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Boston, MA 02111
                                                                                                                                                                   Suite 402
                                                                                                                                                                   38 Chauncy Street
                                                                                                                                                                                   AFT Massachusetts
                                                                                       April 2012

Lawrence: ‘City of Promise’
        n an unseasonably warm spring
        day, five Lawrence community
        leaders have gathered to talk
about the current state of their city.
Despite the myriad challenges facing
the Merrimack Valley city—high
unemployment, struggling schools,
perpetual political crises—the talk on
this afternoon is undeniably hopeful.
The leaders’ optimism stands in
marked contrast to a controversial
recent Boston Magazine article
entitled “City of the Damned,” that
painted Lawrence as a cesspool of
drugs, crime and corruption.
    The article prompted a full-scale
backlash among Lawrence residents,

                                                                                                                                             In This Issue
and led to a protest march and rally
called “We are Lawrence.” Explains          SIGNS OF SPRING Lawrence community leaders (from left): Milagro Grullón,
                                            Victor Jarvis, Jasiela Chaves and Jules Abel.The leaders say that despite its well-
Milagro Grullón, executive Ddirector
                                            publicized struggles, there is much to be hopeful about in Lawrence these days.
of Lawrence Community Connections:
“People have a perception of Lawrence           Yet despite the air of uncertainty       Teachers Union to engage parents in             2    President’s Column
and the article merely affirmed that        that pervades the hallways and               a conversation about the future of the
perception. It’s up to us to get the real   classrooms of the Lawrence schools,
                                            the takeover was viewed by many here
                                                                                         city’s schools. Victor Jarvis, pastor
                                                                                         of the Ebenezer Christian Church
                                                                                                                                         4    Diary of a New Teacher: The
story of our city out, all the way down                                                                                                       Mysteries of middle school
to our neighbors,” says Grullón. “This      as an opportunity to strengthen the          and the human rights commissioner
is what our city is about.”                 city itself. “Our schools are the key to     for the City of Lawrence, has been                   TEACH comes to town
                                            a better future for all of the children      helping to survey local parents
Transformation time                         of Lawrence,” says Frank McLaughlin,         who attend his church about their               5   Portrait of a letter writer:
                                                                                                                                             Latin teacher Mike Maguire
    There is no doubt that Lawrence         president of the Lawrence Teachers           ideas for strengthening the schools.
stands at a juncture of significant
change these days. Late last year, the
                                            Union. “By transforming our schools,
                                            we can help to transform Lawrence.”
                                                                                         One common theme, says Jarvis:
                                                                                         Lawrence schools must do a better
                                                                                                                                         6   On Campus: In a tough
                                                                                                                                             economy, college for all is a
state took over the Lawrence Public                                                      job of mirroring the diversity of the               worthy goal
Schools, leaving the fate of students,
                                            City of challenge                            city itself. “This city is special. We
parents and teachers unclear. The              Community leaders like Ms.                have different races and cultures               7   Retiree Corner
                                                                                                                                             The Golden Apple: a retired
state-appointed receiver, Jeff Riley,       Grullón say they are hopeful about           amalgamated together—we are
will announce personnel changes             the changes taking place in the              Lawrence,” says Jarvis.                             teacher wakes up and gets
along with plans to restructure many        schools, particularly new efforts by             If the schools are to succeed in                active
of the schools later this year.             administrators and the Lawrence                                       Continued on page 8

For Lexington Employees, A Healthy Outcome
      he 40 members of the Carey            supervisor Peggy
      Memorial Library Staff                Bateston. “We
      Association in Lexington could        learned pretty
easily have found their collective          quickly how
voices drowned out during a recent          important it was to                                                                           If you’d like to receive an
debate over how best to reshape their       really think things                                                                            electronic version of the
town’s health plan. After all, the public   through and ask a lot
                                                                                                                                         Advocate, send an email to
employee committee in which the             of questions.”
librarians participated also included           Donovan came                                                                   Please
Lexington’s teachers, firefighters and      away from the                                                                                include your home mailing
police officers. But instead of taking      process convinced                                                                             address for identification.
a back seat, the librarians spoke           that librarians have
up, playing an essential role in the        a unique role to play
employees’ decision regarding how best      in the negotiations                                                                          Did you know that your
to meet their own health care needs         which, because of                                                                            AFT MA membership
while recognizing the town’s cost-          health insurance
                                                                                                                                         entitles you to discounts
savings goal.                               reform legislation
    At first the process seemed             passed last summer QUICK STUDIES Lexington librarians Peggy Bateson                          on insurance products?
daunting—even overwhelming,                 on Beacon Hill, are (left) and Margaret Donovan played a key role in recent                  For more information visit
recalls Margaret Donovan, head of           taking place across negotiations in that town over health insurance changes.                 the benefits page of our
technology at the Carey Memorial            the Commonwealth. Says Donovan: “It all came down to information—
Library and chair of the librarian union    “It all comes down
                                                                   something that librarians know plenty about.”                         website:
there. “Everything to do with health        to information—                            Commission (GIC), or making changes     
insurance is incredibly complicated         and that’s what we specialize in as        to existing plans in an effort to realize         benefits/
and the stakes were very high,” says        librarians,” says Donovan. Under           cost savings. Cities and towns may
Donovan, who participated in the            the state’s new health insurance law,      also bargain over such changes with a
public employee coalition meetings          cities and towns have the option of        coalition of municipal employees, as
with co-worker and circulation              joining the state’s Group Insurance        was the case in Lexington.
                                                                                                                  Continued on page 3
                                                                                          policy issue that the state has refused to
                                                                                          deal with before the voters is one thing,
                                                                                          but this is not the case where Stand’s
                                                                                          proposal is concerned. As noted, the                                    PRINT
                                   Thomas J. Gosnell                                      group was very much involved in the
                                                                                          changes to the evaluation procedures.
                                   President, AFT Massachusetts                           If the new system is not working when
                                                                                                                                       TV Time
                                                                                                                                       Turn on Channel 7 in the Boston area on
                                                                                          fully implemented, interested parties,
                                                                                                                                       April 8th and you’ll catch a glimpse of Boston
                                                                                          including Stand, should utilize the

Standing up for Children
                                                                                                                                       teacher Yvonne Lamothe. Lamothe, who
                                                                                          state’s deliberative legislative and         teaches visual arts in the Boston Public
                                                                                          regulatory processes to seek further         Schools, will appear on Urban Update,
                                                                                          changes. Using an initiative petition        which is broadcast on Sunday mornings
Note: the following letter was sent           because their teachers are great. Now is    to strong-arm legislators and voters is      on WHDH immediately following Meet
to Democratic town, ward, and city            not the time to switch gears.               not the answer for our students or our       the Press. Lamothe recently took to the
chairs in response to a letter which              The Stand initiative has been sent      future.                                      airwaves in order to discuss “TEACH,” the
Stand for Children sent them.                 to the Legislature by the Secretary of          We, as leaders of the Massachusetts      documentary about teaching that she and her
                                              State, given a bill number of H 3883,       Democratic Party, the Massachusetts          husband Bob created. (See article on page 4).
Dear Democratic party activist:               and referred to the Joint Committee         AFL-CIO, the American Federation             The feature -ength documentary will get its
We believe you may recently have              on Education. We ask you to urge                                                         first official Boston screening on April 16th at
                                                                                          of Teachers Massachusetts, and the
received a letter from a group called         your legislators to reject this proposal                                                 the Loews Cineplex on Boston Common.
                                                                                          Massachusetts Teachers Association,
Stand for Children concerning an              and to call on the proponents to            are far from alone in taking a strong                           
initiative it is sponsoring on the            withdraw their petition and support         position against Stand’s ill-conceived
November ballot. We feel this letter is       the implementation of the state’s new                                                    Legal Eagles
                                                                                          attempt to change education in this
part of an effort to sell an ill-advised      teacher evaluation system, which                                                         The verdict is in and two Lowell middle
                                                                                          manner. Many other organizations
proposal and does so in language              was developed through extensive                                                          school teachers who have been helping
                                                                                          join us in opposing this unnecessary         their students learn about the legal system
that is designed to put it in terms           collaboration among educators,              and divisive initiative, including           are officially guilty—of being outstanding
attractive to Democrats. Because there        parents, advocates of all types, and        Arise for Social Justice, Citizens for       teachers. Sue MacLeod and Cathie
is another side to this story, we write       state and local officials. Our concerns     Public Schools, the Massachusetts            Watkins, both teachers at Lowell’s
to you today to urge you to reject this       focus on the students of Massachusetts,     Administrators for Special Education,        Robinson Middle School, created a mock
path. number one in America, and it’s         who are not well served by the Stand        the Massachusetts Association                trial scenario for their students that included
not by accident. It’s because excellent       ballot initiative.                          for Supervision and Curriculum               local attorneys and a real live judge.The
teachers work with students who are               In its statements, Stand has            Development, the Massachusetts               after-school program was funded by a 21st
supported by families and communities         distorted the truth about the progress      Elementary School Principals’                Century Community Learning Centers
who help them succeed. Where changes          that has been made toward establishing      Association, Massachusetts Jobs              Grant. On March 23, the teachers traveled
are needed, Massachusetts has led the         a rigorous and fair teacher evaluation                                                   with their students into Boston to see a real
                                                                                          with Justice, the Massachusetts
way – with teachers and their unions at       system in our Commonwealth. In fact,                                                     mock trial put on by the Massachusetts Bar
                                                                                          Parent Teacher Association, the
the table so that the voices of those in      representatives of the group were a                                                      Association. A longer article about MacLeod,
                                                                                          Massachusetts Organization of                Watkins and the Robinson ‘legal eagles’ will
the classroom are helping to guide the        part of the process that created the        Educational Collaboratives, the              appear in the May issue of the Advocate.
discussion. It’s working.                     very system they now want to change.        Massachusetts Reading Association,
    We’ve seen the results in other           They falsely claim that the new process     the Massachusetts School Library                                
states where right-wing Republicans           is only a recommendation. It is based       Association, the Massachusetts
have forced their failed ideology on          on a plan passed by the Board of                                                         Trivial Pursuits
                                                                                          Secondary School Administrators’             The Lynn Teachers Union has come up
voters or rammed through bumper-              Elementary and Secondary Education          Association, the New England Jewish          with a fun-filled way to boost morale and
sticker ballot initiatives to try to impose   that requires all school districts to       Labor Committee, and the Union of            encourage new member participation. On
a “solution.” It is clear those efforts       implement the new system. That              Minority Neighborhoods. We are also          April 12th, the LTU will host its first ever
have gone too far. Massachusetts              began last fall, and the new approach       joined by educational leaders such           trivia night.The theme: “Are you smarter
students succeed in large measure             will be in place in every school district   as Susan Moore Johnson and Robert            than a principal?” Teams of teachers and
                                              by 2014. The evaluation tool, which         Schwartz, professors at the Harvard          paraprofessionals from the Lynn schools will
                                              encompasses MCAS test scores and            Graduate School of Education; Jon            answer questions about everything from pop
                                              other measures, will be used for            Saphier, president of Research for           culture, politics and sports to the history
                                              personnel decisions that support our                                                     of their unique city.The top teams will win
                                                                                          Better Teaching, Inc.; Sue Freedman,
                                              common goals: providing a great                                                          prizes and, most importantly, bragging rights.
                                                                                          director of the RTTT Human Resource
         The official publication of          education to every student and having                                                    For more information and to sign up, visit
                                                                                          Pilot Project, Working Group for   
        AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO            an excellent teacher in every classroom.    Educator Excellence; and three recent
                                              This is one of many reasons you and         Massachusetts Teachers of the Year.                             
      Thomas J. Gosnell, President
                                              everyone you know are urged to reject           For more information about the           Top Honors
   Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer      the Stand initiative.                                                                    Three professors at UMass Dartmouth
                                                                                          damage the Stand ballot initiative
           VICE PRESIDENTS                        Secretary of Education Paul             would cause, please go to: www.              have been honored by the National Science
                                              Reville said in November 2011: “I fear                                                   Foundation with the highly prestigious
             Patricia Armstrong                                                  or to www.
                                              that the ballot initiative would set                                                     Early Faculty Career Development Awards.
               Deborah Blinder                                                  
                                              up a distracting and divisive battle,                                                    The faculty members, who will share a
                 Sean Bowker                                                                  Don’t be fooled. In the interest
            Kathryn Chamberlain               engendering an over-simplified public                                                    combined $1 million in grant money, were
                                                                                          of helping to ensure a high-quality          recognized for research which has the
                Brenda Chaney                 dialogue that would alienate educators
                Kathy Delaney                                                             education for every student, we urge         potential to revolutionize their fields.The
                                              and prevent us from achieving a variety     you to ask your legislators to reject H
             Catherine Deveney                                                                                                         UMass Dartmouth honorees, all members
               Patricia Driscoll              of reform goals.”                           3883 and call on Stand to immediately        of the Faculty Federation at that school,
              Marianne Dumont                     Secretary Reville’s comment             withdraw its initiative petition.            include Katja Haltta-Otto, Department
               J. Michael Earle               addresses both the progress we have                                                      of Mechanical Engineering; Chandra
               Margaret Farrell               made and the dangers of the Stand                                                        Orrill, Kaput Center; and Nima Rahbar,
                 Mary Ferriter                                                                John Walsh	
                                              initiative. The new teacher evaluation          Chair		                                  Department of Civil and Environmental
               Jenna Fitzgerald
               Richard Flaherty               process is designed to put in place             Massachusetts Democratic Party           Engineering. Congratulations to all on this
                 Paul Georges                 a thorough system of accountability                                                      outstanding achievement!
              Alice M. Gunning                for educators, schools, and districts.         Thomas Gosnell
                Daniel Haacker                                                                                                                            
                                              Moreover, policy changes in education          President
              Joyce Harrington                                                               AFT Massachusetts
                                              should not be brought about by                                                           Wanted: New Teachers
                 Susan Leahy
             Francis McLaughlin               gimmicky slogans designed to make                                                        The Advocate is seeking new teachers
                                                                                             Paul Toner                                and paraprofessionals to contribute to
                 Bruce Nelson                 complex issues seem simple. Yet
              Catherine Patten
                                                                                             President			                              the 2012-2013 New Teacher Diary.
                                              that is exactly the course that Stand
                 James Philip                                                                Massachusetts Teachers Association        Contributors receive $300 per column and
                                              is taking by asking voters to provide
                Bruce Sparfven                                                                                                         the opportunity to write for a statewide
                                              it with a quick political victory that
              Richard Stutman                                                                Steve Tolman                              audience of more than 25,000 public school
                 Gale Thomas                  would not improve public education
                                                                                             President                                 educators, librarians and public higher
                                              in Massachusetts. Stand’s proposal is                                                    education faculty. Past contributors have
        Jennifer C. Berkshire, Editor                                                        Massachusetts AFL-CIO
                                              extremely long and hard to understand.                                                   even won national recognition from the
            38 Chauncy St., Suite 402
                                              The initiative includes 11 sections                                                      American Federation of Teachers.To be
              Boston, Mass. 02111
      Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523         making changes to many different state                                                   considered, applicants must have five or
               Fax: 617-423-0174              laws. On Election Day, a voter can only                                                  fewer years in the classroom. Send inquiries
                       give a yes or no answer.                                                                 to
  2                   It is worth noting that putting a
Healthy Outcome in Lexington
                                                                                                The power of knowledge
                                                                                                    Donovan and Bateson also made
                         Continued from cover
                                                rather than implementing changes
                                                                                                sure that the other members of the
                                                                                                library staff association were up to
                                                                                                                                          The ABC’s of Health
    AFT Massachusetts field                     unilaterally. He agreed, recalls
representative and municipal health             Bateson, stating that the town was
                                                                                                speed on the complex issues before        Insurance Bargaining
insurance expert Andy Powell, who                                                               them, holding weekly ‘briefing’
                                                open to any approach that would
worked with the Lexington librarians,           help it meet the goal of saving $4
                                                                                                meetings at the library that included     Partner up
says that the experience of the new                                                             recent retirees. Nor did they sugar       If you are not yet working in coalition
                                                million. The town’s willingness to
                                                                                                coat the changes that were being          with other public employee unions in
health law shows that when towns and            negotiate provided the coalition with
                                                                                                considered by the public employee         your community, get started today.
coalitions work together, innovative            an essential ingredient: time. “We
solutions can be the result. “The cost                                                          coalition. Says Donovan: “We all did
                                                bought ourselves some time to look                                                        Get the facts
of health insurance is an issue that                                                            the research and it really sunk in:
                                                for options that would be amenable to                                                     Health insurance issues are complex
affects everyone. The way to address                                                            there are costs that we didn’t have       but with a little research you can be an
                                                both sides,” says Bateson.
that problem isn’t to force a solution                                                          before.”                                  expert in no time.
on town employees,” says Powell. “A             Fact finding                                        The hard work of the librarians
cooperative process really produces                 But getting the town to agree to            and their coalition partners paid         Consult an expert
the best outcomes.”                             negotiate with the coalition turned             off though. The decision of the           If there are issues that you don’t under-
                                                out to be the easy part. In the ensuing         coalition to enter the GIC will save      stand, seek outside expertise to bring
Changing the conversation                       weeks, coalition members would learn            the town more than $4 million,            your members or coalition partners up
    Working in coalition was nothing                                                            while employees will receive half         to speed.
                                                the ins and outs of the various health
new for Lexington’s librarians,                 insurance plans available to municipal          of the money saved in the form of         Follow the leader
teachers and first responders. The              employees. They also began to develop           an improved contribution split, a         Reach out to AFT MA members in com-
town was one of the first to adopt              a deeper understanding of the needs             health reimbursement account, and         munities that are health insurance success
so-called Section 19 coalition                  of everyone in the coalition, including         money set aside to help employees         stories to learn about their experiences.
bargaining back in 1993, a process              retirees. “It was a real coalition and no       pay for excessive co-pays. “There was     In Lynn, Lexington, Chelsea, Wakefield
by which public employees bargain               one was shy about speaking up,” says            really something for everyone,” says      and other cities and towns, coalitions
with a municipality as a single                 Donovan. “What it all came down to              Donovan.                                  have negotiated cooperative agreements
entity. And while the Lexington                 though was the idea that we all pay for             The librarians say that in            that work for everyone. For more infor-
employees had made several changes              everyone. It isn’t just what’s good for         addition to learning more than they       mation contact
to their health plan over the years             the teachers or the firefighters—this is        ever thought they’d know about
in an effort to save the town money,                                                            health insurance, they also have a
                                                                                                                                          Spread the word
                                                about all of us.”                                                                         Keep your members in the loop about
pressure to lower costs further has                 The librarians also gained a first-         new appreciation for the power of
                                                                                                                                          whatever changes are being considered
only intensified. Donovan says that             hand appreciation of the complexities           a coalition. Bateson says that the        to their health insurance plan. Hold regu-
conversation in Lexington is much               of health insurance. Before long                process established a deep sense of       lar briefing meetings to keep members
like that taking place elsewhere in             they were fluent in the language of             camaraderie among town employees.         informed and don’t sugar coat the issues.
the country. “Instead of asking why it          premiums, deductibles, co-pays and              “It was nice to see so many people who
is that everyone doesn’t have decent            health reimbursement accounts. And              care so much,” says Bateson.              Collect stories
health care benefits there is a loud            when there was something they didn’t                As for the old stereotype of          Too often the debate over health insur-
chorus demanding that our benefits                                                              librarians being demure ‘marms,’          ance is reduced to numbers. But behind
                                                understand they asked for help. The
be brought down to the level of the                                                             armed with nothing more powerful          every fact and figure is a human story. Is
                                                librarians relied extensively on AFT
average private workplace,” says                                                                                                          there a teacher, paraprofessional, librarian
                                                MA’s Andy Powell, but they also went            than a pencil and the power to shush,
                                                                                                                                          or retiree in your community who will
Donovan.                                        to great lengths to educate themselves          forget about it, says Donovan. “As
                                                                                                                                          be deeply impacted by health insurance
    Back in November, Lexington’s               about the issues, even recruiting               we showed in Lexington, librarians        changes? Ask them to share their story.
selectmen voted to accept the health            nationally recognized health insurance          are not afraid to speak up. And we
care reform law. The next step:                 expert Jonathan Gruber to come and              don’t wear our hair in buns anymore
urging the town manager to bargain              give a talk at the library.                     either,” she says with a chuckle. “Now
with the existing employee coalition                                                            we have tattoos.” 

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April 2012
Diary                                         S
                                                       pring is in the air. Trees are
                                                       budding with the promise of
                                                       new life and birds are chirping
                                                their happy little songs. All this change
                                                and growth in the air, yet my teenage
  of a New Teacher                              students are still teenagers. I continue
                                                to find myself in awe of the modern day
                                                teenager. Every day I spend with them I
                     By Amanda Perez            am reminded about how hard it is to be
                 Middle school teacher          a teenager, just as I am confronted with
              Sarah Greenwood School,
                                                how hard it is to teach teenagers. When
                       Dorchester, MA
                                                I was working on getting my license to
                                                teach K-8, I never really considered the
   Meet the 2011-2012                           6-8 portion of my new credentials.
   New Teacher Diarists                              Yet here I am, three years into my
Bill Madden-Fuoco                               career, teaching middle school. While
A humanities teacher at the Urban Science       most days feel more like a roller coaster
Academy in West Roxbury, Bill was a 2012        ride than a steady career, there are a
Teacher of the Year semifinalist.               few things that I am certain of when it
                                                comes to these confusing, tech-savvy
Robert Tobio                                    tornadoes of emotion. As confusing as          MIDDLE AGE Amanda Perez, a new middle school teacher at the Sarah
Robert teaches math and special education                                                      Greenwood School in Boston, says that she spends much of her time
                                                some of their outward behaviors are,
at the Mary Lyon Pilot School in Brighton                                                      navigating the strange world that is contemporary American adolescence.
                                                there is a lot more to them than most
and previously taught at Monument High in
                                                people give them credit for. As much as       my middle schoolers crave my attention           The magical thing about all this
South Boston, which closed last spring.
                                                we claim to remember what it was like         and perhaps my approval. The balance         confusion is that these adolescents have
Melissa McDonald                                to be a teenager, the truth is that our       that I strive to achieve in my classroom     deep thoughts, worthwhile ideas, and
A fifth grade teacher at the Parthum            “world” at the time, whatever that world      is to hold my students’ hand as much         understanding of complex concepts
Elementary School in Lawrence, Melissa          may be is just not the world teenagers        as necessary through their learning but      that only need a safe environment to
is returning to teaching after a year of        currently live in. TV is different, music     to not let them know this. Doing this        coax out. I recently had my students
maternity leave.                                is different, advertising is different,       reinforces their integrity while fostering   engage in a formal debate about animal
                                                social expectations are different,            responsibility and accountability as         rights. I assigned students to a side
Joyce Melker
                                                educational expectations are different—       they grow towards their new roles as         and had them debate, listen and take
A paraprofessional at the Watson Elemen-
                                                the list of differences is extensive.         competent adults. In this way, they          notes on the other team’s arguments,
tary School in Fall River, Joyce is a student
                                                Meanwhile, some things stay the same.         are able to own their accomplishments        and create counter arguments. My high
in the JET teacher training program at
                                                My students know how to make me               and their learning and strengthen their      expectations were far surpassed by how
UMass Dartmouth.
                                                feel as self-aware as they do when they       own sense of identity as capable young       My teenagers really rose to the occasion.
Matthew Robinson                                tell me: “Ms. Perez, you are so not hip       people.                                      before my eyes became organized,
Matthew teaches English and journalism at       and your shoes are whack.” With such              Adolescence is a strange limbo in        mature, passionate and articulate young
the Burke High School in Dorchester.            delightful compliments, how could I not       which my students want to be driving         people. I will admit that most days I am
                                                love teaching middle school?                  the boat but are scared of the steering      not certain that I am having any impact
Riana Good
                                                     The thing is, I do love teaching         wheel. They want my feedback on              on my teenage students as they vacillate
While Riana is technically no longer a new
                                                middle school. It’s a treat to know that      something they do but need to receive        between acting like children and acting
teacher, this Spanish teacher at the Boston
                                                I, in some small—or big—way, get to           feedback in a way that doesn’t leave         like adults. However, with a lot of
Teachers Union School in Jamaica Plain says
                                                step in at this crucial time in their lives   them feeling at all vulnerable. They         patience and respect for their current
that she still feels like a ‘newby.’
                                                and try to share a little wisdom and          insist they know all there is to know        developmental stage I am hopeful for
Amanda Perez                                    help them navigate these awkward and          about life while protesting that they        what they have to offer the world and I
Amanda is a humanities teacher at the           intense years. While on the outside they      don’t understand the homework I              am grateful I get a chance to steer them
Sarah Greenwood School in Dorchester.           are starting to look like small adults,       assigned them.                               in a good direction.
         Would you like to travel abroad on                                                   TEACH Coming to Town
           an inexpensive trip designed                                                       T  EACH, a feature length documentary
                                                                                                 made by Boston teachers Bob and
                                                                                                                                           nation take our schools? Should we
                                                                                                                                           privatize our public schools? Should
            specifically for educators?                                                        Yvonne Lamothe, will make its official
                                                                                              Boston debut next month. The film
                                                                                                                                           we fire all of the teachers in our
                                                                                                                                           struggling schools? To answer these
                                                                                              will be screened as part of the Boston       and other questions, the Lamothes
             GEEO is a non-profit organization that runs travel                               International Film Festival, which           interviewed dozens of teachers, parents
             programs for educators. Detailed information including                           shows 90 films from more than 30             and public school advocates about the
             itineraries, costs, travel dates, and more can be found at                       countries and runs between April 13-22.      state and future of public education.
    or call toll free 1-877-600-0105.                                       Lamothe and his wife Yvonne, both        Says Lamothe: “Everyday we hear about
                                                                                              teachers in the Boston Public Schools,       teaching and teachers through the
                                                                                              have been at work on the project, called     eyes of administrators, politicians and
                                                                                              “Teachers Are Talking, Is the Nation         business leaders. We hope to bring the
                                                                                              Listening?”, for the past four years.        voices and wisdom of teachers to the
                                                                                                  The documentary has already been         nation.”
                                                                                              shown at teacher events across the               TEACH will be shown on April 16
                                                                                              country, including to 250 members of         at 12:30 PM at the Lowes Cineplex on
                                                                                              the Boston Teachers Union earlier this       Boston Common. For more information
                                                                                              spring. Lamothe, a technology expert,
                                                                                              and Yvonne, a visual art teacher with
                                                                                              National Board Certification, say that
                                                                                              everywhere the film has been shown it
                                                                                              has sparked a conversation--something
                                                                                              largely lacking in the heated debate
                                                                                              over public education. “We’ve become
                                                                                              increasingly frustrated by the fact that
                                                                                              very seldom do teachers voices get
                                                                                              heard,” says Lamothe. “Teachers who
                                                                                              should be a leading part of education
                                                                                              policy and ‘reform’ are for the most part
                                                                                              not part of the process, not part of the
                                                                                              national and local debates.”
                                                                                                  The film opens with a series of
                                                                                              questions: What direction will this

                                                                                                                                               The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
BEHIND                                T
                                           he chalkboard in Michael Maguire’s                                                                       LETTER MAN
                                           classroom at Boston Latin                                                                                Michael Maguire,
             THE SCENES
                                           Academy is draped with newspaper                                                                         a Latin teacher
                                      clippings, a pennant-like display of the                                                                      at the Boston
                                      letters to the editor that have become                                                                        Latin Academy,
                                      Maguire’s specialty. “I’ve always had                                                                         in front of the
                                      an opinion,” says Maguire, who has                                                                            ‘pennant wall’
 Michael Maguire                      taught Latin at the school since 1994.                                                                        of newspapers
                                      His first letter was published in the                                                                         in which his
  A Latin teacher finds               Boston University newspaper while                                                                             letters to the
                                                                                                                                                    editor have
        his voice                     Maguire was an undergraduate at that
                                                                                                                                                    been published.
                                      school. The subject: Sinead O’Connor’s
                                                                                                                                                    Maguire writes
                                      controversial appears on Saturday Night                                                                       a letter per
                                      Live.                                                                                                         week, always on
                                          These days Maguire sticks to the                                                                          education. Says
                                      topic of education, but still has plenty                                                                      Maguire: “I’ve
                                      to say. He has published more than a                                                                          always had an
                                      dozen letters to the editor on such issues                                                                    opinion.”
                                      as charter schools, teacher evaluation
                                      and standardized testing. In 2003, one       Alexander, six—Maguire still writes at       inspiration. “Think about ‘All Gaul is
                                      of Maguire’s letters appeared in both the    least one letter per week. Along the way,    divided into three parts’—now there’s a
                                      Boston Herald and the Boston Globe—          Maguire has identified some simple           great topic sentence.” He’s also a fan of
                                      on the same day. The Globe has since         lessons for good letter writing—tips, he     rhetorical devices, including rhetorical
                                      implemented a exclusivity policy. Were       insists, that anyone can follow. Chief       questions, metaphor and alliteration.
                                      the two events related? “It’s a thought,”    among them: keep it succinct. “Long          Finally, Maguire makes sure to stick to
                                      says Maguire.                                letters don’t work. You need to get to the   the high road. “Name calling cheapens
                                          Maguire’s letter writing career really   point,” says Maguire.                        your argument,” says Maguire. “When
                                      took off in 2008, following the birth of         Maguire, who co-edits the Boston         someone calls me a name, that’s when I
                                      his daughter Meghan, an arrival that         Union Teacher, also recommends               know that I’ve won.”
                                      coincided with the advent of smart           picking a single issue to address,               Although he pens most of his
                                      phone technology. How could a hungry         particularly in the complex, often           letters in response to local education
                                      baby and a phone with a touch screen         contradictory world of education             issues, last year Maguire cast his net
                                      possibly be related? Simple, says            policy. He likens his approach to that       further afield. When he saw a story
                                      Maguire. “I was up with my daughter          of a scientist attempting to disprove a      in the Baltimore Sun about teacher
                                      for late night feedings and I could read     theorem. “If I can show that one part of     evaluations, he wrote a response based
                                      the newspaper online while I rocked          the argument doesn’t hold up, the whole      on the experience of a Boston teacher.
                                      her.” He discovered that he could also       thing starts to fall apart.                  “The Internet is great that way,” says
                                      type out a quick response and hit send,
                                      typically around 3 AM.
                                                                                       Another tip: approach a letter
                                                                                   like you would a good one paragraph
                                                                                                                                To read some of Maguire’s recent
                                          While he no longer needs to send         essay, including the all important
                                                                                                                                letters, visit
                                      his editorial missives in the middle of      topic sentence. As a Latin teacher,
                                      the night—Meghan is now three, his son       Maguire often looks to Julius Caesar for

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April 2012
On Campus
                           Dan Georgianna, Political Director
                           UMass Faculty Federation, Local 1895

In Tough Economy, College for All a Worthy Goal
I   s Rick Santorum the only man in
    American who hasn’t learned that
women don’t like men warning them
                                                                                           Many voters were
                                                                                           puzzled by GOP
                                                                                                                   done on the cheap with a few hours of
                                                                                                                   instruction without much education.
                                                                                                                   The sad history of workforce
                                                                                           candidate Rick
about the evils of contraception?                                                          Santorum’s claim        development in the U.S. shows that
    Senator Santorum’s remark that                                                                                 training without education will fail.
                                                                                           that the President
President Kennedy’s speech on the                                                                                      Community colleges are well suited
separation of church and state made
                                                                                           is a “snob” for en-     to this combination of education
him want to throw up also provided                                                         couraging young         and training with their wide course
entertainment. He twisted President                                                        people to attend        selection offered at various times
Kennedy’s speech against political                                                         college.                throughout the day and evening and
domination by one religion to read                                                                                 their multiple curriculums that include
that President Kennedy wanted to           asking state governors to increase
                                                                       student has increased for other types       liberal arts courses. But it will take
eliminate religion from public life.       spending on K-12, stop cutting funding
                                                                       of colleges and universities.               more than a few dollars to develop
Senator Santorum later said that he        for state colleges and universities, and
                                                                           Governor Patrick praised                the education needed for workplace
wished he had the line back.               proposing an $8 billion Community
                                                                       community colleges for their multiple       development.
    Senator Santorum’s calling Obama       College to Career Fund to train
                                                                       roles of preparing students for                 There’s no reason that bachelor
a “snob” for wanting everyone to go        students for “targeted, certified
                                                                       bachelor degrees, providing post-           granting colleges and universities
to college was equally puzzling. After     training for jobs in rapidly growing
                                                                       secondary remedial education, and           can’t also educate students for jobs
some dancing around the need for           industries.” (Whitehouse blog)
                                                                       satisfying intellectual needs for all       in technical fields. Jobs are a good
higher education for a good job in the
modern economy, which mirrored
                                               “We’re talking about somebody
                                           going to a community college
                                                                       age students but focused on training
                                                                       workers for new careers. He called on            ▪

President Obama’s position, Sen.           and getting trained ... for that
                                                                       the state’s business leaders to join the    Dan Georgianna is the Chancellor
Santorum used statistics to argue that     manufacturing job that now is
                                                                       Commonwealth in funding community           Professor of Economics at UMass
colleges indoctrinated students against    requiring somebody walking through
                                                                       colleges for more workplace                 Dartmouth. His column appears
religion. His statistics on students       the door handling a million-dollar
                                                                       development.                                monthly in the Advocate. Share
giving up religion in college turned out   piece of equipment.” (as quoted by
                                                                           It’s easy to see this as college        comments with him at dgeorgianna@
to be backwards. Religion drop-out                  education for some and job training
rates are higher for young people who          In this January’s State of the
                                                                       for others, a class division that is
don’t go to college.                       Commonwealth Address, Governor
                                                                       widening in the U.S. due to restricted
    “Should all students go to college?”   Patrick also asked for additional $10
                                                                       access to bachelor degrees for students       Students, Faculty Stand Up
is a serious question, however. This       million for community colleges to
                                                                       who can’t afford them. But I think that       for Public Higher Education
question usually refers to students        build up workforce development.
                                                                       Governor Patrick is trying to buttress
pursuing a degree, specifically a          $10 million sounds like a lot, but it is
                                                                       the community college system that is          Hundreds of students, faculty
bachelor’s degree. The easy answer         less than 2% of the total budget for
                                                                       unique to the U.S. in giving students
                                                                                                                     and staff from public colleges
is “no” because some students prefer       community colleges in Massachusetts.
                                                                       multiple chances at education.
                                                                                                                     across the Commonwealth
education for the trades, medical          Nation-wide, funding per student for
                                                                           Education vs. training is based
                                           community colleges has dropped over
                                                                       on a false comparison, however;               converged upon the State-
fields, and other good jobs. President
                                           the past 10 years, while funding per
                                                                       education is process-oriented, and            house last month to lobby
Obama tried to cover all the bases,
                                                                       training is goal-oriented. The process        for more resources for higher
                                                                                           of education shows        education in Massachusetts.
                                                                                           students how to make      Participants in the day-long
                                                                                           sound judgments in        event represented nearly every
                                                                                           complex situations

                                                                                                                     public campus in the state, but
                                                                                           and to how to follow
                                                                                                                     delivered a single message:
                                                                                           ethical principles
                                                                                                                     Public Higher Education is
                                                                                           in community life.
                                                                                           This process of
                                                                                                                     critical to the residents of Mas-
                                                                                           education continues       sachusetts, to our economy,
                                     as the subject            and to our future, and must be
                                                                                                                     adequately funded.
                                     matter changes from
                                                                                           kindergarten through          “Costs have risen dramati-
                                       post-graduate             cally,” said Melanie T. Mulvey,
                                                                                           education.                21, a senior at the Amherst
                                     Can job training      campus. “It’s really hurting the
                                  follow educational
                                                                                                                     university and the state. Low-
                                                                                           processes? Of
                                     course it can. Using
                                                                                                                     income students are some of
                                                                                           President’s Obama’s       the people who need these op-
                                            example, training for     portunities the most because
                                                                                          expensive equipment       education really levels the play-
                                                                                           requires sound            ing field.”
                                           judgment and ethical          Mulvey and nearly 400
                                       principles in working
                                                                                           with others. It all
                                                                                                                     other student, staff and faculty
                                                                                                                     advocates, urged the legisla-
                                           comes down to good
                                                                                                                     ture to increase the operating
                                                                                           teaching within a
                                                               sound educational
                                                                                                                     budgets of the 29 campuses
                                                                       curriculum.               and to increase the scholarship
                                                                                               The flaw in the       account, both by 5%.
                                                                        training rather than
                                                                                                                         For more information on how
                                                                                           education strategy
                                                                                           is the assumption         to join the campaign visit www.
                                                                                           that training can be

                                                                                                                         The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
Retiree Corner                                                                                          SENIOR SEMINARS

                                 Marie Ardito, Co-founder                                                                               Living in Retirement as an
                                 Massachusetts Retirees United                                                                          Informed Retiree
                                                                                                        A free 2 hour seminar directed
                                                                                                                                        toward those who retired on a public
                                                                                                                                        service pension and deals with many

Planning for End of Life is Vital
                                                                                                                                        issues confronting retirees. Medicare,
                                                                                                                                        Social Security, tax shelters, 403b and

T     here are a number of names for
      it: health care proxy, living will,
durable power of attorney for health
                                             medical staff have many demands on
                                             their time and when someone is ill
                                             they do not want to repeat themselves,
                                                                                           could be prolonged. They should be
                                                                                           able to be assertive, both with hospital
                                                                                           personnel as well as family, without
                                                                                                                                        When: Saturday April 14 10 - Noon
                                                                                                                                        Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105,
care, and advance directive. Whatever        and very often will ask that one person       alienating them. Make sure they will         214 Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington
you call it, you should definitely have      be spokesperson for the family.               respect your wishes even if they may
one.                                         Another reason for the importance             not agree with all of them. Make sure        Protecting Your Nest Egg
    This document sets forth your            of having this document is that if you        they understand that you will continue       Two hour seminar, presented by Elder
wishes for health care in the event          cannot make health care decisions             to make your health care decisions for       Law Attorney Mary Howie
that you are ever unable to speak for        for yourself, and you do not have a           yourself as long as you are able.
yourself. The contract that most of us       document naming someone to do it,                 Most people make life-ending             When: Saturday April 28, 10 - Noon
have may simply name the person or           your loved ones will have to go through       choices while they are in good health.       Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105,
persons who will make the decisions          the costly process of having the              Thus it is very easy at such a time to       214 Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington
for us. Typically, one individual is         decisions made by the court in case of        say, “I do not want any extraordinary
named as decision maker, and if they         a dispute among family members as to          measures used at the end.”. But if it        Preparing for Retirement
are unable to perform the task, an           what should be done. This document            is necessary for another individual          A comprehensive 2 hour seminar for
alternative candidate.                       is particularly vital if it is a non family   to make that decision for you, you           teachers, paras and education support
    This column focuses primarily upon       member that you wish to name.                 need to be able to trust them to use         personnel within 10 years of retiring.
why you should have this document.               It is advisable to name only one          common sense. Is there a possibility         Note: seminar is offered on multiple
Thought must be given as to who              person as primary spokesperson                that, after being on life support, you       dates.
you name and the assurance that the          and another as secondary. Multiple            can return to a good quality of life? If
person named will fulfill your wishes.       people can confuse the process. It            the life support is simply prolonging a      Chelmsford: McCarthy Middle
    Illness, even serious illness, pays no   should be someone open to discussing          vegetative state of life they shouldn’t      School Lecture Hall, 250 North Rd.
respect to age. Most of us remember          and keeping other family members              agree. If you believe quality of life is     Chelmsford, MA
the battle that was waged in our             in the loop, but not intimidated by           more important than quantity of life,        When: Monday April 9, 4-6 PM
newspapers between parents and a             others in order to fulfill your wishes.       be sure they know this.
husband in Florida when one party            Whoever you name should be someone                Do some reading and thinking on
                                                                                                                                        Lynn: Lynn Teachers Union, 679
chose to disconnect “life support.” The      who can handle what this involves.            the topic and don’t procrastinate if
                                                                                                                                        Western Ave.
patient was just twenty-five. This is        Most importantly, whomever you                you have put off doing one of these
                                                                                                                                        When: Saturday, April 25, 3-5 PM.
clear proof that one should not wait for     name should be aware that you have            documents. If you don’t know what
“old age” to create a proxy.                 selected them. It should be someone           measures you want and don’t want,
                                                                                                                                        Upton: Blackstone Valley Vocational
    With privacy so strictly adhered         you trust completely, can discuss             how can you expect your loved ones to
to in hospitals, doctors and nurses
will no longer divulge information to
                                             what measures you do or don’t want,
                                             and most importantly, that they have
                                                                                                  ▪                                     Regional School, 65 Pleasant Street.
                                                                                                                                        When: Tuesday, May 1, 2:30-4:30 PM
just anyone. They want the patient’s         common sense in making decisions. It          Marie Ardito’s column appears
                                                                                                                                        For details or to register for any of
permission to do so, and when he/            is important that you convey to them          regularly in the Advocate. Contact
                                                                                                                                        the above seminars, contact Marie
she cannot give this permission they         that you expect them to use discretion        her with questions or column ideas at
                                                                                                                                        Ardito at 1-617-482-1568 or e-mail
will speak only to those authorized          in the process. The person should live
through one of these documents. Also,        in close proximity to you as the illness

      Golden                                 E     laine Dickinson can pinpoint
                                                   exactly when she became
                                             a political activist. It was 2010,
                                                                                           against what Dickinson refers to as the
                                                                                               More recently the couple has
                                                                                                                                      offer him one of the extra buttons she
                                                                                                                                      makes a point of carrying in her coat
                                                                                                                                      pocket. “Having been a teacher, it’s all

      Apple                                  coincidentally the same year Dickinson
                                             retired from three decades teaching
                                             in Weymouth and Orleans, and the
                                                                                           lent its support to protests against
                                                                                           foreclosure evictions taking place on
                                                                                           the Cape. Last month they descended
                                                                                                                                      about education.”
                                                                                                                                           While Dickinson’s passion for
                                                                                                                                      political protest may be relatively
                                             Supreme Court had just handed down            on a house in Harwich in an effort to      new, she has long been involved in
                                             its controversial Citizens United             block the auction of a house that had      charitable causes. She volunteers at the
Elaine Dickinson                             decision. “I got really angry,” Dickinson     been foreclosed upon. “We’re trying to     Family Pantry in Harwich and recently
Retiree-turned-activist                      says of the vote that opened the door to      keep people in their homes. Hopefully      traveled to Haiti with a local church
                                             unlimited spending by corporations in         by putting pressure on big banks like      group to visit a clinic and school run by
                                             elections. “It didn’t make any sense to       Bank of America people will be able        the sister parish of Our Lady of Hope in
                                             me—so I started paying attention.”            to work out agreements that are more       Barnstable. “I’ve always had a soft spot
                                                 While her husband Art, also               fair,” says Dickinson.                     for Haiti,” says Dickinson.
                                             a retired teacher, had long been                  The long-time teacher is also doing         As for her recent activities,
                                             interested in politics, Dickinson herself     what she did for 32 years: educating.      Dickinson says that she’s particularly
                                             had been busy teaching and raising            Two editorials by Dickinson on the         pleased at the participation of retirees
                                             two children. That’s now changed,             Occupy movement and the importance         in the protests. “One gentleman is
                                             says Dickinson. One day the couple            of citizen activism have appeared in       80 and uses an oxygen tank, another
                                             was watching TV footage of the Arab           the Cape Cod Times in recent months.       woman has a walker—I feel honored to
                                             Spring, the largely youth-driven              But even more important than her           be among them,” says Dickinson. She
                                             uprising that swept across the Middle         written work may be the one-on-one         also hopes that the example of these
                                             East last year, and Dickinson asked her       conversations with friends, neighbors      retiree activists will inspire many more
                                             husband a simple question: “When is           and employees at local businesses,         to get involved. “Some people feel like
                                             that going to happen here?”                   says Dickinson. On a recent weekday,       it’s too much—they look at all of the
                                                 By early summer, the Occupy               Dickinson stopped by the local dry         problems in the world and they ask
                                             movement was in full sail, with               cleaner, a button proclaiming “We Are      ‘what can I do?’” But Dickinson says
                                             outposts dotting Cape Cod. The                The 99%” proudly affixed to her coat.      there’s plenty that retired educators—
                                             Dickinsons soon hooked up with                When the cashier asked her what it         or any retirees—can do to make a
                                             Occupy Orleans and began to                   meant she was happy to explain. “I         difference. “Get educated, get involved,
                                             participate in regular protests against       gave him my rap and I asked him: are       and get off the couch,” she urges. “Turn
 OCCUPY RETIREMENT Retired                   income inequality and a system that           you part of the 1% or the 99%? He had      off ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and Fox
 teachers Art and Elaine Dickinson
 show their support for the 99%.
                                             seems increasingly rigged in favor
                                             of corporate power and wealth and
                                                                                           no problem answering the question,”
                                                                                           says Dickinson. She was also happy to
                                                                                                                                      News and get busy.”
April 2012                                                                                                                                                                      7

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  • 1. Boston, MA 02111 Suite 402 38 Chauncy Street AFT Massachusetts April 2012 Lawrence: ‘City of Promise’ O n an unseasonably warm spring day, five Lawrence community leaders have gathered to talk about the current state of their city. Despite the myriad challenges facing the Merrimack Valley city—high unemployment, struggling schools, perpetual political crises—the talk on this afternoon is undeniably hopeful. The leaders’ optimism stands in marked contrast to a controversial recent Boston Magazine article entitled “City of the Damned,” that painted Lawrence as a cesspool of drugs, crime and corruption. The article prompted a full-scale backlash among Lawrence residents, In This Issue and led to a protest march and rally called “We are Lawrence.” Explains SIGNS OF SPRING Lawrence community leaders (from left): Milagro Grullón, Victor Jarvis, Jasiela Chaves and Jules Abel.The leaders say that despite its well- Milagro Grullón, executive Ddirector publicized struggles, there is much to be hopeful about in Lawrence these days. of Lawrence Community Connections: “People have a perception of Lawrence Yet despite the air of uncertainty Teachers Union to engage parents in 2 President’s Column and the article merely affirmed that that pervades the hallways and a conversation about the future of the perception. It’s up to us to get the real classrooms of the Lawrence schools, the takeover was viewed by many here city’s schools. Victor Jarvis, pastor of the Ebenezer Christian Church 4 Diary of a New Teacher: The story of our city out, all the way down Mysteries of middle school to our neighbors,” says Grullón. “This as an opportunity to strengthen the and the human rights commissioner is what our city is about.” city itself. “Our schools are the key to for the City of Lawrence, has been TEACH comes to town a better future for all of the children helping to survey local parents Transformation time of Lawrence,” says Frank McLaughlin, who attend his church about their 5 Portrait of a letter writer: Latin teacher Mike Maguire There is no doubt that Lawrence president of the Lawrence Teachers ideas for strengthening the schools. stands at a juncture of significant change these days. Late last year, the Union. “By transforming our schools, we can help to transform Lawrence.” One common theme, says Jarvis: Lawrence schools must do a better 6 On Campus: In a tough economy, college for all is a state took over the Lawrence Public job of mirroring the diversity of the worthy goal Schools, leaving the fate of students, City of challenge city itself. “This city is special. We parents and teachers unclear. The Community leaders like Ms. have different races and cultures 7 Retiree Corner The Golden Apple: a retired state-appointed receiver, Jeff Riley, Grullón say they are hopeful about amalgamated together—we are will announce personnel changes the changes taking place in the Lawrence,” says Jarvis. teacher wakes up and gets along with plans to restructure many schools, particularly new efforts by If the schools are to succeed in active of the schools later this year. administrators and the Lawrence Continued on page 8 For Lexington Employees, A Healthy Outcome T he 40 members of the Carey supervisor Peggy Memorial Library Staff Bateston. “We Association in Lexington could learned pretty easily have found their collective quickly how voices drowned out during a recent important it was to If you’d like to receive an debate over how best to reshape their really think things electronic version of the town’s health plan. After all, the public through and ask a lot Advocate, send an email to employee committee in which the of questions.” librarians participated also included Donovan came Please Lexington’s teachers, firefighters and away from the include your home mailing police officers. But instead of taking process convinced address for identification. a back seat, the librarians spoke that librarians have up, playing an essential role in the a unique role to play employees’ decision regarding how best in the negotiations Did you know that your to meet their own health care needs which, because of AFT MA membership while recognizing the town’s cost- health insurance entitles you to discounts savings goal. reform legislation At first the process seemed passed last summer QUICK STUDIES Lexington librarians Peggy Bateson on insurance products? daunting—even overwhelming, on Beacon Hill, are (left) and Margaret Donovan played a key role in recent For more information visit recalls Margaret Donovan, head of taking place across negotiations in that town over health insurance changes. the benefits page of our technology at the Carey Memorial the Commonwealth. Says Donovan: “It all came down to information— Library and chair of the librarian union “It all comes down something that librarians know plenty about.” website: there. “Everything to do with health to information— Commission (GIC), or making changes insurance is incredibly complicated and that’s what we specialize in as to existing plans in an effort to realize benefits/ and the stakes were very high,” says librarians,” says Donovan. Under cost savings. Cities and towns may Donovan, who participated in the the state’s new health insurance law, also bargain over such changes with a public employee coalition meetings cities and towns have the option of coalition of municipal employees, as with co-worker and circulation joining the state’s Group Insurance was the case in Lexington. Continued on page 3
  • 2. BOLD policy issue that the state has refused to deal with before the voters is one thing, but this is not the case where Stand’s proposal is concerned. As noted, the PRINT Thomas J. Gosnell group was very much involved in the changes to the evaluation procedures. President, AFT Massachusetts If the new system is not working when TV Time Turn on Channel 7 in the Boston area on fully implemented, interested parties, April 8th and you’ll catch a glimpse of Boston including Stand, should utilize the Standing up for Children teacher Yvonne Lamothe. Lamothe, who state’s deliberative legislative and teaches visual arts in the Boston Public regulatory processes to seek further Schools, will appear on Urban Update, changes. Using an initiative petition which is broadcast on Sunday mornings Note: the following letter was sent because their teachers are great. Now is to strong-arm legislators and voters is on WHDH immediately following Meet to Democratic town, ward, and city not the time to switch gears. not the answer for our students or our the Press. Lamothe recently took to the chairs in response to a letter which The Stand initiative has been sent future. airwaves in order to discuss “TEACH,” the Stand for Children sent them. to the Legislature by the Secretary of We, as leaders of the Massachusetts documentary about teaching that she and her State, given a bill number of H 3883, Democratic Party, the Massachusetts husband Bob created. (See article on page 4). Dear Democratic party activist: and referred to the Joint Committee AFL-CIO, the American Federation The feature -ength documentary will get its We believe you may recently have on Education. We ask you to urge first official Boston screening on April 16th at of Teachers Massachusetts, and the received a letter from a group called your legislators to reject this proposal the Loews Cineplex on Boston Common. Massachusetts Teachers Association, Stand for Children concerning an and to call on the proponents to are far from alone in taking a strong     initiative it is sponsoring on the withdraw their petition and support position against Stand’s ill-conceived November ballot. We feel this letter is the implementation of the state’s new Legal Eagles attempt to change education in this part of an effort to sell an ill-advised teacher evaluation system, which The verdict is in and two Lowell middle manner. Many other organizations proposal and does so in language was developed through extensive school teachers who have been helping join us in opposing this unnecessary their students learn about the legal system that is designed to put it in terms collaboration among educators, and divisive initiative, including are officially guilty—of being outstanding attractive to Democrats. Because there parents, advocates of all types, and Arise for Social Justice, Citizens for teachers. Sue MacLeod and Cathie is another side to this story, we write state and local officials. Our concerns Public Schools, the Massachusetts Watkins, both teachers at Lowell’s to you today to urge you to reject this focus on the students of Massachusetts, Administrators for Special Education, Robinson Middle School, created a mock path. number one in America, and it’s who are not well served by the Stand the Massachusetts Association trial scenario for their students that included not by accident. It’s because excellent ballot initiative. for Supervision and Curriculum local attorneys and a real live judge.The teachers work with students who are In its statements, Stand has Development, the Massachusetts after-school program was funded by a 21st supported by families and communities distorted the truth about the progress Elementary School Principals’ Century Community Learning Centers who help them succeed. Where changes that has been made toward establishing Association, Massachusetts Jobs Grant. On March 23, the teachers traveled are needed, Massachusetts has led the a rigorous and fair teacher evaluation with their students into Boston to see a real with Justice, the Massachusetts way – with teachers and their unions at system in our Commonwealth. In fact, mock trial put on by the Massachusetts Bar Parent Teacher Association, the the table so that the voices of those in representatives of the group were a Association. A longer article about MacLeod, Massachusetts Organization of Watkins and the Robinson ‘legal eagles’ will the classroom are helping to guide the part of the process that created the Educational Collaboratives, the appear in the May issue of the Advocate. discussion. It’s working. very system they now want to change. Massachusetts Reading Association, We’ve seen the results in other They falsely claim that the new process the Massachusetts School Library     states where right-wing Republicans is only a recommendation. It is based Association, the Massachusetts have forced their failed ideology on on a plan passed by the Board of Trivial Pursuits Secondary School Administrators’ The Lynn Teachers Union has come up voters or rammed through bumper- Elementary and Secondary Education Association, the New England Jewish with a fun-filled way to boost morale and sticker ballot initiatives to try to impose that requires all school districts to Labor Committee, and the Union of encourage new member participation. On a “solution.” It is clear those efforts implement the new system. That Minority Neighborhoods. We are also April 12th, the LTU will host its first ever have gone too far. Massachusetts began last fall, and the new approach joined by educational leaders such trivia night.The theme: “Are you smarter students succeed in large measure will be in place in every school district as Susan Moore Johnson and Robert than a principal?” Teams of teachers and by 2014. The evaluation tool, which Schwartz, professors at the Harvard paraprofessionals from the Lynn schools will encompasses MCAS test scores and Graduate School of Education; Jon answer questions about everything from pop other measures, will be used for Saphier, president of Research for culture, politics and sports to the history personnel decisions that support our of their unique city.The top teams will win Better Teaching, Inc.; Sue Freedman, common goals: providing a great prizes and, most importantly, bragging rights. director of the RTTT Human Resource The official publication of education to every student and having For more information and to sign up, visit Pilot Project, Working Group for AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO an excellent teacher in every classroom. Educator Excellence; and three recent This is one of many reasons you and Massachusetts Teachers of the Year.     Thomas J. Gosnell, President everyone you know are urged to reject For more information about the Top Honors Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer the Stand initiative. Three professors at UMass Dartmouth damage the Stand ballot initiative VICE PRESIDENTS Secretary of Education Paul would cause, please go to: www. have been honored by the National Science Reville said in November 2011: “I fear Foundation with the highly prestigious Patricia Armstrong or to www. that the ballot initiative would set Early Faculty Career Development Awards. Deborah Blinder up a distracting and divisive battle, The faculty members, who will share a Sean Bowker Don’t be fooled. In the interest Kathryn Chamberlain engendering an over-simplified public combined $1 million in grant money, were of helping to ensure a high-quality recognized for research which has the Brenda Chaney dialogue that would alienate educators Kathy Delaney education for every student, we urge potential to revolutionize their fields.The and prevent us from achieving a variety you to ask your legislators to reject H Catherine Deveney UMass Dartmouth honorees, all members Patricia Driscoll of reform goals.” 3883 and call on Stand to immediately of the Faculty Federation at that school, Marianne Dumont Secretary Reville’s comment withdraw its initiative petition. include Katja Haltta-Otto, Department J. Michael Earle addresses both the progress we have of Mechanical Engineering; Chandra Sincerely, Margaret Farrell made and the dangers of the Stand Orrill, Kaput Center; and Nima Rahbar, Mary Ferriter John Walsh initiative. The new teacher evaluation Chair Department of Civil and Environmental Jenna Fitzgerald Richard Flaherty process is designed to put in place Massachusetts Democratic Party Engineering. Congratulations to all on this Paul Georges a thorough system of accountability outstanding achievement! Alice M. Gunning for educators, schools, and districts. Thomas Gosnell Daniel Haacker     Moreover, policy changes in education President Joyce Harrington AFT Massachusetts should not be brought about by Wanted: New Teachers Susan Leahy Francis McLaughlin gimmicky slogans designed to make The Advocate is seeking new teachers Paul Toner and paraprofessionals to contribute to Bruce Nelson complex issues seem simple. Yet Catherine Patten President the 2012-2013 New Teacher Diary. that is exactly the course that Stand James Philip Massachusetts Teachers Association Contributors receive $300 per column and is taking by asking voters to provide Bruce Sparfven the opportunity to write for a statewide it with a quick political victory that Richard Stutman Steve Tolman audience of more than 25,000 public school Gale Thomas would not improve public education President educators, librarians and public higher in Massachusetts. Stand’s proposal is education faculty. Past contributors have Jennifer C. Berkshire, Editor Massachusetts AFL-CIO extremely long and hard to understand. even won national recognition from the 38 Chauncy St., Suite 402 The initiative includes 11 sections American Federation of Teachers.To be Boston, Mass. 02111 Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523 making changes to many different state considered, applicants must have five or Fax: 617-423-0174 laws. On Election Day, a voter can only fewer years in the classroom. Send inquiries give a yes or no answer. to 2 It is worth noting that putting a
  • 3. Healthy Outcome in Lexington The power of knowledge Donovan and Bateson also made Continued from cover rather than implementing changes sure that the other members of the library staff association were up to The ABC’s of Health AFT Massachusetts field unilaterally. He agreed, recalls representative and municipal health Bateson, stating that the town was speed on the complex issues before Insurance Bargaining insurance expert Andy Powell, who them, holding weekly ‘briefing’ open to any approach that would worked with the Lexington librarians, help it meet the goal of saving $4 meetings at the library that included Partner up says that the experience of the new recent retirees. Nor did they sugar If you are not yet working in coalition million. The town’s willingness to coat the changes that were being with other public employee unions in health law shows that when towns and negotiate provided the coalition with considered by the public employee your community, get started today. coalitions work together, innovative an essential ingredient: time. “We solutions can be the result. “The cost coalition. Says Donovan: “We all did bought ourselves some time to look Get the facts of health insurance is an issue that the research and it really sunk in: for options that would be amenable to Health insurance issues are complex affects everyone. The way to address there are costs that we didn’t have but with a little research you can be an both sides,” says Bateson. that problem isn’t to force a solution before.” expert in no time. on town employees,” says Powell. “A Fact finding The hard work of the librarians cooperative process really produces But getting the town to agree to and their coalition partners paid Consult an expert the best outcomes.” negotiate with the coalition turned off though. The decision of the If there are issues that you don’t under- out to be the easy part. In the ensuing coalition to enter the GIC will save stand, seek outside expertise to bring Changing the conversation weeks, coalition members would learn the town more than $4 million, your members or coalition partners up Working in coalition was nothing while employees will receive half to speed. the ins and outs of the various health new for Lexington’s librarians, insurance plans available to municipal of the money saved in the form of Follow the leader teachers and first responders. The employees. They also began to develop an improved contribution split, a Reach out to AFT MA members in com- town was one of the first to adopt a deeper understanding of the needs health reimbursement account, and munities that are health insurance success so-called Section 19 coalition of everyone in the coalition, including money set aside to help employees stories to learn about their experiences. bargaining back in 1993, a process retirees. “It was a real coalition and no pay for excessive co-pays. “There was In Lynn, Lexington, Chelsea, Wakefield by which public employees bargain one was shy about speaking up,” says really something for everyone,” says and other cities and towns, coalitions with a municipality as a single Donovan. “What it all came down to Donovan. have negotiated cooperative agreements entity. And while the Lexington though was the idea that we all pay for The librarians say that in that work for everyone. For more infor- employees had made several changes everyone. It isn’t just what’s good for addition to learning more than they mation contact to their health plan over the years the teachers or the firefighters—this is ever thought they’d know about in an effort to save the town money, health insurance, they also have a Spread the word about all of us.” Keep your members in the loop about pressure to lower costs further has The librarians also gained a first- new appreciation for the power of whatever changes are being considered only intensified. Donovan says that hand appreciation of the complexities a coalition. Bateson says that the to their health insurance plan. Hold regu- conversation in Lexington is much of health insurance. Before long process established a deep sense of lar briefing meetings to keep members like that taking place elsewhere in they were fluent in the language of camaraderie among town employees. informed and don’t sugar coat the issues. the country. “Instead of asking why it premiums, deductibles, co-pays and “It was nice to see so many people who is that everyone doesn’t have decent health reimbursement accounts. And care so much,” says Bateson. Collect stories health care benefits there is a loud when there was something they didn’t As for the old stereotype of Too often the debate over health insur- chorus demanding that our benefits librarians being demure ‘marms,’ ance is reduced to numbers. But behind understand they asked for help. The be brought down to the level of the armed with nothing more powerful every fact and figure is a human story. Is librarians relied extensively on AFT average private workplace,” says there a teacher, paraprofessional, librarian MA’s Andy Powell, but they also went than a pencil and the power to shush, or retiree in your community who will Donovan. to great lengths to educate themselves forget about it, says Donovan. “As be deeply impacted by health insurance Back in November, Lexington’s about the issues, even recruiting we showed in Lexington, librarians changes? Ask them to share their story. selectmen voted to accept the health nationally recognized health insurance are not afraid to speak up. And we care reform law. The next step: expert Jonathan Gruber to come and don’t wear our hair in buns anymore urging the town manager to bargain give a talk at the library. either,” she says with a chuckle. “Now with the existing employee coalition we have tattoos.”  Lesley University School of Education Providing a better learning experience for teachers for more than 100 years. Lesley’s Graduate School of Education is marked by its commitment • Master’s programs leading to initial and professional licensure to the preparation and professional development of educators, • Licensure-only programs innovative and challenging coursework, and lifelong learning. • 12-credit post-Master’s options We offer a wide range of learning opportunities for education • Advanced Professional Certificates professionals, including: • Ph.D. programs Lesley offers programs to fit your lifestyle. Learn on-campus, online, or at a location near you. Questions? Contact | 888.LESLEY.U School of Education 3 April 2012
  • 4. Diary S pring is in the air. Trees are budding with the promise of new life and birds are chirping their happy little songs. All this change and growth in the air, yet my teenage of a New Teacher students are still teenagers. I continue to find myself in awe of the modern day teenager. Every day I spend with them I By Amanda Perez am reminded about how hard it is to be Middle school teacher a teenager, just as I am confronted with Sarah Greenwood School, how hard it is to teach teenagers. When Dorchester, MA I was working on getting my license to teach K-8, I never really considered the Meet the 2011-2012 6-8 portion of my new credentials. New Teacher Diarists Yet here I am, three years into my Bill Madden-Fuoco career, teaching middle school. While A humanities teacher at the Urban Science most days feel more like a roller coaster Academy in West Roxbury, Bill was a 2012 ride than a steady career, there are a Teacher of the Year semifinalist. few things that I am certain of when it comes to these confusing, tech-savvy Robert Tobio tornadoes of emotion. As confusing as MIDDLE AGE Amanda Perez, a new middle school teacher at the Sarah Robert teaches math and special education Greenwood School in Boston, says that she spends much of her time some of their outward behaviors are, at the Mary Lyon Pilot School in Brighton navigating the strange world that is contemporary American adolescence. there is a lot more to them than most and previously taught at Monument High in people give them credit for. As much as my middle schoolers crave my attention The magical thing about all this South Boston, which closed last spring. we claim to remember what it was like and perhaps my approval. The balance confusion is that these adolescents have Melissa McDonald to be a teenager, the truth is that our that I strive to achieve in my classroom deep thoughts, worthwhile ideas, and A fifth grade teacher at the Parthum “world” at the time, whatever that world is to hold my students’ hand as much understanding of complex concepts Elementary School in Lawrence, Melissa may be is just not the world teenagers as necessary through their learning but that only need a safe environment to is returning to teaching after a year of currently live in. TV is different, music to not let them know this. Doing this coax out. I recently had my students maternity leave. is different, advertising is different, reinforces their integrity while fostering engage in a formal debate about animal social expectations are different, responsibility and accountability as rights. I assigned students to a side Joyce Melker educational expectations are different— they grow towards their new roles as and had them debate, listen and take A paraprofessional at the Watson Elemen- the list of differences is extensive. competent adults. In this way, they notes on the other team’s arguments, tary School in Fall River, Joyce is a student Meanwhile, some things stay the same. are able to own their accomplishments and create counter arguments. My high in the JET teacher training program at My students know how to make me and their learning and strengthen their expectations were far surpassed by how UMass Dartmouth. feel as self-aware as they do when they own sense of identity as capable young My teenagers really rose to the occasion. Matthew Robinson tell me: “Ms. Perez, you are so not hip people. before my eyes became organized, Matthew teaches English and journalism at and your shoes are whack.” With such Adolescence is a strange limbo in mature, passionate and articulate young the Burke High School in Dorchester. delightful compliments, how could I not which my students want to be driving people. I will admit that most days I am love teaching middle school? the boat but are scared of the steering not certain that I am having any impact Riana Good The thing is, I do love teaching wheel. They want my feedback on on my teenage students as they vacillate While Riana is technically no longer a new middle school. It’s a treat to know that something they do but need to receive between acting like children and acting teacher, this Spanish teacher at the Boston I, in some small—or big—way, get to feedback in a way that doesn’t leave like adults. However, with a lot of Teachers Union School in Jamaica Plain says step in at this crucial time in their lives them feeling at all vulnerable. They patience and respect for their current that she still feels like a ‘newby.’ and try to share a little wisdom and insist they know all there is to know developmental stage I am hopeful for Amanda Perez help them navigate these awkward and about life while protesting that they what they have to offer the world and I Amanda is a humanities teacher at the intense years. While on the outside they don’t understand the homework I am grateful I get a chance to steer them Sarah Greenwood School in Dorchester. are starting to look like small adults, assigned them. in a good direction. ▪ Would you like to travel abroad on TEACH Coming to Town an inexpensive trip designed T EACH, a feature length documentary made by Boston teachers Bob and nation take our schools? Should we privatize our public schools? Should specifically for educators? Yvonne Lamothe, will make its official Boston debut next month. The film we fire all of the teachers in our struggling schools? To answer these will be screened as part of the Boston and other questions, the Lamothes GEEO is a non-profit organization that runs travel International Film Festival, which interviewed dozens of teachers, parents programs for educators. Detailed information including shows 90 films from more than 30 and public school advocates about the itineraries, costs, travel dates, and more can be found at countries and runs between April 13-22. state and future of public education. or call toll free 1-877-600-0105. Lamothe and his wife Yvonne, both Says Lamothe: “Everyday we hear about teachers in the Boston Public Schools, teaching and teachers through the have been at work on the project, called eyes of administrators, politicians and “Teachers Are Talking, Is the Nation business leaders. We hope to bring the Listening?”, for the past four years. voices and wisdom of teachers to the The documentary has already been nation.” shown at teacher events across the TEACH will be shown on April 16 country, including to 250 members of at 12:30 PM at the Lowes Cineplex on the Boston Teachers Union earlier this Boston Common. For more information spring. Lamothe, a technology expert, and Yvonne, a visual art teacher with visit ▪ National Board Certification, say that everywhere the film has been shown it has sparked a conversation--something largely lacking in the heated debate over public education. “We’ve become increasingly frustrated by the fact that very seldom do teachers voices get heard,” says Lamothe. “Teachers who should be a leading part of education policy and ‘reform’ are for the most part not part of the process, not part of the national and local debates.” The film opens with a series of questions: What direction will this 4 The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
  • 5. BEHIND T he chalkboard in Michael Maguire’s LETTER MAN classroom at Boston Latin Michael Maguire, THE SCENES Academy is draped with newspaper a Latin teacher clippings, a pennant-like display of the at the Boston letters to the editor that have become Latin Academy, Maguire’s specialty. “I’ve always had in front of the an opinion,” says Maguire, who has ‘pennant wall’ Michael Maguire taught Latin at the school since 1994. of newspapers His first letter was published in the in which his A Latin teacher finds Boston University newspaper while letters to the editor have his voice Maguire was an undergraduate at that been published. school. The subject: Sinead O’Connor’s Maguire writes controversial appears on Saturday Night a letter per Live. week, always on These days Maguire sticks to the education. Says topic of education, but still has plenty Maguire: “I’ve to say. He has published more than a always had an dozen letters to the editor on such issues opinion.” as charter schools, teacher evaluation and standardized testing. In 2003, one Alexander, six—Maguire still writes at inspiration. “Think about ‘All Gaul is of Maguire’s letters appeared in both the least one letter per week. Along the way, divided into three parts’—now there’s a Boston Herald and the Boston Globe— Maguire has identified some simple great topic sentence.” He’s also a fan of on the same day. The Globe has since lessons for good letter writing—tips, he rhetorical devices, including rhetorical implemented a exclusivity policy. Were insists, that anyone can follow. Chief questions, metaphor and alliteration. the two events related? “It’s a thought,” among them: keep it succinct. “Long Finally, Maguire makes sure to stick to says Maguire. letters don’t work. You need to get to the the high road. “Name calling cheapens Maguire’s letter writing career really point,” says Maguire. your argument,” says Maguire. “When took off in 2008, following the birth of Maguire, who co-edits the Boston someone calls me a name, that’s when I his daughter Meghan, an arrival that Union Teacher, also recommends know that I’ve won.” coincided with the advent of smart picking a single issue to address, Although he pens most of his phone technology. How could a hungry particularly in the complex, often letters in response to local education baby and a phone with a touch screen contradictory world of education issues, last year Maguire cast his net possibly be related? Simple, says policy. He likens his approach to that further afield. When he saw a story Maguire. “I was up with my daughter of a scientist attempting to disprove a in the Baltimore Sun about teacher for late night feedings and I could read theorem. “If I can show that one part of evaluations, he wrote a response based the newspaper online while I rocked the argument doesn’t hold up, the whole on the experience of a Boston teacher. her.” He discovered that he could also thing starts to fall apart. “The Internet is great that way,” says type out a quick response and hit send, typically around 3 AM. Another tip: approach a letter like you would a good one paragraph Maguire. ▪ To read some of Maguire’s recent While he no longer needs to send essay, including the all important letters, visit his editorial missives in the middle of topic sentence. As a Latin teacher, the night—Meghan is now three, his son Maguire often looks to Julius Caesar for Inspire through teaching Earn your Master of Arts in Teaching at Northeastern Offered through Northeastern University’s College of • Online, hybrid, and evening classes Professional Studies, the Master of Arts in Teaching • Part-time and full-time enrollment options allows you to secure your master’s degree and teacher’s • Leads to Massachusetts initial licensure in elementary or secondary education license in as few as 12 months. • PLUS program offering additional licensure in Special Education or a TESOL graduate certificate • Special tuition rate and financial aid available For more information or to apply, visit or call 1.877.668.7727 Next classes begin July 2, 2012 5 April 2012
  • 6. On Campus Dan Georgianna, Political Director UMass Faculty Federation, Local 1895 In Tough Economy, College for All a Worthy Goal I s Rick Santorum the only man in American who hasn’t learned that women don’t like men warning them Many voters were puzzled by GOP done on the cheap with a few hours of instruction without much education. The sad history of workforce candidate Rick about the evils of contraception? Santorum’s claim development in the U.S. shows that Senator Santorum’s remark that training without education will fail. that the President President Kennedy’s speech on the Community colleges are well suited separation of church and state made is a “snob” for en- to this combination of education him want to throw up also provided couraging young and training with their wide course entertainment. He twisted President people to attend selection offered at various times Kennedy’s speech against political college. throughout the day and evening and domination by one religion to read their multiple curriculums that include that President Kennedy wanted to asking state governors to increase student has increased for other types liberal arts courses. But it will take eliminate religion from public life. spending on K-12, stop cutting funding of colleges and universities. more than a few dollars to develop Senator Santorum later said that he for state colleges and universities, and Governor Patrick praised the education needed for workplace wished he had the line back. proposing an $8 billion Community community colleges for their multiple development. Senator Santorum’s calling Obama College to Career Fund to train roles of preparing students for There’s no reason that bachelor a “snob” for wanting everyone to go students for “targeted, certified bachelor degrees, providing post- granting colleges and universities to college was equally puzzling. After training for jobs in rapidly growing secondary remedial education, and can’t also educate students for jobs some dancing around the need for industries.” (Whitehouse blog) satisfying intellectual needs for all in technical fields. Jobs are a good higher education for a good job in the modern economy, which mirrored “We’re talking about somebody going to a community college age students but focused on training workers for new careers. He called on ▪ thing. President Obama’s position, Sen. and getting trained ... for that the state’s business leaders to join the Dan Georgianna is the Chancellor Santorum used statistics to argue that manufacturing job that now is Commonwealth in funding community Professor of Economics at UMass colleges indoctrinated students against requiring somebody walking through colleges for more workplace Dartmouth. His column appears religion. His statistics on students the door handling a million-dollar development. monthly in the Advocate. Share giving up religion in college turned out piece of equipment.” (as quoted by It’s easy to see this as college comments with him at dgeorgianna@ to be backwards. Religion drop-out education for some and job training rates are higher for young people who In this January’s State of the for others, a class division that is don’t go to college. Commonwealth Address, Governor widening in the U.S. due to restricted “Should all students go to college?” Patrick also asked for additional $10 access to bachelor degrees for students Students, Faculty Stand Up is a serious question, however. This million for community colleges to who can’t afford them. But I think that for Public Higher Education question usually refers to students build up workforce development. Governor Patrick is trying to buttress pursuing a degree, specifically a $10 million sounds like a lot, but it is the community college system that is Hundreds of students, faculty bachelor’s degree. The easy answer less than 2% of the total budget for unique to the U.S. in giving students and staff from public colleges is “no” because some students prefer community colleges in Massachusetts. multiple chances at education. across the Commonwealth education for the trades, medical Nation-wide, funding per student for Education vs. training is based community colleges has dropped over on a false comparison, however; converged upon the State- fields, and other good jobs. President the past 10 years, while funding per education is process-oriented, and house last month to lobby Obama tried to cover all the bases, training is goal-oriented. The process for more resources for higher of education shows education in Massachusetts. students how to make Participants in the day-long sound judgments in event represented nearly every complex situations  public campus in the state, but and to how to follow delivered a single message: ethical principles Public Higher Education is in community life. This process of critical to the residents of Mas- education continues sachusetts, to our economy,  as the subject and to our future, and must be adequately funded.  matter changes from kindergarten through “Costs have risen dramati-   post-graduate cally,” said Melanie T. Mulvey, education. 21, a senior at the Amherst  Can job training campus. “It’s really hurting the   follow educational university and the state. Low- processes? Of  course it can. Using income students are some of President’s Obama’s the people who need these op-   example, training for portunities the most because  expensive equipment education really levels the play- requires sound ing field.”  judgment and ethical Mulvey and nearly 400    principles in working with others. It all other student, staff and faculty advocates, urged the legisla-   comes down to good ture to increase the operating teaching within a  sound educational budgets of the 29 campuses  curriculum. and to increase the scholarship The flaw in the account, both by 5%.   training rather than For more information on how education strategy is the assumption to join the campaign visit www. that training can be 6 The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
  • 7. Retiree Corner SENIOR SEMINARS Marie Ardito, Co-founder Living in Retirement as an Massachusetts Retirees United Informed Retiree A free 2 hour seminar directed toward those who retired on a public service pension and deals with many Planning for End of Life is Vital issues confronting retirees. Medicare, Social Security, tax shelters, 403b and more. T here are a number of names for it: health care proxy, living will, durable power of attorney for health medical staff have many demands on their time and when someone is ill they do not want to repeat themselves, could be prolonged. They should be able to be assertive, both with hospital personnel as well as family, without When: Saturday April 14 10 - Noon Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105, care, and advance directive. Whatever and very often will ask that one person alienating them. Make sure they will 214 Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington you call it, you should definitely have be spokesperson for the family. respect your wishes even if they may one. Another reason for the importance not agree with all of them. Make sure Protecting Your Nest Egg This document sets forth your of having this document is that if you they understand that you will continue Two hour seminar, presented by Elder wishes for health care in the event cannot make health care decisions to make your health care decisions for Law Attorney Mary Howie that you are ever unable to speak for for yourself, and you do not have a yourself as long as you are able. yourself. The contract that most of us document naming someone to do it, Most people make life-ending When: Saturday April 28, 10 - Noon have may simply name the person or your loved ones will have to go through choices while they are in good health. Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105, persons who will make the decisions the costly process of having the Thus it is very easy at such a time to 214 Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington for us. Typically, one individual is decisions made by the court in case of say, “I do not want any extraordinary named as decision maker, and if they a dispute among family members as to measures used at the end.”. But if it Preparing for Retirement are unable to perform the task, an what should be done. This document is necessary for another individual A comprehensive 2 hour seminar for alternative candidate. is particularly vital if it is a non family to make that decision for you, you teachers, paras and education support This column focuses primarily upon member that you wish to name. need to be able to trust them to use personnel within 10 years of retiring. why you should have this document. It is advisable to name only one common sense. Is there a possibility Note: seminar is offered on multiple Thought must be given as to who person as primary spokesperson that, after being on life support, you dates. you name and the assurance that the and another as secondary. Multiple can return to a good quality of life? If person named will fulfill your wishes. people can confuse the process. It the life support is simply prolonging a Chelmsford: McCarthy Middle Illness, even serious illness, pays no should be someone open to discussing vegetative state of life they shouldn’t School Lecture Hall, 250 North Rd. respect to age. Most of us remember and keeping other family members agree. If you believe quality of life is Chelmsford, MA the battle that was waged in our in the loop, but not intimidated by more important than quantity of life, When: Monday April 9, 4-6 PM newspapers between parents and a others in order to fulfill your wishes. be sure they know this. husband in Florida when one party Whoever you name should be someone Do some reading and thinking on Lynn: Lynn Teachers Union, 679 chose to disconnect “life support.” The who can handle what this involves. the topic and don’t procrastinate if Western Ave. patient was just twenty-five. This is Most importantly, whomever you you have put off doing one of these When: Saturday, April 25, 3-5 PM. clear proof that one should not wait for name should be aware that you have documents. If you don’t know what “old age” to create a proxy. selected them. It should be someone measures you want and don’t want, Upton: Blackstone Valley Vocational With privacy so strictly adhered you trust completely, can discuss how can you expect your loved ones to to in hospitals, doctors and nurses will no longer divulge information to what measures you do or don’t want, and most importantly, that they have know? ▪ Regional School, 65 Pleasant Street. When: Tuesday, May 1, 2:30-4:30 PM just anyone. They want the patient’s common sense in making decisions. It Marie Ardito’s column appears For details or to register for any of permission to do so, and when he/ is important that you convey to them regularly in the Advocate. Contact the above seminars, contact Marie she cannot give this permission they that you expect them to use discretion her with questions or column ideas at Ardito at 1-617-482-1568 or e-mail will speak only to those authorized in the process. The person should live through one of these documents. Also, in close proximity to you as the illness The Golden E laine Dickinson can pinpoint exactly when she became a political activist. It was 2010, against what Dickinson refers to as the 99%. More recently the couple has offer him one of the extra buttons she makes a point of carrying in her coat pocket. “Having been a teacher, it’s all Apple coincidentally the same year Dickinson retired from three decades teaching in Weymouth and Orleans, and the lent its support to protests against foreclosure evictions taking place on the Cape. Last month they descended about education.” While Dickinson’s passion for political protest may be relatively Supreme Court had just handed down on a house in Harwich in an effort to new, she has long been involved in its controversial Citizens United block the auction of a house that had charitable causes. She volunteers at the Elaine Dickinson decision. “I got really angry,” Dickinson been foreclosed upon. “We’re trying to Family Pantry in Harwich and recently Retiree-turned-activist says of the vote that opened the door to keep people in their homes. Hopefully traveled to Haiti with a local church unlimited spending by corporations in by putting pressure on big banks like group to visit a clinic and school run by elections. “It didn’t make any sense to Bank of America people will be able the sister parish of Our Lady of Hope in me—so I started paying attention.” to work out agreements that are more Barnstable. “I’ve always had a soft spot While her husband Art, also fair,” says Dickinson. for Haiti,” says Dickinson. a retired teacher, had long been The long-time teacher is also doing As for her recent activities, interested in politics, Dickinson herself what she did for 32 years: educating. Dickinson says that she’s particularly had been busy teaching and raising Two editorials by Dickinson on the pleased at the participation of retirees two children. That’s now changed, Occupy movement and the importance in the protests. “One gentleman is says Dickinson. One day the couple of citizen activism have appeared in 80 and uses an oxygen tank, another was watching TV footage of the Arab the Cape Cod Times in recent months. woman has a walker—I feel honored to Spring, the largely youth-driven But even more important than her be among them,” says Dickinson. She uprising that swept across the Middle written work may be the one-on-one also hopes that the example of these East last year, and Dickinson asked her conversations with friends, neighbors retiree activists will inspire many more husband a simple question: “When is and employees at local businesses, to get involved. “Some people feel like that going to happen here?” says Dickinson. On a recent weekday, it’s too much—they look at all of the By early summer, the Occupy Dickinson stopped by the local dry problems in the world and they ask movement was in full sail, with cleaner, a button proclaiming “We Are ‘what can I do?’” But Dickinson says outposts dotting Cape Cod. The The 99%” proudly affixed to her coat. there’s plenty that retired educators— Dickinsons soon hooked up with When the cashier asked her what it or any retirees—can do to make a Occupy Orleans and began to meant she was happy to explain. “I difference. “Get educated, get involved, participate in regular protests against gave him my rap and I asked him: are and get off the couch,” she urges. “Turn OCCUPY RETIREMENT Retired income inequality and a system that you part of the 1% or the 99%? He had off ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and Fox teachers Art and Elaine Dickinson show their support for the 99%. seems increasingly rigged in favor of corporate power and wealth and no problem answering the question,” says Dickinson. She was also happy to News and get busy.” ▪ April 2012 7