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Science NAT Review
Teddy Catimbang
Which refers to the only planet in the
solar system that gave rise to complex
Major human activities cause great destructions on
Earth's subsystems. Since energy and matter is cycled
within the spheres and being part of the system,
these harmful activities bring forth destruction to us
in a boomerang effect . One example of this is the
Global warming. As a student, what recommendation
can you give to solve this problem?
A. Report the violators to the United Nations.
B. Just ignore and continue your daily routines.
C. Be active in advocating change by rallying
outside government hall.
D. Start the change from yourself by not
contributing pollution to the environment.
Which of these areas do most sedimentary
rocks usually form?
A. Volcanoes
B. Mountains
C. Plain Lands
D. Bodies of Water
Which of the following correctly
describes physical weathering?
A. Rust changes the color of the rock.
B. A carabao steps on and crushes a
C. A year of acid rain deforms a rock
D. Running water transports rock to
other places.
Which of the following terms refers
to the thickest layer, made mostly
of iron, magnesium, and silicon,
that is dense, hot, and semi-solid?
A. Core
B. Crust
C. Lithosphere
D. Mantle
Which of the following statements correctly
describes inner core and outer core?
A. The inner core is extremely dense which made up of solid iron
and is intensely hot , while the outer core is the thickest layer,
made mostly of magnesium and silicon.
B. The inner core is the thickest layer, made mostly of
magnesium and silicon, while the outer core is made from iron
and nickel in liquid form, heated largely by radioactive decay.
C. The inner core is extremely dense, which made up of solid iron
and is is intensely hot, while the outer core is made from iron
and nickel in liquid form, heated largely by radioactive decay.
D. The inner core is made from iron and nickel in liquid form,
heated largely by radioactive decay, while the outer core is
extremely dense which made up of solid iron and is intensely
Which of the following combination of factors
can change pre-existing rocks into new forms?
A. Color, shape, and texture
B. Minerals, color, and temperature
C. Texture, temperature and chemically- active
D. Temperature, pressure and chemically- active
You watched a video of a lava flow when suddenly
you got curious about how crystal formation
happens. You also observed that small and large
crystals can be formed from a lava flow. Based on
this observation, where would you expect to find
the largest crystals in a lava flow?
A. At the center of the flow.
B. Near the bottom of the flow.
C. Near the top surface of the flow.
D. The crystals would have the same grain size
throughout the flow.
You were given a granite sample and tasked to
describe just by looking and touching it. Which of
the following statements below will best describe a
granite based on its physical appearance?
A. Light- colored, fine- grained igneous rock rich
in silica
B. Light- colored, fine- grained igneous rock poor
in silica
C. Light- colored, coarse- grained igneous rock
rich in silica
D. Light- colored, coarse- grained igneous rock
poor in silica
You are walking along a flat rock surface. You
discover that as you walk further, the age of
the rocks decreases until you reach the
middle of the surface, then for some reason,
they get older again. What structure have you
just passed over?
A. Synline Fold
B. Anticline Fold
C. Monocline Fold
D. Overturned Fold
A geologist used relative dating methods to guess
that an igneous rock sample is between 1 million
and 5 million years old and was curious about its
exact age. Will using carbon-14 in determining the
age of the rock be helpful?
A. Yes, because the rock sample contains traces of
carbon in it.
B. Yes, because carbon-14 is widely used by scientists in
absolute dating.
C. No, because the half-life of carbon-14 is too short for
the age of the rock sample.
D. No , because it is not sure whether dead bodies of
organisms are present in the sample.
A geologist found a dinosaur fossil and wants
to estimate what period that dinosaur
existed in the past . The geologist measured
the ages of the rocks beneath and above the
fossil. What dating technique he/she is about
to use?
A. Cross Dating
B. Relative Dating
C. Geologic Dating
D. Absolute Dating
What information is generally
shown in the geologic time scale?
A. The branches of Geology
B. The Geologic history of Earth
C. The Geologic features of the Earth
D. The Geologist with significant contributions
Which hazard may happen if loosely-
packed and water-logged sediments at
or near ground surface lose strength
during earthquakes?
A. Eruption
B. Fire
C. Liquefaction
D. Tsunamis
A barangay located near the sea
experienced a magnitude 8.0
earthquake. What hazard are the
residents most exposed to after this?
A. Eruption
B. Fire
C. Liquefaction
D. Tsunami
What term refers to an extreme
natural phenomenon in Earth's crust,
like earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions, that may cause danger to
life and property?
A. Geological Hazard
B. Biological Hazard
C. Technological Hazard
D. Hydro meteorological Hazard
If you live on a hillside in a land-locked
area with an active volcano nearby,
which of following phenomena does
NOT bring you hazard?
A. Tsunami
B. Landslide
C. Earthquake
D. Volcanic Eruption
Who among the following people is
doing an activity that helps lessen
the occurrence of landslides?
A. Person L constructs their home on a steep slope.
B. Person M puts as much vegetation as possible on
the nearby slope.
C. Person N creates a water canal that cuts through
some part of the hill.
D. Person 0 gathers topsoil from the mountain for
their backyard garden.
During a typhoon, you noticed an
abnormal rise of seawater level that
caused flooding in the coastal area
you are living in. What phenomenon
had you just witnessed?
A. Tornado
B. Tsunami
C. Spring Tide
D. Storm Surge
Suppose you live in a coastal area and
your primary source of drinking water
has always been through a water pump.
Over the years, you noticed that the
water gets saltier and saltier. What
coastal process could have occurred?
A. Tidal Wave
B. Coastal Erosion
C. Saltwater Intrusion
D. Coastal Submersion
A businessman wanted to build a five-
story hotel a few meters away from
the edge of a cliff on the shore. Should
this plan be allowed by the authority?
A. Yes, it will boost tourism in the community.
B. Yes, it is the best spot to capture beautiful
C. No, its construction could only worsen
coastal erosion
D. No, the businessman needs to have large
amount of investment
Which of the following conditions
will best fossilize an animal?
A. The animal is made up of bones
B. The animal is soft-bodied like jellyfish
C. The animal dies at sea and sinks deep
D. The animal is left exposed to the
On a hot day, a man feels to go for a swim, drinks
some cold water, or sits in the shade, while on the
cold day, he feels to put on a coat, sits in the
corner, or eats a bowl of hot soup. Given the
situation, how would you classify he interaction of
the man to his environment.
A. It is an example of growth and development
B. It shows man’s adaptation to his environment
C. It is the ability to the man to regulate his internal
D. It ensures the survival of man and in carrying out
his functions.
Which of the following descriptions
about the organization of an
ecosystem is correct.
A. Communities make up species, which make up
B. Populations make up species, which make up
C. Species make up communities, Which make up
D. Species make up populations, which make up
Which of the following is a correct
pair of organ and organ system?
A. Lungs – Excretory
B. Brain – Circulatory
C. Mouth – Respiratory
D. Skin - Integumentary
Which of the following terms refers to
the biological process of producing
offspring that are biologically or
genetically similar to the parents?
A. Evolution
B. Fertilization
C. Development
D. Reproduction
What term refers to the process of
producing new organism by combining
the genetic information of two
individuals having different sexes?
A. External Fertilization
B. Internal Fertilization
C. Sexual Reproduction
D. Asexual Reproduction
Which of the following statements
correctly differentiate sexual
reproduction from asexual
A. A. Sexual reproduction is faster than asexual
B. B. Sexual reproduction requires one parent while
asexual requires two.
C. c. Sexual reproduction requires two parents while
asexual requires one.
D. D. Sexual reproduction produces identical offspring
while asexual produces offspring from two parents.
Which of the following crop is not
genetically modified?
A. Bt Corn
B. Golden Rice
C. BT Eggplant
D. Conventional Rice
Which of the following is considered a
risk of Genetically Modified food to
people's health?
A. Genetically food enhanced pathogenicity
B. Genetically food production cost is reduced
C. Genetically food increase weed or pest
D. Genetically food contains higher amounts of
vitamins and minerals.
What responses are generated by
the nervous system when you run
on a treadmill?
A. Dispose waste from the body
B. Get the oxygen into our body and get rid of
carbon dioxide.
C. Food is broken down by to give energy to every
cell in the body.
D. Once exercise begins , the sympathetic nervous
system is activated, and the heart rate rises
Pablo went out with his friends almost every day
to have fun and takes whatever vices they want .
One day he complains abdominal pain and notices
that the appearance of his skin turns yellowish
which are some symptoms of a liver problem.
Which do you think among his vices caused him
liver problem?
A. Smoking
B. Gambling
C. Social Games
D. Alcohol Consumption
Covid 19 pandemic affects the immune
system of individual who will be infected
with this virus. As a student, which of the
following campaign below is the best thing to
promote to boost your immune system?
A. Drink alcohol in moderation.
B. Always observe health protocols.
C. Have an exercise at least once a week.
D. Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables
The family of Amelia lives in a "sitio" where most of her
relatives are also living there because it's where their
farm located which is the source of their foods. Cora,
friend of Amelia lives in another sitio, 5 kilometers away
from Amelia's place. The family of Cora is living in
another sitio because it is where their farm located . How
will you classify the household-population distribution
pattern with Amelia 's & Cora's place?
A. Clumped Distribution
B. Random Distribution
C. Uniform Distribution
D. Vertical Distribution
This term refers to the serious disruption of the
functioning of a community or a society involving
widespread human, material, economic or
environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds
the ability of the affected community or to society
to cope using its own resources.
A. Risk
B. Disaster
C. Risk Factor
D. Disaster Risk
The over consumption of natural
resources can be categorized under
what disaster risk factor?
A. Climate change
B. Poverty and inequality
C. Environmental degradation
D. Globalized economic development
The following is a list of devastating
events that can occur as a result of a
natural catastrophe EXCEPT?
A. Loss of life
B. Economic downfall
C. Loss of livelihood and services
D. Destruction of infrastructures
The COVID19 events resulted to
negative effects such as loss of life and
public demobilization; will you classify
COVID19 as a pandemic?
A. Yes, since it has spread across nations or
B. No, since there are already vaccines that will treat
the virus.
C. No, because only few locations in the world have
been affected.
D. Yes, because it is seen as a disease outbreak in a
specific geographic location.
Which of the following is NOT an
example of vulnerability?
A. Lack of protection of assets
B. Construction of earthquake-proof buildings
C. Too much consumption of natural resources
D. Unawareness of preparedness measures of
The inability of people to protect
themselves from severe effects of
hazards is one of the examples of
social vulnerability. Who are most
vulnerable to disasters?
A. Men
B. Women
C. Children
D. Teenagers
COVID 19 is an acute respiratory illness in
humans caused by a coronavirus capable of
producing severe symptoms and even death.
What is the best way to reduce vulnerability
against COVID 19?
A. Eat a balanced diet and sleep well.
B. Study the effects of the different brands of vaccines.
C. Always do proper hand washing and frequent
disinfecting the area where possible exposure occurs.
D. Practice protective measures such as wearing of
facemask, observing social distancing and taking
vitamins to boost the immune system.
Storm surge is the rise of seawater
level during intense storms like super
typhoons. Which of the following is
highly susceptible to storm surges?
A. Tall hotels in Butuan City
B. Crowded market in Baclaran
C. Restaurants in Siargao Island
D. High mountain valleys in Davao region
Ben and Blake are both 65 years old and they
live in a nipa hut located near the river. It was
announced earlier that the landfall of the
typhoon will be in the evening. So, they
packed their important things and evacuate
to higher grounds. Which elements of
vulnerabilities are present in this situation?
A. Physical and social vulnerabilities
B. Physical and economic vulnerabilities
C. Economic and environmental vulnerabilities
D. Socioeconomic and environmental vulnerabilities
What scenario can describe a
Psychological Impact of COVID-19
A. Increase of hate-crimes and assaults against Asian
B. Loss of economic opportunities and employment due
to lockdown.
C. Depression due to lockdown and grief for the sudden
loss of loved ones.
D. COVID-19 patients developed long-term respiratory-
related illness even after clearing from the virus.
In a sunny afternoon at the beach, people
from the coastal areas noticed a sudden
recession of water levels below the expected
tides. What is the most likely explanation of
the abrupt event?
A. There is a storm surge coming.
B. A volcano is erupting in the mainland.
C. A tsunami is likely to occur in a few minutes.
D. A flashflood is about to take place in the
Hazard maps are generated by experts after
a careful study of the area. The statements
below entail the importance of an
earthquake hazard map to the community
A. Hazard maps are meant to educate the people living in the
area on what to do before, during or after an earthquake
related disaster.
B. Hazard maps are meant to alarm and make people panic
when disaster occurs.
C. Hazard maps are meant to prepare the community from
greater damage of property and loss of lives when an
earthquake related disasters took place in the area.
D. Hazard maps, are used as tools in planning evacuation after
earthquake related disasters take place.
Jurry and his friends agreed to go for a swim in a nearby
hot spring where the volcano is located. After an hour of
diving and swimming, you suddenly smell a rotten egg
near the area. You understand in your science class, the
foul odor is caused by a sulphuric substance. As a
science enthusiast, what conclusion can you deduce
based on your observation?
A. A potential volcano will develop.
B. A potential eruption will likely to happen.
C. An indicator that geothermal energy can be
harnessed from the hot spring
D. An indicator that metals such as gold and copper
are present in the area.
Which of the following hazards is NOT
shown in a volcano risk maps?
A. Lahar
B. Lava flow
C. Pyroclastic flow
D. Degree avalanche
Student B observes a region where
rock fall and debris mixes with water
and forms slide that can travel
considerable distances. What geologic
phenomenon does student B
A. Creep
B. Slump
C. Mudslide
D. Debris flow
Anna purchased a new property on the
countryside. Upon looking on the geologic
map, she discovered that the area has a
green color-coded rain induced landslide
prone area. If you were Anna, what actions
should you consider to lessen the impacts of
a hazard?
A. Be cautious
B. Be prepared
C. Be ready to evacuate
D. Be alert and ready to evacuate
James had identified that their school was
situated on a color red rain induced landslide
prone area. He then concluded that they
must be alert and ready to evacuate in case
of heavy rains. Does his action correct?
A. No, because they must be prepared.
B. Yes, because they must be cautious.
C. Yes, because the red color represents high
susceptibility to landslide.
D. No, because the red color represents low
Meteorologists are scientist who study
weather and climate, using data from
the land, sea, and atmosphere. Which
of the following tools can help them
predict typhoons?
A. Wind finding radar, thermometer, and pilot
B. Thermometer, thermograph, ceiling light projection,
C. Ceiling balloon, mercurial barometer, maximum-
minimum thermometer, barograph
D. Tipping bucket rain gauge, thermometer hygrometer,
hygrothermograph, sling psychrometer
Fire hazards are any actions, materials,
or conditions that might increase the
intensity of a fire or cause a fire to
start. Which of the following causes is
common to household fires?
A. Lightning
B. Fireworks
C. Bomb explosion
D. Neglected electrical appliances
In an event where your clothes are
caught on fire, what is the correct
action that you need to do?
A. Stop, Drop, and Roll
B. Drop, Hold, and Listen
C. Wait, Crawl, and Squat
D. Fold, Observe, and Roll out
Alice was about to fry a fish on her new stove. As she
puts the fish on the hot oil, the frying pan was caught on
fire. She was about to pour water on the fire when her
mother stops her and put a cover on the pan instead.
What would likely happen if Alice pours the water on
the fire?
A. The water will cause the oil to splash and spread
the fire even worse.
B. The water will cause the hot pan to produce a lot
of smoke and steam.
C. The water will put out the fire as it mixes with the
oil causing it to cool down rapidly.
D. The water will ignite the fire as it makes contact
with the burning oil causing it to explode.
Which refers to the characteristics and
circumstances of a community, system
or assets that makes it susceptible to
damaging effects of a hazard?
A. Risk
B. Hazard
C. Disaster
D. Vulnerability
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management is
composed of four ( 4) thematic areas wherein the
overall vision is to create a safer, adaptive and
disaster resilient Filipino communities towards
sustainable development. Which of the following
is NOT a component of the DRRM thematic areas?
A. Disaster response
B. Disaster resiliency
C. Disaster preparedness
D. Disaster prevention and mitigation
Disasters are one of the worst things
we have to deal with but there are
ways to be prepared. Which of the
following BEST describe successful
community preparedness plan?
A. Determine the risk to the health of the
B. Strengthened community partnerships
basketball league in the barangay.
C. Have coordination with partners and have
collected funds to them.
D. Provided guidance for a special plan for the
Evaluation is the critical component of
the disaster risk reduction
management framework. Which of
the following shows the correct order
of the process?
A. Prevention and mitigation> Preparedness>Response>
Rehabilitation and Recovery.
B. Preparedness>Response>Prevention and
mitigation>Rehabilitation and Recovery.
C. Response>Preparedness>Prevention and
mitigation>Rehabilitation and Recovery.
D. Preparedness>Response>Rehabilitation and
Recovery>Prevention and mitigation.
The following agencies below are members of the
National Disaster Reduction and Management
Council (NDRRMC) as stated in RA 10121
otherwise known as “Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Act of 2010” EXCEPT:
A. Department of Agriculture (DA)
B. National Commission for Culture and Arts (NCCA)
C. Department of Interior and Local Government
D. Housing and Urban Development Coordinating
Council (HUDCC)

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  • 2. Which refers to the only planet in the solar system that gave rise to complex life? A.Earth B.Mars C.Mercury D.Venus
  • 3. Major human activities cause great destructions on Earth's subsystems. Since energy and matter is cycled within the spheres and being part of the system, these harmful activities bring forth destruction to us in a boomerang effect . One example of this is the Global warming. As a student, what recommendation can you give to solve this problem? A. Report the violators to the United Nations. B. Just ignore and continue your daily routines. C. Be active in advocating change by rallying outside government hall. D. Start the change from yourself by not contributing pollution to the environment.
  • 4. Which of these areas do most sedimentary rocks usually form? A. Volcanoes B. Mountains C. Plain Lands D. Bodies of Water
  • 5. Which of the following correctly describes physical weathering? A. Rust changes the color of the rock. B. A carabao steps on and crushes a limestone. C. A year of acid rain deforms a rock monument. D. Running water transports rock to other places.
  • 6. Which of the following terms refers to the thickest layer, made mostly of iron, magnesium, and silicon, that is dense, hot, and semi-solid? A. Core B. Crust C. Lithosphere D. Mantle
  • 7. Which of the following statements correctly describes inner core and outer core? A. The inner core is extremely dense which made up of solid iron and is intensely hot , while the outer core is the thickest layer, made mostly of magnesium and silicon. B. The inner core is the thickest layer, made mostly of magnesium and silicon, while the outer core is made from iron and nickel in liquid form, heated largely by radioactive decay. C. The inner core is extremely dense, which made up of solid iron and is is intensely hot, while the outer core is made from iron and nickel in liquid form, heated largely by radioactive decay. D. The inner core is made from iron and nickel in liquid form, heated largely by radioactive decay, while the outer core is extremely dense which made up of solid iron and is intensely hot.
  • 8. Which of the following combination of factors can change pre-existing rocks into new forms? A. Color, shape, and texture B. Minerals, color, and temperature C. Texture, temperature and chemically- active fluids D. Temperature, pressure and chemically- active fluids
  • 9. You watched a video of a lava flow when suddenly you got curious about how crystal formation happens. You also observed that small and large crystals can be formed from a lava flow. Based on this observation, where would you expect to find the largest crystals in a lava flow? A. At the center of the flow. B. Near the bottom of the flow. C. Near the top surface of the flow. D. The crystals would have the same grain size throughout the flow.
  • 10. You were given a granite sample and tasked to describe just by looking and touching it. Which of the following statements below will best describe a granite based on its physical appearance? A. Light- colored, fine- grained igneous rock rich in silica B. Light- colored, fine- grained igneous rock poor in silica C. Light- colored, coarse- grained igneous rock rich in silica D. Light- colored, coarse- grained igneous rock poor in silica
  • 11. You are walking along a flat rock surface. You discover that as you walk further, the age of the rocks decreases until you reach the middle of the surface, then for some reason, they get older again. What structure have you just passed over? A. Synline Fold B. Anticline Fold C. Monocline Fold D. Overturned Fold
  • 12. A geologist used relative dating methods to guess that an igneous rock sample is between 1 million and 5 million years old and was curious about its exact age. Will using carbon-14 in determining the age of the rock be helpful? A. Yes, because the rock sample contains traces of carbon in it. B. Yes, because carbon-14 is widely used by scientists in absolute dating. C. No, because the half-life of carbon-14 is too short for the age of the rock sample. D. No , because it is not sure whether dead bodies of organisms are present in the sample.
  • 13. A geologist found a dinosaur fossil and wants to estimate what period that dinosaur existed in the past . The geologist measured the ages of the rocks beneath and above the fossil. What dating technique he/she is about to use? A. Cross Dating B. Relative Dating C. Geologic Dating D. Absolute Dating
  • 14. What information is generally shown in the geologic time scale? A. The branches of Geology B. The Geologic history of Earth C. The Geologic features of the Earth D. The Geologist with significant contributions
  • 15. Which hazard may happen if loosely- packed and water-logged sediments at or near ground surface lose strength during earthquakes? A. Eruption B. Fire C. Liquefaction D. Tsunamis
  • 16. A barangay located near the sea experienced a magnitude 8.0 earthquake. What hazard are the residents most exposed to after this? A. Eruption B. Fire C. Liquefaction D. Tsunami
  • 17. What term refers to an extreme natural phenomenon in Earth's crust, like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, that may cause danger to life and property? A. Geological Hazard B. Biological Hazard C. Technological Hazard D. Hydro meteorological Hazard
  • 18. If you live on a hillside in a land-locked area with an active volcano nearby, which of following phenomena does NOT bring you hazard? A. Tsunami B. Landslide C. Earthquake D. Volcanic Eruption
  • 19. Who among the following people is doing an activity that helps lessen the occurrence of landslides? A. Person L constructs their home on a steep slope. B. Person M puts as much vegetation as possible on the nearby slope. C. Person N creates a water canal that cuts through some part of the hill. D. Person 0 gathers topsoil from the mountain for their backyard garden.
  • 20. During a typhoon, you noticed an abnormal rise of seawater level that caused flooding in the coastal area you are living in. What phenomenon had you just witnessed? A. Tornado B. Tsunami C. Spring Tide D. Storm Surge
  • 21. Suppose you live in a coastal area and your primary source of drinking water has always been through a water pump. Over the years, you noticed that the water gets saltier and saltier. What coastal process could have occurred? A. Tidal Wave B. Coastal Erosion C. Saltwater Intrusion D. Coastal Submersion
  • 22. A businessman wanted to build a five- story hotel a few meters away from the edge of a cliff on the shore. Should this plan be allowed by the authority? A. Yes, it will boost tourism in the community. B. Yes, it is the best spot to capture beautiful sceneries. C. No, its construction could only worsen coastal erosion D. No, the businessman needs to have large amount of investment
  • 23. Which of the following conditions will best fossilize an animal? A. The animal is made up of bones B. The animal is soft-bodied like jellyfish C. The animal dies at sea and sinks deep D. The animal is left exposed to the elements.
  • 24. On a hot day, a man feels to go for a swim, drinks some cold water, or sits in the shade, while on the cold day, he feels to put on a coat, sits in the corner, or eats a bowl of hot soup. Given the situation, how would you classify he interaction of the man to his environment. A. It is an example of growth and development B. It shows man’s adaptation to his environment C. It is the ability to the man to regulate his internal condition D. It ensures the survival of man and in carrying out his functions.
  • 25. Which of the following descriptions about the organization of an ecosystem is correct. A. Communities make up species, which make up populations. B. Populations make up species, which make up communities. C. Species make up communities, Which make up populations. D. Species make up populations, which make up communities.
  • 26. Which of the following is a correct pair of organ and organ system? A. Lungs – Excretory B. Brain – Circulatory C. Mouth – Respiratory D. Skin - Integumentary
  • 27. Which of the following terms refers to the biological process of producing offspring that are biologically or genetically similar to the parents? A. Evolution B. Fertilization C. Development D. Reproduction
  • 28. What term refers to the process of producing new organism by combining the genetic information of two individuals having different sexes? A. External Fertilization B. Internal Fertilization C. Sexual Reproduction D. Asexual Reproduction
  • 29. Which of the following statements correctly differentiate sexual reproduction from asexual reproduction? A. A. Sexual reproduction is faster than asexual reproduction. B. B. Sexual reproduction requires one parent while asexual requires two. C. c. Sexual reproduction requires two parents while asexual requires one. D. D. Sexual reproduction produces identical offspring while asexual produces offspring from two parents.
  • 30. Which of the following crop is not genetically modified? A. Bt Corn B. Golden Rice C. BT Eggplant D. Conventional Rice
  • 31. Which of the following is considered a risk of Genetically Modified food to people's health? A. Genetically food enhanced pathogenicity B. Genetically food production cost is reduced C. Genetically food increase weed or pest burden D. Genetically food contains higher amounts of vitamins and minerals.
  • 32. What responses are generated by the nervous system when you run on a treadmill? A. Dispose waste from the body B. Get the oxygen into our body and get rid of carbon dioxide. C. Food is broken down by to give energy to every cell in the body. D. Once exercise begins , the sympathetic nervous system is activated, and the heart rate rises quickly
  • 33. Pablo went out with his friends almost every day to have fun and takes whatever vices they want . One day he complains abdominal pain and notices that the appearance of his skin turns yellowish which are some symptoms of a liver problem. Which do you think among his vices caused him liver problem? A. Smoking B. Gambling C. Social Games D. Alcohol Consumption
  • 34. Covid 19 pandemic affects the immune system of individual who will be infected with this virus. As a student, which of the following campaign below is the best thing to promote to boost your immune system? A. Drink alcohol in moderation. B. Always observe health protocols. C. Have an exercise at least once a week. D. Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables
  • 35. The family of Amelia lives in a "sitio" where most of her relatives are also living there because it's where their farm located which is the source of their foods. Cora, friend of Amelia lives in another sitio, 5 kilometers away from Amelia's place. The family of Cora is living in another sitio because it is where their farm located . How will you classify the household-population distribution pattern with Amelia 's & Cora's place? A. Clumped Distribution B. Random Distribution C. Uniform Distribution D. Vertical Distribution
  • 36. This term refers to the serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or to society to cope using its own resources. A. Risk B. Disaster C. Risk Factor D. Disaster Risk
  • 37. The over consumption of natural resources can be categorized under what disaster risk factor? A. Climate change B. Poverty and inequality C. Environmental degradation D. Globalized economic development
  • 38. The following is a list of devastating events that can occur as a result of a natural catastrophe EXCEPT? A. Loss of life B. Economic downfall C. Loss of livelihood and services D. Destruction of infrastructures
  • 39. The COVID19 events resulted to negative effects such as loss of life and public demobilization; will you classify COVID19 as a pandemic? A. Yes, since it has spread across nations or continents B. No, since there are already vaccines that will treat the virus. C. No, because only few locations in the world have been affected. D. Yes, because it is seen as a disease outbreak in a specific geographic location.
  • 40. Which of the following is NOT an example of vulnerability? A. Lack of protection of assets B. Construction of earthquake-proof buildings C. Too much consumption of natural resources D. Unawareness of preparedness measures of disasters
  • 41. The inability of people to protect themselves from severe effects of hazards is one of the examples of social vulnerability. Who are most vulnerable to disasters? A. Men B. Women C. Children D. Teenagers
  • 42. COVID 19 is an acute respiratory illness in humans caused by a coronavirus capable of producing severe symptoms and even death. What is the best way to reduce vulnerability against COVID 19? A. Eat a balanced diet and sleep well. B. Study the effects of the different brands of vaccines. C. Always do proper hand washing and frequent disinfecting the area where possible exposure occurs. D. Practice protective measures such as wearing of facemask, observing social distancing and taking vitamins to boost the immune system.
  • 43. Storm surge is the rise of seawater level during intense storms like super typhoons. Which of the following is highly susceptible to storm surges? A. Tall hotels in Butuan City B. Crowded market in Baclaran C. Restaurants in Siargao Island D. High mountain valleys in Davao region
  • 44. Ben and Blake are both 65 years old and they live in a nipa hut located near the river. It was announced earlier that the landfall of the typhoon will be in the evening. So, they packed their important things and evacuate to higher grounds. Which elements of vulnerabilities are present in this situation? A. Physical and social vulnerabilities B. Physical and economic vulnerabilities C. Economic and environmental vulnerabilities D. Socioeconomic and environmental vulnerabilities
  • 45. What scenario can describe a Psychological Impact of COVID-19 pandemic? A. Increase of hate-crimes and assaults against Asian populations. B. Loss of economic opportunities and employment due to lockdown. C. Depression due to lockdown and grief for the sudden loss of loved ones. D. COVID-19 patients developed long-term respiratory- related illness even after clearing from the virus.
  • 46. In a sunny afternoon at the beach, people from the coastal areas noticed a sudden recession of water levels below the expected tides. What is the most likely explanation of the abrupt event? A. There is a storm surge coming. B. A volcano is erupting in the mainland. C. A tsunami is likely to occur in a few minutes. D. A flashflood is about to take place in the highlands.
  • 47. Hazard maps are generated by experts after a careful study of the area. The statements below entail the importance of an earthquake hazard map to the community EXCEPT: A. Hazard maps are meant to educate the people living in the area on what to do before, during or after an earthquake related disaster. B. Hazard maps are meant to alarm and make people panic when disaster occurs. C. Hazard maps are meant to prepare the community from greater damage of property and loss of lives when an earthquake related disasters took place in the area. D. Hazard maps, are used as tools in planning evacuation after earthquake related disasters take place.
  • 48. Jurry and his friends agreed to go for a swim in a nearby hot spring where the volcano is located. After an hour of diving and swimming, you suddenly smell a rotten egg near the area. You understand in your science class, the foul odor is caused by a sulphuric substance. As a science enthusiast, what conclusion can you deduce based on your observation? A. A potential volcano will develop. B. A potential eruption will likely to happen. C. An indicator that geothermal energy can be harnessed from the hot spring D. An indicator that metals such as gold and copper are present in the area.
  • 49. Which of the following hazards is NOT shown in a volcano risk maps? A. Lahar B. Lava flow C. Pyroclastic flow D. Degree avalanche
  • 50. Student B observes a region where rock fall and debris mixes with water and forms slide that can travel considerable distances. What geologic phenomenon does student B observed? A. Creep B. Slump C. Mudslide D. Debris flow
  • 51. Anna purchased a new property on the countryside. Upon looking on the geologic map, she discovered that the area has a green color-coded rain induced landslide prone area. If you were Anna, what actions should you consider to lessen the impacts of a hazard? A. Be cautious B. Be prepared C. Be ready to evacuate D. Be alert and ready to evacuate
  • 52. James had identified that their school was situated on a color red rain induced landslide prone area. He then concluded that they must be alert and ready to evacuate in case of heavy rains. Does his action correct? A. No, because they must be prepared. B. Yes, because they must be cautious. C. Yes, because the red color represents high susceptibility to landslide. D. No, because the red color represents low susceptibility.
  • 53. Meteorologists are scientist who study weather and climate, using data from the land, sea, and atmosphere. Which of the following tools can help them predict typhoons? A. Wind finding radar, thermometer, and pilot balloon/theodolite B. Thermometer, thermograph, ceiling light projection, radiosonde C. Ceiling balloon, mercurial barometer, maximum- minimum thermometer, barograph D. Tipping bucket rain gauge, thermometer hygrometer, hygrothermograph, sling psychrometer
  • 54. Fire hazards are any actions, materials, or conditions that might increase the intensity of a fire or cause a fire to start. Which of the following causes is common to household fires? A. Lightning B. Fireworks C. Bomb explosion D. Neglected electrical appliances
  • 55. In an event where your clothes are caught on fire, what is the correct action that you need to do? A. Stop, Drop, and Roll B. Drop, Hold, and Listen C. Wait, Crawl, and Squat D. Fold, Observe, and Roll out
  • 56. Alice was about to fry a fish on her new stove. As she puts the fish on the hot oil, the frying pan was caught on fire. She was about to pour water on the fire when her mother stops her and put a cover on the pan instead. What would likely happen if Alice pours the water on the fire? A. The water will cause the oil to splash and spread the fire even worse. B. The water will cause the hot pan to produce a lot of smoke and steam. C. The water will put out the fire as it mixes with the oil causing it to cool down rapidly. D. The water will ignite the fire as it makes contact with the burning oil causing it to explode.
  • 57. Which refers to the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or assets that makes it susceptible to damaging effects of a hazard? A. Risk B. Hazard C. Disaster D. Vulnerability
  • 58. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management is composed of four ( 4) thematic areas wherein the overall vision is to create a safer, adaptive and disaster resilient Filipino communities towards sustainable development. Which of the following is NOT a component of the DRRM thematic areas? A. Disaster response B. Disaster resiliency C. Disaster preparedness D. Disaster prevention and mitigation
  • 59. Disasters are one of the worst things we have to deal with but there are ways to be prepared. Which of the following BEST describe successful community preparedness plan? A. Determine the risk to the health of the jurisdiction. B. Strengthened community partnerships basketball league in the barangay. C. Have coordination with partners and have collected funds to them. D. Provided guidance for a special plan for the barangay.
  • 60. Evaluation is the critical component of the disaster risk reduction management framework. Which of the following shows the correct order of the process? A. Prevention and mitigation> Preparedness>Response> Rehabilitation and Recovery. B. Preparedness>Response>Prevention and mitigation>Rehabilitation and Recovery. C. Response>Preparedness>Prevention and mitigation>Rehabilitation and Recovery. D. Preparedness>Response>Rehabilitation and Recovery>Prevention and mitigation.
  • 61. The following agencies below are members of the National Disaster Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) as stated in RA 10121 otherwise known as “Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010” EXCEPT: A. Department of Agriculture (DA) B. National Commission for Culture and Arts (NCCA) C. Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) D. Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC)