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Boston, MA 02111
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Suite 402
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    38 Chauncy Street
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AFT Massachusetts
                                                                                          March 2012

Standing Up for Children Every Day
    n November, Massachusetts

                                                                                                                                         Photo by Brandon Slaughter,Jeremiah Burke High School, Boston
    residents will be asked to vote on a
    ballot question backed by a group
called, deceptively, Stand for Children.
But critics of the organization, which
is funded by corporate foundations
and has deep ties to Bain Capital,
say a more accurate name might be
Stand Against Teachers. If the ballot
question wins the backing of voters,
the controversial measure would gut
workplace protections for educators and
make it far more difficult for them to
advocate on behalf of the students who
need them most.
    Stand for Children claims that the
initiative will “promote excellence
in public schools,” but a closer

                                                                                                                                                                                                              In This Issue
                                             TAKING A STAND Members of the Boston Teacher Activist Group, who
examination shows that it will have
                                             teach in public schools in and around Boston.The educators warn that a ballot
the opposite effect: It could drive
                                             question being pushed by Stand for Children would have a chilling effect on the
great teachers from the classroom and        ability of teachers to advocate for their students. See their editorial on page 5.
silence teacher voices at the expense of                                                                                                                                                                  2    President’s Column
children.                                    differences in teacher ratings will have         that teachers can advocate for students                                                                          AFT MA Endorses Warren
                                             major consequences. “When you realize            and educational quality—without fear
High Stakes Ratings                          that the distinction between ‘proficient’         of retribution. Taking those protections                                                                    4    Diary of a New Teacher: The
    If voters approve the measure, state     and ‘exemplary’ is poorly defined, yet            away robs teachers of the power to                                                                               evaluation equation
law will be changed so that, in cases        could be the basis for decisions of hiring       speak their minds freely, since doing
of layoffs or budget cuts, decisions         and firing, it hits close to home,” says          so might result in a lower performance                                                                      5   Members of Boston’s Teacher
about which teachers go and stay             Riana Good, a Teach Plus policy fellow           rating or even job loss.                                                                                        Activist Group on Stand for
must be determined by evaluation             and fourth-year Spanish teacher at the               Ann O’Halloran taught in Boston                                                                             Children’s ballot question
ratings. The initiative forces all           Boston Teachers Union Pilot School.
schools to tie local hiring, firing, layoff
                                                                                              and Newton for more than three
                                                                                              decades and was named Massachusetts
                                                                                                                                                                                                          6   On Campus: In Internet Age,
and transfer decisions to the state’s        Who will stand up?                                                                                                                                               New Role Needed for Unions
                                                                                              history teacher of the year in 2007.
brand new teacher evaluation system.             Many educators say that what most                                                                                                                            Retiree Corner
Under the new system, still to be fully      concerns them about the Stand for
                                                                                              She fears that by stripping teachers
                                                                                              of workplace protections, the Stand
                                                                                                                                                                                                          7   The Golden Apple: Political
implemented, all teachers must be            Children ballot question is that it will         for Children initiative will also punish                                                                        organizer Brian LaPierre on
assigned one of four ratings: exemplary,     prevent teachers from standing up                educators who are willing to criticize                                                                          the mentors who inspired
proficient, needs improvement                 for the children who need them most.             education policies they believe are                                                                             him
or unsatisfactory. And even slight           Current workplace protections exist so           harmful.                     Continued on page 8

For-Profit Charter Threatens Progress in Lowell
B   ack in September Governor
    Deval Patrick and the state’s top
education officials made a special
                                             the eventual 1200 seat school will
                                             divert millions of public funding from
                                             the same schools that Patrick and
trip to the Charlotte M. Murkland            others so recently praised.
Elementary School in Lowell. The                Paul Georges, president of the                                                                                                                             If you’d like to receive an
occasion for the visit: a stunning           United Teachers of Lowell has joined                                                                                                                           electronic version of the
rise in achievement by students at           Superintendent Jean Franco of the                                                                                                                            Advocate, send an email to
the school in the city’s historic—and        Lowell Public Schools, in opposing the
high poverty—Acre neighborhood.              creation of a third charter school in
Officials used the Murkland, the top          Lowell, arguing that it jeopardizes the                                                                                                                      include your home mailing
performing level four school in the          tremendous gains made in the city’s                                                                                                                           address for identification.
state, as a backdrop to announce             public schools. “We produced amazing
the results of the 2011 MCAS scores.         results at our two turnaround schools
Said Patrick: “The gains exhibited at        and our reward is a charter school                                                                                                                           Did you know that your
Murkland Elementary demonstrate              that’s being run for profit? You explain                                                                                                                      AFT MA membership
that when we focus efforts on                to me the logic in that,” says Georges,                                                                                                                      entitles you to discounts
providing schools with the tools they        who teaches English as a Second
need, our students will rise to the          Language at Lowell High School.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          on insurance products?
challenge and progress will be made in          The education reform bill passed in                                                                                                                       For more information visit
closing achievement gaps.”                   2010 doubled the amount of funding               MIXED MESSAGES Just five months                                                                              the benefits page of our
    That was then. Late last month,          that can be diverted from public                 ago Governor Deval Patrick came
apparently no longer satisfied with           schools to charter schools in districts          to the Murkland School in Lowell to                                                                         website:
the pace of reform in Lowell, state          with low academic performance. In                celebrate huge gains on the MCAS                                                                  
education officials, gave the green                                                            tests by students there.This week                                                                           benefits/
                                             Lowell, the public schools could lose
light to a for-profit charter school in                                                        administration officials gave the
                                             as much as $24 million in the coming
                                                                                              nod to a for-profit charter school in
that city. If the Board of Education         years, undermining the progress                  Lowell that will compete with the
approves the proposed Collegiate             they’ve made, says Georges.                      Murkland for scarce resources.
Charter School of Lowell as expected,                                   Continued on page 3
                                                                                         elements because of their potential to
                                                                                         enhance the teaching profession and to
                                                                                         increase learning opportunities for the
                                                                                         students.                                                            PRINT
                                     Thomas J. Gosnell                                       One can only wonder why Stand
                                                                                         for Children is proposing its initiative
                                     President, AFT Massachusetts                        when Massachusetts is installing            Gold standard
                                                                                         a complicated and comprehensive             Eight Boston-area teachers have
                                                                                         evaluation system which needs the           earned the highest credential in the

The Threat is Severe                                                                     goodwill and participation of so many       teaching profession: National Board
                                                                                                                                     certification. Sixty eight teachers in
                                                                                         in order to be successful. The initiative
                                                                                                                                     the Boston Public Schools have achieved

I t is now a routine experience to have      best teachers will be in every classroom.   is a combustible element which can
                                                                                                                                     National Board Certification to date.
  on the ballot in Massachusetts an          One wonders why anyone would                only serve to undermine the evaluation      Congratulations to Gregory Banks,
initiative petition which will harm          advocate such procedures that are so        system and to create incredible             science teacher, Urban Science
public education and the teachers who        hostile to the democratic values we         animosity in the school districts.          Academy, West Roxbury; Erik Berg,
work in the public schools. This year        cherish. Employee rights and excellent          Is it any surprise that teachers feel   second grade teacher, Philbrick
appears to be no exception.                  teaching are not mutually exclusive.        devalued even though they work so           Elementary School, Roslindale;
Stand for Children is proposing a ballot        In fact, currently all teachers in the   diligently and their students achieve so    Patricia Dervan, special education
                                                                                         well?                                       teacher, Brighton High School,
initiative which would require school        public schools work under collective
                                                                                             Stand for Children maintains that       Brighton; Caitlin Hollister, third grade
systems to use the new evaluation            bargaining agreements and state laws
                                                                                         its agenda is an increase in the quality    teacher, Murphy K-8, Dorchester;
system for all assignment decisions,         which provide due process rights in                                                     Matthew Kazlauskas, history teacher,
including layoffs and dismissals.            accordance with long standing tradition     of teaching. Unfortunately, its funding
                                                                                                                                     John D. O’Bryant School of Math
     For example, a teacher who              in Massachusetts. The exercise of           comes from organizations, like the
                                                                                                                                     and Science, Roxbury; Ellen Latham,
has taught for thirty years with an          these rights does not interfere with the    Walton Family Foundation, which have
                                                                                                                                     Mario Umana Academy, East Boston;
unblemished record could be laid off         achievement of our students.                long despised unions. Is there another      Kristi Lucks, Boston Community
while the school system retained a              Massachusetts students are number        agenda? Is it reasonable to suspect that    Leadership Academy, Brighton; and
first-year teacher without professional       one in the nation on the National           the weakening of unions will reduce the     Noah Patel, Roosevelt K-8, Hyde Park.
status. How could this be? If the first-      Assessment of Educational Progress          power of their voices as advocates for      Congratulations to all on this amazing
year teacher has a better evaluation         (NAEP) test, the most prestigious           quality public schools?                     accomplishment!
mark, he can be the one to continue his      national test. Our students are number          Even though Stand says that its
employment.                                  one in the entire western world in the      initiative petition is meant to increase
     Another frightening experience can      Trends in International Mathematics         the quality of teaching in the public       Top chef
occur when a school closes. None of          and Science Study (TIMSS). One can          schools, why does it go after teachers      Hotel and restaurant management
the teachers, however well experienced       only wonder why Stand for Children          who have long taught well? Stand            instructor Steve Whiting, a chef-
                                                                                         would do far better to advocate for         instructor at Nashoba Valley Technical
they may be, will have a right to another    does not rejoice in our students’
                                                                                         more resources, smaller classes, better     High School for 29 years, has been
position. The initiative petition            achievements and in our teachers’ skills.
                                                                                         professional development, and to unite      named the employee of the month at that
provides that the building administrator        Massachusetts has a new evaluation                                                   school.Though Steve has led the Culinary
can determine who will teach in her          system adopted last year. It is rigorous    with teacher unions to accomplish these
                                                                                                                                     Arts program for years, this year he is
building. Her authority is absolute.         and comprehensive, and if implemented       goals.
                                                                                                                                     teaching Hotel & Restaurant Management
If the teacher is unable to obtain a         properly, will provide the supports             The fight is here. We shall not
                                                                                                                                     and brought the largest group of freshmen
position, she has no recourse. She has       teachers need to become even better         shrink from it. All of us must be           into the program in many years. He
no due process protections. Is this fair?    teachers. Even though the American          involved.                                   was nominated by Chef-Instructor Fran
Is this professional? Is this life in a      Federation of Teachers Massachusetts            If you have any questions or            Zentgraf, who wrote: “Chef Whiting is very
                                                                                         comments on this column, email me at
democracy?                                   (AFT MA) opposed the use of MCAS                                                        kind and helpful to all students. He gives
     Stand for Children maintains that       scores as one component to evaluate                         each individual one-on-one help along with
these procedures will guarantee that the     teachers, we did support many other                                                     keeping a very successful and amazingly
                                                                                                                                     run technical program and restaurant.” File
                                                                                                                                     under: recipe for success...

                                             AFT MA Endorses Warren                                                                  Grammy, Grammy

          The official publication of         A    FT Massachusetts, which
                                                  represents over 22,000 teachers,
                                             librarians, nurses, custodians and
                                                                                                                                     Congratulations to Berklee College
                                                                                                                                     of Music’s Terry Lyne Carrington. The
                                                                                                                                     percussion professor, artistic director
         AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO
                                             college faculty, has endorsed Elizabeth                                                 for the Berklee BeanTown Jazz Festival,
       Thomas J. Gosnell, President          Warren, the Democratic candidate for                                                    and Berklee Faculty Union member
    Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer    U.S. Senate. “Elizabeth Warren vows to                                                  was nominated for a Grammy for her
                                             advocate for our concerns and the many                                                  new album The Mosaic Project This was
            VICE PRESIDENTS                                                                                                          Carrington’s first Grammy nomination
                                             issues facing Massachusetts families,”
               Patricia Armstrong                                                                                                    but it almost certainly won’t be her last.
                 Deborah Blinder             said Tom Gosnell, president of AFT
                                                                                                                                     Carrington has been playing the drums
                   Sean Bowker               Massachusetts. “She is committed
                                                                                                                                     since the age of seven and has toured
              Kathryn Chamberlain            to preparing students with the best                                                     with such musical luminaries as Herbie
                  Brenda Chaney              possible education and supporting the                                                   Hancock. Congratulations!
                  Kathy Delaney
                                             dedicated teachers and professionals of
               Catherine Deveney
                 Patricia Driscoll           Massachusetts.”
                Marianne Dumont                  Warren is running for the                                                           Distinguished service
                 J. Michael Earle            Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate                                                   It’s time once again for nominations for
                 Margaret Farrell            against immigration attorney Marisa                                                     the AFT Massachusetts Distinguished
                   Mary Ferriter
                                             DeFranco and Boston attorney Jim            A STRONG VOICE Elizabeth Warren             Service Awards. Each year AFT MA
                 Jenna Fitzgerald
                 Richard Flaherty            King. The primary winner will meet          is challenging freshman Senator Scott       recognizes members who have
                   Paul Georges              freshman Senator Scott Brown in             Brown in what is shaping up to be           demonstrated an outstanding level of
                Alice M. Gunning             November in a race that’s attracting        one of the hottest political campaigns      service and commitment to their union
                  Daniel Haacker             attention for the impact it could have on   in the country.                             locals. The awards are given to a teacher,
                Joyce Harrington                                                                                                     a paraprofessional, a retired member
                                             control of the U.S. Senate in 2013.         morally objectionable.
                   Susan Leahy                                                                                                       and a member under the age of 35. The
               Francis McLaughlin                The contest between Brown and               Warren harshly criticized Brown’s       2011 recipients were Medway Middle
                   Bruce Nelson              Warren promises to be one of the            position. “This is an extreme attack        School teacher Temma Downing,
                Catherine Patten             hottest races in the country. The two       on every one of us,” Warren told the
                   James Philip
                                                                                                                                     Medway paraprofessional Susan Lynch,
                                             candidates have already raised millions     Washington Post. “It opens the door         Barbara Ferreira, a paraprofessional at
                  Bruce Sparfven
                                             and, with the election just nine months     to outright discrimination. It would let    Carney Academy in New Bedford, and
                Richard Stutman
                   Gale Thomas               away, the race is sure to dominate          insurance companies and corporations        retired member Alice Gunning, Lynn
                                             headlines for the rest of the year. In      cut off pregnant women, overweight          Teachers Union. If you have someone
          Jennifer C. Berkshire, Editor      recent weeks the candidates have been                                                   you’d like to nominate, contact your local
              38 Chauncy St., Suite 402                                                  guys, older Americans, or anyone —
                                             sparring over the issue of birth control.   because some executive claims it’s part     president. The awards will be presented

                Boston, Mass. 02111
                                             Senator Brown has signed onto an                                                        at the 2012 AFT MA convention in
        Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523                                                  of his moral code.”
                 Fax: 617-423-0174           amendment that would allow employers                                                    Quincy on April 27-28.
                      and insurers to deny coverage for birth     For more information visit www.
                                                                                                         Send your good news to
    2                                        control and other services they find
For-Profit Charter in Lowell
                          Continued from cover   profit entities created to tap into
                                                 the country’s $500 billion public
                                                 education system. These “corporate”
 Education officials in                           or “franchise” schools compete
 Lowell say that the                             with traditional public schools for
                                                 increasingly scarce resources.
 approval of a third                                 Today, one-third of the charter
 charter school could                            schools in the U.S. are operated by
                                                 for-profit entities, a proportion that
 jeopardize big gains                            is growing rapidly each year. In states
 made in student                                 including Michigan, nearly eight out
                                                 of ten charter schools are operated by
 achievement in the                              private for-profit companies.
 city’s public schools.                          Powerful allies, questionable
    “This raises an obvious question:                In Massachusetts, SABIS has           PUBLIC PRIDE Staff at the Murkland Elementary School in Lowell, where
is the state’s policy to help strengthen         powerful allies, including the Boston     student achievement has soared.The state is recommending a new for-profit
public schools or is it to expand the            Globe, which ran an editorial just        charter school in Lowell that will compete with the Murkland for resources.
number of charter schools, whatever              last month urging state education         several times in the Springfield                Indeed, the recent history of
the cost?” asks Georges.                         officials to approve the company’s         school’s early history in an effort        charter schools in Lowell should
                                                 expansion into Lowell. The Globe
For profit education™                                                                       to get SABIS to comply with the            provide a strong cautionary tale.
                                                 editorial writers praised SABIS for       special education mandates in              Just two years ago, state officials
    Massachusetts is no stranger
                                                 above average MCAS scores among           Massachusetts, including translating       threatened to yank the charter of the
to charter schools. If, as expected,
                                                 10th graders at its Springfield school,    basic communications into Spanish.         Lowell Community Charter Public
the Board of Education votes to
                                                 arguing that SABIS is closing the         Secretary of Education Paul Reville        School due to management problems
approve the proposed Lowell school,
                                                 achievement gap between its mostly        cited the company’s continued              and persistently low test scores. The
along with three others in Holyoke,
                                                 minority student body and white           problems with special education            school ultimately remained open
Springfield, and Boston, the number
                                                 counterparts in the suburbs.              students in his decision to oppose         but was forced to contract with a
of charter schools in Massachusetts
                                                     But a recent report conducted by      SABIS’ expansion into Brockton in          professional management team
will reach 83. The Collegiate Charter
                                                 the Department of Education found         2008.                                      and eliminate grades seven and
School of Lowell will be one of just
                                                 that far more students leave the SABIS                                               eight, sending hundreds of students
a handful of schools in the state,
                                                 school in Springfield than graduate.       Troubled history                           back to the Lowell Public School.
however, that is operated for a profit.
                                                 According to the report, “significant         For Lowell education officials,          Several individuals involved with the
The school will be run by SABIS
                                                 numbers of students do transfer           the troubled track record of SABIS         struggling charter will also serve in
Educational Systems, Inc., a private,
                                                 out of the school at the secondary        Education Systems on special               the leadership of the new for-profit
for-profit company with headquarters
                                                 level because their academic or           education issues is anything but           venture.
in Minnesota and Beirut, Lebanon.
                                                 programmatic needs were not being         reassuring. At a recent public                 Says Paul Georges: “If this debate
SABIS runs schools in 15 countries
                                                 met.” Of the 160 students who were        hearing in Lowell, Superintendent          were truly about the best way to
and manages 11 charter schools in the
                                                 part of the grade nine cohort, just 73    Jean Franco warned that Lowell’s           improve student achievement and
U.S., including schools in Holyoke
                                                 remained in grade ten.                    existing charter schools fail to provide   outcomes, the state would be looking
and Springfield. The company is
                                                     SABIS also has a questionable         adequate services to special education     at how to replicate our success at
part of a rapidly expanding network
                                                 history when it comes to educating        students in the city, noting that many     the Murkland. That’s not what’s
of so-called education management
                                                 special education students in its         such students are forced to transfer       happening here.”
organizations or EMOs, for-
                                                 schools. State officials intervened        back to the Lowell Public Schools.

        Lesley University School of Education

March 2012
Diary                                         I
                                                   have evaluations on the mind.
                                                   From a round of peer observations
                                                   with colleagues to the roll out of
                                                new state regulations getting rolled
                                                out, to the barrage of “excellent
  of a New Teacher                              teacher” articles in the mainstream
                                                press, to the question of how an
                                                observer of my 7th grade class might
                      By Riana Good             judge me.
               K1-8 Spanish teacher                 I’m having a rough go of it with
  Boston Teachers Union Pilot School,
                                                these seventh graders, three quarters
                   Jamaica Plain, MA
                                                of whom are male. It is little solace
                                                that others teachers at my school
   Meet the 2011-2012                           are struggling with this grade as
   New Teacher Diarists                         well, because these young people
Bill Madden-Fuoco                               are missing out. If all my teaching
A humanities teacher at the Urban Science       looked like it does in the 7th grade,
Academy in West Roxbury, Bill was a 2012        I probably shouldn’t be teaching,
Teacher of the Year semifinalist.                and an evaluator would be right in
                                                saying so. But I’m not just a 7th grade    LESSON LEARNED Riana Good, a Spanish teacher at the Boston Teachers
Robert Tobio                                    Spanish teacher—I teach kindergarten       Union Pilot School, says that to be effective, the state’s new evaluation
Robert teaches math and special education
                                                through 8th grade. That’s why it’s         regulations must allow for multiple observations—by multiple observers.
at the Mary Lyon Pilot School in Brighton
                                                so important that an observer would
and previously taught at Monument High in                                                 typical practice, and that only when           •     Observations from coaches
                                                see my teaching at every grade level:
South Boston, which closed last spring.                                                   averaging four observations by four                  who have expertise in teachers’
                                                kindergartners reading the daily
Melissa McDonald                                message in Spanish; the 3rd graders       different raters did variation in scores             grade level and subject matter
A fifth grade teacher at the Parthum             interviewing each other and reporting     based on teaching practice outweigh                  can be conducted more
Elementary School in Lawrence, Melissa          the results in Spanish; the 6th graders   variation due to other, unexplained                  frequently.
is returning to teaching after a year of        competing to identify cognates to         factors. In other words, a single score        •     The partnership between
maternity leave.                                write on our cognate wall, or the 8th     is just as likely to be a fluke as it is              the union and the district

                                                graders debating the merits of
Joyce Melker
                                                categorizing Hispanic/Latino
A paraprofessional at the Watson Elemen-
                                                as a race for the sake of census
                                                                                                 If all my teaching looked like it does in the 7th grade,
tary School in Fall River, Joyce is a student
in the JET teacher training program at
                                                data and political unity.                        I probably shouldn’t be teaching, and an evaluator
UMass Dartmouth.                                    In fact, all teachers                        would be right in saying so. But I’m not just a 7th
                                                should be evaluated based
Matthew Robinson                                on multiple measures and                         grade Spanish teacher—I teach kindergarten through
Matthew teaches English and journalism at       multiple observations, even                      8th grade. That’s why it’s so important that an
the Burke High School in Dorchester.            when they don’t span K1-8th
                                                grade. According to recent
                                                                                                 observer see my teaching at every grade level.
Riana Good
                                                article about the Measures of
While Riana is technically no longer a new
                                                Effective Teaching Project,
teacher, this Spanish teacher at the Boston                                               to be based on accurate indicators                   is strengthened, with the
                                                a single observation score is largely
Teachers Union School in Jamaica Plain says                                                                                                    teachers union president
                                                driven by factors other than consistent   of quality teaching. To be reliable,
that she still feels like a ‘newby.’
                                                aspects of a teacher’s practice. The      results require multiple observations                and the director of human
Amanda Perez                                    article’s findings demonstrated that       of a teacher, ideally by multiple                    resources generally serving as
Amanda is a special education teacher at        a single observation by a single rater    observers. This makes good sense,                    panel co-chairs for the PAR
the Sarah Greenwood School in Boston.           was a poor indicator of a teacher’s       and comes as a relief to me as I think               review board.
                                                                                          about an evaluator judging me on a              • PAR results in the
                                                                                          single 7th grade class out of the twelve             development of more teacher/
                                                                                          classes I teach.                                     leaders.
         Would you like to travel abroad on                                                   For the state’s new evaluation
                                                                                          regulations to reliably measure
                                                                                                                                          • PAR helps to create a
                                                                                                                                               professional culture committed
           an inexpensive trip designed                                                   teacher quality will require a
                                                                                          significant increase in the overall
                                                                                                                                               to collaborating, reflecting and
                                                                                                                                               instructional improvement.
            specifically for educators?                                                    number of observations. Since
                                                                                          administrators, many of whom are
                                                                                                                                          If you’re not yet sold on PAR and
                                                                                                                                      the need more observations of your
                                                                                          already overworked, can’t be expected       teaching, think back to your own
             GEEO is a non-profit organization that runs travel
                                                                                          to increase their load, the number of       recent evaluations (or lack thereof).
             programs for educators. Detailed information including
                                                                                          people who are trained and qualified         I would certainly want someone to
             itineraries, costs, travel dates, and more can be found at
                                                                                          to observe must increase.                   see the range of my teaching from
    or call toll free 1-877-600-0105.
                                                                                              A natural solution to the demand        K1-8 before evaluating me. Still,
                                                                                          for more observers is Peer Assistance       the 7th grade outlier should not be
                                                                                          and Review (PAR), where coaches             overlooked despite the quality of
                                                                                          chosen on the basis of their excellent      my overall teaching. And so, I am
                                                                                          teaching and mentoring support a            seeking ways to hone my practice
                                                                                          combination of 10-15 new teachers           so that the 7th grade class has the
                                                                                          and veterans who need support.              productivity, content understanding
                                                                                          Because all educators, not just new         and instructional dialogue of the other
                                                                                          and struggling teachers, benefit from        grades, because all of my students
                                                                                          collaborative analysis of their practice,   need and deserve an excellent
                                                                                          PAR would work well alongside a
                                                                                          peer observation program such as
                                                                                          Collaborative Coaching and Learning         Share your comments or questions
                                                                                          (CCL), which we are using at the BTU        with Riana at
                                                                                          Pilot School this year.
                                                                                              PAR is a marked improvement on
                                                                                                                                      Wanted: New Teachers
                                                                                          the current observation and evaluation
                                                                                                                                      The Advocate is seeking new
                                                                                          model in the following ways:
                                                                                              • More intensive mentoring              teachers and paraprofessionals
                                                                                                  increases retention long-           to contribute to the 2012-2013
                                                                                                  term, but also ensures that all     New Teacher Diary. Contributors
                                                                                                  teachers receiving professional     receive $300 per column. If you’re
                                                                                                  status are in fact proficient or     interested, contact jberkshire@
                                                                                                                                             The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
                                           Ballot Question Would Silence Teachers
                                           equity firm, and a Vice President of
                                           Client Services at KGA who formerly
                                           worked for Fidelity Investments.
                                                                                      unions and local control. If passed,
                                                                                      there will be little motivation for
                                                                                      school districts and unions to agree on
                                                                                                                               principals and the Secretary of
                                                                                                                               Education Paul Reville are opposed to
                                                                                                                               the initiative.
                                           Nationally SFC has received millions       issues of evaluation or possibly, in the     Lastly, and most importantly, this
  Teacher Activist                         of dollars from The Walton Family          future, agree on anything at all. School initiative silences the voices of teachers
   Group Boston                            Foundation, the philanthropic arm
                                           of the wealthy owners of Wal-Mart.
                                                                                      districts can ask the state to make all
                                                                                      final, binding decisions. The result is
                                                                                                                               and makes it harder for them to
                                                                                                                               advocate for their students. It weakens
                                           They have been using their money           an attack on unions that undermines      protections for teachers and will leave                    and influence to lobby legislators all      collective bargaining, which in turn is  many of them too scared to speak out
                                           over America and convince them that        an attack on teachers and the young      against the injustices their students
                                           cheaper, younger, unprotected teachers     people that teachers care about most.    face. Without protection, teachers

      tand for Children is at it again,    are good for corporations and good for         What’s worse is that even if the     may be afraid to stand up for an

      but this time in the state of        our children.
      Massachusetts. The self-                 Massachusetts is no
proclaimed “independent social justice     different. SFC has already           Without protection, teachers may be afraid to
organization” has been organizing to       started using their cash and         stand up for an English language learner or a special
curtail the rights of teacher unions       clout to collect more than
across the country. In Massachusetts,      100,000 signatures in a matter       education student who isn’t receiving the supports
their recent and extremely complex         of months. They believe our          he or she deserves. Instead of standing for children,
ballot initiative, “Great Teachers Great   teachers need to be evaluated
Schools,” is focused on stripping due      aggressively. SFC believes more
                                                                                teachers will be forced to stand for silence, regardless
process rights, silencing the voices of    expensive, veteran teachers          of where the children fall.
child advocates, and forcing yet-to-       who are historically the leaders
be-tested evaluation rules onto school     of our schools shouldn’t be
districts. The ballot initiative doesn’t   valued for their experience.               initiative does pass, it is hard to see  English language learner or a special
mention children once and it is likely         No teacher would disagree that         how it can improve our public schools.   education student who isn’t receiving
to divide parents and teachers instead     there’s a need to better our current       As Mary Ann Stewart, president of        the supports they deserve. Instead of
of bringing them together. Why would       evaluation system in order to improve      the Massachusetts Parent Teacher         standing for children, teachers will be
any organization want to do this? After    teacher quality. In fact, Massachusetts    Association, explained: “This is a huge  forced to stand for silence, regardless
taking a closer look at who is on Stand    is already implementing a rigorous new     distraction from what teachers and       of where the children fall.
For Children’s (SFC) advisory board        teacher evaluation program that has        parents believe is most needed to help       If you believe that veteran,
these apparent contradictions make a       been supported by AFT Massachusetts        students succeed. We need small class    experienced teachers that advocate
little more sense.                         and the Massachusetts Teachers             sizes, excellent preschools, support     for their students are valuable to our
     In Massachusetts, the current board   Association. Why then do voters need       services for at-risk students, and       schools and would like to join the fight
of advisors is composed of members         to weigh-in on implementing another        high-quality professional development    against this ballot initiative, contact
who have more experience with              system before the new one is rolled        for teachers. Instead, this ballot       Teacher Activist Group (TAG) Boston
running a business than a classroom.
Members include the Managing
                                               Good question. It appears that
                                                                                      question gives us more top-down
                                                                                      mandates and red tape.” In addition,
Director at Spectrum Equity, a private     the bill is really about weakening         both associations of Massachusetts

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March 2012
On Campus
                            Dan Georgianna, Political Director
                            UMass Faculty Federation, Local 1895

In an Internet Age, New Role Needed for Unions
T     he recent one-day strike by
      Wikipedia and other internet
sites showed that union strategies
                                                                                                        STRIKE 2.0
                                                                                                        The recent one-
                                                                                                                                    that mostly paid creators of that
                                                                                                                                    knowledge. The Faculty Federation
                                                                                                                                    has a subscription to the Chronicle,
developed over the past 75 years                                                                        day strike by               and I subscribed to the NYT until the
still work; withdrawing labor can be                                                                    internet sites              weight of paper wore me down.
an effective tactic. Unlike the usual                                                                   showed that                     What is the union’s role in this
reaction blaming public employee                                                                        union strategies            disruption of higher education? The
unions for withholding essential                                                                        developed over              simple answer is that I don’t know.
services, users of internet services sent                                                               the past 75 years           I’m not quite fossilized yet, but I’m
hundreds of thousands of phone calls,                                                                   still work.                 far from the cutting edge of social
texts, emails and other electronic                                                                                                  networking as education. As you
messages to Congress that stopped the                                                                                               can see, I still prefer face-to-face
Stop OnLine Piracy Act (SOPA) bill in           Nothing in the business world           internet sites, some with excellent         communication between teachers
its tracks.                                 is free, of course. Internet sites had      credentials, such as MITx, now offer        and students. Plenty of students don’t
    Aside from proving that strikes         their own way of extracting payments.       free instruction for college courses.       and can’t afford to, especially non-
work, the power of the internet to          Apple, for example, probably loses              The Federal Government’s                traditional students. One thing that
affect government policy sends a            money selling songs and albums for          requirements for student aid from           I do know is that union leadership,
message for higher education through        $1 that media companies sold for $15,       accredited colleges is all that stands      especially negotiating committee,
the financial lens of intellectual           but more than makes up for the loss         between certified college diplomas           need younger faculty and staff, who
property.                                   by selling more expensive products          and much cheaper, even free internet        understand these changes and can
    Cutting through the self-serving        like iPods.                                 versions. Selingo argues that Facebook      forge new roles for unions in this
ideology of both sides, SOPA is a
financial and political battle between
                                                Creators of these products:
                                            musicians, actors, artists, writers, etc.
                                                                                        and other internet companies have
                                                                                        shown that they can find a way around
                                                                                                                                    internet-driven world
two major sectors of the modern             (and their unions), were left fleeced on     government regulations, especially
                                                                                                                                    Dan Georgianna is the Chancellor
economy: the media industry and             the sidelines, unless they could figure      with millions of customers on their
                                                                                                                                    Professor of Economics at UMass
the internet. The media industry            out some way to cash in, for example,       side.
                                                                                                                                    Dartmouth. His column appears
sold creative work: music, movies,          through their own websites.                     This is not as far-fetched as it
                                                                                                                                    monthly in the Advocate. Share
art, books, newspapers etc. in some             Large internet companies are now        seems. A likely result would be
                                                                                                                                    comments with him at dgeorgianna@
physical form. Internet sites now           looking to “disrupt” higher education,      traditional higher education with
provide these media products for            the stodgiest of media industries.          face-to-face contact between highly
much lower prices or for free.                  Jeff Selingo wrote in The Chronicle     paid faculty and students who can
                                            of Higher Education (1/26/2012)             afford to pay at high-end colleges and        March 8th is Public Higher
    Internet downloads cut sharply
into sales of media companies. Jeffrey      that internet companies have moved          universities and cheaper internet-            Education Lobby Day
Rosen wrote in the New York Times in        beyond cheap textbooks, a welcome           based education for non-traditional
a review of Free Ride by Robert Levin       respite from exorbitant prices, to          students, who Selingo wrote, are now          Please join students, faculty,
(11/25/2011), “recorded music in the        companies like StraighterLine that          the majority with neither the time            staff, parents, and alumni for a
United States was worth $6.3 billion        gives students free access to skills        nor the funds to pay for classroom            giant day of advocacy for our
                                            certification such as Collegiate             education.
in sales in 2009, less than half its                                                                                                  public colleges and universities.
value a decade earlier.”                    Learning Assessment. Plenty of                  Good classroom teaching, quality
                                                                                                           library services, and
                                                                                                                                      Buses and vans will be com-
                                                                                                           education-oriented         ing from around the state so
                                                                                                           student services,          we can talk to our legislators
                                                                                                           within a well              about the importance of public
                                                                                                           designed curriculum        higher education to students
                                                                                                           deliver opportunities      and the state’s economy, and
                                                                                                           for a good education       about what we need to im-
                                                                                                           to students willing        prove affordability, quality and
                                                                                                           to use those
                                                                                                               But I wouldn’t bet
                                                                                                           against the internet       The day will start at 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                           offering higher            in Gardner Auditorium at the
                                                                                                           education, “rebuilt        State House with Registration
                                                                                                           with people at the         and a short informative Pro-
                                                                                                           center” as envisioned      gram, after which groups will
                                                                                                           by Sheryl Sandberg,        visit their own State Senators
                                                                                                           chief operating            and State Representatives.
                                                                                                           officer of Facebook,
                                                                                                                                      Lunch will then be served, to
                                                                                                           as quoted in Selingo’s
                                                                                                                                      be followed by visits to other
                                                                                                           Chronicle article.
                                                                                                               The internet
                                                                                                                                      key legislators.
                                                                                                           also provides
                                                                                                           opportunities              For more information contact
                                                                                                           similar to classroom
                                                                                                           instruction,               or visit www.phenomonline.
                                                                                                           especially to self-        org
                                                                                                           motivated students.
                                                                                                           And it’s hard to beat      Register now at
                                                                                                           the speed of access to
                                                                                                           knowledge provided
                                                                                                           by the internet. This
                                                                                                           article, for example,      Stand up and be counted!
                                                                                                           was written from
                                                                                                           internet sources
                                                                                                                                          The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
Retiree Corner                                                                                        •
                                                                                                                                           SENIOR SEMINARS
                                                                                                                                            Move or Stay Put?
                                 Marie Ardito, Co-founder                                                                              A comprehensive 2 hour seminar on
                                 Massachusetts Retirees United                                                                         retiree housing choices.
                                                                                                       When: Saturday March 24,10 - noon
                                                                                                                                       Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105, 214
                                                                                                                                       Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington.

The Hidden Costs of Co-Signing                                                                                                         •    Living in Retirement as
                                                                                                                                            an Informed Retiree

A     ll of us must beware of a number
      of things when it comes to
money, and not just when we purchase
                                             being denied certain lines of credit, etc.
                                             Your credit rating will also be impacted
                                             negatively if the individual makes late
                                                                                              I asked such an establishment
                                                                                          why they required the signature of
                                                                                          a guarantor. They had already done
                                                                                                                                       Medicare, Social Security, tax shelters,
                                                                                                                                       403b and more.

                                                                                                                                       When: Saturday April 14 10 - Noon
something. As the old adage goes: buyer      payments or misses payments.                 a thorough check of the prospective
                                                                                                                                       Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105, 214
beware.                                          Some people co-sign for a student        resident’s finances and knew that             Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington
    I have learned a lot about issues in     who is in college so they can have a         she couldn’t live long enough for her
this area from attending the Protecting      credit card for necessities, Be aware        assets to run out. The answer was that       •    Protecting Your Nest Egg
Your Nest Egg seminars presented by          though that if the person keeps the          because there is no guarantee that the       Two hour seminar, presented by Elder
elder law attorney, Mary Howie, which        account open beyond his or her 21st          person would not divest sometime after       Law Attorney Mary Howie
Massachusetts Retirees United offers         birthday, there is no federal law saying     entering the facility they had to protect
                                                                                                                                       When: Saturday April 28, 10 - Noon
free of charge. She cautions clients to      you must be notified about any credit         the institution. When you agree to           Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105, 214
beware of setting up joint accounts with     line increases. Unlike a lease on an         sign such a document make sure the           Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington
their children, grandchildren or anyone      apartment in which the co-signed             individual understands that dispersing
other than a spouse. Many people do          obligation ceases when the lease             their money could result in their being      •    Preparing for Retirement
this to avoid having funds become part       becomes due for renewal, there is no         put out of the facility.                     A comprehensive 2 hour seminar for
of their probatable estate, but it can be    automatic exit of a co-signed credit             These are just a few areas in            those within 10 years of retiring. Note:
dangerous.                                   card. Often the only way you can exit        which you should beware that you do          seminar is offered on multiple dates.
    By putting a person’s name on the        the co-signing of a credit card is by        not put in jeopardy your own good
                                                                                                                                       Holliston: Robert Adams Middle
account as co-owner, one is literally        closing the account, which in many           credit rating. Beware of possible            School, 323 Woodland St.
saying they own half of the amount on        instances requires the cardholder’s          consequences to co-signing on the            When: Tuesday, March 20, 3:30-5:30 PM
the account. If the person you place         approval. It is surprising but true that     dotted line.
on your account runs into financial           amounts accumulated while the co-                                                         Methuen: Methuen Educational As-
problems with credit card companies,         signed account was open are still your       Are You About to Retire?                     sociation, 184 Pleasant Valley St., Suite
goes into bankruptcy, gets divorced          responsibility until they are paid, even         The current retirement application       1-204.
                                                                                          for the Massachusetts Teachers               When: Thursday, March 22, 2:15-4:15
or is involved in an accident for which      after the account is closed.
                                                                                          Retirement System (MTRS) has no              and 3:45-5:45 PM.
they are at fault, half of the funds their       If you are responsible for a senior
name is on will be used in the resulting     who elects to go into assisted living, the   insurance deduction authorization.           Lawrence: Relief’s In, 1 Market St.
settlements.                                 establishment may require a guarantor        There is no change, however, in              When: Tuesday, April 3, 3:30-5:30 PM.
    Another area to be circumspect           to sign. The establishment is not willing    MTRS’ practice of withholding
                                                                                                                                       Lynn: Lynn Teachers Union, 679 West-
about is co-signing a credit card            to put a person out of the place and         insurance premiums from retirees’
                                                                                                                                       ern Ave.
application for another person. There        the guarantor becomes responsible to         monthly benefits. Their role in
                                                                                                                                       When: Saturday, April 25, 3-5 PM.
are a number of reasons not to do this       either continue the payments or remove       deducting and forwarding insurance
but the major one is that that credit        the person. Your signing for this may        premiums is basically a bookkeeping          Upton: Blackstone Valley Vocational
card bill is ultimately yours. As one        actually appear in your credit rating as     one, between them and the GIC and            Regional School, 65 Pleasant Street.
                                                                                          municipalities. They rely on the GIC         When: Tuesday, May 1, 2:30-4:30 PM
financial person put it, when you co-         if you had a mortgage as it could result
sign for a credit card, you’re saying:       in your making monthly payments.             and the municipalities that administer       For details or to register for any of the
“If anything goes wrong, I’ll pay the        There is no problem in doing this if you     insurance benefits to inform retirees         above seminars, contact Marie Ardito at
                                                                                          about this payment method and obtain
balance. All of it. Plus interest and        are not planning on making a major                                                        1-617-482-1568 or e-mail
penalty fees.” Lenders will count this       purchase of property or extending the        the necessary authorization.       
debt as yours which can result in your       mortgage on property you already own.

      Golden                                 B     rian LaPierre recalls exactly
                                                   when it was that he was first
                                             bitten by the political bug. The year
                                                                                                                                                         POLITICAL BUG
                                                                                                                                                         Brian LaPierre

                                                                                                                                                         with son Owen
                                             was 1985 and Lynn, MA, LaPierre’s                                                                           and Hillary
                                             hometown, was in the midst of a                                                                             Clinton in New
                                             heated mayoral contest. His mother                                                                          Hampshire during
                                             Caroline, a secretary at Hood                                                                               the presidential
                                             Elementary School in Lynn, was an                                                                           campaign in 2008.
Brian LaPierre                               active supporter of candidate Albert                                                                        LaPierre, who is
Political Organizer                          DiVirgilio and would often take her                                                                         AFT MA’s new
AFT Massachusetts                            son along to campaign headquarters                                                                          political organizer,
                                             to stuff envelopes, or to events where                                                                      credits some key
                                                                                                                                                         mentors with
                                             young LaPierre might hold a sign on
                                                                                                                                                         showing him the
                                             behalf of the candidate. DiVirgilio won
                                                                                                                                                         political ropes.
                                             the election—he’d go on to serve three
                                             terms as mayor—and LaPierre was
                                             hooked. “I liked the idea of helping             LaPierre says that his early            voters. (See cover story.)
                                             people—being the people’s local              experiences on the campaign trail               Says LaPierre: “We’ve got a tough
                                             representative and helping them on           have prepared him for what is certain       fight before us but there is nothing
                                             issues that affect their quality of life,”   to be a busy political season ahead.        I’d rather be doing.” He has already
                                             he recalls. “I liked the responsibility.”    “The first lesson I learned is that to       begun visiting AFT MA locals and
                                                 LaPierre was recently named              be an effective politician you have to      meeting with as many teachers,
                                             the political organizer for AFT              work hard and you have to be able to        paraprofessionals, librarians and
                                             Massachusetts, a position for which          communicate with all sorts of people.”      other public sector employees as he
                                             his early political training—and the         While he has been on the job for just       can. And no matter what the group,
                                             influence of some key mentors—                over a month—LaPierre was formerly          LaPierre says that his message to
                                             prepared him well. As political              an AFT MA field representative—he            members is the same. “You are
                                             organizer, LaPierre is charged with          has hit the ground running. Not             powerful and your voice matters. This
                                             educating, activating and engaging the       only is 2012 an election year, but a        is the time to stand up and advocate
                                                                                          controversial ballot question that          for your craft. No one else is going to
                                             members of AFT Massachusetts about
                                             the issues facing teachers and other         would gut collective bargaining rights      do it.”
                                             public sector employees today.               for teachers will likely go before the

March 2012                                                                                                                                                                         7

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  • 1. Boston, MA 02111 Suite 402 38 Chauncy Street AFT Massachusetts March 2012 Standing Up for Children Every Day I n November, Massachusetts Photo by Brandon Slaughter,Jeremiah Burke High School, Boston residents will be asked to vote on a ballot question backed by a group called, deceptively, Stand for Children. But critics of the organization, which is funded by corporate foundations and has deep ties to Bain Capital, say a more accurate name might be Stand Against Teachers. If the ballot question wins the backing of voters, the controversial measure would gut workplace protections for educators and make it far more difficult for them to advocate on behalf of the students who need them most. Stand for Children claims that the initiative will “promote excellence in public schools,” but a closer In This Issue TAKING A STAND Members of the Boston Teacher Activist Group, who examination shows that it will have teach in public schools in and around Boston.The educators warn that a ballot the opposite effect: It could drive question being pushed by Stand for Children would have a chilling effect on the great teachers from the classroom and ability of teachers to advocate for their students. See their editorial on page 5. silence teacher voices at the expense of 2 President’s Column children. differences in teacher ratings will have that teachers can advocate for students AFT MA Endorses Warren major consequences. “When you realize and educational quality—without fear High Stakes Ratings that the distinction between ‘proficient’ of retribution. Taking those protections 4 Diary of a New Teacher: The If voters approve the measure, state and ‘exemplary’ is poorly defined, yet away robs teachers of the power to evaluation equation law will be changed so that, in cases could be the basis for decisions of hiring speak their minds freely, since doing of layoffs or budget cuts, decisions and firing, it hits close to home,” says so might result in a lower performance 5 Members of Boston’s Teacher about which teachers go and stay Riana Good, a Teach Plus policy fellow rating or even job loss. Activist Group on Stand for must be determined by evaluation and fourth-year Spanish teacher at the Ann O’Halloran taught in Boston Children’s ballot question ratings. The initiative forces all Boston Teachers Union Pilot School. schools to tie local hiring, firing, layoff and Newton for more than three decades and was named Massachusetts 6 On Campus: In Internet Age, and transfer decisions to the state’s Who will stand up? New Role Needed for Unions history teacher of the year in 2007. brand new teacher evaluation system. Many educators say that what most Retiree Corner Under the new system, still to be fully concerns them about the Stand for She fears that by stripping teachers of workplace protections, the Stand 7 The Golden Apple: Political implemented, all teachers must be Children ballot question is that it will for Children initiative will also punish organizer Brian LaPierre on assigned one of four ratings: exemplary, prevent teachers from standing up educators who are willing to criticize the mentors who inspired proficient, needs improvement for the children who need them most. education policies they believe are him or unsatisfactory. And even slight Current workplace protections exist so harmful. Continued on page 8 For-Profit Charter Threatens Progress in Lowell B ack in September Governor Deval Patrick and the state’s top education officials made a special the eventual 1200 seat school will divert millions of public funding from the same schools that Patrick and trip to the Charlotte M. Murkland others so recently praised. Elementary School in Lowell. The Paul Georges, president of the If you’d like to receive an occasion for the visit: a stunning United Teachers of Lowell has joined electronic version of the rise in achievement by students at Superintendent Jean Franco of the Advocate, send an email to the school in the city’s historic—and Lowell Public Schools, in opposing the high poverty—Acre neighborhood. creation of a third charter school in Please Officials used the Murkland, the top Lowell, arguing that it jeopardizes the include your home mailing performing level four school in the tremendous gains made in the city’s address for identification. state, as a backdrop to announce public schools. “We produced amazing the results of the 2011 MCAS scores. results at our two turnaround schools Said Patrick: “The gains exhibited at and our reward is a charter school Did you know that your Murkland Elementary demonstrate that’s being run for profit? You explain AFT MA membership that when we focus efforts on to me the logic in that,” says Georges, entitles you to discounts providing schools with the tools they who teaches English as a Second need, our students will rise to the Language at Lowell High School. on insurance products? challenge and progress will be made in The education reform bill passed in For more information visit closing achievement gaps.” 2010 doubled the amount of funding MIXED MESSAGES Just five months the benefits page of our That was then. Late last month, that can be diverted from public ago Governor Deval Patrick came apparently no longer satisfied with schools to charter schools in districts to the Murkland School in Lowell to website: the pace of reform in Lowell, state with low academic performance. In celebrate huge gains on the MCAS education officials, gave the green tests by students there.This week benefits/ Lowell, the public schools could lose light to a for-profit charter school in administration officials gave the as much as $24 million in the coming nod to a for-profit charter school in that city. If the Board of Education years, undermining the progress Lowell that will compete with the approves the proposed Collegiate they’ve made, says Georges. Murkland for scarce resources. Charter School of Lowell as expected, Continued on page 3
  • 2. BOLD elements because of their potential to enhance the teaching profession and to increase learning opportunities for the students. PRINT Thomas J. Gosnell One can only wonder why Stand for Children is proposing its initiative President, AFT Massachusetts when Massachusetts is installing Gold standard a complicated and comprehensive Eight Boston-area teachers have evaluation system which needs the earned the highest credential in the The Threat is Severe goodwill and participation of so many teaching profession: National Board certification. Sixty eight teachers in in order to be successful. The initiative the Boston Public Schools have achieved I t is now a routine experience to have best teachers will be in every classroom. is a combustible element which can National Board Certification to date. on the ballot in Massachusetts an One wonders why anyone would only serve to undermine the evaluation Congratulations to Gregory Banks, initiative petition which will harm advocate such procedures that are so system and to create incredible science teacher, Urban Science public education and the teachers who hostile to the democratic values we animosity in the school districts. Academy, West Roxbury; Erik Berg, work in the public schools. This year cherish. Employee rights and excellent Is it any surprise that teachers feel second grade teacher, Philbrick appears to be no exception. teaching are not mutually exclusive. devalued even though they work so Elementary School, Roslindale; Stand for Children is proposing a ballot In fact, currently all teachers in the diligently and their students achieve so Patricia Dervan, special education well? teacher, Brighton High School, initiative which would require school public schools work under collective Stand for Children maintains that Brighton; Caitlin Hollister, third grade systems to use the new evaluation bargaining agreements and state laws its agenda is an increase in the quality teacher, Murphy K-8, Dorchester; system for all assignment decisions, which provide due process rights in Matthew Kazlauskas, history teacher, including layoffs and dismissals. accordance with long standing tradition of teaching. Unfortunately, its funding John D. O’Bryant School of Math For example, a teacher who in Massachusetts. The exercise of comes from organizations, like the and Science, Roxbury; Ellen Latham, has taught for thirty years with an these rights does not interfere with the Walton Family Foundation, which have Mario Umana Academy, East Boston; unblemished record could be laid off achievement of our students. long despised unions. Is there another Kristi Lucks, Boston Community while the school system retained a Massachusetts students are number agenda? Is it reasonable to suspect that Leadership Academy, Brighton; and first-year teacher without professional one in the nation on the National the weakening of unions will reduce the Noah Patel, Roosevelt K-8, Hyde Park. status. How could this be? If the first- Assessment of Educational Progress power of their voices as advocates for Congratulations to all on this amazing year teacher has a better evaluation (NAEP) test, the most prestigious quality public schools? accomplishment! mark, he can be the one to continue his national test. Our students are number Even though Stand says that its employment. one in the entire western world in the initiative petition is meant to increase Another frightening experience can Trends in International Mathematics the quality of teaching in the public Top chef occur when a school closes. None of and Science Study (TIMSS). One can schools, why does it go after teachers Hotel and restaurant management the teachers, however well experienced only wonder why Stand for Children who have long taught well? Stand instructor Steve Whiting, a chef- would do far better to advocate for instructor at Nashoba Valley Technical they may be, will have a right to another does not rejoice in our students’ more resources, smaller classes, better High School for 29 years, has been position. The initiative petition achievements and in our teachers’ skills. professional development, and to unite named the employee of the month at that provides that the building administrator Massachusetts has a new evaluation school.Though Steve has led the Culinary can determine who will teach in her system adopted last year. It is rigorous with teacher unions to accomplish these Arts program for years, this year he is building. Her authority is absolute. and comprehensive, and if implemented goals. teaching Hotel & Restaurant Management If the teacher is unable to obtain a properly, will provide the supports The fight is here. We shall not and brought the largest group of freshmen position, she has no recourse. She has teachers need to become even better shrink from it. All of us must be into the program in many years. He no due process protections. Is this fair? teachers. Even though the American involved. was nominated by Chef-Instructor Fran Is this professional? Is this life in a Federation of Teachers Massachusetts If you have any questions or Zentgraf, who wrote: “Chef Whiting is very comments on this column, email me at ▪ democracy? (AFT MA) opposed the use of MCAS kind and helpful to all students. He gives Stand for Children maintains that scores as one component to evaluate each individual one-on-one help along with these procedures will guarantee that the teachers, we did support many other keeping a very successful and amazingly run technical program and restaurant.” File under: recipe for success... AFT MA Endorses Warren Grammy, Grammy The official publication of A FT Massachusetts, which represents over 22,000 teachers, librarians, nurses, custodians and Congratulations to Berklee College of Music’s Terry Lyne Carrington. The percussion professor, artistic director AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO college faculty, has endorsed Elizabeth for the Berklee BeanTown Jazz Festival, Thomas J. Gosnell, President Warren, the Democratic candidate for and Berklee Faculty Union member Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer U.S. Senate. “Elizabeth Warren vows to was nominated for a Grammy for her advocate for our concerns and the many new album The Mosaic Project This was VICE PRESIDENTS Carrington’s first Grammy nomination issues facing Massachusetts families,” Patricia Armstrong but it almost certainly won’t be her last. Deborah Blinder said Tom Gosnell, president of AFT Carrington has been playing the drums Sean Bowker Massachusetts. “She is committed since the age of seven and has toured Kathryn Chamberlain to preparing students with the best with such musical luminaries as Herbie Brenda Chaney possible education and supporting the Hancock. Congratulations! Kathy Delaney dedicated teachers and professionals of Catherine Deveney Patricia Driscoll Massachusetts.” Marianne Dumont Warren is running for the Distinguished service J. Michael Earle Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate It’s time once again for nominations for Margaret Farrell against immigration attorney Marisa the AFT Massachusetts Distinguished Mary Ferriter DeFranco and Boston attorney Jim A STRONG VOICE Elizabeth Warren Service Awards. Each year AFT MA Jenna Fitzgerald Richard Flaherty King. The primary winner will meet is challenging freshman Senator Scott recognizes members who have Paul Georges freshman Senator Scott Brown in Brown in what is shaping up to be demonstrated an outstanding level of Alice M. Gunning November in a race that’s attracting one of the hottest political campaigns service and commitment to their union Daniel Haacker attention for the impact it could have on in the country. locals. The awards are given to a teacher, Joyce Harrington a paraprofessional, a retired member control of the U.S. Senate in 2013. morally objectionable. Susan Leahy and a member under the age of 35. The Francis McLaughlin The contest between Brown and Warren harshly criticized Brown’s 2011 recipients were Medway Middle Bruce Nelson Warren promises to be one of the position. “This is an extreme attack School teacher Temma Downing, Catherine Patten hottest races in the country. The two on every one of us,” Warren told the James Philip Medway paraprofessional Susan Lynch, candidates have already raised millions Washington Post. “It opens the door Barbara Ferreira, a paraprofessional at Bruce Sparfven and, with the election just nine months to outright discrimination. It would let Carney Academy in New Bedford, and Richard Stutman Gale Thomas away, the race is sure to dominate insurance companies and corporations retired member Alice Gunning, Lynn headlines for the rest of the year. In cut off pregnant women, overweight Teachers Union. If you have someone Jennifer C. Berkshire, Editor recent weeks the candidates have been you’d like to nominate, contact your local 38 Chauncy St., Suite 402 guys, older Americans, or anyone — sparring over the issue of birth control. because some executive claims it’s part president. The awards will be presented ▪ Boston, Mass. 02111 Senator Brown has signed onto an at the 2012 AFT MA convention in Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523 of his moral code.” Fax: 617-423-0174 amendment that would allow employers Quincy on April 27-28. and insurers to deny coverage for birth For more information visit www. Send your good news to 2 control and other services they find
  • 3. For-Profit Charter in Lowell Continued from cover profit entities created to tap into the country’s $500 billion public education system. These “corporate” Education officials in or “franchise” schools compete Lowell say that the with traditional public schools for increasingly scarce resources. approval of a third Today, one-third of the charter charter school could schools in the U.S. are operated by for-profit entities, a proportion that jeopardize big gains is growing rapidly each year. In states made in student including Michigan, nearly eight out of ten charter schools are operated by achievement in the private for-profit companies. city’s public schools. Powerful allies, questionable numbers “This raises an obvious question: In Massachusetts, SABIS has PUBLIC PRIDE Staff at the Murkland Elementary School in Lowell, where is the state’s policy to help strengthen powerful allies, including the Boston student achievement has soared.The state is recommending a new for-profit public schools or is it to expand the Globe, which ran an editorial just charter school in Lowell that will compete with the Murkland for resources. number of charter schools, whatever last month urging state education several times in the Springfield Indeed, the recent history of the cost?” asks Georges. officials to approve the company’s school’s early history in an effort charter schools in Lowell should expansion into Lowell. The Globe For profit education™ to get SABIS to comply with the provide a strong cautionary tale. editorial writers praised SABIS for special education mandates in Just two years ago, state officials Massachusetts is no stranger above average MCAS scores among Massachusetts, including translating threatened to yank the charter of the to charter schools. If, as expected, 10th graders at its Springfield school, basic communications into Spanish. Lowell Community Charter Public the Board of Education votes to arguing that SABIS is closing the Secretary of Education Paul Reville School due to management problems approve the proposed Lowell school, achievement gap between its mostly cited the company’s continued and persistently low test scores. The along with three others in Holyoke, minority student body and white problems with special education school ultimately remained open Springfield, and Boston, the number counterparts in the suburbs. students in his decision to oppose but was forced to contract with a of charter schools in Massachusetts But a recent report conducted by SABIS’ expansion into Brockton in professional management team will reach 83. The Collegiate Charter the Department of Education found 2008. and eliminate grades seven and School of Lowell will be one of just that far more students leave the SABIS eight, sending hundreds of students a handful of schools in the state, school in Springfield than graduate. Troubled history back to the Lowell Public School. however, that is operated for a profit. According to the report, “significant For Lowell education officials, Several individuals involved with the The school will be run by SABIS numbers of students do transfer the troubled track record of SABIS struggling charter will also serve in Educational Systems, Inc., a private, out of the school at the secondary Education Systems on special the leadership of the new for-profit for-profit company with headquarters level because their academic or education issues is anything but venture. in Minnesota and Beirut, Lebanon. programmatic needs were not being reassuring. At a recent public Says Paul Georges: “If this debate SABIS runs schools in 15 countries met.” Of the 160 students who were hearing in Lowell, Superintendent were truly about the best way to and manages 11 charter schools in the part of the grade nine cohort, just 73 Jean Franco warned that Lowell’s improve student achievement and U.S., including schools in Holyoke remained in grade ten. existing charter schools fail to provide outcomes, the state would be looking and Springfield. The company is SABIS also has a questionable adequate services to special education at how to replicate our success at part of a rapidly expanding network history when it comes to educating students in the city, noting that many the Murkland. That’s not what’s ▪ of so-called education management special education students in its such students are forced to transfer happening here.” organizations or EMOs, for- schools. State officials intervened back to the Lowell Public Schools. Lesley University School of Education 3 March 2012
  • 4. Diary I have evaluations on the mind. From a round of peer observations with colleagues to the roll out of new state regulations getting rolled out, to the barrage of “excellent of a New Teacher teacher” articles in the mainstream press, to the question of how an observer of my 7th grade class might By Riana Good judge me. K1-8 Spanish teacher I’m having a rough go of it with Boston Teachers Union Pilot School, these seventh graders, three quarters Jamaica Plain, MA of whom are male. It is little solace that others teachers at my school Meet the 2011-2012 are struggling with this grade as New Teacher Diarists well, because these young people Bill Madden-Fuoco are missing out. If all my teaching A humanities teacher at the Urban Science looked like it does in the 7th grade, Academy in West Roxbury, Bill was a 2012 I probably shouldn’t be teaching, Teacher of the Year semifinalist. and an evaluator would be right in saying so. But I’m not just a 7th grade LESSON LEARNED Riana Good, a Spanish teacher at the Boston Teachers Robert Tobio Spanish teacher—I teach kindergarten Union Pilot School, says that to be effective, the state’s new evaluation Robert teaches math and special education through 8th grade. That’s why it’s regulations must allow for multiple observations—by multiple observers. at the Mary Lyon Pilot School in Brighton so important that an observer would and previously taught at Monument High in typical practice, and that only when • Observations from coaches see my teaching at every grade level: South Boston, which closed last spring. averaging four observations by four who have expertise in teachers’ kindergartners reading the daily Melissa McDonald message in Spanish; the 3rd graders different raters did variation in scores grade level and subject matter A fifth grade teacher at the Parthum interviewing each other and reporting based on teaching practice outweigh can be conducted more Elementary School in Lawrence, Melissa the results in Spanish; the 6th graders variation due to other, unexplained frequently. is returning to teaching after a year of competing to identify cognates to factors. In other words, a single score • The partnership between maternity leave. write on our cognate wall, or the 8th is just as likely to be a fluke as it is the union and the district “ graders debating the merits of Joyce Melker categorizing Hispanic/Latino A paraprofessional at the Watson Elemen- as a race for the sake of census If all my teaching looked like it does in the 7th grade, tary School in Fall River, Joyce is a student in the JET teacher training program at data and political unity. I probably shouldn’t be teaching, and an evaluator UMass Dartmouth. In fact, all teachers would be right in saying so. But I’m not just a 7th should be evaluated based Matthew Robinson on multiple measures and grade Spanish teacher—I teach kindergarten through Matthew teaches English and journalism at multiple observations, even 8th grade. That’s why it’s so important that an the Burke High School in Dorchester. when they don’t span K1-8th grade. According to recent observer see my teaching at every grade level. Riana Good article about the Measures of While Riana is technically no longer a new Effective Teaching Project, teacher, this Spanish teacher at the Boston to be based on accurate indicators is strengthened, with the a single observation score is largely Teachers Union School in Jamaica Plain says teachers union president driven by factors other than consistent of quality teaching. To be reliable, that she still feels like a ‘newby.’ aspects of a teacher’s practice. The results require multiple observations and the director of human Amanda Perez article’s findings demonstrated that of a teacher, ideally by multiple resources generally serving as Amanda is a special education teacher at a single observation by a single rater observers. This makes good sense, panel co-chairs for the PAR the Sarah Greenwood School in Boston. was a poor indicator of a teacher’s and comes as a relief to me as I think review board. about an evaluator judging me on a • PAR results in the single 7th grade class out of the twelve development of more teacher/ classes I teach. leaders. Would you like to travel abroad on For the state’s new evaluation regulations to reliably measure • PAR helps to create a professional culture committed an inexpensive trip designed teacher quality will require a significant increase in the overall to collaborating, reflecting and instructional improvement. specifically for educators? number of observations. Since administrators, many of whom are If you’re not yet sold on PAR and the need more observations of your already overworked, can’t be expected teaching, think back to your own GEEO is a non-profit organization that runs travel to increase their load, the number of recent evaluations (or lack thereof). programs for educators. Detailed information including people who are trained and qualified I would certainly want someone to itineraries, costs, travel dates, and more can be found at to observe must increase. see the range of my teaching from or call toll free 1-877-600-0105. A natural solution to the demand K1-8 before evaluating me. Still, for more observers is Peer Assistance the 7th grade outlier should not be and Review (PAR), where coaches overlooked despite the quality of chosen on the basis of their excellent my overall teaching. And so, I am teaching and mentoring support a seeking ways to hone my practice combination of 10-15 new teachers so that the 7th grade class has the and veterans who need support. productivity, content understanding Because all educators, not just new and instructional dialogue of the other and struggling teachers, benefit from grades, because all of my students collaborative analysis of their practice, need and deserve an excellent PAR would work well alongside a peer observation program such as education. ▪ Collaborative Coaching and Learning Share your comments or questions (CCL), which we are using at the BTU with Riana at Pilot School this year. PAR is a marked improvement on Wanted: New Teachers the current observation and evaluation The Advocate is seeking new model in the following ways: • More intensive mentoring teachers and paraprofessionals increases retention long- to contribute to the 2012-2013 term, but also ensures that all New Teacher Diary. Contributors teachers receiving professional receive $300 per column. If you’re status are in fact proficient or interested, contact jberkshire@ exemplary. 4 The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
  • 5. BEHIND THE SCENES Ballot Question Would Silence Teachers equity firm, and a Vice President of Client Services at KGA who formerly worked for Fidelity Investments. unions and local control. If passed, there will be little motivation for school districts and unions to agree on principals and the Secretary of Education Paul Reville are opposed to the initiative. Nationally SFC has received millions issues of evaluation or possibly, in the Lastly, and most importantly, this Teacher Activist of dollars from The Walton Family future, agree on anything at all. School initiative silences the voices of teachers Group Boston Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the wealthy owners of Wal-Mart. districts can ask the state to make all final, binding decisions. The result is and makes it harder for them to advocate for their students. It weakens They have been using their money an attack on unions that undermines protections for teachers and will leave and influence to lobby legislators all collective bargaining, which in turn is many of them too scared to speak out over America and convince them that an attack on teachers and the young against the injustices their students cheaper, younger, unprotected teachers people that teachers care about most. face. Without protection, teachers S tand for Children is at it again, are good for corporations and good for What’s worse is that even if the may be afraid to stand up for an ” but this time in the state of our children. Massachusetts. The self- Massachusetts is no proclaimed “independent social justice different. SFC has already Without protection, teachers may be afraid to organization” has been organizing to started using their cash and stand up for an English language learner or a special curtail the rights of teacher unions clout to collect more than across the country. In Massachusetts, 100,000 signatures in a matter education student who isn’t receiving the supports their recent and extremely complex of months. They believe our he or she deserves. Instead of standing for children, ballot initiative, “Great Teachers Great teachers need to be evaluated Schools,” is focused on stripping due aggressively. SFC believes more teachers will be forced to stand for silence, regardless process rights, silencing the voices of expensive, veteran teachers of where the children fall. child advocates, and forcing yet-to- who are historically the leaders be-tested evaluation rules onto school of our schools shouldn’t be districts. The ballot initiative doesn’t valued for their experience. initiative does pass, it is hard to see English language learner or a special mention children once and it is likely No teacher would disagree that how it can improve our public schools. education student who isn’t receiving to divide parents and teachers instead there’s a need to better our current As Mary Ann Stewart, president of the supports they deserve. Instead of of bringing them together. Why would evaluation system in order to improve the Massachusetts Parent Teacher standing for children, teachers will be any organization want to do this? After teacher quality. In fact, Massachusetts Association, explained: “This is a huge forced to stand for silence, regardless taking a closer look at who is on Stand is already implementing a rigorous new distraction from what teachers and of where the children fall. For Children’s (SFC) advisory board teacher evaluation program that has parents believe is most needed to help If you believe that veteran, these apparent contradictions make a been supported by AFT Massachusetts students succeed. We need small class experienced teachers that advocate little more sense. and the Massachusetts Teachers sizes, excellent preschools, support for their students are valuable to our In Massachusetts, the current board Association. Why then do voters need services for at-risk students, and schools and would like to join the fight of advisors is composed of members to weigh-in on implementing another high-quality professional development against this ballot initiative, contact who have more experience with system before the new one is rolled for teachers. Instead, this ballot Teacher Activist Group (TAG) Boston running a business than a classroom. Members include the Managing out? Good question. It appears that question gives us more top-down mandates and red tape.” In addition, at ▪ Director at Spectrum Equity, a private the bill is really about weakening both associations of Massachusetts Enrich Your Career at Northeastern University Gain the knowledge, skills, and perspective you need to move ahead in your career. MAT and Licensure Programs Master of Education (MEd) Doctor of Education Apply today. 5 March 2012
  • 6. On Campus Dan Georgianna, Political Director UMass Faculty Federation, Local 1895 In an Internet Age, New Role Needed for Unions T he recent one-day strike by Wikipedia and other internet sites showed that union strategies STRIKE 2.0 The recent one- that mostly paid creators of that knowledge. The Faculty Federation has a subscription to the Chronicle, developed over the past 75 years day strike by and I subscribed to the NYT until the still work; withdrawing labor can be internet sites weight of paper wore me down. an effective tactic. Unlike the usual showed that What is the union’s role in this reaction blaming public employee union strategies disruption of higher education? The unions for withholding essential developed over simple answer is that I don’t know. services, users of internet services sent the past 75 years I’m not quite fossilized yet, but I’m hundreds of thousands of phone calls, still work. far from the cutting edge of social texts, emails and other electronic networking as education. As you messages to Congress that stopped the can see, I still prefer face-to-face Stop OnLine Piracy Act (SOPA) bill in Nothing in the business world internet sites, some with excellent communication between teachers its tracks. is free, of course. Internet sites had credentials, such as MITx, now offer and students. Plenty of students don’t Aside from proving that strikes their own way of extracting payments. free instruction for college courses. and can’t afford to, especially non- work, the power of the internet to Apple, for example, probably loses The Federal Government’s traditional students. One thing that affect government policy sends a money selling songs and albums for requirements for student aid from I do know is that union leadership, message for higher education through $1 that media companies sold for $15, accredited colleges is all that stands especially negotiating committee, the financial lens of intellectual but more than makes up for the loss between certified college diplomas need younger faculty and staff, who property. by selling more expensive products and much cheaper, even free internet understand these changes and can Cutting through the self-serving like iPods. versions. Selingo argues that Facebook forge new roles for unions in this ideology of both sides, SOPA is a financial and political battle between Creators of these products: musicians, actors, artists, writers, etc. and other internet companies have shown that they can find a way around internet-driven world ▪ two major sectors of the modern (and their unions), were left fleeced on government regulations, especially Dan Georgianna is the Chancellor economy: the media industry and the sidelines, unless they could figure with millions of customers on their Professor of Economics at UMass the internet. The media industry out some way to cash in, for example, side. Dartmouth. His column appears sold creative work: music, movies, through their own websites. This is not as far-fetched as it monthly in the Advocate. Share art, books, newspapers etc. in some Large internet companies are now seems. A likely result would be comments with him at dgeorgianna@ physical form. Internet sites now looking to “disrupt” higher education, traditional higher education with provide these media products for the stodgiest of media industries. face-to-face contact between highly much lower prices or for free. Jeff Selingo wrote in The Chronicle paid faculty and students who can of Higher Education (1/26/2012) afford to pay at high-end colleges and March 8th is Public Higher Internet downloads cut sharply into sales of media companies. Jeffrey that internet companies have moved universities and cheaper internet- Education Lobby Day Rosen wrote in the New York Times in beyond cheap textbooks, a welcome based education for non-traditional a review of Free Ride by Robert Levin respite from exorbitant prices, to students, who Selingo wrote, are now Please join students, faculty, (11/25/2011), “recorded music in the companies like StraighterLine that the majority with neither the time staff, parents, and alumni for a United States was worth $6.3 billion gives students free access to skills nor the funds to pay for classroom giant day of advocacy for our certification such as Collegiate education. in sales in 2009, less than half its public colleges and universities. value a decade earlier.” Learning Assessment. Plenty of Good classroom teaching, quality library services, and Buses and vans will be com- education-oriented ing from around the state so student services, we can talk to our legislators within a well about the importance of public designed curriculum higher education to students deliver opportunities and the state’s economy, and for a good education about what we need to im- to students willing prove affordability, quality and to use those access. opportunities. But I wouldn’t bet against the internet The day will start at 10:30 a.m. offering higher in Gardner Auditorium at the education, “rebuilt State House with Registration with people at the and a short informative Pro- center” as envisioned gram, after which groups will by Sheryl Sandberg, visit their own State Senators chief operating and State Representatives. officer of Facebook, Lunch will then be served, to as quoted in Selingo’s be followed by visits to other Chronicle article. The internet key legislators. also provides opportunities For more information contact similar to classroom instruction, or visit www.phenomonline. especially to self- org motivated students. And it’s hard to beat Register now at the speed of access to byDay2012 knowledge provided by the internet. This article, for example, Stand up and be counted! was written from internet sources 6 The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
  • 7. Retiree Corner • SENIOR SEMINARS Move or Stay Put? Marie Ardito, Co-founder A comprehensive 2 hour seminar on Massachusetts Retirees United retiree housing choices. When: Saturday March 24,10 - noon Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105, 214 Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington. The Hidden Costs of Co-Signing • Living in Retirement as an Informed Retiree A ll of us must beware of a number of things when it comes to money, and not just when we purchase being denied certain lines of credit, etc. Your credit rating will also be impacted negatively if the individual makes late I asked such an establishment why they required the signature of a guarantor. They had already done Medicare, Social Security, tax shelters, 403b and more. When: Saturday April 14 10 - Noon something. As the old adage goes: buyer payments or misses payments. a thorough check of the prospective Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105, 214 beware. Some people co-sign for a student resident’s finances and knew that Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington I have learned a lot about issues in who is in college so they can have a she couldn’t live long enough for her this area from attending the Protecting credit card for necessities, Be aware assets to run out. The answer was that • Protecting Your Nest Egg Your Nest Egg seminars presented by though that if the person keeps the because there is no guarantee that the Two hour seminar, presented by Elder elder law attorney, Mary Howie, which account open beyond his or her 21st person would not divest sometime after Law Attorney Mary Howie Massachusetts Retirees United offers birthday, there is no federal law saying entering the facility they had to protect When: Saturday April 28, 10 - Noon free of charge. She cautions clients to you must be notified about any credit the institution. When you agree to Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105, 214 beware of setting up joint accounts with line increases. Unlike a lease on an sign such a document make sure the Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington their children, grandchildren or anyone apartment in which the co-signed individual understands that dispersing other than a spouse. Many people do obligation ceases when the lease their money could result in their being • Preparing for Retirement this to avoid having funds become part becomes due for renewal, there is no put out of the facility. A comprehensive 2 hour seminar for of their probatable estate, but it can be automatic exit of a co-signed credit These are just a few areas in those within 10 years of retiring. Note: dangerous. card. Often the only way you can exit which you should beware that you do seminar is offered on multiple dates. By putting a person’s name on the the co-signing of a credit card is by not put in jeopardy your own good Holliston: Robert Adams Middle account as co-owner, one is literally closing the account, which in many credit rating. Beware of possible School, 323 Woodland St. saying they own half of the amount on instances requires the cardholder’s consequences to co-signing on the When: Tuesday, March 20, 3:30-5:30 PM the account. If the person you place approval. It is surprising but true that dotted line. on your account runs into financial amounts accumulated while the co- Methuen: Methuen Educational As- problems with credit card companies, signed account was open are still your Are You About to Retire? sociation, 184 Pleasant Valley St., Suite goes into bankruptcy, gets divorced responsibility until they are paid, even The current retirement application 1-204. for the Massachusetts Teachers When: Thursday, March 22, 2:15-4:15 or is involved in an accident for which after the account is closed. Retirement System (MTRS) has no and 3:45-5:45 PM. they are at fault, half of the funds their If you are responsible for a senior name is on will be used in the resulting who elects to go into assisted living, the insurance deduction authorization. Lawrence: Relief’s In, 1 Market St. settlements. establishment may require a guarantor There is no change, however, in When: Tuesday, April 3, 3:30-5:30 PM. Another area to be circumspect to sign. The establishment is not willing MTRS’ practice of withholding Lynn: Lynn Teachers Union, 679 West- about is co-signing a credit card to put a person out of the place and insurance premiums from retirees’ ern Ave. application for another person. There the guarantor becomes responsible to monthly benefits. Their role in When: Saturday, April 25, 3-5 PM. are a number of reasons not to do this either continue the payments or remove deducting and forwarding insurance but the major one is that that credit the person. Your signing for this may premiums is basically a bookkeeping Upton: Blackstone Valley Vocational card bill is ultimately yours. As one actually appear in your credit rating as one, between them and the GIC and Regional School, 65 Pleasant Street. municipalities. They rely on the GIC When: Tuesday, May 1, 2:30-4:30 PM financial person put it, when you co- if you had a mortgage as it could result sign for a credit card, you’re saying: in your making monthly payments. and the municipalities that administer For details or to register for any of the “If anything goes wrong, I’ll pay the There is no problem in doing this if you insurance benefits to inform retirees above seminars, contact Marie Ardito at about this payment method and obtain ▪ balance. All of it. Plus interest and are not planning on making a major 1-617-482-1568 or e-mail penalty fees.” Lenders will count this purchase of property or extending the the necessary authorization. debt as yours which can result in your mortgage on property you already own. The Golden B rian LaPierre recalls exactly when it was that he was first bitten by the political bug. The year POLITICAL BUG Brian LaPierre Apple with son Owen was 1985 and Lynn, MA, LaPierre’s and Hillary hometown, was in the midst of a Clinton in New heated mayoral contest. His mother Hampshire during Caroline, a secretary at Hood the presidential Elementary School in Lynn, was an campaign in 2008. Brian LaPierre active supporter of candidate Albert LaPierre, who is Political Organizer DiVirgilio and would often take her AFT MA’s new AFT Massachusetts son along to campaign headquarters political organizer, to stuff envelopes, or to events where credits some key mentors with young LaPierre might hold a sign on showing him the behalf of the candidate. DiVirgilio won political ropes. the election—he’d go on to serve three terms as mayor—and LaPierre was hooked. “I liked the idea of helping LaPierre says that his early voters. (See cover story.) people—being the people’s local experiences on the campaign trail Says LaPierre: “We’ve got a tough representative and helping them on have prepared him for what is certain fight before us but there is nothing issues that affect their quality of life,” to be a busy political season ahead. I’d rather be doing.” He has already he recalls. “I liked the responsibility.” “The first lesson I learned is that to begun visiting AFT MA locals and LaPierre was recently named be an effective politician you have to meeting with as many teachers, the political organizer for AFT work hard and you have to be able to paraprofessionals, librarians and Massachusetts, a position for which communicate with all sorts of people.” other public sector employees as he his early political training—and the While he has been on the job for just can. And no matter what the group, influence of some key mentors— over a month—LaPierre was formerly LaPierre says that his message to prepared him well. As political an AFT MA field representative—he members is the same. “You are organizer, LaPierre is charged with has hit the ground running. Not powerful and your voice matters. This educating, activating and engaging the only is 2012 an election year, but a is the time to stand up and advocate controversial ballot question that for your craft. No one else is going to ▪ members of AFT Massachusetts about the issues facing teachers and other would gut collective bargaining rights do it.” public sector employees today. for teachers will likely go before the March 2012 7