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Boston, MA 02111
                                                                                                                                                                   Suite 402
                                                                                                                                                                   38 Chauncy Street
                                                                                                                                                                                       AFT Massachusetts
                                                                                      Summer 2012

The Community Challenge
        n a recent weeknight in
        Lawrence, teachers, students,
        parents and local leaders
packed the public library for a first-
of-its-kind community forum. On
the agenda was an ambitious plan to
strengthen ties between the Lawrence
Teachers Unions, its members, and
the larger Lawrence community. The
concept was simple: whatever divisions
may exist within this community
with its rich immigrant history are
insignificant when compared to what
binds Lawrentians together. “We all
love this city, and we all want the best
for our children,” Frank McLaughlin,
president of the Lawrence Teachers
Union, told the crowd.
    The Lawrence community
                                           COMMUNITY VOICE Ana Victoria Morales speaks at a community forum                                  In This Issue
                                           in Lawrence, part of an ambitious plan to strengthen ties between teachers
engagement project began months            and the larger Lawrence community. Said Morales, a recent graduate of the
ago, just days after the state moved to    Lawrence Public Schools: “I’m here because I want to help lift my city up.”                   2    President’s Column
take over the Lawrence Public Schools.                                                                                                        Meet the Distinguished
                                           Lawrence High School.                       Boston, and New Bedford. In most
(At press time, the state-appointed                                                                                                           Service Winners of 2012
                                               One by one, teachers, parents and       of these cities, the teachers union is
receiver was expected to announce
                                           leaders of community organizations          the largest organized group, yet the
an ambitious plan to turnaround the
                                           took to the floor to talk about their        unions rarely have much of a public               4    Diary of a New Teacher: A
                                                                                                                                              teacher learns that there is
district’s lowest-performing schools,
                                           concerns and their hopes for the future.    presence. “Given the number of people                  no quick fix for confronting
including inviting charter schools to
                                           “Lawrence has a history of leading the      we represent, we have the potential to
manage several of the city’s schools.)                                                                                                        inequality and segregation
                                           way to social change,” said Jineyda         play a much more significant role in
Jasiela Chaves, a public education
                                           Tapia, a teacher at the high school who     the community,” says Brant Duncan,
organizer for Jobs with Justice, which
                                           grew up in Lawrence. “Education is the      president of the Lynn Teachers Union.             5    The Editor of the Advocate
is spearheading the project, says                                                                                                             Signs Off
                                           true way of making change—that’s why        He has begun recruiting volunteers
that the state takeover provided an
                                           teachers have to be involved.”              from within his membership to serve
opportunity for Lawrence residents
to have a real conversation about
                                               The effort to build a partnership       as community ambassadors—teachers                 6   On Campus: For-profit higher
                                                                                                                                             education works for business,
                                           between teachers and the communities        and paraprofessionals who are already
its schools. “If we want to make our                                                                                                         not so well for students
                                           in which they live and work is not          active in church groups or local
community, our city stronger, we have
                                           unique to Lawrence. Similar efforts         organizations and are willing to talk
to make our schools stronger too,” says
Chaves, who is a recent graduate of
                                           are under way across the state,             about what’s needed to make Lynn’s                7   Retiree Corner
                                                                                                                                             Golden Apple: A father’s day
                                           including in Lynn, Lowell, Worcester,       schools work for the children they page 8
                                                                                                                   Continued on

Award-Winning Film Gets the Story Straight
By Matt Robinson

F   rom “Blackboard Jungle” to “Rock
    n’ Roll High School” to “Stand and
Deliver,” Hollywood has done what it
can to portray what is allegedly going
on within the walls of our schools and
                                                                                                                                          If you’d like to receive an
amongst our students. Try as they
might, however, few of these films ever                                                                                                     electronic version of the
quite measure up to reality. From Race                                                                                                   Advocate, send an email to
to the Top to high-stakes testing, to                                                                                          Please
data, data, and more data (Editorial
                                                                                                                                         include your home mailing
note: Ugh!), schools today are far too
complex and complicated to tie up                                                                                                         address for identification.
with a happy ending and a pleasant
soundtrack. No film could ever do our
public schools and their teachers real
                                           RED CARPET TEACH, a film about public education by local filmmakers and
                                           Boston teachers Bob and Yvonne Lamothe (at right), at its Boston debut.                      Writers wanted
justice. Or could it?                      and as far south as Key West, FL.           that has been brought on by obsessive            Are you a new teacher who
    Created by public school teachers           “The teachers were all around us,”     testing, as well as what they see as the
(who also happen to be married),
                                                                                                                                        would like to write about
                                           Mr. Lamothe says, noting that it took       “dismantling” of public schools.
“TEACH, Teachers are Talking, Is           many of them time to overcome fears—            By combining these interviews with           your experiences? You’ll get
the Nation Listening?” tells the story     both of the camera and of potential         segments taken from union debates,               $300 per column and the
of today’s teachers by involving and       reprisals. “Those who came forward did      legislative hearings and teacher rallies,        exposure of appearing in a
featuring today’s teachers. In addition    so with so much commitment that their       and speeches by actor Bradley Whitford
to their own ideas, filmmakers Robert
                                                                                                                                        statewide publication that
                                           statements resonate.” Lamothe says that     and education historian and analyst
and Yvonne Lamothe drew on the             the teachers who participated in “Teach”    Diane Ravitch, the Lamothes take                 reaches 25,000 readers. In-
insights and opinions of more than         were particularly concerned about           viewers deeper into the education                terested? Write to:
40 of their colleagues from Boston to      the direction education is taking, how      debate than perhaps any other film.     
Brooklyn to as far west as Madison, WI,    little input they have, a “joylessness”                                Continued on page 3
                                                                                       day will only come when the funding
                                                                                       of schools reaches a level far beyond
                                                                                       the current one.
                                                                                           Over and over the claim is                                            PRINT
                                   Thomas J. Gosnell                                   made that Massachusetts has an
                                                                                       achievement gap, meaning that white
                                   President, AFT Massachusetts                        students achieve at a higher level              Outward Bound
                                                                                       than minority students. In fact, the            Two teachers from Lowell’s Wang
                                                                                       education bill is entitled “An Act              Middle School will be joining an

Poverty, School Funding                                                                To Reduce The Achievement Gap.”
                                                                                       Statistics do show that a gap exists.
                                                                                                                                       Earthwatch expedition this summer.
                                                                                                                                       Reading teacher Patricia Robinson
                                                                                                                                       and science teacher Dawn Theberge

and the Achievement Gap
                                                                                       Statistics do show that the lowest
                                                                                                                                       will join 10 other teachers on the trip
                                                                                       student achievement is in high poverty
                                                                                                                                       to the Jackson Hole, Wyoming region
                                                                                       areas. Statistics do show that since the
                                                                                                                                       to study songbird population trends in

G    overnor Patrick’s task force          Without substantial additional              passage of the Act, the level of funding        the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
     on education presented a              funding the schools will never be able      for education is still far below what is        Theberge says that she and Robinson
report which stated that poverty           to hire the number of professionals         needed to fulfill the Act’s goals.               were thrilled to be chosen to participate,
is pernicious. Indeed it is. The           needed to provide a comprehensive               The economic times remain                   and will report on their adventure in a
numbers of children living in poverty      surround care program.                      tough. No doubt about it. Poverty is            future issue of the Advocate. Earthwatch
throughout the nation is a national                                                    still at a high level. No doubt about           seeks to engage people worldwide in
                                               In addition, the academic program
                                                                                       it. The income gap gets wider. No               scientific field research and education to
disgrace. Even in Massachusetts, one       can be quite deficient. Of course,
                                                                                       doubt about it. Funding for schools             promote the understanding and action
of the more affluent states, the level      MCAS requires that the tested
                                                                                       remains inadequate. No doubt about              necessary for a sustainable environment.
of childhood poverty is horrifying.        subjects receive the greatest attention,
Such a child is more likely to have        but even if MCAS did not exist, a           it. The political atmosphere remains
inadequate medical and dental care,        robust and expansive curriculum             discouraging. No doubt about it.
to live in substandard housing, to have    requires significant funding. In                 AFT MA belongs to a coalition
                                                                                                                                       Planet Challenge
poor nutrition, and to be exposed to       poor neighborhoods schools                  which is advocating for more revenue.           Congratulations to Lynn teacher Donna
community violence. A child brings         undertake heroic efforts to offer           This coalition is working to change the         Whalen and her fifth graders at the
these conditions of life to school where   rigorous and expansive curriculum           political atmosphere so that support            Brickett School. Whalen’s students
a stimulating and caring atmosphere        which include at least some of the          for more revenue will increase.                 are the winners of Disney’s Planet
can alleviate but not eliminate them       following: social studies, art, foreign     Without increased revenues poverty              Challenge, an environmental contest for
without massive support from society                                                   will continue to be widespread,                 middle and elementary school students
                                           languages, English, music, physical
                                                                                       funding for schools will still be               across the US. Students must pick a
at large. This means a commitment to       education, mathematics, and the
                                                                                       inadequate, and the achievement gap             local environmental issue and design
fund much more generously education        sciences. Despite the superb efforts of
                                                                                       will continue to exist.                         a solution. Whalen’s students chose
in low income communities.                 committed staff, overcrowded classes                                                        to study the effects of car emissions
    Governor Patrick’s task force          and inadequate resources limit what             Public schools have contributed
                                                                                                                                       and idling vehicles on people and the
recommended that schools provide           can be done.                                mightily to American society, which
                                                                                                                                       environment. Their prize? A trip to
surround care services so that                 Of course, it is indeed possible that   expects schools to continue to do
                                                                                                                                       Disney World, all expenses paid, for 19
students will participate in programs      there may be schools which offer all        so. However, schools by themselves              students and 5 chaperones. In addition to
that will enable them to get all the       these subjects but schools, to have a       will not reduce poverty and close               visiting the theme park, the students will
medical and dental services they           rigorous and expansive curriculum,          the achievement gap. This must be               also be meeting famed primatologist Jane
need, a healthy diet, and a full range     must offer the subjects in a way that       a community effort, all segments of             Goodall.
of emotional supports. Even though         will give students the opportunity to       society. It does take a village to raise
current staff provides such services,      explore all the subjects in depth. That     a child.
their numbers are insufficient.

                                           Honoring Distinguished                                                                      Appreciation Call
                                                                                                                                       Amy Piacitelli, a history teacher at
                                                                                                                                       Charlestown High School, received

                                           Service in 2012                                                                             a surprise call from U.S. Secretary of
                                                                                                                                       Education Arne Duncan during national
                                                                                                                                       Teacher Appreciation Week. Duncan
         The official publication of
        AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO
                                           S    ix educators received this year’s
                                                AFT Massachusetts Distinguished
                                           Service Award. The awards, which
                                                                                                                                       called four teachers across the country
                                                                                                                                       to thank them for their work. Piacitelli, a
                                                                                                                                       history teacher at CHS and the history
      Thomas J. Gosnell, President         were announced at the state                                                                 team’s content leader, expressed surprise
                                           convention in Quincy last month,                                                            at the call and said that all of her co-
   Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer
                                           are presented annually to AFT MA                                                            workers deserve to be thanked for their
           VICE PRESIDENTS                                                                                                             work. “This school is full of wonderful
                                           members who have demonstrated
                                                                                                                                       teachers and I don’t know that I should
                Tim Angerhofer             an outstanding level of service and
                                                                                                                                       be singled out, but I do feel honored,”
             Patricia Armstrong            dedication to their union locals. This
               Deborah Blinder                                                                                                         Piacitelli told the Boston Globe.
                                           year’s recipients included Amesbury
                 Sean Bowker
            Kathryn Chamberlain            High School teacher Thad Ackerman;
                Brenda Chaney              Lowell High School teacher William
                Kathy Delaney              Donaghey; Wayne LeBlanc, a                                                                  Top of the Pops
             Catherine Deveney             professional technician at UMass
               Patricia Driscoll
                                                                                                                                       Five Boston high school students got to
                                           Dartmouth; Lynn paraprofessional            Thad Ackerman, math teacher,                    showcase their talent with the Boston
              Marianne Dumont
                                           Catherine Deveney, Barbara Bemis, a         Amesbury High School.                           Pops as winners of the annual Fidelity
                 Brant Duncan
               J. Michael Earle            paraprofessional at Carney Academy                                                          FutureStage Young Artists Competition.
                                                                                       Ackermans,” said Leary, who teaches
               Margaret Farrell            in New Bedford; and retired Lowell                                                          Boston Latin School students Phuong
                 Mary Ferriter                                                         with Ackerman at Amesbury High
                                           teacher Judith Robinson.                                                                    Nghi Pham and John, Grace and
               Jenna Fitzgerald                                                        School.                                         Robert Carney comprised four
                                               AFT MA president Tom Gosnell
               Richard Flaherty                                                            His colleagues and fellow union             of the five talented winners of the
                 Paul Georges              praised this year’s award winners,
                                                                                       members seem to agree. Ackerman,                2012 Fidelity FutureStage Young
                Daniel Haacker             noting that they set a high standard
                                                                                       who gave up a career in engineering             Artists Competition. Olivia Harris of
              Joyce Harrington             for the union’s future leaders. “These
                 Susan Leahy                                                           to become a teacher, currently serves           Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, was
                                           individuals really embody what AFT
             Francis McLaughlin                                                        as treasurer of AFT Amesbury.                   also featured. A panel of judges selected
                                           Massachusetts is about. They inspire                                                        the winners from among many contestants
                 Bruce Nelson                                                          Local president Cindy Yetman
                 James Philip              their colleagues, their students and all                                                    from the Boston and Cambridge area.The
                                                                                       praises him for his consummate
                Bruce Sparfven             of us in the union movement.”                                                               winners performed on May 29, 2012, with
                                                                                       professionalism, and for using his love
              Richard Stutman                                                                                                          the Boston Pops, under the direction of
                 Gale Thomas               Service counts                              of numbers to help the teachers and
                                                                                                                                       Keith Lockhart.
                                               When Barbara Leary, director            paraprofessionals of Amesbury. Says
        Jennifer C. Berkshire, Editor                                                  Yetman: “He can always be counted
            38 Chauncy St., Suite 402
                                           of mathematics at AFT Amesbury,
                                           offered her support for the nomination      on to explain financial issues to our            Got good news to share? Send it to
              Boston, Mass. 02111
      Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523      of her colleague, Thad Ackerman, her        members in a clear and meaningful     
               Fax: 617-423-0174           recommendation could hardly have            fashion. He is well deserving of this
                    been stronger. “The world would be a        award and recognition.
  2                                        better place if there were more Thad                                  Continued on page 5
A Film with Real Class
                                                                                                   Though they met
                                                                                               before becoming
                                                                                               teachers, the
                           Continued from cover                                                Lamothes clearly
                                                  in their classes,” Lamothe says, “whose
    No wonder, then, that the                     great experience should be celebrated        share their passion
documentary was recently honored with             and honored instead of branded as old,       for effective education
the Indie Spec Best Cinematography                incompetent, and burned out.” With           and have come to
Award from the Boston International               connections to the AFT, the Boston           share a love for
Film Festival and has been accepted               Teachers Union, Citizens for Public          sharing stories
into the Manhattan Film Festival, one of          Schools, The Coalition for Equal Quality     through documentary.
the top festivals in the country.                 Education, and even the Boston School        In fact, Lamothe
    While there has been a spate of               Bus Drivers Union, they were able to get     says, “the connection
recent documentaries on the topic of              multiple perspectives form a wide array      between filmmaking
public education, Lamothe suggests that           of sources and sides, thereby enriching      and documenting
at least some have been inappropriately           their story.                                 creative work, artistic process was at the   their perspectives and suggestions
labeled. “Many education movies that                  Lamothe explains that the film            heart of our initial connection.”            are to the future of education. “They
distort the truth and promote a business          emerged from a concern that teachers             That initial connection has since        have valuable and essential ideas
view of education have millions of                have been excluded from the national         grown to become a means of, as               and approaches to contribute to the
dollars to promote their misinformation           debate about public education. “We felt      Lamothe puts it, “organizing around          direction that education policy should
about education,” he says, mentioning             we couldn’t sit back and let education       injustice.” “Millions of dollars are being   take,” he says.
one ‘heroic’ film in particular.                   policy be determined by people who           made by the testing companies and by             By considering who is in charge of
    Lamothe explains that it was the              aren’t teachers. We also felt we had         the for profit charter schools,” Lamothe      education and who should be, Lamothe
real-life situations of real-life teachers        to challenge the extremely harmful           points out. “Filmmaking is a way to get      hopes that viewers of his film will come
that inspired him and his wife to                 drive toward more and more testing           that message to people. “                    to see that teachers are allies who are
make the film. “Observing what was                 and obsession with data that is turning          As technology and video-based            able and eager to support not only their
going on in our schools, seeing what              our schools into testing factories. In       engagement become more prevalent in          students, but their communities as
was happening to our teacher friends,             addition, we wanted to draw attentions       the classroom, Lamothe suggests that         well. “Teachers are not the enemy of
hearing untruths about what teachers              to the vast inequality of resources          it can also be used more effectively to      society,” he emphasizes. “Teachers are
do or don’t do in the media, the                  that dominates our schools and               engage others outside of the classroom       not stupid, but this is the message we
sound bites that the general public               communities. We especially felt we had       as well. “Filmmaking is becoming more        are hearing.”
freely mimic without really thinking              to bring a voice to all those teachers who   and more an important element of                 Lamothe also hopes that the film
or knowing. These injustices, these               are fighting to provide an education          teaching awareness of what is really         inspires more teachers to become more
falsehoods needed to be addressed and             that is dynamic, creative, exciting, and     happening in our society,” Lamothe           involved in education activism and
stories needed to be told by teachers             joyful.”                                     suggests. “Filmmaking is a means             to challenge those who are trying to
who we know to be wise and soulful.”                  Lamothe asserts that the teachers        to provide an alternative source             “privatize…and profitize” our education
Adds Lamothe: “Every day in the media             he and Yvonne interviewed are the            of information to the huge media             system.
we hear from the businesses, think-               ones that know and care deeply about         conglomerates that report a very                 “People are becoming aware that a
tankers, politicians, and administrators.         children and their education, and            limited perspective and often distort        broad-based unified effort is needed to
This movie is about those who don’t               who take home, not just lesson plans         and exclude important viewpoints,            challenge the coordinated attacks that
usually get heard.”                               and papers to grade, but concerns            [including] those of actual teachers.”       are being waged,” Lamothe suggests.
    As the Lamothes have both taught              about their students’ lives. “The many           In collecting and analyzing these        “We are hoping that the important
for many years, they have a deep                  different needs each student brings and      diverse and experienced viewpoints,          messages of Teach…will be heard all
familiarity with education issues and
connections to educators in the Boston
                                                  the challenges teachers have in meeting
                                                  each student where they are to bring
                                                                                               Lamothe learned a great deal about the
                                                                                               world of education that they have both
                                                                                                                                            across the nation.”
area and far beyond. “We teachers who             them along in their learning process         inhabited for many years. They also          Matt Robinson is an ELA teacher at
have dedicated 20, 30, even 40 years              is so important and yet undervalued,”        learned even more about how smart            Burke High School in Boston and a
of their lives to teaching the children           Lamothe says.                                their colleagues are and how important       regular contributor to the Advocate.

       Lesley University School of Education

Summer 2012
  of a New Teacher
                                                   n a recent Sunday morning, I
                                                   staked out a spot about 200
                                                   meters from the finish line of the
                                           Providence Marathon. After a while,
                                           in the distance I spotted Ben, one of
                                                                                                                                                    EYES WIDE OPEN
                                                                                                                                                    Bill Madden-
                                                                                                                                                    Fuoco says that his
                                                                                                                                                    experiences working
                                                                                                                                                    in urban districts
                                           my students. Well over six feet tall and                                                                 have opened his eyes
                                           from Uganda, Ben wore a bright orange                                                                    to the devastating
                                           tank top signifying his participation                                                                    consequences of
                 By Bill Madden-Fuoco,     in Dream Far, a marathon training                                                                        inequality and
                   Humanities teacher,     program for “at-risk” students in the                                                                    segregation. Says
               Urban Science Academy,      greater Boston area.                                                                                     Madden-Fuoco:
                    West Roxbury, MA           Soon after Ben ran by, his face                                                                      “When schools
                                           frozen in a state of exhaustion, Darcel                                                                  themselves are
                                           Hunt, a physics teacher and the Dream                                                                    grossly unequal,
Writers wanted                             Far coordinator at my school, breezed                                                                    education is the
                                           by, smiling.                                                                                             great sorting
Are you a new teacher who                      Darcel logged hundreds of miles this                                                                 mechanism.”
would like to write about                  year – in the rain, the sun, the snow
your experiences? You’ll get               – with our school’s three Dream Far         central office so that he could attempt      of local control and the premise that
                                           runners and other teacher volunteers.       to transfer for the upcoming year. His      privilege-conferring education is a
$300 per column and the
                                               Everyone who works and learns in        father had signed all the papers. On the    birthright that comes with living in the
exposure of appearing in a                 an urban school has no choice but to        “Out-of-Assigned-District Placement”        right zip code? An equity index that
statewide publication that                 wring out the best possible results from    form, in the “reason for request” space,    measures state-by-state educational
reaches 25,000 readers. In-                what we have. Pursuit of higher MCAS        he had written: “Better educational         fairness and determines federal funding
                                           scores and budget constraints have left     programs, more activities, higher           would be a good start. Even a move as
terested? Write to:
                                           enrichments for most Boston teenagers       success rates, and closer to where          modest as this, however, won’t come                         threadbare, and Darcel’s efforts to         we live.” After a long talk with Ben, I     voluntarily. But with the right kind of
                                           create opportunities where few exist        agreed to take him.                         pressure, it might.
                                           is a model of what it means to be an            Later that week we drove to the
   Meet the 2011-2012
                                           effective urban educator now.               central office. A nice woman told us we             Congratulations
                                               Days before the marathon, I worked      had to go to Newton South High School.
   New Teacher Diarists                    with Ben after school. Students in my       On the way there we passed Newton            The Advocate congratulates New Teacher
                                           10th grade Humanities classes recently      North High School, which opened two          Diarist Bill Madden-Fuoco. Hiis col-
                                           developed their own research questions      years ago and cost almost $200 million
                                                                                                                                    umn in the September 2011 edition of
The following new teachers contributed
                                           to pursue as their final projects. The
                                                                                                                                    the paper, on the difference between
to the New Teacher Diary during the                                                    to build. Kids played lacrosse on its
                                                                                                                                    teaching and ensuring that students
past school year. The Advocate thanks      criterion is that the question can          emerald lawn and its sprawling modern
                                                                                                                                    learn, took second place in the annual
all of these fine teachers for sharing      lead to a reasonable debate. Here’s         façade seemed like a mirage. At Newton
                                                                                                                                    journalism competition sponsored by
their experience and looks forward to      Ben’s: “Should one person get a better      South, an administrator was one of the
                                                                                                                                    the American Federation of Teachers.
welcoming a new class of contributors      education just because of where he or       few souls left in the main office. She
                                                                                                                                    Also receiving recognition this year:
next fall.                                 she lives?” I hesitated at first. On its     informed Ben that he would have to call
                                                                                                                                    cartoonist Joseph Quigley for his draw-
                                           face, the question seems incapable of       the next day to make an appointment          ing of “The New Atlas” that appeared in
Riana Good                                 sparking debate. But then I came to my      when the office was better staffed. The       the November 2011 Advocate. Quigley
Spanish teacher, Boston Teachers Union     senses and approved it.                     next day Ben borrowed my phone to            received a second-place prize for best
School, Jamaica Plain.                         Ben lives in a small condominium        make the call. A woman on the other          original drawing. Congratulations to
                                           complex through which the borders           end kept repeating “You have to live in      both!
Lorena German                              of Newton, Brookline, and Boston            Newton in order to go here.”
ELA teacher, Lawrence High School,         – imperceptibly, yet with great                 The conversations we have about
Lawrence.                                  consequence – slice through red             teacher evaluation, turnarounds, and
                                           brick walls and piece out educational       charters matter. Gotta have them. But
Bill Madden-Fuoco                          opportunity. Ben goes to school in          they skirt a larger issue. I predict that
Humanities teacher, Urban Science          Boston where the four-year graduation       performance based evaluations will
Academy ,West Roxbury,                     rate is 62%. If he lived in the apartment   reveal that in urban districts, even the
                                           a few doors down, he would catch the        most effective teachers – say the top 5%
Melissa McDonald
                                           school bus that stops at the end of his     – do not produce acceptable learning
Fifth grade teacher, Parthum Elementary
                                           street and takes kids to Newton, where      gains. I say this as someone who
School, Lawrence.
                                           the student population is 74% white,        believes that when it comes to learning,
                                           and the graduation rate is 96%.             teacher quality trumps everything,
Joyce Melker
                                               Ben is often whimsical. When I          including out-of-school factors.
Paraprofessional, Henry Lord Middle
                                           checked in on him, his computer screen          We need to change conditions to
School, Fall River,
                                           was checkered with pictures of snake        make effective teaching more possible:
Amanda Perez                               meat, culled from a Google images           smaller rosters, fewer preps, more
Middle school teacher, Sarah Greenwood     search. “Ben, why are you searching         time to plan and collaborate, more
School, Dorchester.                        for pictures of snake meat?” I asked.       teachers. Such a paradigm shift could
                                           “It’s because I eat a lot of fish, and fish   begin to level the playing field, but
Matthew Robinson                           and snakes have almost the same kind        the investment required is far beyond
ELA and journalism teacher, Burke High     of skin,” he explained. “I wanted to see    anything currently being discussed.
School, Dorchester.                        what their meat looks like.”                    Left unchecked, inequality festers.
                                               When it comes to the differences        Always. The dream of desegregation
Robert Tobio                               between the schools of Boston and its       – our best-ever check against
Math and special education teacher, Mary   neighbors, however, Ben is serious. He      educational inequality – has been
Lyon Pilot School, Brighton.               can fluently navigate the DESE and           all but killed by the Supreme Court.
                                           Education Week websites to show that        And zoning laws that prohibit the
                                           students in Newton are more likely to       construction of affordable housing in
                                           have classes taught by highly qualified      areas with high performing schools
                                           teachers. He is well versed in the deep     effectively act as gates to keep out
                                           catalog of classes and activities that      other people’s children. Dewey called
                                           Newton and Brookline boast. Despite         education “the great equalizer.” But
                                           its seemingly comparable per-pupil          when schools themselves are grossly
                                           spending, Boston has a far greater          unequal, education is the great sorting
                                           percentage of students with low-            mechanism.
                                           socioeconomic status and students with          I often wonder: How is it that we
                                           limited English proficiency, and its         are not out in the streets over what
                                           attendance rates are abysmal.               Jonathan Kozol calls “apartheid
                                               Two weeks after the marathon, Ben       education”? What will it take to
                                           asked me to drive him to Newton’s           dismantle our fealty to the principle
                                                                                                                                       The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
Honoring Distinguished Service in 2012
                            Continued from cover   Public Schools to make sure that paras       Wayne LeBlanc, this year’s winner in
                                                   who took the courses received salary         the category of higher education, is a
                                                   increases.                                   professional technician in Griffith’s
                                                      Recently Deveney had the                  department, Medical Laboratory
                                                   opportunity to impress her colleagues        Science. Says Griffith: “There is no
                                                   anew when the team that she captained        more admired professional technician
                                                   took top honors at the first ever Lynn        at UMass. His ability is so significant
                                                   Teachers Union Trivia Night. “I don’t        that he has become the go to guy for all
                                                   know how she does it,” says Diane            professional technicians on campus.”
                                                   Dawe, the LTU’s recording secretary.             But LeBlanc, who has been a
                                                   “Cathi is a force of nature.”                member of the Faculty Federation for         William Donaghey, Spanish teacher,
                                                                                                28 years, is also a leader within the        Lowell High School
                                                                                                union. Griffith points out that because       everyone he encountered: students,
                                                                                                of LeBlanc’s role as a mentor to his         staff, administrators,” says O’Brien,
Barbara Bemis, paraprofessional,
                                                                                                coworkers, union membership among            who now serves as a part-time staff
New Bedford Public Schools
                                                                                                professional technicians on campus           representative for the United Teachers
                                                                                                is 100%. LeBlanc’s dedication to             of Lowell. Over the years, that gift
   In great company                                                                             mentoring extends to the union’s newest      of collegiality has made Donaghey a
    When the New Bedford Federation                                                             members, the research associates and         beloved figure among his students, his
of Paraprofessionals were considering                                                           technical associates. “They were all         colleagues, as well as among his fellow
whom to nominate for the distinguished                                                          mentored by Wayne in ‘how to survive         union members. “He has tremendous
service award, Barbara Bemis quickly                                                            and thrive here,’” says Griffith, noting      integrity and an incredibly warm
came to mind. Explains Connie Motta,                                                            that LeBlanc helped the new members          personality,” says O’Brien. Among his
president of the local: “Barbara is a                                                           write their first contract.                   students and fellow teachers Donaghey
dedicated paraprofessional who has                                                                  Griffith sums up the qualities            is known as an outstanding teacher who
worked diligently for the betterment               Judith Robinson, retired teacher,            of his coworker this way: “In short,         helps to create a “college-bound” culture
of the union, its members, and the                 Lowell Public Schools                        Wayne is one of those people that all        among his students and their families.
students of the New Bedford Public                                                              unions need—bright, inexhaustible and            O’Brien notes that Donaghey has
Schools.” But what may be most                                                                  incorruptible—and which too few of us        also served as a union leader for many
                                                   Continued service
impressive about Bemis, notes Motta,                                                            have in sufficient quantity. We admire        years, including as an LHS building
                                                        Every year AFT Massachusetts
is the duration of her dedication. “She’s                                                       him, respect him and love him.”              rep, as the secondary vice president
                                                   honors a retired union member whose
been a para for 41 and a half years.”                                                                                                        and as the high school representative
    Bemis’ colleagues at the John B.
                                                   career has exemplified dedication and         Collegiality award
                                                   service. The 2012 award goes to Judy                                                      on the Education Development
DeValles School, where she has served                                                               When Bill Donaghey joined the
                                                   Robinson, a beloved kindergarten                                                          Committee, which meets monthly with
as a building rep for the past 10 years,                                                        faculty at Lowell High School as a
                                                   teacher who spent more than 30 years                                                      the superintendent. “Bill is the true
praise her leadership and devotion to                                                           Spanish teacher nearly 30 years ago,
                                                   educating the children of Lowell. But                                                     reflection of what every teacher aspires
the children with whom she works.                                                               Jack O’Brien, then a house master
                                                   while Robinson may no longer be in the                                                    to be,” says O’Brien.
    Bemis is also a role model, adds                                                            at LHS, noticed something special
                                                   classroom, the members of the United                                                          AFT MA congratulates all of this
Motta. “She has been a strong leader                                                            about his new colleague. “He had
                                                                                                                                             year’s Distinguished Service Award
                                                   Teachers of Lowell continue to benefit        an immediate rapport with almost
and role model in tough times and is                                                                                                         winners.
                                                   from her vast educational and union-
                          what s
unafraid to stand up for what’s right.
                                                   related expertise. “She’s been incredibly
                                                      l t d       ti “Sh ’ b       i     dibl
Her actions exemplify what a true union
                                                   generous with her time and is always
leader should be.”
                                                   willing to offer her time to help out,”
                                                   says UTL office manager Nancy Giblin.
                                                                                                The Editor of the Advocate Signs Off
                                                        Robinson currently serves as
                                                   recording secretary for the local and
                                                   is famous for using her scrapbooking
                                                                                                I t’s hard for me to believe that six
                                                                                                  years have gone by since I took over
                                                                                                as editor of the Advocate. During that
                                                   skills to keep a running record of union     time I’ve visited countless schools, met
                                                   history. She has also played a key role      an unbelievable number of amazing
                                                   in helping the UTL to develop surveys        educators and seen for myself the
                                                   of educators in the city, the results        challenges that you face everyday. The
                                                                                                experience has been a privilege, and
                                                   of which would lead to the focus on
                                                                                                I’m grateful to all of you for being will-
                                                   collaboration between the union and
                                                                                                ing to share your stories.
                                                   the Lowell Public Schools. Says Giblin:          When I started at AFT Massachu-
                                                   “We’re so fortunate to have someone          setts, I knew very little about public
                                                   as dedicated as Judy. Her voice and          education, save for having attended
Cathi Deveney, paraprofessional,
                                                   expertise have been a real asset to the      public schools from first grade all the
Lynn Public Schools
                                                   teachers of Lowell.”                         way through graduate school. Just how
                                                                                                much did I have to learn? As a non-
A force of nature                                                                               Massachusetts native, I didn’t even
    While it is unusual for two                                                                 know enough to put “The” in front of         SPEED RACER After six years at the
paraprofessionals to receive the                                                                every school name! Fortunately, I’m          helm of the Advocate, editor Jennifer
Distinguished Service Award in the                                                              a quick learner and after 54 issues (or
                                                                                                                                             Berkshire is riding into the future.
same year, Lynn para Cathi Deveney                                                              456 pages for any math teachers out
                                                                                                there), I finally know the difference         I’m creating a website to keep an eye
was an obvious choice, says Brant
                                                                                                between a PLC and an IEP. I can talk         on the corporate education agenda in
Duncan, president of the Lynn Teachers
                                                                                                DIBELS with the best of them, and            Massachusetts and the elected officials
Union. “She’s worked tireless on behalf                                                         know enough about the new evaluation         who enable it. Stay tuned...
of the paras of Lynn, and she is a real                                                         system to test the patience of even my           While I won’t miss the monthly
leader in our union, both at the local                                                          closest loved ones.                          deadlines and having to hound my
and the state level,” says Duncan. “How                                                             Along the way there have been            writers to get their columns in on time
she finds time for all of her activities is a                                                    highlights (winning national recogni-        (you know who you are!), living with-
mystery.”                                                                                       tion for my story on charter school          out the stories of the teachers, para-
    In addition to serving as 2nd vice             Wayne LeBlanc, professional                  teachers who organized a union) as           professionals, librarians and higher
president of the local, and a member               technician, UMass Dartmouth                  well as some low points (misspelling         education faculty who make up AFT
of the AFT Massachusetts Executive                                                              ‘judgment’ in a headline on the front        Massachusetts will take some serious
                                                                                                cover).                                      getting used to.
Board, Deveney is leading an effort                   Dedication in action
                                                                                                    Now I’m moving on. This fall I’ll            Thanks to all of you for making the
to provide paras in Lynn with high                     When James Griffith, president of
                                                                                                be starting my own business to help          last six years so rewarding. It’s been an
quality professional development.                  the UMass Faculty Federation at UMass        unions and nonprofit groups do a              incredible ride and I’ve enjoyed every
Working with Northeastern University
and Northshore Community College,
Deveney facilitated courses for paras
                                                   Dartmouth, was considering whom to
                                                   nominate for this year’s Distinguished
                                                   Service award, he had to look no
                                                                                                better job of communicating with their
                                                                                                members. I’m also looking forward
                                                                                                                                             minute of it.
                                                                                                                                                —Jennifer Berkshire
                                                                                                to doing some in-depth reporting on
in Lynn, then worked with the Lynn                 further than among his own colleagues.       education issues. Last but not least, 
Summer 2012
On Campus
                            Dan Georgianna, Political Director
                            UMass Faculty Federation, Local 1895

For Profit Education Best—at Bilking Public
T     he first bullet in former Governor
      Romney recently released
educational policy (A Chance for Every
                                                                                                          Students at for-
                                                                                                          profit schools end           Higher Education
                                                                                                          up with higher              News in Brief
Child: Mitt Romney’s Plan for Restoring
the Promise of American Education)
                                                                                                          and lower earnings
is to “allow low income and special                                                                                                   UMass Lowell Adjuncts Sign
needs students to choose which school
                                                                                                          than do comparable
                                                                                                          students from other         First Contract
to attend.“ For Governor Romney,                                                                                                      Adjunct faculty at UMass Low-
school choice for low income students
                                                                                                          schools.They also
                                                                                                          end up with higher          ell. whose fight for a first con-
combines market-based policy with
concern for the poor, a sleigh of hand                                                                    debt.                       tract lasted more than a year,
that George Orwell predicted in 1984.                                                                                                 finally have an agreement with
                                                 The business model clearly works for     Obama signed an Executive Order to          the university. The instructors
    The proposed benefits of school
                                             the businesses in for-profit education,       stop recruiting abuses at for-profit         voted overwhelmingly to ap-
choice can easily be tested with data
                                             but it does not work very well for their     schools that aim at veterans. The U.S.
because choice rules higher education,                                                                                                prove the deal last month. The
                                             students.                                    Department of Education has instituted
with the clearest choice between for-
                                                 The previously cited Harvard study       sanctions at for-profit schools with high
                                                                                                                                      new deal includes a significant
profit schools, where the business model                                                                                               salary increase, grants year-
                                             of for-profit schools concluded that,         default rates, including suspending
is supposed to promote good education                                                                                                 long appointments to senior
                                             “for-profit students end up with higher       them from the student loans program.
at low cost, and not-for-profit schools,
                                             unemployment and “idleness” rates and        Similar to new banking regulations,         adjuncts and bars the dismissal
where entrenched faculty supposedly
thwart education.
                                             lower earnings six years after entering      several bills have been proposed in         of adjuncts without just cause.
    As the choice model predicts, for-
                                             programs than do comparable students         Congress to force for-profits to provide     The agreement came after a
                                             from other schools.”                         some share of student aid from their        series of rallies and headlines,
profit schools are the fastest growing
                                                 MA Attorney General, Martha              own funds.                                  calling attention to the school’s
segment in higher education. According
                                             Coakley, and officials in other states are        Contrary to Mr. Romney’s claim
to a 2011 Harvard University study,                                                                                                   decision to pay its outgoing
                                             investigating claims of false promises       that school choice will lead to efficiency
enrollment in for-profit post-secondary                                                                                                president, Jack Wilson, more
                                             and other recruiting violations. Many        in education, market based incentives
schools increased by more than 100 fold                                                                                               than half a million dollars. After
                                             for-profit schools budget as much for         based on school choice led the for-
to almost 2 million students over the                                                                                                 a year-long sabbatical Wilson
                                             recruiting as they do for instruction.       profits in higher education to the
past 4 decades. For-profit institutions
                                                 The abuses of for-profit schools          easiest way to make a buck: collecting      will return to UMass Lowell to
now enroll over 9% of students in higher
                                             have attracted the attention of the          government funds from bilking the           teach for more than $200,000.
                                             Federal government as well. President        public.
    In another study, this research
group from Harvard also found that                                                                                                    Student Strike in Quebec
the schools with funding from Federal                                                                                                 Continues
student loan programs charge higher                                                                                                   A massive strike by college
                                                                     school of education, public policy and civic engagement
tuition than similar schools without                                                                                                  students in Quebec is now in
access to Federal student loans. Tuition                                                                                              its fifth month and shows no
at for-profit schools is more than double                                                                                              signs of ending. Students in
the tuition and fees at state colleges and
universities. Almost all costs at for-
profit schools is paid from government
grants and loans.
                                                 PhD/EdD                                                                              the province went on strike
                                                                                                                                      in February to protest a pro-
                                                                                                                                      posal by government officials
                                                                                                                                      to raise tuition from $2,168
    Loan default rates at for-profit
schools is also high, more than the               IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP                                                           to $3,793 between 2012 and
double default rates at not-for-                                                                                                      2017. While the amount of
profit schools. According to the Pew                                                                                                   money may seem trivial by US
Charitable Trust, for-profit schools
receive about 25% of all Federal Pell
                                                  A program                                                                           standards, the striking students
                                                                                                                                      say that that’s just the point.
Grants and Loans and account for
almost ½ of student loan defaults.                focused on social                                                                   While the International Cov-
                                                                                                                                      enant on Economic, Social and
    Grants, loans and loan defaults
would be much higher if not for Federal
law requiring that at least 10% of total
                                                    justice and equality                                                              Cultural Rights, which Canada
                                                                                                                                      enacted in 1976, guarantees
student revenue comes from private
sources. Even 90% coverage by grants                in education                                                                      free higher education, students
                                                                                                                                      in the province say that signs of
and loans underestimates the federal                      4 year program                    Please contact:                           creeping ‘Americanization’ can
dollars that go to for-profit schools                                                                                                  be seen throughout the Ca-
because they are allowed to count                         designed                                                                    nadian university system. “The
tuition assistance for service veterans                   for part-time                     Dr. Joao Paraskeva,                       government wants to say that
and the G.I. Bill as private funds
                                                          students                          Graduate Program Director                 loans and debt are the solu-
towards the 10% minimum.                                                                    508.910.6697
    For-profit schools target service
                                                                                                                                      tion,” says Concordia student
                                                          Small classes                                Richard Hinton, while on a visit
veterans because they can leverage
G.I. funds to get more Federal funding                                                                                                to Boston this spring. “That’s
                                                          State of the art research                                                   unacceptable to us. Tuition in-
for other students. According to a NY
                                                          in education
Times report (NYT, “For-Profit Colleges,                   leadership and policy                                                       creases make higher education
Vulnerable G.I.’s” 9/21/2011), “between                                                                                               accessible to fewer students.
2006 and 2010, the money received                                                                                                     Saddling them with debt is not
in military education benefits by just
                                                          Producing education
                                                          leaders and policy makers                                                   the answer.”
20 for-profit companies soared to an
estimated $521.2 million from $66.6                       with critical thinking skills                                               For more information on the
million.”                                                                                                                             strike visit www.freeeducation-
                                                                                                                                         The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
Retiree Corner                                                                                     SENIOR SEMINARS

                                Marie Ardito, Co-founder                                                                          Protecting Your Nest Egg
                                Massachusetts Retirees United                                                                     Two hour free seminar, presented by
                                                                                                  Elder Law Attorney Mary Howie deals
                                                                                                                                  with should you have a will or a trust.
                                                                                                                                  Trusts (irrevocable and revocable)

Retirement Questions—Answered
                                                                                                                                  gifting, Medicare Qualifying Trusts,
                                                                                                                                  probate, joint tenancy, direct transfers
                                                                                                                                  upon death, aid and attendance, and
                                                                                                                                  much more.

T    his month’s column is on a couple         If you look at some of these dates.    you work for, nor the Commonwealth,
     of issues important to those still    some people would have almost a two-       contributes anything to your fund.          When: Saturday June 23, 10 - Noon
working and those retired. As you know     year wait until they can exercise what     If your salary this year was $70,000        Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105,
MRU was responsible for the passage        the law states they need only a year to    and you are under retirement plus,          214 Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington
of a bill that increased by $15,000 the    use. You calculate what you can earn       you paid $7,700 to get credit for this
amount a person may make in a public       on a calendar year not a contract year.    year of service. If you have any of         To register email Marie at mardito@
service job when retired. The law states   It is obvious that PERAC feels you         the forms of creditable service listed, or call 1-617-482-
one has to be retired one year to make     should skip one complete calendar          or you have regular service that you        1568 and leave your name (please
use of the increase. It should not be      year in order to be eligible for the       rendered in the past but took the           spell last name) a phone # and the
necessary to clarify what constitutes      benefit. That is not what the law           money out for it, you have to buy it        number who will be attending.You are
a year. However recently the Public        stated; it said retired for one year. If   back or make an initial purchase.           registered unless you hear differently.
Employee Retirement Administration         this will adversely affect you, contact    It is imperative that you begin the
                                                                                                                                  No return phone call will be made
Commission (PERAC) provided                your local Representative and Senator      process ASAP as the interest rates on
                                                                                                                                  unless you have a question or need
guidance to the 106 retirement systems     and ask them why PERAC can impose          such purchases is over doubling on
in the Commonwealth.                       a longer waiting period than the law       April 2, 2013 to 8.25%. To avoid the
    Here is a chart explaining PERAC’s     states. Ask them to do what they can       increase you must have your paper
                                           to see that the law is implemented as      work into the MTRS by that date. This       Important Information
                                           written not as PERAC interprets it         summer is the perfect time to begin         for Active Employees
Date of Retirement Date Eligible to Earn   should be implemented.                     the process.
                                               The next issue is that any teacher         Another question I am often asked       If you have creditable service that
Additional $15,000
                                                                                                                                  you have not purchased and that you
Retired before or on 4/1/2011              still working, who has any creditable      is does it pay to buy back service? The
                                                                                                                                  are eligible to receive it is imperative
Eligible to earn: 4/2/2012                 service they wish to purchase (buy         service you would be buying back for
                                                                                                                                  that you begin the process at once.
Retired between 4/2/2011 & 12/31/2011      back), go to the MTRS website www.         the most part will be less expensive        On April 2, 2013 the interest rate will
Eligible to earn: 1/1/2013        and read about the          than what you just paid for this            increase to 8.25% making the cost of
Retired between 1/1/2012 & 12/31/2012      various forms of creditable service.       present year of service and it is still     buying back this service substantially
Eligible to earn: 1/1/2014                 If you qualify for any, download the       a year of service. The only ones who        more.
Retired between 1/1/2013 & 12/31/2013      appropriate form and start the buy-        should not buy-back are those who
Eligible to earn: 1/1/2015                 back process immediately. Some             never want to retire or are at 80%          If you need aren’t sure whether or
Retired between 1/1/2014 & 12/31/2014      ask me what I mean by buy-back?            without the service. You do not buy-        not you are eligible to buy back ser-
Eligible to earn:1/1/2016                  Up until the time you retire you are       back what you will never use. Contact       vice,Visit
                                           the only one contributing to your          me at
                                           retirement. Neither the community          with any questions you may have.

      Golden                               W      hat my dad did for me is
                                                  something very hard for me to
                                           write about. My dad has done many

      Apple                                things for me throughout my life, but
                                           one of the most important things he
                                           did for me was to introduce me to an
                                           amazing group of individuals that
                                           I ended up falling in love with and
Shannon Reilly                             making a career out of working with
Special education teacher,                     My dad works very hard to provide
Vining Elementary School,                  for and support his family and is
Billerica, MA                              amazing at it. If my brother and I
                                           ever asked for anything when we were
                                           younger, he would try his best to get
                                           it for us. He basically did what most
                                           parents try to do for their children,
                                           and show them an endless amount of          SPECIAL BOND Shannon Reilly with her father—and inspiration—Joe, a
                                           love.                                       chef and instructor at the Merrimack Special Education Collaborative.
                                               My dad is a chef instructor
                                           at Merrimack Special Education             follow my dreams and that is exactly      teacher I am today.
                                           Collaborative in Billerica and has         what I did                                   My dad is an amazing man. He
                                           been for many years. My dad used               I never understood what my dad        gives individuals the opportunity to
                                           to always share stories about events       did everyday and why he loved his job     learn skills in the kitchen that they
                                           that would happen at his work and          as much as he did until I worked at       might not otherwise be taught. He is
                                           at times I would go and visit while he     a summer camp after my junior year        patient, kind and celebrates the small
                                           was working. I always had a strong         of high school. The students that I       successes in life with his students. I
                                           relationship with my dad growing up,       worked with were individuals with         remember growing up and visiting
                                           but it got stronger when I began to        a variety of special needs. The first      my dad’s work and thinking maybe I
                                           volunteer with children with special       day of camp changed my life forever.      could do this someday. My dad has
                                           needs.                                     From that day on, with my dad’s           shown me many things growing up but
                                               I never knew why my dad would          support, I began to look at colleges      the most important thing he showed
                                           get up at 4:45 in the morning and          with special education programs.          me was how to be patient and caring.
                                           drive 45 minutes to work every day             Throughout my four years of           I am a special education teacher
                                           but then I got it, I got the education     college in Maine, my dad was always       because I have had one of the best
                                           bug! People have always said that I        just a phone call away if I had any       teachers guiding me my whole life.
                                           remind them of my dad or that we           questions about a situation I had         My dad is the reason I am a special
                                           look similar—little do they know we        been in or a lesson I wanted to teach     education teacher and loving what I
                                           have more in common than meets the         a group of students. My dad is the        do every day.
                                           eye. My dad has always inspired me to      reason I am the person—and the
Summer 2012                                                                                                                                                            7
Aftma summer 2012

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Aftma summer 2012

  • 1. Boston, MA 02111 Suite 402 38 Chauncy Street AFT Massachusetts Summer 2012 The Community Challenge O n a recent weeknight in Lawrence, teachers, students, parents and local leaders packed the public library for a first- of-its-kind community forum. On the agenda was an ambitious plan to strengthen ties between the Lawrence Teachers Unions, its members, and the larger Lawrence community. The concept was simple: whatever divisions may exist within this community with its rich immigrant history are insignificant when compared to what binds Lawrentians together. “We all love this city, and we all want the best for our children,” Frank McLaughlin, president of the Lawrence Teachers Union, told the crowd. The Lawrence community COMMUNITY VOICE Ana Victoria Morales speaks at a community forum In This Issue in Lawrence, part of an ambitious plan to strengthen ties between teachers engagement project began months and the larger Lawrence community. Said Morales, a recent graduate of the ago, just days after the state moved to Lawrence Public Schools: “I’m here because I want to help lift my city up.” 2 President’s Column take over the Lawrence Public Schools. Meet the Distinguished Lawrence High School. Boston, and New Bedford. In most (At press time, the state-appointed Service Winners of 2012 One by one, teachers, parents and of these cities, the teachers union is receiver was expected to announce leaders of community organizations the largest organized group, yet the an ambitious plan to turnaround the took to the floor to talk about their unions rarely have much of a public 4 Diary of a New Teacher: A teacher learns that there is district’s lowest-performing schools, concerns and their hopes for the future. presence. “Given the number of people no quick fix for confronting including inviting charter schools to “Lawrence has a history of leading the we represent, we have the potential to manage several of the city’s schools.) inequality and segregation way to social change,” said Jineyda play a much more significant role in Jasiela Chaves, a public education Tapia, a teacher at the high school who the community,” says Brant Duncan, organizer for Jobs with Justice, which grew up in Lawrence. “Education is the president of the Lynn Teachers Union. 5 The Editor of the Advocate is spearheading the project, says Signs Off true way of making change—that’s why He has begun recruiting volunteers that the state takeover provided an teachers have to be involved.” from within his membership to serve opportunity for Lawrence residents to have a real conversation about The effort to build a partnership as community ambassadors—teachers 6 On Campus: For-profit higher education works for business, between teachers and the communities and paraprofessionals who are already its schools. “If we want to make our not so well for students in which they live and work is not active in church groups or local community, our city stronger, we have unique to Lawrence. Similar efforts organizations and are willing to talk to make our schools stronger too,” says Chaves, who is a recent graduate of are under way across the state, about what’s needed to make Lynn’s 7 Retiree Corner Golden Apple: A father’s day including in Lynn, Lowell, Worcester, schools work for the children they page 8 Continued on tribute Award-Winning Film Gets the Story Straight By Matt Robinson F rom “Blackboard Jungle” to “Rock n’ Roll High School” to “Stand and Deliver,” Hollywood has done what it can to portray what is allegedly going on within the walls of our schools and If you’d like to receive an amongst our students. Try as they might, however, few of these films ever electronic version of the quite measure up to reality. From Race Advocate, send an email to to the Top to high-stakes testing, to Please data, data, and more data (Editorial include your home mailing note: Ugh!), schools today are far too complex and complicated to tie up address for identification. with a happy ending and a pleasant soundtrack. No film could ever do our public schools and their teachers real RED CARPET TEACH, a film about public education by local filmmakers and Boston teachers Bob and Yvonne Lamothe (at right), at its Boston debut. Writers wanted justice. Or could it? and as far south as Key West, FL. that has been brought on by obsessive Are you a new teacher who Created by public school teachers “The teachers were all around us,” testing, as well as what they see as the (who also happen to be married), would like to write about Mr. Lamothe says, noting that it took “dismantling” of public schools. “TEACH, Teachers are Talking, Is many of them time to overcome fears— By combining these interviews with your experiences? You’ll get the Nation Listening?” tells the story both of the camera and of potential segments taken from union debates, $300 per column and the of today’s teachers by involving and reprisals. “Those who came forward did legislative hearings and teacher rallies, exposure of appearing in a featuring today’s teachers. In addition so with so much commitment that their and speeches by actor Bradley Whitford to their own ideas, filmmakers Robert statewide publication that statements resonate.” Lamothe says that and education historian and analyst and Yvonne Lamothe drew on the the teachers who participated in “Teach” Diane Ravitch, the Lamothes take reaches 25,000 readers. In- insights and opinions of more than were particularly concerned about viewers deeper into the education terested? Write to: 40 of their colleagues from Boston to the direction education is taking, how debate than perhaps any other film. Brooklyn to as far west as Madison, WI, little input they have, a “joylessness” Continued on page 3
  • 2. BOLD day will only come when the funding of schools reaches a level far beyond the current one. Over and over the claim is PRINT Thomas J. Gosnell made that Massachusetts has an achievement gap, meaning that white President, AFT Massachusetts students achieve at a higher level Outward Bound than minority students. In fact, the Two teachers from Lowell’s Wang education bill is entitled “An Act Middle School will be joining an Poverty, School Funding To Reduce The Achievement Gap.” Statistics do show that a gap exists. Earthwatch expedition this summer. Reading teacher Patricia Robinson and science teacher Dawn Theberge and the Achievement Gap Statistics do show that the lowest will join 10 other teachers on the trip student achievement is in high poverty to the Jackson Hole, Wyoming region areas. Statistics do show that since the to study songbird population trends in G overnor Patrick’s task force Without substantial additional passage of the Act, the level of funding the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. on education presented a funding the schools will never be able for education is still far below what is Theberge says that she and Robinson report which stated that poverty to hire the number of professionals needed to fulfill the Act’s goals. were thrilled to be chosen to participate, is pernicious. Indeed it is. The needed to provide a comprehensive The economic times remain and will report on their adventure in a numbers of children living in poverty surround care program. tough. No doubt about it. Poverty is future issue of the Advocate. Earthwatch throughout the nation is a national still at a high level. No doubt about seeks to engage people worldwide in In addition, the academic program it. The income gap gets wider. No scientific field research and education to disgrace. Even in Massachusetts, one can be quite deficient. Of course, doubt about it. Funding for schools promote the understanding and action of the more affluent states, the level MCAS requires that the tested remains inadequate. No doubt about necessary for a sustainable environment. of childhood poverty is horrifying. subjects receive the greatest attention, Such a child is more likely to have but even if MCAS did not exist, a it. The political atmosphere remains inadequate medical and dental care, robust and expansive curriculum discouraging. No doubt about it. to live in substandard housing, to have requires significant funding. In AFT MA belongs to a coalition Planet Challenge poor nutrition, and to be exposed to poor neighborhoods schools which is advocating for more revenue. Congratulations to Lynn teacher Donna community violence. A child brings undertake heroic efforts to offer This coalition is working to change the Whalen and her fifth graders at the these conditions of life to school where rigorous and expansive curriculum political atmosphere so that support Brickett School. Whalen’s students a stimulating and caring atmosphere which include at least some of the for more revenue will increase. are the winners of Disney’s Planet can alleviate but not eliminate them following: social studies, art, foreign Without increased revenues poverty Challenge, an environmental contest for without massive support from society will continue to be widespread, middle and elementary school students languages, English, music, physical funding for schools will still be across the US. Students must pick a at large. This means a commitment to education, mathematics, and the inadequate, and the achievement gap local environmental issue and design fund much more generously education sciences. Despite the superb efforts of will continue to exist. a solution. Whalen’s students chose in low income communities. committed staff, overcrowded classes to study the effects of car emissions Governor Patrick’s task force and inadequate resources limit what Public schools have contributed and idling vehicles on people and the recommended that schools provide can be done. mightily to American society, which environment. Their prize? A trip to surround care services so that Of course, it is indeed possible that expects schools to continue to do Disney World, all expenses paid, for 19 students will participate in programs there may be schools which offer all so. However, schools by themselves students and 5 chaperones. In addition to that will enable them to get all the these subjects but schools, to have a will not reduce poverty and close visiting the theme park, the students will medical and dental services they rigorous and expansive curriculum, the achievement gap. This must be also be meeting famed primatologist Jane need, a healthy diet, and a full range must offer the subjects in a way that a community effort, all segments of Goodall. of emotional supports. Even though will give students the opportunity to society. It does take a village to raise current staff provides such services, explore all the subjects in depth. That a child. their numbers are insufficient. Honoring Distinguished Appreciation Call Amy Piacitelli, a history teacher at Charlestown High School, received Service in 2012 a surprise call from U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan during national Teacher Appreciation Week. Duncan The official publication of AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO S ix educators received this year’s AFT Massachusetts Distinguished Service Award. The awards, which called four teachers across the country to thank them for their work. Piacitelli, a history teacher at CHS and the history Thomas J. Gosnell, President were announced at the state team’s content leader, expressed surprise convention in Quincy last month, at the call and said that all of her co- Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer are presented annually to AFT MA workers deserve to be thanked for their VICE PRESIDENTS work. “This school is full of wonderful members who have demonstrated teachers and I don’t know that I should Tim Angerhofer an outstanding level of service and be singled out, but I do feel honored,” Patricia Armstrong dedication to their union locals. This Deborah Blinder Piacitelli told the Boston Globe. year’s recipients included Amesbury Sean Bowker Kathryn Chamberlain High School teacher Thad Ackerman; Brenda Chaney Lowell High School teacher William Kathy Delaney Donaghey; Wayne LeBlanc, a Top of the Pops Catherine Deveney professional technician at UMass Patricia Driscoll Five Boston high school students got to Dartmouth; Lynn paraprofessional Thad Ackerman, math teacher, showcase their talent with the Boston Marianne Dumont Catherine Deveney, Barbara Bemis, a Amesbury High School. Pops as winners of the annual Fidelity Brant Duncan J. Michael Earle paraprofessional at Carney Academy FutureStage Young Artists Competition. Ackermans,” said Leary, who teaches Margaret Farrell in New Bedford; and retired Lowell Boston Latin School students Phuong Mary Ferriter with Ackerman at Amesbury High teacher Judith Robinson. Nghi Pham and John, Grace and Jenna Fitzgerald School. Robert Carney comprised four AFT MA president Tom Gosnell Richard Flaherty His colleagues and fellow union of the five talented winners of the Paul Georges praised this year’s award winners, members seem to agree. Ackerman, 2012 Fidelity FutureStage Young Daniel Haacker noting that they set a high standard who gave up a career in engineering Artists Competition. Olivia Harris of Joyce Harrington for the union’s future leaders. “These Susan Leahy to become a teacher, currently serves Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, was individuals really embody what AFT Francis McLaughlin as treasurer of AFT Amesbury. also featured. A panel of judges selected Massachusetts is about. They inspire the winners from among many contestants Bruce Nelson Local president Cindy Yetman James Philip their colleagues, their students and all from the Boston and Cambridge area.The praises him for his consummate Bruce Sparfven of us in the union movement.” winners performed on May 29, 2012, with professionalism, and for using his love Richard Stutman the Boston Pops, under the direction of Gale Thomas Service counts of numbers to help the teachers and Keith Lockhart. When Barbara Leary, director paraprofessionals of Amesbury. Says Jennifer C. Berkshire, Editor Yetman: “He can always be counted 38 Chauncy St., Suite 402 of mathematics at AFT Amesbury, offered her support for the nomination on to explain financial issues to our Got good news to share? Send it to Boston, Mass. 02111 Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523 of her colleague, Thad Ackerman, her members in a clear and meaningful Fax: 617-423-0174 recommendation could hardly have fashion. He is well deserving of this been stronger. “The world would be a award and recognition. 2 better place if there were more Thad Continued on page 5
  • 3. A Film with Real Class Though they met before becoming teachers, the Continued from cover Lamothes clearly in their classes,” Lamothe says, “whose No wonder, then, that the great experience should be celebrated share their passion documentary was recently honored with and honored instead of branded as old, for effective education the Indie Spec Best Cinematography incompetent, and burned out.” With and have come to Award from the Boston International connections to the AFT, the Boston share a love for Film Festival and has been accepted Teachers Union, Citizens for Public sharing stories into the Manhattan Film Festival, one of Schools, The Coalition for Equal Quality through documentary. the top festivals in the country. Education, and even the Boston School In fact, Lamothe While there has been a spate of Bus Drivers Union, they were able to get says, “the connection recent documentaries on the topic of multiple perspectives form a wide array between filmmaking public education, Lamothe suggests that of sources and sides, thereby enriching and documenting at least some have been inappropriately their story. creative work, artistic process was at the their perspectives and suggestions labeled. “Many education movies that Lamothe explains that the film heart of our initial connection.” are to the future of education. “They distort the truth and promote a business emerged from a concern that teachers That initial connection has since have valuable and essential ideas view of education have millions of have been excluded from the national grown to become a means of, as and approaches to contribute to the dollars to promote their misinformation debate about public education. “We felt Lamothe puts it, “organizing around direction that education policy should about education,” he says, mentioning we couldn’t sit back and let education injustice.” “Millions of dollars are being take,” he says. one ‘heroic’ film in particular. policy be determined by people who made by the testing companies and by By considering who is in charge of Lamothe explains that it was the aren’t teachers. We also felt we had the for profit charter schools,” Lamothe education and who should be, Lamothe real-life situations of real-life teachers to challenge the extremely harmful points out. “Filmmaking is a way to get hopes that viewers of his film will come that inspired him and his wife to drive toward more and more testing that message to people. “ to see that teachers are allies who are make the film. “Observing what was and obsession with data that is turning As technology and video-based able and eager to support not only their going on in our schools, seeing what our schools into testing factories. In engagement become more prevalent in students, but their communities as was happening to our teacher friends, addition, we wanted to draw attentions the classroom, Lamothe suggests that well. “Teachers are not the enemy of hearing untruths about what teachers to the vast inequality of resources it can also be used more effectively to society,” he emphasizes. “Teachers are do or don’t do in the media, the that dominates our schools and engage others outside of the classroom not stupid, but this is the message we sound bites that the general public communities. We especially felt we had as well. “Filmmaking is becoming more are hearing.” freely mimic without really thinking to bring a voice to all those teachers who and more an important element of Lamothe also hopes that the film or knowing. These injustices, these are fighting to provide an education teaching awareness of what is really inspires more teachers to become more falsehoods needed to be addressed and that is dynamic, creative, exciting, and happening in our society,” Lamothe involved in education activism and stories needed to be told by teachers joyful.” suggests. “Filmmaking is a means to challenge those who are trying to who we know to be wise and soulful.” Lamothe asserts that the teachers to provide an alternative source “privatize…and profitize” our education Adds Lamothe: “Every day in the media he and Yvonne interviewed are the of information to the huge media system. we hear from the businesses, think- ones that know and care deeply about conglomerates that report a very “People are becoming aware that a tankers, politicians, and administrators. children and their education, and limited perspective and often distort broad-based unified effort is needed to This movie is about those who don’t who take home, not just lesson plans and exclude important viewpoints, challenge the coordinated attacks that usually get heard.” and papers to grade, but concerns [including] those of actual teachers.” are being waged,” Lamothe suggests. As the Lamothes have both taught about their students’ lives. “The many In collecting and analyzing these “We are hoping that the important for many years, they have a deep different needs each student brings and diverse and experienced viewpoints, messages of Teach…will be heard all familiarity with education issues and connections to educators in the Boston the challenges teachers have in meeting each student where they are to bring Lamothe learned a great deal about the world of education that they have both across the nation.” ▪ area and far beyond. “We teachers who them along in their learning process inhabited for many years. They also Matt Robinson is an ELA teacher at have dedicated 20, 30, even 40 years is so important and yet undervalued,” learned even more about how smart Burke High School in Boston and a of their lives to teaching the children Lamothe says. their colleagues are and how important regular contributor to the Advocate. Lesley University School of Education 3 Summer 2012
  • 4. Diary of a New Teacher O n a recent Sunday morning, I staked out a spot about 200 meters from the finish line of the Providence Marathon. After a while, in the distance I spotted Ben, one of EYES WIDE OPEN Bill Madden- Fuoco says that his experiences working in urban districts my students. Well over six feet tall and have opened his eyes from Uganda, Ben wore a bright orange to the devastating tank top signifying his participation consequences of By Bill Madden-Fuoco, in Dream Far, a marathon training inequality and Humanities teacher, program for “at-risk” students in the segregation. Says Urban Science Academy, greater Boston area. Madden-Fuoco: West Roxbury, MA Soon after Ben ran by, his face “When schools frozen in a state of exhaustion, Darcel themselves are Hunt, a physics teacher and the Dream grossly unequal, Writers wanted Far coordinator at my school, breezed education is the by, smiling. great sorting Are you a new teacher who Darcel logged hundreds of miles this mechanism.” would like to write about year – in the rain, the sun, the snow your experiences? You’ll get – with our school’s three Dream Far central office so that he could attempt of local control and the premise that runners and other teacher volunteers. to transfer for the upcoming year. His privilege-conferring education is a $300 per column and the Everyone who works and learns in father had signed all the papers. On the birthright that comes with living in the exposure of appearing in a an urban school has no choice but to “Out-of-Assigned-District Placement” right zip code? An equity index that statewide publication that wring out the best possible results from form, in the “reason for request” space, measures state-by-state educational reaches 25,000 readers. In- what we have. Pursuit of higher MCAS he had written: “Better educational fairness and determines federal funding scores and budget constraints have left programs, more activities, higher would be a good start. Even a move as terested? Write to: enrichments for most Boston teenagers success rates, and closer to where modest as this, however, won’t come threadbare, and Darcel’s efforts to we live.” After a long talk with Ben, I voluntarily. But with the right kind of create opportunities where few exist agreed to take him. pressure, it might. is a model of what it means to be an Later that week we drove to the Meet the 2011-2012 effective urban educator now. central office. A nice woman told us we Congratulations Days before the marathon, I worked had to go to Newton South High School. New Teacher Diarists with Ben after school. Students in my On the way there we passed Newton The Advocate congratulates New Teacher 10th grade Humanities classes recently North High School, which opened two Diarist Bill Madden-Fuoco. Hiis col- developed their own research questions years ago and cost almost $200 million umn in the September 2011 edition of The following new teachers contributed to pursue as their final projects. The the paper, on the difference between to the New Teacher Diary during the to build. Kids played lacrosse on its teaching and ensuring that students past school year. The Advocate thanks criterion is that the question can emerald lawn and its sprawling modern learn, took second place in the annual all of these fine teachers for sharing lead to a reasonable debate. Here’s façade seemed like a mirage. At Newton journalism competition sponsored by their experience and looks forward to Ben’s: “Should one person get a better South, an administrator was one of the the American Federation of Teachers. welcoming a new class of contributors education just because of where he or few souls left in the main office. She Also receiving recognition this year: next fall. she lives?” I hesitated at first. On its informed Ben that he would have to call cartoonist Joseph Quigley for his draw- face, the question seems incapable of the next day to make an appointment ing of “The New Atlas” that appeared in Riana Good sparking debate. But then I came to my when the office was better staffed. The the November 2011 Advocate. Quigley Spanish teacher, Boston Teachers Union senses and approved it. next day Ben borrowed my phone to received a second-place prize for best School, Jamaica Plain. Ben lives in a small condominium make the call. A woman on the other original drawing. Congratulations to complex through which the borders end kept repeating “You have to live in both! Lorena German of Newton, Brookline, and Boston Newton in order to go here.” ELA teacher, Lawrence High School, – imperceptibly, yet with great The conversations we have about Lawrence. consequence – slice through red teacher evaluation, turnarounds, and brick walls and piece out educational charters matter. Gotta have them. But Bill Madden-Fuoco opportunity. Ben goes to school in they skirt a larger issue. I predict that Humanities teacher, Urban Science Boston where the four-year graduation performance based evaluations will Academy ,West Roxbury, rate is 62%. If he lived in the apartment reveal that in urban districts, even the a few doors down, he would catch the most effective teachers – say the top 5% Melissa McDonald school bus that stops at the end of his – do not produce acceptable learning Fifth grade teacher, Parthum Elementary street and takes kids to Newton, where gains. I say this as someone who School, Lawrence. the student population is 74% white, believes that when it comes to learning, and the graduation rate is 96%. teacher quality trumps everything, Joyce Melker Ben is often whimsical. When I including out-of-school factors. Paraprofessional, Henry Lord Middle checked in on him, his computer screen We need to change conditions to School, Fall River, was checkered with pictures of snake make effective teaching more possible: Amanda Perez meat, culled from a Google images smaller rosters, fewer preps, more Middle school teacher, Sarah Greenwood search. “Ben, why are you searching time to plan and collaborate, more School, Dorchester. for pictures of snake meat?” I asked. teachers. Such a paradigm shift could “It’s because I eat a lot of fish, and fish begin to level the playing field, but Matthew Robinson and snakes have almost the same kind the investment required is far beyond ELA and journalism teacher, Burke High of skin,” he explained. “I wanted to see anything currently being discussed. School, Dorchester. what their meat looks like.” Left unchecked, inequality festers. When it comes to the differences Always. The dream of desegregation Robert Tobio between the schools of Boston and its – our best-ever check against Math and special education teacher, Mary neighbors, however, Ben is serious. He educational inequality – has been Lyon Pilot School, Brighton. can fluently navigate the DESE and all but killed by the Supreme Court. Education Week websites to show that And zoning laws that prohibit the students in Newton are more likely to construction of affordable housing in have classes taught by highly qualified areas with high performing schools teachers. He is well versed in the deep effectively act as gates to keep out catalog of classes and activities that other people’s children. Dewey called Newton and Brookline boast. Despite education “the great equalizer.” But its seemingly comparable per-pupil when schools themselves are grossly spending, Boston has a far greater unequal, education is the great sorting percentage of students with low- mechanism. socioeconomic status and students with I often wonder: How is it that we limited English proficiency, and its are not out in the streets over what attendance rates are abysmal. Jonathan Kozol calls “apartheid Two weeks after the marathon, Ben education”? What will it take to asked me to drive him to Newton’s dismantle our fealty to the principle 4 The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
  • 5. Honoring Distinguished Service in 2012 Continued from cover Public Schools to make sure that paras Wayne LeBlanc, this year’s winner in who took the courses received salary the category of higher education, is a increases. professional technician in Griffith’s Recently Deveney had the department, Medical Laboratory opportunity to impress her colleagues Science. Says Griffith: “There is no anew when the team that she captained more admired professional technician took top honors at the first ever Lynn at UMass. His ability is so significant Teachers Union Trivia Night. “I don’t that he has become the go to guy for all know how she does it,” says Diane professional technicians on campus.” Dawe, the LTU’s recording secretary. But LeBlanc, who has been a “Cathi is a force of nature.” member of the Faculty Federation for William Donaghey, Spanish teacher, 28 years, is also a leader within the Lowell High School union. Griffith points out that because everyone he encountered: students, of LeBlanc’s role as a mentor to his staff, administrators,” says O’Brien, Barbara Bemis, paraprofessional, coworkers, union membership among who now serves as a part-time staff New Bedford Public Schools professional technicians on campus representative for the United Teachers is 100%. LeBlanc’s dedication to of Lowell. Over the years, that gift In great company mentoring extends to the union’s newest of collegiality has made Donaghey a When the New Bedford Federation members, the research associates and beloved figure among his students, his of Paraprofessionals were considering technical associates. “They were all colleagues, as well as among his fellow whom to nominate for the distinguished mentored by Wayne in ‘how to survive union members. “He has tremendous service award, Barbara Bemis quickly and thrive here,’” says Griffith, noting integrity and an incredibly warm came to mind. Explains Connie Motta, that LeBlanc helped the new members personality,” says O’Brien. Among his president of the local: “Barbara is a write their first contract. students and fellow teachers Donaghey dedicated paraprofessional who has Griffith sums up the qualities is known as an outstanding teacher who worked diligently for the betterment Judith Robinson, retired teacher, of his coworker this way: “In short, helps to create a “college-bound” culture of the union, its members, and the Lowell Public Schools Wayne is one of those people that all among his students and their families. students of the New Bedford Public unions need—bright, inexhaustible and O’Brien notes that Donaghey has Schools.” But what may be most incorruptible—and which too few of us also served as a union leader for many Continued service impressive about Bemis, notes Motta, have in sufficient quantity. We admire years, including as an LHS building Every year AFT Massachusetts is the duration of her dedication. “She’s him, respect him and love him.” rep, as the secondary vice president honors a retired union member whose been a para for 41 and a half years.” and as the high school representative Bemis’ colleagues at the John B. career has exemplified dedication and Collegiality award service. The 2012 award goes to Judy on the Education Development DeValles School, where she has served When Bill Donaghey joined the Robinson, a beloved kindergarten Committee, which meets monthly with as a building rep for the past 10 years, faculty at Lowell High School as a teacher who spent more than 30 years the superintendent. “Bill is the true praise her leadership and devotion to Spanish teacher nearly 30 years ago, educating the children of Lowell. But reflection of what every teacher aspires the children with whom she works. Jack O’Brien, then a house master while Robinson may no longer be in the to be,” says O’Brien. Bemis is also a role model, adds at LHS, noticed something special classroom, the members of the United AFT MA congratulates all of this Motta. “She has been a strong leader about his new colleague. “He had year’s Distinguished Service Award ▪ Teachers of Lowell continue to benefit an immediate rapport with almost and role model in tough times and is winners. from her vast educational and union- what s unafraid to stand up for what’s right. related expertise. “She’s been incredibly l t d ti “Sh ’ b i dibl Her actions exemplify what a true union generous with her time and is always leader should be.” willing to offer her time to help out,” says UTL office manager Nancy Giblin. The Editor of the Advocate Signs Off Robinson currently serves as recording secretary for the local and is famous for using her scrapbooking I t’s hard for me to believe that six years have gone by since I took over as editor of the Advocate. During that skills to keep a running record of union time I’ve visited countless schools, met history. She has also played a key role an unbelievable number of amazing in helping the UTL to develop surveys educators and seen for myself the of educators in the city, the results challenges that you face everyday. The experience has been a privilege, and of which would lead to the focus on I’m grateful to all of you for being will- collaboration between the union and ing to share your stories. the Lowell Public Schools. Says Giblin: When I started at AFT Massachu- “We’re so fortunate to have someone setts, I knew very little about public as dedicated as Judy. Her voice and education, save for having attended Cathi Deveney, paraprofessional, expertise have been a real asset to the public schools from first grade all the Lynn Public Schools teachers of Lowell.” way through graduate school. Just how much did I have to learn? As a non- A force of nature Massachusetts native, I didn’t even While it is unusual for two know enough to put “The” in front of SPEED RACER After six years at the paraprofessionals to receive the every school name! Fortunately, I’m helm of the Advocate, editor Jennifer Distinguished Service Award in the a quick learner and after 54 issues (or Berkshire is riding into the future. same year, Lynn para Cathi Deveney 456 pages for any math teachers out there), I finally know the difference I’m creating a website to keep an eye was an obvious choice, says Brant between a PLC and an IEP. I can talk on the corporate education agenda in Duncan, president of the Lynn Teachers DIBELS with the best of them, and Massachusetts and the elected officials Union. “She’s worked tireless on behalf know enough about the new evaluation who enable it. Stay tuned... of the paras of Lynn, and she is a real system to test the patience of even my While I won’t miss the monthly leader in our union, both at the local closest loved ones. deadlines and having to hound my and the state level,” says Duncan. “How Along the way there have been writers to get their columns in on time she finds time for all of her activities is a highlights (winning national recogni- (you know who you are!), living with- mystery.” tion for my story on charter school out the stories of the teachers, para- In addition to serving as 2nd vice Wayne LeBlanc, professional teachers who organized a union) as professionals, librarians and higher president of the local, and a member technician, UMass Dartmouth well as some low points (misspelling education faculty who make up AFT of the AFT Massachusetts Executive ‘judgment’ in a headline on the front Massachusetts will take some serious cover). getting used to. Board, Deveney is leading an effort Dedication in action Now I’m moving on. This fall I’ll Thanks to all of you for making the to provide paras in Lynn with high When James Griffith, president of be starting my own business to help last six years so rewarding. It’s been an quality professional development. the UMass Faculty Federation at UMass unions and nonprofit groups do a incredible ride and I’ve enjoyed every Working with Northeastern University and Northshore Community College, Deveney facilitated courses for paras Dartmouth, was considering whom to nominate for this year’s Distinguished Service award, he had to look no better job of communicating with their members. I’m also looking forward minute of it. ▪ —Jennifer Berkshire to doing some in-depth reporting on in Lynn, then worked with the Lynn further than among his own colleagues. education issues. Last but not least, 5 Summer 2012
  • 6. On Campus Dan Georgianna, Political Director UMass Faculty Federation, Local 1895 For Profit Education Best—at Bilking Public T he first bullet in former Governor Romney recently released educational policy (A Chance for Every Students at for- profit schools end Higher Education up with higher News in Brief Child: Mitt Romney’s Plan for Restoring unemployment the Promise of American Education) and lower earnings is to “allow low income and special UMass Lowell Adjuncts Sign needs students to choose which school than do comparable students from other First Contract to attend.“ For Governor Romney, Adjunct faculty at UMass Low- school choice for low income students schools.They also end up with higher ell. whose fight for a first con- combines market-based policy with concern for the poor, a sleigh of hand debt. tract lasted more than a year, that George Orwell predicted in 1984. finally have an agreement with The business model clearly works for Obama signed an Executive Order to the university. The instructors The proposed benefits of school the businesses in for-profit education, stop recruiting abuses at for-profit voted overwhelmingly to ap- choice can easily be tested with data but it does not work very well for their schools that aim at veterans. The U.S. because choice rules higher education, prove the deal last month. The students. Department of Education has instituted with the clearest choice between for- The previously cited Harvard study sanctions at for-profit schools with high new deal includes a significant profit schools, where the business model salary increase, grants year- of for-profit schools concluded that, default rates, including suspending is supposed to promote good education long appointments to senior “for-profit students end up with higher them from the student loans program. at low cost, and not-for-profit schools, unemployment and “idleness” rates and Similar to new banking regulations, adjuncts and bars the dismissal where entrenched faculty supposedly thwart education. lower earnings six years after entering several bills have been proposed in of adjuncts without just cause. As the choice model predicts, for- programs than do comparable students Congress to force for-profits to provide The agreement came after a from other schools.” some share of student aid from their series of rallies and headlines, profit schools are the fastest growing MA Attorney General, Martha own funds. calling attention to the school’s segment in higher education. According Coakley, and officials in other states are Contrary to Mr. Romney’s claim to a 2011 Harvard University study, decision to pay its outgoing investigating claims of false promises that school choice will lead to efficiency enrollment in for-profit post-secondary president, Jack Wilson, more and other recruiting violations. Many in education, market based incentives schools increased by more than 100 fold than half a million dollars. After for-profit schools budget as much for based on school choice led the for- to almost 2 million students over the a year-long sabbatical Wilson recruiting as they do for instruction. profits in higher education to the past 4 decades. For-profit institutions The abuses of for-profit schools easiest way to make a buck: collecting will return to UMass Lowell to now enroll over 9% of students in higher have attracted the attention of the government funds from bilking the teach for more than $200,000. education. Federal government as well. President public. In another study, this research group from Harvard also found that Student Strike in Quebec the schools with funding from Federal Continues student loan programs charge higher A massive strike by college school of education, public policy and civic engagement tuition than similar schools without students in Quebec is now in access to Federal student loans. Tuition its fifth month and shows no at for-profit schools is more than double signs of ending. Students in the tuition and fees at state colleges and universities. Almost all costs at for- profit schools is paid from government grants and loans. PhD/EdD the province went on strike in February to protest a pro- posal by government officials to raise tuition from $2,168 Loan default rates at for-profit schools is also high, more than the IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP to $3,793 between 2012 and double default rates at not-for- 2017. While the amount of profit schools. According to the Pew money may seem trivial by US Charitable Trust, for-profit schools receive about 25% of all Federal Pell A program standards, the striking students say that that’s just the point. Grants and Loans and account for almost ½ of student loan defaults. focused on social While the International Cov- enant on Economic, Social and Grants, loans and loan defaults would be much higher if not for Federal law requiring that at least 10% of total justice and equality Cultural Rights, which Canada enacted in 1976, guarantees student revenue comes from private sources. Even 90% coverage by grants in education free higher education, students in the province say that signs of and loans underestimates the federal 4 year program Please contact: creeping ‘Americanization’ can dollars that go to for-profit schools be seen throughout the Ca- because they are allowed to count designed nadian university system. “The tuition assistance for service veterans for part-time Dr. Joao Paraskeva, government wants to say that and the G.I. Bill as private funds students Graduate Program Director loans and debt are the solu- towards the 10% minimum. 508.910.6697 For-profit schools target service tion,” says Concordia student Small classes Richard Hinton, while on a visit veterans because they can leverage G.I. funds to get more Federal funding to Boston this spring. “That’s State of the art research unacceptable to us. Tuition in- for other students. According to a NY in education Times report (NYT, “For-Profit Colleges, leadership and policy creases make higher education Vulnerable G.I.’s” 9/21/2011), “between accessible to fewer students. 2006 and 2010, the money received Saddling them with debt is not in military education benefits by just Producing education leaders and policy makers the answer.” 20 for-profit companies soared to an estimated $521.2 million from $66.6 with critical thinking skills For more information on the million.” strike visit www.freeeducation- 6 The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
  • 7. Retiree Corner SENIOR SEMINARS Marie Ardito, Co-founder Protecting Your Nest Egg Massachusetts Retirees United Two hour free seminar, presented by Elder Law Attorney Mary Howie deals with should you have a will or a trust. Trusts (irrevocable and revocable) Retirement Questions—Answered gifting, Medicare Qualifying Trusts, probate, joint tenancy, direct transfers upon death, aid and attendance, and much more. T his month’s column is on a couple If you look at some of these dates. you work for, nor the Commonwealth, of issues important to those still some people would have almost a two- contributes anything to your fund. When: Saturday June 23, 10 - Noon working and those retired. As you know year wait until they can exercise what If your salary this year was $70,000 Where: Presidential Park, Unit 105, MRU was responsible for the passage the law states they need only a year to and you are under retirement plus, 214 Main Street (Rt. 38), Wilmington of a bill that increased by $15,000 the use. You calculate what you can earn you paid $7,700 to get credit for this amount a person may make in a public on a calendar year not a contract year. year of service. If you have any of To register email Marie at mardito@ service job when retired. The law states It is obvious that PERAC feels you the forms of creditable service listed, or call 1-617-482- one has to be retired one year to make should skip one complete calendar or you have regular service that you 1568 and leave your name (please use of the increase. It should not be year in order to be eligible for the rendered in the past but took the spell last name) a phone # and the necessary to clarify what constitutes benefit. That is not what the law money out for it, you have to buy it number who will be attending.You are a year. However recently the Public stated; it said retired for one year. If back or make an initial purchase. registered unless you hear differently. Employee Retirement Administration this will adversely affect you, contact It is imperative that you begin the No return phone call will be made Commission (PERAC) provided your local Representative and Senator process ASAP as the interest rates on unless you have a question or need guidance to the 106 retirement systems and ask them why PERAC can impose such purchases is over doubling on directions. in the Commonwealth. a longer waiting period than the law April 2, 2013 to 8.25%. To avoid the Here is a chart explaining PERAC’s states. Ask them to do what they can increase you must have your paper to see that the law is implemented as work into the MTRS by that date. This Important Information guidelines: written not as PERAC interprets it summer is the perfect time to begin for Active Employees Date of Retirement Date Eligible to Earn should be implemented. the process. The next issue is that any teacher Another question I am often asked If you have creditable service that Additional $15,000 you have not purchased and that you Retired before or on 4/1/2011 still working, who has any creditable is does it pay to buy back service? The are eligible to receive it is imperative Eligible to earn: 4/2/2012 service they wish to purchase (buy service you would be buying back for that you begin the process at once. Retired between 4/2/2011 & 12/31/2011 back), go to the MTRS website www. the most part will be less expensive On April 2, 2013 the interest rate will Eligible to earn: 1/1/2013 and read about the than what you just paid for this increase to 8.25% making the cost of Retired between 1/1/2012 & 12/31/2012 various forms of creditable service. present year of service and it is still buying back this service substantially Eligible to earn: 1/1/2014 If you qualify for any, download the a year of service. The only ones who more. Retired between 1/1/2013 & 12/31/2013 appropriate form and start the buy- should not buy-back are those who Eligible to earn: 1/1/2015 back process immediately. Some never want to retire or are at 80% If you need aren’t sure whether or Retired between 1/1/2014 & 12/31/2014 ask me what I mean by buy-back? without the service. You do not buy- not you are eligible to buy back ser- Eligible to earn:1/1/2016 Up until the time you retire you are back what you will never use. Contact vice,Visit the only one contributing to your me at retirement. Neither the community with any questions you may have. The Golden W hat my dad did for me is something very hard for me to write about. My dad has done many Apple things for me throughout my life, but one of the most important things he did for me was to introduce me to an amazing group of individuals that I ended up falling in love with and Shannon Reilly making a career out of working with them. Special education teacher, My dad works very hard to provide Vining Elementary School, for and support his family and is Billerica, MA amazing at it. If my brother and I ever asked for anything when we were younger, he would try his best to get it for us. He basically did what most parents try to do for their children, and show them an endless amount of SPECIAL BOND Shannon Reilly with her father—and inspiration—Joe, a love. chef and instructor at the Merrimack Special Education Collaborative. My dad is a chef instructor at Merrimack Special Education follow my dreams and that is exactly teacher I am today. Collaborative in Billerica and has what I did My dad is an amazing man. He been for many years. My dad used I never understood what my dad gives individuals the opportunity to to always share stories about events did everyday and why he loved his job learn skills in the kitchen that they that would happen at his work and as much as he did until I worked at might not otherwise be taught. He is at times I would go and visit while he a summer camp after my junior year patient, kind and celebrates the small was working. I always had a strong of high school. The students that I successes in life with his students. I relationship with my dad growing up, worked with were individuals with remember growing up and visiting but it got stronger when I began to a variety of special needs. The first my dad’s work and thinking maybe I volunteer with children with special day of camp changed my life forever. could do this someday. My dad has needs. From that day on, with my dad’s shown me many things growing up but I never knew why my dad would support, I began to look at colleges the most important thing he showed get up at 4:45 in the morning and with special education programs. me was how to be patient and caring. drive 45 minutes to work every day Throughout my four years of I am a special education teacher but then I got it, I got the education college in Maine, my dad was always because I have had one of the best bug! People have always said that I just a phone call away if I had any teachers guiding me my whole life. remind them of my dad or that we questions about a situation I had My dad is the reason I am a special look similar—little do they know we been in or a lesson I wanted to teach education teacher and loving what I have more in common than meets the a group of students. My dad is the do every day. eye. My dad has always inspired me to reason I am the person—and the Summer 2012 7