Developmental Science : Human Development & Applied Psychology; Geology (D) M.Sc.* M.A.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-1240 Psychology Germanic Languages & Literatures (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-926-2321 Editing Medieval Texts : Classics, English, French Language & Literature, 416-978-4884 Health Policy, Management & Evaluation (D) M.H.Sc. M.Sc.* M.H.Sc./M.N. 416-978-1108 History, Italian Studies, Medieval Studies, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Spanish M.H.Sc./M.S.W. Ph.D. MMI Environment & Health : Geography, Medical Science, Planning, Public 416-978-7077 History (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-978-5800 Health Science History & Philosophy of Science & Technology M.A.* Ph.D. 416-978-5397 Environmental Engineering : Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, 416-978-3532 Immunology (D) M.Sc.. Ph.D. 416-978-6382 Civil Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Industrial Relations and Human Resources (C) M.I.R.H.R. *Ph.D. 416-978-2927 M.I.St*. G.Dip.I.St., J.D./M.I.St. †† Ph.D. 416-978-3234 Environmental Studies : Adult Education & Counselling Psychology; Information Studies (D) 416-978-7077 M.M.St. Anthropology; Botany; Chemistry; Curriculum, Teaching & Learning; Economics; Forestry; Geography; Geology; Information Studies; Management; Philosophy; Italian Studies (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-926-2349 Political Science; Sociology; Sociology & Equity Studies; Zoology Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology (D) M.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-2550 Ethnic and Pluralism Studies : Anthropology, Geography, History, Industrial 416-978-4783 Law (D) LL.M.* M.S.L. S.J.D. 416-978-0213 Relations, Nursing Science, Political Science, Religion, Russian & East European Studies, Social Work, Sociology Linguistics (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-978-4029 Geology & Physics : Geology, Physics 416-978-3231 B.A.Sc./M.B.A.††, J.D./M.B.A.†† Management (D) M.B.A. 416-978-3499, gpcollab.html *Ph.D. M.A./M.B.A.†† M.M.P.A. 416-978-4441, E.M.B.A. G.Dip.IFA M.F. 416-978-4226, Health Care, Technology & Place : Biomedical Engineering; English; Health 416-978-2067 905-828-3985 Policy, Mgmt. & Evaluation; Nursing Science; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Public Materials Science & Engineering (D) M.A.Sc. M.Eng.* Ph.D. 416-978-3012 Health Sciences, Social Work Mathematical Finance Program M.M.F. 416-946-5206 Health Services & Policy Research : Health Policy, Mgmt. & Evaluation; 416-978-1108 Nursing Science; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Public Health Sciences; Mathematics (D) M.Sc.* Ph.D. 416-978-7894 Rehabilitation Science; Social Work Mechanical and Industrial Engineering M.A.Sc. M.Eng.*. M.Eng./D.M. *Ph.D. 416-978-2922 Integrated Manufacturing : Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, 416-978-2922 Medical Biophysics (D) M.Sc. Ph.D. 416-946-2819 Materials Science & Engineering,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering integmanu.html Medical Science (I) M.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-5012 International Relations : Anthropology; Economics; Geography; Health 416-946-8917 Medieval Studies (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-978-4884 Policy, Management & Evaluation, History; Philosophy; Political Science; Sociology; Religion Molecular and Medical Genetics (D) M.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-7145 Jewish Studies : Anthropology; English; Germanic Languages & Literatures; 416-978-8118 Music M.A. Ph.D. Mus.M. D.M.A. 416-978-5772 History; Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations; Philosophy; Political Science; Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-978-3181 Religion; Sociology M.N.* M.H.Sc./M.N Ph.D.† PMNP Dip. Nursing Science (D) 416-978-8727 Knowledge Media Design : Architecture, Landscape & Design; Computer 416-946-8515 Science; Information Studies; Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Medical Nutritional Sciences (D) M.Sc.* Ph.D. 416-978-6071 Science, Sociology Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy (D) M.Sc. OT 416-978-2765 Management and Economics : Economics, Management 416-978-7169 † Pharmaceutical Sciences (D) M.Sc.* Ph.D. 416-978-2179 collaborative.htm graduate Neuroscience : Biochemistry, Biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering, 416-978-4894 Pharmacology (D) M.Sc.* Ph.D. 416-978-5244 Dentistry, Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, Medical Science, Molecular M.A.* Ph.D. J.D./Ph.D.†† Philosophy (D) 416-978-3312 www. & Medical Genetics, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychology, Rehabilitation Science, Speech-Language Pathology, Zoology Physical Therapy (D) M.Sc.PT 416-978-2765 Genome Biology and Bioinformatics : Biochemistry; Botany; Laboratory 416-946-7006 Physics (D) M.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-2945 Medicine & Pathobiology; Medical Biophysics; Medical Science; Molecular & Physiology (D) M.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-2601 Medical Genetics; Zoology Planning M.Sc.Pl.*.M.U.D.S.*, Ph.D. 416-978-3377 South Asian Studies : Anthropology, English, Geography, History; Political 416-978-4294 J.D./M.A.††,J.D./Ph.D.†† Political Science (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-978-2017 Science, Religion, Social Work Psychology (D) M.A. Ph.D. 416-978-3404 Women’s Health 416-978-0896 Ph.D.† Public Health Sciences (D) M.Sc.* M.H.Sc.* ‡ M.Sc.C.H. 416-978-2058 Women’s Studies : Adult Education & Counselling Psychology; Anthropology; 416-978-3668 Criminology; Curriculum, Teaching & Learning; Comparative Literature; Drama; Public Policy and Governance M.P.P. 416-978-5120 English; Exercise Sciences; French; Geography; Health Policy, Management Rehabilitation Science (D) M.Sc.* Ph.D. 416-978-0300 & Evaluation; History; Information Studies; Law; Medieval Studies; Near & Religion (C) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-978-3057 Middle Eastern Civilizations; Nursing; Philosophy; Political Science; Public Health Sciences; Religion; Sociology & Equity Studies in Education; Social Work; Slavic Languages and Literatures (D) M.A. Ph.D. 416-926-2075 Sociology; Spanish; Theory & Policy Studies in Education J.D./M.S.W.†† ††, Social Work (D) , M.H.Sc./M.S.W. 416-978-3257 *Applications are to be submitted to one of the Collaborating Units and the Collaborative Program Office, as appropriate M.S.W.*, Ph.D.† Sociology (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-978-3414 Spanish (D) M.A.* Ph.D. 416-813-4080 portuguese City of Toronto Speech Language Pathology (D) M.H.Sc.* M.Sc. Ph.D. 416-978-2765 Toronto is the fifth largest city in North America and the beautiful architecture, an amazing array of parks, and world class Statistics (D) M.Sc.* Ph.D. 416-978-5136 most culturally diverse city in the world. The many different cuisine – all of it accessible by the Toronto Transit System’s network Women and Gender Studies (I) M.A. 416-978-3668 neighbourhoods and ethnic communities in this intimate of subways, buses and streetcars. metropolis, like the university’s individual colleges and departments, D= Department C= Centre I= Institute *Part-time Studies are available † Flexible-time Program Available †† Combined Degree ‡ Pending OCGS Approval create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Size does have an Join us for your graduate education and become part of a world advantage though: the city offers over 1000 festivals every year, class community. world renowned museums, galleries, symphony orchestra and zoo,