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Perspective   Gary D. Ahlquist
              Paolo F. Borromeo
              Sanjay B. Saxena, MD

The Future of
Health Insurance
Demise of Employer-
Sponsored Coverage
Greatly Exaggerated
Contact Information

Chicago                         San Francisco
Gary D. Ahlquist                Paolo F. Borromeo
Senior Partner                  Principal
+1-312-578-4708                 +1-415-627-3387

Ashish Kaura                    Sanjay B. Saxena, MD
Principal                       Principal
+1-312-578-4838                 +1-415-263-3729 

New York
Gil Irwin

Joyjit Saha Choudhury

                                                          Booz & Company
EXECUTIVE        In the United States, the new healthcare reform law empha-
                 sizes expanded coverage through health insurance exchanges,
                 leading many analysts to project a rapid decline in the tradi-
                 tional employer-sponsored insurance market. But a time of
                 more ambiguous change is approaching, with new opportuni-
                 ties as well as many challenges. Booz & Company research
                 suggests that traditional employer-based insurance will
                 remain a significant market that will erode more slowly and
                 less steeply than commonly thought. Our analyses indicate
                 that employers, though concerned about rising premiums, are
                 unlikely to abandon employer-based health plans and force
                 workers to find coverage on exchanges. Some small employers
                 may do so, but the majority will continue to offer coverage
                 for a variety of reasons ranging from a sense of moral respon-
                 sibility to the need to attract and retain talent.

                 As health insurers respond to the         (employer group) market to a more
                 evolving healthcare environment,          retail-like market and the emergence
                 they must tend their core employer-       of relatively focused health plans with
                 based business to secure the margins      specialized capabilities that target
                 and cash flow needed to develop and       customer segments more coherently.
                 enhance new capabilities that will        In the future, companies will evolve
                 help them adapt. They must also           toward one of four primary business
                 take a proactive role in working with     models, including low-cost standard
                 employers and brokers to innovate         plans and highly diversified compa-
                 and provide value that will sustain the   nies. Depending on the customer,
                 group market.                             insurers may adopt any one of a
                                                           range of approaches and capabilities.
                 Historically, health plans have           Ultimately, employer-sponsored plans
                 maintained a broad presence across        will serve as the foundation for insur-
                 customer segments. Going forward          ers’ future growth no matter how
                 we anticipate a shift from a wholesale    healthcare reform shakes out.

Booz & Company                                                                                   1
MASSIVE                                                    is recognition that Republicans in
                                                                  Congress and, perhaps more impor-
                                                                                                                         extensive research to understand the
                                                                                                                         evolving needs of employers and how
       UNCERTAINTY                                                tant, in governors’ offices around the                 they are likely to respond to the new
       AHEAD FOR                                                  nation could seriously undermine,
                                                                  slow, or whittle away at the law.
                                                                                                                         law. We interviewed more than 150
                                                                                                                         executives and managers at employ-
       HEALTH                                                                                                            ers across sizes, industries, and
       INSURERS                                                   Nonetheless, no matter what hap-
                                                                  pens next, some permanent disrup-
                                                                                                                         regions; association members; and
                                                                                                                         policy experts. We also conducted
                                                                  tive changes will take place in the                    employer focus groups and surveys to
                                                                  U.S. healthcare system as a result of                  gather additional input from nearly
                                                                  the passage of the Patient Protection                  300 small and large employers. In
                                                                  and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).                       particular, we conducted in-depth
                                                                  While the new law puts a strong                        studies of employers in Massachusetts
        The healthcare industry is entering                       emphasis on making healthcare more                     and Utah, two states where reform
        a period of even greater uncertainty,                     accessible, many provisions—such as                    efforts, most notably around health
        driven by regulatory, political, and                      small-business tax credits, employer                   insurance exchanges, resemble the
        economic unknowns (see Exhibit 1).                        “pay-or-play” penalties, and health                    system called for by the federal health
        The results of Bubble = Revenue
                       of the 2010 midterm elec-                  insurance exchanges—are spurring                       reform legislation. Finally, we inte-
        tions have made it much more diffi-                       significant debate over the viability of               grated these inputs into a proprietary
     60 cult to discern the pace and extent of
               80        100                                      the private health insurance industry,                 model incorporating health plan
oherencefuture healthcare reform. The legisla-
         Score                                                    particularly the employer-sponsored                    premium data and estimates of likely
        tion is not likely to be undone, given                    (or group) insurance market segment.                   consumer and employer decision-
        Democrats’ veto-proof hold on the                                                                                making behavior, to evaluate the eco-
        Senate and the public popularity of                       In late 2010 and early 2011,                           nomic impact of various scenarios.
        most reform elements. However, there                      Booz & Company conducted

       Exhibit 1
       Drivers of Post-Reform Uncertainty

                                                      - 2010 elections: What will be the impact of a divided Congress?
                                                      - How much will political polarization impede implementation?
                                                      - 2012 election: Will President Obama be reelected? If not, what happens to reform?
                                                                                Political Uncertainty

                                                                                                                                   - How will federal and state
             - Will there be unprecedented shifts                                                                                    regulators interpret the newly
               in healthcare industry profit pools?                                                                                  passed legislation?
             - Will there be a potentially massive                                                                                 - Will there be state (and federal?)
               impact on health plan business                                                                    Legislative/
                                                         Economic                    MASSIVE                                         rate caps on insurers (as in
               model and profits?                                                                                Regulatory
                                                         Uncertainty               UNCERTAINTY                                       Massachusetts and Maine)?
             - Is it time to make “big bets” on                                                                                    - To what extent can stakeholders
               repositioning?                                                                                                        influence this?
             - Is it time to save capital and                                                                                      - Can health plans reposition their
               financial strength to navigate                                                                                        image, given criticism by
               turbulence?                                                                                                           legislators/regulators?

                                                                        Stakeholder Response Uncertainty
                                                      - How will key organizations in each stakeholder group respond to reform?
                                                      - How will industry dynamics change across stakeholder groups?
                                                      - Will there be shifts in roles in the healthcare value chain (e.g., who manages risk)?

       Source: Booz & Company

       2                                                                                                                                               Booz & Company
- Is it time to make “big bets” on
    Kraft Foods              Heinz            PepsiCo                                                                                             repositioning?
                                      Kimberly-Clark                                                                                            - Is it time to save capital and
                                                                                                                                                  financial strength to navigate
           ConAgra                                                                                                                                turbulence?
           Foods             Nestlé
                                          Size of Bubble = Revenue
    Sara Lee
                                A SIZABLE                                                 Unlike many prognostications fore-
                                                                                          casting rapid decline in the employer-
                                                                                                                                                     enrolled through company health org
                                                                                                                                                                               - How will key
                                                                                                                                                     benefit programs. By 2016, when
                                                                                                                                                                               - How will industry
0          20        40      60
                                   80 100
                                                                                          sponsored insurance market, our                            most of the major reform Will there be shif
                                                                                                                                                                               - provisions

                                GROUP MARKET                                              research suggests that employer
                                                                                          groups will remain a significant cus-
                                                                                                                                                     are scheduled to be implemented,
                                                                                                                                                     employer-sponsored insurance
                                POST-REFORM                                               tomer segment for health insurance                         will still constitute more than 50
                                                                                          plans. Today, employer-sponsored                           percent of the market, with 152
                                                                                          insurance makes up 62 percent                              million members enrolled in group
                                                                                          of the insured market, with 158                            plans (see Exhibit 2). Indeed, even
                                                                                          million employees and dependents                           in Massachusetts, where health-

                                                 National Membership Mix Shift with Reform
                               Exhibit 2
                               Projected Membership Shifts, 2009-2016

                                      NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP MIX SHIFT WITH REFORM
                                      (IN MILLIONS OF INDIVIDUALS)

                                                                                             2009                       CAGR: ’09-’16                          2016

                                                                 Uninsured                    40
                                                                  Medicaid                    41

                                                               Medicare                                                        2%                               42
                                                                                              37                                                                                    4
                                                          Other Public                                             3
                                                            Individual                        16                               8%                               27
                                                            Small Group                       33                              -4%                               25
                                                       (<50 employees)
                                                   Midsized/Large Group                       56                               0%                               56
                                                   (50-1,000 employees)

                                                             Jumbo Group                      69                               1%                               71
                                                       (1,000+ employees)

                                                                                             2009                                                        2016 w/Reform

                               Notes: Does not include illegal immigrants. Uninsured estimates from CBO, and employer estimates from Booz & Company intellectual capital. Aggregation may not
                               sum to total U.S. population.
                               Source: Kaiser Employer Health Benefits 2009; Census 2007; Congressional Budget Office; Booz & Company analysis

                               Booz & Company                                                                                                                                                   3
care reform was enacted in 2006,       through new health insurance            to participate in the exchange will
employer group coverage programs       exchanges, and the remainder will       switch from the group market. Some
continue to make up 64 percent of      enroll in existing employer group       observers expect that the introduc-
the health insurance market, down      plans.                                  tion of exchanges and significant fed-
only three percentage points since                                             eral subsidies for individuals (earning
reform went into effect.               The eventual size and long-term         as much as 400 percent of the federal
                                       viability of the employer group         poverty level) will lead a significant
More generally, healthcare reform      market will be determined chiefly by    number of businesses to “dump”
will unquestionably lead to a larger   the success of new state and regional   employees by dropping coverage or
overall market for health insurance.   health exchanges. These will inevi-     to “switch” them into employer-paid
Based on our scenario modeling,        tably attract not only the uninsured,   exchange plans.
nearly 25 million uninsured people     but also some people currently cov-
will obtain coverage after 2016. The   ered by employer-sponsored insur-       Our research findings and simula-
majority, nearly 60 percent, will      ance. There are open questions, such    tion analysis reveal that only a small
enter a vastly expanded Medicaid       as whether smaller employers (those     portion of employers will do so. As
program, about 28 percent will         with fewer than 50 workers initially,   a result, we project that 5 million
get individual insurance primarily     100 eventually) that are eligible       to 7 million individuals will exit

                                       The eventual size and long-term
                                       viability of the employer group market
                                       will be determined chiefly by the
                                       success of new health exchanges.

4                                                                                                     Booz & Company
the employer-sponsored insurance         drop employee coverage. Yet our             and jumbo-sized companies also
market by 2016. An estimated 3           feedback from extensive interviews          report a moral obligation to retain
million to 4 million will be dumped      with benefit managers, chief human          employee health insurance coverage.
because firms decide to stop offering    resource officers (CHROs), and chief
coverage, and 2 million to 3 mil-        financial officers (CFOs) indicates         Midsized Employers May Shift
lion small-group employees will be       that larger employers will adopt a          to Self-Insurance
switched. The overall propensity for     long-term “wait and see” approach           Midsized companies are also unlikely
employers to change coverage will be     that is unlikely to result in significant   to drop their current employee
low, and the velocity of change will     dumping or switching. Similarly, the        healthcare coverage, for many of
be rather slow. For the most part,       vast majority of large employers in         the same reasons as their larger
employers’ response to reform will be    our Massachusetts employer survey           counterparts. There is significant
guided by cost and other factors such    plan to continue providing health           interest among these employers in
as the potential risk to their reputa-   insurance. Moreover, our economic           moving from fully insured to self-
tion and their ability to attract and    modeling suggests that employers            funded products (where the employer
retain talent.                           that consider dropping coverage and         assumes direct risk for paying
                                         paying the associated penalty will          healthcare claims), as most large and
Large and Jumbo Employers Unlikely       need a significant cost–value differ-       jumbo employers have progressively
to Drop Current Coverage                 ential to offset the risks to employee      done over the past decade. The
Recent press coverage has high-          morale and retention. Although some         anticipated shift is primarily driven
lighted concerns about healthcare        employers might save money by drop-         by the desire to avoid costly reform
insurance raised by certain major        ping coverage and paying penalties,         provisions that introduce health
employers, including AT&T, Verizon,      many report that the savings may            insurer premium taxes and medical
Caterpillar, and McDonald’s:             not be worth the potential downside.        loss ratio constraints on fully insured
namely, that new regulations and         Many large employers, particularly          products, both of which insurers are
added costs would lead them to           those with more than 500 workers,           likely to pass on to employers in the

Booz & Company                                                                                                             5
form of higher rates. In addition,      only a tiny portion of the group        ees, because of the variance in
some midsized employer focus group      market—are the most likely to           wages, the number of subsidy-eligible
participants say self-insuring offers   drop coverage altogether, leaving       employees, and employee expecta-
greater flexibility and creativity in   their employees to obtain insurance     tions of healthcare benefits as a con-
areas such as benefit design, health    through exchanges. Focus groups         dition of employment. In principle,
and wellness incentives, and care       suggest that—if exchanges offer a       they may explore exchange products
management programs. Again,             viable alternative—those microbusi-     in hopes of reducing costs, but most
while most midsized employers seem      nesses with relatively low average      of them feel obliged to continue pro-
inclined to continue offering health    wages and a high proportion of          viding coverage for their employees
insurance, some companies, such as      employees eligible for individual       after 2014. Even among companies
a local 250-worker factory, a private   subsidies will be the most tempted      this size, massive exchange switch-
equity–owned firm, and a financially    to drop coverage and direct employ-     ing will not happen overnight. Focus
distressed business, are considering    ees to purchase through exchanges.      groups reveal that microgroups will
dropping coverage altogether.           Indeed, membership in existing pri-     closely evaluate the option to switch,
                                        vate small-business exchanges indi-     and even for today’s private small-
Smaller Firms Most Likely to            cates that a large majority come from   business exchanges, adoption has
Drop Coverage                           groups of fewer than 10 employees.      been slow.
Microbusinesses—those with fewer        Larger and well-established firms
than 10 employees, which represent      have less incentive to dump employ-

                                        Microbusinesses—those with fewer
                                        than 10 employees—are most likely to
                                        drop coverage, leaving their employees
                                        to obtain insurance through exchanges.

6                                                                                                     Booz & Company
CHALLENGES TO                                           magnitude of the impact will depend
                                                        on a given insurer’s book of busi-
                                                                                                                 Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
                                                                                                                 estimates of the future size of the
PROFITABILITY                                           ness (see Exhibit 3). For instance,                      post-reform insured market are overly
                                                        insurers with more business in the                       optimistic, potentially overstating the
                                                        jumbo and government segments will                       2016 insured market by as many as 7
                                                        see more stability. Conversely, those                    million individuals. A weak individual
                                                        catering primarily to the individual                     mandate (or no individual mandate,
                                                        and small-group markets will face                        if the Virginia court ruling is upheld
                                                        significant uncertainty as exchanges                     by the U.S. Supreme Court) will yield
Although the employer-sponsored                         are introduced.                                          even lower enrollment levels. Finally,
group business is unlikely to erode                                                                              federal reform legislation has intro-
as rapidly as widely predicted, health                  While reform provisions will result                      duced significant constraints, such as
reform will unequivocally diminish the                  in sizable membership growth in the                      minimum actuarial value thresholds,
financial viability of the health insur-                Medicaid and individual markets,                         underwriting restrictions, and medical
ance industry. Indeed, every segment                    margins will be considerably lower                       loss ratio requirements, limiting how
will experience declining profitability                 than in the employer group busi-                         insurers can operate and profit from
between now and 2016, though the                        ness. Our analysis also indicates that                   their core health insurance business.
                                                                                                                                                      Will there be shif

Exhibit 3
Healthcare’s Bleak Outlook




                         6                                                            Medicaid (61M)

                                    Medicare (42M)                                                                                   Government

       Expected                                                                          Jumbo Group (71M)                           Individual/Small Group
       Membership        2
       Growth                                                                                                                        Midsized/Large/Jumbo Group
       (% CAGR,          0
                                                                                                                                NOT SHOWN:
                        -2     Small Group Non-Exchange (22M)                       Midsized/Large Group (56M)
                                                                                                                                Projected On-Exchange
                                                                                                                                Individual/Small Group
                        -4                                                                                                      Market (19M-22M)

                                      Individual Non-Exchange (10M)
                                   -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5           0    0.5 1.0 1.5

                                                        Expected Change in Margin
                                                              (%, 2009-2016)

Source: Membership projections based on Booz & Company analysis; margin projections based on Goldman Sachs’ 10-Year Industry Model for Managed Care
and Booz & Company analysis

Booz & Company                                                                                                                                                       7
STRATEGIC      The movement to direct-to-consumer          exchanges eventually shift employer
               healthcare benefits may be slow, but        group membership into a more
IMPLICATIONS   it will also be persistent. Every insurer   retail-like environment, health plans
FOR HEALTH     will need to establish a new strategy       will experience a steady erosion of
               and capabilities system to accommo-         their fully insured group business.
INSURERS       date this shift. This will mean getting     Uptake in the exchanges will likely be
               used to a more retail environment, in       gradual and vary by state, beginning
               which exchanges increasingly allow          with microgroup segments. As such,
               consumers to “shop” for healthcare          it is imperative for health plans to
               plans in the same way that they cur-        carefully manage their group business
               rently shop for life insurance or other     to ensure that it generates sufficient
               financial services.                         margins and free cash flow to enable
                                                           reinvestment in the new capabilities
               Managing the Core Employer                  that will be necessary to compete in
               Group Business                              the post-reform era.
               Overall, our research suggests that
               health insurers have a longer runway        As part of this transition from a
               to derive benefits from their tra-          wholesale (employer group) to retail
               ditional employer group business            market, health plans need to pursue
               than some analysts have projected.          a number of strategies. First, they
               Nonetheless, as health insurance            should take a more proactive role

               Health insurers have a longer runway
               to derive benefits from their traditional
               employer group business than some
               analysts have projected.

8                                                                                 Booz & Company
in working with employers to help            Second, health plans should partner       could more directly advise companies,
sustain the viability of the group           more closely with their key brokers       a role traditionally held by benefit
market. Our research shows that most         to jointly manage and support the         consulting firms.
employers are aggressively looking for       group business. While brokers can
alternative ways to manage costs, but        expect volatility in the microbusiness    Third, given the likely shift to self-
have not seen health plans as partners       segment, larger companies are likely      funded arrangements, particularly
in these efforts. It is up to the insurers   to maintain their long-standing           among midsized employers,
to give them reason to do so.                relationships with brokers, whom          health plans should introduce
                                             they perceive as trusted advisors.        more administrative-services-
Moving forward, the most success-            Our research also suggests that,          only (ASO) packages to serve this
ful insurers will be those that help         given the complexity and importance       segment. Today’s ASO products are
employers manage costs to increase           of the health insurance purchasing        characterized by a high degree of
affordability and enhance employee           decision, health insurance brokers        complexity and customization for
productivity. For instance, through          will continue to provide a service        large and jumbo employers. In the
more innovative payor–provider               to companies by helping them sort         future, as ASO moves downmarket,
collaboration and care management            through the complexity to find value.     greater standardization will be
programs, leading plans are already          In this role, they will be more akin to   required to profitably serve the new
engaging with employers to jointly           real estate agents, who have retained     groups. Finally, while the shift from
address costs. Others are design-            a place in their industry, than to        risk-based revenues (in fully insured
ing benefits for employers based on          travel agents, who have been largely      products) to fee-based revenues (in
a limited network of providers tied          disintermediated by online solutions.     ASO products) will have significant
to local accountable care organiza-          Health insurers should redefine their     financial implications, insurers should
tions (ACOs) with bonuses aligned to         broker engagement strategy from           develop complementary add-on
encourage member engagement. Plans           today’s transaction-based model to        offerings (e.g., specialty products,
will also need to work with employ-          a strategic partnership model. For        health and wellness, work-life
ers to co-design low-cost alternative        example, top-performing brokers,          services) to enhance their share
products that still adhere to standards      armed with the proper incentives,         of wallet.
laid out in the reform regulations.          tools, and other support mechanisms,

Booz & Company                                                                                                               9
Rethinking the Traditional Health           capabilities required to deliver services   model. A company could also institute
Insurance Business Model                    to that market, and the full lineup of      a hybrid of these various approaches,
Post-reform, health plans will need to      products and services. This will rep-       as long as the same system of a few
consider a number of important ques-        resent a change for many companies.         key capabilities were used to serve
tions with respect to their key capa-       Historically, health plans and other        all of its customers. If insurers take a
bilities and future business models,        insurance companies have maintained         more diversified path, they will need
including the following:                    a presence across as many customer          to reconcile the cost and culture issues
                                            segments as possible, marshaling sepa-      that may arise in attempting to pursue
• What is the future role of the            rate products and capabilities for each     a hybrid model. For example, can the
  health plan? Will it continue to          if necessary. Going forward, they may       new low-cost products needed to suc-
  focus on administering health ben-        feel compelled to serve fewer segments      ceed in exchanges be supported on the
  efits, or will it play a larger role in   in a more coherent way, by focusing         same higher-cost, flexible operating
  enhancing medical value?                  on just one primary business model—         chassis plans used for large or jumbo
                                            or “way to play”—that applies to all        accounts?
• What business models and capa-            of their chosen customers. This will
  bilities will be required to serve        allow them to gain efficiencies and         Low-cost standard plans will dif-
  different target segments coherently      invest more effectively by applying the     ferentiate themselves based on retail
  in the future?                            same system of capabilities to all their    marketing, network management,
                                            products and services.                      and price. Their capabilities will
• Given the need for critical new                                                       be retail excellence, low total cost,
  capabilities, what steps can health       There will be several viable business       and regulatory relationship manage-
  plans take to streamline costs in         models to choose from (see Exhibit 4).      ment required in the predominantly
  less critical functions and secure        Some of them will be relatively “pure       government-sponsored (Medicare
  funding for new investments?              tone” strategies: being a low-cost          and Medicaid) and exchange-based
                                            standard plan, a higher-cost custom         segments. In contrast, higher-cost
Looking ahead, we see the emer-             plan, a medical value healthcare            custom plans, aimed at midsized and
gence of health plans with special-         plan, or a broader-service company,         large group segments, will differenti-
ized capabilities to target segments        expanding beyond health insurance in        ate themselves on product design,
coherently—in other words, with a           some coherent way. In each case, the        analytics, and complex administra-
high degree of alignment between            company would serve only the cus-           tive capabilities. The third pure-tone
a company’s market strategy, the            tomers that would benefit from that         approach, aimed at providing better

10                                                                                                             Booz & Company
    Kraft Foods              Heinz             PepsiCo

           ConAgra                                                                                                                                                    - How will key organ
           Foods                                                                                                                                                      - How will industry d
                  Unilever                                                                                                                                            - Will there be shifts
                                  medical Size of Bubbleinnovate on prod-
                                           value, will = Revenue                 of products and services—possibly                        base. It may also      explore business-to-
    Sara Lee
                                  uct, member behavior, and provider             including some that have tradition-                      business opportunities to monetize
0          20        40      60   levers 80 achieve superior outcomes,
                                         to       100                            ally been outside the health insurance                   its capabilities by marketing them to
                                  lower costs, and improved employee             domain, such as other insurance prod-                    other companies, including its health
                                  productivity. Finally, the broader-            ucts or even the delivery of care—to                     plan competitors.
                                  service company will follow a retail-          capture a greater share of spending
                                  like approach to offering a range              from its core health plan customer

                                  Exhibit 4
                                  Future Health Plan Business Models

                                                                                                             Customer Segments

                                     Business Model           Medicare             Medicaid                    Exchanges                        Midsized Group           Large Group

                                      1. Low-Cost           Key Capabilities
                                      Standard Plan         - Consumer segmentation and marketing
                                                            - Low-cost standardized/modularized health benefits and loyalty programs
                                                            - Exchange-based distribution
                                                            - Lower-cost, high-performance provider networks
                                                            - Extremely lean administrative infrastructure

                                      2. Higher-Cost                                                                                            Key Capabilities
                                      Custom Plan                                                                                               - B2B and B2B2C segmentation
                                                                                                                                                - Flexible/customized benefits
                                                                                                                                                - Broader provider networks
                                                                                                                                                - Advanced administrative
                                                                                                                                                - High level of support

                                      3. Medical Value      Key Capabilities
                                      Healthcare Plan       - Ability to manage utilization by “high risk” populations                          Could serve a broader market
                                                            - Value-based benefit designs                                                       including midsized and large groups
                                                            - Dramatically reduced medical cost through transformed                             if risk-adjusted reimbursement for
                                                              provider relationship                                                             managing higher-risk populations
                                                            - Integration of care across local community services (e.g., psycho/social)         takes hold
                                                            - Diversified portfolio of health solutions effectively targeting healthy,
                                                              at-risk, and chronically ill

                                      4. Broader-Service    Key Capabilities
                                      Company               - Cross-selling of ancillary health products to existing customers
                                                            - Greater expansion outside health to offset the risk in the core health business

                                  Source: Booz & Company

                                  Booz & Company                                                                                                                                        11
CONCLUSION   Ultimately, the employer group
             business of the past will serve as
                                                     Employers will maintain a huge
                                                     stake in healthcare and will be
             the foundation for growth in the        valuable partners with health
             future, as insurers devise strategies   insurers in addressing the critical
             to compete in new markets. Insurers     issue of medical costs. From what
             will need to renew efforts to capture   we see in the early exchanges, costs
             as much value as possible from the      and premiums remain difficult to
             current core business. They should      manage. To initiate change, insurers
             focus on managing employer costs        need to work with employers—
             and healthcare affordability, and       along with providers, government,
             differentiating on medical value, as    and consumers—to develop new
             they search for diversification and     structures and capabilities that will
             opportunities to expand market          create medical value. Without new
             share. Savings from these efforts       and innovative approaches to this
             will provide capital for investment     central problem, the promise of
             in new capabilities supporting new      reform will remain only a promise.
             business models.

12                                                                         Booz & Company
About the Authors

Gary D. Ahlquist is a senior        Sanjay B. Saxena, MD, is a
partner with Booz & Company         principal with Booz & Company
based in Chicago. He                in San Francisco and leads
specializes in strategy and         the firm’s West Coast health
organization development for        practice. He advises healthcare
insurance companies, health         clients on strategy development
plans, and health providers.        and capability building,
                                    specializing in payor–provider
Paolo F. Borromeo is a              collaboration, next-generation
principal in Booz & Company’s       payment models, and care
health practice based in            delivery innovation.
San Francisco. He is a core
member of the firm’s healthcare
reform team and specializes
in developing post-reform
business unit strategies for U.S.
health payor clients.

Booz & Company                                                        13
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Future of health insurance

  • 1. Perspective Gary D. Ahlquist Paolo F. Borromeo Sanjay B. Saxena, MD The Future of Health Insurance Demise of Employer- Sponsored Coverage Greatly Exaggerated
  • 2. Contact Information Chicago San Francisco Gary D. Ahlquist Paolo F. Borromeo Senior Partner Principal +1-312-578-4708 +1-415-627-3387 Ashish Kaura Sanjay B. Saxena, MD Principal Principal +1-312-578-4838 +1-415-263-3729 New York Gil Irwin Partner +1-212-551-6548 Joyjit Saha Choudhury Principal +1-212-551-6871 Booz & Company
  • 3. EXECUTIVE In the United States, the new healthcare reform law empha- sizes expanded coverage through health insurance exchanges, SUMMARY leading many analysts to project a rapid decline in the tradi- tional employer-sponsored insurance market. But a time of more ambiguous change is approaching, with new opportuni- ties as well as many challenges. Booz & Company research suggests that traditional employer-based insurance will remain a significant market that will erode more slowly and less steeply than commonly thought. Our analyses indicate that employers, though concerned about rising premiums, are unlikely to abandon employer-based health plans and force workers to find coverage on exchanges. Some small employers may do so, but the majority will continue to offer coverage for a variety of reasons ranging from a sense of moral respon- sibility to the need to attract and retain talent. As health insurers respond to the (employer group) market to a more evolving healthcare environment, retail-like market and the emergence they must tend their core employer- of relatively focused health plans with based business to secure the margins specialized capabilities that target and cash flow needed to develop and customer segments more coherently. enhance new capabilities that will In the future, companies will evolve help them adapt. They must also toward one of four primary business take a proactive role in working with models, including low-cost standard employers and brokers to innovate plans and highly diversified compa- and provide value that will sustain the nies. Depending on the customer, group market. insurers may adopt any one of a range of approaches and capabilities. Historically, health plans have Ultimately, employer-sponsored plans maintained a broad presence across will serve as the foundation for insur- customer segments. Going forward ers’ future growth no matter how we anticipate a shift from a wholesale healthcare reform shakes out. Booz & Company 1
  • 4. MASSIVE is recognition that Republicans in Congress and, perhaps more impor- extensive research to understand the evolving needs of employers and how UNCERTAINTY tant, in governors’ offices around the they are likely to respond to the new AHEAD FOR nation could seriously undermine, slow, or whittle away at the law. law. We interviewed more than 150 executives and managers at employ- HEALTH ers across sizes, industries, and INSURERS Nonetheless, no matter what hap- pens next, some permanent disrup- regions; association members; and policy experts. We also conducted tive changes will take place in the employer focus groups and surveys to U.S. healthcare system as a result of gather additional input from nearly the passage of the Patient Protection 300 small and large employers. In and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). particular, we conducted in-depth Heinz While the new law puts a strong studies of employers in Massachusetts PepsiCo The healthcare industry is entering emphasis on making healthcare more and Utah, two states where reform Kimberly-Clark a period of even greater uncertainty, accessible, many provisions—such as efforts, most notably around health driven by regulatory, political, and small-business tax credits, employer insurance exchanges, resemble the Nestlé economic unknowns (see Exhibit 1). “pay-or-play” penalties, and health system called for by the federal health The results of Bubble = Revenue Size of the 2010 midterm elec- insurance exchanges—are spurring reform legislation. Finally, we inte- tions have made it much more diffi- significant debate over the viability of grated these inputs into a proprietary 60 cult to discern the pace and extent of 80 100 the private health insurance industry, model incorporating health plan oherencefuture healthcare reform. The legisla- Score particularly the employer-sponsored premium data and estimates of likely tion is not likely to be undone, given (or group) insurance market segment. consumer and employer decision- Democrats’ veto-proof hold on the making behavior, to evaluate the eco- Senate and the public popularity of In late 2010 and early 2011, nomic impact of various scenarios. most reform elements. However, there Booz & Company conducted Exhibit 1 Drivers of Post-Reform Uncertainty - 2010 elections: What will be the impact of a divided Congress? - How much will political polarization impede implementation? - 2012 election: Will President Obama be reelected? If not, what happens to reform? Political Uncertainty - How will federal and state - Will there be unprecedented shifts regulators interpret the newly in healthcare industry profit pools? passed legislation? - Will there be a potentially massive - Will there be state (and federal?) impact on health plan business Legislative/ Economic MASSIVE rate caps on insurers (as in model and profits? Regulatory Uncertainty UNCERTAINTY Massachusetts and Maine)? Uncertainty - Is it time to make “big bets” on - To what extent can stakeholders repositioning? influence this? - Is it time to save capital and - Can health plans reposition their financial strength to navigate image, given criticism by turbulence? legislators/regulators? Stakeholder Response Uncertainty - How will key organizations in each stakeholder group respond to reform? - How will industry dynamics change across stakeholder groups? - Will there be shifts in roles in the healthcare value chain (e.g., who manages risk)? Source: Booz & Company 2 Booz & Company
  • 5. - Is it time to make “big bets” on Kraft Foods Heinz PepsiCo repositioning? Kimberly-Clark - Is it time to save capital and financial strength to navigate ConAgra turbulence? Foods Nestlé Unilever Size of Bubble = Revenue Sara Lee A SIZABLE Unlike many prognostications fore- casting rapid decline in the employer- enrolled through company health org - How will key benefit programs. By 2016, when - How will industry 0 20 40 60 EMPLOYER 80 100 sponsored insurance market, our most of the major reform Will there be shif - provisions GROUP MARKET research suggests that employer groups will remain a significant cus- are scheduled to be implemented, employer-sponsored insurance POST-REFORM tomer segment for health insurance will still constitute more than 50 plans. Today, employer-sponsored percent of the market, with 152 insurance makes up 62 percent million members enrolled in group of the insured market, with 158 plans (see Exhibit 2). Indeed, even million employees and dependents in Massachusetts, where health- National Membership Mix Shift with Reform Exhibit 2 Projected Membership Shifts, 2009-2016 NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP MIX SHIFT WITH REFORM (IN MILLIONS OF INDIVIDUALS) 2009 CAGR: ’09-’16 2016 20 -10% Uninsured 40 61 6% Medicaid 41 Medicare 2% 42 37 4 Other Public 3 Individual 16 8% 27 Small Group 33 -4% 25 (<50 employees) Midsized/Large Group 56 0% 56 (50-1,000 employees) Jumbo Group 69 1% 71 (1,000+ employees) 2009 2016 w/Reform Notes: Does not include illegal immigrants. Uninsured estimates from CBO, and employer estimates from Booz & Company intellectual capital. Aggregation may not sum to total U.S. population. Source: Kaiser Employer Health Benefits 2009; Census 2007; Congressional Budget Office; Booz & Company analysis Booz & Company 3
  • 6. care reform was enacted in 2006, through new health insurance to participate in the exchange will employer group coverage programs exchanges, and the remainder will switch from the group market. Some continue to make up 64 percent of enroll in existing employer group observers expect that the introduc- the health insurance market, down plans. tion of exchanges and significant fed- only three percentage points since eral subsidies for individuals (earning reform went into effect. The eventual size and long-term as much as 400 percent of the federal viability of the employer group poverty level) will lead a significant More generally, healthcare reform market will be determined chiefly by number of businesses to “dump” will unquestionably lead to a larger the success of new state and regional employees by dropping coverage or overall market for health insurance. health exchanges. These will inevi- to “switch” them into employer-paid Based on our scenario modeling, tably attract not only the uninsured, exchange plans. nearly 25 million uninsured people but also some people currently cov- will obtain coverage after 2016. The ered by employer-sponsored insur- Our research findings and simula- majority, nearly 60 percent, will ance. There are open questions, such tion analysis reveal that only a small enter a vastly expanded Medicaid as whether smaller employers (those portion of employers will do so. As program, about 28 percent will with fewer than 50 workers initially, a result, we project that 5 million get individual insurance primarily 100 eventually) that are eligible to 7 million individuals will exit The eventual size and long-term viability of the employer group market will be determined chiefly by the success of new health exchanges. 4 Booz & Company
  • 7. the employer-sponsored insurance drop employee coverage. Yet our and jumbo-sized companies also market by 2016. An estimated 3 feedback from extensive interviews report a moral obligation to retain million to 4 million will be dumped with benefit managers, chief human employee health insurance coverage. because firms decide to stop offering resource officers (CHROs), and chief coverage, and 2 million to 3 mil- financial officers (CFOs) indicates Midsized Employers May Shift lion small-group employees will be that larger employers will adopt a to Self-Insurance switched. The overall propensity for long-term “wait and see” approach Midsized companies are also unlikely employers to change coverage will be that is unlikely to result in significant to drop their current employee low, and the velocity of change will dumping or switching. Similarly, the healthcare coverage, for many of be rather slow. For the most part, vast majority of large employers in the same reasons as their larger employers’ response to reform will be our Massachusetts employer survey counterparts. There is significant guided by cost and other factors such plan to continue providing health interest among these employers in as the potential risk to their reputa- insurance. Moreover, our economic moving from fully insured to self- tion and their ability to attract and modeling suggests that employers funded products (where the employer retain talent. that consider dropping coverage and assumes direct risk for paying paying the associated penalty will healthcare claims), as most large and Large and Jumbo Employers Unlikely need a significant cost–value differ- jumbo employers have progressively to Drop Current Coverage ential to offset the risks to employee done over the past decade. The Recent press coverage has high- morale and retention. Although some anticipated shift is primarily driven lighted concerns about healthcare employers might save money by drop- by the desire to avoid costly reform insurance raised by certain major ping coverage and paying penalties, provisions that introduce health employers, including AT&T, Verizon, many report that the savings may insurer premium taxes and medical Caterpillar, and McDonald’s: not be worth the potential downside. loss ratio constraints on fully insured namely, that new regulations and Many large employers, particularly products, both of which insurers are added costs would lead them to those with more than 500 workers, likely to pass on to employers in the Booz & Company 5
  • 8. form of higher rates. In addition, only a tiny portion of the group ees, because of the variance in some midsized employer focus group market—are the most likely to wages, the number of subsidy-eligible participants say self-insuring offers drop coverage altogether, leaving employees, and employee expecta- greater flexibility and creativity in their employees to obtain insurance tions of healthcare benefits as a con- areas such as benefit design, health through exchanges. Focus groups dition of employment. In principle, and wellness incentives, and care suggest that—if exchanges offer a they may explore exchange products management programs. Again, viable alternative—those microbusi- in hopes of reducing costs, but most while most midsized employers seem nesses with relatively low average of them feel obliged to continue pro- inclined to continue offering health wages and a high proportion of viding coverage for their employees insurance, some companies, such as employees eligible for individual after 2014. Even among companies a local 250-worker factory, a private subsidies will be the most tempted this size, massive exchange switch- equity–owned firm, and a financially to drop coverage and direct employ- ing will not happen overnight. Focus distressed business, are considering ees to purchase through exchanges. groups reveal that microgroups will dropping coverage altogether. Indeed, membership in existing pri- closely evaluate the option to switch, vate small-business exchanges indi- and even for today’s private small- Smaller Firms Most Likely to cates that a large majority come from business exchanges, adoption has Drop Coverage groups of fewer than 10 employees. been slow. Microbusinesses—those with fewer Larger and well-established firms than 10 employees, which represent have less incentive to dump employ- Microbusinesses—those with fewer than 10 employees—are most likely to drop coverage, leaving their employees to obtain insurance through exchanges. 6 Booz & Company
  • 9. CHALLENGES TO magnitude of the impact will depend on a given insurer’s book of busi- Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates of the future size of the PROFITABILITY ness (see Exhibit 3). For instance, post-reform insured market are overly insurers with more business in the optimistic, potentially overstating the jumbo and government segments will 2016 insured market by as many as 7 see more stability. Conversely, those million individuals. A weak individual catering primarily to the individual mandate (or no individual mandate, and small-group markets will face if the Virginia court ruling is upheld significant uncertainty as exchanges by the U.S. Supreme Court) will yield Although the employer-sponsored are introduced. even lower enrollment levels. Finally, group business is unlikely to erode federal reform legislation has intro- as rapidly as widely predicted, health While reform provisions will result duced significant constraints, such as reform will unequivocally diminish the in sizable membership growth in the minimum actuarial value thresholds, financial viability of the health insur- Medicaid and individual markets, underwriting restrictions, and medical ance industry. Indeed, every segment margins will be considerably lower loss ratio requirements, limiting how will experience declining profitability than in the employer group busi- insurers can operate and profit from between now and 2016, though the ness. Our analysis also indicates that their core health insurance business. Will there be shif Exhibit 3 Healthcare’s Bleak Outlook EXPECTED MEMBERSHIP GROWTH AND CHANGE IN MARGIN (2009-2016 PROJECTIONS, IN MILLIONS OF INDIVIDUALS) 10 8 6 Medicaid (61M) Medicare (42M) Government 4 Expected Jumbo Group (71M) Individual/Small Group Membership 2 Growth Midsized/Large/Jumbo Group (% CAGR, 0 2009-2016) NOT SHOWN: -2 Small Group Non-Exchange (22M) Midsized/Large Group (56M) Projected On-Exchange Individual/Small Group -4 Market (19M-22M) -6 Individual Non-Exchange (10M) -8 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Expected Change in Margin (%, 2009-2016) Source: Membership projections based on Booz & Company analysis; margin projections based on Goldman Sachs’ 10-Year Industry Model for Managed Care and Booz & Company analysis Booz & Company 7
  • 10. STRATEGIC The movement to direct-to-consumer exchanges eventually shift employer healthcare benefits may be slow, but group membership into a more IMPLICATIONS it will also be persistent. Every insurer retail-like environment, health plans FOR HEALTH will need to establish a new strategy will experience a steady erosion of and capabilities system to accommo- their fully insured group business. INSURERS date this shift. This will mean getting Uptake in the exchanges will likely be used to a more retail environment, in gradual and vary by state, beginning which exchanges increasingly allow with microgroup segments. As such, consumers to “shop” for healthcare it is imperative for health plans to plans in the same way that they cur- carefully manage their group business rently shop for life insurance or other to ensure that it generates sufficient financial services. margins and free cash flow to enable reinvestment in the new capabilities Managing the Core Employer that will be necessary to compete in Group Business the post-reform era. Overall, our research suggests that health insurers have a longer runway As part of this transition from a to derive benefits from their tra- wholesale (employer group) to retail ditional employer group business market, health plans need to pursue than some analysts have projected. a number of strategies. First, they Nonetheless, as health insurance should take a more proactive role Health insurers have a longer runway to derive benefits from their traditional employer group business than some analysts have projected. 8 Booz & Company
  • 11. in working with employers to help Second, health plans should partner could more directly advise companies, sustain the viability of the group more closely with their key brokers a role traditionally held by benefit market. Our research shows that most to jointly manage and support the consulting firms. employers are aggressively looking for group business. While brokers can alternative ways to manage costs, but expect volatility in the microbusiness Third, given the likely shift to self- have not seen health plans as partners segment, larger companies are likely funded arrangements, particularly in these efforts. It is up to the insurers to maintain their long-standing among midsized employers, to give them reason to do so. relationships with brokers, whom health plans should introduce they perceive as trusted advisors. more administrative-services- Moving forward, the most success- Our research also suggests that, only (ASO) packages to serve this ful insurers will be those that help given the complexity and importance segment. Today’s ASO products are employers manage costs to increase of the health insurance purchasing characterized by a high degree of affordability and enhance employee decision, health insurance brokers complexity and customization for productivity. For instance, through will continue to provide a service large and jumbo employers. In the more innovative payor–provider to companies by helping them sort future, as ASO moves downmarket, collaboration and care management through the complexity to find value. greater standardization will be programs, leading plans are already In this role, they will be more akin to required to profitably serve the new engaging with employers to jointly real estate agents, who have retained groups. Finally, while the shift from address costs. Others are design- a place in their industry, than to risk-based revenues (in fully insured ing benefits for employers based on travel agents, who have been largely products) to fee-based revenues (in a limited network of providers tied disintermediated by online solutions. ASO products) will have significant to local accountable care organiza- Health insurers should redefine their financial implications, insurers should tions (ACOs) with bonuses aligned to broker engagement strategy from develop complementary add-on encourage member engagement. Plans today’s transaction-based model to offerings (e.g., specialty products, will also need to work with employ- a strategic partnership model. For health and wellness, work-life ers to co-design low-cost alternative example, top-performing brokers, services) to enhance their share products that still adhere to standards armed with the proper incentives, of wallet. laid out in the reform regulations. tools, and other support mechanisms, Booz & Company 9
  • 12. Rethinking the Traditional Health capabilities required to deliver services model. A company could also institute Insurance Business Model to that market, and the full lineup of a hybrid of these various approaches, Post-reform, health plans will need to products and services. This will rep- as long as the same system of a few consider a number of important ques- resent a change for many companies. key capabilities were used to serve tions with respect to their key capa- Historically, health plans and other all of its customers. If insurers take a bilities and future business models, insurance companies have maintained more diversified path, they will need including the following: a presence across as many customer to reconcile the cost and culture issues segments as possible, marshaling sepa- that may arise in attempting to pursue • What is the future role of the rate products and capabilities for each a hybrid model. For example, can the health plan? Will it continue to if necessary. Going forward, they may new low-cost products needed to suc- focus on administering health ben- feel compelled to serve fewer segments ceed in exchanges be supported on the efits, or will it play a larger role in in a more coherent way, by focusing same higher-cost, flexible operating enhancing medical value? on just one primary business model— chassis plans used for large or jumbo or “way to play”—that applies to all accounts? • What business models and capa- of their chosen customers. This will bilities will be required to serve allow them to gain efficiencies and Low-cost standard plans will dif- different target segments coherently invest more effectively by applying the ferentiate themselves based on retail in the future? same system of capabilities to all their marketing, network management, products and services. and price. Their capabilities will • Given the need for critical new be retail excellence, low total cost, capabilities, what steps can health There will be several viable business and regulatory relationship manage- plans take to streamline costs in models to choose from (see Exhibit 4). ment required in the predominantly less critical functions and secure Some of them will be relatively “pure government-sponsored (Medicare funding for new investments? tone” strategies: being a low-cost and Medicaid) and exchange-based standard plan, a higher-cost custom segments. In contrast, higher-cost Looking ahead, we see the emer- plan, a medical value healthcare custom plans, aimed at midsized and gence of health plans with special- plan, or a broader-service company, large group segments, will differenti- ized capabilities to target segments expanding beyond health insurance in ate themselves on product design, coherently—in other words, with a some coherent way. In each case, the analytics, and complex administra- high degree of alignment between company would serve only the cus- tive capabilities. The third pure-tone a company’s market strategy, the tomers that would benefit from that approach, aimed at providing better 10 Booz & Company
  • 13. turbulence? Kraft Foods Heinz PepsiCo Kimberly-Clark ConAgra - How will key organ Foods - How will industry d Unilever - Will there be shifts medical Size of Bubbleinnovate on prod- value, will = Revenue of products and services—possibly base. It may also explore business-to- Sara Lee uct, member behavior, and provider including some that have tradition- business opportunities to monetize 0 20 40 60 levers 80 achieve superior outcomes, to 100 ally been outside the health insurance its capabilities by marketing them to lower costs, and improved employee domain, such as other insurance prod- other companies, including its health productivity. Finally, the broader- ucts or even the delivery of care—to plan competitors. service company will follow a retail- capture a greater share of spending like approach to offering a range from its core health plan customer Exhibit 4 Future Health Plan Business Models Customer Segments Business Model Medicare Medicaid Exchanges Midsized Group Large Group 1. Low-Cost Key Capabilities Standard Plan - Consumer segmentation and marketing - Low-cost standardized/modularized health benefits and loyalty programs - Exchange-based distribution - Lower-cost, high-performance provider networks - Extremely lean administrative infrastructure 2. Higher-Cost Key Capabilities Custom Plan - B2B and B2B2C segmentation - Flexible/customized benefits - Broader provider networks - Advanced administrative capabilities/tools - High level of support 3. Medical Value Key Capabilities Healthcare Plan - Ability to manage utilization by “high risk” populations Could serve a broader market - Value-based benefit designs including midsized and large groups - Dramatically reduced medical cost through transformed if risk-adjusted reimbursement for provider relationship managing higher-risk populations - Integration of care across local community services (e.g., psycho/social) takes hold - Diversified portfolio of health solutions effectively targeting healthy, at-risk, and chronically ill 4. Broader-Service Key Capabilities Company - Cross-selling of ancillary health products to existing customers - Greater expansion outside health to offset the risk in the core health business Source: Booz & Company Booz & Company 11
  • 14. CONCLUSION Ultimately, the employer group business of the past will serve as Employers will maintain a huge stake in healthcare and will be the foundation for growth in the valuable partners with health future, as insurers devise strategies insurers in addressing the critical to compete in new markets. Insurers issue of medical costs. From what will need to renew efforts to capture we see in the early exchanges, costs as much value as possible from the and premiums remain difficult to current core business. They should manage. To initiate change, insurers focus on managing employer costs need to work with employers— and healthcare affordability, and along with providers, government, differentiating on medical value, as and consumers—to develop new they search for diversification and structures and capabilities that will opportunities to expand market create medical value. Without new share. Savings from these efforts and innovative approaches to this will provide capital for investment central problem, the promise of in new capabilities supporting new reform will remain only a promise. business models. 12 Booz & Company
  • 15. About the Authors Gary D. Ahlquist is a senior Sanjay B. Saxena, MD, is a partner with Booz & Company principal with Booz & Company based in Chicago. He in San Francisco and leads specializes in strategy and the firm’s West Coast health organization development for practice. He advises healthcare insurance companies, health clients on strategy development plans, and health providers. and capability building, specializing in payor–provider Paolo F. Borromeo is a collaboration, next-generation principal in Booz & Company’s payment models, and care health practice based in delivery innovation. San Francisco. He is a core member of the firm’s healthcare reform team and specializes in developing post-reform business unit strategies for U.S. health payor clients. Booz & Company 13
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