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Separation Anxiety Disorder Essay
This paper examines the various symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder among children and
adolescents, the refusal of children diagnosed with Separation Anxiety Disorder to go to school, and
the treatments that are used to treat this disorder. Studies have shown that Separation Anxiety
Disorder is the third most common anxiety disorder among children. Symptoms are fairly easy to
recognize, but must be addressed quickly. Refusal to go to school is one of the most significant
consequences of this disorder. Treatments are being made available to children who suffer from this
disorder and advances in research are being made. As human beings, we all have the capability of
experiencing emotions and feelings. People can experience happiness, ... Show more content on ...
SAD is one of the most commonly diagnosed anxiety disorders among children. It is completely
normal for adolescents, especially in very young adolescents, to experience some degree of
separation anxiety. In comparison, separation anxiety disorder is excessive worry or anxiety that
goes beyond the expected amount for the child's developmental level. SAD is characterized by
excessive anxiety concerning separation from home or from those to whom a child is attached.
While some tend to believe that this anxiety disorder is more common among females than males, it
has been determined that SAD occurs at approximately the same rate in males and females (Eisen &
Schaefer, 2005). Separation Anxiety Disorder is not permanent. It can be cured; however children
with SAD are at higher risk for the development of other anxiety disorders and depression not only
in adolescence, but in adulthood as well. Studies have shown that children who are diagnosed with
SAD are much more likely to have are much more likely to develop panic disorder, bipolar disorder,
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and several others later in life. Studies have also shown that
children diagnosed with SAD have similar symptoms that occur among them. Primary symptoms
include excessive worry about potential harm to self or major attachment figures, frequent
nightmares about separation, physical ailments such as nausea, headaches, stomach pains, as well as
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Separation Anxiety Disorders And Children Essay
Separation Anxiety Disorders in Parents and Children
Christa Conrad
Antelope Valley College
Introduction to Psychology – PSY101
Professor Laurel Johnson
Monday, November 14, 2016
The differences between Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and the similar disorder, Attachment
Anxiety Disorder, were examined to show that the disorders are alike. The causes of Separation
Anxiety Disorder and the symptoms in which a child could be diagnosed were discussed. Following
that, the treatments that were presently available and ways parents could do to counter the onset of
this disorder were observed. Lastly, examples presented of the research studies were observed on a
thirteen–year–old boy and a two–year–old pointer cross. Both examples showed how both mother
and owner of the dog could figure out how the son and the dog were diagnosed and how they were
Separation Anxiety disorder
Separation anxiety disorder is a condition that causes a child severe distress when away from the
parents or the caregivers. Studies show that 4–5% of children and adolescents typically have this
disorder. This paper will provide an overview of the present understandings of SAD. The
information covered in this paper will include an example of a study for both a child and an animal.
The areas examined will focus on the causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, ways to prevent it
and the treatment currently available for this order.
Separation Anxiety Disorder Vs.
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The Role Of Separation Anxiety In Children
Separation anxiety is a big problem for children these days. In this research I will be discussing
overview of separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is defined as a condition in which a child starts to
be frightened and scared to be left alone from someone that child really love to be with. Separation
anxiety is a typical for young children. Specifically, children in eight to fourteen months old.
Children usually go through a specific time during their life that they will cling to their parent or
somebody that they really love. Separation anxiety can be joined with holding panic attack that is
possible to happen with being able to have a comorbid panic disorder. There are signs and symptoms
of having separation. Which can include crying,
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Separation Anxiety Disorder: A Case Study
There are many factors that possibly cause a child to have separation anxiety disorder. One of the
factors is that this diagnosis usually happens after a certain stress in life, such as a loss that involves
a death of a relative, immigration, or change of schools (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
The DSM–5 (2013) explains that another factor is the parenting style. If a parent is too
overprotective on their child, then there is a high possibility that their child might have separation
anxiety disorder. Parental intrusiveness, which is the act of the parent taking over a task where the
child is trying to do something independently, was proven to be closely linked to the child
potentially having a diagnosis of separation anxiety disorder (American Psychiatric Association,
2013; Wood, 2006). Also, a study involving a sample of military men found that their mother's
behaviors of overcontrol can be a causal factor to these individuals' separation anxiety disorder in
childhood and their father's abuse behavior can predict the severity of this disorder (Giotakos &
Konstantakopoulos, 2002).
One study found that genetic and environmental influences both play ... Show more content on ...
al, 2016). The experiences of being bullied in childhood highly correlated with chances of being
diagnosed with separation anxiety in adolescence and adulthood for discordant monozygotic twins
(Silberg et. al, 2016). All of the research articles mentioned above convey that genetic and
environmental influences both play an important role in whether the child will be diagnosed with
separation anxiety disorder. In order for clinicians to diagnose a child with separation anxiety
disorder, he or she must start the process by using assessment skills or
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Separation Anxiety In Children
Separation anxiety varies considerably among children. Some babies get hysterical when the mother
is not in sight for a very short time, while other children seem to feel constant distress over the
separations during infancy, early childhood, and preschool age.
Babies: Separation anxiety develops after a child acquires an understanding of the permanence of an
object. Once the child realizes that you really are gone (when you do), this can make you uneasy.
Although some babies show an understanding of the permanence of an object and separation anxiety
from 4 to 5 months of age, most develop a more specific separation anxiety around 9 months. This
coming and going can be worse if your baby is hungry, tired, or not feeling well. Make transitions
short and routine if it's a difficult day. ... Show more content on ...
Separations are more difficult when children are hungry, tired or sick – what happens almost
always! As children develop independence during childhood they are often even more aware of
separations. His behavior during the separations will be loud, noisy with tears and difficult to
Preschoolers: When children are 3 years old, they already understand more clearly what effect their
anxiety or supplications of separation have on us. This does not mean that they are not stressed, but
they certainly want to pay attention. Be consistent; Do not go back to the room because the child is
asking you and above all do not cancel your plans due to separation anxiety. His consistent
consistency, between explanations and diligence to return when he says he is going to do it, must
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Dog Separation Anxiety
Introduction The dog is "man's best friend", but what if you can't leave your dog at home alone, not
even for 10 minutes. A lot of people have to cope with this problem because their dog is suffering
from separation anxiety. In 1,644 dogs that were diagnosed with behavioral problems over 14,3%
had separation anxiety1.
In animal behavioral practices in North America 20–40% of the dogs are diagnosed with separation
anxiety2. And in the United Kingdom, at least 20% of dogs are believed to have separation anxiety ,
although up to 50% of dogs in the population may display clinical signs at some time.3,4 This is one
of the most seen reasons for owners to surrender their dogs to a shelter.
Plausible cause for so many dogs to have separation anxiety are multiple and could be a
combination of factors. These causes include pathologic over–attachment to the owner, negative
early experiences such as too early separation from their dam, a traumatic experience while being
alone, and a change in family circumstances. Dogs may also have a genetic predisposition to
develop the condition, because they have been bred to be socially dependent, devoted, and infantile.'
5 These causes don't only lead to separation anxiety, there are a lot of different behavioral problems
that dogs can have and sometimes allthough a dog goes true a traumatic experience it doesn't lead to
a behavioral problems at all. But ... Show more content on ...
Dogs can be treated with medicine, the ones that are most common used are anxiolytics and
antidepressants8. Next to medical treatment behavioral therapy is also commonly used. These
behavior modifications give good results when there is a working, reliable and easy to apply
protocol.9 Also the combination of behavioral therapy with medicine is used. And even in many
pet–stores next to dispensers with calming pheromones there are a lot of products available that are
supposed to help dogs with separation
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Adult Separation Anxiety : A Psychological Condition
Adult Separation Anxiety: A Possible Link to a Missed Step in Development
DeAndre Bright
Evan Smith–Finney
Amber Depew
Brandon Eastwood
CCBC Catonsville
Psychology 103
April 3, 2015
Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder Separation anxiety disorder is "a psychological condition in
which an individual has excessive anxiety regarding separation from places or people to whom the
individual has a strong emotional attachment" ( 2008). Individuals with this
disorder typically become debilitating distressed when they are faced with actual or perceived
separation from major attachment figures. Vijaya Manicavasagar of the psychiatry research and
teaching unit of Liverpool Hospital in New South Wales in Australia ... Show more content on ...
ASAD and its signs, symptoms, and treatment
Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder "involves excessive and often disabling distress when faced with
actual or perceived separation from major attachments."(, 2008). This type
of anxiety usually goes undiagnosed or neglected as a diagnosis due to there not being much
research being done on the disorder. Adult separation anxiety puts individuals who are left alone and
cannot attach to someone are put into a state of fear and extreme anxiety. As a result they are not
able to adapt to being alone.
Signs and symptoms of adult separation anxiety can vary in combinations and in intensity. Adult
separation anxiety disorder symptoms may include "refusal to sleep outside of the home,
dependence on significant other, refusal to go to work or school because of fear of separation,
extreme worry about the well–being of attachment figures, anxiety that is developmentally
inappropriate regarding separation, sexual dysfunction, body function disturbances, fear, physical
complaints when faced with possible separation" (Falcon 2012).
As seen with other anxiety disorders, there are a number of treatments for the disorder different
types and for the symptoms that are associated with them. Although with this particular disorder,
there is no standard treatment for this disorder. However, there was one psychiatrist who was
capable to successfully treat a case
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Separation Anxiety Disorder (OCD)
I was sitting at my desk looking at the new worksheet my teacher 3rd grade teacher had just handed
out. I looked at the clock and saw the time, 11:14, and wrote it on my paper. Later I looked at the
clock again, 11:20, and wrote it down again. I glanced at the clock yet again, 11:21, and jot the
number down once again. Eventually I had a line of times written down my worksheet. I didn't
know why I was doing it, or even that it was weird of me to do it. I just felt the need to do it and I
did. It became such a common action that my mom bought be a little notebook for me to specifically
write my times in so I didn't have to clutter up my homework. Another day at school we were doing
a project that required us to cut something out of paper. I had decided that I wanted to keep my
scraps, and everyone else's for ... Show more content on ...
OCD is a mental anxiety disorder that causes the brain to have intrusive and unwanted negative
thoughts that leads a person to cary out actions for temporary relive of those thoughts. SAD is when
A child has an extreme fear of leaving or being separated from their parents. My doctor read me a
children's book about a boy with many of the symptoms associated with OCD to try to give me an
understanding of what was happening with my disorder. Many of the character's symptoms didn't
seem to apply to me so it was hard for me to relate. I got placed on some medication to help ease my
symptoms and I started improving dramatically, even before I had started the medication. I was
diagnosed as a third grader and by the time I was about to begin middle school my symptoms were
unnoticeable so my mother got me off of my prescription. I did great though middle school and only
ran into some school issues as a high schooler. I still am medication free, and although OCD is a
continuous and often changing struggle, I have learned to only push myself that much harder to
overcome it. I may have OCD but, OCD does not have
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Separation Anxiety Research Paper
Beginning a new school year can bring about all sorts of new anxieties for children. Facing new
situations can be scary for young children and, as parents, we want to protect them. Sooner or later,
almost all parents have to deal with a child's separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is defined as a
developmental stage in which a child suffers distress when apart from a primary caregiver.
Separation anxiety can be an emotionally intense experience. But don't fear! There are many helpful
ways to work through the anxiety not only without tears, but also with increased self–confidence
and independence. What can you do? It's simple: Encourage your child's growing independence!
The hardest part of parenting is finding the balance between protecting and ... Show more content on ...
When your child is able to master simple task, they feel confident to approach more complex
situations. And don't worry: You're not a bad parent if your child has difficulty separating from you.
In fact, it's often a sign that you've established a strong bond with your child. For younger children,
practicing games like hide and seek can be a superficial opportunity to practice separation. Take the
child out into the community and into other social situations to reduce sensitivities and increase
awareness of other people. Everyday coping skills can be increased by exposing your child to new
ways of thinking and life experiences. A child who has a tough time separating, or one who isn't
used to being apart from you can benefit from a gradual transition to a new situations. Home is a
good place to practice separating from your child. This might include playing independently,
sleeping separate from parents or helping with household chores. Inviting other children to your
home for play dates can also increase your child's self–esteem. Eventually, your child will be able to
confidently play away from
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Separation Anxiety
Dogs love to be around their owners. They're sorry to see them leave, and are always happy when
they return. The bond a canine feels with his owner makes him unhappy when separated from him.
This is normal. Some dogs, however, become especially agitated when they suspect their owners are
leaving them. They may loudly vocalize their displeasure, or adopt destructive behaviors that
manifest in several ways (e.g. digging, destroying furniture, etc.). This is called separation anxiety.
Below, we'll explore why many canines become anxious whenever they are separated from their
owners. We'll also describe some of the common symptoms of the problem, and provide a few tips
for addressing them.
Why Your Absence Might Cause Your Dog Stress
In nearly ... Show more content on ...
Many dogs go from household to shelter to household to shelter, which prevents them from
developing any degree of security in their surroundings. Because they fear being abandoned again,
they become anxious whenever their current owner departs.
Your pet may also show signs of distress when you leave if he has experienced something traumatic
in his past. For example, he may have been confronted with his previous owner having passed away,
leaving him trapped inside the house.
Common Signs Of Separation Anxiety
Many behaviors that stem from separation anxiety are destructive in nature, but result from the dog
trying to relieve the tension he feels. For example, suppose you left your canine inside your home to
go to the office for the day. If he becomes anxious due to being separated from you, he might
perceive the doors in your home as barriers. As a result, he may scratch them in an attempt to get
Other behaviors include urinating and defecating inside the home, persistent whining, salivating,
and even diarrhea. Your dog may also pace back and forth to help relieve the stress he feels. When
you arrive at home, he may not let you out of his sight, a behavior motivated by nervousness that
you may leave him again.
Tips For Minimizing Separation
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Separation Anxiety And Its Effects On Children
Many individuals think it's cute when they see an infant so infatuated with their mother, not wanting
to ever leave her side. However what happens when this child gets older and still has the need to be
constantly by their mother's side, throwing a tantrum when their mother leaves the room. This
attachment is no longer cute, but obsessive. This is an example of separation anxiety, a
developmental phase that most children go through during their early years. Separation anxiety is
most likely to occur in child with a family history of anxiety/depression, child who are shy, children
who have a lack of appropriate parental interaction, and overprotective parents.
Separation anxiety is one of the most common anxiety disorders in children affecting one out of
twenty. It is a developmental stage during which the child experiences anxiety when separated from
the primary care giver, usually the mother, and is in fact a part of natural cognitive development.
When a baby is around 6 months old, they start to understand that they are detached from their
mother, meaning the mother can leave at any time. Also around 6 months old the baby is capable of
"representational thinking", meaning he can now picture objects, like his mother in his mind where
they are no longer in the same room. This all leads to the healthy separation anxiety most babies
develop at 7 months old until 3 years old, where they child starts to cry when their primary care
giver is no longer in site, even for a brief
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Separation Anxiety : A Type Of An Attachment Disorder
No one is perfectly healthy. In today's society, many people suffer from some type of disorders.
Separation anxiety is one of them. According to the website, "this disorder is a
type of an attachment disorder that is usually observed by young children, who feel they are getting
lack of affection and attention from parents or their caregivers due to separation." I believe that
many people feel unsafe being alone and they are afraid to be alone. However, due to inescapable
situation or technology or laziness they face separation, loneliness, and fear. Many researches and
articles say genes, environment, and people are the main cause of the attachment disorder. There are
differences between adults and young children who have separation anxiety. The ways to treat
separation anxiety vary. The research says 77.5 % of people has lifetime separation anxiety disorder,
75.2 % has reported separation anxiety disorder in the past 12 months had adult onset SAD, and
80% of SAD diagnoses still occurred prior to 30 years of age with individuals experiencing onset by
their late teens to early 20s. Anxiety is a mood state impacted by strong negative emotion in
response to threating events or situations, which are either real or imagined. It is usually observed in
infancy and early childhood, but can be found in adulthood too. It is a very complex phenomenon
that is expressed in three ways such as physical, cognitive, and behavioral. It is normal for children
to experience
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Separation Anxiety And Its Effects On Children
Separation anxiety is very common as children grow and develop. They may fear those few
moments during daycare drop–off or that initial first meeting with a new babysitter. These children
will often times grow out of this anxiety after they become familiar with their surroundings and
caregivers. But, if they continue having these separation anxiety induced outbursts, even after they
have been with a trusted caregiver for a time, parents and primary caregivers often worry about the
well–being of their child and their child's development. They may believe that their child has
acquired a Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD). I selected this topic because I work with multiple
toddlers in a center and their parents have expressed some minor worry towards whether or not their
child suffers with SAD or if this anxiety is causing them delays. I would love to be able to know
some minor details about this broad topic and refer them to the website and articles that I found
helpful when writing this report. This topic is important because it is has many symptoms that are
similar to regular and developmentally appropriate separation anxiety. When a child suffers from
SAD, it is something that needs attention by a pediatric professional in order for it not to affect the
child later in life. The first article that I read and reviewed was called "Adult Agoraphobia and
Childhood Separation Anxiety: Using Children 's Literature to Understand the Link". It was a fairly
theoretical and made the
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Separation Anxiety Disorder Case Study
Lisa is a 40–year–old military veteran. Lisa made two tours of Iraq between 2003 and 2007 as a
soldier. Two years ago, Lisa witnessed an armed robbery in a convenience store. Soon after it, she
began experiencing panic attacks and elevated levels of anxiety. I will consider anxiety disorders
and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) defined by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, fifth edition (DSM–5) (2013) as Lisa's potential diagnoses.
Although Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is more typical for children, adults can be diagnosed
with it if the disturbance persists for 6 months or more. Patients experience marked anxiety and fear
to be separated from their home or from an attachment figure. They may have nightmares about
separation and are reluctant to go out of the home. Since Lisa does not feel anxiety about separation
from a significant figure or from her home, I rule out this diagnosis.
Selective Mutism is presented in DSM–5 as predominantly (but not exclusively) a disorder of
children. It is characterized by inability to speak in specific social situations despite general capacity
of speaking and communicating. Lisa did not report any social situations in which she failed to
speak or communicate. Therefore, I rule out ... Show more content on ...
A person with Panic Disorder may avoid certain situations to prevent new panic attacks from
happening. A panic attack might include pain in the chest, feelings of dizziness, choking, nausea,
chills or heat, might be accompanied by shaking, fear of losing control or dying. Lisa experiences
panic attacks. However, her panic attacks are predictable, since they always happen at night after
nightmares about the war and the robbery. Lisa was diagnosed with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD) with panic attacks that explains her symptoms. Lisa is not anxious about having new panic
attacks. So, I rule out Panic
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Separation Anxiety In Dog Psychology
By having this test done, we can use it for dog psychology as well to help understand how they react
and behave to certain situations. Dogs have evolved from wolves but their characteristics still have
not changed from wolves. The experiment depicted that dogs do not consist of an attachment bond
with their owner, but resulted in dogs illustrating their separation anxiety towards their owner. By
having this test, we were able to conclude from the random range of dogs that most dogs contain
separation anxiety. More tests will be needed to determine why and how separation anxiety comes to
be and why dogs mostly have it. Behavior was able to be seen through scratching and whining, but
the why and how separation anxiety occurs will be needed to proceed upon through more
experiments and tests to fully understand the mind and behavior of a dog. ... Show more content on ...
Personally, I can contest to the fact that my dog Shadow, a german shepherd also contains separation
anxiety because of the way I brought him up from when he was 8 weeks old. I formed an attachment
bond by never letting him out of my sight and he formed an emotional bond with me since he
whines and scratches on the door when I go outside the house or into my room. Shadow became
inseparable from me because I brought him up that way. We take him every week to training for dog
obedience on Saturday and one test he could not pass was the separation test for 3 minutes. He
contains separation anxiety and therefore could not bear to see me walk and stand behind a tree at a
distance while a stranger to him held him for 3
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Separation Anxiety Disorder Case Study
Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) is a condition that causes a child severe distress when away from
the parents or the caregivers. Studies show that 4–5% of children and adolescents typically have this
disorder. This paper will provide an researched overview of the present understandings of SAD.
Information covered in this paper will include examples of studies for both children and animal. The
areas examined will focus on the causes, symptoms, ways to diagnose this disorder, ways to prevent
it and the treatment currently available.
Separation Anxiety Disorder Vs. Attachment Anxiety Disorder
Separation disorder is an abnormal nervousness to real or imagined separation from attachment
figures that prevents the daily developmental activities and tasks. On the other hand, attachment
disorder is an emotional bond that connects one person to another and is characterized by specific
behaviors in children. Theses two disorders are ... Show more content on ...
He always feared something was going to his mom when he was away from her. Everytime he went
to school camp, he experience fear, worry, trembling and sweating. It got so bad that he cried and his
stomach churned. When he slept away from home, he had repetitive nightmares when his mother
died and he was not able to save her.
After repetitive experiencing the symptoms, the boy was diagnosed March 2004 with SAD. He and
his mom attended a 9–week cognitive behavioral therapy group program to help him learn how to
deal with being away. When he went back to school camp, he experience the symptoms to SAD
occurred. The doctors then performed a Neuro Emotional Technique which is (Insert quote). The
went through continuous testing and after 6 months of posttreatment, no symptoms of SAD rose up
when he went to the school camp.
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The Cause Of Separation Anxiety
Anxiety attacks are no fun, especially if you have them frequently and you aren't sure what is
causing them. As a sufferer of these kinds of attacks myself, I know what it is like when one
happens, and it is not a pleasant experience. In fact, it can be downright scary! The main thing that
you have to tell yourself the minute that one of these events happens is that when it does happen that
you at all times remind yourself that you can take control. I am going to show you how to do this,
and it is actually as simple (*if not simpler) than putting on a pair of socks or getting ready for work
in the morning. The biggest, if not most common, factor that can cause an anxiety attack is stress
and/or high blood pressure, and both of these are something ... Show more content on ...
One of the constant battles was his dislike of saying goodbye to those who were leaving the house,
whether it happened to be his father, his grandfather, his great–grandparents, or a randomly selected
new friend who had come by for a visit. Psychologists call this clinging behavior "separation
anxiety," and it can hit at almost any age from one to four years. My first experiences with
separation anxiety came from keeping the nursery at my church. I was always startled when a child
who had always loved being with me suddenly began to latch on to parents, refusing to let them
leave in any peaceful fashion. Instead, I would have to manually separate the two and then spend the
next ten minutes trying to distract and redirect the distraught toddler toward other adventures.
Sometimes I was successful; at other times, I spent the entire hour coping with a fussy, inconsolable
little one until my nerves were more frayed than the bottom of a teenager's old jeans. From this
experience, I had developed my own special box of tricks. I began by walking the floor and calling
attention to all of the pictures on the walls. I followed this by reading a book while bouncing the
child on my knee or rocking. If the screams could still be heard through the insulated walls of my
classroom, I tried singing the silliest songs I knew in an overly loud voice. Sometimes I think this
worked because the child realized that if he or she stopped crying, I just might stop singing. If these
actions failed to convince the child to cease and desist, I plopped into the floor with the sweet
darling in tow and systematically pulled the strings and punched the buttons on every battery
operated sound–making toy in the vicinity. By this time, one of us was so tired that he or she
achieved the victory. I considered myself the winner if my little bundle of joy either
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Separation Anxiety In Children
Anxiety is termed as a normal response to a fast threatening change in which includes perceived loss
of self–esteem or control and real danger to the individual(American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
There are several different types of anxiety disorders, and each of them is based off of which
situations or things cause avoidance and fear within the person. In particular, this paper will be
focusing on separation anxiety disorder in children, which is a person's fear of separating from home
or an individual that they are attached to.
Before the 1980's, Greek and Latin authors mentioned cases in which an individual had pathological
anxiety, but only classified it as a mental disorder rather then a psychological diagnosis (Crocq,
2015). According to Klein (2002), forms of separation anxiety disorder may have possibly been "an
evolved innate protest mechanism", and are released when the person is separated during their
"appropriate helpless developmental phase". In the DSM–3, which was published in 1980,
separation anxiety was first recognized as a disorder included under the category termed "Anxiety
Disorders for Children and Adolescents" (Crocq, 2015). The author states that separation anxiety
remained under this category until the revision from the DSM–4 to the DSM–5 in 2013, in which ...
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During 2008, 50 percent of referred children to mental health treatment centers were for separation
anxiety disorder (Ehrenreich, Santucci, & Weiner, 2008). Also, Waite and Creswell (2014) found
that children had a higher probability to be diagnosed with separation anxiety disorder than
adolescents. Prevalence in separation anxiety disorder is fairly common, in which in children six to
twelve month prevalence is 4% (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The DSM–5 (2013) also
states that in adolescents, the prevalence decreases to about
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Separation Anxiety As A Medical Condition
A mother leaves the room where her baby becomes heartbroken because she is not there to comfort
him and care for him could this be separation anxiety. Separation Anxiety Disorder is a medical
condition were children usually ranging in ages from 8 months to 14 years of age have distress when
they are away from their parents and/or caregiver. Separation Anxiety can affect a person's life
dramatically by limiting them from engaging in ordinary day–to–day activities. Children with
separation anxiety disorder may become severely anxious and agitated even when just anticipating
being away from their home or primary caregiver.
Main Ideas
Separation Anxiety (DSM–IV–TR code 309.21) is a disorder that occurs during infancy and ... Show
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Symptoms of children suffering from separation anxiety at home refuse to go to school, refuse to go
on outings, difficulty sleeping alone, and scary dreams about being separated.
Opposing views The number of those suffering from separation anxiety has increased. The disorder
may have primed those who suffer from it to other forms of anxiety. Such as panic disorders which
is a psychiatric disorder in which debilitating anxiety and fear arise frequently and without
reasonable cause and agoraphobia which is Fear of places and situations that might cause panic,
helplessness, or embarrassment ( 2015). Psychoanalytic theories have
different views on separation anxiety and where it belongs in children development. Some
Psychiatrist believes that separation anxiety is a result from the unconscious conflicts that are
internal (Bowlby N.D.). Viewing it from this point of view the fear of losing a mother by separation
is not regarding real danger. Freud considers the main experience of separation from protecting the
mother or caregiver the prototype situation of anxiety and compares it to generating fear of
separation experiences. In his opinion anxiety originates from two factors: physiological fact begins
at the time of birth but then first traumatic situation is separation from mother/ caregiver. His point
of view can be looked at as behavioral theories. Behavioral theories suggest separation anxiety to be
conditioned or learned from
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Daycare and Separation Anxiety: A Brief Overview
Numerous advances led to Sigmund Freud's inspirational Stages of Psychosexual Development, and
it was Freud that introduced a clear theory explaining the process by which infants develop into
adults. The transition from the Oral, Anal and Phallic stages begins to help us understand some of
the processes that might lead to understanding attachment issues. Freud argued that humans are born
"polymorphously perverse," the idea that any number of objects could be a source of pleasure.
While relief from stress observed in a child might be interpreted as simply the absence of emotional
pain, on a deeper level, re–attachment and physical closeness to a caregiver after prolonged
separation should result in a pleasurable experience. Setting ... Show more content on ...
(Bretherton, 1992) Bowlby reviewed contemporary psychoanalytic explanations about a child's
psychosexual connection to the mother and dismissed the notion that satisfaction of this instinctual
drive was a primary driving force of attachment. Expanding on Freud's idea that mature human
sexuality is a collection of individual instinctive behaviors, Bowlby advanced the notion to include
the many other instinctual responses that bind mother and infant. The component responses that
include sucking, clinging, and following, as well as the gesturing behaviors of smiling and crying
develop somewhat independently through the first year of life and become progressively more
integrated and fixated on a mother. Bowlby was of the mind that clinging and following was more
relevant for attachment than the sucking and crying behaviors, and over time, this line of thinking
led Bowlby to a more in depth understanding of bonding behavior in infants and young children.
Working with the evidence gleaned from Harlow's experiments with his Rhesus monkeys, Bowlby
came to believe that the traditional theories of attachment could not explain the powerful attachment
of infants and young children to a mother figure nor the significant responses related to separation.
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Long Term Effects of Childhood Separation Anxiety
Long–Term Effects of Childhood Separation Anxiety
This report delves into the connection between childhood separation anxiety disorder and the long–
term implications that it may have. To understand the connections I preformed secondary research
through "Academic Search Complete". I found that childhood separation anxiety disorder is
connected with serious mental disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia, social phobias, depression, and
behavior disorders. Many studies have shown that childhood separation anxiety disorder is linked to
eating disorders and depression. Research shows that cortisol, the hormone our body releases to deal
with stress, can negatively affect our overall health. Childhood separation anxiety disorder can ...
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The study stated that there was a stronger correlation between childhood separation anxiety disorder
and anorexia than there was between childhood separation anxiety disorder and bulimia.
Cortisol has been shown to have the greatest effect on the health of a person. Cortisol is a hormone
released in stressful situations. Cortisol levels in young children have been shown to increase when
the child is left in the care of someone they are unfamiliar with and when they attempt to interact or
play with large groups of other children. (Turvett 2008) Lack of control in a situation is associated
with a lack of recovery of cortisol, which can lead to a range of negative health effects. (Ursin 2004)
The main purpose of my research was to find the association between childhood separation anxiety
disorder and mental disorders in adolescents and adults. Based on the results, high stress levels and
childhood separation anxiety disorder can be used to predict mental and psychiatric disorders later in
a child's life. When a child experiences the symptoms of separation anxiety disorder their body
releases hormones and if these hormones are heightened or too frequent the child has a higher risk
of eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and behavior disorders throughout the adolescence and
adulthood stages of their life.
Research shows
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Separation Anxiety : A Normal Part Of Childhood Development
Separation Anxiety often known as SAD refers to a developmental stage in which a child
experiences anxiety due to separation from the primary caregiver (usually the mother). It is
considered to be a normal part of childhood development. The normal stage occurs around eight
months of age and can last up until the child is fourteen months old. Babies and toddlers are not the
only ones that suffer from this disorder. When people would see children crying once their parents
would hand them to someone else society would call them "spoiled" when it is actually the child
feeling overwhelmed, in most cases. " That's why parents are called attachment figures; infants and
toddlers attach their darkest fears to the biologically–driven recognition that their parents can make
those fears go away" [Schlozman]
For example, when my cousin was an infant she would cry constantly if she weren't around her
father. This went well over into her elementary and middle school days. Resulting in her father
being the parent taking and picking her up from school daily, helping with homework and attending
school functions. I can now say with certainty, this was a form of separation anxiety. Thankfully she
grew out of it when she began high school and is now a happy freshman in college far away from
her parents. As you can see from my example, SAD can carry over into the child's adolescent and
teen years. The symptoms of an adolescent with separation anxiety will have thoughts such as: What
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Separation Of Separation Anxiety Disorder
Separation anxiety Disorder
Have you ever been attached to something? Have you ever thought or felt that your life couldn't
continue without this object? Separation anxiety is very common, statistic show that at least thirty
three percent of the population has this disorder. This disorder is the fear of being separated from
something or someone. The subject with the disorder views separation as detrimental to their well–
being. Caregivers, stuff animals, money, and cell phones are examples of objects people have
separation anxiety towards. Separation anxiety is very common in infants and children.
Infants one to eight months of age often show signs of anxiety when approached. Unknown people
can cause the infant to cry. This is a normal ... Show more content on ...
Children experience separation disorder in a more severe form than infant Children may develop
physical complications when separated. Children sometimes get an upset stomach, nausea, or
vomiting. Symptoms include hyperventilating headaches and diarrhea. Behavioral symptoms that a
child might exhibit when they have anxiety include hesitancy or refusal to separate from the
caregiver. The children may start begging, whining, and crying. Having tantrums if confronted with
separation is normal. They may refuse to go to school or even refuse to sleep alone. Teen's
experience separation anxiety quite frequently. when separated from their cell phone, or friends.
Signs of separation disorder included the constant worry of where the phone is located. They worry
about battery life. Adults become paranoid and expect the worst. They begin to hyperventilate some
get headaches and become very anxious.
Symptoms of separation anxiety disorder are prolonged fear and anxiety when a person or object is
separated from the patient. They unrealistically worry about the safety of a loved one. The fear is so
intense that it activates the sympathetic nervous system. By activating the sympathetic nervous
system the body automatically mobilizes to get back what has been lost. For example, a mother is
shopping in the store with her toddler. The child stumbles off without the mother knowing, as soon
the mother notices her child missing she darts off looking for him. During this period of time
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Separation Anxiety Research Paper
Preschool for 2 Year Old Frisco, TX: Will Your Child Have Separation Anxiety? The excitement you
feel while searching for preschool for 2 year old Frisco TX may be overshadowed by a number of
factors. First, you wonder if your toddler is ready for such a big change. You may also wonder if you
are in fact ready for it. You know the experience will be wonderful for the development of your little
one, as he will learn and interact with others, but you also fear he may experience separation
anxiety. You've heard horror stories from other parents about the screaming, crying, and tantrums
that occur when they leave their children at preschool, and you're scared the same thing will happen
to your child. Fortunately, you can take steps that can prepare ... Show more content on ...
He will learn that if he acts like that, you'll give in, which will encourage him to continue throwing
tantrums. Instead, say goodbye quickly, and reassure him that you will return. If you think it will
help, leave him with a favorite stuffed animal or toy that can offer comfort and will remind him of
you. Also, sticking to a "goodbye routine" every time you leave builds consistency, which can
reassure him that you will, in fact, return, because you do every time you complete this
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Case Study Separation Anxiety Disorder
Diagnosis and Treatment of Separation Anxiety Disorder
Diagnosis: Separation Anxiety Disorder.
Age: 6 years.
Client Gender: Male.
Initial Consultation: 20th May 2011.
Number of Sessions: 12 sessions.
Place of Treatment: The agency.
Treatment Approach: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Treatment Mode: Weekly one hour sessions.
Referral Information
The client's mother referred her son to the agency because he was suffering from anxiety. He was
resisting going to go to school and becoming distressed when his parents tried to leave him at home.
Presenting Problem
The client attended his first assessment session with his mother. He was of average size and weight
for his age and was ... Show more content on ...
The parents reported that their child's pre and post natal development was normal without illness or
injury. However, as an infant/toddler, he had been difficult to soothe when upset and demanded
constant attention which his parents found difficult to manage.
Twelve months before attending the agency the client began to demonstrate increasing levels of
anxiety. This anxiety commenced with significant difficulties being separated from his mother or
father at home, to go to school, stay with family and play with friends. The parents said the client's
behaviours included clinging on to them and chasing after them as they were leaving the house or
school. He would also check their location in the house to confirm that they were still there. On
occasion his behaviour deteriorated into tantrums, although this only happened at home. The parents
also expressed concern that the boy's teacher noticed he was refusing to eat at school. The parents
also reported their child was unable to get to sleep without their presence. He would awaken with
nightmares at least three times a week saying he was frightened something bad was happening to
them. The parents stated that it was becoming increasingly difficult for them to manage their son's
The client's parents reported that there was no known family history of anxiety and depression on
either side of their family.
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Dog Separation Anxiety Essay
Dog Separation Anxiety – Have You Considered Doggy Day Care?
By Andy Machin | Submitted On February 06, 2012
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Expert Author Andy Machin
Day care for your dog is a route you may consider if you are forced to be away from your dog for
too long each day for it to be fair to your dog or as a temporary measure to help your dog adjust and
become accustomed to socializing with other dogs. It can also help with separation ... Show more
content on ...
Naturally you will want to do some research in to the potential day care providers. Talk to them,
view their web sites, ask questions, get references so you can take a view and get a feel for which
one will be most suitable for you and your dog.
You want to be comfortable that he is in the best hands when he cannot be in yours. You do not want
to send a nervous dog to somewhere which might make his anxiety issues worse so do take your
time to choose the best provider you can. A visit to the provider's premises is also advised so you
can chat to the owner, see if everything is clean and tidy, see how other dogs are behaving and if
they are happy.
It will of course cost to use a doggy day care provider so make sure you have the budget for it. This
alone will not cure any dog separation anxiety issues however used in conjunction with other
methods which you should still work on with your dog, the combination of all can have a powerful
cumulative effect and help your dog to adjust.
Patience is the key when working with a dog with separation anxiety. Many dogs need you to be in
charge and make them feel at ease and safe. So by helping to take stresses away from them you are
helping them to cope. Find what works best for your dog and go with
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Separation Anxiety: A Case Study
1.5.Treatment of Separation anxiety disorder
Treatment options for separation anxiety vary in intervention, with that mentioned they may still be
adapted to fit the needs of the patient and may be applied in unison.On the one hand medical
intervention together psychotherapy have proven to have a higher success rate in alleviating and
relieving symptoms of Separation Anxiety. Primary guardian and child pairs use Art therapy as a
treatment option which has also been revealed to improve the dynamic and bond of the child–parent
relationship thus drastically improving anxiety in children(Plante & Bernache, 2008).
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and together with desensitization techniques are the foremost
common treatments for individuals diagnosed with Separation anxiety. Systematic ... Show more
content on ...
According to Siegel (2012), the therapeutic relationships may provide attachment experiences that
ensure the brain integrates resulting in healthier functioning. In addition, developing self–
compassion and self–care (which means being mindful to yourself) is associated with lower levels
of separation anxiety.To resolve the emotions brought on by separation anxiety, a child must develop
an adequate sense of safety within their context as well as place trust in individuals other than their
parents, and similarly trust in the parent's return.
Primary caregivers that accompany children to medical examinations or treatments help elevate the
effects of separation anxiety.However, when Primary caregivers are not available, prior exposure to
the event, such as visiting the doctor's office before a test, may be helpful for the child. Some
hospitals provide families with mental health staff that specialises in specific disorders and explain
medical conditions and procedures to children of all ages.Thus if a child is particularly anxious and
needs significant medical care, health care providers may be spoken to about such
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What Is Separation Anxiety?
Anxiety is common diagnoses, separation anxiety is even more common. Researchers found that
about 20% of children and adolescents are diagnosed with anxiety, out of those 20% of children
roughly around 13% of those cases are separation anxiety. (Doobay, A. F., 2008) Separation anxiety
is defined as, "Children with separation anxiety disorder have an excessive and unrealistic fear of
separation from an attachment figure that is beyond what would be expected from a child's
developmental level" ( In–Albon, T., Meyer, A., & Schneider, S., 2013). After researching common
signs of this type of anxiety, I found that this was defiantly something I suffered from as a child and
still working to cure it. Researching I found the signs, causes, and effects ... Show more content on ...
Research found that the children that suffered from separation anxiety found it harder to pay
attention in school, remember things that they were leaning, fall behind in class, and harder for them
to confront people such as teachers or peers. (Doobay, A. F., 2008) Sometimes found in college
students, they will withdraw themselves from their classes because they aren't able to cope with the
separation from home and parents. Some studies followed people all the way into adulthood with
separation anxiety, they found that some of them would become depressed, think of self harm, and
sometimes even have a hard time holding jobs. Overall just unhappy with their lives. For me
personally none of these efferects have ever affected me as I have gotten older. I've lived a perfectly
normal life with healthy thoughts, granted that I am only 18, this has however made sure that I am
really in touch with myself as I get older. However, that being said as a child I couldn't fathom ever
living on without my mom, I remember thinking that I would have to die with her so that I wouldn't
be alway from her, never fear though, I don't have that sever of thoughts
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The Behavior Modification Helps A Child With Separation...
ABA offers many techniques to help people overcome and/or deal with everyday activities such as
helping someone to quit smoking, help with building relationships, personality disorders and the
ability to express one's self. ABA when applied to children will address the child's life in areas that
include; social skills, cognitive skills, self–help, play and motor skills, and behavioral needs. ABA in
the workplace can be used to increase desired behaviors and decrease undesired behaviors through
use of positive and negative reinforcements.
In the Case of Emily and that of Mr. Smith I will attempt to go over how Behavior modification can
help a child with Separation anxiety behaviors and a company owner having difficulties with ...
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Separation Anxiety can be defined as crying, clinging, tantruming, complaining when having to
separate from parent(s); sleep difficulties and refusal of going to school.
A commonly used diagnostic interview for the assessment of SAD is the Screen for Child Anxiety
Related Emotional Disorders–Revised (SCARED–R). The SCARED–R contains 66–items
measuring all DSM–IV anxiety disorders occurring in children and adolescents, including 8–items
assessing SAD specifically (Ehrenreich, Santucci, Weiner, 2009).
Children exhibiting SAD symptoms become significantly distressed when separated from their
home or attachment figure (usually a parent) and will often take measures to avoid separation. This
fear is exhibited through disproportionate and persistent worry about separation, including
apprehension about harm befalling a parent or the child when they are not together, as well as fear
that the parent will leave and never return. Avoidance behaviors commonly associated with SAD
include clinging to parents, crying or tantruming, and refusal to participate in activities that require
separation (e.g., play dates, camp, sleepovers). (Ehrenreich, Santucci, Weiner, 2009).
Inadvertent reinforcement is unintentional act of rewarding a bad behavior. In Emily's case her
parents may have inadvertently reinforced Emily 's
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Separation Anxiety In Children
Malky Fried
Professor Kivelevitz
Psychosocial Foundations
May 7, 2015 Separation Anxiety
When a child experiences anxiety due to separation from their primary care giver we refer to this
phenomena as Separation anxiety. This phase in the developmental stages is pretty common at
around 8 months lasting until the child is approximately 14 months of age.
When a child is reluctant to leave a parent or caregiver then that signals that a bond has flourished
between the caregiver and child. Due to the fact the young children don't comprehend the concept of
time,(and object permanence) when a caregiver is out of sight momentarily, the child doesn't know
whether the parent will ... Show more content on ...
Children with separation anxiety disorder may become distressed at just the thought of being away
from the parent and may complain of sickness to avoid playing with friends or attending school.
When symptoms are extreme enough, these anxieties can add up to a disorder. Children with
separation anxiety disorder feel constantly perturbed or fearful about separation.
Many kids are overwhelmed with one or more of the following: The most common fear a child with
separation anxiety disorder experiences is the worry that harm will come to a loved one in the child's
absence. For example, the child may constantly worry about a parent becoming sick or getting hurt.
Kids with separation anxiety disorder may fear that once separated from a parent, something will
happen to keep the separation. For example, they may worry about being kidnapped or getting lost
.Children with separation anxiety problems often have scary dreams about their
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Interventions Of Separation Anxiety Disorder
Interventions of Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most common anxiety disorders in preadolescent
children and can cause serious distress in a child's life. Having separation anxiety disorder in
childhood can significantly increase the chances of internalizing problems and other anxiety
disorders. Unfortunately, because separation anxiety is common in children it is hard to determine if
the behaviors the children are displaying are atypical. Although there are various types of treatment
options for SAD, parent–child interaction therapy (PCIT) can be extremely helpful particularly in
the school system as teachers can adopt the same techniques using teacher–child interaction therapy
(TCIT). Therefore, the child is not only receiving treatment at home, their treatment is consistent at
school. PCIT has proved to be an efficient and popular treatment for SAD, which will be outlined
and confirmed in this paper through analysis of PCIT and TCIT.
Parent–Child Interaction Therapy
PCIT focuses on the idea that improving the parent–child interaction will lead to improvements in
child and family's functioning (Pincus, Eyberg, & Choate, 2005) that have been impaired due to
SAD. Parent's responses to their child's anxiety allows for the continuation of the disorder. PCIT
teaches parents new response methods and improves attachment in result that the child will be able
to separate without distress. There are two phases to Parent–Child Interaction
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Separation Anxiety Research Paper
Separation anxiety is a disorder in which a child becomes excessively anxious when separated from
parents. Separation anxiety differs from normal clinginess. Children with the disorder can't think
about anything but the present fear of separation. They may have nightmares or regular physical
complaints. They may be reluctant to go to school or other places. Between 4–7 months of age,
babies develop a sense of "object permanence." They're realizing that things and people exist even
when they're out of sight. Babies learn that when they can't see mom or dad, that means they've gone
away. They don't understand the concept of time, so they don't know mom will come back, and can
become upset by her absence. Whether mom is in the kitchen, in the
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Childhood Separation Anxiety Disorder Among Adults With...
The journal article "Childhood Separation Anxiety Disorder in Patients With Adult Anxiety
Disorders" focuses on the prevalence of childhood separation anxiety disorder (CSA) in adults with
one or more anxiety disorder, and whether or not there is a correlation between them. The authors
clearly included their hypothesis, which states they presume there to be higher rates of childhood
separation anxiety disorder among patients with various adult anxiety disorders than in adults with
only one adult anxiety disorder. In addition, the authors included the operational definitions of
comorbid anxiety disorders and childhood separation anxiety disorder. They defined comorbid
anxiety disorders as having more than two lifetime adult anxiety disorders. The authors were more
specific when clarifying CSA, which they defined as being diagnosed with excessive anxiety
regarding the separation of those whom the child is emotionally attached to, as well as experiencing
three of the nine symptoms listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for at
least two weeks.
The purpose of the study, according to the authors, is to further specify research already done on the
correlation between childhood separation anxiety disorder and adult anxiety disorders, and to
explore the possible relationship between other adult anxiety disorders and childhood separation
anxiety. This research is practically important because parents' whose children are diagnosed with
childhood separation
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Separation Of Separation Anxiety Disorder
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Folasade Oyekoya
Bowie State University
Sam has a separation anxiety disorder; Separation Anxiety is a normal stage of life that fade at a
certain stage, it becomes a disorder when it persist in individual under 18 for at least four weeks and
for the adult for over six month or more. It's becomes a disorder that causes distress for a child or
teenager when separating from the parent or care giver. This can affect the child development and
ability to express emotion. Separation anxiety disorder occurs because child does not feel safe
without the parent.
Separation anxiety is most common in infant3mont to toddler age of 3. Is part of childhood
development in ... Show more content on ...
Fear of being alone without major attachment, irrational fear of event that can cause separation. Not
wanting to go to school or other function without the parent or the care combination with
fear or eagerness develop physical symptom of headache, stomach ache, palpation. A child that has a
close family tight may be more apt to procure the disorder. Most people with Symptoms of
separation disorder develop depression. Children with SAD may display fear toward unfamiliar
when away from an attachment figure
An adult with Separation anxiety are likely to have other anxiety disorder including obsessive–
compulsive disorder, avoidant and dependent
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition, (DSM–V), description
Separate anxiety disorder is no longer a disorder that has its onset in childhood; is now no specific
age of onset. Sad is defined as a separation anxiety disorder that persist in individual under 18 for at
least four weeks and adults for six months of more
Prevalence childhood disorder
Prevalence estimate of childhood separation anxiety disorder were 4.1% to 21%
(Bernstein and Borchardt, 1991; Cobham, 1998; Flannery et al, 2000)
Etiology of the childhood disorder
Cause that contribute to this disorder include but are not limited to Environment, genetic
component, child temperament, Behavior and more. Genetically children are more likely to develop
separation anxiety disorder, if one or both of the parents are diagnosed with
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Personal Narrative: Separation Anxiety
The walls shut in and my world felt smaller as my problems felt bigger. My mental stability stood
on pillars of salt and pillars of sand; I was only five when I was diagnosed with separation anxiety. I
couldn't cope when my mother left the house. I always held onto the doorknob or her leg, trying to
stop her from leaving. I would even watch the street or call her continuously asking how long until
she would get home. There was never a calm moment without her.
One time, when I was eight, I was at my friend's birthday party when my mom wanted to leave; my
hands started shaking and my heart started beating faster, at that moment the world felt smaller and
my problems felt bigger.
"I will be back in an hour, all of your friends are here and it will be okay."
"How many minutes would that be?"
"60 minutes. It will fly by if you just relax and have fun."
I spent that entire party trying to count the seconds of each minute. Every second that I tried to ...
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As a result of the newfound freedoms that middle school promoted, I went from struggling to let my
mother leave the house to not noticing her leave at all. With this came a new problem; I developed
panic disorder. I do not remember much of this time because my anxiety inhibited my memory of it,
but I can always recall the emotional and physical impact it had. School was my biggest enemy
because I spent everyday begging not to go. I often found myself in the nurse's office desperately
wanting to leave. I missed weeks of school and was behind in class often, I could not keep up with
the workload. Not only did it impact how I did in school, but friends were not friends anymore and
family was shut out by a door with a lock. I told myself I could not feel this way anymore; it was
taking over my life. As I started to understand what was happening and the motivation of not
wanting to feel this way I was able to teach myself ways to calm down
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Panic Disorders: Childhood Separation Anxiety
Panic disorder is dissimilar from the normal fear and anxiety reactions to stressful activities that is a
serious illness that strikes without any warning. Panic attacks involve a feeling of extreme anxiety or
fear that may last for anyplace among for a few minutes possibly to various hours. Symptoms of
panic disorder happens with sudden attacks of fear and nervousness. Also, it causes such as sweating
and a racing heart. During a panic attack, the fear response for the situation often is not threatening.
Over time, a person with panic disorder develops a constant fear of having another panic attack,
which can affect daily functioning and in general in their life. Panic attack is a reaction of the
sympathetic nervous system. Panic attacks are not permanently threatening. People can or possibly
won't develop a panic attack at any time in their life. Everyone go through panic in a different way.
The first reason for this cause is that there can be a genetic partiality to panic attacks. In the article
of Childhood Separation Anxiety Disorder Adult Onset Panic Attacks Share a Common Genetic
Diathesis by Roxann Roverson–Nay Et al. Stated that it was found on this "separation anxiety
hypothesis" on reviewing reports of a memory of the childhood and as adult related to other
psychiatric groups (2012). People are born ... Show more content on ...
In the article of Mental Illness in Detained Asylum Seekers researched that Children are mostly
helpless to the negative situations responding of hopelessness in where they grow up in from seeing
violent and traumatic happenings without any help especially from their own parents (Lawrence,
2004). It could be there was an early death in the family, severe illness, or some other serious
problem like alcoholism or
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The Cause Of Separation Anxiety Disorder
Today, the exact cause of Separation Anxiety Disorder is unknown (According to an article by
Psychology Today). Although the exact cause is unknown, we do know of some risk factors.
According to various articles, kids that come from very united families are more likely to develop
SAD if separation from a parent occurs or a traumatic event such as, physical assault occurs. Boston
Children's Hospital says that, "...a child can also inherit that parent's anxiety..." and that "...anxiety
may be learned from family members and others who are noticeably stressed or anxious around a
child." Those are only some ways a kid might end up developing SAD. Various articles also suggest
that a factor that seems to be common in kids with Separation Anxiety ... Show more content on ...
Kids or teens with Separation Anxiety Disorder may also begin to experience changes as was the
case for Janna Hakims sibling's. Janna and her two brothers were all born in the U.S. but her mother
was not she was Palestinian. Janna explains that she was in shock when one morning she saw her
mother being arrested by ICE. Janna also mentions that after her mother's deportation her family fell
completely apart. Her youngest brother 13, at the time of her mother's deportation began to wet his
bed, and her 15–year–old brother began to do drugs and got involved in gang activities. Any one
whit ASD will experience changes some will be negative like Janna's 15–year–old brother and some
like her 13–year–old brother won't be so bad; but they may need the help of a professional, such as a
counseling psychologist, to overcome SAD. How is SAD diagnosed? "For a diagnosis of separation
anxiety disorder, a clinician looks for distress in being separated from–or anticipating separation
from–parents or caregivers that 's excessive for a child 's age and prevents him from participating in
age–appropriate activities." (according to Child Mind Institute). The symptoms are crucial in
determining whether the kid or adolescent has SAD. Some are the SAD symptoms are normal in
little kids perhaps on their first day of school when they don't want their parents to leave them. In
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Separation Anxiety in Children
Many parents are all too familiar with the cries of their child that seem to be impossible to calm and
the child that clings to their leg when they are about to leave. The terrible twos are not the only
dreaded stage of child development; this is what is commonly known as separation anxiety.
"Separation anxiety is a developmental stage during which the child experiences anxiety when
separated from the primary care giver " (McPherson, 2004). Separation anxiety varies widely from
child to child and most commonly occurs between the ages of eight months to two and a half. There
are several different causes of separation anxiety, ways to manage separation anxiety to make it
easier for both the child and the parent, and symptoms and warning ... Show more content on ...
When the parent returns, he or she should focus on the positive aspects of the child's day to reassure
the child that everything was okay and remain consistent with the new routine. "Since young
children are directly affected by their parents' level of comfort, it is important for [the parents] to
feel at ease" (Brodkin, 2003).
Some symptoms and warning signs that may indicate that the child is experiencing more than just
separation anxiety are "A child who continued to be inconsolable in a new child care or other setting
for more than two weeks And has an ongoing change in behavior" (Please Don't Go), reluctance
and/or fear of sleeping alone, nightmares, refusal to go places without the parent, refusal to eat,
refusal to interact with individuals other than the parents or primary caregivers, "excessive distress
when separated from the primary caregiver, worry about losing or harm coming to the primary
caregiver, repeated physical complaints " (McPherson, 2004). If a child exhibits any of these
behaviors or a combination of the following behaviors, the parents or caregivers of the child should
seek medical attention immediately as well as psychological testing/counseling to discover whether
or not a deeper problem exists.
This stage of separation anxiety can be overwhelming for the primary caregiver. The parents can
feel gratified that their child is attached to them while feeling guilty at the same time
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Parents And Separation Anxiety
It is evident that parents play an essential role in helping the child to cope with separation anxiety
and perhaps, even hold the key to solve the child's problem of separation anxiety. However, when
parents use the wrong approaches, it may in fact worsen the child's condition as explored by the
various articles.
Eugster (2007) cited that although it is important for parents to demonstrate proper cautionary and
safety behaviours when deemed suitable, it is also crucial for parents to portray confident and bold
characters for the child to emulate. If a parent is overly anxious and over–protective, this anxiety can
be easily conveyed to a child with a message that the world is too dangerous. The child also gets the
idea that he/she is incompetent ... Show more content on ...
The child might be apprehensive about going to school, so do not brush aside those feelings by
saying "aiyah, there's nothing to worry about" or "everyone goes to school so you must also go".
This is further explored by Beresin and Schlozman (2015) who describes many parents
inadvertently reinforce separation anxiety disorder by acting in an over–protective, controlling
and/or anxious way during times of separation. The loving and dutiful parents might not realise that
their own worries are actually reinforcing those of their anxious child.
Har, Chiu, Langer & Wood (2007) stated that parental intrusiveness occurs when parents give help
during tasks that are developmentally appropriate for children to perform independently, or when
caregivers provide assistance even though children do not request it (Wood, 2006; Pomerantz,
2001). It is theorized that when children are separated from their intrusive parents, everyday tasks –
tasks that their parents typically do for them – are perceived as novel, thereby eliciting anxiety due
to the fact that they must now perform these "novel" tasks
... Get more on ...

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Separation Anxiety Disorder Essay

  • 1. Separation Anxiety Disorder Essay This paper examines the various symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder among children and adolescents, the refusal of children diagnosed with Separation Anxiety Disorder to go to school, and the treatments that are used to treat this disorder. Studies have shown that Separation Anxiety Disorder is the third most common anxiety disorder among children. Symptoms are fairly easy to recognize, but must be addressed quickly. Refusal to go to school is one of the most significant consequences of this disorder. Treatments are being made available to children who suffer from this disorder and advances in research are being made. As human beings, we all have the capability of experiencing emotions and feelings. People can experience happiness, ... Show more content on ... SAD is one of the most commonly diagnosed anxiety disorders among children. It is completely normal for adolescents, especially in very young adolescents, to experience some degree of separation anxiety. In comparison, separation anxiety disorder is excessive worry or anxiety that goes beyond the expected amount for the child's developmental level. SAD is characterized by excessive anxiety concerning separation from home or from those to whom a child is attached. While some tend to believe that this anxiety disorder is more common among females than males, it has been determined that SAD occurs at approximately the same rate in males and females (Eisen & Schaefer, 2005). Separation Anxiety Disorder is not permanent. It can be cured; however children with SAD are at higher risk for the development of other anxiety disorders and depression not only in adolescence, but in adulthood as well. Studies have shown that children who are diagnosed with SAD are much more likely to have are much more likely to develop panic disorder, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and several others later in life. Studies have also shown that children diagnosed with SAD have similar symptoms that occur among them. Primary symptoms include excessive worry about potential harm to self or major attachment figures, frequent nightmares about separation, physical ailments such as nausea, headaches, stomach pains, as well as ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Separation Anxiety Disorders And Children Essay Separation Anxiety Disorders in Parents and Children Christa Conrad Antelope Valley College Introduction to Psychology – PSY101 Professor Laurel Johnson Monday, November 14, 2016 Abstract The differences between Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and the similar disorder, Attachment Anxiety Disorder, were examined to show that the disorders are alike. The causes of Separation Anxiety Disorder and the symptoms in which a child could be diagnosed were discussed. Following that, the treatments that were presently available and ways parents could do to counter the onset of this disorder were observed. Lastly, examples presented of the research studies were observed on a thirteen–year–old boy and a two–year–old pointer cross. Both examples showed how both mother and owner of the dog could figure out how the son and the dog were diagnosed and how they were treated. Separation Anxiety disorder Separation anxiety disorder is a condition that causes a child severe distress when away from the parents or the caregivers. Studies show that 4–5% of children and adolescents typically have this disorder. This paper will provide an overview of the present understandings of SAD. The information covered in this paper will include an example of a study for both a child and an animal. The areas examined will focus on the causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, ways to prevent it and the treatment currently available for this order. Separation Anxiety Disorder Vs. ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Role Of Separation Anxiety In Children Separation anxiety is a big problem for children these days. In this research I will be discussing overview of separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is defined as a condition in which a child starts to be frightened and scared to be left alone from someone that child really love to be with. Separation anxiety is a typical for young children. Specifically, children in eight to fourteen months old. Children usually go through a specific time during their life that they will cling to their parent or somebody that they really love. Separation anxiety can be joined with holding panic attack that is possible to happen with being able to have a comorbid panic disorder. There are signs and symptoms of having separation. Which can include crying, ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Separation Anxiety Disorder: A Case Study There are many factors that possibly cause a child to have separation anxiety disorder. One of the factors is that this diagnosis usually happens after a certain stress in life, such as a loss that involves a death of a relative, immigration, or change of schools (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The DSM–5 (2013) explains that another factor is the parenting style. If a parent is too overprotective on their child, then there is a high possibility that their child might have separation anxiety disorder. Parental intrusiveness, which is the act of the parent taking over a task where the child is trying to do something independently, was proven to be closely linked to the child potentially having a diagnosis of separation anxiety disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013; Wood, 2006). Also, a study involving a sample of military men found that their mother's behaviors of overcontrol can be a causal factor to these individuals' separation anxiety disorder in childhood and their father's abuse behavior can predict the severity of this disorder (Giotakos & Konstantakopoulos, 2002). One study found that genetic and environmental influences both play ... Show more content on ... al, 2016). The experiences of being bullied in childhood highly correlated with chances of being diagnosed with separation anxiety in adolescence and adulthood for discordant monozygotic twins (Silberg et. al, 2016). All of the research articles mentioned above convey that genetic and environmental influences both play an important role in whether the child will be diagnosed with separation anxiety disorder. In order for clinicians to diagnose a child with separation anxiety disorder, he or she must start the process by using assessment skills or ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Separation Anxiety In Children Separation anxiety varies considerably among children. Some babies get hysterical when the mother is not in sight for a very short time, while other children seem to feel constant distress over the separations during infancy, early childhood, and preschool age. Babies: Separation anxiety develops after a child acquires an understanding of the permanence of an object. Once the child realizes that you really are gone (when you do), this can make you uneasy. Although some babies show an understanding of the permanence of an object and separation anxiety from 4 to 5 months of age, most develop a more specific separation anxiety around 9 months. This coming and going can be worse if your baby is hungry, tired, or not feeling well. Make transitions short and routine if it's a difficult day. ... Show more content on ... Separations are more difficult when children are hungry, tired or sick – what happens almost always! As children develop independence during childhood they are often even more aware of separations. His behavior during the separations will be loud, noisy with tears and difficult to control. Preschoolers: When children are 3 years old, they already understand more clearly what effect their anxiety or supplications of separation have on us. This does not mean that they are not stressed, but they certainly want to pay attention. Be consistent; Do not go back to the room because the child is asking you and above all do not cancel your plans due to separation anxiety. His consistent consistency, between explanations and diligence to return when he says he is going to do it, must ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Dog Separation Anxiety Introduction The dog is "man's best friend", but what if you can't leave your dog at home alone, not even for 10 minutes. A lot of people have to cope with this problem because their dog is suffering from separation anxiety. In 1,644 dogs that were diagnosed with behavioral problems over 14,3% had separation anxiety1. In animal behavioral practices in North America 20–40% of the dogs are diagnosed with separation anxiety2. And in the United Kingdom, at least 20% of dogs are believed to have separation anxiety , although up to 50% of dogs in the population may display clinical signs at some time.3,4 This is one of the most seen reasons for owners to surrender their dogs to a shelter. Plausible cause for so many dogs to have separation anxiety are multiple and could be a combination of factors. These causes include pathologic over–attachment to the owner, negative early experiences such as too early separation from their dam, a traumatic experience while being alone, and a change in family circumstances. Dogs may also have a genetic predisposition to develop the condition, because they have been bred to be socially dependent, devoted, and infantile.' 5 These causes don't only lead to separation anxiety, there are a lot of different behavioral problems that dogs can have and sometimes allthough a dog goes true a traumatic experience it doesn't lead to a behavioral problems at all. But ... Show more content on ... Dogs can be treated with medicine, the ones that are most common used are anxiolytics and antidepressants8. Next to medical treatment behavioral therapy is also commonly used. These behavior modifications give good results when there is a working, reliable and easy to apply protocol.9 Also the combination of behavioral therapy with medicine is used. And even in many pet–stores next to dispensers with calming pheromones there are a lot of products available that are supposed to help dogs with separation ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Adult Separation Anxiety : A Psychological Condition Adult Separation Anxiety: A Possible Link to a Missed Step in Development DeAndre Bright Evan Smith–Finney Amber Depew Brandon Eastwood CCBC Catonsville Psychology 103 April 3, 2015 Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder Separation anxiety disorder is "a psychological condition in which an individual has excessive anxiety regarding separation from places or people to whom the individual has a strong emotional attachment" ( 2008). Individuals with this disorder typically become debilitating distressed when they are faced with actual or perceived separation from major attachment figures. Vijaya Manicavasagar of the psychiatry research and teaching unit of Liverpool Hospital in New South Wales in Australia ... Show more content on ... ASAD and its signs, symptoms, and treatment Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder "involves excessive and often disabling distress when faced with actual or perceived separation from major attachments."(, 2008). This type of anxiety usually goes undiagnosed or neglected as a diagnosis due to there not being much research being done on the disorder. Adult separation anxiety puts individuals who are left alone and cannot attach to someone are put into a state of fear and extreme anxiety. As a result they are not able to adapt to being alone. Signs and symptoms of adult separation anxiety can vary in combinations and in intensity. Adult separation anxiety disorder symptoms may include "refusal to sleep outside of the home, dependence on significant other, refusal to go to work or school because of fear of separation, extreme worry about the well–being of attachment figures, anxiety that is developmentally inappropriate regarding separation, sexual dysfunction, body function disturbances, fear, physical complaints when faced with possible separation" (Falcon 2012). As seen with other anxiety disorders, there are a number of treatments for the disorder different types and for the symptoms that are associated with them. Although with this particular disorder, there is no standard treatment for this disorder. However, there was one psychiatrist who was capable to successfully treat a case ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Separation Anxiety Disorder (OCD) I was sitting at my desk looking at the new worksheet my teacher 3rd grade teacher had just handed out. I looked at the clock and saw the time, 11:14, and wrote it on my paper. Later I looked at the clock again, 11:20, and wrote it down again. I glanced at the clock yet again, 11:21, and jot the number down once again. Eventually I had a line of times written down my worksheet. I didn't know why I was doing it, or even that it was weird of me to do it. I just felt the need to do it and I did. It became such a common action that my mom bought be a little notebook for me to specifically write my times in so I didn't have to clutter up my homework. Another day at school we were doing a project that required us to cut something out of paper. I had decided that I wanted to keep my scraps, and everyone else's for ... Show more content on ... OCD is a mental anxiety disorder that causes the brain to have intrusive and unwanted negative thoughts that leads a person to cary out actions for temporary relive of those thoughts. SAD is when A child has an extreme fear of leaving or being separated from their parents. My doctor read me a children's book about a boy with many of the symptoms associated with OCD to try to give me an understanding of what was happening with my disorder. Many of the character's symptoms didn't seem to apply to me so it was hard for me to relate. I got placed on some medication to help ease my symptoms and I started improving dramatically, even before I had started the medication. I was diagnosed as a third grader and by the time I was about to begin middle school my symptoms were unnoticeable so my mother got me off of my prescription. I did great though middle school and only ran into some school issues as a high schooler. I still am medication free, and although OCD is a continuous and often changing struggle, I have learned to only push myself that much harder to overcome it. I may have OCD but, OCD does not have ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Separation Anxiety Research Paper Beginning a new school year can bring about all sorts of new anxieties for children. Facing new situations can be scary for young children and, as parents, we want to protect them. Sooner or later, almost all parents have to deal with a child's separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is defined as a developmental stage in which a child suffers distress when apart from a primary caregiver. Separation anxiety can be an emotionally intense experience. But don't fear! There are many helpful ways to work through the anxiety not only without tears, but also with increased self–confidence and independence. What can you do? It's simple: Encourage your child's growing independence! The hardest part of parenting is finding the balance between protecting and ... Show more content on ... When your child is able to master simple task, they feel confident to approach more complex situations. And don't worry: You're not a bad parent if your child has difficulty separating from you. In fact, it's often a sign that you've established a strong bond with your child. For younger children, practicing games like hide and seek can be a superficial opportunity to practice separation. Take the child out into the community and into other social situations to reduce sensitivities and increase awareness of other people. Everyday coping skills can be increased by exposing your child to new ways of thinking and life experiences. A child who has a tough time separating, or one who isn't used to being apart from you can benefit from a gradual transition to a new situations. Home is a good place to practice separating from your child. This might include playing independently, sleeping separate from parents or helping with household chores. Inviting other children to your home for play dates can also increase your child's self–esteem. Eventually, your child will be able to confidently play away from ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Separation Anxiety Dogs love to be around their owners. They're sorry to see them leave, and are always happy when they return. The bond a canine feels with his owner makes him unhappy when separated from him. This is normal. Some dogs, however, become especially agitated when they suspect their owners are leaving them. They may loudly vocalize their displeasure, or adopt destructive behaviors that manifest in several ways (e.g. digging, destroying furniture, etc.). This is called separation anxiety. Below, we'll explore why many canines become anxious whenever they are separated from their owners. We'll also describe some of the common symptoms of the problem, and provide a few tips for addressing them. Why Your Absence Might Cause Your Dog Stress In nearly ... Show more content on ... Many dogs go from household to shelter to household to shelter, which prevents them from developing any degree of security in their surroundings. Because they fear being abandoned again, they become anxious whenever their current owner departs. Your pet may also show signs of distress when you leave if he has experienced something traumatic in his past. For example, he may have been confronted with his previous owner having passed away, leaving him trapped inside the house. Common Signs Of Separation Anxiety Many behaviors that stem from separation anxiety are destructive in nature, but result from the dog trying to relieve the tension he feels. For example, suppose you left your canine inside your home to go to the office for the day. If he becomes anxious due to being separated from you, he might perceive the doors in your home as barriers. As a result, he may scratch them in an attempt to get through. Other behaviors include urinating and defecating inside the home, persistent whining, salivating, and even diarrhea. Your dog may also pace back and forth to help relieve the stress he feels. When you arrive at home, he may not let you out of his sight, a behavior motivated by nervousness that you may leave him again. Tips For Minimizing Separation
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  • 42. Separation Anxiety And Its Effects On Children Many individuals think it's cute when they see an infant so infatuated with their mother, not wanting to ever leave her side. However what happens when this child gets older and still has the need to be constantly by their mother's side, throwing a tantrum when their mother leaves the room. This attachment is no longer cute, but obsessive. This is an example of separation anxiety, a developmental phase that most children go through during their early years. Separation anxiety is most likely to occur in child with a family history of anxiety/depression, child who are shy, children who have a lack of appropriate parental interaction, and overprotective parents. Separation anxiety is one of the most common anxiety disorders in children affecting one out of twenty. It is a developmental stage during which the child experiences anxiety when separated from the primary care giver, usually the mother, and is in fact a part of natural cognitive development. When a baby is around 6 months old, they start to understand that they are detached from their mother, meaning the mother can leave at any time. Also around 6 months old the baby is capable of "representational thinking", meaning he can now picture objects, like his mother in his mind where they are no longer in the same room. This all leads to the healthy separation anxiety most babies develop at 7 months old until 3 years old, where they child starts to cry when their primary care giver is no longer in site, even for a brief ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Separation Anxiety : A Type Of An Attachment Disorder No one is perfectly healthy. In today's society, many people suffer from some type of disorders. Separation anxiety is one of them. According to the website, "this disorder is a type of an attachment disorder that is usually observed by young children, who feel they are getting lack of affection and attention from parents or their caregivers due to separation." I believe that many people feel unsafe being alone and they are afraid to be alone. However, due to inescapable situation or technology or laziness they face separation, loneliness, and fear. Many researches and articles say genes, environment, and people are the main cause of the attachment disorder. There are differences between adults and young children who have separation anxiety. The ways to treat separation anxiety vary. The research says 77.5 % of people has lifetime separation anxiety disorder, 75.2 % has reported separation anxiety disorder in the past 12 months had adult onset SAD, and 80% of SAD diagnoses still occurred prior to 30 years of age with individuals experiencing onset by their late teens to early 20s. Anxiety is a mood state impacted by strong negative emotion in response to threating events or situations, which are either real or imagined. It is usually observed in infancy and early childhood, but can be found in adulthood too. It is a very complex phenomenon that is expressed in three ways such as physical, cognitive, and behavioral. It is normal for children to experience ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Separation Anxiety And Its Effects On Children Separation anxiety is very common as children grow and develop. They may fear those few moments during daycare drop–off or that initial first meeting with a new babysitter. These children will often times grow out of this anxiety after they become familiar with their surroundings and caregivers. But, if they continue having these separation anxiety induced outbursts, even after they have been with a trusted caregiver for a time, parents and primary caregivers often worry about the well–being of their child and their child's development. They may believe that their child has acquired a Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD). I selected this topic because I work with multiple toddlers in a center and their parents have expressed some minor worry towards whether or not their child suffers with SAD or if this anxiety is causing them delays. I would love to be able to know some minor details about this broad topic and refer them to the website and articles that I found helpful when writing this report. This topic is important because it is has many symptoms that are similar to regular and developmentally appropriate separation anxiety. When a child suffers from SAD, it is something that needs attention by a pediatric professional in order for it not to affect the child later in life. The first article that I read and reviewed was called "Adult Agoraphobia and Childhood Separation Anxiety: Using Children 's Literature to Understand the Link". It was a fairly theoretical and made the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Separation Anxiety Disorder Case Study Lisa is a 40–year–old military veteran. Lisa made two tours of Iraq between 2003 and 2007 as a soldier. Two years ago, Lisa witnessed an armed robbery in a convenience store. Soon after it, she began experiencing panic attacks and elevated levels of anxiety. I will consider anxiety disorders and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) defined by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM–5) (2013) as Lisa's potential diagnoses. Although Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is more typical for children, adults can be diagnosed with it if the disturbance persists for 6 months or more. Patients experience marked anxiety and fear to be separated from their home or from an attachment figure. They may have nightmares about separation and are reluctant to go out of the home. Since Lisa does not feel anxiety about separation from a significant figure or from her home, I rule out this diagnosis. Selective Mutism is presented in DSM–5 as predominantly (but not exclusively) a disorder of children. It is characterized by inability to speak in specific social situations despite general capacity of speaking and communicating. Lisa did not report any social situations in which she failed to speak or communicate. Therefore, I rule out ... Show more content on ... A person with Panic Disorder may avoid certain situations to prevent new panic attacks from happening. A panic attack might include pain in the chest, feelings of dizziness, choking, nausea, chills or heat, might be accompanied by shaking, fear of losing control or dying. Lisa experiences panic attacks. However, her panic attacks are predictable, since they always happen at night after nightmares about the war and the robbery. Lisa was diagnosed with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with panic attacks that explains her symptoms. Lisa is not anxious about having new panic attacks. So, I rule out Panic ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Separation Anxiety In Dog Psychology By having this test done, we can use it for dog psychology as well to help understand how they react and behave to certain situations. Dogs have evolved from wolves but their characteristics still have not changed from wolves. The experiment depicted that dogs do not consist of an attachment bond with their owner, but resulted in dogs illustrating their separation anxiety towards their owner. By having this test, we were able to conclude from the random range of dogs that most dogs contain separation anxiety. More tests will be needed to determine why and how separation anxiety comes to be and why dogs mostly have it. Behavior was able to be seen through scratching and whining, but the why and how separation anxiety occurs will be needed to proceed upon through more experiments and tests to fully understand the mind and behavior of a dog. ... Show more content on ... Personally, I can contest to the fact that my dog Shadow, a german shepherd also contains separation anxiety because of the way I brought him up from when he was 8 weeks old. I formed an attachment bond by never letting him out of my sight and he formed an emotional bond with me since he whines and scratches on the door when I go outside the house or into my room. Shadow became inseparable from me because I brought him up that way. We take him every week to training for dog obedience on Saturday and one test he could not pass was the separation test for 3 minutes. He contains separation anxiety and therefore could not bear to see me walk and stand behind a tree at a distance while a stranger to him held him for 3 ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Separation Anxiety Disorder Case Study Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) is a condition that causes a child severe distress when away from the parents or the caregivers. Studies show that 4–5% of children and adolescents typically have this disorder. This paper will provide an researched overview of the present understandings of SAD. Information covered in this paper will include examples of studies for both children and animal. The areas examined will focus on the causes, symptoms, ways to diagnose this disorder, ways to prevent it and the treatment currently available. Separation Anxiety Disorder Vs. Attachment Anxiety Disorder Separation disorder is an abnormal nervousness to real or imagined separation from attachment figures that prevents the daily developmental activities and tasks. On the other hand, attachment disorder is an emotional bond that connects one person to another and is characterized by specific behaviors in children. Theses two disorders are ... Show more content on ... He always feared something was going to his mom when he was away from her. Everytime he went to school camp, he experience fear, worry, trembling and sweating. It got so bad that he cried and his stomach churned. When he slept away from home, he had repetitive nightmares when his mother died and he was not able to save her. After repetitive experiencing the symptoms, the boy was diagnosed March 2004 with SAD. He and his mom attended a 9–week cognitive behavioral therapy group program to help him learn how to deal with being away. When he went back to school camp, he experience the symptoms to SAD occurred. The doctors then performed a Neuro Emotional Technique which is (Insert quote). The went through continuous testing and after 6 months of posttreatment, no symptoms of SAD rose up when he went to the school camp. ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Cause Of Separation Anxiety Anxiety attacks are no fun, especially if you have them frequently and you aren't sure what is causing them. As a sufferer of these kinds of attacks myself, I know what it is like when one happens, and it is not a pleasant experience. In fact, it can be downright scary! The main thing that you have to tell yourself the minute that one of these events happens is that when it does happen that you at all times remind yourself that you can take control. I am going to show you how to do this, and it is actually as simple (*if not simpler) than putting on a pair of socks or getting ready for work in the morning. The biggest, if not most common, factor that can cause an anxiety attack is stress and/or high blood pressure, and both of these are something ... Show more content on ... One of the constant battles was his dislike of saying goodbye to those who were leaving the house, whether it happened to be his father, his grandfather, his great–grandparents, or a randomly selected new friend who had come by for a visit. Psychologists call this clinging behavior "separation anxiety," and it can hit at almost any age from one to four years. My first experiences with separation anxiety came from keeping the nursery at my church. I was always startled when a child who had always loved being with me suddenly began to latch on to parents, refusing to let them leave in any peaceful fashion. Instead, I would have to manually separate the two and then spend the next ten minutes trying to distract and redirect the distraught toddler toward other adventures. Sometimes I was successful; at other times, I spent the entire hour coping with a fussy, inconsolable little one until my nerves were more frayed than the bottom of a teenager's old jeans. From this experience, I had developed my own special box of tricks. I began by walking the floor and calling attention to all of the pictures on the walls. I followed this by reading a book while bouncing the child on my knee or rocking. If the screams could still be heard through the insulated walls of my classroom, I tried singing the silliest songs I knew in an overly loud voice. Sometimes I think this worked because the child realized that if he or she stopped crying, I just might stop singing. If these actions failed to convince the child to cease and desist, I plopped into the floor with the sweet darling in tow and systematically pulled the strings and punched the buttons on every battery operated sound–making toy in the vicinity. By this time, one of us was so tired that he or she achieved the victory. I considered myself the winner if my little bundle of joy either ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Separation Anxiety In Children Anxiety is termed as a normal response to a fast threatening change in which includes perceived loss of self–esteem or control and real danger to the individual(American Psychiatric Association, 2013). There are several different types of anxiety disorders, and each of them is based off of which situations or things cause avoidance and fear within the person. In particular, this paper will be focusing on separation anxiety disorder in children, which is a person's fear of separating from home or an individual that they are attached to. Before the 1980's, Greek and Latin authors mentioned cases in which an individual had pathological anxiety, but only classified it as a mental disorder rather then a psychological diagnosis (Crocq, 2015). According to Klein (2002), forms of separation anxiety disorder may have possibly been "an evolved innate protest mechanism", and are released when the person is separated during their "appropriate helpless developmental phase". In the DSM–3, which was published in 1980, separation anxiety was first recognized as a disorder included under the category termed "Anxiety Disorders for Children and Adolescents" (Crocq, 2015). The author states that separation anxiety remained under this category until the revision from the DSM–4 to the DSM–5 in 2013, in which ... Show more content on ... During 2008, 50 percent of referred children to mental health treatment centers were for separation anxiety disorder (Ehrenreich, Santucci, & Weiner, 2008). Also, Waite and Creswell (2014) found that children had a higher probability to be diagnosed with separation anxiety disorder than adolescents. Prevalence in separation anxiety disorder is fairly common, in which in children six to twelve month prevalence is 4% (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The DSM–5 (2013) also states that in adolescents, the prevalence decreases to about ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Separation Anxiety As A Medical Condition Introduction A mother leaves the room where her baby becomes heartbroken because she is not there to comfort him and care for him could this be separation anxiety. Separation Anxiety Disorder is a medical condition were children usually ranging in ages from 8 months to 14 years of age have distress when they are away from their parents and/or caregiver. Separation Anxiety can affect a person's life dramatically by limiting them from engaging in ordinary day–to–day activities. Children with separation anxiety disorder may become severely anxious and agitated even when just anticipating being away from their home or primary caregiver. Main Ideas Separation Anxiety (DSM–IV–TR code 309.21) is a disorder that occurs during infancy and ... Show more content on ... Symptoms of children suffering from separation anxiety at home refuse to go to school, refuse to go on outings, difficulty sleeping alone, and scary dreams about being separated. Opposing views The number of those suffering from separation anxiety has increased. The disorder may have primed those who suffer from it to other forms of anxiety. Such as panic disorders which is a psychiatric disorder in which debilitating anxiety and fear arise frequently and without reasonable cause and agoraphobia which is Fear of places and situations that might cause panic, helplessness, or embarrassment ( 2015). Psychoanalytic theories have different views on separation anxiety and where it belongs in children development. Some Psychiatrist believes that separation anxiety is a result from the unconscious conflicts that are internal (Bowlby N.D.). Viewing it from this point of view the fear of losing a mother by separation is not regarding real danger. Freud considers the main experience of separation from protecting the mother or caregiver the prototype situation of anxiety and compares it to generating fear of separation experiences. In his opinion anxiety originates from two factors: physiological fact begins at the time of birth but then first traumatic situation is separation from mother/ caregiver. His point of view can be looked at as behavioral theories. Behavioral theories suggest separation anxiety to be conditioned or learned from ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Daycare and Separation Anxiety: A Brief Overview Numerous advances led to Sigmund Freud's inspirational Stages of Psychosexual Development, and it was Freud that introduced a clear theory explaining the process by which infants develop into adults. The transition from the Oral, Anal and Phallic stages begins to help us understand some of the processes that might lead to understanding attachment issues. Freud argued that humans are born "polymorphously perverse," the idea that any number of objects could be a source of pleasure. While relief from stress observed in a child might be interpreted as simply the absence of emotional pain, on a deeper level, re–attachment and physical closeness to a caregiver after prolonged separation should result in a pleasurable experience. Setting ... Show more content on ... (Bretherton, 1992) Bowlby reviewed contemporary psychoanalytic explanations about a child's psychosexual connection to the mother and dismissed the notion that satisfaction of this instinctual drive was a primary driving force of attachment. Expanding on Freud's idea that mature human sexuality is a collection of individual instinctive behaviors, Bowlby advanced the notion to include the many other instinctual responses that bind mother and infant. The component responses that include sucking, clinging, and following, as well as the gesturing behaviors of smiling and crying develop somewhat independently through the first year of life and become progressively more integrated and fixated on a mother. Bowlby was of the mind that clinging and following was more relevant for attachment than the sucking and crying behaviors, and over time, this line of thinking led Bowlby to a more in depth understanding of bonding behavior in infants and young children. Working with the evidence gleaned from Harlow's experiments with his Rhesus monkeys, Bowlby came to believe that the traditional theories of attachment could not explain the powerful attachment of infants and young children to a mother figure nor the significant responses related to separation. ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Long Term Effects of Childhood Separation Anxiety Long–Term Effects of Childhood Separation Anxiety Abstract This report delves into the connection between childhood separation anxiety disorder and the long– term implications that it may have. To understand the connections I preformed secondary research through "Academic Search Complete". I found that childhood separation anxiety disorder is connected with serious mental disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia, social phobias, depression, and behavior disorders. Many studies have shown that childhood separation anxiety disorder is linked to eating disorders and depression. Research shows that cortisol, the hormone our body releases to deal with stress, can negatively affect our overall health. Childhood separation anxiety disorder can ... Show more content on ... The study stated that there was a stronger correlation between childhood separation anxiety disorder and anorexia than there was between childhood separation anxiety disorder and bulimia. Cortisol has been shown to have the greatest effect on the health of a person. Cortisol is a hormone released in stressful situations. Cortisol levels in young children have been shown to increase when the child is left in the care of someone they are unfamiliar with and when they attempt to interact or play with large groups of other children. (Turvett 2008) Lack of control in a situation is associated with a lack of recovery of cortisol, which can lead to a range of negative health effects. (Ursin 2004) Discussion The main purpose of my research was to find the association between childhood separation anxiety disorder and mental disorders in adolescents and adults. Based on the results, high stress levels and childhood separation anxiety disorder can be used to predict mental and psychiatric disorders later in a child's life. When a child experiences the symptoms of separation anxiety disorder their body releases hormones and if these hormones are heightened or too frequent the child has a higher risk of eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and behavior disorders throughout the adolescence and adulthood stages of their life. Research shows ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Separation Anxiety : A Normal Part Of Childhood Development Separation Anxiety often known as SAD refers to a developmental stage in which a child experiences anxiety due to separation from the primary caregiver (usually the mother). It is considered to be a normal part of childhood development. The normal stage occurs around eight months of age and can last up until the child is fourteen months old. Babies and toddlers are not the only ones that suffer from this disorder. When people would see children crying once their parents would hand them to someone else society would call them "spoiled" when it is actually the child feeling overwhelmed, in most cases. " That's why parents are called attachment figures; infants and toddlers attach their darkest fears to the biologically–driven recognition that their parents can make those fears go away" [Schlozman] For example, when my cousin was an infant she would cry constantly if she weren't around her father. This went well over into her elementary and middle school days. Resulting in her father being the parent taking and picking her up from school daily, helping with homework and attending school functions. I can now say with certainty, this was a form of separation anxiety. Thankfully she grew out of it when she began high school and is now a happy freshman in college far away from her parents. As you can see from my example, SAD can carry over into the child's adolescent and teen years. The symptoms of an adolescent with separation anxiety will have thoughts such as: What if ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Separation Of Separation Anxiety Disorder Separation anxiety Disorder Have you ever been attached to something? Have you ever thought or felt that your life couldn't continue without this object? Separation anxiety is very common, statistic show that at least thirty three percent of the population has this disorder. This disorder is the fear of being separated from something or someone. The subject with the disorder views separation as detrimental to their well– being. Caregivers, stuff animals, money, and cell phones are examples of objects people have separation anxiety towards. Separation anxiety is very common in infants and children. Infants one to eight months of age often show signs of anxiety when approached. Unknown people can cause the infant to cry. This is a normal ... Show more content on ... Children experience separation disorder in a more severe form than infant Children may develop physical complications when separated. Children sometimes get an upset stomach, nausea, or vomiting. Symptoms include hyperventilating headaches and diarrhea. Behavioral symptoms that a child might exhibit when they have anxiety include hesitancy or refusal to separate from the caregiver. The children may start begging, whining, and crying. Having tantrums if confronted with separation is normal. They may refuse to go to school or even refuse to sleep alone. Teen's experience separation anxiety quite frequently. when separated from their cell phone, or friends. Signs of separation disorder included the constant worry of where the phone is located. They worry about battery life. Adults become paranoid and expect the worst. They begin to hyperventilate some get headaches and become very anxious. Symptoms of separation anxiety disorder are prolonged fear and anxiety when a person or object is separated from the patient. They unrealistically worry about the safety of a loved one. The fear is so intense that it activates the sympathetic nervous system. By activating the sympathetic nervous system the body automatically mobilizes to get back what has been lost. For example, a mother is shopping in the store with her toddler. The child stumbles off without the mother knowing, as soon the mother notices her child missing she darts off looking for him. During this period of time ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Separation Anxiety Research Paper Preschool for 2 Year Old Frisco, TX: Will Your Child Have Separation Anxiety? The excitement you feel while searching for preschool for 2 year old Frisco TX may be overshadowed by a number of factors. First, you wonder if your toddler is ready for such a big change. You may also wonder if you are in fact ready for it. You know the experience will be wonderful for the development of your little one, as he will learn and interact with others, but you also fear he may experience separation anxiety. You've heard horror stories from other parents about the screaming, crying, and tantrums that occur when they leave their children at preschool, and you're scared the same thing will happen to your child. Fortunately, you can take steps that can prepare ... Show more content on ... He will learn that if he acts like that, you'll give in, which will encourage him to continue throwing tantrums. Instead, say goodbye quickly, and reassure him that you will return. If you think it will help, leave him with a favorite stuffed animal or toy that can offer comfort and will remind him of you. Also, sticking to a "goodbye routine" every time you leave builds consistency, which can reassure him that you will, in fact, return, because you do every time you complete this ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Case Study Separation Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment of Separation Anxiety Disorder CASE STUDY 6 CLIENT DETAILS Diagnosis: Separation Anxiety Disorder. Age: 6 years. Client Gender: Male. Initial Consultation: 20th May 2011. Number of Sessions: 12 sessions. Place of Treatment: The agency. Treatment Approach: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Treatment Mode: Weekly one hour sessions. Referral Information The client's mother referred her son to the agency because he was suffering from anxiety. He was resisting going to go to school and becoming distressed when his parents tried to leave him at home. Presenting Problem The client attended his first assessment session with his mother. He was of average size and weight for his age and was ... Show more content on ... The parents reported that their child's pre and post natal development was normal without illness or injury. However, as an infant/toddler, he had been difficult to soothe when upset and demanded constant attention which his parents found difficult to manage. Twelve months before attending the agency the client began to demonstrate increasing levels of anxiety. This anxiety commenced with significant difficulties being separated from his mother or father at home, to go to school, stay with family and play with friends. The parents said the client's behaviours included clinging on to them and chasing after them as they were leaving the house or school. He would also check their location in the house to confirm that they were still there. On occasion his behaviour deteriorated into tantrums, although this only happened at home. The parents also expressed concern that the boy's teacher noticed he was refusing to eat at school. The parents also reported their child was unable to get to sleep without their presence. He would awaken with
  • 99. nightmares at least three times a week saying he was frightened something bad was happening to them. The parents stated that it was becoming increasingly difficult for them to manage their son's behaviour. The client's parents reported that there was no known family history of anxiety and depression on either side of their family. ... Get more on ...
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  • 103. Dog Separation Anxiety Essay Dog Separation Anxiety – Have You Considered Doggy Day Care? By Andy Machin | Submitted On February 06, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 1 Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Andy Machin Day care for your dog is a route you may consider if you are forced to be away from your dog for too long each day for it to be fair to your dog or as a temporary measure to help your dog adjust and become accustomed to socializing with other dogs. It can also help with separation ... Show more content on ... Naturally you will want to do some research in to the potential day care providers. Talk to them, view their web sites, ask questions, get references so you can take a view and get a feel for which one will be most suitable for you and your dog. You want to be comfortable that he is in the best hands when he cannot be in yours. You do not want to send a nervous dog to somewhere which might make his anxiety issues worse so do take your time to choose the best provider you can. A visit to the provider's premises is also advised so you can chat to the owner, see if everything is clean and tidy, see how other dogs are behaving and if they are happy. It will of course cost to use a doggy day care provider so make sure you have the budget for it. This alone will not cure any dog separation anxiety issues however used in conjunction with other methods which you should still work on with your dog, the combination of all can have a powerful cumulative effect and help your dog to adjust. Patience is the key when working with a dog with separation anxiety. Many dogs need you to be in charge and make them feel at ease and safe. So by helping to take stresses away from them you are helping them to cope. Find what works best for your dog and go with ... Get more on ...
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  • 107. Separation Anxiety: A Case Study 1.5.Treatment of Separation anxiety disorder Treatment options for separation anxiety vary in intervention, with that mentioned they may still be adapted to fit the needs of the patient and may be applied in unison.On the one hand medical intervention together psychotherapy have proven to have a higher success rate in alleviating and relieving symptoms of Separation Anxiety. Primary guardian and child pairs use Art therapy as a treatment option which has also been revealed to improve the dynamic and bond of the child–parent relationship thus drastically improving anxiety in children(Plante & Bernache, 2008). Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and together with desensitization techniques are the foremost common treatments for individuals diagnosed with Separation anxiety. Systematic ... Show more content on ... According to Siegel (2012), the therapeutic relationships may provide attachment experiences that ensure the brain integrates resulting in healthier functioning. In addition, developing self– compassion and self–care (which means being mindful to yourself) is associated with lower levels of separation anxiety.To resolve the emotions brought on by separation anxiety, a child must develop an adequate sense of safety within their context as well as place trust in individuals other than their parents, and similarly trust in the parent's return. Primary caregivers that accompany children to medical examinations or treatments help elevate the effects of separation anxiety.However, when Primary caregivers are not available, prior exposure to the event, such as visiting the doctor's office before a test, may be helpful for the child. Some hospitals provide families with mental health staff that specialises in specific disorders and explain medical conditions and procedures to children of all ages.Thus if a child is particularly anxious and needs significant medical care, health care providers may be spoken to about such ... Get more on ...
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  • 111. What Is Separation Anxiety? Anxiety is common diagnoses, separation anxiety is even more common. Researchers found that about 20% of children and adolescents are diagnosed with anxiety, out of those 20% of children roughly around 13% of those cases are separation anxiety. (Doobay, A. F., 2008) Separation anxiety is defined as, "Children with separation anxiety disorder have an excessive and unrealistic fear of separation from an attachment figure that is beyond what would be expected from a child's developmental level" ( In–Albon, T., Meyer, A., & Schneider, S., 2013). After researching common signs of this type of anxiety, I found that this was defiantly something I suffered from as a child and still working to cure it. Researching I found the signs, causes, and effects ... Show more content on ... Research found that the children that suffered from separation anxiety found it harder to pay attention in school, remember things that they were leaning, fall behind in class, and harder for them to confront people such as teachers or peers. (Doobay, A. F., 2008) Sometimes found in college students, they will withdraw themselves from their classes because they aren't able to cope with the separation from home and parents. Some studies followed people all the way into adulthood with separation anxiety, they found that some of them would become depressed, think of self harm, and sometimes even have a hard time holding jobs. Overall just unhappy with their lives. For me personally none of these efferects have ever affected me as I have gotten older. I've lived a perfectly normal life with healthy thoughts, granted that I am only 18, this has however made sure that I am really in touch with myself as I get older. However, that being said as a child I couldn't fathom ever living on without my mom, I remember thinking that I would have to die with her so that I wouldn't be alway from her, never fear though, I don't have that sever of thoughts ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. The Behavior Modification Helps A Child With Separation... Introduction ABA offers many techniques to help people overcome and/or deal with everyday activities such as helping someone to quit smoking, help with building relationships, personality disorders and the ability to express one's self. ABA when applied to children will address the child's life in areas that include; social skills, cognitive skills, self–help, play and motor skills, and behavioral needs. ABA in the workplace can be used to increase desired behaviors and decrease undesired behaviors through use of positive and negative reinforcements. In the Case of Emily and that of Mr. Smith I will attempt to go over how Behavior modification can help a child with Separation anxiety behaviors and a company owner having difficulties with ... Show more content on ... Separation Anxiety can be defined as crying, clinging, tantruming, complaining when having to separate from parent(s); sleep difficulties and refusal of going to school. A commonly used diagnostic interview for the assessment of SAD is the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders–Revised (SCARED–R). The SCARED–R contains 66–items measuring all DSM–IV anxiety disorders occurring in children and adolescents, including 8–items assessing SAD specifically (Ehrenreich, Santucci, Weiner, 2009). Children exhibiting SAD symptoms become significantly distressed when separated from their home or attachment figure (usually a parent) and will often take measures to avoid separation. This fear is exhibited through disproportionate and persistent worry about separation, including apprehension about harm befalling a parent or the child when they are not together, as well as fear that the parent will leave and never return. Avoidance behaviors commonly associated with SAD include clinging to parents, crying or tantruming, and refusal to participate in activities that require separation (e.g., play dates, camp, sleepovers). (Ehrenreich, Santucci, Weiner, 2009). Inadvertent reinforcement is unintentional act of rewarding a bad behavior. In Emily's case her parents may have inadvertently reinforced Emily 's ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. Separation Anxiety In Children Malky Fried Professor Kivelevitz Psychosocial Foundations May 7, 2015 Separation Anxiety When a child experiences anxiety due to separation from their primary care giver we refer to this phenomena as Separation anxiety. This phase in the developmental stages is pretty common at around 8 months lasting until the child is approximately 14 months of age. When a child is reluctant to leave a parent or caregiver then that signals that a bond has flourished between the caregiver and child. Due to the fact the young children don't comprehend the concept of time,(and object permanence) when a caregiver is out of sight momentarily, the child doesn't know whether the parent will ... Show more content on ... Children with separation anxiety disorder may become distressed at just the thought of being away from the parent and may complain of sickness to avoid playing with friends or attending school. When symptoms are extreme enough, these anxieties can add up to a disorder. Children with separation anxiety disorder feel constantly perturbed or fearful about separation. Many kids are overwhelmed with one or more of the following: The most common fear a child with separation anxiety disorder experiences is the worry that harm will come to a loved one in the child's absence. For example, the child may constantly worry about a parent becoming sick or getting hurt. Kids with separation anxiety disorder may fear that once separated from a parent, something will happen to keep the separation. For example, they may worry about being kidnapped or getting lost .Children with separation anxiety problems often have scary dreams about their ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Interventions Of Separation Anxiety Disorder Interventions of Separation Anxiety Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most common anxiety disorders in preadolescent children and can cause serious distress in a child's life. Having separation anxiety disorder in childhood can significantly increase the chances of internalizing problems and other anxiety disorders. Unfortunately, because separation anxiety is common in children it is hard to determine if the behaviors the children are displaying are atypical. Although there are various types of treatment options for SAD, parent–child interaction therapy (PCIT) can be extremely helpful particularly in the school system as teachers can adopt the same techniques using teacher–child interaction therapy (TCIT). Therefore, the child is not only receiving treatment at home, their treatment is consistent at school. PCIT has proved to be an efficient and popular treatment for SAD, which will be outlined and confirmed in this paper through analysis of PCIT and TCIT. Parent–Child Interaction Therapy PCIT focuses on the idea that improving the parent–child interaction will lead to improvements in child and family's functioning (Pincus, Eyberg, & Choate, 2005) that have been impaired due to SAD. Parent's responses to their child's anxiety allows for the continuation of the disorder. PCIT teaches parents new response methods and improves attachment in result that the child will be able to separate without distress. There are two phases to Parent–Child Interaction ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. Separation Anxiety Research Paper Separation anxiety is a disorder in which a child becomes excessively anxious when separated from parents. Separation anxiety differs from normal clinginess. Children with the disorder can't think about anything but the present fear of separation. They may have nightmares or regular physical complaints. They may be reluctant to go to school or other places. Between 4–7 months of age, babies develop a sense of "object permanence." They're realizing that things and people exist even when they're out of sight. Babies learn that when they can't see mom or dad, that means they've gone away. They don't understand the concept of time, so they don't know mom will come back, and can become upset by her absence. Whether mom is in the kitchen, in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Childhood Separation Anxiety Disorder Among Adults With... The journal article "Childhood Separation Anxiety Disorder in Patients With Adult Anxiety Disorders" focuses on the prevalence of childhood separation anxiety disorder (CSA) in adults with one or more anxiety disorder, and whether or not there is a correlation between them. The authors clearly included their hypothesis, which states they presume there to be higher rates of childhood separation anxiety disorder among patients with various adult anxiety disorders than in adults with only one adult anxiety disorder. In addition, the authors included the operational definitions of comorbid anxiety disorders and childhood separation anxiety disorder. They defined comorbid anxiety disorders as having more than two lifetime adult anxiety disorders. The authors were more specific when clarifying CSA, which they defined as being diagnosed with excessive anxiety regarding the separation of those whom the child is emotionally attached to, as well as experiencing three of the nine symptoms listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for at least two weeks. The purpose of the study, according to the authors, is to further specify research already done on the correlation between childhood separation anxiety disorder and adult anxiety disorders, and to explore the possible relationship between other adult anxiety disorders and childhood separation anxiety. This research is practically important because parents' whose children are diagnosed with childhood separation ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. Separation Of Separation Anxiety Disorder Separation Anxiety Disorder Folasade Oyekoya Bowie State University Abstracts: Sam has a separation anxiety disorder; Separation Anxiety is a normal stage of life that fade at a certain stage, it becomes a disorder when it persist in individual under 18 for at least four weeks and for the adult for over six month or more. It's becomes a disorder that causes distress for a child or teenager when separating from the parent or care giver. This can affect the child development and ability to express emotion. Separation anxiety disorder occurs because child does not feel safe without the parent. Introduction Separation anxiety is most common in infant3mont to toddler age of 3. Is part of childhood development in ... Show more content on ... Fear of being alone without major attachment, irrational fear of event that can cause separation. Not wanting to go to school or other function without the parent or the care combination with fear or eagerness develop physical symptom of headache, stomach ache, palpation. A child that has a close family tight may be more apt to procure the disorder. Most people with Symptoms of separation disorder develop depression. Children with SAD may display fear toward unfamiliar when away from an attachment figure An adult with Separation anxiety are likely to have other anxiety disorder including obsessive– compulsive disorder, avoidant and dependent The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition, (DSM–V), description Separate anxiety disorder is no longer a disorder that has its onset in childhood; is now no specific age of onset. Sad is defined as a separation anxiety disorder that persist in individual under 18 for at least four weeks and adults for six months of more Prevalence childhood disorder Prevalence estimate of childhood separation anxiety disorder were 4.1% to 21% (Bernstein and Borchardt, 1991; Cobham, 1998; Flannery et al, 2000) Etiology of the childhood disorder Cause that contribute to this disorder include but are not limited to Environment, genetic component, child temperament, Behavior and more. Genetically children are more likely to develop separation anxiety disorder, if one or both of the parents are diagnosed with
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  • 140. Personal Narrative: Separation Anxiety The walls shut in and my world felt smaller as my problems felt bigger. My mental stability stood on pillars of salt and pillars of sand; I was only five when I was diagnosed with separation anxiety. I couldn't cope when my mother left the house. I always held onto the doorknob or her leg, trying to stop her from leaving. I would even watch the street or call her continuously asking how long until she would get home. There was never a calm moment without her. One time, when I was eight, I was at my friend's birthday party when my mom wanted to leave; my hands started shaking and my heart started beating faster, at that moment the world felt smaller and my problems felt bigger. "I will be back in an hour, all of your friends are here and it will be okay." "How many minutes would that be?" "60 minutes. It will fly by if you just relax and have fun." I spent that entire party trying to count the seconds of each minute. Every second that I tried to ... Show more content on ... As a result of the newfound freedoms that middle school promoted, I went from struggling to let my mother leave the house to not noticing her leave at all. With this came a new problem; I developed panic disorder. I do not remember much of this time because my anxiety inhibited my memory of it, but I can always recall the emotional and physical impact it had. School was my biggest enemy because I spent everyday begging not to go. I often found myself in the nurse's office desperately wanting to leave. I missed weeks of school and was behind in class often, I could not keep up with the workload. Not only did it impact how I did in school, but friends were not friends anymore and family was shut out by a door with a lock. I told myself I could not feel this way anymore; it was taking over my life. As I started to understand what was happening and the motivation of not wanting to feel this way I was able to teach myself ways to calm down ... Get more on ...
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  • 144. Panic Disorders: Childhood Separation Anxiety Panic disorder is dissimilar from the normal fear and anxiety reactions to stressful activities that is a serious illness that strikes without any warning. Panic attacks involve a feeling of extreme anxiety or fear that may last for anyplace among for a few minutes possibly to various hours. Symptoms of panic disorder happens with sudden attacks of fear and nervousness. Also, it causes such as sweating and a racing heart. During a panic attack, the fear response for the situation often is not threatening. Over time, a person with panic disorder develops a constant fear of having another panic attack, which can affect daily functioning and in general in their life. Panic attack is a reaction of the sympathetic nervous system. Panic attacks are not permanently threatening. People can or possibly won't develop a panic attack at any time in their life. Everyone go through panic in a different way. The first reason for this cause is that there can be a genetic partiality to panic attacks. In the article of Childhood Separation Anxiety Disorder Adult Onset Panic Attacks Share a Common Genetic Diathesis by Roxann Roverson–Nay Et al. Stated that it was found on this "separation anxiety hypothesis" on reviewing reports of a memory of the childhood and as adult related to other psychiatric groups (2012). People are born ... Show more content on ... In the article of Mental Illness in Detained Asylum Seekers researched that Children are mostly helpless to the negative situations responding of hopelessness in where they grow up in from seeing violent and traumatic happenings without any help especially from their own parents (Lawrence, 2004). It could be there was an early death in the family, severe illness, or some other serious problem like alcoholism or ... Get more on ...
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  • 148. The Cause Of Separation Anxiety Disorder Today, the exact cause of Separation Anxiety Disorder is unknown (According to an article by Psychology Today). Although the exact cause is unknown, we do know of some risk factors. According to various articles, kids that come from very united families are more likely to develop SAD if separation from a parent occurs or a traumatic event such as, physical assault occurs. Boston Children's Hospital says that, "...a child can also inherit that parent's anxiety..." and that "...anxiety may be learned from family members and others who are noticeably stressed or anxious around a child." Those are only some ways a kid might end up developing SAD. Various articles also suggest that a factor that seems to be common in kids with Separation Anxiety ... Show more content on ... Kids or teens with Separation Anxiety Disorder may also begin to experience changes as was the case for Janna Hakims sibling's. Janna and her two brothers were all born in the U.S. but her mother was not she was Palestinian. Janna explains that she was in shock when one morning she saw her mother being arrested by ICE. Janna also mentions that after her mother's deportation her family fell completely apart. Her youngest brother 13, at the time of her mother's deportation began to wet his bed, and her 15–year–old brother began to do drugs and got involved in gang activities. Any one whit ASD will experience changes some will be negative like Janna's 15–year–old brother and some like her 13–year–old brother won't be so bad; but they may need the help of a professional, such as a counseling psychologist, to overcome SAD. How is SAD diagnosed? "For a diagnosis of separation anxiety disorder, a clinician looks for distress in being separated from–or anticipating separation from–parents or caregivers that 's excessive for a child 's age and prevents him from participating in age–appropriate activities." (according to Child Mind Institute). The symptoms are crucial in determining whether the kid or adolescent has SAD. Some are the SAD symptoms are normal in little kids perhaps on their first day of school when they don't want their parents to leave them. In ... Get more on ...
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  • 152. Separation Anxiety in Children Many parents are all too familiar with the cries of their child that seem to be impossible to calm and the child that clings to their leg when they are about to leave. The terrible twos are not the only dreaded stage of child development; this is what is commonly known as separation anxiety. "Separation anxiety is a developmental stage during which the child experiences anxiety when separated from the primary care giver " (McPherson, 2004). Separation anxiety varies widely from child to child and most commonly occurs between the ages of eight months to two and a half. There are several different causes of separation anxiety, ways to manage separation anxiety to make it easier for both the child and the parent, and symptoms and warning ... Show more content on ... When the parent returns, he or she should focus on the positive aspects of the child's day to reassure the child that everything was okay and remain consistent with the new routine. "Since young children are directly affected by their parents' level of comfort, it is important for [the parents] to feel at ease" (Brodkin, 2003). Some symptoms and warning signs that may indicate that the child is experiencing more than just separation anxiety are "A child who continued to be inconsolable in a new child care or other setting for more than two weeks And has an ongoing change in behavior" (Please Don't Go), reluctance and/or fear of sleeping alone, nightmares, refusal to go places without the parent, refusal to eat, refusal to interact with individuals other than the parents or primary caregivers, "excessive distress when separated from the primary caregiver, worry about losing or harm coming to the primary caregiver, repeated physical complaints " (McPherson, 2004). If a child exhibits any of these behaviors or a combination of the following behaviors, the parents or caregivers of the child should seek medical attention immediately as well as psychological testing/counseling to discover whether or not a deeper problem exists. This stage of separation anxiety can be overwhelming for the primary caregiver. The parents can feel gratified that their child is attached to them while feeling guilty at the same time ... Get more on ...
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  • 156. Parents And Separation Anxiety It is evident that parents play an essential role in helping the child to cope with separation anxiety and perhaps, even hold the key to solve the child's problem of separation anxiety. However, when parents use the wrong approaches, it may in fact worsen the child's condition as explored by the various articles. Eugster (2007) cited that although it is important for parents to demonstrate proper cautionary and safety behaviours when deemed suitable, it is also crucial for parents to portray confident and bold characters for the child to emulate. If a parent is overly anxious and over–protective, this anxiety can be easily conveyed to a child with a message that the world is too dangerous. The child also gets the idea that he/she is incompetent ... Show more content on ... The child might be apprehensive about going to school, so do not brush aside those feelings by saying "aiyah, there's nothing to worry about" or "everyone goes to school so you must also go". This is further explored by Beresin and Schlozman (2015) who describes many parents inadvertently reinforce separation anxiety disorder by acting in an over–protective, controlling and/or anxious way during times of separation. The loving and dutiful parents might not realise that their own worries are actually reinforcing those of their anxious child. Har, Chiu, Langer & Wood (2007) stated that parental intrusiveness occurs when parents give help during tasks that are developmentally appropriate for children to perform independently, or when caregivers provide assistance even though children do not request it (Wood, 2006; Pomerantz, 2001). It is theorized that when children are separated from their intrusive parents, everyday tasks – tasks that their parents typically do for them – are perceived as novel, thereby eliciting anxiety due to the fact that they must now perform these "novel" tasks ... Get more on ...