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Boston, MA 02111
                                                                                                                                                                 Suite 402
                                                                                                                                                                 38 Chauncy Street
                                                                                                                                                                                     AFT Massachusetts
                                                                                  September 2011

Major Changes Ahead
  From health insurance                        What do the new measures mean
  to teacher evaluation,                   for you? Here’s a look.

  new measures will                        Municipal Healthcare 101
  have a big impact on                         When the Massachusetts House
                                           of Representatives passed a bill that
  the lives of AFT MA                      would have virtually eliminated the
  members.                                 ability of public employee unions to
                                           bargain over health insurance, union
                                           leaders knew they had to fight back.

         t the end of June, the Board      In the following weeks, they pushed
         of Elementary and Secondary       hard for changes to the legislation that
         Education approved an             would protect retirees, mitigate the
overhaul of the state’s teacher            impact of cost shifting on low-income
evaluation system, capping off months      members and provide employees with
of intense debate. A few weeks later,      a greater share of cost savings gained
Massachusetts state lawmakers voted
in favor of another controversial
                                           through insurance plan changes.
                                               The end result, explains Andrew
                                                                                      WORKING TOGETHER President
                                                                                      of AFT Massachusetts,Tom Gosnell,
                                                                                                                                           In This Issue
measure: a municipal health insurance      Powell, an AFT MA field representative      speaks on municipal health insurance
reform law that weakens the ability        and an authority on municipal health       at the State House. By working
                                                                                      together, public employee unions in
                                                                                                                                       2    President’s Column
of public employee unions—including        insurance, was a much better law                                                                 Bold Print
teacher unions—to bargain over health      than that passed by the House. “If the     the state were able to fight for key
care. And while teacher evaluations        unions hadn’t worked together we were      protections in the health insurance
                                                                                      law enacted this summer.
                                                                                                                                       3    Two complex policies alter
                                                                                                                                            the landscape
and health insurance might not seem        likely to get a far worse outcome,” says
to have much in common, changes to
both are likely to have a big impact on
                                           Powell. “We were looking at losing
                                           collective bargaining entirely, but
                                                                                      (or increasing copayments and
                                                                                      deductibles to the level of the GIC),
                                                                                                                                       4    Diary of a New Teacher:
                                                                                                                                            The challenge of reaching
the lives of AFT MA members.               by putting our differences aside and       they may still engage in traditional                  academically struggling
     The two reform packages also          working together for common solutions      collective bargaining or in coalition                 students
share another important attribute.         we were able to preserve a seat at the     bargaining with all of the municipal
Both are immensely complicated—even        table and secure some vital protections    unions. And municipalities that                  5   Behind the Scenes: Field
convoluted—and will be governed by         for our members, especially the most       do elect to pursue the new reform                    Representative Andy Powell
regulations that in many cases are still   vulnerable.”                               option must negotiate through what
being written. Says AFT MA President           Most importantly, notes Powell,        are called local Public Employee                 6   On Campus: The Vision
Tom Gosnell: “These are incredibly         the new law is not a mandate. While        Committees. “The important thing is
complicated issues and we’re going         cities and towns have the option of        that we continue to have a voice in this         7   Retiree Corner
                                                                                                                                           The Golden Apple
to do everything we can to keep our        transferring employees to the state’s      process,” says Powell.
members well informed and up to            Group Insurance Commission (GIC)                                     Continued on page 3

Amesbury Paras Fight Off Outsourcing Bid                                                                                               Did you know that your

     he scenario has become                                                                                                            AFT MA membership
                                           education para and
     distressingly familiar. An outside    building representative                                                                     entitles you to discounts
     entity—often a private, for-profit     at Cashman Elementary                                                                       on insurance products?
company—rides into a strapped-for-         School. “The town really
cash city or town offering a quick-fix
                                                                                                                                       For more information see
                                           saw this as a straight
solution to local budget woes. The         financial issue. I don’t
                                                                                                                                       the special ad on page 8
magic bullet: replacing some part of the   think they ever thought                                                                     or visit the benefits page
work force with non-union employees        about how the kids and                                                                      of our website:
who earn less, receive fewer benefits       their families would be
and have few if any job protections.                                                                                         
   That’s exactly what happened in                                                                                                     benefits/
Amesbury last spring when Futures          Fact finders
Education, a so-called special                 The news sent
education turnaround specialist,           shock waves through
promised local officials big savings if     Amesbury’s classrooms.
they shifted paraprofessional jobs to      The plan being              PARA POWER When Amesbury proposed
the private firm. With Amesbury facing      considered by the           outsourcing special education paras, the paras
a $400,000 gap in next year’s school       school committee            fought back. From left: science teacher and union
budget, the offer sounded too good to      would outsource 63          vice president Brian Hopkins, AFT Amesbury
turn down. For the paraprofessionals,      of the district’s 91        president Cindy Yetman and paraprofessionals Deb
many of whom have worked one-              paraprofessional            Murphy and Priscilla Terry.
on-one with the same special needs         positions. But even
                                                                                                                                        If you’d like to receive an
students for years, the writing was on     as their future employment lay in           would they make and what kind of                  electronic version of the
the wall.                                  doubt, the paras found it nearly            benefits would they have? How would              Advocate, send an email to
   “This wasn’t just about protecting      impossible to get basic information         the new system be managed? How
                                                                                       much money could Amesbury really
our jobs, it was about the impact that     about the outsourcing proposal and its
outsourcing would have on the kids we      implications. How many paras would          expect to save?                                 include your home mailing
serve,” says Priscilla Terry, a special    be employed by Futures? How much                                     Continued on page 6     address for identification.
                                                                                              needs improvement, and unsatisfactory.
                                                                                              However, unions and cities and towns will
                                                                                              still collectively bargain over many of the
                                                                                              procedures in the evaluation process.
                                                                                                   Those schools which the Department
                                    Thomas J. Gosnell                                         of Elementary and Secondary Education
                                                                                                                                                Print Material
                                    President, AFT Massachusetts                              has labeled underperforming will have
                                                                                                                                                Congratulations to Garret Virchick,
                                                                                              the new system in place for the 2011-12
                                                                                                                                                editor of the Boston Union Teacher for
                                                                                              school year. For all the other schools the
                                                                                                                                                winning an Award for Excellence in the AFT

More Challenges Ahead                                                                         target date is the 2012-13 school year.
                                                                                                   In this area also AFT MA shall be
                                                                                              educating its field representatives and
                                                                                                                                                Communications Contest. Girchick received
                                                                                                                                                the top prize for his story “Exposing the Man

G     ood things do end. Summer is one        negotiate about health reimbursement                                                              Behind the Curtain:What’s Behind Education
                                                                                              local presidents about what to expect in          Reform?” Also recognized were Peabody
      of those good things. The longer        accounts which will provide assistance
                                                                                              upcoming negotiations.                            English teacher Michalene Hague, who
days, the warmer weather, the greater         to those with significantly higher co-pays
                                                                                                   The financial situation remains               won a first place for best editorial for “Why I
opportunity to engage in outdoor              and deductibles. No one will lose health
                                                                                              precarious. Although the recession has            Am Union,” which appeared in the February
activities, and an interesting baseball       insurance coverage.
                                                                                              not hit Massachusetts as severely as some         2010 issue of the Advocate. Hague shared top
season—all of these contribute to the             AFT MA will be educating its field                                                             honors with Connie Clauson, a former
                                                                                              states, the damage is still significant.
good life.                                    representatives, the local presidents,                                                            contributor to the Diary of a New Teacher,
                                                                                                   Our public libraries continue to suffer.
     Labor Day brings big change even for     and local library chapter chairs about                                                            who wrote movingly of losing her teaching
                                                                                              Although those working in the libraries
those who work during the summer. The         the complexities of the law and what to                                                           job in the November 2010 Advocate.
                                                                                              provide magnificent service, the cities and
remainder of 2011 and all of 2012 will        expect in upcoming collective bargaining
                                                                                              towns continue to reduce their numbers,
immerse us in a sea of challenges.            negotiations. A summary of the legislation
                                                                                              to cut back on hours open, and to
     For the past several years public        is available at                                                                    Library Luminaries
                                                                                              purchase fewer books.
employee unions have worked mightily              During the past school year the                                                               Several librarians and members of the
                                                                                                   Massachusetts continues to fund public
to protect insurance coverage for their       Department of Elementary and Secondary                                                            Massachusetts Library Staff Association
                                                                                              higher education at a level that other            (part of AFT MA) were recognized by the
members. However, since health costs          Education established a taskforce to
                                                                                              states would consider an overwhelming             Massachusetts Library Association for their
have risen enormously, since cities and       recommend a performance evaluation
                                                                                              embarrassment.                                    great work in spreading the word about
towns are struggling with the recession,      system for teachers. The Race To The
                                                                                                   Although the federal stimulus package        library programs in the commonwealth.
and since the private sector has              Top grant which Massachusetts received
                                                                                              contributed mightily to the maintenance           This year’s PR award winners include:
dramatically reduced health insurance         mandated that the state establish a
                                                                                              of k-12 public education, that money is           Susan Flannery of the Cambridge Public
coverage for its employees, the public and    comprehensive system.
                                                                                              gone and will not reappear while the              Library, Sharon Gilley of the Lucius Beebe
political atmosphere has hurt public sector       The use of MCAS scores in the
                                                                                              composition of the current Congress               Memorial Library in Wakefield, Kathleen
unions. Our colleagues in Wisconsin, New      evaluation system was a dominant topic                                                            O’Doherty of the Woburn Public Library,
                                                                                              remains as it is. Layoffs have not been
Jersey and Ohio have lost their long held     which provoked animated, and sometimes                                                            Kathleen Quinlan of Lexington’s Cary
                                                                                              multitudinous, but they have happened.
right to bargain about health insurance.      stormy, discussion.                                                                               Memorial Library and Libby Fox of the
                                                                                              School departments have chosen not to fill
     In this state the health insurance           AFT MA consistently opposed its                                                               Middleborough Public Library. Congrats all
                                                                                              positions opened by retirement. Students
legislation adopted in July will change       use because we believed that teacher                                                              around and keep up the great work!
                                                                                              are not getting the resources they need.
how we negotiate about health insurance       evaluation was not the purpose of the test
                                                                                                   The elections in 2012 are important,
coverage. The public sector unions            and that no data existed to prove that it
                                                                                              just as all elections are. Democrats
managed to prevent the most draconian         was a proper evaluative tool. The task                                                            Tech Talk
                                                                                              have disappointed us. Republicans have
proposals that would have given cities        force, despite our opposition, decided to                                                         Ted Chambers, a social studies teacher
                                                                                              assaulted us. Look at Wisconsin, Ohio and         at the Edwards School in Charlestown,
and towns absolute control over health        include it as one factor in the evaluation of
                                                                                              Florida where collective bargaining and           was selected to represent the AFT at the
insurance coverage. Clearly it will be        teachers. No numerical weight was given
                                                                                              unionism have been assaulted relentlessly.        Democratic Governors Association
easier for cities and towns to enter the      to the use of MCAS scores.
                                                                                              Battles will continue.                            Education Summit. Chambers, who is
Group Insurance Commission and to offer           Of course currently only 17% of
                                                                                                   AFT MA remains committed to fighting          helping to design high-quality lesson plans
different plans. However, they must also      teachers teach subjects tested by MCAS.
                                                                                              for its teachers, paraprofessionals, librarians   for teachers with Edwards colleagues Tracy
                                              A brazen inequity.
                                                                                              and all its members as well as the students       Johnson and Kevin Qazilbash, participated
                                                  The Board of Elementary and
                                                                                              in Massachusetts. While the road on which         in a panel on the ways in which technology
                                              Secondary Education adopted this                                                                  is transforming the teaching profession.
                                                                                              we travel will have plenty of obstacles,
                                              recommendation and many others. For                                                               Chambers and his colleagues received a
                                                                                              the command is clear. Move ahead, fight
                                              example, throughout the state the rating                                                          special shout out at AFT’s TEACH conference
                                                                                              tough and smart. If you have questions or
                                              marks must be exemplary, proficient,                                                               in Washington this summer.The crew won
         The official publication of                                                           comments, contact
                                                                                                                                                an Innovation Grant from the AFT last year
        AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO
                                                                                                                                                for their proposal to design and share lesson
      Thomas J. Gosnell, President            Local Educators Join ‘Save our Schools’ March                                                     plans, the first of which are being rolled out
   Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer                                                                                                        this school year.
                                              By Garret Virchick, Boston Teachers
           VICE PRESIDENTS                    Union
              Patricia Armstrong
                Deborah Blinder
             Kathryn Chamberlain
                                              O     n July 30th the temperature in
                                                    Washington, DC was hot, topping
                                              100 degrees. And almost 5,000 teachers,
                                                                                                                                                Gold Standard
                                                                                                                                                Apostolos Paraskevas, a professor in
                                                                                                                                                the Composition Department at Berklee
                 Brenda Chaney                parents, students, education writers and                                                          College of Music, was awarded a Gold Level
                 Kathy Delaney                                                                                                                  Award at the California Film Awards for his
                                              supporters of public education were
              Catherine Deveney
                                              steamed. The impetus: ten years of the                                                            film “I Finally Did It!” Dr. Paraskevas, who
                Patricia Driscoll
               Marianne Dumont                failed education policy No Child Left                                                             co-directed the film with filmmaker-director
                J. Michael Earle              Behind and the recent attacks on public                                                           Mathew Tucciarone, authored the script and
                Margaret Farrell                                                                                                                composed the score for the feature-length
                                              education and public school teachers.
                  Mary Ferriter                                                                                                                 documentary that explores the power
                                                   Joining the Save Our Schools rally and
                Jenna Fitzgerald                                                                                                                of friendship, music, and death via a most
                Richard Flaherty              march was a contingent of 30 members of         TIME TO MARCH A contingent of                     unusual, yet sympathetic character. The film
                  Paul Georges                the Boston Teachers Union who took time         Boston Teachers Union members at                  also features a soundtrack of Paraskevas’
               Alice M. Gunning               off from summer vacation to come to             the Save Our Schools march and rally.             original music.
                 Daniel Haacker               DC. The group included veteran teachers         his impassioned defense of the profession.
               Joyce Harrington
                                              and provisional teachers, substitutes and       Damon, the son of a former Massachusetts
                  Susan Leahy
               Rebecca McInnis                retirees. Marching behind the BTU banner        school teacher, had some reassuring words         Silver Screen
              Francis McLaughlin              were other teachers from Massachusetts          for the audience. “The next time you              Boston teachers Robert and Yvonne
                  Bruce Nelson                schools as well as graduate students            encounter some simple minded punitive             Lamothe screened their documentary
               Catherine Patten               from local colleges along with supporters       policy that has been driven into your life        “TEACH:Teachers are Talking—Is the Nation
                  James Philip
                 Bruce Sparfven
                                              of public education from across the             by some corporate reformer who has                Listening” at the Save Our Schools march
               Richard Stutman                Commonwealth.                                   literally never taught anyone anything,           and rally in Washington, DC this summer.The
                  Gale Thomas                      A pre-march conference and                 please, please, please know that there are        documentary features conversations about
                                              rally featured some of the country’s            millions of us behind you. We love you, we        the art of teaching and learning by teachers
         Jennifer C. Berkshire, Editor                                                                                                          themselves. For more information about
                                              preeminent defenders of public education,       thank you, and we will ALWAYS have your
             38 Chauncy St., Suite 402                                                                                                          how to see the film for yourself visit www.
               Boston, Mass. 02111            including Jonathan Kozol, Diane Ravitch         back.”
       Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523        and former BPS principal Debbie Meir. But
                Fax: 617-423-0174             the surprise star of the event may have         Learn more about Save Our Schools
                                                                                              and hear Damon’s entire speech on our             The Advocate loves good news. If you’ve
                       been actor Matt Damon who wowed the                                                               got news to share, send us an email at:
                                              crowd—and teachers—everywhere with              website:
Big Changes Ahead
                                                                                                worked out.                                and educator to reflect the educator’s
                                                                                                    “The primary goal is to create fair    specific strengths and weaknesses, as
                                                                                                and workable evaluation systems that       well as school and student needs. Each
                        Continued from page 1   Big picture                                     are about support, not ‘gotcha,’ and       plan must spell out the actions that the
                                                    Although the law lays out a process         the regulations only provide a rough       educator will take to achieve the plan
  With two complex                              for municipalities to follow, many of the       framework for that,” says Dan Murphy,      goals, as well as the support, assistance,
                                                                                                AFT MA’s director of educational           and professional growth opportunities
  new policies, the                             details remain to be worked out, notes
                                                                                                policy and programs. “The hard work        that will be offered by the district
                                                Powell. “The law will be driven mostly
  devil is in the                               by a set of emergency regulations               will be done during bargaining and         and school. The educator receives an
                                                                                                implementation when teachers and           evaluation and overall rating at the end
  details—and in the                            issued by the states Administrative and
                                                                                                administrators get into the nitty-gritty   of the plan, and a new cycle begins.
                                                Finance division. The regulations were
  implementation.                               issued August 12th and are still being          of protocols and procedures, tools and
                                                                                                                                           Multiple sources of evidence
                                                reviewed.” Locals are advised to not            resources, checks and balances. AFT
                                                                                                Massachusetts stands ready to help with        The new regulations are explicit that
Key components                                  rush into implementing the new reform
                                                                                                                                           evaluations and performance ratings
                                                law as both labor and management                that process.”
    How will the new law work? If                                                                                                          must be informed by multiple sources
a municipal governing body votes
                                                officials are still determining how the             System in a nutshell                    of evidence. Traditional classroom
                                                new law will work. And while many of                The new evaluation system is pegged
to exercise the local option given to                                                                                                      observations, including unannounced
                                                the details remain in question, the big         to four performance standards and four
them by the law, it must notify public                                                                                                     classroom visits, are one major source
                                                picture does not, says Powell. “We’re all       performance ratings. The standards
employee unions, propose a plan                                                                                                            of evidence, but the regulations also
                                                going to be paying more out of pocket.          are: 1) curriculum, planning, and
design change or propose transferring                                                                                                      allow evaluators to consider evidence
                                                The reform law isn’t designed to lower          assessment; 2) instruction/teaching
employees into the GIC. Any proposals                                                                                                      of student learning and growth; so-
                                                health care costs but rather to lower           all students; 3) family and community
put forward by the municipality (public                                                                                                    called artifacts of professional practice
                                                government’s share of health care               engagement; and 4) professional
authority), must clearly demonstrate                                                                                                       (such as lesson plans); evidence
                                                spending.” (For more on the new health          culture. The ratings are exemplary,
estimated savings and the methodology                                                                                                      of peer collaboration, professional
                                                insurance law go to             proficient, needs improvement, and
arrived at estimated them. The                                                                                                             development, and outreach to families;
municipality and the employee unions                                                            unsatisfactory.
                                                Operation evaluation                                Upon being evaluated at the end of
                                                                                                                                           and, beginning in the 2013-14 school
then have 30 days to negotiate over the             After months of feedback—and                                                           year, student feedback to teachers and
proposed changes. Twenty five percent                                                            an evaluation cycle, educators receive a   staff feedback to administrators.
                                                pushback from educators—the Board of            rating on each standard and an overall
of savings from plan design changes             Elementary and Secondary Education                                                             The new regulations will be phased
must go to help employees defray                                                                performance rating. The overall rating     in over the next three years, beginning
                                                voted to approve new educator                   then determines the educator’s plan
increased costs, while retiree premiums         evaluation regulations at its June                                                         this school year in Level 4 schools and
cannot increase for the next three                                                              for the next evaluation cycle. Educators   in a handful of “early adopter” schools.
                                                28 meeting. Many educators agree                rated proficient or exemplary are
years. In cities or towns that vote not         that the final version is a significant                                                      All Massachusetts school districts
to use the new reform law, traditional                                                          placed on “self-directed growth plans”     are expected to have new evaluation
                                                improvement over earlier drafts,                of up to two years, while those rated
collective bargaining remains in place.         thanks largely to the input provided by                                                    systems in place by the 2013-2014
Municipalities are also prohibited                                                              needs improvement and unsatisfactory       school year.
                                                teachers in the field. Still, educators and      are placed on “directed growth” and
from unilaterally increasing premium            policymakers warn that the real test
rates; these rates must continue to                                                             “improvement” plans respectively that      Note: the complete text of the new
                                                of the new design will be how it plays          may be shorter than a year.                regulations and other relevant
be negotiated through collective                out in the real world of schools and
bargaining.                                                                                         The goals and contents of each plan    materials can be found at www.aftma.
                                                classrooms, with many details yet to be         are jointly developed by the evaluator     net under ‘educator resources.’

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September 2011
Diary                                        T
                                                       here is a perennial strain of
                                                       teacher-to-teacher conversation
                                                       with which you may be familiar.
                                               It arrives in June and goes something
                                               like this: “I can’t believe they’re
  of a New Teacher                             letting Christina attend summer
                                               school when she got a 45 in my
                                               class.” When kids fail a class but are
                 By Bill Madden-Fuoco,         eligible for promotion via summer
                   Humanities teacher,         school, a teacher may perceive the
               Urban Science Academy,
                                               event as a blow to the integrity of the
                    West Roxbury, MA
                                               education system. Others bridle at the
                                               administration’s hijacking of teacher
                                               authority and the travesty of going
                                               soft on kids who “deserved” to be held
   Meet the 2011-2012                          back.
   New Teacher Diarists                             What the next steps should be for
                                               a student who fails a class is a worthy
                                               topic of discussion, but the umbrage
The Advocate is pleased to introduce
                                               that some teachers take as the school
a number of new contributors to this
year’s Diary of a New Teacher column—          year closes strikes me as misplaced.
                                               We know by October which students            OPERATION ENGAGEMENT Humanities teacher Bill Madden-Fuoco says
and to welcome back some familiar
                                               are at risk of lacking credit when June      that the most important lesson he has learned in his first three years as an
                                               rolls around. Yet, in my observation,        educator is the difference between teaching and making sure that students
                                               our conversations about student              learn. “The work of making sure that every student learns—not merely
Bill Madden-Fuoco                                                                           teaching them—is incredibly hard, but in the end, that’s the job.”
A humanities teacher at the Urban Science      performance during the fall and winter
Academy in West Roxbury, Bill was also a       rarely hit the urgent notes heard in         here at school, I might as well just      wrote about in the October 2010
semi-finalist in the state’s 2012 Teacher of    the waning weeks of the year when it’s       do the work.” “That’s it?” I asked,       issue of Educational Leadership. It
the Year contest.                              too late. A bigger problem than easy         disappointed. “That’s it, man.”           involves establishing objective signals
                                               bridges to promotion is the fact that             In their book Reaching Boys,         that trigger support actions before
Robert Tobio                                   we fail so many students in the first         Teaching Boys, Michael C. Reichert        students are mired in failure. My goal
Robert teaches math and special education      place.                                       and Richard Hawley present                is to tighten up the data tracking and
at the Mary Lyon Pilot School in Brighton.          During my teaching residency            compelling evidence that for many         intervention part of my teaching game.
He previously taught at Monument High          year, a ninth-grade student named            students, an authentic teacher-               My fear is that we are inured to
School in South Boston, which closed at        Jonathan would shuffle into every             student relationship is a prerequisite    high failure rates and see them as
the end of the school year.                    class a minute or two late and slump         for classroom engagement. I don’t         inevitable. The work of making sure
                                               into his seat as if he had just walked       credit myself with Jonathan or Gio’s      every student learns—not merely
Melissa McDonald                               all the way from Alaska. His classroom       academic turnarounds, but my              teaching them—is incredibly hard, but
A fifth grade teacher at the Parthum            contributions proved his intelligence,       experience working with them showed       in the end, that’s the job. Students’
Elementary School in Lawrence, Melissa         yet at the end of every class his work       me that delivering strong curriculum      statuses in June are wide-open but
is returning to teaching after a year of       was half-completed at best. Forget           is necessary but insufficient. It must     taking shape now.
maternity leave.                               about homework or writing projects.          be accompanied by actively reaching           Let’s talk about that.
                                               Substitute Jonathan’s torpor for flash,       struggling students.
Joyce Melker                                   and you had Gio, a similar case. With a           When we think of the job as not
A paraprofessional at the Henry Lord Mid-      penchant for wearing NBA warm-ups            simply teaching, but making sure
dle School in Fall River, Joyce is currently   and airing any joke that came into his       every student learns, the importance
training to become a teacher through the
                                               head, Gio exuded charisma, but little        of personalized interventions becomes
JET program at UMass Dartmouth.
                                               evidence of learning.                        clear. Under this framework, it is no
                                                    I found these students                  longer acceptable to deliver the best
Matthew Robinson
                                               simultaneously endearing and                 classes possible and then place the
Matthew is beginning his second year
                                               infuriating. Their lack of work              onus for success solely on students’
teaching English and journalism at the
                                               shattered my presumption that                shoulders. Such an approach assures
Burke High School in Dorchester where
he also oversees the student newspaper.        if teachers deliver accessible,              four-year graduation rates in urban
                                               challenging, and engaging curriculum,        schools that remain around fifty
Riana Good                                     student learning will take care of itself.   percent. Yet, many teachers send
While Riana is technically no longer a new     Further, the knowledge of the lives          underperforming students the message
teacher, this Spanish teacher at the Boston    that likely awaited them if they didn’t      that “your education is here if you
Teachers Union School in Jamaica Plain says    make it out of high school nearly drove      want it.”
that she still feels like a ‘newby.’           me to depression.                                 A mindset in which a teacher takes
                                                    My mentor teacher urged me              responsibility for student learning is
                                               to stay on both of them. I did, first         critical. But again, while necessary,
                                               making sure that they understood             this mindset is insufficient. In each
                                               the material. I scheduled conferences        of my three years as a high school
                                               with their families. Jonathan’s parents      humanities teacher, I have had 100
                                               came in one day in November and              or more students in my care. My
                                               several adults basically harangued           approach to reaching for struggling
                                               him for a half hour. I had no                students is zealous but scattershot;
                                               success arranging a conference with          it lacks organization and systematic
                                               Gio’s mom. Month after month, I              rigor. Too many students fail my
                                               encouraged these boys daily and tried        courses, and many who should be
                                               to prove to them that their success          making the honor roll hover below it.
                                               mattered to me and that I wouldn’t                The start of another school year
                                               give up on them. Miraculously and            represents another chance to get it
                                               without warning, Jonathan and Gio            right. This past summer I read Isabel
                                               started producing work sometime in           Wilkerson’s amazing The Warmth
                                               March and earned B’s for the third           of Other Suns to bolster my content
                                               quarter.                                     knowledge about the Great Migration,
                                                    I ran into Gio on the subway one        and researched ways to improve
                                               day in June. I asked him what it was         vocabulary instruction. In addition to
                                               that made him start doing work. “I           developing the curriculum delivery
                                               don’t know, man,” he said, a smile           side of my teaching, I also read
                                               spreading across his face. “Wait,”           about classroom-based systems for
                                               he corrected himself. “There was             tracking student data and providing
                                               something.” The greatest mystery in          personalized interventions. I plan to
                                               education was about to reveal itself         adopt an approach called “Flagged
                                               to me. “One day I just figured, if I’m        for Success” that Robyn Jackson
                                                                                                                                          The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
                                          as a field representative.
                                              In 1995 Powell moved to Dracut
                                          to become a full-time firefighter,
                 THE SCENES               but his role as an expert on health
                                          insurance was only beginning. He
                                          quickly got involved in his union,
    Andrew Powell,                        joined the executive board and was
                                          asked to represent the firefighters and
 Field Representative                     other public employees in Dracut in
                                          negotiations with the town over—what
                                          else?—health insurance. With costs
                                          rising, Dracut officials wanted big
  AFT MA’s newest staff                   changes in employee health benefits.
  member got his start                    Explains Powell: “I think the local
                                          union members knew that I had
  as a firefighter—and                      their best interest at heart.” Powell
  went on to become                       and other union leaders in Dracut
                                          formulated a proposal to completely
  an expert on the issue                  overhaul the town’s employee benefits
  of municipal health                     package through a process known as
                                          coalition bargaining. “We saved the        DETAIL MAN New AFT MA field representative Andrew Powell spent the last
  insurance.                              town substantial money and ended up        five years advising Massachusetts public employee unions on health insurance.
                                          strengthening the unions’ bargaining       “Now my goal is to become an expert on all of the issues affecting AFT locals.”

                                          position as a result,” says Powell.
      s a young boy in the Merrimack                                                 a dramatic change. (See this month’s         policy on his mind. Just two months
                                              And while most union members
      Valley, Andy Powell knew exactly                                               cover story: “Changes Ahead”).               ago he and his partner Eileen
                                          might have been happy to put the
      what he wanted to be when he                                                   Massachusetts lawmakers passed               welcomed twin boys, Dillon and
                                          experience of negotiating over health
grew up: a firefighter. “It was my                                                     a measure over the summer that               James, to their family; Powell also
                                          insurance behind them, Powell was
dream,” says Powell. “I was a big fan                                                weakens the ability of unions to             has an eleven year old son named
                                          just getting started. In 2005 he joined
of the show ‘Emergency.’” He realized                                                bargain over health benefits. And while       Samuel. And after spending most of
                                          forces with Boston Benefits Partners,
that dream at the ripe old age of 18                                                 Powell is concerned about the financial       his four decades in and around the
                                          which advises public sector unions in
when he joined the volunteer fire                                                     burden members are likely to face—           Merrimack Valley, Powell has made a
                                          Massachusetts on employee benefits.
department in Merrimac, MA, but                                                      he notes that the new law was never          major transition, to the South Shore
                                          His job: working as a professional
Powell still had to earn a living. When                                              intended to lower health care costs but      community of Marshfield, or “Marsh
                                          advisor to unions, including AFT locals
he wasn’t fighting fires or responding                                                 to shift those costs onto users—he also      Vegas,” as he likes to call it in tribute
                                          in Lawrence, Lowell and Chelmsford.
to emergencies in the small town near                                                points to several important protections      to its historic role as the gambling
                                          “As an expert on municipal health
the New Hampshire border, Powell                                                     in the law. “There are protections           center of the state.
                                          insurance, my job was to educate
had a very different line of work, as                                                for retirees and the law also requires           As for hobbies, Powell loves
                                          local leaders on an incredibly complex
a customer service representative for                                                municipalities to offset some of the         camping and the outdoors and is an
                                          subject,” says Powell. “Now my goal is
John Hancock, a health insurance                                                     cost shift for the most vulnerable,”         amateur musician who plays guitar
                                          to become an expert in all of the issues
carrier. “I learned an incredible                                                    says Powell. “Now we have to figure           as often as he can—which isn’t much
                                          affecting AFT locals. I have a lot to
amount about health insurance and                                                    out a way to focus on the real problem:      since the twins arrived. “My hobby
I’ve been able to use that knowledge                                                 the cost of health care is out of control.   right now is changing diapers,” says
                                              Powell joins the staff of AFT MA
over the years to help municipal                                                     What are we going to do about it?”           Powell.
                                          at a time when the health insurance
employees,” says Powell, who recently                                                    These days Powell has more than
                                          landscape in the state is undergoing
joined the staff of AFT Massachusetts                                                the fine details of health insurance             Welcome aboard!

       Lesley University School of Education

September 2011
On Campus
  Richard Freeland
  Mass. Department of Higher Education

A New Vision for Public Higher Education
                                                                                              nation. Our focus through the Vision          public campuses intensify their work on
 “Public higher                                                                               Project will be to boost the readiness of     Vision Project goals. Though the size of
                                                                                              those high school students least likely to    this fund is modest, it constitutes a ma-
 education has never                                                                          enroll in college. Last spring the Board      jor vote of confidence from Beacon Hill
 been more important                                                                          of Higher Education voted for a new           in the importance of our work and the
 to Massachusetts than                                                                        standard requiring four years of high         kind of effort that is likely to earn future
                                                                                              school math in order to qualify for ad-       financial support.
 it is today. Our state                                                                       mission to the state colleges and UMass,           The second reason is that we simply
 is engaged in a fierce                                                                        beginning in 2016. Research shows that        cannot afford to hunker down and await
 global competition for                                                                       a rigorous high school curriculum is the      better times. Public higher education
                                                                                              greatest predictor of college success.        has never been more important to Mas-
 talent, investment and                                                                       Every Massachusetts high school student       sachusetts than it is today. Our state is
 jobs.”                                                                                       deserves access to such essential college     engaged in a fierce global competition
                                                                                              preparation.                                  for talent, investment and jobs. Our

I   t is a privilege for me to be able
    to share a few thoughts with AFT
members as we begin a new academic
                                                                                                  Another focus of Vision Project work
                                                                                              involves STEM education. The needs of
                                                                                              the Massachusetts’ economy require us
                                                                                                                                            primary assets in this competition are
                                                                                                                                            the educational level of our citizens and
                                                                                                                                            workforce, and the inventiveness and
year. This promises to be a busy year for                                                     to attract more students into the fields of    competence of the creative individuals
those of us working at or on behalf of           EDUCATED STATE OF MIND                       Science, Technology, Engineering, Math,       and organizational leaders who drive our
the state’s 29 public college and univer-        Richard Freeland, Commissioner of            where some industries report near-zero        innovation-dependent, knowledge-based
sity campuses, as we collectively pursue         the Massachusetts Department of              unemployment. A final example of Vi-           economy. A state that has historically
an ambitious agenda called The Vision            Higher Education, with some of the           sion Project work involves the area of        undervalued its public higher education
Project.                                         students who attend the state’s 29           learning outcomes assessment, where           institutions must begin to change course
     This strategic plan for Massachusetts       public colleges and universities.            a working group of campus leaders has         if it is to remain competitive. Collectively
public higher education was approved             level of research linked to economic de-     recommended an ambitious approach to          our institutions now educate two thirds
by the Board of Higher Education in              velopment and level of business activity     documenting student achievement.              of all residents who remain in state for
May, 2010. It seeks to focus the work of         derived from academic research.                  Good intentions notwithstanding,          post-secondary education. They need
our public colleges and universities on              Through the Vision Project we will       AFT members might well question the           and deserve greater public support.
seven aspirational goals to assure that          quantify our standing with respect to        wisdom of proceeding with such a bold              As educators, you play a critical role
Massachusetts has the best educated              these goals, celebrate our achievements,     agenda in the midst of a fiscal crisis.        in helping students get to or graduate
citizenry and workforce in the nation and        identify areas that need improvement,        Indeed, with the stresses on our system       from college. I welcome your ideas and
that we are a leader in academic research        and document our progress. Next spring       translating into a heavy workload for         feedback. Please feel free to contact me
that drives economic development. The            we will issue the first in a series of an-    faculty, what is to be gained by compar-      at commissioner.freeland@bhe.mass.
seven goals are designed to position             nual reports documenting our standing        ing ourselves to other highly competitive     edu or visit the Department of Higher
Massachusetts for national leadership            among the 50 states with respect to these    public systems?                               Education web site:
in the following areas: college-going            areas of educational achievement.                The answer, I believe, has two key
rates, college completion, the alignment             The good news for Massachusetts cit-     parts. First, even in this time of severe     Richard Freeland is a guest columnist
between degrees offered and workforce            izens and taxpayers is that we are already   fiscal constraint, the Governor and leg-       this month. The regular “On Campus”
needs, student learning outcomes, prog-          making strides in key areas. Our college-    islature have found room in the budget        contributor, Dan Georgianna, will re-
ress made in closing achievement gaps,           going rates are among the highest in the     to support a new fund that will help our      turn to this spot next month.

Amesbury Paras Fight Off Outsourcing Bid
                          Continued from cover
                                                                                                                                            The union is the solution
                                                                                                                                                This fall the paras will go back to the

    “We needed to find out what Futures
                                                 Parental involvement                         school committee remained steadfast in        bargaining table to try to restore some
                                                     The paras also enlisted the help of a    its commitment to the outsourcing plan.       of the lost benefits. (The town’s financial
was all about and doing the research                                                          Explains Murphy: “The town’s message          situation has improved somewhat
                                                 natural ally: the families of the children
helped us get a bigger picture,” says                                                         from the very beginning was ‘this is          since the outsourcing plan was first
                                                 they cared for every day. “These were
Deb Murphy, a special education para                                                          not about the quality of the work—this        announced). When they do return, says
                                                 the people who were going to be most
at Amesbury Elementary, who came                                                              is about saving money. They had a             Murphy, it will be as the strongest, most
                                                 affected and we wanted to make sure
to be known to her colleagues as the                                                          financial goal in mind and the only way        united force they’ve ever been. “This
                                                 that they had a say about who would
‘researcher in chief.’ Before long a squad                                                    they would budge is if we matched that,”      was an organizing campaign for us. It
                                                 be caring for their kids,” says Cindy
of para researchers was delving deep                                                          says Murphy.                                  changed the way we communicate, it
                                                 Yetman, president of AFT Amesbury
into Futures’ background.                                                                         Matching the savings that the             changed the way we think about local
                                                 and an education technology teacher at
    The paras quickly discovered that                                                         town expected to realize through the          politics and it made us realize the deep
                                                 Amesbury High School.
the company that proposed taking over                                                         deal meant that the paras would have          support we have in the community.”
                                                     When the school committee met to
their jobs had no experience providing                                                        to make sacrifices—in many cases                   For AFT MA field representative
                                                 discuss the outsourcing plan, students,
special education paraprofessional                                                            deep sacrifices. “They gave up a lot to        Dianne Heeley, the paras’ fight against
                                                 families, even concerned community
services. (Futures was hired by                                                               maintain their positions and to continue      outsourcing was deeply personal. She’s
                                                 members packed the auditorium. For a
Amesbury last year to analyze the                                                             to deliver the quality of the services that   retiring this month and the thought of
                                                 full three and a half hours they testified
town’s special education programs).                                                           the children of Amesbury need,” says          seeing so many of the paras lose their
                                                 to local officials about the potential
And in communities where Futures                                                              Yetman.                                       jobs was unbearable. “I couldn’t go out
                                                 impact of losing their paraprofessionals.
was providing outsourced therapy                                                                  The paras don’t sugar coat the hit        on that note.” She offers effusive praise
                                                 “The passion of the parents and
services, notes Murphy, former district                                                       that they took in order to continue to        for the paras’ hard work. “They were
                                                 the community members was just
employees didn’t appear to work for                                                           do their jobs. “People who’d been here        so focused and they really rose to the
                                                 incredible,” says Deb Murphy. “They
their new employer for long. The                                                              the longest lost the most,” says Terry.       challenge,” says Heeley. And while the
                                                 had all the same concerns and feelings
financial data also painted a troubling                                                        Among the concessions the paras made:         paras were forced to give up significant
                                                 that we did.”
picture. “There was no long term data                                                         giving up vacation pay, holiday pay,          benefits, Heeley is convinced that the
showing how much money Futures                   A financial fight                              longevity bonuses, sick leave incentive       ultimate agreement was a victory for
saved for these districts after the third            But even as support for the              pay and reimbursement for professional        the paras—and for the union. “Not only
year,” says Murphy, who likens the               paraprofessionals grew within the            training and education. “We made sure         did we save all of these jobs but we
arrangement to a credit card with a              community—and questions about                that the town understood that they were       really showed that the union wasn’t the
special low introductory rate. “Futures          Future’s ability to deliver the services     taking money from the people who are          problem, it was the solution. That was
had a very well-rehearsed sales pitch.”          it promised continue to emerge—the           already the lowest paid,” adds Terry.         the most important thing.”

                                                                                                                                                  The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
Retiree Corner                                                                                         SENIOR SEMINARS
                                                                                                                                         How to Protect Your Nest Egg
                                  Marie Ardito, Co-founder                                                                               and Plan for the Right Outcome
                                  Massachusetts Retirees United                                                                          for Your Family
                                                                                                         This popular seminar, given by elder
                                                                                                                                         law attorney Mary Howie, looks at

A Testament to the Power of Empathy
                                                                                                                                         many issues involving probate, trusts,
                                                                                                                                         Medicare Trusts, Benefits for veterans
                                                                                                                                         and their spouses and much more.

W         hat is empathy? According to        special talent is portrait work. She is     and becomes even harder when it is the         When: September 24, 10 to noon
          Wikipedia, the free online ency-    special because of the select group she     loss of a young person denied a full life      Where Presidential Park, 314 Main
clopedia: “Empathy is the key corner-         paints: those who have given their lives    because of their willingness to serve our      Street, Unit 105,Wilmington, MA (Main
stone in genuine human relationships.         in service to our country. Her mission      country.                                       St. is Rt. 38.The entrance to the park is
Empathy is conscious. It means one with       began with those who died in Iraq and           MRU has spent time this past year          across from the Wilmington House of
empathy feels compassion, while those         Afghanistan, and has since extended to      acknowledging our members and teach-           Pizza sign.)
without do not take into account other        include those who’ve made the supreme       ers who have served. We honor Gina
people’s emotions.” Empathy is a capac-       sacrifice in any war for our country.        and her tribute to those who served and        Living in Retirement as an In-
ity to feel with someone. It is common            Gina will be the keynote speaker        died for us by featuring her talent at our     formed Retiree
knowledge that one must have a certain        at the Massachusetts Retirees United        annual meeting. Here is an inspirational       This two hour seminar will help you
amount of empathy in order to feel com-       Annual Meeting held at the Hillview         woman who truly feels with and for             understand eligibility for Medicare,
passion for another.                          Country Club in North Reading on Sep-       others, a true testimony to the power of       including the Medicare B penalty and
     I don’t need to be poor to feel          tember 22, 2011. Her Traveling Tribute      empathy.                                       surcharge. Also covered: new tax laws
compassion for the poor, nor must I           Wall, Faces of Remembrance will be on           Come join us on September 22, 2011         regarding the sale of a second home,
be diagnosed with a life threatening or       display there. Gina’s commitment to our     and bring a portrait of your loved one         tax sheltered annuity distributions, laws
debilitating illness in order to feel for a   military comes from deep within her         for Gina to sketch. Details about the          regarding working in retirement, and
person in that position.                      soul, as she believes in “paying forward”   state meeting can be found in our July         many other issues.
     Nor must I think of myself as old in     to the families of those who have died in   2011 Newsletter, MRU Matters or on
                                                                                                                                         When: October 1, 10 to noon
order to feel the fears, the loneliness and   service to our country. The long hours      our website at
                                                                                                                                         Where Presidential Park in Wilmington
the uncertainty of someone who is old.        she spends giving of her time and talent,
                                                                                                                                         (see above).
     In too many instances empathy has        while still maintaining a full time job
been replaced by greed, power and a           and raising a family on her own make                                                       All the above seminars are free.To
smug belief that ‘that could never hap-       Gina an inspiration for us all.                                                            register call Marie Ardito at 1-617-482-
pen to me.’ Some of us are too wrapped            Gina presents each original detailed    Attention MRU members:
                                                                                                                                         1568 or e-mail mardito@retireesunited.
up in ourselves to imagine walking in         pencil portrait to the military families.   Our address was listed incorrectly in the
                                                                                                                                         org. Make sure to specify which seminar
another’s shoes, much less trying to feel     Not only does she do the portraits for      most recent issue of MRU Matters. The cor-
                                                                                                                                         you plan to attend and the number of
with them.                                    free, she also bears the expense of mail-   rect address is:
                                                                                                                                         individuals who will be attending.
     I recently encountered someone           ing and supplies.                                  Massachusetts Retirees United
who defies this attitude, whose whole              She will share with us how she began                  P.O. Box 4015
life is a testimony to empathy. Let me        this journey and some of the experiences           Chelmsford, MA 01824-0615
introduce Gina Johnson, an artist whose       she has had. Loss is always difficult

      Golden                                  A Friend and Mentor Inspires a Change
      Apple                                   see them learning to read, developing
                                              social skills, sharing with their friends
                                              and understanding the expectations
                                              that a public school education brings.
By Marcy A. Winer, paraprofessional,              I owe all of this to Paula Tye-
Greenhalge School, Lowell, MA                 Flagler, an amazing, inspirational
                                              woman. Paula got her start in the

S    ometimes the toughest jobs are
     the most rewarding. Sometimes
you need someone to ‘shake you up’
                                              Lowell Public Schools in 1982. She
                                              began at the Laura Lee School and
                                              later moved to the McAvinnue School
and help you realize that a profession        where she teaches preschool to special
you’d never thought of entering, was          needs children. She has also served as
in fact just what you needed after            a mentor to new student teachers.
all. That is exactly how I became a               Paula has an amazing way with
paraprofessional. I was due for a             children. She lights up whenever she
change in profession after working            sees little children at the park, at the
many years, first for the federal              beach or in stores. At times when
government, then in business. I               we are out together, she will stop
needed to find something that added            to talk to children and they always         CHANGE AGENT Paula Tye-Flagler (left), a teacher in the Lowell Public
zest and more happiness to my life.           respond with smiles and giggles. Her        Schools, inspired her friend Marcy Winer to take a leap of faith and become
My best friend, Paula Tye-Flagler             connection with children is immediate       a paraprofessional. “Paula’s confidence in me is the reason I took a leap into
suggested that I consider becoming a          and long lasting. She has long-term         education,” says Winer. “She has always been my biggest supporter.”
para. I took her suggestion seriously,        relationships with former students
and within that very week I was hired         and often visits them in the summer         sounding board for me for many years.        tried to remember that. I grew very
to work at the Greenhalge School in           and goes on ice cream outings with          One year, I had a very challenging little    attached to him and felt a deep sense
Lowell.                                       them. They love her so much! Paula          boy who came from a broken family.           of satisfaction at the progress he made.
     The six years I’ve now worked as         also takes the time to really understand    He had behavior problems that could          Paula’s confidence in me is the reason I
a para have been both rewarding and           the unique family situations that often     disrupt the classroom in an instant.         took a leap into education. At the time
challenging. If I wake up in a grumpy         occur in an urban school district such      It was Paula I called on for help. I’d       I had to trust that this would be a good
mood (a rarity!) I know that as soon as       as Lowell. Many times she has gone          vent that I was at my wits end with this     change for me and she was right. She
I get to school, there will be 22 faces       out of her way to educate the families      student. Paula reminded me that he           has always been my biggest supporter
smiling at me, ready for a brand new          who may require additional readiness        needed me to provide discipline and          and I know that she always will be right
day. I know that I add value to these         materials to help their children            structure at school because he wasn’t        there, lending me an ear when I need
children’s lives each day that I am           succeed. During the school year, Paula      getting it at home. She reminded me          it. Her preschoolers are lucky to call
there. They need me and sometimes             rewards her students with special gifts     that this would benefit him in the long       her Miss Paula and I am blessed to call
the only structure they have for the          for their hard work.                        run. She was right. I remained tough         her my friend.
day will be the six hours I spend with            Paula has been a tremendous role        yet loving. At the time, his mother
them in school. I get excited when I          model, teacher, friend, advisor and         was absent from the home and I

September 2011                                                                                                                                                                   7

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  • 1. Boston, MA 02111 Suite 402 38 Chauncy Street AFT Massachusetts September 2011 Major Changes Ahead date.” From health insurance What do the new measures mean to teacher evaluation, for you? Here’s a look. new measures will Municipal Healthcare 101 have a big impact on When the Massachusetts House of Representatives passed a bill that the lives of AFT MA would have virtually eliminated the members. ability of public employee unions to bargain over health insurance, union leaders knew they had to fight back. A t the end of June, the Board In the following weeks, they pushed of Elementary and Secondary hard for changes to the legislation that Education approved an would protect retirees, mitigate the overhaul of the state’s teacher impact of cost shifting on low-income evaluation system, capping off months members and provide employees with of intense debate. A few weeks later, a greater share of cost savings gained Massachusetts state lawmakers voted in favor of another controversial through insurance plan changes. The end result, explains Andrew WORKING TOGETHER President of AFT Massachusetts,Tom Gosnell, In This Issue measure: a municipal health insurance Powell, an AFT MA field representative speaks on municipal health insurance reform law that weakens the ability and an authority on municipal health at the State House. By working together, public employee unions in 2 President’s Column of public employee unions—including insurance, was a much better law Bold Print teacher unions—to bargain over health than that passed by the House. “If the the state were able to fight for key care. And while teacher evaluations unions hadn’t worked together we were protections in the health insurance law enacted this summer. 3 Two complex policies alter the landscape and health insurance might not seem likely to get a far worse outcome,” says to have much in common, changes to both are likely to have a big impact on Powell. “We were looking at losing collective bargaining entirely, but (or increasing copayments and deductibles to the level of the GIC), 4 Diary of a New Teacher: The challenge of reaching the lives of AFT MA members. by putting our differences aside and they may still engage in traditional academically struggling The two reform packages also working together for common solutions collective bargaining or in coalition students share another important attribute. we were able to preserve a seat at the bargaining with all of the municipal Both are immensely complicated—even table and secure some vital protections unions. And municipalities that 5 Behind the Scenes: Field convoluted—and will be governed by for our members, especially the most do elect to pursue the new reform Representative Andy Powell regulations that in many cases are still vulnerable.” option must negotiate through what being written. Says AFT MA President Most importantly, notes Powell, are called local Public Employee 6 On Campus: The Vision Project Tom Gosnell: “These are incredibly the new law is not a mandate. While Committees. “The important thing is complicated issues and we’re going cities and towns have the option of that we continue to have a voice in this 7 Retiree Corner The Golden Apple to do everything we can to keep our transferring employees to the state’s process,” says Powell. members well informed and up to Group Insurance Commission (GIC) Continued on page 3 Amesbury Paras Fight Off Outsourcing Bid Did you know that your T he scenario has become AFT MA membership education para and distressingly familiar. An outside building representative entitles you to discounts entity—often a private, for-profit at Cashman Elementary on insurance products? company—rides into a strapped-for- School. “The town really cash city or town offering a quick-fix For more information see saw this as a straight solution to local budget woes. The financial issue. I don’t the special ad on page 8 magic bullet: replacing some part of the think they ever thought or visit the benefits page work force with non-union employees about how the kids and of our website: who earn less, receive fewer benefits their families would be and have few if any job protections. affected.” That’s exactly what happened in benefits/ Amesbury last spring when Futures Fact finders Education, a so-called special The news sent education turnaround specialist, shock waves through promised local officials big savings if Amesbury’s classrooms. they shifted paraprofessional jobs to The plan being PARA POWER When Amesbury proposed the private firm. With Amesbury facing considered by the outsourcing special education paras, the paras a $400,000 gap in next year’s school school committee fought back. From left: science teacher and union budget, the offer sounded too good to would outsource 63 vice president Brian Hopkins, AFT Amesbury turn down. For the paraprofessionals, of the district’s 91 president Cindy Yetman and paraprofessionals Deb many of whom have worked one- paraprofessional Murphy and Priscilla Terry. on-one with the same special needs positions. But even If you’d like to receive an students for years, the writing was on as their future employment lay in would they make and what kind of electronic version of the the wall. doubt, the paras found it nearly benefits would they have? How would Advocate, send an email to “This wasn’t just about protecting impossible to get basic information the new system be managed? How much money could Amesbury really Please our jobs, it was about the impact that about the outsourcing proposal and its outsourcing would have on the kids we implications. How many paras would expect to save? include your home mailing serve,” says Priscilla Terry, a special be employed by Futures? How much Continued on page 6 address for identification.
  • 2. BOLD needs improvement, and unsatisfactory. However, unions and cities and towns will still collectively bargain over many of the procedures in the evaluation process. Those schools which the Department PRINT Thomas J. Gosnell of Elementary and Secondary Education Print Material President, AFT Massachusetts has labeled underperforming will have Congratulations to Garret Virchick, the new system in place for the 2011-12 editor of the Boston Union Teacher for school year. For all the other schools the winning an Award for Excellence in the AFT More Challenges Ahead target date is the 2012-13 school year. In this area also AFT MA shall be educating its field representatives and Communications Contest. Girchick received the top prize for his story “Exposing the Man G ood things do end. Summer is one negotiate about health reimbursement Behind the Curtain:What’s Behind Education local presidents about what to expect in Reform?” Also recognized were Peabody of those good things. The longer accounts which will provide assistance upcoming negotiations. English teacher Michalene Hague, who days, the warmer weather, the greater to those with significantly higher co-pays The financial situation remains won a first place for best editorial for “Why I opportunity to engage in outdoor and deductibles. No one will lose health precarious. Although the recession has Am Union,” which appeared in the February activities, and an interesting baseball insurance coverage. not hit Massachusetts as severely as some 2010 issue of the Advocate. Hague shared top season—all of these contribute to the AFT MA will be educating its field honors with Connie Clauson, a former states, the damage is still significant. good life. representatives, the local presidents, contributor to the Diary of a New Teacher, Our public libraries continue to suffer. Labor Day brings big change even for and local library chapter chairs about who wrote movingly of losing her teaching Although those working in the libraries those who work during the summer. The the complexities of the law and what to job in the November 2010 Advocate. provide magnificent service, the cities and remainder of 2011 and all of 2012 will expect in upcoming collective bargaining towns continue to reduce their numbers, immerse us in a sea of challenges. negotiations. A summary of the legislation to cut back on hours open, and to For the past several years public is available at Library Luminaries purchase fewer books. employee unions have worked mightily During the past school year the Several librarians and members of the Massachusetts continues to fund public to protect insurance coverage for their Department of Elementary and Secondary Massachusetts Library Staff Association higher education at a level that other (part of AFT MA) were recognized by the members. However, since health costs Education established a taskforce to states would consider an overwhelming Massachusetts Library Association for their have risen enormously, since cities and recommend a performance evaluation embarrassment. great work in spreading the word about towns are struggling with the recession, system for teachers. The Race To The Although the federal stimulus package library programs in the commonwealth. and since the private sector has Top grant which Massachusetts received contributed mightily to the maintenance This year’s PR award winners include: dramatically reduced health insurance mandated that the state establish a of k-12 public education, that money is Susan Flannery of the Cambridge Public coverage for its employees, the public and comprehensive system. gone and will not reappear while the Library, Sharon Gilley of the Lucius Beebe political atmosphere has hurt public sector The use of MCAS scores in the composition of the current Congress Memorial Library in Wakefield, Kathleen unions. Our colleagues in Wisconsin, New evaluation system was a dominant topic O’Doherty of the Woburn Public Library, remains as it is. Layoffs have not been Jersey and Ohio have lost their long held which provoked animated, and sometimes Kathleen Quinlan of Lexington’s Cary multitudinous, but they have happened. right to bargain about health insurance. stormy, discussion. Memorial Library and Libby Fox of the School departments have chosen not to fill In this state the health insurance AFT MA consistently opposed its Middleborough Public Library. Congrats all positions opened by retirement. Students legislation adopted in July will change use because we believed that teacher around and keep up the great work! are not getting the resources they need. how we negotiate about health insurance evaluation was not the purpose of the test The elections in 2012 are important, coverage. The public sector unions and that no data existed to prove that it just as all elections are. Democrats managed to prevent the most draconian was a proper evaluative tool. The task Tech Talk have disappointed us. Republicans have proposals that would have given cities force, despite our opposition, decided to Ted Chambers, a social studies teacher assaulted us. Look at Wisconsin, Ohio and at the Edwards School in Charlestown, and towns absolute control over health include it as one factor in the evaluation of Florida where collective bargaining and was selected to represent the AFT at the insurance coverage. Clearly it will be teachers. No numerical weight was given unionism have been assaulted relentlessly. Democratic Governors Association easier for cities and towns to enter the to the use of MCAS scores. Battles will continue. Education Summit. Chambers, who is Group Insurance Commission and to offer Of course currently only 17% of AFT MA remains committed to fighting helping to design high-quality lesson plans different plans. However, they must also teachers teach subjects tested by MCAS. for its teachers, paraprofessionals, librarians for teachers with Edwards colleagues Tracy A brazen inequity. and all its members as well as the students Johnson and Kevin Qazilbash, participated The Board of Elementary and in Massachusetts. While the road on which in a panel on the ways in which technology Secondary Education adopted this is transforming the teaching profession. we travel will have plenty of obstacles, recommendation and many others. For Chambers and his colleagues received a the command is clear. Move ahead, fight example, throughout the state the rating special shout out at AFT’s TEACH conference tough and smart. If you have questions or marks must be exemplary, proficient, in Washington this summer.The crew won The official publication of comments, contact an Innovation Grant from the AFT last year AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO for their proposal to design and share lesson Thomas J. Gosnell, President Local Educators Join ‘Save our Schools’ March plans, the first of which are being rolled out Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer this school year. By Garret Virchick, Boston Teachers VICE PRESIDENTS Union Patricia Armstrong Deborah Blinder Kathryn Chamberlain O n July 30th the temperature in Washington, DC was hot, topping 100 degrees. And almost 5,000 teachers, Gold Standard Apostolos Paraskevas, a professor in the Composition Department at Berklee Brenda Chaney parents, students, education writers and College of Music, was awarded a Gold Level Kathy Delaney Award at the California Film Awards for his supporters of public education were Catherine Deveney steamed. The impetus: ten years of the film “I Finally Did It!” Dr. Paraskevas, who Patricia Driscoll Marianne Dumont failed education policy No Child Left co-directed the film with filmmaker-director J. Michael Earle Behind and the recent attacks on public Mathew Tucciarone, authored the script and Margaret Farrell composed the score for the feature-length education and public school teachers. Mary Ferriter documentary that explores the power Joining the Save Our Schools rally and Jenna Fitzgerald of friendship, music, and death via a most Richard Flaherty march was a contingent of 30 members of TIME TO MARCH A contingent of unusual, yet sympathetic character. The film Paul Georges the Boston Teachers Union who took time Boston Teachers Union members at also features a soundtrack of Paraskevas’ Alice M. Gunning off from summer vacation to come to the Save Our Schools march and rally. original music. Daniel Haacker DC. The group included veteran teachers his impassioned defense of the profession. Joyce Harrington and provisional teachers, substitutes and Damon, the son of a former Massachusetts Susan Leahy Rebecca McInnis retirees. Marching behind the BTU banner school teacher, had some reassuring words Silver Screen Francis McLaughlin were other teachers from Massachusetts for the audience. “The next time you Boston teachers Robert and Yvonne Bruce Nelson schools as well as graduate students encounter some simple minded punitive Lamothe screened their documentary Catherine Patten from local colleges along with supporters policy that has been driven into your life “TEACH:Teachers are Talking—Is the Nation James Philip Bruce Sparfven of public education from across the by some corporate reformer who has Listening” at the Save Our Schools march Richard Stutman Commonwealth. literally never taught anyone anything, and rally in Washington, DC this summer.The Gale Thomas A pre-march conference and please, please, please know that there are documentary features conversations about rally featured some of the country’s millions of us behind you. We love you, we the art of teaching and learning by teachers Jennifer C. Berkshire, Editor themselves. For more information about preeminent defenders of public education, thank you, and we will ALWAYS have your 38 Chauncy St., Suite 402 how to see the film for yourself visit www. Boston, Mass. 02111 including Jonathan Kozol, Diane Ravitch back.” Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523 and former BPS principal Debbie Meir. But Fax: 617-423-0174 the surprise star of the event may have Learn more about Save Our Schools and hear Damon’s entire speech on our The Advocate loves good news. If you’ve been actor Matt Damon who wowed the got news to share, send us an email at: 2 crowd—and teachers—everywhere with website:
  • 3. Big Changes Ahead worked out. and educator to reflect the educator’s “The primary goal is to create fair specific strengths and weaknesses, as and workable evaluation systems that well as school and student needs. Each Continued from page 1 Big picture are about support, not ‘gotcha,’ and plan must spell out the actions that the Although the law lays out a process the regulations only provide a rough educator will take to achieve the plan With two complex for municipalities to follow, many of the framework for that,” says Dan Murphy, goals, as well as the support, assistance, AFT MA’s director of educational and professional growth opportunities new policies, the details remain to be worked out, notes policy and programs. “The hard work that will be offered by the district Powell. “The law will be driven mostly devil is in the by a set of emergency regulations will be done during bargaining and and school. The educator receives an implementation when teachers and evaluation and overall rating at the end details—and in the issued by the states Administrative and administrators get into the nitty-gritty of the plan, and a new cycle begins. Finance division. The regulations were implementation. issued August 12th and are still being of protocols and procedures, tools and Multiple sources of evidence reviewed.” Locals are advised to not resources, checks and balances. AFT Massachusetts stands ready to help with The new regulations are explicit that Key components rush into implementing the new reform evaluations and performance ratings law as both labor and management that process.” How will the new law work? If must be informed by multiple sources a municipal governing body votes officials are still determining how the System in a nutshell of evidence. Traditional classroom new law will work. And while many of The new evaluation system is pegged to exercise the local option given to observations, including unannounced the details remain in question, the big to four performance standards and four them by the law, it must notify public classroom visits, are one major source picture does not, says Powell. “We’re all performance ratings. The standards employee unions, propose a plan of evidence, but the regulations also going to be paying more out of pocket. are: 1) curriculum, planning, and design change or propose transferring allow evaluators to consider evidence The reform law isn’t designed to lower assessment; 2) instruction/teaching employees into the GIC. Any proposals of student learning and growth; so- health care costs but rather to lower all students; 3) family and community put forward by the municipality (public called artifacts of professional practice government’s share of health care engagement; and 4) professional authority), must clearly demonstrate (such as lesson plans); evidence spending.” (For more on the new health culture. The ratings are exemplary, estimated savings and the methodology of peer collaboration, professional insurance law go to proficient, needs improvement, and arrived at estimated them. The development, and outreach to families; municipality and the employee unions unsatisfactory. Operation evaluation Upon being evaluated at the end of and, beginning in the 2013-14 school then have 30 days to negotiate over the After months of feedback—and year, student feedback to teachers and proposed changes. Twenty five percent an evaluation cycle, educators receive a staff feedback to administrators. pushback from educators—the Board of rating on each standard and an overall of savings from plan design changes Elementary and Secondary Education The new regulations will be phased must go to help employees defray performance rating. The overall rating in over the next three years, beginning voted to approve new educator then determines the educator’s plan increased costs, while retiree premiums evaluation regulations at its June this school year in Level 4 schools and cannot increase for the next three for the next evaluation cycle. Educators in a handful of “early adopter” schools. 28 meeting. Many educators agree rated proficient or exemplary are years. In cities or towns that vote not that the final version is a significant All Massachusetts school districts to use the new reform law, traditional placed on “self-directed growth plans” are expected to have new evaluation improvement over earlier drafts, of up to two years, while those rated collective bargaining remains in place. thanks largely to the input provided by systems in place by the 2013-2014 Municipalities are also prohibited needs improvement and unsatisfactory school year. teachers in the field. Still, educators and are placed on “directed growth” and from unilaterally increasing premium policymakers warn that the real test rates; these rates must continue to “improvement” plans respectively that Note: the complete text of the new of the new design will be how it plays may be shorter than a year. regulations and other relevant be negotiated through collective out in the real world of schools and bargaining. The goals and contents of each plan materials can be found at www.aftma. classrooms, with many details yet to be are jointly developed by the evaluator net under ‘educator resources.’ ENGAGE, MOTIVATE, and EDUCATE the 21st-Century Learner Master of Education Learning and Instruction Specialization Designed for a broad range of educators, the Master of Education with a specialization in Learning and Instruction provides an in-depth look at themes that are transforming education — technology and distance learning, globalization, creative and critical thinking, assessments, and learning outcomes. Complementing these themes are seven areas of focus: • Adult and Organizational Learning • Math • English Language Learning • Science • Literacy • Technology • Leadership Offering online and on-campus courses as well as flexible enrollment options, this program allows you to study where and when it’s convenient for you. Learn more: Call 1.877.668.7727 or visit 3 September 2011
  • 4. Diary T here is a perennial strain of teacher-to-teacher conversation with which you may be familiar. It arrives in June and goes something like this: “I can’t believe they’re of a New Teacher letting Christina attend summer school when she got a 45 in my class.” When kids fail a class but are By Bill Madden-Fuoco, eligible for promotion via summer Humanities teacher, school, a teacher may perceive the Urban Science Academy, event as a blow to the integrity of the West Roxbury, MA education system. Others bridle at the administration’s hijacking of teacher authority and the travesty of going soft on kids who “deserved” to be held Meet the 2011-2012 back. New Teacher Diarists What the next steps should be for a student who fails a class is a worthy topic of discussion, but the umbrage The Advocate is pleased to introduce that some teachers take as the school a number of new contributors to this year’s Diary of a New Teacher column— year closes strikes me as misplaced. We know by October which students OPERATION ENGAGEMENT Humanities teacher Bill Madden-Fuoco says and to welcome back some familiar are at risk of lacking credit when June that the most important lesson he has learned in his first three years as an faces. rolls around. Yet, in my observation, educator is the difference between teaching and making sure that students our conversations about student learn. “The work of making sure that every student learns—not merely Bill Madden-Fuoco teaching them—is incredibly hard, but in the end, that’s the job.” A humanities teacher at the Urban Science performance during the fall and winter Academy in West Roxbury, Bill was also a rarely hit the urgent notes heard in here at school, I might as well just wrote about in the October 2010 semi-finalist in the state’s 2012 Teacher of the waning weeks of the year when it’s do the work.” “That’s it?” I asked, issue of Educational Leadership. It the Year contest. too late. A bigger problem than easy disappointed. “That’s it, man.” involves establishing objective signals bridges to promotion is the fact that In their book Reaching Boys, that trigger support actions before Robert Tobio we fail so many students in the first Teaching Boys, Michael C. Reichert students are mired in failure. My goal Robert teaches math and special education place. and Richard Hawley present is to tighten up the data tracking and at the Mary Lyon Pilot School in Brighton. During my teaching residency compelling evidence that for many intervention part of my teaching game. He previously taught at Monument High year, a ninth-grade student named students, an authentic teacher- My fear is that we are inured to School in South Boston, which closed at Jonathan would shuffle into every student relationship is a prerequisite high failure rates and see them as the end of the school year. class a minute or two late and slump for classroom engagement. I don’t inevitable. The work of making sure into his seat as if he had just walked credit myself with Jonathan or Gio’s every student learns—not merely Melissa McDonald all the way from Alaska. His classroom academic turnarounds, but my teaching them—is incredibly hard, but A fifth grade teacher at the Parthum contributions proved his intelligence, experience working with them showed in the end, that’s the job. Students’ Elementary School in Lawrence, Melissa yet at the end of every class his work me that delivering strong curriculum statuses in June are wide-open but is returning to teaching after a year of was half-completed at best. Forget is necessary but insufficient. It must taking shape now. maternity leave. about homework or writing projects. be accompanied by actively reaching Let’s talk about that. Substitute Jonathan’s torpor for flash, struggling students. Joyce Melker and you had Gio, a similar case. With a When we think of the job as not A paraprofessional at the Henry Lord Mid- penchant for wearing NBA warm-ups simply teaching, but making sure dle School in Fall River, Joyce is currently and airing any joke that came into his every student learns, the importance training to become a teacher through the head, Gio exuded charisma, but little of personalized interventions becomes JET program at UMass Dartmouth. evidence of learning. clear. Under this framework, it is no I found these students longer acceptable to deliver the best Matthew Robinson simultaneously endearing and classes possible and then place the Matthew is beginning his second year infuriating. Their lack of work onus for success solely on students’ teaching English and journalism at the shattered my presumption that shoulders. Such an approach assures Burke High School in Dorchester where he also oversees the student newspaper. if teachers deliver accessible, four-year graduation rates in urban challenging, and engaging curriculum, schools that remain around fifty Riana Good student learning will take care of itself. percent. Yet, many teachers send While Riana is technically no longer a new Further, the knowledge of the lives underperforming students the message teacher, this Spanish teacher at the Boston that likely awaited them if they didn’t that “your education is here if you Teachers Union School in Jamaica Plain says make it out of high school nearly drove want it.” that she still feels like a ‘newby.’ me to depression. A mindset in which a teacher takes My mentor teacher urged me responsibility for student learning is to stay on both of them. I did, first critical. But again, while necessary, making sure that they understood this mindset is insufficient. In each the material. I scheduled conferences of my three years as a high school with their families. Jonathan’s parents humanities teacher, I have had 100 came in one day in November and or more students in my care. My several adults basically harangued approach to reaching for struggling him for a half hour. I had no students is zealous but scattershot; success arranging a conference with it lacks organization and systematic Gio’s mom. Month after month, I rigor. Too many students fail my encouraged these boys daily and tried courses, and many who should be to prove to them that their success making the honor roll hover below it. mattered to me and that I wouldn’t The start of another school year give up on them. Miraculously and represents another chance to get it without warning, Jonathan and Gio right. This past summer I read Isabel started producing work sometime in Wilkerson’s amazing The Warmth March and earned B’s for the third of Other Suns to bolster my content quarter. knowledge about the Great Migration, I ran into Gio on the subway one and researched ways to improve day in June. I asked him what it was vocabulary instruction. In addition to that made him start doing work. “I developing the curriculum delivery don’t know, man,” he said, a smile side of my teaching, I also read spreading across his face. “Wait,” about classroom-based systems for he corrected himself. “There was tracking student data and providing something.” The greatest mystery in personalized interventions. I plan to education was about to reveal itself adopt an approach called “Flagged to me. “One day I just figured, if I’m for Success” that Robyn Jackson 4 The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
  • 5. BEHIND as a field representative. In 1995 Powell moved to Dracut to become a full-time firefighter, THE SCENES but his role as an expert on health insurance was only beginning. He quickly got involved in his union, Andrew Powell, joined the executive board and was asked to represent the firefighters and Field Representative other public employees in Dracut in negotiations with the town over—what else?—health insurance. With costs rising, Dracut officials wanted big AFT MA’s newest staff changes in employee health benefits. member got his start Explains Powell: “I think the local union members knew that I had as a firefighter—and their best interest at heart.” Powell went on to become and other union leaders in Dracut formulated a proposal to completely an expert on the issue overhaul the town’s employee benefits of municipal health package through a process known as coalition bargaining. “We saved the DETAIL MAN New AFT MA field representative Andrew Powell spent the last insurance. town substantial money and ended up five years advising Massachusetts public employee unions on health insurance. strengthening the unions’ bargaining “Now my goal is to become an expert on all of the issues affecting AFT locals.” A position as a result,” says Powell. s a young boy in the Merrimack a dramatic change. (See this month’s policy on his mind. Just two months And while most union members Valley, Andy Powell knew exactly cover story: “Changes Ahead”). ago he and his partner Eileen might have been happy to put the what he wanted to be when he Massachusetts lawmakers passed welcomed twin boys, Dillon and experience of negotiating over health grew up: a firefighter. “It was my a measure over the summer that James, to their family; Powell also insurance behind them, Powell was dream,” says Powell. “I was a big fan weakens the ability of unions to has an eleven year old son named just getting started. In 2005 he joined of the show ‘Emergency.’” He realized bargain over health benefits. And while Samuel. And after spending most of forces with Boston Benefits Partners, that dream at the ripe old age of 18 Powell is concerned about the financial his four decades in and around the which advises public sector unions in when he joined the volunteer fire burden members are likely to face— Merrimack Valley, Powell has made a Massachusetts on employee benefits. department in Merrimac, MA, but he notes that the new law was never major transition, to the South Shore His job: working as a professional Powell still had to earn a living. When intended to lower health care costs but community of Marshfield, or “Marsh advisor to unions, including AFT locals he wasn’t fighting fires or responding to shift those costs onto users—he also Vegas,” as he likes to call it in tribute in Lawrence, Lowell and Chelmsford. to emergencies in the small town near points to several important protections to its historic role as the gambling “As an expert on municipal health the New Hampshire border, Powell in the law. “There are protections center of the state. insurance, my job was to educate had a very different line of work, as for retirees and the law also requires As for hobbies, Powell loves local leaders on an incredibly complex a customer service representative for municipalities to offset some of the camping and the outdoors and is an subject,” says Powell. “Now my goal is John Hancock, a health insurance cost shift for the most vulnerable,” amateur musician who plays guitar to become an expert in all of the issues carrier. “I learned an incredible says Powell. “Now we have to figure as often as he can—which isn’t much affecting AFT locals. I have a lot to amount about health insurance and out a way to focus on the real problem: since the twins arrived. “My hobby learn.” I’ve been able to use that knowledge the cost of health care is out of control. right now is changing diapers,” says Powell joins the staff of AFT MA over the years to help municipal What are we going to do about it?” Powell. at a time when the health insurance employees,” says Powell, who recently These days Powell has more than landscape in the state is undergoing joined the staff of AFT Massachusetts the fine details of health insurance Welcome aboard! Lesley University School of Education 5 September 2011
  • 6. On Campus Richard Freeland Commissioner, Mass. Department of Higher Education A New Vision for Public Higher Education nation. Our focus through the Vision public campuses intensify their work on “Public higher Project will be to boost the readiness of Vision Project goals. Though the size of those high school students least likely to this fund is modest, it constitutes a ma- education has never enroll in college. Last spring the Board jor vote of confidence from Beacon Hill been more important of Higher Education voted for a new in the importance of our work and the to Massachusetts than standard requiring four years of high kind of effort that is likely to earn future school math in order to qualify for ad- financial support. it is today. Our state mission to the state colleges and UMass, The second reason is that we simply is engaged in a fierce beginning in 2016. Research shows that cannot afford to hunker down and await global competition for a rigorous high school curriculum is the better times. Public higher education greatest predictor of college success. has never been more important to Mas- talent, investment and Every Massachusetts high school student sachusetts than it is today. Our state is jobs.” deserves access to such essential college engaged in a fierce global competition preparation. for talent, investment and jobs. Our I t is a privilege for me to be able to share a few thoughts with AFT members as we begin a new academic Another focus of Vision Project work involves STEM education. The needs of the Massachusetts’ economy require us primary assets in this competition are the educational level of our citizens and workforce, and the inventiveness and year. This promises to be a busy year for to attract more students into the fields of competence of the creative individuals those of us working at or on behalf of EDUCATED STATE OF MIND Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and organizational leaders who drive our the state’s 29 public college and univer- Richard Freeland, Commissioner of where some industries report near-zero innovation-dependent, knowledge-based sity campuses, as we collectively pursue the Massachusetts Department of unemployment. A final example of Vi- economy. A state that has historically an ambitious agenda called The Vision Higher Education, with some of the sion Project work involves the area of undervalued its public higher education Project. students who attend the state’s 29 learning outcomes assessment, where institutions must begin to change course This strategic plan for Massachusetts public colleges and universities. a working group of campus leaders has if it is to remain competitive. Collectively public higher education was approved level of research linked to economic de- recommended an ambitious approach to our institutions now educate two thirds by the Board of Higher Education in velopment and level of business activity documenting student achievement. of all residents who remain in state for May, 2010. It seeks to focus the work of derived from academic research. Good intentions notwithstanding, post-secondary education. They need our public colleges and universities on Through the Vision Project we will AFT members might well question the and deserve greater public support. seven aspirational goals to assure that quantify our standing with respect to wisdom of proceeding with such a bold As educators, you play a critical role Massachusetts has the best educated these goals, celebrate our achievements, agenda in the midst of a fiscal crisis. in helping students get to or graduate citizenry and workforce in the nation and identify areas that need improvement, Indeed, with the stresses on our system from college. I welcome your ideas and that we are a leader in academic research and document our progress. Next spring translating into a heavy workload for feedback. Please feel free to contact me that drives economic development. The we will issue the first in a series of an- faculty, what is to be gained by compar- at commissioner.freeland@bhe.mass. seven goals are designed to position nual reports documenting our standing ing ourselves to other highly competitive edu or visit the Department of Higher Massachusetts for national leadership among the 50 states with respect to these public systems? Education web site: in the following areas: college-going areas of educational achievement. The answer, I believe, has two key rates, college completion, the alignment The good news for Massachusetts cit- parts. First, even in this time of severe Richard Freeland is a guest columnist between degrees offered and workforce izens and taxpayers is that we are already fiscal constraint, the Governor and leg- this month. The regular “On Campus” needs, student learning outcomes, prog- making strides in key areas. Our college- islature have found room in the budget contributor, Dan Georgianna, will re- ress made in closing achievement gaps, going rates are among the highest in the to support a new fund that will help our turn to this spot next month. Amesbury Paras Fight Off Outsourcing Bid Continued from cover The union is the solution This fall the paras will go back to the “We needed to find out what Futures Parental involvement school committee remained steadfast in bargaining table to try to restore some The paras also enlisted the help of a its commitment to the outsourcing plan. of the lost benefits. (The town’s financial was all about and doing the research Explains Murphy: “The town’s message situation has improved somewhat natural ally: the families of the children helped us get a bigger picture,” says from the very beginning was ‘this is since the outsourcing plan was first they cared for every day. “These were Deb Murphy, a special education para not about the quality of the work—this announced). When they do return, says the people who were going to be most at Amesbury Elementary, who came is about saving money. They had a Murphy, it will be as the strongest, most affected and we wanted to make sure to be known to her colleagues as the financial goal in mind and the only way united force they’ve ever been. “This that they had a say about who would ‘researcher in chief.’ Before long a squad they would budge is if we matched that,” was an organizing campaign for us. It be caring for their kids,” says Cindy of para researchers was delving deep says Murphy. changed the way we communicate, it Yetman, president of AFT Amesbury into Futures’ background. Matching the savings that the changed the way we think about local and an education technology teacher at The paras quickly discovered that town expected to realize through the politics and it made us realize the deep Amesbury High School. the company that proposed taking over deal meant that the paras would have support we have in the community.” When the school committee met to their jobs had no experience providing to make sacrifices—in many cases For AFT MA field representative discuss the outsourcing plan, students, special education paraprofessional deep sacrifices. “They gave up a lot to Dianne Heeley, the paras’ fight against families, even concerned community services. (Futures was hired by maintain their positions and to continue outsourcing was deeply personal. She’s members packed the auditorium. For a Amesbury last year to analyze the to deliver the quality of the services that retiring this month and the thought of full three and a half hours they testified town’s special education programs). the children of Amesbury need,” says seeing so many of the paras lose their to local officials about the potential And in communities where Futures Yetman. jobs was unbearable. “I couldn’t go out impact of losing their paraprofessionals. was providing outsourced therapy The paras don’t sugar coat the hit on that note.” She offers effusive praise “The passion of the parents and services, notes Murphy, former district that they took in order to continue to for the paras’ hard work. “They were the community members was just employees didn’t appear to work for do their jobs. “People who’d been here so focused and they really rose to the incredible,” says Deb Murphy. “They their new employer for long. The the longest lost the most,” says Terry. challenge,” says Heeley. And while the had all the same concerns and feelings financial data also painted a troubling Among the concessions the paras made: paras were forced to give up significant that we did.” picture. “There was no long term data giving up vacation pay, holiday pay, benefits, Heeley is convinced that the showing how much money Futures A financial fight longevity bonuses, sick leave incentive ultimate agreement was a victory for saved for these districts after the third But even as support for the pay and reimbursement for professional the paras—and for the union. “Not only year,” says Murphy, who likens the paraprofessionals grew within the training and education. “We made sure did we save all of these jobs but we arrangement to a credit card with a community—and questions about that the town understood that they were really showed that the union wasn’t the special low introductory rate. “Futures Future’s ability to deliver the services taking money from the people who are problem, it was the solution. That was had a very well-rehearsed sales pitch.” it promised continue to emerge—the already the lowest paid,” adds Terry. the most important thing.” 6 The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
  • 7. Retiree Corner SENIOR SEMINARS How to Protect Your Nest Egg Marie Ardito, Co-founder and Plan for the Right Outcome Massachusetts Retirees United for Your Family This popular seminar, given by elder law attorney Mary Howie, looks at A Testament to the Power of Empathy many issues involving probate, trusts, Medicare Trusts, Benefits for veterans and their spouses and much more. W hat is empathy? According to special talent is portrait work. She is and becomes even harder when it is the When: September 24, 10 to noon Wikipedia, the free online ency- special because of the select group she loss of a young person denied a full life Where Presidential Park, 314 Main clopedia: “Empathy is the key corner- paints: those who have given their lives because of their willingness to serve our Street, Unit 105,Wilmington, MA (Main stone in genuine human relationships. in service to our country. Her mission country. St. is Rt. 38.The entrance to the park is Empathy is conscious. It means one with began with those who died in Iraq and MRU has spent time this past year across from the Wilmington House of empathy feels compassion, while those Afghanistan, and has since extended to acknowledging our members and teach- Pizza sign.) without do not take into account other include those who’ve made the supreme ers who have served. We honor Gina people’s emotions.” Empathy is a capac- sacrifice in any war for our country. and her tribute to those who served and Living in Retirement as an In- ity to feel with someone. It is common Gina will be the keynote speaker died for us by featuring her talent at our formed Retiree knowledge that one must have a certain at the Massachusetts Retirees United annual meeting. Here is an inspirational This two hour seminar will help you amount of empathy in order to feel com- Annual Meeting held at the Hillview woman who truly feels with and for understand eligibility for Medicare, passion for another. Country Club in North Reading on Sep- others, a true testimony to the power of including the Medicare B penalty and I don’t need to be poor to feel tember 22, 2011. Her Traveling Tribute empathy. surcharge. Also covered: new tax laws compassion for the poor, nor must I Wall, Faces of Remembrance will be on Come join us on September 22, 2011 regarding the sale of a second home, be diagnosed with a life threatening or display there. Gina’s commitment to our and bring a portrait of your loved one tax sheltered annuity distributions, laws debilitating illness in order to feel for a military comes from deep within her for Gina to sketch. Details about the regarding working in retirement, and person in that position. soul, as she believes in “paying forward” state meeting can be found in our July many other issues. Nor must I think of myself as old in to the families of those who have died in 2011 Newsletter, MRU Matters or on When: October 1, 10 to noon order to feel the fears, the loneliness and service to our country. The long hours our website at Where Presidential Park in Wilmington the uncertainty of someone who is old. she spends giving of her time and talent, (see above). In too many instances empathy has while still maintaining a full time job been replaced by greed, power and a and raising a family on her own make All the above seminars are free.To smug belief that ‘that could never hap- Gina an inspiration for us all. register call Marie Ardito at 1-617-482- pen to me.’ Some of us are too wrapped Gina presents each original detailed Attention MRU members: 1568 or e-mail mardito@retireesunited. up in ourselves to imagine walking in pencil portrait to the military families. Our address was listed incorrectly in the org. Make sure to specify which seminar another’s shoes, much less trying to feel Not only does she do the portraits for most recent issue of MRU Matters. The cor- you plan to attend and the number of with them. free, she also bears the expense of mail- rect address is: individuals who will be attending. I recently encountered someone ing and supplies. Massachusetts Retirees United who defies this attitude, whose whole She will share with us how she began P.O. Box 4015 life is a testimony to empathy. Let me this journey and some of the experiences Chelmsford, MA 01824-0615 introduce Gina Johnson, an artist whose she has had. Loss is always difficult The Golden A Friend and Mentor Inspires a Change Apple see them learning to read, developing social skills, sharing with their friends and understanding the expectations that a public school education brings. By Marcy A. Winer, paraprofessional, I owe all of this to Paula Tye- Greenhalge School, Lowell, MA Flagler, an amazing, inspirational woman. Paula got her start in the S ometimes the toughest jobs are the most rewarding. Sometimes you need someone to ‘shake you up’ Lowell Public Schools in 1982. She began at the Laura Lee School and later moved to the McAvinnue School and help you realize that a profession where she teaches preschool to special you’d never thought of entering, was needs children. She has also served as in fact just what you needed after a mentor to new student teachers. all. That is exactly how I became a Paula has an amazing way with paraprofessional. I was due for a children. She lights up whenever she change in profession after working sees little children at the park, at the many years, first for the federal beach or in stores. At times when government, then in business. I we are out together, she will stop needed to find something that added to talk to children and they always CHANGE AGENT Paula Tye-Flagler (left), a teacher in the Lowell Public zest and more happiness to my life. respond with smiles and giggles. Her Schools, inspired her friend Marcy Winer to take a leap of faith and become My best friend, Paula Tye-Flagler connection with children is immediate a paraprofessional. “Paula’s confidence in me is the reason I took a leap into suggested that I consider becoming a and long lasting. She has long-term education,” says Winer. “She has always been my biggest supporter.” para. I took her suggestion seriously, relationships with former students and within that very week I was hired and often visits them in the summer sounding board for me for many years. tried to remember that. I grew very to work at the Greenhalge School in and goes on ice cream outings with One year, I had a very challenging little attached to him and felt a deep sense Lowell. them. They love her so much! Paula boy who came from a broken family. of satisfaction at the progress he made. The six years I’ve now worked as also takes the time to really understand He had behavior problems that could Paula’s confidence in me is the reason I a para have been both rewarding and the unique family situations that often disrupt the classroom in an instant. took a leap into education. At the time challenging. If I wake up in a grumpy occur in an urban school district such It was Paula I called on for help. I’d I had to trust that this would be a good mood (a rarity!) I know that as soon as as Lowell. Many times she has gone vent that I was at my wits end with this change for me and she was right. She I get to school, there will be 22 faces out of her way to educate the families student. Paula reminded me that he has always been my biggest supporter smiling at me, ready for a brand new who may require additional readiness needed me to provide discipline and and I know that she always will be right day. I know that I add value to these materials to help their children structure at school because he wasn’t there, lending me an ear when I need children’s lives each day that I am succeed. During the school year, Paula getting it at home. She reminded me it. Her preschoolers are lucky to call there. They need me and sometimes rewards her students with special gifts that this would benefit him in the long her Miss Paula and I am blessed to call the only structure they have for the for their hard work. run. She was right. I remained tough her my friend. day will be the six hours I spend with Paula has been a tremendous role yet loving. At the time, his mother them in school. I get excited when I model, teacher, friend, advisor and was absent from the home and I September 2011 7